SCALLOP HULL AND ITS OFFSET Shou-Yan Chou Dept of Industrial Management National Taiwan Institute of Technology Tony C. Woo Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering The University of Michigan Lin-Lin Chen Graduate School of Engineering Technology National Taiwan Institute of Technology Kai Tang Schlumberger Technologies CAD/CAM Division Ann Arbor, Michigan Sung Yong Shin Department of Computer Science Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Technical Report 94-9 March 1994

Abstract A linear time algorithm that computes the envelop of the offset of a monotone chain is presented. The scallop hull - an extended notion of the convex hull - of the monotone chain is first computed by using an approach similar to the convex hull construction algorithm. The offset of the scallop hull, which yields the desired envelop, can then be computed in linear time from the scallop hull, giving a tool path: 1

-y y z. (a) x (b) Figure 1: Sectioning a surface and simplifying its geometry. 1 Introduction The problem of finding an offset arises in the generation of tool paths for machining a surface on a numerically controlled (NC) machine. When a hemispherical (ball-end) cutter is used to create the surface of a workpiece, the center of the hemispherical tip of the cutter and the resulting surface maintain a constant distance, which equals the radius of the ball-end cutter. The tool path (taken by the center of the cutter) can therefore be obtained by computing an offset of the desired locus of contact points on the surface of the workpiece. There are in general two types of NC tool paths:"direction-parallel" [13] and "contour-parallel". This paper examines the former by taking the following view. Suppose the representation is a graph surface z = fi(x, y). (A parametric surface P(u, v), i.e. x = F(u, v), y = G(u, v), z = H(u, v) can be implicitized as f2(x, y, z) = 0; hence z = fi(x, y).) Sectioning the surface with a plane parallel to, say, the xz-plane, gives a curve of intersection. See Figure 1. The offset of this curve yields one of the zig-zag tool paths; the subsequent ones are obtained similarly by taking further parallel sections. Note that the tool paths thus generated do not have to correspond to the 2

constant parametric curves. And, overcut and undercut may occur since the surface normals are not necessarily in the section plane. This when cast in the framework of a coordinate measuring machine (CMM), seems not unreasonable. The probe of a CMM is spherical. The manner in which it acquires data is by contact, via small deviations from the computed tool path. In the literature on NC tool path generation, most researchers [2, 3, 5, 7, 6, 11, 10, 15, 16, 17] deal with sculptured surfaces and are concerned with tool collision (due to the possible self-intersection of the offset). This paper offers a novel concept, the scallop hull - a generalization of the familiar convex hull [19], and applies it to the computation of a collision-free tool path, all in linear time, i.e. in time linearly proportional to the number of segments in the input curve. So that this novel idea is un-encumbered by analytic or numerical techniques, the input is assumed to be composed of n line segments, a chain. While there is a selection of 3-, 4-, and 5-axis NC machines, the simplest of them, 3-axis, is adopted. Because of the limited degrees of freedom, the chain must be monotone, i.e. it is single-valued in the z direction [4]. The tool path for a monotone chain can be obtained by first computing an initial offset and then eliminating the portions that cause gouging. The initial offset is the concatenation of the offsets of every individual line segment and vertex in the chain, as shown in Figure 2 (a). The offset of a line segment is simply a parallel line segment at a given distance. The direction is understood to be away from the material side. A vertex can be thought of as a degenerate line segment, a constant-distance offset from which is a circular arc. The extent of the arc is determined by the perpendiculars of the line segments that meet at the vertex. (See Figure 3.) To eliminate self-intersection in the initial offset, two methods are applicable: one utilizes the closest points Voronoi diagram [13, 18, 20] of the chain to identify 3

initial offset, O(n) envelop, O(n log n) tool.....................path (a) hull, O(n).................... (c) offset, O(n) (b)............ Figure 2: The intersection-free scallop hull........'-E-.^-i' -.-....... CT......\ -.. ^ O~n) ~...' -:Figure 3: Initial offset of a vertex and of an edge............4

self-intersections of the initial offset, and the other utilizes an algorithm developed by Hershberger [14] for constructing the envelop for a set of line segments. Both methods require O(nlogn) time [1]. In this paper, rather than dealing with the initial offset, the tool path is computed by offsetting the scallop hull of the monotone chain, which is free of self-intersection. The scallop hull is similar to a-hull defined by Edelsbrunner, Kirkpatrick, and Seidel [9] for capturing the "shape" of a set of points. The parameter a is a real number. When it is positive, the a-hull of a set of points is defined as the intersection of all the discs that have radii 1/a and contain all the points in the set. When a is negative, the a-hull is the intersection of all closed complements of the discs (with radii equal to -1/a) that contain all the points in the set. The case of a < 0 is analogous to a scallop hull for a set of points. The a-hull of a set of n points can be computed in O(n log n) time [9]. The scallop hull of a monotone chain is computed by sliding a circle against the boundary of the chain from its non-material side. See Figure 2 (b). The monotonicity of the chain facilitates the amortized complexity for backtracking hence enabling the development of a linear time algorithm. The scallop hull has three kinds of elements: convex vertices, circular arcs substituting the portions of the chain that cannot be reached by the circle, and the portions of the chain that are in contact with the circle. Notice that there is no concave vertex in a scallop hull, which gives rise to a selfintersecting offset. When the radius of the circle is infinite, the scallop hull of the chain becomes its convex hull. The tool path is simply the locus of the center of the circle, which can be stored during the process of constructing the scallop hull. This takes O(n) storage, where n is the number of segments. In this paper, the tool path is computed by offsetting the scallop hull, without costing in storage, as illus5

Figure 4: Offset of a scallop hull. trated in Figure 4. This takes 0(n) time since there is no self-intersection in the scallop hull. The total time is 0(n) + 0(n) = 0(n). 2 Preliminaries Let C = (vl, v2,... v,) be a chain that is monotone with respect to the x-axis and let C be represented by an array of its n vertices. The line segment joining two successive vertices vi and vi+l is called an edge of C and is denoted by ei. Assume that ei is directed such that xi < xi+1, for all 1 < i < n - 1. Two downward vertical rays with the endpoints at vl and v, are added to the chain C so as to permit the offset of the first and the last vertices. Sliding a circle of radius r against the left side (the non-material side) of C makes contacts at points Pk. The portion of C that does not come in contact with the circle is called a deficiency. The two contact points Pk-l and Pk, bounding the deficiency (pk-l, jpk), shown in Figure 5, are the supporting points of the circle. A supporting point can also be at a vertex in the chain, such as Pk+l shown in Figure 5. The concave upward portion of the circle between two supporting points Pk+l and Pk+2 is called the lid of the deficiency, and is denoted by Ak+l. Since C is monotone with respect to the x-axis and since the circle slides against the upper side of 6

lid Xk+I Pk 2=Vj-1 link Ik Figure 5: Examples of the defined terminologies. 2Pk Pk+i VTP - -...P iv..... *,,, / (a) (b) (c) Figure 6: Pairs of supports: (a) slope-slope, (b) peak-peak, (c) peak-slope. C, only the lower half of the circle may come in contact with C. Let the lower semi-circle containing the lid Ak+l be denoted as lrk+1. An edge or * partial edge of C which comes in contact with the circle between Pk and i Vj+l Pk'i (supporting points or vertices of C) is called a link and is denoted by Fki The concatenation of lids Au and links Ij forms the scallop hull of C. The supporting points of the circle on a pair of edges can be computed analytically. Consider the edges ei and ej, as shown in Figure 6. Let the extensions of ei and ej intersect at q, and let Lviqvj+l denote the angle between the non-material sides of these two lines and equal 29, where 9 < 90~. Let the distance between q and vi be denoted as di, and likewise for distances to the other vertices. There are three combinations of supporting 7

points - slope-slope, peak-peak, and peak-slope - as shown in Figure 6. When it is a slope-slope pair, as shown in Figure 6 (a), the supporting points Pk and Pk+l are two interior points of ei and ej such that dk = dk+l = r/ tan 9. The center and the two endpoints of the lid thus defined can then be computed. When it is a peak-peak pair, as shown in Figure 6 (b), the center of the lid lies on the perpendicular bisector of vi and vj+l such that its distances from vi and vj+l equal r. When, it is a peak-slope pair, as shown in Figure 6 (c), the center of the lid lies on the parabolic curve defined with vi as the focus and edge ej as the directrix such that its distance from vi equals r. With the center of the lid identified, the supporting point Pk+i on ej can then be computed. However, the determination of the combination of supporting points requires testing all the possible cases. When (di+l' tan ) < r < (di - tan ) and (dj. tan 0) < r < (dj+1 * tan ), only a slope-slope pair of supporting points can be realized. Otherwise, i.e., if r and the distances of q to the four vertices of ei and ej do not satisfy the above relationship, whether it is a peak-peak or peak-slope pair can be determined by checking the validity for the rest of possible cases. Note that vertices vi+l and vj may also be the peak. Additionally, in the proposed algorithm, if ei and ej are not successive edges, supporting points are computed only when the two edges are detected to support the sliding circle. Therefore, by enumerating all the seven possible pairs, the combination of the supporting points can be verified, and the center and the endpoints of the lid can then be computed. 3 Construction of a scallop hull The algorithm for constructing the scallop hull is analogous, in spirit, to the Graham scan algorithm [12] for computing the convex hull of a set of 8

points, though they differ in details. The Graham scan starts by sorting the given set of points lexicographically by their polar angles with respect to an arbitrary point in the interior of the convex hull of the set. Interior points are eliminated one by one by comparing three successive points. For the scallop hull, the deficiencies are equivalent to the "interior points". They are eliminated by comparing successive edges of the given monotone chain, and therefore no sorting is required. Algorithmically, the monotone chain is traversed and, during the process, lids and links of the scallop hull are constructed and/or updated. A current scallop hull is maintained by a stack. Two procedures - forward inclusion and backward exclusion - are executed during the traversal. As suggested by their names, forward inclusion identifies segments (lids and links) that may be pushed into the stack, whereas backward exclusion removes or updates the segments in the stack. The lids and links remaining in the stack when the algorithm terminates constitute the scallop hull of the chain. Algorithm (Scallop-Hull). (v1, v2,..,,vn): a monotone chain S: the stack maintaining the segments in the current scallop hull k - 1, P1 +- v1, TOP(S) <- Link for i = 2 to n - 1 do ForwardInclusion( S,ei-,ei ) OUTPUT(S). The details in the two procedures are now discussed individually. The procedure ForwardInclusion first determines if two successive edges, ei-1 and ei, support a circle. At step 1, if the exterior angle of vi, formed by ei_1 and ei, is less than 180~, as shown in Figure 7 (a), the two edges 9

{'i IP Vi i Pk }e * Pk., Pk=UP Pk- / PS Pk-i PkV.1 V~4, Pk PkVk=V Vk(a) (b) (c) (d) ( (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Figure 7: Cases in procedure ForwardInclusion. form a support. A lid thus computed is called the active lid. Procedure Backward-Exclusion is then invoked to determine if the active lid agrees with its preceding lids and links, and resolve the disagreement if there is any. If the exterior angle of vi, formed by e-1 and es, is greater than or equal to 180~, as shown in Figure 7 (b), (c), and (d), ei_1 and ei do not support the circle. Step 2 begins. If Pk vi, either the entire edge ei_1 (which occurs when the segment obtained in the previous iteration is a link, say Ik-l, as shown in Figure 7 (b)) or the part of ei-1 between vi and the supporting point Pk (which occurs when the segment obtained in the previous iteration is a lid, say Ak-1, as shown in Figure 7 (c)) is pushed into the stack as a link lk. When Pk = Vi, as shown in Figure 7 (d), no link is generated. This corresponds to step 2.2.2. However, if rk-1 intersects ei, as shown in Figure 7 (e), Ak-1, the lid at the top of the stack, needs to be updated, and procedure BackwardExclusion is then invoked with the updated Ak-l as the active lid. Procedure (Forward-Inclusion(S,ei_1,ei)). S: the stack maintaining the segments in the current scallop hull A3: the active lid 1. if Lvi_lvivi+l < 180~ then 10

Compute A,, such that ps E ei_1 and Ps+l E e Backward Exclusion(S,A,) 2. else [Lv_-ivvi+ > 180~] 2.1. if TOP(S) = Link then Pk - Vi- 1., Pk+l Vi PUSH(lk, S) kc - k+1 2.2. else [TOP(S) = Lid = Ak-l] 2.2.1. if Pk vi then Pk+l' Vi PUSH(lk, S) k k+ 1 2.2.2. else [k = vi] if 7rk-1 n ei 0 then UPDATE(Akl), such that pk E ei Ps - k-1, Ps+ I- Pk k k-1 Backward-Exclusion(S,A,). Procedure BackwardExclusion is responsible for checking if the active lid A,, supported by ei-1 and ei, agrees with the segment at the top of the stack. TOP(S) can only be a lid or a link. If the segment at the top of the stack is a lid Ak-1, then the intersection between rk-1 and ei is checked. If the intersection is empty, the active lid is pushed into the stack; if there exists a part of the edge ei-1 between Ak-l and the active lid, as shown in Figure 8 (a), this partial edge PkPs is pushed into the stack as a link before the active lid is. This corresponds to step 1.1. If, on the other hand, the intersection between semi-circle ar'k- and the edge ei connecting vi and vi+l 11

(a) (b) (c) edg cn g h s \a Figure 8: Some cases illustrating procedure BackwarddExclusion. is not empty, as shown in Figure 8 (b), a new active lid supported by the ledge containing the support P-i and eA is computed. This corresp onds to step 1.2. Procedure Backward Exclusion continues with the new active Pk+ p:=p, lid. However, if irk- and the active lid coincide, as shown in Figure 8 (c), the lid ak.. is extended tor P+t, and procedure Backward.Exclusion If the segment at the top of the stack is a link tkol, the side of the active in Figure 8 (e), a new active lid supported by the edges containing Pk-i and e, is computed, and the link lkV is updated accordingly. Procedure (a) (b) (C) V.i+ BackwardIExclusion then continues with the new active lid. P~k vi+ p12 Vi, Vi (d) (e) Figure 8: Some cases illustrating procedure BackwardExclusion. is not empty, as shown in Figure 8 (b), a new active lid supported by the edge containing the support Pk-, and ei is computed. This corresponds to step 1.2. Procedure BackwardExclusion continues with the new active lid. However, if rk-l and the active lid coincide, as shown in Figure 8 (c), the lid Ak-1 is extended to ps+l, and procedure BackwardExclusion terminates. If the segment at the top of the stack is a link Ik-1, the side of the active Ild to which Ik-1 lies is determined. At step 2.1, if lk-1 lies to the concave side of the lower semi-circle containing the active lid, the active lid is pushed into the stack. Again, if there exists a part of the edge ei-1 between Ik_1 and the active lid, as shown in Figure 8 (d), this partial edge pkp, is pushed into the stack as a link before the active lid is. At step 2.2., if, on the other

Procedure (BackwardExclusion(S,A,)). S: the stack maintaining the segments in the current scallop hull As: the active lid while TOP(S) $ nil do 1. if TOP(S) = Lid = Ak- then 1.1. if 7k-1 n ei = 0 then if Pk $ Ps then Pk+l - Ps PUSH(lk, S) k-c k+1 Pk I - Ps, Pk+l -+ Ps+l PUSH(Ak, S) k- k+ EXIT 1.2. else [7k_- n ei # 0] if COINCIDE(7rk_,7r,) then Ak-1 - Ak-1 U As EXIT else UPDATE(Ak_l, S), such that Pk E e Ps - k-I, Ps+1 - Pk k.k-1 2. else [TOP(S) = Link = Ik-] 2.1. if Ik-1 C CONCAVE(r,) then if Pk $ p, then Pk+1'- Ps PUSH(lk, S) k -k+1 13

Pk -- Ps, Pk+i Ps+1 PUSH(Ak, S) k - k+ 1 EXIT 2.2. else [lk-in CONVEX(r,) 7 0] Compute A,, such that ps E Ik-1 and Ps+l E e, UPDATE(lk4). That the algorithm gives a correct scallop hull is now discussed. Forward inclusion computes, for all pairs of successive edges, circular arcs and line segments which may become the lids and links in the scallop hull. When a newly created link conflicts with the lid at the top of the stack (the only possible conflict between a link and the current scallop hull), as shown in Figure 7 (e), a new lid is computed as the active lid, which reduces this case to the case of having a newly created lid. Therefore, backward exclusion only needs to ensure that there is no conflict between an active lid and the current scallop hull. There are two cases of possible conflict. If the top of the stack is a lid Ak-1, a conflict occurs when rk-l intersects ei, the second of the pair of successive edges in question, as shown in Figure 8 (b). On the other hand, if the top of the stack is a link lk-1, a conflict occurs when a portion of lk-1 lies to the convex side of the active lid, as shown in Figure 8 (e). A new active lid is computed in both cases. The following lemma formalizes that if neither of these two cases occurs, there will not be any conflict between the active lid and any lids or links already in the stack. Lemma Suppose an active lid As is identified in Forward-Inclusion. If the segment at the top of the stack is (i) a lid Akk-l such that Trk-l does not intersect ei, or (ii) a link Ik-1 such that it lies to the concave side of AS, 14

, Pk=V -, ltki ltk, j \Pk'-V1/ t, vz +I \v L/ +' Pk-1 PI Pk.1 ID, (a) (b) Figure 9: Termination conditions for BackwardExclusion. then, ei n 7irj- = 0 and rk n lj-._ = 0, for all j < k. Proof. (i) Since C is monotonic with respect to the x-axis, the x coordinates of the centers of the tentative lids are ordered with respect to the x-axis. If 7rk-_ does not intersect ei, then 7rj-1, for j < k, which is to the concave side of Tk-1 as shown in Figure 9 (a), cannot intersect ei either. On the other hand, by induction, rk-1 does not intersect Ij-1, for j < k - 1, for, otherwise, Ak-i would have been updated in an earlier iteration. Moreover, since xj < Xk-1 < xs (as shown in Figure 9 (b)), for j < k - 1, it is not possible for 7r, to intersect Ij-1. (ii) This part of the lemma can be established with reasoning similar to those for (i). o The lemma establishes the stopping condition for Backward-Exclusion. When the stopping condition is met, the active lid will be a lid of the scallop hull for the chain from the beginning of the chain to ei. By induction, the Scallop-Hull algorithm described above gives the scallop hull of the monotone chain C. The time complexity of the algorithm for computing the non-gouging tool path for a monotone chain is now analyzed. There are only (n + 1) iterations for forward inclusion since there are only (n + 1) successive pairs of edges (including the two downward vertical rays). Updating the stack, which is the main task for backward exclusion, takes O(n) time in total, 15

since there are at most (n - 1) lids and (n + 2) links in the scallop hull and each segment is stacked or unstacked at most once. Therefore, the time complexity for computing the scallop hull is bounded linearly by the total number of vertices in the chain. The offset of a scallop hull can be computed by concatenating the offset of the links and the vertices in the scallop hull. The offset of a lid is its center and can therefore be ignored. Since the offset of a scallop hull can also be computed easily in O(n) time, the tool path for a monotone chain can be constructed in linear time. This establishes the following theorem: Theorem A non-self-intersecting tool path by offsetting a monotone chain of n vertices can be computed in O(n) time. 4 Summary and Conclusion The scallop hull of radius r is a generalization of the convex hull (for which r equals infinity). An O(n) time algorithm for computing the scallop hull of a monotone chain of n edges has been given; the algorithm is therefore optimal. Application for the reported work includes NC machining and CMM inspection. That the mechanisms are 3-axis is underscored by the assumption of the monotonicity of the two-dimensional data. In three dimensions, monotonicity ramifies as a terrain surface [8], for which each point (x, y, z) on the surface is visible from "above", e.g., from z = oo. Computing the offset for such a terrain surface has obvious utility in geographical information systems as well. 16

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