Representation + Appropriation of Joy *transcript cleaned by Kaitlyn Gastineau 0:00 what actually in practice are you doing 0:02 to be anti-racist because I said that 0:05 represent representational practice 0:07 if you want to use that language right a 0:09 slave ship is anti-racist 0:12 because there's more Black folks on the 0:14 ship 0:15 than others you know where is a place 0:18 that 0:19 is reflective and and productive 0:22 for marginalized communities to be 0:24 creative innovative and thoughtful that 0:27 is not responding to 0:29 the continual appropriation 0:32 of 0:33 marginalized communities 0:36 love appreciation and joy 0:39 of their lives 0:41 or do you just need to say that you know 0:43 I'm here to have this conversation 0:45 but this is not for you 0:48 and maybe you can 0:51 experience this and get a perspective on 0:53 that maybe you can experience it 0:55 voyeuristically but 0:58 this is not for you 1:01 Black joy often gets taken 1:03 out of context 1:04 even though it draws upon that argument 1:06 that Afropessimism has that that 1:09 Blackness is incommensurable with white 1:11 Western techno culture 1:13 right because the black is never meant 1:15 to be the human it's only meant to be an 1:17 object or to be acted upon and nothing 1:19 that the black outputs is 1:21 belongs to the black it always belongs 1:23 to the human which is not the black 1:24 right so the commensurability question 1:26 comes up over and over again for me as I 1:28 think through it uh in part because of 1:30 the stubborn resistance I had I get 1:33 when I mention Black joy because they 1:35 immediately want to convert joy to an 1:37 exchange value 1:38 so the you say enjoy as resistance no I'm 1:40 saying joy as existence 1:43 not resistance right and I think that's 1:45 that's kind of going where you the 1:46 incommensurability is that people 1:47 struggle so much 1:49 to figure out where to fit joy into a 1:52 political economic or even a capitalist 1:55 or modern right 1:57 system where we're so structured by 1:59 having to do something to live