TH'l'E: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COMPUTING RESEARCH LABORATORY1 EFFICIENCY OF FEATURE DEPENDENT ALGORITHMS FOR THE PARALLEL PROCESSING OF IMAGES T.N. Mudge and T.A Rahman CRL-TR-11-83 MARCH 1983 Room 1079. East Engineering Building Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 USA Tel: (313) 763-8000 1This work was supported in part by AFOSR Grant No. F49620-B2-C-00 89. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.

Efficiency of Feature Dependent Algorithms for the Parallel Processing of Images by T. N. Mudge and T. A. Rahman Computing Research Laboratory Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Abstract —In this paper the concept of feature (in)dependent image processing algorithms is defined. A large class of image processing computers characterized by multiple processor-memory subsystems is efficient when dealing with feature independent algorithms but less efficient when dealing with feature dependent algorithms. Typically such machines are required to perform both types of algorithms. This paper is a preliminary attempt to provide a framework within which to model feature dependent algorithms, and to, for example, quantify the inefficiency that can occur when they are executed on the above type of parallel image processors. Keywords —feature dependent algorithms, image processing, parallel processing. 1. Introduction The economics of modern digital integrated circuit technology no longer restricts the designers of digital systems to the classical serial interpreter typified by the von Neumann uniprocessor architecture. This trend away from conventional machines is particularly well developed in the field of image processing where the large data sets (64K bytes to 4M bytes per image) and the high processing rates (near term predictions of 1 to 100 billion operations per second have been made in [1 ]) make special purpose machines an economic necessity [2]. A number of people have proposed/constructed special purpose machines for image processing. These are This work was supported in part by AFOSR grant F49620-82-C-0089. parallel processing

2 surveyed in [3-5]. An architectural characteristic of most of these special purpose image processors is a large number of processors working in parallel. Parallel processing is a natural strategy for dealing with the large data sets and high processing rates encountered In image processing applications; furthermore, the nature of the data and the nature of many of the algorithms make parallel processing particularly attractive. The data is usually a large two dimensional array, and many of the low level Image processing algorithms can be decomposed into a large number of concurrent neighborhood operations. Examples include: various filtering algorithms such as smoothing to reduce high frequency noise and median filtering to reduce salt-andpepper noise; edge detection algorithms that use operators such as the Sobel operator and the Hueckel operator; and various coding algorithms such as block truncation coding and cosine transform coding. A natural architecture for the above class of image processing algorithms is a multiprocessor in which equal subimages are assigned to separate processors for processing. For the purpose of this discussion we will classify such processors as multiple subimage processors (MSP's). As might be expected, a large number of the proposed/constructed special purpose image processors can be viewed as MSP's. Figure 1 shows a block diagram of a generic MSP. Subimage i is handled by its own processor-memory subsystem, processing element i (PEI). The PE's can communicate through some form of interconnection network (ICN). Specific examples of MSP's include: the proposed PASM architecture [6], which plans to employ multi-path routing-networks to connect a set of 1024 PE's; CLIP4 [7], a 96 x 96 array of simple bit-processors, each with a 32 bit RAM and an ICN that connects nearest neighbors in the array; the Distributed Array Processor [8], a 64 x 64 array of processors with 4K-bit storage per processor and an ICN that connects nearest neighbors in the array and provides a bus per row and column; the Massively Parallel Processor [9], a 128 x 128 array of processors with 1K-bit storage per processor and an ICN that parallel processing

3 connects nearest neighbors; and the Adaptive Array Processor [10], whose building block is a single chip 8 x 8 array with 96 bits of storage per processor. In general, MSP's are highly efficient at performing neighborhood operations such as those listed above. These types of operations are an important subclass of what we will term feature independent image processing algorithms. Feature independent algorithms are characterized by equal processing per pixel. In other words, each pixel receives the same amount of processing regardless of whether or not it is part of a feature of interest such as a line segment. As well as many neighborhood operations there are other algorithms such as histogramming and the Fourier transform which are feature independent. Unlike neighborhood operations these algorithms require significant amounts of data to be moved between processors. The effectiveness of MSP's at performing them is dependent on the bandwidth of the ICN shown in Figure 1. A multiprocessor like PASM with a high bandwidth ICN can perform such algorithms relatively easily [11-13]. Therefore, the concept of a multiprocessor in which equal subimages are assigned to separate processors for processing is also a natural way of handling the complete range of feature independent algorithms, proPE1 PE 2 PE.3 P IC. (Interconnection Ne tw.ork ) Figure 1. Generic MSP. parallel processing

4 vided the ICN is appropriate for the types of feature independent algorithms anticipated. Although the above concept is natural for feature dependent algorithms, it becomes less attractive for feature dependent image processing algorithms. Feature dependent algorithms are characterized by unequal amounts of processing per pixel. This might arise when a pixel is part of a feature of interest and because of that requires separate treatment. A simple example of a feature dependent algorithm is contour tracing; only edge pixels are involved in the algorithm. In an image processing application the initial sequence of algorithms involves mostly feature independent algorithms because they are concerned with general image enhancement and potential feature location. The subsequent sequence of algorithms is much more likely to Involve feature dependent algorithms because specific features are sought from the set of potential locations. Consider processing an N-pixel image on an MSP machine having m PE's. In normal MSP operation the image is divided into N/m subimages of equal size, and each subimage is processed by a single PE. However, in the case of feature dependent algorithms the image should be divided into subimages of equal interest, i.e., subimages having equal numbers of pixels of interest. If, in the case of feature dependent algorithms images are divided into subimages of equal size, some PE's will receive fewer pixels of interest. This uneven distribution of work will result in some PE's being idle during part of the algorithm. Dividing the image into subimages of equal Interest requires that the distribution of pixels of interest over the image can be calculated. This is not always possible. On the other hand, it may be possible, but the calculation and the redistribution on the basis of interest may involve more computation than that lost through the inefficiency of having some PE's idle during part of the algorithm. parallel processing

5 This paper is a preliminary attempt to provide a framework within wnhich to model feature dependent algorithms, and to, for exampl'-, quantify the above inefficiency to assist In decisions about image distribution among PE's. The following section develops a itia'hematical model of feature dependent aigorithms. Section 3 tests it using some real image data with edge pixels as the pixels of interest. Section 4 concludes the discussion. 2. Mathematical Model of Feature Dependent Algorithms Consider an N-pixel image and an m-PE MSP system. Assume that the pixels of Interest occur randomly in the image and that the probability of a pixel being of Interest is p regardless of its position. Assume that the MSP system is executing an Image processing algorithm on the image. Let the time to complete the algorithm be a function, f, of the number of pixels of interest in the image, i.e., the algorithm is a feature dependent one. For the single PE case (m=1) the expected value of the execution time, T1, is given by: T1 = f(Np) (1) For the m-PE case assume that the image is divided among the m PE's on an equal size basis. Each PE holds an n = N/ m pixel subimage. Let Xi to be the random variable describing the number of pixels of interest in subimage i, i=1,2,...,m. From the above assumption that the probability of a pixel being of interest is p regardless of its position, it follows that the Xi's are identically independently distributed (i.i.d) random variables with a binomial distribution (see Figure 2). Let Tmax be the expected value of the maximum execution time among all PE's. Since the algorithm is not finished until all the m PE's have completed the work in their subimage, it follows that: Tm = f(E[Xmax]) (2) parallel processing

i-th subimage of n pixels with Xi of interest. image of N pixels partitioned into subimages of n pixels Figure 2. A subimage and its associated random variable. Where: Xmax = max(Xl, X2,........ Xm) (3) To evaluate Tm consider the following. Let pj be the probability of exactly j pixels of interest occurring in subimage i: Pr EXl = j j = Pj = pi (1-p)n-i (4) Let qi be the probability of greater than j pixels of interest occurring in subimage i: Pr X,>j = q = Pr (5) r=j+1 Then: qj= _ Pr p(l -p)n-r (6) r=j+l Let P(z) be the generating function for the sequence pj, j=-,1,...,n: P(z) = Po+PlZ+.......+pnzn (7) Let Q(z) be the generating function for the sequence qj, j=O,l,...,n: parallel processing

7 Q(z) = qO +q1 z+.......+qnz* (8) From (7) and (8) it follows that: Q(z) - 1 - P(z) (9) 1-z Equation (9) can be verified by equating the z coefficients on both sides of the equation: 1- P(z) = (1 - z)Q(z) (qn = 0) (1 O) See [1 4]. Differentiating P(z) with respect to z yields: P'(z) = pl+2p2z+.......+npnzn-1 (11) Evaluating P'(z) at z=1 yields: P'(1) = p! +2P2 +.......+nPn (12) The right hand side of the above equation is simply E[XI]. Thus: E[Xi] = P'(1) (13) Differentiating both sides of (1 0) yields: - P(z) = - Q() + (1- z)Q'(z) (14) Evaluating (1 4) at z= 1 yields: P'(1) = Q(1) (1 5) Comparing to (1 3) gives: E[X] = Q(1 ) (1 6) Next consider PrI Xmax c j i: Pr} Xmax < j j = Pr} Xl1j and X2<2... and Xm,<jj (17) Since the Xl's are i.i.d, (17) reduces to: parallel processing

8 PrT Xmax i j = (Pr1t Xi c i~ j (18) For any i. Using the relation: Pri Xmax >i = - Pr( Xmax I j 3 (19) Gives: Pri Xmax > i 1 -Pr[ XI, j m (20) But from (16): E[Xmax] = Qmax(1) (21) And, by definition: Qmax(Z) = Pri Xmax > 1 I + Prt Xmax> 2 +...+ Prl Xmax > m I (22) Therefore, substituting (20) into (22) gives: Tm = f 1- Xi k (23) ~~lk~~ir-1 (23) Where Pri Xi k A is given by: Pr! Xi c:- k = p(1 -p)n-r (24) r=O Notice tha the value of Tmax is independent of i because the Xl's are i.d.d. Following the usual arguments (see [15]) the efficiency E can be defined in terms of T1 and Tm by: E = 1 (25) m Tm Thus the efficency of executing feature dependent algorithms can be determined from (1), (23), (24) and f, the function that describes the time to complete the algorithm. Graph 1 shows the variation of the efficiency, E, as a function of the ratio N/ m for p = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8.. The graph was plotted by assuming f to be linear. A more parallel processing

9 t 00 -.8715 - P=', lI.o37 - L'-.375 -.250 - P=o 2. 25 - 1 t17 33 Lt9 65 80 96 t t t28 Ratlo oNm Graph 1. E versus N/m realistic function would depend on the specific feature dependent algorithm being considered. However, linear does appear to be a reasonable assumption for a large class of algorithms. For example, a relatively complicated feature dependent algorithm such as the Generalized Hough transform [16] is approximately linear: for each pixel of interest no more than a fixed number of accumulators have to be updated. If care is taken Tm can be evaluated in O(n) time. The term from (24) should not be evaluated from scratch for each value of k. Also, for large values of n the terms on the right hand side of (24) can be approximated by a Poisson distribution whose parallel processing

10 terms can in turn be evaluated using Stirling's formula and!ogarlthms. Several points can be deduced from Graph 1. The efficiency tends to p as N/ m goes to 1. This agrees with intuition: if there were as many PE's as pixels, p would be the fraction likely to contain an interesting pixel, and only this fraction would have any work. For very low values of p (<<0.2) the efficiency can drop drastically for MSP's processing images that have less than an order of magnitude more pixels than they have PE's. For example, PASM with 1024 PE's will operate at less than 40% efficiency on images of 64 x 64 pixels if p=0.4. On the other hand if the images are 256 x 256 the efficiency jumps to over 80% for the same value of p. Clearly, for high efficiency the image should contain several orders of magnitude more pixels than the MSP has PE's. 3. Experimental Results In an attempt to test the above results the following experiment was carried out on a set of images of industrial parts. These images were obtained from the General Motors database for the industrial bin of parts problem [1 7]. The names of the ones used are listed in Table 1. Image Name No. of Edge Pixels p binl.piv 7732.118 binl.piw 12205.1 86 bin3.piv 9831.150 bin5.piz 8032.1 23 bin8.piv 5600.089 yoke 1.pit 4421.064 yoke2.pit 5241.080 yoke3.pit 8018 1 22 rod 1.pit 8768.1 34 binl.piw 15822.241 Table 1. parallel processing

11 The Sobel edge operator was applied to the above images. A pixel was defired to be of interest if and only if it was on an edge. The resulting image was th.:esholded and the number of edge points (number of pixels of interest) was computed. The threshold value was chosen to give a "good" edge image. All the images are 256x256 with 256 gray levels. The number of pixels of interest in each image and the value of p are also shown in Table 1. The value of p was estimated as the number of pixels of interest divided by the total number of pixels in the image. The images were divided into subimages of equal sizes and the expected value of the maximum number of pixels was obtained experimentally. The experimental value obtained was compared with its theoretical value obtained from equation (23) with f=l1, for various values of m. Those results are shown in Graph 2. It can be seen that there is a fairly good agreement between the theoretical results and the experimental results when the the features are edge pixels. The lower of the two curves is the theoretical one. This error is due the our assumption that the probability of a pixel being of interest is not related to its position. In the case of edge pixels this is clearly not so as they cluster in lines. Clustering moves the experimental line higher. In the case of specific features better results might be obtained if a more accurate stochastic model of the features distribution can be developed. For example, more accurate models of edge pixel distributions have been developed [18], however they apply only to edges and computing Tmax for them appears to be a problem. 4. Conclusions This paper has presented a preliminary attempt to provide a framework within which to model feature dependent algorithms, and to, for example, quantify the inefficiency that can occur in MSP's when subimages of equal size are distributed among the PE's. parallel processing

12 79,50 60.13 l I ~ ~~~s'~ PE's log References9888: 79,.50 - X 60.13- \ 21.38-i 0 2 + 6 8 t10 12 t' 16 Number of PE's ( log on ) Graph 2. be efficiently computed without compromising the accuracy of the result. Future were used for the features of an image. 5. References [1] R. Reddy and R. W. Hon, "Computer architectures for vision,' in Computer and 1979, pp. 169-186. 378-387. parallel processing

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