Patient Contributed Cases ========================= Over all observations: -Mostly free text fields only -Mix of personal and medical information -Patients detailed specific information about medications, procedures, and lab results. For example, "Ovarian cancer has a blood marker called a CA125 which should be under 35. At the time of surgery mine was 300 and then went down to as low as 95 then started rising again and has been around 200. I had 2 cat scans that came back clear." -Patients doing the research - "You have to stay strong and positive and always do your own research." -Cool feature: some breast cancer users had a pink ribbon as their profile picture on Revolution Health Internet Mental Health: Stories of Recovery and Personal Experiences Mental Health Case discussing medications for diagnosed bipolar disorder Revolution Health: Personal Stories -Stories divided by condition type (i.e. cancer) Non-hodgkins lymphoma survior describing difficulties with chemotherapy Ovarian cancer patient discussing illness/chemo Cancer Survivors Network: Personal Web Pages (username: snoflingor pwd: 9957) Structured Narratives: How and when did you learn about your cancer? What types of treatment(s) have occurred? What have been the most important things that have helped you through your survivorship? What have you learned from your experiences that you would like to share? Are there positive experiences you would like to share? College student with Hodgkins Forum discussion on specific chemotherapy treatment Fertile Hope: Survivor Stories Structured Narratives: Gender Age at Diagnosis Current Age Primary Cancer Current Treatment Stage Cancer Treatments Received Where were you in life when you were diagnosed and how did it change your life? Did you undergo any fertility preservation treatments before or during treatment? If you underwent or considered any fertility preservation treatments, please share your experience. If not, please share with us your reasons for foregoing treatment: 26 Female with Cervical Cancer Live Strong: Hear Survivors Stories -includes video -tagging -long narratives Young bone cancer survivor National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship: Submit your Story Tell Us Your Survivor Story! Use your experience to help other survivors navigate a cancer diagnosis, whether you are recently diagnosed, post-treatment, or a caregiver/family/friend. NCCS is collecting Survivor Profiles to feature on our website and in other communication efforts. We are looking for stories that are: • Compelling • Topic-Focused • Easy to Read • Relatable • Short (1 page maximum per topic) • Personal Cancer Diagnosis Treatment Date(s) Topic: Please select one of the following categories that your story fits into Story: Please provide a brief summary of your story. Example story Diabetes Health: Personal Stories -narrative, treated like "articles" -ratings Insulin Overdose Story WebMd: Messageboards -ratings of posts Soliciting help for mother with type 1 diabetes Diabetes Wiki -unstructured -links to terminology on other pages of the wiki -ratings -most visited Young man with Type I diabetes