Literature searches for extracorporeal life support in pregnancy Ovid MEDLINE; Ovid MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations; Ovid MEDLINE Epub Ahead of Print (800 results on September 11, 2018) Key articles: ("23268668" or "23942727" or "22922930" or "28719429" or "28195885" or "25819202" or "29739630" or "27056763" or "26758056" or "27881700" or "26942349" or "25248040" or "19019293" or "26307595" or "26825433").ui. (exp pregnancy/ or exp pregnancy complications/ or exp obstetric surgical procedures/ or exp maternal health services/ or postpartum period/ or (c-section* or caesarean* or cesarean* or childbirth* or labor or labors or labour* or maternal or mother* or obstetric* or peri-partum or peripartum or post-natal or postnatal or post-partum or postpartum or pregnan* or pre-natal or prenatal).tw.) and (exp extracorporeal membrane oxygenation/ or (ecmo or extra-corporeal or extracorporeal).tw.) not ((exp adolescent/ or exp child/ or exp infant/) not exp adult/) Elsevier Embase (963 results on September 11, 2018) ('maternal care'/exp OR 'obstetric operation'/exp OR 'obstetrics'/exp OR 'perinatal care'/exp OR 'perinatal period'/de OR 'pregnancy'/exp OR 'pregnancy disorder'/exp OR 'prenatal care'/exp OR 'prenatal period'/de OR caesarean*:ab,ti OR 'c-section':ab,ti OR 'c-sections':ab,ti OR cesarean*:ab,ti OR childbirth*:ab,ti OR labor:ti OR labors:ti OR labours*:ti OR maternal:ab,ti OR mother*:ab,ti OR obstetric*:ab,ti OR 'peri-partum':ab,ti OR peripartum:ab,ti OR 'post-natal':ab,ti OR postnatal:ab,ti OR 'post-partum':ab,ti OR postpartum:ab,ti OR pregnan*:ab,ti OR 'pre-natal':ab,ti OR prenatal:ab,ti) AND ('extracorporeal oxygenation'/exp OR ecmo:ab,ti OR (((extracorporeal OR 'extra-corporeal') NEAR/3 (support OR membrane OR oxygenation)):ab,ti)) NOT ('juvenile'/exp NOT 'adult'/exp) Clarivate Web of Science (992 results on September 11, 2018) TS=(ECMO OR extracorporeal OR "extra-corporeal") AND TS=("c-section" OR "c-sections" OR caesarean* OR cesarean* OR childbirth* OR labor OR labors OR labour* OR maternal OR mother* OR obstetric* OR peripartum OR "peri-partum" OR "post-natal" OR postnatal OR postpartum OR "post-partum" OR pregnan* OR "pre-natal" OR prenatal) EBSCOhost CINAHL (325 results on September 11, 2018) ( MH "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation" OR TI (ECMO OR extracorporeal OR "extra-corporeal") OR AB (ECMO OR extracorporeal OR "extra-corporeal") ) AND ( MH ( "pregnancy+" OR "pregnancy complications+" OR "pregnancy outcomes+") OR TI ( "c-section" OR "c-sections" OR caesarean* OR cesarean* OR childbirth* OR labor OR labors OR labour* OR maternal OR mother* OR obstetric* OR peripartum OR "peri-partum" OR "post-natal" OR postnatal OR postpartum OR "post-partum" OR pregnan* OR "pre-natal" OR prenatal) OR AB ("c-section" OR "c-sections" OR caesarean* OR cesarean* OR childbirth* OR labor OR labors OR labour* OR maternal OR mother* OR obstetric* OR peripartum OR "peri-partum" OR "post-natal" OR postnatal OR postpartum OR "post-partum" OR pregnan* OR "pre-natal" OR prenatal) )