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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions made by Allen Ho Murphy and Irwin Spickler in the analysis of data for this report. In addition, acknowledgment is made to Mrs. Sally Ao Pugsley, Mrs. Lorrine Stanger, and Miss Louise Straus for preparation of tables; to Mrs. Katalin Racz, Mrs. Dolores Wellss and Robert Mo Sawicki for abstraction of the data from the chart rolls, and Nobuhiro Yorsukura and Albert Stohrer for drafting the figures. iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES ix I INTRODUCTION1 A. Coverage B. Additions to the Experimental Installation II. ANALYSIS OF WIND-SPEED AND WIND-DIRECTION DATA A. Wind Direction at Tower Site 6 B. Wind Speed at Tower Site 6 III. ANALYSIS OF TURBULENCE DATA 7 IV. ANALYSIS OF PRECIPITATION DATA9 V. ANALYSIS OF S02 DATA i1 A. Variation of S02 with Wind Direction and Wind Speed 12 B. Variation of S02 with Time of Day 14 C. Comments and Results of Background Study of S02 14 VI. CONCLUSIONS 17 A. Wind 17 B. Turbulence 17 C. Precipitation l8 D. Sulphur Dioxide 18 v

LIST OF TABLES Noo I-IX Percentage Frequency of Occurrence of Winds in Various Directions Grouped According to Wind Speeds X-XII Percentage Frequency of Occurrence of Winds in Various Directions, All Speeds, Biased and Unbiased XIII-XVII Average Gust Count per Hour XVIII-XXIV The Association of Precipitation at Standiford Field, Louisville, Kentucky, with Winds at Public Service Company of Indiana, New Albany, Indiana XXV-LIV Sulphur Dioxide Concentrations LV-LIX Frequency of Occurrence and Average Concentration of S02 with Various Wind Speeds Grouped According to Wind Direction LX-LXIV Frequency of Occurrence and Average Maximum Concentration of SO2 with Various Wind Speeds Grouped According to Wind Direction LXV-LXIX Frequency of Occurrence and Average Concentration of S02 for All Wind Directions and Wind Speeds Grouped According to Time of Day LXX-LXXIV Frequency of Occurrence and Average Maximum Concentration of S02 for All Wind Directions and Wind Speeds Grouped According to Time of Day LXXV Number of Hours During Twelve-Month Period (8760 hr) That Average Hourly SO2 Concentrations Fell Within Indicated Limits LXXVI Number of Hours During Twelve-Month Period (8760 hr) That Average Maximum Hourly SO2 Concentrations Fell Within Indicated Limits vii

LIST OF FIGURES No. 1 Topographic map of site and surroundings. 2-5 Percentage frequency of occurrence of winds from 16 directions and corresponding wind speed in mph. 6e10 Average gust count per hour by wind directions and wind-speed categories. 11-12 Percentage frequency of occurrence of winds from 16 directions at New Albany plant site and corresponding precipitation from Standiford Field. 13-27 Sulphur dioxide concentration in ppm vs. time of day average concentration and maximum concentration. 28-32 Number of occurrences of SO at Silver Hill for various wind directions in three wind-speed categories; and corresponding average SO2 concentrations in ppm during such occurrences. 33 Number of occurrences of measurable sulphur dioxide concentration vs. time of the day. 54-35 Number of occurrences and average sulphur dioxide concentrations in ppm at Silver Hill vs. time of the day. 36 Sulphur dioxide concentrations at Silver Hill. ix

I. INTRODUCTION A. COVERAGE This report contains meteorological and sulphur dioxide data obtained at or near the New Albany plant site for the following seasons: 2459-3-P: winter'57-'58 (1 Dec.'57 - 28 Feb.'58) spring'58 (1 Mar.'58 - 31 May'58) summer'58 (1 June'58 - 31 Aug.'58) The two previous reports covered the following seasons: 2459-1-P: fall'56 (12 Oct.'56 - 30 Nov.'56) winter'56-'57 (1 Dec.'56 - 28 Feb.'57) spring'57 (1 Mar.'57 - 31 May'57) (meteorological data and analysis only) 2459-2-P: summer'57 (1 June'57 - 31 Aug. 57) fall'57 (1 Sept.'57 - 30 Nov.'57) (meteorological and SO2 data and analysis) The analysis in this current report has been divided into four sections: (1) wind speed and direction (2) turbulence (3) precipitation (4) sulphur dioxide All data have been analyzed according to season. A topographic map, Fig. 1, of the plant site and surrounding area has again been included to facilitate comparisons. B. ADDITIONS TO THE EXPERIMENTAL INSTALLATION When the 100-ft meteorological tower was erected and instrumented in October, 1956, it was planned to obtain wind, turbulence, and lapse-rate data from it until the first stack was completed. The wind and turbulence measuring instruments were then to be transferred to near the top of the stack-to get more representative data on the air into which the stack gases were emitted —and the temperature measuring equipment was to be installed at selected levels between the ground and the top of the stack. 1

As the completion of the first stack approached, a meeting of PSCI and University representatives was held in Ann Arbor on January 30, 1958, to discuss the overall project. At that meeting Dr. Hewson pointed out the desirability of having an overlap of meteorological observations from the tower and the stack. He suggested that the University might lend a gust accelerometer and a wind vane to the Public Service Company of Indiana for a year so that wind and turbulence data could be obtained simultaneously from the two sites. At the end of the year, the University would remove its instruments from the stack and transfer the wind instruments belonging to PSCI from the tower to the stack. The need for accurate, reliable temperature-lapse-rate observation was emphasized, and it was proposed to install shielded and aspirated thermocouples at four levels from the ground to the top of the stack, all coupled to a suitable recorder. These proposals were accepted, and plans proceeded for the installation. During the week of August 17, 1958, the following major additions were completed at the plant site under the direction of Mr. Gill: (1) A Hewson-Gill gust accelerometer, recording both gust count and wind speed, was located at 1000 ft M.S.L. (mean sea level) on Stack No. 1, 15 ft out from the wall of the stack and on the WSW side. (2) A flat-plate wind vane, recording wind direction, was located adjacent to the gust accelerometer, at a height of 999 ft M.S.L., and an azimuth angle of 248~ relative to the center line of the stack. (3) Iron-constantan thermojunctions were located at the following levels: (a) 475 ft M.S.L. - about 15 ft above grade level, on one of the support legs of the coal conveyor belt and located about 200 ft south of the plant building. (b) 576 ft M.S.L. - on a boom projecting about 8 ft beyond the east wall of the plant and located about 5 ft above the plant roof near its SE corner. (c) 728 ft M.S.L. - on a boom attached to the lowest walkaround platform of Stack No. 1, and projecting about 11 ft out from the stack wall on the SW side. (d) 993 ft M.S.L. - on a boom attached to the topmost walkaround platform of Stack No. 1, and projecting about 11 ft out from the stack wall on the SSW side. Each thermojunction was exposed inside of two concentric cylindrical brass radiation shields, chromium-plated and aspirated by a pair of small exhausters. The thermocouple and shields were located on the outer end of each boom; the exhausters (centrifugal blowers) inside a waterproof box on the inside end of the boom. The latter acted not only as a support for the junctions but also 2

as an air duct for ventilating the junctions. The thermocouple outputs record sequentially the temperature differences between 475 ft M.S.L. and the other three levels. The recorders and power supplies were located on appropriate shelves mounted on the inside wall of the stack in the Chemical Treatment room at a height of 531 ft M.S.L. The location is dry, relatively free from vibration, and at a relatively constant temperature of about 75 + 5~F the year around. Meteorological data obtained from this new stack installation are not included in this current progress report as the installation was completed on August 21, 1958, and the period covered in this report is December 1, 1957, to August 31, 1958. 5

II. ANALYSIS OF WIND-SPEED AND WIND-DIRECTION DATA The wind-speed and -direction data for the plant site for the three seasons, winter 1957-1958, spring 1958, and summer 1958 are presented in Tables I, II, III, and Fig. 2. The corresponding data for Standiford Field are presented in Tables IV, V, and VI. Tables VII, VIII, and IX contain eight-year means of Standiford Field wind measurements for the three seasons, winter, spring, and summer from 1 December 1949 - 31 August 1958. Tables X, XI, and XII are designed to remove the bias in wind directions from the previous three tables. Figures 3, 4, and 5 represent the data of Tables I to IX inclusive. In the two previous reports the general plan of analysis was as follows: The winds for a given season at Standiford Field were compared with the fiveyear average, 1951-1955, for the same season and same location. If the season under consideration appeared typical at Standiford Field, then the wind distribution at the New Albany plant site was also considered typical. A statistical analysis of the data showed that a longer homogeneous record than five years was necessary to show up the long-term mean wind regime at Standiford Field. So for this report the records from the inception of the station in 1949 were analyzed, giving an eight-year mean for each of the three seasons. These data are presented in Tables VII to XII. The addition of these three years of data modified the means by a surprisingly small amount. Comparing the eight-year means of Tables VII, VIII, and IX of Report 2459-2-P, we note that: (1) t'he maximum change in frequency of occurrence of wind from any of the 16 points for each of the three seasons was 2.0, 1.4, and 1.8% respectively; (2) the maximum change in the average wind speed from any direction was 0..9, 0.9, and 0.6 mph, respectively. The slightly more accurate seasonal means would not significantly change the conclusions reached on wind in the two previous reports. Examination of Tables IV to IX and Figs. 3, 4, and 5 shows that seasonal variations of wind direction at Standiford Field from the eight-year means are quite large. In view of this nonrepresentativeness of the individual seasonal means, and in view of the marked differences between Standiford Field winds at 71 ft and the tower winds at 104 ft, it was decided not to make direct comparisons of the data at the two sites at this time. When the wind data at the top of Stack No. 1 become available, comparisons between the three sites may be warranted. Analysis of the wind observations at the tower site follows: 5

A. WIND DIRECTION AT TOWER SITE A bimodal distribution resulting from the presence of the Ohio River Valley continues clearly to dominate the wind regime. Each of the three seasons (winter 1957-1958, and spring and summer 1958) exhibit this distribution, although variations among the seasons are evident. The winter of 1957-1958 exhibits a strong mode centeredon SSW, with approximately 35% of the total observations for the period included in the S-SW sector. However, while a moderate N-NNE mode is present, winds from the W-NW are observed. with comparable frequency. This observation indicates that the persistence and intensity of a particular feature of the synoptic pattern during the winter has masked the valley effect. During the spring of 1958, a strong bimodal distribution may be observed. Of the winds recorded, 48% are found in a NW-NE sector centered on NNE, and an additional 17% occurred in the S-SSW sector. All individual wind directions, other than those included in the two sectors, occurred less than 4% of the time. The bimodal distribution is again- clearly evident during the summer 1958. Thirty-six percent of the winds lie in a S-SW sector while an additional 21% are in the N-NNE sector. Winds with an easterly component (other than NNE) were particularly infrequent during the summer. B. WIND SPEED AT TOWER SITE The wind-speed data for the period 1 December 1957 to 31 August 1958 substantiate the conclusions drawn in the second progress report. Mean wind speeds at the plant site average less than 65% of the speeds observed at Standiford Field during the three seasons. A considerably greater percentage of calm winds are observed at the plant site than at Standiford Field, varying from 10 times as many during the winter 1957-58 to 2-1/2 times as many in the summer 1958. The Ohio Valley is instrumental in reducing the mean wind speed and increasing the frequency of calm winds at the plant site. The high frequency of calm winds found at the plant site may also be partly the result of data-reduction methods which differ from those used by the United States Weather Bureau at Standiford Field. In general, at the plant site wind speeds associated with a given wind direction are higher in the winter than in the spring and diminish still further in the summer. The wind-speed data also have a somewhat bimodal distribution; the strongest winds come from the NW-NE and S-SW sectors, and the lightest winds, from the E.-SE sector. 6

III. ANALYSIS OF TURBULENCE DATA Since wind speed and the roughness of topography play a major role in creating turbulence, the gust counts from the gust accelerometer at the meteorological tower site were correlated with wind direction for various wind speeds (Tables XIII-XVII and Figs. 6-10). The wind-speed data are divided into the following categories: 0-3, 4-12, 13-24, 25-31, and 32 and Over mph. These wind-speed categories are the same ones used in the wind-analysis section of this report. The figures are similar to wind roses except that the lengths of rectangles refer to the magnitude of the average gust count and numbers at the end of each of the radial lines refer to the frequency of occurrence of each of the particular wind directions. There are four roses coinciding with the 0-3-, 4-12-, 13-24-, and 25-31-mph columns in the tables. The number at the center of the 0-3-mph graphs refers to the number of calm occurrences. Since the range of gust counts in each wind-speed category is different, it is necessary to have different scales in each of the graphs. This should be kept in mind when attempting to interpret the figures. The summaries are both seasonal and for the year 1 September 1957 - 31 August 1958. The variation of gust count with wind direction agreed so closely with the results of the Second Progress Report that it was felt that a discussion of the variation of gust count with each wind direction would merely be a repetition of what was indicated in the Second Progress Report. For this detailed analysis the reader is referred to Report No. 2459-2-P, page 33. Only the general features will be discussed here. An inspection of the gust count versus the wind-speed and wind-direction summaries reveals the dependence of the magnitude of the gust count upon the topography over which the wind has passed. The roughest topography in the area lies to the west of the meteorological tower: almost without exception the highest gust counts occur with winds from this direction for all wind speeds and all seasons. Winds from the south have gust counts which are consistently below the average value. The trajectory of the south winds is long and flat. The terrain in the southern quadrant is the smoothest in the area. In some respects this is unfortunate for the particular problem at hand as it minimizes the dispersal of S02 from the plant site. However, on occasions when there is a moderate inversion with the smoke plume leveled off at some height above Silver Hill and a steady southerly flow of wind, the low value of vertical turbulence will minimize chances of the S02 reaching Silver Hill for extended periods. The location of centers of populatcenton seems to exert a marked effect on the gust count. A parcel of air passing over a densely populated area is 7

heated to some extent resulting in some vertical motion in the air parcel. The winds from the east are thus affected by their passage over Louisville, Kentucky. Inspection of Table XVII, which summarizes one year, shows the large dependence of gust count on the wind speed. In going from the 0-3-mph to the 4-12-mph category, there is a 60-fold increase in the average gust count; and in going from the 4-12-mph to the 13-24-mph category, there is a 5-fold increase in the average gust count. These figures overemphasize the dependence of gustiness on the wind speed; and as pointed out in Progress Report No. 2459-2-P, this overemphasis is due to the dynamic characteristics of the gust accelerometer. In spite of this limitation, the instrument shows large fluctuations in the gustiness of the wind for various wind directions and average speeds. With high gust counts the turbulence is sure to be large and dispersion good, except when there is an inversion aloft, such as a slowly moving warm frontal inversion below which the stack gases may be trapped. 8

IV, ANALYSIS OF PRECIPITATION DATA The role of precipitation in an air-pollution problem is as a scavenger of the atmosphere of particulate and gaseous matter. Thus an analysis of the precipitation regime was undertaken to obtain at least a qualitative picture of the relative importance of this effect. Details of the thinking behind this phase of the study are given on pages 54-55 of Report 2459-2-P. In that report, wind direction at the tower site was correlated with precipitation measurements at Standiford Field for all measurable amounts of rainfall, excepting traces. In view of the great solubility of S02 in water, it was decided subsequently that it would have been better to study the wind data for all times when precipitation was reported, even if it was only a trace-less than.005 in. Accordingly all the new data was so analyzed, and the data from 1 December 1956 - 30 November 1957, reanalyzed to include traces of precipitation. Tables XVIII to XXIV contain the precipitation data for the seven seasons 1 December 1956 to 31 August 1958; and Figs. 11 and 12 are graphical representations of the same data. In these data traces of precipitation accounted for approximately one half of the hours of recorded precipitation in each season. The following points may be noted: (1) A tabulation of the frequency of occurrence (percent) of precipitation for the seven seasons is as follows: Year Winter Spring Summer Fall 12/1/56-11/30/57 25.0 15.9 8.9 13.2 12/1/57- 8/31/58 25.9 16.2 10.4 The low frequency of occurrence of precipitation in summer and the much higher frequency in winter were to be expected, but the similiarity between the two winter seasons, the two spring seasons, and the two summer seasons was a little surprising. (2) The two winter seasons each had almost the same number of hours of precipitation, but the similarity almost ends there. In the 1956-1957 valley effects seemed to predominate with high frequencies of wind in the N-NNE sector and the WSW sector. The following winter there was no significant peak in the N-NNE sector but rather in the NW and W sector, but with the WSW peak still remaining. During the winter season, washout of S02 would have no significant effect on vegetation, as it is in the dormant condition; and 9

it is unlikely that there would be any other visible evidence of S02 washout to the untrained observer. (3) As mentioned in Report 2459-2-P, it appears that in general young plants are less sensitive to S02 than are older plants. Middleaged leaves have been found to be the most sensitive, and older leaves less sensitive. Plants that are susceptible to weak solutions of sulphuric acid will therefore likely suffer the most damage from this acid during the late spring and summer months. Since the frequency of occurrence of precipitation reaches a minimum in the summer, it follows that damage to vegetation on Silver Hill as a result of S02 washout is most likely during the late spring and early summer. If no damage due to washout occurs during this period, there is very small likelihood of it occurring during the rest of the year. The graphs show that, in the spring, precipitation is often accompanied by winds from the N-NNE sector. This is advantageous for Silver Hill since generally the S02 would be downriver with these winds, and any washout would occur south of Silver Hill. Winds from the S-SSE which would carry S02 over Silver Hill were accompanied by precipitation only about 2% of the time in either spring season. The high peak of occurrence of winds from the WSW in the spring of 1957 (35 of the time) was not repeated in 1958. If the angular width of the plume were great enough and if the winds at the gas-carrying level were the same as at the tower, some of the washout from these conditions would land on Silver Hill. It is then likely that some washout of SO2 over Silver Hill occurs about 3fo of the hours in the spring. (4) In both summer seasons, valley influences again seem to control the wind during periods of precipitation, with peaks both in the N-NNE and S-SSW sectors. Winds from the S-SSE with precipitation occur about 1% of the time. Assuming that some S02 will be carried over Silver Hill when the tower shows SSW winds, it is likely that S02 washout on Silver Hill will occur about 2o of the hours during the summer. (5) As a further development of (3) and (4) above, it is unlikely that S02 washout will affect vegetation in the fall or winter if no effect is observed during the late spring and early summer. (6) Excepting during the winter, vegetation is believed to be the most sensitive indicator of SO2 washout. If the vegetation shows no evidence of S02 washout during the spring and summer, it is doubtful if the untrained observer will see any other evidence of it during these months. When the vegetation is dormant in the winter, severe cases of washout might be evidenced by staining of exposed copper or galvanized pipes and roofing. Significant damage to such metals is considered most improbable, and even staining is unlikely. 10

V. ANALYSIS OF S02 DATA The complete record of the S02 concentrations taken on Silver Hill is presented in Tables XXV-LIV and Figs. 13-27. These cover the period 1 June 1957 to 31 August 1958. Reliable records of SO2 concentrations were not available until the middle of May, 1957, so 1 June 1957 was selected as the starting date for analysis. In these tables average hourly concentrations are recorded as the upper figure, and peak concentrations as the lower figure, in bracketso In the figures the average hourly concentrations are indicated as the solid blocks and the peak concentrations as the horizontal barbs through the center of the solid blocks. In Progress Report No. 2459-2-P some analysis of data for the period 1 June 1957 to 30 November 1957 was included, but the complete hourly records were not. These are included here for the sake of completeness. In the analysis that follows, the data for 1 September to 30 November 1957 are repeated to provide one full year of analyzed data-i September 1957 to 31 August 1958, In order to indicate the sources of SO?, the complete year's data have been analyzed for the SO2 concentration in relation to wind direction: the average SO2 concentrations versus wind direction are presented in Tables LVLIX and Figs. 28-32; the peak S02 concentrations versus wind direction are given in Tables LX-LXIVo The figures are similar to the wind roses except that the lengts of the rectangles refer to the number of occurences and the heavy lines refer to the average SO2 concentrations. The upper number in the center of the 0-35-mph graph is the number of occurrences of calm winds and the lower number in the brackets is the average SO2 concentration for the calm wind occurrences, There is a separate graph for each of the first three windspeed categories, 0-3 mph, 4-12 mph, and 13-24 mpho The data are summarized both by seasons and for the full year, 1 September 1957 to 31 August 1958. To learn if there are periods during the day when S02 is more likely to be present at Silver Hill than at other times, each occurrence with its intensity has been tabulated into 48 one-half-hour categories. These are summarized for the four seasons and for the year in Tables LXV-LXIX, and FigSo 533-35 Data on peak concentrations for the same occurrences are tabulated in Tables LXX-LXXIV. In Fig~ 36 the following monthly summaries are illustrated: (1) the number of days per month S02 content in the air was recorded at Silver Hill; (2) the total number of hours per month that any S02 concentration was present at Silver Hill; and (3) the highest concentration of S02 for any one-hour period during the month, and the peak concentration for the month. In Table LXXV the number of hourly periods when S2 concentrations fell 11

within consecutive categories is recorded. In Table LXXVI the number of hourly periods when the peak SO2 concentration reached certain limits is recorded. The tables and figures mentioned above will be discussed in greater detail later on in this section of the Progress Report. The records from the Thomas autometer located on Silver Hill were abstracted at half-hour intervals, using the convention that a concentration of 0.03 ppm or less is considered a "trace." A "trace" has been designated by "T" in the accompanying tables. Concentrations of S02 were read in parts per million (ppm), by volume. Abstractions were made of average half-hourly concentrations and also of the maximum half-hourly concentrations. The maximum half-hourly value was defined as the highest concentration that appeared, no matter how short the time, during the half-hour being considered. A. VARIATION OF S02 WITH WIND DIRECTION AND WIND SPEED There is known to be a definite S02 source to the south of Silver Hill in the Rubbertown area of Louisville, Kentucky. One of the purposes of this analysis is to determine if there is any evidence indicating other SO2 sources than Rubbertown. Examination of the SO concentrations versus wind speed and wind direction (Tables LV-LXIV and Figs. 28-32) shows what we expected-a definite tendency for SO2 concentration to occur with winds from the SSE to SSW. But SO2 concentrations did occur with other wind directions and these occurrences will be discussed below. It should be remembered that the wind observations were taken on a meteorological tower about 2 miles SSW of Silver Hill. Although the instruments on this tower are 100 ft above the valley floor, they are still more than 100 ft below the SO2 sampling site on Silver Hill. Our examination of the variation of SO2 concentration with wind direction indicates that there are two reasons for the occurrence of SO2 with winds from a direction other than a southerly one. (1) Trajectory Variations.-The usual chain of events preceding such an observation is as follows:* (a) the wind direction for several hours previous to such an occurrence has been from the S or SSE; (b) a sudden change in wind direction from S or SSE to the direction in question occurs; (c) the wind speed is very low and within the next hour there is not enough mixing taking place to dilute the already present concentration of S02; (d) the net result is a wind from the direction in question and a moderate concentration of S02 recorded by the autometer. The point to be emphasized is that even though the wind was from the direction in question, the SO2 had in reality come from the south an hour or so before. (2) Mid-Morning Fumigation,-On clear nights the ground radiates its heat to outer space and therefore cools, with consequent cooling of the air adjacent *Progress Report 2459-2-P. page 65. 12

to it. By the early morning hours the ground may have cooled as much as 25~F below the afternoon maximum and the lower layers of air may have cooled proportionately. Accordingly, as we ascend through such air the temperature rises with height to an elevation of several hundred feet, and then starts to decrease with height. This lower layer is known as the inversion layer and it is marked by its great stability and lack of up-and-down currents. During such periods when the inversion layer is a few hundred feet above the top of the stacks, the S02 will rise until its temperature equals that of the surrounding air, at which time it will cease to rise. With little or no vertical movement, the S02 forms a plume which fans out in the horizontal only. If southern winds prevail, this layer will move up valley, with no trace of S02 appearing at the surface. With a small horizontal atmospheric pressure gradient, the northerly flow of air during the night will often reverse to a light southerly flow during the early hours after dawn. The sun striking the dark ground warms it locally, and the ground heats the air adjacent to it. This locally heated warm air, being lighter than the cooler air surrounding it, rises and leads to low-level up-and-down currents, and mixing of this lower air. As the morning advances, ground-surface temperatures continue to rise; air temperatures near the ground rise correspondingly; and mixing continues to higher and higher levels, until finally the underside of the SO0 layer is reached. At this time downward moving air currents will bring S02 to the ground surface. The maximum S02 ground concentration is reached when the whole SOg layer that has formed during the night is mixed with the air beneath it. and brought to the ground. With continued ground heating the top of the turbulence (or mixing) layer continues to rise, the S02 concentration to decrease, until the complete inversion is "burnt off." This explanation of the normal morning "fumigation" was first given by Hewson and Gill. It is therefore not difficult to see why SO0 could be brought down to Silver Hill with light northerly winds provided that southerly flow had prevailed during the early morning hours. The relatively high number of occurrences and moderate concentrations of SO2 associated with calm periods in all seasons may be accounted for by the following reasoning. The SO2 has drifted into the area with a S or SSE wind, so it is already present at Silver Hill, and for hours thereafter it may be practically calm and therefore no turbulence to dilute the SO2 content of the air, Thus there is recorded a moderate concentration of S02 for these hours at Silver Hill, Tables LV-LXIV and Figs. 28-32 indicate that as the wind speed increases the only direction from which the S02 content increases is a southerly onethus adding more evidence to the conclusion that the only significant SO2 source region is to the south of Silver Hillo The distribution of S02 concentrations with wind direction for the fall of 1947, winter of 1957-1958, spring of 1958, and summer of 1958 is in very close agreement with the data analyzed in Progress Report 2459-2-P. All our results point to the conclusion that the only source region is to the south of Silver Hill, in the vicinity of Louisville, Kentucky. There is no definite indication that there is a source associated with winds from any other direction. 13

B. VARIATION OF S02 WITH TIME OF DAY Atmospheric pollutants usually follow a diurnal cycle in their pattern when viewed from a stationary point. To investigate this pattern, the average S02 concentration in ppmt was tabulated versus the time of day in half-hour intervals. Tables LXV-LXIX show the frequency of occurrence and average concentration of SO2 grouped according to the time of day. Figures 33-35 give the visual representations of the previously mentioned tables. The typical pattern for the diurnal cycle of the concentrations of an atmospheric pollutant is first to rise slowly in the morning to a maximum in midmorning, then to fall more slowly than it climbed to a minimum in the afternoon, then possibly to rise slightly to a secondary maximum in the early evening and finally to fall to its lowest value late in the evening and early morning. Figures 33-355 indicate that a peak occurs at about noon at Silver Hill. Except for the winter season this peak in frequency coincided with the peak in concentration of SO2. This diurnal periodicity for the S02 concentration at Silver Hill followed a somewhat typical pattern. In the fall of 1957 the peak occurred at 1100 E.S.T.; in the winter 1957-58 the peak occurred at 1200 to 1400; in the spring of 1958 it was found at 1000 and the summer of 1958 it occurred at 1030 to 1100. In each case the S02 concentration fell off from the peak to a relative minimum in the late afternoon. It then usually rose slightly to a secondary maximum in the early evening and finally fell gradually to a low point in the early morning. The spring and summer of 1958 show an almost ideal pattern for the diurnal cycle of the concentration of an atmospheric pollutant. The fall of 1957 and the winter of 1957-58 differ from the theoretical expectations in the lateness of the arrival of the peak concentration period. The peak concentration period is caused by the breakup of the nocturnal inversion as described earlier in this section. A possible-explanation for the apparent lateness of the peak concentration of SO2 during the mornings is given in Progress Report 2459-2-P, page 67. Further consideration to this observed phenomenon is being given and will be discussed in the final report. C. COMMENTS AND RESULTS OF BACKGROUND STUDY OF S02 There definitely is SO2 present in the air in the Silver Hill area but it is not present every day. When it does occur, it is usually in association with winds from the south. Referring to Fig. 55-the hourly occurrences of S02-the most frequent period of occurrence is in the midday hours, both seasonally and annually-o Average hourly peak concentrations likewise generally occur at this period of day. 14

Referring to Tables LXV-LXXIV-the frequency of occurrence of average hourly S02 concentrations and the frequency of occurrence of maximum S02 concentrations-most of the time when S02 is present the average concentration is 0.10 ppm or less. It is to be noted, however, that for the year 1 September 1957 - 31 August 1958 the peak S02 concentration appearing at any time was 0.50 ppm. With only one year of records, it is probable that S02 concentrations exceeding 0.50 ppm have occurred in the past. In conclusion, we can say that S02 has not been recorded continuously at Silver Hill but, rather, it occurs quite sporadically, depending mostly on the wind direction. Under adverse meteorological conditions and a southerly wind flow, S02 is recorded on Silver Hill in concentrations rarely exceeding 0.2 ppm with peak excursions up to 0.5 ppm. Both of these values are below the detectable limits both for humans and plants as given in the tables on pages 63 and 64 of Progress Report 2459-2-P. Thus it is unlikely that any of the residents of Silver Hill were aware of the presence of S02 in the area during the 12-month period 1 September 1957 - 31 August 1958. 15

VI. CONCLUSIONS A. WIND Analysis of wind speed and direction observations at Standiford Field and the tower site have shown the following: (1) The wind-direction pattern at Standiford Field for the winter season (1 December 1957 - 28 February 1958) and for the spring season (1 March 1958 - 51 May 1958) differed markedly from 8-year means for these seasons. The wind-direction pattern for the summer season (1 June 1958 - 51 August 1958) compared favorably with the 8-year mean. These observations indicate that the wind-direction patterns for the winter and spring seasons were significantly abnormal. (2) The predominating influence of the Ohio River Valley in causing high percentages of both up valley and down valley winds at the tower site (104 ft above the valley floor) persisted during these three seasons. The marked differences in wind direction at the tower site and at Standiford Field continued. Mean wind speeds at the tower site (104 ft above ground) continued to be about one-third less than at Standiford Field (71 ft above ground), with the percentage of calms at the tower site being much higher thanat Standiford Field.* Although the tower anemometer is at a height of 104 ft above the relatively flat valley floor, and is located only five-eighths of a mile downriver from the plant site, the representativeness of its readings for winds at the height of the top of the stacks (about 550 ft above the valley floor) becomes more and more questionable. The need for wind observations at or above the top of the stacks became more and more apparent with this analysis. B. TURBULENCE Analysis of the gust accelerometer observations continued to show that cross valley winds at the top of the tower had considerably more turbulence than up valley or down valley winds. This is assuredly due to the much rougher terrain over which cross valley winds would pass. It is likely that this tendency will continue to the height of the top of the stacks, with southerly winds being significantly less turbulent than cross valley winds. This may be more advantageous *Since the gust accelerometer readings substantiated the high frequency of calm conditions indicated by the aerovane, and since both instruments were in good operating condition, the high frequency of calms at the height of the top of the tower is a reliable conclusion. 17

than otherwise, by reducing the liklihood that mechanical turbulence will bring S02 to the ground over Silver Hill with normal south winds. The need for turbulence measurements at the height of the top of the stack continues. C. PRECIPITATION Analysis of the times of occurrence of rainfall at Standiford Field with simultaneous winds at the tower site show: (1) The most probable time of the year that rain-out or wash-out of S02 might possibly affect vegetation in the Silver Hill area is in the late spring or early summer months. (2) Southerly winds associated with precipitation that might affect Silver Hill occur only 2 to 3% of the time during the late spring and summer months. (5) Other possible indications of SOo wash-out or rain-out (such as visible staining of metal roofs) over the Silver Hill area are not likely -to occur at any season of the year with the low concentration of SO2 recorded to date at Silver Hill. D. SULPHUR DIOXIDE Analysis of the sulphur dioxide readings on Silver Hill and correlation of these with the wind observations at the top of the tower show the following: (1) Excluding calm conditions, over 75% of all occurrences of S02 at Silver Hill during the year correspond to wind directions from the S, SE, to SSW. In 85% of these cases the wind speed was 12 mph or less. (2) All occurrences of SO2 at Silver Hill prior to plant operation may be satisfactorily explained as coming from the Rubbertown area. There is no evidence of any other significant source of S02 in the area. (3) Fall was the season of the year when S02 most frequently occurred at Silver Hill. Almost without exception there was a higher frequency of occurrence of S02 during the fall for all hours of the day and night; and average concentrations were usually higher than at other seasons of the year. (The single exception that occurred was the high concentration during a single evening fumigation on December 12, 1957, when the SO2 concentration averaged 0.12 ppm for the three-hour period 1800 to 2100 CoS*T. —about three times the normal peak.) (4) The diurnal nature of fumigations was evident with the morning fumigation starting about 0800 C*S.T., reaching a maximum around noon, 18

and dissipating by mid-afternoon. In the spring and summer months a second fumigation starting in mid-afternoon and lasting until 1900 or 2000 C.S.T. was frequently evident. (5) SO2 concentrations during the spring were the lowest of all four seasons; and the summer season was the next lowest in average concentration. This is favorable since the most sensitive period of vegetation to damage by S02 appears to be in the late spring and early summer. Likewise low peak concentration at this time of the year is most desirable since this is the period of the year when people are more likely to be outside their homes on the lawn or in the garden and hence exposed to S02. (6) These patterns of frequency of occurrence of SO2 by season and by time of day are likely to continue after the new power plant is put into operation, and if the concentrations do not significantly exceed the concentrations measured to date, there are not likely to be many complaints by residents of Silver Hill. (7) With the close proximity of the new plant to Silver Hill, "looping" conditions are likely to occur on warm sunny days in summer, causing short-period high concentrations of S02 as individual "loops" of gas strike Silver Hill for a minute or two at a time. Estimations of this peak concentration will be made for the next progress report. (8) The peak short-period and the peak one-hour concentration of SO2 so far measured on Silver Hill occurred on October 21, 1957, with values of 0.50 and 0.35 ppm respectively. Such concentrations may be detected by smell or taste by some individuals but not by others (see Progress Report 2459-2-P, page 63). 19

TABLE I PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WIND SPEEDS Public Service Company of Indiana New Albany, Indiana (Aerovane at height of 104 ft) 1 December 1957 - 28 February 1958 (Winter) Speed, mph Total Wind 32 Total Observations Mean Speed mph Direction 0-3 4-12 13-24 25-31 and 4 and Mean Speed, m Over Over No. N 1.5 4.6 0.5 5.1 6.6 123 7.3 NNE 2.3 5.3 0.3 5.6 7.9 149 6.5 NE 0.8 2.9 2.9 7 70 6. ENE 0.3 0.7 0.7 1.0 18 6.2 E 0.6 0.7 0.7 1.3 25 5.1 ESE 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.9 17 4.9 SE 0.9 0.7 0.7 1.6 30 4.3 SSE 1.1 1.2 0.2 1.4 2.5 46 5.9 S 1.7 4.7 2.3 0.4 7.4 9.1 171 10.3 SSW 2.6 8.8 5.3 0.1 14.2 16.8 317 10.4 SW 1.9 4.9 1.6 6.5 8.4 159 8.5 WSW 1.2 4.0 0.4 4.4 5.6 104 7.3 W 1.2 5.4 0.6 6.0 7.2 136 7.8 WNW 0.8 5.6 0.8 6.4 7.2 136 8.4 NW 0.5 6.0 2.1 8.1 8.6 164 10.2 NNW 0.3 2.9 0.9 3.8 4.1 77 9.8 Calm 7.7 7.7 146 0.0 Totals 25.8 58.9 15.0 0.5 74.4 100.2 1888 Average 8.0, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.0

TABLE II PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WIND SPEEDS Public Service Company of Indiana New Albany, Indiana (Aerovane at height of 104 ft) 1 March 1958 - 31 May 1958 (Spring) Speed, mph Total Wind 32 Total Observations Mean Speed mph Direction 0-3 4-12 13-24 25-31 and 4 and Mean Spee, m Over Over N 2.6 6.0 1.5 7.5 10.1 184 7.9 NME 3.4 11.5 2.9 14.4 17.8 322 8.4 N'E 1.5 7.0 0.6 7.6 9.1 164 7.6 ENE 0.7 1.5 0.1 1.6 2.3 42 6.5 E 0.8 0.4 0.4 1.2 21 5.7 ESE 0.7 0.4 0.4 1.1 19 3.9 SE 1.0 1.4 1.4 2.4 43 5.3 SSE 1.5 1.7 0.3 2.0 3.5 62 6.0 S 2.3 3.8 0.4 03. 4.5 6.8 123 7.3 SSW 3.0 6.2 1.2 7.4 10.4 188 7.3 SW 1.5 1.7 0.5 2.2 3.7 67 6.8 WSW 1.1 1.9 0.2 2.1 3.2 58 6.3 W 0.8 2.0 0.1 2.1 2.9 52 6.3 WNW 1.0 1.8 0.2 2.0 3.0 55 6.6 NW 0.9 3.3 0.6 3.9 4.8 87 8.1 NNW 1.0 3.4 1.4 4.8 5.8 104 9.4 Calm 12.1 12.1 219 0.0 Totals 35.9 54.0 10.0 0.3 64.3 100.2 1810 Average 6.8

TABLE III PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WIND SPEEDS Public Service Company of Indiana New Albany, Indiana (Aerovane at height of 104 ft) 1 June 1958 - 31 August 1958 (Summer) Speed, mph Total Wind 32 Total Observations M, Direction 0-3 4-12 13-24 25-31 and 4 andMean Speed, mph Over Over. N 4.8 4.5 0.1 4.6 9.4 198 4.9 NNE 4.4 6.8 0.0 6.8 11.2 235 5.5 NE 1.4 0.9 0.9 2.3 47 4.0 ENE 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.9 19 4.2 E 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 8 3.9 ESE. 13 2.5 SE o.6 0.2 0.2 0.8 17 3.4 SSE 1.3 0.7 0.7 2.0 41 3.7 S 2.8 5.6 0.6 6.2 9.0 188 6.7 SSW 5.3 12.3 2.2 0.1 14.6 19.9 417 7.5 SW 2.5 4.6 0.4 5.0 7.5 158 6.5 WSW 2.0 2.7 0.0 2.7 4.7 99 5.3 W 1.1 2.3 0.1 2.4 3.5 74 6.2 WNW 1.6 2.2 2.2 3.8 79 5.2 NW 1.1 3-3 3.3 4.4 91 6.4 NNW 1.7 3.2 0.0 3.2 4.9 103 5.8 Calm 14.5 14.5 303 0.0 Totals 46.3 49.9 3.4 0.1 53.4 99.7 2090 Average 5.4

TABLE IV PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WIND SPEEDS Louisville, Kentucky (Standiford Field) (Wind instrument at height of 71 ft) 1 December 1957 - 28 February 1958 (Winter) Speed mph Total Wind 32 Total Observations Mean Speed mph Direction 0-3 4-12 13-24 25-31 and 4 and - No. I-|_______ _Over Over N 0.3 2.7 2.2 0.1 5.0 5.3 114 12.3 NNE 0.4 1.2 0.4 1.6 2.0 45 8.7 NE 0.8 2.5 0.2 2.7 3.5 78 7.2 ENE 0.3 1.0 0.3 1.3 1.6 34 8.7 E 0.6 2.4 0.2 2.6 3.2 69 7.4 ESE 0.2 1.2 0.5 1.5 1.7 36 8.8 SE 1.9 6.7 0.6 7.3 9.2 197 7.4 SSE 0.7 4.1 1.2 0.0 5.3 6.0 132 9.4 S 0.6 3.3 3.3 0.4 0.1 7.1 7.7 166 13.4 SSW 0.0 1.9 3.0 0.1 5.0 5.0 109 14.6 SW 0.3 3.0 4.6 0.1 7.7 8.0 173 14.2 WSW 0.2 3.6 3.5 0.0 7.1 7.3 157 13.0 W 0.1 3.1 3.3 0.0 6.4 6.5 143 13.5 WNW 2.2 7.3 9.5 9.5 205 16.1 NW 0.3 5.4 11.5 16.9 17.2 371 14.9 NNW 0.1 1.2 3.9 0.1 5.2 5.3 117 15.8 Calm 0.7 0.7 16 Totals 7.5 45.5 45.8 0.8 0.1 92.2 99.7 2160 Average 12.5

TABLE V PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WIND SPEEDS Louisville, Kentucky (Standiford Field) (Wind instrument at height of 71 ft) 1 March 1958 - 31 May 1958 (Spring) Speed, mph Total Wind 32 Total Observations, Direction 0-3 4-12 13-24 25-31 and 4 and Mean pee mph Over Over N 0.5 5.3 4.3 0.0 9.6 10.1 223 12.2 NNE 0.2 3.0 2.6 5.6 5.8 128 12.4 NE 1.0 6.6 4.1 10.7 11.7 258 11.2 ENE 0.2 2.1 1.7 3 8 4.0 88 12.1 E o.6 2.8 0.9 3.7 4.3 93 9.2 ESE 0.4 1.4 0.5 1.9 2.3 50 9.1 SE 1.1 6.7 0.8 7.5 8.6 190 8.2 SSE 0.5 4.3 0.6 0.0 4.9 5.4 119 8.8 S 0.7 3.9 1.0 0.3 0.1 5.3 6.0 134 10.4 SSW 2.0 0.7 0.0 2.7 2.7 62 11.0 SW 0.5 2.9 1.5 0.0 4.4 4.9 107 10.8 WSW 0.2 3.9 1.7 0.1 5.7 5.9 130 11.2 W 0.3 3.0 1.5 4.5 4.8 107 11.0 WNW 0.2 2.7 1.8 0.1 4.6 4.8 105 12.0 NW 0.5 5.6 4.4 0.0 10.0 10.5 234 12.1 NNW 0.2 2.7 2.9 0.0 5.6 5.8 128 13.2 Calm 2.4 2.4 52 0.0 Totals 9.5 58.9 31.0 0.5 0.1 90.5 100.0 2208 Average 10.8

TABLE VI PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WIND SPEEDS Louisville, Kentucky (Standiford Field) (Wind instrument at height of 71 ft) 1 June 1958 - 31 August 1958 (Summer) Speed, mph Total Wind 32 Total Observations Mean Speed, mph Direction 0-3 4-12 13-24 25-31 and 4 and Mean Speed, mph 13 % No. Over Over N 0.8 4.3 2.2 6.5 7.3 161 10.4 NNE 0.2 2.5 0.8 3.3 3.5 79 10.0 NE 1.2 3.8 0.5 4.3 5.5 122 7.6 ENE 0.1 1.1 0.2 1.3 1.4 32 9.2 E 0.7 2.0 0.0 2.0 2.7 60 6.6 ESE 0.4 0.9 0.0 0.9 1.3 28 6.5 SE 1.8 5.5 0.4 5.9 7.7 168 7.0 SSE 1.5 6.6 0.4 7.0 8.5 187 7.4 S 1.9 7.8 2.4 10.2 12.1 269 9.0 SSW 0.1 4.2 2.9 0.1 0.0 7.2 7.3 164 12.4 SW 0.7 5.1 4.6 0.1 9.8 10.5 232 12.4 WSW 0.2 3.9 2.0 5.9 6.1 135 11.2 W 0.9 3.3 1.1 4.4 5.3 116 9.2 WNW 0.2 2.9 0.9 3.8 4.0 88 9.9 NW 1.2 4.7 1.3 6.0 7.2 158 8.8 NNW 0.1 2.3 1.4 3.7 3.8 85 11.6 Calm 5.6 __ _ 5.6 124 0.0 Totals 17.6 60.9 21.1 0.2 0.0 82.2 99.8 2208 Average 9.1 ~~~~.1

TABLE VII PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WIND SPEEDS Louisville, Kentucky (Standiford Field) (Wind instrument at height of 71 ft) 8 Winter Seasons (1949 - 1957) Speed mph Total Wind 32 Total Observations Direction 0-3 4-12 13-24 25-31 and 4 aand Speed, mph Over Over No. N 0.7 4.6 1.9 6.5 7.2 1265 10.1 NNE 0.3 2.3 0.9 3.2 3.5 597 10.1 NE 1.0 4.6 0.9 5.5 6.5 1115 8.5 ENE 0.2 1.4 0.2 1.6 1.8 312 8.2 E 0.8 2.0 0.1 2.1 2.9 512 6.6 ESE 0.4 1.7 0.1 1.8 2.2 373 7.3 SE 1.6 7.0 0.4 7.4 9.0 1564 7.4 SSE 0.6 4.9 1.8 0.1 0.0 6.8 7.4 1297 10.3 S 0.8 6.1 4.6 0.2 0.1 11.0 11.8 2039 12.2 SSW 0.3 3.0 3.2 0.1 0.0 6.3 6.6 1155 13.4 SW 0.4 4.6 3.2 0.1 0.0 7.9 8.3 1431 12.0 WSW 0.2 2.8 1.8 0.0 0.0 4.6 4.8 823 11.9 W 0.3 3.2 1.5 0.0 4.7 5.0 881 10.9 WNW 0.2 3.6 2.6 0.1 0.0 6.3 6.5 1118 12.5 NW 0.6 5.7 3.7 0.0 0.0 9.4 10.0 1725 11.6 NNW 0.2 2.7 2.0 0.0 4.7 4.9 830 12.1 Calm 1.7 1.7 291 0.0 Totals 10.3 60.2 28.9 0.6 0.1 89.8 100.1 17328 Average 10.6,',....,.. _ _ _

TABLE VIII PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WIND SPEEDS Louisville, Kentucky (Standiford Field) (Wind instrument at height of 71 ft) 8 Spring Seasons (1950 - 1957) Speed mph Total Wind 52 Total Observations Direction 0-5 4-12 15-24 25-51 and 4 and Mean Speed, mph Over Over No. N 0.6 5.0 1.9 0.0 6.9 7.5 133558 10.1 NNE 0.5 2.6 0.5 5.1 3.4 6o4 9.1 NE 0.8 4.9 1.2 6.1 6.9 1215 9.1 ENE 0.5 1.8 0.5 2.5 2.6 472 9.4 E 0.9 2.5 0.2 2.7 3.6 638 7.1 ESE 0.5 1.8 0.2 2.0 2.5 4.6 8.0 SE 1.9 6.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 7.5 9.4 1664 7.5 SSE 0.9 4.1 1.4 0.1 o.o 5.6 6.5 1121 9.6 S 1.1 5.2 5.2 0.1 0.0 8.5 9.6 1695 11.1 SSW 0.2 2.6 5.2 0.5 0.0 6.1 6.3 1129 14.0 SW 0.6 4.5 5.9 0.2 0.0 8.6 9.2 1644 12.6 WSW 0.1 5.2 2.5 0.2 0.0 5.9 6.0 1075 15.0 W 0.5 5.1 1.8 0.1 5.0 5.5 927 11.4 WNW 0.2 5.2 5.2 0.1 0.0 6.5 6.7 1174 15.1 NW 0o.5 4.5 5.2 0.0 7.7 8.2 1470 11.8 NNW 0.2 2.2 1.5 5.5 5.7 652 11.2 Calm 2.5 ___ 2.5 44 0.0 Totals 11.7 58.0 28.9 1.1 0.0 88.0 99.7 17664 Average 10.5

TABLE IX PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS GROUPED ACCORDING TO WIND SPEEDS Louisville, Kentucky (Standiford Field) (Wind instrument at height of 71 ft) 8 Summer Seasons (1950 - 1957) Speed, mph Total Wind 32 Total Observations Direction 0-3 4-12 13-24 25-31 and 4 and O rv o Mean Speed, mph Over Over No. N 1.4 6.5 1.0 7.5 8.9 1581 8.2 NNE 0.6 3.5 0.5 0.0 4.0 4.6 820 8.5 N'E 1.5 5.0 0.4 0.0 5.4 6.9 1229 7.5 ENE 0.5 1.5 0.1 1.6 2.1 370 6.9 E 1.4 2.4 0.1 2.5 3.9 680 5.8 ESE 0.6 1.3 0.0 1.3 1.9 343 6.0 SE 3.0 6.8 0.2 0.0 0.0 7.0 10.0 1765 6.3 SSE 1.6 5.8 0.5 6.3 7.9 1382 7.3 S 2.5 7.7 1.2 8.9 11.4 2002 7.6 SSW 0.5 3.8 1.3 0.0 5.1 5.6 980 9.8 SW 1.2 6.3 1.8 0.0 8.1 9.3 1645 9.5 WSW 0.3 3.3 1.0 4.3 4.6 812 9.9 W 0.7 2.7 0.4 0.0 3.1 3.8 682 8.0 WNW 0.4 2.1 0.4 2.5 2.9 531 8.6 NW 1.2 3.9 0.7 0.0 4.6 5.8 1048 8.0 NNW 0.5 2.9 0.7 0.0 3.6 4.1 734 9.0 Calm 6.0 6.0 1060 0.0 Totals 23.9 65.5 10.3 0.0 0.0 75.8 99.7 17664 Average 7.5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~7.5..

TABLE X PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS, ALL SPEEDS, BIASED AND UNBIASED Louisville, Kentucky (Standiford Field) 8 Winter Seasons (1949 - 1957) Total Observations Windi t on Biased Record Unbiased Record Direction No. No. _ _ _ _ No. % No.. N 1265 7.2 967 5.6 NNE 597 3.5 952 5.4 NE 1115 6.5 804 4.6 ENE 312 1.8 436 2.5 E 512 2.9 551 2.0 ESE 373 2.2 459 2.6 SE 1564 9.0 1204 6.9 SSE 1297 7.4 1849 10.7 S 2039 11.8 1726 10.0 SSW 1155 6.6 1518 8.8 SW 1431 8.3 1208 7.0 WSW 823 4.8 836 4.8 W 881 5.0 787 4.5 WNW 1118 6.5 1298 7.5 NW 1725 10.0 1472 8.5 NNW 830 4.9 1190 6.9 Calm 291 1.7 291 1.7 Totals 17328 100.1 17328 100.0

TABLE XI PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS, ALL SPEEDS, BIASED AND UNBIASED Louisville, Kentucky (Standiford Field) 8 Spring Seasons (1950 - 1957) Total Observations WDiretion Biased Record Unbiased Record DirectionNo. No. "No. s No. s N 1338 7.5 982 5.6 NNE 604 3.4 982 5.6 NE 1215 6.9 907 5.1 ENE 472 2.6 639 3.6 E 638 3.6 458 2.6 ESE 416 2.3 555.1 SE 1664 9.4 1261 7.1 SSE 1121 6.5 1624 9.2 S 1693 9.6 1415 8.0 SSW 1129 6.3 1450 8.2 SW 1644 9.2 1444 8.2 WSW 1073 6.0 1126 6.4 W 927 5.3 884 5.0 WNW 1174 6.7 1275 7.2 NW 1470 8.2 1266 7.2 NNW 652 3.7 962 5.4 Calm 434 2.5 434 2.5 Totals 17664 99.7 17664 100.0

TABLE XII PERCENTAGE FREQUENCY OF OCCURRENCE OF WINDS IN VARIOUS DIRECTIONS, ALL SPEEDS, BIASED AND UNBIASED Louisville, Kentucky (Standiford Field) 8 Summer Seasons (1950 - 1957) Total Observations Wind WDirectd Biased Record Unbiased Record Direction No. No. I No. % N 1581 8.9 1242 7.0 NNE 820 4.6 1284 7.3 NE 1229 6.9 913 5.2 ENE 370 2.1 519 2.9 E 680 3.9 454 2.6 ESE 343 1.9 482 2.7 SE 1765 10.0 1331 7.5 SSE 1382 7.9 2024 11.5 S 2002 11.4 1637 9.3 SSW 980 5.6 1406 8.0 SW 1645 9.3 1331 7.5 WSW 812 4.6 944 5.3 W 682 3.8 565 3.2 WNW 531 2.9 572 3.2 NW 1048 5.8 832 4.7 NNW 734 4.1 1068 6.0 Calm 1060 6.0 1060 6.0 Totals 17664 99.7 17664 99.9

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.0 0; z kl. D oi 00 rd U OJ (D) H0C "a, tAD. 0 O * Fr Cj a) IlrC ir\~~~~c - - ------------------------ co ON o H~~~~C Q) rtn C\ rT^^A^ t- r|L A COOJ <CO^n - | p^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Ho LCfh- HQ^iJL^0 H H4 CU CO i ~| P.1 ~ rd Hi ar K Lc\PC ON\ G'0- 4 0 f|~ a, * *-'0OCJ'0g~'0^zj-^ 1Cli ON ~<^ 0 aiQ H I) i o ro C-H I a) 0 0 rc) %~ -A nO t':-W N\j t~ —O'\ G\t — OHOGD I CCo a) 0 *. -- t'-:- o c\J rc\co -: L-r\CO cvJ LC\_:- t-t- o\ a) Qo40 ) z 1 tOC~J HCrC\C\JCX J,QC\ N C, 4-< CO 04 O'\ C K- \ ( - |^ r^O OJ n rOJ K'- ) \ n:J-JO \ -i | \ O m rd o Ln ~~~~~~~~ — - O \ n CU n -- q -- O'\ C\ J n t L ON o Izo I C0 CU <0 Rd H oo j 0^0\ 0y\ r- K\ 0 iT0 n \ —- rO'\ -:- CO\ D ONn O OO r J4 CO L O \ A Ft F: Lnaa, 0 rJ)~~~~~r ^u Oa cOQQM IO\K~q \Ho r~ro' I\&D o O N o| (U *-1) El l 0 C.) CT3 IT3 17Z.111& III& I-& r L4 C\4j i qHOk P ~ ~~ 0r O'0nO ~ O~rc\CJi- LrtJCi ~cc,-c tCN' HC OrOC 3~~~~0 Cac\ HCJ GD LF ~ 3C c ~L L UI tt- \ 00 a,.o H H Hcs H t Ir S a v3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a k? FCeH^ COWCLnrlO CO^SCO~F~rlCUr @^CT 0> 0 C cH~~~~~~~~~ rd+~ O ~~~~~~~~~~ci

TABLE XVIII THE ASSOCIATION OF PRECIPITATION AT STANDIFORD FIELD, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WITH WINDS AT PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA, NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 1 December 1956 - 28 February 1957 (Winter) Average Wind No. of Hours of Precipitation as Wind Speed During Observations Percentage of Total Hours of Direction Precipitation, During Wind mph Precipitation Observations N 5.9 58 11.0 2.8 NNE 6.4 123 23.4 5.9 NE 5.2 29 5.5 1.4 ENE 3.6 5 1.0 0.2 E 4.o 1 0.2 0.1 ESE 3.7 7 1.3 0.3 SE 3.8 6 1.1 0.3 SSE 6.1 9 1.7 0.4 S 10.9 23 4.4 1.1 SSW 8.3 87 16.6 4.1 SW 6.4 30 5.7 1.4 WSW 6.1 23 4.4 1.1 W 5.9 18 3.4 0.9 WNW 7.5 19 3.6 0.9 NW 8.7 34 6.5 1.6 NNW 10.0 24 4.6 1.1 Calm 0.0 29 5.5 1.4 Totals 525 99.9 25.0 Average 6.7

TABLE XIX THE ASSOCIATION OF PRECIPITATION AT STANDIFORD FIELD, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WITH WINDS AT PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA, NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 1 March 1957 - 31 May 1957 (Spring) Average Wind No. of Hours of Precipitation as Wind Speed During Observations Percentage of Total Hours of Direction Precipitation, During Pn Wind mph Precipitation recipitation Observations N 9.5 35 10.9 1.7 NNE 7.9 48 14.9 2.4 NE 6.0 7 2.2 0.3 ENE 6.2 8 2.5 0.4 E 3.7 3 0.9 0.1 ESE 5.7 10 3.1 0.5 SE 5.6 9 2.8 0.4 SSE 6.2 11 3.4 0.5 S 73. 25 7.8 1.2 SSW 9.7 60 18.6 3.0 SW 9.1 22 6.8 1.1 WSW 9.6 22 6.8 1.1 W 6.2 16 5.0 0.8 WNW 7.8 9 2.8 0.4 NW 7.0 8 2.5 0.4 NNW 13.3 15 4.7 0.7 Calm 0.0 14 4.3 0.7 Totals 322 100.0 15.9 Ave rage 8.1

TABLE XX THE ASSOCIATION OF PRECIPITATION AT STANDIFORD FIELD, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WITH WINDS AT PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA, NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 1 June 1957 - 31 August 1957 (Summer) Average Wind No. of Hours of Precipitation as Wind Speed During Observations Percentage of Total Hours of Direction Precipitation, During Wind nmph PrecipitPrecipitation Observations N 6.0 20 12.0 1.1 NNE 7.4 18 10.8 1.0 NE 6.5 6 3.6 0.3 ENE 4.5 2 1.2 0.1 E 1.0 1 0.6 0.1 ESE 0 SE 6.0 1 0.6 0.1 SSE 6.3 8 4.8 0.4 S 9.4 19 11.4 1.0 SSW 7.3 34 20.5 1.8 SW 5.0 13 7.8 0.7 WSW 6.7 9 5.4 0.5 W 8.0 6 3.6 0.3 WNW 4.7 7 4.2 0.4 NW 13.0 5 3.0 0.3 NNW 6.8 12 7.2 0.6 Calm 0.0 5 3.0 0.3 Totals 166 99.7 8.9 Average 6.8

TABLE XXI THE ASSOCIATION OF PRECIPITATION AT STANDIFORD FIELD, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WITH WINDS AT PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA, NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 1 September 1957 - 30 November 1957 (Fall) Average Wind No. of Hours of Precipitation as Wind Speed During Observations Percentage of Total Hours of Direction Precipitation, During iitti Wind mph. Precipitation recon Observations N 6.3 7 2.8 0.4 NNE 6.o 10 4.0 0.5 NE 4.0 1 0.4 0.1 ENE 0 E 5.0 1 0.4 0.1 ESE 4.1 10 4.0 0.5 SE 7.1 16 6.3 0.8 SSE 9.0 48 19.0 2.5 S 12.0 46 18.2 2.4 SSW 9.7 46 18.2 2.4 SW 6.9 18 7.1 0.9 WSW 8.7 15 5.9 0.8 W 8.8 11 4.3 0.6 WNW 8.9 11 4.3 0.6 NW 11.0 6 2.4 0.3 NNW 9.6 5 2.0 0.3 Calm 0.0 2 0.8 0.1 Totals 253 100.1 13.2 Average 8.9

TABLE XXII THE ASSOCIATION OF PRECIPITATION AT STANDIFORD FIELD, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WITH WINDS AT PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA, NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 1 December 1957 - 28 February 1958 (Winter) Average Wind No. of Hours of Precipitation as Wind Speed During Observations Percentage of Total Hours of Direction Precipitation, During Wind nmphrecitation Precipitation Observations N 10.5 27 5.5 1.4 NNE 7.7 35 7.2 1.9 NE 4.7 7 1.4 0.4 ENE 4.0 5 1.0 0.3 E 5.3 15 5.1 0.8 ESE 4.6 8 1.6 0.4 SE 5.8 5 1.0 0.3 SSE 8.0 12 2.5 0.6 S 15.3 44 9.0 2.3 SSW 11.0 72 14.8 3.8 SW 10.2 34 7.0 1.8 WSW 8.4 18 3.7 1.0 W 8.5 53 10.9 2.8 WNW 8.3 34 7.0 1.8 NW 11.7 70 14.3 3.7 NNW 11.5 30 6.1 1.6 Calm 0.0 19 5.9 1.0 Totals 488 100.0 25.9 Average 9.6

TABLE XXIII THE ASSOCIATION OF PRECIPITATION AT STANDIFORD FIELD, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WITH WINDS AT PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA, NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 1 March 1958 - 31 May 1958 (Spring) Average Wind No. of Hours of Precipitation as Wind Speed During Observations Percentage of Total Hours of Direction Precipitation, During Wind mph Precipitationation Observations N 12.5 42 14.5 2.3 NNE 9.2 56 19.3 3.1 NE 8.4 41 14.1 2.3 ENE 5.6 12 4.1 0.7 E 3.0 3 1.0 0.2 ESE 3.5 4 1.4 0.2 SE 4.9 7 2.4 0.4 SSE 7.4 5 1.7 0.3 S 6.9 14 4.8 0.8 SSW 7.0 16 5.5 0.9 SW 5.o 14 4.8 0.8 WSW 6.4 14 4.8 0.8 W 4.5 4 1.4 0.2 WNW 7.2 9 3.1 0.5 NW 5.4 10 3.4 0.6 NNW 11.2 17 5.9 0.9 Calm 0.0 22 7.6 1.2 Totals 290 99.8 16.2 Average 7.7

TABLE XXIV THE ASSOCIATION OF PRECIPITATION AT STANDIFORD FIELD, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, WITH WINDS AT PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA, NEW ALBANY, INDIANA 1 June 1958 - 31 August 1958 (Summer) Average Wind No. of Hours of Precipitation as Wind Speed During Observations Percentage of Total Hours of Direction Precipitation, During Wind ph Precipitation Precipitation Observations N 5.7 16 73. 0.8 NNE 6.4 14 6.4 0.7 NE 3.2 5 2.3 0.2 ENE 1.7 3 1.4 0.1 E 6.0 1 0.5 0.0 ESE 2.5 2 0.9 0.1 SE 2.0 2 0.9 0.1 SSE 2.8 9 4.1 0.4 S 8.2 21 9.5 1.0 SSW 6.7 50 22.7 2.4 SW 4.6 16 7.3 0.8 WSW 6.2 13 5.9 0.6 W 5.7 9 4.1 0.4 WNW 5.1 12 5.5 0.6 NW 6.8 17 7.7 0.8 NNW 5.8 6 2.7 0.3 Calm 0.0 24 10.9 1.1 Totals 220 100.1 10.4 Average 5.3

TABLE XXV SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 June 1957 - 15 June 1957 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 T (.o5) T T ~~~~~~1000 | l (.05) (.06) 1100 o.08 T (.16) (.06) 1200 T T 1200__ (.04) (.06) T T 1300 | |1(.06) (.04) i4oo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1400 | l l 1 1 (.04) 1500 T _ |(.4) 1600 T 1700 (.04) T T 1800 _ __ | | (.04) (T) 1900 (T) (T) 2000 2100 2200 2500 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXVI SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 June 1957 - 30 June 1957 Hour Day of Month _ Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 0500 o1oo 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 (5) (.05) 0900 T T.08.04 (.07) (.04) (.13) (.07) 1000 T T.10 (.07) (.04) (.23) T.08 T ~~~~~1100~~ ~(.05) (.21) (.06) T T T 1200__ ______________(.06) (.05) (.06) 15300 T (T) 1400.0 (.06) 1500 1600 1700 T (.05) 1800 o (.o4) 1900 ( (.04).06 2000o6 (.09) 2100 2200 2300 (. (.09) 2400 (.08) *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXVII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 July 1957 - 15 July 1957 Hour Day of Month___ Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 o8oo 0800 0900 1000 T) ~1000 ~ (.09).13 1100 (.24) 10.16.04 1200_ ___ (.25) 1_ (.09).06.04 1300o6 o4 1300 ((.12) (.06) T T 1400 (.11) (.05) 1500 T (.6) 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXVIII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 July 1957 - 31 July 1957 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 0500 ohoo 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 ~~~~.10 (.19).12 T 1000 $~1000 ~(.18) (.07).12 i100 ~~~~1100 1l(.16) 1200 ~~~12^00 1(.10).09 1300 1900..11 14oo00 (.14).12 ~~~1500 ~(.14).10 1600 (.12) 1700 ~~~1700 ~(.10) 18oo00 1900oo 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXIX SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 August 1957 - 15 August 1957 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 T T 1000 (.10) (.06).08 T.04 1100 (.11) (.07) (.06) T.06 T 1200 (.08) (.13) ___(.04) 1300 1400 |||.1(.10) 1500 1600 1700 1800.,, ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~(. 4) 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXX SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 August 1957 - 51 August 1957 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 0500 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 (. (.o4) T T 0900 ~~0900~~! IIT___ _|(*~5(T) (.05)_ 1000.05.06 T (.18) (.09) (.06) 1100.11.08 T.15 (.19) (.25) (.06) (.27) 1200 T.18.06.11 _ (.04) (.45) (.12) (.18) 1500.06.04 T (.09) (.07) (T) 1400 T T T (T) (.04) (T) 1.500 | T T __________________________________ ______(.05) (T) 1600 T.04 (T) (.06) 1700.04 (.06) 18oo T (T) 1900 T (T) 2000 T (T) 2100 T _____________________ _________________ (T) 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXXI SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 September 1957 - 15 September 1957 Hour. Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0100 0200 0500 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 T 1500 (T) 1600 | (T) T1 1700 (.04) 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXXII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 September 1957 - 50 September 1957 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 51 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 o0600oo 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXXIII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 October 1957 - 15 October 1957 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900'~ ~ ~ ~T T ~~0~~~900 |______ _ _ __ _ I____________~~ l(.04) (.o5) T.05 T 1000 | (T) (.o7) (.o4) T T T.10 1100 ((.05) (.05) (T) (.14) T T T.08 1200___ | l _____~(.05) (.04) (.05) (.11) T T 1300 | - 1300 (.07) (.05) 1400 T (T) 1500;600 T!600 | l l (. 05 ) 1700 (.04) 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour. _____

TABLE XXXIV SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 October 1957 - 31 October 1957 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 ~037~~~00 J ~T 0500 (.05) o (io T.04 (.05) (.05) (T) (.10) 900.0 T T.10 (.5)) (.) 0700 1100 |.12|(. o5)6 o8oo (.o9) 0900 ~06 T.04 (.11) (.07) (.10) 12~00 55.0710 T.07 __________(.13) (.07) (.12)______________ ~ 12 ~05.o6 T (.22) (.o8)(.zo) (.05) 1200.35.07 T.06 (.5o) (.1)(.) (.o7) 1300.32 T T (.48) (T) (.05) 1400.11 (.20) 1500 (.10) (.05) (.06) 16000 05 T (.15 12) (T) ~~~~21~04 T T _ __ _ _ _ (.o8) (.07) 2200.04 1800 20(T) (.10) 240T T 2100__ _ _ _(.08) (. 07_) (.o5) *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXXV SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 November 1957 - 15 November 1957 Hour.Day of Month Endin 1 2 3 4 5 6 - 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 0100 T(.TT.08 T 0Q~~~~~~~~100 ~~~~(.06) (.o) (.o5).0200 | l l |T 0o8 (.05) (.11) 03006 05 ______ ______________ _______________ (.06) (.10) (.oQ) 0400 T.04 T.04 0(.o4) (.08) (.07) (.07) T.04 0500 (T) (.05).04 T 0600 _.06) (.04) 0700 T T (.05) (.04) T T T 08Q0 (.04) (.06) (.04) 9 T.07.06.04 0900 ____________ (.05) (.11),(.10) (.06) T 1000 (.08) (.06) (.15) (.08) (.06). 1100 (.14) (.11) (.14) (.06) (.13).08.10.08 T.14 1200 (.11) (.16) (._ | (.05) (.21)__ T.04.04.1 1300 (.0(.0(.8) (.11) (.16).06 T T.06 1400 |(.08) (T) (.04) (.10) T OO______15r_00 (.06)_ (.06) 1600 i(06) 1700.05.05 ~~~~1700 ( ~(.07) (.06) ~1800 T T 1800 ___ __ ____(.0 6) (.06) 1900 (T5 (.05) (T) (.07) 2100 T.07 T _____2100___ (___.05) _______(.o5) _ (.08) (.08)?n2200. T06.08 (.08) (.11).04.08 T 2300 (.05) (.o10) (.05).04.07 T (.05) (.08) (.o05)_ *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXXVI SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 November 1957 - 30 November 1957 Hour Day of Month Endin 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800.04.06 0900 _ X ____ ___ __________ (.12) (.12)___ ~1000.09.08 (.13) (.13) 1100.05.06.06 (.08) (.09) (.10) 1200 T.15.06 (.05 (.23) (.10).14 T 1500 (.19) (.05).04 14oo (.13) ~08 1500o 1600.08 T (.10) (.04) 1700.06 T (.08) (.04) 1800.07 (.08) 1900 04 T (.05) (.05) T T (.o05) (T) 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXXVII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 December 1957 - 15 December 1957 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 (T (.08) 0900 1000.09 1100 ~(. 5) T.08 1200 (T) (.15).05.10 1500 ((.06) (.17).07 T 1400 1400 (.10) (.09).08 T 1500 (.10 (. 10)____.0.06 1600 (.10) (.09).04 1700 (.08) 800__(__________________ (.15) _ _(.13) _12 1900 (.18) 2000 (.15).12 2100 ______ __________ ____________ I (.14)____) T 2200 (. (.10) 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXXVIII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 December 1957 - 31 December 1957 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 T (T) (T) 0400 (I) (T) 0500. (T) o~oo 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 /T.04 (.04) (.12) 1100 T.12 (.05) (.15) 1200.09 T.08 (.16) (.07) (.13) 1300.12 VT.16 1300 1(.15) (.04) (.40),4oo. *06 T.18 (.08) (T) (.41) 1500 I 1 (.6)_ _______________ 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XXXIX SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Tndiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 January 1958 - 15 January 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 8 13 14 15_ 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XL SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 January 1958 - 51 January 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 T 0o_00 _(.o5) __________ _____________ o0oo Q)o1ko0D (2)(.(.06) 01~500 | o8 ~T 0500 (.05) o0600oo 0700 0800 T (T) 0900(T) 1000 T (.05) 1100 o.8.07 (.15) (.15) 1200.16.05 (.22) (.10) 1300.0 T (.11) (.07) ~~14oo 0T T (.06) (.05).05 T (.08)..(T.____..... 1600 (.05) (.05) 1700 T.. 1800_______(.09)__ 1900 T T 2000 (T) (.04) 2100(.6) (.06) 2200 2300 (.05) 2400 T *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XLI SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 February 1958 - 15 February 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 T ________________________________________(.06) 1000 7) (.07).04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1100 I l I I o(.08) 1200 1300 1400 (.04) 1500.04 ~oo ______________________________ ____________(.06) 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XLII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCEI1TRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 February 1958 - 28 February 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 0500 0400 0500 0600 0700 o8oo 0900 0900__ _(T_) (* 4) _____________ (. 04).06 1000 (.07).06 1100 (.07) 1200 T T (T) (.08).o0 1300. (. 09 ) (.07) (.04) 16oo00 1700 18oo00 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XLIII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 March 1958 - 15 March 1958 Hour -Day of Month Ending L 1 - 2 3.. 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 -13 14 15 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 T (T) 1500 T (T) 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XLIV SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 March 1958 - 31 March 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 31 0100' 0200 o400oo 0500 (.0404) 06001 T 0700 T (T) 0800 T (.04) 0900__ 1000 1100 T (T) 1200 T (T) 15300 1400oo 1500 1600 1700 1800o 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XLV SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 April 1958 - 15 April 1958 Hour Day of Month Endin 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (.04) 0200 T (T) 0300 (.0o) T T 0400 (.05) (.10) T T 0500 | (T) (.04) 0600 0700 0800 N N (.06) (T) 0900 T T.04 T 0900 (.04) (.05) (.07) (.06) T T T 1000 (.06) (.06) (.07) 1100.09 T (. 18) (.05) 1200 (10) ___.04 1500 (.08) 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XLVI SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 April 1958 - 30 April 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 0100 (T (.04) 0200 4 (.06) 0300 T i____ ] 00it~~~~__,___(0 (T)_(.o)__ 0400T (.o4) 0500 T (T) 0600 0700 T (T) 0800 (T) 0900 T T (.05) (T) T T T 100 ) (T) (.05) (.05) 1100 T T (.05) (.04) 1200 T (..04 ) T 1300 (T) 1400 (T) T T ~1500 (T) (T) 1600 (T) T T ~1700 (T) (T) 18oo00 (.05) 1900.06 (.06).05 (.05) 2200 T (.05) 2500 T (T) 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XLVII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 May 1958 - 15 May 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 T T _900 (.o9) _______ ( 1100 (.o9) 1200 (Ts)______||(.5| T T 1300 (.04) (.05) 1400 T 06 1500 T T o6 T T.06 1500_ _ __ (T) _ (T) (.07) 1600 (T) T 1700 (T) 1800 T 1900 (T) 2300 (T) 2100 (T) T 2200 (.04) 2400 (T) 2400 T (T) *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XLVIII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 May 1958 - 31 May 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 0500 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 T (.05) 0900 6 (.13) (T) ~1100 o.04 T (.08) (T) 1200 1300 T T (.04) (T) 1400 T 04 T T T (T) (.05) (T) (.04) (T) T.04.04.04 T T 1 (.04) (.05) ___(.04) (.04) (T) (T) 1600 T.04.04 T T T (.04) (.05) (.04) (T) (T) (T) T.05 T T T 0 (T) (.05) (T) (T) (T) 1800 T.04 T (T) (.04) (T) T T (.04) (T) 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE XLIX SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 June 1958 - 15 June 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12, 13 14 15 0100 0200 0500 0400 0500 o600 0700 0800 ( (.o4) T T 0900 ___6___________ )(.06) (. 05).10.06 1000 (.17) (.08) 10.15.10 1100 (.18) (.13) 1200 08.10 ___1200 ( )__(.14) (.12).05 T T T T.07 1300 |(.05) (T) (T) (T) (T) (.08) T.06 T T T T.05 1400 ((.04) (.08) (.04) (T) (T) (T) (.08) T.04 T T.04.05 1500 (.04) (.o5) (.04) (T) (.04) (.06) T.05.04 T.4 1600 (T) (.05) (.05) (.04) (.04).04.04 T.04 1700 (.05) (.05) (T) (.04).04.04 T T 1800_ l ___(.o4) (.05) (.04) (.04) __ T T T T T 1900 ((.04) (T) (T) (T) (T) T T 2000 | | (T) (.04) T T 2100 (T) (.05) T 2200 (T) 2300 (.04) 2400 (T) *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE L SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 June 1958 - 30 June 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 (T (T) 0700 (.o4) 0800 1 (.4) 110~ ~ ~ (.04~(.o4) 0900 | (0.05) 1000 (.07)) 1100 ((.)4) ___0)(.o4)__________________________________ 1300 1500 T 15~00 ______________________________(.04) 2100 T.0 (.04) (.07) 1700 (.07.07o 1800 ________________ _________________________________(.10)4) ________________ 1900 (.T0) 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE LI SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 July 1958 - 15 July 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 (T 0600 T (T) ________ T 0700 (.04) o800 0900 1000 ( 1100 T (T) 1200 (T__ T 1300 (.04) 1400 T (.04) 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE LII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 July 1958 - 51 July 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 0500 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 0 (.06) 1100 |T)|T T.04 (.05) (.05) (.05) 1200.04 T (.0o5) (.04) T 1500 (T) 1400 1500 (T) 1600 1700 18oo 1900 (.07) 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE LIII SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 1 August 1958 - 15 August 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 T T 1000 (.^5) 1100 ||(T) (.04) 1200 T (T)_________________ 1300 1400 1500.04 1600.04 (.06) 1700 (6 (.07) (. 05) 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

TABLE LIV SULPHUR DIOXIDE CONCENTRATIONS* (parts per million) Public Service Company of Indiana, Silver Hill, New Albany, Indiana 16 August 1958 - 31 August 1958 Hour Day of Month Ending 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 0100 0200 0500 0400 0500 0600 0700 o800 0900 1000 T T (.04) (T) T.05 (.05) (.08) (.13).06 T 1300 (.11) (.05) T T 1400oo T T (T) (T) 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 *Upper figure is the average concentration for the hour; lower figure is the maximum concentration during the hour.

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U) 0 C) oC |C dk | H 1 1 tH Ln t > 0o Ln I t<~ o o O O \D <0 CN t-L fL ~ OH H -r40 d H ~ I d dH d H d dH I C CUC CC C N CM I —1f 000 _ ~ d........' —.. —..o,,,..,,o.... o...o............. OZ H 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 H 88 ~ 8 |R E Q X ^ rt 1 1 M 1X} 1 o o ooo8o oooooooo o8o8oo ~ S coo to OOr PI c I OH0r r1 O N N X CO 0 00 00 - - C)U aI 1~ I~^ ~I IS OU 0U H 4i XD 4 \0 0 0000 0 000 0 sw P o B 00 00OOOO000000 00080 0 ~rl 5~ l- K \ n <t L\ n n 0n N- t -\ N\ WI O l\ N O KI K\

TABLE LXXV NUMBER OF HOURS DURING TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD (8760 HR) THAT AVERAGE HOURLY SO2 CONCENTRATIONS FELL WITHIN INDICATED LIMITS Public Service Company of Indiana New Albany, Indiana 1 September 1957 - 51 August 1958 (One-Year Summary) Ppm T -.05 343.05-.10 74.11-.20.21-.50 2.31-.40.41-.50 Total 436 TABLE LXXVI NUMBER OF HOURS DURING TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD (8760 HR) THAT AVERAGE MAXIMUM HOURLY SO2 CONCENTRATIONS FELL WITHIN INDICATED LIMITS Public Service Company of Indiana New Albany, Indiana 1 September 1957 - 51 August 1958 (One-Year Summary) Ppm T -.05 255.05-.10 117.11-.20 56.21-.50 4.31-.40 1.41-.50 3 Total 456

TOWER LOUISV ILLE / /LNEW ALBANY, VILLE E R/Z:] b L A^.C L -. /^FOWE S. O 1. J p g a I S aat feet nterron it Fig 1 Topographic map of sie a-' 0 Mtound LO Fig. 1. Topographic map of site and surroundings.

N N 157% a mph 15% a mph W 7 S' t — E W E S S I December 1957 - 28 February 1958 I March 1958 - 31 May 1958 (Winter) (Spring) N /+ X/', | Jll 1 5% 8 mph W I- 4.5 ---- E I June 1958 - 31 August 1958 (Summer) PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA Aerovane at Height of 104 ft. Fig. 2. Percentage frequency of occurrence of winds from 16 directions (rectangles) and corresponding wind speed in mph (heavy lines) at New Albany plant site, 1957 - 1958 (Winter); 1958 (Spring); and 1958 (Summer). Percent of calms in center.

N N N r NW NE NNE 15 % & mph / 15 a mph W.7 E I- 07 -/ F E Sw~/ V W0E SWE S S STANDIFORD FIELD STANDIFORD FIELD LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Wind Instrument at Height of 71ft. Wind Instrument at Height of 71ft. Winter (I Dec.-28 Feb) 1949-1957 Winter (I Dec.- 2 8 Feb.) 1957-1958 N NW ALBNY, INDIANA /',<, \ T/. 15 % 8, mph Aerovane at Height of 104 ft. S PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY., INDIANA Aerovane at Height of 104 ft. Winter (I Dec.-28 Feb.) 1957-1958 Fig. 3. Percentage frequency of occurrence of winds from 16 directions (rectangles) and corresponding wind speed in mph (heavy lines) at Standiford Field, 1949 - 1957; Standiford Field, 1957 - 1958; and New Albany plant site, 1957 - 1958: Winter. Percent of calms in center.

N N NW< — NE NW< ~tr^C E ~/ \ [~ 1 y 15 % 8krph 1 5 % a mph W 2 5 E W E SW E s'w i ~/S E S S STANDIFORD FIELD STANDIFORD FIELD LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Wind Instrument at Height of 71ft. Wind Instrument at Height of 71ft. Spring (I Mar.-31 May) 1950-1957 Spring (I Mar.-31 May) 1958 N / \^\ | li^ 15% 8 mph W E S PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA Aerovane at Height of 104 ft. Spring (I Mar.-31 May) 1958 Fig. 4. Percentage frequency of occurrence of winds from i6 directions (rectangles) and corresponding wind speed in mph (heavy lines) at Standiford Field, 1950 - 1957; Standiford Field, 1958; and New Albany plant site, 1958: Spring. Percent of calms in center.

N N WNl 0NE EW E /N^~15 % a mph * 15 % a mph W -- 6O } E W t -- -t6 S — E —E 0 s E SWX S S STANDIFORD FIELD STANDIFORD FIELD LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Wind Instrument at Height of 71ft. Wind Instrument at Height of 71 ft. Summer (I June-31 Aug.) 1950-1957 Summer (I June-31 Aug.) 1958 N NWX --— NE 15 % a mph W E.J; S PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA Aerovone ot Height of 104 ft. Summer (IJune-31 Aug.) 1958 Fig. 5. Percentage frequency of occurrence of winds from 16 directions (rectangles) and corresponding wind speed in mph (heavy lines) at Standiford Field, 1950 - 1957; Standiford Field, 1958; and New Albany plant site, 1958: Summer. Percent of calms in center.

N N 43 194 477 99 194 NW NE wW NE O27, 212 9 0-3 mph 4-12 mph N 50 500 17 58 17 I 10 4 EE WS? 0 8 E 15 16 7 1 W SX E ~S S~S 13- mph 4-12 mph N5 14 16 NEW ALBANY, INDIANA S00 Fall ( Sept., Oct., Nov.) 1957 Fig. 6. Average gust count per hour by wind directions and wind-speed categories. New Albany plant site, 1957: Fall.

N N 21 79 N N NW 13-24E Nh 25-31 mh N lo~ ~ c~-~ ~14 11., ",)46 25 /O 35 14 105 0 16 I December 1957 - 28 February 167 58 1 30 85 S S 0-3 mph 4-12 mph N N 17 9 NW I? NE NW NE SW 27S - SE Sw SE 43 7 S S 13-24 mph 25-31 mph PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA I December 1957 - 28 Februory 1958 (Winter) Fig. 7. Average gust count per hour by wind directions and wind-speed categories. New Albany plant site, 1957 - 1958: Winter.

N N 105 W 15 1425E W'. E 16 410 26 S S O-3 mph 4- 12 mph N N,, 228_ SW NE SW SE 5 22 It 69 ~ ~ NE S S 13-24 mph 25-31 mph PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA I March 1958 - 51 May 1958 (Spring) Fig. 8. Average gust count per hour by wind directions and wind-speed categorieso New Albany plant site, 1958: Springo

N N NW 36 9 90 NE NW W 24^4j301 5 E W 48 31 E 0-3 mph 9 4-2mph SW SSE SW SE 59 11 S S 0-3 mph 4-12 mph N N W j NE NW NE 500 0 W 2 0 E W E 13 S S 13-24 mph 25-31 mph PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA I June 1958 - 31 August 1958 (Summer) Fig. 9. Average gust count per hour by wind directions and wind-speed categories. New Albany plant site, 1958: Summer.

N N 207 gy l 69 265 28 2 635 S S 0-3 mph 4-12 mph N N sW 91 NE SW NE S S 13-24 mph 25-31 mph PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA I September 1957-31 August 1958 Fig. 10. Average gust count per hour by wind directions and wind-speed categories. New Albany plant site 1957 - 1958: year summary. S S 1-32 mph 4-12 mph NW A LBANE NW NE F i g 10 gories. New Albany plant site, 1957 - 1958: year summary.

Winter (I Dec.-28 Feb.) 1956-1957 Spring (I Man.-31 May) 1957 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA N N NW YNE NWX NE /\' 15 mph / K15 mph I0 W 1.4 E W -7 E 33% 3 SW SE SW E S S Suminter (I June-31 28 Aug.) 1956-1957 Spring (I Sep.-30 Nov.) 1957 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA N N Fig. 11. Percentage frequency of occurrence of winds from 16 directions (rectangles) at New Albany plant site and corresponding precipitation from Standi15 mph 15 mph S S Sum m er(0IJune-31Aug.)1957 Fall ( I Sep.- 30 Nov.) 1957 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA Fig. 11. Percentage frequency of occurrence of winds from 16 directions (rectangles) at New Albany plant site and corresponding precipitation from Standiford Field, 1956 - 1957 (Winter); 1957 (Summer); and 1957 (Fall). Average wind speed (heavy lines). Percent of calms in center.

N N N NE NW\ v N NE 15 mph 15 mph W'10E E SW SE SW E /S S Winter (I Dec.-28 Feb.) 1958 Spring (I M r.-31 May) 1958 PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA N NW/ N E 15 mph I0 WN~ —-+ —~t-f~ I. I E SW E Fig. 12. Percentage frequency of occurrence of winds from 16 directions (rectangles) at New Albany plant site and corresponding precipitation from Standiford Field, 1957 - 1958 (Winter); 1958 (Spring); and 1958 (Summer). Average wind speed (heavy lines). Percent of calms in center.

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r-p 1~'M Ok 0 10H - o ODD -, — --- L, N i J i C\J j r *O -.?*... _ ~ 2. / ~- - i.* F- v n CJ 00 0 I F- O 0H * ~_ o o t r- ca red Pi 0 0) C N4-' —- - r Co 0D 0 0 Os~~~~~NIOa~N]3~- ~fOH i r- -P~ C ~LL.., I(D o 0 a a o~~j0 o O N IO ~P O - N

C) 0 cl ) ~ n ci z 00 C U.(J-J 0 - \ co (I9 a Ic o o Li >00 OC.) OD O,), a Cd _ A 4 -c 00 Cd b. *,CD, > = <t,"o - - o C - a* LC hO *- -l 0' 0ed M I 0 *4( " —'1' +~ Z ~ o o a a) 00 r1 m 0 ~d 0 - o 0 O - ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ — _0 0 0 ~9NIJN] FIrOH C\J CV --- CJ 0 0 0 9NI~ f QNr~i 3 tOH

N N I/' /:. ~ ~0V occ'r. 0 occ'r j \17 )i ^ 5 \2pppm 2 ppm w E. 0 E SW E- SE SW\Y SE S S 0-3 mpn 4-12 mph N NW,- -/ NE ^./v yi V\v 0 oocclr. Z/Z^ ^^5o5 \2 ppm W XE SW SE s 13- 24 mph PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA FALL (Sept, Oct., Nov.) 1957 Fig. 28. Number of occurrences of SO2 at Silver Hill for various wind directions (rectangles) in three wind-speed categories; and corresponding average SO2 concentrations in ppm (heavy lines) during such occurrences. Number of occurrences of calm (upper number) and average sulphur dioxide concentration (lower number) in center. Tower wind data used. Period: Fall, 1957.

N N NW/\^ --- EnNE NW NE ~/^^/\A^^/>^ /Ix cc11E w LL^5 ^l^n55 2ppm.1520PPM WE E i SW \"- / SE SW' SE S S 0-3 mph 4-12 mph N W~-N SW/ SE W 0 S 13- 24 mph PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA WINTER ( Dec., Jan.,Feb.) 1957-'58 Fig. 29. Number of occurrences of SO2 at Silver Hill for various wind directions (rectangles) in three wind-speed categories; and corresponding average SO2 concentrations in ppm (heavy lines) during such occurrences. Number of occurrences of calm (upper number) and average sulphur dioxide concentration (lower number) in centero Tower wind data usedo Period: Winter, 1957 - 1958.

N N NW NE NW N E / /N\\ ~ 7 C\o occ'r. \ occ'r. /8~ O ^^'^ PPMm 5 l ^ l^. 2 ppm /1/I SW - SE SE S S 0-3 mph 4- 12 mph N NW - -- NE -/ /^xr.7^yI /occIrI SW - SE S 13- 24 mph PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA SPRING (Mar., Apr., May) 1958 Figo 50. Number of occurrences of S02 at Silver Hill for various wind directions (rectangles) in three wind-speed categories; and corresponding average SO2 concentrations in ppm (heavy lines) during such occurrences. Number of occurrences of calm (upper number) and average sulphur dioxide concentration (lower number) in center. Tower wind data used. Period: Spring, 1958.

N N NW/\ NE W\ /^ NE X/X/\^Vocc r.,c /_'oCC r. w rw f 1 E NINI, I,r I " ~ Si: \\ iiy SW y — \- /SE SW /SE S S 0-3 mph 4- 12 mph N NW / - -E/\ NE 0 occlr. wi Inpm I//5 ppm S EE s 13- 24 mph PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA SUMMER( June, July,Aug.,) 1958 Fig. 31. Number of occurrences of SO3 at Silver Hill for various wind directions (rectangles) in three wind-speed categories; and corresponding average S02 concentrations in ppm (heavy lines) during such occurrences. Number of occurrences of calm (upper number) and average sulphur dioxide concentration (lower number) in center. Tower wind data used. Period: Summer, 1958.

N N NW/ NAE NW _ NE / n t ooccIr. \ / oC'r 135- 24 mph SW /PUBLI SE SWCOMPA NY OF INDIASE September'57 - August'58 S 0-3 mph 4-12 mph N N17 - 1 A 1.NE /-$^ o>^ ~u occ'r. W i~0 E S 13 - 24 mph PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA September'57 -August'58 Fig. 52. Number of occurrences of SO2 at Silver Hill for various wind directions (rectangles) in three wind-speed categories; and corresponding average SO2 concentrations in ppm (heavy lines) during such occurrences. Number of occurrences of calm (upper number) and average sulphur dioxide concentration (lower number) in center. Tower wind data used. Period: One year,^l September 1957 - 51 August 1958.

FALL 1957 20...... I0 WINTER 1957-'58 20........... 10. 20.... PRIN.G 195.8._ I0 O o 20.*..... SUMMER 1958 0 0 10 *... Z SV I SEPTEMBER 1957 30.......... 0......... 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 TIME OF DAY HOURLY OCCURRENCES OF S02-SEASONAL AND ANNUAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA I SEPTEMBER 1957-31 AUGUST 1958 Fig. 335 Number of occurrences of measurable sulphur dioxide concentration vs. time of the day; 1957, Fall; 1957 - 1958, Winter; 1958, Spring; 1958, Summer; and 1957 - 1958, year summary.

I Sept.'57-30Nov.'57.15 (Fal) 15 ~~.105-....l... -.1.0 95i 5 0 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 TIME OF DAY I2 Dec.'57- 28 Feb'58 E |(Winter) c) z a. z -.1 I - IOU 0 0 -.10fi.... *....... - 10.: I I I ~ 2.05 jrrMmA m MI ii II l|ilinlyU t > i=. tk O H X t _ 1 00 02 04 06 08 10 1'2 14 16 18 20 22 24 ~ Iz TIME OF DAY z 0 D z a.. I Mr.'58- 31 May'58. 5L.15i~~ *' ~~~~(Spring) 0 C,). 10.......10.05- 5 mm. mm M. I rh II,m... M mmm. m m.' 1l 111111 HiMu 1ilnifnp n5 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 TIME OF DAY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY of INDIANA NEW ALBANY, INDIANA Fig. 34. Number of occurrences (rectangles) ana average sulphur dioxide concentrations in ppm (heavy lines) at Silver Hill vs. time of the day; 1957, Fall; 1957 - 1958, Winter; and 1958, Spring.

I June 1958- 31Aug'58 *.15... * ** * * *(Summer) 15.10......... 10.05 - nUH ~.os- S^i^ u Iam imillll h11h1|111h I 11 IIIl l lllldl m m l f I 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 TIME OF DAY LU E z Q.40.............40zIz - LO z.35......... n * 35 Z 0 0 z z 0.305...... 20 crations in pp (a le at Silv ill vs. i o t1 m.20 a 0 w.2015....... 5LLu. 0.10. 10.05 5 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 TIME OF DAY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF INDIANA I September 1957-31 August 1958 Fig. 35. Number of occurrences (rectangles) and average sulphur dioxide concentrations in ppm (heavy lines) at Silver Hill vs. time of the day; 1958, Summer; and 1957 - 1958, year summary~

1957 1958 E S 0 N D J F M A M J J A a.50 0.4. 2- /\ \ / "30.o \ cc 20. o 1A so 100 c 80 g 8.0 (b) E so 0 =20 4.. 0 0 U)~ (a) 0 10 z 0 S 0 N D J F M A M J J A 1957 1958 MONTH OF YEAR Fig. 36. Sulphur dioxide concentrations at Silver Hill, September, 1957 - August, 1958. (a) Number of days per month that any measurable SO2 concentration was recorded at Silver Hill (solid curve), and number of days of measurable S02 concentration of two hours' duration or longer (broken curve), September 1957 - August 1958. (b) Total hours of measurable sulphur dioxide concentration at Silver Hill per month; September, 1957 - August, 1958. (c) Highest concentration lasting for one hour or longer during each month (solid curve), and short period peak concentration for each month (broken curve), at Silver Hill; one year, 1 September 1957 - 31 August 1958.