T H E U N IV E R S I T Y 0 F M I C H I G A N COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Department of Electrical Engineering.Space Physics Research Laboratory Quarterly Status Report No. MQ-7 for the period 1 June to 31 August 1962 RESEARCH ON THE USE OF ELECTRONIC AND MECHANICAL APPARATUS AND INSTRUMENTATION FOR ROCKETS AND SATELLITES This report, not necessarily:i.n- final scientific form, is intended for internal management uses of the contractr..and NASA. rPrepared by G: R. R.-:Carignan - ORA Project.- 04304 Under contract with: NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT NO. NASr-15 WASHINGTON, D C..Administered through: OFFICE OF RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION ANN ARBOR September 1962

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INTRODUCTION This report describes the research effort toward the.completion of six tasks set forth in UMRI Proposal 61-425-1)1, November 1960, and ORA Proposal 62-3.61-RBL, November 1961, and a new task described in ORA Proposal 62-952-PB1. The status of these tasks will be reviewed separately. ACTIVITIES DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD Task I - Split Ejectable X-248 Nose Cone: The obligations under this task, specified in the original contract and Modification No. 2, were the modification of three Aerolab X-248 nose cones for lateral ejection, one to be test fired, the remaining two to be delivered, and the furnishing of one extra set of the nose cone castings. The modifications have been completed, the extra castings fabricated and the test firing was conducted in May 1961 One of the two flight units was delivered to GSFC Test and Evaluation Division during the last report period. The information gained during the test has been used as a basis for minor modifications, accomplished during this period, and a followup test will be conducted sometime in October. Delivery of all units will be made following satisfactory completion of this test, and a final report will be submitted Task II- Electrostati.c Probes: The.contract and modifications call for delivery of 15 probe units for rocket and satellite applications and for reduction of the data resulting. The following tabulation itemizes the disposition of the units delivered: 1

1, Engo Test Model S-6 April 1961 2 Prototypes S-6 June:1961 2 Flight Units S-6 September 1961 1 Flight Unit NASA 8.23' October 1961 1 Flight Unit NASA 6005 December 1961 i Flight Unit NASA 4.18 March 1962 2 Flight Units S-6 May 1962 2 Flight Units (spares) S-6 August 1962 I Prototype Tiros August 1962 2 Flight Units Tiros August 1962 Of the 15 -units delivered, two have been returned for corrections indicated by test and integration. These two are presently being prepared for redelivery. For the past qcuarter principal data reduction activity has been writing and checking out a computor program for the S-6 ETP1. This program was essentially finished in July of 1962 and is waiting for the final check-out with the completed data system. A similar program for ETP2 is being coded and checked out now and is expected to be finished early this fall. The data resulting from flight 8o23 is being finalized for publication. Task I~ Radioactive Density Measurement S stem: This task calls for delivery of one radioactive ionization gauge.and control box. Delivery has not been made because of a radioactive material storage problem at GSFC. Delivery can be made, however, within four weeks of request. Task IV - Ex xcllusio.n of Free.Ions f rom Neutral Gas Pressure Ga ess: As reported previously, this task has been completed. There is, however, a comprehensive report on the subject beiing prepared for publication during the next reporting period. 2

Task_ Bayard-AlPert Electronic System: This task calls for delivery of two Bayard-Alpert gage electronic systems. The first system is being prepared for delivery in December. The second system will be delivered approximately 60 days later. Task VI;SiO Coatinq Study Completed. Task VII Research and Develo ment of There Probe: The principal activity under the contract during this period has been on this task, The probe is now scheduled for firing on 6 November, preceded by T & E at GSFC starting about. 10 October. Nose cone design was completed during this period and fabrication initiated0 The probe sub systems are complete, and integration of the system is now under way. Theoretical studies of the measuring system, including error analysis, are.continuing FUNDS REMAINING As of 31 August 962, $41,250 of the allotted funds remains. MONTHLY COST BREAKDOWN Wages tExpendable EquipMonth N te overhead Materials mernt Stu-dent Non-student June $1, 090 $ 7,670 $ 4,380 $ 4,230 $1,050 $ 720 July 2,330 8,280 5 300E 3, 520 2,450 660 August 2, 716 6 333 4 500 7 680 690 j1 200 Totals $6,136 $2.2,283 $14,180 $15,430 $4,190 $2,580 GRAND TOTAL $64,799 3

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 901111 5 0111 26 7121 3 9015 02826 7121