2500-4-T 2004-T RL-2057 DA R P DATA ACQUISITION AND REDUCTION PROGRAM by David Ksienski Radiation Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 July 1981

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. DARP HELP DOCUMENTS 1.1 DARP Help Document No. 1 DataAC GRAPH REINIT DataPa TapeCO END ABORT 1.2 DARP Help Document No. 2 START PolLin INC.X (INC.1, INC.2, INC RETRY SHORT FHSINT ABORT 1.3 DARP Help Document No. 3 GRAPH+ PolLin hdCopy OUTPUT GCopy! PapAdv ABORT 1.4 DARP Help Document No. 4 DELETE ABORT i 1 2 2 5 5 6 6 6 6 7.4) 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 1.5 DARP Help Document No. 5 LCAT LFILE LFILES 15 15 16 16

PapAdv hdCopy ABORT 1.6 DARP Help Document No. 6 MEMORY FILE TAPE INIT RETAKE FILES ABORT 1.7 DARP Help Document No. 7 ANTENA BACKSC F-Scan T-Scan ABORT 1.8 DARP Help Document No. 8 ORIGIN RANGE CENTER LstMax REF ReSpec 1.9 DARP Help Document No. 9 POINT TypeIn KEEP ABORT 1.10 DARP Help Document No. 10 CAT STORE DELETE FETCH DataCO END and ABORT 1.11 DARP Help Document No. 11 Khz,Mhz, and GHz ABORT Page 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 32 32 32 33 33 33 33

Page 1.12 DARP Help Document No. 12 34 LEFT (k2) 35 REPEAT (k6) 35 RIGHT (k4) and REPEAT (k8) 35 CCW and CW 35 HELP12 36 ENTER 36 ABORT 36 CHAPTER 2. COMMENTS 38 2.1 The Hard Copy Option 38 2.2 Graphs and PolLin 38 2.3 Data Acquisition, FHSINT, and INC.X 40 2.4 PAUSE 42 CHAPTER 3. GUIDE TO PROMPTS AND MESSAGES 43 CHAPTER 4. AN EXAMPLE 49 CHAPTER 5. INFORMATION FOR PROGRAMMERS 55 5.1 Scalar Variable Definitions 55 5.2 Scalar Variable Cross Reference 56 5.3 String Variable Definitions 59 5.4 String Variable Cross Reference 60 5.5 Array Variable Definitions 62 5.6 Array Variable Cross Reference 65 5.7 Gl(10) and G(10) Bit Reference Listing 67 5.8 Function Definitions 68 5.9 Function Cross Reference 69 5.10 Subroutine Definitions 71 5.11 Subroutine Reference Listing 73 5.12 Section Definitions 75 5.13 Statement Number Cross Reference 76 5.14 Interface 7 Reference Listing 82 Autost 83 DARP 85

INTRODUCTION This manual is divided into six chapters. The first four chapters are designed for the DARP user. The last two chapters are designed to aid programmers making modifications and corrections to DARP. The user who is unfamiliar with DARP will probably want to begin reading this manual starting with Chapter IV. As more capability is needed, the user can refer to the first three chapters for suggestions. The familiar user should, at one point or another, read the first two chapters in their entirety. Finally, the user who gets the job of modifying DARP should be very familiar with the contents and structure of the first chapter. The various reference listings in Chapter V should be consulted before making any changes. -1 -

CHAPTER DARP HELP DOCUMENTS The following help documents are in ascending order from 1 to 12. The purpose of these documents is to explain the commands which are accessed via the various special function keys as well as the accompanying prompts. The documents are designed to be used as a reference while DARP is running. To determine which help document to refer to, look at the bottom of the CRT screen. Immediately underneath the line of dashes and to the far left you will see the word "HELP" followed by a number. The number is the number of the help document you should refer to for information on the use of the commands. There are some standard patterns which run throughout all of the commands. The abort command is always in the upper right-hand corner and may be used by pressing (shift) k8. When an option is selected, the command which represents the option will usually be underlined. For example, if the hard copy option is on, the hard copy command will be presented as "hdCopy". If the option is off, the command will be listed as "hdCopy". If a command permits the choice of one of two options, then the option selected will be underlined. For example, in the polar-linear command, if polar is selected, the command will be presented as "PolLin". If linear is selected the command will be displayed as "PolLin". If you are trying to find information on a prompt and how to respond to it, you should check the guide to prompts and messages, (Chapter III), to see where the prompt is described.

-2 - 1.1 DARP Help Document No. 1 HELP1 TapeCO END ABORT DataAC GRAPH REINIT DataPa These are the commands displayed when the computer is in the Primary Command Mode under Data Commands (PCMDC). This mode may be accessed by pressing DataCO when in the Primary Command Mode under Tape Commands (PCMTC) or by pressing ABORT when in a subcommand mode of PCMDC. The function of these commands is the acquisition and processing of data. DataAC This is the Data Acquisition command. The function of this command is to prepare the computer and 3437A voltmeter to take data, and then to perform the actual data acquisition. When DataAC is pressed, the computer will respond with a series of prompts: P: ENTER CENTER FREQUENCY? The user's response should be a character string of one to ten characters. The user's response will be used in the title of the graph. P: ENTER ANTENNA TYPE? Again, a one to ten character string is expected. This response, and the preceding one, will be joined to form the graph title using the format below. "Antenna-Type" at "Center Frequency"

-3 - P: ENTER POLARIZATION tEH or XI? The user is requested to enter one of the letters, E, H. or X. When the graph summary is printed, this input will result in the labelling of "ELECTRIC POLARIZATION", "MAGNETIC POLARIZATION", or "VARIABLE POLARIZATION", respectively. P: ENTER REFERENCE LEVEL? A one to ten character response is expected. Ideally, this should be a known value against which the data may be calibrated. For example, in the "ANTENNA" mode there might be a main lobe which has a peak value of -5 dBm at 15 degrees. The user might then enter -5 dBm. The location, 15 degrees, is entered after the pattern has been taken. Since the program selects a default reference point at the highest point on the graph, choosing the main lobe is a handy reference. However, the user may elect to choose another point as reference without encountering much difficulty. The next four prompts all expect one to ten character responses. P: ENTER TRANSMITTER POWER? P: ENTER TRANSMITTING ANTENNA? P: ENTER RANGE? P: ENTER PROJECT #? The responses will all be included in the graph summary. However, the responses have no other use and hence the user is free to enter any information he feels appropriate. If the Frequency Scan has been selected the user will then be prompted with:

-4 - P: ENTER FREQUENCY RANGE, THEN PRESS APPROPRIATE MULTIPLIER? The user is referred to help document # 11. If Time Scan has been selected the user will then be prompted with: P: ENTER DURATION OF TIME-SCAN? A numeric input is expected and assumes units of seconds. Any number between 1 and 3600 (1 hour) is valid. If a number greater than 150 is entered, the data will be plotted in real time. If a number less than 150 is entered, all data will be recorded before the graph is generated. The user will then be prompted with: P: ENTER COMMENTS: This response, unlike previous ones, is optional. The user may enter a null line if no comments are needed. Any relevant information the user did not enter previously should be entered now. A 0 to 26 character string is expected. Any commands entered will be appended to the graph summary. After this last response has been completed, the computer will proceed to draw the graph, and then display a new set of commands. For a description of the graph, see comments in Chapter II. For a description of the commands, see help document #2. The command DataAC will not be accessible if there is unstored data in memory. This is a safeguard against accidental erasure of data with a new set of data. If you have unstored data in memory and wish to gain access to this command, you have two options. You must either use the STORE command under PCMTC or the DELETE command under

-5 - PCMTC followed by the MEMORY subcommand. The former will store the data on tape. The latter option will delete the data from memory. In any event, after using either of the above options you will have access to DataAC since you will no longer have unstored data in memory. GRAPH The function of this command is to invoke the graphics subcommand mode. Pressing GRAPH causes the computer to immediately enter the graphics subcommand mode. For information on the graphics subcommand mode, see help document #3. The GRAPH subcommand is only accessible if there is data in memory. REINIT This is the Reinitialization command. The function of the REINIT command is to permit the user to respecify the type of measurement desired, as well as the conversion from volts to dBm. The result of pressing "REINIT" is that the computer will enter the initialization subcommand mode. For information on the initialization subcommand mode, see help document #7. Note that pressing "REINIT" will result in the loss of all data currently in memory. "REINIT" is not accessible if there is unstored data in memory. This is a safeguard against accidental data loss. For methods of regaining access to "REINIT", see the last paragraph of description under DataAC.

-6 - DataPa This is the Data Parameters command. The function of the "DataPa" command is to provide access to commands which perform various data related operations. When "DataPa" is pressed, the computer will immediately enter the data parameters subcommand mode. For help on the data parameters subcommand mode, see help document #8. The "DataPa" command is only accessible when there is data in memory. TapeCO This is the Tape Commands commands. The function of "TapeCO" is to cause the computer to enter the primary command mode under tape commands (PCMTC). For a description of PCMTC, see help document #10. "TapeCO" and "DataCO" are sister commands and are both defined on key k6. When in the primary command mode, pressing k6 will cause the computer to alternate between PCMTC and PCMDC. END This is a rather straightforward commend. Its function and immediate result is to end DARP. ABORT The "ABORT" command is ineffectual in PCMTC or PCMDC. The command is retained for consistency with the subcommand modes. When "ABORT" is pressed, the computer will beep to remind you that the computer is already in the primary command mode.

-7 - 1.2 DARP Help Document #2 HELP2 SHORT FHSINT ABORT START PolLin INC.1 RETRY These are the commands displayed when the computer is in the "DataAC" subcommand mode. This mode is entered after "DataAC" is pressed and after the ensuing dialog. The function of these subcommands is to specify exactly how the data acquisition and display process is to occur, to initiate that process, and if necessary to terminate the process prematurely. This mode is only accessible via the "DataAC" command. START The function of the START command is to begin data acquisition. If the source of the measurements is an antenna pattern or backscatter, then "START" is an immediate command. That is, the computer will start recording data immediately upon "START" being pressed. If the computer is in the Frequency Scan or Time Scan mode, then "START" will merely prepare the computer and 3437A voltmeter for data acquisition. If Frequency Scan is in effect, then data acquisition will commence with the next sweep of the spectrum analyzer. If Time Scan is operating, then the voltmeter will be placed in the local mode. Warning: If Time Scan has been selected be careful not to accidentally press voltmeter buttons after "START" has been pressed. In Time Scan mode, data acquisition begins when the HOLD/MAN button is pressed and released. The computer begins recording data after "START" has been pressed and as the HOLD/MAN button is released.

-8 - PolLi n This is the Polar Display/Linear Display command. The function of this command is to permit the user to select the mode (polar or linear) through which the data should be displayed. When "PolLin" is pressed, the mode alternates between polar and linear. The selected mode is denoted by an underline. For example, if the linear mode is currently active, the command will be displayed as "PolLin". The user should be aware that the polar mode is slightly slower than the linear mode. Therefore, if interupt transfer is specified for data acquisition (see FHSINT), the maximum data rate at which the computer can maintain real-time graphics is slightly lower in the polar mode than it is in the linear mode. Note, however, that even if this data rate is exceeded, the only consequence is that a lag will develop between data acquisition and data display. The validity of the data will not be affected. The "PolLin" command is available only in antenna pattern and backscatter measurements. For Frequency Scan and Time Scan measurements, the computer is fixed in the linear mode. INC.X (INC.1, INC.2, INC.4) This is the increment of rotation specification command. The function of this command is to specify at what rate data should be taken. When "INC.X" is pressed, the increment will cycle from.1 degree per data point, to.2 degrees per data point, to.4, and back to.1. The ".1" setting will result in 4000 data points being recorded, the ".2" setting will result in 2000 data points being recorded, and

-9 - the ".4" setting will result in 1000 data points being recorded. This command is designed to be used in conjunction with the pulse generator switch so that a full 400 degree pattern is always recorded. This command is only accessible with antenna pattern and backscatter measurements. For frequency scan and time scan measurements, 4000 points are always recorded. Additionally, the "INC.X" command is not accessible if the "SHORT" option is in effect, and will default to.1 degree per data point. If "INC.X" is at a setting other than "INC.1", the "SHORT" command will not be accessible. RETRY This is the Retry data acquisition command. Its function is to terminate data acquisition and display, clear memory, and prepare the computer to accept the "START" command. When "START" is pressed again, data acquisition will restart at the beginning, in exactly the same manner as was done the first time. The "RETRY" command is also used to deactivate the "SHORT" option. Note that whenever "RETRY" is used, the "SHORT" option will be turned off. The "RETRY" command will not operate while data acquisition is in progress if the fast handshake transfer is being used (see FHSINT). However, the command may still be used during data display after the transfer has completed. The "RETRY" command is visible during data acquisition and display by pressing the "key label" button. The "RETRY" and "ABORT" commands are the only commands which remain active under data acquisition and display.

-10 - SHORT This is the Short measurement command. Its function is to permit measurement of a portion of an antenna pattern or backscatter measurement without recording the full 400 degrees of measurements. When "SHORT" is pressed, the computer will prompt with: P: ENTER LIMITS OF ROTATION? Two numbers are expected in the response, and should assume units of degrees. The first number should be less than the second, and both numbers should be in the range of 0 to 360. After the numbers have been entered, there is a delay of a few seconds as the computer reconfigures memory for short data acquisition. The Data Acquisition subcommands will then reappear, this time with the "SHORT" command underlined, to indicate that the short option is active. To turn off the short option, press "RETRY". The "SHORT" command is not accessible under Frequency Scan or Time Scan measurements. The "SHORT" command is also not accessible if an increment other than.1 degree per data point has been specified (see INC.X). When "SHORT" is specified, the following commands become inaccessible: The INC.X command; The "CENTER" subcommand of "DataPa"; The "POINT" subcommand of the "DataPa" subcommands "RANGE" and "REF". Note that the "RETRY" command will deactivate the "SHORT" option, so that if the "SHORT" option is desired, it must be respecified after using "RETRY".

-.11 - FHSINT This is the Fast HandShake transfer/Interrupt transfer command. The function of this command is to permit the user to specify the type of transfer to be used in data acquisition. If the interrupt transfer is selected, the data will be displayed as it is acquired. The fast handshake transfer will not permit data display until after the transfer is complete. However, the fast handshake permits much higher data rates and is the reason why frequency scan and time scan measurements can be completed in as little as 1 second. There is also a nontrivial disadvantage to the fast handshake transfer. When this transfer method is selected, the computer will lock up completely until the transfer is complete. Therefore, if fast handshake is being used and it is impossible to complete the data measurement, you have two choices. Either connect an external pulse generator to the trigger of the 3437A voltmeter, or turn the computer off. It is actually also possible to set interface clear (IFC) on the HP-IB, however, this should only be done by someone experienced with the HP-IB. Incorrectly setting voltages on the HP-IB can result in damage to the HP-lB. The "FHSINT" command is not accessible in the frequency scan and time scan measurements. In these measurements, if a time under 150 seconds is specified then fast handshake is used. If a time over 150 seconds is specified, then interrupt transfer is used. ABORT This is the abort data acquisition and display command. The function of the "ABORT" command is to abort data acquisition and

-12 - display, clear memory, and return to PCMDC. The "ABORT" command, like the "RETRY" command, remains active during data acquisition and display. The "ABORT" command will not function during data acquisition if the computer is engaged in a fast handshake transfer. 1.3 DARP Help Document No. 3. HELP3 GCopy! PapAdv ABORT GRAPH+ PolLin hdCopy OUTPUT These are the commands displayed when the computer is in the GRAPH subcommand mode. This mode is accessed by pressing "GRAPH" when the computer is in PCMDC. The function of these commands is to generate, display, and print a graph and graph summary. The graph mode may only be accessed when there is data in memory. GRAPHThis is the generate and display Graph command. If a correct version of the graph exists on the graphics screen the graph will be displayed. Otherwise, a new graph will be generated. When the graph is displayed, it is displayed for 10 seconds. The display may be terminated before 10 seconds complete by pressing "key label" or any special function key. PolLin This is the polar display/linear display command. The function of this command is to permit the user to specify the format in which the graph is to be displayed. The option selected, polar or linear,

-13 - is denoted by the display of the command as either "PolLin" or "PolLin", respectively. This is the same option as is set under the data acquisition subcommand mode. After this option is set, it will remain in effect until data is fetched from tape or DARP is reinitialized. When "PolLin" is pressed, the option alternates between polar and linear. The "PolLin" command is not available with Frequency Scan and Time Scan measurements. For these measurements, the mode will default to linear. hdCopy This is the hard copy command. The function of this command is to permit the user to select whether or not a hard copy should be generated. When "hdCopy" is pressed the option alternates between hard copy and no hard copy. If the hard copy option is on, the hard copy command will be displayed with an underline. OUTPUT This is the Output graph and graph summary command. The function of this command is to display (and print if the hard copy option is on) the graph and graph summary. GCopy! This is the Graphics Screen immediate Copy command. The function of this command is to produce a copy of whatever is on the graphics screen. This command will not modify the contents of the graphics screen.

-14 - PapAdv This is the Paper Advance Command. The function of this command is to cause the printer to advance one line. ABORT This is the abort command. When "ABORT" is pressed, the computer will return to PCMDC. 1.4 DARP Help Document No. 4 HELP4 ABORT DELETE These are the commands displayed when the computer is warning you of an imminent erasure of a tape. The above commands will appear with the following prompt: P: NOTE -- THIS PROCESS WILL ERASE EVERYTHING WHICH IS ON THIS TAPE HIT DELETE TO CONTINUE HIT ABORT TO RETURN TO PROGRAM The computer will enter this mode through one of three paths. The first method of access is by pressing one of the "DELETE" subcommands "TAPE" or "INIT". In this case, this subcommand mode is simply a final precaution to prevent accidental erasure of a tape. The other method of access is when a DARP data tape I/O operation is attempted on a non-DARP data tape. In this case, the computer's response is to delete the tape and create a DARP data tape. If this last action was unintentional PRESS ABORT! If you press DELETE,

-15 - the tape will be erased and any programs or other information will be deleted. DELETE The function of this command is to permit the computer to erase the tape. After the tape is erased, the computer will return to PCMTC. ABORT The function of this command is to stop the computer from erasing the tape. After this command is pressed, the computer will return to PCMTC, and the tape will remain intact. 1.5 DARP Help Document No. 5 HELP5 hdCopy ABORT LCAT LFILE LFILES PapAdv These are the commands displayed when the computer is in the tape catalog subcommand mode. This mode is accessed by pressing "CAT" when the computer is in PCMTC. The function of these commands is to display or print a summary of a tape or tape file. LCAT This is the list catalog command. The function of this command is to list the name of the tape and the names of all the DARP data files on the tape. If the hard copy option has been selected, this listing will be printed. At the bottom of the listing will be a statement of how many DARP data files are still empty. The total number of DARP data files which may be stored on one tape is 24.

LFILE This is the list file command. The function of this command is to produce a listing of the DARP catalog for a given DARP data file. The listing which is produced is identical to the graph summary with the exception that the location and relative magnitude of the reference point are omitted. When "LFILE" is pressed, the computer will prompt with: P: ENTER NAME OF FILE A 1 to 8 character response is expected. If the data file exists, a listing will be produced. Otherwise, the computer will display: FILE NOT FOUND and will return to the catalog subcommand mode. LFILES This is the List Files command. The function of this command is to produce a listing of the DARP catalog for the entire tape. The effect is similar to performing a "LFILE" for each data file on the tape. If hard copy is on, the entire listing will be printed. This command is relatively quick and is a good way to get a detailed "table of contents" of a tape. If only data file names are desired, use "LCAT". PapAdv This is the Paper Advance command. The function of this command is to advance the paper on the printer by one line.

hdCopy This is the hard copy command. The function of this command is to cause output of the catalog subcommands to be printed. When the hard copy option is on, the command is displayed with an underline. Note that this is the same option as in the Graph subcommand mode. When "hdCopy" is pressed, the option alternates between hard copy and no hard copy. ABORT The function of this command is to terminate the catalog subcommand mode and return to PCMTC. 1.6 DARP Help Document No. 6 HELP6 RETAKE FILES ABORT MEMORY FILE TAPE INIT These are the commands displayed when the computer is in the DELETE subcommand mode. The function of these commands is to, directly or indirectly, delete data. Although this subcommand mode is accessed by pressing "DELETE" while in PCMTC, not all of the commands are tape related. The commands listed in this mode were placed in the delete subcommand mode primarily to avoid accidental data loss. MEMORY This is the delete memory command. The function of this command is to erase data from computer memory (the tape is not affected). When "MEMORY" is pressed, the time and date will be displayed, along with the message: ***MEMORY HAS BEEN CLEARED***

-18 - FILE This is the delete tape File command. The function of this command is to delete one specified file from tape (Memory is not affected). When this command is pressed, the computer will prompt with: P: ENTER FILE NAME TO BE DELETED: The user should enter the name of the DARP data file to be deleted. If the file does not exist, the computer will display the message: FILE NAME NOT FOUND and will return to PCMTC. If the computer successfully deletes the file, the following message will be printed: "filename" HAS BEEN PURGED the computer will then return to PCMTC. TAPE This is the clear DARP data tape command, and should only be used on previously initialized DARP data tapes. The function of this command is to completely empty a DARP data tape. When the command "TAPE" is pressed, the computer will issue a warning that the tape is about to be erased. For an explanation of responding to this warning, see DARP Help Document No. 4. After the tape has been cleared, the computer will return to PCMTC. INIT This is the initialize and condition DARP data tape command. The function of this command is to completely erase a tape, condition the tape, and then format the tape into the standard DARP data tape

-19 - configuration. This command should be used on all blank tapes before an attempt is made to store DARP data files on them. It is also a good idea to subject old DARP data tapes to "INIT" after every 8 to 10 hours of use. If this is not possible, (since "INIT" does destroy the contents of the tape) the user should use the CTAPE command when DARP is not running. (See HP manual). When "INIT" is pressed, the computer will begin an initialization process which will last about 7 minutes. To warn the user of this, the computer will print: THIS WILL TAKE ABOUT 7 MINUTES At the end of 7 minutes, the computer will prompt with: P: ENTER TAPE NAME You should enter a 1 to 8 character string. It is a good idea to record the tape name on the outside of the cartridge as well. The computer will then return to PCMTC. RETAKE This is the Retake data command. The function of this command is to permit a new set of data to be taken without having to respecify the data parameters. The operation of the RETAKE command is very similar to the DataAC subcommand, RETRY. The difference being that RETRY is active before and during data acqusition and display, whereas RETAKE can be used after data acquisition and display has been completed. RETAKE, like RETRY, resets the short option to off. If SHORT is desired, it should be specified. When RETAKE is pressed, the computer will enter the DataAC subcommand mode.

-20 - FILES This is the delete multiple files command. The function of this command is to permit the user to delete several files without the accompanying delays encountered with the FILE command. When FILES is pressed, the computer will prompt with: P: TAPE: "tapename" TYPE NULL LINE TO RETURN TO PROGRAM ENTER FILE NAME TO BE DELETED The user should enter the first file name to be deleted. If the file does not exist, the computer will respond with: FILE "filename" NOT FOUND ENTER FILE NAME TO BE DELETED If the computer does locate the file entered, the computer will just prompt with: P: ENTER FILE NAME TO BE DELETED You should continue to enter your list of file names to be deleted until you are through. Then, enter a blank line in response to the prompt. The computer will then perform the actual deletions, and then return to PCMTC. Note that until you hit that blank line, the computer does not record any of the deletions. This fact may be used to advantage. If you make a mistake entering your list of deletions and accidentally "delete" a file unintentionally, just remove the tape cartridge from the tape drive and enter the blank line (in that order). The computer will give you a harmless incidental error message and return to PCMTC. You may then try the deletions again.

-21 - ABORT Press ABORT if you do not wish to use any of the delete subcommands. 1.7 DARP Help Document No. 7 HELP7 ABORT ANTENA BACKSC F-Scan T-Scan These are the commands displayed when the computer is in the initialization subcommand mode. The purpose of this subcommand mode is to permit the user to select the type of measurement desired, as well as to specify the conversion of volts to dBm. When the computer prompts with: P: ENTER MEASUREMENT DESIRED The user should press one of the bottom four commands. ANTENA Pressing this command will select Antenna patterns as the measurement mode. BACKSC Pressing this command will select backscatter measurements. F-Scan Pressing this command will select Frequency Scan. T-Scan Pressing this command will select Time Scan as the measurement type.

-22 - ABORT Since a measurement type must be selected, ABORT will only clear the screen and repeat the prompt. After one of the four types of measurement has been selected, the computer will prompt with: P: ENTER VOLTAGE FOR OdBm? A numeric entry is expected between -2 and +2. The computer sets the voltmeter to local prior to this entry to aid in this and the following response. After the number is entered, the computer will prompt with: P: ENTER MIN. dBm AND CORRESPONDING VOLTAGE? A negative number is expected for dBm and any number between -2 and +2 is expected for the voltage. Based on the above three numbers, the computer will generate a linear transformation from volts to dBm. 1.8 DARP Help Document No. 8 HELP8 REF ReSpec ABORT ORIGIN RANGE CENTER LstMax These are the commands displayed when the computer is in the data parameters subcommand mode. The function of these commands is to specify various parameters relating to the data and the examination of the data. This mode is accessed by pressing DataPa when in PCMDC. DataPa is only accessible when there is data in memory.

-23 - ORIGIN This is the return to original graph command. The function of this command is to restore the display of the data to its original format. Specifically, any range specifications are reversed, and the center option, if it was selected, is turned off. The ORIGIN command has an additional function if the SHORT option of DataAC is on. Since, with the antenna pattern and backscatter options the computer plots one point per degree, then if a short data pattern of, say 40 to 55 degrees is specified, the data plot will be made using only 16 points. When ORIGIN is pressed, the plot accuracy is increased by the automatic use of 150 points. RANGE This is one of the more powerful commands in DARP. By using the RANGE command, a window can be established inside the data so that a particular segment of the data may be examined in more detail. When RANGE is pressed the computer will prompt with: P: ENTER WINDOW SIZE TO BE USED -- CURRENT SIZE IS xxx (sss) where xxx is the current size, and sss is the unit of measurements being assumed. The user should enter a positive number that is less than or equal to the original range. If an invalid response is entered, the prompt will be repeated. After a valid window size is entered, the computer will prompt: P: DO YOU WISH TO POINT TO OR TYPE IN CENTER OR KEEP OLD CENTER

-24 - The user is referred to DARP Help Document No. 9 for help in responding to this prompt. After the center has been entered, the computer will return to DataPa-subcommand mode. CENTER The CENTER command is used with antenna patterns and backscatter measurements to center the graph around an arbitrary zero point. The result of using CENTER is that the graph size is reduced from 400 degrees to 360 degrees. A point is chosen within this 360 degree range, and is then referred to as the new 0 degree point. All other points are then shifted and graphed relative to this new 0 degree point. The end points of the 360 degree range are wrapped around and are graphed contiguously with each other. After CENTER has been specified, all range instructions are taken relative to the new zero degree point. It is then possible to specify a range anywhere from -180 to +360 degrees, with a total window size of not more than 360 degrees. When CENTER is pressed, the computer will respond with P: DO YOU WISH TO POINT TO OR TYPE IN CENTER OR KEEP OLD CENTER The user is referred to help document No. 9. The point which is specified will become the new 0 degree point. After the point has been specified, the computer will return to DataPa, and will now display the CENTER command with an underline to indicate that the CENTER option is in effect. The CENTER option may be turned off by using the ORIGIN command. Using the CENTER command will reset any previous range specifications. The CENTER command is not available in the time scan and frequency scan

-25 - modes, and is not available if SHORT has been specified under DataAC. Additionaly, using CENTER disables the LstMax command. LstMax This is the list relative maxima command. The function of this command is to search through the data (or a specified subset of the data, if the RANGE command has been used) and list relative maxima. If, when LstMax is pressed, it is pressed twice instead of just once, (that is, twice within 1 second) then the listing of relative maxima will be printed. After 1 second has elapsed, the computer will prompt: P: ENTER CUTOFF LEVEL (IN dBm) AND RESOLUTION (IN sss) where sss is the unit of measure being assumed. The number entered for cutoff should be the level below which the user is uninterested in maxima. For example, if the data was taken over a dynamic range of 0 to -60 dBm, with the noise level at, say, -50 dBm, then an appropriate number might be -45 or -50. The resolution is defined for this purpose to be the minimum separation between maxima for the maxima to be resolved as separate. A bit of digression on the need for a resolution parameter is perhaps appropriate. In a typical signal recording, a peak will appear as a relatively smooth rise in the graph over a relatively-wide area. For example, in an antenna pattern, a lobe may peak at -10 dBm and be 4 or 5 degrees wide. However, another component of the signal is spurious fluctuation which may be only a few tenths of a degree wide

-26 - and represent a change of only a small fraction of a dB. Nevertheless, such spurious fluctuations, when imposed on a relatively smooth signal, will constitute a relative maxima. What is needed is a way to differentiate maxima in the signal from maxima resulting from noise. This brings us back to the resolution parameter. If, in the above example, 1 is entered for resolution, then all the noise related peaks (which are presumably closer together than 1 degree) will be smeared together and only the largest peak (presumably occurring at the maxima of the original signal) will be listed as a maxima. Therefore, when entering a number for resolution, the number should represent a separation smaller than the separation between peaks in the signal, but larger than the separation between peaks resulting from noise. The number entered for resolution must be between 1/10 and and 1/400 of the total size of the original graph. If SHORT is specified, then the number must be between 1 and 40. After the user has entered the two numbers for cutoff and resolution, the computer will print a heading, and begin listing values. This is a rather time consuming process, so the user should not be alarmed if there is a delay of several minutes before the first maxima is listed. Since this is a time consuming process and the correct specification of cutoff and resolution may require a trial and error process, the user is provided with an ABORT command. The ABORT command becomes active as soon as the computer begins the listing (press "key label" to see the command). The ABORT command will abort LstMax and return the computer to the DataPa subcommand mode.

REF This is the specify reference point command. The reference point entered will be used in conjunction with the reference level entered under the DataAC prompts for external calibration. Note that the user must only specify the location of the reference point. When REF is pressed, the computer will prompt with: P: DO YOU WISH TO POINT TO OR TYPE IN REF OR KEEP OLD REF The user is referred to help document No. 9 for explanation. After the location of the reference point has been entered, the computer will return to the DataPa subcommand mode. ReSpec This is the respecify data parameters command. The results of using this command are rather complicated, so this command should only be invoked by experienced users. ReSpec enables the user to respecify all of the data parameters. When the ReSpec command is pressed, the computer will enter the initialization subcommand mode (see help document No. 7). Although the user may switch the classification of a set of data from antenna pattern to backscatter, other changes in classification can lead to highly unpredictable results. The respecification of the voltage to dBm conversion is a much more useful device. Since the computer records all data between -2 and +2 regardless of voltage to dBm conversion. This process may be used to eliminate clipping, or, alternatively, to blow up the vertical scale to enhance the display of dynamic variation. After the Initialization routine is completed, the computer will immediately enter the DataAc prompting sequency (see Help Document No. 1).

-27aSince the information resulting from the users responses in this section is primarily for documentation purposes, the user is fairly free is respecifying data parameters as is felt necessary. When the computer finishes the DataAC promping sequence, it immediately returns to PCMDC. ABORT ABORT is used to end DataPa and return the computer to PCMDC.

-28 - 1.9 DARP Help Document No. 9 HELP9 ABORT POINT TypeIn Keep This subcommand mode is used and entered via the DataPa subcommands REF, RANGE, and CENTER. The function of this subcommand mode is to permit the user to enter the location of a particular point on the graph. To this end, the user is permitted to point to the data point desired, type in the location desired, or simply keep the previously specified or defaulted point. The prompt for this rotuine will vary depending on the calling routine, however the commands remain the same. The POINT command, however, will not be accessible if SHORT has been specified in DataAc. POINT If the POINT command is invoked, a graph of the data will be displayed, along with a flashing arrow. By manipulating the arrow, the user specifies which point is to be entered. When the user presses POINT, the computer will enter the point subcommand mode. See Help document No. 12 for explanation. POINT is not accessible if the SHORT option is active. Further, using POINT will reset any range which has been specified. Therefore, as a general rule, RANGE should be the last parameter set. TypeIn This is the type in data point command. The function of this command is to permit the user to simply type in the location of the data point desired. When the user presses TypeIn, the computer will prompt with either:

-29 - P: ENTER CENTER? or P: ENTER REF? depending on th-e calling routine. (RANGE AND CENTER result in the first prompt, REF results in the second.) When using the RANGE command, if the CENTER-option is on, the center point should be specified relative to the new zero point. When entering REF, the location of the point should always be specified in absolute coordinates, regardless of whether or not the CENTER option is active. If an invalid point is entered, the prompts will be repeated. When using the RANGE command, remember to leave adequate space for the window. KEEP This command instructs the computer to keep the previously specified or defaulted value. For RANGE, the value will be the center of the old graph. For CENTER and REF the value will be the highest point on the graph, unless the parameter has already been specified otherwise. ABORT The ABORT command, in this subcommand mode, performs the same function as the KEEP command.

-30 - 1.10 DARP Help Document No. 10 HELP1O DataCO END ABORT CAT STORE DELETE FETCH These are the commands displayed when the computer is in the Primary Command Mode under Tape Commands CPCMTC). The four principle commands: CAT, STORE, DELETE, and FETCH all perform tape operations. DELETE also performs non-tape related operations. CAT This is the tape catalog command. When this command is pressed the catalog subcommand mode is entered. The catalog subcommands permit the user to obtain summaries of tape data files or of entire tapes. For a description of the catalog subcommands, see help document No. 5. STORE This is the store data command. The function of STORE is to copy memory (data and data parameters) onto tape. When STORE is pressed, the computer will scan the tape for empty files. If no

-31 - files are empty, the computer will display the message: TAPE IS FULL STORE HAS BEEN ABORTED and will return to PCMTC. If there is at least one file empty, the computer will prompt: P: ENTER FILE NAME A 1 to 8 character name is expected. If the file name already exists, the computer will respond with: DUPLICATE FILE NAME and will then return to PCMTC. However, if the file name already exists but contains the same data as in memory (.for example, if you fetch a file from tape, modify some of the data parameters, and then wish to store your modification in the original file) then the computer will respond with: MODIFICATION HAS BEEN STORED and will then return to PCMTC. If the file name you specify does not alreasy exist on tape, then the computer will store memory (data and data parameters) and then respond with DATA HAS BEEN STORED and will then return to PDMTC. The store command is only accessible if there is data in memory.

-32 - DELETE The DELETE command is used to enter the DELETE subcommand mode. The delete subcommands are used to perform functions which directly or indirectly result in the loss of data in either computer memory or on tape. These commands are placed in the delete subcommand mode to help prevent the accidental loss of data. For explanation of the commands, see help document No. 6. FETCH FETCH is used to load a previously stored DARP data file. When FETCH is pressed, the computer will prompt with: P: ENTER FILE NAME The name of a DARP data file on the tape should be entered. If the file is not found, the computer will respond with FILE NAME NOT FOUND and will return to PCMTC. If a valid file name is entered, the computer will load the data file into memory and when finished will display: DATA HAS BEEN LOADED INTO MEMORY FETCH is not available if there is unstored data in memory. See the discussion under DataAC in help document No. 1 for an explanation of how to regain access to FETCH and other commands. DataCO This command is used to switch from PCMTC to PCMDC. As described in help document No. 1, this is the sister command to TapeCO.

-33 - END and ABORT These commands have the same function as they do in PCMDC. See help document No. 1 for explanation. 1.11 DARP Help Document No. 11 HELP11 ABORT Khz Mhz Ghz This subcommand mode is entered via the DataAC prompt sequence when frequency scan has been specified. Before the commands are displayed, the following prompt is given: P: ENTER FREQUENCY RANGE, THEN PRESS APPROPRIATE MULTIPLIER? In response to this prompt, the user is expected to enter a pair of numbers, the first smaller than the second, representing a frequency range. One of the above units (Khz, Mhz, Ghz) should be assumed and omitted. After the two numbers are entered, the computer will display the above listed commands. Khz, Mhz, and Ghz These commands instruct the computer to use Khz, Mhz, and GHz, respectively, when taking the frequency scan. ABORT Pressing ABORT will cause the computer to repeat the original prompt, and permit the user to respecify the two numbers for the frequency range. After one of the above units has been specified, the computer will prompt with:

-34 - P: ENTER TOTAL TIME REQUIRED FOR SPECTRUM ANALYZER TO SCAN SPECIFIED RANGE (-IN SECONDS)? The user should specify a number between 1 and 100 assuming and omitting units in seconds. The computer will then prompt with: P: ENTER COMMENTS? The computer is now back in the standard DataAC prompt sequence. For explanation, see help document No. 1. 1.12 DARP Help Document No. 12 HELP12 REPEAT REPEAT LEFT ENTER RIGHT or HELP12 REPEAT REPEAT CCW ENTER CW These are the commands displayed when the computer is in the POINT subcommand mode. This mode is entered via the DataPa subcommands RANGE, REF, and CENTER. The upper set of commands will be displayed if the computer is in the linear mode. The lower set of commands will be displayed if the computer is in the polar mode. After the appropriate set of commands are displayed, the computer will shift back to the graphics screen. The graph of-the data will be displayed, and imposed on the graph will be a flashing arrow. The general idea is to move the flashing arrow under the data point desired. Additionally, the data point currently selected will also

-35 - be flashing. The selected data point is located directly above the flashing arrow. To move the flashing arrow and selected data point to the desired data point, the above commands are employed. LEFT (k2) Pressing the left key causes the flashing point to move one data point to the left. Note that this is not a very large distance since there are 400 data points displayed on the screen. To move large distances, use the REPEAT (k6) key. REPEAT (k6) To save wear and tear on the user's fingers, the REPEAT key is available. By pressing the same key [k2] with the shift key held down, the arrow can be made to move continuously left. In the REPEAT mode, the selected data point moves two data points to the left with each jump, so the final positioning of the selected data point should be made using the LEFT key. The movement to the left halts when another special function key is pressed. RIGHT (k4) and REPEAT (k8) k8 The RIGHT key and the REPEAT key above it [k4] operate in exactly the same manner as the LEFT (k2) and REPEAT (k6) keys, but move the arrow to the right. CCW and CW These keys will replace the LEFT and RIGHT keys when the polar display mode is in effect. Their operation is identical

-36 - to the above described keys, with the exception that these keys will move the arrow in the counterclockwise and clockwise directions, respectively. The associated REPEAT keys work in a similar fashion. HELP12 Unlike all other HELPX keys, HELP12 does perform a function. When HELP12 is pressed, the arrow will stop moving. ENTER When the flashing arrow is under the desired data point, and the desired data point is flashing, the data point may be entered by pressing ENTER. This will terminate the point subcommand mode and return the computer to the calling routine. ABORT As the user may have noticed, the POINT subcommand mode does not contain an ABORT key. The only way to terminate the POINT subcommand mode is by pressing ENTER. Note: When using the POINT subcommand mode it is impossible to enter an invalid data point. Thus, when the arrow goes off one edge of the graph, it will appear on the other side. Also, when using the RANGE subcommand, the window size is taken into account. Thus if one edge of the imaginary window centered on the arrow bumps up against the edge of the graph, the arrow will be repositioned on the other side of the graph, half the window's width away from the edge.

-37 -If the CENTER option is active, the graph displayed will be centered. If the SHORT option is active, the POINT subcommand mode will not be accessible.

CHAPTER 2. COMMENTS 2.1 The Hard Copy Option The hard copy option may be turned on or off in either the CAT subcommand mode or the GRAPH subcommand mode. The user should be aware that it is the same option in both subcommand modes and that the computer maintains the status of this option after the subcommand mode is left. 2.2 Graphs and PolLin The user has a choice of having data displayed in either the polar or linear format. (Only linear is available for frequency scan and time scan.) The option selected is maintained, even when memory is cleared or a new set of data is taken. (However, the mode is set to linear during the initialization subcommand mode.) The graph generated reflects the user specified Data Parameters. For example, if the dynamic range specified was 0 to -50 dBm and the range from 0 to 400 degrees, a graph like figure 1 would be produced. The vertical scale will always have a tick mark at 0 dBm. Starting at 0 dBm the vertical scale will be marked off in 5 dB increments. The horizontal scale will be marked off starting at the center point (the intersection of the axes) in increments of 1,2, or 5 times a power of 10 in whatever units are appropriate. The selection of the horizontal increment is performed automatically by the computer to provide a readable axis. In this case, the tick marks occur every 20 degrees. A bit more explanation is needed when the axes do not divide quite so neatly. For example, in Fig. 2 the frequency scan has -38 -

-39 - a dynamic range of 0 to -47 dBm, and the frequency range extends from 3.1 to 14.7 GHz. For the vertical scale, the tick marks will again start at 0 dBm and descend in 5 dB increments. The -47 dBm at the bottom merely indicates the value of the vertical scale when it intersects the horizontal axis, and cannot be used in determining the value of the tick marks above it. Note that the tick marks always occur at multiples of -5 dBm so that values such as -10 dBm and -30 dBm are always exactly known. The horizontal axis is again divided by tick marks beginning from the center. This time the increment is 0.5 GHz. Since the marking begins at the center, the tick marks to the right correspond to 9.4, 9.9, 10.4,...,GHz, whereas those to the left correspond to 8.4, 7.9, 7.4,... GHz. The values 3.1 GHz and 14.7 GHz at the left and right of the axis this time do not correspond to a tick mark value, thus there is no tick mark at the left and right ends of the graph. 3.1 and 14.7 are merely the minimum and maximum values. For the polar display, there is a similar interpretation to the axes. In Fig. 3, the dynamic range is from 0 to -40 dBm. The 0 degree point is assumed to be at the top and angle increases positively in the clockwise direction. (To get a correct, non-inverted image of a pattern, the object under measurement should be rotated counterclockwise as viewed from the top.) Again, as with the linear display, the dynamic scale is marked in increments of 5 dB, starting at the 0 dBm point. The angle is marked off in 5 degree increments. Each point on the outer circle corresponds to a 5 degree increment. Each point on the inner circle corresponds to a 10 degree increment. The outer circle is aligned

-40 - with the 0 dBm point. The inner circle is aligned with a tick mark that is approximately halfway to the center. Therefore, the inner circle will always correspond to a multiple of -5 dBm. In this case it is positioned at -20 dBm. In Fig. 4 the dynamic range is 0 to -37 dBm. Again, the tick marks are measured from 0 dBm in 5 dB increments. Therefore, this time -37 dBm is merely the minimum valued and does not fall on a tick mark. Note that this time the inner circle is aligned with the -15 dBm point. Although either polar or linear display may be used throughout DARP (even in the POINT subcommand), the user is warned that the polar mode is slightly slower than the linear mode. Therefore, if data acquisition is desired in polar mode, the measurements should proceed at a slightly slower pace than for the linear display if the user wishes to maintain the real-time display of data acquisition. However, the maximum transfer rate of the data is independent of the display mode and even if the real-time display is lost (i.e., a lag develops between acquisition and display) the validity of the data will not be affected. 2.3 Data Acquisition, FHSINT, and INC.X When measurements are being made of either antenna patterns or of backscatter, there is the possibility of data being lost. This is because a data point is obtained every time a pulse is generated by the optical decoder. If the optical decoder generates pulses faster than the computer can record the voltage values, then a data point(s) will be lost. (Note that frequency scan and time scan measurements are not susceptible to data loss since the data transfer is governed by an

-41 - internal clock which is not susceptible to large fluctuations in pulse rate.) The optimal solution to preventing data loss would be to design the mechanical system so that the optical decoder would not be subjected to fluctuations in speed of rotation. Since there is some slop in the mechanical system, nonuniform rotation speeds might imply less than optimally precise recording of patterns. However, it is not known at the time of the writing of this manual how precise the recording system will be. In any event, there are several corrective actions DARP can use to overcome the fluctuation in data rate to prevent data loss. The first method is the brute force approach. By switching from the interrupt transfer to the fast handshake transfer the computer can handle data rates approximately 50 times higher. It is this method which permits the computer to record frequency scan and time scan measurements in periods down to 1 second. The main disadvantage to the fast handshake transfer is that the real-time graph display is lost. Additionally, it is impossible to interrupt a fast handshake transfer, so that data acquisition must go to completion before DataAC may be interrupted. The second method is to use the INC.X command. By using this option, the data rate can be halved or fourthed by using INC.2 or INC.4 respectively. (The pulse generator should be set at 1800 and 900 respectively when the option is used.) If only the INC.X option is used, it is possible to keep the real-time display.. As a last resort, one can use both the INC.X and the fast handshake transfer. The effect is multiplicative, so that is INC.4

-42 - and fast handshake are both used the maximum pulse rate is theoretically increased by about a factor of 200. When data is lost, the ignore trigger light on the 3437A will come on. Shortly after this, the computer will display a message indicating that data has been lost. When diagnosing the system as to the cause of the data loss, it may be useful to watch the left-most decimal point. (Not the "real" decimal point.) The left-most decimal point will light up every time a trigger pulse is received. If the light remains off for a long period of time, say, 1 second, then something is probably wrong with the pulse generator. The average data rate at which measurements are made (assuming 3 minutes per revolution) is 20 Hz. The real time display can be maintained up to approximately 35 Hz on the linear display, and the maximum data rate using the interrupt transfer is over 100 Hz (less than 10 msec between pulses.). 2.4 PAUSE To aid in debugging, the PAUSE is always kept active. If the PAUSE key is pressed accidentally, the computer may be restarted, without any loss, by pressing the CONT key.



-45 - ENTER PROJECT # See HD2 ENTER RANGE See HD2 ENTER REFERENCE LEVEL See HD2 ENTER TAPE NAME You have just initialized a tape, and you must now give it a name. Any 1 to 8 character string will suffice. You should write this name on the outside of the tape as well, for easy reference. ENTER TOTAL TIME REQUIRED FOR SPECTRUM ANALYZER TO SCAN SPECIFIED RANGE See HD11 ENTER TRANSMITTER POWER See HD2 ENTER TRANSMITTING ANTENNA See HD2 ENTER VOLTAGE FOR 0 dBm See HD7 ENTER WINDOW SIZE TO BE USED -- CURRENT SIZE IS xxx See HD8 Error 7: NULL DATA This is an HP-85 error message. The cause of this error may either be an internal DARP programming error, or a user input error.

To recover from this error: Press the "CONT" key. If the cause of the error was a user input, the computer will display:? The user should respond by reentering the last response (this time correctly). ERROR # xxxx at LINE yyyy PROGRAM HALTED This is an internal DARP error. Find someone who knows how to fix the program. Do not erase the screen. Do not press any buttons, do not turn off the computer. FILE NAME NOT FOUND See HD6 or HD1O ERROR IN INPUT The entry just made is invalid, check description of the prompt preceding your response, and reenter your response. FILE NOT FOUND See HD5 MODIFICATION HAS BEEN STORED See HD1O NOTE -- THIS PROCESS WILL ERASE EVERYTHING WHICH IS ON THIS TAPE HIT DELETE TO CONTINUE HIT ABORT TO RETURN TO PROGRAM See HD4 PROBLEM WITH TAPE You are attempting a tape operation and there is something wrong with either the tape or the tape drive.

-47 - PROBLEM WITH VOLTMETER The computer is unsuccessfully trying to communicate with the voltmeter. There is something wrong with either the voltmeter or the HP-IB. Make sure the voltmeter is on and the HP-IB is connected. TAPE DRIVE IS EMPTY You are attempting a tape operation without a tape in the tape drive. TAPE IS FULL STORE HAS BEEN ABORTED You have attempted to store a data file on a tape that does not have any empty files. Try another tape or delete a file from the tape to make more space. TAPE IS WRITE PROTECTED You are attempting to either store data on a tape or erase a tape which is write protected. If the write protection is unintentional. remove the tape and slide the "record" tab all the way to the right. Then reinsert the tape and try the tape operation again. THIS TAPE HAS NOT BEEN PREVIOUSLY USED TO STORE DARP DATA FILES -- OK TO CONDITION AND ERASE TAPE You are attempting a tape operation on a non-DARP data tape. The computer's response to such attempts is to erase the tape and create a DARP data tape. If you do not wish to erase the tape, press ABORT. See HD4.

-48 -THIS WILL TAKE ABOUT 7 MIN. Your tape is now being initialized, a process which takes about 7 minutes. WARNING ** WARNING DATA HAS BEEN LOST This is a warning that data has been lost during data acquisition. You may wish to press RETRY to take a fresh set of data. See HD2 and comments on DataAC.

CHAPTER 4. AN EXAMPLE The following is an example of using DARP to measure an antenna pattern; store the pattern on tape; and produce a copy of the standard output. If you find any part of this example confusing, or if you just want more information, you should check the guide to error messages and prompts or the help documents. Step 1 Take tape marked "PROGRAM" and place in tape drive. STEP 2 Turn on HP-85 (switch is in rear), HP3437A, and any other needed equipment. Connect any needed cables. Step 3 Wait unitl computer prompts with: P: ENTER DATA MM/DD/YY: then type in the date, using the in a valid response might be: R: 7/23/81 The computer will then prompt with: P: ENTER TIME HH:MM [AM or PM] You should now enter the time. For R: 9:34 AM dicated format. For example, example: -49 -

-50 - Step 4 After about 40 seconds, the computer will display: REMOVE PROGRAM TAPE NOW You should now remove the tape marked "PROGRAM" and insert either a blank tape or a tape that has already been used to store DARP data files and is not yet full. Step 5 The computer will prompt with: P: ENTER MEASUREMENT DESIRED For this example, press ANTENA (key kl, located directly underneath the CRT. Step 6 The computer will prompt with: P: ENTER VOLTAGE FOR 0 dBm? At this point you should rotate the antenna so that you are recording the peak value. Adjust the spectrum analyzer display to the 0 dBm line (or whatever detector you are using). Note the voltage on the 3437A. If the value is under +2 volts, enter the number into the computer. If it is not under +2 volts, adjust the spectrum analyzer until the voltage is under 2 volts. For example, on one of the spectrum analyzers, this might be 0.8 volts: R: 0.8 The computer will now prompt with: P: ENTER MIN, dBm AND CORRESPONDING VOLTAGE?

-51 - You should now either proceed to measure this minimum value or calculate it. In this case we know that a 0.1 voltage drop corresponds to a 10 dB drop. Therefore, you might enter: R: -60, 0.2 Step 7 The computer will now present you with a choice of commands. Press DataAC (kl). Step 8 The computer will now present you with a series of prompts. The following set of responses is simply for example, and you will probably want to enter more meaningful and appropriate responses. P: ENTER CENTER FREQUENCY? R: 30 GHz P: ENTER ANTENNA TYPE? R: YAGI P: ENTER POLARIZATION [E,H or X]? R: X P: ENTER REFERENCE LEVEL? Note that this response will be used in calibration, therefore an appropriate action might be to locate a reference point, such as the peak of the main lobe, and enter the externally measured value, for example: R: 5 Watts P: ENTER TRANSMITTER POWER?

- 52 - R: 30 Watts P: ENTER TRANSMITTING ANTENNA? R: HORN P: ENTER RANGE? R: 5.3 METERS P: ENTER PROJECT #? R: 772340A P: ENTER COMMENTS? R: UP TO 26 CHARACTERS Step 9 After the last response, the computer will generate the graph labels and axis. The computer will then display a set of commands. When you are ready (the antenna should be turning) press START (kl). Hopefully, your data will look better than the data should in Fig. 5. Step 10 After the computer has finished recording the data, the computer will display a new set of commands. We now wish to store the data on tape, so press STORE (k2). If you are using a tape that has not been previously used to store DARP data files, the computer will want to erase and initialize the tape. If this is OK with you, (see help document #4) press DELETE (kl). After the tape initialization process completes, press STORE again.

-53 - Step 11 The computer will now prompt with: P: ENTER FILE NAME You should now enter an appropriate file name: R: Yagi-l The computer will now attempt to store the data on tape. If it does this successfully, the computer will come back with the message: DATA HAS BEEN- STORED and display a set of commands. Step 12 We have now measured a pattern and stored the pattern on tape. All that remains to produce a copy of our results. Press GRAPH (k2). Step 13 Now press hdCopy (k3) so that we can get a copy of the output. (It should look something like Fig. 5). Step 14 Now press OUTPUT (k4) and sit back and watch. Step 15 When the computer finishes, press PapAdv (k7) several times as needed, and tear off paper. Step 16 We are now finished, so press ABORT (k8).

- 54 -Step 1 7 If you want to try the whole thing over again, press DataAC (kl), and you will be able to take a new pattern. If you would like to readjust the dBm-voltage calibration or perhaps try a different type of measurements, press REINIT (k3). If you have had your fill of this stuff, press END (k7).

CHAPTER 5. INFORMATION FOR PROGRAMMERS 5.1 Scalar Variable Definitions A7, A8, and A9 are all used in the FNA1 routine for decoding data. A9 is also used as a flag in the point routine to determine whether or not the graph should be redrawn. C9 is a temporary variable used in the FNC3 routine. D1 contains the data in memory that was recorded. D3 is the same as D1, but is used as a temporary variable in examining tape files. F1 is a flag which is used primarily in the RETRY and ABORT routines. H3 is the variable which contains the help document number. I is used as an index in for loops throughout the program. 12 is also used as an index, primarily when I is already in use. N1 is used as an index to the files. S7, S8 and S9 are used to contain status information on IO$ and on Interface 7. T1 and T3 contain the time at which the data was recorded. T3 is used with tape files. T6,T7,T8 and T9 are all used as temporary storage variables. T9 is used almost everywhere for this purpose. T8 is also used as an index in the DataAC prompt sequence. Z9 is another temporary variable. -55 -

-56 - 5.2 Scalar Variable Cross Reference Variable Definition F A7 A8 A9 C9 D1 D3 F1 H3 I N1 S7 S8 Referenced 8915,8918 8915,8918 3663,8655,8906,8909,8910,8912,8918,8924 8043,8046 2406,2860,4645,4650,4710,5725 2860,2952,4228,4320,4640,4645 2390,2395,2407,2436,3816 408,1025,1325,2057,2344,2704 3656,4015,5030,8541,8581,481,2730 403,411,412,413,2000,2023,2024,2410, 2430,2431,2435,2437,2472,2474,2476,2850, 2855,3850,3855,4125,4130,4135,4150,4312, 4316,4320,4328,4734,4736,4737,5105,5110, 5115,5729,5730,5732,8150,8155,8160,8174, 8190,8194,8370,8373,8375,8376,8378,8379, 8384,8388,8389,8836,8838,8839,8844,8846, 8848,8854,8856,8878,8880,8881,9104,9105, 9110,3863,3866 3847,4311,8120,8128,8129,8131,8135,8140, 8150,8174,3863,3864,3865 4635,4640,4650,4700,4710,4715,4731,5720, 5735,5726 9002,2408 2449,9000,9001,9007

-57 - Variable S9 T1 T3 T6 Definition T7 T8 T9 Referenced 9000,9002,9003,9004 2406,2860,4645,4650,4710,5725 2860,2952,4228,4320,4640,4645 2409,2431,8155,8178,8182,8186,8188,8190, 8878,8880,8881 2415,2420,8255,8256,8264,8662,8675, 3850,3863,3866 2029,2031,2033,2039,2040,2044,2046,2048, 2050,2054,2063,2065,2075,2415,2420,3606,3607, 3610,3618,8170,8186,8188,8240,8241,8245 8264,8265,8266,8268,8270,8350,8356,8359, 8362,8365,8372,8373,8381,8606,8615,8618, 8624,8668,8675,3825,3827,3830,3863 415,2035,415,416,417,418,2036,2059,2060, 2061,2090,2330,2332,2405,2408,2415,2420, 2447,2465,2710,2791,2974,2976,3560,3606, 3624,3625,3629,3630,3664,3666,3673,3690, 3692,3705,3720,3725,391 0,411 5,4135,4140, 4145,4155,4160,4165,4170,4220,4224,4228, 4715,4720,5225,5230,5235,5435,5440,5445, 5775,8005,8090,8125,8128,8129,8131,8134, 8135,8140,8254,8255,8256,8261,8262,8264,., 8265,8266,8370,8373,8507,8510,8515,8520 8525,8530,8531,8550,8555,8560,8565,8570, 8575,8580,8603,8606,8609,8615,8618,8630, 8632,8633,8636,8656,8666,8675,8840,8841, 8843,8846

-58 - Variable Z9 Definition Referenced 2430,2431,2435,3618,3624,3625,3629,3630, 3650,3664,3666,3690,3692,3700,3825,3830, 3845,3900,8373,8375,8376,3862

-59 - 5.3 String Variable Definitions B1$ Contains blanks and is initialized in Autost. C1$ Contains the various user responses obtained during the DataAC prompt sequence. C3$ is the same as C1$ but is used as a temporary variable in examining tape files. 0O$ is the iobuffer used to contain the readings for all 4000 data points. When data is in "MEMORY" IO$ is where is resides. 13$ is used to contain the contents of a tape catalog. M$ contains the names of the four measurement types. M$ is initialized in Autost. N1$ contains the file names where the data current i.n memory is stored (if it is stored). N2$ contains the tape name where the data is stored. N3$ and N4$ perform the same functions as N1$ and N2$ respectively, but are used as temporary variables in examining tape files. T1$ and T3$ hold the title for the graph. T3$ is a temporary variable. T6$ is used in conjunction with FNQ to display commands. T9$ is used as a temporary string variable.

-60 - 5.4 String Variable Cross Reference Variable Definition B1$ 10 C1$ 15 C3$ IO$ 17 10 I3$ 10 References 2080,4120,4145,8007,8430,8612,8621 2041,2045,2047,2049,2051,2076,2860, 4650,4710,5725 2860,2926,2936,2940,2944,2970,2980, 4228,4320,4640 2280,2404,2408,2415,2474,4730,4733,4736, 4739,5724,5727,5730,5733,8912,8915,9000, 9100 4105,4110,4130,4135,4208,4220,4229,4308, 4309,4316,4615,4630,4635,4652,4700,4720, 4725,4762,5205,5210,5225,5235,5240, 5331,5332,5355,5360,5405,5410,5435,5445, 5480,5710,5715,5720,5741,9260,9265,9270, 9283,9286 2976 2860,4652,4762,5610,5715,5720,5725,5727 2860,4652,4762,5741 2860,2962,4216,4220,4228,4320,4625,4630, 4635,4640,4650,4652,4710,4720,4733,4762, 5220,5225,5247,5425,5430,5435,5440 2860,2962,4229,4309,5332,5355,5370 2080,2100,2860,4650,4710,5725,8215,8334, 8852,2030,2032,2078 2860,2906,4228,4320,4640 M$ N1$ N2$ N3$ 35 15 15 17 N4$ T $ 17 15 T3$ 17

-61 - Variable T6$ Definition 20 1 0 T9$ References 407,1 020,1320,2056,2310, 2311,23125,2314, 2315,2478,27015,27025270353505,365454000, 4001,5025,850758510,85155852058525585305 8531,853258538 2030,2034,2035,2036,20415,2045,2047,20495 2051,2078,2090,2100,2401,2402,2908,2910, 2914,2920,3604,3650,36525,3672,38425,41 20, 4135,4145,4155,5121,56540,6560,8007,8010, 8015,8016,8090,8221,8222,8223,8224,8226, 8282,83715,8390,8391,8405,8410,8415,84205 8430,.861 2,861 5,8618,98621 58624,38630,s8636,5 8639,8640,8650,8675,8678,8782,8784,8786, 878858792,8852,8853,8854,8862,8884,8888, 92205922599330592559,9260

-62 - 5.5 Array Variable Definitions There are two arrays, G1 and G3. Both hold data parameters and are used identically. G3 is used in examining tape files as a temporary variable. Since G3 is a temporary variable, it is also used in non-tape related parts of the program for other temporary uses. The following usage table also applies to G3. G1(.1) is a flag =0, no data in memory =1, data in memory =-1, stored data in memory =2, data in memory, currently respecifying data parameters =-2, stored data in memory, currently respecifying data parameters G1(2) contains the position of the zero point of the graph when the center option is in effect. Gl(3) contains the switch point of the graph when the center option is in effect. (Designating which 40 degrees to lop off.) contains the total time duration of measurement when the frequency scan or time scan modes are being used. Gl(4) and G1(5) contain the current specified range. G1(4) is the minimum, Gl(5) is the maximum. G1(6) and G1(7) contain the original (total) specified range. Gl(6) is the minimum. Gl(7) is the maximum.

-63 - Gl(8) contains the location of the reference point. Gl(9) contains the voltage corresponding to the minimum dBm. Gl(.10) contains flags. The usage of the bits is as follows: bit 0 =0, no hard copy =1, hard copy bit 1 =0, linear display =1, polar display bits (3,2) =(0,1), electric polarization =(1,0), magnetic polarization =(1,1), variable polarization bits (4,5) =(0,0), antenna pattern =(0,1), backscatter =(1,0), frequency scan =(1,1), time scan bit 6 =0, standard data =1, short data bit 7 =0, graphics screen does not contain correct copy of currently specified graph =1, graphic screen does contain correct copy of currently specified graph bit 8 =0, use interrupt transfer =1, use fast handshake bit 9 =0, center option not active =1, center option active bits(10,11)=(0,0), use Khz (.for frequency scan) =(0,1), use Mhz (for frequency scan) =(1,0), use Ghz (for frequency scan)

-64 - bits(10,11)=(0,0), use.1 degree increment =(0,1), use.2 degree increment =( 1,0), use.4 degree increment bits(12,13)=(0,0), use Khz (for frequency s =(0,1), use Mhz (for frequency. =(1,0), use Ghz (for frequency s (11) contains voltage corresponding to ( (12) contains the minimum dBm. per data point per data point per data point;can);can);can) ) dBm G1 G1

-65 - 5.6 Array Variable Cross Reference Variable Definition I G1 15 Gl (.1 ) 15; G1(2) 15; G1(3) 15 d G1 (4) G1(5) G1 (6) G1 (7) G1 (8) G1(9) GI (10) Gl (11) 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Referenced 412,2024,2855,4650,4710,5110,5725,4750 2447,5510,5600,8533,8534,8539,403,410, 465,2105,2956,3950 2431,2438,3666,3692,3720,3730,3745,8043, 8046 2063,2064,2068,3730,3735,3740,3745, 3750,81 70,81 74,8378,8379 42,2052,2070,2404,2462,2463,2477,3550, 3604,3625,3626,3630,3660,3752,8043,8182, 8226,8240,8254,8260,8264,8266,8655,2109,3631 43,2052,2070,2462,2463,2477,3550,3604,3624, 3626,3629,3660,3752,8182,8230,8235,8240,8254, 8260,8264,8265,8655,2109,3631 42,43,44,46,2052,2055,2056,2068,2070,2477, 3550,3607,3626,3660,8655,8903,2109,3631, 3673,3827 42,43,44,46,2052,2055,2056,2066,2067, 2068,2070,2477,3550,3607,3626,3660,8655, 2109,3631,3673,3827 2438,2922,2924,3666,3692,3735,3740,3910 45,450,455,8918,8924 40,8691,8695 45,430,435,8924

-66 - Variable G (12) G3( ) Definition 15 17 Referenced 45,450,455,8270,8812,881 4,8840 41,2401,2855,4228,4320,4640,2857,2921, 2956,3845,3855,3862,3864,3866

-67 - 5.7 Gl(10) and G3(10) Bit Reference Listing Bit No. Definition Referenced Flag 0 15 2026,2702,2706,2792,2796,2998,4001, 4007, 4070,4075,5116 Flag 1 15 2026,2037,2311,2320,2435,2703,2705,5116, 81 55,81 90,8200,8321,8332,8383 Flag 2 15 2035,2037,2910 Flag 3 15 2026,2908,2910,5116 Flag 4 15 42,43,44,415,416,417,418,2052,2401,2402, 2407,2974,8221,3607,3673 Flag 5 15 415,416,417,418,2053,2402,2407,2974,8222 Flag 6 15 2026,2404,2465,511'6,8903 Flag 7 15 2026,2447,2710,2791,3560,3606,5116,5775, 8655,8656,2705 Flag 8 15 2026,2312,2319,2408,5116,9001,9002 Flag 9 15 2026,2922,3560,3610,3623,3660,3664, 3705,3725,511 6,8145,8373,8374,8384,3631 Flag 10 15 2026,2315,2330,2332,2405,2410,3847,5116, 8126,8127,8903,8910 Flag 11 15 2026,2314,2332,2405,5116,8126,8903,8909, 3847 Flag 12 15 2026,2059,2060,2061.,5116,8223,8252,8253 Flag 13 15 2026,2059,2060,2061,5116,8224

-68 - 5.8 Function Definitions FNA1 returns the voltage level for a given data point FNC$ takes the argument string, centers it, and displays the result. FNC3 is used with the centering option to shift points around "zero" point. FND1$ operates on either D1 or D3 to generate a character string containing the date. FNG1 uses the argument to refer to a bit in G1(1) and returns a 1 if the bit is on, a 0 if the bit is off. FNG3 is the same as FNG1, but works on G3(10). FNG4 converts G1(4) from the range G1(6) to G1(7) to the range 0 to 400, and returns the answer. FNG5 does the same as FNG4, but works on GC(5). FNE4 converts a number from the range 0 to 400 to the range G1(6) to Gl(7). FNL5 Takes a voltage level and converts it to dBm. FN01 uses the argument to reference a bit in Gl(10) and sets the bit to one. FNQ uses T6$ to display commands. Returns a number indicating which command was pressed. FNT$ is used to prompt for a valid tape and file names. FNT1$ operates on T1 and T3 and returns a character string containing the time. FNZ1 is the sister function of FNO1. It sets a given bit to zero.

-69 - 5.9 Function Function FNA1 FNC$ FNC3 FND1 $ FNG1 - Cross Reference Definition 8900,8924 8000,8020 8040,8046 8660,8678 40 Referenced 45,2430,81 55,81 90,8384,8878,8881 5121,6540,6560,8792 8170,8178,8373,8384,8880,2922 2952,8792 2052,42,43,2053,2311,2312,2314,2315,2330 2332,2401,2402,2404,2405,2407,2408,2410 2435,2702,2703,2710,2791,2792,2796,2998, 3610,3623,3660,3664,3847,4001,4007,4075, 8126,8127,8145,8155,8190,8200,8221,8222, 8223,8224,8325,8332,8373,8374,8383,8384, 8655,8903,8909,8910,9001,9002,2109,3607, 3631,3673 2908,291 0,2922,2974 2405,2410,3690,8125,8150,8267,8268,8337, 8375,8376,3850,3863 2405,2410,3690,8125,8150,8267,8268,8337, 8375,8376,3850,3863 2922,3629,3630,3866 2924,3855,3864 416,417,418,2035,2060,2061,2332,2447,2465, 2710,3725 414,1030,1 330,2058,2345,2704,3545,3658, 4015,5030,5320 4216,4625,5220,5425,5610,8400,9283 FNG3 FNG4 41 42 FNG5 43 FNE4 FNL5 FNO1 44 45 8690,8692 FNQ 8500,8590 FNT$ 8400,8435

-70 - Function FNT1$ Definition 8600,8650 Referenced 2952,8792 415,41 6,417,2059,2060,2061,2330,2332, 2791,3560,3606,3705,5775,8656,2705 FNZ1 8694,8696

-71 - 5.10 1800 2390 2395 2850 2904 3650 7500 7501 7700 Subroutine Definitions turns off all special function keys. sets Fl=2. Used as a flag routine for DataAC and LstMax. 8090 8110 8200 8221 8300 8350 8354 8356 8359 8362 8365 8655 sets F1=3. Used as a flag routine for DataAC. This is the graph summary printing routine. This is the same routine as 2850, but is the entrance used by LFILE and LFILES. This is the Data Point selection routine. It is used by REF, RANGE, and CENTER. This is the warning routine. It is used when a tape is about to be erased. same as 7500, but does not clear screen. is a utility routine used to generate an empty catalog when initializing a tape. This is the input routine used in the DataAC prompts. Generates a graph and plots data. Generates a graph without plotting data. returns either sec, deg, Khz, Mhz, or Ghz depending on the graph specifications. This is the data point entry pointing routine. This is the entry routine for 8300. Stop arrow. Move left or ccw. Move right or cw. Move left or ccw continuously. Move right of cw continuously. Flag routine used with the point routine. Indicate whether or not graph should be redrawn.

-72 - 8780 Displays the time and date. 8800 Generates a polar graph. 8850 Displays Graph title or polar graph. 8870 Display instructions on polar graph when using point routine. 8878 Plots a point on a polar graph. 9000 This is the status routine. It is activated by timer once every second to check if data acquisition is completed or if data has been lost.

-73 - 5.11 Subroutine Reference Listing Subroutine Definition 1800 2390 2395 2850 2904 3650 7500 7501 7700 8090 8110 8200 8221 8300 8350 8354 8356 8359 8362 8365 8655 8780 8800 8850 8870 Referenced 2510,8281,8306,8505,8585 2400,3816 2400 2793 4229,4323 3622,3715,3905 5300 9210 5335,9255 2030,2032,2041,2045,2047,2049,2051 2710,2791,3662 2110,2320,2479,8110 2919,3604,8220 3668 8315 8316 8318,8325 8324,8325 8327 8330 3603,3710,3901 5120,6500 8200 8832,8849 8832

-74 - Subroutine 8878 9000 Definition References 8155,8190 2407,9008

-75 - 5.12 Section Definitions 400 Determine if autost schould be invoked. 409 Mask out keyboard. 1000 PCMDC. 1300 PCMTC 2000 DataAC routine 2500 GRAPH subcommand mode. 3500 DataPa subcommand mode. 4000 LCAT subcommand mode. 4500 Store command 5000 DELETE subcommand mode 5500 FETCH command 6500 END command 9100 DARP error trap.

-76 - 5.13 Statement Number Cross Referer Statement 400 401 402 405 415 416 417 418 420 425 445 1000 ice Referenced 1030 402,404 400 414,3951 414 414 414 414 415,416,417 420,435 440,455 476,1330,2380,2704,2796,3545,4765, 5125,2105 1030,2449,2450,4030,4645,4675,5030,5230, 5250,5320,5370,5387,5490,5515,5715,5785, 9110,9125,91 55,9225,9292 1030 2039 2039 2037,2039 2027,2056,2064,2067 2037,2039 2039 2039 2039 1300 2000 2029 2031 2033 2038 2040 2044 2046 2048

-77 - Statement 2050 2054 2059 2060 2061 2062 2065 2070 2075 2109 2310 2319 2320 2330 2344 2345 2346 2350 2400 2415 2437 2460 2461 2500 2701 2705 Referenced 2039 2039 2058 2058 2058 2039,2059,2060 2039,2053 2064 2037,2052 2348,5030 231 9,2320,2334 2345 2345 2345 2316 2480 2345,2436 2345,2436 2345 2420 2436 2345 2460,2463 1030,2711,2720,2730 2705,2701 2704

-78 - Statement 2706 2710 2720 2730 2791 2925 2970 3500 3550 3600 3604 3629 3660 3667 3668 3690 3700 3800 3810 3816 3820 3863 3868 3870 3875 Re ferenced 2704 2704 2704 4015 2704 2921 2956 1030,3570,3626,3631,3755,3880,3915 3545 3545,361 0,3626,3631 3602 3623 3658 3658 3664 3658 3545,3720 3545 3800 3805 3830 3862 3862,3864 3868 3868

-79 - Statement 3900 4000 4015 4030 4070 4100 4150 4200 4300 4328 4500 4700 5000 5100 5200 5300 5330 5350 5400 5420 5480 5500 5600 6500 8131 Referenced 3545,3910 1330,2730 4080,4175,4224,4236,4332 401 5 4015 4015 4130 4015 4015 4316 1330 4630 1330 5030 5030 5030 5320 5030 5030 5440,5450 5430 1330 5510,5515 1030,1330 8127

-80 - Statement 8134 8145 8170 8194 8226 8264 8228 8289 8370 8373 8378 8381 8405 8430 8450 8470 8538 8540 8547 8550 8555 8560 8565 8570 8575 8580 Referenced 8126 8130,81 32,81 34,81 35 8145 8182 8220 8261 8283 8282 8332,8339 8399,8889 8374 8377 8460 8410 8415,8420 8440 8532 8538 8547,8581 8510 8515 8520 8525 8530 8531 8540

-81 - Statement 8581 8585 8650 8880 8853 8912 9007 9100 9120 9130 9200 9215 9232 9295 Referenced 8541 8550,8555,8560,8565,8570.8575,8580 8621 8383 8853 9100 9001 460,2077,2464,3614 9110 9110 9110 9230 5387 9105,9110

-82 - 5.14 Interface 7 Reference Listing Interface 7 Commands 421,422,424,426,480,2025,2010,2260, 2270,2290,2347,2355,2402,2407,2408, 2442,6510,6520

-83 -Autost 'r I 77 flI' - i-:i 4 ~'i i 7.:4. r f; r I L.F1NL- -4 4P 1; T 4AT LiJ Ct I~'4~r T2;

-84 -Autost (cont.) -4.r -J. 4' J.. i * "4. *i- '* ~ V I T C

r'Y, i.J I I I L.I I ii14- r -........... A Ii'I + Tii.................. Ii1 rTrI 4......... j

-86 -DARP (cont.) 7" r........ T.Z r H. - h A L1-4 r T '1 -, r-.'4i - i +,2 j*'.' ii r 4 ". ' LI. 414'4 4~ '' i. —4.' ' L:~ TT T

-87 - DARP (cont.) - ri S1-t p71 T 1 LIH EI I F7 T rI- I LL J C-: p 1 i I J -44 Ib *'Ii74 L.- 7 11 Ii L- 7-lT T 1' L' T ~ E fC I LIU-H I '-4 L1A TF ~ iTF Pb -. - PI IT C Ii-' T rji i.i111 1Lj.j I4~ E1I 'r R Tti: j *'4ilY 7 TL

-88 - DARP (cont.) P IL' 1w - I AA.1 -j ' 1 ' Fi- P r- -- 3 TI T 7 J, " I -1 f -4 I j ~j 1 r I-rJ 114... L ij i1V -r~ T '4Ij F ri 4 4 7S1 OL T1 I PI fri j~4 iP- F&4 T Ii 'i T [...i ' A!-i KHt4 ~L3;E TFHT:r TO I * I riT.;:!iH

-89 -DARP (cont.) 1. - n F: F: fT T. A LLi~.I I I LI I 4~..4 H rrr H 1 -4 'IT-,1 P.. I -4 -I'~T 'H TI r C-dI 1 A r-,-il (-:'ri Ti '1 1 T4 ~~ i'LIf -4 W 4 '~HI II'..., - — I.. _.., -.- _. I T,,. -7 -, I -,: -... - I - 1._" ' I I.'. 1 I io T r L, L- Kj _. - i!7.i.-I I, i t-' U T -.__ I r M.:'-i.-.. I w! _., - I 1 I L- -'.:-..- - i7i P, —,: F — 'tI f —i P 1-74,

-90 - DARP (cont.) I I is Ci t7 -7 T T..L' *1 i I - EIEL L J-H L7 'IA II -'' I l r I J- If~ 44 4 L H i Cr H f'*R 4 H'L,4 I ~ I ' 11t J '4't 7 4 Ci-~J~ ~-~4?~

-91 - DARP (cont):'HI_! T'! -'H Z 74 2i- 11 I T'L 'L Hf J- - i i L r 1-.I 13 ' It' 1 L iJi 3 t a T i I L' 1 1 '.2'! 4 Ifo5 H C, '1 4 F- F-7 T L I k5 4= '''HFEr: '21T H-E T.3 ~ i~M I F Fi THN iI-I:iK.. - - IF 9: HN I NO ENG 'LA 'rF: _ 4: i THEN P;:4 3::'EL~

DARP (cant.) -2 L — L It. P PA -4 - L j ' i -3 j Fi F- -4 r7- I.j L.. 4 7'R'~7- -' ~ - 1.1 II- II -. U - 4... T. T' r-F * C-?4 r T - -'I J Z1 t: 55~ I i - 3 (2 T j -).; TFE;':2Ci:.; Fr]E-, --

-93 - DARP (cont.) -4 7 7j. 4r p P TTij:j: *1r1, 7 Mj: -4i7 ' p.TTT 71 l ii i JI T i LI ii 4I ~-IT A I 4] M -: etL r'- r4 Ti'' P 4 -' 4 71 4 17i g $ E F 4 TL4 -4 - * THEPITF Pi 4 71 i T L T f~ L' 4iii-lN Ft T 2 4T.11.4 '4-14I F' t44 1 O "HC:l IIA & IC~ I 4? Ir TJ-' J.t THEF T1 "FIL L.l I Ii 4'In F~r 4~ 4 4-j -4: - T

DARP (cont.) 4 T — 4 1 j.I CI i72 V ifii i i — Li TI — if 4.2 T if — 4HIE * 4 ~~' -- -.4-4 4,. T *17 L 2: T ri f- r~lj i T1- FHQT H J.L 4 I J -L I 4 ~ t~'NT4 ~~~Y:~j5. @.4::Tf -HR- T n F A 7 -

-95 - DARP (cant.) 'L.IL~f:1 ____ 'IJ, I -! 'IF cFTi =l LI s LAirjri' Ji. II - I L '-Is i'.4I- ~'F h i&-[i 7~ Jw 1;'iT~ P' nTL. IF, I '- FiS, hLTi:' kAR'T j -rU I-J. tLj~ r-T T 4~ 1 Ti I 7 _ - I F F ' 5 T P S 1TH3 I J '-2 '~ Fi1 'D T-'' [I' 4 CI+w- Ii-74irI T 4 L4 T-T ~ 4'~T~'- ~r~~ RI ~4T R EE TN P'll R'.u G E 44~l TF F'4 I TH'~ ' Lt F i F Jh 4~ k4~:i -T TIT I L C7 '.-, ':,:. CN 1

DARP (cont.) -6 C;.4. i-!- T t- I M C I THLIN l I 7 ri T Im T 4. I71 T i4 ~CEF L r'rC, -7 J- If T:.E 7 -.24 I:_, 4.. Ii irpT LI rA i-H fTIH j! I L I f.1.T R' L, Lt7 F:Fy L. I.I i t nr 4 0T F ~cI1IF NGI4) HEN1FFKE. I FF kW74 L 7K 1

-97 -DARP (cont.).1 1' 7 —1 ~L i -J 14 T. I L-4 rRF L~.4 f; 4 CI7 L7 r ~ LjTLUK — L Ll. PF7 L. ~ T H I Ic:-r * '4 7L4 i T cr J.!I -T I 25 '!-it 1 - -J j -i H_ C4: 7 C' -T~ '1.1 T 17 VH' -jhhI~' NiI I r-r4 1I I-1 1H -i 2 - ' 17'ii T F ~ F2 r, ' I ~45

DARP (cont.) -98 - If -- ' -" -- " '-L -r - - - 4 A, - L i4Li C.1 h T HE FIi 'A, I 1 I 'I Fk F~' 'IN 1 V -. -,1,j ~ C -. - Llb I iP7 d l-~T — i T PI W,~ i P) THE' LIE~ '' ' ~( 1T'4.':4.. II Tri' ~ - I ':: H 1, j1. - -.11L Fj T -I H 1 Fn T~ 'H':' - ' 4 LAiF.H ' J A '', J I

-99 - DARP (cont.) 7 r44.F T 75.I 7 *- 74 C:":~ - -*iJ L FflT~V LI ILH. rrr-' C 3 4 rr4 -T I I ~- 41 1- R.4i C4 b1 FE E N P F T.-I1 -..~ LnALA..2'ItI EiIL T R u ~ T t i7 r r7 LT4 4 I~ ~ f J-~' 1 E HI N TD I C T I- rI I - ~ -~ T I4t:. L -ll TL;iPO F I - 1 I.', - - -. I L 1

-100 - DARP (cont.) I 4 - U '1 r 4 r 41 3DTHEN -T' A r - J t~ ~ - 1 E 7 i' r r1 Th -J V T.7E 7-I E'$.:I ~i1 F " T I H:I TC' iL A-C' Tq F-' sr Io- H o TsswIf " JL T-~9 s.i~ T. - r A 55 fi r,4I 5 9!='~C E~F~ L to L I* 5... Z ~ 4, 1'iii-Z T EHj 1. * 2 i 1k I -oi C, C T.-T 74 -L 9T15 4F T9= inT:r HNT$:

I U'DARP (cont.) 14 -- 11j I.j - ~ r. Z ' -4fF I TP' T- -" i -. L j-1L4 T H '~ 5 4 h ~ - -r 14rLi1,..TT ' I7 T HJIV4:: R ' HEN Fzr E rir L.L -4~ r4 -4 - T FD ~- N: i J 'LI jL F',-J F TTVI ' ' C; 'F ~ ii~ ''4 'H ~ L t Li i-il n T 7'94 PT - - 1-i PTEP.5 'DH Ff T j1i4 TIN T) j7::H-II ~ ~CT Pi J '- T. I - 1 1i.

DARP (cont.) -102 -- - ** J I4 ~-l::IA CLI 'IIr.J. A - *c h L l1~ I F4 CJ T:4. Lii L P'4 -!7 '-4 F ' '-' 1 hi PE~1 ci.rf~ E 1h S t " i-..J'ii L.1 rr'.1 1 1 p LJ I" ( 4 " TH E ~*'~ I I 4- j 16 TT T 14~ - - - I I11.+H i- -p

DARP (cont.) 13 UL. hEA h1 L. L C.'if 11 iT 9 1 "r hI 1.''4 I:4 T i4 H C 1t1 T' C, LA LI ID rq7I 41 FLT I i. I [T'P " - ~ 'r Ir1S 1b T' —7

-104-............. I-[1 I -~ 4~~~ —~~ ~ ~~- - — ~l-~~ — ~ ~~ ~~ --- —~ ~-i~~-~ ---I~ --—. ---~i —~ — 1 --- Figure 1 I.... 'i i:,.ii ' J..l..F.1.t I' i.]... i.!.. t z|- --- i - -I- {~ -.I. — -i...(.. — e- -—. >... t. *. f........~..,....;j-.......1..: Figure 2

-105 - * S j, -; -I —.... * g. —.1 5.. -.. AsL *,.*!. '?. |. |. &......!.? i ~. '.. '. t; ~,,,-$, 1,,, i 1 - i - X '' -', *' — '-' —''-a-' -'' —'~ —' ----'-'' -— ' —t —'''' ---{-'-'''' ----'''''-' —'f''''''-' —' i 'I'' L. 3...,, ' ~. * | X... Fi gure 3.. 3 i. X. jL" so -.-i 'a' * * | *, ' s.,. - -!-., Jo, A-, F- - -- i --- - - t - -'-' --- ---- -*! * --- -! --- * -@ ---jrb-* --- —-4 --- |*S-it- * —>-i-w ---r -*t- t* — --— I * —* at — -- i- A *-w.h *!-.. i Figure 4

, a "', " 1..:;: I.......... -1..., I -,.,. i;.. i. i t. -.1.1 1. --.....:,,,!.,:.. C-.:r......, I p i, 1. I:I 11. I : i I 1";T I I i I.1 F I~z "....-....I iI-,.1 -i oC)..................................... V, i iI I Ip Fi gu re 5