OPERATION SCHEDULING FOR PARALLEL MACHINE TOOLS Bryan A. Norman* Department of Industrial Engineering University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15261 James C. Bean Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2117 Technical Report 95-29 November 1995 Corresponding author

The Importance of Scheduling Operations on Parallel Machine Tools We discuss the important problem of sequencing operations on a parallel machine tool. Parallel machine tools are CNC machines that contain multiple spindles and multiple tooling heads. Recent research has explored the development of automated process planning systems for these machines. These process planning systems perform many tasks including feature identification and extraction, selection of manufacturing method, determination of operation sequence, and provide CNC programs to produce the parts. While previously published research has explored other aspects of the process process planning problem for these machines, little work has been done investigating the operations sequencing problem. However, selecting the proper operations sequence can have a significant impact on the time required to produce a given part and therefore affect the overall effectiveness of the process planning system. I'he operation sequencing prolbleims that arise on parallel machine tools are different than those found in the traditional sequencing and scheduling literature. The principal difference it that there exists an opportunity to perform multiple operations simultaneously on a single part. But the situation is complicated by the fact that only certain types of operations nmay be performed simultaneously. For example, you cannot perform a turning operation and a radial drilling operation at the same time. There is also the problem of determining the order in which the turrets sliould visit thle different spindle locations. We formulate these sequencing problems and present, t\\o methodologies for solving them. The first applroachl uses priority dispatching rules tlla't are modified to reflect the unique problem characteristics that arise for parallel machine tools. Th-e second approach utilizes a genetic algorithm.

Abstract We introduce unique scheduling problems that arise for multiple spindle machine tools. The capability of these machines to perform simultaneous operations on one or more parts creates constraints that are not found in the traditional scheduling literature. Two types of solution methodologies are introduced for these problems. The first utilizes priority dispatching rules and a delay factor concept to enhance the quality of the developed solutions. The second utilizes a genetic algorithm with a random keys encoding. The effectiveness of these methods is demonstrated on test problems with comparisons to lower bounds. 1 Introduction to Parallel Machine Tools Machining hardware advances drive changes in requirements for Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP) systems. In order to gain the full benefit of improvements in hardware, CAPP software must be developed that can exploit these improvements. Parallel Machine Tools represent a relatively new development. A key difference between Parallel Machine Tools and conventional CNC machines is that the former contains multiple spindles and can hold multiple workpieces concurrently. A typical Parallel Machine Tool has one main spindle and a number of subspindles that may not be identical to the main spindle. To properly describe Parallel Machine Tools it is necessary to define some terms. We retain the terminology introduced in [16]. A part machining location (PML) refers to one valid workholding location. The main spindle and subspindle(s) always represent valid PMLs. However, with special fixturing, a turret on a machine tool can also be a valid PML. The maximum number of parts that can be placed on a Parallel Machine Tool at one time is not 1

greater than the number of PMLs. A machining unit (MU) refers to a tool holding device. Tool holding devices may hold a single tool or a turret containing multiple tools. Relative motions between the machine tool on the MU and the workpiece held in the PML accomplish the machining. Conventional machines have only one MU and one PML. Parallel Machine Tools (PMTs) have N(> 1) PMLs and M(> 1) MUs. CAPP for PMTs opens many areas for research including feature extraction, collision avoidance, user interfaces and operation sequencing. In this paper we analyze the operation sequencing problem. Section 2 reviews the relevant literature concerning Parallel Machine Tools. The specific operation sequencing problems that arise for Parallel Machine Tools are presented in Section 3. Section 4 provides solution methodologies for these problems. Section 5 presents computational results. Conclusions and future research are discussed in Section 6. 2 Literature Review Due to the presence of multiple PMLs and multiple MUs, Parallel Machine Tools offer new challenges for operations control and process planning systems. Most of the existing process planning and scheduling literature assumes that machines can process only one part at a time and that only one operation can be performed on a part at any given time. However, Parallel Machine Tools are not restricted to these assumptions. The scheduling of operations on a Parallel Machine Tool has not received much attention in the literature. Two papers that discuss process planning for Parallel Machine Tools, [16] and [30], mention the importance of scheduling operations efficiently but do not discuss specific methodologies for achieving this goal. Some of the technological constraints of Parallel Machine Tools and their impact on the operation scheduling problem are discussed in [17]. 2

They propose a procedure based on the idea of [12] for constructing feasible semi-active schedules. The traditional production scheduling and FMS literature fails to address the scheduling problems that arise for Parallel Machine Tools due to the common assumption of serial operations. However, some simplified versions of the Parallel Machine Tool scheduling problem are similar to problems that have been considered in the literature. These similarities will be noted in Section 3. 3 Scheduling Problem Definition Scheduling operations on a PMT is complicated by four characteristics of the problem: precedence constraints between the operations, mode restrictions, determination of PML for each operation, and the assignment of tools to MUs. Each of these are now described in more detail. Precedence constraints arise for three reasons. The first involves geometric considerations. Because machining operations remove volumes of material, some operations must necessarily precede other operations. For example, a hole must be drilled before it can be reamed and finished. The second source of precedence is tolerancing. It may be necessary for one feature of a workpiece to be dimensioned off of another. For example, the location of a hole may be determined relative to a finished face of the workpiece. In this case, it is necessary to finish the face of the workpiece before drilling the hole to insure that the hole is properly located. The third type of precedence results from manufacturing practice. Consider a part which has a hole on a sloped face of a part. Manufacturing practice dictates that the hole be drilled prior to the workpiece face being machined to a slope. Otherwise, the sloped face results in increased drill bit slippage. 3

The operations performed on a PMT may be classified into three modes or categories depending on the motion of the workpiece at a PML and the motion of the MUs that are machining the workpiece. The three modes are defined as in [16]: turning - when the workpiece is rotating and the MU is stationary; milling - when the part is stationary and the MU is in motion, as in drilling or milling; contouring - when both the part and the tool are in motion, as in contour-milling. Operations that require different modes cannot be performed concurrently at the same PML due to technological limitations. For example, it is not possible to perform a turning operation and a radial drilling operation (where the drill bit enters the workpiece perpendicular to the axis of rotation) in parallel. The addition of mode constraints results in additional complexities. The problem formulations presented later in this section show how the number of disjunctive constraints increases when mode constraints are included in a problem. Because a PMT has multiple PMLs, it is necessary to determine the set of operations that will be completed at each PML. Determining which operations to perform at each PML will have a significant effect on the time required to complete the workpiece. For example, a workpiece typically visits each PML only one time in order to provide a smooth material flow. While parts could make return visits to a given PML, we assume this is not the case for the remainder of this discussion. The assignment of tools to MUs also has a significant effect upon the processing time for a part. Only operations that have tools on different MUs can be performed in parallel since only one of the tools (assuming a turret is used) on a MU can be accessed at any point in time. The tool assignment problem alone is a rather difficult problem and will be explored in future research. 4

We now present a detailed description of scheduling problems encountered on PMTs. We begin by defining problem parameters, decision variables, and notation that are used in the problem formulations and discussion. We also discuss assumptions that are common to all of the problems investigated. Problem Parameters n the number of operations in the process plan, E {1, 2,...} ~i the operation number, E {1,2,..., n} mi the mode of operation i, C {1,2, 3} p.,j the jth immediate predecessor of operation i, E {1, 2,..., n} Pi the set of all immediate predecessors of operation i, C {1, 2,..., n} tt the processing time of operation i, E R+ MUma the number of MUs in a problem, {1, 2,...} PMLmax the number of PMLs in a problem, C {1,2,...} M a large positive number MUi the MU for operation i, C {1,2,..., MUmax} PML, the PML for operation i, C {1,2,..., PMLmax} Problem Decision Variables Ci the completion time of operation i, C R+ 5

Additional Notation i -< j denotes that operation i must precede operation j but operation i is not necessarily the immediate predecessor of operation j. i < j in the final schedule, operation i completes before operation j begins (i and j may not have a precedence relationship) Assumptions We list six assumptions concerning the problem discussed in this paper. I. The MUs are continuously available. II. There is no preemption of operations. III. Processing times are known in advance. IV. Operations have been assigned to PMLs. V. Tools are previously assigned to MUs and there is no duplicate tooling. VI. The objective is to minimize the makespan. Assuming the MUs are continuously available eliminates the need to consider MU breakdowns. The solution procedures given in Section 4 can be modified to account for these breakdowns. However, the data sets tested did not contain MU breakdown information. Not permitting preemptions reflects the technological constraints of many metal cutting operations. Once an operation is started it should proceed to its completion in order to produce a better finish and to reduce tool wear. Assuming known processing times for each operation eliminates any processing time interactions that may exist, due to shared machining parameters, between simultaneously scheduled operations. Assuming that tools are already 6

assigned to turrets and that there are no duplicate tools implies that each operation must be completed by a specific MU. Assumptions III, IV, and V will be relaxed in future work. The makespan objective is reasonable for the PMT scheduling problem since it has few inventory or due time implications. In the PMT scheduling problem, the objective is to get parts off of the machine as quickly as possible in order to make the machine available for other parts. This corresponds to minimizing the makespan for the process plan. If we also assume that there are no mode conflicts, we obtain a simplified problem denoted P(1). This problem is a generalization of the job shop scheduling problem which has been demonstrated to be NP-hard [11]. It has the same structure as a resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). Each operation in P(1) corresponds to an activity in a RCPSP that requires one unit of a renewable resource with total availability of one unit. MUs in P(1) correspond to resources in the RCPSP problem. The precedence constraints are common to both problems. While the problem structure is the same, the time horizon for many RCPSP applications is quite different than for P(1). The RCPSP is often found in project scheduling contexts where activity durations may be hours, days, or weeks while the activity times are usually seconds for the PMT operation scheduling problem. However, the RCPSP can also be applied to job shop settings where the activity times would be of the same order as those found in P(1). The RCPSP has been studied extensively over the last 30 years. Optimal solution procedures for the RCPSP have been proposed by [3], [6], [9], and [26]. All of these procedures utilize a branch-and-bound solution methodology. The approaches differ in their choice of branching rules and in their methods for determining lower bounds. Due to the computational requirements of these branch-and-bound algorithms, none of them have been utilized to solve problems with more than 50 activities. Most of the problems tested contain 30 7

activities or less. Heuristics have been proposed by [5], [10], [15], [22], [28], [4], [7], and [27]. All of these efforts are based on determining priority rules to choose which activity should be scheduled next subject to the precedence constraints. Many of these methods utilize calculations from the Critical Path Method (CPM). We will build on some of these heuristics to develop approaches for more complicated variations of the problem. Although P(1) is equivalent to problems that have been previously studied in the literature, this is not true for more complicated PMT problem variations. Introducing mode constraints into the problem results in a problem that, to the best of our knowledge, has only been previously addressed in [17]. This problem can be formulated as the following mathematical program: 8

Math Program P(2) Min Cma Cma > C Vi =1,2,...,n (1.1) Ci > Cp;,j + ti Vi = 1, 2,..., n and V pij E Pi (1.2) Ci > ti + Cj + M (-zj) Vi,j = 1,2,...,n 3 MUi = MUj, i j and j S i (1.3) and j 7 i Cj > tj + +M (j - 1) Vi,j = 1, 2,..., n MU = MUj, i 7 j and j 7 i (1.4) and j 7 i Ci > Vi= 1,2,...,n (1.5) C + > t. + Cj + M (-yj) Vi,j = 1, 2,...,n 9 MU-i MUj, i j, (2.1) j 7 i, mi 7 mj, and PMLi = PMLj Cj > tj + Ci + M (y - 1) Vi,j = 1, 2,...,n 3 MU, MUj, i j, (2.2) j 7- i,mi 5 mj, and PML = PMLj 1 ifi <j Yij= - 0 otherwise Constraint (1.2) ensures that each operation does not begin prior to the completion of its predecessors. The disjunctive constraints (1.3) and (1.4) insure that each MU performs at most one operation at any given time. These disjunctive constraints are similar to those presented in the formulation of the job shop scheduling problem (see [1]). The disjunctive constraints (2.1) and (2.2) insure that only operations with the same machine mode can be scheduled concurrently. These constraints separate P(1) and P(2). We now propose heuristic solutions approaches to problem P(2). 9

4 Heuristic Solution Procedure Methodologies We limit the solution methodologies that we propose for this problem to heuristic methods for two reasons. First, the addition of constraints (2.1) and (2.2) significantly increases the number of (0,1) variables in P(2) relative to P(1). Due to the large number of (0,1) variables that would be present, even in a problem with only a few operations, we are not optimistic about the prospects of implementing a branch-and-bound algorithm for P(2). Second, heuristic rules are developed for problem P(2) that can be extended, in future work, to include the additional complexities that result from relaxing assumptions III, IV, and V. We investigate two types of heuristic procedures. The first uses priority dispatching rules that are modified to account for the problem structure of P(2). The second is a genetic algorithm that utilizes the random keys encoding. 4.1 Priority Rule Heuristic Priority dispatching rules have been applied to a number of different scheduling problems (see [23] and [19]). As discussed in Section 3, several dispatching rules have been applied to problem P(1). Because problem P(2) has some similarities to problem P(1), priority dispatching rules that had worked well on problem P(1) were selected for testing on these problems. A total of 16 different priority rules from [22] were tested. For a given problem instance, each priority rule is used to construct a schedule and the final schedule is the best of the 16. To explain the different priority rules it is necessary to define some additional notation: Si The set of all operations that are successors of operation i. PWi Positional Weight of operation i, PWi = Zkes, tkThe 16 priority rules shown in Table 1 were tested on P(2) type problems and the results are shown in Table 3. The poor performance is not surprising since these rules do not consider 10

the concept of modes. To improve performance, these rules were modified to account for the problem structures found in P(2). In P(2) only operations that have the same mode can be scheduled in parallel so it is desirable to create a schedule that exploits this fact. This was accomplished using a delay amount similar to the one used for job shop scheduling in [20]. The underlying idea is to shift operations in the schedule such that operations with the same mode are scheduled in parallel. 1. Shortest Processing Time (SPT) 2. Longest Processing Time (LPT) 3. Most Immediate Successors (MIS) 4. Least Immediate Successors (LIS) 5. Most Total Successors (MTS) 6. Least Total Successors (LTS) 7. Longest Path Following (LPF) 8. Greatest Positional Weight (GPW) 9. Least Positional Weight (LPW) 10. Greatest Proportional Positional Weight (GPPW), GPPWi = t'i+P ti 11. First Come First Serve (FCFS) 12. Earliest Finish Time (EFT), EFTi = EFTp, + t,. 13. Latest Start Time (LST), LST, = Max{LSTj - ti} for all i such thatSi $ 0, jESI else LSTi = Max{LFTi} for all i such that S, = 0. all i 14. Latest Finish Time (LFT), LFTi = LST, + t,. 15. Minimum Slack Time (MST), MST, = LST, - EST,, where ESTi = EFTi - t,. 16. Least Float per Successor (LFS), LFS,= -LST,-EST Table 1: Priority Rules Two methods are used to determine how much to delay an operation, one using integer delay factors and one using real valued delay factors. The first method sets the delay amount 11

equal to an integer ranging from 1 to 100. This method is denoted DELINT. A range of 1 to 100 was selected because 100 represents the largest possible processing time for an operation in the test data sets. The second method uses a delay factor that is a real number from the set {0.01, 0.02, 0.03..., 1.00}. This method is denoted DELREAL. The delay factor is multiplied by an operation's processing time to determine the delay amount. For both methods, if ESi + ti < delay amount + next mode change then operation i precedes operation 4. Thus, while operation 4 has the best priority value it is not necessarily the next operation scheduled. The algorithm in Table 2 describes how rules 1 to 16 were modified to incorporate the concept of delay amounts. Let J represent the set of schedulable operations (those with no unscheduled predecessors) and K the set of unschedulable operations. The first step is to select a priority rule, calculate the priority value, pi, for each operation I, and initialize J and K. The second step is to schedule the first operation. Select the operation, o*, in J that has the maximum p value and schedule it. Set current mode, a variable indicating the mode at the current point in time of the schedule builder, to the mode of operation o*. Set next mode change time to the completion time of o*. Find all the operations in K that became schedulable due to scheduling o* and move them from K to J. The third step is repeated until all the operations are scheduled. Step 3.1 selects the operation, o*, in J with the maximum p value. If the mode of o* equals the current mode, schedule o*. Otherwise, search J, based on the p, values, for operations with the same mode as current mode. If there exists an operation, i, such that its earliest start time, ESi, plus its processing time, ti, is less than or equal to the delay amount plus next mode change then set o* = i. Note that operation i does not have to require the same MU as o* in order to consider scheduling it prior to o*. Upon determining o* = i, find all the operations in K that became schedulable 12

due to scheduling o* and remove them from K and place them in J. If J # 0, repeat step 3. 1. Initialization. Select priority rule and calculate pi values. Initialize J and K. 2. Schedule the first operation. o* = Argmax{pi}, current mode = m,, iEJ next mode change = Co*, update J and K to reflect scheduling o*. 3. Schedule subsequent operations. 3.1 o* = Argmax{pi} iEJ 3.2 Determine if o* will be the next operation scheduled. 3.2.1 If mo, = current mode, schedule o*. 3.2.2 Else, search J, based on the pi values, for operations with mi = current mode. If there exists an operation, i, such that ESi +ti < delay amount + next mode change then set o* = i 3.3 Schedule o* and update J and K. 3.4 If J $ 0, return to 3. Table 2: Algorithm for Heuristic Priority Procedure Because the priority values and resulting schedules are fast to calculate, it is possible to check all 100 values for a given priority rule in less than 1 second of cpu time. Therefore, the entire ranges from 1 to 100 for DELINT and 0.01 to 1.00 for DELREAL are tested in the heuristic procedure. 4.2 Genetic Algorithm Solution Methodology A genetic algorithm is proposed that utilizes the random keys encoding introduced in [2] and applied to general scheduling problems in [21]. Genetic algorithms (GAs) were introduced by [14] as a method for modeling complex systems. GAs apply concepts from biological evolution to a mathematical context. The general idea is to start with randomly generated solutions and, implementing a "survival-of-the-fittest" strategy, evolve good solutions. See [13] [8], or [18] for details on GAs. There have been several previous research efforts to apply GAs to sequencing and schedul13

ing problems and several different problem encodings have been suggested (see [20] for details). The problem and heuristic space methods of [24] and [25], and the random keys method of [21] have shown substantial promise. Both approaches attack scheduling problems (though not the same ones) via genetic algorithms that use a multiple space approach. However, the approaches differ in that the search philosophy is different, the spaces searched are different, and schedule construction routines are different. We selected the random keys encoding based on our previous success in modeling scheduling problems containing a high degree of complexity [21]. The random keys representation encodes a solution with random numbers. These values are used as sort keys to decode the solution. The chromosome is interpreted in the fitness evaluation routine in a way that avoids feasibility problems. It was necessary to make modifications to the general random keys genetic algorithm in order to apply it to P(2). The precedence constraints between operations are captured by maintaining a sorted list of random keys where the sort list only contains the random keys for the operations that are currently schedulable based on the precedence relationships. Additionally, the structure of the precedence graph is utilized to bias the random keys in a manner similar to [20]. The goal of biasing is to improve the GA's rate of convergence by guiding the GA to regions of the chromosome space that are likely to map to schedules with good makespan values. An important part of any GA is the mechanism for determining the fitness of different chromosomes. In the context of scheduling problems, we refer to this mechanism as a schedule builder. The schedule builder maps chromosomes of random keys to schedules of operations. The schedule builder begins by using the sorted random keys sequence to determine the 14

order for placing operations into the schedule. The schedule is constructed in a manner that moves forward in time and insures that no precedence, MU usage, or mode constraints are violated. Initially, the GA for P(2) utilized a schedule builder that explored the set of semi-active schedules (as defined in [1]). An optimal schedule exists within the set of semi-active based on a proof in [1] that only requires minor modifications to account for the concept of modes. However, the mode constraints in P(2) result in a large number of semi-active schedules. Therefore, the schedule builder was modified to incorporate left-shifts that result in the GA searching only a subset of the set of semi-active schedules. The left-shift concept uses a delay factor in a manner similar to the heuristic priority procedure described in Table 2. The number of left-shifts investigated is controlled dynamically by the GA. Each operation now has two genes - one containing the random key and one containing a delay factor that has a real value between 0 and 1. The initial operation sequence is based on the sorted random key values of the operations. The schedule builder moves forward in time inserting operations. However, if scheduling operation i next results in a change of mode and creates idle time on MUi a search is made of the remaining schedulable operations to see if any of them have the same mode as the current mode. Any operations that satisfy these criteria are placed in the set 6. We then search 6,.based on the random key values for each operation j E 6, for any j where ESj + tj < delay factor j * tj + ES1. If there exists an operation, j*, that satisfies this criteria then j* becomes the next operation to schedule in place of operation i. In this way left-shifts attempt to maximize the number of operations that can be performed in parallel. The subset of the set of semi-active schedules that the GA searches using left-shifts still contains the set of active schedules and the following theorem can be proven. 15

Theorem 1 There exists a set with nonzero measure in the chromosome space that maps, using the schedule builder that includes delay factors, to an optimal schedule. Proof: Similar to that of Lemma 3 and Lemma 4 in [20] with minor modifications to account for the mode constraints. This theorem demonstrates the validity of building schedules using left-shifts because the GA search space still contains an optimal region. Utilizing left-shifts leads to an improvement in both the quality of solutions found and the rate of convergence for the RKGA. The leftshift concept could be modified to insure that the GA only investigates the set of active schedules but it is a very computationally intensive task to explore all global left-shifts and insure that a given schedule is an active schedule. 5 Parallel Machine Tool Computational Results Computational testing was conducted on problem P(2). Data sets were randomly generated that represent the types of parts that are machined on parallel machine tools. An investigation of the types of parts that are manufactured using PMT's has been conducted by [30] and [29]. Using this information we randomly generated 10 different data sets for three different sizes of problems for a total of 30 data sets. Problem sizes of 50, 75, and 100 operations were tested because these represent a reasonable range on the number of operations required to complete a part. Operations were assigned modes in a manner that reflects the operation to mode distribution found in parts actually made on PMTs [29]. Typically, there are more turning operations early in the precedence network and more milling and contouring later in the precedence network. The tools needed for each operation were randomly assigned to the MUs. The presence of the mode constraints makes this problem different from most scheduling 16

problems presented in the literature. With the exception of the heuristic of [17], there are no existing solution methods with which to compare. Therefore, the solutions found by the two heuristic procedures are compared against each other, the procedure of [17], and lower bounds. Values of the best known solution are also presented for each problem instance. Two lower bounds exist for P(2). LB1 represents the longest path in the network. LB1 = Max{LFTi}. LB1 seldom represents the tightest bound but is simple to compute and could all i be useful for some precedence networks. LB2 utilizes more problem structure and considers the fact that each MU has a fixed amount of time that it must operate in each of the three modes. Let,ij represent the sum of the processing times of all the operations that have a mode of type i and require MUj. There is a minimum amount of time that the PMT must spend in each mode i, call this cti, a= Max {/3,i} i=1,2,3. j=1,2,...,MUrnaI Then LB2 = a1 + a2 + a3. The lower bound for the problem is set to the maximum of LB1 and LB2. The first heuristic methodology tested is the method described in Section 4 that is based on priority rules. The first priority rule implementation, PRIO1, uses the 16 priority rules described in Section 4 as they are applied to resource constrained project scheduling problems - no modifications are made to account for the mode constraints. The results of Table 3 show that this method performs poorly. The second implementation, PRI02, utilizes the priority rules in conjunction with delay factors as described in the algorithm found in Table 2. Recall that this method determines 16 schedules, each using a different priority rule, and then selects the best of the 16. This method works significantly better as indicated in Table 3. Across the 30 test problems, the average deviation from the lower bound is 3.2% and from the best 17

known solution is 2.2%. PRIO2 only requires a few seconds of cpu time on a Sun Sparc 20. Best RKGA1 RKGA2 Problem LB Known PRIO1 PRIO2 LDB Min. Avg. Max. Min. Avg. Max. 50.1 1112 1164 1754 1191 1191 1164 1165 1169 1164 1166 1169 50.2 1097 1097 1743 1139 1139 1115 1122 1126 1115 1117 1124 50.3 1117 1166 1655 1179 1179 1166 1167 1174 1166 1166 1166 50.4 1078 1104 1810 1144 1223 1112 1131 1147 1121 1121 1122 50.5 1230 1230 1790 1271 1304 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 1230 50.6 1156 1165 1686 1178 1208 1165 1166 1169 1165 1166 1178 50.7 1108 1108 1608 1122 1122 1108 1108 1108 1108 1108 1108 50.8 1089 1089 1838 1129 1215 1089 1095 1103 1093 1099 1102 50.9 1147 1149 1921 1217 1217 1149 1149 1149 1149 1150 1158 50.10 1515 1515 2122 1515 1536 1523 1531 1532 1515 1515 1515 75.1 1707 1707 2965 1803 1809 1707 1708 1721 1707 1707 1708 75.2 1670 1739 2573 1761 1841 1756 1758 1760 1754 1755 1755 75.3 1651 1654 2716 1693 1693 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680 1680 75.4 1758 1758 2944 1761 1818 1758 1759 1762 1758 1758 1758 75.5 1995 1995 2854 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 75.6 1567 1567 3077 1636 1706 1588 1603 1637 1567 1573 1588 75.7 1920 1994 2926 1994 2001 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 75.8 1872 1883 3191 1905 1911 1897 1935 1965 1888 1891 1891 75.9 1444 1444 2504 1463 1561 1444 1446 1452 1444 1444 1444 75.10 1934 1951 3029 1967 2041 1962 1992 2037 1955 1962 1967 100.1 2129 2157 3449 2304 2306 2179 2272 2323 2175 2217 2281 100.2 2123 2198 3650 2214 2214 2198 2201 2209 2198 2200 2214 100.3 1985 1997 3928 2073 2215 2037 2085 2103 2000 2012 2022 100.4 1745 1761 3281 1810 1902 1822 1845 1873 1761 1798 1795 100.5 2259 2259 3695 2269 2605 2259 2260 2269 2259 2259 2259 100.6 2160 2209 4043 2244 2292 2210 2224 2249 2216 2223 2235 100.7 2184 2187 3917 2292 2325 2216 2221 2232 2187 2206 2223 100.8 1992 2014 3608 2083 2083 2025 2044 2070 2024 2054 2072 100.9 2438 2438 4175 2451 2481 2438 2445 2458 2438 2445 2451 100.10 2253 2253 3523 2253 2253 2253 2253 2254 2253 2253 2253 Avg. Dev. LB 66.5 3.2 5.7 1.6 2.3 3.0 1.3 1.6 2.0 Avg. Dev. BK 64.8 2.2 4.6 0.6 1.2 2.0 0.2 0.6 1.0 Table 3: P(2) PMT Test Problem Results. The second heuristic consists of the method in [17] modified to accommodate our slightly different problem structure. This method inserts one job at a time into the schedule. At each step of the algorithm the set of schedulable operations is analyzed to determine which operations to schedule next. Three different priority rules are used to select the next job from the set of schedulable operations. The first rule gives top priority to the operation with 18

the most work remaining where work remaining equals the operation's processing time plus the sum of the processing times of all its successors. The second rule schedules operations based on MU utilization and seeks to schedule the MU with the most remaining work. The third rule seeks to minimize mode changes. The algorithm is run using each of the three different rules and the minimum makespan schedule of the three is the final schedule. The algorithm requires only a few seconds of cpu time on a Sun Sparc 20. The results for this method are displayed in the column headed LDB in Table 3. Across the thirty test problems the average deviation from the lower bound is 5.7% and from the best know solution is 4.6%. LDB does not perform as well as the heuristic PRIO2. The third heuristic methodology tested is the GA method described in Section 4.2. The following parameter values were used (see [21] for definitions): a population size of 312, a maximum of 150 generations, 15 clones, 36 immigrants, 54 mutation chromosomes, a mutation rate of 0.5 and range of 0.5, crossover probability of 0.7, and tournament selection with t = 2. Each problem was solved 10 times using a different initial random number seed. The first implementation, RKGA1, uses the RKGA described in Section 4.2. Table 3 shows the minimum, average, and maximum over the 10 seeds. Across all of the problems the average deviation from the lower bound was 2.3% and from the best known solution was 1.2%. The average computation times for the 50, 75, and 100 operation problems are 37, 65, and 100 seconds respectively on a Sun Spare 20. A second GA implementation, RKGA2, combines PRI02 with the RKGA. This method "seeded" the RKGA with the best solution found by PRIO2. In this context, seeded means that one chromosome in the initial population received random key values that corresponded to the operation finish times for the best solution found by PRI02. This seeded chromosome affected the GA search because it could be selected for crossover in subsequent generations. 19

The results for this method are shown in Table 3. The results are 0.6% better, on average, than RKGA1. This method required less computation time on average, 36, 64, and 88 seconds respectively on the three problem instances, because it solves some of the instances optimally in only a few seconds. For P(2) the proposed heuristic methods found good solutions. The priority rule heuristic found solutions that were on average less than 3% above the lower bound and 2% above the best known solution. The combination of the priority rule heuristic and the RKGA found reduced these values to less than 2% and 1% respectively. Overall, the combination of the priority rule heuristics and GA methods found good solutions in a reasonable amount of computation time. 6 Conclusions and Further Research In this paper we introduce some of the unique scheduling problems that arise for Parallel Machine Tools. The capability of these machines to perform simultaneous operations on single and multiple parts creates constraints that are not found in other problems discussed in the literature. Two types of solution methodologies are introduced for these problems. The first utilizes priority dispatching rules and utilizes a delay factor concept in order to enhance the quality of the developed solutions. The second utilizes a genetic algorithm based on the random keys encoding. Computational tests are presented for several example problems. The priority rule based heuristic finds good solutions to the example problems. The average deviation from the lower bound is less than 3% and bests [17], the only algorithm in the literature. An advantage of the priority rule based heuristic is that it requires little computation time. The RKGA finds better solutions than the priority rule heuristic as 20

the solutions found are within 2% of the lower bound on average for P(2). However, this method does require more computation time than the priority rule heuristic method. The computation times are small enough that it is still possible to use this method for real-time control. In future research, we will explore several problem extensions to P(2). The first extension relaxes assumption IV of Section 3- operations have already been assigned to PMLs. This creates another level of decisions in the model but should only require minor changes in the genetic algorithm model. The second is relaxing assumption III of Section 3 - processing times are deterministic. Because operations performed in parallel share machining parameters, the processing times of operations will depend on the sequence of the operations. Relaxing this assumption significantly increases the complexity of the model but also makes the model more realistic. The third extension will be to include the assignment of tooling to turrets in the model. References [1] Baker, K. [1974], Introduction to Sequencing and Scheduling, Wiley. [2] Bean, J. C. [1994], "Genetics and Random Keys for Sequencing and Optimization," ORSA Journal on Computing, Vol. 6, No.2, 154-160. [3] Bell, C. E. and K. Park [1990], "Solving Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem by A* Search," Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 37, 61-84. [4] Bell, C. E. and H. Han [1991], "A New Heuristic Method in Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling," Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 38, 315-331. 21

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