035067-1 1-T HYBRID FINITE ELEMENT AND MOMENT METHOD SOFTWARE FOR THE SERAT ARRAY 7th Quarterly Report Sanders, A Lockheed Martin Co. 95 Canal Street NCA1-6268 P.O. Box 868 Nashua, NH 030601-0868 July 1998 35067-11-T = RL-2491

PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT TITLE: REPORT TITLE: U-M REPORT No.: CONTRACT START DATE: END DATE: DATE: SPONSOR: SPONSOR CONTRACT No.: U-M PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS REPORT: Hybrid Finite Element Design Codes for the SERAT Array 7th Quarterly Report 035067-10-T October 1996 September 1998 July 10, 1998 (7th Quarterly Report) Roland Gilbert SANDERS, INC, A Lockheed Martin Co. MER 24-1583 PO Box 868 Nashua, NH 030601-0868 Phone: (603) 885-5861 Email: RGILBERT@mailgw. sanders. lockheed. com P.O. QP2047 John L. Volakis EECS Dept. University of Michigan 1301 Beal Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 Phone: (313) 764-0500 FAX: (313) 747-2106 volakis@umich.edu http://www-personal. engin.umich. edu/~volakis/ T. Eibert(UM), Y. Erdemli (UM), D. Giszczak(UM), K. Sertel(UM),, D. Jackson(UH), J. Volakis(UM) and D. Wilton(UH) 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................3........ 3 CHRONOLOGY of Events (Updated Every Quarter)........................................................................4 M E E TIN G S.........................................................................................................................................6............................................................. UPDATED MILESTONE CHART (page 7)...................................................7..................... 7 Executive Sum m ary and Project Status...............................................................................................8 Summary of Code M odules and Capabilities...................................................................................9 Update on FSS-EIGER............................................................................................................... 16 Update on FSS-PRISM........................................................................................................... 1 7 Technical Support for FSSPRISM........................................................................ 17 Speed-up improvements using new fast integral implementation....................................................... 21 Electric field view er for FSS-Prism................................................................................................... 30 Magnetic current viewer for FSS-Prism........................................................................ 32 Curved Finite Array Code (FSS-CURVE) Update........................................................................ 33 APPENDICES: Conference Presentation Slides........................................................................ 40 Hybrid FE-BI Modeling of Commensurate and Non-Commensurate 3D Doubly Periodic Structures by T. F. Eibert and J.L. Volakis...................................................................... 41 Adaptive Integral Method for Hybrid FE-BI Modeling of 3D Doubly Periodic Structures by T.F. Eibert and J.L. Volakis......................................................................................................... 62 Fast Multipole Method Solutions of Finite Element-Boundary Integral Implementations for Antenna Modeling Involving Curved Geometries by K Sertel and J.L. Volakis...................................... 75 3

CHRONOLOGY of Events (Updated Every Quarter) ~ April 1996 Proposal Submission * July 1996 * August 1996 * 20 Sept. 1996 * October 1996 ~ October 1996 * 0 15 Nov. 1996 9 January 1997 * 28 February 199;7 ~ 5 April 1997 ~ 30 May 1997 * 25 June 1997 * 5 July 1997 Answers to Proposal Questions Began Contract Negotiations Kickoff meeting at Ann Arbor (attended by Sanders, UM and UH) Contract Signed between U-M and Sanders in Mid October Subcontract to the Univ of Houston (formalized in early November) SERAT Review meeting (at Nashua) Submitted First Quarterly Report Report Described Code Plan and Progress on the Moment Method FSS Code. Specifically, a new scheme was developed to accelerate the convergence of the periodic Green's function Prepared viewgraphs on the project's progress review. Showed first validation results for the moment method FSS code with the new accelerated Green's function; showed results for a new algorithm to accelerate the boundary integral truncation of the planar and curved FSS hybrid FEM code using the Adaptive Integral Method(AIM) and CVSS, the new LU solver specialized to sparse matrices Submission of Second Quarterly Report. Report included the first validation results for the stand alone small array FEM code (with dipole FSS elements and dipole antenna elements). A similar validation was done for the moment method FSS developed at Houston. The fast AIM algorithm was described for boundary truncation and the TRIANGLE surface mesher was introduced to generate the aperture mesh, subsequently grown down to the FSS. Semi-annual review at the Univ. of Michigan (attended by all parties) Review covered progress up-to-date. At this meeting, emphasis was on the validation of the three codes which took 'shape and form' between March-May 1997 in accordance with the proposed schedule. Theory, validations and comparisons among the codes were presented. SERAT review Meeting (Nashua) Submission of Third Quarterly Report The major component of this report was the description and validation of the periodic hybrid FEM code, FSS-PRISM. Comparisons among the FSS-EIGER, FSS-BRICK and FSS-PRISM were given for the first time. 4

* 6 Oct 1997 * 24 Oct. 1997 * Dec 1997 * April 1998 * July 1998 Also, the geometry drivers for the FSS-BRICK and FSS-EIGER were given. Submission of Fourth Quarterly Report Delivered FSS-EIGER and FSS-BRICK, both with manuals and preprocessors. Primitives are used to specify antenna and FSS elements in each code. Report gives example calculations for non-commensurate FSS panels for the first time using the scaling approach implemented in FSS-PRISM. Another first is the hybridization of the fast multipole method with the finite element code PRISM as a step toward the curved FSS modeling. Review at the Univ. of Michigan Attended by U-M and Houston project people, Gibert, Pirrung and Asvestas. Presented status of FSS-BRICK, FSS-EIGER, FSS-PRISM and FSS-CURVE. Delivered manuals for FSS-EIGER and FSS-BRICK (and codes); Successes for non-commensurate array modeling were presented (5 layer example); Update on FSSEIGER for non-commensurate was given; Initial implementation of finite curved array code was presented with the fast multipole method for mesh truncation. 5th Quarterly Report The major highlights of this progress report are * Implementation of the fast integral method into FSS-PRISM, making prism a practical analysis code, even when the sampling requirements are very high * Completion of FSS/Antenna geometry Driver for FSS-PRISM * First implementation of curved arrays with the FMM for mesh truncation. * Additional validations for non-commensurate FSS 6th Quarterly Report The major highlights of this progress report are * Delivered FSS-PRISM for modeling SERAT antennas and FSS * Delivered Users Manual for FSS-PRISM. Manual included several test cases (input files and examples) * Delivered FSSBUILD, the preprocessor to FSSEIGER, the SERAT moment method code developed at the Univ. of Houston. * FSSEIGER * Curved SERAT code (FSS-CURVE) can now handle transmission and reflection coefficient computations. It has also been upgraded to include lumped loads 7th Quarterly Report The major highlights of this progress report are * Extensive validation of FSS-CURVE for finite curved arrays 5

* Developed I/O interface and capabilities ofFSS-CURVE to conform to those ofFSS-PRISM * Delivery of FSS-CURVE will be in July 1998 * Developed Windows tools to display fields and grids of the FSSPRISM input and outputs at each layer, including possible animation as the field propagates through the FSS or antenna element. * Improved FSS-PRISM manual and included description of the Windows/PC display tools * Developed and tested a new fast method for mesh truncation which demonstrates a 100 fold speed-up even for small systems. This should remove the drawback of FE-BI systems for small and simple geometries. MEETINGS * Presentation of this work were given at an ONR/DARPA meeting in June 1998 * Three presentation/papers related to this work were given at the 1998 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium held end of June in Atlanta, GA (these presentations are attached) 6


Executive Summary and Project Status We continue to be on schedule with all activities and code development tasks (refer to page 7). Last quarter we delivered all code modules for FSS-PRISM and FSS-EIGER one quarter ahead of schedule. The only remaining code that must be delivered is the finite curved array simulator FSS-CURVE. The development of FSS-CURVE was recognized to have the highest risk among all other modules. Nevertheless, its development was carried out as expected and with no loss of generality. Last quarter, FSS-CURVE was extensively validated for single and multi-element array structures as illustrated in Figure to F1 toigure 3. Also, the I/O of FSS-CURVE was configured to be compatible with FSSPRISM. Its delivery will take place during July 1998, and will be the last module to be delivered except for upgrades. During the last quarter we also developed a Windows/PC viewer of the FSS-PRISM geometry and the field distributions across each layer along the depth of the FSS or substrate. The viewer reads the geometry and output files of FSS-PRISM and displays these at any desired orientation which can be changed using the usual mouse buttons (see Figure 4). Various options of grid/color/polarization displays are alos available. This viewer is provided on the enclosed diskette and more detailed description of its capabilities is given later. During the past three months we also worked with Sanders in support of porting and validating FSSPRISM at Sanders's facilities. Several clarifications to the manual were done as a result of our interactions with Sanders. A more detailed account of the changes/recommendations to the manual are given later. A second technical report and paper was written during the past 3 months on the fast integral method implementation incorporated within FSS-PRISM. This is technical report 035067-11-T to be submitted in July. This report demonstrates the CPU requirements of FSS-PRISM and the speed-up afforded by AIM, the employed fast integral method. Perhaps the most important development during the past quarter was the introduction of a new fast integral method which led to the lower, O(N), CPU and memory requirements. The speed-up was 2 orders of magnitude even for very small systems and this is in contrast to all other fast methods which provide speed-ups only for large systems (see Figure 5). The technique, referred to as FSDA, is discussed at a later section and was validated during the past month for various geometries. We have no plans to fully incorporate FSDA in a deliverable module by the end of this contract. However, the demonstrated speed-up makes it very attractive and essential for future design applications. We may actually state that FSDA removes the usual advantage of moment method codes for a class of simplistic FSS and array geometries. 8

Summary of Code Modules and Capabilities CODE FSS-BRICK FSS-EIGER DESCRIPTION AND STATUS Small (finite) Array Code * Finite element-Boundary Integral (FEBI) code using brick elements * Completed and Validated * Geometry Driver described in Report 035067-5-T Moment Method code * Uses multilayered Green's function and triangular boundary elements (RaoWilton-Glisson formulation) * Uses Ewald acceleration for periodic Green's function * Validated (slot and dipole elements) and delivered for commensurate FSS * Geometry Driver Manual delivered in October 1997 * Geometry Driver Manual Updated April 1998 and Delivered * FSSBUILD (FSS-EIGER geometry Driver) delivered April 1998. * FSS-EIGER to be delivered through ONR by Univ of Houston * FSS-EIGER is capable of Noncommensurate FSS modeling * FSSBUILD is being upgraded for entering geometries of noncommensurate FSS/arrays Finite Element-Boundary Integral Code * Combines flexibility of finite elements for volume and boundary element for robust mesh truncation * Uses Ewald acceleration for periodic free space Green's function * Incorporates Adaptive Integral Method for fast Boundary element evaluation * Uses layer de-coupling to handle noncommensurate FSS. * Validated for commensurate and noncommensurate FSS and slot and printed antenna elements * Geometry Driver and code were delivered April 1998 on 2 disks (one FSS-PRISM 9

FSS-CURVE for commensurate and another for noncommensurate) * Manual with test case report were delivered April 1998 (see UM Radiation Lab Report 035067-7-T) * Theory and many test cases are described in UM Radiation Lab Report 035067-9-T Curved SERAT array code * Based on the non-periodic version of PRISM * Incorporates the fast multipole method (FMM) for fast non-planar boundary integral evaluation * Tested for planar and cylindrical array simulations * Transmission and Reflection coeff. can be extracted. * Incorporates lumped loads (horizontal and vertical) * FSS Geometry driver is in progress * Resistive card models are not yet validated. 10

.^ n. 1 U 30 'A II co 2 Er - Curved, 10cm. - Flat, [Kempel] ---------- Curved, [Kempell....... —...........-...... —... — -----------------—........ - -i - - --- -. --- —I 40 60 I I I 3.5 4 Frequ ency (G H7 ) Figure 1. Validation of FSS-CURVE for a patch on a 10cm radius cylinder. The patch is 2cmx3cm and is situated in a cavity 5cmx6cm in aperture and 0.078cm deep, filled with a dielectric having Cr=2.17. 20D0 I i - I 2 -I 1 200 - -- R,Flat 0..............................-.. - R,20cm. a ~50~ --- —------- ------- /: Z. ~ \ -- X, 20cm -,,.............. 0.......... 5 K. lIat: I R lmat...; -... —, rcat '......: * 10:-m * — - - - -, -- - i ---.43 C~ ~ji~ a N n [L u 1S 2 3: I I 5 E o - _ I 2 4 2.45 2 5 2 SS 2 6 F requ e -V (tO H Z ) smaller period, illustrating destructive coupling. I 0 0 / I. 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2 6 i 05 2.7 F r * qu an cy CO H z ) Figure 2. Input impedance of a 5-element patch array (real and reactive) on a 20cm radius cylinder as illustrated. The array patches were 3.5cm. by 2.625cm and the period was 6.125cm. The overall aperture on the cylinder was 33.25cm x 6.125cm resulting in 3300 unknowns of which 2200 were associated with the boundary integral (moment method portion) on the boundary. Note that a smaller period results in substantially coupling which causes major changes to the input impedance of the no. 2 antenna element (as shown). 11

- 10 rc a - 0 c: r - 30 - 40 E - 50 -80 - 60 -40 - 20 0 20 40 60 80 (D egrees) Figure 3. Comparison of radiation patterns of the 5-element array when situated on a flat and curved platform. As expected with the expect the pattern broadening for the curved case. --- —11 --- —--— 1 --- —--— I --- —- ---I ---— 1- 1 ---1 ---1 --- —-— 1 ---___________________ Figure 4. Fields in the FSS layers as displayed by the FSS-PRISM viewer 12

104 1 0 3............................................................................................................................................................. mQ) i ^i, - I" " I'-.:::::::::::::::::::::::::........................................................ A IM.......... r...........'.......:....................:......:........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... >.......................................................... i i.............................i..........................- —......... - 102 1............. >. I. --- —-r. --- —----------------— F9 —i —L... > AIM...~......... conv. BI........*- -.........:..-...... —..... - -............................................. 103 104 Number of BI unknowns Figure 5. Speed-up curves of FSDA when compared to the traditional BI approach and AIM 13

Project Goals The goal of the SERAT project at the University of Michigan (with subcontract to Univ. of Houston) is to develop a suite of software for the analysis of strip and slot dipoles on multilayered substrates backed by a frequency selective surface. The dipoles are equipped with photonic switches permitting variable electrical dipole lengths for broadband performance and the FSS is suitably designed to simulate a variable substrate thickness for optimal operation. A general view of the geometry is given in Figure 1. The UJM/UH team proposed to construct a code which combines various computational modules interfaced with appropriate pre-processors and post-processors. The computational modules include: * Stand-alone moment method simulation of the FSS with up to 10 layers with commensurate and non-commensurate periodicities. * Simple moment method simulation of the antenna elements on the FSS panels * Hybrid FEM simulation modules for small arrays, planar periodic arrays and curved arrays on FSS panels. Various options for modeling the FSS and for mesh truncation were proposed to provide a compromise between speed and accuracy. These are outlined in the proposal and summarized in the included milestone chart (repeated from the proposal). As called for in the milestone chart, we are proceeding in accordance with the schedule in our proposal. In most cases we are ahead of schedule by one quarter or so. Our many examples and validations are testaments to the practical utility and speed of the codes. The FE-BI codes include algorithm speed-ups based on fast algorithms. These can deliver as much are 2 orders of magnitude in CPU speed-up and memory reduction. 14

/. iK 4*t.I' p.-A-o,w ts' + I Figure 1. Illustration of the SERAT panel (Planar and Curved) 1 5

Update on FSS-EIGER Current focus in the University of Houston FSS/EIGER modeling effort for SERAT is to correct errors in computing terms of the Green's dyad relating electric fields to magnetic currents. The terms, which are actually infinite series whose convergence behavior must be considered, appear only when slot and conducting elements are both present in a SERAT configuration; i.e., the terms in error do not affect problems involving apertures alone or conducting elements alone. However, because problems with coupling slots and conducting elements are of practical interest, correction of the error is receiving highest priority. It is anticipated that the error will be corrected within the next few weeks and that a corrected version of FSS/EIGER will be available immediately thereafter. FSS/EIGER's capability for handling noncommensurate periodic structures is perhaps superfluous since the same capability exists in the prism-based hybrid periodic FEM/MoM code. Nevertheless, a low level, no-cost effort is proceeding to incorporate this noncommensurate modeling capability into FSS/EIGER's preprocessor, FSS/BUILD. We are also currently looking into incorporating a full three dimensional modeling capability into FSS/EIGER. This would enable, for example, nonplanar elements or feed lines to be modeled. Any such unsupported efforts which are finished before September 1, 1998 will be included in FSS/EIGER at no cost. The University of Houston continues its commitment to the development of FSS/EIGER, and continues to support the University of Michigan in its use of the code and its validation. 16

Update on FSS-PRISM FSS-PRISM was delivered April 1998 The geometry driver (users manual) along with test cases and capabilities are described in the UM Radiation Laboratory Report 035067-7-T The theory of the FSS-PRISM code is described in the UM Radiation Laboratory Reports 035067-9-T and 035067-11-T. The first describes the general finite element formulation and the latter gives a description of the speed-ups achieved using fast integral methods. Also, the appendices of this report include copies of the slides presented in June at the 1998 IEEE Int. Antennas and Propagation Symposium. Below we provide an account of the improvements that took place over the past three months: During this quarter, F SSPRISM was tested at Sanders and The University of Michigan gave technical support in running several examples. In addition to this, The University of Michigan worked on a new boundary integral termination which can give considerable speed-up as compared to the current implementation. First results with the new boundary integral were obtained and will be presented in this progress report. Technical Support for FSS PRISM During the technical support phase with Sanders it became obvious that the appropriate selection of the array parameters within the code may cause difficulties. Therefore, in the following some explanations are included which can facilitate a proper choice for the array parameters. The need for choosing the array parameters prior to compilation of the code arises from the use of Fortran 77. Fortran 77 does not know dynamic memory allocation and therefore all arrays must be dimensioned sufficiently large before the code is compiled. The goal should be to dimension the arrays as small as possible (to save memory) and as large as necessary to run the code for the given example. For FSSPRISM all array dimensions are defined in the file fema.dml which is included in the following: C ARRAY DIMENSIONS IN THE PROGRAMM C *******************************: c number of surface nodes INTEGER NdmSNo c number of nodes in the volume INTEGER NdmVNo c max number of periodic nodes in a layer 17

INTEGER NdmPNo c number of triangles INTEGER NdmTri c number of prisms INTEGER NdmPri c number of surface edges INTEGER NdmSEd c number of nonzero surface edges (larger than number in bottom or surface) INTEGER NdmNZS c number of edges in the volume INTEGER NdmVEd c number of nonzero edges in the volume INTEGER NdmNZE c max number of periodic edges in a layer INTEGER NdmPEd c number of prism layers INTEGER NdmLay c number of resistive edges INTEGER NdmREd c number of resisitvie triangles INTEGER NdmRTri c number of z directed short circuit pins INTEGER NdmZPin c number of z directed resisitve edges INTEGER NdmZEd c number of matrix elements in the sparse matrix INTEGER NdmRow c number of matrix elements in AIPC preconditioner matrix c (must at least be larger than NNZE if GMRES is used) INTEGER NdmRowP c size of FFTPad INTEGER NdmFFTPad c number of local iterations for GMRES solver INTEGER NdmLoIt PARAMETER( &NdmSNo=4100, &NdmVNo=20420, &NdmPNo=72, &NdmTri=8000, &NdmPri=40000, &NdmSEd= 10000, &NdmNZS=9000., &NdmVEd= 100000, &NdmNZE=80000, 18

&NdmPEd=72, &NdmLay=20, &NdmREd=50, &NdmRTri=50, &NdmZPin=10, &NdmZEd= 10, &NdmRow=500(000, &NdmRowP=80000, &NdmFFTPad=800, &NdmLoIt=1) In the Driver code, which is usually used to generate the mesh for the given geometry only some of the parameters infema.dml are used. Also, the code has a relatively low memory demand. Therefore, it is recommended to set the parameter values for the compilation of the Driver code to very large values which should not be exceeded for most of the problems to be considered. For the compilation of FSS_PRISM, the necessary array dimensions should be approximately determined by some simple estimations. The required value for NdmSNo is the very first number in the file Data2. Also, the minimum value for NdmTri is given by the second number in the file Data2. The number of layers is defined in the file Data], NdmLay should be set to a value 1 larger than the actual number of layers. The necessay number of volume nodes (NdmVNo) is given by the number of layers plus one multiplied by the number of nodes in one layer. Also, the number of prisms in the volume mesh is the number of triangles in one layer times the number of layers. NdmPNo should be larger than the number of nodes along the longest side of the triangular surface mesh. NdmPEd can be set to the same value. The number of edges in the surface mesh (NdmSEd) is approximately 1.5 times the number of triangles in the surface mesh. The number of edges in the volume mesh (NdmVEd) is given by the number of surface edge multiplied by the number of layers+1 and the number of surface nodes multiplied by the number of layers. For a more efficient implementation of the code, metallic edges (zero electric field) are removed during the course of the code. Therefore, memory can be saved by setting the number of non-zero edges (NdmNZE, NdmNZS) to smaller values than the corresponding total numbers of edges (NdmVEd, NdmSEd). Of course, this makes only sense if the number of non-zero edges is really smaller than the number of total edges. The values for (NdmREd, NdmRTri, NdmZPin, NdmZEd) need only be larger than zero if the corresponding mesh elements are defined for the given problem. NdmRow defines the maximum number of matrix elements which is usually a couple of millions. The value depends on several parameters and cannot be estimated very easily. The code starts printing messages of the form IS..... if the value of NdmRow is too small. In this case, the code should by stopped and recompiled with adjusted parameters. Also, for most of the other paramters error messages are given during runtime of the code if the corresponding maximum values are exceeded. In addition to the built-in checks, most compilers have a compiler mode which allows array checking during run-time. Running this makes sure that no array dimensions are violated. The value of NdmRowP in the filefema.dml should be larger than NdmNZE if the GMRES solver is used. Also, NdmLoft is the number of search vectors for the GMRES solver and NdmFFTPad is the one-dimensional size of the two-dimensional FFTPad. The actual size of the FFTPad is defined in the file Data]. 19

Another issue that was encountered during the technical support phase is related to the series representation of the periodic Green's function. The FSS-PRISM code employs a series representation of the periodic Green's function which is accelerated by the Ewald transformation. Based on this acceleration, for most practical applications summation limits from -1 to +1 are appropriate for an accurate representation of the Green's function. However, if the unit cell size becomes very large with respect to the applied wavelength the number of series terms must be increased. Typically, if the sidelength of the unit cell is larger than two wavelengths the number of series terms must be increased otherwise the code will fail to converge and the results cannot be used. Since most applications are based on unit cells with sidelengths less than one wavelength the series limits for the Ewald series are fixed to -1 to +1 within the code. If larger series limits are required the variables LIMI and LIM2 in the EWALD subroutine in the file bint.f must be set to larger values (1: limits -I to +1, 2: limits -2 to +2,...). LIMI and IAM2 corresponding to the spectral and spatial series contributions of the Ewald series should have the same values. Finally, the issue of properly meshing the unit cell is of some importance. The sample rate of the finite element and boundary integral mesh should be chosen that at least 10 samples per wavelength in the considered material are reached. For the FSS-PRSIM code, this means that the sample rate in the surface mesh and also the sampling along the height of the unit cell must be adjusted according to this criterion. 20

Speed-up improvements using new fast integral implementation (fast spectral domain algorithm (FSDA)) Thomas F. Eibert and John L. Volakis Radiation Laboratory, EECS Department The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 1 Introduction Application of hybrid finite element (FE) / boundary integral (BI) methods to infinite periodic structures (antennas or frequency selective surfaces) [1, 2, 3, 4] provides full 3D modeling flexibility. Basically, the FE method is employed to model a unit cell representing the array, whereas the BI provides for a rigorous mesh truncation at the upper and/or lower surfaces of the discretized unit cell. Practical problems can usually be analyzed using planar BI surfaces and the corresponding half-space periodic Green's functions. However, for large unit cell apertures, the resulting fully populated BI matrix leads to CPU intensive solutions. In contrast to pure method of moments (MoM) solutions, this is true even for relatively simple geometries. Therefore, considerable speed-up of the method can only be achieved by accelerating the BI termination. In recent years, considerable work has been spent on the development of fast integral algorithms such as the fast multipole method (FMM) [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] or the adaptive integral method (AIM) [10, 11]. Both the FMM and AIM are employed in conjunction with iterative solvers an accelerate the execution of the pertinent matrix-vector products. The FMM is based on a multipole and plane wave expansion of the free-space Green's function which allows to calculate the far-zone interactions for clusters of basis functions. AIM utilizes the Toeplitz properties of the underlying Green's function for uniform meshes and calculates the far-zone interactions in the discrete Fourier domain. That is, in both techniques the farzone matrix elements are not explicitly generated. This is possible because in the discrete Fourier domain source and observation points are decoupled and in the FMM the coupling between source and observation points is given via the centers of the expansion function clusters. The same decoupling as given in the discrete Fourier domain is inherent to the conventional spectral domain formulation of planar surface intergral equations which is equivalent to a Floquet mode representation for array problems. In the FSDA, we take advantage of this mode decoupling to derive a fast alternative for the evaluation of the BI. The method starts with the conventional Floquet mode representation of the BI termination for hybrid FE/BI methods; however, the MoM BI matrix elements are not explicitly calculated. Instead, within each iteration step, the Fourier transforms of the basis functions multiplied 21

for hybrid FE/BI methods; however, the MoM BI matrix elements are not explicitly calculated. Instead, within each iteration step, the Fourier transforms of the basis functions multiplied with their actual expansion coefficients are summed up. The spectral integral (Floquet mode series) is then calculated only once for every testing function to evaluate the matrix-vector products of the iterative solver. In contrast to AIM or FMM, this procedure does not even require the explicit calculation of the near coupling BI matrix elements. The FSDA is completely free of system matrix. Therefore, the memory demand is mostly determined by the storage of the Fourier transforms of the basis functions which are typically calculated before the iteration process is started. Thus, for fixed numbers of Floquet series terms, the memory demand is of 0(ns) and the complexity for the calculation of the matrix-vector products is also of 0(ns). More importantly, in contrast to FMM and AIM the FSDA results in considerable speed-ups of about two orders of magnitude or more even for relatively small system sizes. 2 Formulation 2.1 Basic Hybrid FE/BI Formulation The conventional implementation of the hybrid FE/BI method for doubly periodic arrays as illustrated in Fig. 1 (eit time convention) leads to a linear algebraic system of the form [ Aint Across 2,top Across 2,hot Across l,top Abound 0top 0 0 Abound Eint 0 o Ebound + 0 top + Ebound J 0 'bot 0 0 0 Eint fint Ztop 0 Eb ound fbound top top TZh 0~ Ebound f bound o (1) Zo Zbt d botuntom The A-matrices are sparse (20 to 40 non-zero where only a unit cell of the array is discretized. /p //1 1 / / I / Figure 1: Doubly periodic array configuration. elements per row) and result from the FE portion of the hybrid method. The BI Z-matrices 22

are fully populated and are associated with the edges on the top and bottom boundaries of the discretized unit cell. The right-hand side vector elements f represent excitations in the FE and BI portions of the method. At the side walls, the unit cell mesh is terminated by imposing phase boundary conditions (PBC) according to the Floquet theorem. In our implementation, volume tessellation is based on triangular prismatic finite elements [13]. This results in triangular surface meshes with Rao-Wilton-Glisson basis functions [14] for the magnetic currents on the planar BI surfaces. For arbitrary scan angles of the array, all matrices in (1) can be nonsymmetric due to the PBCs and the periodic Green's function. For the solution of the system, biconjugate gradient (BiCG) or generalized minimal residual (GMRES) solvers are used, both of which rely on an efficient evaluation of the matrix-vector products associated with (1) [15]. The computational complexity per matrix-vector product of the total A-matrix is of 0(nv), where nv denotes the number of volume edges. However, the complexity in calculating the matrix-vector products [Z]{x} is O(n') and storage requirements are of the same order. For a more efficient implementation of the method, it is therefore crucial to reduce the complexity of the BI matrix-vector products. Also, for array problems it is essential to reduce the number of the explicitly calculated BI matrix elements as far as possible since the numerical cost for generating the periodic Green's function is relatively high. That is, if a fast integral method like AIM or FMM is applied to the periodic problem the total solution time for most practical problems will mostly be determined by the calculation of the near-zone coupling elements which are needed to eliminate the approximations of the fast algorithm. Therefore, the FSDA is especially well-suited for array calculations because it is completely free of BI system matrix and it reduces the effort for computing the matrix-vector products within the iterative solver. 2.2 Fast Spectral Domain Algorithm The FSDA replaces the conventional discretized representation of the BI in form of the Zmatrices in (1). Its derivation starts with the appropriate boundary integral for planar BI surfaces to be evaluated for the magnetic field intensity. It is given by H(r) = -2jo~ foGp(r, r,). (E(r,) x n) ds, + H (r), (2) S where Hinc(r) is an incident wave in the presence of a metallic interface in S and the periodic Green's function Gp(r, rs) in the spatial domain is given by _ I 0 ~ 0p e-jkoRpq Gp(r, rs) = (I + VV) E E e-jktoo Ppq e (3) 0 p=-ooq= —oo (3pq where Rpq = r - r - Ppql, (4) 23

and Ppq = PPa + qPb (5) Here, Pa' Pb are the lattice vectors parallel to the xy-plane (see Fig. 1) and in (3) I denotes the unit dyad. r and r, are observation and source points and ko and Zo are the wavenumber and characteristic impedance of free space, respectively. Also, ktoo in (3) is given by ktoo = kxoo x + kyoo = f(ko sin o9 cos To x + ko sin 0o sin po Y), (6) where 0o, Wo are the spherical coordinates corresponding to the scan angles of a phased array (positive sign) or the arrival angles of an incident plane wave (negative sign). In the spectral domain, (2) can be written as H(r) = -2j k JJGp(kx ky).(E(k, ky) x n) dkxdky + Hic(r), (7) kxky where the periodic Green's function spectral representation is given by G1 kk 00 1 k2 k- k2 kxk -. Gp(kx - Ej k (2, - tp). (8) 2 p=ooqookz kkL kx- ko 2 tpq A = IPa x pbl is the cross sectional area of the unit cell, kt = kx + kyyI, (9) ktpq = ktoo + 2A [m(pb x z) + n( x Pa)] (10) is the so-called reciprocal lattice vector, and kz =/ - kt kt, (11) where Re(kz) > 0,Im(kz) < 0. Also, " " denotes two-dimensional Fourier transforms. Expanding E(r) in terms of triangular Whitney edge elements N E(r) = > Enwn(r) (12) n=1 and applying MoM testing to (7) with weighting functions bm(r) = n x wm(r) (13) which are equivalent to the well-known Rao-Wilton-Glisson basis functions [14], gives the weak form of the magnetic field intensity in the BI surface oo k k2 -k2 kxpqkypq (H(r), bm(r)) - q bm (kxpq kyp ypq) k2 p=-oo q=-oo koZoAkzpq kxpqkypq kO~ -pq N E Enbn(kxqp, kypq) + (Hinc(r), bm(r) ) (14) rn= 1 24

to be evaluated for m = 1,..., N and where " * " denotes complex conjugation. Equation (14) is equivalent to one row of the matrix-vector products involving the BI submatrices in (1) and certain expansion coefficients En. In a conventional spectral domain BI formulation, the summation over n together with the expansion coefficients En are moved in front of the spectral sums (p and q) and the spectral series are evaluated for all m, n combinations to obtain the individual matrix elements of the BI submatrices in (1). That is, the spectral series must be evaluated N 2 + N2 times if Nbot and Ntop are the numbers of BI unknowns on the bottom and top BI surfaces, respectively. Also, in an iterative solver the pertinent matrix-vector products require N2 and N2p multiplications. Compared to this, FSDA leads to substantial speed-up because the BI matrix elements are not explicitly calculated. In accordance with FSDA, within each iteration of the iterative solver, first the summation over n is computed with consideration of expansion coefficients En belonging to the actual search vector within the iteration process. Consequently, the spectral representation of the whole search vector as distributed over the BI surface is obtained. Then the spectral representation of this search vector is multiplied with the dyadic Green's function in the spectral domain and finally the double spectral series is evaluated for each of the testing functions bm. Thus, whithin each iteration the spectral series is evaluated nbot + ntop times and the FSDA leads to a complexity of 0(ns) if it is assumed that the number of terms in the spectral series is constant. Of course, for increasing unit cell sizes this assumption is not valid and the number of series terms must be increased, but this is also the case for conventional BI implementations even when series acceleration techniques like the Ewald transformation are employed [16, 17]. The convergence of the spectral series of the FSDA is determined by the spectral distributions of the whole search vectors within the iteration process rather than the spectral distributions of the individual basis functions. As also pointed out in [2], the number of required Floquet modes can often be considerably decreased if the BI surfaces are shifted away from the inhomogeneities within the FE solution domain. The Fourier transforms of the Rao-Wilton-Glisson basis functions required for the evaluation of (14) can be calculated analytically as for instance presented in [18]. 3 Results As a first example, we calculated the power reflection coefficient of the strip-dipole array shown in Fig. 2 which was presented in [19]. FSDA results for different summation limits of the Floquet mode series are compared with results obtained by a MoM code involving a multilayered media Green's function [20]. FSDA 0 which refers to only 1 Floquet mode is unacceptable; however, FSDA 1 (summation limits from -1 to 1, 9 terms of the modal representation) is 25

already converged. The small frequency shift between the FE/BI results with FSDA acceleration and the MoM results was also observed for the conventional FE/BI implementation. For this problem, the unit cell was meshed using triangular prismatic elements resulting in a total number of 55370 volume and 4880 BI unknowns in each of the top and bottom BI surfaces. The CPU time requirements on a Pentium II PC/266 MHz were 244 sec, 281 sec, and 330 sec per frequency point corresponding to Floquet mode series limits of (0,0), (-1,1), and (-2,2), respectively. For the illustration of the CPU time dependence on the number of BI 1.0 0.6 [ 0.4 102.5mm m m// -- '.....F A 0 W i... i. 0.8 2 I;; 6 FSDA 14 18 22 26 Figure 2: Power reflection coefficient of strip dipole array as presented in [19], FSDA 0, 1, 2: Floquet mode series limits of (0,-lO mmoM results acMoM for plane wave incidence. The operational frequWilton et al.nce frequency of 0.2 - z t - 06by a conventional 10 14 18 22 26 Frequency in GHz Floquet mode series limits of (0,0), (-1,1), (-2,2), MoM results according to [20]. unknownsaccelerated by the Ewalyzed a stransformatip dipole array with metallic backing (BI only on top ofin the mesh)DA for plane wavs the incidene. The operational frequency weras close to the resonancely for the largestncy of thanalyzed unit cell (several dipole elements wer9 in the FSgrouped in the unit cell mustrates the to generate CPU timeshes d ependent on the number of BI unknowns. As seen, the FSDA is even for small numbers of unknowns almost two orders of magnitude faster than the conventional BI. In contrast to 26

this, the AIM accelerated implementation has almost the same CPU time requirements for small BI systems since it keeps the near-zone elements of the BI matrix. As it is the case for every fast algorithm, the speed advantage of the FSDA compared to the conventional BI gets increasingly more pronounced for larger problems. The total solution time factor between AIM and the conventional BI is, of course, also increasing, but the factor between FSDA and AIM keeps almost constant for increasing problem sizes. 103 104 Number of BI unknowns Figure 3: Total solution times dependent on the number of BI unknowns for the FSDA, conventional BI, and conventional BI accelerated by AIM (obtained for test problem of microstrip dipole array with one prism layer on Pentium II PC/266 MHz). 27

References [1] D. T. McGrath and V. P. Pyati, "Phased Array Antenna Analysis with the Hybrid Finite Element Method," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 1625-1630, Dec. 1994. [2] E. W. Lucas and T. W. Fontana, "A 3-D Hybrid Finite Element/Boundary Element Method for the Unified Radiation and Scattering Analysis of General Infinite Periodic Arrays," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 145-153, Feb. 1995. [3] D. T. McGrath and V. P. Pyati, "Periodic Structure Analysis Using a Hybrid Finite Element Method," Radio Science, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1173-1179, Sep/Oct. 1996. [4] J. D'Angelo and I. Mayergoyz, "Pased Array Antenna Analysis," in Finite Element Software for Microwave Engineering, Edited by T. Itoh, G. Pelosi, and P. P. Silvester, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996. [5] N. Engheta, W. D. Murphy, V. Rohklin, and M. S. Vassiliou, "The Fast Multipole Method (FMM) for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems," IEEE 7Tans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 634-641, Jun. 1992. [6] R. Coifman, V. Rohklin, and S. Wandzura, "The Fast Multipole Method for the Wave Equation: A Pedestrian Prescription," IEEE Antennas Propagat. Mag., vol. 35, pp. 7-12, Jun. 1993. [7] N. Lu and J.-M. Jin, "Application of the Fast Multipole Method to Finite-Element Boundary-Integral Solution of Scattering Problems," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 781-786, Jun. 1996. [8] S. S. Bindiganavale and J. L. Volakis, "Comparison of Three FMM Techniques for Solving Hybrid FE-BI Systems," IEEE Antennas Propagat. Mag., vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 47-60, Aug. 97. [9] J. M. Song, C. C. Lu, and W. C. Chew, "Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm for Electromagnetic Scattering by Large Complex Objects," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 1488-1493, Oct. 1997. [10] E. Bleszynski, M.,. Bleszynski, and T. Jaroszewicz, "AIM: Adaptive Integral Method Cornpression Algorithm for Solving Large-Scale Electromagnetic Scattering and Radiation Problems," Radio Science, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 1225-1251, Sep./Oct. 1996. 28

[11] H. T. Anastassiu, M. Smelyanskiy, S. Bindiganavale, and J. L. Volakis, "Scattering from Relatively Flat Surfaces Using the Adaptive Integral Method," Radio Science, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 7-16, Jan.-Feb. 1998. [12] T. F. Eibert and J. L. Volakis, Fast Spectral Domain Algorithm for Rapid Solution of Integral Equations, Electronic Letters, vol. 34, no. 13, pp. 1297-1299, Jun. 25, 1998. [13] T. Ozdemir and J. L. Volakis, "Triangular Prisms for Edge-Based Vector Finite Element Analysis of Conformal Antennas," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 788-797, May 1997. [14] S. M. Rao, D. R. Wilton, and A. W. Glisson, "Electromagnetic Scattering by Surfaces of Arbitrary Shape," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 409-418, May 1982. [15] Y. Saad, Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, Boston: PWS Pub. Co., 1996. [16] P. P. Ewald, Die Berechnung optischer und elektrostatischer Gitterpotentiale, Ann. Phys. 64, pp. 253-287, 1921. [17] K. E. Jordan, (G. R. Richter, P. Sheng, An Efficient Numerical Evaluation of the Green's Function for the Helmholtz Operator on Periodic Structures, J. of Comp. Phy., 63, pp. 222-235, 1986. [18] B. Houshmand, W. C. Chew, and S.-W. Lee, "Fourier Transform of a Linear Distribution with Triangular Support and Its Applications in Electromagnetics," IEEE 7Tans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 39, pp. 252-254, Feb. 1991. [19] R. Mittra, C. H. Chan, and T. Cwik, "Techniques for Analyzing Frequency Selective Surfaces - A Review," Proc. IEEE, vol. 76, no. 12, pp. 1593-1615, Dec. 1988. [20] D. R. Wilton and D. R. Jackson, Personal Communications, 1997. 29

Electric field viewer for FSS-Prism This program was written for Windows 95 or Windows NT using OpenGL. This program will view EdgeUnk files when a Data2 file is available. Large files may take a while to load. The status bar will show progress. The DOS window will prompt for the number of samples you wish per average edgelength. This fits a chosen number of samples across a distance equal to an average triangle edge length. For parts with few elements, say a hundred, a value like 10 will produce good results. For 10000 elements, 1.0 is good. In general, take 100/sqrt(number of elements) to get a good looking plot. Fraction values are permitted. Values under 0.5 produce no display. Once the view is loaded, press the first mouse button and drag the mouse on the display window to rotate to model. Press the right mouse button and drag to move the part around. To zoom in and out, either press both left and right buttons together or press the middle button and drag up or down. Tiiiii::"? T alternates between triangle and interpolated modes.:..i Press q to display the quiver plot. This plot is a set of arrows showing the [::....:..... |magnitude and direction of the real part of electric field. O|||1i: G will disolay the geometry. (T or Q returns to data display.) - I Press x to display the x component of the electric field. Either the real part or the Xi, imaginary part may be shown depending upon which mode is current. Y displays the y component of the electric field. Both real and imaginary parts can....... be shown separately.....- -— '"::;;- --..ii. i.. tl0i% IThis displays the magnitude of the electric field, real or imaginary part. R Press r to display the real component x direction, y direction, or magnitude. iiiiii I will show the imaginary component x direction, y direction, or magnitude.......... Animate the fields when overall magnitude is dislaed.:iti' — R will bring up the real part magnitude. iiiiiiiiiiiiii This displays the overall magnitude of electric field, combining both the real and!~i'iiji~^ii imaginary magnitudes...............................+! This ke moves up a sample layer in the FSS......................... -'. III - moves down a sample layer. l.l0il L displays all layers. Iiii'[liiii To decrease the distance between layers, press [.. To spread the layers apart more, press ]............. '' '' ~'.................. ~ ~ '...........................~' ~' ''...................... --- --- --- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -.......................................I.............. - -........................................ 30

Use the Datal and Data2 files from the Prism example with the generated EdgeUnk. Put them in a directory with FSSEfield.exe and run the executable. When questioned, use 8.8 samples. When it loads up, it should look. EFXI Hit 'Q' for the quiver tWN x...... 1 7.8 164- 9 1 user ul a tT IT 1t It tT I" tt It ir I Tt tT i T Tt 'i It ii t"' ", lTTT IT ri T T ',............-.... --..............I..I ---..................-.................. Hit 'G' then press the left mouse button on the window and rotate by dragging to see all Hit 'T', 'I' to see the imaginary part of II nZW i - - - - "; Avfjc dielectric absorber:..-.:et. Press 'T','O' to see the overall magnitude mesh data. Press the middle or left and right buttons and drag up to zoom in. Press ']' several times to increase the distance between the layers so that you can see them all. Then press the right mouse button and drag up until you can see the whole drawing.,':. LI 3~.6 94.2 ~ 7 I'.:.... ':].i4 ' - -a-T I; Hi En... n-, r I, I 7:: 7 34.3.i7ie I.ruc- s~.: -- 31

Magnetic current viewer for FSS-Prism This program will view EqvCur and EqvCurB files when a Data2 file is available. X:-: Show magnitude of the current in the x direction. y. Magnitude of the currents in the y direction. Z iii. Z direction current magnitudes. ii..Show the overall <x,y,z> magnitude. T.l View magnitudes for the top layer. Bni Bottom layer magnitudes. 32

Curved Finite Array Code (FSS-CURVE) Update K. Sertel The development of the computer code FSS-CURVE for the solution of finite conformal FSS structures is being continued as scheduled. As of July 10th, the following features were added. * The curved array code is integrated with the driver of FSS-PRISM, so the geometry description can be done with the same driver by just setting a flag for curvature. * Several antenna and array geometries are tested for validation purposes. Coupling effects are demonstrated for an array geometry. The option of defining curved surface meshes is being implemented into the driver. The transmission and reflection coefficient calculations have only been tested for perpendicular incidence. The code is being modified to calculate transmission and reflection coefficients for arbitrary incidences. 1 Examples To validate the code, the patch antenna geometry given in [1] is analyzed using FSS-CURVE. The geometry is depicted in Fig. 1 (a). The results for the input impedance of the antenna show very good agreement with those given in [1]. Figures 2 (a) and 2 (b) show the RCS of the curved patch presented in [1] for two different polarizations. Next, a 5 x 1 antenna array on a curved platform is examined. The effect of curvature on the input impedance and radiation pattern of the antenna can be predicted using FSS-CURVE. The surface mesh is given in Fig. 3. Fig. 4-5 33

shows the input impedance of the array elements for flat and curved array geometries (Input impedance of the 5th element shows a similar behavior as that of the 1st element and so do 2nd and 4th feeds as can be observed). The effect of curvature on the radiation pattern is demonstrated by comparison the two radiation patterns plotted in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. 'The effect of coupling when the array elements are brought closer, is observed in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. The geometry descriptions of the test case antenna and arrays can be found in the presentation named "Fast Multipole Method (FMM) Solutions of Finite Element-Boundary Integral (FE-BI) Implementations for Antenna Modeling Involving Curved Geometries" given in APS'98 Atlanta, which is attached to this report. References [1] L. C. Kempel, J.L. Volakis and R. J. Silva, "Radiation by CavityBacked Antennas on a Circular Cylinder", IEE Proc.-Microw. Antennas Propag., Vol. 142, No. 3, pp. 233-239, June 1995 34

conformal coaxial feed patch antenna location Figure 1: Curved Patch Geometry and Input Impedance Validation. o -S E: CD cr 5 Frequency (GHz.) Frequency (GHz.) Figure 2: RCS (frequency sweep) of the curved patch for two polarizations. 35

10 - I 1 ' ' -. II -15 -20 — 20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 — 2 - 1. -1 -5. - Figure 3: Array mesh and the surface magnetic current distribution at resonance. fLeuu...... I I ZUU I I I I I I a. 0 u E cC: 150 100 50 0 -50 1fnn cLJ a0 -0 CO a 150 100 50 0 -50 l UU, IlUlll I 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 Frequency (GHz.) Frequency (GHz.) Figure 4: Input impedance of the 1st and the 2nd elements. 2.7 36

"nn CO -_ IL 'r LT 0) a E 150 100 50 0 -50 t) u a 0 E c -0 'S D -100 I 2.5 24 245 25 25_26 26. 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 Frequency (GHz.) Figure 5: Input impedance of 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 Frequency (GHz.) the 3rd and the 4th elements. Figure 6: Radiation pattern of the flat and curved array. 37

c / i / \ -20...... -20 - c m |- -- i r I I, i i E /\ 1.............. ------ D6- t-30.................... Flat -0 0 ----------- --------- -60 -- ---- ---- - -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 0 (Degrees) 0 (Degrees) Figure 7: Radiation pattern at two principle cuts for flat and curved arrays. 200 200, -. -.-. f\ O " ---- R, Flat: R, Flat 5. -.. -./ —. — X, Fl at:-0 — R, 10cm. O.-, 10cm. -50 i [ -80 -60 -.40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 80 -60 -4 0 -2 0 0 20 40 60 80. Figure 7: Radiation patternfat two principle cuts for flat andcurved arrays. 150 e 1 50. f. - s o..........!............... /<-.- R,10cm. - 100 i -100c Frequency (GHz.) Frequency (GHz.) Figure 8: -Coupling effects on input impedance for closely spaced array eleients. Feed I and feed 2. ment. Fee 1 and fee 2...'.....%.o 38

200 200 p \ ---- R. Flat: ----—. R, Flat 0. -—,. sv ---- X, Flat ------.. X Flat 150:- -F- 150- R 10 c. xF1... f — 0- - R,l 0cm. R 10cm. ---: — X,10cm. > X,10cm. 10, 100 100p - 50 -, i, i, - 10 0 | ^, ^i i 0, 0 o: - - -100 — 100 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 Frequency (GHz.) Frequency (GHz.) Figure 9: Coupling effects on input impedance for closely spaced array elements. Feed 3 and feed 4. 39

APPENDICES: Conference Presentation Slides 40

Hybrid FE-BI Modeling of Commensurate and Non-Commensurate 3D Doubly Periodic Structures by T F. Eibert and J.L. Volakis 41

Hybrid FE-BI Modeling of Commensurate and Non-Commensurate 3D Doubly Periodic Structures Thomas F. Eibert and John L. Volakis Radiation Laboratory, EECS Department The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 * Motivation and problem definition * Finite Element (FE) - Boundary Integral (BI) formulation * Periodic phase boundary conditions and Green's function * Commensurate applications * Extension to non-commensurate problems * Non-commensurate applications * Conclusions

Problem Definition: Analysis of Doubly Periodic Structures (Antenna Arrays and Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS)) IMost computational approaches are based on spectral domain integral equation formulations.d ~a'IIh *II ~1~M os computationally intensive for i / complicated radiation/scattering pan es elements an,.:slmnts 4 -(W Need for three-dimensional modeling capabilities can be fulfilled with Hybrid Finite Element (FE) - Boundary Integral (BI) formulation.

Finite Eemient-Boundary Integral Formulation of te Array Problem Finite Element functional 4 -I / I / ' - I I z p1 / / IV / I /I I NW 4S I I I, F(E) XE X k~EEdv + kZfE. (ihds S Boundary Integral H = -2.k0~ )(r-",T1 Ex n) ds + fJVG(ri"9f-)Vs.(EXnIA)dsl+ Hi so j - I I - I- -/ / / /I I I I / I jk IF-F I -— P. I I e — IG rr -— O. --- 0.1 4ir I r -r I

Reduction of Array Problem to one Unit Cell Z y Periodicity conditions: / ~ -- - -d - - - - t / ' Pb' / / E(r + mPa + npb) = E(r) ekt~(m+nb) '1 - r - I.- - -/ - H(fr + mp,+npb)=H(F)e-k*(mPa+nPb) / II _ / with - - ' - I/ kto = +(ko sin 0o cos Qo x + ko sin 0o sin po /I 0~',p~ 'scan angle of array / / _ - - - - / Phase boundary condition for FE mesh: i? ie e- jkt o0' Pa me Fri e~ e JP \ e = e etw Pb 9"") ri nlo

Pleriodic Greens Functnion Series Acceleration Periodic Green's function in the spatial domain Ewald Transformation (in collaboration with D. R. Wilton and D. R. Jackson) m=-o~o n=-oo e- 1kt00*iPmn ekRn 4ff Rmn Idea f r r GP ('q — *') = GPI (r9 r ) + G p2( 9 in the spectral domain (T\ ~m =-coo nf=-coo Akzmn Gp1(r,fr ) = m =-coo nl= -oo e'~ 2 E -R s+ 41 j Je "m 4s-(/s 00 2o jto fm 00 -R 2S2 +ko Gp2( 9 r)= I I Je 4 4sds m=-oo n=-coo 4u.VIf E with Result Rn lr-r pmnlI A =1 — Pa x Pb I:area of unit cell 00 00o e- k,,,n-(fi 3 i) jk =x x erfcl n m=-oo n=-coo 2A~Jkz 2E 00 00 e -'jtoo0, fn rn7 -= I XI L OR mn ej m=-oo n=-oo 8wr Rmn 4 z=z Z= 0 ktmn '::tOO 2wr +~ nf(zxpa) A +m(Pbx2) 1 9 — I- ) G r r p2 V rfc( Rmn -215 kzmn ko ktmn lktmn + e Ik0Rmin erfc R,,, + j ) I erfc(x) = 27t dt JcIrx:complementary error function

o *;f 41 -0 * - 0 -c; To CZ u: 0 -.0 4 w> W rAt f CZ P=50 su e~t CM3 P-4 o: c) a u '0 NOS a a^ c) ro *;s ~ 5A OfM4 w PME u 1.13 tCk.. 8 t. 1 0.r. E 14.) 11 -Q t (:.8 t I 0.2 Z! 'Zo I I ^0 4o N=4 0* c> c~ het 2 c~ CM et w To P=:z 0 0.) 47

817 10omm I — + 1 mm p. 14T5 m m* Power Reflection Coefficient 1 - *c 0 m OM% M M m f=IL *We 0 (01*) C m m OMW 0 M rMIL 0 omt *M& I ml 1= flow M CA MEOW 0 f=,IL 0 w tell z *0 ~0

1ko1mm-1 "I I0 I II 5mm Im 0 -4Z 2*0.1 mm Power Reflection Coefficient 0 0 o o 0 0 - -VP, IMIZ k-e-4 0 m )MI m:1 m m r+ *W* 0 0 M m omd * rD fmI?6 0 "t w *A I ml 1= t-oli CD 01 CA t=,Pk. 01 Oman 0 01 01 w t4li PTJ PI M 4 M m C N l%-l/ I's 0 0-S wm~

Active Reflection Coefficient of Microstrip Dipole Array Y — 0.55 h-* x TE ~=0~ UL 0 e =2.55 |t.o e) O 4-i em4 a; el;0 -*pi"~ ci Active Reflection Coefficient: zinp()- inp(0 = 00) Zinp (0) - Zinp (0- = 00) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Scan Angle 9 (degree) 70 80 90

Plane Wave Reflection from a Dielectric Slab with Embedded Material Blocks ("Photonic Bandgap Material") TM Incidence 1.0 Unit cell: 2x2 cm2 Block size: lxl cm2 y Z I X r=10 ULn ^-A.to 4-~ eI eo c. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Z 0.2 cm 0.0 4 6 8 10 Frequency (GHz) 12 14 16

Aperture Coupled Microstrip Patches Test Configuration Wp _____________A /4 TE, Normal Incidence 1.0 Ul d d x, rA 4> 0 *R A E* 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -2.5 a a=36.07 mm, b=34.04 mm, d=1.6 mm Ws=2 mm, LS=12 mm, Lp=28 mm, Wp=18 mm ~r=2.2 2 x 8688 BI unknowns 105484 Total unknowns about 3-5 hours per f (on IBM RS6000/590) 3.0 3.5 4.0 Frequency (GHz)

Aperture Coupled Microstrip Patches Bandpass Configuration wP Ad TE, Normal Incidence 1.0 0.8 Un Cjw d d 134 -i ma r *mmc) x m U To *mmlQ r. erA 5 E* I~ 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 a a=36.07 mm, b=34.04 mm, d=1.6 mm Ws=2 mm, Ls=8/9 mm, Lp=28 mm, Wp=28 mm ~r=2.2 2 x 5308 BI unknowns 98636 Total unknowns about 3-4 hours per f (on IBM RS6000/590) Frequency (GHz)

"Artificial Puck Plate" FSS 0.09 in 0.0015 in 0.04 in 0.0015 in 0.053 in Er= 1.25 ~r=3.3 Er=2.2 Er=2.3 Er=4.0 ~r=2.3 Er=2.2 ~r=-3.3 ~r= 1.25 ~r=-3.3 ~r= 1.09 Lo TE, Normal Incidence 0 Ln.-,. 0.0015 in 0.04 0.0015 in in -. m -5 10 I0 m -2015 on - I 0 0.09 in 0.0015 in' 0.03 in I in -25 Frequency (GHz)

Commensurate and NonCoensuransurate Periodicities * Commensurate Structures. Unit cell * Non-Commensurate Structures Un Un * All layers have the same periodicity. * For periodic excitation, exact modeling by considering one unit cell. * Different Periodicities for different Layers. * In general, exact modeling not possible. (super-cell for special cases) * Need for approximate model.

Modeling of Non-Commensurate Structures by Decoupling the Layer Periodicities BI period 1 i I I~~ --- —I^^^l --- —null BI period 2 *assume fields to obey the geometric periodicities of the individual layers *BI with different periodicities on top and bottom surfaces *extended phase boundary conditions for horizontal boundary edges *model improvement by grouping several periods in the individual layers

5-ayr S wihNo-ommnensurate Priod icities Normal Incidence 1.0 h4Ln, 9 9 9 9 9 27 a 9) A C9 v /g.m 9 18 18 18 12 Ic/pm 6 14 14 14 8 0 -0 0 H 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 IIC 2000 4000 Frequency (GHz) 6000 8000 FE/BI model 1 I r --- —j FE/BI odel 1FE/BI model 2 F/Isprcl FE/BI super cell M I I

5-Layer FSS with Non-Commensurate Periodicities h/,gm 9 ~ 9 9 - 9 A 9 27 4 1 [_. r r L - k r g/gm 9 18 18 18 12 c/gm 6 14 14 14 8 ao = 70~,90o =00 1.0 Ln 00 y o u CL * - X ct X FE/BI model 0 2000 4000 6000 Frequency (GHz) 8000 10000

8-aer FS wit Non-CmmesuatPriodicities 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.81 7.8 7.8 7.8LI g/ gm 5 5 9 10 10 9 6 6 I FE/BI model Normal Incidence 3 3 6 I7 7 6 4 4 Ic 40 -0U 0 - 0 0 H 0 2000 y 4000 6000 Frequency (GHz) 8000 10000 x

8-Layer FSS with Non-Commensurate Periodicities h/i m 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 7.8 1 7.8 7.8 ' 7.8 A 7.8 7.8 g/lim L 5 -- 5 9 10 l0 O 9 6 6 3 3 6 7 7 6 4 4 FE/BI model Geometric mean of TE and TM f4 -c) 4-~= 0 CA 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 I 0 2000 IL y 4000 6000 Frequency (GHz) 8000 10000 X

Conclusions * Hybrid FE-BI modeling of doubly periodic structures * FE with triangular prismatic elements * MPIE formulation with Ewald acceleration of Green's function * Approximate modeling of non-commensurate structures * Results for commensurate and non-commensurate applications

Adaptive Integral Method for Hybrid FE-BI Modeling of 3D Doubly Periodic Structures by T.F. Eibert and J.L. Volakis 62

Adaptive Integral Method for Hybrid FE-BI Modeling of 3D Doubly Periodic Structures Thomas F. Eibert and John L. Volakis Radiation Laboratory, EECS Department The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 * Finite Element (FE) - Boundary Integral (BI) formulation * Motivation and problem definition * Some details of the AIM algorithm * Validation and timing results * Conclusions

Analysis of Doubly Periodic Structures (Antenna Arrays and Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS)) Need for three-dimensional modeling capabilities can be fulfilled with hybrid finite element (FE) - boundary integral (BI) formulation.

Formulation of the FE-BI System B and Problem Definition PBC I PBC FE-BI hybrid system BI A int AcoSs Across int 0 0 0 Eint int A1ltop 1,bot Across bound bound +und boundound A2,top Atop 0 Etop to 0 top Jtop Across 0 Abound bound Zot bound f bound 2,bt ot bot bot hot sparse FE matrices fully populated BI matrices [YXE}= fri Perform [Y ]{s} many times within iterative solver ({s}: search vector)

Basic Principles of the Adaptive Integral Method (AIM). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ * overlay uniform mesh on original mesh * * * * * * relate the meshes via moments of basis functions * s * * L utilize convolutional properties of Green's function for uniform mesh. * calculate matrix-vector products (convolutions) * * in DFT domain and employ FFT algorithm *. (iterative solver assumed) * 0 * * correct for near-coupling terms of original mesh *..... O(n log n) for matrix-vector product * *(planar BI surface assumed) * * * * * * * * *, ~ 0(n) memory requirement

Some Details of the AIM Algorithm Decompose BI matrix in near-zone and far-zone contributions [z]= [z]near + [z]far [ZInear is calculated in a conventional way (MPIE formulation in this work). For the calculation of IZlfar lets consider the scalar coupling integral Zmn = JJ qm(r) JGp(r I ) qn (7) dS dS Sm Sn Goal: Calculate the coupling integral in the DFT domain employing the auxiliary uniform mesh. Therefore, the basis functions qn must be replaced by equivalent basis functions on the uniform mesh. I J qn () Z, Anj 8(x-iAx) (y-jAy) i=1 j=l

Some Details of the AIM Algorithm: Continuation 1 Consider Zmn = qm(r) Sm JJGp(r"l r ) qr ) dS Snd sn, dS Zmn = If qm() g(?) dS Sm 00 Introducing the Taylor series expansion g(r) = q=ql +q2 =0 aq (x- x1 )q (y - Y1)q2 ~ Zmn 00 q=ql+q2=0 a) x rql ( q dS summation of moments of test function Sa m multiplied by Taylor coefficients aq Sm q moments of test function Enforcing I J lqm() (x-x )ql (y-yl)q2dS= A (iAx-x (Ay-)q q +q2 -=,..., o Sm i=lij=l gives the required relation between the original and uniform meshes and allows the calculation of Ai. Ii

o........... 0 v)0.........so........ -.../. Q PE0................ ~J) 0 j......... ('-*r c c0< 0 Poo 4u4m1 P-0 CT;4 -O0 4 ~ 0 j 0- 0.. c~07 z.2 0 0~ ~d:~ DO ~) ~ - - -4 cl* 0 IT

5-Layer FSS with Non-Commensurate Periodicities Normal Incidence 1.0 I. -z FE/BI model 1 h/Wm g/ m c/Im FE/BI model 2 9 --- 0.8 FE/BI super cell 9 6 1' 1 Aroudakiet al. 1995 18 14 (integral equation) A 1818 14 0 0.6 12 8 27 + E 0.4 - 0.0 0 2000 4000 6000 800( FE/BI super cell Frequency (GHz) _ _ 2 x 3960 BI unknowns _ 200064 Total unknowns about 3-4 hours per f (on IBM RS6000/590) ) I[

5 *M W 0 rA x opmo *EA 0 5 41-10 rA 4MI) w 5 0 Poo:z cr w -;.4;0-4 0 5 rA 0.4 Q —4 0 W 4 E:z a 4 r-q 0 $0 QZ 04 Q sluatuUaI x!JWuuI jo jam CA 0 r —.4 0 $=4.r.04 -C CL4. r-4;..o -4-0 CA 0 64 u. V —4 E 4-4 0 0 0 E >-, a) ct r-C 0;-4 u C)..4.4 —Jr-q CA - q) 4 — F-4. s: V-* -- -- - - -- -- -- -- - - bJo $z. r-q CL4 z 0;-4 bb 10 4 — $z.-4 =$ " —4 0 Q u 4-j Cn - r-4 1:0, = 0 r-4. r-4,-4 CA = r ---4 z 0 tO C14 =, P —(. r —4 (A ct M a) U u > 0 C*40;.-4 (1) 0-1 ct r —4 E cn. r-O;..4 $=4 u 0

0 0 @0 0 *PR04 Q 0 Q 4) 0. pono 0 rA $0 0 4o W 4M4 00 CIO) PEON4 M *06 0 F* O 0 PEO 16-) M $0 w *ml) 0 pniq w w E *Ni 9L4 W) 0 0:z 00 rA 0 0 PM4 *M CZ (2) *M 0 PM4 kn w it: M Po w 16-) 1.0 M rA w $0 0 0 A w 94 JaS U! alu (ldJ 0A 0 0 N,*Z 111*Z fq W) 00 00 0 PM14 4mi w 00 0 0 1.0 w -604 04 0 W) 3dS U! it!1 f1d3

0 0 PI 0@ * - SA 0 $0 Q;0 -e 04 0~ -O-) 0~ w E *M) 0 lm 4):z v rA * POO rA * PON P.= I-) 91, 10 w 0.ll w r0 0 * Poo 16=4 el *4 0 = opaml (2) 4.0 Z C. (U = so:z Oo 4-o (V Z;.o W, z 1= w 0 PNO 4) $0 w rA u C. = lop-( 0 PE4 5 "0 co w 0 4* C. O 0~ &n w -4= 0 O" *M:z POO" O Z PHONO CZ 414 O 414 Po CZ POO" Poo" OMO rA r0 0.W 0:z 00 4-4 0;.o w 5:z 4 N z,*Z el W) CLO 0* 0* 0 PNIO *M) w 44 0 a (2) 16= 0 W) 0n aaS U! at!i f1d3

Conclusions * Hybrid FE-BI modeling of doubly periodic structures * Need for speed-up of BI * Derivation of the Adaptive Integral Method (AIM) * Validation results * Memory requirements and CPU timings

Fast Multipole Method Solutions of Finite Element-Boundary Integral Implementations for Antenna Modeling Involving Curved Geometries by K Sertel and J.L. Volakis 75

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-C Fast Multipole Method (FMM) Solutions of Finite Element-Boundary Integral (FE-BI) Implementations for Antenna Modeling Involving Curved Geometries Kubilay SERTEL and John L. Volakis Radiation Laboratory Dept. of Electrical Engin. and Computer Science University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 16 1

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-2 Goals * Fast and Practical Analysis of Finite Arrays on Doubly Curved Surfaces * Evaluate the Accuracy of FE-BI with Fast Algorithms for Antenna Simulations * Study the Effects Curvature and the Finite Aperture on Array Performance Outline * Problem Geometry: Cavity Backed Patch Antenna Arrays on Curved Platforms * FE-BI and the Fast Multipole Formulation * Time and Memory Reduction by Employing FMM * Examples * Conclusions University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory i6 2

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-26 Problem Geometry II Boundary Integral(BI) For Mesh T ncation *: 1 elements and::.:::: layers.:::...::...::: -.. FSS Antenna Array \ Aperture Surface (S) pa..orm I — Ir curved Finite Element Method (FEM) For Volume Modeling dielectric University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 3

IEEE A-S'98,Atlanta, June216 FEBI FruaIon K T)jI4[ (VT(X)~ 2ET0iZOTift}I~kOJeHi) Is HI = -2 k [J' r~r')(Exn)ds - I2 Vfgr,r')V.(Ex, 0L S +inc Os 1 I __V b L 2i J e - kR Universit of M\ichigan - Radiation Laboratory4

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-26 FE-BI Formulation Distorted Triangular Prism Elements [Ozdemir and Volakis, AP-May 97] - - - lo No- M -f \ - -ts moft * '% BI part generates Full Matrix FE part generates Sparse Matrix Sparse Matrix A int AcrosslEint 1 o 0 I I' + I Dense f1int I I A - \ d I I - I \L),,,,tJ LATcross LA Lo ext f J University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 5

IEEE A-S'9 Atlanta, June 21-26 FE-BI and the Fast Multipole Method [Coifman et al., AP-June 93] * Translation Formulas x K~m -jk r+d r+d XI (krP -( —. r 00 =- jk (-1) (21+ 1)j1 (kd )(2) 1=0 1 01 )T j 1 *r ) fd2k e >-kdpQ(kr) r-j k, I* - jklr+d| r+d - jk d2ke-kd 4Jr 00 /=0 (- j) (2 + l)h (kr)P (k 4) *rJ TL ~ k'r, A\ *r); L /=0 j)l(21 + l)h (kr)P (k. r) Vsmi ( )= JJds e -Jk im LIkk bi (r ) Vfmj (k?)-= ds ek'rjm s L ^^b I ) University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 6

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-2 FE-BI and the Fast Multipole Method k adbJsbid(r). Fbs 1,( ] e-jkR Bij = -2jZ s - (r) b - V.bj)V R B k - - 2d k V^ (k) TL (kr, k * r)Vs, (k) 1-. V rj Plain FE-BI Strategy, i orar aggregations / I \translations S — 1 ~4 i T\ v'^ *ear y7^ Iinteractions Plain FE-BI Strategy University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory a6 7

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta June 21 -Clustering of the Surface Unknowns FSS Layer 1(thickness= 4 cm.) ~ Shown is 3 by 3 dipole antenna array mesh. * "k-means algorithm is used to... form the clusters. Circles are centered at the cluster centers and pass through the.L....-.. furthest element in the cluster. ~ Each element belongs to one. cluster only! * Red: PEC * Green: Dielectric University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory E6 )

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-26 ~~~I~[ I I I CPU Requirements and Complexity Memory CPU Time per Iteration 50 45 -40 M 30 CC 25 |.o 0 E 20 a15 10 5 0 0 0 FE-BI-MoM 6.2xl O'N 1.-99 0 0 FE-BI-FMM 0.5x10' 3N.2o ---,.:IO':......."...............i....... '........'...............!......." -~~-~-:- ~ — ~ —: ~~-i'..'.~ i-' - ~.~: ': I '. I........................................... ---......;......... i.......,/ > 7 ------ —; I...:........7..... 7 — g / / ^ 5............................................................................ -...... /............ -......................... 0 o FE- BI-M.oM 0.5x... N.. i0 0 FE- 81-FMM - -....... - - -..............x 10. 37 I I 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Number of BI Unknowns 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 Number of BI Unknowns FE-BI FE-B I-FMM O(N1-99) O(N1-26) FE-BI FE-B I-FMM O(N1-98) O(N137 University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 9

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-s CPU Requirements Matrix Fill Time Matrix Solution Time 1500 i i! I i i i 200.. | 180 - o o FE- BI- MoM - 88.x1 0' eN1..... N.. 140 ----—.............. 60 1000-x'........ --- —------ 0 FE — BM- FM M 400.3x1' 0an' N x; / -x 1 - 37 - 8 0 ----- - -- ------ —.-. --- --.I --- — - ' --- - - - - - - - - - 12 0 - -— *,- -.....: - - I....... *..."........... FE-BI 0FE-(N ) FE-BI o(NMoM 3.5X103 1.37 80 ieri o ici - iio or i i 40 280....'-....'........ —< ----i..:::........i........ 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Number of BI Unknowns Number of BI Unknowns FE-BI O(N2"6 FE-BI O(N FE-BI-FMM O(N1.37 FE-BI-FMM1 O(N157 University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 10

IEEE AP-S'98 Patch Antenna on a Cylinder Studied by Sothell[89], Atlanta, June 21-26 Kempel and Volakis [AP-Sep. 94]. 0.5 ' 0 1 0.5 -3 3 curved platform -3 3.5cm by 3.5cm patch antenna on a cylindrical.3175 cm. deep cavity filled with dielectric of relative permittivity 2.32. Antenna Simulated for Different Cylinder Radii University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 11

,(N (N I 4 E~ E E E E E Ct~l i ( * - * ' ' ^ I:', f /:!........,, I........... - '. --- '- /. N U r \........... '.""................... n -s-.: "................. 4 -............................................ ' > 010 N 0 i)D. U 0owl 0N' n I *E r0 0 0?. _ _ ~ i I _ _ 0) P - ^' u.......................... - M ________C4 L~ ~ o o ~ 1u1p0dIC od eouEpedwl indul

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-26 RCS Dependence on Curvature 2cm. by 3cm. patch antenna on a 5cm. by 6cm., 0.078cm. deep cavity filled with dielectric of relative permittivity 2.17 52.. I I.I 10 -o CO M r — CO 0 0 o1...... I1 0.,....... —.. --- i.. 1VI. --- W --- Curved. 10cm. - - Flat, [Kempel] - Curved, [Kempel]......................................:.......................... - - - --------- -— r- - -----:\ q52:.\/ - 20 - 30.................................... - 5C I An' I t 3 3.5 4 Frequ en cy (G Hz.) - +u 4.5 4 4.5 5 F requ en cy (G Hz.) 5.5 6 University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 13

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-26 5 Element Antenna Array [''''''' *~..~. C *.*I.*. *.. I r ~~ I~ I, -, ~. -, I I'Clr II' I' i ~IN ~'~CY ', #LZC;' i' - -)'~ ' '' '' '' '' '' '' ' ' '' ' ' '' '' ''.,........,I, = ~, ~, I, ~, ~, ~, ~, I, ~, I, I, 'I 'I 'I 'I ' 'I '~ 'I 'I II 'r ' I 'I ' '' ,,, I. W,, I, ~. ~. r,, 'C ~. ~C ~~ ~- ~~ ~~. ~. ~, ~. ~, ~. ~. ~, ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~... ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~, ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~. ~, ~, ~, ~. ~. ~. ~, ~. ~, ~, / I ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 cc I CJL —~C3,C - -" Z P- C-E-~- 3y,I, i VL3 ~ ~ C~+Li*F — Element size: 3.5cm. by 2.625cm. Seperation: 6.125cm. Cavity: 33.25cm. by 6.125cm. Total Number of Unknowns: 3287 Number of Boundary Unknowns: 2312 Matrix Fill Time: 4 min. Iterative Solution time: 12 min. on 200 MHz. IP22 processor. University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 14

~'o I co........ E:.... Cll '41................. -e,.~........I.......I........ I...................................................... 0.................. 0 a 0 l0 0 ~ii)./. U- LOL( E................................................ 1 * * C ID LL0 IA::v........................................... 00 000 N C') 10 I [a.... [:P] OIId IJIEHPO EWO WI 1 I

IEEE LAP.-S9 A~tlanta, June 212 5 Eleent AtennaArra 5 4 3 C. EM a_ 2 1 2.5 2.55 F requ en cy (G Hz.) 2.7 200 EL a C: - ~ -~- X 2 0cm. 0 CO ~50" CO E I ---------- -100 - 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.5.5 2.7 2.35 24 Frtequ en cy (-OHz.) University of M\ichigan - Radiation - 1uu0 — 2.35 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.8 2.65 2.7 F re quen cy (G Hz.) Laboratory 16

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-26 5 Element Antenna Array 5 200...... 1* IE [c I Elements brought closer cause coupling! A 2 3 I 1 I I - 100 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 Frequency (G Hz.) 2.0 2.65 2.7 inn. " 1 ra t0 EL CL E _=. I 3* Q OL rd a E C: I I I I I I I 2.35 2.4 2.45 2.5 2.55 F requ en cy (G Hz.) 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.45 2.5 2.55 2.8 2.65 F requ en cy (O Hz.) University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 17

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-26 II Curved FSS Structure Slot / (0.2x0.75 cm2) 1... 0.9 i: --- —.. —.. --................................... - rc.e... -'....... 0 14 o0..................... c0.7 --- 0. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -... -.. 0. - —............................... ~~~~~~~~ ---.......... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - u0.3 -------- B Curved..cm..0.1.....urved 20cm. h=O. cm t Curvature direction 8 10 12 14 Frequen cy (G Hz.) 18 20 University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 18

IEEE AP-S'98 Atlanta, June 21-2 Conclusions * Presented are approximate solutions of antenna problems involving curved arrays. * FMM is applied to reduce the solution time and memory requirements. * For platforms with large radius of curvature, approximate solution predicts the effects of curvature. * Finite arrays are shown to exhibit coupling not present in infinite arrays. * Method provides a fast but approximate solution of antenna structures in inhomogeneous cavities, possibly curved. University of Michigan - Radiation Laboratory 19

035067-11-T USERS MANUAL FOR FSS-CURVE Sanders, A Lockheed Martin Co. 95 Canal Street NCA1-6268 P.O. Box 868 Nashua, NH 030601-0868 July 1998 1

PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT TITLE: REPORT TITLE: U-M REPORT No.: CONTRACT START DATE: END DATE: DATE: SPONSOR: SPONSOR CONTRACT No.: U-M PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Hybrid Finite Element Design Codes for the SERAT Array Users Manual for FSS-CURVE 035067-11-T October 1996 September 1998 July 28, 1998 Roland Gilbert SANDERS, INC, A Lockheed Martin Co. MER 24-1583 PO Box 868 Nashua, NH 030601-0868 Phone: (603) 885-5861 Email: RGILBERT @mailgw.sanders.lockheed.com P.O. QP2047 John L. Volakis EECS Dept. University of Michigan 1301 Beal Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 Phone: (313) 764-0500 FAX: (313) 747-2106 volakis @umich.edu http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/-volakis/ CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS REPORT: K. Sertel, J. Volakis, Y. Erdemli, D. Giszczak 2

1. General Code Description 2. Features of the FSSPRISM/FSSCURVE Driver 3. Running the Code 4. I/O Operations 4.1 Input File Format 4.2 Format of Data Files A. DATA1 B. DATA2 C. Imp D. Reflect E. Trans F. EqvCur/EqvCurB G. EdgeUnk H. fema.dml 4.3 A Sample Run for Driver.f 5. Examples For FSS-CURVE A. 2x2 Curved Slot Array 6. Electric field viewer for FSS-Prism by Dan Giszczak Magnetic current viewer for FSS-Prism by Dan Giszczak_ Bibliography 4 6 8 9 9 17 18 20 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 35 35 40 42 42 3

1. General Code Description FSSCURVE is a special case of the earlier FSSPRISM code discussed in the Univ of Michigan Rad Lab report 035067-7-T (July 1998 is the latest; revision). FSS_-PRISM is used to analyze electromagnetic scattering and radiation characteristics of infinite periodic planar antenna arrays and frequency selective surface (FSS) configurations, as illustrated in Figure 1, with an arbitrary number of FSS layers (metallic patches or slots) and combinations of both. FSS_CURVE considers finite array structures only and in this regard, it is similar to FSS-BRICK discussed in the Univ of Michigan Rad Lab report 035067-5-T. FSS_CURVE, though, employs the same geometry Driver for entering the geometry as FSSPRISM, with only minor changes. Therefore, this manual repeats much of the same material found in the FSSPRISM manual (Rad Lab report 035067-7-T ). As such FSSCUREVE is capable of generating the same type of meshes as the FSSPRISM. The only difference is that FSS-CURVE repeats the meshes of each "periodic" cell of the finite array to generate the entire finite array mesh. /I -~ -4-..... —.r '/ >...,I I r - - r -, - -- - - - I, / I / 1, ) ---- ---- I- / Figure 1: Periodic array configuration. As in FSSPRISM, the hybrid finite element-boundary integral (FE-BI) method is again used for field calculation. The finite element formulation is employed within the volumetric part and the boundary integral is used for terminating the mesh. Also, the 4

code works with prismatic elements in the FE-volume and triangular elements in the BIsurface. The prismatic elements can be right-angled as well as distorted. Distorted prism are essential for describing the geometry of curved finite arrays. First, the code generates triangular surface meshes with all geometrical adaptability for the individual layers while the volumetric FE-mesh is grown along the depth of the volume. The curved configuration mesh is generated by using the curvature information. The new mesh consists of distorted triangular prisms whose level of distortion depends on the curvature of the array. Currently the code has been verified only for cylindrical finite arrays. Like FSS_PRISM, FSS_CURVE has the option to deal with metal backed periodic configurations and with periodic configurations which are open at the top as well as at the bottom surface of the FE-mesh. In the first case, the BI is applied only on the top surface whereas in the latter, the BI-method is used to terminate both surfaces. For the FSS_CURVE, the number of unknowns in the FE volume and on the BI surfaces are much larger than those in FSS-PRISM which models only a single unit cell. Basically, the degrees of freedom(DOFs) in FSSCURVE are equal to Ncells*NFss_PRISM, where Nceiis refers to the number of array elements in the finite array and NFSS_PRISM refers to the DOFs/unknowns used in FSSPRISM. Consequently, the CPU requirements of FSS_CURVE can be much larger. To alleviate these requirements and allow practical array calculations, the fast multipole method (FMM) is employed to speed-up the iterative solver in FSS_CURVE. Specifically, FMM is used to carry out the matrixvector products for the BI on the top and bottom surfaces of the array aperture. This reduces the CPU and memory requirements from O(N2) down to O(N1'5) as N increases. For further details of the analysis and the theory of the formulation the user is referred to [1-10]. FSSCURVE is written in Fortran 77 and has been verified to run on Unix platforms for HP, Sun, SGI workstations. In this manual, we describe input/output (I/O) operations which are nearly identical to FSSPRISM. Also, a computational example is presented to demonstrate usage and performance of the code. More of these example will be given later. 5

2. Features of the FSSPRISM/FSSCURVE Driver This section is primarily borrowed from the FSSPRISM manual since the geometry Driver used by FSSCURVE is the same as FSSPRISM except for minor parameter addition (due to curvature). These are explicitly highlighted in the text. The geometry Driver is the FORTRAN source file Driver.f. In addition, there is a parameter file "fema.dml" which is used by both parts of the code and defines the array dimensions for compilation. The driver is an 1/0 tool that enables users to enter the necessary geometry and excitation information for antenna and/or FSS analysis. Using the geometrical input data, the driver generates the antenna mesh consisting of prismatic elements without a need for an external meshing package. The surface mesh for each FSS layer interface (2-D cross-section), and the whole geometry in 3-D can be viewed using MatLab. Also, the Univ of Michigan viewing tools FSSEfield.exe and FSSCur.exe can be used for this purpose on PCs. Thus, the user can visualize and check the geometry before running the analysis code. The PRISM driver requires the physical dimensions of the geometry in centimeter, angles in degrees, and frequency in GHz. The driver stores the necessary mesh and excitation information in two data files to be used by the analysis code. After executing the driver code, the FSSCURVE code is run to compute input impedances of radiating elements and/or reflection and transmission coefficients of the corresponding structure. Of course, the input data files for the actual code can also be generated without the delivered driver (using external or specialized gridding packages). This allows the code to be used for more general structures than those supported by the driver. The driver has the following 110 features: 1) All input data provided by the user is stored in a file with a pre-specified name so that it is convenient to rerun the code using the input file with the same data or modifications without reentering the entire input data set. 2) The user can choose either transmission/reflection coefficient evaluation of FSS structures or radiation computations for antenna configurations on top of multilayered FSS structures. After running the analysis code, for FSS analysis, the transmission and reflection coefficients of the structure for a given scan angle and frequencies are displayed on the screen and stored in corresponding output files 6

("Reflect", "Trans"). Similarly, plane wave amplitudes in scan direction and input impedances (in Ohm) (file "Imp") are displayed and stored for antenna analysis. 3) The FEM sample size and dimensions for each unit cell must be specified in centimeter. The driver also asks for the thickness or depth of the structure, including the number of layers and their material properties. In addition, beginning, end, and incremental frequencies (in GHz) and angles (in degrees) are specified by the user. 4) FSS_CURVE employs the fast multipole method (FMM) to speed up the BI computation, especially for large problems. Therefore, the driver asks for FMM parameters 5) Strip dipoles, slots, crossed-strip, and crossed-slot antenna or FSS elements are available in the driver as primitives. These elements can be placed at any location within the unit cell. The physical dimensions and the lower-left corer location of elements must be specified for each layer interface. It is assumed that the lower-left comer of each layer interface is the origin (0.,0.). Moreover, the user can generate other types of elements by specifying the size and location of rectangular metallic patches that would form the specific FSS element. 6) The driver allows horizontal (x- or y-directed) as well as vertical (z-directed) probe feeds at any node location within the structure where the user can specify locations, amplitudes, and phases of the probe currents. 7) Vertical short-circuit pins can be placed in all layers by specifying their (x,y) coordinates. 8) Vertical (z-directed) lumped impedance loads can be situated in each layer; their admittance values (in I/Ohm) can be specified. 9) Horizontally placed lumped impedance loads are also available in the driver. The user can place x- or y- directed loads on each FSS layer as well as at the aperture where antenna elements may reside. The admittance values and locations of the loads are entered by the user. 10) As another option, resistive cards can be selected. The cards can be in all FSS layers and in the aperture. Surface conductance (I/Ohm), location, and size of the cards can be specified. 7

3. Running the Code Before compiling the driver source file "Driver.f", the dimension parameters "NdmTri" (maximum number of triangles), "NdmSEd" (maximum number of edges), "NdmLay" (number of prism layers), and "NdmSNo" (maximum number of nodes expected in the final mesh) in the file called "fema.dml" should be adjusted properly. Next the driver code is compiled by typing f77 Driver.f -o executable filenamel on UNIX platforms. To run the code, just type executable filenamel and follow the instructions for standard 1/O operations. If an input file for the driver is already available, the user only needs to enter the name of that file; otherwise, the user is asked to enter the necessary input information one by one on the screen. All information is also stored in a user-specified input file allowing simplified reruns. After executing the driver, two data files "Datal 1" and "Data2" are generated to be used by the analysis code. The main code can be compiled using the delivered "Makefile" for UNIX systems. Typing "make" at the prompt starts the compiler for the individual source files and finally links them together to an executable called FSSC (see Makefile-sgi and Makefilesun for Makefiles referring to Sun or SGI machines). For optimal use of the "Makefile" it might be necessary to adopt compiler and linker options, for instance with respect to code optimization, to the used system. On PC based systems, typically a project is defined including all the necessary source files. Before the code is compiled the array dimensions defined in the parameter file "fema.dml" must be set sufficiently large. The meaning of the different parameters is explained in the file "fema.dml" and also later in this manual. To make sure that no array dimension is exceeded, FORTRAN compilers usually have a compiler option enabling array range checking. Also, most of the array dimensions are checked during run time and the code will terminate with an error message. After executing the prism code, the output data is displayed on the screen and also stored in the output files "Imp", "Trans", and "Reflect", whose formats will be described later in this manual. Sometimes it might be useful to redirect the output from the screen into an ASCII file by typing "> out.txt" at the end of the command (on Unix), viz. FSS_C... > out.txt 8

This causes the screen output to be written in the file "out.txt". 4. I/O Operations After starting the driver code, the user must specify the input data format. If an input file is available, the user is only asked to enter the name of that file. Otherwise, the user must enter all input data one by one on the screen. However, in this case all input data is stored in a file specified by the user. The driver finally generates two data files, namely "Datal" and "Data2" to be used as input files for the analysis code. The data format of these files is described later in this section. In case of entering the input data on the screen, the user will be asked specifically for all necessary information where the questions are self-explanatory. However, if the user wants to generate an input file by himself rather than entering each input on the screen, it is necessary to know the input file format of the geometry driver. For this purpose, all input variables appearing in the input file are described in the next subsection. 4.1 Input File Format Each line in the input file includes at least one entry and the entries must be separated by either a blank or a comma. It is important to pay attention to the type of the individual variables, whether it is a real, integer or complex variable, and specify it accordingly; otherwise, the driver may give error message and terminate. All entries specified in an input file are described below and illustrated by an example. Note that the variables are designated by its representative names. 1) Problem type and configuration: ITYP, IBOT, ICOM ITYP (integer): Problem = 1 - Radiation or = 2 - Scattering IBOT (integer): Bottom aperture = 1 -- Open or = 2 - Closed (metal-backed) ICOM (integer): = 1 - Commensurate or = 2 - Non-commensurate or = 3 - Curved Example: 1,2,2 [Radiation problem; Non-commensurate configuration with metal-backed bottom surface] 9

2) Polarization type of incident plane wave and scan direction: IPOL, PHI, THETA IPOL (integer): Polarization = 0 -> No plane wave excitation, Radiation (ITYP=1) Polarization = 1-> TE-pol or = 2 -- TM-pol (Scattering: ITYP=2) PHI, THETA (real): Array scan angles (degree) Example: 1, 0., 90. [TE-polarization; 0q =0~, 0 =90~] 3) Frequency of operation: FRBEG, FREND, FRSTP FRBEG, FREND, FRSTP (real): Beginning, end, and incremental frequencies (GHz) Example: 1., 10., 0. 25 Ifi=l GHz,f2=10 GHz, 5f =0.25 GHz] 4) AIM computation parameters: NSB1, NFBX, NFBY This is Not used in FSS-CURVE. NSB1 (integer): Number of samples per dimension in the regular grid (Commensurate: ICOM=1) or in the bottom regular grid (Non-commensurate: ICOM=2) NFBX, NFBY (integer): Nearfield threshold in the regular or in the bottom regular grid for the x- and y-directions Only for non-commensurate case, additionally: NST1, NFTX, NFTY NST1 (integer): Number of samples per dimension in the top regular grid NFTX, NFTY (integer): Nearfield threshold in the top regular grid for x- and y-directions Example: 50, 18, 18 [Commensurate case: NSB1=50, NFBX=NFBY=18] The regular AIM grid overlays the possibly irregular triangular surface mesh. In the commensurate case, the surface mesh is equal throughout the whole structure and therefore the BI matrices on the top and bottom surfaces must be calculated only once. Similarly, only one regular AIM grid is needed. In the non-commensurate case, the surface meshes on the top and bottom BI terminations can have different extent and the employed Green function grid can be different as well. Therefore, different regular AIM grids can be defined on the top and bottom surfaces. Good AIM performance can typically be achieved by three to four regular grid points per triangle side length in the original mesh. In this case, the nearfield thresholds in x- and y-directions should not be smaller than 15 (typically 18). For instance, if the extent of the original mesh in x- and ydirections is 10 cm and the average side length of the triangles is 0.5 cm, a total number of 60 regular grid points per dimension would lead to three regular grid points per 10

triangle side length. In the current implementation of the code, a 2-D FFT algorithm is used which requires the same number of elements in both dimensions. Therefore, the number of samples per dimension equally applies to x- and y-directions. 5) FSS unit cell size and FEM sample size: XL, YL, DX, DY XL, YL (real): FSS unit cell size (ICOM=1) or Largest unit cell size (ICOM=2) (cm) DX, DY (real): FEM sample size (cm) Example: 2., 2., 0. 05,0. 05 [FSS unit cell size: 2x2 cm2, FEM sample size: 0.05x0.05 cm2] 6) Depth of structure and number of layers: ZL, NZ ZL (real): Depth of structure (cm) NZ (integer): Number of layers along the depth Example: 1., 3 [3-layered structure with 1 cm in depth] 7) FSS unit cell size: FXL, FYL Only if ICOM=2 (Non-commensurate case), for each layer from the bottom to the top: FXL, FYL (real): x-y dimensions of FSS unit cell in cm (each layer's top surface) Example: 2., 2. [FSS unit cell size for Layer # 1 (bottom layer): 2x2 cm2] 1.5,1.25 [FSS unit cell size for Layer # 2: 1.5x1.25 cm2] 1.25,1. [FSS unit cell size for Layer # 3 (top layer): 1.25x1 cm2] 8) Layer parameters: DT, EPS, MU For each layer from the bottom to the top: DT (real): Layer thickness (cm) EPS, MU (complex): Relative permittivity and permeability Example: 0.5, (1.,0.), (1., 0.) [tl=0.50 cm, Eri=lgr=l.+j0.] 0.25, (2., 0. ), (1., 0.) [t2=0.25 cm, ~r2=2.+j0., r2=l.+jO.] 0. 25, (1., 0. ), (1., -0.05) [t3=0.25 cm, Er3=l.+j0., 9r3=1.-j0.05] 9) FSS elements: For each layer from the bottom to the top: Flag for FSS elements: IYNFS 11

IYNFS (integer): = 1 - FSS elements on the top of layer or = 2 - No FSS elements If only IYNFS=1: Type of FSS elements and number of sections: NFSEL, NMET NFSEL (integer): FSS element type = 1 - Strip or = 2 - Slot or = 3 - Crossed-strip or = 4 - Crossed-slot or = 5 - User-specified element NMET (integer): Number of sections = 1 (NFSEL=1,2) or = 2 (NFSEL=3,4) or = user-specified (NFSEL=5) Size of each section: DPX, DPY DPX, DPY (real): x-y dimensions of each section for each FSS element (cm) Location of each section: Xl, Y1 Xi, Yl (real): Lower-left corner coordinate of each section in cm (for each layer, the origin is assumed to be the lower-left corer of the corresponding unit cell) Example: 1 [FSS elements exist on Layer # 1 (bottom layer)] 1,1 [FSS element type: Strip with one section only] 0.5,0. 75 [Size of Strip element: 0.5x0.75 cm2] 0. 25,0.3 5 [(x,y) coordinate of Strip element in cm] 2 [There is no FSS element on Layer # 2] 1 [FSS elements exist on Layer # 3 (top layer)] 3, 2 [FSS element type: Crossed-strip with two sections] 0.5,0.5 [Size of 1st section: 0.5x0.5 cm2] 0. 25, 0.35 [(x,y) coordinate of 1st section in cm] 0. 75,0. 75 [Size of 2nd section: 0.75x0.75 cm2] 0.35,0. 25 [(x,y) coordinate of 2nd section in cm] 10) Resistive Cards (R-cards): For each layer from the bottom to the top: Number of R-cards: NRES NRES (integer): Number of R-cards placed on each layer's top surface Size of each R-card: RCX, RCY RCX, RCY (real): x-y dimensions of each R-card in cm Location of each R-card: RX1,RY1 RX1, RYl (real): Lower-left corner coordinate of each R-card in cm (for each layer, the origin is assumed to be the lower-left corer of the corresponding unit cell) Surface Conductance of each R-card: SCN 12

SCN (complex): Surface conductance of the R-card (1/Ohm) Example: 0 [There is no R-card on Layer # 1 (bottom layer)] 0 [There is no R-card on Layer # 2] 2 [There are two R-cards on Layer # 3 (top layer)] 0.5,0.5 [Size of R-card # 1: 0.5x0.5 cm2] 0. 25,0. 25 [(x,y) coordinate of R-card # 1 in cm] (100., 0.) [Conductance value of R-card # 1: 100+jO (1/Ohm)] 0.25,0.25 [Size of R-card # 1: 0.25x0.25 cm2] 0. 25,0.25 [(x,y) coordinate of R-card # 2 in cm] (10., -0. 5) [Conductance value of R-card # 2: 10-j.5 (1/Ohm)] 11) Lumped Impedance Loads: x-directed loads (x-loads): For each layer from the bottom to the top: Number of x-loads: NXD NXD (integer): Number of x-loads located on each layer's top surface Location of each x-load: X1,Y1, X2,Y2 X1, Y1 (real): Beginning coordinate of each x-load in cm X2, Y2 (real): End coordinate of each x-load in cm Note that an x-load is located between its beginning and end coordinates, and also Y1 should be equal to Y2. Admittance of each x-load: AXLD AXLD (complex): Admittance value of each x-load (1/Ohm) Example: 0 [There is no x-load on Layer # 1] 1 [There is only one x-load on Layer # 2] 0.1,0.1,0.3,0.1 [(xl,yi) = (0.1,0.1) and (x2,2)= (0.3,0.1) cm] (150., 0.) [Admittance of the x-load: 150+j0 (1/Ohm)] 0 [There is no x-load on Layer # 3] y-directed loads (v-loads): For each layer from the bottom to the top: Number of y-loads: NYD NYD (integer): Number of y-loads located on each layer's top surface Location of each y-load: X1, Y1, X2, Y2 13

X1, Yl (real): Beginning coordinate of each y-load in cm X2, Y2 (real): End coordinate of each y-load in cm Note that a y-load is located between its beginning and end coordinates, and also xl should be equal to X2. Admittance of each y-load: AYLD AYLD (complex): Admittance value of each y-load (1/Ohm) Example: 0 [There is no y-load on Layer # 1] 1 [There is only one y-load on Layer # 2] 0.1,0.3,0.1,0.3 [(xl,yi) = (0.1,0.1) and (x2,y2)= (0.3,0.1) cm] (10.,10.) [Admittance of the y-load: 10+jlO (1/Ohm)] 0 [There is no y-load on Layer # 3] z-directed loads (z-loads): For each layer from the bottom to the top: Number of z-loads: NZD NZD (integer): Number of z-loads located in each layer Location of each z-load: x1, Y1 xl, Y1 (real): (x,y) coordinate of each z-load within the unit cell (cm) Admittance of each z-load: AZLD AZLD (complex): Admittance value of each z-load (1/Ohm) Example: 1 [There is only one z-load in Layer # 1] 0.15,0.3 [Location of the load: (x,y) = (0.15,0.3) cm] (10., 1. 5) [Admittance of the z-load: 10+j 1.5 (I/Ohm)] 1 [There is only one z-load in Layer # 2] 0.15,0.3 [Location of the load: (x,y) = (0.15,0.3) cm] (10., 1. 5) [Admittance of the z-load: 10+j 1.5 (1/Ohm)] 1 [There is only one z-load in Layer # 3] 0.15,0.3 [Location of the load: (x,y) = (0.15,0.3) cm] (10., 1. 5) [Admittance of the z-load: 10+j 1.5 (1/Ohm)] Note that a cascade of three vertical loads located at (x,y) = (0.15,0.3) are formed along the depth of the structure in the above example. 12) Short-Circuit Pins: 14

For each layer from the bottom to the top: Number of pins: NPIN NPIN (integer): Number of short-circuit pins inserted in each layer Location of each pin: X1, Y1 X1, Y1 (real): (x,y) coordinate of each pin within the unit cell (cm) Example: 1 [There is only one pin in Layer # 1 (bottom layer)] 0. 3, 0. 3 [Location of the load: (x,y) = (0.3,0.3) cm] 1 [There is only one pin in Layer # 2] 0. 3, 0. 3 [Location of the pin: (x,y) = (0.3,0.3) cm] 1 [There is only one pin in Layer # 3 (top layer)] 0. 3,0.3 [Location of the pin: (x,y) = (0.3,0.3) cm] The top and bottom surfaces of the structure can be short-circuited by placing pins at the same (x,y) coordinate in each layer as done in the above example. 13) Probe-Current Feeds: x-directed probe-current feeds (x-feeds): For each layer from the bottom to the top: Number of x-feeds: NXFED NXFED (integer): Number of x-feeds located on each layer's top surface Location of each x-feed: X1, Y1, X2, Y2 X1, Y1 (real): Beginning coordinate of each x-feed in cm X2, Y2 (real): End coordinate of each x-feed in cm Note that an x-feed is located between its beginning and end coordinates, and also Y1 should be equal to Y2. Amplitude and phase of each x-feed: XAMP, XPHS XAMP (real): Amplitude of each x-feed (Amp) XPHS (real): Phase of each x-feed (degree) Example: 0 [There is no x-feed on Layer # 1] 0 [There is no x-feed on Layer # 2] 1 [There is only one x-feed on Layer # 3] 0.2,0.1,0.5,0.1 [(xi,yi) = (0.2,0.1) and(x2,y2)= (0.5,0.1) cm] 15

1.,45. [Probe-current: Ix-feed = 1 ej14 Amp] y-directed probe-current feeds (y-feeds): For each layer from the bottom to the top: Number of v-feeds: NYFED NYFED (integer): Number of y-feeds located on each layer's top surface Location of each y-feed: X1, 1, X2, Y2 X1, Y1 (real): Beginning coordinate of each y-feed in cm X2, Y2 (real): End coordinate of each y-feed in cm Note that an y-feed is located between its beginning and end coordinates, and also Xl should be equal to X2. Amplitude and phase of each y-feed: YAMP, YPHS YAMP (real): Amplitude of each y-feed (Amp) YPHS (real): Phase of each y-feed (degree) Example: 0 [There is no y-feed on Layer # 1] 0 [There is no y-feed on Layer # 2] 1 [There is only one y-feed on Layer # 3] 0.3,0.1,0.3,0.4 [(xl,yi) = (0.3,0.1) and (x2,y2) = (0.3,0.4) cm] 1., 0. [Probe-current: Iy-feed =1. e~ Amp] z-directed probe-current feeds (z-feeds): For each layer from the bottom to the top: Number of z-feeds: NZFED NZFED (integer): Number of z-feeds inserted in each layer Location of each z-feed: xi, Y1 X1, Y1 (real): (x,y) coordinate of each z-load within the unit cell (cm) Amplitude and phase of each z-feed: ZAMP, ZPHS ZAMP (real): Amplitude of each y-feed (Amp) ZPHS (real): Phase of each y-feed (degree) Example: 1 [There is only one z-feed in Layer # 1 (bottom)] 0. 2,0. 2 [Location of the z-feed: (x,y) = (0.2,0.2) cm] 1., 90. [Probe-current: Izfeed =1. erd2 Amp] 1 [There is only one z-feed in Layer # 3] 16

0.2,0.2 [Location of the z-feed: (x,y) = (0.2,0.2) cm] 1., 90. [Probe-current: Iz-feed = 1. ei12 Amp] 1 [There is only one z-feed in Layer # 3 (top)] 0.2,0.2 [Location of the z-feed: (x,y) = (0.2,0.2) cm] 1., 90. [Probe-current: Iz-feed =. eij2 Amp] As shown in the above example, one can construct a continuous current feed between the bottom and top surfaces of the structure by placing probe-currents with same amplitude and phase value at the same (x,y) coordinate in each layer. 14) Curvature: THI IS SPECIFIC TO FSSCURVE Radius of curvature in x-direction: CURADX CURADX (real): Radius of curvature in x-direction, i.e. the mesh is wrapped on a cylindrical surface such that the y=constant edges have cylindrical curvature. 4.2 Format of Data Files In this subsection we describe the formats of the input data files "Datal" and "Data2", the output files "Imp", "Trans", "Reflect", "EqvCur", "EqvCurB", and "EdegUnk", as well as the parameter file "fema.dml". "Datal" and "Data2" are generated by the driver, but can also be provided from another source. These files are the input files for the analysis code and contain all necessary data for the code to be run. "Datal" contains excitation and global geometry information and "Data2" contains surface mesh data (node and triangular element numbering), definitions for periodic boundary conditions, and locations of discrete elements (metallic sections, R-cards, loads, pins, feeds) in terms of node and triangle numbers. "Imp", "Trans", and "Reflect" are generated by the prism code and contain computed input impedances related to probe feeds, transmission and reflection coefficients, respectively, with respect to frequency for the specified scan direction. The files "EqvCur", "EqvCurB", and "EdgeUnk" are generated for the frequency specified by the parameter NFREQ in the file "Datal" and 17

contain equivalent surface current densities and the values of the edge unknowns, respectively. A. DATA1 1) Problem type and configuration: ITYP,IBOT,ICOM ITYP (integer): Problem = 1 -- Radiation or = 2 - Scattering IBOT (integer): Bottom aperture = 1 - Open or = 2 - Closed (metal-backed) ICOM (integer): = 1 - Commensurate or = 2 - Non-commensurate or =3 Curved 2) Polarization type of incident plane wave and scan direction: IPOL, PHI, THETA IPOL (integer): Polarization = 0 - No plane wave excitation, Radiation (ITYP=1) Polarization = 1- TE-pol or = 2 - TM-pol (Scattering: ITYP=2) PHI, THETA (real): Array scan angles (degree) 3) Frequency of operation: FRBEG, FREND, FRSTP FRBEG, FREND, FRSTP (real): Beginning, end and incremental frequencies (GHz) 4) Miscellaneous parameters: i) NFREQ,RACCMCON, IDIS NFREQ (integer): Number of frequency for which the files "EqvCur", "EqvCurB", and "EdgeUnk" are saved; NFREQ=1 (default) RACC (real): Relative accuracy for the solver; RACC=0.01 (default) In most cases, a relative accuracy RACC=0.01 gives good results, sometimes smaller values might be necessary. MCON (integer): Monitor convergence; MCON=0 (Default: Monitoring - OFF), MCON=1 (Monitoring - ON) IDIS (integer): Type of prisms used for the mesh; IDIS=1 - Distorted (default for FSS-CURVE) IDIS=2 - Right-angled (default for FSS-PRISM) ii) NPRE, DEF, IDF1, IDF2 NPRE (integer): Flag for preconditioning; NPRE=0 - No preconditioning NPRE=1 - Diagonal precond. (default) NPRE=2 "- AIPC (not recommended) 18

For non-perpendicular scan direction no preconditioning usually gives better results than diagonal preconditioning. AIPC is not recommended, especially not in conjunction with AIM. Preconditioning is not used in FSS-CURVE. DEF (real): control parameter for AIPC IDF1 (integer): flag for solver selection; IDEF1=O - BiCG solver (default) IDEF1=1 - GMRES solver IDF2 (integer): Number of search vectors per GMRES restart (for BiCG, value is ignored but must be present) The default solver for FSS-CURVE is CGS (Conjugate Gradient Squared). AIM computation parameters: NOTE that AIM parameters are not used in FSS-CURVE. Commensurate: IAM1, NSB1, NSB2, NFBX, NFBY IAM1 (integer): Flag for AIM computation; IAM1=1 -* AIM is active, IAM1=0 - AIM is not active NSB1, NSB2 (integer): NSB1-* Number of samples in the regular grid; NSB2=2 *NSB1 NFBX, NFBY (integer): Nearfield threshold in the regular grid for the x- and y-directions Non-commensurate: IAM1, NSB1, NSB2, NFBX, NFBY, NST1, NST2, NFTX, NFTY IAM1 (integer): Flag for AIM computation; IAM1=1 - AIM is active, IAM1=0 -> AIM is not active NSB1, NSB2 (integer): Number of samples in the bottom surface grid; NSB2=2 *NSB1 NFBX, NFBY (integer): Nearfield threshold in the top surface grid for both directions NST1, NST2 (integer): Number of samples in the top surface grid; NST2=2 *NST1 NFTX, NFTY (integer): Nearfield threshold in the top surface grid for both directions 6) FSS unit cell size and FEM sample size: XL, YL, DX, DY XL, YL (real): FSS unit cell size (ICOM=1) or Largest unit cell size (ICOM=2) (cm) DX, DY (real): FEM sample size (cm) 7) Depth of structure and number of layers: ZL, NZ 19

ZL (real): Depth or thickness of structure (cm) NZ (integer): Number of layers along the depth 8) FSS unit cell size: FXL, FYL, GAMA Only if ICOM=2 (Non-commensurate case), for each layer from the bottom to the top: FXL, FYL (real): x-/y-dimensions of FSS unit cell in cm (each layer's top surface) GAMMA: Unit cell angle between the two lattice vectors. One of the vectors is always aligned with the x-axis. If GAMMA is not 90~ the height YL in y-direction is shorter than the length of the second lattice vector. 9) Layer parameters: DT, EPS, MU For each layer from the bottom to the top: DT (real): Layer thickness (cm) EPS, MU (complex): Relative permittivity and permeability B. DATA2 1) Surface mesh parameters: i) Number of nodes and triangles: NNOD, NTRI NNOD (integer): Number of nodes in the surface mesh NTRI (integer): Number of triangular elements in the surface mesh Note that the size of the surface mesh is one FEM sample larger (in both x- and ydirections). That is, there is at least one additional row of triangular elements around the periphery of the aperture; ii) Triangle and node numbering: ITR, NODE1, NODE2, NODE3 ITR (integer): Triangle number (1 -> NTRI) NODE1, NODE2, NODE3 (integer): Node numbers for triangular element ITR Note, all triangles must be numbered counterclockwise. iii) Node number and (x,v,z) coordinate: IN, XSNOD, YSNOD, ZSNOD IN (integer): Node number (1 -- NNOD) XSNOD, YSNOD, ZSNOD (real): (x,y,z) coordinates of node IN; ZSNOD=0. (default) 2) Interface information: 20

Number of layer interfaces: NZI NZI (integer): Number of layer interfaces along the depth of the structure; NZ I= NZ (Number of layers) + 1 Note that in the driver, surface elements (x- and y-directed impedance loads and feeds, resistive cards and metallic sections) can be placed on each layer's top surface, corresponding to interface # 2 -> # NZI. However, in the "Data2" file also surface elements in the bottom surface of the lowest layer can be defined (interface # 1). For each interface from the bottom to the top: ZCo ZCO (real): z-coordinate of each interface in cm; Top surface (interface number: NZI) -> ZCO= 0. Bottom surface (interface number: 1) -> ZCO= -ZL (the depth) 3) Absorber triangles and periodic boundary condition (PBC): (NOT USED IN FSS CURVE) For commensurate case: i) Number of absorber triangles: NABTRI NABTRI (integer): Number of absorber triangles (as defined above) around the unit cell ii) Absorber triangle numbering: IAT IAT (integer): triangle number iii) Number of PBC nodes: NXPER NXPER (integer): Number of PBC nodes (outer nodes surrounding the unit cell) in xdirection iv) Bottom and top PBC node list: IPBOT, IPTOP For all PBC nodes along the x-direction: IPBOT (integer): Node number along the lower side of the unit cell IPTOP (integer): Corresponding node number along the upper side of the unit cell v) Number of PBC nodes: NYPER NYPER (integer): Number of PBC nodes (outer nodes surrounding the unit cell) in ydirection vi) Left and right PBC node list: IPLFT, IPRGT For each PBC node along the y-direction: I PLFT (integer): Node number along the left side of the unit cell (along y-axis) 21

IPRGT (integer): Corresponding node number along the right side of the unit cell For non-commensurate case: Repeat input options above (i-ii) for all layer interfaces. Follow with (iii-iv) for all layers and (v-vi) for all layers. (1 -I NZI). In addition, for each interface, specify the following: vii) Number of periodic edges: ICP ICP (integer): Number of edges in the outer region of the FSS unit cell viii) Periodic edge list: N1, N2, PN1, PN2 N1, N2 (integer): Nodes located in the outer region of the cell and representing an edge PN1, PN2 (integer): Nodes located in the inner region of the cell and representing the corresponding periodic edge 4) Metallic Triangles: For each layer interface, repeat these steps as a pair: Number of metallic triangles: NOMT NOMT (integer): Number of metallic triangles in each interface's surface mesh Triangle number: INMT INMT (integer): metallic triangle number 5) Resistive Triangles: For each layer interface, repeat these steps as a pair: Number of resistive triangles: NORT NORT (integer): Number of resistive triangles in each interface's surface mesh Triangle number and Conductance: INRES, SCN INRES (integer): resistive triangle number SCN (complex): Surface conductance of resistive triangle in I/Ohm 6) Lumped Impedance Loads: x-directed loads (x-loads): For each layer interface, repeat these steps as a triplet: Number of x-loads: NXD NXD (integer): Number of x-loads placed on each layer interface 22

Admittance: AXLD AXLD (complex): Admittance value of each x-load in I/Ohm Node location: LXB, LXE LXB, LXE (integer): Corresponding beginning and end node numbers in the surface mesh for the x-load y-directed loads (y-loads): For each layer interface, repeat these steps as a triplet: Number of y-loads: NYD NYD (integer): Number of y-loads placed on the layer interface Admittance: AYLD AYLD (complex): Admittance value of y-load in I/Ohm Node location: LYB, LYE LYB, LYE (integer): Corresponding beginning and end node numbers in the surface mesh for the y-load z-directed loads (z-loads): For each layer, repeat these steps as a triplet: Number of z-loads: NZD NZD (integer): Number of z-loads embedded in the layer Admittance: AZLD AZLD (complex): Admittance value of the z-load in I/Ohm Node location: LZC LZC (integer): Corresponding node number in the surface mesh for the z-load 7) Short-Circuit Pins: For each layer, repeat these steps as a pair: Number of pins: NPIN NPIN (integer): Number of short-circuit pins inserted in the layer Node location: LPC LPC (integer): Corresponding node number in the surface mesh for the pin 8) Current-Probe Feeds: Only for radiation problems: 23

x-directed feeds (x-feeds): For each layer interface, repeat these steps as a triplet: Number of x-feeds: NXFED NXFED (integer): Number of x-feeds placed on the layer interface Current: XCUR XCUR (complex): Current of the probe feed in Amp Node location: FXB, FXE FXB, FXE (integer): Corresponding beginning and end node numbers in the surface mesh for the x-feed y-directed feeds (y-feeds): For each layer interface, repeat these steps as a triplet: Number of y-feeds: NYFED NYFED (integer): Number of y-feeds placed on each layer interface Current: YCUR YCUR (complex): Current value of each y-feed in Amp Node location: FYB, FYE FYB, FYE (integer): Corresponding beginning and end node numbers in the surface mesh for the y-feed z-directed feeds (z-feeds): For each layer, repeat these steps as a triplet: Number of z-feeds: NZFED NZFED (integer): Number of z-feeds embedded in each layer Current: ZCUR ZCUR (complex): Current value of each z-feed in Amp Node location: FZC FZC (integer): Corresponding node number in the surface mesh for each z-feed C. Imp The output file "Imp" contains the input impedances for the individual probe feeds. For all feeds it contains a line with the data: f FEEDNR Z_REAL Z_IMAG ITER 24

f: Frequency FEEDNR: Number of feed ZREAL: Real part of input impedance ZIMAG: Imaginary part of input impedance ITER: Number of iterations D. Reflect The output file "Reflect" contains the reflection coefficients at the top BI surface for plane wave excitation and the radiated field amplitude in scan direction for radiation problems. For all frequencies the files contains a line with the data: f TMAMP TMPHASE TEAMP TEPHASE f: Frequency TM_-AMP: Amplitude of TM component TMPHASE: Phase (degree) of TM component TEAMP: Amplitude of TE component TEPHASE: Phase (degree) of TE component E. Trans The output file "Trans" contains the transmission coefficients at the bottom BI surface (if open) for plane wave excitation and the radiated field amplitude in scan direction for radiation problems. For all frequencies the files contains a line with the data: f TMAMP TMPHASE TEAMP TEPHASE f: Frequency TMAMP: Amplitude of TM component TMPHASE: Phase (degree) of TM component TE_-AMP: Amplitude of TE component TEPHASE: Phase (degree) of TE component 25

F. EqvCur/EqvCurB The file "EqvCur" contains the tangential magnetic current components in the top surface of the mesh and the file "EqvCurB" the corresponding data in the bottom surface. Both files are only generated for one frequency specified by the parameter NFREQ in the file "Datal". The first line of the files contains two integer numbers: Ntri Wnum NTri: Number of triangles in the surface Wnum: Wavenumber Then for each triangle a line follows with the data: IT Area Xc Yc Zc Mx My Mz IT: Triangle number Area: Area of triangle Xc: x-coordinate of triangle center Yc: y-coordinate of triangle center Zc: z-coordinate of triangle center Mx: x-component of magnetic current My: y-component of magnetic current Mz: z-component of magnetic current G. EdgeUnk The file "EdgeUnk" contains the values for the FE unknowns in the mesh. The file is only generated for one frequency specified by the parameter NFREQ in the file "Data l". For each edge in the volume mesh, a line is present with the data: I X1 Y1 Zi X2 Y2 Z2 Amp Real Imag I: Number of edge 26

X1: x-coordinate of first grid point Yl: y-coordinate of first grid point Z 1: z-coordinate of first grid point X2: x-coordinate of second grid point Y2: y-coordinate of second grid point Z 2: z-coordinate of second grid point Amp: Amplitude of the edge unknown Real: Real part of the unknown Imag: Imaginary part of the unknown H. fema.dml "fema.dml" is the parameter file for the FORTRAN codes. It defines parameters which determine the size of the data arrays in the codes. The file contains the same parameters for the driver as well as the analysis codes. However, in the driver not all parameters are used. The parameters must be larger than the largest possible size of the quantity for the given model. The list of these parameters with their descriptions are given in the following: NdmSNo: Number of nodes in the surface mesh (used by the Driver) NdrnVNo: Number of nodes in the volume mesh (number of layers times surface nodes) NdmPNo: Number of nodes on periodic boundary in a layer (per side) (not used by FSS-CURVE) NdmTri: Number of triangles in the surface mesh (used by the Driver) NdmrnPri: Number of prisms in the volume mesh (number of layers times triangles) NdmSEd: Number of edges in the surface mesh NdmNZS: Number of non-zero edges in the surface mesh NdmVEd: Number of edges in the volume mesh NdrnNZE: Number of non-zero edges in the volume mesh NdmnPEd: Number of edges on periodic boundary in a layer (per side) (not used by FSSCURVE) 27

NdmLay: Number of prism layers in the volume mesh (used by the Driver) NdmREd: Number of x- and y-directed resistive edges in the volume mesh NdmRTri: Number of resistive triangles in the volume mesh (not used by FSS-CURVE) NdmZPin: Number of vertical short circuit pins (edges) in the volume mesh NdmZEd: Number of vertical resistive edges in the volume mesh NdmRow: Number of matrix elements in the sparse matrix (FE + BI) (FSS-CURVE stores three matrices for top, bottom BI and FE systems. It assumes NdmRow as the number of matrix elements in the sparse top BI matrix. NdmRowP: Number of matrix elements in the AIPC preconditioner matrix (must be larger than NNZE if GMRES is applied in conjunction with diagonal preconditioner) (not used by FSS-CURVE) NdmFFTPad: Size of 2-D-FFTPad in one dimension (at least two times number of regular grid points) (not used by FSS-CURVE) NdmLoIt: Number of local GMRES iterations (not used by FSS-CURVE) NdmFd: Number of probe feeds NdmRowb: Number of matrix elements in the sparse bottom BI matrix NdmRowFE: Number of matrix elements in the sparse FE matrix NdmClus: Number of clusters ( Choose to be > int(sqrt(NdmNZS))) NdmTh: Number of series terms in FMM expansion (a good value is 10) 4.3 A Sample Run for Driver.f We now present a sample run for the driver code by entering input data on the screen. If there is an input file generated for the driver as described in section 4.1, then the user only needs to specify the name of that file. Example 1: ************* FSSPRISM DRIVER ************* CHOOSE: 1) READ INPUT DATA FROM THE FILE 2) ENTER INPUT DATA ON SCREEN 1 28

ENTER THE INPUT FILE NAME FssInput Then, the driver gets the data from the specified file and processes them to generate data files "Datal" and "Data2" to be used by the analysis code. On the other hand, if the user wants to enter the input information on the screen, he needs to choose the first input option as "2" referring to the above example. The necessary geometry and excitation information are then asked to enter one by one as shown in the following example. Example 2: ************* FSS-PRISM DRIVER ************* CHOOSE: 1) READ INPUT DATA FROM THE FILE 2) ENTER INPUT DATA ON SCREEN 1 ENTER THE INPUT FILE NAME FssInput CHOOSE: 1) RADIATION PROBLEM 2) SCATTERING PROBLEM 2 CHOOSE: 1) COMMENSURATE FSS 2) NONCOMMENSURATE FSS 3) CURVED FSS 2 THE BOTTOM SURFACE IS OPEN OR CLOSED? 1) OPEN 2) CLOSED (METAL BACKED) 1 CHOOSE POLARIZATION TYPE 1) TE-POL 2)TM-POL 1 ENTER INCIDENCE ANGLE: PHI,TETA (DEG) 0.,90. ENTER BEGINNING,END AND STEP FREQUENCIES: FRBEG,FREND,FRSTP (GHZ) 1.,10.,1. ENTER NO. OF SAMPLES IN THE BOTTOM SURFACE GRID 50 ENTER NEARFIELD THRESHOLD IN THE BOTTOM SURFACE GRID FOR THE X- AND Y-DIRECTIONS: NFBX,NFBY 25,25 ENTER NO. OF SAMPLES IN THE TOP SURFACE GRID 30 ENTER NEARFIELD THRESHOLD IN THE TOP SURFACE GRID FOR THE X- AND Y-DIRECTIONS: NFTX,NFTY 29




5000.0 **************** END OF INPUT DATA **************** In addition to the data files, "Datal" and "Data2", a MatLab file "Setup.m" with its data files "MeshDs" and "Attr" is generated by the driver. When this setup file is used along with the available MatLab files "Mesh2.m" and "Mesh3.m", the user can display a 2-D mesh for each layer interface in (x,y) and a 3-D view of the whole geometry in the (x,y,z) coordinate system, respectively. Each planar and volumetric discrete element in the structure is represented by different colors in these figures. This way, the user can view and check the location and size of all specified elements. The colors shown in the mesh view and what they stand for are described as follows: - Black triangles: "Absorber" triangles. Also, for metal-backed structures, the bottom surface will be in black. - Black lines: x- or y-directed feeds. - Black stars (*): z-directed feeds. - Red triangles: Metallic sections. - Yellow triangles: Resistive cards. - Blue lines: x- or y-directed impedance loads. - Blue stars (*): z-directed impedance loads. - Black circles(o): short-circuit pins. The numbering of the nodes and triangles can be visualized using the available MatLab files "GloNod.m" and "TriNum.m", respectively. 5. Examples For FSS-CURVE This section presents example runs using FSS-CURVE. We give sample input files and the results from the code. A. 2x2 Curved Slot Array The input file for the FSS slot array as suggested in [4] is given by: 2 1 3 1 0.OOOOOOOE+00 0.OOOOOOOE+00 8.000000 20.000000 1.000000 33

60 6015 15 2.000000 0. 100000 0.050000 0.050000 2.000000 0. 100000 0.0500000 2 (4.000000,0.OOOOOOOE+00) (1.000000,0.OOOOOOOE+00) (4.000000,0.OOOOOOOE+00) (l.OOOOOO,O.OOOOOOOE+00) 2 1 5 0. 4 0. 0 0. 8 0. 6 0. 4 1. 6 2.0 0. 0 2.0 0. 0 2.0 0. 0 6 2.0 0. 0 2.0 0. 0 2. 0 0. 0 0. 1 0. 0 0. 25 0. 85 0. 15 1. 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 00. 0 34

This data defines the 2x2 slot array on a dielectric substrate of height 0.1 cm with relative permittivity ~r=4 (see Figure 4). The FSS has bandpass characteristics with a resonance frequency of about 13 GHz. The contents of file "Data 1" are: 2 1 3 1 0. 0. 8.00000 20.0000 1.00000 1 1.OOOOOE-02 1 1 1 0.750000 0 39 1 60 120 15 15 2.00000 2.00000 1.OOOOOE-01 5.00000E-02 90. 0000 1.OOOOOE-01 2 5.00000E-02 5.00000E-02 ( ( 4.00000, 0.) 4.00000, 0.) ( 1.00000, 0.) 1.00000, 0.) The contents of the file "Reflect" are: 8.0000 9.0000 10.0000 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 14.0000 15.0000 16.0000 17.0000 18.0000 19.0000 20.0000 0.9831 0.9598 0.9116 0.8007 0.4749 0.2446 0.7342 0.8794 0.9297 0.9543 0.9635 0.9668 0.9677 166.0866 161.3455 154.0573 141.1884 113.1864 -83.3590 -131.8348 -150.7698 -159.0788 -163.8897 -167.0473 -169.3119 -171.0102 0.0010 0.0013 0.0017 0.0024 0.0033 0.0036 0.0024 0.0014 0.0009 0.0005 0.0004 0.0002 0.0001 -100.9983 -107.1797 -115.1561 -127.9058 -150.6444 165.9516 128.5226 119.7041 115.1112 117.0717 119.5416 77.7105 41.7021 The contents of the file "Trans" are: 8.0000 9.0000 10.0000 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 14.0000 15.0000 16.0000 0.2505 0.3384 0.4688 0.6802 1.0145 1.1814 0.8554 0.5768 0.4432 62.7871 54.4083 43.7879 28.7348 1.5960 -41.7512 -76.9957 -92.8665 -101.5774 0.0007 0.0010 0.0014 0.0021 0.0031 0.0031 0.0034 0.0010 0.0009 -112.5256 -118.9334 -133.6464 -156.7587 -127.3688 152.7710 73.3046 77.7187 113.6983 35

17.0000 18.0000 19.0000 20.0000 0.3639 0.3153 0.2819 0.2545 -107.1637 -111.7577 -115.7032 -119.1319 0.0010 0.0009 0.0021 0.0018 162.5027 163.9082 -1.4368 -20.1334 When the same array is wrapped on a 5 cm. radius cylinder the following data is output: In "Trans": 8.0000 9.0000 10.0000 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 14.0000 15.0000 16.0000 17.0000 18.0000 19.0000 20.0000 0.2494 0.3397 0.4769 0.6827 0.9197 0.9271 0.7243 0.5542 0.4387 0.3623 0.3067 0.2654 0.2328 61.7632 52.4518 41.2179 21.6030 -9.4047 -48.1427 -75.8568 -92.0735 -103.5694 -112.2991 -119.1433 -125.3090 -129.5307 0.0007 0.0010 0.0014 0.0019 0.0025 0.0024 0.0014 0.0008 0.0009 0.0012 0.0013 0.0001 0.0014 -113.8381 -122.1603 -137.8322 -148.5131 174.9585 141.4440 111.5877 98.0854 146.2644 68.7593 143.5213 -91.4070 -37.0264 In "Reflect": 8.0000 9.0000 10.0000 11.0000 12.0000 13.0000 14.0000 15.0000 16.000 17.0000 18.0000 19.0000 20.0000 0.9793 0.9507 0.8973 0.7402 0.3656 0.3164 0.6573 0.8034 0.8755 0.9135 0.9332 0.9466 0.9505 166.1468 161.3576 153.9700 142.2992 131.4384 -138.4491 -144.2372 -153.8060 -159.9580 -163.9261 -166.7416 -168.8011 -170.4048 0.0010 0.0012 0.0017 0.0022 0.0028 0.0026 0.0018 0.0013 0.0009 0.0006 0.0004 0.0002 0.0000 -102.0748 -108.4458 -116.8433 -132.7885 -160.5980 163.3590 140.0772 129.0685 123.1191 111.4032 119.7375 116.2907 169.0984 36

.................................................... 0:....................... 0.0 0.8 -...................... /.... 0 0o5............................................. 8 0.10 4 7 is 20 Frequ: -- Curved, cm.z.) 0. -...........1 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Frequency (G Hz.) 37

6. Electric field viewer for FSS-Prism by Dan Giszczak This program was written for Windows 95 or Windows NT using OpenGL. This program will view EdgeUnk files when a Data2 file is available. Large files may take a while to load. The status bar will show progress. The DOS window will prompt for the number of samples you wish per average edgelength. This fits a chosen number of samples across a distance equal to an average triangle edge length. For parts with few elements, say a hundred, a value like 10 will produce good results. For 10000 elements, 1.0 is good. In general, take 100/sqrt(number of elements) to get a good looking plot. Fraction values are permitted. Values under 0.5 produce no display. Once the view is loaded, press the first mouse button and drag the mouse on the display window to rotate to model. Press the right mouse button and drag to move the part around. To zoom in and out, either press both left and right buttons together or press the middle button and drag up or down. T alternates between triangle and interpolated modes. Press q to display the quiver plot. This plot is a set of arrows showing the magnitude and direction of the real part of electric field. I thr~a ra^-nmvtrr ('I r I I rA-ti'rne t ri/ t l J Will u11lpYay U1C,UVItljAII. \L V1 U IL LU1N LtU uadta U1IlCa y.J Press x to display the x component of the electric field. Either the real part or the imaginary part may be shown depending upon which mode is current. w Y displays the y component of the electric field. Both real and imaginary parts can be shown separately. This displays the magnitude of the electric field, real or imaginary part. %-, I W X Press r to display the real component x direction, y direction, or magnitude. I will show the imaginary component x direction, y direction, or magnitude. K will bring up tne real part magnitude. I shows the imaginary magnitude....................................................................................... ~,........................~.... - ",,,~~;~~-; ~~~~~- ~~.I Whil n..::...h..o le X............I..... I.I.-........... I I.:.:,.....:... l:-: ---::-:~~;;.-~; ~.-:-;.:::- o X ~~;;: ~~;;. ~::::; This displays the overall magnitude of electric field, combining both the real and imaginary magnitudes. key moves up a sample layer in the FSS..11 - moves down a sample layer. A. - -- w L displays all layers. - To decrease the distance between layers, press [. ~ ak -- To spread the layers apart more, press ]. 38

Use the Datal and Data2 files from the Prism example with the generated EdgeUnk. Put them in a directory with FSSEfield.exe and run the executable. When questioned, use 8.8 samples. -1 I When it loads up, it should look like this. Hit 'Q' for the quiver plot. I......... - -.................................................................. -.... l-,..,.,,-................................ I. .M 9EM -! -.... m I 1 0.0 23.6 47.1 7Q. 7 S.-4. 2 11.1.0 141.4 I 64.9 1. E. 0. 5 Ili.......I.......... -............................................................... t It I lr 1 I T N It IT t t Ih h It T1I11 IT T1 II t,\ IT IT IT It, TT IT \ I I~ I Hit 'G' then press the left mouse button on the window and rotate by dragging to see all the groups. Hit 'T', 'I' to see the imaginary part of the fields. I INIIFMMELXII. A - - -.4 diolectric absor'ber 0.0 13.0 27.6 4 1..,, 55. 3.... 695. A $82.9 96.7 110. 1 ayer all Press 'T','O' to see the overall magnitude mesh data. Press the middle or left and right buttons and drag up to zoom in. -I - - -...- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - *~;. Press ']' several times to increase the distance between the layers so that you can see them all. Then press the right mouse button and drag up until you can see the whole drawing. I 0.0 23.6 47.1 70.7 94.2.1 7. 14i.4 164.1 1.86.S,11 q m q o 0.0 23,6 47.1 70.7 1i- 7. 8 41.4 I 164.9 18S.5 layer al1 39 q

Magnetic current viewer for FSS-Prism by Dan Giszczak This program will view EqvCur and EqvCurB files when a Data2 file is available. Show magnitude of the current in the x direction. Y Magnitude of the currents in the y direction. i Z direction current magnitudes.. Show the overall <x,y,z> magnitude. T View magnitudes for the top layer.: Bottom layer magnitudes. Bibliography [1] T. F. Eibert, J. L. Volakis, D. R. Jackson, D. R. Wilton, "Hybrid FE/BI Modeling of 3-D Doubly Periodic Structures Utilizing Triangular Prismatic Elements and a MPIE Formulation Accelerated by the Ewald Transformation," to be published. [2] T. F. Eibert, J. L. Volakis, "Adaptive Integral Method for Hybrid FE/BI Modeling of 3-D Doubly Periodic Structures," to be published. [3] T. F. Eibert, J. L. Volakis, "FE/BI Modelling of 3-D Doubly Periodic Structures with Non-Commensurate Layer Periodicities," to be published. [4] R. Mittra, C. H. Chan, T. Cwik, "Techniques for Analyzing Frequency Selective Surfaces - A Review," Proc. IEEE, Vol. 76, No. 12, pp. 1593-1615, Dec. 1988. [5] H. Aroudaki, V. Hansen, H.-P. Gemund, E. Kreysa, "Analysis of Low-Pass Filters Consisting of Multiple Stacked FSS's of Different Periodicities with Applications in the Submillimeter Radioastronomy," IEEE Trans. AP, Vol. 43, No. 12, pp. 1486-1491, Dec. 1995. [6] J. Gong, D. Jackson, J. Volakis, D. Wilton, "Hybrid Finite Element and Moment Method Software for the SERAT Array," 1st Quarterly Report 035067-1-T. [7] S. Bindiganavale, Y. Erdemli, J. Gong, D. Jackson, J. Volakis, D. Wilton, "Hybrid Finite Element and Moment Method Software for the SERAT Array," 2nd Quarterly Report 035067-2-T. [8] Y. Erdemli, T. Eibert, D. Jackson, J. Volakis, D. Wilton, "Hybrid Finite Element and Moment Method Software for the SERAT Array," 3rd Quarterly Report 035067-3-T. 40

[9] T. Eibert, Y. Erdemli, K. Sertel, D. Jackson, J. Volakis, D. Wilton, "Hybrid Finite Element and Moment Method Software for the SERAT Array," 4th Quarterly Report 035067-4-T. [10] T. Eibert, Y. Erdemli, K. Sertel, D. Jackson, J. Volakis, D. Wilton, "Hybrid Finite Element and Moment Method Software for the SERAT Array," 5th Quarterly Report 035067-6-T. 41