SuMMARY I. Detonation The'work on deionatlon during this quarter involved mainly the improvement and calibration of the equipment to measure detonation velocities. Velocities of detonation for acetylene-oxygen mixtures at various pressures were determined. Prelininary runs to determine sh1ock velocities for a combination of hydrogen as a reservoir gas and air as a test gas were carried out. II. Interferometer The designs of interfererneter and support system were completed. The instrument is partially assembled, awaiting man'&~facture of a few remainirT parts. A descriptive report is being written, including proposals for utilization in combustion studies.

ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE g Page UNIVERSITY OF {M.ICHIGAN PROGRESS REPORT NO. 2 ON DETONATIVE COMBUSTION INSTRUMENTATION The timer, whose circuit was discussed in Progress Report No. 1, operated. sufficiently well to permit accurate readings of time intervals of the order of 150 to 1200 microseconds. There was, however, considerable drift in the meter during the reading interval which was traced to the change in tube characteristics encountered when the "Read" switch was thrown. This situation was remedied by the addition of a potentiometer in the grid circuit which Scan be adjusted to operate the tube under conditions nearly equal to those present when the "Read" switch is closed (Fig. 1; ref. page 29, Progress Report No. 1). B Fig. 1 In order to measure time intervals shorter than those above (ci, 150 microseconds), a 50 S resistor was added to the selector switcl of

ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITTUTE UNIVERSITY OF MIICHIGAN S5 (page 29, Progress Report No. 1). The time interval that could be measured conveniently was thus extended to approximately 90 microseconds. The calibation of the timing circuit was carried out in tihe following manner, An audio-oscillator was calibrated against radio station WWY as a standard. The audio-oscillator was then used to lock in a thyratron sawtooth oscillator (Fig. 2), which produces a series of sharp pipe from. a cathode follower, These pips are fed continuously into the calibration sequence pulser (see Fig. 3). The sequence pulser receives these pips on the grids of two thyratrons which are adjusted to sufficient grid bias to kees them from firing. When switch S2, which is initially closed, is opened, the grid-bias voltage is quickly reduced to a state wherein the next pip will fire it. The firing of the first thyratron simultaneously sends a pip to the timer and reduces the grid bias of the second thyratron. The next succeeding pip fires the second thyratron which sends a second pulse to tihle timer. An example of these calibrations is shown in Fig. 4. Under operating conditions in the shock tu'be it was found that the timer worked best when one side of the ionization probes was groanded and the other side fed to the grid of the thyratrons. Several probes were experimented with until one was found which worked sa.tisfactorily. (See F:tg. e) It is felt that the convergent sect.ion of the probe serves to intensify the strength of a wave and thereby ncreases the ionization in the re-7 I on of the wave. These probes have been adjusted to sufficitnt sensitivity to rc.pondto shock waves of moderate intensity. In the cae e of dotomation waves the response.has been very satti.)ctoryo

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ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF NMICHIGAN EXPET-MhNTAL POCUEDR1 Acetylene-oxygen mixtures were selected for the initial experirmentt.tion with detonation inasmuch as it detoluates readily and sor-e daata on iits detonation velocities are easily' obtainable. The tube in whiich the experiments were performed was a 15-ft lengftth of schledule 16o ipe coAnnected to a 6-l-ft length of similar pipe by means of a pipe union which was machined to re-c-eive diaphragas (see Fig. 6). TO CHARGING VESSEL TO VACUUM SOUR E - 4- MANOMETER PRESSURE GAGE PROBE PROBE #2 DIAPHRAGM TO HELIUM BOTTLE - oRESERVOIR TEST CHAMBER _ ~-. -, %" —-- 6'7/2 - 7'92/3 2 25/4 Fig. 6 The probes were located about 6 ft downstream fro,; the djaphra.i, At this location it was felt th t the detonation wave would be fully developed. A few runs were made with the probes 2 ft. further downstream with no change in results. The acetylene and oxygen were premixed in a charging vessel i3 approximately a cu-ft volume, the fuel-oxygen ratio being determined by the

ENGINEERING RESEARCH I NSTITUT'T D(. UNIVERSITY OF,fICCiHIGAN i partial pressures to whicih the venssel was charged.with each gas. ~-erolLnary to charging the test chamber, a diaphragmn was put in place and a piece of rubber tape wasl stuck over the open end of the tube, The test chamber w.-s evacuated by the vacuum source and the; tube filaled with a fuel-oxygen -m1ixture. The test chamber was re-evacuated in order to purge it and then filled to tithe desired pressure. Helium was then let into the resoervoir until its pressure broke the diaphragm. Data obtained in this manner For acetylene-oxygen mixtures are shoan in Fig. 7. Shock velocities obtained in this manner are slhown in Fig. 8. DEVELOPMENT OF TIEE 8-INCH MACH-Z3I)E.R INTEBREOM The manufacture and construction of the interferometer is in the final stages. Design work has already been completed for some time and only the manufacturing of some parts remains. There has been a considerable delay in the shop; apparently due to priority. However, it is anticipated that all parts will be finished in the next three or four weeks. Partial assembly of already completed parts has been made. Considerable time has been spent also on the design, manufacture, and assembly of a suitable support system for the interferometer. An overhead crane system is now available in the laboratory for convenient transporting of the approximately 1800-lb instrument. Its operating, position may be conveniently fixed at any desirable angle. This support system will lend itself very readily to bringing the interferometer to the various test setups, increasing its versatility. A separate report is currently being written describing in detail the interferometer. This report will also include an operation manual.

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ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN' Proposals for the use of the interferometer in combustion and propulsion studies have been partially completed. These should be available for discussion as soon as the instrmument is assembled. The light-source system will use a B-H6 mercury-vapor lampn as the prime source of monochromatic light (with suitable filters). Tlhe control unit for this lamp has been completed and is shown in Figs. 9 and 10. Continuous or flash operation is possible. The flash unit is shoimn on top of the main control box. Fig. ll shows a schematic diagram of the electrical and air-cooling setup for continuous operation. The Lamp operating only in a horizontal position must be air-cooled with about 7 cfm of air at about 40 lbs of pressure. The time-delay relay keeps the air on. for about 10 seconds after the current has been shut off. This lengthens the life of the lamp. Other characteristics of the B-H6 mercury lamp are: Rated lamp watts 900 Lumens 65, O00 Candle 300/ Pressure 110 atm Operating voltage 840 v Operating current 1.4 amp Starting time 4 sec to full output Source size 2 x 20 rmi approximately The flash duration of the lamp is about 4 to 5 microseconds. It is flashed by discharging a 2shf capacitor at 2200 volts and triggered by a thyratren circuit. Fig. 12 shows the circuit diagram of the flash unit.

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w o U) A- SWITCH CA 115 W I MEG POT ---- HI - TENSION COILS 1.5 MEI1~~ ~ ISME 4 -7 $ 20501 L~~~~~L l~~~~AMP i Z7 400V V NFON BULBS >I W ATT lx x _ _ x.3 _ 0.6 A — i — __ _ _-_ _ _ _ - 4 2.5 V SPARK 2 12 000V.75A GAP L_.4_I I i 22200 v f THYRATRON 15 MA 115yA 1___ _ 112 B-H6 LAMP RECTIFIER CAPACITOR FLASH UNIT B-H6 LAMP FIG. 12

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 111 0111111111111111111111 111[1111 3 9015 03483 1662