Literature searches for labor epidural and postpartum depression Key articles: o Ovid: 24370337, 24797120, 20831438, 14995921 o Embase: L610738777, L52929687, L53126246, L360073482, L38338865 o CINAHL Accession Number: 104949429, Ovid MEDLINE; Ovid MEDLINE In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations; Ovid MEDLINE Epub Ahead of Print (101 results on August 23, 2017; 110 results on December 6, 2017; 132 results on July 30, 2019) (exp depression, postpartum/ or ((maternal or postnatal or post-natal or postpartum or post-partum or prenatal or pre-natal or puerper*) adj3 depress*).tw. or (*depression/ and (exp *pregnancy/ or exp *postpartum period/))) and (exp analgesia, epidural/ or (analges* or epidural* or extradural* or peridural* or (pain* adj3 (manag* or relie* or treat*))).tw) Elsevier Embase (166 results on August 23, 2017; 169 results on December 6, 2017; 215 results on July 30, 2019) ('postnatal depression'/exp OR (((maternal OR postnatal OR 'post-natal' OR postpartum OR 'post-partum' OR prenatal OR 'pre-natal' OR puerper*) NEAR/3 depress*):ti,ab)) AND ('epidural anesthesia'/exp OR 'epidural analgesia'/exp OR (analges* OR epidural* OR extradural* OR peridural* OR (pain* NEAR/3 (manag* OR relie* OR treat*))):ab,ti) Wiley Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (27 results on August 23, 2017; 30 results on December 6, 2017; 62 results on July 30, 2019) 1. [mh "depression, postpartum"] or ((maternal or postnatal or "post-natal" or postpartum or "post-partum" or prenatal or "pre-natal" or puerper*) near/3 depress*):ab,ti or ([mh depression] and ([mh pregnancy] or [mh "postpartum period"])) 2. [mh "analgesia, epidural"] or (analgesi* or epidural* or extradural* or peridural* or (pain* near/3 (manag* or relief* or treat*))):ab,ti 3. #1 AND #2 EBSCOhost CINAHL (61 results on August 25, 2017; 62 results on December 6, 2017; 77 results on July 30, 2019) S1 TI ( (maternal OR postnatal OR "post-natal" OR postpartum OR "post-partum" OR prenatal OR "pre-natal" OR puerper*) N3 depress* ) OR AB ( (maternal OR postnatal OR "post-natal" OR postpartum OR "post-partum" OR prenatal OR "pre-natal" OR puerper*) N3 depress* ) S2 MH "depression, postpartum" OR MH "edinburgh postnatal depression scale" OR (MH depression AND (MH pregnancy OR MH "postpartum period")) S3 S1 OR S2 S4 TI ( analges* OR epidural* OR extradural* OR peridural* OR (pain* N3 (manag* OR relie* OR treat*)) ) OR AB ( analges* OR epidural* OR extradural* OR peridural* OR (pain* N3 (manag* OR relie* OR treat*)) ) S5 MH "analgesia, epidural" S6 S4 OR S5 S7 S3 AND S6