The University of Michigan ~ Engineering Research Institute The basic report consists of data from which it is possible to compare the behavior of the asphalts when mixed with different aggregate and subjected to various degrees of exposure. The proportions of the mixtures were practically identical. The exposures varied and have been identified by letter symbols (a) to (n). These are summarized on the title page of each table or graph and are included in the text of the basic report. With the exception of exposures (k) and (1), which consisted of 60-day outdoor weathering, all were conducted under laboratory conditions and varied with respect to aggregate, temperature, and duration. In general, it required the more severe laboratory exposures to develop pronounced contrast in the behavior of the three asphalts. In exposure (n), the aggregate was heated to 3500F and the asphalt to 300~F prior to mixing for 1 minute. The loosely spread mixture was heated for 180 minutes in a force-draft oven at 325~F. It was then cooled and the asphalt was recovered and tested. This test was the most severe of the series and was especially effective in changing the spot characteristics. A limited number of (n) exposures were included in the initial testing in which spot characteristics were determined with Skelly "S" and straight xylene solvent. The severe exposure accelerated change in the asphalt and appeared to be useful in determining the cause of a previously observed reduction in the weight of the recovered asphalt from that initially incorporated in the mixture. The degree of heterogeneity of the recovered asphalt, as reflected by its spot characteristics was explored by varying the percent of xylene in heptane solvent, in addition to the previously used Skelly "S" and straight xylene. The results of all preceding extraction and recovery of asphalt from fresh aggregate mixtures indicated a universal decrease in the recovered weight. Subsequent tests of the recovered asphalt showed changes in the relative proportions of asphaltenes, oily constituents, and resins. This change was manifest in the decrease of the resin/asphaltene (R/A) ratio. The extraction and recovery of asphalt followed the procedure described by A.S.T.M. Designation: D762-49, "Standard Method of Test for Hot Extraction of Asphaltic Materials and Recovery of Bitumen by the Modified Abson Procedure." Special care was exercised to insure complete recovery. The sample was weighed to the nearest gram. The benzene solvent was recycled for one hour or more after benzene became apparently colorless, during which time the mixture was stirred and agi1

The University of Michigan * Engineering Research Institute tated every 15 minutes. The extractor was thoroughly flushed with fresh benzene, all vessels and utensils washed, the collective solvent and included material recaptured, solvent distilled, and residue centrifuged and supercentrifuged. It was considered possible that a small portion of the original asphalt was absorbed or absorbed by the original aggregate, in which case such retention might modify the decrease in quantity and properties of the same fresh asphalt when combined with and recovered from aggregate reclaimed from previous mixtures. The test data are tabulated on page 6 and the percent change in the physical properties is shown on page 7. The results of the spot tests, which constitute a major portion of this supplemental investigation, have been photographed and are included on pages 9 to 92, Data from the tables are on page 5o The average of three tests for each asphalt is reported. The letters (0) and (R) signify the original and re-used aggregate, respectively. Test results appearing in the basic report relative to (n) exposure have been included. Their similarity to the supplemental test values is of interest. Leonard asphalt will be reviewed separately. Penetration of asphalt recovered from the mixture of original Michigan aggregate was 0.40%, the softening point, 1.89%, and the softening point-penetration ratio was 9.06% less than for re-used. Although the difference is quite small, it is not as anticipated because the asphalt components presumably remaining on the re-used aggregate did not contribute in reducing the change. Only a minor difference may be noted in the spot characteristics of the asphalt recovered from original and reused aggregate. In the case of the Minnesota aggregate, the comparison between the characteristics of the asphalt recovered from original and re-used mixtures is more consistent with the initial hypothesis that the percentage change is reduced due to retention by the aggregate of some component of the asphalt. Penetration of asphalt from the re-used aggregate decreased 2.0, softening point, 3.17%, and softening point-penetration ratio, 70.50%, as compared to the asphalt recovered from the original aggregate mixture. Only minor difference occurred in the spot tests. There were greater changes in the asphalts recovered from Minnesota aggregate mixtures than in those recovered from Michigan aggregate. An inspection of the tabulated values will readily disclose this behavior with respect to penetration, softening point, softening point-penetration ratio and in the spot tests, particularly in the case of Skelly and above 25 xylene-75% heptane solvents. The individual appraisal of Lion asphalt indicates decreases of lo 05, L~~ 2 ~'

The University of Michigan * Engineering Research Institute 2.36%, and 20.06% in penetration, softening point, and softening point-penetration ratio, respectively, in the re-used aggregate mixtures as compared with the initial Michigan aggregate. With Minnesota aggregate the trend is partially reduced or reversed. Penetration increased 0.35%, softening point increased 0.47% and softening point-penetration ratio decreased 0.17To. These differences are practically immaterial as are the variations in spot tests. Test results on Trumbull asphalt mixtures with Michigan original and reused aggregate indicate an appreciable change. A decrease of 6.59%, 6.96%, and 109.48% occurred in penetration, softening point, and softening point-penetration ratio, respectively, for asphalt recovered from re-used aggregate. Spot-test results are very similar with original and re-used aggregate. With Minnesota aggregate, the change is reversed. With the re-used aggregate the change was 1.55%, 4.27%, and 93o11% greater in penetration, softening point, and softening point-penetration ratio. There is little difference in spot-test results The following performance ratings of the three test asphalts were formulated by using the criterion of least change to indicate behavior under (n) exposure. Asphalt performance is compared by (1) best, (2) intermediate, and (3) least favorable. An arbitrary rating of +5 for negative spot, -2 for ring, -3 for trace, -4 for slightly positive, and -5 for positive spot were used to evaluate the results of the spot tests. Rating of Leonard, Lion, and Trumbull Asphalt Soft Soft Pt/ 1 _00~ lo Xylene in Heptane Pne Ptt Pen Ratio klly Xylene 10% 15 20 2.5 30 Original Michigan Aggregate L (1) OL (1) L (1) +15 +15 -15 -1 -9 +8 +15 +15 OL (2) L (2) OL (2) +8 +15 -15 -12 -15 -6 +1 +8 OT (3) OT (3) T (3) -6 +15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -9 + 1 Re-Used Michigan Aggregate L (1) L (1) L (1) +15 +15 -15 -15 6 +15 +15 +15 OT (2)(2) O(2) OT (2) - 6 +15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -9 + 8 OL (3) OT (3) OL (3) + 8 +15 -15 -12 -15 -12 - 6 +15 Original Minnesota Aggregate L (1) L (1) L (1) +15 +15 -15 -15 - 9 +15 +15 +15 OL (2) OL (2) OL (2) + 1 +15 -15 -15 -15 -12 - 9 + 8 or (3) or (3) r (3) -6 +15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -12 + 1 Re-Used Minnesota Aggregate L (1) OL (1) L (1) +15 +15 -15 -15 -15 + 8 +15 +15 OL (2) L (2) OL (2) -6 +15 -15 -12 -15 -9 -9 + 1 OT (3) OT (3) OT (3) -6 +15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -1 - 6,~ 3 ~I

The University of Michigan ~ Engineering Research Institute The preceding table has been condensed below to facilitate interpretation of test results. The percent change of the asphalts with respect to penetration, softening point, and. softening point-penetration ratio is listed i order of their performance. The arbitrary numerical ratings of spot tests for each condition and solvent have been added algebraically. For example, 3 negative spots are indicated by a value of +15, 3 positive spots by -15. A combination of 1 positive and 2 ring spots would have a value of -9 whereas 1 negative and 2 ring spots would be indicated by +1. Michigan Aggregate Original Minnesota Aggregate Soft Soft Pt/ or Soft Soft Pt/ Pt Pen Ratio Re-Used Pt Pen Ratio L OL L L +29 Original L L L L +36 OL L OL OL -14 Original OL OL OL OL -43 or T OT OT 01-53 Original 01 0T OT OT -62 L L L L +39 Re-used L OL L L +23 OT OL OT OL -22 Re-used OL L OL OL -50 OL OT OL OT -52 Re-used OT OT O O OT -72 Note: L = Lion Asphalt OL = Leonard Asphalt OT = Trumbull Asphalt Based on (n) exposure, percent change in test values, and the arbitrary relative numerical scale for spots, evaluation of asphalt behavior may be in terms of performance as Lion, Leonard, and Trumbull, regardless of source or condition of aggregate. With regard to spot test for asphalt recovered from Michigan aggregate mixtures, Lion asphalt improved, Leonard deteriorated, and Trumbull improved with re-used aggregate. With Minnesota aggregate, the spot scale values all deteriorated with re-used material. These results do not confirm the preliminary hypothesis that re-used aggregate might tend to reduce change in the asphalt, Conclusions relative to the foregoing test results will be incorporated in the basic report. ~ k ~^~~~~~~~~~

SUMMARY OF TESTS AFTER (n) EXPOSURE Penet Soft Pt Soft Pt/, i Source, op p R~ qiv ^ ___________"y^ Hpae__________ Sat 77F O Pen Ratio Skelly Xylene in Hetane Agg. Xylene 10% 15% 20% 2% 30% 35% Leonard Asphalt Mich () -69.9 +25.5 +336.0 1Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 1 Ring < Mich (0) -69.~9 +25 +36.0Neg 6 Neg 3 Pos 2 Pos 3 Pos Ring 1 Neg 2 Neg 1 Ring 1 Ring I Ring Mich (R) -71.08 +26.16 +336.57 2eg 3 eg 3 Pos 2 P 3 Pos 2 Pe 3 Ring 3 Neg 2 Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 1 Ring Minn () -78.71 +40.49 +560.38 1Neg eg 3 Pos 3 Pos 3 Pos 2 Pos 1 Pos 2 Neg 1 Ring 2 Ring 2 Ring 2 Ring Minn (R) -76.71 +37-32 +489.88,, 3 Ring 3 Neg 3 Pos 2 Pos 3 Pos 1 Pos 1 Pos 1Neg Lion Asphalt 2 Ring 1 Ring Mich (0) -67.72 +26.86 +297.59 3 Neg 3 Neg 3 Pos 3Pos 1 Pos 2 Neg 3 Neg 3 Neg Mich (R) -66.67 +24.50 +277.53 3 Neg 3 Neg 3 Pos 3 Pos 3 Ring 3 Neg 3Neg 3 Neg W 2 Ring Minn (0) -72.63 +36.86 +409.95 2 Ring 3 Neg 3 Nag 3 Pos 3 Pns 1 Pns 3 Neg 3 Neg 3 Neg 1 Ring Minn (R) -72.98 +37-33 +4og-78 1Rn Minn(NR) -72.98 7.3 +09.73 Nag 3 Neg 3 Pos 3 Pos 3 Pos 2 Neg 3 Neg 3 Neg J1I Trumbull Asphalt Mich (O) -74.81 +33.34 +431.64 2 Ring 2 Ring 3 Ring 3 Nag 3 Pos 3 Pns 3 Pns 3 Pos 1 Pns 1 Neg 2 Ring 1 Rirg Mich (R) -68.22 +26.38 +322.16 2 Rn 1 Ring 62Ring 3 Neg 3 Pos 3 Pos 3 Pos 3 Pos iPos 2 Neg 1 Ring 2 Rirg Minn (0) -81.78 +43.37 +697.93 n 1 Rn 2 3 Ring 3 Nag 3 Pos 3 Pns 3 Pns 3Pos 2 Ps 1 Neg Minn (R) -83.33 +47.64 +791.04 3 Ring 3 Neg 3 Pos 3 Pos 3 Pos s 3 Ps 3 Pos 3 Ring 00 Leonard A3phalt (Summary of First Series (n) Exposure) Mich (0) -71.08 +23.10 +325.61 S1 Pos Neg Minn (0) -77.11 +41.20 +516.69 Pos Neg ro Lion Asphalt Mich (0) No test made Minn (0) -71.58 +32.61 +366.50 Neg Neg Trumbull Asphalt Mich (0) -77.91 +39.76 +532.60 Pos Neg Minn (0) -68.60 +23.54 +293.54 Sl Pos Neg r+ Original Asphalt Tested January 28, 1957, Referred to Original Asphalt Tested February, 1956 Leonard - 6.02 + 2.38 + 8.85 Neg Neg Pos Pos Ring Neg Neg Neg Lion - 7.37 + 3.11 +11.31 Neg Neg Ring Neg Neg Neg Neg Neg Trumbull - 4.65 - 0.17 + 4.71 Neg Neg Pos Pos Ring Ring Neg Neg

Special Test Series Engineering Research Institute Project 2249.~ Ohio Oil Company, Findlay, Ohio:~Mixing, extraction, recovery, and standard tests on Leonard, Lion, and Trumbull asphalt after mixing with original and re-used Michigan and ~" Minnesota aggregate after (n) exposure. w, Source Penetration Soft Point Soft Pt/Pen Ratio Skelly Xylene __ ~ Xylene in Heptane ~!~ Test No. -1 Asphalt Asphalt Aggregate Orig Rcvd Orig Rcvd Orig Rcvd Spot Spot 10~ 1~ 20~ 2~ 30~ 3~,.am, N1 A OL GL 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (O) 83 21 115.3 150.8 1.390 7.181 Neg --- Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring Neg r-~ N2 A GL OL 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (O) 83 21 115.3 151.5 1. 390 7.205 Neg --- Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring Neg N3 A OL C~ 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (0) 83 32 115.3 136. O 1.390 4.250 Neg --- Poe Poe Poe Ring Ring Neg O N1 B OL C~4 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (R) 83 22 115.3 151.2 1. 390 6.873 Neg --- Pos Poe Pos Ring Ring Neg — ~ N2 B C~ GL 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (R) 85 31 115.3 135.7 1. 390 4. 377 Neg --- Poe Poe Poe Ring Ring Neg N3 B GL ~'. 85 - 100' Leonard Mich (R) 83 22 115.5 151.2 1. 390 6.875 Ring --- Poe Poe Pos Poe Ring Neg we N1 A C~ GL 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (0) 83 25 115.3 148.82 1.590 6.470 Ring Neg Pos Ring Poe Ring Ring Ring N2 A GL C~ 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (O) 83 26 115.3 136.40 1.390 5.246 Neg Neg Pos Poe Poe Ring Neg Neg ~' m, N3 A OL GL 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (0) 83 24 115.3 144.68 1.390 6.028 Neg Neg Poe Poe Poe Ring Ring Neg (~ N1 B C~ C~ 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (R) 83 25 115.3 145.22 1.390 5.809 Ring Neg Poe Ring Poe Poe Ring Neg N2 B OL OL 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (R) 83 24 115.3 145.~8 1.390 6.066 Neg Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring Neg N3 B ~ C~ 85 - 100 Leonard Mich (R) 83 23 115.3 145.58 1.390 6.330 Neg Neg Poe Poe Poe Ring Ring Neg N1 A GL OL 85 - 100 Leonard ~inn (O) 85 115.3 163.4 1.390 9.612 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Neg N2 A CL GL 85- 100 Leonard Minn (0) 83 115.3 165.04 1.390 9.058 Ring Neg Poe Poe Pos Poe Ring Ring N3 A OL OL 85 - 100 Leonard Minn (0) 83 115.3 159.62 1. 390 8.868 Neg Neg Poe Poe Poe Ring Ring Neg O~ N1 B OL OL 85 - 100 Leonard Minn (R) 83 115.3 154.4 1.390 7.720 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Neg N2 B CL OL 85 - 100 Leonard Minn (R) 83 115.3 161.60 1.390 8.505 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Ring Ring Ring N3 B GL OL 85 - 100 Leonard Minn (R) 83 11~.3 159.O8 1. 390 8.373 Ring Neg Poe Ring Poe Poe Ring Ring N1 A - L L 85 - 100 Lion Mich (0) 95 35 114.3 141.3 1.203 4.037 Neg Neg Poe Poe Ring Ring Neg Neg —' N2 A - L L 85 - 100 Lion Mich (0) 95 29 114.3 144.0 1.203 4..966 Neg Neg Poe Poe Ring Neg Neg Neg N3 A - L L 85 - 100 Lion Mich (0) 95 28 114.3 149.7 1.203'3.346 Ne~ Neg Poe Poe Poe Neg Neg Neg N1 B - L L 85 - 100 Lion Mich (R) 95 35 114.5 137.7 1.203 3.954 Nag Neg Poe Poe Ring Neg Neg Neg ~I~ N2 B - L L 85 - 100 Lion Mich (R) 95 28 114.3 146.5 1.203 ~.232 Neg Neg Pos Poe Ring Neg Neg Neg'~, N3 B - L L 85 - 100 Lion Mich (R) 95 32 114.3 142.7 1.203 4.459 Neg Neg Poe Poe Ring Neg Neg Neg N1 A - L L 85 - 100 Lion Minn (0) 95 29 114.5 148.8 1.203 5.131 Neg Neg Poe Poe Ring Neg Neg Neg N2 A - L L 85 - 100 Lion Minn (0) 95 22 114.3 166.6 1.203 7.)73 Neg Neg Poe Poe Poe Neg Neg Neg N3 A - L L 85 - 100 Lion Minn (0) 95 27 114.3 153.9 1.203 5.700 Neg Neg Poe Poe Ring Neg Neg Neg N1 B - L L 85 - 100 Lion Minn (R) 95 27 114.3 156.2 1.203 5.785 Neg Neg Poe Poe Poe Neg Neg Neg N2 B - L L 85 - 100 Lion Minn (R) 95 26 114.5 156.0 1.203 6.000 Neg Neg Poe Poe Pos Ring Neg Neg ~I~ N3 B - L L 85 - 100 Lion Minn (R) 95 24 114.3 158.7 1.203 6. 613 Neg Neg Poe Poe Poe Neg Neg Neg'I N1 A of of 85 - 100 Trumhull Mich (0) 86 23 113.2 149.0 1. 316 6.478 Ring Neg Poe Poe Pos Poe Poe Ring N2 A of of 85 - 100 Trumbull Mich (0) 86 22 113.2 149.4 1.316 6.791 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe'Ring Ring N3 A of of 85 - 100 Trumbull Mich (0) 86 20 113.2 154.4 1.316 7.720 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring Neg N1 B of of 85 - 100 Trumbull Mich (R) 86 32 113.2 154.4 1.316 4.200 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring Neg N2 B of of 85 - 100 Trumbull Mich (R) 86 30 113.2 136.4 1. 316 4.547 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring Neg e-~ N3 BVof of 85 - 100 Trumbull Mich (R) 86 20 113.2 158.4 1.316 7.920 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring ~' N1 A of of 85 - 100 Trumbull Minn (O) 86 18 113.2 156.4 1.316 8.689 Ring Neg Poe Pos Poe Poe Poe Ring e-~ N2 A of of 85 - 100 Trumbull Minn (0) 86 14 t13.2 163.9 1.316 11.707 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring Ring ~1~ N3 A of of 85 - 100 Trumbull Mina (0) 86 15 113.2 166.6 1.316 11.107 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Neg N1 B (If of 85 - 100 Trumbull Minn (R) 86 15 113.2 165.9 1.316 11.060 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring N2 B of of 85 - 100 Trumbull Minn (R) 86 13 113.2 170.8 1.316 13.158 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Ring N3 B Of Of 85 - 100 Trumbull Minn (R) 86 15 113.2 164.7 1.316 10.980 Ring Neg Poe Poe Poe Pos Ring ~os

Special Test Series Engineering Research Institute Project 2249 Ohio Oil Company, Findlay, Ohio Percent change from original for recovered Leonard, Lion, and Trumbull asphalt from mixtures with original and re-used Michigan and Minnesota aggregate after (n) exposure. Composition Change k Xylene in Heptane _ A.C. Aephtne Oils Resin Soft Pt Soft ~~~~~~~~~~~Skely XyleneXyeeiSptn A.C. Aggregate A O R O/A R/A R/O Petet Sf Pen Rti Spot Spot 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Leonard Mich (0) -74.60 +30.79 +416.62 Neg ~ Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Neg Leonard Mich (0) -74.60 +31.22 +418.5 Neg ~ Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Neg Leonard Mich (0) -61.45 +17.95 +205.76 Neg ~ Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring Neg Leonard Mich (R) -73.49 +31.14 +394.46 Neg --- Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring Neg Leonard Mich (R) -62.65 +17.69 +214.89 Neg ~ Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring Neg Leonard Mich (R) Not included in this test series. -73.49 +31.14 +394.60 Ring ~ Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Neg Leonard Mich (0) -72.29 +29.03 +365347 Ring Neg Pos Ring Pos Ring Ring Ring Leonard Mich (0) -68.67 +18.30 +277.41 Neg' Neg Pos Pos Pos Ring Neg Neg Leonard Mich (0) -71.08 +25.48 +333.66 Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring Neg Leonard Mich (R) -69.88 +25.95 +317.91 Ring Neg Pos Ring Pos Pos Ring Neg Leonard Mich (R) -71.08 +26.26 +336.40 Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Neg Leonard Mich (R) Not included in this test series. -72.29 +26.26 +355.39 Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring Neg Leonard Minn (0) -79.52 +41.72 +591.51 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Neg ~ Leonard Minn (0) -78.31 +41.36 +551.65 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring Leonard Minn (0) -78.31 +38.39 +537.99 Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring Neg Leonard Minn (R) -75.90 +33.92 +455.40 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Neg Leonard Minn (R) -77.11 +40.11 +511.87 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring Ring Leonard Minn (R) Not included in this test series. -77.11 +37.92 +502.37 Ring Neg Pos Ring Pos Ring Ring Ring Lion Mich (0) -63.16 +23.62 +235.58 Neg Neg Pos Pos Ring Ring Neg Neg Lion Mich (0) -69.47 +25.98 +312.80 Neg Neg Pos Pos Ring Neg Neg Neg Lion Mich (0) -70.33 +30.97 +344.39 Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Neg Neg Neg Lion Mich (R) -63.16 +20.47 +227.02 Neg Neg Pos Pos Ring Neg Neg Neg Lion Mich (R) -70.33 +28.17 +334.92 Neg Neg Pos Pos Ring Neg Reg Neg Lion Mich (R) Not included in this test series. -66.32 +24.85 +270.66 Neg Neg Pos Pos Ring Neg Neg Neg Lion Minn (0) -69.47 +30.18 +326.52 Neg Neg Pos Pos Ring Neg Neg Neg Lion Minn (0) -76.84 +45.76 +529.51 Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Neg Neg Neg Lion Minn (0) -71.58 +34.65 +373.82 Neg Neg Pos Pos Ring Neg Neg Neg Lion Minn (R) -71.58 +36.66 +380.88 Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Neg Neg Neg Lion Minn (R) -72.63 +36.48 +398.76 Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Ring Neg Neg Lion Minn (R) Not included in this test series. -74.74 +38.85 +449.71 Neg Neg Pos Pos Pos Neg Neg Neg Truambull Mich (0) -7-3.26 +31.63 +392.25 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring:r- ull Mich (0) -74.42 +31.98 +416.03 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring:rJixbull Mich (0) -76.74 +36.40 +486.63 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Neg T-iLbull Mich (R) -62.79 +18.73 +219.15 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Neg Tr-.btull Mich (R) -65.12 +20.49 +245.52 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Neg - Trumbull Mich (R) Not included in this test series. -76.74 +39.93 +501.82 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring r-umbIll Minn (0) -79.07 +38.16 +560.26 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Trumbull Minn (0) -83.72 +44.79 +789.52 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Ring Trumbull Minn (0) -82.56 +47.17 +744.00 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Neg Trumbull Minn (R) -82.56 +46.55 +740.43 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Trumbull Minn (R) -84.88 +50.88 +898.33 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring Trumbull Minn (R) Not included in this test series. -82.56 +45.49 +734-.5 Ring Neg Pos Pos Pos Pos Pos Ring


E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 9 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1A-OL Mich N1A-OL Mich Skelly 10( Xylene N1A-OL Mic h N1A-OL Mich N1A-OL Mich 15i Xylene 20" Xylene y o1, Xyeiene NIA-OL Eich N1-OL Mich 3Qjb Xylene 35% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 10 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2A-OL Mich N2A-OL Mich N2A-OL Mich N2A-OL Mich N2NO-OL Mich 15%f Xylene 20o Xylene 25yo Xylene 30~ Xylene 3525o XylXlenene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 11 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3A-OL Mich N3A-OL Mich Ske 11y lot Xylene NZA-OL Mich N3^-OL ich N3A-OL Mich 0.* 15X Xylene 2c iy 2' Xye:e N3A-OL Mich N3A-OL Mich 30O Xyler-je., 35t, Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 12 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NlB-OL Mic N1B-OL Mich Ske 1 ly 1 ylene NiB-OL- Mich NiB-OL Mich NIB-OLMich 15%yLe 2 Xylene 25y Xylene N-B-OL Mich NlB-OL Mich 30o Xylene 35o Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 13 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2B-OL Mich N2B-OL Mich Skelly 1O, Xylene N2B-OL MichO 1N2B-OL Mi ch N2B-OL Mich 15% Xylene 2O1 Xylene N2BO Mich N.03L Xylene OL Mih N2B-L Xyleneich 30% Xylene

LR.l 2249-61P BNINEBRI? RNBSARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 14 of 92 (Final) UNIV ITY or MICHIGAN N3B-OL Mich N3B-OL Mich.$ke 1ly ^s^^^~ke lO 10 Xylene N3B-OL Mich N3B-OL Mich N3B-OL Mich 15% Xylene 20%b Xylene 25% Xylene N3B-OL Mich N3B-OL Mich g XKylene 35% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 15 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1RA-OL Mich NRAOL Mic Skelly Xylene NIRA-OL Mich NiRA-OL Mich XXylene Xyleee 10% Xylene 15% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 16 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NIRA-OL Niok N1RA-OL Mich * $ XYlene Xyle ne 20 xyle25 Xylene N1RA-OL Mich NRLA-OL Mich 30 Xylene 359 Xylene

KLR..1~ 2249-6P ENGINEERING R AGHC INSTITIUTE PAGE 17 of 92 (Final ) UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN NB2A-OL Mich NR2A-OL Mioh Skelly Xylene NR2A-OL Micih NR2A-OL Mich Xylene Xylene 10% Xylene 15% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 18 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NR2A-OL Mich NRz^OL ich Xyle e Xylene 20% Xylene 25 Xylene NR2A-OL Mich NR2A-OL Mich Xylene Xylen e 30* Xylene 35% Xylene

E.R*I. 249-6P N OIGIaIB I3SEARCH INSTIUTE PAGE 19 of 92 (Firal) tIIV OF MICHIGAN NRSA-OL Mich ~NR A-OL Mich NRN3RA-OL Mich Skelly Xyle n ~N3RA-ODL ~Mich MN3RA-OL Mich N3RA-L Mich Xylene. Xylene lO~% Plebe 15% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 20 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NR3A-OL Mich N3RA-OL Mich Xylene XySene 20% Xylene 2$5 Xylene N3RA-OL ich 3AOL ich Xyle ne Xylene 30% Xylene 35% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 21 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Skelly Xylene NR1B-OL Mich NR1B-OL Mich 10o Xyleno 15% Xylene Xylen Xyle ne NR1B-OL Mich NR1B-OL Mich

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 22 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 25% Xylene 2O% Xylene Xylene Xylen e NR1B-OL Mich NR1B-OL Mich 30/o Xylene 35% Xylene Xyleze ~~~~~~Xylene Xylene w NR1B-OL Mich

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 23 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NR2B-OL Mich NR'B-OL Mich Skelly Xylene 2B-OL Mlich NR2B-OL Mich Xylene Xylene 10% XYlene 15%l Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 24 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NR2B-OL Mich NR2B-OL Mich Xylene Xylene 20% Xylene 25I. Xylene NR2B-OL Mich NR2B-OL Mich Xylene Xylene 0 30% Xylene 35% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 25 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NR3B-OL Mich NR3B-OL Mich Skelly Xylene NRSB-OL Mich NR3B-OL Mich Xylene Xylene 10% Xylene 15% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 26 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY O MICHIGAN NIR3BOL MNich NR3B-OL Mich NR3B-OL Mioh. Xylene Xylene 25% Xylene 20% Xylene NR3B-OL Mich NR3B-OL Mich Xylene Xylene 30O Xylene 35% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 27 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1A-OL Minn N1A-OL Minn Skelly Xylene NiA-OL Min NA-OL Minn N1A-L Minn Xylene Xylene 103 Xylene 15/ Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P MG;IERnN RESEARCH INTIUTE PAGE 28 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSIY OF MICHIGAN NAU-L MimanN1AOL Minn Xylene Xylene 25% Xylene 20; Xylene NILA-OL Mimn NIA-OL Minn Xyn XlXylene ~~30% Xylene ~~~35% Xylene

,zRI G4-.' BRB]IZiN a U:;I6ING IT, U PAGE 29 of 92 O(ftiac UNIVXISITPY CF MICHIAN N2a-OL Mimi N2A-OL Minn Skelly Xylene N2A-OL imnn N2A-OL Mimn * m 10% Xylene 15% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTTUTE PAGE 30 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGA N2A-OL Minn N2A-OL Minn 20OXae Xylene 20% Xylene 25% Xylene N2A-OL Minn N2A-OL Minn Xylene Xylene 35% Xylene 30%R Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERIN RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 31 of 92 (Final) UNWERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3A-OL Miinn N3A-OL Minn Skelly Xylene N5A-OL MLinn N3A-L Minn 1 Xe ne Xylene 10% Xylene 154 Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 32 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3A-OL Minn N3A-oL Min Xylene ~~~Xylene XyleneXylene 20% Xylene 25% Xylene N3A-OL Minn N3A-OL Minn Xylene Xylene 3% Xylene t:5tf Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 3j of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1B-OL Minn N1B-OL Minn Skelly NIB-OL Mina NIB-OL Minn Xylene Xylene 10% Xylene ta Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE,4 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1B-OL Minn N1B-OL inn Xylene Xyleae.20% Xylene 2%5% Xylene N1B-OL Mina N1B-OL Minn Xylene Xylene 30% Xylene 35% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 35 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2B-OL Minn N2B-OL Minn Sbe 1ly xylene N2B-OL Minn N2B-OL Minn Xylene xylene 10% Xylene 154 Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 36 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2B-OL Mimn N2B-OL Minn Xylene Iylene 3Qebe Xylee25% Xylene 20% Xylene N2B-OL Minn N2B-OL Minn Xyle ne xyle ne 30% Xylene 35% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P IWGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 31 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3B-OL Minn B-L inn N3ZB-OL Minn Skelly Xylene N3B-OL Minn N3B-OL Minn:Xbreae Xylene 10Q^ Xylene 150 Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 38 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3B-OL Minn NOL Mi N3B-OL Mina _0~~ 0 ~~~Xylene Xylene 20% Xylene 25% Xylene N3B-OL Minn N3B-OL Minn Xylene Xylene X 30% Xylene 35,% Xyle ne

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERI RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 39 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NIA-1 Mich N1A-L Mich Skelly Xylene N1A-L Mich N1A-L Mich 1Xylene Xylene 1O; Xylene 15% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P BENINEERING REARCH INSTiTm PAGE 40 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1A-L Mich N1A-L Mich Xrlene Xylene 20* Xylene 2^ Xyiene 20, Xylene 25" Xylene N1A-L Mich N1A-L Mich Xylene Xyle ne 30O% Xylene 35%/ Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 41 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N21-L Mich N2A-L Mich Skelly Xylene N2A-L Mich 2.A-L Mich Xylene Xyle!ne 10%i Xylene 15% Xylene

E.R.I. d249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 42 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN AikIAL Ilion ~AS-L Mich Xylene sgze_ 2li'- Xylene 2C XyleneXylene N2A-L Mich N"-L iich Xylene Xylene 304 Xylene 35% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 4, of'2 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3A-L Mich N3A-L Mich s^rke IY xyle ne N3A-L Mich N3A-L Lich 10O Xylene 15% Xylene

E.R.I. &249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 44 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3A-L Mich N3A-L Mich 20y Xylene 25 yene N3A-L Mich N3A-L Mich 350/; Xylene -, ic 1ne

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 45 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N-L Mich N L Mich N1B-L ~ ich Skelly Xylene N1B-L Mich NIB-L Mich isl* I 1Xyle ne 10%O Xylene 15% Xyle ne

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 47 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2B-L Mich N2B-L Mich Skelly Xylene N2B-L Mich N2B-L M ic h Xyle neyeue lQ4i Xylene 157o Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 48 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NEB-L Mic h N2B-L Mich Xyle ne Xylene Xyle-ne~~ ~25% Xylene 204; Xylene N2B-L Mich NAB-L Mich x 3ylen e X Xyle ne 30~/ Xylene 35Z Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 49 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3B-L Micb N3B-L Mich Skelly Xylene N3B-L lich N3B-L Eich 10 Xylene 15~ xy'Lene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 50 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3B-L Mich N3B-L Mich ~~N53~~~~B-L M3-LMchi 2CN Xylene 25NB Xyiene N3B-L IMvich N3B-L Mich 30. Xylene 35 Y Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERIN RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 51 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1A-L Minn Skelly Xylene N1A-L Minn NLA-L Minn 1WO Xylene 1 Xyl 15%'o Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 52 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NIA-L Minn N1A-L Minn;0O XYlene 25- Xylene NI-LMinn N1A-L Minn 355 Xylene 3aY Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 53 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2A-L Minnnn NEA-L Minn Skelly Xylene N2A-L Minn N2A-L Minn Xyle ne Xyle 104 Xylene 154 Xylene

*L.,1. Bi - i:NGIrNEHING RESLEAHOtC' INSTIT'UTE }I'G' (F i'1!) LUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2A-L Minn NEA-L Minn 2XvXle ene n5Xyle ne 2O0 Xylene 35. Xyle ne

B.Ro.. 2249-6P ENINERINO RESEARCH INSTITUT PAGE 55 of 92 (Firna) UNERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3A-L Minn N3A-L Mina Skelly Xylene N3A-L Minn NEA-L Kinn 1yen Xylene Xylene @m XYeXylen e 10% Xylene 15% Xylene

~.1 I. 249-fP ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3A-L Minn N3A-L Miirm Xylene Xylene 20% Xylene 25% Xylene N3A-L Minn N3A-L Minn Xylene Xylene Siujy dyileS our si t

E.R.I. 224y-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 5' of'I) (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN NIB-L Miinn N1B-L Mi l Skelly Xylene N1B-L lMinn N1B-L Minn 151% Xylene 10Oo Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6oP ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 58 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1B-L Minn N1B-L Minn 20, XlEirle, N1B-L Minn NIt-L:inn.50. Xyler e:..*-^

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 59 of'y (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2B-L Minn NaB-L iann Skelly'~ l.:-.e N2B-L Minn -L n Xyiene1 y elene 10% e Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 60 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2B-L Minn N2B-L iinn Xylene Xylene * - 20 Xlene Xylene 85;A Xylene N2B-L Minn NEB-L Minn Xylene Xyle ne 30% Xylene 3~5 Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGOIEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 61 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3B-L Minn N3B-L Minn Skelly Xyle ne N3B-L Minn N3B-L Minn'Xylene Xylene 10% X>"n 1S% Xylene

E.RR.. 224-6P EOINIER RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 63 of 92 ^Fi nal^ UtlHUIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1A-OT Mich N1A-OT Mich Skelly Xylene NU-OT Yich N1A-OT Mick Xyle ne Xylene 10% Xoono 1% Zyleae

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 64 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1A-OT Mihc NIA-OT Mich Xyiene Xylene 20% Xyle ne 25-/ Xylene N1A-OT Mich NIA-OT Mich Xylene Xylene 5O Xylene 3z Xylene

i.H.. )49-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2A-OT Mich N2A-cOT ich Skelly Xylene N2A-OT Mich N4A-OT Mich Xylene Xyiene 10% Xylemn 15% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 66 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2A-OT Mich N2A-OT Mich Xylefle Xylene 25% Xylene 204o Xylene N2A-OT Mich N2A-OT Mich cylene Xylene 35% Xylens 30% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 67 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3A-OT Mich N3A-OT Mich ke lly Xylene N3A-OT Mich N3A-OT Mich XXyllene 1XXylene 10% Xylene 15% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 68 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3A-OT Mich N3A-CrT Mich Xylene Xylene 20Q Xylene 25,a Xylene N3A-OT Mich Xyl —neY,1 - IoN3A-Or ic h Xylene Xyi1:leC 530Yo Xylene 35: Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 69 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1B-OT Mich N1B-OT Mich ke lly Xyle ne N1B-OT Mich N1B-OT Mich Xylene XYlene 10% Xylene 19^ Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 70 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1B-OT Mich XNB-OT Jich XYlene Xylene 20% Xylene 25X Xylene N1B-OT lich N1B-r Mi Xylene Xylene 30% Xylero ~%55g Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTIlUTE PAGE 71 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2B-OT Mich N2B-OT Mich Ske ly Xylene N2B-OT Mic N2B-OT Mich Xylene W05 X~rlene 184~ Xylene 1a% Xyrleno 15% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTUTE PAGE 72 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2B-OT Mich N2B-OT Mich XYlene 4* Xyle e_ * X 20% Xylene 25% Xylene N2B-OT Mich NZB-OT Mich Xylene Xylene 30% Xy Xylene 55% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERIN RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 73 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY 0o MICHIGAN N3B-OT Mich N3B-OT Mich Skelly Xylene N3B-OT Mich N3B-OT Mich Xylene Xylene 10 Xl ee Xylene 159; Xylene~

E.R.I, 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE'r4 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3B-OT Mich N3B-OT Mich Xylene Xylene 20% Xylene 25" Xylene NB-OT Mich N Mi NSB- OT Mich Xylene W~ Xyleos ~s Xylene w 30% Xylene?59& Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P BNOI IREI BCH IKSi-UB PAGE 75 of 92 (Final) UNIVUI8= O MICHIAN NU-OT Minzi NA-OT Minn Skelly Xyle Xylene 1-MT Ijian N1A-OT Minn 0xXlylenee yXylene_ lO X~~~lene ~~l~j Xylene 10jg XYLene

E.R.1. 2249-6P ImIONr RBARci I mPIfUTE PAGE 76 of 92 (Finsa) )IVERSITY ( CMXC4 lA AII-OT iina NUA-OT Minn O Xylene xylene * 0 20% Xylene 25f Xylene N1A-OT Minn N1A-OT Mimi Xyleneylene Xylene _0$ _glr 30g;-3tylem ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~3ff 2I5Xrsleoe

.R,.I. 2249-6P EmIOXRGIN RBAUCH INSTfUTN PAGE 71 of 92 (Final) UOIVRmTY Fc MICHIGOA ^B-~T N2.A-OT Minn Skelly Xylene N2A-OT Minn N2A-a Miinn Xylene Xylene 10* lyle'1 15" Xyle e

ER. 2249-6P ENNEERING RSEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 78 of 92 (Fpnal) UNIVERSITY MICHIGAN N2A-OT Minn N2A n N2A-0T Mlinn Xylene Xylene.o. Xylene 25% Xylene N2A-OT Minn N2A-OT Minn xylene Xyle ne Xylene 2% Xyoene 35% Xylene

.. 2249-bP ENGINEERIN RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE (9 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY 0F MICHIGAN N3A-OT Mian N3A-OT Minn Xylene Ske iy N3A-OT Minn NSA-OT Minn Xylee _ l109L *X Xylene 15% Xylene

i..3 I-I crCD ci z rg *bi~~~~~~t\3 a~~'4 ( ~ )5 & r r~~~~~~~~ ne.. ci 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i

E.R.I. 249-6P IENIEERING REBSRCH INSTITUTE PAGE 81 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN NIB-OT Minn N1B-OT Minn Skelly Xylene NiB-OT Minn N1B-OT Minn Xylene Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 82 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N1B-OT Kinn N1B-OT Minn Xylene Xyle ne 20Q Xyle:e 25% Xyle ne NIB-OT Minn NlB-YT Minn Xyle ne Xylene 30% Xyre 35% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-t6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 8& of ) (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N2B-OT Minn N2B-OT Minn Skelly Xylene N2B-OT Minn N2B-OT Minn Xylene Xylene *: _ Lfl XY1*r 1MY Xyleno

.R.I. 22k9-6P E R INI RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 85 of 92 (Iloal) UNIVERSITY CO MICHIGAN N3B-OT Minn N3B-OT Minn Skelly Xylene N3B-OT Minn N3B-OT Minn Xln1Xylene Xyl *0~ 1,~ 15% Xylene

E.RI. 2249-6P ENGINEERIM RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 86 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN N3B-OT Minn N3B-OT Minn Xylene Xylene 204P Xylene E5) Xylene N3B B-OT Miinn NnB-OT Nii'n Xyle ne Xyle ne 303 Xylene 3S% Xylene

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 87 of 92 (Final) UNIVERSITY CO MICHIGAN OL- Leonard Asphalt L Original Material Originl Material OL- Leonard Asphalt Original Material Tested 1/28/57 Orie nal Material Tested 1/28/57 Skelly Skelly Straight Xylene OL- Tf nard Asphalt OL- Leionard Asphalt Original Material Original Material Tested 1/28/57 Tested 1/28/57 Xylene Xylene 10%Xylenae-90eHeptan Lene- eptan e

E:R.I. 2249-6P ENINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE (Final) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN aL- Leonard Asphalt OL- Leonard Asphalt Original Materi&A Original Material ee /2 Tested 1/28/7 8/57 2OXylene-8$0Heptane 25%Xylene-.75Heptane'01' Leonard Asphalt o-r ena I Material OL- Leonard Asphalt Ointed 1/Mt8/i7 Original Material Tested 1/28/57 Xylene Xylene 2SOXylene-70IHeptane r 3%Xylee_-65 eptane

*.r.;:I:)i- ~_*p ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGC;,! >f (?inal) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN L- Lion Asphalt Original Material Lion Aphalt Tested 1/28/57 Original Material Tested 1/28/57 Skelly ^^~Skelly ~~Straight Xylene L- Lion Asphalt L- Lion Asphalt Original Mlaterial L-Lion phal Original Material Original Material Tested 1/28/57 Te8t 1/28/57 Xyle ne Xyle ne 1OXy lene-90$He ptane 165Xy 1 ene-85:He ptane

PAGE 9S0 ITE PAGE E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERIN RESEACH INSTITUTE PAGE f (Fnal) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN L- Lion Asphalt L- Lion Asphalt Original Material Original Materia Teted 1/8/5 Tested 1/28/5 Tested /28/5 20%Y e6 ptnO %ylen-75 tPptine - lion Asph lt L- Lion Asphalt Orgibl 2ateria original Material Teaste 1/88/' 5 Tested 1/28/57 Xylene O(Xylene-7?Oe pta ne 55Xylene-6BHeptane

..:. - P tiiNGINEEI{ING RESEARCH INST. ITUTE PAGE.,i.>^'d i i'~..) UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OT-Trunbull Asphaltbull Asphalt Original MU~aterial OJT-Trumbull Asphalt Original ateria Original Material Tested 1/28/57 Tested 1/28/57 Skelly Straight Xylene OT- Trumbull Asphalt OT-Trubull Asphalt Original Material Origina MYterial Tested 1/28/57 Tested 1/28/57 Xylen 10*Xyle 0-90 Heptane'0pt15 Xylene-85% Heptane

E.R.I. 2249-6P ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE PAGE 92 of 92 (Final) UNIVRSITY OF MICHIGAN OT-Trumbull Asphalt OT~Tmbul Original Material Orlgal A48plt Tested 1/28/57 Teted 1/2e/r Zia eie Xylen _ 20%Xylene-8O%Xheptane Bep 02.e O rigb l Materibl Apalt 2^,P tI 60OT-Trumbull Asphalt Original Material. e_ t 1g Tested 1/28/57 ~ylene7Oep~tane oXY~leneg685 Xylene 30%XylemOe-? ptane 35%tyle ne.654eH p tane