THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN INDUSTRY PROGRAM OF THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING TWO-PHASE COCURRENT FLOW IN PACKED BEDS Robert P. Larkins A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Michigan 1959 May, 1959 IP-369

Doctoral Committee Professor Robert Ro White, Chairman Professor Lloyd Eo Brownell Associate Professor Ben Dushnik Assistant Professor Kenneth F. Gordon Professor Victor Lo Streeter

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to the following individuals and organizations for their contributions to the research which was the basis of this dissertation: Professor R. Ro White, chairman of the doctoral committee, for his wise counsel, for his interest and encouragement, and for his wholehearted and prompt cooperation on every occasion. The other members of the doctoral committee for their advice and encouragement. The Humble Oil and Refining Company for partial financial support of the research and for their contribution of data on hydrocarbon systems. The Dow Chemical Company for their donation of ethylene glycol. Dr. G. R. L. Shepherd and Mr. D. W. Jeffrey (Humble Oil and Refining Company) for their personal interest, advice, and data. The Industry Program of the College of Engineering for the preparation of the dissertation. Consumers Power Company for their fellowship during the academic years 1956-57, 1957-58, and 1958-59. ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS....... o...,,................... ii LIST OF TABLES.. o....................... o...... LIST OF FIGURES........ o......................... vi NOMENCLATURE........*....e.............................. vii I. INTRODUCTION..............................1... A. Purpose of Investigation...............1....... 1 B. Statement of the Problem............2..... 2 C. Summary..........2o............................. 2 II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE RELATED TO TWO-PHASE FLOW........ 5 A. Single-Phase Flow in Packed Beds.................. 5 B. Two-Phase Flow in Open Channels.....,............... 9 C. Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media...................... 12 D. Two-Phase Flow in Packed Beds................. 14 III. EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENTS................. 16 A. Description of Flow and Equipment................... 16 B. Description of Instrumentation.......,,.,...... 22 C. Description of Operating Procedures.............o 27 Do Description of Measurements Obtained............... 28 IVo EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS AND DATA.................... 31 A, Flowing Fluids and Their Properties....,............ 31 B. Packing Materials and Their Properties........,...* 33 C. Description and Coding of Observed Flow Patterns.,.. 36 Do Description of Tabulated Processed Data.,.......... 39 V, CORRELATION OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA....,ooo............ 46 A, Derivation of Correlation Relationships............. 46 B. Correlation of Single-Phase Data.......5............. 2 C. Explanation of Tabulated Results.................. 56 D. Presentation of Correlated Data............... 60 E, Scope and Accuracy of Correlation.................. 67 F. Analytic Summary of the Final Correlation........ 71 Go Saturation Data as a Check on Derivation....,....a.. 72 H. Effect of Foaming on Pressure Drop........,...... 75 I. Comparison with Correlation for Open Channels....o.. 79 J. Application to Other Multiphase Problems......,... 81 iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT'D) Page VI. SUPPORTING DATA ON HYDROCARBON SYSTEMS................, 83 A. Agreement of Non-Foaming Systems.......~.....,....o 83 B. Agreement of Plant Data.,.....,.......,...,,. 86 C. Observations of Foaming and Surging... i...n....,... 88 VII. SOLUTION OF SAMPLE PROBLEM...,...... oooe..~.. e..e.o. 92 VIII. CONCLUSIONS.............. 9.0.....e...... e 96 IX. APPENDIX I - SAMPLE CALCULATIONS,...................... 99 A. Calculation of Correlation Parameters.~..~......O., 99 B. Correction of Results for Emulsion Density...*....., 102 C. Outline of the Design Calculation................ 103 X. APPENDIX II - COMPUTER PROCESSING OF DATA...,.. 0....,. 105 A. Description of Data Processing Equipment........... 105 B. Steps in the Development of Processed Data......... 107 C. Steps in the Development of Calculated Results...... 109 XI, APPENDIX III- TABULATION OF PROCESSED DATA.........., 112 XII. APPENDIX IV - TABULATION OF CALCULATED RESULTS......... 122 XIII. APPENDIX V - TABULATION OF HYDROCARBON DATA........,..,, 149 XIV. BIBLIOGRAPHY......o......~.............o 159 iv

LIST OF TABLES Table Page I Properties of Flowing Fluids................... o 32 II Properties of Packing Materials.e...................... 34 III Sample Processed Data for Water on 3/8-Inch Raschig Rings......o..............^ o..e a. *........ 42 IV Run Codes Corresponding to Experimental Systems..... 44 V Run Code Description..o........................ 45 VI Sample Calculated Results for Water on 3/8-Inch Raschig Rings......e..^...............57..... 57 VII Range of Experimental Variables.................... 70 VIII Summary of Two-Phase Relationships..................... 73 IX Summary of Equations Representing Correlation.......... 73 X Correlation Parameters at Selected Values of X....... 74 XI Correction of Runs 301-307 for Emulsion Density.t....., 78 XII Correction of Hydrocarbon Data for the Density of the Flowing Mixture as Estimated by Saturation Correlation. 85 XIII Correction of Plant Data for the Density of the Flowing Mixture as Estimated by Saturation Correlation. 87 XIV Steps in the Development of the Processed Data......,., 108 XV Steps in the Development of the Calculated Results..... 111 XVI Tabulation of Processed Data......,........,....... 113-121 XVII Tabulation of Calculated Results.............,...... 123-148 XVIII Properties of Hydrocarbons and Packing Materials..o.... 150-152 XIX Description of Two-Phase Hydrocarbon Runs..e..,....... 153-154 XX Tabulation of Hydrocarbon Data and Calculated Results.. 155-158 v

LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Photograph Showing Experimental Equipment........... 17 2. Photograph Showing Test Section................ 18 3. Schematic Diagram of Experimental Equipment......e o. 19 4, Diagram of Pressure Instrumentation...o..........,,,O 24 5. Specifications for Empty Test Section...........o..e 26 6. Sample Data Sheet,., o.................o.....o 29 7. Photograph Showing Packing Materials...,,,,,,,....o.. 34 8. Chart Showing Typical Data Sampling................. 40 9. Single-Phase Pressure Drop in Packed Beds......,,...., 54 10. Two-Phase Cocurrent Pressure Drop on 3/8-Inch Raschig Rings.......,.., o............. 61 11. Two-Phase Cocurrent Pressure Drop on 3/8-Inch Spheres.. 63 12. Two-Phase Cocurrent Pressure Drop on 1/8-Inch Cylinders.......................... o..... 64 13. Summary of Two-Phase Pressure Drop on a Symmetrical Basis..,......,,,.,,.,.........o.., 65 14, Data from Run 46 Showing Agreement Between the Three Column Sections....,.................. 68 15. Relation Between c and R as Shown by Data for Raschig Rings and by a Curve for the Correlating Equations.. D.O.a..... a *. o o. o.... o........ *...... 76 160 Comparison of Two-Phase Flow Correlations for Pipes and for Packed Beds.,............,.......... 80 17. Two-Phase Cocurrent Pressure Drop for Hydrocarbon Systems on 3 mm Glass Beads,. o,...........,..., 84 18. Data on Foaming Hydrocarbon Systems......,.,,,...... 89 19. A Foaming Hydrocarbon System in the Unstable Region..o. 91 vi

NOMENCLATURE A Area, cross-sectional area of pipe, or that area through which the flow occurs. D Inside diameter of pipe containing packing. Dp Characteristic diameter of packing materials. f Friction factor. gc Conversion factor, 32.17 poundals per pound in English units. G Mass velocity [(lb mass)/(sec)(sq ft) or (lb mass)/(min)(sq ft)]. L Length of linear dimension. M Molecular weight. m,m' Exponent dependent on packing material. n,n' Exponent dependent on packing material. P Pressure [(lb force)/(sq ft) or (lb force)/(sq in)], absolute. P' Pressure, gauge. ALD Pressure drop per unit length due to friction (psi/ft or lb/sq ft/ft). R Fraction of void volume occupied by a phase, saturation. Re Modified Reynolds number, (G Dp)/(l)(l-e). S Surface area of packing per unit volume (sq ft/cu ft). s Exponent dependent on mode of flow. T Temperature (~R or ~F). u Superficial velocity in open column (ft/sec). Greek Letters 8 Total energy to overcome friction, (-dP/dL) for horizontal flow, or (-dP/dL) + p for vertical flow. e Fraction voids in packing (void volume/unit volume of column). vii

Greek Letters (Continued) Coefficient of viscosity (cp or consistent units). p Density (mass per unit volume). cp /6. Subscripts corr Designating that a pressure drop has been corrected for density of the flowing mixture of fluids, (-dP/dL) + Pm = 5 = (dP/dL)corr. Designating the gas phase. This subscript on 6 indicates the value of 5 calculated from single-phase correlation for the gas flowing alone in the bed at the same temperature and pressure as the two-phase case. & Designating the liquid phase. This subscript on 6 indicates the value of 6 calculated from a single-phase correlation for the liquid flowing alone in the bed at the same temperature and pressure as the two-phase case, q ~Designating liquid and gas phases flowing simultaneously and cocurrently. m Designating the flowing mixture of gas and liquid. viii

Io INTRODUCTION A. Purpose of Investigation Reaction vessels involving two-phase flow of liquid and gas through catalyst beds are assuming increased importance in the chemical and petroleum industries. The design of such reactors requires a knowledge of cocurrent two-phase flow in order to predict the pressures, pressure drops, and liquid-to-gas ratios in the catalyst bed. The treatment of lube oil with hydrogen over a catalyst bed has become an important process in the petroleum industry and is an outstanding example of a trickle bed reaction. Hydrogen gas and lube oil are passed downward over a long catalyst bed at extreme conditions approximating 700~F and 700 pounds pressure. The reaction vessels which are perhaps a foot in thickness, are probably the largest pieces of high pressure equipment used in the petroleum industry. Many other reactions involving the cocurrent flow of liquid and gas over a catalyst are in current use. The simultaneous flow of liquids and gases has been studied for two important cases, but no investigation has been made to develop a correlation for cocurrent flow in packed beds. The case of two-phase cocurrent flow in porous media has been studied to solve problems in oil reservoir production and in filter cake calculation. In addition, the case of two-phase countercurrent flow of liquid and gas over a packed bed has been investigated to determine the capacity and pressure drop for absorbers and other packed equipment. The purpose of this investigation is to obtain data for the two-phase cocurrent flow of liquid and gas in packed beds and to -1

-2establish a suitable correlation for the prediction of the pressure drop and the fraction of the void volume occupied by the liquid, termed the liquid saturation. The term "two-phase flow" in this dissertation will refer to the flow of liquid and gas unless otherwise stated. B. Statement of the Problem Sufficient data are to be taken to determine the important variables in two-phase flow in packed beds and to develop design methods suitable for the solution of the design problem which may be stated in the following manner. The porosity of a packed bed, the downward flow rates of liquid and gas, and the viscosities and densities of the liquid and gas are given. The calculation of the rate of change of pressure with distance and the fraction of the void volume occupied by liquid, i.e., the liquid saturation, is required. If the density of the gas is given as a function of the pressure and the entrance or exit conditions are known, the computation of the pressure drop over the packed section and the average liquid saturation is required. C. Summary The following paragraphs will outline the material in the various sections of the dissertation. For the reader with limited time or a primary interest in the use of the results, the following sections and subsections are recommended: Introduction, Subsections B through J under Correlation of Experimental Data, Sample Problem, and Conclusions. Section II is a review of the literature relating to pressure drop measurements and correlations for single-phase flow in packed beds

-3and for two-phase flow in open pipes, in porous media, and countercurrently in packed beds. Measurements of liquid saturation are reported for the two-phase mechanisms. The single-phase correlations are a basis for the two-phase calculations, and the correlations for two-phase flow in open channels serve to suggest the important parameters in packed beds. Section III is a description of the flow of fluids through the experimental equipment, the sizes and capacities of the components of the equipment, and the instruments used in making the experimental measurements. The operating procedures used in making the experimental runs, and the actual measurements recorded, are detailed in this section. Section IV is concerned with the systems which were investigated, the properties of the fluids and packings used, the flow patterns observed, and the explanation of the tabulated processed data. The first processing of the raw data is explained, and the role of the run code as an index to the data and as a description of the individual run is detailed. Section V is the most important portion of the dissertation and presents the final correlation of the experimental data. The correlation relationships are derived from the established relationships for single-phase flow. The correlation parameters rest upon a knowledge of the pressure drop for the single-phase systems, and correlations are accordingly obtained for the single-phase data taken on the systems investigated. The calculation of the correlation parameters is explained, and plots are presented showing the calculated points against the parameters suggested by the derivation. The scope and accuracy of the correlation is discussed, and equations are presented which represent the

-4data. The saturation data are shown to support the assumptions upon which the derivation is based. The effect of foaming on pressure drop, and the similarity between correlations obtained for packed beds and open channels are discussed. The application of the correlations to problems involving the flow of two immiscible liquid phases, or two immiscible liquid phases and a gas phase, is discussed at the close of this section. Section VI concerns itself with a number of data obtained from another experimenter which support the proposed correlation when foaming is not encountered. Additional data on foaming systems are presented, and a form of instability peculiar to foaming systems is described. Section VII concludes the dissertation with observations drawn from the experiences of the author and the symmetrical form of the final correlation. The extension of the correlation to two immiscible liquids is not advised, but its use with two immiscible liquid phases and a gas phase is discussed. The extension or revision of the correlation to predict the behavior of upflow and horizontal flow systems is discussed in connection with suggestions for further investigation in the area of two-phase flow in packed beds.

II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE RELATED TO TWO-PHASE FLOW In the absence of data for two-phase cocurrent flow in packed beds, this section is devoted to a review of pressure drop data and correlations falling into two areas of interest. The first area of interest includes correlations for single-phase flow in packed beds and for two-phase cocurrent flow in open channels which have importance in the development of the correlation for two-phase cocurrent flow in packed beds. The second area of interest includes information on twophase cocurrent flow in porous media and two-phase countercurrent flow in packed beds since these are the problems in two-phase flow which have been previously investigated. A. Single-Phase Flow in Packed Beds Experiments on flow in packed beds followed extensive work on the determination and correlation of pressure drop in open pipes. These data in pipes have been widely correlated on the basis of a dimensionless friction factor, a roughness of the pipe, and the Reynolds number. If the open pipe is considered to be a packed bed with 100 per cent voids, it is reasonable to look for a correlation of data in porous media which reduces to the friction factor plot for 100 per cent voids. Brownell and Katz(5) have presented a correlation incorporating the data of earlier investigations and based upon a modified Reynolds number and a modified friction factor defined by D up Re - a, (1) -5

and 2gcDpAPn f - 2 (2) ALu p in which Dp = Diameter of the particles, u = Superficial velocity, E = Porosity of the beds, fraction voids, AP = Pressure drop due to friction, and AL = Length over which AP is measured. A family of friction factor versus Reynolds number plots is presented with roughness as a parameter. The values of the exponents, m and n, are to be obtained from a plot as a function of (t/e), where t is the sphericity and is defined as the ratio of the surface area of a sphere, having the same volume as the particle, to the surface area of the particle. Tabulated values for roughness are given for representative packing materials. An excellent review of the earlier literature related to pressure drop in porous media is to be found in the introduction of Reference 5. A second paper by Brownell, Dombrowski, and Dickey(8) redefined the Reynolds number by DpUpFRe R= (3) and the friction factor by 2gcDpAP f = u2pF (4) where FRe is given graphically as a function of the porosity and sphericity of the particles, and Ff is given graphically as a function of the

-7same variables. The roughness of the particles is concluded to be neglibible and is eliminated as a variable. The data then fall on a single friction factor versus Reynolds number plot which is identical with that for flow in smooth pipes. A subsequent work by Brownell, Gami, Miller, and Nekarvis(9) suggests a general correlation for flow through porous media covering porosities from 0 to 100 per cent as well as the systems of free settling, fluidized solids, packed beds, and open channels, on a single plot of the modified friction factor as defined by Equation (4) versus the modified Reynolds number as defined by Equation (3). Another approach to the problem of single-phase flow in packed beds does not draw upon the relationships developed for flow in open channels. Morcom(28) plotted data by an equation of the form 1 AP u L -a + pbu (5) where the constants, a and b, hold for a single packing and flowing fluid and u is the superficial linear velocity. For low flow rates the second term is negligible,and Equation (5) becomes the classical Darcy equation for laminar flow in porous media. Ergun and Orning(l3) have also demonstrated the validity of Equation (5), which states that for a given packing material and flowing fluid the pressure drop is proportional to the first power of velocity for low flow rates, and to the second power of velocity at high flow rates. Equation (5) establishes the effect of flow rate on pressure drop, and the condition for viscous flow as stated by the Poiseuille equation and by Darcys law requires that the factor a be proportional

-8. to viscosity, as is seen by allowing u to approach zero. The expression for pressure drop now becomes = c u + bpu2 (6) The first term of Equation (6) represents the viscous energy losses and the second term represents the kinetic energy losses. Important variables in the determination of pressure drop are the porosity, e, and the particle diameter, D. Leva and Grummer(21) found that the pressure drop is proportional to (1-E)2/e3 at low flow rates, and to (1-E)/e3 at high flow rates. The general expression obtained by Ergun and Orning(13) was AP 2 (l- )2 B (1-E) gC(A) 2avu + GuS, (7) g() E3 E3 where a and B are constants, and Sv is the surface of solids per unit volume of the solids. It is customary to use a characteristic dimension of the particle in such a manner as to define Sv. The dimension generally used is the diameter of the sphere having the specific surface Sv, and the expressions for the volume and surface of a sphere lead to the equation D 6 6 S (1 =.E) (8) p Sv S where S is the surface per unit packed volume and is related to Sv by S = (l-E)Sv (9) Substituting Equation (8) into Equation (7) gives the expression g() = k (I E)2 iu+ (+ E) Gu () g-"^ ^e D " 2 k2 ~3 p p p

-9which has been presented by Ergun. (14 Ergun has evaluated the constants in Equation (10) for granular beds and other small diameter packing materials, and has arrived at the final equation AP (,_E)2 Ilu (1-c) Gu -g () = 150 (1)2 + 175 u (11) -3 D 2 ~3 D Equation (11) can be arranged in a more convenient form by the definition of the modified Reynolds number GDp Dpup Re = i-1-) -= (l-C) (12) and by its substitution into Equation (11). With some rearrangement the following expression is obtained: AP _ Re(150 + 1.75 Re) (13) A gcPDpD 3 2 lE7 The two types of correlations which have been discussed in detail are reported to have an accuracy of approximately plus or minus 50 per cent. The deviations are to be expected in the light of an investigation by Martin(25) which reports a 50 per cent difference in pressure drop for two methods of stacking the same spheres to obtain identical porosities, These observations indicate that the method of packing the bed is an important factor even though the porosities are identical. B. Two-Phase Flow in Open Channels There has been a substantial interest in pressure drop data for two-phase flow in open pipes for as long as engineers have been

-10designing equipment to vaporize liquids or to condense vapors inside of tubes. An extensive bibliography of the early investigations may be found in Reference 26. The first important correlation for two-phase flow in open channels was proposed by Martinelli, Boelter, Taylor, Thomsen, and Morrin(26), and was based upon previously reported data as well as data obtained in horizontal pipes of one inch diameter and smaller. Martinelli, Putnam, and Lockhart(27) extended the base of the proposed correlation with additional data in the viscous region. The final paper in the series by Lockhart and Martinelli(24) presents the completed correlation in terms of a single curve for each of the four flow mechanisms observed. These mechanisms are as follows: 1. Turbulent flow in the gas phase - turbulent flow in the liquid phase. 2. Turbulent flow in the gas phase - viscous flow in the liquid phase. 3. Viscous flow in the gas phase - turbulent flow in the liquid phase. 4. Viscous flow in the gas phase - viscous flow in the liquid phase. Martinelli and Lockhart(24) have defined A /\P AgP~ = + (L) (14),q _ --- - 1 ^ X = (t) () (16) (~) a 9

-11AP where (M,) is the pressure drop observed for the simultaneous flow of liquid and gas in a pipe, (A~P)g is the pressure drop observed for the flow of the liquid phase alone in the same pipe at the same conditions, AP and (-,)g is the pressure drop observed for the flow of the gas phase alone in the same pipe at the same conditions. The two parameters, cpg and cpq, were found to be functions of the independent variable X for each flow mechanism, and may either be calculated from a single-phase correlation or obtained from experimental observations. The liquid saturation in the pipe was found to be a function of X alone, and the same function of X for all flow mechanisms. Bergelin(3) has made three important observations about the flow of gas-liquid mixtures: 1. For a given gas flow rate, the addition of small amounts of liquid may increase the pressure drop from 2 to 50 times. 2. At high gas velocities, the orientation of the tube is not important. 3. At high velocities, the liquid phase imparts a roughness effect to the wall. The prediction of two-phase pressure drop from the correlation of Lockhart and Martinelli(24) results in errors of less than plus or minus 40 per cent provided the correct flow mechanism is assumed. Rough criteria for the transition from one mechanism to another have been given, but the need for clarification of these criteria is apparent. The use of both cpq and qcp in correlating the data is not necessary since Equation (16) may be combined with Equation (15) to obtain cP = -P X. (17) Since X is the only independent variable, either qg or:cp defines the correlation completely.

-12An improved correlation for two-phase flow in pipes proposed by Chenoweth and Martin(10) suggests the calculation of the singlephase pressure drop based on the total mass rate which is assumed to have the viscosity of the liquid phase. Though some improvement in accuracy was obtained, no correlation of liquid saturation was presented and theoretical justification of the correlation parameters is considerably weaker than for the correlation of Lockhart and Martinelli.(24) The main contribution of the improved correlation is the presentation of a method for handling fittings of various types and of considerable data for fittings. C. Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media While the term porous media may be used to refer to configurations of all particle sizes and porosities, the general practice is to use the term in reference to small particle sizes and low porosities. The particles are small enough that capillary forces are quite significant and the flow of the liquid phase is usually laminar. The term "packed beds" generally refers to larger particle sizes in which the capillary effects on flow are small. The production of oil from beds of rock or sand, and filtration of various materials, are the two major problems of importance in the area of two-phase flow in porous media. Wyckoff(34) studied the flow of gas-liquid mixtures through sands and found that the relative permeability is a function of the liquid saturation, the fraction of the void volume occupied by liquid. Relative permeability is defined as the actual quantity of flow of a given phase divided by the quantity of flow of that phase under the

-13same driving force when that phase fills the voids, i.e., single-phase flow. Leverett(25) confirmed that relative permeability was a function of liquid saturation for a given system, and also showed that the relative permeability is independent of viscosity. It is interesting to note the similarity between the relative permeability and the parameter, cg, as defined by Equation (14) for two-phase flow in pipes and to note that cpq is a function of liquid saturation, since cpg and the liquid saturation are both functions of X alone. Hassler(17) has established the same relationship for gas-liquid mixtures flowing through sandstone and has further established with Brunner and Deahl(l8) the importance of capillary forces for flow in porous media. Brownell and Katz(6) have presented a correlation for twophase flow in porous media. Each fluid is treated as a single-phase which is modified by the effect of the other fluid. Consideration of the capillary forces and the structure of the porous media are used to estimate the portion of the void volume which is active in flow. Another relation is developed to express the wetted sphericity of the small particles. The correlations suggested(5) for single-phase flow are then applied to the gas phase using the wetted sphericity and wetted porosity to determine the Reynolds number and friction factor corrections. New correction factors for Reynolds number and friction factor are applied to the wetting fluid which depend upon the effective saturation, the fraction of the active void volume e occupied by liquid, and the size of the particles. With the pressure drop correlations thus modified, the pressure drop can be calculated when the gas and liquid rates are known by assuming the effective saturation and calculating the pressure drop

-14for each phase. If the pressure drops are equal, the correct assumption was made. If the pressure drops are not equal, other assumptions must be made. Brownell and Katz(7) have discussed the application of the two-phase correlation to the filtration problem which requires integration through the filter cake and with respect to time. D. Two-Phase Flow in Packed Beds Previous investigations into two-phase flow in packed beds are restricted to the countercurrent case normally encountered in an absorber with liquid flowing downward and the gas phase upward. Various investigators(11,12,15) have reported that the liquid saturation is independent of the gas rate for low gas rates. Hence, the correlation developed for flow in porous media by Brownell and Katz 6) may be expected to hold for both cocurrent and countercurrent flow in packed beds so long as the gas rate has negligible effect on the fraction of the void volume which is active in flow. Furnas and Bellinger(l5) report that the amount of liquid in the packed bed can be expressed by H = C Ls (18) where H is the amount of liquid in the column per cubic foot of packing, and the constants, C and s, are dependent upon the packing and the properties of the liquid. This expression is clearly independent of the gas rate. Elgin and Jesser(l2) verified Equation (18) by experiments considering liquids running in empty columns. The main consideration in studies of countercurrent towers has been that of capacity,or the determination of the gas rate which will result in flooding of the tower. If the pressure drop is plotted versus gas rate for a constant liquid rate, two changes in slope will

-15be observed. The first change in slope is termed the loading point, and the second change in slope is called the flooding or spilling point since the liquid saturation builds up rapidly at this point. Bain and Hougen(l) have used pressure drop plots to obtain data on the loading and flooding points of packed columns. Other investigators(3133) have obtained data on various systems of liquids and gases, and a theoretical treatment of the flooding velocities in packed columns has been presented by Bertetti(4). A recent series of articles by Leva(22) has reviewed the literature in this area, and has presented revised correlations to predict two-phase countercurrent flow in packed beds. The distribution of liquid in a packed column has been investigated by Baker, Chilton, and Vernon(2) who found that uniform distribution in a large tower persists when obtained. There still exists wide disagreement on the degree of uniformity in towers of various sizes. Piret, Mann, and Wall(31) was the only reference found for cocurrent flow in packed beds. The data for four runs indicated that pressure drops for a given liquid rate and with a gas velocity of 0.46 feet per second were different by a factor of two for the countercurrent and cocurrent systems. The cocurrent pressure drop was observed to be the lower drop.

III. EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENTS A. Description of Flow and Equipment Figure 1 is a photograph of the experimental equipment used to obtain the pressure drop and liquid saturation data reported in this dissertation. At the right of the photograph is the control panel, and at the left are the test section and liquid reservoir. The control panel is divided into two sections. The right section of the panel is composed of the controls and flow meters for the liquid and gas streams. The left section of the panel is composed of the pressure instruments and the manifolding system used to connect them to various pressure taps. Figure 2 is a photograph of the test section showing the four pressure taps, the quick-closing valves used to obtain the liquid saturation data, and the system of weights and pulleys used to close the valves. Figure 3 is a schematic diagram of the equipment, and a comparison with Figure 1 will help to identify the various pieces of equipment in the photograph. In order to facilitate the description of the equipment, the system will be considered in operation. The cycle for the liquid phase begins in a 200-gallon reservoir which is located beneath the test section, and which serves as a platform in making observations of the test section. The liquid is picked up by a five horsepower, two-stage, turbine pump manufactured by the Aurora Pump Company. The pump is capable of delivering a maximum of 37.5 gpm of water at 1750 rpm. A rate of 20 gpm is obtained against a head of 470 feet of water. A portion of the liquid leaving the pump is returned to the liquid reservoir and the remaining portion passes into the liquid rotameter system. -16

-~~~~~~1:i~:.l~~~~~~~~i~~~i::::::-::.::::..:::i, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~........ - ------------- Figu~re 1. Photograph Showing Experimental Equipment

-18Figure 2. Photograph Showing Test Section 1. Test Section 2. Quick-Closing Valve 3. Pressure Tap 4. Case for Falling Weight - 4-Inch Pipe 5. Drain for Surge Drum 6. Trigger for Valve Closing System


-20A large rotameter, having a maximum capacity of 29.0 gpm, is connected in series with a smaller rotameter, having a maximum capacity of 10.4 gpm. By-pass lines are provided so that the entire liquid stream can be taken through both meters in series, the larger meter alone, or neither of the meters. The pressure of liquid in the larger rotameter is monitored with a pressure gauge. After leaving the rotameter system, the liquid passes into a 2-inch cross above the test section. In normal operation the liquid passes into a short section of 4-inch piping, through a 4-inch quickclosing valve, and into the test section. When the quick-closing valves are actuated, the liquid passes through a check valve into a small surge drum to avoid a water hammer. When the drum pressure builds up to 110 psig, the safety valve opens and the liquid is by-passed into the reservoir. The surge drum is pressurized with an air cushion before each run which holds the check valve shut until the quick-closing valves are actuated. After passing through the packed test section, the liquid flows through a second quick-closing valve and into the liquid reservoir which ends the liquid cycle. Air is obtained from a building supply at 90 psig and a maximum rate of 140 SCFMo The air comes from a large receiver and any pulsation from the reciprocating machines is well damped. The air rate is measured in a rotameter having a capacity of 134 SCFM at 90 si and 70F A thermocouple and a pressure gauge on the air rotameter make it possible to calculate the flow rate for any experimental condition. Upon leaving the rotameter, the air passes through a check valve and into the 2-inch cross above the test section where the liquid and gas phases are mixed.

-21The check valve in the air line prevents the flow of liquid into the air system when no air is flowing. After mixing with the liquid stream, the mixed phases pass through the quick-closing valves and test section before entering the liquid reservoir. A vent is provided to carry the air to the sewer after separation from the liquid, When the quickclosing valves are shut, the alternate paths for the air are the same as for the liquid. The measurement of liquid saturation depends upon the trapping of the fluids within the packed test section between the two quick-closing valves. The accuracy of the measurements depends upon the amount of unpacked column between the quick-closing valves and upon the rapidity and uniformity with which the valves are closed. In order to reduce the unpacked volume, cups and screens were introduced into each of the 4-inch quick-closing valves on the column side. This arrangement allows for uniform packing to within one-half inch of the valve gates. The system of weights and cables was so arranged that a single weight closed both valves, assuring that they closed simultaneously. The weight was lifted and allowed to accelerate for about three feet before acting upon the valve handles, and the time required to close the valves is calculated to be less than 1/10 of a second from the time the valve gates begin to move. A rubber cushion absorbed the major portion of the shock at the end of the weight's travel. The test column was made of a transparent section of 4-inch diameter Busada 210 Butyrate plastic pipe, manufactured by the Busada Supply Company, Inc., of New York. The maximum recommended working pressure for the material is 107 psig at 70~F. Four pressure taps were

-22placed along the test section with the normal drilling and tapping operations. The remaining piping of the equipment was done in standard materials. Most liquid lines were nominally 1-1/2 inches, and most air lines were one inch. I-strument lines were of 3/16-inch copper tubing. B. Description of Instrurmentation The rates of liquid and gas were measured by rotameters. The large liquid meter was a Fischer & Porter model lOA1735 rotameter, and used a size 8 tube and an NSVP-87 float to measure a maximum of 29.0 gpm of water at full scale. At high viscosities an NSVP float is unstable, and the head of the float was reversed to obtain a SVP-87 float,which is stable at high viscosities, that yielded a maximum capacity of 21.2 gpm of water or 19.92 gpm of ethylene glycol. The smaller liquid meter was a Fischer & Porter model 1OA1735 rotameter, and used a size 6 tube and an SVP-67 float to yield a maximum capacity of 7.60 gpm of water or 7.15 gpm of ethylene glycol. The air meter was a Fischer & Porter model 10A1735 rotameter using a size B6 tube and two floats, BNSVT-63 and BSVT-64. The capacity of the air meter at full scale may be expressed as Full Scale Rate (SCFM) = C \P/T (19) where P and T are the absolute temperature and pressure of the air and the constant, C, has a value of 161.0 for the BSVT-64 float, and 302.0 for the BNSVT-63 float. The manufacturer of the rotameters guarantees an error of less than 2 per cent at full scale, increasing to as much as 20 per cen aat 10 per cent of full scale. The three new rotameters were checked against one another by connecting them in series

-23and passing water through the system. Data from the overlapping portions of the three scales were consistent, and calibration revealed maximum deviations of 10 per cent for low scale readings. Temperatures were measured by copper-constantan thermocouples of the immersion type. The thermocouples were mounted in 1.5-inch lengths of 1/4-inch stainless steel tubing and mounted through the pipe walls at the desired points. A commercial temperature indicator was used to obtain the temperature readings. Temperatures were measured in the air rotameter outlet and at the bottom of the packed test section. Pressure and pressure drop measurements were made with instruments indicated in Figure 4. Two other pressure gauges were used to measure the discharge pressure of the liquid pump and the metering pressure of the air in the rotameter. The manifolding system shown in Figure 4 was designed to apply the set of pressure and pressure difference instruments across any desired pair of taps on the packed test section. The set of pressure instruments consists of two pressure gauges and two manometers. For accurate determination of the pressure at a point in the system, an Ashcroft laboratory test gauge was provided with a range of 0 to 100 psig and an error of less than 0.25 per cent of full scale. An Ashcroft duplex pressure gauge with a range of 0 to 100 psig could be applied across both of the pressure taps being monitored, to determine which of the manometers should be opened to the system. A dual, well-type manometer manufactured by the Meriam Instrument Company with a I0-inch range and a maximum operating pressure of 350 psig, completed the set of instruments. One manometer tube was filled with mercury having a specific gravity of 13~57 at 500~F compared


-25to water at 4~C, and the other tube was filled with Meriam fluid D-8325 with a specific gravity of 1.75 at 55~F compared to water at 4~C. Instrument lines were always filled with liquid, and flushing liquid was available to each of the manifolds from the pump discharge to assure that the lines were full of liquid before each measurement. Instrument lines of 3/16-inch copper tubing were used to reduce aspiration of the liquid from the lines at the column taps. With water on top of the manometer fluids, the high range manometer scale factor was 0.4535 psi/inch, and the low range manometer factor was 0.0272 psi/inch. With ethylene glycol in the instrument lines, the high range manometer factor was 0.4500 psi/inch. Reading the manometers to.2 of the smallest scale division indicates an error of less than 0.0091 psi for the high range manometer and less than 0.00054 psi for the low range manometer. The dimensions of the empty test section which are required to correct the manometer reading for unequal leg lengths are shown in Figure 5. The numbered circles on Figure 4 correspond to the numbered pressure taps on Figure 3. The high pressure manifold was always open to the pressure tap having the higher pressure, and the low pressure manifold to theother. - Tap 4 was always at the highest presr and could only be open to the high pressure manifold. Similarly, Tap 1 could only be connected to the low pressure manifold. Taps 2 and 3 may have either the higher or lower pressure of a pair of taps. When operated, one pressure tap was connected to each manifold, and the dual gauge was open to both manifolds. The test gauge can be connected to either manifold and thus, to any pressure tap. Either the high or low range manometer could be opened to the manifolds to measure the difference in pressure between any pair of column taps.

-26Inside diameter of column = 4.03 in.. i. Cross sectional area = 0.08854 ft2 a Volume of empty test section = 0.643 ft3. Distance between valve disks = Length b of packed section, e = 87.21 in. e Distance between top taps, a = 23.88 in. Distance between center taps, b = 23.94 in. c Distance between bottom taps, c = 24.25 in. d Distance from bottom tap to bottom valve disc, d = 7.63 in. Figure 5. Specifications for Empty Test Section

-27C. Description of Operating Procedures Before starting the flow of liquid or gas, the pump by-pass line to the liquid reservoir was opened, the drain valve on the surge drum was closed, and the quick-closing valves were shut. After closing the by-pass and the inlet valves for the large liquid rotameter, the surge drum was pressurized with air to a pressure about 20 psig higher than the top column pressure expected during the run. Opening the quick-closing valves released the pressure on the system and left the surge drum pressurized. The inlet valve to the liquid rotameter was opened and the pump by-pass was gradually closed until the desired liquid rate and metering pressure were obtained by suitable adjustments to the valves in the rotameter system. The air rate was selected by opening the inlet and outlet valves to the air meter until the desired float level and metering pressure were obtained. The system was allowed to come to equilibrium, after final adjustments to the rates of liquid and gas, before the measurements were obtained for each run. When the measurements had been obtained from the pressure instruments, rotameters, and thermocouples, the liquid saturation was determined. A trigger was pulled to release the weight which actuated the quick-closing valves, and an instant later the drain valve on the surge drum was opened to prevent the release of the safety valve. The pump by-pass was opened and the air valves were closed to shut down the equipment. The test section was allowed to drain, and the height of liquid in the section was measured to complete the run. For safety, it was imperative that the surge drum be pressurized with air before each run, and that the valve-closing system

-28be checked to see that the valves were closing simultaneously. Should the top valve fail to close with or before the bottom valve, the test section would fail before the surge drum drain could be opened if high rates were being investigated. Do Description of Measurements Obtained When the equipment had come to steady state at the desired liquid and gas rates, measurements were made of rates, pressures, pressure drops, liquid saturation, and temperatures. The measurements obtained are indicated in Figure 6 by a sample data sheet. The measurement of liquid rate consisted of noting the per cent of maximum flow indicated on the rotameter being used and noting the capacity of the meter at full scale for the liquid being metered. The rate in gallons per minute was obtained by multiplication of these two quantities. The measurement of the air rate requires the recording of the per cent of maximum flow, the float being used, the temperature of the air being metered, and the pressure of the air. The rate in standard cubic feet per minute was obtained by the application of Equation (19). The measurements of pressure were begun with all manifold valves closed. Tap 4 was opened to the high pressure manifold, and Tap 3 to the low pressure manifold. The test gauge was opened to the high pressure manifold to measure the top column pressure, and then to the low pressure manifold to obtain the pressure at Tap 3. The duplex gauge was opened to both manifolds to determine which of the manometers should be opened, A manometer was then opened to both manifolds, and the difference in pressure between Taps 4 and 3 was recorded. The valve to

-29Run Number Liquid Rate % of max. flow Max. flow, gpm_ _ Rate, gpm Air Rate % of max. flow Float (L,H) Temp., ~F Pres., psig Rate, SCFM_____ Pressure Drop 4(top)Pres.,psig 3 Pres., psig___ 2 Pres., psig l(btm)Pres,psig 4-3 Pres.Dif.,psi -2 Pres.Dif.,psi 4-1 Pres.Difo,psi Column Temp., ~F___ Holdup Measurement Description Liq. Height, in. Colo Pres., psig Holdup, cu.ft. Column Packing _ Voids Liquid Viscosity Figure 6. Sample Data Sheet

-30Tap 3 was closed, and Tap 2 was opened to the low pressure manifold in order to record the pressure at Tap 2, and the difference in pressure between Taps 4 and 2. Finally, the valve to Tap 2 was closed and Tap 1 was opened to obtain the bottom column pressure, and the difference in pressure between Taps 4 and 1. The temperature at the bottom of the column was then recorded as the temperature of the fluids in the test section. In some cases, the pressure difference was greater than the range of either manometer, and the indicated differences were obtained from the test gauge readingso The measurement of liquid saturation was started with a brief comment on the type of flow pattern observed before the quick-closing valves were shut. After the test section was allowed to drain, the liquid height above the bottom flange was recorded along with the pressure in the section. The pressure was compared with the average of the top and bottom column pressures recorded previously to determine whether or not the quick-closing valves operated properly. The holdup was calculated by multiplying the fraction of the packed length occupied by liquid times the void volume of the test section. The size of the column, the liquid phase, the packing material, the viscosity of the liquid phase at some temperature, and the fraction voids were recorded at the bottom of each data sheet. The fraction voids for each packing used was obtained by introducing measured volumes of water into the test section and measuring the rise in liquid level. Values were obtained and averaged for large and small rises in liquid level.

IV. EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS AND DATA A. Flowing Fluids and Their Properties The systems of fluids and packings selected for this investigation of two-phase pressure drop and liquid saturation in packed beds were chosen to provide a wide range of the variables used in the correlation of the data. The systems investigated were as follows: 1. Air and water on 3/8-inch Raschig Rings. 2. Air and a mildly foaming methylcellulose solution (2.5 wt.%) on 3/8-inch Raschig Rings. 3. Air and ethylene glycol on 3/8-inch Raschig Rings. 4. Air and ethylene glycol on 3/8-inch spheres. 5. Air and water on 3/8-inch spheres. 6. Air and water on 1/8-inch cylinders. 7. Air and foaming methylcellulose solution (0.5 wt.%) on 1/8-inch cylinders. 8. Air and foaming soap solution (0.0326 wt.%) on 1/8-inch cylinders. Single-phase pressure drop measurements were also made for each combination of a single fluid and packing. The properties of fluids used in the experiments are summarized in Table I. A portion of the properties listed in the table were obtained from the literature, and the remaining portion were measured in the Sohma Precision Laboratory of the University of Michigan. Water solutions of methycellulose and soap were prepared in the liquid reservoir, since the volume of water in the reservoir was easily calculated as a result of the rectangular base and vertical sides of the tank. The solids to be dissolved were weighed out on a small laboratory scale. Methylcellulose was obtained under the trade -31

-32TABLE I PROPERTIES OF FLOWING FLUIDS Concen- Viscosity in Centipoise tration Density Temp. Fluid wt.% #/ft3 ~F cp. Source Water - 62,4 50 1.307 (29) @ 0~C 60 1.126 70 0.975 80 0.860 90 0.765 Ethylene Glycol -- 69.5 73 17.6 (20) @ 0~C 77 16.3 82 14.8 86 13.8 90 12.8 95 11.9 Air - 0.0808 50 0.0185 (30) @ 00~ 60 0.0187 1 atm 70 0.0190 80 0.0192 90 0.0196 Methocel Solution 2.5 62.4 70 14.6 Lab. @ 0 C 74 13.3 Data 78 12.2 82 11.5 84 11.1 89 10.0 Methocel Solution 0.5 62.4 54 2.97 Lab. @ 0 C 63 2.45 Data 74 2.02 Soap Solution 0.033 62.4 71 0.965 Lab. Same Data as Water

-33name Methocel from the Dow Chemical Company, and was of the 25 centipoise type indicating a viscosity of 25 centipoise for a 2 wt.% solution in water at 68~F. In order to reduce the foaming of the methylcellulose solution, 1000 ppm of lauryl alcohol was added to the 2.5 wt.% solution used on 3/8-inch Raschig Rings. No defoamer was added to the 0.50 wt.% solution since it was desired to study the effect of foaming on pressure drop. The foaming soap solution was prepared from a commercial granulated laundry soap. The densities of water and ethylene glycol were obtained from the literature, and the densities of the water solutions were measured by determining the weight of a known volume of sample. The densities of the water solutions were found to be those of water at the same temperatures, to the accuracy shown in Table I. The viscosities of air were obtained from Perry(29), and those of water were obtained from Perry(30). Data on ethylene glycol were obtained from Hodgman. (20) The viscosities of methylcellulose and soap solutions were determined in Ostwald viscosimeters calibrated by the National Bureau of Standards and maintained in the Sohma Precision Laboratory. The viscosity of the weak soap solution was found to be the same as that of water for the temperatures measured. B. Packing Materials and Their Properties The properties of the packing materials used are summarized in Table II. Figure 7 is a photograph showing the shape and relative sizes of the materials~ The properties of the 3/8-inch ceramic Raschig Rings were supplied by the manufacturer, and the porosity of the material was

-34TABLE II PROPERTIES OF PACKING MATERIALS Nominal Effective Specific Packing Size Diameter Surface Fraction Material (ino) (ft.) ft3/ft2 Voids Raschig Rings 3/8 0.01945 148 0.520 Spheres 3/8 0,03125 122 0.362 Cylinders 1/8 0.0104 371 0.357 Figure 7T Photograph Showing Packing Materials

-35carefully checked after placing it in the test section. All of the materials were packed by settling the particles through water while tapping the test section with a rubber hammer. This method of packing the column successfully prevented further settling of the materials during the course of the experiments. The porosities of the materials were measured by introducing a measured quantity of water into the vertical, packed column and measuring the rise in the liquid level. After introducing the water, the test section was pressurized with air to see that the water level was not depressed due to air bubbles trapped within the packing. The measurement of porosity obtained in this manner checked the value given by the manufacturer for 3/8-inch Raschig Rings. The reported value of specific surface was assumed to be correct since no accurate method of measuring the exterior surface area of the material was available. A calculation based upon the careful measurement of several particles agreed with the reported value. The 3/8-inch spheres were made of a chemical stoneware material and, as may be observed in Figure 7, were not quite spherical. The porosity of the material was measured with the method described above, and the diameter reported for the spheres was observed to be the average of the longest and shortest dimensions of the particles. In the absence of measurements of the specific surface, the particles were assumed to be spherical, and the specific surface was calculated from Equation (8), which gives the aerodynamic surface area per unit volume. The catalyst cylinders investigated were 1/8-inch in diameter and 1/8-inch in length. The porosity of the material was measured, and the specific surface was calculated from Equation (8) using 1/8-inch

-36as the effective diameter, which is correct for spheres and cylinders whose length and diameter are equal. The cylinders were quite uniform in size and shape. C. Description and Coding of Observed Flow Patterns Two basic types of flow patterns were observed during the course of the experiments, and they have been termed the "homogeneous mode" and the "slugging mode." The term homogeneous flow will refer to a mode which is uniform throughout the length of the test section, and which is unchanging at a given point with respect to time. The term slug flow will refer to a mode which is composed of alternate portions of more dense and less dense mixtures traveling down the column, resulting in cyclic variations in the observation which is made at a given point in the column. A modification of the two basic flow patterns will be referred to as the "transition mode" to indicate that a section of the test column is operating in the homogeneous mode, and another section in the slugging mode. In order to describe the variations observed in the flow pattern, a low liquid rate and a high liquid rate will be discussed as the air rate is varied from zero to the maximum value possible. With liquid filling the column, a low and constant liquid rate is established in the packed bed, There is sufficient resistance at the bottom of the test section to keep the column full of liquid. As air is introduced to the column at a very low rate, the liquid saturation is seen to decrease sharply. The formerly clear liquid phase becomes milky or opaque, and small bubbles of air can be seen in the liquid on close observation. As the air rate is increased, while holding the liquid

-37rate constant, the pressure drop continues to increase and the liquid saturation to decrease The air bubbles increase in size and soon occupy the major portion of the void volume while the liquid phase takes a path over the particles of the packing material. At first the liquid layer on the packing particles is relatively thick, but it decreases as the air rate is increased. The flow patterns encountered up to this point are all of the homogeneous mode. At some point, however, the flow pattern becomes non-uniform with homogeneous flow at the top of the column and slugging flow at the bottom of the column. As the air rate is further increased, the fully developed slugging flow appears. The slugs appear to be flat plugs of high density material flowing down the column. When they first appear, they might be about four inches thick and two feet apart. As the air rate is further increased, the slugs become closer and closer together and thinner at the same time. The limit is reached with the slugs blurring together with one another, and the pattern reduces to a "poorly defined quiver." Even though the slugs appear well defined when viewed from a distance, close examination reveals only a small increase in the density of the flowing mixture. There is no jump or abrupt change of slope in the plot of pressure drop versus air rate for any of the transitions mentioned. If the amount of liquid flowing next to the surface of the packing material is observed during the increase of air rate, it is seen to decrease steadily until at the limiting air rate, there is a very thin film of liquid on the packing and the voids are filled with a heavy mist. At very low liquid rates, the slugging mode is not observed and the limiting air rates produce a homogeneous mode of flow in which

-38the liquid is carried through as a mist, with very little liquid clinging to the surface of the packing material, As the liquid rate is increased to higher constant rates, the same modes of flow are observed with the shift from all liquid, to transition mode, to the slugging mode, and finally into the limiting blur as the slugs become closer together. There is, however, a shift in the rate of flow of air at which each mode is observed. As the liquid rate becomes higher, the blurred pattern is observed at lower air rates and the liquid saturation is higher during the homogeneous mode of flow. At a very high liquid rate, the slugging mode is different in nature. As the air is introduced at the very high liquid rate, the liquid becomes milky, but the liquid saturation does not drop sharply. The liquid saturation remains quite high as the air is increased even when a tunneling of the air is observed. Pockets of air about a foot long seem to pass through the interior of the packing without an observable drop in the liquid saturation outside the pockets. At the limiting air rate a uniform, dense mixture of liquid dispersed in air is observed. A close examination of the test section reveals instability on at least two scales, In addition to the instability evidenced by the slugging mode of flow, a small scale instability of the magnitude of the particles was observed. An attempt was made to measure the frequency of the two instabilities. The small scale effect was investigated with the aid of a stroboscope which was used as a standard of comparison. The measurements were very rough, but values between 17 and 33 cycles per second were observed. The frequency of this small scale disturbance

-39seemed to lie within the above range for all of the runs showing the slugging mode of flow. The small scale disturbance was not observed in the homogeneous mode. The frequency of the large scale instability can be estimated from the spacing of the slugs and the pore velocity of the air. The frequencies of the large scale disturbance vary from zero for the homogeneous mode, to very high values as the slugs become close together. In reporting the data on the mode of flow, a code was used to designate four types of patterns as follows: homogeneous, transition, slugs, and close slugs or blur. In addition, the estimated spacing of the slugs has been recorded. D. Description of Tabulated Processed Data For a fixed geometry and fluid system, the independent variables which affect pressure drop and liquid saturation are the flow rates of each fluid and the temperature and pressure levels. The temperature level was the ambient value and was not controlled. Of the three independent variables, flow rates were varied widely, and pressure levels were varied over a more limited range. The flow rates were varied at different levels in a two-by-two matrix of liquid and gas rates, as typified by the pattern shown in Figure 8. The original data recorded in the form shown in Figure 6 was transcribed on IBM cards and processed with an IBM 650 computer as described in Appendix II. The large number of digits reported in the processed data and in the tabulated results, are the result of computer processing and do not indicate the accuracy of the data. The accuracy

Liquid Rate - t of Maximum 3.58 14.3 23.3 35.0 55.0 78.0 100.0 15.o x X X X 30.0 x x x x 45.0 X X x x 6o.0 x x x 8o.0 o x x x x Figure 8. Chart Showing Typical Data Sampling

-41of the observations ranges from plus or minus 10 per cent for the rotameters to 0.5 per cent for some manometer readings. The accuracy of the calculated numbers may be considered to be between 3 and 10 per cent, A sample of the processed data is shown in Table III. The runs shown are for water and air on 3/8-inch Raschig Rings. The first column of Table III is a run code which contains information about the type of flow as well as a run number. The second column is the liquid rate in gallons per minute and is obtained directly from the original data cards. The third column of Table III is the liquid mass rate, and was obtained by multiplying the liquid rate times the density in pounds per gallon, and dividing by the open cross sectional area of the test column. The fourth column of Table III, the air rate in standard cubic feet per minute, was obtained through the use of Equation (19) which yields the capacity of the air meter at the temperature and pressure recorded in the original data and using the recorded float. The capacity of the meter was then multiplied by the scale reading recorded in the original data to obtain the air rate in standard cubic feet per minute. Column five was obtained by multiplying the volume rate times the density of air at standard conditions and dividing by the area of the open test column, yielding the mass rate of air in pounds per minute per square foot. The sixth and seventh columns of Table III record the average pressure and the pressure drop between the top two pressure taps in the test section. The average pressure was obtained from the pressures indicated on the data sheets for the ends of the top section. The

TABLE III SAMPLE PROCESSED DATA FOR WATER ON 3/8-INCH RASCHIG RINGS Liquid Rate Air Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section Column Liquid Liquid Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturation Run Code gpm #/(ft2 - min) SCFM #/(ft2 - min) psig psi/ft psig psi/ft F cp % 32113120 17.400 1638.401 46.1492 39.7806 32.96000 5.06634 23.0100C 4.92279 11.92500 6.11144 66.0 1.035 21.257 33113060 17.400 1638.401 61.6022 53.1011 38.20000 5.42822 27.00000 5.81511 14.10000 7.02692 67*5 1.012 20.359 34113040 17.400 1638.401 79.2741 68.3342 43.55000 5.98110 31.35000 6.26629 16.80000 8.21456 68.5.998 19.760 35114000 17.400 1638.401 93.0390 80.1996 47.55000 6.38319 34.50000 6.71746 18.75000 8.95684 70.0.975 19*161 36111000 20.300 1911.468 11.6393 10.0331 20.72000 3.29714 14.22000 3.22839 7.05000 3.90934 74.0.925 48,203 37112240 20.300 1911.468 25.3785 21.8763 27.56000 4.26216 19.13500 4.19590 9.77500 5.12173 75.0.913 33.532 38112120 20.300 1911.468 35.2894 30.4194 32.20000 4.82509 22.55000 4.86264 11.75000 5.88875 75.5 *908 29.341 39113050 20.300 1911.468 47.3618 40.8259 37.00000 5.42822 26.10000 5.51433 13.80000 6*73000 76.0.901 27*544 40113030 20.300 1911.468 61.8995 53.3573 42.83500 5.99618 30.58500 6.30138 16.45000 7.76920 77.0.890 24.850 41113020 20.300 1911.468 77.4539 66.7653 48.20000 6.53397 34.75000 6.96811 18.90000 8.80839 78.0.880 21.856 42114000 20.300 1911.468 94.2125 81.2111 53.49000 7.04664 38.84000 7.65991 21.55000 9.55067 78.0.880 20.658 43111000 23.200 2184.535 16.0696 13.8520 29.42000 4.40289 20.41000 4.64206 10.24000 5.48297 60.0 1.126 43.712 44112000 23.200 2184.535 28.5327 24.5952 35.57000 5.55890 24.52000 5.53438 12.50000 6*43309 61*5 1.103 36.227 45113060 23.200 2184.535 40.0881 34.5559 40*91000 6.12183 28.71000 6.12592 15.15000 7.37331 63.0 1.080 29.041 46113040 23.200 2184-535 52.7174 45.4424 46.54500 6*68978 32.89500 7.01323 17.45000 8.36302 64.0 1.064 25.748 47113030 23.200 2184.535 71.8506 61.9352 53.75000 7.38841 38.50000 7.92059 20.80000 9*69912 66.0 1*035 24.550 48114000 23.200 2184.535 86.3775 74*4574 57.95000 7*99155 42.00000 8.02085 23.20000 10.68883 67.0 1.020 23.952 49114000 23.200 2184.535 96.6754 83.3342 61.30000 8.34338 44.75000 8.27150 25.10000 11.28266 68.0 1.005 24.251 50111000 26.100 2457.602 13.8410 11.9309 30.35500 4.87032 20.60500 4.91778 10.05000 5.59184 73.5 *930 49.401 51112000 26.100 2457.602 26.4911 22.8354 38.07000 5.86047 26.42000 5.83517 13.40000 7.12589 74.0 *925 38.323 52112001 26.100 2457.602 36.7283 31.6598 43.04000 6.49376 30.29000 6.30639 15.70000 8.21456 75.0.913 31.437 53113081 26.100 2457.602 48*4819 41.7914 48.57500 7.16224 34.37500 7.09344 18.10000 9.10530 76.0.900 27.844 54113040 26.100 2457.602 66.9815 57.7381 56.45500 7.98653 40.50500 8.02586 21.85000 10.54038 76.0.900 27.544 55113023 26.100 2457.602 83.2792 71*7867 63.10000 8.74547 45.70000 8.72267 25.05000 11.82699 76.5.896 26.347 56114003 26.100 2457.602 94.4460 81e4124 66.65000 9.19782 47.85000 9.67515 26.35000 11.72802 77.0 *891 23.952 57111001 29.000 2730.669 15.1737 13.0797 39*02500 6.40832 26.57500 6.09083 13.20000 7.22486 59.0 1.142 47.005 58111001 29.000 2730.669 2590602 2196019 45.46000 7.27784 31.16000 7.07840 15.80000 8.21456 61.0 1.110 39.820 59111002 29.000 2730.669 36.1593 31.1693 51.24000 8.00160 35.44000 7.86043 18.05000 9.45170 63.0 1.080 34.730 60112003 29.000 2730.669 49.3522 42.5416 57.50500 8.74045 40.25500 8.57730 20.95000 10.63935 65.0 1*050 28.742

-43pressure drop was obtained by dividing the difference in pressure between Taps 4 and 5 by the distance between Taps 4 and 5, in feet, as shown in Figure 5. Columns eight and nine were obtained in a similar manner for the middle section, as were columns ten and eleven for the bottom section of the packed column. The column temperature was obtained from the data sheets without calculation, and the liquid viscosity was obtained from charts and punched in the original data cards using the bottom column temperature. The last column of Table III is the liquid saturation in per cent. The saturation is obtained by dividing the liquid holdup in cubic feet reported on the original data sheets by the total void volume of the column. The total void volume is obtained by multiplying the fraction voids times the open column volume calculated from the dimensions given in Figure 5. The tabulation of processed data is too lengthy to place in the main body of this paper, and the complete tabulation has been placed in Appendix III. Table IV will serve as an index to the tabulation of processed data, and will indicate the run numbers which are associated with the various systems investigated. Single-phase pressure drop measurements will be recognized by the zero rate of one fluid. Table V is a description of the run code itself and explains how the mode of flow, the spacing of the slugs, and the type of packing have been coded for each run. Thus, it will be seen that the only information not given about a run is the liquid phase, which must be determined from Table IV.

-44TABLE IV RUN CODES CORRESPONDING TO EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEMS Run Codes From To System 1lilOOO 16111looo Air - Water on 3/8" Raschig Rings 162111000 188111000 Air - Methocel Solution (2.5%) on 3/8" Raschig Rings 190111000 216111000 Air - Ethylene Glycol on 3/8" Raschig Rings 217121000 251121000 Air - Ethylene Glycol on 3/8" Spheres 252121000 272123000 Air - Water on 3/8" Spheres 273131000 293133000 Air - Water on 1/8" Cylinders 294132000 297133000 Air - Methocel Solution (0.5%) on 1/8" Cylinders 301131000 307132000 Air - Soap Solution (0.033%) on 1/8" Cylinders

-45TABLE V RUN CODE DESCRIPTION Run Code - uuuuvwxyyz Characters Information Code uuuu A four digit number designating uuuu an individual experimental run v Column number - 4" Plastic 1 w Column packing - 3/8" Raschig Rings 1 3/8" Spheres 2 1/8" Cylinders 3 x Mode of flow - Homogeneous mode 1 Transition zone 2 Slugging mode 3 Close slugs 4 (spacing 2" or less) yy Approximate spacing of slugs in inches - Slugging mode yy Homogeneous mode 00 Transition zone 00 Close slugs 00 pressure gauge - psi z

V. CORRELATION OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA A. Derivation of Correlation Relationships The general energy balance in a flow system can be written as Au2 fvtLP + 7g - + AZ + Wf + Ws = 0 (20) where V' is the volume of the flowing mixture per pound, the second term is the increase in energy due to an increase in velocity, Z is the position coordinate measured vertically, W f is the energy converted into heat by friction in foot-pounds per pound, and W is shaft work 5 done on the surroundings. Since the shaft work is zero for downward two-phase flow, and since the change in velocity over a small distance is negligible, Equation (20) can be rewritten f(l/p)dP + A Z = -W fA Z (21) where W' is the friction energy per unit length. Over a small downward interval in length, the density may be considered constant, and the upward distance, A Z, may be replaced by the downward distance, -AL. Upon integration and rearrangement, Equation (21) becomes - + P- Wp. (22) The right side of the above equation represents the total energy required to overcome friction per unit length downward through the packing. It is convenient to express the total friction energy by a single symbol, 5, which is defined by the following equation, and may have the -46

-47units of pounds per square foot per foot, or pounds per square inch per foot: - P - (23) For horizontal flow, the density is dropped from the above expression since A Z would be zero in Equation (20). Equation (23) can be written with greater accuracy as - dP + 5 (24) Data is taken in the form LP/AL in order to determine a correlation for dP/dL which can be applied to the general case. The two assumptions which will be made in the derivation of the correlation relationships are as follows: 1. The pressure drop for the gas phase is equal to that of the liquid phase, and both drops must be equal to the two-phase pressure drop, (~) 15 2. If E is the fraction voids for the bed, and if R and RQ are the fractions of void volume occupied by the liquid and the gas resnectively, theL_ (R+R ) is equal to unity, and ER and eR are the effective porosities for the liquid and gas respectively. The form of the Reynolds number defined by Equation (1) may be used to define Reynolds numbers for the liquid and gas phases as Dpu^eP^ Re ^ =25

-48and Re D= P3(26) where the subscript I designates values for the liquid phase, the subscript g designates values for the gas phase, and the exponents n and n' are constant for a given packing material and flow regime. The Fanning form of the friction factor, which differs only by a constant from the form in Equation (2), may be used to express the total frictional energy, 6, as defined by Equation (24). The two-phase pressure drop per unit length may be expressed on the basis of either the liquid or gas phase as 2 AP 2f SP I i - 2f^p\u2 + ^m (27) =')mD pgc and 2f3 P3u2 - (^) - m + m (28) where the subscript Jy refers to the simultaneous flow of two phases and the subscript m refers to the property of the gas-liquid mixture. The assumption that the pressure drop for the gas is equal to that of the liquid is equivalent to the statement that 5 can be expressed in terms of the friction factor for either the liquid or the gas, as seen by the rearrangement of Equations (27) and (28) as follows: 2f 2 2f 6 2f p^u _ 2fyP u 25 (eR)mp~gc (e~5)m~pg~. (29)

_49The friction factors for the liquid and the gas may be expressed in the general Blasius form as suggested for two-phase flow (2k)) in pipes by Lockhart and Martinelli. 2 Expressing the friction factors in the Blasius form yields C C f = ~ ~ =^~- (30) (Re2)s D2G e] [^( eR2^ and __ __ Cg (R -~tS (31) ^^5^ ~DpG g where the constants C2 and C^, as well as the exponents s and st, are dependent on the packing and the mode of flow. Substituting Equations (30) and (31) into Equation (29) and separating into two expressions, results in the following equations: 23~~~~~ The collection of terms in Equation (52) results in the expression 623 = c^ [ n [' (;E R nsMD ) (4)'^ ~ 14Eg n St 2P ^ G'2

-50Comparison of the product of C, and the first bracket of Equation (54) with Equation (30) will show that the product is the friction factor for the liquid phase flowing alone in the bed, since the total porosity has replaced eR A comparison of the second bracket in Equation (34) with Equation (29) will show that the first three terms in Equation (34) represent the total friction energy loss for the liquid flowing in the total void volume. The term has been replaced by e in every case. The first three terms on the right side of Equation (4) can be replaced by a term which represents the single-phase friction loss for the liquid flowing alone in the bed at the conditions of the two-phase flow as follows: 6 R (ns.m) (55) where 65Y is the value observed for single-phase flow or obtained from a single-phase correlation. Similar steps lead to an analogous result for the gas phase as follows: 6 = 6R(nst mt (3) 3R5 where 5 is the value of friction loss observed for single-phase flow of the gas alone in the bed or calculated from a single-phase correlation. The division of Equation (35) by 62 and Equation (36) by 56 leads to the definition of cp and cpq as follows: = 12/625 = (sn-m)/2 (37) CP3 6 ()

-51Equations (37) and (38) state the important result that cpq and cpq are only functions of the liquid saturation, as was expected from similar results for two-phase flow in open pipes and porous media. The results of single-phase investigations have shown that the exponents in Equations (25), (26), (30), and (31) are the same for liquids and gases; and therefore, s = n n and m = ml. The variables Re and R3 are not suitable for independent variables since they are unknown in the design calculation. A suitable independent variable can be obtained by dividing Equations (37) an (38) and defining X as I R (stn'-mt)/2 X= 5 - R (sn-m)/2. 9) Using the equality of primed and unprimed exponents along with the assumption that (RB +R5) equals unity yields the final result that X/ ).(msn)/2 (4o) The value of X can be calculated from single-phase correlations and is quite suitable for the independent variable in a design calculation. Further it is observed that cpq, cpq, and X are all functions of the liquid saturation. Therefore, cpq and cp3 may be considered functions of X alone. The liquid saturation has been eliminated as the independent variable, and becomes a function of X. The result of the derivation can be expressed in the following

where Fl, F2, and. F5 are functions to be dcetermined. Examination of the definitions of cp^, cpo, and X will reveal the following relationships: CP = pX (44) P= cp /X (45) which means that Equations (41) and (42) are not independent and that only one of the functions, F1 and F2, need be determined. Further examination of the definition of cp5 will show that the value becomes infinite as the gas rate goes to zero and becomes unity as the liquid rate goes to zero. In order to obtain a symmetric form for the correlation, the definitions of cp3 and X may be combined to obtain 2 b + -6~l -x2F4(X) (46) ^ ^ ^ I+X2 where F4 is a function which can be obtained from F1 or F2. The form expressed by Equation (46) has a distinct advantage since it is finite across the entire range from all liquid to all gas. The correlation of data for two-phase cocurrent flow in packed beds requires the evaluation and confirmation of Equations (42), (43), and (46). B. Correlation of Single-Phase Data Confirmation of the relationships suggested by the derivation requires the evaluation of 5 and 65 for the single-phase flow of each fluid. The observation of single-.phase pressure drops at the conditions of each two-phase run would be very difficult experimentally. It was

-53much more satisfactory to take single-phase data and establish a correlation which could be used to calculate the desired values of 5 and 5 2 3. Computer processing of the two-phase data made the algebraic equation suggested by Ergun(14) much more convenient than the graphical relationships presented by Brownell and Katz(5). Equation (13) did not fit the experimental results within the plus or minus 50 per cent deviation claimed for the correlation, and greater accuracy was necessary to prevent errors in the single-phase prediction from being transmitted to the two-phase correlation. The form of Equation (13) was confirmed, but the two constants were found to vary with the packing material. Equation (13) can be rewritten in terms of two arbitrary constants, A and B, f dP 2 gp~ \ E = Re(A + BRe),(47') In order to determine the constants in Equation (47), the left member of the equation was plotted against the Reynolds number as shown in Figure 9. Curves were fitted to the data shown in Figure 9 for 3/8-inch Raschig Rings, 5/8-inch spheres, and 1/8-inch cylinders. The data for the cylinders were found to agree with the values reported by Ergun(l4) for A and B, 150 and 1.75 respectively. The values of A and B for the various packing materials are indicated in Figure 9 in terms of the right member of Equation (47) as follows: 1. Re(266 + 2.33Re) for 3/8-inch Raschig Rings, 2. Re(118.2 + l.ORe) for 5/8-inch spheres, and 5. Re (150 + l.75Re) for 1/8-inch cylinders.

10^ ^ DATA ON 3/8" SPHERES -| Q DATA ON 3/8" RASCHIG RINGS - E | DATA ON 1/8" CYLINDERS 0 ERGUN CORRELATION (14) 0 3 0 BROWNELL -KATZ CORRELATION ID ~3/8" SPHERES (5) * BROWNELL-KATZ CORRELATION 3/8" RASCHIG RINGS (5) /,/ ^ ^1, (8^~~~~~() ~cP,.P (,_ _ ) e i10 ^ ^^ VERTICAL FLOWR | g A =(266 + 2.33 Re) c01 / A = (150 + 1.75 Re) HORIZONTAL FLOW10 "/ A= (118.5 +1.0 Re) =-d.. _ P ^^~~~~~~~~~/ ^~dL 10 // / /X/ I /^/ / I I110 102 1 o4 10 10* 10 106 10 to2 to3 4 3 gcPDP3 )3 6gcP DP T, —'" ( ) i-' )' P u (, -c) Figure 9. Single-Phase Pressure Drop in Packed Beds.

-55The expressions given above correlate the single-phase data within plus or minus 20 per cent. A possible entrance effect in the top section of the packed bed and a possible exit effect in the bottom section prompted the selection of the middle section of the column as a basis for the correlation of single-phase pressure drop. When all three sections are considered, the scatter of data is approximately 30 per cent. Calculation of the single-phase data was done simultaneously with the two-phase data, and the calculated results are presented to6 gether in Appendix IV. The parameter ~ + s presented in the cal. 3 culated results, and it reduces to a comparison of the observed and calculated values for the single-phase cases. The single-phase runs are identified by a zero flow rate for one phase. A few of the singlephase runs for air at low rates are high as a result of flushing the instrument lines and wetting the bed. A few of the single-phase runs for liquid are high as a result of air bubbles which leaked into the system from the surge drum at low liquid rates. The points in which these effects were noticeable are excluded from the statements of deviation given above. Examination of Figure 9 shows that Equation (11), presented by Ergun(l4), predicts pressure drops which are low for Raschig Rings and high for spheres. The deviation of Equation (11) from the fitted curves ranges from 30 to 80 per cent for Raschig Rings, and from 20 to 40 percent for spheres, depending upon the Reynolds number. Figure 9 also presents a comparison of the correlation proposed by Brownell and Katz(5) with the observed data for Raschig Rings. The deviations for

-56this correlation are well within the experimental error; and the correlation appears to be more accurate than that of Ergun, although the form of the latter is excellent. The consideration of the sphericity of the particles allows the curves in Figure 9 to shift with the packing material in the correlation of Brownell and Katz(5), but such a shift is not possible with the Ergun(l4) correlation as long as the constants of Equation (11) are considered independent of the packing. C. Explanation of Tabulated Results Table VI is a sample page of the tabulation of calculated results which forms the body of Appendix IV. The sample page of results is for the system of water and air on 3/8-inch Raschig Rings as is indicated by the index to run codes given in Table IV. Three lines of calculated results are obtained from each experimental run, representing the top, middle, and bottom sections of the packed column. The tabulation of results was prepared entirely by IBM machines as described in Appendix II. The first column of Table VI is the run code, and each code appears on three lines. The second column indicates the section of the test column for which the calculations have been made. The combination of run code and column section gives an exact reference to the corresponding data in Table III or Appendix II. The third and fourth columns of Table VI are the mass rates of the liquid and gas, and come directly from the tabulation of processed data without calculation. The mass rates are the same for all three column sections.,

TABLE VI SAMPLE CALCULATED RESULTS FOR WATER ON 3/8-INCH RASCHIG RINGS Mass Rates Liquid Air Reynolds Number Column. //q Air Liquid. Run Code Scolumn #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Ae Run Code Section #/f - a) #t - iquid Air 5 gt Saturation X I pg 40113030 MID 1911.468 53.3573 2156.827 2783.723 5.97403 1.50840.31750 24.8502 2.1796 1.9900 4.3377 3.2718 40113030 BTM 1911.468 53.3573 2156.827 2783.723 7.44184 1.50840.46157 24.8502 1.8077 2.2211 4.0153 3.7776 41113020 TOP 1911.468 66.7653 2181.336 3478.260 6.19358 1.50755.35574 21.8562 2.0585 2.0269 4.1725 3.3239 41113020 MID 1911.468 66.7653 2181.336 3478.260 6.62772 1.50755.45250 21.8562 1.8252 2.0967 3.8270 3.3813 41113020 BTM 1911.468 66.7653 2181.336 3478.260 8.46799 1.50755.66596 21.8562 1.5045 2.3700 3.5658 3.8959 42114000 TOP 1911.468 81.2111 2181.336 4230.844 6.70103 1.50755.48276 20.6586 1.7671 2.1083 3.7256 3.3668 42114000 MID 1911.468 81.2111 2181.336 4230.844 7.31430 1.50755.61486 20.6586 1.5658 2.2026 3.4490 3.4462 42114000 BTM 1911.468 81.2111 2181.336 4230.844 9.20506 1.50755.90813 20.6586 1*2884 2.4710 3.1837 3.8105 43111000 TOP 2184.535 13.8520 1948.314 740.756 4.15770 1.98076.02357 43.7125 9.1654 1.4488 13.2789 2.0743 43111000 MID 2184.535 13.8520 1948.314 740.756 4.39688 1.98076.02963 43.7125 8.1761 1.4898 12.1816 2.1870 43111000 BTM 2184.535 13.8520 1948.314 740.756 5.23778 1.98076.04171 43.7125 6.8910 1.6261 11.2057 2.5897 44112000 TOP 2184.535 24.5952 1988.940 1312.354 5.28111 1.97852.06162 36.2275 5.6662 1.6337 9.2573 2.5885 44112000 MID 2184.535 24.5952 1988.940 1312.354 5.25659 1.97852.07898 36.2275 5.0048 1.6299 8.1578 2.5548 44112000 BTM 2184.535 24.5952 1988.940 1312.354 6.15530 1.97852 *11389 36.2275 4.1679 1.7638 7.3515 2.9417 45113060 TOP 2184.535 34.5559 2031.297 1839.781 5.81274 1.97628.10775 29.0419 4.2826 1.7150 7.3447 2.7891 45113060 MID 2184.535 34.5559 2031.297 1839.781 5.81683 1.97628.13803 29.0419 3.7838 1.7156 6.4915 2.7511 45113060 BTM 2184.535 34.5559 2031.297 1839.781 7.06422 1.97628.20073 29.0419 3.1376 1.8906 5.9322 3.2448 46113040 TOP 2184.535 45.4424 2061.843 2415.835 6.36634 1.97472.16715 25.7485 3.4371 1.7955 6.1714 2.9723 46113040 MID 2184.535 45.4424 2061.843 2415.835 6.68979 1.97472.21509 25.7485 3.0299 1.8405 5.5768 3.0549 46113040 BTM 2184.535 45.4424 2061.843 2415.835 8.03958 1.97472.31842 25.7485 2.4902 2.0177 5.0247 3.5059 47113030 TOP 2184.535 61.9352 2119.615 3283.015 7.05976 1.97190.27555 24.5508 2.6750 1.8921 5.0615 3.1412 47113030 MID 2184.535 61.9352 2119.615 3283.015 7.59193 1.97190.35455 24.5508 2.3583 1.9621 4.6274 3.2633 47113030 BTM 2184.535 61*9352 2119.615 3283.015 9.37047 1.97190.53132 24.5508 1.9264 2.1799 4.1995 3.7433 48114000 TOP 2184.535 74.4574 2150.786 3941.029 7.66029 1.97044.37383 23.9520 2.2958 1.9716 4.5267 3.2676 48114000 MID 2184.535 74.4574 2150.786 3941.029 7.68958 1.97044.47899 23.9520 2.0282 1.9754 4.0067 3.1393 48114000 BTM 2184*535 74.4574 2150.786 3941.029 10.35757 1.97044.71659 23.9520 1.6582 2.2926 3.8018 3.8546 49114000 TOP 2184.535 83.3342 2182.887 4404.465 8.01342 1.96898.44716 24.2514 2.0984 2.0173 4.2332 3.3166 49114000 MID 2184.535 83.3342 2182.887 4404.465 7.94154 1.96898.57164 24.2514 1.8559 2.0083 3.7272 3.1258 49114000 BTM 2184.535 83.3342 2182.887 4404.465 10.95270 1.96898.85387 24.2514 1.5185 2.3585 3.5814 3.6800

-58-. The fifth and sixth columns of Table VI are the Reynolds numbers for the liquid and gas and are calculated from Equation (12), using the mass rates and viscosities of the fluids. The ratio of D to (1 is constant for a given packing, the values of the mass rates and the viscosity of the liquid are obtained from the tabulated data, and the viscosity of the air is obtained from the following equation given by Perry: (29) p. = 0.01709(T/46o)-68 (48) in which T is the absolute temperature in degrees Rankine, and the viscosity is in centipoise. The seventh column of Table VI is the corrected pressure drop per unit length as defined by Equation (23), or P - - - (49) where pm is the density of the flowing mixture at the average pressure in the column section. The value of is corrected for the unequal manometer legs before Equation (49) is applied. Since the unequal leg acts over the length AL, pY in psi per foot must be subtracted from the observed pressure drop. The density of the flowing mixture is calculated from =i p R2 + p3 p = R + Pl-2). (50) The density of the liquid is assumed to be constant and equal to the value given in Table I, the value of RB is obtained from the tabulation of processed data, and the density of air is obtained from the ideal gas law, which is valid within the range of these experiments. The

-59" expression used for air density is PM.78 P ( = = U 2 (T + 46o0 (5 where P is the absolute pressure, T is in Fahrenheit, R is the gas law constant, and the units of density are pounds per cubic foot. In order for the units of 5Y to be in psi per foot, p which is in pounds per cubic foot must be divided by 144 before it is used in Equation (49). The eighth column of Table VI is the friction loss for the liquid flowing alone, 5, and is obtained from Equation (47) since this equation is for horizontal flow and -(dP/dL) is equal to 5. The constants in Equation (47) are selected for the particular packing from those shown in Figure 9. The density of the liquid is again taken from Table I. The ninth column of Table VI is the friction loss for the gas flowing alone,, 6, and is also calculated from Equation (47) using the density function of Equation (51). The pressure at which the density is evaluated is the average pressure in the column section. The average pressure in each section of the column is tabulated in the processed data. The use of the average pressure in this calculation needs some justification. For a given mass rate, packing material, and viscosity, the Reynolds number is constant, and Equation (47) can be simplified to dP C (52 where C is a constant. Separation of variables and integration leads to 2 2

-6owhich can be rewritten P (P2 - PI) = C( - LI). (54) Finally 4^p _ 2 ^ "1 2C _ C, 2L- Lj P_ + P P (55) L2 1ij 22 1 average verifies that the use of the average pressure at the ends of an interval correctly approximates the average rate of pressure drop across the interval. The tenth column of Table VI is the liquid saturation in per cent, and is obtained directly from the data tabulation. Columns eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen of Table VI are the correlation parameters which are calculated directly from 5%, 5, and Qq according to Equations (39), (37)i (38), and (46), respectively. Since the computer will not divide by zero, infinite values are designated in the tabulated results by the value 999.9999. The accuracy of the calculated results lies between 5 and 20 per cent.8as a result of errors in instruments and meters. D. Presentation of Correlated Data Figure 10 is a plot of the calculated results obtained from data on 3/8-inch Raschig Rings. The calculated values of cpq and R. are shown plotted against X. The liquids used were water, Methocel solution, and ethylene glycol. The run codes included in Figure 10 are between 1111000 and 216111000, or runs between 1 and 216. The points in Figure 10 have been coded to identify the mode of flow for each of the runs plotted. The straight line represents the locus of points for which

1.0 0 AIR-WATER 0.8 -_ =-0.8-1.3 Cp Q0. 0.6 o AIR 2.5% METHOCEL l &A- 0.4 /=12-15 cp * -0.4 A AIR -ETHYLENE GLYCOL ZL't12-20 op OPEN POINTS - 0.2 HOMOGENEOUS ZONE ~ HALF FILLED POINTS ^ TRANSITION ZONE 0 0 100 SOLID POINTS -@ 0.1 80 SLUGGLING ZONE 0.08 60 METHOCEL SOLUTIONS o/QUA 60 FOAM / EQUATION (58) - 0.06 40 -0.04 20 - 0.02 10 X= 8g 0.01 8 -0.008 6 - -0.006 4 - 0.004 2 0.002 EQUATION (57) 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 10. Two-Phase Cocurrent Pressure Drop on 3/8-Inch Raschig Rings

-62cp and X are equal. In order for the data to be consistent with the single-phase relationships, cp, must approach unity as X approaches zero, and cpq must approach X, as X approaches infinity. The data on Raschig Rings show that the correlation is valid for this packing, and is not affected by viscosity variations. The points corresponding to the homogeneous mode lie toward the ends of the curve, with points for the slugging mode lying toward the center. The points of transition are well defined, and are a function of the physical properties of liquid phase. Figure 11 is a plot of the calculated results obtained from data on 3/8-inch spheres. The plot is very similar in form to Figure 10 for Raschig Rings. The liquids used in the runs on spheres were water and ethylene glycol; the runs included lie between 217 and 273. The lines which are drawn in Figure 11 are identical with those of Figure 10, which indicates that there is no change in the correlation obtained on the Raschig Rings as a result of the change in packing or porosity. Figure 12 is a plot of the calculated results obtained from data on 1/8-inch cylinders. The liquids used were water, foaming Methocel solution, and foaming soap solution. The run numbers lie between 274 and 307. The lines shown in Figure 12 are identical with those in Figures 10 and 11, and the points for water further establish the validity of the correlation over changes in porosity and particle size. The purpose of the points for foaming systems is to establish the effect of foaming on two-phase pressure drop which will be discussed in a later section. Figure 15 presents the final symmetric correlation of the data on all packing materials, and for all flowing fluids with the

1.0 0 AIR - WATER 0.8 - 0.8-1.3 Cp 1^ 0.6 ^ AIR-ETHYLENE GLYCOL A /=,Q12-20 Cp 0.4 OPEN POINTS HOMOGENEOUS ZONE &, HALF FILLED POINTS A. __. TRANSITION ZONE 6 - SOLID POINTS SLUGGING ZONE 100 - 0.1 80 _ EQUATION (58) 0.08 60 ^ / 0.06 R 40 /- 0.04 20 - / 0.02 W 4 1g 0.004 2 0.002 EQUATION (57) 4.06.08 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 x X Figure ii. Two-Phase Cocurrent Pressure Drop on 3/8-Inch Spheres.

1.0 O AIR -WATER 0.8 _ L = o.8-1.3 cp -^ - 0.6 o_ AIR -0.5% METHOCEL SOLUTION _.= 2.2 -3.0p c 0.4 V AIR-0.0326% SOAP SOLUTION _ B - | L= 1.25- 0.95 Cp E OPEN POINTS 0.2 HOMOGENEOUS ZONE * HALF FILLED POINTS TRANSITION ZONE 100 -1 8 SOLID POINTS o,.08 SLUGGING ZONE - 60 METHOCEL AND SOAP 0.06 SOLUTIONS FOAM EQUATION (58) 40 - / -0.04 20 - 0.02 8 9 0.008 6- / -0.006 2 0 0.002 EQUATION (57) 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 X Figure 12. Two-Phase Cocurrent Pressure Drop on 1/8-Inch Cylinders.

1.0 _ 0 AIR-WATER 0.8 8 AIR-METHOCEL SOLN. 0.6 AIR - ETHYLENE GLYCOL 1 0.4 OPEN POINTS HOMOGENEOUS ZONE HALF FILLED POINTS 02 TRANSITION ZONE CP..( ]/ SOLID POINTS,0*-' SLUGGING ZONE / / 8 -I _/ — ~log R = -0.744 + 0.525 log X -0.109 (log X) 0.0 10 0 0 0.08 PLUS 20% 2 /0/ * 0.06 EQUATION (58),MINUS 20 % 0.04 R 81 g 0.02 I 8g+ 8g 10 ~o i - 0.416 1.665 0.01 480 -g - 0.008 86:~~~~~ I0~(8~~~~~Q+8Jg (iogX)2+0.666 (io )2+2.66 0.006-. 6 - \ " 8g/' -0.006 Pp,PLUS 20% Cb_= ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -0.0 02 MINUS 20 % - 6 80 10 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 6 810 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 13. Summary of Two-Phase Pressure Drop on a Symmetrical Basis

-66exception of the foaming solutions of soap and Methocel. All liquid saturation data is replotted in Figure 13. The data indicate a single 6 relationship for ~^ on all packings and for all liquid properties 62+6 within the range investigated. The correlation reduces to the singlephase case as X. approaches zero or infinity. As a result of the sym6 metry in Figure 13, the relation between 6 + and X can be fitted by the following equations 0)416.(6 log10 25 0o62 6 (log1o0X) + o.666 An expression can be obtained for cpq from Equation (56) by substitution into and rearrangement of Equation (46) as follows: log10cp - 0.5 1og10(l + X) + 0.208 (57) ^^ ^ (log^X)^+0~~2. 666 The reference to Equation (57) in Figures 10, 11, and 12, serves to indicate that all of the curves are the same and are drawn from the above equation. Equation (56) was used to draw the curve shown in Figure 13. The liquid saturation data has also been fitted by an algebraic expression as follows: log10R2 - 4047k + 0.525(logo0X) 0.109(log10X)2 log0(l %- ) (58) The above equation is used as areference in Figures 10 through 15, to indicate that all of the liquid saturation curves are identical and were obtained from Equation (58). No cp2 plots have been presented, since they would be completely dependent upon those which have been presented,

-67E. Scope and Accuracy of Correlation 1. Comparison of the Three Column Sections Each experimental run has resulted in three data points, one for the top section of the test column, one for the middle section, and one for the bottom section. Thus, there are some 300 runs and some 900 data points. Not all of the data points have been plotted in the figures described in the previous section because of the confusion of points that would result. Only points obtained from the middle section of the test column have been used in the construction of the figures. All of the variables are constant for a given run.with the exception of the pressure drop and the average pressure, which is used in the calculation of air density. Hence, the three points from a given run should be very close together, but should not be identical. The liquid saturation measurement is an average value for the entire column, and is used in the calculation of all three points from any given run. In certain experimental ranges the liquid saturation may be a large factor in the total energy expression, and the data points from the middle of the column may be expected to have a slightly higher reliability since the average liquid saturation is most valid near the center of the column. Any entrance or exit effects are also eliminated by considering data from the middle section. In every case, the three sections of the column were compared as a check on the validity of the middle section. A typical pattern for three points is shown on an enlarged scale in Figure 14 for run number 46.

-689 8 7 ~~^ 6~^ ~ EQUATION (57) 4 0 3 ^g EQUATION (56) ^ 2 ~~~ 2 3 4 5 x Figure P4. Data from Run 46 Showing Agreement Between the Three Column Sections

-692. Range of Experimental Variables The form of the correlation is such that the range of the pressure drops, Reynolds numbers, etc., cannot be determined. by looking at the correlating plots. The curve shown in Figure 13 may be traversed from right to left while holding the rate of either phase constant at any desired value. The parameter X. expresses the ratio of energy losses for the liquid and gas phases, but says nothing about their absolute values. The same remark applies to the parameter It is necessary, therefore, to determine the level of the Reynolds number, pressure drops, etc., for a given point from the tabulated results. Table VII summarizes the maximum and minimum values of the various parameters which appear in the tabulated data and results, 3, Scatter of the Experimental Data The number of points plotted in Figure 13 is so large and the curve was traversed from right to left with experimental points so often that a significant portion of the points fall upon one another within one or two per cent of the line defined by Equation (56). The scatter of data in Figure 13 is such that 87 per cent of the data are within plus or minus 20 per cent of the predicted value. The remaining 13 per cent fall well within plus or minus 40 per cent of the values predicted by Equation (56). The standard deviation is 13.2, and is the expected 6 or mean value of the absolute deviation. The errors in are those which would result in the design calculation or in the back calculation of the observed. pressure drops. ~[hen the d~ata is plotted. on the basis of cp), the scatter is red~uced. as a result of the square root used. in its d~efinition. Since the d~eviations are small, approximately

-70TABLE VII RANGE OF EXPERIMENTAL VARIABLES Variable Minimum Maximum Column Size, inches 4 4 Packing Diameter, inches 1/8 3/8 Packing Porosity 0.357 0.520 Packing Sphericity 0.53 1.00 Volume Rate of Air, SCFM 1.0 138 Volume Rate of Liquid, gpm 0.715 33-75 Viscosity of Air 0.018 0.019 Viscosity of Liquid, cp 0.75 19.0 Reynolds No. for Air 0.00 6200 Reynolds No. for Liquid 0.00 3405 Pressure Drop, psi/ft o.oo4 13.8 Top Column Pressure, psig 2.8 84.0 Fraction Liquid 0.0 1.0

-7'the same 87 per cent of the data falls within plus or minus 10 per cent of the values predicted by Equation (57). The standard deviation is reduced by the same ratio to approximately 6.6 per cent. The accuracy of the liquid saturation data is not as good as that of the pressure drop data. The curve which has been fitted to the data has been placed so that the scatter is between plus 55 per cent and minus 30 per cent of Equation (58). This arrangement results in maximum errors of 43 per cent from the observed data points. The method used in drawing the curve reflects about an equal confidence in the data points and in the form of the correlation. Examination of the data reveal some upward shift of the liquid saturation points with viscosity, and with a decrease in the packing size. These errors may result from variables of viscosity and packing dimension which have not been included in the correlation, or from the experimental measurements due to the greater difficulty with which air bubbles rise through the packing material in the case of higher viscosities or smaller packings. F. Analytic Summary of the Final Correlation Computer applications in chemical engineering design are becoming more common each day. The main obstacle to the use of much of the information in the engineering literature lies in the necessity for fitting equations to the many graphical relationships that are in current use. The symmetric shape of Figure 13 lends itself to the simple algebraic form of Equation (56). The form of the equation is entirely symmetric and reversing the roles of liquid and gases in the definition of X has no effect. This means that the definition of one phase as the gas phase, and another as the liquid phase, is arbitrary.

-72The liquid saturation data was expressed by a power series in (log X) as presented in Equation (58). The expression for liquid saturation is not symmetric; the roles of liquid and gas cannot be interchanged. A summary of the relationships for two-phase flow in packed beds is given in Table VIII, and a summary of the algebraic equations is given in Table IX. Tabulated values of the algebraic equations are given in Table X at selected values of X. The computation of a pressure drop for a design problem requires the calculation of the total friction energy followed by the use of Equation (49) with the liquid saturation correlation. An assumption of the average pressure will be necessary as in the single-phase calculation for a flowing gas as a result of the dependence of density upon pressure. G. Saturation Data as a Check on Derivation Equation (37) of the derivation states that cpq should be a definite function of the liquid saturation. The only use made of the liquid saturation in the development of the pressure drop correlation was in the calculation of p for use in Equation (49). In a major portion of the experimental runs, the quantity pm was small compared to the pressure drop observed, and may be considered a correction term. The correlation developed for pressure drop, or for total friction energy, is essentially independent of the measurements of the liquid saturation. Figure 15 is a plot of cpq versus R showing points for water on 3/8-inch Raschig Rings as well as a curve defined by the correlating Equations (^7) and (58) which are parametric in X.

-73TABLE VIII SUMMARY OF TWO-PHASE RELATIONSHIPS dP — + p dL 8...= 5p = cp2 6 22 6296Y1+X_ ~X q + Xy 1 +.2 TABLE IX SUMMARY OF EQUATIONS REPRESENTING CORRELATION o. 416 (loglo X)2 + 0.666 log0cp L lo 106(1 + X2) + O. 416 -) (loglo X)2 + o.666 g1R -oy k(1 + XQ2 2 g00416()

-74TABLE X CORRELATION PARAMIETERS AT SELECTED VALUES OF X x~~~~.. X q) @2 b2 RB Rg Xcp cp5 H 0.01 1.11 I11 1.23 0.02 1.14 57.2 1.31 0.04 1.20 30.0 1.44 0.07 1.27 18.2 1.62 0.10 1.34 13.4 1.78 o.o48 0.952 0.20 1.54 7.70 2.29 0.069 0.931 0.40 1.92 4.81 3.20 0.107 0.893 0.70 2.44 3.48 4.01 0.149 0.851 1.00 2.90 2.90 4.22 0.180 0.820 2.00 4.21 2.10 3.55 0.264 0.736 4.00 6.67 1.64 2.54 0,339 0.661 7,00 10.0 1.43 2.00 0.420 0.580 10.0 13,4 1.34 1.78 0.470 0.530 20.0 24.6 1.23 1.50 0.568 0.432 40.0 46.5 1.16 1.35 70.0 78.5 1.12 1.27 100.0 I11 1.11 1.23

-75Figure 15 indicates a definite correlation between qp and R, as expected from the derivation. The scatter of data is greatest in the region of low liquid saturation where the measurements of saturation are subject to the greatest percentage deviation. A plot of CPq versus RQ would necessarily show a similar result and confirm Equation (38), since R is a function of R,,^ and qp^ is a function of qp,. H. Effect of Foaming on Pressure Drop The systems studied in this investigation were non-foaming with the exception of the points indicated in Figure 12. A foam breaker was used to eliminate the foaming of the Methocel solution used with 3/8-inch Raschig Rings. Runs 294 through 307 were taken under conditions of severe foaming in 1/8-inch cylinders. The values observed for the two-phase pressure drop ranged from 1.55 to 5.35 times the values predicted by the non-foaming correlation. The packing served as an excellent agitator which effectively emulsified the air and liquids observed. The resulting emulsion was stable over a period of several minutes, and contained as much as 60 per cent air by volume. The following general statements may be made concerning the data observed: 1. Foaming produces much greater effects in small particle diameter beds. The mild foaming of Methocel solution in 3/8-inch Raschig Rings had a negligible effect. 2. The emulsification of air in the liquid phase is more severe in smaller packings. 5. The effect of foaming on pressure drop becomes smaller as the rate is increased and the pressure

-76100 ~ 0 WATER ON I RASCHIG RINGS 8 ~ DEFINED BY EQUATIONS (57) AND (58) 10 00 0 0 0~~ 0^^ 0 0~~~~ 1.0 0.01 0.1 1.0 Ri Figure 15. Relation Between and RB as Shown by Data for Raschig Rings and. by a Curve for the Correlating Equations

-77drop rises to higher levels. The foaming forces eventually become smaller than the friction forces. The level of pressure drop at which foaming may be neglected varies with the liquid phase and packing diameter. 4. In order to correlate the behavior of foaming mixtures, some correlation must be developed for the amount of foaming as a function of the shearing and mixing of the liquid and gas phases. 5, The addition of a foam breaker reduces the effect of foaming on pressure drop even though some emulsification may still occur. A correction of the parameters by consideration of the amount of emulsification was attempted with little success. The emulsification of air in the liquid clearly expands the liquid phase and decreases its density. The value of 5p is inversely proportional to the effective liquid density. For the data observed, the decrease in 53 caused by the loss of air to the liquid phase is negligible. Further, the increase in mass rate for the liquid phase is negligible. Hence, cp is unchanged, and the change in X is inversely proportional to the square root of the change in density or in the volume fraction liquid in the emulsion. Table XI lists the volume fractions of liquid at atmospheric pressure, the corrected values for the column conditions, and the corrected values of X The change in the values of X is small, and reference to Figure 12, where the original points are plotted, will make it evident that the correction is negligible,

TABLE XI CORRECTION OF RUNS 301 - 307 FOR EMULSION DENSITY Volume Fraction Column Volume Fraction Calculated Corrected Liquid in Emulsion Pressure Liquid in Emulsion Parameters Parameters Run at 14.7 psia psia at Column Pressure CP CP 301 0.375 26.4 0.518 6.29 0.869 6.29 1.22 302 0.567 37.4 0.768 6.24 1.54 6.24 1.76 303 0.467 51.5 0.753 2.71 0.546 2.71 0.628 304 0.467 56.o 0.768 7.92 3.19 7.92 3.64 305 0.567 64.1 0.850 4.64 1.65 4.64 1.79 306 0.500 52.0 0.780 4.05 1.15 4.05 1.31 307 o.48o 45.5 0.740 7.13 2.19 7.13 2.54

-79I. Comparison with Correlation for Open Channels Comparison of the correlation for packed beds with the correla(24-) tion presented by Lockhart and MartinelliV reveals a remarkable agreement with the curve obtained for the viscous-viscous mode in open pipes. The agreement between the liquid saturation curves for packed beds and open pipes is also remarkable. These comparisons are made in Figure 16, which shows the four mechanisms in open pipes along with that of packed beds. The fact that the data of packed beds falls on only one line is probably due to the excellent mixing and distribution obtained in the vertical packed column. This mixing may also account for the significantly smaller scatter in the data for packed beds. The agreement between the liquid saturation for pipes and packed beds may actually be closer than drawn, since Lockhart and Martinelli(24) report that their saturation measurements are probably high. The close agreement between the correlations for packed beds and open pipes suggest several important conclusions. The data on open pipes were taken for horizontal flow, and the expected applicability of the packed correlation to the horizontal flow problem is somewhat strengthened. Further, a uniform transition appears possible for increasing porosities reaching to 100 per cent, since the packed bed curve falls within the curves for the four mechanisms in open pipes. The assumptions made in the derivations of the correlation parameters were the same for open pipes and packed beds, which further confirms the theoretical derivation,. The completely reduced form of the correlations entirely accounts for the properties of the bed or open pipe by the use of the single-~phase pressure drops o

-801.0.8.6 - PACKED BEDS - SOLID LINES OPEN PIPES-BROKEN LINES.4 CURVES OF LOCKHART AND MARTINELLI (24) _~~ / JJ~~~~~~~~~~ VISCOUS-TURBULENT MODE - ~~~~TURBULENT-VISCOUS MODE.2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. PACKED BEDS. =8 - V O - I.06 - o~~~~~~~~q - 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 3 4 5678910 X Figure 3.6. Comparison of Two-Phase Flow Correlations for Pipes and for Packed Beds - ~~~~~~~~~~~~PACKED BEDS.02 ~~~~~~~TURBULENT- TURBULENT MODE2. ~~~~~vIscous -TuRBuLENT MODE ~~~ —~~~~. ~ ~ — ~TURBULENT-VISCOUS MODE VSCOUS~ VISCOUS MODE I - - 1 __ I I I I I I I ~ ~~~1.0 01 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 Figure 16. Compa~rison of Two-Phase Flow Correlations for Pipes and for Packed Beds

J. Application to Other Multiphase Problems The extension of the pressure drop correlation to the cocurrent flow of liquid and gas in the vertical or horizontal direction is justified in the light of statements by Martinelli, Putnam, and Lockhart(27) and Bergelin(3) who report that the orientation of the tube has a negligible effect on pressure drop at high rates. This result was to be expected since the density correction required to obtain total frictional energy loss becomes small as the pressure drop increases for all orientations. The use of the proper density correction as determined from the energy balance equation would make the correlation valid at low rates for any orientation. The saturation correlation might be expected to be a function of orientation for low rates; but since the correlation is independent of rate for downflow and correct for high rates, only small changes can occur for other orientations with true cocurrent flow. The correlation is not expected to hold for the flow of two immiscible liquid phases. The compressibility of the gas phase is thought to be the main cause of the larger gas-liquid pressure drops, and the interaction between two immiscible liquids is expected to have a much smaller effect on pressure drop. The flow of two immiscible liquid phases might be approximated by a trial and error calculation based on parallel flow in a partitioned bed. The cross sectional area of the bed may be divided between the liquids with an imaginary partition running the length of the bed. The single-phase pressure drop can be calculated for each liquid after the division of cross sectional area has been been assumed. When the division of area is properly chosen, the pressure drops will be equal to each other, and will be an approximation to the two-phase drop for the immiscible liquids.

-82The flow of two immiscible liquid phases and a gas phase might be approximated by the use of the correlations for two-phase gas-liquid flow. The speculative method described above may be used to compute the pressure drop for the two liquid phases alone in the bed. Using the combined liquid drop to represent a combined liquid phase, the value of X can be calculated as the ratio of combined liquid to gas, and the three-phase pressure drop can be estimated from the correlation. The assumption upon which the approximation is based is that the effect of the gas is the same on each of the liquid phases, which is indicated by the dimensionless and symmetrical form of the final correlation, and that the interaction of the liquid phases is negligible.

VIo SUPPORTING DATA ON HYDROCARBON SYSTEMS A. Agreement of Non-Foaming Systems Through the courtesy of the Humble Oil and Refining Company, considerable data obtained in their laboratories on two-phase flow in packed beds for hydrocarbon systems have been made available for the further support of this dissertation. Figure 17 presents the data for the non-foaming systems of lube oil with natural gas and lube oil with carbon dioxide on 3 mm glass beads, The points shown in the figure have been corrected for the density of the flowing mixture on the basis of the liquid saturation Equation (58) since no saturation data were obtained for these runs. The properties of the fluids and packings used are reported in Appendix V along with the tabulated data and the calculated results for the hydrocarbon experiments. The values of the single-phase pressure drops are not reported in the calculated results. The correction of the observed pressure drops, according to Equation (49), requires the calculation of Pm from the liquid saturation correlation using X which is unaffected by the correction. The squaring of the reported value of cp permits the computation of 65. Having obtained the unknown 59, Pm can be added to the reported two-phase pressure drop, and the corrected value of cp can be computed. Table XII presents both the original and the corrected values for the non-foaming systems with lube oil. The data points plotted in Figure 17 fall approximately 17 per cent higher than the curve representing Equation (57). The configuration of the data points confirms the shape of the curve, but the points do not seem to converge to the line cp3 = X at high values of X. -83

- NATURAL GAS -LUBE /Lf =38.8 - 41 Cp 100 - 80 - -C02- LUBE OIL L=.38.8 - 41 cp 60 / A- PLANT DATA 40 DATA TAKEN FROM THE / LABORATORIES AND Dgp | FACILITIES OF THE HUMBLE 2g OIL AND REFINING COMPANY 20-// EQUATION (57) e- X=4 >,r,///' 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 i.0 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 Figure 17. Two-Phase Cocurrent Pressure Drop for Hydrocarbon Systems on 3 mm Glass Beads 6-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t Figure 17. Two-Phase Cocurrentb Pressure Drop for Hydrocarbon Systbems on 3 mm Glass Beads

-85TABLE XII CORRECTION OF HYDROCARBON DATA FOR THE DENSITY OF THE FLOWING MIXTURE AS ESTIMATED BY SATURATION CORRELATION Two-Phase Estimated Pressure Drop ps Reported Corrected psi/ft. psi/ft. X gP Run No. 15 0.311 0,260 41.23 53.12 72.00 0.383 0.194 14.44 20.64 25.30 0,431 0.171 9.88 14.98 17.70 0.467 0,157 7.40 11.68 13.50 0.491 0.145 6.07 9.82 11.20 0.539 0.134 4.72 8.00 8.93 0.599 0.123 3.63 6.49 7.12 0.670 0.115 3.00 5.68 6.15 0.790 0,107 2.29 4.69 5.00 1.155 0.080 1.39 3.45 3.57 Run No. 16 1.532 0.298 99.76 127.37 139.00 2.119 0.242 34.88 52.37 55.41 2.119 0.227 23.72 35.63 37.59 2.179 0.216 19.58 26.77 28.13 2.131 0.197 14.56 21.92 23.03 2.226 0.197 14.60 22.46 23.41 2 167 0.179 10.79 16.39 17.05 2.310 0.178 10.82 16.96 17.65 2.274 00164 8.65 13.46 13.93 2.412 0o164 8.68 13.90 14.40 2.346 0.156 7.14 11.28 11.65 2.454 0.156 7.15 11.55 11.90 2.490 0.145 5.82 9.47 9.73 2.597 0.145 5.83 9.70 9.95 2.777 0,126 3.91 6.73 6.90 2.861 0.126 3.92 6.84 6.98 Run No. 17 0.302 0.261 40.41 51.26 70.02 0.383 0.205 15.65 22.39 27.79 0.431 0.178 10.69 16.24 19.32 0~455 0o16o 7.71 12.02 13.95 0.491 0.149 6.43 10.42 11.94 0.551 0.134 4.68 8.03 8.95 00613 0.122 3.69 6.69 7.32 0.682 0.114 3.02 5.77 6.23 0.766 0.104 2.43 4.91 5.22 0. 982 0 090 1.70 3.89 4.06 1.209 0.820 1.29 3.27 3.38

-86The region of high X- is the region of approach to 100 per cent liquid, and the failure of cp - to approach X in magnitude casts some doubt upon the calculation of the single-phase pressure drops for the liquid phase, and perhaps for the gas phase. An error of 37 per cent in the single-phase correlation would account for the separation between the data points and the correlation. The single-phase pressure drops were calculated from Equation (11) with no adjustments to the constants. Some check runs were obtained for the 1/8-inch catalyst cylinders at low gas rates, but the single-phase correlation was not checked for the liquid phase alone as a result of the design of the equipment. The deviation at high X values implies a necessary correction to the constants of Equation (11) for 3 mm glass spheres of approximately 35 per cent. Since some adjustment is necessary to make the hydrocarbon data self-consistent for high X<, and since the spread between the data points and the correlation is essentially constant, the data on hydrocarbon systems is considered to support the correlation. The range of viscosities investigated now reaches to a maximum of 41 centipoise. B. Agreement of Plant Data A few data points from operating plant equipment are included in Figure 17. Table XIII presents the original and corrected values of the correlation parameters for the plant data. Corrections to the reported values were made by the method of the previous section. The plant data agree with the other points reported for nonfoaming hydrocarbon systems, and are subject to the same errors through the calculation of the single-phase pressure drops. An error of 35 per cent in the single-phase prediction is within the error for the

-87TABLE XIII CORRECTION OF PLANT DATA FOR THE DENSITY OF THE FLOWING MIXTURE AS ESTIMATED BY SATURATION CORRELATION Two-Phase Pressure RpEstimated Drop Pm Drop Pm Reported Corrected psi/ft. psi/ft. 9 K9 0.215 0.091 2.66 5.01 6.oo 0.240 0o086 2.36 4.66 5.43 0.218 0.085 2.33 4.28 5.05 0.324 0.088 2.52 5.46 6.15 0.507 0.091 2,69 5.87 6.37 0.575 0.101 3.34 6.82 7.40 0.216 0.084 2,32 4.46 5.26 0.335 0.090 2.62 5.69 6.40 0.515 0.102 3.47 7.11 7.79 0.238 0.085 2.29 4.63 5.40 0.300 0.099 3.28 6.46 7.48 0.462 0.098 3.21 6.58 7.25 0.238 0.090 2.61 5.43 6.40 0.275 0.088 2.45 5.24 6.02 0.216 0.085 2.25 4.45 5.25

-88uncorrected correlation, and the plant data are considered to check the two-phase correlation. C. Observations of Foaming and Surging In addition to the data presented in Figure 17 for non-foaming hydrocarbon systems, a large number of points have been reported for the foaming system of kerosene and natural gas. This data forms the major portion of the tabulation in Appendix V, and is plotted in Figure 18. The points shown in Figure 18 have not been corrected for the density of the flowing mixture, and hence, cp is based on the observed pressure drop per unit length. The correction of the points would cause all of the points to lie above the viscous-viscous line shown in Figure 18 from the open pipe correlation. These data further illustrate the deviations and scatter which occur in the foaming systems. The nonfoaming data is also included in Figure 18 in the uncorrected form, and shows excellent agreement with the viscous-viscous curve for pipes. A new form of instability was observed in the test section when foaming occurred at low values of the two-phase pressure dropo Pressure surges as high as plus and minus 40 per cent of the average value of the pressure drop are reported in the case of kerosene and natural gas. These surges were found to have a reproducible magnitude and frequency. The time between peaks was of the order of magnitude of five or ten seconds, and varied with the flow rates. The observation of pressure surges were accompanied by a filling and emptying of the column with foam~ The column appeared to fill with foam as the pressure drop was observed to increase. The foam then seemed to collapse and be swept from the column in a wave-like motion with a corresponding decrease

0 100 — i ___ 1_ 11' I I I I 1- I / I 80 No Bubbling, (Kerosene-Nat. Gas) I t _ m _ A Bubbling " " " 60 ~ 0 Foaming, " 50 0 Min. of a Surge, " " " _ i 40 * Max. of a Surge, i" " 30 A n-Hexane - C02 0 Lube Oil - Natural Gas 20 0 Lube Oil - C2 Plant Data l i 0 1 ----- i iI I ~II ~~ ~ ~~~~-~ ~ TT _^ (\^ Mvartinelli - Lockhart 5 6 7 8 90.1 2 33 4 5 678 9L0 3 4 5 6 7 8910 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100 X Figure 18. Data on Foaming Hydrocarbon Systems

-90in pressure drop. The surging phenomena were observed in fairly narrow ranges of the experimental variables and disappeared at low liquid rates as well as at high liquid rates. The points in Figure 18 have been coded for the surging runs to indicate the maximum and minimum values observed. Figure 19 shows one of the surging regions observed with kerosene and natural gas, and it illustrates the range of rates and the magnitude of the pressure drop over which the surging region is defined. The form of instability observed in the foaming kerosene systems was also observed in Run 294 of Appendix III and Appendix IV. The instability appeared in tests with 0.50 per cent solution of foaming Methocel on 1/8-inch cylinders. The phenomena was found to occur near the lower limit of rates which could be measured in the experimental equipment. The surges were apparent with fresh Methocel solutions, but disappeared as the solutions aged. The surges which have been described are felt to be a definite function of the foaming system employed, and probably represents a balance between the rate of emulsification and the pressure difference acting upon the foam. As the foam begins to build up, the rates are at their highest values and effect the maximum shear. The foam filling the pores causes the pressure drop to increase across the bed when constant feed rates to the column are maintained. At some point, the restriction of flow and the forces on the foam combine to reduce the foaming tendency and force thefoam to break. The cycle is then able to repeat itself as the pressure drop decreases and the flow is unrestricted.

-9'4.01 ~ VL=0. 04317 FPS 2.0 \ 1. 0 IVL=O. 02698 FPS I. io Y/= — ^ —^~ ^^^- YL0.01673 FPS - 0.7 7.. - _____ _ 0 Run #3, 1/8" Catalyst Pellets, 0 4~ Kerosene (1), Natural Gas. A Run #4, Same as Above. 0 Run #5, " " 0. 2 0.1 I 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Superficial Gas Velocity (Ft/Sec.) Figure 19. A Foaming Hydrocarbon System in the Unstable Region

VII. SOLUTION OF SAMPLE PROBLEM The application of the correlations which have been presented for two-phase downward flow in packed beds is illustrated in this section by the solution of an example problem. Predict the pressure drop and liquid saturation for the flow of air and water through a vertical packed section filled with 1/8-inch cylinders under the following conditions: Water rate*...... 4300 lb/(hr)(sq ft) Air rate...... 328.0 lb/(hr)(sq ft) Temperature...... 60.0 ~F Inlet pressure... 30.0 psig Length of bed.... 10.0 ft. The properties of the packing and fluids are as follows: Viscosity of water at 60~F...,... 2.72 lb mass/(ft)(hr) Viscosity of air at 60~F...e....... 0.0455 lb mass/(ft)(hr) Density of water at 60~F.....^....62.4 lb/cu ft Density of air at 600F, 30 psig.., 0.233 lb/cu ft Porosity of packed bed............. 0.357 Length and diameter of particles... 0.0104 ft. The single-phase pressure drop for horizontal flow over 1/8 x 1/8-inch cylinders is correlated by A(P Re(150 + 1.75Re) - ( )=6 =~ ^ Pp E 3 2 1 - where GDp Re = G(... -92

-93The Reynolds number for air alone in the bed is G Dp (328.0) (.o0104) Re =- (1 ) = (0.0455)(1 - 0.357) 116.5 The Reynolds number for liquid alone in the bed is R Dp (4300) (0.0104) Re 7 W - - (2.72)(l 0.357) = 25-55 The calculation of the single=phase friction loss for the gas requires a knowledge of the average pressure in the packed section. Therefore, the pressure drop across the bed is assumed as follows: Assumed pressure drop = 3.0 psi Inlet pressure = 30.0 psig Outlet pressure = 27.0 psig Average pressure = 28.5 psig. The density of air at the average pressure in the bed is 0.233(28.5 + 14.7) Po (30,0 + 14.7) = 0.225 lb/cu ft. The frictional loss for the air flowing alone is Reg(150 + 1.75Reg) gcp D3 2 (1 - e 116.5(150 + 1.75 x 116.5) (32.17)(3600)2 (0.2065)(0.0104)3 0.357.........- 57 (0o0455)2 1 - 0.3 = 4.05 lb/sq ft/ft = 0.0281 psi/ft.

-94The frictional loss for the liquid flowing alone is Re)(150 + 1.75Re) 2 p E)3 25.55(150 + 1.75 x 25.55) (32.17)(3600) (62o4)(0.0104)3 0 357 3 (2,72)2 1 - 0,357 = 7.33 lb/sq ft/ft = 0.0509 psi/ft. Calculate the correlation parameter defined by Equation (39). =< \/ 0.0509 1 x 0.0281 The correlation parameter + 6$ is obtained from Equation (56). 2 5 \.416 0.416 lg~~ ^ + " - (logloX)2 + 0.666 (log01.35)2 + 0.666 = 0.610 and ________ 620 65 + = 0.0509 + 00281 = 4.07 The two-phase frictional loss is calculated as 56 = (0.0509 + 0.0281)(4.07) = 0.322 psi/ft. The liquid saturation is calculated from Equation (58). log10Re = -0.744 + 0.525(log0X) - 0.109(logo0X)2. = -0 678. R, = 0.210 (fraction of voids occupied by liquid).

-95The density of the flowing mixture is Pm = Rip + Rp = (0.210)(62.4) + (1 - 0210)(0.225) = 13.3 lb/cu ft = 0.092 lb/sq in/ft or psi/ft. The pressure drop per unit length is obtained from Equation (49). -(L) = ) Pm = 0.322 - 0.092 = 0.230 psi/ft. The pressure drop over the length of the bed is AP = (10.0)(-0.230) = - 2.30 psi. The assumed pressure drop used in the calculation of the average pressure and 56 was 3.0 psi. A new assumption might be made of 2.30 psi, and the calculation could be carried out again to obtain a more accurate computation. However, the change in 53 from the last calculation is less than 2 per cent, and is well within the accuracy of the correlation. The result of the computation is as follows: Pressure drop = 2.30 psi Inlet pressure = 30.0 psig Outlet pressure = 27.7 psig Average saturation = 0,210.

VIII. CONCLUSIONS This dissertation presents a correlation of two-phase pressure drop data for downward flow in vertical packed beds, and a correlation of the liquid saturation data accompanying the two-phase flow. The conclusions which may be drawn from the investigation are listed below in the order of their development. The most important conclusions are marked with an asterisk. *1. The correlation of pressure drop and liquid saturation for non-foaming mixtures has been established over a wide range of porosities, effective packing diameters, liquid viscosities, and flow rates. 2o The correlations for two-phase pressure drop and liquid saturation are based on the single independent variable, X, which is the square root of the ratio of the friction loss of the liquid to the friction loss of the gas, assuming each phase flowing separately. This ratio can be obtained from single-phase data or correlations. *3. The correction of the single-phase pressure drop equations on the basis of observed data eliminates error in the two-phase correlation from the single-phase predictions. Therefore, any single-phase data or correlation may be used with the two-phase correlation. 4, Both curves and algebraic equations have been presented for the correlation of pressure drop and liquid saturation in order to facilitate their use with digital computers. -96

-975. The incorporation of all fluid and packing properties in the single-phase pressure drops and their elimination from the final form of the correlations facilitates extrapolation of the relationships. *6. The agreement between correlations for open pipes and packed beds supports the wide extrapolation of porosities. *7. The correlation is expected to hold at higher rates in both horizontal and upward flow, as well as for downward flowe No significant change in the liquid saturation correlation is expected for horizontal and upward flow when true cocurrent flow is maintained. The use of the proper energy balance with the proposed liquid saturation correlation is expected to give good results for any orientation. *8. The effect of foaming on pressure drop is large for small packing diameters and low rates. The effect is decreased as the packing diameter or flow rates are increased. Further work is required to characterize the foaming tendencies of mixtures in order to correlate foaming pressure drop. *9. The symmetry of the pressure drop correlation shows that the effect of the liquid on the gas is identical to that of the gas on the liquid, and the roles of liquid and gas can be interchanged in the definition of X. The correlation is not thought to hold for immiscible liquid phases since the compressibility of the gas is thought to be the

-98main cause of the larger gas-liquid pressure effects. Further work is required to determine the behavior of immiscible liquid phases in flow. 10. The prediction of three-phase pressure drops for the flow of two immiscible liquid phases and a gas phase might be subject to the correlation, if pressure drop data on the simultaneous flow of the two immiscible phases is obtained and used with the single-phase drop for the gas to calculate XC. Considering the liquids as a singlephase assumes negligible interaction between the immiscible liquid phases.

IX. APPENDIX I - SAMPLE CALCULATIONS A, Calculation of Correlation Parameters 1. Data on Run 46 Data for the middle section of the test column are obtained from Table III for water and air on Raschig Rings as follows: Liquid Rate - 23.2 gpm Air Rate - 52.8 SCFM Average Pressure in Section - 32.9 psig Pressure Drop in Section - 7.01 psi/ft Column Temperature - 64.O0F Liquid Viscosity - 1.064 cp Liquid Saturation - 25.8% Table II gives the porosity of the Raschig Rings as 52.0 per cent, and the inside diameter of 4-inch pipe is 4.03 inches. 2. Mass Rates, gpm)(PY (23.2) (8.-37) G = (gpm) (p) (23,2)(8.337) 2184.5 lb/(sq ft)(min) A ^Jtr (4o03/24)~ (SCFM)(p,) (52.8) (0.0765) G A (- (.03/2)e = 45.44 lb/(sq ft)(min) 30 Calculation of 5 The correction of the observed pressure drop for the unequal liquid legs of the manometer requires the subtraction of the liquid density in psi/fto AP -(2), = 7.01 - 0.4356 = 6.5744 psi/ft. -99

-100Equation (49) is applied with the assumption that Pm is equal to the fraction liquid times the liquid density in psi/ft since the density of air is small and pm is a correction. 6 = 6.5744 + (0o258)(0.4356) = 6.6898 psi/ft. 4. Reynolds Numbers The effective diameter of the packing particles is calculated from Equation (8) using the specific surface given in Table II. D =16(1 - e) 6(1 - 0.520) = 0.0195 ft. p -..S. 0.019 148 The Reynolds number is calculated from the definition given in Equation (12). DpG= (0.0195) (2184.5)(60) Re (1 - E) -(1.064)(1 - 0.52)(2.42) -= 2 DpGp (0.0195)(45.44)(60) 45.6 Re3 = (1 = g( 0.52)(2.42) - Pt The viscosity of air is obtained from Equation (51),= 0.01709(524.0/460)768 = 0.0189 cp Re= 45.6/0.0189 = 2416 5. Single-Phase Pressure Drops Figure 9 is consulted for the proper constants for Equation (47). dP Re(266 + 2.33Re) (dL gcPDp 3 E 3 2

-101The density of air is calculated from Equation (51). 52.9 + 14.7 Pg = 2.708 (64 0 + 460 ) = 0.245 lb/cu ft. The density of the liquid phase is obtained from Table I. dP (2416)(266 + 2.33 x 2416) 9 (32.17)(.245) (.01945)3 52 3 1.0 lb/sq ft/ft (.0189 x.000672)2 1 -.52 0.215 psi/ft. dP (2061.8)(266 + 2.33 x 2061.8) -( ) = ~^~ —~ ~ ~ = 284 lb/sq ft/ft = () (32.17)(62.4)(.01945)3.552 s/ft (1.064 x.000672 2 l - 2 1.975 psi/ft 6. Correlation Parameters Since the pressure drop correlations are for horizontal flow, no correction for density is required. by, j1.9'-5.9705 X = = 975 = 3.03, 62= ='l=97 - 1.84 CP g 1.975 /6898' bI 0.215 q = =5 - =689 5.58 __3_ 6.6898 5 + 5 1.975 + 0.215 305 7. Comparison with Correlations log,, (8.. =... log10 6+6 0416 = 464 t i (log10.0-)2 +.666 6 + 5

-102A calculated value of 2.91 is obtained which deviates 4.6 per cent from the observed value of 3.05. log10 R2 = -0.744 + 0.525(1og103.03) 0.109(log03.03)3 = - 0.5163 R~ = 0.304 which deviates 15 per cent from the observed value of 0.258. B. Correction of Results for Emulsion Density 1. Assumptions a. The expanded liquid phase flows with the viscosity of the liquid. b. The mass flow rate for the expanded phase is the same as that of the liquid. c. The amount of air lost in the emulsion does not affect the air drop. 2. Data Consider the data for Run 301 which are as follows: c, = 6.29 X = 0.869 Average pressure in middle section - 26.4 psia Fraction Liquid in emulsion at 14.7 psia - 0.375 If the drop for the gas phase is not affected by the loss of volume to the liquid phase, cp3 is not altered. The liquid pressure drop is inversely proportional to the density of the liquid phase, and if the mass of the air is neglected, the pressure drop for the expanded phase is inversely proportional to the fraction liquid in the emulsion.

-1033. Correction of Fraction Liquid to Column Conditions Take a basis of one cubic foot of emulsion. Air volume at 14.7 psia - 0.625 cu ft Liquid volume at 14.7 psia - 0.375 cu ft Air volume at 26.4 psia 0.625(14.7/26.4) = 0.348 cu ft Fraction Liquid in emulsion at 26.4 psia 0.375 0.375 + o.348 0.518 4. Correction of _ Since 65 is inversely proportional to the fraction liquid in the emulsion, X. is inversely proportional to the square root of the fraction liquid. 1.0 1.0 X2 = Xo 0=51 o869.518 1.22 C. Outline of the Design Calculation Given the porosity of a packed bed, the flow rates of the liquid and gas streams, the viscosity of the liquid and gas, and the density of the liquid and gas, compute the rate of change of pressure with distance, assuming that the single-phase correlation is given. The pressure must be known at some point in the packed bed to carry out the following steps: 1. Calculate 6Q and 65 from the single-phase relationships at the known pressure. 2. Calculate 65 from Equation (56), and R from Equation (58), using the definition of X given in Equation (39). 3. Use the liquid saturation to calculate pm by Equation (50).

4. Obtain the rate of change of observed pressure with distance down the column from Equation (24). If the pressure drop over a short section is desired, and the pressure at the beginning of the section is given, estimate the average pressure in the section and use it to carry out the four steps above. Change the differentials to deltas and multiply by the length. Check the assumed value of the average pressure, and repeat the calculation if necessary. If the pressure drop over a long section is desired and the pressure at the beginning of the section is given, a step-wise computation may be made. Assume an increment in pressure, and compute the average pressure in the increment. Calculate the average rate of pressure drop as above, and use it to compute the length required for the assumed drop in pressure.

X. APPENDIX II - COMPUTER PROCESSING OF DATA A. Description of Data Processing Equipment The use of a high-speed electronic computer made it possible to consider a large number of experimental runs, to test proposed correlations with ease, and to eliminate the human error from the calculations. The original data for each run was transferred to a single IBM punched card. The processing was subject to no further manual treatment. The processing of the data was executed within an IBM-650 computer which accepts a deck of cards containing a series of instructions to be executed, accepts data for the calculations on punched cards, and performs the given instructions in order to obtain the desired results. The computer is capable of performing 78,000 additions or subtractions per minute; 5,000 ten by ten multiplications per minute; 3,700 divisions per minute; or 138,000 logical decisions per minute. The IBM-650 operates with ten digit numbers, and any number with less than ten digits must be filled in with leading or trailing zeros before arithmetic operations can be performed. The output of the IBM-650 is on punched cards, and may be printed on the IBM-407 tabulator. The printer reads 150 cards per minute, and prints the same number of lines. The final form of the output of the IBM-650 was put through an IBM-513 reproducing punch in order to convert the form of the numbers to fixed point and to insert the decimal points, which are not carried inside the 650. The most convenient form of numbers within the computer is known as the floating point form. The advantage of this form is that -105

-106the proper location of the decimal point can always be determined by looking at the number. A typical number in floating point has the following form: 8945012353+, and may be separated into two portions, 89450123+ and 53. The eight digits toward the left are called the mantissa, and the decimal point is considered to follow the first digit, i.e., +8.9450123. Each location in the machine carries a sign which is associated with the mantissa. The two digits at the right of the number are a code for the exponent to which 10 must be raised in order to properly shift the decimal point of the number. The exponent is obtained by subtracting 50 from the last two digits of a floating point number. The number 8954012353+ in floating point is to be interpreted as the number +8.9450123 x 103 = 8945.0123. The code is expressed as 50 plus the exponent since only one sign is available for each location, and both plus and minus exponents are required. This coding allows the exponent to range from -49 to +49 without changing the sign of the number. Both numbers and instructions are composed of ten digits in the IBM-650, and 2,000 locations are available for the storage of instructions or numbers. The locations are numbered from 0000 to 1999. A typical instruction in the machine has the following form: +3209000100, which may be separated into three important parts, +32, 0900, and 0100. The above instruction tells the machine to perform an addition of two floating point numbers by designating the operation code 32. One of

-107the numbers to be added is in the lower accumulator of the machine, and the other number to be added is in location 0900. When the addition has been performed, the machine is to look at location 0100 for its next instruction. By performing a series of such instructions, complex calculations can be carried out. The calculations required to output all of the processed data and calculated results for this dissertation takes a little less than 45 minutes of IBM-650 time. The instructions for the calculations are contained on approximately 250 IBM cards. Some 150 of these cards are not specific to the particular program and are termed subroutines. Subroutines are short programs which are used many times in a calculation, and are included as a package to reduce the number of instructions which must be written for a specific program. Typical subroutines are available for the calculation of sine, cosine, logarithms, anti-logarithms, and other specific functions. The number of instruction cards required for this problem is approximately 100, and the number of instructions on the cards is approximately 500. The method followed in the calculation is that presented in Appendix I. B. Steps in the Development of Processed Data Table XIV shows the series of cards used in the development of the processed data. The first card shown in the table is an original data card for Run 46. The card is divided into eight ten-digit words, and each word contains two five-digit pieces of data packed together. Comparison of the headings with the sample data sheet in Figure 6 will indicate the pieces of data recorded.

TABLE XIV STEPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROCESSED DATA EXPERIMENTAL DATA Run Code Liq. Air Air Air Air Top Top Mid Btm. Col. Liq. Liq. Rate Rate Meter Meter Meter Col. Sec. Sec. Sec. Temp. Vis. Hold% of Const Temp. Pres. Pres. AP AP AP Up Gpm Max. ~F psig psig psig psig psig ~F cp. ft3 0046113040 232o0o4T0 0 o03oo 92^5 o54^8553A2 13^1 3l73o00 442o00o64o o o64ooo%86 PROCESSED DATA (Two Cards per Run) - Floating Point Numbers Run Code Liquid Rate Air Rate Mass Rate Mass Rate Liquid Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop for Liquid for Gas Saturation Top Sec. Top Sec. gpm SCFM #/(ft2-min) #/(ft2-min) % psig psi/ft 0046113040 2320000051 5271746751 2184535253 4544245751 2574850351 4654500051 6689786950 un Code Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Column Liquid Liquid Mid. Sec. Mid. Sec. Btm.Sec. Btm.Sec. Temperature Saturation Viscosity psig psi/ft psig psi/ft ~F | centipoise 0046113040 3289500051 7013234450 1745000051 8363024550 6400000051 2574850351 1064000050 PROCESSED DATA (Two Cards per Run) - Fixed Point Numbers Run Code Liquid Rate Air Rate Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Volume Rate Mass Rate Volume Rate Mass Rate Top Sec. Top Sec. gpm #/(ft2-min) SCFM #/(ft2-min) psig psig 46113040 23.200 2184.535 52.7174 45.4424 46.54500 6.68978 Run Code Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Column Liquid Liquid Mid. Sec. Mid. Sec. Btm.Sec. Btm.Sec. Temperature Viscosity Saturation psig psi/ft psig psi/ft ~F centipoise 46113040 32.89500 7.01323 17.45000 8.36302 64.0 1.064 25.748

-109The original data cards were read into the IBM-650 with instructions required to execute the desired computation. The first step in the computer program was to split the packed five-digit words apart and place them in two separate locations in the form of floating point numbers. The output of the program consisted of two cards of answers for every card of original data. The output was in the form of tendigit floating point numbers. The output of the IBM-650 was converted with the IBM-513 into fixed point numbers as presented in the final tabulation of the processed datao In the final process, the numbers were shifted as indicated by the exponent of the number, the decimal point was inserted, and the exponent code was stripped from the numbers. Some rearrangement of order was also performed. The number of digits reported could have been reduced by manual handling of the cards, but possibility of human errors in the process outweighs any confusion the extra digits may cause. The reporting of calculated numbers to a greater accuracy than justified by the data, does not introduce any additional error in the numbers. C. Steps in the Development of Calculated Results Table XV shows the series of cards used in the development of the calculated results. The calculation of the results was performed in two steps. The first step consisted of the calculation of the Reynolds numbers, single-phase pressure drops, and corrected two-phase pressure drop. Three cards were produced from each data card, since a calculation is desired for each section of the column. The second calculation step produced the correlation parameters and the saturations for the liquid and gaso Three cards were again produced for each data card.

-110The two cards corresponding to each column section were combined to form the final contents of the tabulated results. Some values were deleted in the conversion to fixed point numbers, and some values were copied from the processed data. The cards were rearranged and converted into the fixed point form by the IBM-513 reproducing punch, and the final printing was made on an IBM-407 printer. Both the tabulation of the processed data and calculated results were printed in two parts by the IBM-407, and pasted together for photographing. The numbers in the final tabulations were actually calculated, modified, and printed by IBM equipment.

-111TABLE XV STEPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CALCULATED RESULTS CALCULATED RESULTS (Six Cards per Run) - Floating Point Numbers Run Code Section Liquid Reynolds One-Phase Reynolds One-Phase Two-Phase Number Saturation No. for Pres. Drop No. for Pres. Drop Pres. Drop Air for Air Liquid for Liquid Corrected psi/ft psi/ft psi/ft 0046113040 3333333333 2574850351 2415835253 1671553349 2061843753 1974728550 6366347450 0046113040 2222222222 2574850351 2415835253 2150946149 2061843753 1974728550 6689794950 0046113040 1111111111 2574850351 2415835253 3184270049 2061843753 1974728550 8039585050 Run Code Section X )Liquid Gas Number | Saturation Saturation 0046113040 3333333333 2972312250 3437110550 1795525150 6171418450 2574850351 7425149751 0046113040 2222222222 3054947650 3029974650 1840570650 5576882550 2574850351 7425149751 0046113040 1111111111 3505904950 2490284650 2017729750 5024721550 2574850351 7425149751 CALCULATED RESULTS (Six Cards per Run) - Fixed Point Numbers Run Code Column Mass Rates Reynolds Numbers Two-Phase One-Phase Section Liquid Gas Liquid Gas Pres. Drop Pres.Drop #/(ft2_min #/ (ft in) Corrected for Liquid ___#_______/(ft2-min) /(ft_ -mm) ______psi/ft psi/ft 46113040 TOP 2184.535 45.4424 2061.843 2415.835 6.36634 1.97472 46113040 MID 2184.535 45.4424 2061.843 2415.835 6.68979 1.97472 46113040 BTM 2184.535 45.4424 2061.843 2415.835 8.03958 1.97472 Run Code Column One-Phase Liquid 5 Section Pres. Drop Saturation ( p + for Air 3 + psi/ft 46113040 TOP.16715 25.7485 3.4371 1.7955 6.1714 2.9723 46113040 MID.21509 25.7485 3.0299 1.8405 5.5768 3.0549 46113040 BTM.31842 25.7485 2.4902 2.0177 5.0247 3.5059

XI. APPENDIX III - TABULATION OF PROCESSED DATA The following pages are a tabulation of the processed data which is described in Subsection D of Section III. The following pages are referred to as Table XVI in the List of Tables. The run codes and run numbers associated with various systems of fluids and packings are indexed in Table IV. The detailed meaning of the run code is explained in Table V. Single-phase data are indicated by a zero rate for one of the phases. -112

TABLE XVI TABULATION OF PROCESSED DATA Liquid Rate Air Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section Column Liquid Liquid Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturation Run Code gpm #/(ft2 - min) SCFM #/(ft2 - min) psig psi/ft psig psi/ft psig psi/ft ~F cp % 1111000 33.750 3177.933.0000.0000 31.91500 4.60896 23.26500 4.07559 14.75000 4.40419 73.0.937 100.000 2111000 32.700 3079.064.0000.0000 29.52500 4.29734 21*47500 3.78484 13.65000 4.00831 73.5.930 100.000 3111000 31.400 2956.655.0000.0000 27.07500 3.94551 19.70000 3.45899 12.52500 3.68665 74.0.925 100.000 4111000 29.000 2730.669.0000.0000 27.40000 3.31724 21.20000 2.90755 15.05000 3.21654 75.0.913 100.000 5111000 26.100 2457.602.0000.0000 22.30000 2.71411 17.28500 2.32103 12.47500 2.46931 76.0.901 100*000 6111000 23.200 2184.535.0000.0000 21.84500 2.16626 17.74000 1.95508 13.72000 2.04869 76.5.895 100*000 7111000 20.300 1911.468.0000.0000 20.59500 1.71391 17.39500 1.49889 14.28500 1.59837 77.0.890 100.000 8111000 17.400 1638.401.0000 *0000 18.32500 1.28166 15.93000 1.12291 13.60500 1.19259 77.0.890 100.000 9111000 14.500 1365.334.0000.0000 20.27000.93486 18.52000.82213 16.81500.87589 78.0.880 100.000 10111000 11.600 1092.267.0000 *0000 15.58500.61821 14.44000.53138 13.32000.58392 78.5 *875 100.000 11111000 10.400 979.274.0000.0000 14.52750.47496 13.64750.40856 12.79000.44536 78.5.875 100.000 12111000 9.360 881.346.0000.0000 21.11000.39203 20.38000.34088 19.68000 *35629 79.0 *870 100.000 j 13111000 8.320 783.419.0000.0000 16.68250.31915 16.08250.28323 15.49000.30680 79*5 *865 100.000 W 14111000 7.280 685.492.0000.0000 12.04350.25784 11.56700.22057 11.10250.24198 79.5.865 100.000 15111000 11.600 1092.267 9.9753 8.5987 10.72500 1.58323 7.17500 1.98014 3.33500 1.84580 72.5.943 42.215 16111000 11.600 1092.267 17.2670 14.8841 13.28500 2.22657 8.83500 2.24082 4.21500 2.36045 78.0.880 31*137 17112120 11.600 1092.267 26.1090 22.5059 15.99000 2.62364 10.81500 2.57168 5.12500 3.09283 78.5.875 27.544 18113120 11.600 1092.267 35.8926 30.9394 20.37500 2.94028 13.90000 3.55925 6.82500 3.48871 62*0 1.095 22.155 19113080 11.600 1092.267 51.0245 43.9831 24.21000 3.60876 16.81000 3.81993 8.20000 4.75059 63.0 1.080 1IS263 20113060 11.600 1092.267 72.4231 62.4287 30.16000 4.46320 21.46000 4.27110 11.45000 5.69081 65.0 1.050 14.970 21113040 11.600 1092.267 94.8608 81.7700 36.05000 4.97587 25.85000 5.26368 13.80000 6.73000 67.0 1.020 11.377 22111000 14.500 1365.334 10.6930 9.2174 14.41500 2.39746 9.71000 2.32604 4.79500 2.56828 70.0 *975 41.616 23112000 14.500 1365.334 23.3601 20.1364 19.80000 3.31724 13.42500 3.08301 6.72500 3.58768 72.0 *950 32.335 24112080 14.500 1365.334 35.2733 30.4056 23.61000 3.70928 16.30000 3.62943 8.34000 4*29532 73.0 *937 23.353 25113100 14.500 1365.334 47.8620 41.2570 28.02000 4.20184 19.62000 4.23100 10.15000 5.19596 74.0.925 19.161 26113060 14.500 1365.334 64.2168 55*3549 33*37500 4.85022 23.67500 4.88770 12.45000 6.28463 75.0.913 17.065 27113030 14.500 1365.334 81.3087 70.0881 38.80000 5.32770 27.80000 5.71485 14.75000 7.27434 75.0.913 14.970 28114000 14.500 1365.334 93.9453 80.9808 41*72500 5.60414 30.22500 5.94044 16.35000 7.86817 76.0 *900 14.970 29111000 17.400 1638.401 7.5890 6.5417 17.07500 2.94028 11.37500 2.78223 5*50000 3.06809 60e5 1.118 44.011 30111000 17.400 1638.401 18.2182 15.7041 22.22500 3.69420 14.97500 3.58431 7.45000 3.90934 63.0 1.080 35.628 31112180 17.400 1638.401 40.9671 35.3136 27.71000 4.51347 19.01000 4.22097 9.65000 5.09699 64.0 1.065 26.047

TABLE XVI (CONTrD) Liquid Rate Air Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section _____________________________ ~,~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~Column Liquid Liquid Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturation Run Code gpm #/(ft2 - min) SCFM #/(ft2 - min) psig psi/ft psig psi/ft psig psi/ft ~F cp % 32113120 17.400 1638.401 46.1492 39.7806 32.96000 5.06634 23.01000 4.92279 11.92500 6.11144 66.0 1.035 21.257 33113060 17.400 1638.401 61.6022 53.1011 38.20000 5.42822 27.00000 5.81511 14.10000 7.02692 67.5 1.012 20.359 34113040 17.400 1638.401 79.2741 68.3342 43.55000 5.98110 31.35000 6.26629 16.80000 8.21456 68.5 *998 19.760 35114000 17.400 1638.401 93.0390 80.1996 47.55000 6.38319 34.50000 6.71746 18.75000 8.95684 70.0.975 19.161 36111000 20.300 1911.468 11.6393 10.0331 20.72000 3.29714 14.22000 3.22839 7.05000 3.90934 74.0.925 48*203 37112240 20.300 1911.468 25.3785 21.8763 27.56000 4.26216 19.13500 4.19590 9.77500 5.12173 75.0.913 33.532 38112120 20.300 1911.468 35.2894 30.4194 32.20000 4.82509 22.55000 4.86264 11.75000 5.88875 75.5.908 29.341 39113050 20.300 1911.468 47.3618 40.8259 37.00000 5.42822 26.10000 5.51433 13.80000 6.73000 76.0.901 27.544 40113030 20.300 1911.468 61.8995 53.3573 42.83500 5.99618 30.58500 6.30138 16.45000 7.76920 77.0.890 24.850 41113020 20.300 1911.468 77.4539 66.7653 48.20000 6.53397 34.75000 6.96811 18.90000 8.80839 78.0.880 21*856 42114000 20.300 1911.468 94.2125 81.2111 53.49000 7.04664 38.84000 7.65991 21.55000 9.55067 78.0.880 20.658 43111000 23.200 2184.535 16.0696 13.8520 29.42000 4.40289 20.41000 4.64206 10.24000 5.48297 60.0 1*126 43.712 9 44112000 23.200 2184.535 28.5327 24.5952 35.57000 5.55890 24.52000 5.53438 12.50000 6.43309 61.5 1.103 36.227 45113060 23.200 2184.535 40.0881 34.5559 40.91000 6.12183 28.71000 6.12592 15.15000 7.37331 63.0 1.080 29.041 46113040 23.200 2184.535 52.7174 45.4424 46.54500 6.68978 32.89500 7.01323 17.45000 8.36302 64.0 1.064 25.748 47113030 23.200 2184.535 71.8506 61.9352 53.75000 7.38841 38.50000 7.92059 20.80000 9.69912 66.0 1035 24.550 48114000 23.200 2184.535 86.3775 74.4574 57.95000 7.99155 42.00000 8.02085 23.20000 10.68883 67.0 1.020 23*952 49114000 23.200 2184.535 96.6754 83.3342 61.30000 8.34338 44.75000 8.27150 25.10000 11.28266 68*0 1.005 24.251 50111000 26.100 2457.602 13.8410 11.9309 30.35500 4.87032 20.60500 4.91778 10.05000 5.59184 73.5.930 49.401 51112000 26.100 2457.602 26.4911 22.8354 38.07000 5.86047 26.42000 5.83517 13.40000 7.12589 74.0.925 38.323 52112001 26.100 2457.602 36.7283 31.6598 43.04000 6.49376 30.29000 6.30639 15.70000 8.21456 75.0.913 31.437 53113081 26.100 2457.602 48.4819 41.7914 48.57500 7.16224 34.37500 7.09344 18.10000 9.10530 76.0.900 27*844 54113040 26.100 2457.602 66.9815 57.7381 56.45500 7.98653 40.50500 8.02586 21.85000 10.54038 76.0.900 27.544 55113023 26.100 2457.602 83.2792 71.7867 63.10000 8.74547 45.70000 8.72267 25.05000 11.82699 76.5.896 26.347 56114003 26.100 2457.602 94.4460 81.4124 66.65000 9.19782 47.85000 9.67515 26.35000 11.72802 77.0.891 23.952 57111001 29.000 2730.669 15.1737 13.0797 39.02500 6.40832 26.57500 6.09083 13.20000 7.22486 59.0 1*142 47*005 58111001 29.000 2730.669 25.0602 21.6019 45.46000 7.27784 31.16000 7.07840 15.80000 8.21456 61.0 1*110 39*820 59111002 29.000 2730.669 36.1593 31.1693 51.24000 8.00160 35.44000 7.86043 18.05000 9.45170 63*0 1.080 34*730 60112003 29.000 2730.669 49.3522 42.5416 57.50500 8.74045 40.25500 8.57730 20.95000 10.63935 65.0 1.050 28.742

TABLE XVI (CONToD) Liquid. Rate Air- Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section ~d Rate -~~~~Column Liquid Liquid Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturation Run Code gpm #/(ft2 - min) SCFM #/(ft2 - min) psig psi/ft psig psi/ft psig psi/ft ~F cp % 61112005 29.000 2730.669 65.6747 56.6116 64.40000 9.44913 45.60000 9.42450 24.15000 11.92597 67.0 1.020 29.341 62112006 29.000 2730.669 81.5887 70.3295 70.35000 10.10253 50.40000 9.92580 27.40000 12.96516 68.0 1.005 30.239 63113066 29.000 2730.669 91.4694 78.8467 74.00000 10.05227 53.65000 10.37698 29.50000 13.65795 70.0.975 26.646 64111000 7.800 734.455 9.1662 7.9012 7.42000 1.28669 4.96000 1.18307 2.40000 1.36579 74.0.925 33.532 65112000 7.800 734.455 24.2760 20.9259 10.74000 1.86972 7.09000 1.79466 3.45000 1.83095 75.0.913 22.455 66113060 7.800 734.455 40.5219 34.9299 15.06500 2.44772 10.21000 2.42630 5.13000 2.63262 76.0.901 17.664 67113050 7.800 734.455 54.3370 46.8385 18.49000 2.82468 12.74000 2.94766 6.32500 3.43923 76.5.896 14.371 68113040 7.800 734.455 68.9411 59.4272 22.17500 3.24185 15.50000 3.45899 8.02500 3.98357 77.0.891 10.479 69114001 7.800 734.455 93.8250 80.8771 27.64000 3.88017 19.69000 4.10066 10.30000 5.24544 77.5.896 9.880 72112000 5.200 489.637 28.9846 24.9847 9.12500 1.48271 6.05000 1.60417 2.87500 1.55878 80.5.855 19.161 73113080 5.200 489.637 43.7631 37.7238 11.90000 1.90993 7.98500 2.02025 3.88500 2.06353 80.5.855 13.173 74113080 5.200 489.637 59.4884 51.2790 15.59000 2.42259 10.75500 2.43132 5.42000 2.88004 80.5.855 11.077 H 75113080 5.200 489.637 74.9192 64.5803 18.23000 2.78447 12.78000 2.68698 6.55000 3.51346 80.5.855 9.880 76113080 5.200 489.637 94.1927 81.1941 22.26000 3.25693 15.78500 3.24343 8.27500 4.23099 80.5.855 8.383 79111000 2.600 244.818 23.3459 20.1242 5.53500.97004 3.61500.95748 1.75500.89568 81.0.850 15.568 80112000 2.600 244.818 36.4657 31.4334 7.38000 1.32689 4.82500 1.23821 2.62500.95506 81.0.850 12.574 81112000 2.600 244.818 51.6625 44.5330 9.65500 1.65359 6.43000 1.58411 3.17000 1.66270 80.5.855 9.880 82111000 2.600 244.818 66.5122 57.3335 12.03000 1.98029 8.07000 1.99518 3.96500 2.09323 80.5.855 7.185 83111000 2.600 244.818 94.8190 81.7340 17.06000 2.65379 11.81000 2.61680 6.10500 3.06314 80.5.855 4.790 86111000 1.040 97.927 24.9041 21.4673 4.41000.79412 2.82000.80208 1.18500.82640 79.0.870 9.880 87111000 1.040 97.927 41.4752 35.7516 6.56000 1.14595 4.29000 1.13294 2.05000 1.09857 71.0.891 6.586 88111000 1.040 97.927 59.6361 51.4063 9.21000 1.49778 6.21500 1.50892 3.06500 1.62806 76.5.896 4.790 89111000 1.040 97.927 76.8061 66.2068 11.41500 1.89485 7.68000 1.85482 3.73000 2.07838 76.0.901 4.790 90111000 1.040 97.927 93.5268 80.6201 13.86500 2.17631 9.53000 2.17565 4.74500 2.58808 76.0.901 4.790 99111000 11.600 1092.267.0000.0000 12.09000.61318 10.97750.50380 9.90250.56660 80.0.860 100.000 102111000 11.600 1092.267 6.2752 5.4092 71.91000 1.09569 69.84500.97754 67.82500 1.03424 80.0.860 63.772 103111000 11.600 1092.267 5.6079 4.8340 52.45000 1.25653 50.06500 1.13795 47.70500 1.21239 79.0.870 60.778 104111000 11.600 1092.267 4.7421 4.0877 32.99000 1.41737 30.27500 1.30840 27.53500 1.42022 78.5.875 53.293 105111000 11.600 1092.267 6.4538 5.5632 29.85500 1.55307 26.79000 1.52396 23.63500 1.61817 77.0.891 48.203

TABLE XVI (CONT'D) Liquid Rate Air'Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section Column Liquid Liqu Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. P res.. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturaton Run Code gpm #/(ft2 _ min) SCFM #/(ft2 - min) psig psi/ft psig psi/ft psig psi/ft F p 108111000 17.400 1638.401.0000.0000 32.94000 1.26658 30.58000 1.10286 28.29000 1.17775 76.0.901 100.000 109111000 17.400 1638.401 5.8268 5.0227 57.32500 1.98532 53.55000 1.80469 49.85000 1.88044 75.0.913 7.664 110111000 17.400 1638.401 5.7958 4.9960 42.52500 2.23663 38.24500 2.06035 33.96500 2.20209 74.0.925 56.982 111111000 17.400 1638.401 4.9673 4.2818 15.16500 2.64877 9.98500 2.55163 4.74500 2.66726 72.5.943 49.401 112111000 17.400 1638.401 7.4274 6.4024 17.04500 2.97044 11.25000 2.84740 5.28000 3.09778 71.0.963 44.910 113111000 23.200 2184.535.0000.0000 48.67500 2.13610 44.71000 1.84479 40.90000 1.94972 82.0.840 100.000 116111000 23.200 2184.535 4.0757 3.5132 19.01000 3.30719 12.63500 3.09304 6.07500 3.43923 80.0.860 59.880 117111000 23.200 2184.535 5.7356 4.9441 22.13500 3.78468 14.73000 3.64948 7.04500 4.00336 79.0.870 52.994 118111000 23.200 2184.535 10.1808 8.7758 25.92500 4.39786 17.37000 4.19089 8.34500 4.79513 78.5.875 42.514 119111000 23.200 2184.535 14.1599 12.2058 28.63500 4.78990 19.18500 4.69721 9.35000 5.09699 76.5.896 38.622 120111000 29.000 2730.669.0000.0000 16.66500 3.35243 10.44000 2.89753 4.52000 2.99881 81.7.842 100.000 122111000 29.000 2730.669 4.5211 3.8972 26.15000 4.47326 17.50000 4.21094 8.50000 4.75059 85.0.835 61.976 H 123111000 29.000 2730.669 5.4775 4.7216 28.80000 4.82509 19.30000 4.71225 9.30000 5.24544 84.9.835 55.089 1 124111000 29.000 2730.669 8.4168 7.2553 32.32000 5.30759 21.89500 5.15841 10.75000 5.93824 84.0.820 50.598 125111000 29.000 2730.669 12.4416 10.7246 35.54000 5.89063 24.04000 5.65470 11.75000 6.58155 84.0.620 43.712 126111000 29.000 2730.669 16.7909 14.4738 39.07000 6.36308 26.52000 6.23621 13.05000 7.17537 83.0.830 40.419 127111000 7.800 734.455.0000.0000 31.02100.28045 30.50050.24212 30.00950 *24693 87.5 786 100.000 130111000 7.800 734.455 6.1915 5.3371 69.06000.84439 67.45000.77200 65.84000.83135 73.0.937 54.491 134111000 5.200 489.637.0000.0000 44.03500.16586 43.74500.12532 43.49950.11925 89.0.772 100.000 135111000 5.200 489.637.0000.0000 52.59650.10404 52.37750.11580 52.13450.12618 95.0.730 100.000 140111000 5.200 489.637 10.3597 8.9300 13.31000 1.09569 11.13000 1.09284 8.93000 1.09857 75.0.913 28.443 143111000 2.600 244.818.0000.0000 4.85650.04372 4.77350.03960 4.68900.04453 94.0.740 100.000 144112000 2.600 244.818 2.6905 2.3192 3.37850.52422 2.43750.42059 1.54400.46912 89.0.772 28.742 150111000 1.040 97.927.0000.0000 3.39600.00402 3.38800.00401 3.37600.00791 94.0.740 100.000 154111000 1.040 97.927 9.9991 8.6192 3.52600.52673 2.48450.51884 1.47600.48594 87.0.792 14.071 155111000.000.000 20.0613 17.2929 3.49500.60816 2.29500.59655 1.12500.56908 69.0 1.000.000 156111000.000.OOU 40.2171 34.6671 6.11500.88962 4.28000.95247 2.31500 1.00455 56.0 1.000.000 157111000.000.000 61.2811 52.8243 7.72500 1.28166 5.07500 1.37858 2.45000 1.23T13 52.0 1.000.000 158111000.000.000 80.9977 69.8200 10.36500 1.64354 7.01500 1.71947 3.50000 1.78147 49.0 1.000.000

TABLE XVI (CONT'D) Liquid Rate Air Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section _____ ______________________________________ _____________~_~ Column Liquid Liquid Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturation Run Code gpm #/(ft2 - min) SFM #/(ft2 - min) paig psi/ft Psig psi/ft psig Psi/ft cp 159111000.000.000 99.7343 85.9709 13.42500 1.98532 9.36500 2.09043 4.62500 2.62767 49.0 1.000.000 160111000.000.000 119.7921 103.2608 16.50500 2.50804 11.62500 2.39121 6.27000 2.93942 59.0 1.000.000 161111000.000.000 132.5883 114.2911 18.50000 2.61359 13.25000 2.65690 7.05000 3.51346 47.5 1.000.000 162111000.760 71.562.0000.0000 11.55500.04523 11.46500 *04511 11.37500.04453 72.5 13.700 100.000 163111000 3.040 286.249.0000.0000 11.44150.25985 11.02000.16342 10.66100.19398 75.0 13.000 100.000 164111000 4.940 465.155.0000.0000 4.45250.34931 3.80200.30378 3.16200.33353 78.5 12.250 100.000 165111000 7.420 698.674.0000.0000 9.51000.59308 8.40000.52135 7.38000.49485 80.5 11.500 100.000 166111000 11.670 1098.858.0000.0000 14.11000 1.09569 11.92000 1.10286 9.80000 1.00950 87.0 10.250 100.000 167111000 16.540 1557.422.0000.0000 17.60500 1.90490 13.97500 1.73952 10.36000 1.86064 89.0 10.000 100.000 168111000 1.140 107.343.0000.0000 5.26150.23974 4.85250.17094 4.43100.24841 83.0 11.200 100.000 170111000 1.140 107.343 26.3008 22.6713 25.46500 1.04041 23.35500 1.07780 21.21500 1.05403 84.0 11.100 17.365 171111000 1.140 107.343 38.9680 33.5904 8.84500 1.46260 6.07000 1.32344 3.32500 1.41033 70.0 14.600 14.970 H 172111000 1.140 107.343 117.7046 101.4614 23.65000 2.66385 17.97000 3.03789 11.59500 3.31057 70.0 14.600 8.6Z2 173111000 7.420 698.674 10.4823 9.0357 13.65000 2.16123 9.25000 2.25586 4.55000 2.42478 82.0 11.500 35.928 174111000 7.420 698.674 38.5402 33.2217 24.50000 3.51829 17.15000 3.86003 8.90000 4.35471 83.0 11.250 23.053 176111000 16.540 1557.422 13.8070 11.9016 31.10000 5.42822 20.45000 5.26368 9.80000 5.34441 76.0 12.700 43.712 177111000 16.540 1557.422 46.2273 39.8480 55.00000 7.53920 41.25000 6.26629 26.75000 8.16508 78.0 12.200 34.431 178114000 16.300 1534.824 96.8526 83.4870 64.25000 8.79573 46.00000 9.52476 24.00000 12.37133 71.0 14.400 24.251 179111000 7.420 698.674 104.1617 89.7874 37.75000 5.27744 26.85000 5.66472 14.35000 6.77949 70.5 14.650 21.5Sf 180111000 21.200 1996.213 33.1800 28.6011 48.25000 7.28789 33.25000 7.77020 17.00000 8.41250 74.0 13.300 43.712 181111000 3.040 286.249 8.9609 7.7243 7.22500 1.23140 4.83500 1.16803 2.56000 1.09857 75.5 12.800 29.940 182111000 3.040 286.249 30.4599 26.2564 11.39400 2.00643 7.51900 1.88389 3.81750 1.80374 76.0 12.700 21.856 183111000 3.040 286.249 105.1328 91.1417 26.92500 3.94551 19.09000 3.92019 10.44000 4.69121 73.0 13.600 16.167 184114000 21.200 1996.213 79.5776 68.5959 67.00000 10.05227 47.00000 10.02606 25.15000 11.72802 73.5 13.450 27.544 185111000 4.940 465.155 20.5468 17.7113 12.01750 2.12354 7.90750 2.00270 3.95500 1.93487 75.0 13.000 34.431 186114000 4.940 465.155 47.6033 41.0341 18.82000 3.14636 12.67000 3.02787 6.37500 3.24129 77.5 12.300 21.257 187111000 11.670 1098.858 26.9189 23.2041 29.67500 4.44813 20.22500 5.03809 10.10000 5.04750 79.0 12.000 32.335 188111000 11.670 1098.858 63.8712 55.0569 45.25000 6.48371 32.05000 6.76759 16.75000 8.46199 79.7 11.800 26.646 190111000 2.860 298.923.0000.0000 10.90750.29402 10.33400.28173 9.75150.29839 94.0 12.100 100.000

TABLE XVI (CONT'D) Liquid Rate Air Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section Column Lu Liqui Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturation Run Code gpm #/(ft2 - min) SUFM #/(ft2 - min) psig psi/ft psig psi/ft psig psi/ft oF ep % 191111000 4.650 486.012.0000.0000 13.05900.39304 12.31650.35241 11.58250.37856 94.0 12.100 100.000 192111000 6.975 729.018.0000.0000 39.18400.68958 37.85900.64066 36.57500.63836 92.0 12.400 100.000 193111000 10.950 1144.479.0000.0000 17.79500 1.41234 15.17500 1.21816 12.72500 1.22228 90.0 12.800 100.000 194111000 15.550 1625.265.0000.0000 23.96000 2.35223 19.58500 2.04030 15.50000 2.02889 86.3 13.750 100.000 195111000 19.920 2082.012.0000.0000 18.05000 3.66907 11.27500 3.13314 5.57500 2.54849 84.0 14.300 100.000 196111000 10.960 1145.525 11.0996 9.5679 15.91500 2.90008 10.36500 2.67194 5.14000 2.53365 93.0 12.200 47.305 197113080 10.960 1145.525 40.3213 34.7569 28.00000 4.52352 19.30000 4.21094 9.90000 5.14647 94.0 12.100 34.131 198114000 10.960 1145.525 96.4013 83.0979 46.22500 6.55910 33.35000 6.36655 18.60000 8.31353 94.0 12.100 25.449 199111000 2.860 298.923 11.3505 9.7841 20.94500.94993 19.05000.95247 17.18250.90805 95.5 11.900 34.431 200111000 2.860 298.923 28.6771 24.7197 41.10500 1.11077 38.84000 1.16302 36.51500 1.15300 95.5 11.900 30.538 201111000 2.860 298.923 47.0233 40.5340 20.36000 1.86972 16.78000 1.72448 13.16500 1.87549 95.2 11.900 23.053 202111000.715 74.730 9.9743 8.5979 13.09600.39605 12.15100.55243 11.05250.54186 85.2 14.000 20.359 H 203111000.715 74.730 24.1567 20.8231 24.96500.66847 23.54500.75696 22.01500.76702 88.0 13.300 18.562 204111000.715 74.730 33.6270 28.9865 18.40000.90470 16.61000.89232 14.73500.97486 87.5 13.400 15.868 205111000.715 74.730 44.3847 38.2596 17.29000 1.09569 15.10000 1.10286 12.92750 1.06146 87.0 13.600 13.473 206111000.715 74.730 100.5127 86.6419 34.35000 1.96019 30.58500 1.81973 26.88500 1*86559 85.0 14.100 10.179 207111000 19.920 2082.012 15.1292 13.0414 37.57500 6.60936 25.10000 5.91538 12.55000 6.58155 73.0 17.600 58.083 208112000 19.920 2082.012 54.1929 46.7142 58.90000 9.14756 41.55000 8.27150 22.15000 11.03523 77.0 16.300 41.616 209114000 19.920 2082.01? 76.9974 66.3717 68.30000 10.25331 48.15000 9.97593 25.65000 12.42082 78.5 15.800 35.029 210111000 15.550 1625.265 29.6474 25.5560 36.18500 6.01628 24.55000 5.66472 12.70000 6.13618 80.5 15.300 44.311 211113050 15.550 1625.265 68.5130 59.0582 52.00000 7.53920 36.75000 7.77020 20.00000 8.90736 83.0 14.600 34.431 212111000 6.975 729.018 24.3347 20.9765 20.68500 2.39746 16.16000 2.14557 11.49500 2.49901 84.7 14.100 38.622 213112000 6.975 729.018 60.3315 52.0057 41.14500 3.66405 34.17000 3.33868 27.12000 3.68171 82.0 14.800 33.532 214111000 4.650 486.012 9.7839 8.4337 11.00500 1.41234 8.44000 1.16302 6.01000 1.25692 84.0 14.300 42.514 215111000 4.650 486.012 37.0945 31.9754 24.36000 2.17129 20.19750 2.00772 16.10750 2.06601 86.0 13.800 31.137 216111000 4.650 486.012 103.3672 89.1025 37.13000 4.15158 29.18000 3.82995 20.48000 4.82977 87.0 13.600 21.257 217121000 19.920 2082.012.0000.0000 18.77000 2.98552 12.84500 2.96270 6.79000 3.06809 82.5 14.800 100.000 218121000 15.550 1625.265.0000.0000 16.80000 1.90993 12.95000 1.95508 8.88500 2.09323 84.0 14.300 100.000 219121000 10.960 1145.525.0000.0000 13.09000 1.09569 10.86000 1.14297 8.77500.93527 86.2 13.800 100.000

TABLE XVI (CONT'D) Liquid Rate Air Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section Column Liquid Liquid Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturation Run Code gpm #/(ft2 - min) SCFM #/(ft2 - min) psig psi/ft psig psi/ft psig psi/ft ~F cp 220121000 6.975 729.018.00000.0000 1.*54300.54985 17.43800.55945 16.35250.52207 88.0 13.300 100.000 221121000 4.650 486.012.0000.0000 24*64400.32770 23.99150.32735 23.33150.33006 90.0 12.800 100.000 224121000 10.960 1145.525 11.1499 9.6112 16.68000 2.69400 11.17000 2.83737 5.72500 2.58808 95.0 11.900 46.781 225123040 10.960 1145.525 40.3213 34.7569 29.08500 4.10635 20.42500 4.58692 10.72500 5.07224 95.0 11.900 30.042 226124000 10.960 1145.525 107.5875 92.7404 50.00000 6.03136 36.50000 7.51955 20.25000 8.65993 94.0 12.100 20.600 227123080 6.975 729.018 22.9069 19.7457 15.14500 2.21652 10.47000 2.47643 5.75000 2.22684 93.0 12.200 33.905 228123100 6.975 729.018 62.3473 53.7434 26.77500 3.59368 18.97500 4.23601 10.12500 4.57739 93.5 12.100 21.459 229121000 19.920 2082.012 15.4518 13.3195 40.40000 5.93084 27.55000 6.96811 13.60000 6.92794 69.8 19.000 58.369 230124000 19.920 2082.012 55.3708 47.7297 63.45000 8.39364 45,30000 9.82554 24.12500 11.25791 74.8 17.000 39.055 231122000 15.550 1625.265 29.8959 25.7702 37.47500 5.40309 25.95000 6.16603 13.30000 6.43309 77.2 16.200 42.489 232123030 15.550 1625.265 69.6483 60.0368 54.80000 7.03659 39.40000 8.42189 21.20000 9.69912 79.8 15.500 32.188 233124000 15.550 1625.265 107.8632 92.9781 68.45000 8.19260 49.95000 10.37698 27.67500 11.80225 82.0 14.800 26.180 234121000 4.650 486.012 10.3630 8.9329 13.77000 1.33695 11.04500 1.39863 8.32500 1.31136 83.6 14.400 41.630 235122000 4.650 486.012 40.5940 34.9920 28.88500 2.09589 24.58500 2.22077 20.22000 2.12787 85.4 14.000 29.613 236122000 4.650 486.012 108.6054 93.6178 43*06000 3.57860 35.52500 3.98536 27.65000 3.85985 87.0 13.600 19.742 237121000 2.860 298.923 21.4471 18.4874 16.05000 1*25653 13.55000 1.25325 11.15500 1.13321 89.5 13.000 28.326 238121000 2.860 298.923 53.0373 45.7182 29.78000 1.78930 26.15500 1.84980 22.53500 1.75673 90.5 12.750 23.175 239121000.715 74.730 9.4625 8.1567 10.43000.58303 9.27000.58151 8.09500.58887 87.0 13.600 21.888 240121000.715 74.730 19.4954 16.8051 11.26500.73884 9.80000.73190 8.34500.71753 88.0 13.300 18.884 241121000.715 74.730 35.2674 30.4005 21.38000.88459 19.63500.86725 17.88500.87589 87.5 13.400 15.450 242121000.715 74.730 108.5542 93.5737 32.48000 1.99034 28.37500 2.13053 24.07000 2.15756 84.5 14.200 5.150 243121000 1.430 149.461 6.1191 5.2746 9.14750.65591 7.85250.64417 6.60500.59877 92.5 12.300 29.613 244121000 2.145 224.192 7.1582 6.1704 17.76500.76899 16.22500.77702 14.67500.76702 94.8 12.000 33.476 245121000 3.040 286.249.0000.0000 3.40600.09449 3.21750.09474 3.02850.09352 57.0 1.175 100.000 246121000 6.080 572.498.0000.0000 29.90700.19400 29.52100.19350 29.13500.19101 58.5 1.150 100.000 248121000 7.420 698.674.0000.0000 19.62500.26638 19.09500.26569 18.56500.26227 60.0 1.125 100.000 249121000 11.660 1097.917.0000.0000 22.61000.57297 21.47000.57148 20.32500.56908 61.0 1.110 100.000 250121000 16.540 1557.422.0000.0000 21.40000 1.06554 19.28000 1.06276 17.16000 1.04908 62.0 1.095 100.000 251121000 21.200 1996.213.0000.0000 22.43500 1*65359 19.14500 1.64928 15.85000 1.63301 62.5 1.087 100.000

TABLE XVI (CONToD) Liquid Rate Air Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section ____ _________________________ ____________________________.~ _~_~ Column Liquid Liquid Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturation Run Code gpm #/(ft2 - min) SCFM #/(ft - min) psig psi/ft psig psi/ft psig psi/ft F cp 252121000.000.000 109.3936 94.2972 13.25000 1.75914 9.25000 2.25586 4.55000 2.42478 48.2 1.000.000 256121000.760 71.562 107.4868 92.6536 25.17000 1.94008 21.15000 2.09544 16.95500 2.08333 61.0 1.110 4.721 257124000 21.200 1996.213 13.2228 11.3980 26.86000 3.88017 18.30000 4.71225 9.05000 4.50316 67.0 1.020 36.909 258124000 21.200 1996.213 51.5245 44.4141 43.96500 5.79513 31.60000 6.61720 17.00000 7.91765 68.0 1.005 24.034 259124000 21.200 1996.213 77.8279 67.0877 53.75000 6.28266 39.35000 8.17124 22.05000 9.05581 68.5.998 15.879 261123000 3.040 286.249 45.5388 39.2545 16.52000 1.42742 13.58250 1.52145 10.55250 1.49693 70.0.977 7.725 262124000 16.540 1557.422 30.5706 26.3518 42.83850 3.47959 35.33850 4.04902 27.25000 4.00831 73.5.930 27.038 263124000 16.540 1557.422 61.5447 53.0515 39.70000 5.02613 28.85000 5.86524 16.25000 6.68052 73.5.930 11.158 264124000 16.540 1557.422 107.4025 92.5809 54.00000 6.03136 40.15000 7.87046 23.65000 8.56096 67.0 1.020 12.446 265121000 4.940 465.155 9.4004 8.1031 8.99500 1.05046 6.85000 1.10286 4.62000 1.11836 68.5.998 23.175 266123080 4.940 465.155 33.1624 28.5860 16.25000 1.50784 13.16250 1.59163 10.03250 1.52662 70.0.977 15.450 267123040 4.940 465.155 107.8641 92.9788 33.25000 2.86489 27.16500 3.24343 20.66500 3.23139 70.0.977 4.721 A 268121000 11.670 1098.858 10.7014 9.2246 14.81500 1.82448 10.90000 2.10547 6.76500 2.01405 71.5.955 39.055 269123060 11.670 1098.858 38.7202 33.3768 24.93000 2.94531 18.60500 3.40385 11.73000 3.44418 72.0.950 18.025 270124000 11.670 1098.858 108.0774 93.1627 43.83500 4.86027 33.15000 5.86524 19.60000 7.62074 71.0.961 8.583 271122000 7.420 698.674 20.4509 17.6287 13.32500 1.73401 9.76000 1.84479 6.13000 1.77157 72.2.946 23.175 272123060 7.420 698.674 49.6501 42.7984 23.34250 2.34971 18.36750 2.64437 12.90500 2.79592 73.0.936 13.304 273131000.000.000 107.9447 93.0483 45.00000 5.02613 33.35000 6.66733 17.45000 9.15479 46.5 1.000.000 274131000 21.200 1996.213.0000.0000 41.62500 8.16747 31.75000 8.77280 13.85000 9.05581 64.8 1.052 100.000 275131000 16.540 1557.422.0000.0000 32.10000 5.42822 20.85000 5.86524 9.00000 5.93824 65.0 1.050 100.000 276131000 11.660 1097.917.0000.0000 19.80000 3.11620 13.35000 3.35873 6.75000 3.21654 95.0 1.050 100.000 277131000 7.420 698.674.0000.0000 13.90500 1.41234 11.00500 1.49889 7.96000 1.53404 66.0 1.035 100.000 278131000 3.040 286.249.0000.0000 21.54750.44481 20.73150.37447 19.97900.37509 67.0 1.020 100.000 281133000 3.040 286.249 27.7828 23.9488 30.91500 4.40792 21.36500 5.17846 10.20000 5.93824 60.5 1.118 24.782 282134000 3.040 286.249 46.7906 40.3335 40.40000 5.42822 28.65000 6.36655 14.50000 7.71971 61.0 1.110 19.565 283134000 3.040 286.249 69.2457 59.6898 52.22500 6.55910 38.10000 7.61981 20.27500 10.11975 61.5 1.105 17.826 284134000 3.040 286.249 102.3186 88.1987 67.75000 7.79051 50.00000 10.02606 26.50000 13.36104 61.5 1.103 16.956 285131000.760 71.562 23.2787 20.0662 18.61500 2.32710 13.71000 2.59675 8.20500 2.88499 63.0 1.080 16.956 286131000.760 71.562 58.3776 50.3215 35.75000 4.77482 25.85000 5.16342 13.90000 6.73000 60.5 1.118 8.260

TABLE XVI (CONT'D) Liquid Rate Air Rate Top Section Middle Section Bottom Section Column Liquid Liquid Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Avg. Pres. Pres. Drop Temperature Viscosity Saturation Run Code gpm #/(ft2 - min) SCFM #/(ft2 - min) peig psi/ft psig psi/ft psig psi/ft ~F cp % 288133000 11.660 1097.917 17.8726 15.4061 57.45000 6.48371 41.50000 9.52476 20.15000 11.72802 66.0 1.035 54.782 289133000 7.420 698.674 34.5473 29.7798 53.00000 7.03659 37.50000 8.52215 18.75000 10.14449 68.5.998 26.521 290133000 7.420 698.674 58.2140 50.1804 70.50000 8.54443 51.00000 11.02867 26.00000 13.85589 49.6 1.325 30.000 291133000 4.940 465.155 13.4888 11.6273 29.19000 4.31242 19.99000 4.92279 9.54000 5.48297 53.5 1.238 42.608 292133000 4.940 465.155 51.7230 44.5852 53.40000 7.13711 37.65000 8.67254 18.75000 10.14449 56.5 1.185 24.347 293133000 4.940 465.155 75.5763 65.1467 66.00000 8.04181 48.00000 10.02606 24.75000 13.11361 58.5 1.150 24.347 294132000.760 71.562 13.7065 11.8150 21.50000 2.01045 15.50000 4.01042 6.85000 4.60213 56.0 2.850 16.956 295132000.760 71.562 13.7065 11.8150 19.25000 2.26176 12.60000 4.41146 5.10000 3.06809 56.0 2.850 16.956 296131000 3.040 286.249 20.5817 17.7414 41.60000 5.62927 28.90000 7.11850 13.35000 8.36302 65.0 2.400 30.000 297133000 7.420 698.674 38.1051 32.8466 66.95000 9.29835 47.00000 10.72789 23.65000 12.51979 71.0 2.150 35.652 301131000.760 715.623 7.7192 6.6539 17.92500 2.94028 11.71500 3.29356 5.31500 3.08293 54.0 1.230 7.826 302131000 3.040 286.249 14.3767 12.3928 33.27500 4.49839 22.65000 6.16603 10.30000 6.13618 58.0 1.160 22.173 303131000 3.040 286.249 51.0442 44.0001 52.15000 6.68476 36.75000 8.77280 17.85000 10.04552 63.5 1.070 15.217 304133000 7.420 698.674 17.6266 15.1941 56.85000 6.18214 41.25000 9.47463 19.90000 11*77751 66.0 1.035 24.782 305133000 7.420 698.674 38.4785 33.1685 69.40000 8.14234 49.40000 11.93102 24.00000 13.36104 67.5 1.010 29.565 306131000 4.940 465.155 34.5044 29.7428 54.00000 7.53920 37.25000 9.27411 18.00000 9.89707 68.0 1.005 13.913 307132000 4.940 465.155 15.8960 13.7023 44.90000 6.13188 30.80000 8.20854 13.90000 8.80839 70.5.970 20.869

XII. APPENDIX IV - TABULATION OF CALCULATED RESULTS The following pages are a tabulation of the calculated results which are described in Subsection C of Section V. The following pages are referred to as Table XVII in the List of Tables. The run codes and run numbers associated with the various systems of fluids and packings are indexed in Table IV. The detailed meaning of the run code is explained in Table V. Single-phase results are indicated by a zero rate for one of the phases. Values which are infinite are reported as the number 999.9999. -122

TABLE XVII TABULATION OF CALCULATED RESULTS Mass Rates Column~Liquid Air Reynolds Number Run Code Section # L i n #/m(t - mm) Liquid Air Satuation 1111000 TOP 3177.933.0000 3405.991.000 4.60896 4.09253.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0612 999.9999 1.1261 1111000 MID 3177.933.0000 3405.991.000 4.07559 4.09253.00000 100.0000 999.9999 *9979 999*9999.9958 1111000 BTM 3177.933.0000 3405.991.000 4.40419 4*09253.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0373 999.9999 1.0761 2111000 TOP 3079.064.0000 3324.866.000 4.29734 3.84489.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0572 999.9999 1.1176 2111000 MID 3079.064.0000 3324.866.000 3.78484 3.8'489.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9921 999.9999.9843 2111000 BTM 3079.064.0000 3324.866.000 4.00831 3.84489.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0210 999.9999 1.0425 3111000 TOP 2956.655.0000 3209.942.000 3.94551 3.54947.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0543 999.9999 1.1115 3111000 MID 2956.655.0000 3209.942.000 3.45899 3.54947.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9871 999.9999.9745 3111000 BTM 2956.655.0000 3209.942.000 3.68665 3.54947.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0191 999.9999 1.0386 4111000 TOP 2730.669.0000 3003.562.000 3.31724 3.03475.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0455 999.9999 1.0930 4111000 MID 2730.669.0000 3003.562.000 2.90755 3.03475.00000 100.0000 999.9999 *9788 999.9999.9580 4111000 BTM 2730.669.0000 3003.562.000 3.21654 3.03475.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1*0295 999.9999 1.0599 5111000 TOP 2457.602.0000 2739.208.000 2.71411 2.46684.000000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0489 999.9999 l Z1002 5111000 MID 2457.602.0000 2739.208.000 2.32103 2.46684.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9699 999*9999.9400 5111000 BTM 2457.602.0000 2739.208.000 2.46931 2.46684.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0005 999*9999 1.0010 6111000 TOP 2184.535.0000 2451.175.000 2.16626 1.95827.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0517 999.9999 1.1062 6111000 MID 2184.535.0000 2451.175.000 1*95508 1.95827.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9991 999.9999.9983 6111000 BTM 2184.535.0000 2451.175.000 2.04869 1.95827.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0228 999.9999 1.0461 7111000 TOP 1911.468.0000 2156*827 ~000 1.71391 1.50840.00000 100.0000 999*9999 1.0659 999.9999 1.1362 7111000 MID 1911.468.0000 2156.827.000 1.49889 1.50840.00000 100.0000 999.9999 *9968 999*9999.9936 7111000 BTM 1911.468.0000 2156.827 *000 1.59837 1.50840.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0293 999.9999 1.0596 8111000 TOP 1638.401.0000 1848.709.000 1.28166 1.11750.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0709 999.9999 1.1469 8111000 MID 1638.401.0000 1848.709.000 1.12291 1.11750.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0024 999.9999 1.0048 8111000 BTM 1638*401.0000 1848.709.000 1.19259 1.11750.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0330 999*9999 1.0671 9111000 TOP 1365.334 *0000 1558.097.000.93486.78446.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0916 999.9999 1.1917 9111000 MID 1365.334 *0000 1558.097.000.82213.78446.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0237 999*9999 1.0480 9111000 BTM 1365*334.0000 1558.097.000.87589.78446.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1*0566 999*9999 1.1165 10111000 TOP 1092.267.0000 1253.600.000.61821.51038.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1005 999.9999 1.2112 10111000 MID 1092.267.0000 1253.600.000.53138.51038.00000 100.0000 999*9999 1.0203 999.9999 1.0411 10111000 BTM 1092.267.0000 1253.600.000.58392.51038.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0696 999.9999 1.1440 11111000 TOP 979.274.0000 1123.918.000.47496.41419.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0708 999.9999 1.1467

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Liquid Column Liquid Liquid Saturation X q q Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air b5g 5 a t % +g 11111000 MID 979.274.0000 1123.918.000.40856.41419 *00000 100.0000 999.9999 *9931 999.9999 *9863 11111000 BTM 979.274.0000 1123.918.000.44536.41419.00000 10U.0000 999.9999 1.0369 999.9999 1*0752 12111000 TOP 881.346.0000 1017.339.000.39203.33874.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0757 999.9999 1.1573 12111000 MID 881.346.0000 1017.339.000.34088.33874.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0031 999*9999 1.0063 12111000 BTM 881*346.0000 1017*339.000.35629.33874.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0255 999.9999 1.0518 13111000 TOP 783.419.0000 909.529.000.31915.27084.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0855 999.9999 1.1783 13111000 MID 783.419.0000 909.529 *000.28323.27084.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0226 999.9999 1.0457 13111000 BTM 783.419.0000 909.529.000.30680.27084.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0643 999*9999 1.1327 14111000 TOP 685.492.0000 795.837.000.25784 *21067.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1062 999.9999 1.2238 14111000 MID 685*492.0000 795.837.000.22057.21067.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0232 999.9999 1.0469 14.111000 BTM 685.492.0000 795.837.000.24198.21067.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0717 999.9999 1.1486;3111000 TOP 1092.267 8.5987 1163.203 451.515 1.33152.51369.01752 42.2155 5.4137 1.6099 8*7160 2.5065 H 15111000 MID 1092.267 8.5987 1163.203 451.515 1.72843.51369.02037 42.2155 5.0215 1.8343 9-2112 3*2363 64 15111000 BTM 1092.267 8.5987 1163.203 451.515 1.59409.51369.02470 42.2155 4.5595 1.7615 8*0321 2.9607 16111000 TOP 1092.267 14.8841 1246.478 775.417 1.92661.51062.04414 31*1377 3*4011 1.9424 6.6065 3*4728 16111000 MID 1092.267 14.8841 1246.478 775.417 1.94086.51062.05248 31.1377 3.1190 1*9496 6*0809 3.4466 16111000 BTM 1092.267 14.8841 1246.478 775.417 2.06048.51062.06530 31.1377 2*7962 2.0087 5*6170 3.5776 17112120 TOP 1092.267 22.5059 1253.600 1171*655 2.30802.51038.28811 27.5449 2.4067 2.1265 5*1179 3*8563 17112120 MID 1092.267 22.5059 1253.600 1171.655 2.25607.51038.10598 27.5449 2.1944 2.1024 4.6137 3.6602 17112120 BTM 1092.267 22.5059 1253.600 1171.655 2.77722.51038.13640 27.5449 1.9343 2.3326 4*5122 4*2938 18113120 TOP 1092.267 30.9394 1001.735 1649.655 2.60119.52109.13760 22.1556 1.9459 2.2342 4*3477 3.9489 18113120 MID 1092.267 30.9394 1001.735 1649.655 3.22016.52109 *16876 22.1556 1.7571 2.4858 4*3682 4*6678 18113120 BTM 1092*267 30.9394 1001.735 1649.655 3.14962.52109.22423 22.1556 1.5244 2*4585 3*7478 4*2258 19113080 TOP 1092.267 43*9831 1015.648 2341.689 3.25272.52036.24635 18*2634 1.4533 2.5001 3.6336 4.2423 19113080 MID 1092.267 43.9831 1015.648 2341.689 3.46388.52036.30421 18.2634 1.3078 2.5800 3*3743 4*2008 19113080 BTM 1092.267 43.9831 1015.648 2341.689 4.39454.52036.41859 18.2634 1.1149 2.9060 3.2401 4.6802 20113060 TOP 1092*267 62*4287 1044.667 3314.012 4.09281.51890.42624 14.9700 1.1033 2.8084 3*0987 4*3303 20113060 MID 1092.267 62.4287 1044.667 3314.012 3.90071.51890.52880 14.9700.9905 2.7417 2-7159 3*7231 20113060 BTM 1092.267 62.4287 1044.667 3314.012 5.32042.51890.73122 14.9700.8423 3.2020 2.6974 4.2559

TABLE XVII (CONTID) Mass Rates Liquid Air Reynolds Number Liquid Rulodn #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) L Saturation X pg Run Code Section'Liquid Air 6,gg bg 9 * %^ 21113040 TOP 1092.267 81.7700 1075.392 4328.084 4.58983.51744 *64380 11.3772.8965 2.9782 2.6700 3.9525 21113040 MID 1092.267 81.7700 1075.392 4328.084 4.87764.51744.80574 11.3772.8013 3.0702 2.4604 3.6862 21113040 BTM 1092.267 81.7700 1075.392 4328.084 6.34396.51744 1.14642 11.3772.6718 3.5014 2.3523 3.8127 22111000 TOP 1365.334 9.2174 1406.283 485.755 2.14314.79024.01725 41.6167 6.7672 1.6466 11.1444 2.6540 22111000 MID 1365.334 9.2174 1406.283 485.755 2.07173.79024.02058 41.6167 6.1963 1.6191 10.0328 2.5550 22111000 BTM 1365.334 9.2174 1406.283 485.755 2.31397.79024.02577 41.6167 5.5375 1.7111 9.4757 2.1356 23112000 TOP 1365.334 20.1364 1443.290 1058.119 3.02250.78872.06258 32.3353 3.5501 1.9575 6.9496 3.5504 23112000 MID 1365.334 20.1364 1443.290 1058.119 2.78826.78872.07676 32.3353 3.2053 1.8802 6.0267 3.2216 23112000 BTM 1365.334 20.1364 1443.290 1058.119 3.29294.78872.10077 32.3353 2.7976 2.0432 5.7164 3.7020 24112080 TOP 1365.334 30.4056 1463.314 1595.435 3.37541.78793.12451 23.3532 2.5155 2.0697 5.2065 3.6993 24112080 MID 1365.334 30.4056 1463.314 1595.435 3.29556.78793.15387 23.3532 2.2628 2.0451 4.6278 3.4991 24112080 BTM 1365.334 30.4056 1463.314 1595.435 3.96145.78793.20703 23.3532 1.9508 2.2422 4.3742 3.9814 ro 25113100 MID 1365.334 41.2570 1482.298 2161.715 3.87886.78720.20236 19.1616 1.9723 2.2114 4.3615 3.8903 \Ji 25113100 BTM 1365.334 41.2570 1482.298 2161.715 4.84383.78720.25189 19.1616 1.7677 2.2197 3.9241 3.7329 25113100 TOP 1365.334 41.2570 1482.298 2161.715 3.84971.78720.34789 19.1616 1.5042 2.4805 3.7314 4.2673 26113060 TOP 1365.334 55.3549 1501.780 2896.230 4.48896.78647.32019 17.0658 1.5672 2.3890 3.7442 4.0562 26113060 MID 1365.334 55.3549 1501.780 2896.230 4.52644.78647.40113 17.0658 1.4002 2.3990 3.3591 3.8114 26113060 BTM 1365.334 55.3549 1501.780 2896.230 5.92337.78647.56698 17.0658 1.1777 2.7443 3.2322 4.3764 27113030 TOP 1365.334 70.0881 1501.780 3667.087 4.95731.78647.45760 14.9700 1.3109 2.5106 3.2913 3.9847 27113030 MID 1365.334 70.0881 1501.780 3667.087 5.34446.78647.57603 14.9700 1.1684 2.6068 3.0459 3.9225 27113030 BTM 1365.334 70.0881 1501.780 3667.087 6.90395.78647.83129 14.9700.9726 2.9628 2.8818 4.2675 28114000 TOP 1365.334 80.9808 1523.473 4230.934 5.23375.78567.57796 14.9700 1.1659 2.5809 3.0092 3.80 28114000 MID 1365.334 80.9808 1523.473 4230.934 5.57005.78567.72591 14.9700 1.0403 2.6626 2.7700 3.6848 28114000 BTM 1365.334 80.9808 1523.473 4230.934 7.49778.78567 1.0503U 14.9700.8648 3.0891 2.6718 4.0837 29111000 TOP 1638.401 6.5417 1471.691 349.570 2.69640 1.13415.00840 44.0119 11.6189 1.5419 17.9152 2.3599 29111000 MID 1638.401 6.5417 1471.691 349.570 2.53835 1.13415.01023 44.0119 10.5253 1.4960 15.7461 2.2180 29111000 BTM 1638.401 6.5417 1471.691 349.570 2.82420 1.13415.01321 44.0119 9.2640 1.5780 14.6187 2.4614 30111000 TOP 1638.401 15.7041 1523.473 836.099 3.41380 1.13137.03586 35.6287 5.6164 1.7370 9.7561 2.9246 30111000 MID 1638.401 15.7041 1523.473 836.099 3.30391 1.13137.04462 35.6287 5.0349 1.7088 8.6041 2.8094

TABLE XVII (CONTID) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Air Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Saturation X (p 30111000 BTM 1638.401 15.7041 1523.473 836.099 3.62894 1.13137 *05978 35.6287 4.3500 1.7909 7.7907 390465 31112180 TOP 1638.401 35.3136 1544.930 1877.364 4.19133 1.13028.14766 26.0479 2.7666 1.9256 5.3277 3*2797 31112180 MID 1638.401 35.3136 1544.930 1877.364 3.89883 1.13028.18577 26.0479 2.4666 1.8572 4.5811 2.9625 31112180 BTM 1638.401 35.3136 1544.930 1877.364 4.77485 1.13028 *25718 26.0479 2.0963 2.0553 4.3088 3.4414 32113120 TOP 1638.401 39.7806 1589.711 2108.664 4.72334 1.12809.16632 21.2574 2.6043 2.0462 5.3290 3.6490 32113120 MID 1638.401 39.7806 1589.711 2108.664 4.57979 1.12809.21021 21.2574 2.3165 2.0148 4.6676 3.4220 32113120 BTM 1638.401 39.7806 1589.711 2108.664 5.76843 1.12809.29772 21.2574 1.9465 2.2612 4.4016 4.0456 33113060 TOP 1638.401 53.1011 1625.841 2808.596 5.08131 1.12641.26433 20.3592 2.0642 2.1239 4.3843 3*6536 33113060 MID 1638.401 53.1011 1625.841 2808.596 5.46820 1.12641.33533 20.3592 1.8327 2.2032 4.0381 3.7408 33113060 BTM 1638.401 53.1011 1625.841 2808.596 6.68000 1.12641.48553 20.3592 1.5231 2.4352 3.7091 4.1440 34113040 TOP 1638.401 68.3342 1648.648 3609.046 5.63157 1.12539.39485 19.7604 1.6882 2.2369 3.7765 3*7043 34113040 MID 1638.401 68.3342 1648.648 3609.046 5.91676 1.12539.49945 19.7604 1.5010 2.2929 3.4418 3.6414 34113040 BTM 1638.401 68.3342 1648.648 3609.046 7.86504 1.12539.73016 19.7604 1.2414 2.6436 3*2820 4.2386 H 351 C0 TOP 1638.401 80.1996 1687.539 4226.500 6.03106 1.12371.50808 19.1616 1.4871 2.3166 3*4452 3*6959 35114000 MID 1638.401 80.1996 1687.539 4226.500 6.36533 1.12371.64285 19.1616 1.3221 2.3800 3*1466 3*6032 35114000 BTM 1638.401 80.1996 1687.539 4226.500 8.60471 1.12371.94554 1991616 1.0901 2.7672 3*0166 4.1583 36111000 TOP 1911.468 10.0331 2075.217 525.697 3.07152 1.51139.01668 48.2035 9.5167 1.4255 1395668 2.0100 36111000 MID 1911.468 10.0331 2075.217 525.697 3.00276 1.51139.02043 48.2035 8.5993 1.4095 12.1209 1*9602 36111000 BTM 1911.468 10.0331 2075.217 525.697 3.68371 1.51139.02717 48.2035 7.4575 1*5611 11*6426 2*3942 37112240 TOP 1911.468 21.8763 2102.493 1144.593 3.97263 1.51036.46019 33.5329 5.0091 1.6218 8.1239 2.5294 37112240 MID 1911.468 21.8763 2102.493 1144.593 3.90637 1.51036.47518 33.5329 4.4821 1.6082 7.2082 2.4637 37112240 BTM 1911.468 21.8763 2102.493 1144.593 4.83220 1.51036.10393 33.5329 3.8121 1*7886 6*8186 2*9933 38112120 TOP 1911.468 30.4194 2114.071 1590.437 4.51730 1.50994.10230 29.3413 3.8418 1.7296 6*6450 2*8018 38112120 MID 1911.468 30.4194 2114.071 1590.437 4.55485 1.50994.12880 29.3413 3.4238 1*7368 5.9466 2*7794 38112120 BTM 1911.468 30.4194 2114.071 1590.437 5.58096 1.50994.18139 29.3413 2.8851 1.9225 5.5467 3.2997 39113050 TOP 1911.468 40.8259 2130.495 2132.996 5.11261 1.50934.16446 27.5449 3.0294 1.8404 5*5755 3*0544 39113050 MID 1911.468 40.8259 2130.495 2132.996 5.19872 1.50934.20840 27.5449 2.6911 1.8556 4.9945 3*0264 39113050 BTM 1911.468 40.8259 2130.495 2132.996 6.41439 1.50934.29834 27.5449 2.2492 2.0615 4.6367 3*5483 40113030 TOP 1911.468 53.3573 2156.827 2783.723 5.66882 1.50840.24990 24.8502 2.4568 1.9385 4*7627 3*2240

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Liquid - Liquid b Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 _ mn) Liquid Air big b 9 Saturation X 2 i ^bg 40113030 MID 1911.468 53.3573 2156.827 2783.723 5.97403 1.50840.31750 24.8502 2.1796 1.9900 4.3377 3.2718 40113030 BTM 1911.468 53.3573 2156.827 2783.723 7.44184 1.50840.46157 24.8502 1.8077 2.2211 4.0153 3.7776 41113020 TOP 1911.468 66.7653 2181.336 3478.260 6.19358 1.50755.35574 21.8562 2.0585 2.0269 4.1725 3.3239 41113020 MID 1911.468 66.7653 2181.336 3478.260 6.62772 1.50755.45250 21.8562 1.8252 2.0967 3.8270 3.3813 41113020 BTM 1911.468 66.7653 2181.336 3478.260 8.46799 1.50755.66596 21.8562 1.5045 2.3700 3.5658 3.5959 42114000 TOP 1911.468 81.2111 2181.336 4230.844 6.70103 1.50755.48276 20.6586 1.7671 2.1083 3.7256 3.3668 42114000 MID 1911.468 81.2111 2181.336 4230.844 7.31430 1.50755.61486 20.6586 1.5658 2.2026 3.4490 3.4462 42114000 BTM 1911.468 81.2111 2181.336 4230.844 9.20506 1.50755.90813 20.6586 1.2884 2.4710 3.1837 3.105 43111000 TOP 2184.535 13.8520 1948.314 740.756 4.15770 1.98076.02357 43.7125 9.1654 1.4488 13.2789 2.0743 43111000 MID 2184.535 13.8520 1948.314 740.756 4.39688 1.98076.02963 43.7125 8.1761 1.4898 12.1816 2.1870 43111000 BTM 2184.535 13.8520 1948.314 740.756 5.23778 1.98076 *04171 43.7125 6.8910 1.6261 11.2057 2.5'97 44112000 TOP 2184.535 24.5952 1988.940 1312.354 5.28111 1.97852.06162 36.2275 5.6662 1.6337 9.2573 2.5885 44112000 MID 2184.535 24.5952 1988.940 1312.354 5.25659 1.97852.07898 36.2275 5.0048 1.6299 8.1578 2.5548 44112000 BTM 2184.535 24.5952 1988.940 1312.354 6.15530 1.97852.11389 36.2275 4.1679 1.7631 7.3515 2.9417 45113060 TOP 2184.535 34.5559 2031.297 1839.781 5.81274 1.97628.10775 29.0419 4.2826 1.7150 7.3447 2.7891 45113060 MID 2184.535 34.5559 2031.297 1839.781 5.81683 1.97628.13803 29.0419 3.7838 1.7156 6.4915 2.7511 45113060 BTM 2184.535 34.5559 2031.297 1839.781 7.06422 1.97628.20073 29.0419 3.1376 1.8906 5.9322 3.2448 46113040 TOP 2184.535 45.4424 2061.843 2415.835 6.36634 1.97472.16715 25.7485 3.4371 1.7955 6.1714 2.9723 46113040 MID 2184.535 45.4424 2061.843 2415.835 6.68979 1.97472.21509 25.7485 3*0299 1.8405 5.5768 3.0549 46113040 BTM 2184.535 45.4424 2061.843 2415.835 8.03958 1.97472.31842 25.7485 2.4902 2.0177 5.0247 3.5059 47113030 TOP 2184.535 61.9352 2119.615 3283.015 7.05976 1.97190.27555 24.5508 2.6750 1.8921 5.0615 3.1412 47113030 MID 2184.535 61.9352 2119.615 3283.015 7.59193 1.97190.35455 24.5508 2.3583 1.9621 4.6274 3.2633 47113030 BTM 2184.535 61.9352 2119.615 3283.015 9.37047 1.97190.53132 24.5508 1.9264 2.1799 4.1995 3.7433 48114000 TOP 2184.535 74.4574 2150.786 3941.029 7.66029 1.97044.37383 23.9520 2.2958 1.9716 4.5267 3.2676 48114000 MID 2184.535 74.4574 2150.786 3941.029 7.68958 1.97044.47899 23.9520 2.0282 1.9754 4.0067 3.1393 48114000 BTM 2184.535 74.4574 2150.786 3941.029 10.35757 1.97044.71659 23.9520 1.6582 2.2926 3.8018 3.5546 49114000 TOP 2184.535 83.3342 2182.887 4404.465 8.01342 1.96898.44716 24.2514 2.0984 2.0173 4.2332 3.3166 49114000 MID 2184.535 83.3342 2182.887 4404.465 7.94154 1.96898.57164 24.2514 1.8559 2.0083 3.7272 3*1258 49114000 BTM 2184.535 83.3342 2182.887 4404.465 10.95270 1.96898.85387 24.2514 1.5185 2.3555 3.5814 3.1800

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Liquid Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air atution X 50111000 TOP 2457.602 11.9309 2653.792 625.589 4.64991 2.47001.01800 49.4011 11.7121 1.3720 16.0698 1.8689 50111000 MID 2457.602 11.9309 2653.792 625.589 4.69737 2.47001.02297 49.4011 10.3677 1.3790 14.2975 1.542 50111000 BTM 2457.602 11.9309 2653.792 625.589 5.37143 2.47001,03277 49.4011 8.6806 1.4746 12.8011 2*1461 51112000 TOP 2457.602 22.8354 2668.137 1196.489 5.59181 2.46947.05221 38.3233 6.8767 1,5047 10.3480 2.2174 51112000 MID 2457.602 22.8354 2668.137 1196.489 5.56650 2.46947.06701 38.3233 6.0704 1.5013 9.1139 2.1945 51112000 BTM 2457.602 22.8354 2668.137 1196.489 6.85722 2.46947.09806 38.3233 5.0181 1.6663 8e3621 2.6707 52112001 TOP 2457.602 31.6598 2703.205 1656.478 6.19510 2.46815.08968 31.4371 5.2459 1.5843 8.3111 2*4220 52112001 MID 2457.602 31.6598 2703.205 1656.478 6.00773 2.46815 *11510 31.4371 4.6306 1.5601 7.2245 2.3256 52112001 BTM 2457.602 31.6598 2703.205 1656.478 7.91590 2*46815.17034 31.4371 3.8064 1.7908 6*8169 3.0001 53113081 TOP 2457.602 41.7914 2742.252 2183.439 6.84793 2.46673.14064 27.8443 4.1879 1.6661 6.9777 2.6263 53113081 MID 2457.602 41*7914 2742.252 2183.439 6.77913 2.46673 *18134 27.8443 3.6881 1*6577 6*1141 2.5600 53113081 BTM 2457.602 41.7914 2742.252 2183.439 8.79099 2.46673 *27132 27.8443 3.0152 1.8871 5.6921 3.2106 54113040 TOP 2457.602 57.7381 2742.252 3016.591 7.67091 2.46673 *23545 27.5449 3.2367 1.7634 5.7078 2.a387 54113040 MID 2457.602 57.7381 2742.252 3016.591 7.71025 2.46673.30347 27.5449 2.8509 1.7679 5*0404 2.7832 54113040 BTM 2457.602 57.7381 2742.252 3016.591 10.22476 2.46673.45837 27*5449 2.3198 2.0359 4.7229 3.4955 55113023 TOP 2457.602 71.7867 2754.494 3747.891 8.42464 2.46629.33082 26.3473 2.7303 1.8482 5.0463 3.0119 55113023 MID 2457.602 71.7867 2754.494 3747.891 8.40184 2.46629 *42612 26.3473 2.4057 1.8457 4.4403 2*9047 55113023 BTM 2457.602 71.7867 2754.494 3747.891 11.50616 2.46629 *64749 26.3473 1.9516 2.1599 4.2154 3.6952 56114003 TOP 2457.602 81.4124 2769.951 4247.394 8.86656 2.46574.40588 23.9520 2*4647 1.8962 4*6738 3.0876 56114003 MID 2457.602 81.4124 2769.951 4247.394 9.34389 2.46574 *52787 23.9520 2.1612 1.9466 4.2072 3.1212 56114003 BTM 2457.602 81.4124 2769.951 4247.394 11.39676 2.46574 *80434 23*9520 1*7508 2.1498 3.7641 3.4851 57111001 TOP 2730.669 13.0797 2401.271 700.493 6.17748 3.06263.01736 47.0059 13.2807 1.4202 18*8617 2.0056 57111001 MID 2730*669 13.0797 2401.271 700.493 5.85999 3.06263.02260 47.0059 11.6407 1.3832 16.1020 1.8993 57111001 BTM 2730.669 13.0797 2401.271 700.493 6.99401 3.06263.03343 47e0059 9*5705 1.5111 14.4628 2.2590 58111001 TOP 2730.669 21.6019 2470.497 1153*490 7.01570 3*05873.04012 39.8203 8.7312 1.5144 13.2233 2.2639 58111001 MID 2730.669 21.6019 2470.497 1153.490 6*81626 3.05873.05263 39.8203 7.6232 1.4928 11.3800 2.1907 58111001 BTM 2730.669 21.6019 2470.497 1153.490 7*95242 3.05873.07913 39.8203 6*2169 1.6124 10.0242 2*5343 59111002 TOP 2730.669 31.1693 2539.122 1659.476 7.71729 3.05508 *07440 34.7305 6.4079 1.5893 10.1844 2.4659 59111002 MID 2730.669 31.1693 2539.122 1659.476 7.57612 3.05508.09784 34.7305 5.5877 1.5747 8.7992 2.4028

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Air b Satuid Run Code Section #/(ft - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air 5L i quraid % I 59111002 BTM 2730.669 31.1693 2539.122 1659.476 9.16738 3.05508.14980 34.7305 4.5159 1.7322 7.8227 2.8604 60112003 TOP 2730.669 42.5416 2611.668 2258.311 8.43005 3.05143.12488 28.7425 4.9430 1.6621 8.2158 2.6540 60112003 MID 2730.669 42.5416 2611.668 2258.311 8.26690 3.05143.16408 28.7425 4.3123 1.6459 7.0979 2.5709 60112003 BTM 2730.669 42.5416 2611.668 2258.311 10.32895 3.05143.25294 28.7425 3.4732 1.8398 6.3901 3.1258 61112005 TOP 2730.669 56.6116 2688.482 2996.454 9.14134 3.04778.20024 29.3413 3.9012 1.7318 6.7564 2.6144 61112005 MID 2730.669 56.6116 2688.482 2996.454 9.11671 3.04778.26268 29.3413 3.4062 1.7295 5.8912 2.7539 61112005 BTM 2730.669 56.6116 2688.482 2996.454 11.61818 3.04778.40771 29.3413 2.7341 1.9524 5.3381 3.3622 62112006 TOP 2730.669 70.3295 2728.609 3717.126 9.79865 3.04595.28592 30.2395 3.2638 1.7935 5.8540 2.9408 62112006 MID 2730.669 70.3295 2728.609 3717.126 9.62193 3.04595.37355 30.2395 2.8555 1.7773 5.0752 2.8138 62112006 BTM 2730.669 70.3295 2728.609 3717.126 12.66128 3.04595.57762 30.2395 2.2963 2.0388 4.6818 3.4941 63113066 TOP 2730.669 78.8467 2812.566 4155.201 9.73274 3.04230.34480 26.6467 2.9703 1.7886 5.3128 2.8734 63113066 MID 2730.669 78.8467 2812.566 4155.201 10.05745 3.04230.44746 26.6467 2.6074 1.8182 4.7409 2.8819 H 63113066 BTM 2730.669 78.8467 2812.566 4155.201 13.33843 3.04230.69195 26.6467 2.0968 2.0938 4.3905 3.5719 64111000 TOP 734.455 7.9012 797.374 413.997.99716.24178.01737 33.5329 3.7308 2.0308 7.5767 3.8477 64111000 MID 734.455 7.9012 797.374 413.997.89354.24178.01954 33.5329 3.5173 1.9224 6.7617 3.4192 64111000 BTM 734.455 7.9012 797.374 413.997 1.07626.24178.02246 33.5329 3.2803 2.1098 6.9209 4.0728 65112000 TOP 734.455 20.9259 807.854 1094.869 1*53193.24139.09186 22.4550 1.6209 2.5191 4.0835 4.5968 65112000 MID 734.455 20.9259 807.854 1094.869 1.45688.24139.10725 22.4550 1.5001 2.4566 3.6855 4.1786 65112000 BTM 734.455 20.9259 807.854 1094.869 1.49317.24139.12876 22.4550 1.3691 2.4871 3.4052 4.0338 66113060 TOP 734.455 34.9299 818.614 1824.952 2.08907.24099.21090 17.6646 1.0689 2.9442 3.1472 4.6228 66113060 MID 734.455 34.9299 818.614 1824.952 2.06765.24099.25201 17.6646.9779 2.9290 2.8643 4.1939 66113060 BTM 734.455 34.9299 818.614 1824.952 2.27396.24099.31657 17.6646.8725 3.0717 2.6801 4.0783 67113050 TOP 734.455 46.8385 823.182 2445.377 2.45168.24083.33532 14.3712.8474 3.1906 2.7039 4.2552 67113050 MID 734.455 46.8385 823.182 2445.377 2.57466.24083.40559 14.3712.7705 3.2696 2.5195 3.9829 67113050 BTM 734.455 46.8385 823.182 2445.377 3.06623.24083.52934 14.3712.6745 3.5681 2.4067 3.9811 68113040 TOP 734.455 59.4272 827.801 3100.395 2.85190.24067.48172 10.4790.7068 3.4423 2.4331 3.9478 68113040 MID 734.455 59.4272 827.801 3100.395 3.06904.24067.58820 10.4790.6396 3.5709 2.2842 3.7026 68113040 BTM 734.455 59.4272 827.801 3100.395 3.59361.24067.78167 10.4790.5548 3.8641 2.1441 3.5150 69114001 TOP 734.455 80.8771 832.473 4216.453 3.48761.24050.77048 9.8802.5587 3.8080 2.1275 3.4496

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates ~-s ~ RatesReynolds Number Liauid Air i) Liquid RunCd Scttn /(ft2 - min) #/(f t2 _ min) L Saturation ep9 Run Code Section Liquid Air tYg bg t %6SLi 69114001 MID 734.455 80.8771 832.473 4216.453 3.70810.24050.94860 9.8802.5035 3.9265 1.9771 3.1183 69114001 BTM 734.455 80.8771 832.473 4216.453 4.85288.24050 1.30489 9.8802.4293 4.4919 1.9284 3.1402 72112000 TOP 489*637 24.9847 575.104 1297.001 1.13057.11266.13919 19.1616.8996 3.1678 2.8499 4.4889 72112000 MID 489.637 24.9847 575.104 1297.001 1.25203.11266.15982 19.1616.8395 3.3336 2.7988 4.5948 72112000 BTM 489.637 24.9847 575.104 1297.001 1.20665.11266.18869 19.1616.7726 3.2726 2.5287 4.0040 73113080 TOP 489.637 37.7238 575.104 1958.309 1.53171.11266.27646 13.1736.6383 3.6872 2.3538 3.9363 73113080 MID 489.637 37*7238 575.104 1958.309 1.64203.11266.32417 13.1736.5895 3.8177 2.2506 3.7589 73113080 BTM 489.637 37.7238 575.104 1958.309 1.68532.11266.39569 13.1736.5335 3.8677 2.0637 3.3152 74113080 TOP 489.637 51.2790 575.104 2661.983 2.03525.11266.44207 11.0778.5048 4.2503 2.1456 3.6688 74113080 MID 489.637 51.2790 575.104 2661.983 2.04397.11266.52604 11.0778.4627 4.2594 1.9711 3.2001 74113080 BTM 489.637 51.2790 575.104 2661.983 2.49270.11266.66553 11.0778.4114 4.7037 1.9353 3.2031 75113080 TOP 489.637 64.5803 575.104 3352.476 2.39191.11266.63948 9.8802.4197 4.6077 1.9340 3.1801 F 75113080 MID 489.637 64.5803 575.104 3352.476 2.29442.11266.76631 9.8802.3834 4.5128 1.7303 2.6103 0 75113080 BTM 489.637 64.5803 575.104 3352.476 3.12089.11266.99097 9.8802.3371 5.2632 1.7746 2.8278 76113080 TOP 489.637 81*1941 575,104 4214.927 2.85785.11266.89454 8.3832.3548 5.0365 1.7873 2.8374 76113080 MID 489.637 81.1941 575.104 4214.927 2.84435.11266 1.08454 8.3832.3223 5.0246 1.6194 2.3758 76113080 BTM 489.637 81.1941 575.104 4214.927 3.83191.11266 1.43906 8.3832.2797 5.8320 1.6318 2.4694 79111000 TOP 244.818 20.1242 289.243 1043.938.60226.03277.10851 15.5688.5495 4.2866 2.3558 4.2626 79111000 MID 244.818 20.1242 289.243 1043.938.58970.03277 *11988 15.5688.5228 4.2417 2.2178 3.8627 79111000 BTM 244.818 20.1242 289.243 1043.938.52790.03277.13344 15.5688.4955 4.0132 1.9889 3.1759 80112000 TOP 244.818 31.4334 289.243 1630.604.94607.03277.23402 12.5748.3742 5.3726 2.0106 3.5460 80112000 MID 244.818 31.4334 289.243 1630.604.85739.03277.26464 12.5748.3519 5.1146 1.7999 2.8827 80112000 BTM 244.818 31.4334 289.243 1630.604.57424.03277.29825 12.5748.3315 4.1857 1.3875 1.7347 81112000 TOP 244.818 44.5330 287.552 2311.788 1.26103.03283.41724 9.8802.2805 6.1976 1.7384 2.8018 81112000 MID 244.818 44.5330 287.552 2311.788 1.19155.03283.48092 9.8802.2612 6.0244 1.5740 2.3193 81112000 BTM 244.818 44.5330 287.552 2311.788 1.27014.03283.56866 9.8802.2402 6.2199 1.4945 2.1116 82111000 TOP 244.818 57.3335 287.552 2976.282 1.57599.03283 *62351 7.1856.2294 6.9285 1.5898 2.4011 82111000 MID 244.818 57.3335 287.552 2976.282 1.59088 *03283.73194 7.1856.2117 6.9611 1.4742 2.0801 82111000 BTM 244.818 57.3335 287.552 2976.282 1.68893.03283.89292 7.1856.1917 7.1724 1.3753 1.8243

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates ~i~id Air Reynolds Number Column Liuid Air Liquid Run Code Section #/( - ) #/( - m Liquid Air,g 5 Satation X 83111000 TOP 244.818 81.7340 287.552 4242.951 2.23906.03283 1.05471 4.7904.1764 8.2584 1.4570 2.0588 83111000 MID 244.818 81.7340 287.552 4242.951 2.20207.03283 1.26358 4.7904.1611 8.1898 1.3201 1.6985 83111000 BTM 244.818 81.7340 287.552 4242.951 2.64841.03283 1.61008 4.7904.1427 8.9816 1.2825 1.6120 86111000 TOP 97.927 21.4673 113.037 1116.788.40156.00755.12943 9.8802.2416 7.2893 1.7614 2.9313 86111000 MID 97.927 21.4673 113.037 1116.781.40952.00755.14117 9.8802.2313 7.3612 1.7031 2.7533 86111000 BTM 97.927 21.4673 113.037 1116.788.43384.00755.15570 9.8802.2203 7.5766 1.6692 2.6572 87111000 TOP 97.927 35.7516 110.373 1865.211.73905.00764.30951 6.5868.1572 9.8294 1.5452 2.3301 87111000 MID 97.927 35.7516 110.373 1865.211.72603.00764.34651 6.5868.1485 9.7425 1.4474 2.0499 87111000 BTM 97.927 35.7516 110.373 1865.211.69166.00764.39285 6.5868.1395 9.5091 1.3268 1.7269 88111000 TOP 97.927 51.4063 109.757 2683.859 1.08305.00767.55846 4.7904.1171 11.8822 1.3925 1.9130 88111000 MID 97.927 51.4063 109.757 2683.859 1.09419.00767.63844 4.7904.1096 11.9431 1.3091 1.6935 88111000 BTM 97.927 51.4063 109.757 2683.859 1.21333.00767.75164 4.7904.1010 12.5766 1.2705 1.5979 H 89111000 TOP 97.927 66.2068 109.148 3459.051 1.48012.00769.83958 4.7904.0957 13.8709 1.3277 1.7469 H 89111000 MID 97.927 66.2068 109.148 3459.051 1.44008.00769.97970 4.7904.0886 13.6820 1.2124 1.4584 89111000 BTM 97.927 66.2068 109.148 3459.051 1.66365.00769 1.18968 4.7904.0804 14.7057 1.1825 1.3894 90111000 TOP 97.927 80.6201 109.148 4212.085 1.76158.00769 1.13165 4.7904.0824 15.1324 1.2476 1.5461 90111000 MID 97.927 80.6201 109.148 4212.085 1.76092.00769 1.33412 4.7904.0759 15.1295 1.1488 1.3123 90111000 BTM 97.927 80.6201 109.148 4212.085 2.17335.00769 1.66242 4.7904.0680 16.8082 1.1433 1.3013 99111000 TOP 1092.267.0000 1275.466.000.61318.50965.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0968 999.9999 1.2031 99111000 MID 1092.267.0000 1275.466.000.50380.50965.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9942 999.9999.9885 99111000 BTM 1092.267.0000 1275.466.000.56660.50965.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0543 999.9999 1.1117 102111000 TOP 1092.267 5.4092 1275.466 281.004.93789.50965.00231 63.7724 14.8289 1.3565 20.1163 1.839 102111000'MID 1092.267 5.4092 1275.466 281.004.81973.50965.00237 63.7724 14.6510 1.2682 18.5809 1.6009 102111000 BTM 1092.267 5.4092 1275.466 281.004.87643.50965-.00243 63.7724 14.4749 1.3113 18.9819 1.7115 103111000 TOP 1'092.267 4.8340 1260.805 251.481 1.08568 51'013.00246 60.7784 14.3893 1.4588 20.9917 2.1179 103111000 M410 1092.267 4.8340 1260.805 251.481.96710.51013 o00255 60.7714 14.1314 1.3768 19-4572 1.8863 103111000 BTM 1092.267 4.8340 1260,805 251.481 1.04154.51013.00265 60.7784 13.8716 1.4288 19.8208 2.0311 104111000 TOP 1092.267 4.0877 1253.600 212.804 1.21391.51038.00261 53.2934 13.9600 1.5422 21.5294 2.3663 104111000 MID 1092.267 4.0877 1253.600 212.804 1.10494.51038.00277 53.2934 13.5568 1.4713 19.9471 2.1532

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Air Liquid Run Code Section # - mi ) /(ft2 - min ) min) Liquid Air Saturation x 104111000 BTM 1092.267 4.0877 1253.600 212.804 1.21677.51038.00295 53.2934 13.1373 1.5440 20.2845 2.3703 105111000 TOP 1092.267 5.5632 1231.089 290.240 1.32745.51116.00469 48.2035 10.4338 1.6115 16_8141 2.5732 105111000 MID 1092.267 5.5632 1231.089 290.240 1.29833.51116 *00504 48.2035 10.0685 1.5937 16.0465 2.5151 105111000 BTM 1092.267 5.5632 1231.089 290.240 1.39254.51116 *00545 48.2035 9.6781 1.6505 15.9742 2.6955 108111000 TOP 1638.401.0000 1826.139.000 1.26658 1.11830.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0642 999.9999 1.1325 108111000 MID 1638.401.0000 1826.139.000 1.10286 1.11830.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9930 999.9999.9861 108111000 BTM 1638.401.0000 1826.139.000 1.17775 1.11830.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0262 999.9999 1.0531 109111000 TOP 1638.401 5.0227 1802.137 262.795 1.84447 1.11918.00242 67.6646 21.4681 1.2837 27.5600 1.6444 109111000 MID 1638.401 5.0227 1802.137 262.795 1.66383 1.11918.00256 67.6646 20.8979 1.2192 25.4805 1.4832 109111000 BTM 1638.401 5.0227 1802.137 262.795 1.73959 1.11918.00270 67.6646 20.3235 1.2467 25.3380 1.5505 110111000 TOP 1638.401 4.9960 1778.758 261.774 2.05795 1.12005.00302 58.9820 19.2522 1.3554 26.0962 1.8324 110111000 MID 1638.401 4.9960 1778.758 261.774 1.88168 1.12005.00326 58.9820 18.5182 1.2961 24.0023 1.6750 C 110111000 BTM 1638.401 4.9960 1778.758 261.774 2.02342 1.12005.00355 58.9820 17.7539 1.3440 23.8626 1.8008 H 111111000 TOP 1638.401 4.2818 1744.805 224.839 2.42836 1.12137.00445 49.4011 15.8692 1.4715 23.3527 2.1569 111111000 MID 1638.401 4.2818 1744.805 224.839 2.33122 1.12137.00538 49.4011 14.4275 1.4418 20.8021 2.0689 111111000 BTM 1638.401 4.2818 1744.805 224.839 2.44685 1.12137.00683 49.4011 12.8049 1.4771 18.9150 2.1687 112111000 TOP 1638.401 6.4024 1708.568 336.920 2.73047 1.12283.00829 44.9101 11.6357 1.5594 18.1449 2.4139 112111000 MID 1638.401 6.4024 1708.568 336.920 2.60743 1.12283.01014 44.9101 10.5202 1.5238 16.0314 2.3013 112111000 BTM 1638.401 6.4024 1708.568 3369920 2.85781 1.12283.01317 44.9101 9.2311 1.5953 14.7269 2.5156 113111000 TOP 2184.535.0000 2611.668.000 2.13610 1.95291.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0458 999.9999 1.0938 113111000 MID 2184.535.0000 2611.668.000 1.84479 1.95291.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9719 999.9999.9446 113111000 BTM 2184.535.0000 2611.668.000 1.94972 1.95291.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9991 999.9999.9983 116111000 TOP 2184.535 3.5132 2550.932 182.511 3.13243 1.95486.00290 59.8802 25.9471 1.2658 32.8451 1.6000 116111000 MID 2184.535 3.5132 2550.932 182.511 2.91828 1.95486.00358 59.8802 23.3651 1.2218 28.5478 1.4901 116111000 BTM 2184*535 3.5132 2550.932 182.511 3.26447 1.95486.00471 59.8802 20.3694 1.2922 26.3225 1.6659 117111000 TOP 2184.535 4.9441 2521.611 257.208 3.57992 1.95583.00466 52.9940 20.4741 1.3529 27.6997 1.8260 117111000 MID 2184.535 4.9441 2521.611 257.208 3.44473 1.95583.00583 52.9940 18.3008 1.3271 24.2874 1.7560 117111000 BTM 2184.535 4.9441 2521.611 257.208 3.79860 1.95583.00790 52.9940 15.7309 1.3936 21.9230 1.9343 118111000 TOP 2184.535 8.7758 2507.201 456*868 4.14746 1.95632.01152 42.5149 13.0274 1.4560 18.9683 2.1076

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Liquid Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft n) #/(ft- min) Liquid Air bg oe Saturion X 118111000 MID 2184.535 8.7758 2507.201 456.868 3.94049 1.95632.01460 42.5149 11.5747 1.4192 164272 1.9993 118111000 BTM 2184.535 8.7758 2507.201 456.868 4.54472 1.95632.02032 42.5149 9.8118 1.5241 14.9548 2.2992 119111000 TOP 2184.535 12.2058 2448.439 637.251 4.52254 1.95837.01964 38.6227 9.9836 1.5196 15.1716 2.2864 119111000 MID 2184.535 12.2058 2448.439 637.251 4.42985 1.95837.02512 38.6227 8.8282 1.5039 13.2776 2.2333 119111000 BTM 2184.535 12.2058 2448.439 637.251 4.82963 1.95837.03540 38.6227 7.4374 1.5703 11.6798 2.4223 120111000 TOP 2730.669.0000 3256.831.000 3.35243 3.02611.00000 100.0000 999*9999 1.0525 999.9999 1.1078 120111000 MID 2730.669.0000 3256.831.000 2.89753 3.02611.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9785 999.9999.9575 120111000 BTM 2730.669.0000 3256.831.000 2.99881 3.02611.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9954 999.9999.9909 122111000 TOP 2730.669 3.8972 3284.134 201.026 4.30762 3.02526.00287 61.9760 32.4657 1.1932 38.7402 1.4225 122111000 MID 2730*669 3.8972 3284.134 201.026 4.04531 3.02526.00364 61.9760 28.8241 1.1563 33.3312 1.3355 122111000 BTM 2730.669 3.8972 3284.134 201.026 4.58496 3.02526.00505 61.9760 24.4665 1.2310 30.1202 1.5130 123111000 TOP 2730.669 4.7216 3284.134 243.586 4.62946 3.02526.00370 55.0898 28.5740 1.2370 35.3471 1.5283 123111000 MID 2730.669 4.7216 3284.134 243.586 4.51662 3.02526.00474 55.0898 25.2619 1.2218 30.8667 1.4906 123111000 BTM 2730.669 4.7216 3284.134 243.586 5.04981 3.02526.00671 55.0898 21.2242 1.2919 27.4213 1.6655 124111000 TOP 2730.669 7.2553 3344.209 374.774 5.09240 3.02343.00717 50.5988 20.5235 1.2978 26.6356 1.6803 124111000 MID 2730.669 7.2553 3344.209 374.774 4.94322 3.02343.00922 50.5988 18.1059 1.2786 23.1513 1.6299 124111000 BTM 2730.669 7.2553 3344.209 374.774 5.72305 3.02343.01326 50.5988 15.0992 1.3758 20.7738 1.8846 125111000 TOP 2730.669 10.7246 3344.209 553.983 5.64544 3.02343.01356 43.7125 14.9266 1.3664 20.3967 1.8588 125111000 MID 2730.669 10.7246 3344.209 553.983 5.40951 3.02343.01759 43.7125 13.1074 1.3376 17.5325 1.7788 125111000 BTM 2730.669 10.7246 3344.209 553.983 6.33636 3.02343.02577 43.7125 10.8305 1.4476 15.6790 2.0780 126111000 TOP 2730.669 14.4738 3303.918 748.702 6.10355 3.02465.02202 40.4191 11.7183 1.4205 16.6463 2.0033 126111000 MID 2730.669 14.4738 3303.918 748.702 5.97668 3.02465.02873 40.4191 10.2600 1.4056 14.4225 1.9573 126111000 BTM 2730.669 14.4738 3303.918 748*702 6*91584 3.02465.04267 40.4191 8.4183 1*5121 12.7295 2.2546 127111000 TOP 734.455.0000 938.385.000.28045.23723.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0872 999.9999 1.1822 127111000 MID 734.455.0000 938.385. 100.0000 999.9999 1.0102 999.9999 1.0206 127111000 BTM 734.455.0000 938.385.000.24693.23723.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0202 999.9999 1.0408 130111000 TOP 734.455 5.3371 787.162 280.047.64615.24217.00230 54.4910 10.2500 1.6334 16.7427 2.6429 130111000 MID 734.455 5.3371 787.162 280.047.57377.24217.00235 54.4910 10.1510 1.5392 15.6247 2.3464 130111000 BTM 734.455 5.3371 787.162 280.047.63311 *24217.00239 54.4910 10.0510 1.6168 16.2512 2.5886

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Liquid Column Liquid Air & Saturation X p Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air gg 65 t g u+ig 134111000 TOP 489.637 00000 636935.000.16586.11084.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.2232 999.9999 1.4962 134111000 MID 489.637.0000 636.935.000.12532.11084.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0632 999.9999 1.1305 134111000 BTM 489.637.0000 636.935.000.11925.11084.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0372 999.9999 1.0758 135111000 TOP 489.637.0000 673.581.000.10404.10993 00000 1000000 999.9999.9728 999.9999.9464 135111000 MID 489.637.0000 673.581.000.11580.10993.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0263 999.9999 1.0533 135111000 BTM 489.637.0000 673.581.000.12618.10993.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0713 999.9999 1.1478 140111000 TOP 489.637 8.9300 538.569 467.230.78399.11392.01712 28.4431 2.5794 2.6232 6.7666 5.9824 140111000 MID 489.637 8.9300 538.569 467.230.78113.11392.01856 28.4431 2.4770 2.6184 6.4861 5.8956 140111000 BTM 489.637 8.9300 538.569 467.230.78687.11392.02029 28.4431 2.3692 2.6280 6.2264 5.8624 143111000 TOP 244.818.0000 332.239.000.04372.03157.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1767 999.9999 1.3848 143111000 MID 244.818.0000 332.239.000.03960.03157 00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1199 999.9999 1.2542 143111000 BTM 244.818.0000 332.239.000.04453.03157.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1876 999.9999 1.4104 H 144112000 TOP 244.818 2.3192 318.467 118.963.21382.03192.00289 28.7425 3.3225 2.5880 8.5989 6.1415 144112000 MID 244.818 2.3192 31d.467 118.963.11019.03192.00305 28.7425 3*2349 1.8578 6.0101 3.1506 144112000 BTM 244.818 2.3192 318.467 118.963.15872.03192.00321 28.7425 3.1494 2.2297 7.0226 4.5164 150111000 TOP 97.927.0000 132.895.000.00402.00699.00000 100.0000 999.9999.7584 999.9999.5752 150111000 MID 97.927.0000 132.895.000.00401.00699.00000 100.0000 999.9999.7574 999.9999.5737 150111000 BTM 97.927.0000 132.895.000.00791.00699.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0642 999.9999 1.1326 154111000 TOP 97.927 8.6192 124.170 443.351.15243.00721.02532 14.0718.5337 4.5958 2*4531 4.6836 154111000 MID 97.927 8.6192 124.170 443.351.14454.00721.02686 14.0718.5183 4.4753 2.3195 4.2411 154111000 BTM 97.927 8.6192 124.170 443.351.11164.00721.02853 14.0718.5028 3.9331 1.9778 3.1223 155111000 TOP.000 17.2929.000 912.655.17256.00000.08837.0000 999.9999 1.3973 1.9527 155111000 MID *000 17.2929.000 912.655.16095.00000.09461.0000.0000 999.9999 1.3042 1.7011 155111000 BTM.000 17.2929.000 912.655.13348,00000.10160.0000.0000 999.9999 1.1461 1.3137 156111000 TOP.000 34.6671.000 1864.900.45402.00000.28562.0000.0000 999.9999 1.2607 1.5895 156111000 MID.000 34.6671.000 1864.900.51687.00000.31324.0000.0000 999.9999 1.2845 1.6500 156111000 BTM.000 34.6671.000 1864.900.56895.00000.34941.0000.0000 999.9999 1.2760 1.6282 157111000 TOP.000 52.8243.000 2858.691.84606.00000.59854.0000.0000 999.9999 1.1889 1.4135 157111000 MID.000 52.8243.000 2858.691.94298.00000.67875.0000.0000 999.9999 1.1786 1.3892

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Air Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air b5g 5b ~ Saturation X ^ 157111000 BTM.000 52.8243.000 2858.691.80153.00000.78264.0000.0000 999.9999 1.0119 1.0241 158111000 TOP.000 69.8200.000 3795.535 1.20794.00000 92121.0000.0000 999.9999 1.1460 13133 158111000 MID.000 69.8200.000 3795.535 1.28387.00000 1.06333.0000.0000 999.9999 1.0997 1.2093 158111000 BTM.000 69.8200.000 3795.535 1.34587.00000 1.26870.0000.0000 999.9999 1.0308 10625 159111000 TOP.000 85.9709.000 4673.529 1.54972.00000 1.23792.0000.0000 999.9999 1.1188 1.2518 159111000 MID.000 85.9709.000 4673.529 1.65483.00000 1.44677.0000.0000 999.9999 1.0694 1.1438 159111000 BTM.000 85.9709.000 4673.529 2.19207.00000 1.80163.0000.0000 9999999 1.1030 1.2167 160111000 TOP.000 103.2608.000 5530.178 2.07244.00000 1.63520.0000.0000 999.9999 1.1257 1.2673 160111000 MID.000 103.2608.000 5530.178 1.95561.00000 1.93832.0000.0000 9999999 1.0044 1.0089 160111000 BTM.000 103.2608.000 5530.178 2.50382.00000 2.43330.0000.0000 999.9999 1.0143 1.0289 161111000 TOP.000 114.2911.000 6227.164 2.17799.00000 1.83694.0000.0000 999.9999 1.0897 1.1875 161111000 MID.000 114.2911.000 6227.164 2.22130.00000 2.18198.0000.0000 999.9999 1.0097 1.0196 161111000 BTM.000 114.2911.000 6227.164 3.07786.00000 2.80398.0000.0000 999.9999 1.0485 1.0994 162111000 TOP 71.562.0000 TOP 71005624523 04570 00000 100.0000 999.9999.9948 999.9999.9896 162111000 MID 71*562.0000 5.245.000 *04511.04570.00000 100.0000 999.9999 9935 999.9999.9870 162111000 BTM 71.562.0000 100.0000 999.9999.9871 999.9999.9743 163111000 TOP 286*249.0000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1456 999.9999 1.3124 163111000 MID 286.249.0000 100.0000 999.9999.9085 9999999.8254 163111000 BTM 286.249.0000 22112BTM 286249 000000 19398.19799 00000 100.0000 999.9999.9898 999.9999.9797 164111000 TOP 465.155.0000 38132P 465000155 34931 33882 000000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0153 999.9999 1.0309 164111000 MID 465.155.0000 38.130378 2 000000 100.0000 999.9999.9468 9999999.8966 164111000 BTM 465.155.0000 100.0000 999.9999.9921 999.9999 9843 165111000 TOP 698.674.0000 61.012 *000.59308.54953.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0388 999.9999 1.0792 165111000 MID 698.674.0000 100.0000 999.9999.9740 999.9999.9487 165111000 BTM 698.674.0000 61.012 *000.49485 *54953.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9489 999.9999.9005 166111000 TOP 1098.858.0000 107*660.000 1.09569.97548.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0598 999.9999 1.1232 166111000 MID 1098.858.0000 107.660.000 1.10286.97548.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0632 999.9999 1.1305 166111000 BTM 1098.858.0000 107.660 000 1.00950.97548.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0172 999.9999 1.0348 167111000 TOP 1557.422.0000 156.402.000 1.90490 1.64522.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0760 999.9999 1.1578

TABLE XVII (CONToD) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Air Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft2 - mi) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air 5g 5i t9 Saturation X 167111000 MID 1557.422.0000 156.402.000 1.73952 1.64522.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0282 999.9999 1.0573 167111000 BTM 1557.422.0000 156.402.000 1.86064 1.64522.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0634 999.9999 1.1309 168111000 TOP 107.343.0000 9.624.000.23974.05810.00000 100.0000 999.9999 2.0312 999.9999 4.1260 168111000 MID 107.343.0000 9.624.000.17094 *05810.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.7152 999.9999 2.9419 168111000 BTM 107.343.0000 9.624.000.24841.05810.00000 100.0000 999.9999 2.0676 999.9999 4.2752 170111000 TOP 107.343 22.6713 9.711 1171.086.68045.05762.06902 17.3652.9137 3.4362 3.1398 5.3727 170111000 MID 107.343 22.6713 9.711 1171.086.71784.05762.07284 17^3652.8894 3.5294 3.1390 5.5017 170111000 BTM 107.343 22.6713 9.711 1171.086.69408.05762.07718 17.3652.8640 3.4704 2.9986 5.1483 171111000 TOP 107.343 33.5904 7.383 1770.207 1.09221.07437.24424 14.9700.5518 3.8321 2.1146 3.4279 171111000 MID 107.343 33.5904 7.383 1770.207.95305.07437.27688 14.9700.5182 3.5797 1.8552 2.7132 171111000 BTM 107.343 33.5904 7.383 1770.207 1.03994.07437.31904 14.9700.4828 3.7393 1.8054 2.6433 172111000 TOP 107.343 101.4614 7.383 5346.990 2.26607.07437 1.31271 8.6826.2380 5.5198 1.3138 1.6336 172111000 MID 107.343 101.4614 7.383 5346.990 2.64012.07437 1.54094 8.6826.2196 5.9580 1.3089 1.6344 172111000 BTM 107.343 101.4614 7.383 5346.990 2.91279.07437 1.91453 8.6826.1970 6.2581 1.2334 1.4645 173111000 TOP 698.674 9.0357 61.012 468.063 1.88214.54953.01754 35.9281 5.5972 1.8506 10.3586 3.3190 173111000 MID 698.674 9.0357 61.012 468.063 1.97676.54953.02076 35.9281 5.1445 1.8966 9.7573 3.4662 173111000 BTM 698.674 9.0357 61.012 468.063 2.14568.54953.02583 35.9281 4.6122 1.9760 9.1138 3.7292 174111000 TOP 698.674 33.2217 62.367 1718.494 3.18311.54174.14729 23.0538 1.9178 2.4239 4.6487 4.6196 174111000 MID 698.674 33.2217 62.367 1718.494 3.52485.54174.18128 23.0538 1.7287 2.5507 4.4095 4.8751 174111000 BTM 698.674 33.2217 62.367 1718.494 4.01953.54174.24465 23.0538 1.4880 2.7238 4.0533 5.1113 176111000 TOP 1557.422 11.9016 123.151 621.814 5.18303 1.83266.01772 43.7125 10.1681 1.6817 17.0998 2.8010 176111000 MID 1557.422 11.9016 123.151 621.814 5.01849 1.83266.02309 43.7125 8.9078 1.6548 14.7406 2.7042 176111000 BTM 1557.422 11.9016 123.151 621.814 5.09923 1.83266.03313 43.7125 7.4368 1.6680 12.4051 2.7330 177111000 TOP 1557.422 39.8480 128.199 2075.954 7.25358 1.79795.11681 34.4311 3.9232 2.0085 7.8800 3.7882 177111000 MID 1557.422 39.8480 128.199 2075.954 5.98067 1.79795.14552 34.4311 3.5149 1.8238 6.4107 3.0773 177111000 BTM 1557.422 39.8480 128.199 2075.954 7.87946 1.79795.19642 34.4311 3.0254 2.0934 6.3335 3.9508 178114000 TOP 1534.824 83.4870 107.037 4393.376 8.46577 1.90876.43451 24.2514 2.0959 2.1059 4.4139 3.6127 178114000 MID 1534.824 83.4870 107.037 4393.376 9.19480 1.90876.56515 24.2514 1.8377 2.1947 4.0335 3.7166 178114000 BTM 1534.824 83.4870 107.037 4393.376 12.04137 1.90876.88643 24.2514 1.4674 2.5116 3.6856 4.3078

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Liquid Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air beg Satuation X P g e 179111000 TOP 698.674 89.7874 47.893 4728.346 4.93574.64762.75442 21.5568.9265 2.7606 2.5578 3.5203 179111000 MID 698.674 89.7874 47.893 4728.346 5.32303.64762.95233 21.5568.8246 2.8669 2.3642 3.3269 179111000 BTM 698.674 89.7874 47.893 4728.346 6.43779.64762 1.36211 21.5568.6895 3.1528 2.1740 3.2032 180111000 TOP 1996.213 28.6011 150.727 1498.594 7.04270 2.74582.06746 43.7125 6.3796 1.6015 10.2171 2.5033 180111000 MID 1996.213 28.6011 150.727 1498.594 7.52501 2.74582.08857 43.7125 5.5679 1.6554 9.2174 2.6548 180111000 BTM 1996.213 28.6011 150.727 1498.594 8.16732 2.74582.13397 43.7125 4.5271 1.7246 7.8078 2.8360 181111000 TOP 286.249 7.7243 22.458 403.857.92622.19544.01688 29.9401 3.4020 2.1769 7.4059 4.3621 181111000 MID 286.249 7.7243 22.458 403.857.86285.19544.01895 29.9401 3.2112 2.1011 6.7473 4.0246 181111000 BTM 286.249 7.7243 22.458 403.857.79339.19544.02145 29.9401 3.0184 2.0148 6.0816 3.6579 182111000 TOP 286.249 26.2564 22.634 1371.797 1.66603.19416.13857 21.8562 1.1836 2.9292 3.4673 5.0069 182111000 MID 286.249 26.2564 22.634 1371.797 1.54350.19416.16274 21.8562 1.0922 2.8194 3.0796 4.3245 182111000 BTM 286.249 26.2564 22.634 1371.797 1.46334.19416.19527 21.8562.9971 2.7452 2.7374 3.7575 - 183111000 TOP 286.249 91.1417 21.137 4782.363 3.58034.20564.98386 16.1676.4571 4.1725 1.9076 3.0099 -2 183111000 MID 286.249 91.1417 21.137 4782.363 3.55501.20564 1.21199 16.1676.4119 4.1577 1.7126 2.5076 183111000 BTM 286.249 91.1417 21.137 4782.363 4.32603.20564 1.62901 16.1676.3553 4.5864 1.6296 2.3579 184114000 TOP 1996.213 68.5959 149.046 3596.758 9.73665 2.75916.28639 27.5449 3.1038 1.8785 5.8307 3.1970 184114000 MID 1996.213 68.5959 149.046 3596.758 9.71045 2.75916.37922 27.5449 2.6973 1.8759 5.0602 3.0940 184114000 BTM 1996.213 68.5959 149.046 3596.758 11.41241 2.75916.58716 27.5449 2.1677 2.0337 4.4086 3.4104 185111000 TOP 465.155 17.7113 35.932 926.676 1.83792.35437.06373 34.4311 2.3579 2.2773 5.3698 4.3958 185111000 MID 465.155 17.7113 35.932 926.676 1.71708.35437.07532 34.4311 2.1689 2.2012 4.7744 3.9960 185111000 BTM 465.155 17.7113 35.932 926.676 1.64925.35437.09128 34.4311 1.9702 2.1573 4.2505 3.7007 186114000 TOP 465.155 41.0341 37.977 2139.273 2.80335.33985.25693 21.2574 1.1500 2.8720 3.3031 4.6973 186114000 MID 465.155 41.0341 37.977 2139.273 2.68487.33985.31467 21.2574 1.0392 2.8106 2.9210 4.1020 186114000 BTM 465.155 41.0341 37.977 2139.273 2.89828.33985.40866 21.2574.9119 2.9202 2.6631 3.8720 187111000 TOP 1098.858 23.2041 91.960 1207.141 4.15338 1.06119.06467 32.3353 4.0508 1.9783 8.0139 3.6890 187111000 MID 1098.858 23.2041 91.960 1207.141 4.74335 1.06119.08216 32.3353 3.5937 2.1141 7.5977 4.1485 187111000 BTM 1098.858 23.2041 91.960 1207.141 4.75275 1.06119.11571 32.3353 3.0283 2.1162 6.4087 4.0383 188111000 TOP 1098.858 55.0569 93.518 2861.352 6.16418 1.05140.25636 26.6467 2.0251 2.4213 4.9035 4.7135 188111000 MID 1098.858 55.0569 93.518 2861.352 6.44806 1.05140.32875 26.6467 1.7883 2.4764 4.4287 4.6719

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Liquid Column Liquid Liquid Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air 5eg b6 5g Saturation X 6g 188111000 BTM 1098.858 55.0569 93.518 2861.352 8.14246 1.05140.48868 26.6467 1.4667 2.7828 4.0819 5.2870 190111000 TOP 298.923.0000 24.818.000.29402.17673.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.2898 999.9999 1.6636 190111000 MID 298.923.0000 24.818.000.28173.17673.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.2625 999.9999 1.5940 190111000 BTM 298.923.0000 24.818.000 *29839 *17673.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.2993 999.9999 1.6883 191111000 TOP 486.012.0000 40.351.000 039304 *31946.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1091 999.9999 1.2303 191111000 MID 486.012.0000 40.351.000.35241.31946.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0503 999.9999 1.1031 191111000 BTM 486.012.0000 40.351.000.37856.31946.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0885 999.9999 1.1849 192111000 TOP 729.018.0000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1191 999.9999 1.2525 192111000 MID 729.018.0000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0787 999.9999 1.1636 192111000 BTM 729.018.0000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0768 999.9999 1.1595 193111000 TOP 1144.479.0000 89.824.000 1.41234 1.05061.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1594 999.9999 1.3443 193111000 MID 1144.479.0000 89.824.000 1.21816 1.05061.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1*0767 999*9999 1.1594 193111000 BTM 1144.479.0000 89.824.000 1.22228 1.05061.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0786 999.9999 1.1634 194111000 TOP 1625.265.0000 118.745.000 2.35223 1.82992.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1337 999.9999 1.2854 194111000 MID 1625.265.0000 118.745.000 2.04030 1.82992.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0559 999.9999 1.1149 194111000 BTM 1625.265.0000 118.745.000 2.02889 1.82992.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0529 999.9999 1.1087 195111000 TOP 2082.012.0000 146.265.000 3.66907 2.72602.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1601 999.9999 1.3459 195111000 MID 2082.012.0000 146.265.000 3.13314 2.72602.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0720 999.9999 1.1493 195111000 BTM 2082.012.0000 146.265.000 2.54849 2.72602.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9668 999.9999.9348 196111000 TOP 1145.525 9.5679 94.327 488.041 2.67054 1.02440.01843 47.3053 7.4548 1.6145 12.0365 2.5608 196111000 MID 1145.525 9.5679 94.327 488.041 2.44240 1.02440.02251 47.3053 6.7453 1.5440 10.4154 2.3329 196111000 BTM 1145.525 9.5679 94.327 488.041 2.30411 1.02440.02844 47.3053 6.0012 1.4997 9.0003 2.1884 197113080 TOP 1145.525 34.7569 95.107 1770.431 4.23660 1.01980.15072 34.1317 2.6011 2.0382 5.3016 3.6193 197113080 MID 1145.525 34.7569 95.107 1770.431 3.92402 1.01980.18929 34.1317 2.3210 1.9615 4.5529 3.2454 197113080 BTM 1145.525 34.7569 95.107 1770.431 4.85955 1.01980.26162 34.1317 1.9743 2.1829 4.3098 3.7922 198114000 TOP 1145.525 83.0979 95.107 4232.792 6.23436 1.01980.58255 25.4491 1.3230 2.4725 3.2713 3.8907 198114000 MID 1145.525 83.0979 95.107 4232.792 6.04180 1.01980.73864 25.4491 1.1750 2.4340 2.8599 3.4358 198114000 BTM 1145.525 83.0979 95.107 4232.792 7.98879 1.01980 1.06582 25.4491.9781 2.7988 2.7377 3.8303 199111000 TOP 298.923 9.7841 25.235 497.345.66432.1743?.01657 34.4311 3.2434 1.9520 6.3315 3.4798

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Column Mass Rates Reynolds Number Liquid Column i in) #/(irt m) Liquid Air g g Satuation X #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) +5g 199111000 MID 298.923 9.7841 25.235 497.345.66685.17433.01750 34.4311 3.1561 1.9557 6.1726 3.4761 199111000 BTM 298.923 9.7841 25.235 497.345.62243 *17433.01852 34.4311 3.0675 1.8895 5.7962 3.2273 200111000 TOP 298.923 24.7197 25.235 1256.548.80820.17433.05994 30.5389 1.7053 2.1531 3.6718 3.4497 200111000 MID 298.923 24.7197 25.235 1256.548.86045.17433.06248 30.5389 1.6704 2.2216 3.7110 3.6334 200111000 BTM 298.923 24.7197 25.235 1256.548.85043.17433.06531 30.5389 1.6337 2.2086 3.6083 3.5486 201111000 TOP 298.923 40.5340 25.235 2061.272 1.53454.17433.24806 23.0538.8383 2.9668 2.4871 3.6328 201111000 MID 298.923 40.5340 25.235 2061.272 1.38930.17433.27627 23.0538.7943 2.8229 2.2424 3.0831 201111000 BTM 298,923 40.5340 25.235 2061.272 1.54031.17433.31212 23.0538.7473 2.9724 2.2214 3.1663 202111000 TOP 74.730 8.5979 5.362 443.374.04914.04396.01647 20.3592 1.6337 1.0572 1.7272.8131 202111000 MID 74.730 8.5979 5.362 443.374.20552.04396.01705 20.3592 1.6057 2.1620 3.4717 3.3682 202111000 BTM 74.730 8.5979 5.362 443.374.19494.04396.01777 20.3592 1.5725 2.1057 3.3113 3.1573 203111000 TOP 74.730 20.8231 5.644 1069.582.31373.04186.05989 18.5628.8360 2.7374 2.2886 3.0830 203111000 MID 74.730 20.8231 5.644 1069.582.40222.04186.06211 18.5628.8209 3.0996 2.5446 3.8681 203111000 BTM 74.730 20.8231 5.644 1069.582.41228.04186.06470 18.5628.8043 3.1381 2.5241 3.8685 204111000 TOP 74.730 28.9865 5.602 1489.943.53822.04216.13517 15.8682.5585 3.5727 1.9954 3.0349 204111000 MID 74.730 28.9865 5.602 1489.943.52584.04216.14290 15.8682.5431 3.5314 1.9182 2.8413 204111000 BTM 74.730 28.9865 5.602 1489.943.60838.04216.15200 15.8682.5266 3.7984 2.0005 3.1332 205111000 TOP 74.730 38.2596 5.520 1967.970.71878.04276.23923 13.4730.4227 4.0997 1.7333 2.5488 205111000 MID 74.730 38.2596 5.520 1967.970.72595.04276.25681 13.4730.4080 4.1201 1.6812 2.4232 205111000 BTM 74.730 38.2596 5.520 1967.970.68454.04276.27701 13.4730.3929 4.0008 1.5719 2.1406 206111000 TOP 74.730 86.6419 5.324 4469.179 1.56893.04426.77277 10.1796.2393 5.9534 1.4248 1.9202 206111000 MID 74.730 86.6419 5.324 4469.179 1.42847.04426.83702 10.1796.2299 5.6807 1.3063 1.6208 206111000 BTM 74.730 86.6419 5.324 4469.179 1.47434.04426.91149 10.1796.2203 5.7712 1.2718 1.5425 207111000 TOP 2082.012 13.0414 118.840 684.305 6.42678 3.00179.01827 58.0838 12.8145 1.4632 18.7503 2.1280 207111000 MID 2082.012 13.0414 118.840 684.305 5.73279 3.00179.02400 58.0838 11.1814 1.3819 15.4522 1.8946 207111000 BTM 2082.012 13.0414 118.840 684.305 6.39896 3.00179.03506 58.0838 9.2520 1.4600 13.5084 2.1071 208112000 TOP 2082.012 46.7142 128.319 2437.145 8.89325 2.89315.15057 41.6167 4.3833 1.7532 7.6851 2.9218 208112000 MID 2082.012 46.7142 128.319 2437.145 8.01718 2.89315.19702 41.6167 3.8320 1.6646 6.3790 2.5944 20811200-0 BTM 2082.012 46.7142 128.319 2437.145 10.78091 2.89315.30074 41.6167 3.1015 1.9303 5.9872 3.3754

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Air Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft - min) #/(ft - min) Liquid Air beg 6i Saturation X g 209114000 TOP 2082.012 66.3717 132.379 3455.294 9.97030 2.85137.26673 35.0299 3.2695 1.8699 6.1138 3.1975 209114000 MID 2082.012 66.3717 132.379 3455.294 9.69292 2.85137.35224 35.0299 2.8451 1.8437 5.2457 3.0256 209114000 BTM 2082.012 66.3717 132.379 3455.294 12.13781 2.85137.54866 35.0299 2.2796 2.0632 4.7034 3.5699 210111000 TOP 1625.265 25.5560 106.715 1326.658 5.77370 1.93103.06806 44.3113 5.3263 1.7291 9.2100 2.8881 210111000 MID 1625.265 25.5560 106.715 1326.658 5.42214 1.93103.08824 44.3113 4.6779 1.6756 7.8387 2.6851 210111000 BTM 1625.265 25.5560 106.715 1326.658 5.89360 1.93103 *12640 44.3113 3.9085 1.7470 6.8282 2.8645 211113050 TOP 1625.265 59.0582 111.832 3054.966 7.25358 1.88537 *26610 34.4311 2.6617 1.9614 5.2209 3.3714 211113050 MID 1625.265 59.0582 111.832 3054.966 7.484.58 1.88537.34497 34.4311 2.3377 1.9924 4.6578 3.3557 211113050 BTM 1625.265 59.0582 111.832 3054.966 8.62174 1.88537.51150 34.4311 1.9198 2.1384 4.1055 3.5970 212111000 TOP 729.018 20.9765 51.941 1082.473 2.13010.60028.06764 38.6227 2.9789 1.8837 5.6115 3.1891 212111000 MID 729.018 20.9765 51.941 1082.473 1.87821.60028.07756 38.6227 2.7819 1.7688 4.9208 2.7708 212111000 BTM 729.018 20.9765 51.941 1082.473 2.23165.60028.09137 38.6227 2.5630 1.9281 4.9419 3.2264 213112000 TOP 729.018 52.0057 49.484 2693.964 3.37452.62077.24718 33.5329 1.5847 2.3315 3.6948 3.8878 213112000 MID 729.018 52.0057 49.484 2693.964 3.04915.62077.28246 33.5329 1.4824 2.2162 3.2855 3.3757 213112000 BTM 729.018 52.0057 49.484 2693.964 3.39217.62077.33008 33.5329 1.3713 2.3376 3.2057 3.5674 214111000 TOP 486.012 8.4337 34.143 435.645 1.16193.36237.01716 42.5149 4.5950 1.7906 8.2280 3.0614 214111000 MID 486.012 8.4337 34.143 435.645.91261.36237.01906 42.5149 4.3597 1.5869 6.9187 2.3925 214111000 BTM 486.012 8.4337 34.143 435.645 1.00652.36237.02130 42.5149 4.1244 1.6665 6.8738 2.6233 215111000 TOP 486.012 31.9754 35.380 1647.044 1.87132.35262.13806 31.1377 1.5981 2.3036 3.6815 3.8136 215111000 MID 486.012 31.9754 35.380 1647.044 1.70775.35262.15453 31.1377 1.5105 2.2006 3.3243 3.3672 215111000 BTM 486.012 31.9754 35.380 1647.044 1.76604.35262.17504 31.1377 1.4193 2.2379 3.1763 3.3468 216111000 TOP 486.012 89.1025 35.900 4583.190 3.80858.34872.77580 21.2574.6704 3.3047 2.2156 3.3868 216111000 MID 486.012 89.1025 35.900 4583.190 3.48695.34872.91636 21*2574.6168 3*1621 1.9506 2.7562 216111000 BTM 486.012 89.1025 35.900 4583.190 4.48676.34872 1.14298 21.2574.5523 3.5869 1.9812 3.0078 217121000 TOP 2082.012.0000 171.302.000 2.98552 2*73740.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0443 999.9999 1.0906 217121000 MID 2082.012.0000 171.302.000 2.96270 2.73740.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0403 999.9999 1*0823 217121000 BTM 2082.012.0000 171.302.000 3.06809 2.73740.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0586 999.9999 1.1208 218121000 TOP 1625*265.0000 138.397.000 1.90993 1.83001.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0216 999.9999 1.0436 218121000 MID 1625.265.0000 138.397.000 1.95508 1.83001.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0336 999.9999 1.0683

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Liquid Air Reynolds Number Run Code Section /(t m) #/(t ) Liquid Air Saturation X 218121000 BTM 1625.265 *0000 138.397.000 2.09323 1.83001.00000 100.0000 999*9999 1.0694 999.9999 1.1438 219121000 TOP 1145.525.0000 101.080.000 1.09569 1-06371.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0149 999.9999 1.0300 219121000 MID 1145.525.0000 101.080.000 1.14297 1.06371.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0365 999.9999 1.0745 219121000 BTM 1145.525 *0000 1.06371.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9376 999*9999.8792 220121000 TOP 729.018.0000 66.746.000.54985.55027.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9996 999.9999.9992 220121000 MID 729.018.0000 66.746.000.55945.55027.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0083 999.9999 1.0166 220121000 BTM 729.018.0000 66.746.000.52207.55027.00000 100,0000 999.9999.9740 999.9999.9487 221121000 TOP 486.012.0000 *31390.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0217 999.9999 1.0439 221121000 MID 486.012.0000 46.235.000 *32735.31390.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0211 999.9999 1.0428 221121000 BTM 486.012.0000 *31390.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0254 999.9999 1.0514 224121000 TOP 1145.525 9.6112 117.219 591.577 2.43584.98477.01867 46.7811 7.2611 1.5727 11.4199 2.4274 224121000 MID 1145.525 9.6112 117.219 591.577 2.57921.98477.02265 46,7811 6.5929 1.6183 10.6697 2.5601 ^ 224121000 BTM 1145.525 9.6112 117.219 591.577 2.32991.98477.02869 46.7811 5.8581 1.5381 9.0107 2.2989 H 225123040 TOP 1145.525 34.7569 117.219 2139.302 3.76699 *98477 *15396 30.0429 2.5290 1.9558 4.9463 3.3080 225123040 MID 1145.525 34.7569 117.219 2139.302 4.24756.98477.19192 30.0429 2*2651 2.0768 4.7044 3.6097 225123040 BTM 1145.525 34.7569 117.219 2139.302 4.73288 *98477.26514 30.0429 1*9272 2.1922 4.2249 3.7865 226124000 TOP 1145.525 92.7404 115.281 5716.108 5.64619 *99308.71621 20.6008 1.1775 2.3844 2.8077 3.3032 226124000 MID 1145.525 92.7404 115.281 5716.108 7.13438 *99308.90505 20.6008 1.0474 2.6803 2.8076 3.7586 226124000 BTM 1145.525 92.7404 115.281 5716.108 8.27477 *99308 1.32586 20*6008.8654 2.8865 2.4982 3.5683 227123080 TOP 729.018 19.7457 72.764 1218,733 1.89590.52118.87551 33.9055 2.6271 1.9072 5.0107 3.1773 227123080 MID 729.018 19.7457 72.764 1218.733 2.15581.52118.88953 33.9055 2.4126 2.0338 4.9068 3.5299 227123080 BTM 729.018 19.7457 72.764 1218.733 1.90621.52118.11020 33.9055 2.1747 1.9124 4.1590 3.0190 228123100 TOP 729.018 53.7434 73.365 3314.803 3.21268 *51854.38037 21.4592 1.1675 2.4891 2.9062 3.5739 228123100 MID 729.018 53.7434 73.365 3314.803 3.85501.51854.46847 21.4592 1.0520 2.7265 2.8685 3.9057 228123100 BTM 729.018 53.7434 73.365 3314.803 4.19639 *51854.63548 21*4592 *9033 2.8447 2.5697 3.6363 229121000 TOP 2082.012 13.3195 133.435 849.605 5.72888 3.05457.01851 58.3690 12.8444 1.3694 17.5904 1.8642 229121000 MID 2082.012 13.3195 133.435 849.605 6.76616 3.05457.02414 58*3690 11.2474 1.4883 16.7398 2.1977 229121000 8TM 2082.012 13.3195 133.435 849.605 6.72599 3.05457.03604 58.3690 9.2052 1.4838 13.6595 2.1762 230124000 TOP 2082.012 47.7297 149.133 3022.624 8.09800 2.90354 *15435 39.0557 4.3372 1.6700 7.2432 2.6482

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Air Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air Sag turation 230124000 MID 2082*012 47.7297 149.133 3022.624 9.52990 2.90354.20104 39.0557 3.8003 1.8116 6.8849 3.0696 230124000 BTM 2082.012 47.7297 149.133 3022.624 10.96227 2.90354.31068 39.0557 3.0570 1.9430 5.9400 3.4105 231122000 TOP 1625.265 25.7702 122.166 1626.377 5.12411 1.94202.06988 42.4892 5.2714 1.6243 8*5627 2.5468 231122000 MID 1625.265 25.7702 122.166 1626.377 5.88704 1.94202.08969 42.4892 4.6529 1.7410 8.1012 2.8975 231122000 BTM 1625.265 25.7702 122.166 1626.377 6.15411 1.94202 *13022 42.4892 3.8617 1.7801 6.8744 2.9697 232123030 TOP 1625.265 60.0368 127.683 3774.939 6.70763 1.90075.27509 32.1888 2.6285 1.8785 4.9379 3.0827 232123030 MID 1625.265 60.0368 127.683 3774.939 8.09294 1.90075.35340 32.1888 2.3191 2.0634 4.7853 3.5902 232123030 BTM 1625.265 60.0368 127.683 3774.939 9.37017 1.90075.53256 32.1888 1.8891 2.2202 4.1945 3.8507 233124000 TOP 1625.265 92.9781 133.722 5827.947 7.83450 1.85949.5478U 26.1802 1.8423 2.0526 3.7817 3.2544 233124000 MID 1625.265 92.9781 133.722 5827.947 10.01888 1.85949.70456 26.1802 1.6245 2.3211 3.7709 3.9074 2?3124000 BTM 1625.265 92.9781 133.722 5827.947 11.44415 1.85949 1.07492 26.1802 1.3152 2.4808 3.2628 3.8999.34121000 TOP 486.012 8.9329 41.098 558*658 1.05380.34210.01758 41.6309 4.4102 1.7550 7.7403 2.9296 234121000 MID 486.012 8*9329 41.098 558.658 1.11548.34210.01945 41.6309 4.1938 1.8057 7.5729 3.0852 1 234121000 BTM 486.012 8.9329 41.098 558.658 1.02821.34210.02174 41.6309 3.9661 1.7336 6.8758 2.8258 235122000 TOP 486.012 34.9920 42.272 2182.828 1.75445.33505.15389 29*6137 1.4755 2.2882 3.3764 3.5881 235122000 MID 486.012 34.9920 42.272 2182.828 1.87933.33505.17074 29.6137 1.4008 2.3683 3.3176 3.7155 235122000 BTM 486.012 34.9920 42.272 2182.828 1.78642.33505.19208 29.6137 1.3207 2.3090 3.0496 3.3888 236122000 TOP 486.012 93.6178 43.516 5826.809 3.18927.32800.80687 19.7424.6375 3.1182 1.9881 2.8102 236122000 MID 486.012 93.6178 43.516 5826.809 3.59603.32800.92793 19.7424.5945 3.3110 1.9685 2.8632 236122000 BTM 486.012 93.6178 43.516 5826*809 3.47052.32800 1.10047 19.7424.5459 3.2528 1.7758 2.4295 237121000 TOP 298.923 18.4874 28.000 1146.641.90884.17433.06419 28.3261 1.6479 2.2832 3.7626 3.8101 237121000 MID 298.923 18.4874 28.000 1146.641.90556.17433.06987 28.3261 1.5795 2.2791 3.5999 3.7081 237121000 BTM 298.923 18.4874 28.000 11~6.641.78552.17433.07634 28.3261 1.5111 2.1226 3.2076 3.1335 238121000 TOP 298.923 45.7182 28.549 2831.615 1.41663.17162.25676 23.1759.8175 2.8729 2.3488 3.3068 238121000 MID 298.923 45.7182 28.549 2831.615 1.47713.17162.27955 23.1759.7835 2.9337 2.2986 3.2739 238121000 BTM 298.923 45.7182 28.549 2831.615 1.38405.17162.30672 23.1759.7480 2.8397 2.1242 2.8933 239121000 TOP 74.730 8.1567 6.691 507.677.20411.03895.01701 21.8884 1.5131 2.2891 3.4639 3.6473 239121000 MID 74.730 8.1567 6.691 507.677.20259.03895.01783 21.8884 1.4778 2.2806 3.3703 3.5677 239121000 8TM 74.730 8.1567 6.691 5C7.677.20995.03895.01875 21.8884 1.4411 2.3217 3.3459 3I5384

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Mass Rates Reynolds Number Column Liquid Air Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) Liquid Air t 5 Satuation X 240121000 TOP 74.730 16.8051 6.842 1044.490.34534.03813.06321 18.8841 *7766 3.0092 2.3372 3,4072 240121000 MID 74.730 16.8051 6.842 1044.490 *33840.03813.06699 18.8841.7544 2.9788 2.2474 3,2187 240121000 BTM 74.730 16.8051 6.842 1044.490.32404.03813.07122 18*8841 *7317 2*9149 2.1329 2.9629 241121000 TOP 74.730 30.4005 6.791 1890.818 *47445.03840.14197 15.4506.5201 3.5146 1.8280 2.6301 241121000 MID 74.730 30.4005 6.791 1890*818.45710 *03840.14919 15*4506 *5073 3.4498 1,7503 2.4365 241121000 BTM 74.730 30.4005 6.791 1890.818.46574.03840 *15720 15.4506.4942 3.4822 1*7212 2.3809 242121000 TOP 74.730 93.5737 6.408 5844.598 1.53023.04057.98231 5*1502 *2032 6*1410 1*2481 1.4959 242121000 MID 74.730 93*5737 6.408 5844*598 1.67042.04057 1.07593 5.1502.1941 6.4161 1.2460 1.4961 242121000 BTM 74.730 93*5737 6.408 5844.598 1.69744.04057 1.19540 5.1502.1842 6.4678 1.1916 1.3733 243121000 TOP 149.461 5.2746 14.796 325.784.31446 *07502.00837 29.6137 2.9939 2.0472 6.1294 3.7707 243121000 MID 149.461 5.2746 14.796 325.784.30273.07502.00885 29.6137 299115 2.0087 5.8484 3.6091 243121000 BTM 149.461 5.2746 14.796 325.784.25732 *07502.00936 29.6137 2.8298 1.8519 5.2408 3,0490 1 244121000 TOP 224.192 6.1704 22.750 379.897.44629.11636.00812 33.4763 3.7835 1.9584 7.4097 3.5849 244121000 MID 224.192 6.1704 22.750 379.897.45431.11636.00853 33.4763 3.6927 1.9759 7.2965 3,6375 244121000 BTM 224.192 6.1704 22.750 379.897.44431 *11636.00898 33.4763 3.5989 1.9540 7.0327 3,5447 245121000 TOP 286.249.0000 296.842.000 *09449.04762.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.4085 999.9999 1.9839 245121000 MID 286*249.0000 296.842.000.09474.04762.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.4104 999.9999 1.9893 245121000 BTM 286.249.0000 296.842.000.09352.04762.00000 100*0000 999.9999 1.4013 999.9999 1.9637 246121000 TOP 572.498.0000 606.591.000.19400.16280.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0916 999.9999 1.1916 246121000 MID 572.498.0000 606.591.000.19350.16280.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0902 999.9999 1.1885 246121000 BTM 572.498.0000 606.591.000.19101.16280.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0831 999.9999 1.1732 248121000 TOP 698.674.0000 756.731.000.26638.23462.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0655 999.9999 1.1353 248121000 MID 698.674.0000 756.731.000.26569.23462.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1*0641 999.9999 1.1323 248121000 BTM 698.674.0000 756.7.31.000 *26227.23462.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0572 999.9999 1.1178 249121000 TOP 1097.917.0000 1205*219.000.57297.55025.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1*0204 999.9999 1.0412 249121000 MID 1097.917.0000 1205.219.000 *57148 *55025.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0191 999.9999 1.0385 249121000 BTM 1097.917.0000 1205.219.000.56908.55025.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0169 999.9999 1.0342 250121000 TOP 1557.422.0000 1733*052.000 1.06554 1.07711.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9946 999.9999.9892 250121000 MID 1557.422.0000 1733.052.000 1.06276 1.07711.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9933 999.9999.9866

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Coum ~~ui RatesReynolds Number Liquid Liquid Air Liquid Run Code Section /( - m n) - m) Liquid Air Satu ion X 250121000 BTM 1557.422.0000 1733.052.000 1.04908 1.07711.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9869 999.9999.9739 251121000 TOP 1996.213.0000 2237.673.000 1.65359 1.74407.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9737 999.9999.9481 251121000 MID 1996.213.0000 2237.673.000 1.64928 1.74407.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9724 999.9999.9456 251121000 BTM 1996.213.0000 2237.673.000 1.63301 1.74407 00000 100.0000 999.9999.9676 999.9999.9363 252121000 TOP.000 94.2972.000 6210.281 1.32354.00000 1.56981.0000.0000 999.9999.9182.8431 252121000 MID.000 94.2972.000 6210.281 1.82026.00000 1.83199.0000.0000 999.9999 *9967.9935 252121000 BTM.000 94.2972.000 6210.281 1.98918.00000 2.27928.0000.0000 999.9999.9341.8727 256121000 TOP 71.562 92.6536 78.556 5986.569 1.52505.00533 1.08997 4.7210.0699 16.9116 1.1828 1.3923 256121000 MID 71.562 92.6536 78.556 5986.569 1.68041.00533 1.21219 4.7210.0663 17.7521 1.1773 1.3801 256121000 BTM 71.562 92.6536 78.556 5986.569 1.66829.00533 1.37284 4.7210.0623 17.6880 1.1023 1.2105 257124000 TOP 1996.213 11.3980 2384.657 730.008 3.60535 1.73868.01823 36.9098 9.7638 1.4400 14.0599 2.0520 257124000 MID 1996.213 11.3980 2384.657 730.008 4.43743 1.73868.02296 36.9098 8.7003 1.5975 13.8993 2.5189 - 257124000 BTM 1996.213 11.3980 2384.657 730.008 4.22834 1.73868.03191 36.9098 7.3809 1.5594 11.5103 2.3880 258124000 TOP 1996.213 44.4141 2420.249 2840.440 5.46422 1.73747.17620 24.0343 3.1401 1.7733 5.5687 2.8553 258124000 MID 1996.213 44.4141 2420.249 2840.440 6.28629 1.73747.22326 24.0343 2.7896 1.9021 5.3062 3.2060 258124000 BTM 1996.213 44.4141 2420.249 2840.440 7.58675 1.73747.32608 24.0343 2.3083 2.0896 4.8234 3.6765 259124000 TOP 1996.213 67.0877 2437.225 4287.373 5.91624 1.73691.34023 15.8798 2.2594 1.8455 4.1699 2.8482 259124000 MID 1996.213 67.0877 2437.225 4287.373 7.80481 1.73691.43087 15.8798 2.0077 2.1197 4.2560 3.6003 259124000 BTM 1996.213 67.0877 2437.225 4287.373 8.68939 1.73691.63371 15.8798 1.6555 2.2366 3.7029 3.6654 261123000 TOP 286.249 39.2545 357.000 2503.182 1.02547.04534.26101 7.7253.4167 4.7557 1.9821 3.3473 261123000 MID 286.249 39.2545 357.000 2503.182 1.11950.04534.28812 7.7253.3966 4.9689 1.9711 3.3571 261123000 BTM 286.249 39.2545 357.000 2503.182 1.09498.04534.32269 7.7253.3748 4.9142 1.8420 2.9751 262124000 TOP 1557.422 26.3518 2040.529 1671.932 3.16177 1.06675.06568 27.0386 4.0299 1.7216 6.9378 2.7919 262124000 MID 1557.422 26.3518 2040.529 1671.932 3.73120 1.06675.07553 27.0386 3.7581 1.8702 7.0284 3.2664 262124000 BTM 1557.422 26.3518 2040.529 1671.932 3.69049 1.06675.09009 27.0386 3.4409 1.8599 6.4001 3.1901 263124000 TOP 1557.422 53.0515 2040.529 3365.935 4.63914 1.06675.27222 11.1587 1.9795 2.0853 4.1281 3.4646 263124000 MID 1557.422 53.0515 2040.529 3365.935 5.47825 1.06675.34004 11.1587 1.7711 2.2661 4.0137 3.8941 263124000 BTM 1557.422 53.0515 2040.529 3365.935 6.29353 1.06675.47848 11.1587 1.4931 2.4289 3.6267 4.0728 264124000 TOP 1557.422 92.5809 1860.483 5929.496 5.64997 1.07240.63896 12.4463 1.2955 2.2953 2.9736 3.3014

TABLE XVII (CONTID) Mass Rates Li ~id Air Reynolds Number Liquid SCtoln #/(f - min) #/(ft 2 min) 59 Saturation X Run Code Section #('' ) Liquid Air big Stai X g 264124000 MID 1557.422 92.5809 1860.483 5929.496 7.48907 1.07240.80031 12.4463 1.1575 2.6426 3.0590 3.9990 264124000 BTM 1557.422 92.5809 1860.483 5929.496 8.17958 1.07240 1.14464 12.4463.9679 2.7617 2.6731 3.6893 265121000 TOP 465.155 8.1031 567.919 517.850 *71581.10866.01713 23.1759 2.5179 2.5665 6.4625 5.6897 265121000 MID 465.155 8.1031 567.919 517.850.76822.10866.01884 23.1759 2.4013 2.6588 6.3847 ^.0245 265121000 BTM 465.155 8.1031 567.919 517.850.78372.10866.02102 23.1759 2.2736 2.6855 6.1060 6.0430 266123080 TOP 465.155 28.5860 580.126 1822.876 1.13954.10827.14197 15.4506.8732 3.2441 2.8330 4.5535 266123080 MID 465.155 28.5860 580.126 1822.876 1.22334.10827.15770 15.4506.8285 3.3613 2.7851 4.5992 266123080 BTM 465.155 28.5860 580.126 1822.876 1.15832.10827.17766 15.4506.7806 3.2707 2.5533 4.0508 267123040 TOP 465.155 92.9788 580.126 5929.078 2.44986.10827.92861 4.7210.3414 4.7567 1.6242 2.3626 267123040 MID 465.155 92.9788 580.126 5929.078 2.82839.10827 1.06359 4.7210.3190 5.1110 1.6307 2.4135 267123040 BTM 465.155 92.9788 580.126 5929.078 2.81635.10827 1.25907 4.7210.2932 5.1001 1.4956 2.0597 268121000 TOP 1098.858 9.2246 1402.031 586.961 1.55901.54429.01754 39.0557 5.5704 1.6924 9.4276 2.7748 268121000 MID 1098.858 9.2246 1402.031 586.961 1.84000.54429.02022 39.0557 5.1878 1.8386 9.5385 3.2594 268121000 BTM 1098.858 9.2246 1402.031 586.961 1.74858.54429.02411 39.0557 4.7504 1.7923 8.5145 3.0762 269123060 TOP 1098.858 33.3768 1409.410 2122.229 2.58823.54407.15042 18.0257 1.9017 2.1810 4.1479 3.7267 269123060 MID 1098.858 33.3768 1409.410 2122.229 3.04677.54407.17899 18.0257 1.7434 2.3664 4.1257 4.2136 269123060 BTM 1098.858 33.3768 1409.410 2122.229 3.08710.54407.22555 18.0257 1.5531 2.3820 3.6995 4.0111 270124000 TOP 1098.858 93.1627 1393.278 5932.205 4.46206.54455.76513 8.5836.8436 2.8625 2.4148 3.4069 270124000 MID 1098.858 93.1627 1393.278 5932.205 5.46704.54455.93599 8.5836.7627 3.1685 2.4167 3.6925 270124000 BTM 1098.858 93.1627 1393.278 5932.205 7.22253.54455 1.30575 8.5836.6457 3.6418 2.3518 3.9034 271122000 TOP 698.674 17.6287 899.918 1120.577 1.39937.22958.06216 23.1759 1.9217 2.4688 4.7446 4.7965 271122000 MID 698.674 17.6287 899.918 1120.577 1.51015.22958.07122 23.1759 1.7953 2.5647 4.6046 5.0203 271122000 BTM 698.674 17.6287 899.918 1120.577 1.43693.22958.08363 23.1759 1.6568 2.5017 4.1449 4.5876 272123060 TOP 698.674 42.7984 909.532 2717.363 1.97207.22930.25516 13.3047.9479 2.9326 2.7800 4.0706 272123060 MID 698.674 42.7984 909.532 2717.363 2.26673.22930.29355 13.3047.8838 3.1440 2.7788 4.3353 272123060 BTM 698.674 42.7984 909.532 2717.363 2.41827.22930.35163 13.3047.8075 3.2474 2.6224 4.1626 273131000 TOP.000 93.0483.000 2028.375 4.59053.00000 4.06478.0000.0000 9909999 1.0627 1.1293 273131000 MID.000 93.0483.000 2028.375 6.23173.00000 5.05031.0000.0000 99.9999 1.1108 1.2339 273131000 BTM.000 93.0483.000 2028.375 8.71919.00000 7.54797.0000.0000 99.9999 1.0747 1.1551

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Liquid Air Reynolds Number Liquid Column #/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - min) rg Saturation X p )p un Code Section Liquid Air 5~ g ~ 0 +5g 274131000 TOP 1996.213.0000 760.608.000 8.16747 10.22304.00000 100.0000 999.9999.8938 9.9999.7989 274131000 MID 1996.213.0000 760.608.000 8.77280 10.22304.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9263 9.9999.8581 274131000 BTM 1996.213.0000 760.608.000 9.05581 10.22304.00000 100.0000 999.9999 *9411 9.9999.8858 275131000 TOP 1557.422.0000 594.548.000 5.42822 6.39873.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9210 9.9999.8483 275131000 MID 1557.422 *0000 594.548.000 5.86524 6.39873.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9574 9.9999.9166 275131000 BTM 1557.422.0000 594.548.000 5.93824 6.39873.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9633 9.9999.9280 276131000 TOP 1097.917 *0000 419.131.000 3.11620 3.34764 *00000 100.0000 999.9999.9618 9.9999.9308 276131000 MID 1097.917.0000 419.131.000 3.35873 3.34764.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0016 9.9999 1.0033 276131000 BTM 1097.917.0000 419.131.000 3.21654 3.34764.00000 100.0000 999.9999.9802 9.9999.9608 277131000 TOP 698.674.0000 270.585 *000 1.41234 1.48201 *00000 100.0000 999.9999.9762 9.9999.9529 277131000 MID 698.674.0000 270.585.000 1.49889 1.48201.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0056 9.9999 1.0113 277131000 BTM 698.674.0000 270.585.000 1.53404 1.48201.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0174 9.9999 1.0351 i 278131000 TOP 286.249.0000 112.490.000.44481.33287.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.1559 9.9999 1.3362 0 278131000 MID 286.249.0000 112.490.000.37447 *33287.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0606 9.9999 1.1249 278131000 BTM 286.249.0000 112.490.000.37509.33287.00000 100.0000 999.9999 1.0615 9.9999 1.1268 281133000 TOP 286.249 23.9488 102.629 511.245 4.08027.34670.40572 24.7826.9244 3.4305 3.1712 5.4227 281133000 MID 286.249 23.9488 102.629 511.245 4.85081.34670.51316 24.7826.8219 3.7404 3.0745 5.6413 281133000 BTM 286.249 23.9488 102.629 511.245 5.61059.34670.74326 24.7826.6829 4.0227 2.7474 5.1474 282134000 TOP 286.249 40.3335 103.369 860.383 5.07785.34557 *89805 19.5652 *6203 3.8332 2.3778 4.0830 282134000 MID 286.249 40.3335 103.369 860.383 6.01617.34557 1.14147 19.5652.5502 4.1724 2.2957 4.0457 282134000 BTM 286.249 40.3335 103.369 860.383 7.36934.34557 1.69461 19.5652.4515 4.6178 2.0853 3.6120 283134000 TOP 286.249 59.6898 103.837 1272.347 6.20115.34487 1.57333 17.8260.4681 4.2404 1.9853 3.2327 283134000 MID 286.249 59.6898 103.837 1272.347 7.26186.34487 1.99422 17.8260.4158 4.5887 1.9082 3.1045 283134000 BTM 286.249 59.6898 103.837 1272.347 9.76180.34487 3.01058 17.8260.3384 5.3203 1.8006 2.9092 284134000 TOP 286.249 88.1987 104.025 1880.042 7.42877.34458 2.73142 16.9565.3551 4.6431 1.6491 2.4150 284134000 MID 286.249 88.1987 104.025 1880.042 9.66433.34458 3.48077 16.9565.3146 5.2958 1.6662 2.5263 284134000 BTM 286.249 88.1987 104.025 1880.042 12.99930 *34458 5.46617 16.9565.2510 6.1420 1.5421 2.2371 285131000 TOP 71.562 20.0662 26.560 426.789 1.96536.04991.40301 16.9565.3519 6.2750 2.2083 4.3392 285131000 MID 71.562 20.0662 26.560 426.789 2.23501.04991.47259 16.9565.3249 6.6916 2.1746 4.2775

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) _________ Mass Rates ______ Reynolds Number Liquid Air Liquid Run Code Section #/(ft2 - in) #/(ft2 - ain) Liquid Air bg Saturation X ~ + P5 g 285131000 BTM 71.562 20.0662 26.560 426.789 2.52325 *04991.58617 16.9565.2918 7.1100 2.0747 3.9668 286131000 TOP 71.562 50.3215 25.657 1074.236 4.37521.05125 1.49777 8.2608 *1849 9.2392 1.7091 2.8244 286131000 MID 71.562 50.3215 25.657 1074.236 4.76380.05125 1.86344 8.2608.1658 9.6408 1.5988 2.4880 286131000 BTM 71.562 50.3215 25.657 1074.236 6.33039.05125 2.64205 8.2608.1392 11.1135 1.5479 2.3504 288133000 TOP 1097.917 15.4061 425.205 326.238 6.28674 3.33952 *11600 54.7826 5.3653 1.3720 7.3615 1.8193 288133000 MID 1097.917 15.4061 425.205 326.238 9.32779 3.33952.14893 54.7826 4.7352 1.6712 7.9139 2.6739 288133000 BTM 1097.917 15.4061 425.205 326.238 11.53106 3.33952 *24017 54.7826 3.7288 1.8582 6.9290 3.2212 289133000 TOP 698.674 29.7798 280.617 628.319 6.71651 1.46926.41771 26.5217 1.8754 2.1380 4.0098 3.5593 289133000 MID 698.674 29.7798 280.617 628.319 8.20208 1.46926.54174 26.5217 1.6468 2.3627 3.8910 4.0785 289133000 BTM 698.674 29.7798 280.617 628.319 9.82442 1.46926.84541 26.5217 1.3183 2.5858 3.4089 4.2443 290133000 TOP 698.674 50.1804 211.362 1088.777 8.23951 1.58191.86260 30.0000 1.3542 2.2822 3.0906 3.3706 290133000 MID 698.674 50.1804 211.362 1088.777 10.72375 1.58191 1.11862 30.0000 1.1891 2.6036 3.0962 3.9709 p 290133000 BTM 698.674 50.1804 211.362 1088.777 13.55097 1.56191 1.80573 30.0000.9359 2.9268 2.7394 4.0001 -" 291133000 TOP 465.155 11.6273 150.607 250.809 4.06242.78278.11268 42.6086 2.6357 2.2780 6.0043 4.5366 291133000 MID 465.155 11.6273 150.607 250.809 4.67280.78278 *14256 42.6086 2.3432 2.4432 5.7250 5.0497 291133000 BTM 465.155 11.6273 150.607 250.809 5.23298 *78278.20402 42.6086 1.9587 2.5855 5.0644 5.3029 292133000 TOP 465.155 44.5852 157.343 957.436 6.80757.77063 8.72132 24.3478.9400 2.9721 2.7938 4.1439 292133000 MID 465.155 44.5852 157.343 957.436 8.34300.77063 1.13452 24.3478.8241 3.2903 2.7117 4.3791 292133000 BTM 465.155 44.5852 157.343 957.436 9*81495 *77063 1.77555 24.3478 *6588 3.5687 2.3511 3.8547 293133000 TOP 465.155 65.1467 162.132 1394*835 7.71227.76260 1.53674 24.3478.7044 3.1801 2.2402 3.3541 293133000 MID 465.155 65.1467 162.132 1394.835 9.69652.76260 1.97791 24*3478.6209 3.5658 2*2141 3.5382 293133000 BTM 465.155 65.1467 162.132 1394.835 12.78407 *76260 3.14360 24.3478.4925 4.0943 2.0166 3.2727 294132000 TOP 71.562 11.8150 10.064 253.908 1.64871.11236 *14130 16.9565 *8917 3.8305 3.4157 6.4993 294132000 MID 71.562 11.8150 10.064 253.908 3.64f68.11236.16938 16.9565.8144 5.6984 4.6412 12.9502 294132000 BTM 71.562 11.8150 10.064 253*908 4.24040.11236.23737 16.9565.6880 6.1431 4.2265 12.1245 295132000 TOP 71.562 11.8150 10.064 253.908 1.90002 *11236.15067 16.9565 *8635 4.1121 3.5510 7.2233 295132000 MID 71.562 11.8150 10.064 253.908 4.04973 *11236.18737 16.9565.7743 6.0034 4.6489 13.5108 295132000 BTM 71.562 11.8150 10.064 253.908 2.70635.11236.25835 16.9565 *6594 4.9077 3.2365 7.3003 296131000 TOP 286.249 17.7414 47.808 376.238 5.32435.52763.19133 30.0000 1.6605 3.1766 5.2751 7.4055

TABLE XVII (CONT'D) Mass Rates Liquid Air Reynolds Number Column ""2 L Liquid NColumn ri#/(ft2 - min) #/(ft2 - Saturation X ____ Run Code Section /i _ m /i _ m Liquid Air gtion X C g + 296131000 MID 286.249 17.7414 47.808 376.238 6.81358.52763 *24707 30.0000 1.4613 3.5935 5.2514 8.7950 296131000 BTM 286.249 17.7414 47.808 376.238 8.05810.52763 *38404 30.0000 1.1721 3.9079 4.5806 8.8387 297133000 TOP 698.674 32.8466 130.258 690.517 9.01805 1.86609 *41877 35.6521 2.1109 2.1983 4.6405 3.9468 297133000 MID 698.674 32.8466 130.258 690.517 1.22394 1.86609.55417 35.6521 1.8350 2.3661 4.3419 4.3167 297133000 BTM 698.674 32.8466 130.258 690.517 1.22394 1.86609.89159 35.6521 1.4467 2.5610 3.7050 4.4383 301131000 TOP 71.562 6.6539 23.321 143.423 2.53877 *05520 *05916 7.8260.9659 6.7814 6.5503 22.1972 301131000 MID 71.562 6.6539 23.321 143.423 2.89205.05520.07307 7.8260.8691 7.2379 6.2908 22.5441 301131000 BTM 71.562 6.6539 23.321 143.423 2.68142.05520.09644 7.8260 *7565 6.9693 5*2727 17.6814 302131000 TOP 286.249 12.3928 98.913 265.534 4.15938.35263.11646 22.1739 1.7400 3.4344 5.9761 8.8668 302131000 MID 286.249 12.3928 98.913 265.534 5.82702.35263 *14959 22.1739 1.5353 4.0650 6.2411 11.6024 -J 302131000 BTM 286.249 12.3928 98.913 265.534 5.79717 *35263.22349 22.1739 1.2561 4.0545 5.0930 10.0623 303131000 TOP 286.249 44.0001 107.233 935.154 6.31544 *33993.87871 15.2173.6219 4.3102 2.6808 5*1823 303131000 MID 286.249 44.0001 107.233 935.154 8.40349.33993 1.14173 15.2173.5456 4.9720 2.7129 5.6716 303131000 BTM 286.249 44.0001 107.233 935.154 9.67621.33993 1.80468 15.2173 *4340 5.3352 2.3155 4.5118 304133000 TOP 698.674 15.1941 270.585 321.749 5.85450 1.48201.11411 24.7826 3.6037 1.9875 7.1626 3.6679 304133000 MID 698.674 15.1941 270.585 321.749 9.14698 1.48201.14593 24.7826 3.1867 2.4843 7.9170 5.6187 304133000 BTM 698.674 15.1941 270.585 321.749 11.44986 1.48201.23598 24.7826 2.5060 2.7795 6.9656 6.6646 305133000 TOP 698.674 33.1685 277.283 700.835 7.83552 1.47340.41117 29.5652 1.8929 2.3060 4.3653 4.1577 305133000 MID 698.674 33.168.5 277.283 700.835 11.62420 1.47340.53946 29.5652 1.6526 2.8088 4.6419 5.7749 305133000 BTM 698.674 33.1685 277.283 700.835 13.05423 1.47340 *89354 29.5652 1.2841 2.9765 3.8222 5.5152 306131000 TOP 465.155 29.7428 185.524 627.996 7.16420 *72935.41024 13.9130 1.3333 3.1341 4.1788 6.2865 306131000 MID 465.155 29.7428 185.524 627.996 8.89911.72935.54252 13.9130 1.1594 3.4930 4.0500 6.9968 306131000 BTM 465.155 29.7428 185.524 627.996 9.52207.72935.86189 13.9130.9198 3.6132 3.3238 5.9840 307132000 TOP 465.155 13.7023 192.218 288.266 5.78719.72132.11511 20.8695 2.5032 2.8324 7.0903 6.9188 307132000 MID 465.155 13.7023 192.218 288.266 7.67616.72132.15078 20.8695 2.1871 3.2621 7*1349 8.8017 307132000 BTM 465.155 13.7023 192.218 288.266 8.46370.72132.23988 20.8695 1.7340 3.4254 5.9398 8.8052

XIII. APPENDIX V - TABULATION OF HYDROCARBON DATA The following pages make up three tables of data on hydrocarbon systems. These tables of data and calculated results were made available through the courtesy of the Humble Oil and Refining Company in whose laboratories the data were obtained. Table XVIII includes the physical properties of the hydrocarbons and the packing materials used in the two-phase investigation. Table XIX is a description of the two-phase runs obtained, and includes an index to the run numbers associated with the various systems in addition to a description of the flow patterns observed during the runs. Table XX is a tabulation of the data and the calculated results of the hydrocarbon experiments. -1k 9

-150TABLE XVIII PROPERTIES OF HYDROCARBONS AND PACKING MATERIALS Catalyst Size 1/811 x 1/81 cylinders Porosity = 0.357 (effective) = 0.683 (including voids in pellets) Bulk density = 1.145 gm/cc Glass Beads Size 3 mm spheres Porosity = 0.364 (Runs 608), 0.375 (Runs 9-13), 0.371 (Runs 14-21) Bulk density = 1.56 gm/cc Bead density = 2.48 gm/cc Kerosene (I) (before AP/L runs) Density = 0.8164 gm/cc @ 800F Viscosity = 1.766 CP @ 800F Surface tension = 26.7 dynes/cm @ 250C Distillation Data IBP 3650F 2% 372 4 382 5 386 6 390 8 395 10 4oo 20 415 30 426 4o 436 50 446 6o 455 70 468 80 482 90 500 95 516 Kerosene (I) (after AP/L runs) Density = 0.8093 gm/cc @ 80'F Viscosity = 1.780 CP @ 800F Surface Tension = 26.8 dynes/cm @ 250C Distillation Data IBP 3800F 2% 386 4 390 5 395 6 397 8 402 10 4o6 (Continued)

-151TABLE XVIII (CONT D) Kerosene (1) (Continued) Distillation Data (Continued) 20 415 30 426 40 436 50 446 6o 454 70 467 80 481 90 500 95 516 Kerosene (II) (before AP/L runs) Density = 0.8247 gm/cc @ 80oF Viscosity = 1.851 CP @ 800F Surface Tension = 27.0 dynes/cm @ 250C Distillation Data IBP 3520F 2% 376 4 391 5 397 6 4oo 8 4o6 10 412 20 427 30 438 Dry Point = 545F 4o 445 Recovery 98.0% 50 452 Loss 1.0% 6o 462 Residue 1.0% 70 473 80 483 90 5o4 95 526 FBP 548 Kerosene (II) (after AP/L runs) Density = 0.8261 gm/cc @ 80oF Viscosity = 1.993 CP @ 80'F Surface Tension = 27.0 dynes/cm @ 250C Distillation Data IBP 3840F 2% 396 4 402 5 4o6 6 4o8 8 414 20 428 (Continued)

-152TABLE XVIlI (CONTtD) Kerosene (II) (Continued) Distillation Data (Continued) 30 436 Dry Point = Cloudy 4o 444 Recovery 98.0% 50 452 Loss 1.0% 6o 462 Residue 1.0% 70 471 80 484 90 504 95 522 FBP 549 Lube Oil Density = 0.8533 gm/cc @ 800F Viscosity = 38.84 CP @ 800F (before AP/L runs) 40.98 CP @ 80oF (after NP/L runs) Surface Tension = 30.6 dynes/cm @ 25.00C n-Hexane Density = 0.6607 gm/cc @ 80 OF Viscosity = 0.329 CP @ 800F Surface Tension = 18.1 dynes/cm @ 250C Natural Gas Molecular Weight = 17 gm/gm mole (average) Density = 0.0432 #/Ft3 @ 800F and 1 atm Viscosity = 0.0122 CP @ 8o0F Carbon Dioxide Molecular Weight = 44.01 gm/gm mole Density = 0.112 #/Ft3 @ 800F and 1 atm Viscosity = 0.0153 CP @ 8O0F

TABLE XIX DESCRIPTION OF TWO-PHASE HYDROCARBON RUNS Superficial Liquid Packing Run Figure Velocity Depth No. No. Date Liquid Gas (FPS) Packing (In.) Flow Description 1 1 8-9-57 Kerosene(I) Nat.Gas 0.00270 1/8" Catalyst 95 5/8 Both Phases Continuous Pellets (No Bubbling) 2 1 8-12-57 Kerosene(I) Nat.GGas 0.00540 1/8" Catalyst 95 5/8 No Bubbling in Range of Pellets VG=0.2 FPS Bubbling at VG>0.15 FPS 3 3 8-13-57 Kerosene(I) Nat.Gas 0.01673 1/8" Catalyst 95 5/8 Foaming Pressure Surges Pellets at VG > 0.1 FPS 4 3 8-14-57 Kerosene(I) Nat.Gas 0.02698 1/8" Catalyst 95 5/8 Foaming Pressure Surges Pellets at VG > 0.1 FPS 5 3 8-15-57 Kerosene(I) Nat.Gas 0.04317 1/8" Catalyst 95 5/8 Foaming. Pellets 6 1 8-19-57 Kerosene(I) Nat.Gas 0.00270 3mm. Glass 76 Both Phases Continuous Beads (No Bubbling) 7 4,5 8-20-57 Kerosene(I) Nat.Gas 0.02698 3mm. Glass 76 roaming. Pressure Surges Beads at VG > 0.1 FPS 8 2 8-22-57 Hexane Carbon 0.0267 3mm. Glass 76 Both Phases Continuous Dioxide Beads at Low Gas VElocities. Increasing Instability of Flow Pattern with Increasing Gas Rates. Pressure Surges at VG > 0.25 FPS. 9 5,6 7-8-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.02698 3mm. Glass 93 Slight Foaming. Pressure Beads Surges at VG > 0.25 FPS.

TABLE XIX (CONT'D) Superficial Liquid Packing Run Figure Velocity Depth No. No. Date Liquid Gas (FPS) Packing (In.) Flow Description 10 6 7-11-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.02698 3mm. Glass 93 Foaming and Pressure Beads Surges. 11 1 7-11-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.00270 3mm. Glass 93 Both Phases Continuous Beads (No Bubbling or Pressure Surges) 12 6 7-16-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.02698 3mm. Glass 93 Foaming and Pressure Beads Surges. (Gas Entered Column Dry) 13 6 7-23-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.02698 3mm. Glass 93 Foaming and Pressure Beads Surges. (Gas Entered Column Wet) 14 4 8-7-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.08094 3mm. Glass 49 1/4 Intense Foaming Slight Beads Pressure Surges at VG > 0.35 FPS 15 2 8-12-58 Lube Oil Nat.Gas 0.00270 3mm. Glass 49 1/4 Bubbling, No Pressure Beads Surges 16 4 8-13-58 Lube Oil Nat.Gas 0.01349 3mm. Glass 49 1/4 Bubbling, Slight Pressure Beads Surges at V0 > 0.15 FPS. 17 2 8-15-58 Carbon Nat.Gas 0.00270 3mm. Glass 49 1/4 Bubbling, No Pressure Dioxide Beads Surges. 18 4 8-20-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.08094 3mm. Glass 49 1/4 Foaming (Check Points Beads for Run #14). 19 6 8-21-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.02698 3mm. Glass 49 1/4 Slight Foaming Pressure Beads Surges. (Check Points for Run #'s 7,9,10,12,13). 20 6 8-21-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.02698 3mm. Glass 77 1/2 Same as Above. Beads 21 6 8-21-58 Kerosene(II) Nat.Gas 0.02698 3mm. Glass 77 1/2 Same as Above. (Monometer Trap Size at Top of Column was changed from 1000 cc. to 250 cc., the size used in 1957 runs.)

-'55TABLE XX TABULATION OF HYDROCARBON DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS Average Superficial Superficial Two-Phase Liquid Rate Gas Rate Liquid Velocity Gas Velocity Pressure Drop % Liquid x A (cc./min.) (Ft3/Min) (Ft/Sec) (Ft/Sec) (PSI/Ft) Saturation X G _ L (Run No. 1) 100 0.113 0.00270 0.0863 0.0080 41.0 2.101 1.985 0.9449 100 0.190 0.00270 0.145 0.0173 41.0 1.556 2.162 1.390 100 0.261 0.00270 0.199 0.0277 42.2 1.297 2.282 1.758 100 0.428 0.00270 0.327 0.0586 4o.4 0.9601 2.455 2.557 100 0.611 0.00270 O.467 0.0943 39.3 0.7625 2.474 3.243 100 0.794 0.00270 0.607 0.151 39.0 0.6358 2.0610 4.105 (Run No. 2) 200 0.0517 0.00540 0.0418 0.0111 51.2 4.341 3.381 0.7790 200 0.111 0.00540 0.0848 0.0185 50.1 2.987 3.004 1.005 200 0.185 0.00540 O.l4l 0.160 47.1 2.254 6.666 2.958 200 0.255 0.00540 0.195 0.191 45.5 1.870 6.043 3.231 200 0.415 0.0054 0.317 0.259 44.6 1.390 5.147 3.763 200 0.574 0.00540 0.439 0.308 44.4 1.126 4.622 4.104 200 0.756 0.0054 0.578 0.333 44.3 0.9312 3.974 4.267 200 0.113 0.00540 0.0863 0.0154 49.7 2.958 2.714 0.9176 200 0.269 0.0054 0.206 0.0740 45.1 1.814 3.648 2.011 200 0.262 0.00540 0.200 0.179 45.1 1.84o 5.758 3.128 200 0.777 0.0054) 0.588 0.321 43.0 0.9219 3.863 4.189 (Run No. 3) 620 ~ 0.0075 0.01673 0.0057 0.314 63.9 21.94 49.53 2.257 620 0.040 0.01673 0.0306 0.801 43.7 9.336 33.66 3.006 620 0.090 0.01673 0.0688 1.122 - 6.075 25.93 4.267 620 0.171 0.01673 0.131 0.493 43.4 4.283 12.11 2.828 620 0.155 0.01673 O.11'. 1.171 43.4 4.502 19.63 4.359 620 0.239 0.01673 0.183 0.518 43.7 3.533 10.72 2.899 620 0.217 0.01673 0.166 1.165 43.7 3.692 16.05 4.347 620 0.37! 0.01673 0.288 0.764 46.8 2.666 9.387 3.521 620 0.374 0.01673 0.286 0.820 46.8 2.675 9.759 3.648 __120 0.531 0.01673 0.-4o6 0.752 47.5 2.138 7.466 3.493 620 0.526 0.01673 0.402 0.814 47.5 2.146 7.800 3.635.20 0.700 0.01673 0.535 0.764 47.6 1.769 6.227 3.521 620 0.694 0.01673 0..530 0.820 47.6 1.774 6.476 3.648 (Run No. 4) 1000 0.0074 0.02698 0.0057 0.345 78.0 28.85 51.91 1.799 1000 0.047 0.02698 0.0359 0.758 54.0 11.30 30.15 2.667 1000 0.090 0.02698 0.0688 1.153 - 7.987 26.28 3.289 1000 0.146 0.02698 0.112 1.504 - 6.o6o' 22.77 3.758 1000 0.150 0.02698 0.115 1.233 - 6.000 20.41 3.40o 1000 0.201 0.02698 0.154 1.627 - 5.037 19.68 3.908 1000 0.221 0.02698 0.169 0.863 - 4.834 13.76 2.846 1000 0.362 0.02698 0.277 0.851 42.3 3.581 10.12 2.%6 1000 0.332 0.02698 0.254 1.553 42.3 3.712 14.17 3-.818 1000 0.505 0.02698 0.386 1.116 50.7 2.868 9.283 3.236 1000 0.496 0.02698 0.379 1.251 50.7 2.892 9.909 3.426 1000 0.670 0.02698 0.512 1.112 51.0 2.362 7.630 3.231 1000 0.666 0.02698 0.509 1.171 51.0 2.67 7.847 3.315 (Run No. $) 600 ~ 0.0079 0.04317 0.0060 0.339 87.0 37-78 50.11 1.341 1600 0.0487 0.04317 0.0372 0.740 60.2 14.75 29.23 1.981 1600 0.0897 0.04317 0.0685 1.147 - 10.66 26.29 2.466 1600 o.146 0.04317 0.112 1.603 - 8.078 23.55 2.910

-156TABLE XX (CONT D) Average Superficial Superficial Two-Phase Liquid Rate Gas Rate Liquid Velocity Gas Velocity Pressure Drop % Liquid (cc./min.) (FT3/Min) (Ft/Sec) (Ft/Sec) (PSI/Ft) Saturation X G (Run No. 6).. 100 0.117 0.0027 0.089 0.0093 35.5 203 2.02 1.00 100 0.234 0.0027 0.179 0.0155 34.1 1.384 1.793 1.296 100 0.359 0.0027 0.274 0.0310 33.9 1.077 1.975 1.833 100 0.490 0.0027 0.374 0.0543 33.7 0.8882 2.154 2.425 100 o.648 0.0027 0.495 0.0853 34.1 0.7397 2.249 3.040 (Run No. 7) 1000 0.0071 0.02698 0.0054 0.341 76.9 29-52 52.23 1.769 1000 0.0472 0.02698 0.0361 0.814 54.6 11.24 30.71 2.733 1000 0.0926 0.02698 0.0707 1.163 - 7.868 25.71 3-266 1000 0.155 0.02698 0.118 1.357 - 5.919 20.89 3.528 1000 0.154 0.02698 0.118 1.435 - 5.919 21.48 3.629 1000 0.233 0.02693 0.178 0.776 - 4.711 12.57 2.669 1000 0.214 0.02698 0.163 1.551 - 4.910 18.52 3.772 1000 0.378 0.02698 0.289 0.892 42.7 3.513 10.05 2.861 1000 0.352 0.02698 0.269 1.528 42.7 3.621 13-56 3.744 1000 0.523 0.02698 o.4oo 1.070 49.4 2.837 8.890 3.134 1000 0.513 0.02698 0.392 1.233 49.4 2.862 9.595 3.365 1000 0.692 0.02698 0.529 1.078 48.8 2.347 7.382 3.145 1000 0.683 0.02698 0.522 1.194 48.8 2.360 7.813 3.311 (Run No. 8) 9 ~ 0.0443 0.02693 0.0338 0.0271 73.0 5.460 5.075 0.9296 997 0.0896 0.02690 0.0684 0.0543 68.6 3.700 4.869 1.316 995 0.149 0.02685 0.113 0.0931 62.8 2.752 4.742 1.723 993 0.212 0.02679 0.162 0.132 67.1 2.197 4.507 2.052 988 0.338 0.02666 0.258 0.209 61.5 1.605 4.142 2.582 988 0.338 0.02666 0.258 0.225 61.5 1.602 4.293 2.679 984 O.462 0.02655 0.353 0.263 58.6 1.277 3.699 2.896 984 0.462 0.02655 0.353 0.279 58.6 1.277 3.809 2.983 980 0.594 0.02644 O.454 0.334 52.9 1.051 3.429 3.263 980 0.594 0.02644 0.454 0.349 52.9 1.051 3.506 3.336 V.K0.0267 (Run No. 9) AVG. 1000 0.00883 0.02698 0.00675 0.222 72.1 26.92 40.11 1.490 1000 0.0529 0.02698 0.04o4 0.418 64.5 10.81 22.11 2.045 1000 0.1009 0.02698 0.0771 0.697 57.7 7.669 20.25 2.640 1000 0.1681 0.02698 0.128 0.843 54.1 5-773 16.76 2.904 1000 0.2356 0.02698 0.180 0.887 53-7 4.746 14.14 2.979 1000 0.3829 0.02698 0.293 0.932 50.4 3.521 10.75 3-053 1000 0.3792 0.02698 0.290 1.001 50.4 3-537 11.19 3.164 1000 0.$434 0.02698 0.415 0.976 49.9 2.807 8.770 3.124 1000 0.5401 0.02698 0.413 1.014 49.9 2.812 8.951 3.184 1000 0.7155 0.02698 0.547 0.976 50.1 2.319 7.246 3.124 1000 0.7118 0.02698 0.544 1.014 50.1 2.324 7.401 3.184 1000 1.722 0.02698 1.316 1.230 47-9 1.162 4.077 3.507 1000 1.713 0.02698 1-309 1.274 47-9 1.164 4.157 3-569 (Run No. 10) 1000 0.0942 0.02698 0.0720 1.008 54.6 7-930 25.18 3.175 1000 0.2330 0.02698 0.178 1.065 50.7 4.761 15.54 3.263 1000 0.2295 0.02698 0.175 1.185 50.7 4-794 16.50 3.442 1000 1.046 0.02698 0.700 1.103 45.9 1.748 5.807 3.321 1000 1.041 0.02698 0.795 1.144 45.9 1.769 5.986 3-382

-157TABLE XX (CONTID) Average Superficial Superficial Two-Phase Liquid Rate Gas Rate Liquid Velocity Gas Velocity Pressure Drop % Liquid (cc./min.) (Ft3/Min) (Ft/Sec) (Ft/Sec) (PSI/Ft) Saturation. X EG _ L (Run No. 11) 100 0.2023 0.0027 O.155 0.0139 4o8 1530 1.960 1.281 100 0.2794 0.0027 0.213 0.0228 39.3 1.273 2.088 1.641 100. 4558 0.0027 0.348 0.0475 38.6 0.947 2.237 2.368 100 0.6471 0.0027 0.494 0.0805 38.5 0.719 2.318 3082 100 0.8343 0.0027 0.637 0.1223 39. 0.6311 2.399 3.800 100 0.9624 0.0027 0.735 0.1546 38.8 0.5697 2.434 4.272 100 1.734 0.0027 1.325 0.3286 36.6 0.3590 2.236 6.229 (Run No. 12) 1000 0.6864 0.02698 0.524 1.185 - 2.371 8.161 3.442 1000 0.6713 0.02698 0.513 1.372 - 2.388 8.847 3-704 1000 0.2296 0.02698 0.175 1.4ol - 4.778 17.89 3-743 1000 0.2246 0.02698 0.172 1.610 - 4.805 19.28 4.012 1000 0.0856 0.02698 o.0654 1.195 - 8.332 28.81 3.457 1000 0.2379 0.02698 0.182 1.261 - 4.678 16.61 3.551 1000 0.2275 0.02698 0.174 1.679 - 4.767 19-53 4.098 1000 0.0936 0.02698 0.0715 1.204 - 7-955 27.60 3.470 (Run No. 13) 1000 0.6869 0.02698 0.525 1.191 - 2.364 8.159 3.451 1000 0.6748 0.02698 0.516 1.344 - 2.379 8.723 3.666 1000 0.2254 0.02698 0.172 1.153 - 4.845 16.45 3.390 1000 0.2119 0.02698 0.162 1.724 - 4.969 20.93 4-152 1000 0.0951 0.02698 0.0726 1.179 - 7.880 27.06 3.434 (Run No. 14) 3000 0.0228 0.08094 0.0174 0.646 - 33.46 41.50 1.241 3000 0.0715 0.08094 0.0546 1.041 - 18.48 29.12 1.57 3000 0.1068 0.08094 0.0816 1.329 - 14.89 26.50 1.78 3000 0.1716 0.08094 0.131 1.784 - 11.42 23.54 2.06 3000 0.2311 0.08094 0.177 2.095 - 9.57 21.37 2.23 3000 0.3601 0.08094 0.275 2.466 - 7.27 17.62 2.42 3000 0.5011 0.08094 0.383 2.681 - 5.84 14.77 2.53 3000 0.4991 0.08094 0.381 2.753 - 5.86 15.00 2.56 3000 0.6552 0.08094 0.501 2.825 - 4.84 12.57 2.59 3000 0.6509 0.08094 0.497 2.945 - 4.86 12.87 2.65 3000 0.7263 0.08094 0.555 2.873 - 4.50 11.78 2.61 3000 0.7198 0.08094 0.550 2.945 - 4.51 11.95 2.65 3000 1.498 0.08094 1.144 3.040 - 2.77 7.46 2.69 3000 1.480 0.08094 1.131 3.280 - 2.5$ 7.22 2.80 (Run No. 15) 100 0.00677 0.00270 0.00517 0.311 - 41.23 53.12 1.29 100 0.0533 0.00270 0.0407 0.383 - 14.44 20.64 1.43 100 0.1092 0.00270 0.0834 0.431 - 9.88 14.98 1.52 100 0.1842 0.00270 0.141 0.457 - 7.40 11.68 1.$8 100 0.2609 0.00270 0.199 0.491 - 6.07 9.82 1.62 100 0.3949 0.00270 0.302 0.r.39 - 4.72 8.00 1.70 100 0.5943 0.00270 o.454 0.599 - 3-63 6.49 1.79 100 0.7845 0.00270 0.599 0.670 - 3.00 $.68 1.89 100 1.14o 0.00270 0.871 0.790 - 2.29 4.69 2.05 100 2.103 0.00270 1.606 1.155 - 1.39 3.45 2.48

-18TABLE XX (CONTID) Average Superficial Superficial Two-Phase Liquid Rate Gas Rate Liquid Velocity Gas Velocity Pressure Drop % Liquid G O (cc./min.) (F3/Min) (Ft/Sec) (Ft/Sec) (PSI/Ft) Saturation X PG _ _ (Run No. 16) 500 0.00580 0.01349 0.00443 1.532 - 99-76 127.37 1.28 500 0.0451 0.01349 0.0349 2.119 - 34.88 52-37 1.50 500 0.0945 0.01349 0.0722 2.119 - 23.72 35.63 1.50 500 0.1624 0.01349 0.124 2.179 - 19.58 26.77 1.52 500 0.2248 0.01349 0.172 2.131 - 14.56 21.92 1.51 500 0.2233 0.01349 0.171 2.226 - 14.6o 22.46 1.54 500 0.3684 0.01349 0.281 2.167 - 10.79 16-39 1.52 500 0.3650 0.01349 0.279 2.310 - 10.82 16.96 1.57 500 0.5160 0.01349 0.394 2.274 - 8.65 13.46 1.55 500 0.5114 0.01349 0.391 2.412 - 8.68 13.90 1.60 500 0.6821 0.01349 0.521 2.346 - 7.14 11.28 1.58 500 0.6776 0.01349 0.518 2.454 - 7.15 11.55 1.62 500 0.9017 0.01349 0.689 2.490 - 5.82 9.47 1.63 500 0.8959 0.01349 0.684 2.597 - 5.83 9.70 1.66 500 1.489 0.01349 1.137 2.777 - 3.91 6.73 1.72 500 1.482 0.01349 1.132 2.861 - 3.92 6.84 1.74 (Run No. 17) 100 0.00558 0.00270 0.00426 0.302 - 40.41 51.26 1.27 100 0.0352 0.00270 0.0269 0.383 - 15.65 22.39 1-.43 100 0.0708 0.00270 0.0541 0.431 - 10.69 16.24 1.52 100 0.1247 0.00270 0.0953 o.4$$ - 7.71 12.02 1.56 100 0.1670 0.00270 0.128 0.491 - 6.43 10.42 1.62 100 0.2740 0.00270 0.209 0.551 - 4.68 8.03 1.71 100 0.3840 0.00270 0.293 0.613 - 3.69 6.69 1.81 100 0.5020 0.00270 0.384 0.682 - 3.02 5.77 1.91 100 0.6661 0.00270 0.509 0.766 - 2.43 4.91 2.02 100 1.017 0.00270 0.777 0.982 - 1.70 3.89 2.29 100 1.378 0.00270 1.053 1.209 - 1.29 3.27 2.54 (Run No. 18) 3000 0.1777 0.08094 0.136 1.760 - 11.17 22.89 2.05 3000 0.1653 0.08094 0.126 1.772 - 11.67 23.99 2.05 3000 0.3607 0.08094 0.276 2.394 - 7.26 17-35 2.39 (Run No. 19) 1000 0.2412 0.02698 0.184 1.233 - 4.70 16.17 3.43 1000 0.2351 0.02698 0.180 1.514 - 4.74 18.09 3.81 1000 0.3980 0.02698 0.304 1.083 - 3.47 11-20 3.22 1000 0.3828 0.02698 0.292 1.538 - 3.54 13.60 3.84 (Run No. 20) 1000 0.2343 0.02698 0.179 0.932 - 4.76 14.25 2.99 1000 0.2221 0.02698 0.170 1.400 - 4.87 17.88 3.66 1000 0.3965 0.02698 0.303 0.970 - 3.46 10.55 3.05 1000 0.3651 0.02698 0.279 1.483 - 3.60 13.59 3.77 (Run No. 21) 1000 0.2301 0.02698 0.176 1.130 - 4.79 15.80 3.29 1000 0.2231 0.02698 0.170 1.411 - 4.87 17.94 3.67 1000 0.3866 0.02698 0.295 1.038 - 3.51 11.09 3.15 1000 0.3666 0.02698 0.280 1.525 - 3.57 13.73 3.82

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-16019. Hill, S. Chem. Eng. Sci., 1, (1952), 247. 20. Hodgman, C. D. (ed.). Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 34th ed. Cleveland: Chemical Rubber Publishing Company, (1952), 1885. 21. Leva, M., and Grummer, M. Chem. Eng. Prog., 43, (1947), 549. 22. Leva, M. Chem. Eng., 64, (January, 1957), 204; (February, 1957), 263; (March, 1957), 261" 23. Leverett, M. C. Trans. Am. Inst. Mech. Engrs., 132, (1939), 149. 24. Lockhart, R. W., and Martinelli, R. C. Chem. Eng. Prog., 45, (January, 1949), 39. 25. Martin, J. J. Chem. Eng. Prog., 47, (February, 1951), 91. 26. Martinelli, R. C., Boelter, L. M. K., Taylor, T. H. M., Thomsen, E. G., and Morrin, E. H. Trans. Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs., 66, (1944), 139. 27. Martinelli, R. C., Putnam, J. A., and Lockhart, R. W. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 41, (1945), 681. 28. Morcom, A. R. Trans. Inst. Chem. Engrs., London, 24, (1946), 30. 29. Perry, J. H. (ed.). Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, (1950), 370. 30. Perry, J. H. (ed.). Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hil Book Company, (1950), 374. 31. Piret, E. L., Mann, C. A., and Wall, T., Jr. Ind. Eng. Chem., 32, (1940), 861. 32. Schoenborn, E. M., and Dougherty, W. J. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 40, (1944), 51. 33. White, A. M. Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 31, (1935), 390. 34. Wyckoff, R. D., and Votset, H. G. Physics, 7, (1936), 325.

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 90111111111 11111111 1103466 1 1111309 3 9015 03466 1309