Engineering R e s earch Institute University of Michigan Ann Arbor SEVENTH QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT TO MATERIALS LABORATORY, WRIGHT AIR DEVELOPMENT CENTER DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE ON INTERMEDIATE TEMPERATURE CREEP AND RUPTURE BEHAVIOR OF TITANIUM AND TITANIUM ALLOYS By J. V.'(:tuck TJ. W. Freema.n Contract No. AF 33(616)-244 Supplemental Agreement No. S4 (54-288) Expenditure Order No. R615-11 SR 3 c Project 2076 covering the period April 15, 1954 to July 14, 1954

SUMMARY This report covers the period from April 15, 1954, to July 14, 1954. The 6% Al - 0. 5% Si - bal. Ti alloy and the Ti 155AX were received. The study of effects of creep testing on the room temperature tensile properties of Ti 150A was continued. A new heat of Ti 150A was surveyed and the hot rolling studies on Ti 150A were virtually completed. Tentative total deformation and rupture relationships on as-forged 30% Mo and 6% Al alloys are presented. Metallographic studies and tensile tests were carried out on the Ti 75A, Ti 155AX, 6% Al - 0. 5% Si, and 10% Cr alloys. INTRODUCTION This report is the seventh progress report to be issued under Contract No. AF 33(616)-244 and covers the period from April 15, 1954, to July 14, 1954. The investigation is concerned with a study of the properties of titanium and its alloys withinthe temperature range from 600~ to 1000~F. Three major topics are under consideration. First, a survey using tensile and short time creep-rupture tests is in progress to determine the relative effects of alloying and/or structural type on the properties of titanium alloys. Secondly, selected treatments of materials previously surveyed are being tested out to 1000 hours to extend the study of alloy types to cover typical total deformation criteria. Thirdly, the effect of hot rolling conditions for

2 two alloys is being studied using tensile and short time creep-rupture tests. In addition, the effect on room temperature mechanical properties of exposure to stress and temperature is being studied for several materials. TEST MATERIALS During the period covered by this report, approximately ten pounds each of the following materials were received to continue the study of the relative influences of alloying and structural types: 1. Ti 155 AX -- from Titanium Metals Corporation of America. 2. 6% Al - 0. 5% Si -- from Armour Research Foundation. Analyses and as-received mechanical properties of these materials are given in Table I. Materials not yet received for study under this contract are as follows: 1. For the survey of alloying and structural types -- 50% V - baL Ti. 2. For the survey of influence of hot rolling conditions -- 6% Al - bal. Ti. RESULTS Effect of Creep Test Conditions on Room Temperature Tensile Properties of Ti 150A In the last progress report (1) it was reported that exposure of titanium alloys to creep test conditions in the range from 600~ to 1000~F re

3 suited in significant alteration of their room temperature tensile properties. In particular, it was noted that Ti 150A underwent embrittlement as a result of such exposure at 600~ and 800 F. In order to further study this effect, a limited amount of testing was conducted to establish the exposure time for embrittlement. Two conditions of Ti 150A were selected for study. These were: 1 hour at 1500~F plus air cool -- tested at 800~F and 35, 000 psi; and 1 hour at 1350~F plus furnace cooled -- tested at 600~F and 83,000 psi. Previously these conditions had shown embrittlement after 1175-1200 hours exposure. The general test procedure was to load samples at the above conditions in the same manner as a regular creep test would be loaded. The tests were stopped after 100 hours, the samples cooled under load, and then tensile tested at room temperature. If the tensile test showed brittle behavior, the creep test was repeated with a different sample and the time was decreased; if the specimen was ductile, the time was increased. In this manner, it was possible to establish the approximate time necessary to embrittle the samples. The results of this study are summarized in Table II in conjunction with the as-treated tensile properties. The data are also plotted in Figure 1 as plots of tensile (or breaking) strength, elongation, and reduction of area versus time at stress and temperature, The data show that severe embrittlement occurred in the 1500'F air cooled material within 20 hours exposure at 800 F. In these instances, failure occurred in the threads at the indicated gage section stress. The root diameter of the threads was greater than the gage section diameter so that the true breaking stress was less. These results show the development of notch sensitivity.

4 The 1350~F air cooled samples failed within the gage section and a significant reduction in ductility was noted within 50 hours exposure at 600 F. Measurable values of elongation and reduction of area were obtained for 300 hours exposure, although they dropped to zero at 1173 hours. Figure 1 indicates the rapid changes in properties that occurred within a relatively short time at 600~F. Some degree of consistency was also found with the 800~F data in that the stress in the gage section at failure decreased as exposure time was increased. The results emphasize that alteration may occur in room temperature tensile properties of Ti 150A after a relatively short exposure to creep test conditions. However, it must be remembered that these samples showed no apparent deterioration in high temperature rupture properties for times as long as 1200 hours. Survey of New Heat of Ti 150A Survey tests of tensile and creep-rupture properties were run on three conditions of heat treatment of the Ti 150A stock from Heat M-739 (acquired for long time testing). The survey was felt necessary in view of the fact that tensile tests of samples from Heat L-1006 of Ti 150A (tested under the first portion of the contract) showed reduction of room temperature ductility after short exposure to creep test conditions. (See pages 3 - 4.) The purpose of the survey was to compare the properties of the two heats in order that a decision could be made regarding the desirability of proceeding with extensive testing of Ti 150A. The three conditions tested were: one hour at 1500F plus furnace cooling; one hour at 1500~F plus air cool; and one hour at 1800~F plus

5 isothermal transformation for one hour at 1300~F plus water quenching. The test temperature employed were 600~, 800~, and 1000~F, and the general procedure was to run one tensile test, two rupture tests, and a creep test at each temperature. In addition, a room temperature tensile test was also made. Tensile data for the two heats are compared in Table III. In all cases the data from the first heat (L-1006) are presented before the data from the new heat (M-739). The new heat (M-739) had lower tensile strength for all conditions and temperature of testing. The yield strengths were inconsistent, although in general they were lower for Heat M-739. In addition to lower tensile and yield strengths, Heat M-739 showed less elongation and reduction of area. Thus, from the standpoint of the usual tensile criteria, Heat L-1006 had somewhat superior properties. Rupture tests on Heat M-739 indicated that the differences in 100hour rupture strengths between the two heats were only very slight at 800~ and 1000~F. The data are presented in Table IV. At 600~F, where the 100hour rupture strength is governed by the tensile strength (2), Heat L-1006 was from 8,000 to 10,000 psi higher. However, at 800~ and 1000~F the difference was only 1,000 to 2,000 psi. Comparison of the minimum creep rates was also made for the two heats in question. The data are presented in Table V. In this instance, the creep tests were runon Heat M-739 at 800~ and 1000~F at the same stress as previously used for Heat L-1006, rather than the usual practice of adjusting the stress to yield a rate of about 5 x 10-6 inches per inch per hour. The data show that Heat L-1006 had lower minimum creep rates (at identical stresses) when tested at 600~ and 800~F. However, at 1000~F, Heat

6 M-739 had the lower minimum rates. The variation in rates was by a factor of from 2 to 4 times. Some comparison was also made between the two heats on the basis of the time to reach a specified total deformation. At 1000~F, Heat M-739 required an appreciably longer time to reach 0. 5, 0. 75 and 1. 0 percent total deformation than did Heat L-1006. At 800'F this was also the case for the 1300'F isothermal treatment; however, it was the opposite for the 1500~F air cooling treatment. No comparison was possible at 600F since the stresses employed were not identical. An over-all comparison of the properties between the two heats shows that the first heat (L-1006) was superior at 75~, 600, and 800'F. At 10000F, Heat M-739 displayed slightly higher 100-hour rupture strengths, elongations, and reductions of area, together with a slightly higher 100-hour rupture strength. In only one criterion was Heat M-739 markedly superior to L-1006. That was the time to reach total deformations up to 1. 0 percent at 1000'F. However, the differences at all temperatures were not large and lead to the conclusion that the two heats are, for all practical purposes, approximately the same. Effect of Hot Working on Properties of Ti 150A at 800~F The study of the effect of hot working conditions on the properties of Ti 150A at 800'F has been virtually completed. Tensile and creeprupture tests were run on samples given three different one-pass reductions at 1200,, 1350`, 1500, or 1650'F. The maximukn one-pass reduction obtained was 37. 8 percent at 1650 F. The tensile test results have been presented in a previous report (3). Rather than repeating the data, the results can be summarized as follows.

7 Over the range of reductions studied, the tensile and yield strengths increased as the percentage of hot reduction was increased. However, at 1350~ and 1500~F reductions of 15 to 20 percent resulted in a slight lowering of the tensile strength. Reductions of 30 percent or above appeared to restore the tensile strength to its original value. This effect did not seem to be the case at 1200~ or 1650~F. In these instances, there appeared to be a regular increas~e of tensile strength as the degree of hot reduction was increased. The variation of elongation and reduction of area was slight regardless of the hot working conditions. Rupture test data are summarized in Table VI. An attempt was made to estimate the 100-hour rupture strength for each condition of hot rolling. In addition, some spot tests were also run on samples that had not been hot worked. A plot of hot reduction versus 100-hour rupture strength is presented in Figure 2 with the temperature of reduction as the parameter. The data indicate that the over-all level of the 100-hour rupture strength was raised as the temperature of reduction was increased in the alpha-beta region (from 1200~ to 1500~F). Hot reduction at 1650~F (in the all beta region) reduced the rupture strengths below those for the 1350' and 1500~F treatments. At a given working temperature, the effect of greater reductions was first to lower slightly and the raise the 100-hour rupture strength. In no case, however, was the total variation of rupture strength more than 15 percent above the lowest value. Hot work appeared to decrease the rupture elongation for all conditions; however, the reduction of area values were not affected. Minimum creep rates were determined for all tests in which sufficient time-elongation data had been taken. These data are tabulated in Table VII. A plot of stress versus minimum creep rate is presented in Figure 3.

8 However, examination of the creep data did not disclose any discernable trends. Normal ranges of the stress - creep rate relationship at 800'F had been estab.lished for heat treated conditions of Ti I50A under the first portion of this contract (4). Comparison of the data from the hot worked material showed most of it to fall within the so called "normal" range of variation for Ti 150A. The only effect of hot working was for higher reductions to show a slightly greater creep resistance. In general, the results of the study of the effects of hot working on the 800'F properties of Ti 150A have been negative. That is, no marked changes in properties were obtained by working the material in the alphabeta region over those obtained by merely heat treating in this region. Some tendency appears to exist for small amounts of reduction at a given temperature to adversely affect properties. However, the magnitude of this effect is rather small. Influence of Structure on Long-Time Properties Tests are in progress to determine the 1000-hour rupture and total deformation characteristics of several of the alloys briefly surveyed under the first portion of this contract. The materials being tested are Ti 75A at 600~F and the 6% Al alpha and 30% Mo beta alloys at 600' and 1000F. It was originally planned to include Ti 150A in this portion of the program; however, the discovery of embrittlement effects upon exposure of this material to creep test conditions led to the decision to forego further extensive testing. The data obtained to date are summarized in Tables VIII, IX, X, and include only the results for the as-forged conditions of the 601 Al and 30% Mo alloys. Tests on Ti 75A are in progress, as is the treatment of the other conditions of the 6% Al alloys contemplated for testing. The data pre

9 sented are fairly complete only at 1000~F. At 600 F difficulty has been encountered in selecting stresses to achieve the desired deformation criteria. Plots of stress versus rupture time and time for specified total deformations at 1000~F for the as-forged conditions of the 6% Al (Table IX) and 30% Mo Alloys (Tables VIIIandd X) are presented in Figures 4 and 5. The 6% Al alloy (Figure 4) showed some scatter at longer rupture times. The scatter is evident in the points for stresses of 31,000 and 26,000 psi at which rupture occurred in a shorter time than at 33,000 and 28, 000 psi, respectively. In addition, the points for 1. 0 percent total deformation showed a similar scatter. For this reason the relationships, for the time being, are presented as tentative bands. It is hoped that further testing will resolve the shape of the relationships. Figure 5 is a plot of the data for the as-forged condition of the 30% Mo alloy at 1000~F. Good agreement was found in the rupture data for this material and the 1000-hour rupture strength has been fairly reliably established as 23, 000 psi. The total deformation data for this condition also show good agreement for the time periods for which data are available. An indication is present that a break occurs in the stress - total deformation curve. An idea of the difficulties encountered at 600 F is shown by the data for the 30%0 Mo alloy (Table VIII). In this instance, a drop of stress of 1,500 psi extended the rupture time over 1500 hours. Time-elongation curves for these tests showed that the creep rate was virtually nil after a short period of rapid initial deformation. Thus, stresses must be chosen carefully so that the desired deformation not be overreached on loading, yet a measurable creep rate must be obtained over a long time period. To date,

10 it has been possible to obtain 0. 8 percent total deformation at 1000 hours at a stress of 98,000 psi. Tests at slightly higher stresses are in progress. Survey Tests of New Alloys and Structures A considerable amount of metallographic work and tensile testing has been accomplished on that portion of the investigation dealing with the effects of alloying on similar structural types of titanium alloys. For this study, new materials have been obtained duplicating structural types previously investigated. Schematically, the structures and alloys may be represented as follows (materials studied under the first portion of the contract at the left of each group): I I I I Commercially Pure Alpa Aha A -Beta Meta-Stable Beta Ti - Ti 75A Alloy Alloy Beta Alloy Aloy 6% A1 6% A.-0. 5 o Si 10% Mo 10% Cr Ti 150A. Ti 155AX 30%0 Mo 50% V Since these materials represent compositions for which little or no data have been available in the literature, it has been necessary to conduct fairly extensive survey work in order to sort out treatments worthy of creep-rupture testing at elevated temperatures. In addition, the limited amounts of experimental material available have also dictated the use of a sorting procedure. Tensile tests at room temperature and elevated temperatures have been conducted on the as-forged conditions of these materials, together with room temperature tests of treatments appropriate to each. alloy. These tests were followed with metallographic studies and hardness measurements.

11 DISCUSSION A brief discussion of the work conducted during the period covered by this report follows. Ti 75A Experiments are under way with commercially pure titanium in an attempt to produce structures for testing having other than an equi-axed alpha structure. Specimens were furnace cooled or iced brine quenched after one hour at temperatures from 1700 to 2000 F. Needle-like alpha in the remnants of large beta grains was produced upon iced brine quenching at temperatures from 1750~ to 1950~F. It was not obtained on quenching (only one sample) from 2000 ~F; however, a basketweave-type of structure was obtained on furnace cooling from this temperature. It is known that the solubility of iron in alpha titanium occurs at less than 0. 2 percent (5) and small amounts of beta phase were observed at the alpha grain boundaries of material containing 0. 19 percent iron (tested under the first portion of the contract). Consequently, these experiments were repeated with commercially pure titanium containing either 0. 08 or 0. 14 percent iron. In all cases, needle-like alpha was obtained upon quenching from 1800~F. Ti 155AX Tensile tests were conducted on the as-produced condition of Ti 155AX at 75~, 600~, 800', and 1000~F. The data are summarized in Table XI. Comparison with similar data for Ti 150A shows that the drop in strength

12 as temperature was increased in considerably less for Ti 155AX than it is for Ti 150A. This is probably related to the fact that a substantial amount of an alpha stabilizing element (aluminum) is present in this material in addition to beta stabilizing additions. Of particuar interest is the fact that the 1000'F tensile strength of Ti 155AX is twice that of Ti 150A (74,400 psi versus 37,800 psi). At 800F this advantage drops to 1. 5 times; at 600F it becomes 1. 25 times; and at 75~F the strengths are about the same. Accompanying the higher strengths of Ti 155AX at elevated temperatures are also lower values of elongation ad reduction of area. Metallographic examination of the as-produced structure of Ti 155AX showed it to be the finely divided equi-axed alpha-beta type, similar to that of Ti 150A or RC 130B. Specimens were heated for one hour each at temperatures up to 1900~F and water quenched. Up to 1750~F, the structures consisted of larger and larger relative amounts of retained beta matrix with an accompanying increase in the undissolved alpha grain size as the temperature was increased. At 1775~F almost all the alpha phase was dissolved and whole beta grains were visible containing transformed alpha (generally referred to as alpha prime). At 1787'F no further evidence of undissolved alpha was found and considerable enlargement of the original beta grains had occurred. The structure consisted of alpha prime. This effect was continued at 1800' and 1900'F. Thus, the 3/a + P transition temperature for one hour's solution time of this material may be established at about 1780~F. 6% Al - 0.5%o Si Tensile tests of this material were conducted at 75~, 600, 800~, and 1000Fl with the results summaried in Table XI. The tensile strength of this material dropped off with temperature in the same manner as that for

13 the 6% Al alloy. However, the elongation values of the Si modification also dropped as temperature was increased. This was in contrast to the slight increase of elongation noted with the 6% Al alloy. Microstructures of the two alloys were fairly similar. 10% Cr Tensile tests of the 10% Cr alloy were run at 75~, 600~, 800~, and 1000~F in the as-forged condition. The data are summarized in Table XI and indicate that a rapid aging-type reaction took place in the as-forged material at 600~ and 800~F. This was evidenced by a sharp decrease in ductility at 600~F and an increase in strength at 800'F. This effect emphasizes the meta-stability of the material. Experiments are under way to follow these aging effects from a time-temperature standpoint. Table XI also summarizes the results of room temperature tensile tests on several conditions of heat treatment of this material. Solution treatment at 1800~F, followed by water quenching, dropped the tensile strength by a small amount. Reheating this material at 1300'F for 10 minutes affected the tensile strength only slightly, however, caused a noticeable decrease in the elongation and reduction of area. Isothermal transformation at 1470~F continued the downward trend of tensile strength, although the ductility was improved to some extent. Attempts were made to produce equilibrium amount alpha-beta structures by heating 4 hours at 1265~ or 1335~F. A further decrease in tensile strength and elongation was obtained through these treatments. Aging these structures for 24 hours at 800~F resulted in severe embrittlement, as evidenced by failure in the threads for the sample originally treated at 1335~F and a severe drop in strength and ductility for the sample originally treated at 1265F,.

14 Metallographic examination of these specimens showed that brittle behavior is associated with the appearance of a finely divided precipitate within the original beta grains. As-forged, the material possesses an almost completely retained beta structure. Treatments at temperatures in the range from 1000' to 1470~F resulted in precipitation initiating at the grain boundaries. However, these structures retained some ductility. Apparently the greatest decrease in ductility occurred when the finely divided product appeared within the grains themselves. REFERENCES 1. Gluck and Freeman, Sixth Progress Report, Contract No. AF 33(616)-244, April 14, 1954, pages 3-5. 2. Gluck and Freeman, First Summary Report, Contract No. AF 33(616)244, page 100. 3. Op. Cit 1, Table II. 4. Op. Cit. 2, pages 17-18. 5. Op. Cit. 2, page 13.

TABLE I Chemical Analyses and Mechanical Properties of Ti 155AX and 6% Al - 0. 5% Si Alloys Analysis Material Alloying Constituent (Weight %o) Fe e Cr Mo Al C Ni 02 Ti 155AX Nominal 1.3 1.4 1. 3 5.0 0. 10 0. 10 0.20 max max max (Ht M-1400R)Actual 1.44 1.28 1.16 5.11 0.037 0.017 Al Si N2 6% Al-0.5% SiActual 6.51 0.48 0.017 Mechanical Properties Material Tensile Yield Elongation Reduction Modulus of Strength Strength of Area Elasticity ______________ (psi) (psi) (%o) t%) x 10- psi Ti 155AX Manuf. 165,000 149,000 17.5 50.0 -- U. M. 157,500 150,000 20.4 49.2 13.6 6% Al - 0.5% Si U. M. 140,200 133,500 19.4 32.1 13.5 Actual = analysis furnished by producer Manuf.. tested by producer U. M. = tested at University of Michigan

TABLE II Effect of Creep Test Conditions on 750F Tensile Properties of Ti 150A Heat Creep Test Conditions Mechanical Properties at 75~F Treatment Temp Stress Time Tensile 0. Z% Yield Elongation Reduction Strength Strength of Area (F) (psi) (hrs) (s (psi) (% in 1 in.) (%) 1350~F (1 As Treated 156,200 154,100 25.7 43.5 hr) + Fur- 600 83,000 50 180,300 178,500 4.5 21.8 nace Cool 600 83,000 100 181,200 -- 1.0 1.7 600 83,000 300 189,000 187,800 1.9 1.8 600 83,000 1173 206,500 206,000 0 0 1500~F (1 As Treated 177,200 162,500 16.7 32.0 hr) + Air 800 35,000 20 Broke in threads at 112,900 psi Cool 800 35,000 50 Broke in threads at 54,400 psi 800 35,000 100 Broke in threads at 74,400 psi 800 35,000 1190 Broke in threads at 73,500 psi

TABLE III Tensile Data for Ti 150A - Heats M-739 and L-1006 Heat Test Ultimate Yield Elongation Reduction Modulus of Treatment No. Temp Strength Strength of Area Elasticity (~F) (psi) (psi) (% in 1 in.) (%) x 10- psi 1500~F L1006 75 153,800 147,600 26.7 35.2 15.5 (1 hr) + M739 75 138,500 130,600 25.5 42.8 12.4 Furnace Cool L1006 600 85,300 61,600 29.5 61.0 12.9 M739 600 76,800 68,700 30.4 63.5 9.2 L1006 800 68,300 49,500 41.7 74.3 10.7 M739 800 66,900 51,500 37.0 80.2 9.2 L1006 1000 37,400 28,500 68.0 93.5 8.9 M739 1000 35,800 32,600 72.5 94.4 4.5 1500~F L1006 75 177,200 162,500 16.7 32.0 14.5 (1 hr) + M739 75 153,000 135,600 11.0 13.2 12.1 Air Cool L1006 600 115,100 75,800 19.6 70.4 13.5 M739 600 102,100 69,500 21.8 63.8 9.5 L1006 800 96,100 56,000 36.5 80.9 9.0 M739 800 82,400 54,400 33.3 79.5 7.8 L1006 1000 46,000 25,200 91.5 97.0 7.0 M739 1000 39,900 31,400 99.0 98.4 3.7 1800~F L1006 75 167,800 164,200 19.8 40.0 13.3 (1 hr) + M739 75 156,500 153,500 16.0 21.2 11.5 Isothermal Trans- L1006 600 113,600 70,000 15.0 35.5 12.7 formation M739 600 107,100 69,600 7.5 13.5 11.7 at 1350 F (1 hr) + L1006 800 92,700 59,000 26.0 33.3 15.1 Water M739 800 85,700 56,000 10.3 19.7 9.3 Quench L1006 1000 48,500 35,500 110.7 99.0 6.5 M739 1000 48,700 31,800 65.7 95.0 4.5

TABLE IV Survey Rupture Tests of Ti 150A - Heat M-739 Test Stress Time Elongation Reduction 100-Hour Rupture Treatment Temp of Area Strength (psi) _ (F) (psi) (hrs) (%o in 1 in.) (%) HeatM739 HeatLl006 1500"F 600 76,800 (Tensile Strength) — Est. 82,000 (1 hr) + Furnace 800 45,000 71.8 59.8 75.5 Cool ~22 44,000 109.1 50.0 75.2 44,000 43,000 1000 11,500 130.3 64.0 93.6 +10 11,000 127.9 67.0 95.0 12,000 11,500 1500~F 600 102,100 (Tensile Strength) -- Est. 111,500 (1 hr) + Air Cool 800 52,000 86.0 29.0 77.0 50,000 167.9 43.0 79.9 50,500 52,000 1000 12,000 169.1 53.0 82.5 11,000 268.4 73.3 96.2 13,000 12,000 1800~F 600 110,000 2. 5 9.0 9.3 (1 hr) + Isothermal 600 105,000 13. 1 5.0 8.6 100,000 110,500 Trans - formation 800 55,000 99.3 29.0 70.8 1300'F (1 52,000 112.0 34.0 74.5 53,000 52,000 hr) + Water Quench 1000 14,000 87.1 63.0 96.2 + 7.0 11,000 628.8 52.1 94.8 13,500 14,000

TABLE V Creep Test Data for Ti 150A - Heats M-739 and L-1006 Heat Heat Ceep TestCondiions Creep Rate Time for Specified Treatment No. Temp Strs Total Deformation _______,___ (~F) _(psi) (in. /in. /hr.) 0.5% 0.75% 1. 0% 1500~F L1006 1000 5,000 8.9 x 106 23 63 205 Air Cool M739 1000 5,000 4.6 x 10-6 125 475 1005 1500~F L1006 1000 5,000 4.75 x 10-6 35 115 255 Anneal M739 1000 5,000 1.8 x 10-6 250 1050 1800OF L1006 800 35,000 7.6 x10'6 Sol'n M739 800 35,000 2. 1 x 10-5 6 10 14 Tr + Iso. Trans. L1006 1000 5,000 4.4 x 10- 31 90 380 i3007F(lhr) M739 1000 5,000 1.4 x 10-6 30 235 + Water Quench 1500~F L1006 800 35,000 5.9 x 10- 6 10 15 Air Cool M739 800 35,000 1.3 x 10'5 10 13 18 1500~F L1006 600 (108,000) (4.3 x 10-5) -- -- Air Cool M739 600 95,260 3.3 x 10-5 Note: All heat treatment times 1 hour.

TABLE VI Rupture Test Data at 800'F for Hot Rolled Ti 150A Hot Rolling Hot Stress Time Elongation Reduction Est. 100-Hour Temp Reduction of Area Rupture Strength ('F) (%) (psi) (hrs) (% in 1 in.) (%) (psi) 1200 0 42,000 300.1 61.0 76.9 45,000 14.9 43,000 155.6 46.0 78.0 40,000 296.8 42.0 79.5 44,000 18.1 47,000 141.6 66.5 77.0 44,000 264.5 55.9 75.4 48,000 1350 0 50,000 138.1 42.0 79.0 51,000 14.4 45,500 74.7 45.6 82.3 44,500 175.5 48.0 80. 8 45,000 17.7 48,000 98.5 59.5 79.5 48,000 29.3 53,500 73.6 35.4 76.2 51,000 177.8 31.0 76.4 53,000 1500 0 52,000 193.1 41.0 79.0 53,000 15.8 48,000 188.8 35.3 80.9 45,000 239.0 34.6 80.8 49,000 20.4 49,500 143.6 48.0 79.4 47,500 175.9 40.0 82.1 50, 000 34.8 55,500 147.7 39.6 76.7 51,000 383.5 45.2 78.9 56,000 1650 0 45,000 296.3 36.0 78.0 50,000 19.1 46,000 211.3 66.4 79.7 41,000 535.5 37.4 78.2 50,000 25.6 47,000 199.7 38.8 76.9 42,000 519.0 33.0 77.5 48,000 37.8 51,000 153.6 39.6 80.2 46,000 460.2 35.9 78.6 51,500 * 1/2 hour of temperature before rolling, followed by air cool.

TABLE VII Creep Test Data at 800~F for Hot Rolled Ti 150A Hot Rolling Percent Stress Minimum Test Est. Stress Temperature Hot Creep Rate Time for Rate of (~F) Reduction (psi) (in./in./hr) (hrs) 5 x 10-5 1200 14.9 43,000 3.3x 10-4 155.6 40,000 4.7 x 10-4 296.8 35,000 * 30,000 * 18.1 47,000 1. x 10-3 141.6 44,000 5.0 x 10-4 264.5 30,000 2.2 x 10-5 650.0* 33,500 1350 14.4 44,500 8.6 x 10-4 175.5 35,000 4.9 x 10-5 715.0* 35,000 30000 * 17.7 48,000 2.9x 10-3 98.5 35,000 30,000 1.8x 10-5 675.0* 33,500 29.3 53,500 2.6x10-3 73.6 51,000 5.9x 10-4 177.8 1500 15.8 48,000 4.9x 10-4 188.8 45,000 4.8 x 10-4 239.0 40,000 8.1 x 10-5 643.0 35,000 38,000 20.4 49,500 7.2 x 04 143.6 47,500 6. 1 x 10-4 175.9 35,000 * 30,000 1.5 x 10-5 670.0* 38,000 34.8 55,000 6.1 x 104 147.7 51,000 2.9 x 10-4 383.5 35,000 1. x 10-5 720.0 42,500

Table VII, Continued Hot Rolling Percent Stress Minimum Test Est. Stress Temperature Hot Creep Rate Time for Rate )f (~F) Reduction (psi) (in. An./hr) (hrs) 5 x 10 1650 19.1 46,000 7.4 x 10-4 211. 3 41,000 2.4 x 10-4 535.5 35,000 3.2 x 10-5 715.0* 30,000 5.3 x 106 1940.6 37,000 25.6 47,000 2.5 x 103 199.7 42,000 2.0 x 10-4 519.0 40,000 1.3 x 10-4 645.0 25,000 2.6 x 10-6 1941.0 33,000 37.8 51,000 5. 3 x 10-4 153.6 46,000 2.4 x 104 460.2 30,000 * 40,000 * Test still in progress.

TABLE VIII Long Time Rupture Data for Experimental Binary Alloys Test Stress Time Elongation Reduction Material and Treatment Temp of Area ______ (~F) (psi) (hrs) (% in 1 in.) (%) 6% Al - As Forged 600 86,000 Rupture 17.7 41.1 on loading 1000 37,000 48.0 18.1 11.0 33,000 192.2 26.8 47.0 31,000 138.0 51.0 80.8 28,000 516.2 44.1 71.3 26,000 440.2+10 82.0 73.8 22,000 >1871.0 - 18,500 >1871.0 - 30% Mo - As Forged 600 110,450 On load 13.7 48.3 106,000 On load 13.7 45.1 105,000 104,500 >1509.1 -- - 1000 40,000 77+2 54.8 49.4 35,000 133.0 62.8 70.0 29, 500 327.5 72.0 64.0 25,250 650.9 21.3 64.4 22,500 1261.4 57.3 61.2 21,000 1351.7 100-hr rupture strength 37,500 psi 1000-hr rupture strength 23,000 psi > Test stopped at indicated time without rupture.

TABLE IX Total Deformation Data for 6% Al - 94% Ti Alpha Alloy at 1000~F Stress Loading Time to Reach Specified Deformation Deformation (Elastic and Plastic) - (hours) (psi) (in. /in. )2% 0. 5% 1. 0%- 5.0~o 10.0% 37,000 0.003 -- 1 3 19 -- 33,000 0.003 -- 21 26 85 142 31,000 28,000 0.002 -4 12 150 310 26,000 0.002 22,000 0.002 -- 100 135 1375 20,000 0.002 -- 18 50 490 925 18,500 0.0015 5 75 262 16,000 0.002 -- 47 180 15,000 0.0016 16 330

TABLE X Total Deformation Data for 30% Mo - 70% Ti Beta Alloy Test Stress Time to ReachSpecified Deform- Transition to Minimum Temp ation (Elastic and Plastic) (hrs) 3rd Stage Creep Creep Rate (~F) (psi) O. 5%7o. 07o.. 5o Z.07% (hours) (in. /in./hr) 600 98,000 14 2.0 x 107 90,000 315 0 1000 40,000 1 7 13 18 20 6.7 x 10-4 35,000 6 20 30 37 20 2.0x 10'4 22,500 150 215 270 315 90 1.7 x 105 21,000 200 290 345 398 110 5. 6x10-6 20,000 238 360 464 556 145 7.1 x 10'6 18,000 265 500 675 * 190 16,500 205 585 1015 -- 800 1.2 x 10* Turned off before it reached this deformation.

TABLE XI Tensile Test Data for New Alloys Test Ultimate Yield Elongation Reduction Modulus of Treatment Temp Tensile Strength of Area Elasticity (F) Strength(psi) (psi) (% in 1 in.) (%) x 10 psi 10% Cr Alloy As Forged 75 166,500 156,500 11.5 42.8 11.7 600 138,600 -- 1.0 1.6 12.5 800 156,500 132,700 17.8 23.9 11.6 1000 58,500 36,400 72.8 90.2 7.3 + 30 minl800~F 75 160,600 156,500 12.2 33.6 11.3 + WQ + 30minl800~F+ 75 158,000 156,200 9.5 17.5 11.5 WQ + 10 min 1300~F + WQ +1 hr 1800F+Iso. 75 151,300 145,000 13.3 33.9 11.0 Trans. 1470F - 15 min + WQ 4hr 1335~F+WQ 75 158,000 151,000 5.1 9.6 11.0 same+24hr 800~F 75 Broke in threads at 112,000 psi +WQ 4hr 1265~F+WQ 75 143,500 138,300 9.4 27.5 11.0 same+24hr800~F 75 71,200 - 1.0 1.6 12.9 + WQ Ti 155AX As Produced 75 157,500 150,000 20.4 49.2 13.6 600 112,200 95,400 22.7 57.4 11.2 800 102,800 85,300 25.8 53.8 10.9 1000 74,400 55,000 49.6 93.5 7.4 6% Al - 1/2% Si As Forged 75 140,200 133,500 19.4 32.1 13.5 600 97,000 86,200 15.7 21.8 13.5 800 90,000 76,800 16.7 52.6 11.4 1000 74,800 60,700 11.7 22.4 9.8

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7 0 640 30 7 0 - -...^ ^ —..... -:. * "'...... *. -..-.. Figure 3. - Stress Versus Minimum CreepB ate at 8*0F for Ti 150A Hot Rolled as Indicated. (Figures <ea curves represent hot rolling temnperature and percentage reduction.) 10-6 ""'" " " ------— * — "10-51M Creep Rate -- in...3 Ihr Minirnuin Creep Rate -in. /inT.. /hr

Figure 4..- Stress Versus Time to Reach Indicated Total Deformation for 6% Al 94% Ti....Tested at 1000~F in As -Forged Condition. 5 0. -..' ---..-..: -. ":.....-'. -...'.-........ -.:......,....:.:.:.:.:....-.;....:'....... ^.. 1'.'...',.-..'......... Transition to..................... 3 rd S ta ge C r eep -....''............" 1.0% Total. 5.0% Total 40:..e.mation.Deiormati on B -..:. -... t --- > \ * ^;.....-.... -..... -...-........~... *'......e,, I~NS -,.;.......... ~20 -.'.1-'-' *..-..... 1.'.. RuptureI.!0.,.-.,. -...~._...^. -.....:,:..:-..L.L-...;....-..iC..,'.,_' - ^ \.... -..^*.^ * ^s ^ -R p u e.... -...-............ ~ L'i..:._..._';1_..Ji ~.;:1. i _J l'...........:.,,!. 0.. T t lDfr...'? 3 0. - - - -....' —...;.-.i...,.....-. ~'-^ ^ " - -'.;.': - ^ ^... *....." 2'::'':.":.:'-.;:-, i.'/i: _.;.;^.:.-..;.^. Y N^ -....'... 1.^ "5,^ ^;:':-;:r' L 0%-Total D eform.'.~~~ ~ 5..0%Toal.efrm ^':: ~~ ~ *' ^ —'-' Y ^ " - ^ \ * ^..:.'.:'-. ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ *^ -:..:; *.'..." 1.:. ~..' ~......:....... Transition to 3rd -... _0'...... -.-.:.' -,:.:- ^.......^ -J.' -.:...-.-.-..... ^..-..:.::.:...'..:.:.:...'.....'i':,'.:;........ V'..'J. J':.^ -.-i-'.-.....'..'J J:"_.'......:............'..$'t g. c r e... e o.......... -..... - ~..........:. -' <..... --......'. ^.....,., -...........^...... ^............,... ~....... - -. ^......-. Stag.C ^ ~ ~.....,.. ^.....^..,...'..,......,...,.......... _.................... -^....,..,............... *.. -* 1 10 100 1000 Time - hours

50 77<7?77i 4 0 r,^. -"- ~ - - -. --, —.~ ~ ~ ~..,1... -:-.,.....i-.'...',,. ^' —. y - - ^ 1-._C''.......'*,.......... 1 I..1.~ _...'< L..R p t r e. "',..:, iS!^^. ss. -. _* Total Defortion Points ^^ ^'."":: ^'.^s^., -::::'. A Transitionto Third-Stage,........ C.. ep 30~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6_:,,4I N1 \.iN.. U2 e Figure 5. Stress Vers# Time to Reach diDAr - 70h Ti M 0. - t...: t.,,. — 1 1-0 100 1000 Tie - hours