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Davis, Gerald F., Mina Yoo, and Wayne E. Baker. "The Small World of the American Corporate Elite, 1982-2001." Strategic Organization. 1. 3 (2003): 301-326. (Sage Journals subscription required for article)
Granovetter, Mark S. "The Strength of Weak Ties." American Journal of Sociology. 78 (1973): 1360-1380.
Pajek Chapter 8: diffusion

optional: Burt, R. S. "Structural Holes and Good Ideas." American Journal of Sociology. 110. 2 (2004): 349-399.
optional: Aral, Sinan and Van Alstyne, Marshall W., Networks, Information & Social Capital (formerly titled 'Network Structure & Information Advantage') (March 15, 2008).
optional: Lazer, David, and Allan Friedman. The Parable of the Hare and the Tortoise Small Worlds, Diversity, and System Performance / David Lazer and Allan Friedman. [Cambridge, Mass.]: John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 2005.



Information diffusion PowerPoint Download PDF Download (.ppt, .pdf)


Diffusion instructions PDF Download (.pdf)
Coevolution of networks example url
(from Holme & Newman)
exposure.mcr *
threshold_lag.mcr *
modmath.paj Pajek data site


Problem Set 7 Doc Download PDF Download (.doc, .pdf)
pageranktoolW Python file (.py)

* All data files from the Pajek site, including .mcr files, can be downloaded as a zip file here.

