Are we at the center? *transcript cleaned by Kaitlyn Gastineau 0:00 is the work we're doing becoming central 0:03 oh right and I no no I mean that 0:05 that's the question right yeah 0:08 this is the age old question what happens 0:10 when the margin becomes the the 0:11 periphery, margin becomes the center 0:14 uh 0:19 so do we lose our 0:22 marginality? I mean I think 0:25 we're still we're struggling with that 0:27 tension now right now people are looking 0:29 to us to make these kind of statements 0:31 and maybe if I- we could talk about the 0:34 tensions of inhabiting that position 0:36 because for me it's still an uneasy 0:38 thing like uh I was talking with Sophia 0:40 earlier this week and she was trying to 0:42 convince me that I have a legacy 0:44 I don't have a damn legacy 0:46 not yet 0:47 [Laughter] 0:48 right what does it mean to to to be at 0:51 the center of this of this moment of 0:54 this thing and so that's an interesting 0:55 thing to consider for me part of your 0:57 reluctance to to not want to be at the 0:59 center or not want to suggest that you 1:01 have a legacy yet is that our notion of 1:04 what it means to have a legacy is really 1:05 rooted in like a white capitalist 1:07 supremacy like it's really [Lisa: True] 1:09 this thing and so the the desire to 1:13 dissociate one's research and self and 1:15 ethos from notions of legacy and 1:18 centrality in the work are really 1:20 bounded to how we have conceptualized 1:22 what it means to hold legacy in our 1:24 field and what it what what we think one 1:26 has to do to achieve that status right 1:29 what we know people have done to achieve 1:31 that status so 1:32 what if we start thinking about what it 1:34 means to move from margins to center 1:38 and what that center and actually 1:39 changing what that center point is so to 1:41 go back to what Ray is saying about 1:42 revolution right it's not about like 1:44 we're here to like break things up maybe 1:47 DISCO's not here to do that but maybe 1:48 our very existence 1:50 does break to pieces 1:52 something about how we conceptualize 1:55 what is at the center of a field and 1:56 what it means to do work at the center 1:58 of a field but I think there has to be 2:00 so much intentionality about that and I 2:02 think your reticence is is correct 2:05 because without intentionality we 2:07 replicate the exact same systems that 2:09 kept us at the margin and I think that 2:11 we can see pieces of that happening 2:14 in lots of areas digital culture and 2:16 study but also in racism and 2:18 studies of race right how there's 2:20 replication from race scholars of the 2:22 things that put race scholarship at the 2:24 margins to start with when your work in 2:27 interstices then becomes the work that 2:29 other people are looking to as 2:32 the reference work in some ways at least 2:34 of a subfield 2:36 are you forcing other people into 2:37 interstitial positions 2:39 because they're not looking at what 2:40 you're looking at 2:41 like what what's left what becomes the 2:43 interstitial after your interstitial 2:45 work becomes 2:47 accepted?