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FORWORD This report was prepared by The University of Michigan under USAF Contract Noo AF33(615)-1162, The contract was initiated under Project No. 4160, "Engineering Bionics," Task No. 416004, "Bionic Sub-System Techniques." The work was administered under the direction of the Bionics Branch, Electronic Technology Division, Air Force Avionics Laboratory, Dr. Donald E. Lewis, program monitor. This program of research was carried out at The University of Michigan by the Logic of Computers Group, Professor Arthur W. Burks, director. The principal investigator for this research program was John H. Holland, Associate Professor, Communication Sciences Department. Assisting Dr. Holland in this program were Marion Finley, Jr., Stephen Hedetniemi, and Carl Page, Research Assistants in Communication Sciences, and Dr. Harvey Garner, Professor of Electrical Engineering at The University of Michigan.

ABSTRACT The research on adaptive systems described in this report may be subdivided into two areas according to the approach used: (1) automata theory and Turing machines, and (2) neural network simulation. Automata Theory and Turing Machines S. T. Hedetniemi, "Studies in Cellular Automata." John von Neumann's development of a space of cellular automata, which he used to demonstrate the construction and reproduction of automata did nct allow certain primitives for the 29-state automaton used as the cells in his spaces. In particular, his primitives would not allow the simultaneous crossing of two channels of informationo Co Y. Lee gave a solution to this cross-over problem which was more efficient than that of von Neumann. In this paper, the author gives a further improvement which allows simultaneous cross-over, but indicates that the construction of the latter would be difficult. C. Vo Page, "Formulating a Game-Theoretic Problem in Probabilistic Sequential Machine Theory~" The author gives an example of a game which is relevant to the theory of adaptive systems and rephrases it as a problem in probabilistic sequential machines; then discusses whether or not a nesting property may be obtained for these machines which would yield information about the expected payoffs after some substring of plays. Neural-Network Simulation Mo R. Finley, Jro, "Experimental Study of Neural Networks by Means of a Digital Computer Simulation." The author gives the development of a class of abstract neural network models, based on certain neurophysiological evidences and the extrapolations of D, Oo Hebb in his development of a theory of learning, He discusses Hebb's notion of cell-assembly, then describes a series of initial experiments to test the model for basic desired properties, and the results obtained, From these, considerable information was gained concerning the nature of the basic network functions, such as threshold, fatigue, etco A derivation is given for the form of the threshold curve, and empirically derived arguments are given for the fatigue and synapse-value curves, Publication of this technical documentary report does not constitute Air Force approval of the report's findings or conclusions. It is published only for the exchange and stimulation of ideas. iii


STUDIES IN CELLULAR AUTOMATA S. T. Hedetniemi Manuscript released by authors January 1965 for publication as an RTD Technical Report.

The following is an indication of some of the work being done in an attempt to understand and achieve optimal designs within von Neumann's framework of 29-state cellular automatao Perhaps one of the most perplexing problems von Neumann had to solve in constructing a self-reproducing cellular automaton was that of transmitting information from one point in his cellular two-space to another without its being in any way distorted. Although it is easy to construct a path (of cellular automata) capable of transmitting information from one origin to one destination point, it is not nearly so easy to construct paths from several origins to several destinations, for invariably in two-space at least two paths must cross. Unfortunately or not, von Neumann's basic 29-state automata were not capable of accepting inputs from either of two directions (say from the east and south) and outputting the same in the corresponding opposite directions (i.e., to the west and north, respectively). Von Neumann did not design a crossover primitive, one which might be symbolized, as did C. Y. Lee* as The problem was effectively solved first by encoding differently the information from the various origins, and then sending all the information along a common channel (path) which passes by each of the destinations, at which are located corresponding decoding devices which recognize (ideally) only the encoded information from their respective origins. Using this procedure, von Neumann was able to construct a network for transmitting information which had the desired crossover properties, but in *Lee, Co Y., "Synthesis of a cellular computer using the 29-state model of von Neumann," Engineering Sunmer Conferences, Automata Theory, The University of Michigan, Summer 1964. 3

at least two respects it was cumbersome; first, the network was relatively large; second, the flow of information was slowed down. The following is a two-input, two-output network which is designed to minimize both the area and the time delay required to achieve information crossover. This network is an improvement of the 7X7 crossover network of C. Y. Lee (footnote, page 1). A 5X6 CROSSOVER NETWORK t02 (a) (d)U U C — *U l'EU C -u!l- -- C —- C — C i | + | C C + |'(C) -|c -- | t (b) II2 An input pulse (1) at Il is encoded by the pulser (d) to the sequence (101), is decoded by the (101) decoder (b), and appears at the output 01 13 time steps later. Similarly, an input pulse (1) at 12 is encoded by the pulser (c) to the sequence (1001), is decoded by the (1001) decoder (a), and appears at the output 02 17 time steps later. It should be pointed out that this network, as well as those of von Neumann and C. Y. Lee, will not function properly if simultaneous crossover of information is attempted; with respect to the arrival of inputs, the net

work is time dependent. A particularly ingenious 8X8 crossover network (see below) has been designed which allows for simultaneous information crossover, however, it has one major drawback. Since this network is always in an active state, and since construction in the von Neumann model is designed primarily for passive networks, it appears as though the construction of this network will be particularly difficult. On the other hand, since all of the previously mentioned crossover networks are passive, their construction presents no problems. THIS DEVICE ALLOWS SIGNALS IN WIRES TO CROSS SIMULTANEOUSLY yz CIO + h C t'I 0 i C C -C f c4 IX C x C - -- C - 4 CIO Co, 04 Cc o C 4 C yz J. E. Gorman June 17, 1964 8X8 Synchronous Crossover von Neumann Cellular Automata c!Co~~~


The Game-Theoretic Problem Consider the following game which is important as an example in the theory of adaptive systems. Two players alternately choose either a 0 or a 1 for a total of 2N choices. After the sequence of choices is made, a payoff is supplied depending only on the binary number of 2N bits defined by the sequence. If the payoff is positive, it goes to one player, otherwise to the other player. Of interest to us is the case when one player(designated by FM) uses a fixed mixed strategy dependent on the previous plays of the game, i.e., after any string x = i1..ik ij[(O, 1) player FM chooses 0 1 a 1 with probability px1 and 0 with probability px = 1 p Does there exist for the other player (designated by D) a fixed sequence of plays which (1) maximizes the expected payoff for player D against play FM? (2) has the property that after some substring of plays, each succeeding play increases the expected payoff for D against the fixed mixed strategy of FM? Condition (1) seems quite likely to occur for arbitrary probabilities of FM. On the other hand, condition (2) which we will call the nesting property depends on the relationship between the mixed strategy probabilities and the game values attached to strings of length 2N. Probabilistic sequential machines provide a framework in which necessary and/or sufficient conditions for the nesting property may be obtained. An Equivalent Probabilistic Sequential Machine Following a definition of probabilistic sequential machines and related terms, the above game-theoretic problem is expressed as a problem in probabilistic sequential machines. The insight gained from the study of such machines should prove fruitful in the study of this problem, 9

Definition 1.1. A probabilistic sequential machine A is a system of inputs, internal states and outputs specified by A = < n, I, S, Z, A(O),... A(K-1), F, e> where n: a finite natural number, the number of states. I: an n-dimensional stochastic row vector, the initial state vector, S: the set of state vectors S = IS1 = (1, O,.., 0) S = (0,... 0 1)]. Z: input alphabet set Z = [0, 1,..., K-l). A(i): i = 0, 1,..., K-l: nxn switching matrix for input symbol i. A(i)pm is the probability of a transition from state p to state m when symbol i occurs. F: output vector, a n-dimensional column vector whose entries are real numbers C: output function "(Si) = Si * F = Fi Si in S where o is just matrix multiplication. (In instances where no confusion occurs the symbol "." is left out.) The correspondence between the game and a probabilistic sequential machine, Game Interpretation Probabilistic Sequential Machine (i) A player specifies 0 or 1. (i) Input of 0 or 1 to the machine. (ii) A player will specify a (ii) An input of? to the machine. choice using a mixed strategy dependent on previous inputs. (iii) Number of moves for each (iii) Number of states n = 2N+ - 1. player No 10

Game Interpretation Probabilistic Sequential Machine (iv) Play of game of length 2K (iv) Input string x of the form with mixed strategy player il?i2?...ik? where moving second. ij in 0, 1 j = 1 o.. K. (v) Partial sequence of plays (v) State of machine observed i.e., 01011. i.e., S01011l (vi) A priori changes in game (vi) Switching matrices A(O), A(1) tree caused by specifica- and A(?) which tabulate change tion of 0, 1 or?. of state of the game tree with input. (vii) Start of the game. (vii) Initial state of the machine ( 1, O,..., 0). (viii) Value of payoff for game (viii) Output of machine which is with plays 01011101. F01011101 from state SOlOO1011101 Remarks Let x = ili2... ir ij j =1,... r be an arbitrary string. Then the switching matrix for x can be found from the switching matrices of its symbols by matrix multiplication, i.e., A(x) = A(il) A(i2)... A(ir) The expected value of output from A for a string x is a bilinear form in I and F with form matrix A(x) i.e., EA(x) = I A(x) F In order to reflect the game problem we define the average expectation of a game sequence x = iljl o.. injn where the ik's are given by player D and the jk's by player FM using "?" to symbolize the move of player FM. x = 1 Z EA (il? i2?... in?) E(x) 2n y where y= (i1.. in) (0, 1)n For a game beginning with the fixed sequence by player D of z = i1..e ik k < n (and then random choices for the rest) we have 11

Y 1 ZEA (il? i2?... ik?... in?) E(zy) 2n-k - where y = (ik+2 *.., in) O0, 1jn-k Example: A machine with the nesting property. We show a 31 state machine which has the nesting property for games of length 4 in which the mixed strategy player FM moves second. There seems to be no theoretical difference in whether D or FM moves first. The general form of A(?) and F are shown in Figure 1. A(O) and A(1) are not shown, but one can consider them as special cases of A(?). A(1) is just A(?) with all psl equal 1 while A(O) is just A(?) with psO equal 1. Hence the rows of A(?) are convex combinations of the rows of A(O) and A(l). Figure 2 presents the special case which illustrates the nesting property with machine AN. Note that all entries of F which are not terminal states of the game are zero. To complete the representation it is assumed that any move after a game is concluded. restores the game to its initial state. For machine AN and game strings of length 4, if player D plays at random he can obtain the average game value x = 4.05 E(x) but if D begins with 0 and chooses the second move at random - Y - 2.675 Y1 in Z = (0, 11 E(0?yl?) while starting with a 1 gives YJ = 5.425 y1 in Z E(l?yl?) choosing 1 for both moves, D obtains E(l?l?) = 8. 100 12

I II III IV A 0 1 01 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o10 11 12 13 41 A PP 0 0 pO1 0 1 1pO I ~~~~~1 O 0 P0 Pi 1 P00 81 oll II2 PO P1 0 10 10 0 3 P11 P11 II~ p1lo O 0 0 1 0 1 000 0~~~~~~~~00 P6 0 1o14 1 01 III3P6p11 P6110 1 6 P0O 2 pO1OO~11 O 2P10 11 F 21 F2 H1 — 51 F5 41 F4 ~~~~~5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 61 F6 iv7 1 F7 IV7 81 F8 91 F9 101 F10 1111 F11 12 1 F12' 1 F1 2411 F14 14 1 15 1 Figure 1. Mixed matrix A(?) and output vector F. Final states are mapped into the initial state. For A(0) set all PO 1 and P =0. For A(l) set l-i, PO 0. Note that in phase II is 00 while in phase IV S S S S is 0000. All entries left blank are zero.

I II III IV AO 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 567 0 1 2 3 4 6 7 910 11121511 0.,81.9 Ii 1 -.-A 5. 51 0.1.9 0 1 ~.5.7 0 I: 2.6.40 5.8.2 0 0.7.5 1.4.60 2.9.1 0 5.2.8 0 111 4.s. 05 5.537 0 ANw() 6.6.4 0 7.7.15( F = 0 211 5 5 1 -5 41 4 5 1 -1 61 0 V 71 2 81 6 9 1 10 1 -1 11 1 5 12 1 4 13 1 2 14 1 10 15eonh 1 20 Figure 2. AN(?) and F of machine AN which has the nesting property.

Hence the string 11 for D has the nesting property in AN E(l?l?) > Y1 > Yl Y2 Yl, Y2 in E(1?yl?) E( y?y2?) General Results The special form of the matrices A(?), A(O), and A(1) make it possible to write simple general expressions for X and Y E(x) E(zy) x: 1 p:l p2 pin F E(x) 2n L 1'lJli2' lJli22... i n ilJl inJn X. where x = (il, J i 2 j2,''' i' n jn) ()2n If z = il?... ik? y 1 pJl pj2 pn F E(zy) 2n-k L 1 ilJli2' Jl'- in ilJl inn 2n-k where y = (j1 J2,.. Jk, ik+l, Jk+l,'.' in, jn) () A start z provides a better return for D than random iff: pl3 pJ2.. n F 11 iljli2 ljli2j2. in iljl inJn 2n-k =(Ji e e' Jin' ik+l''' * in) E (7b ) 1 7 pjl p!2 pJn F. 2k i i2 2 112 ijl in'l n x x = (i1, Jl' ~, in' n) [ (Z)2n (*) Further Research The major goal of this research is not yet realized. However, it is clear that the problem of finding those games of the form described in the first section which have nested sequences which improve the expected output has been reformulated in terms of equation (*). Hence, further investigation will use the methods of convex sets to study inequalities among the 15

output weights and game values which guarantee the nesting property to occur. Calculation of X and x can be simplified and done much more E(x) E(zy) efficiently than by matrix manipulations. Research is underway to develop a simple algorithm which calculates these quantities by tracing the expectation from the final states back up the tree to the initial state. Another problem of interest would. be to characterize all those machines of the same size which have the same nested sequence. 16


TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1, INTRODUCTION 21 1.1 Statement of the Problem 21 1.2 Basic Premises and Theory: Relation to Neurophysiological Fact 22 1.3 The Cortical Neuron and Systems of Cortical Neurons 25 1o3.1 Structure 25 1.3o2 Input and Output, Threshold 26 1.o33 Synapses 28 1.3.4 Fatigue, Spontaneous Firing 29 1.4 Previous Neural Net Studies 31 1.5 Plan of Research 33 2. FORMAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MODELS 35 2.1 Introduction 35 2.2 The Network Equations 35 2.3 The Network Functions R, F, and S 42 2.3.1 Control of Firing Rate 42 2.3.2 The Threshold Function 43 2.3.3 The Fatigue Function 45 2.3.4 The Synapse Value Function 47 2.4 Note on the Simulation Program 50 3. CORRELATION EXPERIMENTS, CYCLE-LESS CASE 54 5.1 Introduction 54 3.2 Correlation 55 3.3 Network Configurations for the First Stage 57 353.1 Overview 57 353,2 Specification of the Networks for the First Stage 58 3.3 3 Network Functions, Initial Conditions, Environment 60o 3o 4 Three-Neuron Experiments 60o 3.4.1 Experiment 1 61 3.4.2 Analysis and Comment on Experiment 1 62 3.4.3 Experiment 2 64 3.4.4 Analysis and Comments on Experiment 2 65 3o5 Nine-Neuron Experiments 85 355.1 Experiment 3, Synchronous Case 86 3.5.2 Analysis and Comment on Experiment 3 87 3.5.3 Experiment 4, Asynchronous Case 88 35.54 Analysis and Comment on Experiment 4 90 3o6 Thirty-Three Neuron Experiments 91 3.6.1 General 91 3.6.2 Some Theoretical Considerations 93 3.6.3 Experiment 5, Fatigue Curve Tests 95 3.6.4 Analysis and Comments on Experiment 5 96 3.6.5 Experiment 6, Initial Trend Studies 99 35696 Analysis and Comments on Experiment 6 100 19

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Concluded) Page 3.6.7 Experiment 7. Further Tests on the Fatigue Function 101 3.6.8 Analysis and Comments on Experiment 7 106 3.7 Comments on the Network Functions V, i, and S 106 3.7.1 The Threshold Function, V(r) 106 3.7.2 The Fatigue Function, O(M) 107 3.7.3 The Synapse-Value Function, S(N) 109 4. CONCLUSION 111 APPENDIX: DETAILED HISTORY OF SYNAPSE-VALUE CHANGES FOR RUN 4, EXPERIMENT 113 REFERENCES 117 20

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM A class of models of neural nets is given which purports to represent, admittedly in an approximate fashion, a fragment of the (association layer) mammalian cortex. Such a model usually will be visualized in an environment together with appropriate sensory and motor apparati, thus allowing, for example, detection of objects and movement in the environment. The main problem is to determine whether the models presented have the capacity to learn, in the sense that, as a consequence of feedback from the environment to the model, certain internal changes occur in the model with a resulting (eventual) improvement in behavior. This class of neural net models has at least one distinctive feature: that is, it is interpreted directly into a computer program. Thus, one has a rigorous expression of (the particular interpretation of) the class of models, from which any specific model is obtained merely by specification of certain parameters. Inasmuch as any prorram is a formal expression of certain formal operations (analogous to the specification of a list of functions used in the definition of partial recursive functions), it possesses some of the advantages found in the study of formal systems. On the other hand, there also is the advantage that any property of the class of models which is deduced a priori can be, in the interpretation afforded by the computer program, subjected to a well-defined test. Because of the ease with which operations of the models are interpreted into digital Qomputer operations (more realistically, subroutines), the computer simulation of such models is lifted out of the realm of a mere programming application. That is, in a sense, the program itself is a model. 21

Study it —ioe., its behavior —and you are studying the model. 1.2 BASIC PREMISES AND THEORY: RELATION TO NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL FACT The original source for the specification of this class of neural net models and of the neural as well as behavioral processes involved in learning stems back to the theory which was developed by D. 0. Hebb [3] and later modified somewhat by P. M. Milner [4]~ The theory, which integrates knowledge of neural events, taking place in time intervals of up to a hundred milliseconds or so, with behavioral events, taking place in time intervals of seconds on up, has as its basis the proposed mechanism of the cellassembly: informally characterized, this is a system of cortical (association layer) neurons which are capable of acting as a closed autonomous functional unit for a brief period of time. These neurons are anatomically diffuse, but functionally connected. The functional unity of the cellassembly results from the initial existence of the proper inter-connections among the neurons of the system together with a particular (i.e., selective) sequence of cortical events that forces these neurons to act briefly as a Unit via a growth of synaptic strength at the connections such that after a period of time the assembly may be activated by appropriate excitatory stimuli, The cell-assembly is a hypothetical structure; its physiological existence has not been demonstrated-on the other hand, the concept does not conflict with current neurophysiological knowledge. Moreover, the formation of a cel-aessembly rests uan three main premises: (a) the initial existence of the proper imterconnections among the neurons of the system, (b) an initial selective sequence of cortical events that forces the neurons of the system to act briefly as a unit, and (c) the law of the change in synaptic strength between neurons. This latter premise is taken by Hebb as his basic 22

neurophysiological premise. Stated more fully, it reads: When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A's efficiency as one of the cells firing B, is increased. While there is evidence that is very suggestive, the validity of this hypothesis has not yet been demonstrated neurophysiologically: again it does not conflict with known properties of neurons. It was demonstrated, conclusively shortly after the appearance of Hebb's book (for example, Eccles [2]) that some neurons send out inhibitory connections as well as excitatory connections. Milner [4] argues effectively for the inclusion of inhibitory connections, subject to the same law of effect (c) and his suggestion is adapted here. It should be noted here, that many properties of cortical neurons are inferred from the known properties of peripheral neurons. There seems to be no reason, at this time at least, for not doing this as it may be some time before techniques are evolved that will allow the fine, detailed study on the cortical neuron that has been carried out on neurons in the spinal ganglia, etc. This is obviously one area where new knowledge will be of the greatest interest in the study of models such as the one developed here. There is one other premise which, although not explicit in the above formulation of the cell-assembly, is in some respects the most important of all. That is that the system of neurons under consideration be large enough and the inter-connections among these neurons be dense enough such that the probabilities of existence of "the proper inter-connections" in premise (a) above be of a magnitude such that cell-assemblies may actually come into existence. Here the evidence from neuro-anatomy is encouraging: the human cortex has of the order of 1010 neurons; (peripheral) neurons have been observed with approximately 1500 synaptic endings on them (ioeo, 1500 input lines). Moreover, a given cortical neuron (association layer) seems to send 23

out connections to all points in the region surrounding it up to a distance of one millimeter away. Hebb's theory is in some respects a stimulus-response theory, where "response" does not mean immediate (muscular) response. This is reflected most strongly in premise (b), where the "initial selective sequence of cortical events" refers to the "priming" of the initial skeletal pathway assumed in (a) by massive "training" stimuli together with the stimulus which alone is to activate the assembly later on. The massive "training" stimuli may result from a sensation, e.g., hunger, from some environmental feedback, the action of other, already established assemblies, etc. Thus, referring back to the statement of the problem given above, the main problem reduces to that of testing the role of the cell-assembly in learning —ioe., Hebb's theory —via the digital computer simulation of the models involved. One of the objects of this study is that of giving-in terms of the model —a precise characterization of the formation and the role of a cell-assembly in a learning process. While thus far an intuitive notion of learning has been referred to, it is hoped, that in the context of a welldefined experiment, some account can be given for a non-trivial learning process A final observation on the character of cell-assemblies and phase sequences of cell-assemblies is in order: That is, that they allow one to discuss learning and associated problems at a "molar" level (as Hebb puts it)ie,, in terms of aggregates of neurons, their statistical properties, etc.just as, for example, in statistical mechanics one works with aggregates of point masses, with little if any attention being paid to the individual bodies of the system.

1.3 THE CORTICAL NEURON AND SYSTEMS OF CORTICAL NEURONS The advent of the micro-electrode and associated probing techniques in the last fifteen years has allowed physiologists to determine electrical properties of neurons from direct inter-cellular readings and, as a consequence, a wealth of knowledge has been gained about the electrical behavior of neurons, axonal propagation of pulses, etco Most of this knowledge has been gleaned from studies on non-cortical neurons, e.g., neurons in the spinal ganglia, etc. A good, though slightly outdated, account of this is given in Eccles [2]. It is assumed that the properties of non-cortical neurons carry over to those in the cortex. Histologically, the cortical neuron is a neuron; while direct electrical studies on the cortex are hard to interpret, they tend to support this assumption. It is manifestly impossible to simulate the real neuron in all its complexity. In fact, even if it were possible to do so, it would probably be unnecessary, as some of the properties of the neuron most likely are unessential to the problem at hand. As in any science, simplifying assumptions have to be made, albeit with great care, trying to retain the most essential properties of the object described. The following description of the neuron is adopted here. lo3,ol Structure The gross-structure of the physiological neuron is as follows: The main part of the organ is the cell body or soma, S., which sends out one fiber called the axon, A, which may later branch out quite profusely. A number of axons from other cells impinge on the soma of the body, sometimes on extensions of the soma-which often are quite profuse-called the dendrites of the given cell. The point of contact of an incoming (afferent) axon with the soma or dendrites is the synapse and is usually characterized by a nodal 25

swelling or button-like ending. Moreover, there is a very narrow gap between this ending and the cell body, called the synaptic gap. Neurons have been observed with of the order of 1500 synaptic endings on their soma. A given incoming axon may make contact several times with a given soma. The afferent or incoming axons are, in effect, input lines; the axon sent out from the soma, an output lineo Thus the neuron is a multiple input, single output device. There are neurons of different structure than this, but their use in the nervous system seems to be specialized and not of relevance here (e.g., bipolar neurons in the optic nerve). It should be noted that in the cortex there are neurons with very complex dendritic branching and small-if anyaxons as well as neurons with dendritic branching and quite long axons. 1l3o2 Input and Output, Threshold The axon of a neuron is capable of transmitting a pulse of electric potential (called the action potential) with no significant decrease in amplitude throughout its length. The pulse originates in the soma of the nerve cell as a consequence of input-pulses on the incoming fibers (synapses) to the cell and spreads down the cell's axon to its various endings. A cell is said to fire when it sends out such a pulse. The neuron (and its axon) is a threshold device in the sense that, as a result of summation of its inputs (at the synapses) and depending on the length of the time interval since the last firing, it either fires completely or not at all, ioe., the amplitude of the outgoing pulse is independent of the magnitude of the input pulses. The net input to the cell at a given time is determined by the number of impulses present at the synapses at that time and the level of activity (recall hypothesis (c), 1.2 above) at these synapses. Actually summation of this potential activity over a brief interval of time probably takes place. 26

The inputs thus sum, in a fashion as yet unknown, spatially and temporally. In the model, the inputs (see below) are added. If the summed stimuli exceed the threshold at that time, the neuron fires —if not, it does not fire. Once the neuron fires, it cannot be made to fire again for a period of time, the absolute refractory period. After that period of time, it maintains a high threshold which gradually decreases to its quiescent or resting value, This time interval, after the absolute refractory period, required for recovery to the quiescent state is called the relative refractory period, Thus, the neuron has the following threshold characteristic: absolute refractory period The time interval since the last firing of the neuron is called the recovery state. In the model, time is quantized, t = 0, 1, 2,.... Thus, a neuron fires at time t + 1 depending upon (1) whether it fired at time t. If it did, then it cannot be made to fire until time t + k, where k, a positive integer and a parameter of the system, represents the absolute refractory period. (2) whether the sum of the inputs exceeds the threshold at time t If so, it fires at t + 1; otherwise it remains refractory. 27

(3) a spontaneous firing mechanism which is explained below. 1 3.3 Synapses The exact nature of transmission across the synaptic gap and summation of the incoming pulses is as yet unknown. Here, it is assumed that each input line has an associated synapse level, X. This synapse level in turn is used to determine the synapse value for that line, usually by a table of the following sort: S( ) If there are n active input lines, then the total input at time t is n Z Si(t) where Si(t) is the synapse value corresponding to the i-th line i=l at time t. Notice that in general there will be negative values of the synapse values: these correspond to inhibitory connections. According to the hypothesis (c), Section 1.2, the synapse levels are subject to a law of effect as follows: suppose there is a synapse from neuron A to neuron B —i.e., neuron A sends, via its axon, one connection to neuron B. Then, if A fires at time t and B fires at t + 1, the synapse level from A to B, XAB, is increased by a uniform amount 852. If A fires at t and B does not fire at t + 1, %AB is decreased by 86; otherwise no change in %AB is made: symbolically, A(t) & B(t+l) +> BAB + kAB + 5 A(t) & Btl) > " AB + pAB - 56 r. ranges in value from O to a maximum. In addition to the law stated above, 28

there is a probabilistic mechanism in the model that serves to "slow down" the A change. Essentially, if X is to be changed (i.e., either A(t) & B(t+l) or A(t) & B(t+l) ), then a probability particular to that level is consulted: if it exceeds a certain amount, then the change takes place, otherwise no change occurs. This mechanism can be used to bias the direction of synapselevel change. lo 3o4 Fatigue, Spontaneous Firing In addition to the threshold function, there is a long term mechanism which delays full-recovery, called fatigue. The evidence for this from neurophysiology, in the case of peripheral neurons, is fairly definite. The fatigue function and its implementation will be discussed at length in a later chapter. The effect of fatigue is one of the subgoals of this study, as is that of spontaneous firing. There is also fairly good evidence that cortical neurons fire spontaneously (see, for example, Sharpless, S. K. and Halpern, L. M. [5]). In the model this is defined as follows: if the recovery state of a neuron exceeds a certain value (called IDLE), then the neuron fires with a certain probability. neuron fires with certain probability, independent of inputs 0 IDLE r The role of spontaneous firing seems to be essential —it may act as a form of drive if it is a function of the time since the last reward or the like ioe,. a non-specific global disturbance. As the mechanisms of fatigue and spontaneous firing can be defined very exactly in the model, their effects can be studied under tightly controlled conditions. 29

This completes the discussion of the neuron for this time. The mammalian cortex consists of several layers of neurons of different structure. The outer layer, for example, consists of neurons with axons which spread out horizontally over large distances; the inner layers consist of neurons with very complex axonal branching in the immediate vicinity of the cell; axons from within the cortex and perhaps those from subcortical structures descend up through all the layers and back down again, probably with complex branching along the way, etco (see, e.go, Eccles, ibid., ppo 229-331). Moreover, there are regions of the cortex, into which sensory input is projected (e.g., the visual cortex) and other regions from which motor control is effected. These features can be simulated to some degree in the model. First of all, a neighborhood relationship for a group of neurons may be defined that determines the neurons to which the neurons of the given group are connected and the density of connections sent out by these neurons. This neighborhood relationship thus permits structuring several layers of neurons with different connections for the different layers as well as inter-layer connection. For example, in the figure below, layer 1 may have very dense local connections, similarly for layer 2, while layer 3 may be more diffuse, neurons sending out connections over greater distances; layer 1 may connect to layer 2 in an approximate one-one fashion, while layer 2 may send out diffuse connections to layer 3, etc. layer 1 / L 7 layer 2 layer 3 3o

From the discussion so far, it is evident that there are many parameters and functions that can be varied in the given class of models; threshold function, fatigue, spontaneous firing, neighborhood relation, density of interconnections, etc. Moreover, the relationship between the various possible choices may be complicated and subtle. Hence, the great value of the simulation approach: hypotheses, such as those described in 1.5 concerning such relationships can be tested —hypotheses whose validity (in the models) simply may not be rigorously demonstrable a priori. 1.4 PREVIOUS NEURAL NET STUDIES This study is not the first in its field. Rochester, Holland, et al, [6] experimented first with a "discrete-pulse model," using a simulation program for the IBM 701, then with an "FM model, " using a simulation program for the IBM 704. In the first case, they exhibited "diffuse reverberation," a phenomenon somewhat akin to the sustained activity discovered in isolated cat cortex by Burns [1], but could not demonstrate any tendency on the part of the neurons to form cell-assemblies. While the "diffuse reverberation," in the authors' eyes, might serve as a mechanism for short term memory, they felt that additional structure must be imposed upon the net to allow formation of cell-assemblies. They conferred with Milner and followed his suggestion [4] of introducing negative synapse values into their model. At the same time, taking advantage of the larger and faster IBM 704 computer, they reprogrammed their model in such a fashion that the detailed firing history of the neurons was lost, to be replaced by a frequency of firing for each neuron. This frequency varied with the time, hence the term "FM model " They simulated a net of 512 neurons with six inputs each. In their experiments with this model they observed the formation of cell-assembly-like structures, ioeo, sets of neurons such that within each set the connections between the neurons had large, 31

excitatory synapse values while between the various sets themselves the interconnections had large, inhibitory synapse values. They also observed phenomena somewhat like the fractionation and recruitment of neurons, as required by Hebb's theory. On the other hand, the cell-assembly-like structures they observed could not arouse one another, as Hebb's theory again requires, that is, their model was too environment-dependent. In later studies with this model, Holland and Rochester demonstrated binary learning (Holland-personal communication). However, for a variety of reasons, the project was abandoned and not resumed by any of its originators. It was continued, however, at the Logic of Computers Group at The University of Michigan, under the supervision and inspiration of John H. Holland, by JO W. Crichton [7][8]. Crichton and Holland [8] proposed a new method of simulating neural nets which took advantage of the increased storage of the IBM 7-04 computer and which would allow simulation of up to 2000 neurons with about 150 inputs per neuron. This gives rise to the so-called "variable-atom" model, in which all neurons with the same characteristics (i.e., firing history, threshold, fatigue, etc.) are lumped together into an "atom." Computation of the number of active inputs to a neuron is performed by reference to appropriate Poisson tables. This model was never simulated on the IBM 704. The availability of an IBM 709 computer, a machine which represented a considerable advancement over the IBM 704 in that much improved input-output equipment and procedures were available and new powerful operation codes were added, caused a major change in plans and the model was to be reprogrammed for the IBM 709, taking advantage of its new features. Crichton was joined by Finley at this point. Crichton and Finley modified the model, putting it in almost the form in which it is used in this study and programmed it for simulation on the 32

IBM 709 [9]o Early experiments with this model revealed the distressing fact that the model was not capable of sustained activity such as Burns observed [1]. Stimulated "slabs" would not maintain activity indefinitely, but in fact died down rather rapidly. Marked epileptic behavior resulted-that is, intense activity alternated with low activity, leading rather quickly to "death, " i oe., no activity at allo No modification of the net parameters seemed to produce a cure for this behavior and we were forced to re-appraise the whole model, This lead to the discovery that the statistical techniques used in the model contained a fatal flaw, basically that it would not allow a small number of neurons to produce a sufficient stimulus to fire a single neuron. Several modifications of the original technique were tried with little success. This forced us back to basic principles and led to the implementation of a new technique aimed at introducing greater statistical disuniformity into the model, It is on the basis of this modified model [10] that the study to be described here is based, Crichton has developed in the appendix to his doctoral dissertation [7] an interesting and fruitful analysis which is especially useful in considering large systems of neurons and their interactions. This will be referred to later on in this study. 1.5 PLAN OF RESEARCH This study represents the first of several stages of the long-range study and is concerned only with simple, cycle-less nets in which a single neuron, C, is presented with inputs from two sets, A and B, of neurons, The behavior of neuron C depends upon the average firing rates of the neurons of A and B respectively. The essential hypothesis is that the firing of neuron C will correlate with "patterned" versus random inputs, and this will be seen to be the case~ At the same time, this simple configuration of neurons all 33

connected to a single neuron provides an opportunity to study in detail the basic neuron parameters, ie., threshold, fatigue, etc. The second stage, not reported here, will be concerned with a generalization of the first obtained by introducing progressively more complicated feedback cycles and replacing the single neuron C by a set of neurons. Again the hypothesis of "patterned" inputs applies and one is led rather naturally to alternation experiments where, for example, group A will be active, suppressing activity in B, thus controlling C, then become less active, allowing B to become active, in turn forcing A into inactivity and gaining control of C, etc. In both cases, the experiments are graduated, going from the simple to the complex. The theory for each stage is developed separately and its relationship to the general theory indicated. Likewise, the feedback from experiment to theory-an essential component of a work of this sort-is indicated as the occasion arises,

2. FORMAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MODELS 2,1 INTRODUCTION In Section 1.3 a general description was given of cortical neurons and systems of cortical neurons together with the abstraction of properties describing the neurons of the model. The discussion was informal, going from certain salient known properties of cortical neurons to their abstracted counterparts. In this chapter, the structure and operation of the models of the class being considered are defined formally. The notions of run and experiment are clarified and, using the network equations, the abstract prototype for all experiments is given. Recursive definitions are given for the various network functions, such as threshold, fatigue, etc. Following this, in the next section, an attempt is made to clarify the role of the various functions and to display possible functional forms for them, though no attempt is made at this point to give formal derivations. Finally, a note is given on the network simulation program, followed by a reference list of symbols used in this chapter. 2.2 THE NETWORK EQUATIONS A neural network, of the class of models considered in this study, consists of a set of N elements called neurons with a set of specified directed connections between these neurons, where "directed" implies, for example, that neuron A may send a connection to neuron B, but not conversely, ioe,, there is a connection A-to-B, but not B-to-A. Such a connection is referred to as the output of A, the input to B. A neuron of the model may have many inputs, but it always has only one output; however, this output may branch and go to several neurons, including the source neuron, as inputs or go to the environment. All that is external to the network itself but which influences, 35

and is influenced by, the network, is called the environment. Thus, in general the environment will supply input to selected neurons of the network and receive output from selected neurons. Included in this concept of environment would be, for example, reflex mechanisms, a simulated biological environment, a human observer, etc. Time is quantized in these models, t = 0, 1, 2, 3,.... At any time t, the state of the network, S(t), is determined by the functions (see below) performed by the model; likewise the state of the environment, E(t), is determined. From S(t) plus the input to the network at t from the environment, I(t), is determined the state at time t + 1, S(t + 1). Also, S(t) determines the output at t to the environment, 0(t), and we have symbolically S(t + 1) = FN(S(t), I(t)) (t = 0, 1, 2,...) where FN is the state-transition function for the network. (In general, FN is far too complicated to define explicitly, however it is defined implicitly by the network equations given below.) Likewise, (E(t + 1), the state of the environment of time t + 1, is determined by E(t) and 0(t) and again E(t + 1) = FE(E(t), 0(t) ) (t = 0,1, 2,...) Sir e I(t) = g(E(t) ), for some function g, then S(t + 1) = FN(S(t), I(t) ) = FN[S(t), g[FE(E(t), 0(t) )] ] This is a recursive equation for S(t); S(O) and E(O) form the initial conditions for the network and the environment respectively. Given S(O) and E(O), and a starting signal, the network and environment proceed automatically over the time steps t = 0, 1, 2,... until a stopping condition,

determined in the envirounment, is reached, Notice that the cycle, network ~ environment -* network, forms a closed feedback loop, The procedure of running the system <network, environment>, given a S(O) and E(O), from t = 0 or t = to(> O) down to a tf will be called a run. The sequence of outputs 0(0) (or O(to) ),..o, O(tf) form the behavior of the network. However, the term"'behavior"will be used in the broader sense of reaction of the network to the environment. The specification of a network-environment pair, the initial conditions, and a set of hypotheses about the behavior of the network constitutes an experiment. Thus, the abstract prototype of all experiments has the following structure: (Given: Behavioral Hypotheses, S(O), E(O) ) Start t = 0 Compute E(t) = FE(E(t-l), O(t-1) ) ompute S(t) =FN(S(t-1), I(t-l) ) t + 1 +t _.. |Does stopping criterion Yes hold? Stop no As mentioned, the state-transition function is too complicated to be defined explicitly and must be defined implicitly. This is done as follows: At any time t, a neuron may fire or not fire. If it fires, it puts a 1 at its output, if not —a 0, The set of neurons that fire at time t, together with input from the environment, will determine the set that fire at t + 1o The condition for the firing of the i-th neuron at time t + I is given as a 37

recursion relative to the real-valued functions R, F, S, and I which in turn are defined relative to recursions on ri(t), ~i(t) and \ji(t) by the functions V, 0, S, and Io. Once these functions are given, then the behavior of the net is determined for all t from the initial conditions. This condition is Ti(t) Sr6i(t + 1) = 1- [Ri(t)' Fi(t) < j Sji(t)6j(t) + Ii(t) ] j (i = 1, 2, o o, N) where 6i(t) = 1 means "neuron i fired at t," Thus, T says that neuron i fired at t + 1 if and only if the condition Ri(t) Fi(t) < Sji(t) Sj(t) + Ii(t) holds. Ri(t) and Fi(t) are the threshold and fatigue values of neuron i at time t respectively. Sji(t) is the weight or synapse value of the directed connection from neuron j to neuron i at time t. For neurons j which do not send connections to neuron i, Sji may be considered as equal to zero. Ii(t) is input to neuron i at t from the environment; it will be referred to as the pre-stimulus to neuron i. R, F, S, and I are all real numbers; R and F > 0, S and I either > or < 0. Negative values of S are called inhibitory inputs, positive values are called excitatory They are defined recursively as follows: Ri(t) = V(ri(t) ) \IarYe V, the threshold function, is a real-valued function of ri(t); ri(t) is the recovery-state of neuron i at t defined as follows:

(0 if 6i(t) = 1 ri(t) = i ri(t-l) + 1 if 6i(t) = 0'rmax if 6i(t) = 0 & ri(t-l) = rmaxI rmax-1 For ri(t) = 0,..., ra, V(ri(t)) = xc. rc is the absolute refractory period; i.e., if 6i(t) = 1, then neuron i cannot fire again until t + ra + 1. Note that the function V is the same over all neurons of the net. Fi(t) = 0(~i(t) ) where 0, the fatigue function, is a real-valued function of ~i(t); ~i(t) is the fatigue-level of neuron i at t defined as follows: 1i(t-1) + A2 if 6(t) = 0 |max if 6i(t) = 0 & Ai(t-l1) = ~max = i(t-l) - A1 if 6i(t) = 1 | ~min if 6i(t) = 1 & ~i(t-1) ='min where Al > A2 > 0. A1 and A2 are extremely important parameters, determined from the nominal system firing rate or frequency, fb, by the relation fb = A2 Al + A2 Sji(t) = miS(ji(t) = mjiS() where S is the synapse-value function, taking positive, negative, and zero values, mji is the multiplicity of the connection j - i, while xji(t) is the synapse-level of the connection j + i at time t. It is defined as follows: ji(t-l) + 1 - 6j(t-l) = 1 & 6i(t) = 1 & Pi(t) > U(kji(t-1) ) xji(t) = i ji(t-l) - 1 - j(t-l) = 1 & 6i(t) = 0 & Pi(t) > D(Xji(t-l)) kji(t-l) otherwise. 39

Pi(t) is a number drawn randomly and independently for all i and t from the open interval (0, 1). U(%) and D(k) are the probabilities of change up and change down of synapse-levels respectively; notice that U and D in general vary with o. If X = Glaxo then U(A) = O; if x = minin; then D(%) = O. The condition Pi(t) > U(xji(t-1) ) says simply that 2ji(t-l) is incremented by 1 with probability U(.ji(t-l) ) at t. As with A1 and A2, U and D are extremely important quantities, and relate to the nominal system average fb as follows: fb U(x) (for all k) U( ) =D( ) The law for incrementing or decrementing X is the implementation in the models of Hebb's law of effect for synapse change. The multiplicity mji of the connection j -+ i determines the density of the connection mji = 0, 1, 2,.... mji = 0 corresponds to the case of no connection from j to i. Specification of the set of mji's for all i, j essentially determines the connection scheme of the model at hand. Thus, with these recursive definitions in mind, the flow-chart given above representing the abstract prototype of all experiments takes on the following more specific form: (Given: behavioral hypotheses, ri(O), ~i(O), %ji(O) for all i, j = 1,...N.

Start t A Compute Ri(t-l) = V(ri(t-) ) Fi(t-l) = ~(Zi(t-l) ) For j: l,..., N (1), sji(t-l) = mjiS(xji(t-l))?ji(t-l) bJ(t-1) Determine Ii(t-1) ~~~~yes |Is 8i(t) = 1; i.e., no Is Ri(t-l)Fi(t-1) < jSJi(t-1)bj(t-1) + Ii(t-1)? _ _ ri (t) + ri(t) rj(t-1) + 1 %,j(t) -b XAi(t-l) + 1 if Pl(t) % r ji(t) % Aji(t-l) - 1 if P2(t) + xji(t-l) if P l(t) + kji(t-l) if P(t) yes Does stopping criterion hold? Stop t 41t +1 41

In this diagram, the notation "A+B" means that the value of A is replaced by the value Of B; "i = 1,., N(1) " means that the computation from the occurrence of this statement down to the point P is first done for i = 1, then repeated for i = 2, i = 3,.e., down to i = N. (This is just a "loop" on the index i.) Pl(t) is the condition for incrementation of xji(t) given earlier, P2(t) that for decrementati on. 2.3 THE NETWORK FUNCTIONS R, F, AND S In the preceding section, a formal characterization of the functions R, F, and S was given, with no attention being paid to their specific analytic forms. As was mentioned in the Introduction, the study of these forms is a subgoal of this paper, since prior to this there has not been a rigorous demonstration for any one of these functions assuming a given functional form. Since these functions may be specified as one wills, they in fact are parameters of the network in the sense that given a specification of these parameters a specific model of the class under consideration is determined. 2.3.1 Control of Firing Rate From the network equations Ti(t) one can see that the function of the threshold value Vi(t) of a neuron, as modified by the multiplicative factor Fi(t), is to determine whether or not neuron i of the network fires at t. If the combined input to the neuron is at least as great as the product of Ri(t) and Fi(t), then neuron i fires, otherwise it does not. The function V, which determines R, then controls the firing rate of the neurons of the net. Immediately after neuron i fires, V is infinite and i cannot fire. After a few time steps (r —the absolute refractory period), it "recovers" slightly, that is a very large input stimulus can cause it to fire, after a few more, less stimulus is required, down to the point where —if it has not yet fired, a minimal stimulus is required to cause it to fire. This point is called the

resting or quiescent value of V. The function i which determines ri(t) modulates the control of V in the sense that if the firing rate of neuron i is high, then i is large, hence larger stimulus is required to cause i to fire. If the firing rate is low, the magnitude of 0 is small (close to 1) and less stimulus, depending upon the value of V, is required. 2.3.2 The Threshold Function From 2.2 one sees that the threshold value, Ri(t), of neuron i is that value which corresponds to the recovery state ri of neuron i; that is, ri = the number of time steps since neuron i fired. Each neuron i of the network has associated with it a value of ri, depending on its immediate firing history. Thus, if bi(t) = 1 (i.e., neuron i fired at time t), then ri(t) = 0; if 6i(t-10) = 1, and bi(t-9) = O,..., 6i(t-l) = 0, bi(t) = 0 (i.e., neuron i fired at t-10 and did not fire again up to and including time t), then ri(t) = 10. Each time neuron i fires, ri is set to zero. Each time it fails to fire, it is incremented by 1, i.e., ri(t) = ri(t-l) + 1. ri has a maximum of 16, further incrementation fails to change it-i.e., 16 = 16 + 1. The function V(ri(t) ) which gives the value Ri(t) is universal over the net, that is all neurons i conform to it. Because, at any given time t, these neurons may have distinct values of r(t), they will usually have distinct threshold values. The absolute refractory period or period of infinite threshold, ra, is taken to be two time steps. That is, if 6i(t) = 1 (neuron i fires at t), then i cannot fire again until t + 3 (until ri = 3). The total number of time steps to quiescence, that is, the resting values of threshold, is 16. Thus, if neuron i fires at t, it is fully recovered (has reached the resting value) at t + 16. There are at least three additional important aspects of the threshold

curve, The first is its value at r = 3, the second is its quiescent value — i.e., its value for r = 16, and the third is its functional form (i.eo, exponential, quadratic, linear, etc.) especially in the recovery range r = 5, 6,..., 10. A formal derivation of the analytic expression of the threshold curve will be given later (see Chapter 3), in the order in which it was discovered. Note that the reciprocal of the recovery, l/r, averaged in some appropriate fashion, will correspond to the firing-rate of the neuron. For example, if a neuron fires on the average once every five times, its "average" recovery is r = 5 and its firing rate = 1/5 = 1/r. The threshold curve, then, has the following form, where Vm = the maximum value (for r = 3), Vq = the quiescent value (r = 16): V= i Vm V (threshold) Vq r=3 16 r The functional form of this curve, the quantities Vm and Vq as well as the initial values of r for each neuron of-the net, will be specified for each experiment. The quantity Vq is important because it defines the least amount of input stimulus (synapse-value) which may fire the neuron. In the first experiments, prior to its analytic derivation, the threshold curve was assumed to be an exponential curve of the form V = aer-3 + b where a and b are constants (> 0). The reason for this assumption is two-fold: (a) in the physiological situation, the cell-body is a membrane which may be as

sumed to have electric properties similar to the axonal membrane and (b) the recordings off of real neurons of the recovery to quiescent values for their cell potentials look to be of an exponential nature. As we shall see later, (b) is nearly correct; (a), being as it is a tenuous inference, we might expect not to be wholly true. 2o353 The Fatigue Function As already mentioned, the fatigue value Fi(t) serves to modulate the threshold value Ri(t) of neuron i and hence modulates the firing rate of i. The desired effect of the fatigue function is as follows: given the neuron in a fully recovered state, that is, the threshold value is near Vq and the fatigue value is 1, then suppose inputs are presented to the neuron so as to cause it to fire at a fairly high rate (above the background rate fb). Then, gradually over a period of 50 to 100 time steps the fatigue value, i.e., /(Q), of the neuron increases in such a fashion as to cause the firing rate of the neuron to drop back to fb and keep it there as long as the given inputs are present. Suppose next the inputs themselves drop off so that at the most they would cause the neuron to fire at fb. Then, its fatigue value, 0(1) decreases slowly back to 1 so as to preserve approximately the average firing rate of fb. Intense activity of the neuron, that is, firing at near maximal rates, produces a more abrupt increase in i, whereas sudden dropoff in activity, that is, firing at very low rates (<fb) produces a more abrupt decrease in ~. The fatigue value Fi(t) of neuron i is determined by the fatigue function i from the fatigue level ~i(t) of neuron i at time t, Fi(t) = ~(~i(t) ). The function i is universal for all neurons of the net and similar remarks for the variation in threshold values among the neurons of the network apply to the fatigue values as well The fatigue value is used, as has been indi45

cated, as a multiplicative factor of the threshold value for the given neuron. X is a monotonically decreasing function of I with B > 1. The larger the i, the larger the product R.F. Thus, neuron i may be fully recovered, ri(t) = 16, and Ri = V(ri(t)) = Vq, but a may be so large that Ri(t) e Fi(t) = Vq o 0(~i(t)) is much greater than Vm. Fatigue is rendered ineffective by setting O(M) = 1 for all ~. Then Ri(t) ~ Fi(t) always equals Ri(t). Note that the fatigue value has no effect on the absolute refractory period (O ~ X = a). The quantity I for a given neuron varies incrementally from 0 to 32 with 1/32 as the smallest possible increment. The manner of variation is the following: Suppose the neuron has fatigue level ~0 at time t. Then, if the neuron fires at r, lO is decremented by a quantity A1, i.e., 0 +- ~0 - Al. If it does not fire at t, then it is incremented by a quantity A2, i.e., *0' 10 + A2. This is illustrated below: neuron fired at t neuron failed to fire at t Al I I+A2 ~ In general, Al > 0, A2 > 0, and Al > A2. Decrementation below 0 and incrementation above 32 have no effect, i.e., 0 - Al = 0, 32 + A2 = 32. Al and A2 are extremely important numbers since in terms of them is expressed a crucial parameter of the net, namely the firing rate at which a neuron experiences no net change in fatigue level. Thus, if a neuron is firing at this rate-call it fb-then over an interval of length T time steps, say, there is no net change in the i for that neuron and we have — recalling that fbT is the number of times a neuron fired in the given inter46

val and (1 - fb)T the number of non-firings — AlfbT - A2(1 - fb)T = O Solving for fb gives A2 fb A1+ A2 This quantity, fb, already mentioned, is called the background firing rate or the nominal system average. It will be treated in detail later on. Note that given fb, one can determine A1 and A2 (up to a constant multiple k > 0 which may be chosen as 1) and, conversely, given A1l and A2, fb is uniquely determined. fb plays an important role in Crichton's theory [71. The functional form of the fatigue curve, the numbers A1l and A2 (or, fb), as well as the initial value of I for each neuron of the net, will be specified for each experiment. The form of the curve is clearly of the greatest importance since it, together with the numbers A1l and A2, determine the recovery rate of a neuron as well as its fatiguing rate. The desired properties of this curve have been outlined above. The rationalefor this will be given in the next chapter. For the early experiments, an exponential curve of the form 2 = ae + c was used. However, as will be discussed in detail, in the order of its discovery, this form will not work and, in fact, w must be a double-valued, hysteresis function. 2.3.4 The Synapse Value Function Suppose a neuron j sends one directed connection to another neuron i. As we have seen (1o3.3), to each such directed connection at time t is associated a positive number, the synapse level, \ji(t) Just as with the recovery states and fatigue levels, X is used to determine a value, the synapse value, S, by means of a functional relationship. X has a range from O to 15. 47

It is incremented according to the "law of effect" as follows: suppose the connection j + i has the synapse level X. Then, if j fired at t - 1 and i fired at t, kO -+ 0 + 1, with probability U( SO). If j fired at t - 1 and i did not fire at t, then 0 + -A0 - 1, with probability D(ko). Otherwise, 0 + o-tO-i.e., no change. If \0 = O, no further decrementation is allowed; if k0\ = 15, no further incrementation is allowed. The statement "%O + kO + 1 (I0 - 1) with probability U(&O) (D(vo)) " means that if g\O is to be increased (decreased) -depending upon whether j fired at t - 1 and i at t, etc. — then the incrementation takes place with probability U(k o) (D( Xo)). In general, U and D are assumed to be uniform over all values of X, i.e., for %1., U( o) = U(Al), D( 2O) = D( l), etc., with the exception that U(15) = 0 and D(O) = O. Note that the incrementations with probability U(=O)or decrementations with probability D(ko) form independent trials, e.g., if the synapse level from j to i is ho and that from k to ~ also equals Ro, both j and k fired at t - 1, and both i and ~ fired at t (hence %ji and kk~ are both candidates for incrementation), then the probability U(&O) is consulted indepently in each case. The numbers U and D are of great importance, especially in light of the theory developed by Crichton mentioned above. Like the numbers A1l and A2 of the preceding section, U and D are related to the nominal system average, fb. The reason is quite simple: Assume that the rate of change up of a synapse is proportional to U, say = kU, likewise that the amount of change down is proportional to D, say = kD. fb is again defined as that firing rate for which no net change in k between A and B will occur, assuming for the moment that neurons A and B are firing randomly and independently at the rate fb. If this is the case, then fb will represent the probability that the firing of A at t - 1 is followed by the firing of B at t (''success"), likewise 48

fb(l - fb) is the probability that a firing of A at t - 1 is followed by a non-firing of B at t ("failure"), f2T is the number of "successes" over a time interval of length T, fb(l - fb)T the number of "failures." kUfb2T is the net change up in the interval of length T; kDfb(l - fb)T the net change down. By assumption, the difference of these is zero and Ufb2 = D(1 - fb)fb or fb = U +D For the initial experiments in the sequel, ad hoc values of U and D were used; more detailed discussion will be postponed to a later section corresponding to the time at which the absolutely crucial character of these parameters was made evident. Recall that the firing or non-firing of a neuron is determined by a comparison of the sum of the synapse values on the active inputs (that is, those connections coming from neurons which fired the preceding time step) with the product R.F (which is infinite if the neuron has fired at one of the previous two time steps). If this sum is less than R.F the neuron does not fire, otherwise it does. No restriction of the synapse values has been placed. However, synapse values for small \'s are assumed to be negative, large 2'spositive. The negative synapse values for active input lines correspond to inhibitory inputs to the neuron. S is assumed to be a monotonic increasing function of X, e.g., S( 49 49

It turns out, just as for the fatigue function, that this type of function is inadequate and that S must also be given as a hysteresis function. 2[4 NOTE ON THE SIMULATION PROCRAM A diagram representing the operation of the network, given an environment, the initial conditions, and the behavioral hypothesis was given earlier. A program was written for the IBM 7090 computer which simulates the operations indicated in that diagram, This program consists of four basic parts: (1) the lists which describe the state of the net at each time step. The lists are a block of reference information for (2) below and in turn consist of two parts: (a) a permanent part which is never changed in the course of a run, and (b) a volatile part which may change; (2) the net program which computes at each time step the various functions required by the model, referring to the lists for parameter values and making appropriate changes to the lists; (3) the executive and environment routine, a supervisory program which performs two functions: (a) it monitors pertinent net parameters, running time of the program, etc., and handles the appropriate output editing and (b) simulates the environment of the model —i e., computes input and output functions, making any necessary changes to lists; (4) input-output editing and other special-purpose routines, usually slaves of the executive routine. The net program seldom ever will be varied: the executive and environment routines will vary from experiment to experiment and often from run to runo Parameters in the lists will vary from run to run in general, while -:v>Se lists particular to a given experiment will vary from experiment to -eriment- it is the lists that determine the structure of a given net: -i e., neuron inter-connections, density of connections, etco Note that the executive routine contains provisions for experimenter intervention in an experimental run~ Thus, the experimenter, while watching a 50

real-time display of selected functions of the network, may at any time change the display, modify parameters, store the entire state of the system for future back-up purposes, etc. Diagrams giving the overall structure of the program and the flow of control are given below: Structure of Program Lists _.2727IT I r | (Storage) l l Ii —=...-.... Is __L _ Reference Paths i N-et -- - I I } Program - _ I =_______ Control Paths Executive and Environment Slave - L'Routines Rout ine s Flow of Control St art Executive and Environment Slave Routines Routines Net Program 51

Symbols Used in Section 2.2 S(t) state of the network at time t E(t) state of the environment at time t I(t) input to the network from the environment at time t O(t) output from the network to the environment at time t FN, FE state transition function of the network and the environment, respectively 5i(t) = 1 the statement "neuron i fired at time t" Ti(t) the condition for bi(t) = 1 Ri(t) threshold-value of neuron i at time t Fi(t) fatigue-value of neuron i at time t Sji(t) synapse-value of the connection from neuron j to neuron i at time t Ii(t) input to neuron i at time t from the environment ri(t) recovery state of neuron i at time t Ii(t) fatigue-level of neuron i at time t %ji~t) synapse-level of the connection from neuron j to neuron i at time t V(ri(t)) threshold function, gives Ri(t) as a function of ri(t), Ri(t) = V(ri(t)) /(Ii(t)) fatigue function, gives Fi(t) as a function of ~i(t), Fi(t) = O(~i(t)) S(' jNi(t)) synapse-value function, gives Sji(t) as a function of %ji(t), Sji(t) = S(kji(t)) Pi(t) random number associated with neuron i at time t Ai fatigue-level change if 6i(t) = 1 A2 fatigue-level change if ji(t) = O 52

fb nominal system frequency or average background frequency U(Xji(t)) probability of change up for synapse-level \ji(t) D(,\ji(t)) probability of change down for synapse-level j i(t) mji multiplicity of the connection from neuron j to neuron i Symbols Used in the Flow-Diagram.., N( 1) "loop" to N times, starting at i = 1, incrementing i by 1 each time; i.e., first i = 1, then i = 2, 3,.., etc. up to i = N A - B replace the value of A by the value of B Pl(t) the condition for incrementing xji(t) P2(t) the condition for decrementing.ji(t)

3. CORRELATION EXPERIMENTS, CYCLE-LESS CASE 3.1 INTRODUCTION In the implementation of Hebb's theory, several questions may be isolated in an attempt to elucidate the nature of the cell-assembly. Perhaps the first of these concerns identification of cell-assemblies, that is, in terms of the given models, what are the criteria for cell-assembly-ness? This question is aimed at a static, structural condition and may be paraphrased as follows: suppose a model is given in which it is suspected that cell-assemblies have formed~ How, then, does one identify them? The second question (which, causally speaking, should be first) is concerned with the formation of cellassemblies: i.e., in terms of the given models, how does such a structure (as yields a cell-assembly) come into existence? This question is aimed at dynamic, structural changes and goes hand-in-hand with a third: what are the stability conditions, in the given models, for cell-assemblies? To make this last question more meaningful, the informal description of cell-assembly given in 1.2 is augmented as follows: One may regard a cell-assembly as a union of a large number of reverberatory circuits (in the Lorente de No sense of the term), any several of which may be active for a very brief period of time and interrelated so that while any one of the circuits may be rapidly extinguished (within 1/100th of a second in the physiological situation), yet for a much greater period of time (several seconds or longer) the structure as a whole active in the sense that at least one of the component circuits is activeo Blayz is, within a given cell-assembly there are a number of alternate pathways which perform the same function. Therefore, the stability question for such a structure is absolutely crucial; yet, this character of the cellassembly accounts for the fact that the loss or damage of part of a fully

developed cell-assembly need not impair its overall function, thus for the seemingly small effect in some cases of brain damage upon learning ability and memory. (This is part of Hebb's dual trace memory mechanism and accompanies his postulate of synapse growth since the reverberatory activity would assist to retain memory temporarily while at the same time it would facilitate the long-run growth changes necessary for permanent memory (see [3], pages 60-78, in particular, p. 62). Thus the cell-assembly gets us away from a strict dependence (in the cortex) upon individual neurons. Yet for its growth and development the cellassembly depends upon the law of effect (Hebb's neurophysiological postulate) and upon the availability of neurons which can be "recruited" to the assembly when they act in synchronization with it and likewise which can be dropped out of the assembly (fractionation) when they fall into disuse. The ability or non-ability of the models to allow recruitment of neurons to an assembly or fractionation of neurons away from it, then poses a fourth question which is taken as the starting point of this study: do the neurons of the models have the ability to be recruited into an assembly when presented with the same input patterns and, dually, to fall away through disuse? This question leads, as shall be shown in the next section, to simple networks which are extremely useful for studying the behavior of single neurons and small groups of neurons. Crichton, in the appendix to his thesis [7] has discussed the stability of cell-assembly-like structures, called by him "semi-autonomous subsystems, and some results of his analysis will be referred to later ono 3 2 CORRELATION The behavior of a neuron of the model depends upon its input history (which includes synapse value changes on the input lines) and upon its in55

ternal state changes (threshold, fatigue). To determine the response of a given neuron to a particular input pattern, one has to take into consideration the effect of this pattern upon the internal state changes of the neuron and the relationship of this pattern to any other inputs the neuron may have. Basically, therefore, the behavior of a neuron may be regarded as being determined by some function over the totality of its inputs. Consider now a situation in which recruitment might occur. Let C be an uncommitted neuron of the system and suppose it is presented with a patterned input from a source A of neurons. (A might be, for example, a set of neurons of area 17, reflecting a direct sensory input from the retina.) Lump all the other inputs to C into a group B. Now it might be that A directly affects a system of neurons D, which I will assume form part of a cell-assembly L. The synapse values from the neurons of A to C will be, by assumption, low initially. A B C Likewise, the synapse values from A to D are assumed to be high. If, as a result of repeated application of the input from A, the synapse values from A to C rise and become high, then the neuron C is a good candidate for recruitment into the cell-assembly LA. Whether it is recruited or not depends, of course, upon its relationship to other neurons of the system. It may merely continue to operate in parallel to the assembly J4. In fact C could become part of a system of neurons which would tend to suppress, via inhibitory con56

nections, an antagonistic assembly. In any case, therefore, the question of when C would "correlate" with A in its firing arises. Here "correlate" means that the synapse values of A to C are high and that C tends to follow the same firing pattern as do the neurons of A. Therefore, whether C correlates with A or not depends critically upon the relationship between the firing patterns of A and B. 3.3 NETWORK CONFIGURATIONS FOR THE FIRST STAGE In this section, first a general overview of the type of experiments which are to be carried out in this chapter is given, then second, a specification of the networks, consonant with the abstract development of the network equations, is carried out. 3. 31 Overview The general configuration of neurons that is to serve as the basis for the first part of this study is the following: A H A'. -- --- nB'a of n B A and B are sets of neuron, C is a single neuron. Each neuron of A and B sends a connection to Co There are no other connections between neurons of A and B and C-ioeo, no cycles. The neurons of A and B are assumed to be driven from stimulus sources A' and B'. From the patterns on the input lines A to C and B to C and the initial states of C, the output pattern OC may be determined. The sizes of the sets A and B, the particular patterns which they supply 57

to C, the initial states, the net parameters-all these are to be specified by the particular experiment at hand. Thus, A and B may consist of a single neuron each or A may have N neurons and B have none, etco One can readily see then how it is possible to study the behavior of C as a function of a wide range of possible inputs and at the same time study the response of C "in isolation," as it were, given different settings of the basic net parameters. A model situation with which we will be concerned in this chapter is that in which group A essentially provides "back-ground noise" to C, while group B provides patterned inputs of various sorts. One example of this is that where the neurons of B fire within a periodic envelope as follows: Input Stimulus 1 t - \ t neurons of neurons of B firing B quiescent Questions such as what are the lengths of the "on" and the "off" periods in relation to neuron parameters, what are suitable firing rates of the neurons of B in the T"on" and the "off" periods, etc., immediately arise and become of the greatest importance. The next step would be to have both A and B providing similar patterns such as this but out of phase, then to ask how C depends upon the phase difference, etco 3.352 Specification of the Networks for the First Stage The models of interest consist of N = 2M + 1 neurons (where N is the size of the network). The N neurons are partitioned into two groups of M neurons each and one group of one neuron~ The former two groups will be 58

designated by A and B respectively, the single neuron by C. Each neuron of A and B respectively sends exactly one directed connection to neuron C. C, therefore, has 2M inputs. The output of C goes to the environment. The environment provides the neurons of A and B with inputs of the following type: Letting al,.,., aM be the neurons of A and aM+l,'~~, a2M be those of B, then to each ai is associated a probabilistic stimulus x i(t). At time t, independently of X~ci(t+k) for all k = +1, +2, 0.., and with probability fOi, Xdi(t) = 1; with probability 1 - f1i, Xai(t) = 0. If Xai(t) = O, neuron ai is not effected. If Xci(t) = 1, ai is provided with an input stimulus (IOi(t) in the network equations Tai(t) ) which is always greater than Rai(t).Fi(t) unless, of course, ai is absolutely refractory (i.e., if b6i(t-l) = lJvsai(t-2) = 1). ai has no other inputs, Notice that the probability fc.i approximates the actual firing rate of Cdi, that is, fzi ~ T is the expected number of firings of ai over a time interval of length To Specification of the probabilistic vector Xoi(t), i = 1,.o, 2M, then determines the "vector" of frequencies foi of the neurons ai which comprise the total input set to neuron C. In each particular experiment, the vector Xoai(t) will be specified in complete detail. The connection-scheme, complete with the input vector Xai(t), has the following form: Xi(t) > XaM(t) >0 XaM+l(t) — >o Xx2M(t) >0 59

The distinction between A and B is only for the purpose of allowing two subvectors of kXi(t), i = 1,..., 2M to be applied, i.e., Xoki(t),..., XaM(t) and XYCM+l(t),..., 12M(t). (Note: This network is obtained by specifying the mliC's, i = 1,..., 2M, to be l's and all others to be zero out of the set of N2 + N possible interconnections within the given set of N neurons.) 3.3.3 Network Functions, Initial Conditions, Environment The threshold, fatigue, and synapse-value functions together with the parameters associated with them, such as A1, A2, U and D, etc., will be specified separately in each of the following experiments. The initial conditions comprise specification of the following values: 1. Uii: (0), i =1,..., 2M 2. rCi (0), i = 1,..., 2M and rC(O) 3. lai (0), i = 1,..., 2M and C(0) 4. Iai (o), i =,..., 2M The Iai(O)'s are assumed to' be all equal and constant over all time, and so large that except when the ai are absolutely refractory, they always cause Cei to fire when XUi = 1. Thus, the initial values rai(O) and ~~i(0) are not so important. Yet the initial values of rC and I C clearly are important for, for example, if ~C(O) is at the minimum, then neuron C starts out fully fatigued and may fail to respond to initial inputs for some period; whereas if it is fully rested, that is IC(0) is near the maximum, then C will most likely respond to the initial inputs. The function of the environment in these experiments is, at each time step, to operate the probabilistic vector Xai(t), i = 1,..., 2M and to observe the output of neuron C. 3.4 THREE-NEURON EXPERIMENTS In the first series of experiments the schema of 3.5.2 was specialized 60

to N = 3 and M = 1, that is, three neurons, two of which, A and B, send one connection each to the third, C. The probabilistic vector Xai(t) reduces to (XA(t), XB(t) ) and the corresponding probabilities fCi become fA and fB: XA(t) __0_ XB(t) -) C B The general hypothesis for this series, stated formally, is the following: Hl. Given the three-neuron configuration, then for some appropriate selections for the network functions V, i, and S and appropriate initial conditions, neuron C will tend to correlate with neuron B in the sense that as t becomes sufficiently large, kBC(t) >.AC( t) and 3B(t) = 1-)>C(t + 1) = 1 5B(t)= O —)>5(t + k) = o for some range of the rates fA and fB with fB < fA. (For".>" read "is followed by".) This hypothesis merely says that neuron B eventually gains control over neuron C and that neuron A loses control over Co The motivation for this hypothesis is that the slow input, neuron B, may be regarded as the information carrying line, while the fast one might be regarded as a noisy line. One then would expect the neuron to correlate with the information-bearing line and not with the noisy one, at least under suitable conditions. For example, over the rapid staccatto of a pneumatic hammer operating out-ofdoors one might well hear a periodic knocking on the door. 3.4.1 Experiment 1 In this experiment, neurons A and B were presented with a constant stim61

ulus IA = IB with probabilities fA and fB respectively, where according to hypothesis, fA > fg. The experiment was run for a variety of settings of these probabilities. The threshold and synapse-value functions, V(r) and S(%), were chosen as indicated in Figures 1 and 2 while the fatigue function was taken to be identically 1, /(R) = 1. Notice that the range of the threshold curve is from Vm = 100 to Vq = 1 and that its form is exponential from r = 3 to r = 11 and is constant, equal to one, from r = 11 to r = 16; likewise the range of S(A) is from -15 for X = /min = 0 to +15 for A = Amax = 15 and S(A) is a linear function with slope 2. The synapse-level probabilities were set to 0.1, that is U(%) = D(%) = 0.1 for all A except, of course, U(15) = 0 = D(O). The input stimuli IA(t) and IB(t) were both set to the constant value of 100; this is always sufficient to cause A or B to fire whenever XA(t) or XB(t) = 1, unless A or B is absolutely refractory. The initial conditions for each run were kAC(O) = 15 = \BC(O) and rA(O) = rB() = r (O) = 16. The results of fifteen separate runs over a range of probabilities fA and fB are shown in Table 1. In this table, the following quantities are given for each run: (1) the values of fA and fB, (2) the length of the run (total number of time steps used in the run), (3) the terminal values of SAC and XBC, and (4) the number of times neuron i fired, Ni, for i = A, B, C. Detailed histories of the synapse-level changes for two typical runs are shown in Figure 3. 3.4.2 Analysis and Comment on Experiment 1 In this experiment, the choices for the threshold and synapse-value curves were made more or less arbitrarily. That is, the basis for these choices was not formal, rather was intuitive. Thus, the threshold curve was taken to be exponential over the range r = 3 to r = 11 and flat otherwise. The choice of the form of the curve was based on physiological grounds as 62

mentioned earlier, the choice for the particular values of the curve was based on the consideration that the main range of operation of neuron C, as driven by A or B, lie in the range r = 6 to r = 10 (approximately) -that is, in the mid-range of recovery-values. The flat portion was to allow C to be driven with minimum stimulus and hopefully encourage development of kBCo Likewise, the choice of S(X) was ad hoc, using a curve balanced between positive and negative values "for a starter." In order to accentuate the effects of the threshold and synapse-value curves, however, the fatigue function was set to the identity. The values of U and D were chosen to attenuate the growth or decay of %AC and %BC and again were starting values. A glance at the terminal values of /\AC and ABC will suffice to show that the results of this experiment are inconclusive. Sometimes C correlates with B (runs 1, 2, 9, 11, 14), sometimes with A (runs 3-8), sometimes with neither (runs 12 and 15) with no apparent reason. Moreover, it is not clear that in this case there should be a preference for C to correlate with A or B, since neither of the inputs is structured in any way —thus C is being asked to discriminate between two completely random input sequences which differ only in their relative frequencies. Therefore, this experiment was abandoned for the case in which neuron A continues to present C with a random input sequence, but B now presents C with aperiodic input, thus an input signal with structure to which C should respond selectively. For reasons to be mentioned shortly, Experiment 1 would not be expected to be successful in any case. The motivation for including it here is mainly historical as well as to illustrate some of the specific problems that arise in implementing models of the kind considered in this paper. One interesting phenomenon should be noted, however. That is, even with the retarding probability D = 01l, the synapse-levels drop rather rapidly. This suggests the need for a positive bias in the U( \)s and D(h)'s.

3.4.3 Experiment 2 In this experiment, neuron A was presented with a constant stimulus IA with probability fA whereas neuron B was presented with a periodically interrupted stimulus IB which equals IA on a set of intervals t = 2ki to t = (2k + 1)2 for k = 0, 1, 2, o.. where 2 is the length of the interval, and equasO0 on the complementary intervals. In the intervals in which IB = IA, IB is again presented with probability fB = fA. The intervals in which IB = IA are called the "on-periods" for B, those in which IB = 0 are called the "off-periods." r IB=IA 1 IB=OIA O X 22 32 t As in Experiment 1, the threshold curve was taken as in Figure 1, with slight variation in one case, while again /(B) - 1. However, variation was introduced in the choice of the synapse-value curve and the probabilities U(%) and D(X). A variety of runs were performed for various settings of the functions V(r) and S(x) and values of fA and 2. The runs performed are discussed separately below while their results are presented in Table 2. In this table, the following quantities are displayed for each run: (1) the values of 2 and fA, (2) the length of the run, (3) the terminal values of NAC and XBC, and (4) the number of times neuron i fired, i = A, B, C. Detailed histories of the synapse-level changes for several typical runs are shown in Figure 5. Run 1. The functions V(r) and S(/) were taken as in Experiment 1 (Figures I and 2). IA = 140 (= IB in the on-periods). The initial conditions were kAC(0) = kBC(0) = 8, rA(O) = () =) = rc(O) = 16. 64

Ruins lb-lf involve the same network functions and parameters as Run 1 and the same period, but the probability fA is varied. Runs 2a, 2b. Functions V(r) and S(x) as in Figures 1 and 2, except incremented by 2 throughout; eog, if VO(r) is the function of Figure 1, then the threshold function used in Run 2 is VO(r) + 2, etc. IA = 180 (= IB in the on-periods). U(X) and D(C) as in Table 3. Initial conditions as in Run 1. The run was performed twice: that is, done once, then with initial conditions restored, repeated. Since the random-number generating procedur'e used to determine the vectors (XA(t), XB(t) ) was not re-initialized, the results of repeated runs like this need not be identical. Runs 3a, 36 through Runs 6a, 6b. Exactly as Rurb 2a, 2b except that the functions V(r) and S(x) are incremented by two in going from Run 2 to Run 3, again from Run 3 to Run 4, etc. Thus, the threshold function for Run 6 is VO(r) + 10 where V0(r) is the V(r) in Figure 1. Runs 7a, 7b through lla, llb. For these runs V(r) was taken as 100 times the function of Figure 1, that V(r) = 100 VO(r). IA was taken as 10,000. Again, U(A) and D(X) are those of Table 3. For Run 7, the synapse-value curve was taken as S(A) = 1500 + 8/9 ~ ( S (X) - 1500) where ST(X) = 100 SO(/), that is 100 times the curve of Figure 2. That for Run 8 was taken as S( ) = 1500 + S/10 (SI (X) - 1500),..., for Run 11 as S(A) = 1500 + 8/13 (So(?) - 1500)o SI(X) = 100 S0(k), S0(/) is the curve of Figure 2. These curves are given in Figure 4, 354,4 Analysis and Comments on Experiment 2 As the results of Runs la, lb,.o,- le, if show, given the network functions of Experiment 1, no clear pattern of success occurs; e.g., Run la is bad, both kAC and >XBC are low, yet Run lc is good, SBC ~ XAC. It was sus

pected that a positive bias was necessary in the synapse-value function and in the probabilities U(x) and D(A); this prompted the values for U and D given in Table 3 and the schemes for biasing S(W) as used in Runs 2-5 and 7-11 (see in particular, Figure 4). Again, the selections of these particular values were largely ad hoc. As no clear picture of success emerged from this procedure, it became clear that the experimental hypothesis could not possibly hold in these models for a three-neuron network: For B to gain control over C, with both SBC and SAC set initially equal to moderate values, B must fire initially with some regularity in unison with A in order to cause C to fire (at the same rate as B); however, this is an unlikely event since the probability of joint firing of A and B is fA ~ fB, which in Run 1 would be 1/16 in B's on period, 0 in the off-period. This undesirable situation is remedied by replacing the single neurons A and B by groups of neurons A and B so that the probability of firing for any neuron of B is much greater than fA ~ fB, although fA and fB are still the rates of the individual neurons of A and B 66

I Vm = 100 70 I 60 52 50 40 V V=aO 32 30 20 19 11 I0 6 4O 2X~ IVqc= I 2I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Figure 1. Threshold Curve for First Series. Vm = 100, Vq = 1. Form of curve is exponential from r = 3 to r = 11, linear and constant for r = 11 to r = 16. 67

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 S 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 X -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 -14 U=.1 =D Figure 2. Synapse Value Curve for First Series. kmin = 0 kmax = 15, Smin = 15, Smax = +15. Form of curve: linear with slope 2.

TABLE 1 RESULTS OF 15 RUNS FOR EXPERIMENT 1 Run Length of Run %AC %BC No. fA fB (timsteps) (final) (final) NA NB NC 1 1/4 1/6 10,000 0 15 1658 1256 698 2 1/6 1/9 10,000 0 15 1208 891 588 3 1/10 1/15 10,000 15 0 790 559 591 4 1/12 1/18 10,000 15 0 698 474 539 1/16 1/24 10,000 15 0 543 365 447 6 1/7 1/9 10,000 9 0 1084 891 707 7 1/8 1/10 10,000 15 0 977 809 682 8 1/9 1/11 10,000 15 0 891 725 623 9 i/10 1/12 10,000 0 15 790 666 562 10 1/11 1/13 10,000 10 15 743 631 745 11 1/6 1/9 5,000 0 15 635 444 296 12 1/7 1/10 5,000 0 0 563 452 14 13 1/8 1/ll 5,000 0 14 513 405 255 14 1/9 1/12 5,000 0 11 437 351 257 15 1/10 1/13 5,000 12 14 420 321 400 69

Run No. 5 Run No. 12 Time Step No. XAC %BC Time Step No. XAC %BC 1 9 9 1 9 9 99 10 9 9 9 8 331 11 9 30 8 8 671 11 8 35 8 7 678 11 7 44 8 6 694 11 6 224 7 6 882 12 6 227 6 6 914 11 6 237 6 5 968 12 6 248 5 1020 13 6 253 5 4 1181 13 5 270 4 4 1196 14 5 283 3 4 1381 15 5 326 3 3 1454 15 4 327 2 3 1493 15 3 390 1 3 15o6 15 2 398 0 3 1589 15 1 403 0 2 1645 14 1 634 0 1 1749 14 0 899 0 0 180o 15 0 2538 14 0 3256 15 0 5959 14 0 5989 15 0 7814 14 0 8583 15 0 Figure 3. Histories of Synapse-Level Change for Runs 5 and 12 of Experiment 1. The synapse-levels are shown only when one of the two changes; thus for t = 1 through t = 98, %AC = 9, sBC = 9, then at t = 99, XAC becomes 10, gBC remains 9, etc. 70

TABLE 2 RESULTS OF 11 RUNS FOR EXPERIMENT 2 Run fAA Length of Run %AC XBC No. (final) (final) NA NB la 1/4 40 2,000 0 0 324 178 2 2a 1/6 60 3,000 2 1 373 192 2 2b 1/6 60 3,000 1 2 377 189 16 3a 1/6 60 3,000 13 1 386 196 202 3b 1/6 60 3,000 14 1 401 206 196 4a 1/6 60 3,000 12 13 386 192 227 4b 1/6 60 3,000 13 0 400 77 204 5a 1/6 60 3,000 0 12 360 194 74 5b 1/6 6o 3,000 12 2 380 180 163 6a 1/6 60 3,000 1 3 377 194 133 6b 1/6 60 3,000 1 2 345 200 9 7a 1/6 60 3,000 2 1 373 192 2 7b 1/6 60 3,000 1 2 377 189 19 7c 1/6 60 3,000 13 2 386 196 242 8a 1/6 60 3,000 13 3 378 189 240 8b 1/6 60 5,000 14 2 396 187 251 8c 1/6 60 3,000 11 15 388 186 263 9a 1/6 60 3,000 13 4 352 178 224 9b 1/6 6o 3,000 2 15 351 172 141 9c 1/6 60 3,000 2 10 357 181 107 1Oa 1/6 60 3,000 15 8 397 182 263 lOb 1/6 6o 3,000 2 15 358 192 172 lOc 1/6 60 3,000 15 2 394 190 248 11a 1/6 60 3,000 14 13 342 185 264 llb 1/6 6o 3,000 11 11 351 184 258 11c 1/6 6o 3,000 12 5 324 192 240 lb 1/4 40 2,000 2 1 324 178 2 lc 1/5 40 2,000 2 11 282 145 84 ld 1/6 40 2,000 2 15 247 129 86 le 1/7 40 2,000 1 2 240 112 40 lf 1/8 40 2,000 4 13 207 102 80 71

TABLE 3 X D(X) U(x) 0 0.2 1.005.2 2.01.2 3.02.2 4.04.2 5.o06.2 6.08.2 7.1.2 8.1.2 9.1.18 10.1.16 11.1.14 12.1.12 13.1.1 14.1.08 15.1 0 72

.tr CM(V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( -I) H NI 4OC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 I IX I (Y, H 001 X(X)S A r

Run 7a Run 5a Run 5b t* %AC XAC t* AC xBC t* XAC BCC 1 8 8 1 8 8 1 8 8 12 8 9 4 8 9 44 9 8 15 8 8 63 7 9 104 10 8 19 7 8 169 6 9 11h 11 8 21 7 7 257 5 9 141 11 9 28 6 7 256 4 9 228 12 9 655 6 6 266 3 9 264 12 10 555 5 6 280 3 10 337 11 10 538 5 5 377 3 11 379 11 9 541 4 5 403 3 10 385 11 10 837 3 5 514 3 11 440 10 10 852 5 4 627 3 12 579 9 10 979 3 3 645 3 11 587 10 10 1452 3 2 653 2 11 598 11 10 1667 2 2 720 1 11 606 11 9 2079 1 1 749 1 10 744 11 8 767 1 11 755 11 7 894 1 12 774 12 7 1099 1 11 804 11 7 12533 1 13 813 10 7 1450 1 12 827 11 7 14o90 0 12 839 12 7 1565 0 11 881 11 7 1572 0 12 934 12 7 1603 0 11 962 12 6 1608 0 12 1202 11 6 1620 0 11 1307 12 6 1730 0 10 1312 11 6 1825 0 9 1533 11 5 1842 0 8 1343 11 4 1962 0 9 1443 11 3 1981 0 10 1444 10 3 2067 0 11 1588 10 2 2207 0 12 1655 11 2 2292 0 11 1675 12 2303 0 12 1686 11 2 2530 0 11 1691 12 2569 0 12 1753 11 2 2783 0 11 1858 12 6 2788 0 12 1877 11 L 1898 12 2 1927 11 L 1952 12 L 2029 11 2 2076 12 2135 11 6 2212 12 2 2282 11 2 2360 12 2 2443 11 6 2583 12 2 2680 11 2832 12 6 2909 11 6 2925 12 6 2960 11 6 2964 12 6 *t indicates the time step at which the change took place. Figure 5. Histories of Synapse-Level Changes for Runs 7a, 5a, and 5b. 74

200 190 180 170 \55 t-50-10 1-35 ~9 120. \0 - 8 105 -7 00 T-~ 7- (n 9-60`q 75 5 70 50 450 - 40 -3 0 30-~~~ 3 3 15 - I 0~~~~~~~~~~18 2 6 15 16a 6. T~cesbod Curves fr ExpeI 4 Fi~ ~~~~~1 6 t?

Run No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %A C 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 XA2C 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 %A 3C 1 0 2 1 6 0 0 1 XA4C 1 12 0 0 0 0 1 0 XB1C 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 XB2C 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 XB3C 15 15 15 14 14 15 15 14 XB4C 15 15 15 14 15 15 15 15 NA1 335 335 360 331 332 333 330 344 NA2 310 325 332 335 333 336 320 347 NA5 344 345 329 322 339 344 333 321 NA4 337 327 322 332 334 315 347 319 NBi 344 326 330 319 332 339 330 317 NC 36o 338 242 250 234 228 226 220 Figure 7. Terminal Synapse-Levels, etc. for Runs 1-8 of Experiment 3. Run j used threshold curve j of Figure 5. 76

Run No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 /I.AlC 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 hA2C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ XA ~C0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 A3C %A4C 0 0 0o 4 o 0 0 XB1C 9 6 5 3 0 0 2 13 \B2C 0 12 3 1 1 11 0 1 XB3C 14 9 2 6 14 0 13 3 XB4c 0 0 0 4 2 4 0 7 NAl 344 329 335 343 335 340 317 337 NA2 347 330 345 341 349 313 333 329 NA3 357 337 332 336 345 313 324 338 NA4 359 326 321 338 344 338 322 322 NB3 163 183 172 170 157 174 182 177 NB2 167 160 175 175 172 169 186 153 NB3 177 172 170 168 159 170 164 162 NB4 178 164 167 163 164 177 168 172 NC 123 166 170 120 158 114 168 109 Figure 8. Terminal Synapse-Levels, etc. for Runs 1-8, Experiment 4e 77

TABLE 4 SYNAPSE-LEVEL PROBABILITIES FOR RUNS 9-16, EXPERIMENT 4 Run U(%) D(X) Ratio D/U Run U(x) D~h) (Approx.) 9.2.1 1/2 o10.2324.09221 1/3 11.2701.07406 1/4 12.3138.0o6373 1/5 13.3647.05485 1/7 14.4237.04720 1/9 15.4924.04062 1/12 16.5721.03476 1/16 78

140 130 120 - 110100 90 o 80 I X70 -I 6050 40 30 20 10i - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 2 4- 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 RECOVERY Figure 9. Threshold Curve for Runs 9-16, Experiment 1. 79

Run No. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16'A1C 0 0 0 0 15 15 14 15 XA2C 0 0 0 0 9 14 15 15 XA5C 0 0 0 0 15 14 14 15 xA4C 3 0 0 0 15 15 15 10 XBlC 0 0 5 15 9 15 15 13 XB2C 0 0 0 12 13 14 15 15 %B3C 0 0 0 6 15 15 15 11 _B4qC o o 15 8 13 15 11 15 NAl 344 329 335 343 335 340 317 337 NA2 347 330 345 341 349 313 333 329 NA3 357 337 332 336 345 313 324 338 NA4 359 326 321 338 344 338 322 322 NB1 163 183 172 170 157 174 182 177 NB2 167 160 175 175 172 169 186 153 NB3 177 172 170 168 159 170 164 162 NB4 178 164 167 163 164 177 168 172 NC 125 9 107 91 272 264 288 263 Ratio D/U 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5 1/7 1/9 1/12 1/16 (Approx ) Figure 10. Final Synapse-Levels, etc. for Runs 9-16, Experiment 4. 80

s ( X) 14 12 10 - 8 - 6 4 2 0 _2 4/ 6 8 10 12 14 X -2 -4 -6 -8 -I0 Figure 11. S( ) for Runs 17-32, Experiment 4. 81

90 80 70 60 50 o 21 I x 10 -b I 20 20\ I 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 I2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RECOVERY Figure 12. Threshold Curves for Runs 17-21 and 25-29, Experiment 4. 82

90 0 80 70 60 50 0. 40 L-J 30 I10 I I I I I I I! I I I I I I I I! I I! I I I I I I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RECOVERY Figure 13. Threshold Curves for Runs 22-24 and 30-32, Experiment 4. 83

Run No. 17,25 18,26 19,27 20,28 21,29 22,30 23,31 24,32 \A1C 14 15 1 15 15 15 15 1 13 15 13 2 6 0 5 XA2C 15 15 10 11 15 15 0 0 15 14 14 15 1 7 15 15 A35C 14 14 15 15 13 13 3 0 4 9 10 0 15 13 11 6 %A4C 15 15 11 14 15 15 15 4 15 11 0 3 7 0 15 1 B1C 15 1 15 15 10 10 11 15 1 13 10 13 12 xB2C 15 15 14 14 8 8 15 10 9 13 10 13 14 7 6 1 %B3C 1515 14 14 15 15 14 14 15 1 15 9 14 1 11 15 \B4C 15 15 13 14 14 14 13 14 14 9 15 13 12 8 7 NA1 544 544 329 329 335 335 343 343 335 335 340 340 317 517 337 537 NA2 347 547 330 330 345 345 341 341 540 340 313 13 3533 333 320 520 NA 357 557 357 337 332 2 332 33 6 336 345 45 313 13 524 324 338,,8 NA4 559 9 9 326 326 321 321 338 338 344 344 338 338 322 322 322 322 NB1 163 163 183 183 172 172 170 170 157 157 174 174 182 182 177 177 NB2 167 167 160 160o 175 175 175 175 172 169 169 169 186 186 153 153 NB3 177 177 172 172 170 170 168 168 159 159 170 170 164 164 162 162 NB4 178 178 164 164 167 167 163 163 164 164 177 177 168 168 172 172 NC 409 400 331 318 267 266 238 134 255 233 227 191 220 196 206 188 Figure 14. Results of Runs 17-32, Experiment 4. (The paired runs differed only on the initial conditions on the X's.) 84

3 P5 NINE-NEURON EXPERIMENTS Following the suggestion made at the end of the last section, the schema of 353.2 was specialized to N = 9 and M = 4, that is, a network consisting of nine neurons, two groups of which, A and B, have four neurons each, all of which send one connection to the single neuron C. The vector Xai(t) becomes (XA1(t),.., XA4(t), XB1t),. *, XB4(t) ) where Ai e A and Bi e B, i 1=, Y., 4. The probabilities fci become fAi and fBi' i = 1, o, 4: A1 XA (t) - >0 ___A4 \ XA4(t) >0 H2. For appropriate selections of the network functions V, i, and S and appropriate initial conditions, neuron C will tend to correlate with group B in the sense that as t becomes sufficiently large, x_ (t) > k. (t) BC AC and for all i, B i(t) = 1 —> c(t+l) = 1 a.a. and for all i, s Bi(t) = 0 e n C(t+l) = 0 asa for some range of the rates fAi and fBi with fBi < fAj for i, j = 1,., 4. 85

The notation SAc,XAC implies some sort of average (e.g., the mean) over the iC and XAic's respectively. This leaves room for a specific %BiC being less than some XAjC. "a.a." (almost always) implies that the condition occurs with a high probability, but not with probability 1. Thus it leaves room for the events 5Bi(t) = 1 >Sc(t+l) = 0 and even —for some i — Ai(t) = 1 c(t+l) = 1. This hypothesis says that group B eventually takes over control of neuron C in the sense that the synpase-levels from B to C become high (in average-value), those from A to C become low, thus ensuring most of the time the firing of C at t + 1 when one or more of the neurons of B fires, while the neurons of A seldom cause C to fire. 3.5.1 Experiment 3, Synchronous Case In this experiment, the vector Xji(t) was taken in the following fashion: XAj(t) = 1 with probability fA independently of XAj(t), j $ i, and independently of XAj(t+k), for all j, k = 1,2,...,likewise, the XAi are treated independently of the XBi. Thus, the neurons of A fire randomly and independently at the rate fA. (The values of IAi(t) and IBi(t) were set to the constant value of 1000.) For the neurons of B, XBi(t) = 1 for all i = 1,..., 4 with probability fB = fA' Thus, the neurons of B fire in synchrony. This experiment does not quite conform to H2 since fB is not less than fA; however, it does provide some insights, as will be seen. The threshold curves for this experiment are shown in Figure 6; the synapse-value curve is that of Experiment 1: /(Q) = 1, and U(x) = 0.2 and D(X) = 0.1 for all X, except that U(15) = 0 = D(O). fA was set to 1/6, the 86

length of all runs was 3000 time steps. %AiC = 15 = /BiC and Ai = IBi = 1000 for i = 1,.., 4. r(O) = rAi(O) = rB) = rBi( = 16. The results of eight separate runs are shown in Figure 7, where the terminal values of X's are given together with the number of times each neuron fired. Run j uses threshold curve j of Figure 5, j = 1,..., 8. 3~5~2 Analysis and Comment on Experiment 3 It is evident from Figure 7 that all the runs performed were successful, that is, MBC ~ XACo There are a few points that should be noted, however. (1) the terminal results are given after running sufficiently long that no reverse-trends seem to arise; (2) while all the NBi clearly must be equal, yet the XBiC are not necessarily so, since the probabilities U(X) and D(X) are consulted independently for each i in XBiC (see 2.3.4); (3) the threshold curves are set so that a total stimulus of 15 may fire neuron C for rC > 11; thus, initially any neuron may fire C. The steepest of the threshold curves, number 8, will allow four neurons whose synapse-values to C are maximal (15) to fire C for rC > 7. The effect of the steepening threshold curves is to decrease the total activity of neuron C, i.e., NC decreases; (4) (Not shown in Figure 7) the steepening threshold curves tended to accelerate the rate at which %AC decreased; (5) in Run 2, one of the %AiC s (%A4C) remained high (although it was still decreasing when the run terminated), Thus, Experiment 3, under the conditions for which it was performed, was successful. However, the significance of this success is not clear; little was actually demonstrated about the network parameters that was not already clear. Moreover, the condition of synchrony is so strong that the experiment almost had to work for any reasonable selection of the parameters. Therefore, further exploration with it was abandoned in favor of the more interesting 87

case described in the next section where, somewhat as in Experiment 2, the neurons of group B fire randomly and independently only in an "on-period" and are silent otherwise. 3.5 3 Experiment 4, Asynchronous Case The relationship of the firing rates of the neurons of group A and B was chosen as follows: as in Experiment 3, XAi(t) = 1 with probability fA. However, XBi(t) = 1, with probability fA independently of the XAi(t)'s and of XBj(t+k), k = O, 1, 2,... for j + i, only for t in the intervals [2k~, (2k+1)~] for k = O, 1, 2,..., where ~ is again the length of the interval. Such intervals are called the on-periods for the neurons of B. On the complementary intervals (off-periods), XBi(t) = O. The IAi were taken equal to a constant I(= IBi when XBi(t) = 1) XBi=l with XB= XB = prob. fA X i O ~ v / ___ 31 ~4 t In the runs to be described, I was taken as 60, fA as 1/6. Notice that fBi averaged over a full-cycle (120 time steps) is 1/2 fAi; that is, the neurons of B fire one-half as often as those of A, thus the hypothesis H2 is completely satisfied. The runs for this experiment were designed to gain further information about the form of the threshold and synapse-value curves and to derive workable values of U(Q) and D(X). Runs 1-8. The network functions and initial conditions were chosen exactly as in Experiment 3, using again the threshold functions of Figure 5o The 88

stimulus pattern was as described above. The results of these runs are displayed in Figure 8, with the same interpretation of symbols as in Figure 7, Comment on Runs 1-8o As seen from Figure 8, these runs were not successful. They do indicate one thing, however; that is a tendency for the 2's to plunge to zero. It is not shown in the figure that the /BC'S dropped more slowly than the KACTs. Thus, the probabilities U(%) and D(X) are suspect. However, the threshold curves were deficient in that they are all too high to allow any single neuron of B, even with maximum synapse-value, to fire C if rC < 11. Thus, a sort of upper bound on the firing rate of C is established, reducing the number of favorable situations 6Bi(t) = 1 & 6C(t+l) = 1 for incrementation of N. Runs 9-160 The purpose of these runs was to test the behavior of the system, given the same initial conditions and network functions each time, for a series of different values of U(.k) and D(X). The threshold curve used for these runs is given in Figure 9, U(X) and D(X) for each run in Table 4, These probabilities were chosen so that the ration U(x)/D(x) varied from 2:1 to 15:1 in seven equal steps. The linear S(?) curve of Experiment 1 was usedo Length of the runs was 3000 time steps. The initial conditions were as in Runs 1-8 except that AiC(O) = 10 = %BiC, i = 1,..., 4. The results are shown in Figure 10. Comment on Runs 9-16o Of these runs, Run 12 was the most successful, although (not shown in Figure 10), B3C and \B4C were still decaying when the run was terminated, These runs clearly illustrate how sensitive the network is to the settings of U(\) and D(2). Thus, the ratios D/U = 1/7, 1/9, etco, are clearly too strong-all the \'s rise; whereas the ratios 1/2, 1/3, and possibly 1/4 are too small-most, if not all, of the X's decrease to 0. 89

Runs 17-32. The synapse-level probabilities U =.3138 and D =.06373 of Run 12 were taken as tentative workable values for these quantities. The curve for S(X) was given the non-linear form of Figure 11, This particular form was chosen to bias changes upward when X is large, downward when A is very small, and to provide for gentle transitions in the midrange of X. Runs 1724 were done using the threshold curves of Figures 12 and 13 with the initial conditions XAiC(O) = %BiC(O) = 12 and all recovery-states at maximum. Runs 25-32 are identical except for the initial conditions XAiC(O) = kBiC(O) = 10. The results of these runs are given in Figure 14. Comment on Runs 17-32. The most successful were Runs 20 and 28; the overall results were somewhat disappointing, however. See the following section for a discussion of the difficulties and possible solutions. 3.5.4 Analysis and Comment on Experiment 4 The hypothesis H2 was confirmed for two cases (Runs 20 and 28) using threshold curve 20 of Figure 12, the synapse-value curve of Figure 11, the values 0.3138 and 0.06373 for U(2) and D(%) respectively, and two different initial values for \AiC(O) and %BiC(O) (i = 1,..., 4). The failures, however, outnumber the successes and, consequently, several serious questions arise: (1) Presumably one choice of the threshold curve should be universal; that is, one particular curve should work for a variety of initial conditions; yet in this experiment the results seemed keenly dependent on the form of.,he curve so that a relatively small change in initial conditions produced a sharp change in the final results. Likewise, the threshold curves used here were geared to the eight-input schema and would not work for larger or smaller numbers of inputs. This brings up the second question: 9o

(2) The absence of a non-trivial fatigue function seems unrealistic. That is, a neuron that fires at a high rate for a period of time would be expected to become fatigued. Thus, fatigue would produce a dampening effect on the behavior of the neurons. Also, the appropriate fatigue function could adjust the threshold curve to a varying number of inputs, thus answering the objection of (1) and ensuring the existence of a universal threshold curve. (3) Bearing in mind the dampening effect of fatigue, it appears that the relationship of firing of the neurons of group A with those of group B is too stringent; that is, in the on-periods, the neurons of B fire at the same rate as those of A and C is being required to discriminate between the two solely on the basis of one of them being shut off periodically' This suggests that the firing-rates of the neurons of B should be fairly high in the on-period, while the rate of the neurons of A should be lower throughout. With a suitable fatigue function, however, the neurons of B would become damped toward the end of the on cycle; likewise during the off cycle they would rest (their fatiguevalues tend back to 1). The neurons of A would fire at a rate producing little or no fatigue. This rate would form a type of background frequency for the models, These considerations led to the series of experiments described in the following sections in which some of the results of the analysis of Crichton's thesis [7] were introduced. 3,6 THIRTY-THREE NEURON EXPERIMENTS 3061l General For this series of experiments, the size of the networks was increased from N = 9 to N = 33 and M = 16, that is, the schema of 3,3.2 becomes a thirtythree neuron network consisting of the two groups A and B of neurons of sixteen neurons each and the single neuron C which receives one connection from each neuron of A and Bo The vector Xi(t) becomes (XAi(t),..., XA16(t), 91

XBl(t),, XB16(t)) where Ai e A and Bi C B i = 1,., 16; likewise the fai become fA and f3, etc: Ai XA16t) A Xj16(t)______-_ ~ AI B1 0 XB (t) -)>0 B16 XB16(t) ->0 Recalling the remarks made at the end of the last section, the basic hypothesis H1 becomes the following: 3_. For appropriate selections of the network functions V, H and S and appropriate initial conditions, neuron C will tend to correlate with group B in the sense that as t becomes sufficiently large, kBC(t) >> %kAC(t) and for all i, Bgi(t) = 1 > C(t+l) = 1 a.ao and BBi(t) = 0~ i C(t+1) = 0 aoa. over some range of the rates fAi and fBi such that fBi > fAj (i,j = 1, 000,16) locally but where the fAis and fBi's have a common average, fb over the intervaL 0, co]. "Locally" means that over certain sufficiently small time intervals e relationship fBi > fAj holds. The intent of the hypothesis is, given that the neurons of B are periodically interrupted as in Experiment 4, that the fBi's be greater than the fAj?S within the on-periods of the neurons of B, equal to or less than the fAi;S in the off-periods of B, but that the average values of the frequencies 92

over large time intervals be close to the common value fb. fb will be called the background rate of the system. 3p6.2 Some Theoretical Considerations In the appendix to his thesis [71, Crichton discusses the stability of systems of neurons which he calls "semi-autonomous subsystems." These are networks of neurons which may correspond in a limited way to the cell-assemblies of Hebb's theory. In his development in which, unlike the approach of this paper, he is concerned with the statistical properties of a very large set of neurons, he makes a number of assumptions, two of which are relevant to the experiments of this chapter: (1) the neurons of the system fire aperiodically, randomly and independently of one another, and (2) all neurons tend in their firing to a common average rate fb. This fb he calls the nominal system average, From his arguments he derives some bounds on the threshold curve (to be discussed later) and some important relationships between the fatigue increments, A1 and A2, and the probabilities of synapse-level change, U(A) and D(Q) o The gist of his argument is this; that the role of the fatigue function must be to drive the neurons of the system to the frequency fb; thus, if a neuron falls below fb in its firing rate, then the fatigue should decrease so as to bring the rate back up to fb; likewise, if its rate exceeds fb, fatigue should increase so as to bring the rate back down to fbo Firing at the rate of fb, there is no net change in fatigue, This last condition implies that fb = A2/(A1+A2) since then TfbA2 - T(l-fb)Al must be zero, where T is the length of the time-interval under consideration (see 2~3.3)~ Similarly, the condition for no net change in synapse-level becomes fb = D() /(U( -) +D() ) One further relation that he gives is useful: Consider two neurons A and C with a connection going from A to C, where A and C fire aperiodically 93

at the rates fA and fC respectively. Therefore, the expected rate of increase in /AC per time step is fA' fC, and the expected rate of decrease is fA(l-fCC) Recalling that D/(U+D) = fb from which U/D = (l-fb)/fb, one sees that U = K(l-fb), D = Kfb for some constant K > O. U and D correspond to the rate of increase and the rate of decrease of a connection and fAfC K(l-fb) to the expected rate of increase in %AC per time step, fA(l-fc)Kfb to the rate of decrease in XAC per time step. Therefore, the expected net rate of increase in XAC per time step is fAfcK(1-fb) - fA(l-fC)Kfb = KfA(fC-fb) (F) This is positive, i.e., XAC is increasing, if fc > fb(fA, fC, and fb are all assumed positive or zero), negative, i.e., XAC is decreasing, if fC < fb and zero if fA = 0 or fc = fb- This relation (F) Crichton gives as the fundamental formula for trends in synapse-levels. These relationships provide very useful guides and will be referred to in the following. However, a few points should be noted: (1) In the current experiments, the assumption of independence of firing of the neurons does not hold. As N increases, however, one would expect it to become more plausible. The validity of Crichton's analysis therefore increases with N in the present situation. (2) Although his theory yields fruitful relations between A1, A2, U(k), and D(X) and is useful in analyzing trends in synapse-levels, yet, beyond the bound mentioned it says nothing about the form of the threshold, fatigue, and synapse-value functions, It should be noted that the rates for zero change in synapse-levels and zero change in fatigue-level need not be identical, that is D/(U+D) may equal and A2/(Al+A2) may equal fb 2 In fact, in the first group of experiments to be described below, before the condition fb = D/(U+D) and the relationship (F) were discovered by Crichton, D/(U+D) was 1/6! (This occurred partly 94

through failure of the author to digest the import of his analysis, which was being developed about the same time as these experiments were conceived. Such are the pitfalls of the experimental approach') 35~603 Experiment 5, Fatigue Curve Tests The relationship of the firing rates of the neurons of groups A and B was chosen as follows: the neurons of A are assumed to fire at the rate fA; that is, fAi = fA for i = 1, ~0, 16. As in Experiment 4, the neurons of B fire periodically so that XBi(t) = 1 with probability fBl in the intervals [2k~, (2k+l) l and fB = fBl > fA. In the complementary intervals, unlike the previous case, XBi(t) = 1 with probability fB2 < fA~ fBl is called the high frequency of group B, fB2 the low frequency. The intervals in which fBl applies correspond to the on-periods in Experiment 4. Xgi=l with XBi= 1 with prob. fB prob. fB2 O' 2 4~ t high period low period of B of B In the runs to be described, fA was taken to be 1/10, fB = 1/5, fB2 = 1/1000.., the length of the high-period of B, was taken as 200 time steps. Notice that in the high period, fBi = 2fAi, but that over a complete cycle, fBi averages very closely to fAi (1/2(1/5+1/1000); 1/10). The threshold and synapse-value curves used are shown in Figure 15. U(N) = 03138 and D(\) = 0o06373. The quantities A1 and A2 were set to 5/8 and 1/16 respectively (thus fb = 1/11 and is close to fA) Initially, all neurons were rested, that is, ~C(0) = lAi(O) = ~Bgi(O) = 31 and rc(O) = rAi(O) = rBi(O) = 16, 95

and kAiC(0) = %BiC(0) = 8 for i = 1,..o, 16. The input stimuli IAi & IBi were taken to be the constant value 1000. Each run performed was terminated after 2100 time steps. Four runs were performed for this experiment, each one using a separate fatigue curve from Figure 16. (Run i used curve i of the figure, i = 1,2,3,4.) Letting SA(t) be the value of the sum of the SAiC(t). and SB(t) that for the SBiC(t), the terminal results of these runs may be stated as follows: Run 1: SA = 32, SB = 22 Run 2: SA = 40, SB = 80 Run__: SA= 22, Sg = 53 Run 4: SA = 14, SB = 79 (Note: In this and following experiments, it was found to be more convenient to refer to the synapse-value, S, rather than to the synapse-level X0) The statistics SA and SB do not reflect the dispersion of the SAiC or SBiC, which in fact, was considerable. In each run the number of negative S's was about the same as the number of positive. The detailed history of synapsevalue changes for Run 4 are shown in the Appendix. Also, in all four runs, the firing rate of C was less than or equal to fA (see 3.6.2) and thus the condition (F) would predict no (uniform) increase in synapse-levels. 3.604 Analysis and Comments on Experiment 5 The purpose of this experiment primarily was to obtain a good starting setting for the fatigue function ( I). Of the four runs performed, the fourth was the most successful in the sense of the hypothesis. However, even there, of the SBiC, five were still decreasing when the run was terminated, five were increasing, and only six were stable, though not large. Therefore, Run 4 was repeated, but allowed to run for 10,000 time steps. The results were: Run 5: SA = -129, SB = -89 96

16 12 8 60456 S(X) 0 ~52 -2 6 8 10 12 14 X 52 -4 48 44 V(r) 4036 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 — I I III I I I I I I I 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 r Figure 15. Threshold Curve and Synapse-Value Curves for Experiment 5.

36 34 32 30 24 26 24 22 2 20 W 16 I O F 14 142 10 8 6 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 1214 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 RECOVERY Figure 16. Fatigue Curves for Runs 1-4, Experiment 5. 98

SA had decayed to zero by 2351 time steps, SB by 7801. Thus, though this run was a failure, yet at least the SBi's decayed at a lower rate than the SAi.s and were not as negative as the SAi s. To test the rate of decay of the synapse-values per se, a variant run of length 10,000 time steps was carried out in which ~ was made equal to 10,000, thus the neurons of A were firing at the rate of 1/5 over the interval 0-10, 000, the neurons of B at the rate of 1/10 over the same interval. The results were: Run 51: SA = -144, SB = -144 (-144 is the minimum for the sum of the S's). The rate of decay to zero for SA was 2951 time steps, for SB it was 1251. These results suggested a series of initial trend studies in which the initial behavior of the S's could be studied in detail and in which the parameters A1, A2, U, and D and the fatigue curve could be varied and the effect of this variation studied. This series comprises Experiment 6. 3o6o5 Experiment 6, Initial Trend Studies The purpose of this experiment was to examine in detail the effect of varying the parameters A1, A2, U and D upon the initial developments of the synapse-values. The experimental arrangement was identical to that of Experiment 5; that is, ~ = 200, fA = 1/10, fB = 1/5, all synapse-levels were set to 8 initially, etco The threshold, fatigue, and synapse-value functions used are given in Figure 17. Four separate tests were conducted, the results of which are summarized below, Each run was terminated at the end of 500 time steps. Notice that the initial value of the sums of synapse-values, SA and SB, for the synapsevalue curve given, is 112 (= 16x7 where S(8) = 7 is the value of S(%) for = 8)o 99

Run o1 The parameter values taken were A1l = 10/16, A2 = 1/8, U = 0.3138, and D = 0oo6373. A2/(A1+A2) = 1/11. Result: The final synapse-values were (using the same notation as for Experiment 5): SA = 115, SB = 120. Neuron C fired at a slightly higher rate than the neurons of A or B. Run 2. Al and A2 were taken as in Run 1, however, U and D were both set to 0.5. Results: Both SA and SB tended rapidly to the minimum value of -144 for the sum of the synapse-values; however, the sum SB decreased at a lower rate than that of SA, Neuron C fired at a much lower rate than that of the neurons of A or B. Run 3, The parameter values taken were: A1 = 1.0, A2 = 1/8, U = o 3138, and D = 0.06373. Notice that A2/(Al+A2) = 1/9 and D/(U+D); 1/6. Results: The final synapse-values are SA = 121, SB = 127. The firing rate of neuron C was about 30% greater than that of the neurons of A or BBo Run 4. The parameter-values taken were: Al = 1.0, A2 = 3/16, U and D as in Run 3, A2/(Al+A2) becomes 3/19 (M 1/6). Results: The final synapse-values were SA = 108, SB = 112. Neuron C fired about twice as often as the neurons of A or B. 3e6,6 Analysis and Comments on Experiment 6 One notices that in all but one run on this experiment, the condition (F) of Crichton holds for a net increase in synapse-value, since the firing 100

rate of neuron C was greater than that of the neurons of A or B and consequently was greater than the background rate of 1/10. (This experiment was performed before the author realized that A2/(Al+A2) and D/(U+D) must also be equal to fb = 1/10. However, this situation does not alter the conclusions drawn here~) The anomalous run, Run 2, simply allowed too much change downward in X and could hardly have been expected to work (that is S C rise, SAiC fall to about 0); yet it was instructive in that it showed a certain sluggishness on the part of the B.iC to move downward even with the high value of D = 0.5. The remaining runs, Runs 1, 3, and 4 were favorable in their outcomes, but just barely so. One would expect, in light of the remark above about condition (F) being fulfilled for the case of an increase in x(S(A)), a stronger trend upwards of the kBiC or at least, a stronger trend downwards of the %AiC' Thus, a series of tests on the fatigue function and the parameters Al and A2 is indicated. 3.6.7 Experiment 7. Further Tests on the Fatigue Function The purpose of this experiment was to find a fatigue function which, together with the appropriate values of Al and A2.would accelerate the upwards trend of the sBic's or at least the downwards trend of the 2AiC'so It is certainly not essential for the hypothesis H3 to hold that the 2%BiC's all tend to the maximum or that the kAic's tend to the minimum. In fact, the analysis of Crichton seems to suggest that the XAiC's be such that SA be close to zero and the SAiCs be zero or moderately positive or moderately negative, whereas the I's should be such that the SBis are strongly positive. The role of the fatigue function seemed, at this point, so critical that the exact form of the threshold function did not seem crucial. Therefore, the threshold function was not varied throughout this experiment. Likewise, neither was the synapse-value curve. This procedure is perhaps open to ques101

tion' however it is somewhat analogous to that of finding a local maximum of a function f(x, y, z) by fixing two points xO and yO and maximizing f with respect to z, then holding z and xO fixed, maximize with respect to y, etc. Moreover, the results thus far indicated that the problem centered more around the fatigue function than around the others. The various tests given below utilize the same experimental arrangement as in Experiment 6 unless mentioned otherwise, that is: lo all \(O)'s are set to 8; hence, initially SA = SB = 112; 2. all r(O)'s are set to 16; 3~ fB = 1/5, but fA = 1/20, ~ = 200; 4. V(r) and S(\) are given in Figure 17; 5. 0(~), A1, and A2 will be specified in each test; 6. U = 0.3138, D = 0o.o06373 Notice that thie decrease in fA now implies that the average rates of firings of the two groups A and B differ; for A it is 1/20, for B it is 1/10 (fB will be varied in the tests below). The intent was to simulate the condition in which for a period of time the average rate of B exceeds that of A, but in which over a longer interval of time, it would reduce to the system average fb (= 1/20). Run 1. The fatigue curve tested in this run is given in Figure 17. The parameters were A1l = 1 and A2 = 1/8, thus A2/(Al+A2) = 1/9. Length of the run was 1000 time steps. The final values of the synapse-value sums were SA = 119 and SB = 123. SA went to a maximum of 125 before decaying to 119, SB went to a maximum of 136. The firing-rate of C was greater than that of the neurons of A or B. Run 2. Run 1 was repeated for the fatigue curve of Figure 18; length of the run was reduced to 500 time steps. The final results were SA = 117 and 102

30 60x- 20 50 z 10 40 S(X) 4ti/) 30 t S(ax)~ ~ 6 810121416 X c~(2) 30- -lo x\ 20 X -20 lot LlX~ Ix x I I I 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 3032 I0 50 x46 40 V(r) 30 20 XXX.0..X_1111X X III I I I I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 r Figure 17. Threshold, Fatigue, and Synapse-Value Functions for Experiment 6 and Run 1 of Experiment 7.

6 5 (It) 4 3 H 0 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Figure 18. Fatigue Curve for Run 2, et seq., Experiment 7.

and SB = 135 (these were the maximum values also). The firing rate of C was again greater than that of the Ai or Bio Run 3. Run 2 was repeated except that A1 and A2 were modified: Al = 1, A2 = 1/16, hence A2/(Al+A2) = 1/17; length of run was the same as for Run 2. The final results were SA = 114, SB = 122. Neuron C fired at a lower rate than the neurons of B, but greater than those of A. Run 4, Again Run 2 was repeated, now for the values A1l = 5/8, A2 = 1/16, A2/(A1+A2) = 1/11, C fired at a higher rate than the Ai or Bi and the final synapse-value sums were SA = 121 and SB = 127. Run 5. Run 2 repeated for the values Al = 3/4 and A2 = 1/16, A2/(Al+A2) = 1/13 and terminated after 10,000 time steps. The results were: SA = -71 and SB = 68. C fired at a lower rate than the Bi, higher rate than the Ai. Run 6. U = 0.5402, D = 0.04502, A1l = 3/4, A2 = 1/16, so that D/(U+D);1/12, A2/(A1+A2) = 1/13, otherwise like Run 2. This run was terminated after 10,000 time steps with SA = 201, SB = 229. C fired at a slightly lower rate than the Bi, at a much greater rate than the Ai. Run 7o Exactly like Run 6 except that fB was changed to 1/6 and fA to 1/13, After running for 10,000 time steps, SA = 142 and SB = 223. C's firing rate was greater than that of the Bi by about 5%. Run 80 For this run a variation in the firing patterns of groups A and B was introduced in which in the high periods of B, the neurons of B fired at the rate 1/6 and the neurons of Afired at the rate of 1/20, while in the lowperiod of B, the neurons of B fired at the rate of 1/1000 and the neurons of A at the rate 1/135 Otherwise, all parameters remained the same as in Run 7. 105

Aft er 10,000 time steps, SA = 156, SB = 228 and the firing rate of C was again about 90 greater than that of the Bio 3o6.8 Analysis and Comments on Experiment 7 The most successful of the eight runs above (excluding from consideration for the moment Run 8) was Run 7e It should be noted that for this run, D A2 1 ---- = fb = U+D A1+A2 13 as the theory of Crichton requires. Notice that the average firing rate of the Ai' s and the Bi's is 1/12; fbo Thus, this experiment seems to be in accord with the theory. Run 8, which purports to be a slight generalization where A and B fire in phase at alternately high and low frequencies, likewise seems to conform to the theory. There are, however, some disturbing signs: namely, that again the effect of the fatigue-function is not very sharp and there is far too much variation among the %AiC'S and kBic's. Moreover, the entire range of the fatigue-level is not used, primarily just the values in the steep portion of the curve, Finally, the selection of the threshold and synapse-value functions still did not seem quite satisfactory. The results of this experiment prompted much reflection about the nature of the threshold, fatigue, and synapse-level functions, with the result that a derivation was obtained for the form of the threshold curve. This is discussed in the next section. ]5~7 COMMENTS ON THE NETWORK FUNCTIONS V, ~, AND S 3o7o. The Threshold Function, V(r) Consider a neuron C with N inputs Ai, i = 1, b.., N and suppose that the input neurons are all firing randomly and independently at the rate f. 106

What then are the desired properties of the threshold function as far as controlling the firing rate of C is concerned? Over a short time interval, so that the effects of the fatigue function do not enter in to complicate the procedure, we may assume that the threshold curve should be such that C fires at the rate f also. (We could, of course, assume that it fires at some rate fl + f, but here let us restrict attention to the case fl = f.) Assume now that the synapse-values XAi, i = 1, ob, N, are all equal. With no other inputs, then, the threshold function V(r) must be such that for r > l/f neuron C fires. Since the set of input neurons basically is a Bernoulli process (ignoring the effects of the absolute recovery period), the expected number of input neurons active at any time step is m = Nf = N l/r. The expected input stimulus to neuron C per time step then is mS(x) = NfS(X)=N ~ S(x). This says that, if N is fixed, the threshold curve should vary linearly with respect to the input frequency f (at which it is assumed that C should fire also), i e. V(r) varies with l/r, V(r) = K -~ where the constant K is deterr mined by the expected amount of input stimulus per time step. Thus, V(r) seems to be a hyperbolic function r: V(r) \ V(r) = K l/r This form of V(r) conforms to the bounds required in the development of Crichton's thesis [7] and to which the reader is referred for further details. 3o7o2 The Fatigue Function, O(N) The main reason for the failure of the fatigue function to perform as desired in the experiments of this chapter seems to center about the fact that 107

i, after having been reduced to an adequately low value through decrementation by A1 (hence 0(~) is large and very effective in damping firing of the neuron), the rate of recovery (back to large value of, ~(2); 1) is altogether too rapid in spite of the small value of A2. Thus, in Experiment 7, Run 7, the fatigue function should be such that towards the end of the high-period of B, C is highly fatigued and does not recover so that any neuron can fire it, let alone a neuron of A, until towards the end of the off-period of B. Yet this was not the case in this experiment-C recovered quite rapidly and the neurons of A could fire it in about 20 time steps after the beginning of the lowperiod of B. Thus, the kAiC'S had opportunity to develop, whereas in the ideal case they should have little or no such opportunity. It turns out that no single-valued function 0(~) will give the desired effect. Instead, (~I) has to be a hysteresis-type curve where, as 2 decreases, 0( 2) increases at one rate Pi and when ~ increases, 0( ~) decreases at another rate p2o The rates P1 and P2 in fact should be such that P1 increases as 2 decreases, P2 likewise decreases as 2 increases. Pictorially, this is as follows: gS(2) 2 1' 21 23 0o 2 Suppose 2 is decreasing. Then, ~(2) follow curve 1o If then the neuron ceases to fire, instead of recovering along curve 1, it recovers along curve 2. If at point 23 the neuron fires, then instead of following curve 2, it follows 108

curve 1, which is 1 "moved-over" so to speak. (This picture is deceiving since'curves" 1 and 2 are really rates, and there is no actual shifting of curves ) Given this type of fatigue function, the fatigue-value of a neuron would increase initially gradually, then progressively more as the firing-rate of the neuron increased until this rate would be suppressed for a period of time in which the fatigue-value would very gradually decrease, after which the neuron would resume firing at a lower rate. This type of function would almost guarantee success in the experiments of this chapter. This form of /(Q) is readily implemented and is to be used in the next series of experiments. 3o7o3 The Synapse-Value Function, S(x) Similar remarks to those concerning fatigue can be made about the function S(X). In this case, one wants S(%) to increase, for large k., at a rate P1 and decrease at a lower rate P2; likewise for small ~, S(k) should decrease at a rate p3 and recover at a lower rate p4: S(x) decrease at rate P2 S( ) //i S(x) increase at rate Pi 0y,/ P P4 This means that a synapse-level of a connection would gradually at first, then more rapidly later as the activity of the connection increased, buildup, to decay slowly at first, then more rapidly later as the activity subsides. 109

Again, in retrospect, this form of S(X) would strengthen the results of this chapter. This form of S(X) is easily implemented in the model and will be used in the next series of experiments. 110

4o, CONCLUS ION A series of experiments on simple, cycle-less neural networks was carried out. A number of problems regarding the nature of the network functions V, i, and S arose and, using the experimental results as a guide, suggestions were made for their resolution. The analysis of Crichton [71 was demonstrated, with reservations, for the small networks considered. For certain input conditions the threshold curve was shown to be a hyperbolic function of the recovery The next series of experiments will test the ideas of the last section. (The author had hoped to conclude this series in time for this report, but unfortunately failed to do so.) Following this, a series of experiments is planned in which progressively more complicated feedback among the neurons is introduced, 111


SYNAPSE VALUES GROUP A ( Slow Group) Time Step* SA1C SA2C......SA16C SA I 7' 7 7 7" 7- -7? 7 7~ 7 -7'?? 7 7 llR 51 7 8 6 7 7 7 8 8 7 6 7 6 7 7 7 1]~ 101 7 8 6 6 7 7 8 8 7 6 8 7 7 7 7 7 113'15i 5' 8 -6 6 ~?: —— ~ ~ 5 7 6'' 5 7' 6 7 7 8'- 1~14 201 8 8 6 6 8 6 8 9 7 6 8 7 6 7 7 8 115 301 8 8 6 3 6 6 8 9 3 6 9 8 6 6 6 8 106 401 8 8 3 3 6 6 8 9 1M 4M 9 8 6 7 6 7 89 ~451 8 8 —3 6 6 6 8 lO 1M-SM 98....6'7 3 -7 $9 501 8 8 3 6 3 6 8 10 4M 5M 9 7 6 7 3 6 81 55i U ~ 1MTM 6 1M 6 8 10 4M 5M 9 7 7 7 3 6 74 gO1 8 8 1M 3, ~ 1M 6 8 11 4M 5M 9 7 7 7 3 6 72 ~6~. 8' 8"'zM 3 4M ~ 8 ~.i ~M~ ~M'!~'??' 6 ZM-?......6~ 701 8 8 1M 5 4M 6 8 ll 5M 5M 9 7 7 6 1M 6 63 751 8 8 1M 3 4M 6 8 13 5M 5M 10 6 7 6 3 6 69 801 8 7 1M 1M 4M 6 8 13 5M 5M 10 6 7 7 1M 6 61 901 8 8 1M 4M 5M 6 8 11 5M 7M 9 7 6 7 4M 6 50 9~1 8 8 4M 4M 7M 6 8 11 5M 7M 8 7 6 7 5M 3 40 1001 8 8 1M. 5M 7M, 6 8 11 5M 9M 10 8 6 7 5M 6 46 1051 ~ ~-8..... 8 -- -1}4 5M 9M 3 $ 11 7M 9M 1~0....8 ~ 6.....7 7M 6''3'7 1101 8 8 4M 7M 9M 3 8 11 9M 9M 11 8 6 7 9M 6 29 1151 9 8 4M 7M 9M 1M 8 11 9M 9M 13 8 6 7 9M 6 28 1201 9 8 4M 7M 9M 1M 8 _J!l,9M. 9M 15 8 6 7 9M 6 30 1301 9 9 5M 7M 9M 1M 8 11 9M 9M 13 9 6 7 9M 6 29 1351 9 10 5M 7M 9M 1}4 8 ll 9M 9M 13 9 6 6 9M 3 26 1401 8 11 7M 7M 9M 1M 8 11 9M 9M 13? 6 6, 9M3 24 1451 9 11 7M 7M 9M 1M 8 11 9M 9M 13 9 6 6 9M 3........25 1501 9 11 7M 7M 9M 4M 8 13 9M 9M 15 9 6 6 9M 3 26 1551 9 11 7M 9M 9M 4M 8 13 9M 9i, f 15 9 6 6 9M 3 24 1601 9 10 7M 9M 9M 4M 8 13 9M 9M 15 8 6 6 9M 3 22 i651 10 10 7M 9M 9M 5M 8 13 7M 9M 15....9 6' 6....9M 3~ 25 1701 10 11 9M 9M 9M 4M 8 15 9M 9M 13 9 7 6 9M 3 24 1751 10 11 9M 9M 9M 4M 7 13 9M 9M 13 9 6 6 9M 6 23!801 9 13 9M 9M OM 4M 7 15 9M 9M 13 10 6 6 9M 6 27 1851 9 13 9M9M 9M 4M 7 15 9M 9M 1~ 10 6'6 9M —6' 29 1901 9 ll 9M 9M 9M 4M 6 15 9M 9M 15 10 6 6 9M 3 23 1951 8 ll 9M 9M 9M 4M 6 15 9M 9M 13 lO 6 6 9M 3 20 2001 8 ll 9M 9M 9M 5M 6,,, 15, _ 9M, 9M ~-~ 13 ll 6 6 9M 4M 13 205~.....9 "~Y:~M- "9M'-9~~ ~M:~' ~.~ ~ 9~ z~ -~ ~i' ~ -~ 9~ ~M'~'*'Synapse values printed every fifty time steps. **M indicates minus. 115

SNYAPSE VALUES GROUPB (Fast Group) Time SB2.. SB16C SB Step* SBiC C''' -~.... 7;-7 7' f ~ 7 ~? 7~? 7.....?????? ~ 51 8 7 7 7 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 111 101 10 7 7 8 7 6 7 8 7 8 7 6 7 7 7 8 117 151 11 6 7 7 6 6 7 8 7 9 7 6 7 7 7 9 117 RO1 11 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 8 9 7 6 6 7 6 8 111 301 11 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 8 9 7 6 6 7 6 8 111 351 11 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 8 9 7 6 6 7 6 8 111 401 11 6 7 6 6 6 6 6 8 10 7 6 6 7 6 8 112 ~i' ~0....6~ 7~6'~- 3" 6'~ fi~ 7" ~l 8 ~'?......?~6 8-'96 501 10 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 11 8 3 8 8 6 8 11~ 551 10 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 8 9 8 3 8 8 6 8 112 601 10 8 6 6 6 3 6 3 9 9 9 6 8 7 6 8 110 -65i'- 1 —0.... 8'' 6''' 6''';6-' 3 -'6'' 3..... 9....9.....9:-6 ~ 8- 7 ~ ~....8 l i0 701 ZO 8 6 6 6 3 6 3 9 9 9 6 8 7 6 8 ZZO 751 10 8 6 6 6 3 6 3 9 9 9 6 8 7 6 8 110 801 10 8 6 6 6 3 6 3 9 9 9 6 8 7 6 8 110 851 13 -9....3....3'6....~ 6....6' 6 8 8- 6 8- -6 6 — 8 lO3 901 15 9 6 3 3 1M 6 6 8 10 9 6 8 6 6 7 107 951 15 8 6 1M 1M 1M 6 6 8 10 9 6 8 7 6 6 98!001 15 8 6 3 1M 1M 6 6 9 10 8 6 7 6 6 6 100 ]0[$~ 15 $ 6- 1M JiM 1M 6''-6 9 10 8....6 7 6 ~''6 - 6....9~ ~loi 13 8 6 1M 1M 1M 6 6 9 10 8 6 7 6 6 6 96 il~l 15 8 6 1M 1M 1M 6 6 9 iO 8 6 7 6 6 6 96 i~~01 15 8 6 1M 1M 1M 6 6 9 10 8 6 7 6 6 6 96 i2_51 15 8 -6 1M ~M 3 3 7 10 9 8 7 6....6....6 6 95 1301 11 8 6 1M 4M 3 1M 6 10 9 8 7 6 6 6 7 87 1351 13 8 6 4M 4M 6 3 6 10 9 7 8 3 6 6 7 90 1401 13 8 6 5M 4M 6 3 6 11 8 6 8 1M 8 6 6 85 1501 13 8 6 5M 4M 6 3 6 ll 8 6 8 1M 8 6 6 85 1551 13 8 6 5M 4M 6 3 6 ll 8 6 8 1M 8 6 6 85 1601 13 8 6 5M 4M 6 3 6 11 8 6 8 1M 8 6 6 85 i65i'"i3'~ ~8"?......?~;~M 3'; 3~ 6'il io 3' 8 3' io 6 6'' 85 1701 13 8 7 9M 5M 3 3 6 ll 9 6 8 3 10 7 7 87 1751 13 9 7 9M 7M 6 3 6 13 8 6 6 6 10 7 7 91 1801 15 8 8 9M 7M 7 3 1M 11 8 6 6 6 9 6 7 83 iBSl —- i5 8 $ 9M 7M 7 3 LM ll B 6' 6-6 9 83!901 15 8 8 9M 7M 7 3 1M ll 8 6 6 6 9 83 1951 15 8 8 9M 7M 7 3 1M 11 8 6 6 6 9 83 2001 15 8 8 9M 7M 7 3 1M 11 8 6 6 6 9 83 sb~'i'~- i3....~? -;9M ~'9M~? 3:LM il?? 6? 8 79 -~*SYnapse' values printed every fifty time steps. **M indicates minus.

REFERENCES 1. Burns, B. Delisle. The Mammalian Cerebral Cortex. London, Edward Arnold (publishers) Ltd. (1958). 2. Eccles, J. C. The Neurophysiological Basis of Mind. Oxford, Clarendon Press (1953). 5. Hebb, D. O. The Organization of Behavior. New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1949). 4. Milner, P. M. "The Cell Assembly: Mark II." Psych. Review, 64, 4, 242-252 (1957). 5. Sharpless, S. K. and Halpern, L. M. "The Electrical Excitability of Chronically Isolated Cortex Studied by Means of Permanently Implanted Electrodes." Electroencelph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 14: 244-255 (1962). 6. Rochester, N., Holland, J. H., Haibt, L. H., and Duda, W. L. "Tests on a Cell Assembly Theory of the Action of the Brain, Using a Large Digital Computer." Transactions on Information Theory, IRE. IT-2, No. 2, Sept. 1956. 7. Crichton, J. W. Doctoral Dissertation. The University of Michigan, 1964. 8., and Holland, J. H. "A New Method of Simulating the Central Nervous System Using an Automatic Computer," Technical Memorandum 21441195-M, The University of Michigan, March 1959. 9., and Finley, M. R. Programmed Simulation of Nerve Nets. (Letter to John H. Holland, Summer 1961.) 10.. "Requirements on a Function for Computing the Number of Fibers Going from a Given Set of Neurons to a Given Neuron. (Internal Note, Logic of Computers Group), 1961. 117

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 901 5 02826 7758111111111111 3 9015 02826 7758