ENGN UMR0302 The Literate Naval Architect w~ ~ Harry Benford a. - V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN November 1967

THE LITERATE NAVAL ARCHITECT by Harry Benford Third Revised Edition Ann Arbor, Michigan November 1967


FOREWORD As my Exclusive Western Hemisphere Agent, Professor Benford has repeatedly demonstrated his editorial capability in rewriting my technical and philosophical papers, which I always inscribe in Sanskrit -- an innocent foible acquired during my Heidelberg days. A few years ago I discovered that the professor kept a little black book that was the secret of his literary prowess. In it he listed his standard abbreviations and choices for alternative spellings. He admitted that before he prepared his little book he would speak of "Figure 3" in one place, "Fig. 3" in the next, and "figure 3" in another. He wrote "cargos" in one line and "cargoes" in the next, while disappearing and reappearing hyphens were thick as leprechauns on St. Patrick's Day. I was so impressed with the practicality of the good professor's list of standards that I urged him to make it available to others. This he agreed to do and went one step further in writing several preliminary chapters that he felt might be of help to young naval architects. His paper is no substitute for either a grammar book or a style manual but is primarily intended as a naval architect's supplement. There are, of course, alternative acceptable forms for many of the words in his standard list; those shown are merely his personal choice and anyone is free to accept them or not. The important things are consistency and clarity. All of us are profoundly grateful to my hereditary patron, Lord Vladimir of Basingstoke, for his gracious generosity in providing the funding necessary to publication of this worthy opus. Splendide mendax: Professor Emeritus of Chimerical Engineering Hammerfest November 1967 *L.L

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I want to thank the following individuals for their help, suggestions, and even a few friendly slings and arrows: Betty Benford, Home Office Consultant on Literary Efforts Raymond Carroll, Specialist on Modern Engineering Usage Mabel Iverstrom, Administrative Assistant (Ret.) Ullmann Kilgore, Defender of the Pure in Speech John P. Comstock and M. G. Forrest: Elder Statesmen Robert H. Miller, Known to All His Friends as "BM" Mary Schnell, Technical Editor Extraordinary James Probus Kenneth Patton Mack Earle E. B. Williams Harpoonists Extraordinary A. M. D'Arcangelo Charles M. Adams Norman Rabe Mary Ann Wilkes Noimon Fountoukidis >?! ~ ~.'~W I

CONTENTS CHAPTER Page I INTRODUCTION................................... 1 II ROGUES' GALLERY OF SPELLING.................... 3 III DOUBLE DOUBLE................................. 4 IV MYSTERIES OF THE FORMAT UNFOLDED............... 6 (by Mary Schnell, unfolder and editor) V AN ABBR'V'T'D CH'MB'R OF H'RR'RS............... 8 VI SAFETY IN NUMBERS.............................. 10 VII A SEMI-POX ON HYPHENS......................... 11 VIII CAPITAL -OFFENSES............................... 13 IX ASSORTED ADMONITIONS........................... 14 X STANDARD SPELLING.............................. 16 XI STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS......................... 19 APPENDIX................................................ 23

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION There are two universal gripes we hear about our graduates: they don't check their work and they don't know how to write. There's little we can do about the first complaint, but this minor opus may help with the second. And, incidentally, employers have observed that those few engineers who do write well are the same ones who come up with the best solutions to engineering problems. Cause and effect are mixed here, but who can doubt that the engineer who learns to write well also learns to think more clearly. Most of us, when writing a paper or report, are so intent on what we have to say that we forget the mechanics of how we are saying it. On the other hand, if we concentrate too much on the mechanics of writing, we are likely to get snarled up in expressing the thoughts we are anxious to put across. This paper aims to improve the mechanics of your writing so you can put your concentration where it belongs: on the subject matter. Unless you're a literary marvel, you'll find it pays to attack your writing chore in several cycles. First jot down an outline, then write as uninhibitedly as possible. Don't give a thought to spelling, punctuation, or literary style in this cycle; just put those thoughts down as fast as you can, and if you're stuck for the right word, leave a gap and keep scribbling. In your subsequent refinements you can fill gaps, check spelling, and all that, to your heart's content. Any young naval architect who thinks he can depend on some benevolent editor or exceptional typist to civilize his writing is in for a shock. If you aspire to a professional quality final product, you had better submit a professional quality manuscript. Make every effort to have all words (and especially people's names) correctly spelled and to be uniform in your format and use of words. Your duty arises again after each successive stage in the duplication process. Endless proofreading is a cross any careful writer must bear. The total elimination of mistakes in a lengthy work is close to impossible, so look upon the job as a challenge rather than a bore. Go through each draft several times: once quickly to see how it sounds, then once carefully (with partner) to pick the fly specks out of the pepper. Then make special checks for mistakes that are hard to spot: running heads, captions, sequence of words from one page to the next, reference and figure numbers, and so forth. Make a particular effort to eliminate all self-evident mistakes. Does your table of calculations agree in 1

Introduction detail with your graphic presentation and with the discussion of results -- or did you make a last minute change in one place and overlook the others? Go through your manuscript at least once in a special effort to eliminate useless words or phrases. "Planning ahead?" and "future predictions" are typical examples of wasted words. Can you plan backwards, or predict the past? An inaccurate or sloppy final product is not likely to give the reader a favorable impression of your technical competence; nor does an accurate, professional-looking final product come about by accident. So make up your mind, from the very beginning, to be engineer, author, and editor as the occasion demands. i~r~oi2'EP o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~orcw~~~~~~I K1 LtC) I-O 3 ~s Apag-= 0 M I L I LTT I~-;

CHAPTER II ROGUES' GALLERY OF SPELLING In the tenth chapter a large number of words are listed in an effort to standardize their spelling and capitalization. Certain words, however, are such frequent villains that this special chapter has been prepared just to unmask them and to make them stand exposed to the public gaze. Behold and beware: 1. Make it your principle to spell Principal Dimensions correctly. 2. Always leave enough room to accommodate two m's in symmetric. 3. Proper spelling in a report has a good effect and will favorably affect the reader. 4. It is sheer foolishness to call the curve of a deck the shear. (The latter term is used only by sheep herders and stress analysts.) 5. Any naval architect who spells it "navel'" will be too poor to keep his umbilicus covered. 6. It will help you move forward if you spell Foreword correctly in your next paper. 7. Maintain your resolve to keep the ten in maintenance. 8. You'll get no compliment unless you refer to the crew as the complement. 3 IEN K~~~~~3~Y /c~~~s~~a~~rF, 11~li

CHAPTER III DOUBLE DOUBLE Several pairs of look-alike words were exposed in the preceding chapter. There are certain others that are not so much misspelled as misused. These couples have been living too long in open sin: 1. Continual: Repeated Continuous: Without interruption Continuous vibration can cause continual trouble with crew resignations. 2. Alternate: First one and then the other Alternative: A choice (of two or more) The alternative to alternating current is direct current. 3. That and which are frequently interchangeable. Try, however, to confine the use of which to those expressions that could be put in parentheses. The rudder, which was in ancient times mounted on the ship's right-hand side, gave us the word "starboard" (steerboard). If we have two rudders, the one that is on the starboard side is usually linked to the one that is on the port side. 4. Criterion: Singular Criteria: Plural 5. Datum: Singular Data': Plural to the purist, singular to the rest of us (You may be wise in avoiding these words. You can't win; either you offend the purist or interrupt the thought of the average reader.) 6. Controllable-pitch propeller (preferred); also variable-pitch or reversible-pitch: Propeller in which blades can be me~chanically rotated at will Varying-pitch propeller: Propeller with changing pitch between root and tip of blade Adjustable-pitch propeller: Propeller having detachable blades with slotted holes allowing occasional change of position (These three qualify as a double double double.) -Couth people say dayta. Uncouth people say datta.

Double Double 7. Light ship: Weight of the empty ship Lightship: A floating lighthouse 8. Alumnus: Singular (masculine) Alumni: Plural (masculine) 9. Imply: To express indirectly Infer: To conclude 10. Underway: Proceeding Under weigh: Same as above, but obsolete since the reign of Julian the Apostate 11. Discreet: Cautious Discrete: Distinct 12. Comprises: Is composed of, embraces, includes 13. Farther: More distant Further: To a greater extent, more I shall walk farther to contemplate further. 14. Definite: Clear and explicit Definitive: Decisive and final judgment 5

CHAPTER IV MYSTERIES OF THE FORMAT UNFOLDED (by Mary Schnell, unfolder and editor) In a typical technical paper or report, the sections appear in the sequence listed below. You can of course omit sections if they are not needed. Title page Copyright page (if copyrighted; if not, leave blank) Dedication page Foreword Preface Acknowledgment page Contents page List of figures or illustrations List of tables List of abbreviations Abstract Introduction and text Appendix Notes Glossary Bibliography Index All of the above sections should begin on a right-hand page, except for the copyright notice, which appears on the back of the title page. Anything appearing before the contents page is NOT listed in the contents. The table of contents is obviously a table and should therefore simply be entitled "Contents." The same is true of various lists; the list of tables, for example, being entitled "Tables." The foreword and the preface are used interchangeably although technical differences do exist. A preface is usually written by the author and is unsigned; a foreword is written by someone else (usually well known in the field and particularly knowledgeable on the topic concerned) and is signed. A preface or foreword deals with the genesis, purpose, and scope of the work. Acknowledgments may also be included if too few to warrant a separate page. If written by someone other than the author, the foreword will usually cover a wider range than the preface, i.e., the foreword may contain comments on the relationship between the topic under discussion and 6

Mysteries of the Format Unfolded the field in general, or a related aspect of the field, or some interesting and relevant history on the subject matter. An introduction deals with the subject of the work and is usually part of the text (Chapter I). If the introduction is written by someone other than the author, or if it is of a prefatory nature, it is placed before the contents page, with, or in place of, the preface or foreword. The pages preceding the first chapter are numbered with lower-case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv,...). Although these pages are counted in the numbering system, we do not actually write the numbers on the title page, copyright page, dedication page, acknowledgment page, contents page, lists of figures, or blank pages. If both sides of the sheets are printed, the title page begins on page i, the back of the title page is page ii, the dedication page (if there is one) then would be page iii -- otherwise the foreword would become page iii -- and so forth, with Chapter I beginning on page 1. The right-hand pages have odd numbers; the left-hand pages, even numbers. Each part begins on a right-hand page, although Chapter II and subsequent chapters can begin on either right- or left-hand pages. 7

CHAPTER V AN ABBR'V'T'D CH'MB'R OF H'RR'RS Engineers use symbols and other abbreviations in their technical conversations; shp, I/y, GM and rpm are examples of shortcut terms used by every naval architect and marine engineer. Even in conversation, such usage can get out of hand. BM means one thing to the expert in stability, another thing to the structures man, and a third thing to your family physician. In technical writing, abbreviations and symbols should be kept to an absolute minimum. If some term is to be used repeatedly, it may be permissible to add its abbreviation in parentheses after the term the first time it appears, using only the abbreviation thereafter. Be careful, however, in long reports where many readers may study only isolated portions. Including a glossary usually is advisable, and that also gives you a chance to really pin things down.-' Otherwise readers will never know whether shp is the normal or maximum shaft horsepower and only your family physician will feel at home with your BM. The following notes are quoted directly from the American Standards Association pamphlet "Abbreviations for Scientific and Engineering Terms." Standard abbreviations from the same source are tabulated in Chapter XI. Scope and Purpose 1. The Executive Committee of the Sectional Committee on Scientific and Engineering Symbols and Abbreviations has made the following distinction between symbols and abbreviations: Letter symbols are letters used to represent magnitudes of physical quantities in equations and mathematical formulas. Abbreviations are shortened forms of names or expressions employed in texts and tabulations, and should not be used in equations. Fundamental Rules 2. Abbreviations should be used sparingly in text and with due regard to the context and to the training of the reader. Terms denoting units of measurement should be abbreviated in the text only when preceded by the amounts "t.-7 to really pin... " is a bald-faced, split infinitive, included here not so much to rile my purist friends as to show you a mildly horrible example. Split infinitives can be avoided in most cases. 8

An Abbr'vtt'd Chtmbtr of Htrrtrs indicated in numerals: thus, "several inches," one inch," "12 in." In tabular matter, specifications, maps, drawings, and texts for special purposes, the use of abbreviations should be governed only by the desirability of conserving space. 3. Short words such as ton, day, and mile should be spelled out. 4. Abbreviations should not be used where the meaning will not be clear. In case of doubt, spell out. 5. The same abbreviation is used for both singular and plural, as "bbl" for barrel and barrels. 6. The use of conventional signs for abbreviations in text is not recommended: Thus, per, not /; lb, not #; in., not ". Such signs may be used sparingly in tables and similar places for conserving space. 7. The period should be omitted except in cases where the omission would result in confusion. 8. The letters of such abbreviations as ASA should not be spaced (not A S A). 9. The use in text of exponents for the abbreviations of square and cube and of the negative exponents for terms involving "per" is not recommended. The superior figures are usually not available on the keyboards of typesetting and linotype machines and composition is therefore delayed. There is also the likelihood of confusion with footnote reference numbers. These shorter forms are permissible in tables and are sometimes difficult to avoid in text. 10. A sentence should not begin with a numeral followed by an abbreviation. Abbreviations for names of units are to be used only after numerical values, such as 25 ft or 110 v.' }'.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rP ~~~dP ~ g

CHAPTER VI SAFETY IN NUMBERS Unless your technical paper is just a lot of hot air in print, it will contain plenty of numbers, not only in tables but also scattered throughout the text. Numbers are not always easy to standardize, but here are a few random suggestions: 1. Numbers over ten are not spelled out unless they start a sentence: The temperature was 15 degrees. 2. Numbers up to and including ten are spelled out unless they are closely associated with larger numbers: The temperature jumped from 5 to 15 degrees. 3. Some editors do not spell out the small numbers when followed by a technical unit: There were eight of us in that 8-ft boat. 4. Hyphenate numbers and units when units are singular: A 20-knot ship frequently slows down to 12 knots in heavy weather. A 15-knot ship suffers proportionately less. 5. Spelled-out fractions are hyphenated when used as modifiers: The fleet is two-thirds wrecked. Two thirds of the fleet is wrecked. 6. Commas can be difficult. They should be used in numbers with five or more digits. I favor omitting them in four-digit numbers. Use your own judgment but try to be consistent. 7. Use fewer with whole numbers, less with sizes, dimensions, or amounts. 10

CHAPTER VII A SEMI-POX ON HYPHENS! You must now be made aware that those innocuous-looking little things called hyphens have diabolical Frankenstein-monster-like tendencies. One editor, after a lifetime of study, concluded: "If you take hyphens seriously, you will surely go mad." And not everyone realizes that the earliest unexpurgated version of Dante's "Inferno" had an entire canto devoted to the little incubi. The number one rule, then, is to keep hyphens from multiplying; when in doubt, stamp'em out. Pairs of short words have a historic tendency, as they become more commonly accepted, to become joined: 1. Labor saving device 2. Labor-saving device 3. Laborsaving device In line with the philosophy of the first paragraph, Step 2 might well be eliminated in many instances. If the words are long, leave them separated. If they are short and look reasonable when joined, join them. Hyphens are frequently necessary if we are to avoid ambiguous modifiers. Thus, an aluminum-ore carrier is a ship that carries bauxite, while an aluminum ore-carrier is an aluminum-hulled carrier of ore. And what do you think of the designer of a crude oil tanker? Hyphens are also necessary where two or more adjectives must be tied into one: 1. Labor-management problems 2. Passenger-cargo ships 3. Political-economic considerations 4. Speed-length ratio A pair of words that modify another are frequently married into one or hyphenated: This is a cast-iron fitting; it is made of cast iron. The shortcut study is indeed a short cut. High-grade ores are invariably of high grade. 11

A Semi-Pox on Hyphens! Where to break words that are continued onto another line is another baffling phase of the hyphen tangle. For one thing, try to do it as infrequently as possible. If you must break a word, look at both parts. Usually, the first letter of the second line should be a consonant. Avoid breaks that result in nonsense (or vulgar) words and never break a word at the end of a page. Other tips can be found in any dictionary or grammar book. However, these may be out of date (out-of-date?) so be careful. Use hyphens where they definitely help clarity. Otherwise, try to eliminate them. 12 ~~~p~~~~~p~A~%

CHAPTER VIII CAPITAL OFFENSES Propagandists habitually capitalize the first letters of words or phrases that have, for them at least, emotional connotation. The words somehow seem more significant if thus adorned. Marine literature abounds in Winnie-the-Poohisms (That Kind of Bear): Merchant Marine, Labor's Equity, Differential Subsidy, Automation, Block Obsolescence, Shipbuilding Industry, and even Unlicensed Seamen and U. S. Bottoms. Avoid this Bad Habit lest readers mistake you for just another Breast Beater. 13

CHAPTER IX ASSORTED ADMONITIONS 1. The knowledgeable minority's consensus is that consensus of opinion has two redundant words. 2. When you have both a quotation mark and a comma or period in one place, put the quotation mark last. This is simply a matter of looks: "You may fire when ready, Gridley." "I forgot the matches," replied Gridley. 3. The so-called impersonal style is gradually becoming obsolete. Avoiding reference to the first person supposedly convinces readers of your objectivity, but anyone who thinks about it realizes that the whole idea is merely a thin semantic disguise. Calling yourself "the writer" is not so much modesty as self-consciousness. And hiding behind "it is believed" instead of "'I think" only obscures your ideas. Things get muddy indeed when you turn out written discussions with: "It is felt that the author's reference to the writer's views demonstrates the author's ignorance of the writer's opinion of the author's theories." You can imagine the author's reply. In a similar vein, say "you," not "the reader"; and say "you can do it," not "one can do it." Technical people, having grown used to the impersonal style, are still apt to be a little shook up when they find an "It in a technical report. Nevertheless, the advantages in clarity and brevity of "I think" in place of "the writer believes" or "it is thought" are too pronounced to deny forever. Let's keep chipping away at that conceited wretch, "the writer,tt or even worse,"the author." 4. Many slang terms are so appropriate that they become widely accepted and gradually absorbed into the language. During the transitional period, don't be afraid to use such words, and don't embellish them with needless quotation marks unless you actually disdain the term. Don't use slang, however, if its meaning isn't clear. 5. Don't say "this type machinery." Say "this type of machinery." 14

Assorted AdmonitLons 6. Equations should be separated from the lines of the text without benefit of special punctuation. The following paragraph is an example: Lord Vladimir of Basingstoke, in 1927, promulgated the relationship W - C /shp (1) or [1] where W weight in long tons C - coefficient whose value varies with type and location of machinery shp = maximum rated shaft horsepower Table 6 shows typical values of the coefficient C. 7. Very many writers are quite prone to overwork the words "quite" and "very." Be very careful that you do not become quite addicted to that-very very bad habit. 8. Whenever you use the word "utilize," stop and ask yourself if "use" wouldn't do the job as well. 9. The past participle of "forecast" is also 7forecast," not "forecasted. t, 10. In technical writing, apply the neuter gender to ships unless you are referring to a specific vessel. Even there, I should hesitate to write "she" in connection with a garbage scow, or an ore carrier named after some bearded steel baron. X~~~~~~~~~~~;~F=

CHAPTER X STANDARD SPELLING A C F above-indicated cargoes federal above-mentioned catalog Figure 3, but "the absorption changeablebove igre fireproof acknowledgments changeover Act (referring to law) chapter (but Chapter V) first class i"flags of adjustable-pitch clean-cut (adj.) convenience adviser clear-cut (adj.) forces in being age-old coequal foregoing agreed-upon controllable-pitch foreign built air cushion vehicle propeller container ship foreign flag airport (land facility) air port (round window) cooperation cross section fuel-saving all-inclusive cutout (adj.) full-scale (adj.) cutout (adj.) all-out all right D G already decimal germane America: use United States degrees: master's degree goodwill but masters' degrees American: use U.S. government built apologize displacement-length governmental (adj.) drawback assumed ground effect dry dock vehicle or machine B dual purpose (air cushion B (air cushion vehicle preferred) back-up (adj.) below-deck guarantee beneficiated E guideline break-bulk engine roomad breakthrough engineroom (adj.) build up ever increasing bulk oil everwidening *Quotes are important here because opposing factions have their own terms and get emotional at the use of any other. The quotes signify that you don't necessarily like the term yourself. 16

Standard Spelling H M P heavy-lift man-days paddle wheel high-grade man-hour part-time high-quality man-to-man passenger-cargo (ship) high-speed (adj.) Mariner-class pay-back horsepower Mariner design payload hove-to maritime related pay-off hull form mass produced percent (don't use matter-of-opinion (adj.) % in text) pick-up interchangeable N - port turnaround interdependent nationwide postwar inter-governmental naval precut interrelated non sequitur preloaded nontechnological present-day (adj.) - nuclear powered prestowed judgment 0 presuppose K objectivity prewar occasionally privately owned occurring propaganda ocean going propeller L off-pier laborsaving offshore land-based oil-fired R large scale old-fashioned radio communication radio communication Liberty ship overall radio controlled radio controlled lifesaving overdesign radiotelephone radiotelephone lighthouse overemphasize rate cutting rate cutting light ship condition overrefine(ment) ratios lightweight (adj.) overriding raw material long range oversupply reestablish low cost over-the-beach reevaluate 17

Standard Spelling R (Cont'd) S (Cont'd) T (Cont'd) reexamine ship model transatlantic reversible ship operating transpacific roll-on, roll-off shipowner turnaround Roll-On, Roll-Off ship repair'tween-deck (in titles) shore based twin screw round trip shoreside type: rule-of-thumb short cut (noun) beaching type commercial type shortcut (adj.) conventional type S short haul Mariner type saltwater short run scale effect shp (avoid except U screw propelled after number) underdeveloped sea based single screw underemphasize seaborne solid-state physics up-to-date seacoast sizable U.S. built seagoing so-called U.S. flag seakeeping soogee U.S. (adj.) seakindliness special purpose usable seawater speed-length ratio self-noise stand-by (unit) V self-propulsion steamship variable-pitch self-rendering still-water (adj.) Victory ship self-sufficiency subsection self-supporting subtotal W self-unloader superliner, supertanker wall effect shaft horsepower war built shipboard T waterborne shipborne through-billing waterway shipbuilder tie-in wave making shipbuilding TITLES OF BOOKS weight saving ship in being or Titles of Books well-known (adjo.) ship manning widespread Ships' names: SS "Comet" worldwide or SS Comet worthwhile (adj.) 18

CHAPTER XI STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations are extracted from the American Standard recommendations published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. These forms are recommended for readers whose familiarity with the terms used makes possible a maximum of abbreviations. For other classes of readers, you may wish to use less contracted combinations made up from this list. For example, the list gives the abbreviation of the term "feet per second" as "fps." To some readers "ft per sec" will be more easily understood. alternating-current (as adj.).................... a-c average............................. avg barrel........................................ bbl boiling pressure.................. spell out brake horsepower............................. bhp British thermal unit.......................... BTU or B calorie............................. cal center to center............................... c to c coefficient....................................... coef constant........................................ const continental horsepower......................... cont hp cosecant........................................ CSC cosine................................. cos cost, insurance, and freight......o.......... cif cotangent.......................................... cot counter electromotive force................ cemf cubic........................................u cubic centimeter......u......... cu cm, cm (liquid, meaning milliliter, ml) cubic feet per minute.............................. cfm cubic feet per second.......................... cfs cubic foot........................... cu ft cubic inch...................................... cu in. cubic meter......................... cu m or m3 cubic millimeter....................... cu mm or mm cubic yard....................................... cu yd cycles per second....................... spell out or c cylinder............................... cyl 19

Standard Abbreviations day...................................... spell out degrees........................ deg or o degree centigrade........................ C degree Fahrenheit................................ F diameter.................................... diam direct-current (as adj.)............ d-c dollar....................................... $ dozen............................ doz efficiency.................................... eff electric......... elec electromotive force................. emf elevation................................. el equation...................................... eq feet board measure (board feet)................. fbm feet per minute................................. fpm feet per second................................ fps fluid........... fl foot......................................*a. ft foot-pound................................. ft-lb foot-pound-second (system).............. fps free aboard ship.......................... spell out free alongside ship...................... spell out free on board........................... fob frequency................................. spell out gallon.................................... gal gallons per minute..................... gpm gallons per second..................... gps high-pressure (adj.)......0..................... h-p horsepower..................................... hp horsepower-hour.................0............ hp-hr hour......................................... hr hundred.............................. C hundredweight (112 lb)..................... cwt'There are circumstances under which one or the other of these forms is preferred. In general the sign 0 is used where space conditions make it necessary, as in tabular matter, and when abbreviations are cumbersome, as in some angular measurements, i.e., 590 23'42". In the interest of simplicity and clarity the Committee has recommended that the abbreviation for the temperature scale, F, C, K, etc., always be included in expressions for numerical temperatures, but, wherever feasible, the abbreviation for "degree" be omitted; as 69F. 20

Standard Abbreviations inch............................. in. inch-pound................................. in.-lb inches per second............................... ips indicated horsepower............................ ihp indicated horsepower-hour.................... ihp-hr inside diameter.............................. ID intermediate-pressure (adj.).................... i-p internal....t...................... int latitude.............l................ lat or b linear foot........l...................... lin ft liquid........................................ liq logarithm (common)............................ log logarithm (natural)...................... loge or ln longitude............................... long. or X low-pressure (adj.)............................. l-p maximum....................... max mean effective pressure........................ mep meter............................................. m mile..................................... spell out miles per hour.................................. mph million................... spell out minimum...................................... min minute.......................................... min month................................... spell out ohm.................................. spell out or Q ounce...................... oz outside diameter............................ OD parts per million.............................. ppm pound................ lb pound-foot.................................... lb-ft pound-inch................................... lb-in. pound-sterling.................................... ~ pounds per brake horsepower-hour...... lb per bhp-hr pounds per cubic foot.................. lb per cu ft pounds per square foot.......................... psf pounds per square inch.......................... psi pounds per square inch absolute................ psia power factor........................ spell out or pf quart............................................ qt radian.................................... spell out revolutions per minute......................... rpm revolutions per second......................... rps 21

Standard Abbreviations secant............................... sec second.................................... sec shaft horsepower.. shp sine..................................... sin specific gravity............................. sp gr specific heat................................. sp ht square......................................... sq square foot........... sq ft square inch.................................. sq in. standard.................................... std tangent........................................ tan temperature.................................... temp tensile strength................................. ts thousand...........M...................... M thousand pound.................................. kip ton.................................... spell out ton-mile.................................. spell out watt.............................................. w watthour........................................ whr week................................. spell out weight........................................ wt yard........................................ yd year................................. yr. - 22

APPENDIX Shown below is a paragon of epistlehood. Note the smooth, crisp writing style, sophisticated choice of words, and neat, workmanlike appearance. Who could fail to conclude that the writer himself embodied those same wholesome characteristics? July 19,66 Prof Ben Ford: It has been shown to the writer that you wrote some kind of a book for people who don't write English so good. Well if you have any extra copies I sure could use three of 4 of them to send to people I sure think could use it. (Dont really need 1 my self or otherwise I would say send another extra copy above and beyond them. You sure wouLa be a boone to humanity |i~-4 4 you would add another part that would be like well you know more of a General Part say MNUX a part on style so between us we would be able to help all these poor old talknicians ha ha to get ot, thtere and write. You know what I mean to really write! Stylewise, YMahKMgM~g~EK~t Jim Packard P.S. Decided against complementary close for ~XX brevity. 23

3 9015 02223 2105 Appendix Praying for the good-humored forgiveness of my good-humored, forgiving friend John P. Comstock, I show below a page proof of his latest opus. Fortunately, Mr. Comstock's perspicacity was equal to the challenge and he caught one slight error before the book went to press. See anything wrong here? MPrinac-ps of NAVAL ARCHITECTURE Written by a Group of Authorities EDITOR JOHN P. COMSTOCK Naval Architect (retired), Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company Published by THE SOCIETY OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS AND MARINE ENGINEERS 74 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y. 10006 1AP218O 1967 24