Literature searches for procalcitonin levels in pregnancy NLM PubMed (808 results on December 2, 2019, 914 results on February 21, 2022) (procalcitonin[mh] or calcitonin[mh] or calcitonin gene-related peptide[mh] or pct[tiab] or pro-calcitonin[tiab] or procalcitonin[tiab] or (calcitonin[tiab] and precursor[tiab])) and (pregnancy[mh] or pregnant women[mh] or antenatal[tiab] or post-partum[tiab] or postpartum[tiab] or pregnancies[tiab] or pregnancy[tiab] or pregnant[tiab] or prenatal[tiab]) Elsevier Embase (380 results on December 2, 2019; 631 results on February 21, 2022) ('procalcitonin'/de OR pct:ti,ab OR 'pro-calcitonin':ti,ab,kw OR procalcitonin:ti,ab,kw OR ((calcitonin NEAR/2 precursor*):ti,ab,kw)) AND ('pregnancy'/exp OR 'pregnant women'/de OR antenatal:ti,ab,kw OR 'post-partum':ti,ab,kw OR postpartum:ti,ab,kw OR pregnanc*:ti,ab,kw OR pregnant:ti,ab,kw OR prenatal:ti,ab,kw) Wiley Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (43 results on December 2, 2019; 75 results on February 21, 2022) ([mh calcitonin] or [mh "calcitonin gene-related peptide"] or (pct or "pro-calcitonin" or procalcitonin):ti,ab) and ([mh pregnancy] or [mh "pregnant women"] or (antenatal or "post-partum" or postpartum or pregnan* or prenatal):ti,ab)