THE UN I V E R S I TY 0 -F MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS Computer and Communication Sciences Department Technical Report CONNECTIVITY IN DIGRAPHS Dennis P. Geller with assistance from: National Science Foundation Grant No. GN-2544 Washington, D. C.. and Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Institutes of Health Grant No... GM-12236-05 Bethesda, Maryland and Department of rhe Navy Office of Naval Rese.arch'. Contract No. N00014-67-A-0181-O0011 Washington, D. C. and U. S. Army Research Office (Durham) Grant No. DA-31-124-ARO-D-483 Durham, North Carolina administered through: OFFICE OF RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION ANN ARBOR July 1969 Distribution of This Document is Unlimited

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ABSTRACT In this paper we extend the theory of connectivity from graphs to digraphs by introducing connectivity measures similar to the wellknown point- and line-connectivities for graphs. We discuss some simple upper and lower bounds for these parameters, and present classes of digraphs with various prescribed connectivities. Finally, we examine the many equivalent formulations of 2-connectedness for graphs and discuss the hierarchies of connectedness that their digraphical analogs suggest.

1. Measures of connectivity for digraphs We assume that the reader is familiar with the basic concepts of the theories of graphs and digraphs. We will rely almost exclusively on the notation presented in [23 and [3]. We first recall from [3] the notion of categories of connectedness. Let CO be the set of all disconnected digraphs. A digraph is strictly weak if it is weak but not unilateral; the set of all strictly weak digraphs is C1. A digraph is strictly unilateral if it is unilateral but not strong; the set of all strictly unilateral digraphs is C1. Finally, C3 is the set of all strong digraphs. If D C Ci it may be possible to remove a set S containing either only points or only arcs such that the resulting digraph D-S is in a different category C.. The minimumcardinality of such a set S can then serve as a measure of the connectivity of D. The (i,j)-connectivity Kij(D), defined only for digraphs D C Ci, is the minimum cardinality of any point set S such that D-S C C.. The (i,j)-line connectivity Xij(D), similarly defined only for D c Ci, is the minimum cardinality of any set S of arcs such that D-S C C.. Note that X.. cannot be defined for i < j. There are no similar restrictions for the numbers Kij, although Harary, Norman, and Cartwright [3, p.231] do note that there is no digraph D such that K13(D) = 1. Of course for D CiC. the values of KiO(D) and Xi (D) are the same as those of K and X for the graph which underlies D. There are many situations, for example, communication net and commodity network applications, where it is important only to insure that after removing points or lines the resulting digraph is in a different category, usually one with a lower index. The connectivity of a strong digraph D is ~3(D) = min {K3j(D) }.

The connectivity of a unilateral digraph is K3(D) = min {Kij (D) i = 2 or 3, D E C. and j = 0 or 1}. The connectivity of a weak digraph is K1(D) = Kio(D), where D ~ Ci. The corresponding line-connectivities are. defined accordingly: X3(D) = min {X3j(D)} X2(D) = min {Xij(D)ji = 2 or 3, D c Ciand j = 0 or 1} X1(D) = X (D) where D c C.. Two final definitions will prove convenient. A tournament Tn has n points and exactly one arc between every two points; of course, there are many tournaments with n > 2 points. The complete symmetric digraph Kn has n points and an oriented pair of arcs between every two points.

3 2. Bounds on the connectivity of digraphs The indegree id(v), outdegree od(v), and total degree td(v) of a point v are familiar concepts: let 6id' 6od' and 6td be the respective minima of these functions over all the points of a digraph D, and set ((S a (2) = min (id od). Let be min {id(v) + 6id(D-v)l v C D}; define id iLet 6 bmid (2) (2) (aa2)y a(2)mo od similarly and then set 6(2) in (id) 6od )) (2) d (2) Note that each of () and (od can be realized by starting with a point v of minimum in- or outdegree. Theorem 1. For any digraph D for which the parameters are defined, a. K < <6 K1 < 1 < 6td b. K2 < 2 6( c. K3 K 3 <6 Proof. The first result is due to Whitney [4]. For (c), let v be a point in D with od(v) = 6od and remove the outbundle of v from D to get D'. Then if u c D there will be no v - u path in D', which therefore cannot be strong; thus <' 6od and so by duality, 5 < 6. Now, note that if D has X = 1 then X K3 = 1. Otherwise, choose X3 - 1 arcs of D whose removal leaves a digraph D' with 3,2 = 1, and let uv be an arc such that D' - uv C C2. Remove one endpoint of each of the other;3 - 1 arcs from D, leaving both u and v if possible. The resulting digraph, if still strong, has 3 2 = 1, and hence K3 < 3. The proof for part (b) is similar. We begin by choosing u and v such that id(u) = 6id and idD_u(v) = did6 (D-u) Remove the inbundles of both u and v from D and the points will be weakly separated in the resulting digraph. Application of duality then yields X2 < 6 K <_ X follows as above.

4 Having demonstrated these inequalities it is natural to ask how independent the three parameters are. Chartrand and Harary [1] answered that question for graphs by constructing graphs with all possible values of K < X < 6. We do the same for each of the inequalities of Theorem 1. Samples of these constructions are given in Figures 1-3. Construction 1. To construct digraphs with K1 = k, X1 = 6id = d take id two tournaments Td+l and T'd+l with point sets {u1,...,ud+l} and {v1,...,vd+l} respectively. To the digraph Td+l U T'd+l add arcs from points u1,...,uk to points Vl,...,v, as evenly distributed among the u. as possible. Then unless K = d we have 6td = d, = and K = k. td ~ 3; d Z ad'1 1 If K = d we instead take Td+l and add a new point w with arcs {wuiJ i = 1,...,d}. Note that either of these graphs can be made strong or unilateral by appropriate re-orientation. Construction 2. We are given K2 = k 2 = < 6(2) = d = min (6) 6 ); 2 d 2e nid od without loss of generality take j = 6od 6id < d. We need concern ourselves with six different sets of points: two copies of K2d, one copy of Kd, and two points wl and w2. There will be an arc between wl (1and each point of K): d-j of the arcs will be directed from wl There and each point of K2d will be arcs from Kk to K2d), distributed as evenly as possible among the points of Kk We then add all arcs from K2d) to Kk again distributed 2d' (2) as evenly as possible. There is an arc between w2 and each point of K2d, k of these directed away from w2. There are all arcs from Kd to each of w1 and w2, and all arcs in both directions between Kd and Kk. Construction 3. Begin with two copies of Kd, d =6, and k = K additional points wi. Add all arcs from Kd) to the w. and from the wi to Kd 2) and Q = Xg arcs from K) to distributed as evenly as possible among the points.

K1 = i, 2, 6 = 3 Figure 1.

6 K2 = 1, X2 = 2, (2) = 3 Figure 2.

K3 = 1, X3 = 2, 6 = 3 Figure 3.

8 We now proceed to develop some additional bounds on the connectivity K' Recall that the condensation D of a digraph D has for points the strong components Si of D, with SiSj. D if and only if there are points u S.iv e Sj such that uv e D. Theorem 2. For any strong digraph D with p points, if 6 > ptn-2 then K3 < n. Proof. Suppose that 6 > p+n-2 but there is a set S with ISI = n - 1 2 such that D-S is not strong. Let D1, D2,..., Dt be the strong components of D-S and without loss of generality choose Dlsuch that {D1I > (p-n+l)/2. Now, any point v e D1 can be adjacent both to and from all the points of S. However, if Di is any other strong component of D-S then all lines between D1 and Di are either all into Di or all out of D.. So, since the condensation (D-S) has at least one transmitter and one receiver, we also p-n-l p+n-3 choose D1 so that v E D1 implies that in D, 6(v)< + n-l = a contradiction. Theorem 3. If D is a strong digraph with p points and q arcs, then K3<[q/p]. Proof. If [q/p] = r then if D has a point v1 with min (id(v1), od(vl)) > r there is also a point v2 with min (idv2, odv2) < r. Otherwise all points v have idv = odv = r and, in either case K 3<r by Theorem 1. To show that equality is possible for a given q and p, we begin with a directed cycle with p points having arcs {vivi+l }, and then add arc vivj whenever j-i - m (mod p) for 2 < m < [q/p]. (Of course if [q/p] = 1 then the directed cycle is itself the desired example.) The resulting digraph D has p[q/p] arcs; we claim that K3(D) = [q/p] so that by the first part of the theorem we can get an example by adding q - p[q/p] arcs arbitrarily.

Now suppose that [q/p] - 1 points have been removed from D. The remaining points lie on segments of the original cycle, so it is sufficient to show that there is a walk from the last point of one segment to the first point of the next. Suppose the last point of a segment is v and that n1 the first point of the next segment is Vn2 in2-nl[ > 1, and that (modulo p) n2-nlE{2,..., [i]}. Then at least [p ] points must have been removed from the cycle between vn and vn, a contradiction. n1~~~

10 3. Nonseparable digraphs Among the simplest and best known of theorems in graph tneory is the one which describes the many equivalent conditions for a graph to be a block. It would not seem to be unreasonable to expect many of these to carry over into an equivalent theorem for digraphs. Unfortunately this does not quite happen. In particular, as we shall see, what would seem to be the natural analog of the so-called "cyclic connectivity" theorem does not hold. Theorem 4. For any strong digraph D,K3 > 2 if and only if, given any three points, there is a path between any two which avoids the third. Proof. Necessity is obvious, since if there are points u,v,w such that each u-v path contains w then D-w is not strong. For sufficiency, note that there can be no point w such that D-w is not strong. Among the other equivalent conditions for a graph G to be a block are [2]: 1. Every two points lie on a common cycle. 2. Every point and arc lie on a common cycle. 3. Every two arcs lie on a common cycle. 4. For every three distinct points,there is a path joining any two which contains the third. 5. Given any two points and one arc there is a path joining the points which contains the arc. For digraphs we can get additional conditions by modifying 4. and 5. and the condition of the previous theorem. 4'. For any u, v, w there is either a u-v path or a v-u path which contains the third. S'. Given any points u, v and arc x there is a u-v path or a v-u path which contains x. 6. For any u, v, w there is either a u-v path or a v-u path which avoids w.

11 We proceed to demonstrate the various implications and non-implications among these statements. We first note that condition 6 is just the analog of Theorem 4 for the parameter K2. Corollary. For any unilateral digraph D K > 2 if and only if condition 6 holds. If every two arcs lie on a common cycle then D must be a cycle for, if D has a point u with id > 2 (or dually, od > 2), there are two arcs in D which cannot belong to any cycle. There are non-trivial examples of graphs for which every point and arc lie on a common cycle; the digraph D1 in Figure 4 is one such; note that the points labeled u2 are to be identified. This, however, has two points u such that D- u 1 i D:. Figure 4. is not strong. Conversely in the digraph D2 shown in Figure 5, K3 = 2 but u and x lie on no common cycle. u D2: Figure 5.

12 One of the more surprising of the graphical equivalences is that between Theorem 3 and Condition 4. For digraphs only one implication holds. Theorem 4. If for each triple u, v, w of distinct points there is a u-w path containing v then for each triple u, v, w of distinct points there is a u-w path avoiding v; i.e., K3 > 2. Proof. Consider points u, v, w. There is a u-v path P containing w. Then the subpath P[u,w] avoids v. A counterexample to the converse of this theorem is given by D3 in Figure 6: there is no u-v path containing w. v D3 w u Figure 6. The strong form of condition 5 is clearly not necessary for K3> 2; D2 is an example of this. On the other hand, it is certainly a sufficient condition. Theorem 5. If for every pair u,v of distinct points and any arc x there is a u-v path containing x, then K3 > 2.

13 Theorem 6. If for every pair, u,v of distinct points and any arc x there is either a u-v path containing x or a v-u path containing x, then D is strong or D has exactly 2 points and one arc. Proof. Suppose D has three points. Let p = u,v,w be a path of length 2. Then there must be a w-v path containing uv, and hence there is a w-u path. On the other hand, if arcs uv and wv form a semipath in D then there must be paths from u to v and from v to u. It follows immediately that any two points joined by a seimpath are mutually reachable, so that since D is obviously weak it must be strong. This weak form (5') of condition 5 is clearly not even necessary for a digraph to have K3 > 2; in fact, it is not necessary for K3 > 1. Conversely, the digraph D4 shown in Figure 7 is an example for which 5' holds but K3 1 D4 Figure 7. Corollary If 5' holds then K2 > 2. Condition 4' is also not necessary for a digraph to be strong, as the strong digraph D5 in Figure 8 has neither a u-v or a v-u path which contains w. u w 5. Figure 8.

14 Since any hamiltonian digraph, such as D4, satisfies 4', it is certainly not sufficient for a digraph to have K3 > 2. It is, however, sufficient for K3 > 1. We note in passing that 4' is not sufficient for a digraph to be hamiltonian, as D6 of Figure 9 shows: D6: Figure 9. Condition 6 is necessary for a digraph to have K3 > 2 since its stronger form is equivalent to K3 >2. It is certainly not sufficient since the digraph D7 in Figure 10 satisfies the condition but is not strong. D7 7Figure 10. Figure 10.

15 Condition 1 is the best known of the graphical equivalences, the analog of the cyclic connectivity theorem in topology. Since D6 has this property, as does any cycle, the equivalence fails for digraphs. In fact, it fails in both directions: it is not difficult to verify that while K3(D8) = 2, u and v lie on no directed cycle; similarly for Dg which is obviously the smallest such graph, and which was contributed by Ronald Brender. D8: v v Figure 11. Dg: Figure 12.

1-6 REFERENCES 1. G. Chartrand and F. Harary, Graphs with prescribed connectivities, Theory of Graphs, P. Erdos and G. Katona, editors, Academic Press, New York, 1968. 2. F. Harary, Graph Theory, Addison-Wesley, Cambridge, 1969. 3. F. Harary, R. Norman and D. Cartwright, Structural Models, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1965. 4. H. Whitney, Congruent graphs and the connectivity of graphs, Amer. J. Math., 54, (1932) 150-168.

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