BASE-STOCK CONTROL FOR TANDEM MAKE-TO-STOCK SYSTEMS Izak Duenyas and Prayoon Patana-Anake Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2117 Technical Report 95-7 June 1995

BASE-STOCK CONTROL FOR TANDEM MAKETO-STOCK SYSTEMS IZAK DUENYAS and PRAYOON PATANE-ANAKE Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109 Abstract In this paper, we consider a multiple-stage tandem production/inventory system. The cost of holding WIP inventory is different at each stage. Therefore, decions on when to release work to the system as well as when to transfer WIP from one stage to another need to be made. We formulate this problem of release/production control as a Markov Decision Process. However, the optimal policy is rather complex making its implementation impractical in practice. We therefore investigate the performance of simple base stock policies. Our approach aggregates several stages into one and uses a simple approximation to compute "approximately optimal" base stock levels. We present the results of a simulation study which tests the performance of our approximation in estimating the best base stock levels, and the performance of base stock policies as compared to the optimal policy. 1 Introduction Recently, considerable effort has been devoted to developing effective control mechanisms for production/inventory systems. Driven in part by the success of Japanese "pull production systems," researchers have focused on the analysis of mechanisms that dictate when work will be released to a production system, as well as the conditions under which work can be transferred from one stage to another in the production process. Most research to date has focused on the performance evaluation of specific policies. The performance of the kanban control mechanism has been studied for tandem make-to-order systems (e.g., Mitra and Mitrani 1990, Muckstadt and Tayur, 1993), tandem make-to-stock systems (Mitra and Mitrani, 1991) as well as for assembly systems (Duenyas and Keblis, 1995). Chang and Yih (1994a, 1

1994b) develop a generic kanban system for dynamic environments. Research on the performance of the CONWIP release mechanism (Spearman et al., 1990) has resulted in approximations for the throughput of tandem systems (Hopp and Spearman, 1991), and the variance of the output process (Duenyas et al. 1993). Duenyas and Hopp (1993) and Duenyas (1994a) have also derived approximations for the throughput of assembly systems under the CONWIP release mechanism. Buzacott et al. (1992), Buzacott and Shanthikumar (1993), and Lee and Zipkin (1992) have developed approximations for the performance of base-stock policies and compare their approximations to simulation for systems with two and three machines. Rubio and Wein (1994) extended the CONWIP system to the make-to-stock case. Under their policy, a new unit of product is released to the shop floor whenever the total WIP plus finished goods inventory (where backordered demand represents negative inventory) falls below a specified base stock level. They show how the optimal inventory level can be analytically computed, under product-form assumptions. Uzsoy et al. (1994) provide a detailed survey of release control mechanisms in the context of the semiconductor industry. The performance of different control rules has very rarely been compared. Muckstadt and Tayur (1993) and Duenyas and Keblis (1995) compare the performance of kanban and CONWIP. The purpose of the comparisons is to find out which policy achieves a target throughput level with the minimum possible WIP (equivalently, which policy achieves a higher throughput for a given WIP level). This objective implicitly assumes that WIP costs are the same at each stage of production. However, in a manufacturing system with many stages of production, the cost of holding a unit of WIP is not likely to be the same throughout the production process. This is because value is added to the product at each stage of the production process in the form of labor hours spent processing the product and materials used at the different stages. Even though the value added at any one individual machine may be small, the difference between the value of a unit of WIP at the last stage of production and at the first stage of production is significant in most manufacturing systems. In some cases, production of a product requires work at several different plants and a significant part of the value added is the transportation costs of transferring the parts from one plant to another. A modelling approach that penalizes holding inventory more severely at each stage of production is required to handle such situations. Clearly, it is not necessary to compute the value added after each minor operation of the production process. This would be unnecessarily complex especially in an environment with thousands of operations, and computing the optimal parameters for any policy for a system modelled in such detail is unlikely to be tractable. Therefore, we consider an 2

approach that models several stages each of which consists of multiple operations with a distinct cost of inventory for each stage. This cost can be taken to be the average cost of inventory at that stage. This modelling approach enables us to find approximately optimal base stock levels for large systems consisting of many machines very rapidly. In a recent paper, Veatch and Wein (1994) considered the optimal control of a two-stage maketo-stock system where each stage consists of a single exponential machine. They derived sufficient conditions under which it would be optimal to hold no finished goods or WIP inventory. They also used simulation to compare the performance of base stock, kanban, and fixed buffer policies against the optimal policy computed using dynamic programming. In their simulation experiments, the base-stock policy performed very well except when the upstream machine is slow. The basestock policy that they analyze releases a new job to the first machine in the system immediately whenever a finished good is demanded. As they explain, this results in unnecessary stockpiling of WIP when there are many backorders. To prevent this phenomenon from occuring, in this paper, we focus on a basestock policy with a limit on the WIP on the shop floor. This is motivated by the observation that if a system has enough WIP to keep the bottleneck starvation probability low, the extra benefits of any additional WIP will be marginal. Therefore, if there is already sufficient WIP on the shop floor, our policy (unlike those analyzed in Lee and Zipkin or Veatch and Wein) does not automatically release another unit of WIP to the shop floor every time a finished good is demanded. In this paper, we provide a simple approximate analysis of the base stock policy for multiple stage make-to-stock systems with a limit on the WIP on the shop floor. We also conduct a simulation study which confirms that Veatch and Wein's observations on the effectiveness of base stock policies extend to systems larger than the 2-machine systems they considered. Furthermore, we find that our simple approximation performs very well in estimating the parameters of the best base stock policy. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we formulate the optimal control problem as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), and present details of our proposed base stock policy. In Section 3, we present a simple approximation method for computing the parameters of the optimal base stock policy. In Section 4, we conduct a simulation study to test how well the proposed base stock policy works as compared to the optimal policy and to test the accuracy of the approximation method developed in Section 3 to estimate the parameters of the optimal base stock policy. The paper concludes in Section 5. 3

hi — h- h2 4 — h3 ---.- h4 -Finished Raw ^Goods Inv. Materials ---- -stage 1 c+ stage2 - sag — Product Flow D Workstation Figure 1: Tandem Production/Inventory System 2 Problem Formulation We consider an N stage tandem manufacturing system that produces a single product as shown in Figure 1. There are mi machines in series in stage i, and the jt machine in stage i has a mean processing time of tij (and processing rate yixj = l/tij), and standard deviation of aij. Each unit of inventory held in stage of i for a unit of time incurs a holding cost hi. Raw material is assumed to be available at all times for the first machine in stage 1, and the cost of holding the raw material in front of machine 1 is set to be zero since no value has been added to the material at that point (Duenyas, 1994b).When a unit's processing is finished at the last machine in stage N, it is transferred to finished goods inventory. Each unit of finished goods inventory incurs a holding cost of hN+l per unit time. Demand is assumed to have a Poisson distribution with rate pD per unit time. All unfilled demand is backordered and the backordering cost is 7r per unit per unit time. The objective is to meet the demand with the minimum expected cost per unit time. In the special case where each stage consists of a single exponential machine, the optimal control problem can be formulated as a Markov Decision Process (Veatch and Wein). In this case, the state of the system can be represented by an N-vector x. The ith entry (i = 1,..., N) of x represents the amount of WIP in front of the machine at stage i, while xN is the difference between the amount of finished goods inventory (FGI) in the system and the amount of backorders. (We will refer to N: as "net FGI" and to xr = max(O, xN) as "actual FGI"). We use uniformization as in Lippman 4

(1975), and let A = E i + ID and ei denote a unit vector along the ith axis. We can then write the MDP optimality equation as 1 N g+V(x) = [c(x)+itDV(x-eN)I+I1 min{V(x), V(x+el)}+Eii min{V(x), V(x+ei-ei-)} (2.1) A i=2 where c(x) = EN-1 hixi + hNx - rxN, and x = min{0, x}. Although a similar formulation is possible for the case where each stage has multiple machines in series, the dynamic programming formulation quickly suffers from the curse-of-dimensionality as the number of machines per stage or the number of stages is inreased. Furthermore, even for very few stages or machines per stage, the optimal solution has a rather complex structure that makes its implementation very difficult in practice. We therefore focus on simpler base-stock policies. Our proposed base-stock policy requires only the specification of N + 1 nonnegative target inventory (base stock) levels T1 through TN+1, for implementation. Ti denotes the target sum of inventory in stages i through N+1. Similarly, TN+1 denotes the target finished goods inventory level. For example, if x+1 < TN+1, this implies that the finished goods inventory level is below target and more finished goods inventory is needed. Therefore, the machines in stage N will keep producing until the finished goods inventory reaches the target level. Similarly, if [=iXj + x+1 < Ti this implies that the total inventory downstream from stage i (including stage i) is not sufficient and machines in stage i - 1 will keep producing until the level of inventory downstream reaches the target level. Finally, if ji1 x3j + xN+i < T1, this implies that the total amount of inventory in the system is less than the target level and that a new unit of raw material inventory c-;.n be released to stage 1. This also implies that the maximum level of inventory in the system is 1i. (We note that this definition of base-stock target levels is slightly different than those in Va;;Ich and Wein or Bulzacott et al. or Lee and Zipkin. Their conditions are of the form E X=i j +.- xN+l < Ti. Our conditions on the level of actual inventory in the system provide a way to limit the total amount of inventory on the shop floor.) We note that the specific case of the above-described base-stock policy where Ti = T for all i - 1,..., N + 1, corresponds to the make-to-stock version of the CONWIP policy. This policy keeps the total actual inventory in the system constant at all times by releasing a ne-,w unit of raw material to the shop floor whenever the total WIP plus actual finished goods inventory in the system falls below T. This job is then pushed through the system. Rubio and Wein (1994) propose a version of this policy where the total WIP plus net FGI is kept constant and show that the performance of this policy is easily analyzable under product-form assumptions. 5

Clearly, in order to implement the base-stock policy we describe above, the "optimal" target inventory levels need to be computed. For large systems with many machines per stage, computing the optimal target levels become very difficult. We therefore next present a simple approximation for computing "approximately optimal" target levels. We then test the performance of the approximation as well as the adequacy of using the proposed base-stock policy. 3 Approximating the Base-Stock Levels This section describes how we approximate the "optimal" target inventory levels. We first describe the approximation for a one stage system and then show how it can be generalized to the N-stage case. 3.1 Single Stage Case In order to compute the optimal target inventory levels, we need to be able to compute the cost for any particular choice of target levels. For example, in a single stage system, in order to set To and T2, the optimal target levels, we need to be able to compute average WIP, FGI and backorder cost per unit time for any choice of target levels T1 and T2. Our approach estimates this cost by approximating each stage by a single equivalent machine. Consider a single stage system with ml machines. Clearly, as long as the last machine has WIP to process, FGI can be produced at the rate of the last machine P1,mi. Therefore, as long as the finished goods inventory is below T2, the last machine in the system will be converting WIP into FGI if it is not starved of WIP. We approximate the rate with which the rest of the machines in the system provide WIP to the last machine by replacing the rest of the machines in the system by a single machine. That is, we replace machines (1, 1) through (1,ml - 1) by a single machine. We then have a simpler 2-machine system to analyze. The first machine in this simpler system replaces all machines except the last one in the original system, and the second machine is the same as the last machine in the original system. We let il denote the output rate from the first machine to the second machine in this simpler system, and ^2 denote the output rate from the second machine to finished goods inventory. In our approximation, these rates are functions of the inventory levels at the two machines. Let i denote the net finished goods inventory at a given point in time and j denote the amount of inventory in front of the second machine in this simplified system. Clearly, 6

since the second machine is exactly equivalent to the last machine in the original system, we have (i 1,m for j > 0 and i < T2 O otherwise Equation (3.2) states the obvious fact that the last machine in the original system will produce parts unless 1) it is starved or 2) the FGI level is equal to the target level. To derive a similar expression for the output rate of the first machine in the simplified system, we first note that in the original system, when the level of net finished goods inventory is negative (i.e., there are backorders) the system behaves like a closed queueing network with T1 jobs. In this case, whenever the last machine finishes another job, a new job is released to the first machine. What we would like to approximate is the rate with which WIP arrives to the last machine in the original system. Clearly, this depends on the number of jobs at the first ml - 1 machines. For example, if these machines have no WIP at all, the arrival rate of jobs to the last machine is zero. As the amount of WIP in the first ml - 1 machines increases, the arrival rate of WIP to the last machine will approach the rate of the slowest machine among the first ml - 1 machines. We also note that due to the base-stock policy being used, when the net finished goods inventory (actual finished goods-backorders) is i, and the number of jobs at the last machine is j the number of jobs in the remainder of the system (i.e., at the first mi - 1 machines) is T1 - i+ - j. Combining these observations that the original system behaves like a closed queueing network (at least when i < 0) and that the arrival rate of jobs to the last machine is a function of the number of jobs in the first ml - 1 machines, our simplified system replaces the first m - 1 machines, with a single machine with rate l ^(i, j) = TH(T - i+ -j ) (3.3) where TH(T1 - i+- j) is the throughput of the closed queueing network consisting of the first m - 1 machines with T1 - i+-j jobs. We note that when the processing times are assumed to have exponential distributions, this throughput can be computed exactly, using mean value analysis. When the processing times are nonexponential, we use an appproximation due to Shanthikumar and Gocmen for approximating the throughput of a closed queueing network with nonexponential machines. Once we have replaced the original system with a simpler two station system with rates ^l(ij) and i2(i, j), we make a further approximation by approximating the processing time distributions at these two stations by an exponential distribution. This simplifies the analysis and, as we show in the 7

next section, the computational results indicate that for highly or moderately variable systems (e.g., processing times with exponential, Erlang-2 or even Erlang-4 distributions), the approximations work very well. For less variable systems, the approach outlined below will tend to overestimate the optimal threshold levels. Hence, in that case, the results can be used as a starting point for a more detailed simulation study. We let p(i, j) denote the long-run probability of the simplified two station system having i units of finished goods inventory, and j units of WIP at the second station. Then these probabilities can be easily computed by solving the following system of state equations: p(ij)(uD+~2(ij) +J1(ij)) = p(i+1,J)(,D)+Pi-lJ+1 2(i-1,j+ l)+p(i, j-l)1(i,j -1) (3.4) Once the solution to (3.4) is obtained, the cost of using target inventory levels T1 and T2 can be easily computed as: C(T1, T2) = E p(i,j)(h2i+ - ri- + h1j) (3.5) (i<T2;i++j<T1) Although (3.4) represents a system of infinite number of equations (since i can take on any integer value below T2), in practice an approximate solution can easily be obtained by assuming the demand rate falls to zero when the level of finished goods inventory falls below a sufficiently low value. We note that (3.4) represents a very sparse system of equations, and for a given value of T1, T2, a solution can be obtained very quickly. In fact, an exhaustive search for the best threshold values takes just a couple of seconds on a Pentium PC. 3.2 Multiple Stages In the case when there is more than one stage, our approach is very similar. In an N stage problem, we replace all the machines in the last stage except the last machine by a single machine. Similarly, all machines in stage k (k = 1,..., N - 1) are replaced by a single "virtual" machine. We thus have a simplified system with N + 1 machines. Once again, the last machine in the simplified system has a processing rate equal to the last machine in the last stage in the original system. In this case, we can denote the state of the system as an N + 1-vector, (i, jN+1, jN,..., i2) where i denotes the amount of finished goods inventory and ji denotes the amount of WIP in front of "virtual machine" 1. The processing rate of the last machine is given by AkN 1( Z... ~2 [ f N,mN for jN+i > 0 and i < TN+1 ( N+1(i, JN+1,. * J**2) = ot (3.6) 0 otherwise 8

and for all other machines k = 1,..., N, it is given by N+1 1k(i,jN+l,, j2) = THk(Tk — i+ — E jl) (3.7) I=k+l where THk(x) is the throughput of a closed queueing network consisting of the machines in stage k and x jobs (Note that in computing THN(x), we exclude the last machine in stage N). Letting j = (jN+i,...,J2), and p(i,j) denote the long-run probability of the system being in state (i,j), we need to solve the following system of equations: p(ii)(D + EN+ 1k(i j)) = p(i + 1 j)UD -+ N+l(i-, j + eN+l)p(i-, j + eN+X)+ (N=2P(ij -ek+l +e) ek)/k(i,j -ek+l + ek)) +p(i,j - e2)/l(i,j - e2). (3.8) We let N+1 o- = ((i,j): i _< TN+l;i++ E jl < Tk for k = 1,...}, N, (3.9) I=k+l the cost of using target inventory levels (T1,..., TN+1) is then given by N+1 C(T1,...,TN+1) = Ep(i, j)(hN+li+ - i- + E hk-ljk). (3.10) 1f k=2 Once again, the system of equations (3.8) can be solved rapidly due to the sparsity of the system of equations. We next report on the quality of the solutions obtained by this approximation technique in terms of estimating the best threshold values as well as on the performance of the proposed base stock policy as compared to the optimal policy. 4 Computational Results This section reports the results of a simulation study we conducted to test the performance of the proposed base stock policy as well as the success of the approximation scheme outlined in the previous section. To conduct our study, we generated 50 example cases representing a wide variety of situations. We created examples with three different processing time distributions: Exponential, Erlang-2, and Erlang-4 to capture the effects of different levels of variability on the approximation. We also created examples with varying levels of line length and number of stages as well as different holding and backorder costs. We tested examples where the backorder cost was higher than the finished goods inventory cost as well as the case when the reverse wase true. For each example, we used simulation to find the best base stock policy. To find the best base stock policy, we used a 9

Example Processing Times h h w OPTIMAL 1 2,3,4,3 5 1,1,1,3 5 19.09 2 3,2,3,4 5 1,1,1,3 5 21.10 3 3,3,4,2 5 1,1,1,3 5 16.66 4 3,4,3,4 5 1,1,1,3 5 27.70 5 2,2,3,4 5 1,1,1,3 5 20.29 6 1,1,3,4 6 1,1,1,1.5 2 6.61 7 3,3,4 5 1,1,3 5 20.71 8 2,3,4 5 1,1,3 5 19.62 9 2,3,4 5 1,1,3 2 12.74 10 3,4,2 5 1,1,3 5 14.29 11 3,4,2 5 1,1,3 2 10.14 12 2,4,3 5 1,1,3 5 16.43 13 2,4,3 5 1,1,3 2 11.20 14 1,1,3 4 1,1,1.5 2 6.84 15 2,2,4 5 2,2,3 4 19.03 16 1,2,3 4 1,1,2 3 10.49 17 3,3,2 5 4,4,5 7 22.58 18 2,4,4 7 2,2,2.5 3 10.43 19 3,5,5 7 2,2,3 5 22.18 20 2,5,5 7 1,1,1.5 3 11.31 21 3,4,1 5 2,2,4 5 18.09 22 2,3,4,3 5 0.5,1,1.5,3 5 20.73 23 3,2,3,4 5 0.5,1,1.5,3 5 22.17 24 3,3,4,2 5 0.5,1,1.5,3 5 18.12 25 3,4,3,4 5 0.5,1,1.5,3 5 28.62 26 2,2,3,4 5 0.5,1,1.5,3 5 21.39 27 1,1,3,4 6 0.7,1,1.3,1.5 2 6.87 Table 1: Input Data and the optimal cost for Examples 1-27 GPSS-H program. For each candidate vector of base-stock values, we obtained the simulation value of the cost by running 20 replications of simulations 10 days in length each (after deleting the warmup period). The approximation described in Section 3 was also used to compute the "approximately optimal" base-stock values. We also report the cost values when the base-stock values suggested by the approximation were used. Finally, we also report the average cost achieved by the best CONWIP policy. We note that since the CONWIP policy is a special case of the base stock policy, the best base stock policy is guaranteed to perform at least as well as the best CONWIP policy. Table 1 includes the data and the optimal solutions obtained by solving the MDP for Examples 1-27. We note that all of the processing times as well as the time between two consecutive demands are assumed to have exponential distributions in Examples 1-27. The cost of holding inventory in front of each machine (starting with the second machine as the cost of holding raw material in front of machine 1 is set to 0) is given by the vector h. The last entry of h is the cost of finished goods inventory. For example, in Example 1, the cost of holding WIP is assumed to be 1, and the FGI cost is 3 per item per unit time. In Examples 1-21 the cost of WIP is the same regardless of the location of WIP. In Examples 22-27, the cost of WIP changes from machine to machine. However, the value added is very small except at the very last operation. Therefore, in computing the basestock values, we tested the performance of an approximation policy which treats the cost of WIP as the same at each of these operations. For instance, the WIP costs in Example 27 are 0.7, 1, and 1.3 10

Example BEST BASE STOCK APP. BASE STOCK CONWIP ABS/BBS 1 (11,3) 4.6 % (11,2) 7.3 % (10) 29.6 % 2.6 % 2 (10,5) 7.3 % (9,5) 9.0 % ' (10) 10.2 % 1.6 % 3 (12,0) 4.9 % (12,1) 6.7 % (10) 42.4 % 1.7 % 4 (16,5) 3.0 % (14,5) 7.3 % (13) 13.8 % 4.1 % 5 (10,5) 4.5 % (8,5) 5.9 % (8) 12.8 % 1.3 % 6 (4,3) 7.7 % (4,3) 7.7 % (4) 7.8 % 0.0 % 7 (10,5) 3.6 % (9,5) 7.9 % (7) 9.7 % 4.1 % 8 (9,6) 3.0 % (7,5) 6.6 % (7) 8.4 % 2.0 % 9 (7,3) 7.9 % (6,3) 11.8 % (6) 11.7 % 3.6 % 10 (9,1) 7.4 % (10,1) 11.1 % (7) 40.1 % 3.4 % 11 (8,0) 10.9 % (7,0) 15.8 % (6) 36.0 % 4.4 % 12 (9,2) 7.2 % (9,2) 7.2 % (7) 28.6 % 0.0 % 13 (7,1) 11.6 % (7,1) 11.6 % (6) 27.2 % 0.0 % 14 (4,4) 3.2 % (3,3) 7.4 % (4) 3.2 % 4.0 % 15 (6,6) 0.9 % (5,5) 1.7 % (6) 0.9 % 0.8 % 16 (5,5) 1.3 % (5,4) 3.3 % (5) 1.3 % 2.0 % 17 (5,4) 12.0 % (5,2) 12.8 % (5) 15.4 % 0.7 % 18 (4,3) 6.7 % (4,3) 6.7 % (4) 8.1 % 0.0 % 19 (7,6) 2.9 % (7,7) 3.9 % (7) 3.9 % 0.9 % 20 (7,7) 4.7 % (7,7) 4.7 % (7) 4.7 % 0.0 % 21 (7,0) 10.8 % (7,0) 10.8 % (6) 28.5 % 0.0 % 22 (10,4) 0.9 % (11,2) 1.5 % (10) 13.4 % 0.6 % 23 (9,8) 1.8 % (9,5) 8.1 % (9) 11.3 % 6.2 % 24 (11,1) 0.8 % (12,1)5.5 % (10) 24.8 % 4.7 % 25 (13,4) 0.1 % (14,5) 7.7 % (13) 12.3 % 7.6 % 26 (9,8) 0.3 % (8,5) 3.6 % (10) 12.1 % 3.3 % 27 (4,4) 6.1 % (4,3) 8.6 % (4) 6.1 % 2.4 % Table 2: Performance of base stock and CONWIP policies for Examples 1-27 for WIP waiting at machines 2, 3 and 4. Therefore, in order to be able to reduce this problem to a single stage problem, in our approximation, we assumed WIP costs to be 1. These examples test the performance of our strategy which replaces several stages with little value added at each stage by a single stage with the average WIP cost of the original stages. The results for Examples 1-27 are displayed in Table 2. For each example, Table 2 includes the best base-stock values found by simulation and the percentage suboptimality of the best base stock policy as compared to the optimal policy found by solving the MDP. Similarly, Table 2 includes the base stock values computed by using the approximation we presented in the previous section and the suboptimality of this policy. Table 2 also displays the percentage cost difference between the cost of the best base stock policy found by simulation, and that found by our approximation (ABS/BBS). Finally, the best CONWIP policy as well as its suboptimality are also given for each example. The results in Table 2 show that the best base stock policy performs very well as compared to the optimal policy. The average suboptimality of the best base-stock policy found b:. simulation is around 5%. We note that the optimal policy is very complex while the base stock policy is very simple to describe and implement. Given that it is hard to estimate backorder or holding costs to a precision of 5%, the performance of the simple base stock policy is encouraging. Table 2 also shows 11

Example PR. TIMES DIST A h wr 28 1,2,3,1,2 EXP 5 0.5,0,5,1,1,3 5 29 2,3,1,2,3 EXP 5 0.5,0.5,1,1,3 5 30 1,3,2,1,3 EXP 5 0.5,0.5,1,1,3 5 31 1,2,3,4,1,2 EXP 5 0.5,0.5,0.5,1,1,3 5 32 2,2,4,3,3,1 EXP 5 1,1,1,2,2,3 6 33 3,1,2,2,1,1 EXP 6 1,1,1,3,3,5 7 34 1,2,3,4,5,1,2 EXP 7 0.5,0.5,0.5,1,1,1,3 5 35 2,1,3,1,4,1,4 EXP 6 1,1,1,2,2,2,3 6 36 5,1,2,1,1,3,3 EXP 7 2,2,2,3,3,3,4 4 37 4,3,4,3,1,4,2 EXP 7 2,2,2,3,3,3,3.5 4 38 4,4,3,1,2,1,2 EXP 6 1,1,1,5,5,5,6 6 39 2,3,4,3 ERL-2 5 1,1,1,3 5 40 3,3,4,2 ERL-2 5 1,1,1,3 5 41 2,2,3,4 ERL-2 5 1,1,1,3 5 42 2,3,4 ERL-2 5 1,1,3 5 43 3,4,2 ERL-2 5 1,1,3 5 44 3,4,2 ERL-2 5 1,1,3 2 45 2,4,3 ERL-2 5 1,1,3 5 46 2,4,3 ERL2 5 1,1,3 2 47 2,3,4,3 ERL-4 5 1,1,3 5 48 3,3,4,2 ERL-4 5 1,1,3 5 49 1,4,4,3 ERL-4 5 1,1,2 3 50 2,1,2,1 ERL-4 3 2,2,3 4 Table 3: Input Data for Examples 28-50 that our approximation behaves very well. The average suboptimality of the base stock policy with the target inventory levels computed by using our approximation was 7.3%. As Table 2 clearly demonstrates, our approximation's estimates of the best base stock levels were very close to the optimal base stock levels found by simulation. In fact, the average cost difference between the best base stock policy and that suggested by our approximation was only 2.2%. Given the speed with which our approximation computed the best base stock values, these results are encouraging. Table 3 includes the data for Examples 28-50. In Examples 28-38, the processing times are still exponential. However, these examples have multiple stages and as many as 7 machines. We were unable to compute the optimal costs due to the very large size of the state spaces in these examples. In Examples, 39-46, the processing times had Erlang-2 distributions, while in Examples 47-50, the distributions were Erlang-4. As described in the previous section, our approach in these cases was the same as in the exponential cases except that we used an approximation due to Shanthikumar and Gocmen for computing the throughputs of the non-exponential closed queueing networks involved. The results for Examples 28-50 are presented in Table 4. Table 4 includes the best base stock values found by simulation and the cost associated with the best base stock policy, the base stock values suggested by our approximation and the percentage cost difference between the best base stock policy and the base stock policy computed by the approximation. We also present the best CONWIP policy and its percentage difference from the best base stock policy. We note that despite the fact that these examples were more challenging to our approximation (due to either the greater size 12

Example BEST BASE STOCK APP. BASE STOCK CONWIP 28 (6,5,1) 9.19 (6,6,1) 3.0 % (5) 27.4 % 29 (8,7,2) 12.38 (7,7,2) 2.9 % (7) 16.3 % 30 (7,6,2) 12.22 (6,6,2) 0.7 % (6) 12.9 % 31 (13,11,0) 15.9 (10,10,1) 11.3 % (8) 40.4 % 32 (11,11,0) 26.3 (10,10,1) 11.2 % (12) 11.9 % 33 (5,3,0) 13.0 (4,4,0) 3.0 % - (4) 19.8 % 34 (10,10,0) 12.8 (9,9,1) 7.5 % (8) 36.8 % 35 (8,8,8) 22.9 (8,8,4) 3.6 % (8) 0.0 % 36 (6,5,2) 18.9 (5,5,2) 12.1 % (6) 7.10 % 37 (8,7,3) 24.1 (7,7,2) 6.3 % (8) 4.2 % 38 (10,4,1) 26.3 (8,5,2) 10.6 % (8) 21.8 % 39 (8,2) 14.9 (11,2) 7.6 % (8)21.4 % 40 (10,1) 13.5 (12.1) 9.2 % (7)30.3 % 41 (7,4) 15.8 (7,7) 6.6 % (6) 4.4 % 42 (6,3) 15.1 (5,5) 2.6 % (5) 2.6 % 43 (7,1) 12.0 (9,1) 3.2 % (6) 14.2 % 44 (5,0) 8.7 (7,0) 5.7 % (5) 22.9 % 45 (7,2) 13.7 (9,2) 2.9 % (6) 13.9 % 46 (5,1) 9.1 (6,1) 4.4 % (4) 15.4 % 47 (6,2) 12.2 (9,2) 8.2 % (5) 16.3 % 48 (7,1) 11.1 (8,1) 2.7 % (6) 27.3 % 49 (7,2) 11.1 (8,3) 10.1 % (7)12.6 % 50 (4,1) 11.4 (4,1) 0 % (4) 4.4 % Table 4: Results for Examples 28-50 of the problems or the non-exponential distributions involved), our approximation still performed very well in estimating the best base stock parameters. In the examples with Erlang distributions, our approximation predictably tended to overestimate the target inventory levels. As mentioned previously, these examples indicate that if the processing times distributions are less variable than exponential, the results of our approximation can serve as approximate upper bounds on the amount of inventory required at each stage, and therefore as a starting point for a more detailed simulation study. However, we note that even using the values suggested by the approximation resulted in costs that were not much higher than the costs of the best base stock policies. The average percentage cost difference between the best base stock policy and that suggested by our appromiation was around 5%. In contrast, the average percentage difference in cost between the best CONWIP policy and the best base stock policy was nearly 17%. These results clearly show the significant decrease in cost that can be obtained by using multiple-stage base stock policies and the success of our approximation which involves very little computational work. 5 Conclusions and Further Research In this paper, we analyzed base stock policies for multiple-stage tandem make-to-stock systems. The base stock policies we analyzed differ from those in the literature in that they limit the WIP on the shop floor. Therefore, unnecessary stockpiling of WIP on the shop floor when there are many backorders is avoided. Our simulation results comparing the performance of the proposed 13

base stock policies to the performance of the optimal policy indicate that the proposed base stock policies perform very well. Comparisons of the cost of the optimal policy and the cost of the best base stock policy in our simulation experiments reveal that Veatch and Wein's observations on the effectiveness of base stock policies (which were based on a limited set of experiments with only two machines in their paper) carry over to larger and more complicated systems. We also presented a simple approximation based on aggregration of several stages (with the same or very close WIP costs) into one for computation of "approximately optimal" base stock levels. We presented the results of a simulation study that demonstrated that our approximation is successful in estimating the best base stock values. Further research should characterize effective and simple control strategies for more complicated systems than those considered here. Examples include multiple-stage assembly systems where the output of several subassembly lines are assembled together and systems with probabilistic routing of products. Acknowledgements: This research is partially supported by NSF Grants No:DMI-9308290 and No:DMI-9424596 to the University of Michigan, as well as a grant from the Center for Display Manufacturing. References Buzacott, J.A., S. Price, and J.G. Shanthikumar, 1992, "Service Levels in Multistage MRP and Base Stock Controlled Production Systems," In New Directions for Operations Research in Manufacturing, (Eds. G. Fandel, T. Gulledge, and A. Jones), Springer, Berlin, 445-463. Buzacott, J.A., and J.G. Shanthikumar, 1993, Stochastic Models of Manufacturing Systems, PrenticeHall, New Jersey. Chang, T.M, and Y.Yih, 1994a, "Generic kanban systems for dynamic environments," International Journal of Production Research, Vol.32 No:4, 889-902. Chang, T.M., and Y. Yih, 1994b, "Determining the number of kanbans and lotsizes in a generic kanban system: a simulated annealing approach," International Journal of Production Research, 32, No.8, 1991-2004. Duenyas, I., 1994a, "Estimating the Throughput of a cyclic assembly system," International Journal of Production Research 32, 1403-1419. Duenyas, I., 1994b "A Simple Release Policy for Networks of Queues with Controllable Inputs," Operations Research, 42, 1162-1171. 14

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