Literature searches for moral distress among surgeons Ovid MEDLINE; Epub Ahead of Print; In-Process, In-Data-Review & Other Non-Indexed Citations; Daily and Versions¨ (495 results on February 21, 2022; 642 results on September 29, 2022) 1. exp surgeons/ or (neurosurgeon*.tw or surgeon*.tw or ((operat* or surg*) adj3 (fellow* or intern or interns or person* or residen* or trainee*)).tw) 2. ((ethic* or moral* or psycholog*) and (damag* or distress* or harm or harmful* or harms or health or injur* or repair* or residue* or resilien* or stress or suffer* or trauma*)).ti or ((ethic* or moral* or psycholog*) adj4 (damag* or distress* or harm or harmful* or harms or health or injur* or repair* or residue* or resilien* or stress or suffer* or trauma*)).ab or pmie*.tw or (post-traumatic stress* or ptsd).ti 3. (exp morals/ and (exp guilt/ or exp self injurious behavior/ or exp stress disorders, post-traumatic/)) 4. ((moral* adj (damag* or distress* or harm or harms or health or injur* or repair* or residue* or resilien* or stress or suffer* or trauma*)) and (doctor* or personnel or physician* or provider* or staff or worker*)).ti. 5. (1 and (2 or 3)) or 4 6. limit 5 to yr="2009-current" Elsevier Embase (788 results on February 21, 2022; 1047 results on September 29, 2022) 1. surgeon/exp OR surgeon*:ti,ab OR ((operat* OR surg*) NEAR/3 (fellow* OR intern OR interns OR residen* OR trainee*)):ti,ab 2. (ethic*:ti OR moral*:ti OR psycholog*:ti) AND (damag*:ti OR distress*:ti OR harm:ti OR harmful*:ti OR harms:ti OR health:ti OR injur*:ti OR repair*:ti OR residue*:ti OR resilien*:ti OR stress:ti OR suffer*:ti OR trauma*:ti) OR ((ethic* OR moral* OR psycholog*) NEAR/4 (damag* OR distress* OR harm OR harmful* OR harms OR health OR injur* OR repair* OR residue* OR resilien* OR stress OR suffer* OR trauma*)):ab OR pmie*:ti,ab OR ('post-traumatic' NEAR/1 stress*):ti OR ptsd:ti 3. morality/exp AND (emotion/exp OR 'mental stress'/exp) 4. ((moral* NEAR/1 (damag* OR distress* OR harm OR harms OR health OR injur* OR repair* OR residue* OR resilien* OR stress OR suffer* OR trauma*)) AND (doctor* OR personnel OR physician* OR provider* OR staff OR worker*)):ti 5. (#1 AND (#2 OR #3)) OR #4 AND [2009-2022]/py EBSCOhost PsycINFO (117 results on February 18, 2022; 130 results on September 29, 2022) S1. TI (neurosurgeon* OR surgeon*) OR AB (neurosurgeon* OR surgeon*) S2. TI ((operating OR operation OR operative OR surger* OR surgic*) N5 (fellow* OR intern OR interns OR person OR personnel OR persons OR residen* OR trainee*)) OR AB ((operating OR operation OR operative OR surger* OR surgic*) N3 (fellow* OR intern OR interns OR person OR personnel OR persons OR residen* OR trainee*)) S3. (TI (moral* OR psychol*) AND TI (damag* OR distress* OR harm OR harmful* OR harms OR health OR injur* OR repair* OR residue* OR resilien* OR stress OR suffer* OR trauma*)) OR TI (posttraumatic OR "post-traumatic") S4. AB ((moral* OR psychol*) N5 (damag* OR distress* OR harm OR harmful* OR harms OR health OR injur* OR repair* OR residue* OR resilien* OR stress OR suffer* OR trauma*)) OR AB (posttraumatic OR "post-traumatic") S5. (S1 OR S2) AND (S3 OR S4) limited to 2009-2022 Wiley Cochrane CENTRAL Register of Controlled Trials (72 results on February 21, 2022; 114 results on September 29, 2022) 1. [mh surgeons] or surgeon*:ti,ab or (surg* near/3 (fellow* or intern or interns or residen* or trainee*)):ti,ab 2. ((moral* or psycholog*) and (damag* or distress* or harm or harmful* or harms or health or injur* or repair* or residue* or resilien* or stress or suffer* or trauma*)):ti or ((moral* or psycholog*) near/4 (damag* or distress* or harm or harmful* or harms or health or injur* or repair* or residue* or resilien* or stress or suffer* or trauma*)):ab or pmie*:ti,ab or ("post-traumatic stress" or ptsd):ti,ab 3. [mh morals] and ([mh guilt] or [mh "self injurious behavior"] or [mh "stress disorders, post-traumatic"]) 4. #1 and (#2 or #3)