Valdis V. Liepa University of Michigan 1 March 1982 Interaction Application Memos Memo 37 Free Space Scale Model Measurements of the A-7E ABSTRACT Frequency domain data are presented for the surface currents and charges measured in an anechoic chamber on an A-7E model to simulate the aircraft response in a free space environment. A model 1/48 in scale was measured over the frequency range 118 to 4400 MHz, simulating 2.46 to 91.7 MHz full scale. Data for.49 transfer functions are presented. These include ten test points measured for three excitations chosen to correspond to those used in the ATHAMAS I (HPD) and ATHAMAS II (VPD) full scale measurements. CONTENTS Section Page No. I INTRODUCTION 3 II THE MODEL 4 III THE MEASUREMENTS 8 IV DATA 17 Last Page 68

PREFACE The author is indebted to H. Yoon who performed the measurements, W. Rasey who typed the manuscript and, last but not least, W. D. Prather of AFWL/NTMOP for his support and encouragement. -2

I. INTRODUCTION The data presented here were obtained for the Air Force Weapons Laboratory and Defense and Space Systems Group of TRW, Inc., to determine the surface response extrapolation function [1] for the A-7E aircraft. The test points and excitation conditions were chosen to correspond to those of the full scale measurements made in the ATHAMAS I (Horizontally Polarized Dipole) and ATHAMAS II (Vertically polarized Dipole) simulators at Kirtland AFB. Data are presented for ten locations or test points on the aircraft under three different excitation conditions: (i) top incidence, E parallel to the fuselage; (ii) top incidence, E perpendicular to the fuselage; and (iii) nose-on incidence, E vertical. The measured quantities are the axial surface current density component J, the circumferential surface density component Jc, and the normal electric field component En. Of the 90 measurement situations possible, 49 dominant ones were selected and measured. The results are presented in the form if amplitude and phase plots as functions of the full scale frequency. Data in digital form on magnetic tape (IBM format) have been furnished to TRW. [1] Carl E. Baum, "Extrapolation Techniques for Interpretating the Results of Tests in EMP Simulators in Terms of EMP Criteria," AFWL Sensor and Simulation Note 222, 1977. -3

II. THE MODEL Most of our previous scale model measurement programs have used two (or more) different scale models of an aircraft to provide complete coverage of the frequency range desired, but for the present program the only models that we could find of the A-7E aircraft whose size was appropriate to our facility were 1/48 scale. Ultimately, we obtained three separate and distinct models manufactured by Scalecraft (SC-4014), Monogram (5418) and Precise Model Co. of Elyria, OH. The last one is, as the name suggests, a precision model for display purposes and was ordered first, but when it was late in arriving, we purchased the Scalecraft model kit. When assembled, the model was found to lack the external fuel tanks. We therefore purchased the Monogram kit and attached the fuel tanks from it to the Scalecraft model. Since neither kit contained the B-61, we modeled it ourselves according to the dimensions provided by AFWL. A further modification was the removal of the radome and the canopy, which are non-metallic on the full scale aircraft, and the metal framing around the actual canopy was modelled using copper wire. After the model was assembled and the above modifications made, the joins and any surface imperfections were filled in with plastic putty, which was sanded to a smooth finish. The entire model, minus the radome and canopy, was then covered with several coats of silver paint (Dupont No. 4817). Finally, the length and wingspan of the model were measured to determine the scale factor to be used in -4

converting the measured frequencies to the full scale ones. Table 1 lists the fuselage and wing scale factors, and since the two are very close, the single scale factor 1/48.13 was used for all of the data processing. Table 1: A-7E Model Scale Factors Length Wingspan Fuselage Wingspan Model (cm) (cm) Scale* Scale* A-7E (1/48) 29.21 24.55 1/48.13 1/48.10 The scale factors are based on the full scale (overall) length of 21.79 m and a wingspan of 18.31 m. Figure 1 shows the model used in the measurements. In the top photograph, the model with the Air Force markings is that made by the Precise Model Co., and the sphere to the left is the three-inch diameter sphere used for calibrating the system. The lower photograph is a close-up of the model showing the accessories and the holes (covered with adhesive copper tape) which have been drilled to accommodate the sensors. Figure 2 is a plan view of the aircraft giving the full scale dimensions. -5

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Fuel Tank (Aero-l D) B-61 Empty Sidewind.r i, > / ~Empty Fuel Tank (Aero-lD) ~ —-------- - ~553.5 Dimensions in inches (full scale) Notes: (a) Radome and canopy removed; canopy framing simulated with wires. (b) Armament as shown in sketch. (c) Lossy foam inserted in exhaust and intake, 0.5 inches inside opening. Fig. 2: Pertinent aircraft specifications. -7

III. THE MEASUREMENTS The measurements were made in the Radiation Laboratory's anechoic chamber, a facility especially designed, constructed, and instrumented for this type of surface field measurement. The measurement procedures were similar to those used in previous programs [2 through 6] apart from changes resulting from the continued upgrading of the facility and the measurement techniques. The most recent changes have been the extension of the low frequency operation from 125 MHz down to 118 MHz, and the interfacing of the HP 9845B calculator with which most of the data is now processed and plotted. A block diagram of the facility is shown in Fig. 3. [2] Valdis V. Liepa, "Sweep Frequency Surface Field Measurements," University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory Report NO. 013378-1-F; Sensor and Simulation Note 210, 1975. [3] Valdis V. Liepa, "Current and Charge Measurements on Scale Model E-3A Aircraft," University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory Report No. 015814-1-F; Interaction Application Memo 29, 1978. [4] Valdis V. Liepa, D. M. Brown, F. E. Lenning, R. L. Turcotte, "Measurements of Surface Fields on Scale Model E-4B Aircraft," Univer;ity of Michigan Radiation Laboratory Report No. 016708-1-F; Interaction Application Memo 33, 1979. [5] Valdis V. Liepa, "Scale Model Measurements of the F-16A," University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory Report No. 017463-1-F; Interaction Application Memo 35, 1980. [6] Valdis V. Liepa, "Scale Model Measurements of.the B-52," University of Michigan Radiation Laboratory Report NO. 017463-2-F; Interaction Application Memo 36, 1980. -8

Sweep _____________ Power tow- Pass Generato Amplifier Fil ter 30 dn 1.0 dBm I — FH Source-locking 10 dB -Iv F I II put |Fl ereuency Reference 6 dB 20 dRm Directional tit Counter Signal Al- tl [ Aea i - nnl |(ltatched) Coupler I....t r St re t c II e r Splitter NV0 L 1 0 -._ 4829.5 dBmdn - | - - Amp ltu or ___ 1 Phaer 6 dBe Ana'l yzer 8 dnm (Mda tched) Vr I Power |1W JJP~~~~~~~~~~~~ In splitterface Buster L. IP9830A -- —; ----— l Cal Ccula tor 1 | P9 Detco4 | teep AmplCa c tude Phase t rI Voltacqu t P Cd leD CRT~PTestesin TerSminal i P~~~~~~Digital Data Flow ~~~~Fi. 3 BlcData e f tCalculatoy Ifl tData Jra neti Tape Digital Plotter

Current and charge measurements were made at ten locations on the model as indicated in Fig. 4. On the fuselage the locations are identified by station numbers giving in inches the full scale distances measured from a reference point 182 inches ahead of the nose. The wing stations are located on the line bisecting the wing at a distance (in inches) given by the station number measured perpendicularly from the center line of the fuselage. Table 2 lists the station numbers of the test points and describes their locations. The measurements were made for three different illuminations each having a prescribed polarization referenced to the fuselage of the aircraft (see Fig. 4). In our measurements the directions of illumination and polarization are often referred to as orientations since these are fixed relative to the chamber and can be changed only by suitably orienting the model. Figure 4 also shows the direction of the measured current on the top and bottom of the aircraft. In all cases the component Jc is perpendicular to J a. The data presented are normalized relative to the incident field, i.e., J/Ho for the surface current data and En/Eo for the charge data. The phase is referenced to that of the incident field at the station where the measurement was made, based on the eiwt time convention. The model was supported by a styrofoam pedestal using a styrofoam cradle to orient the model appropriately relative to the incident field. Since the incident field is horizontally polarized, top incidence with E parallel to the fuselage requires that the model rest on a wingtip with its top facing the transmitting antenna. -10

;~E [~H STA:F550T/W220T k k STA:F500T/W117T STA:TA F665 STA:F325T I a H STA: F250LS STA: F465T 0) E parallel to fuselage, top incidence. (9 E perpendicular to fuselage, top incidence. (a E vertical, nose-on. STA:F650B STA:F500B STA: F420B STA: F250B Fig. 4: Locations of measurement stations (see Table 2 for details). -11

TABLE 2 MEASUREMENT LOCATION DESCRIPTION Test Station Point Number Location 1 F665 Vert Stab, Left Side 483 in. from nose 90 in. up left side; 77.1 in. above fuselage 2 F465T Top Mid Fus. 283 in. from nose 10 in. left of center line 3 F325T Top Fwd. Fus. 143 in. from nose on center line 4 F500, Wl17T Top Mid Wing (R) 318 in. from nose 117 in. off center line 5 F550, W220T Top Wing Tip (R) 368 in. from nose 220 in. off center line 6 F500, W117B Bottom Mid Wing (R) 318 in. from nose 117 in. off center line 7 F420B Bottom Fwd. Fus. 238 in. from nose center line 8 F250LS Fwd. Fus. Left Side 68 in. from nose center line; 14.8 in. down from window 9 F250B Bottom Fwd. Fus. 68 in. from nose center line 10 F650B Bottom Aft. Fus. 478 in. from nose center line Unless stated, measurements are taken along or from the fuselage axis.

All of the current and charge measurements were made using miniature surface-mounted probes or the free space current loop shown in Fig. 5. To mount the probes, holes were drilled in the model and the probe lead passed through to the other side. When not in use a hole was taped over with conductive adhesive copper tape (see Fig. 1), and as far as we can ascertain, the taping had no effect on the measurements. With the present model, the routing of the miniature coaxial cables through the interior made it necessary to break out the engine and air intake baffles, leaving the model virtually hollow. Because of the possibility of interior resonances which could affect the data, charge measurements were made at STA:325T, top illumination, with (a) the model hollow, (b) the air inlet and exhausts closed off with metallic tape, and (c) the inlet and exhausts plugged with absorber. No significant differences were found. Figures 6 and 7 show the measured data for the hollow and absorber-stuffed model, respectively. The amplitudes are indistinguishable and the slight difference in phase is due to a minute shift of the model location between the two measurements. We remark that the noisy data at frequencies above 50 MHz were caused by an equipment malfunction which was corrected prior to the actual A-7E data measurements. Then measurements were all made using the model with the absorber in place, since this was felt to simulate the full scale situation most closely. -13

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IV. DATA The data are expressed as functions of the full scale frequency and generally cover the range 2.46 to 91.7 MHz. There are some slight differences in coverage in a few cases because of the occasional failure of the network analyzer to lock onto a (usually initial) frequency, and the resulting data points have been removed. The sampling rate is non-uniform, and typically is 4.8 MHz in 118-1000 MHz range 9.6 MHz in 1000-2100 MHz range 16.8 MHz in 2100-4400 MHz range where these are the model frequencies. Table 3 lists the cases for which data are presented and gives the plot numbers. The legend in the upper right-hand corner of each plot identifies (1) the model used, (2) the measurement station, (3) the orientation (see Fig. 4), (4) the field component measured, and (5) the data file name, which is the same as the plot number. Table 4 is a sample of the data format which has been used for the data supplied to TRW. The data are also stored on IBM compatible tape at the University of Michigan. -17

TABLE 3 A-7E SCALE MODEL MEASUREMENT MATRIX Excitation 1 2 3 OVERHEAD OVERHEAD NOSE-ON Measurement E FUS E FUS E-VERT Test Componen E Pt. Statio JA C N A EN A C N 1 F665 7017* 6817 7025 6825 2 F465T 6033 6565 6065 6625 6057 7001 6949 3 F325T 6157 6601 6049 6609 4 F500,W117T 7041 7073 6201 7057 6541 7049 6209 5 F550,W220T 6901 6649 6909 6 F500,W117B 7425 7465 6849 7441 6865 7433 6857 7 F420B 6101 6665 6141 6673 8 F205LS 7525 7473 6165 7509 7533 7501 9 F250B 6741 6749 10 F650B 6109 6925 6117 6149 6933 *All data files are preceded by AS, i.e. AS7017

Table 4. Sample Data FORMAT Line 1 FILENAME (4A4) 2 Comments (18A4) 3 Comments (18A4) 4 TITLE used in plotting (18A4) 5 FMIN, FMAX, AMPMIN, AMPMAX, PHASEMIN, PHASEMAX, NN (4F8.3, 2F8.2, I5) 6 F(1) AMP(l) PHASE(1) F(2) AMP(2) PHASE(2) F(3) AMP(3) PHASE(3) 3(2F8.3, F8.2)................. F(NN) AMP(NN) PHASE(NN) where NN is the number of data points in the set. DATA 1 SR E Ac 3 3 2 h:7... 48.,F4f65T,!, l:.r:,"T::. I 6.,B,..22.,..1 H.... BHND 1:' SCALE FACTOR=4:-'. 1:3 4 A 7..'4.8A, F 4 65 T 1,. t' H'.rA::3 _ 2.461 91.48:3. 4;3 5.7:32 -:3 6.44 56.15 4:37 _2.4 9:: 3.29 2. 560 1. 6:39:36.42 2.60 1. 50:7. 15 60 1. 610 4:3. 19 2.860 2.:8 1 3:3.52 2.959 12.70 31.1:3:3. 59 2. 7 20.2': 3., 1:5' 9 1.98:3 24. 7:3.'59 1. 16 22. 16 3.-':33 5': 1.720.i 57:' _ 6:' 4:31.= 2=8 1. 1 4: 0. 47 10:.3. 65:3: 1.::. 757 1.5, 4 2:3.3 -. 5. 9:. 145 4 0 5.:.: 2, 0 4.:31', "4.:' 5.:3 2 41: 0 17 146 S 3. 4,-2 2.:.4: -, 1.. 25 1 2.`:5 321 7.08:36. 600 2.::3 6.4 4 1 4 86. 49.:3::,5:'7.29::- 2. 05 5.:80 57. 648 2. 45 OC. 1 4:7,:? 97. ":, 47:-',:346 27: 5,0:3: 5. 6 3 -.5 2.:3::3 4.52 14 - 9. * 4 2.::':-. 2.:301:3.9:3. 42 2.:35:3 190 9U. 1 1 -.:3:': - 1' 8. 4 4 1 2.:342 2.24 90?. 7':0.. 1.6 -19

u~~09SV lOld 3fi::1 -'i I ~~~~~~ l!-,'i':'-,,ZF"]': - H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ —-~~ ~~~~~- -~~~~~~~-~~ — ~ ~- - -1 ~~- -- — ~ -~-~~~~-~~~~~ ~1I111 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ri.-~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t!-.:r -- 1 L "'T7 | ~~~~~~:........ L.... "-.::Z)..-.,,. -., "' "'' r ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,3,, I, r,t'".~...,..,:.. -'.. II -.., I''~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9.~I 1 L..-.....'............'.'.-t...-.......'..'.-...' -...'. "-.,... I.. "..........1........-'.......":" "... 1'......'.... _!....-........... _11 ri~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~''i Fr"'l i1....' -:.;'!f!":::'':'""'~';' r C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l O f-'t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I-. 7e..' Z'l., ", ],..':itIi':-t;..t i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;: ".,~ I t I.-t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I I_,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,.'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. C-~ O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I]~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!.., I:i ~~~~~~~~,1 "" r f....L

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i r:.-J i;,-.i.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.A7.&* 3qJl~ -r.. i-t...... Lz....: i- 2 I'-'1.... fI...... r (_, 4, X t o,'. ~' -.,;."."......, U''. ~ "-:. ~-"';~~ t_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t. i t..-...-.I.................-..-....`............................................~..................................,..................................................: t...4 C - [ —liE; L-''.Tl I.-":." Ff:;~..t ~: f tlH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.4... 4k:L _ __, —---- ---— ~ —-----— ~- ------ 1 — -~ —--------- ------- ---- -'~' -"' —T~ —- - ------ -' - I ~ 1.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f,. it" ~1i,~ 1 - i~'.... -.. t:: [. i; 1 L' "'-..,." ":'!'r.' 1 r",~,?,-,r'-.;~ ^ l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. i i~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~' --........._.....I._.....,.....,.'....,.,_._'"~.~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. % 1~'.-.. 1 r q [.:l ll I. 1 ~ -t~ & 1, t; s; L l.; t~i j l:r t: 12 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[.*::t!! -- ""-,..... 1:,[. PLOT AS6057 -22

S909SV lOld;1!:! I I..:! 11 0:3'~ - i P -, ~j I.-...................................-.....L..............i... —... 1... -.j..L.-'1...-r-...[................. I —': -- j: -- -....'T1 T.. L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- _."-o-.. -;....._ -, -| rn............... 1-..'"' I -..-....-.,.-.-....;.. —..-.-.-..-......-.-::-..J —.-.. —-.1....,-....-.....-..-.-...-., ~ _ 1 ~~ t!'~~ 1; -~~ Sl _4,t_.1 ti t.t. ~ -—.... -, —....... --— r-..-'..... —.'-. ~ —.-. T —----—' —----- —... -. —...-.o.- -. -— 5 —--—' —------- --—',..... z =~..... r..... 1' L.:*] " -- *"' ~ "'... L~:i* I — f r{ ~':? t7I -~~ 1 1~.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. "11 "'" ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~., "~~~~~~~~~~~F.,' I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~T i. n 3 1 f l ~~~~~~~~~~~,t:''H: — 1:,,.-:::':_ 1 Fi C, qs;-.- II! ~~~~~~~~'.".......-..-'",.......!t ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-..... -.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!' i ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ~~ -~~,~-~1~- ~ I; -- -~ c tlI~~~~~t-~ l~' 1:~-I i -~! ~-~1; _L.._,: 1 t~~._1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~'~..-.. — ~-.- -~. -~..... ~.. —, -1, I-...-.-.. ^......!............,...,.........J......,r-,.

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6tL9SV 10ld..ri3 zi-t t - -. —------......... —-- _I_. FI........ " 7'T1 Ti elI FI f I r'r, -Ij I I i i I i iH I I' S i | i-, i r'r —; ii I' i] L 1 i: i~.E Ed',i-.' -- iiit 1~ 1!;3:-t II~~..._........__...._'..._.__L.......__..L__1__:................,..__..._.,. _~.~...~...._....,-_..,.,~L..,,. _....._.,. ~.......L..._... _..._......_ _!...~....,...,...,_.~..._.......,....'~

LL89SV lOld,:?[~-!.:,H:"] i-i 1 _1;~. J ~ ~:, T.-'. i; —; E3 (a' 3, —T~~~"-~~~~ —"-L —l'-~~~~~~~~~~ —— ~ —... —-------- Wjr1 158 E3U Oci H;l T I E:EI.:I DE3t F~~. II.._il11| I! rn! 4.. L " -''., r K:! "' " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~....,1 -, ZN 3fl 1~1",11F *~ -.-.' I'I,''_''4 1l | -. s1; sr' lB,! _ -.''.L... ~. i''1 \ 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ — C1 -... —.. —... —-1-.. —-..'..U" -....-.-...-..-,,, L..-.......-.-..-.......- I~.........-.',,...'1! -.rt,'".'"J:, It ri 3 rl: I;: —'. —,. l- _ I,,,,,,,,,,, n, CZ T~n T 3 15X51 E.~t -1 -~...~ ~1,.t.. "" I' "! "'!, 4!I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J ~., is~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.s',, J. t:-' 8.. H'_8 k' 1:1.-i.5. -1 "-f................ e i-l to.. s~~~~~I~j......................................... L _t~il,-' ]6) [ 0;-; L.~i::3 c.~ I.: LD,::, L.-.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T`............................;:""'.-::-'~..................................1..........................................j...................................................................... C.' ~,~n T[~ ~.::~":~ ~:-;"'"-,,..,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ —-.!" ~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t'"'... ~'"""1""'""-I....... ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~fl..! 1.I -~-~I- ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~-..../.-~.-...'~ -..'.-.,-,.'""/"""".-I...,. -,.,,..,..L:,,,,

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L069SV iOld I ")-lf~ ~ll:s lr~,~1 ~~~~~~~~13 I' "" L.fnl TB EL3.J E I[.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~ Lrr klrl ri;3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i I,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1' I H r -II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I rP!~li~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~. f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,"! ira It1 L~~~5r!U HJr~ I' ",..... -, j i,. -.-...-",.'. i~~~~~~~~~~~ I " 1. II~~~~~~~~~~~..,..'" ~I:1 I-'""'",11'... ~ -.,.,....~.~, ~.,, _,,_, _,...,..,-, 1'rtj- "J..~...,,...-'..'.,._. 1.~I.I.. ",j~~~~~~~" [ f Z! k.'.i:.:7;'~ CI'...1- i 11''-.1."'T i1. iO-'~.. F~.`~T;!r.'! I' ~.J:;i.." -.....I.-.d..~li~ b-41' I T Et ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3.~~~~j Ei~~~~~~-~~~-~~ " I ~~~~...,- rl`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r,~t -s r': rl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~li-1r-,~I~~~~~~~~~~ ZI-!i:',.. E". l-ti:D;_ E1~~~~~~~~~~~~~. [~ ~.;=:! -1 $ 1.''j1 JI j~~ I'. - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i, I.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~r"' i. C~.l ~~~1 i I~~f ~-''I z t~~,1..r- r!~~~~~~!

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-79LLOLSV lOld':l-l. 1 J,:E,t'. 3"1f C3.-.: J 3. Ct ~ _ _ t1:- -, -: — 0 —----- ------ -ilt[ 8 C:-3 muI~~~ F.P, L~~~~~~~ II- S L~i1E.......... I1,..............................'8.....n lRRt..".........................,...-................. 1, HR~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ T., E.3tJ3!-1 i:,E3'. |Hfl IB ET3I F.IIIl'" " "..' " " -~ -.....'""....."'-.. (.."...Z.... II! I~ ~ I~r ~~~~~1~~~~~~~J ~ ~''~~~~~~~~~~~~~!. r'* 1:.II'.. ~ I' ~..'I"1~~~~~~'{.t ~~~~~~~~~~~~._' — I~i..........L..~.....~.."........'....,.,... 1~'......... ~I T i 1 —'t J ~, F', p'l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'...,..., ~~~~~~~~~~~~"Ir~.3......'"!" Z~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ( ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t -'I'.....'j I'''~~~'- 1~~~~~~~~~......'' J....' — ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HF1 I ~~~~ ~~ Et" —.i'P I",~~~~~~~~~1 -~; ~~~~~~~~~~ ~i -,. "~.'"1I.,'".., 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, t% 1. _._.~_. i.,........_.: _._....' -.,'..

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