Audification Routines in MATLAB and IDL The following IDL Code will write one-dimensional Input_Data to an audio file with the name Audified_Data.wav: dataparam = Input_Data; Change to your vector name ScaledData = -32768+65535.*(dataparam-min(dataparam))/max(dataparam-min(dataparam)); scales the data appropriately write_wav,'Audified_Data.wav',ScaledData,44100; Writes Audio Matlab 2013 and future releases: The following code will write one-dimensional Name_Of_Vector to an audio file with the name Audified_Data.wav: Input_Data = Name_Of_Vector; %Change to vector name minC = min(Input_Data(:,1)); %Finds min data value maxC = max(Input_Data(:,1)); %Finds max data value ScaledData = 2*(Input_Data(:,1) - minC)./(maxC-minC) - 1; %Scales data between -1 and 1 fs = 44100; %Sets sample frequency bits = 16; %Sets bit depth audiowrite(ScaledData(:,1),fs,bits,'Audified_Data.wav'); %Writes Audio Matlab 2012 and earlier: The wavwrite function should be used in place of audiowrite. Here is a page with helpful information on the WAVE file format: