THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Department of Engineering Mechanics Department of Mechanical Engineering Tire and Suspension Systems Research Group Technical Report No. 26 RADIAL-PLY CARCASS SHAPES UNDER INFLATION David Orne R. D. Low S. K. Clark ORA Project 02957 administered through: OFFICE OF RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION ANN ARBOR September 1966



LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Inflated carcass notation. 4 2. Flow chart of computer program. 6 3. Meridian shapes for B/a = 2.0. 8 4. Meridian shapes for B/a = 10.0. 9 5. Listing of computer main program. 25 6. Iteration subroutine. 27 7. Interpolation subroutine. 29 8-23. Numerical and graphical inflated radial-ply carcass shapes for various (B/a) and (H/a) values. 31 vii

NOMENCLATURE English Letters a, A - half rim-width b, B - rim radius C - constant of integration E, F - elliptic integrals of first and second kind Ee, ES - elastic moduli in the circumferential and meridianal directions, respectively HI - tire section height I, J - definite integrals used in the analysis K - modulus of an elliptic integral L - arc length of tire meridian section Ne, Nd - stress resultant, or force per unit length, in circumferential and meridianal direction respectively p - inflation pressure r - radial dimension to a point on the tire from the axis of revolution r1 - radius of curvature of the cross section in its own plane t - variable of integration w - tire section width x, y - cartesian co-ordinate Greek Letters a - variable of integration 4 - variable of integration ix

NOMENCLATURE (CONCLUDED) A- constant j - angle of meridian as measured from a tangent 4 - rim tangent angle measured from horizontal line - amplitude of elliptic integral p _- + +/2 2y - b /27\ + cos To x

I. INTRODUCTION In the process of manufacturing a tire it is desirable to know the shape which the inflated tire carcass will take in order to be able to determine (1) the overall dimensions such as the maximum height and width, as well as the volume of material required (2) the shape of the lower surface of the tread, in order to minimize residual stresses created during the process of bonding the tread to the carcass, The shape of the radial-ply carcass,because of it special construction, is particularly amenable to solution. This report deals with the calculation of the equilibrium shape of the carcass of a radial-ply tire subjected to internal pressure. 1

II. SUMMARY The equilibrium equations giving the shape of a toroidal tire carcass under internal pressure were solved, using the particular assumption that the circumferential elastic modulus (EE) is negligible with respect to the radial elastic modulus (E~). This corresponds physically to a case in which tire cords run in a purely radial fashion, from rim to rim, similar to those in the basic carcass plies of some radial tires. A computer program was written to calculate te coordinates of the inflated tire cross section as a function of the ratio of rim-width to rim-diameter and also as a function of the maximum tire height. Results are presented in both tabular and graphical formso 2

III. DISCUSSION OF ANALYSIS, COMPUTER PROGRAM, AND RESULTS A detailed analysis of the shape of the inflated carcass of a radial-ply tire is presented in Appendix A. The assumptions, resulting equations, and the computer program which is needed to compute the coordinates of the tire cross section are reviewed below. The geometry of the inflated shape and the definition of terms used in the analysis are given in Figure 1. The basic assumption made in the analysis is that the stiffness of the radial reinforcement is so much greater than the circumferential stiffness that the stress resultants developed in the circumferential direction are negligible, i.e. Ne _ O. Hence, only stress resultants No along the meridional direction can be developed. This leads directly to the result that rrl = A (5)* in which r is the radial distance from the axis of revolution, rl is the local radius of curvature in the plane of the cross section, and \ is an undetermined constant. Then, introduction of the boundary conditions results in the following three equations 4!a (2E- F -) = 0 (30) 12 = (b/a)2 + os2' (31),(J-/a)2 2 K cos = (b/a) (32) 0 2(A-/a) which must be satisfied simultaneously, where b/a is the given ratio of rimwidth to rim-diameter, and po is the given angle that the tangent to the carcass at the rim makes with the horizontal (axis of revolution). K and 0O are the modulus and amplitude respectively, of the elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, i.e. F0f ~ d_ -= F(K, (o) o 41 - K2sin24 o - *Equation numbers are as assigned in Appendix A. 5

w/2= half max. x L/2 = half of total arc length 40. -o =, lnormal coordinate iC "^^/^r ^horizontal line..L"-^ i = A:4 otangential 0^ to \- coordinate a= half rim width Tire rim' Sym about' E U. of Axis of revolution Figure 1. Inflated carcass notation. 4

and ~ E = (1 - K2sin24) d4 = E(K, ) /o The value of 4a/a which satisfies Eqs. (30), (31), and (32) is found by an iterative procedure in which b/a and cp0 are fixed and various values of sa/a are tried until Eq. (30) is satisfied. This procedure has been programmed in the MAD language for solution at The University of Michigan's computer facilities at Ann Arbor. Then, with this value of 4A/a which satisfies Eqs. (30), (31) and (32) the ratio of total-arc-length to rim-width (L/a) is computed from Eq. (29) as follows: L = 2 F(K, O) (29) a a The ratio of maximum tire section height to rim-width (H/a) is computed from Eq. (38), where A,FFb'2- 11/2 H/a = 2 L 0) (b/a)2 +1 + cos cPOq - (b/a) (38) a L2 (/\/a) 2 Since for a specified (b/a) it is of more practical interest to specify (H/a), rather than cpo, values of cp0 were first specified and then stored in the computer with their corresponding values of (H/a), as computed from Eq. (38). Then the subroutine TAB. was used to interpolate values of po for specified values of (H/a). These values of cpo were then used in Eqs. (30), (31), and (32) to compute the corresponding values of fA/a. New (H/a) values were computed from Eq. (38) and compared to the prescribed value to check the accuracy of the interpolation subroutine. A simplified flow chart showing the essential features of the digital computer program is given in Figure 2. The program itself is given in Appendix B and has been written in the MAD* language for solution at the com*MAD (Michigan Algorithm Decoder) is an algebraic statement language designed by members of The University of Michigan Computing Center originally for the IBM 704 Computer and now available for the IBM 709 and 7090. The main features of MAD are very-high-speed compilation and a very general language. Programs produced by MAD are not as fast in execution as those produced by some other compilers; however, this disadvantage can be partially overcome by appropriate programming. 5

Start Read ratio of rim-width to rimdiameter ( B/A ) and size of integration step ( DEL ) Compute and store a table of paired values of maximum height ( H/A ) and initial tangent angle (o ).Values of *o are evenly spaced Interpolate from the above table values of 0 which correspond to evenly spaced values of ( H/A ). Compute cross-section coordinates of tire for specified values of B/A and H/AI Print out coordinates of crosssection, X/A and Y/A and additional shape parameters B/A, UA, LA, H/A, WIA Po*tangent angle at rim LA section constant B trim diameter A -half rim-width L -total arc length in the plane of the crosssection H =distance from rim to crown W -width Figure 2. Flow chart of computer program. 6

puting center of The University of Michigan. Results are presented in tabular and graphical form. Each table is headed by the following tire carcass cross section parameters: B/A, the ratio of rim-diameter to rim-width, P, the program name for po, the tangent angle at the rim, LA, the program name for h\a/a, the constant which simultaneously satisfies Eqs. (30), (31), and (32), L/A, the ratio of total arc length to half the rim-width, H/A, the ratio of maximum tire section height to half the rim-width, and W/A, the ratio of tire section width to half the rim-width. Then, below each heading are given the dimensionless coordinates (X/A) and (Y/A) which correspond to specified values of (B/A) and (H/A). A table of coordinates is given for each combination of (B/A) and (H/A) with (B/A) taking the values 1.00 2.00 5.00 7.00 1.25 2.25 4.00 8.00 1.50 2.50 5.00 9.00 1.75 2.75 6.00 10.00 and (H/A) taking the values 1.0 to 3.0 in 0.10 increments. The curves shown in Figures 3 and 4 are plots of some of the data given in the above tables and clearly show how the dimensionless shape of the inflated radial-ply tire carcass varies with the (B/A) and (H/A) ratios. In the practical application of the tabular and graphical results, one will invariably need to establish some reasonably good method for interpolating shapes for (B/A) and (H/A) ratios not given. Owing to the relatively close spacing of the (B/A) ratios, it is hoped that interpolation with respect to (B/A) will not be necessary. For example, there is little noticeable difference in the dimensionless shapes given for (B/A) = 8 and the shapes given for (B/A) = 9. Graphical interpolation of shapes for arbitrary (H/A) ratios will probably provide sufficient accuracy for practical applications. It should be noted that all tabular data presented is in dimensionless form and can be plotted to any convenient scale for purposes of interpolation. In some instances (H/A) ratios do not precisely correspond to the evenly spaced prescribed values. This can be attributed to error in the interpolation routine used in the computer program. However, the X/A and Y/A coordinate data generated by the program are correct for whatever the H/A ratio actually is; the graphs of the shapes will just not have nice evenly spaced intercepts at 7

2.00 - - H 1.80 A 1.60 13 1.40 - Y/A B/A = 2.0.20 40.60.80 1.00 1.20 X/A Figure 5. Meridian shapes for B/a = 2.0. 8

2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 Y/A 100.80.60 B/A 1.00 1.20 X/A Figure 4. Meridian shapes for B/a = 10.0. 9

the crown, such as 1.300, 1.400, etc. In instances where the tire width, rather than the tire height, is specifiedj a plot of width-vs-height can''be made from the tabular data and the height which corresponds to the specified width can be picked off the resultant curve. Then the desired shape corresponding to this height can be obtained by graphical interpolation. In addition to the tabular and graphical form of the inflated carcass shape, it may also be desirable to know the local radius of cuvature at any point on the cross section. This is obtained from Eq. (5), which, in terms of parameters given at the heading of each table of coordinates, can be expressed as (LA)2 (a ((B/A + Y/A) for example, for (B/A) = 2.0 and (H/A) = 2.00, we see from Figure 10k that LA = 5,322. Therefore, ( )= (5322)2 28.4 Therefore, ). { L - ^-^ In general examination of the shape curves plotted in Figures 6a through 25v shows that for increasing (B/A) values the cross section of a radial-ply carcass approaches closer and closer to circular, so that one might expect an extreme case of this, such as a narrow bicycle tire, to be essentially circular. On the other hand, very wide tires will show considerable deviation from this as is evidenced by the plots of data for (B/A) = 1.0 to 2.0. There, the shape becomes "higher" than a circle in appearance, and begins to take on characteristics of an ellipse on end. 10

APPENDIX A ANALYSIS OF SHAPE OF INFLATED RADIAL-PLY CARCASS. The applicable membrane equilibrium equations for a toroidal shell (shell of revolution) as given by Flugge (1)* are d- (rN4) - r1 Ne cos r = - P4 rrL (1) +i + t2 Pr = P (2) where the nomenclature is that found in Ref. (1). Let half the rim-width be a, and the rim radius be b, as shown in Figure 1. If we assume that the radial reinforcement is many times stiffer than the circumferential stiffness, i.e. El > > Eg, then we can take the stress resultant N9 equal to zero. Furthermore, p4 is zero since all pressure is normal. Hence, Eq. (2) reduces to NA = rlp (3) and Eq. (1) becomes d- (rN4) = 0 (4) d4 Putting Eq. (3) into (4) (rrlp) =, or rr1 p = c where c is a constant. Now since p, the internal pressure, is just some constant, we have Numbers in parenthesis refer to references given in the bibliography. 11

rr1 = = constant (5 Introducing the Gauss relationship dr = r1 cos4 d4 or dr = r cos (6) and differentiating Eq, (5) gives dr dr r 1 + rl dr = d = r cos (7) But from Eq, (5) r = A/r Hence, Eq. (7) becomes dr A \ + r3 cosa = 0 (8) The solution of Eq (8) -1 1 2 sin4 + c2 () where c2 is another constant of integration and. is the normal coordinate of a point on the meridian. Equation (9) is subject to the following conditions, as shown in Figure 1~ (A) Setting r equal to b and putting Eq. (9) into Eq. (5) we get. = b \ sinfi + C2 12

or b = b 2 - sinfr (10) c2,\2 (B) The length L/2 is known, ioe. <^2 r /2 i =j/2 di r2 4r -+c r i\| -sin + - + sin (11) (C) The dimension a is known, i.e.. a = </2 = </2 sins d (12) a = / r1 sinj di = 2..... J 4r J 4r Ib2 - sin4r + 2 in We now deal with Eqs. (11) and (12) by changing to a tangential coordinate system to describe the independent variable as shown in Figure 1. From that figure, we have sin = Pc sinc = - cos cp di = dp when 4 =, cp = it when 4 = 4r,J = Po Making the above changes of independent variable, Eqso (11) and (12) become 2op J2 +- (cos Po - cos c() 13

- a = Os i2 d cp(14)'o - + - (cos cO - cos cp) b2 Defining y =.2b + cos cpo, then Eqs. (13) and (14) become f = L (15) _2_ _ — 2 (il) C y - cos cp cos cp d = - a (6) =" -a(16) 2 cp Y - cos ( Defining the integrals I = - -; J = - cosp d cp 7 - os cp ( 0 0 Then ~ coscp - ycs J so that Eqs. (15) and (16) become so that EuGsO (17) and (16) become J (J I) = a (17) _zI= 2- (18) we now express I and J in terms of the standard incomplete elliptic integrals F(K, X) and E(K, X) where x x F(K, x) = dt; E(K, x) = 1 K2sin2t dt /1 - K2 sin2t 14

with the restriction that K2sin2x < 1. Using the trigonometric relation that cos p = 2 cos2 cp/2 - 1, and changing the variable of integration from cp to r by means of Cp - - T 2 2 then I and J become l - TPo I 2 2 d (19) o C/f + 1 - 2sin2dr r - cpO J = 2 / 2 1 + 1 -2 sin24 dr (20) Making the change in variable \ 2 sin = vJy + 1 sint, from which \ Y + 1 cost dt 12 1 (2 + ) si n2t I ~ si2 and substituting this into Eq. (19) yields sin-i ( cos o) + 1 7y + 1 2 o /1 - (y + 1/2) sin2t or I = 2.F(K, o0) (21) where K2 -7 +1 = b2 cos2 o + cos -- and 2 4A 2 cpo K sin %o = cos - 15

Similarly, J = \f2 (7 + 1) S~ cos2t dt ^o F1 _ (.+ 1)sin2t 2 or J = 2 [( - 1) F(K, +0) 2E(K, o2)] (22) Equations (17) and (18) now become N\& (2E - F) = a (2)? F = L/2 (24) now add (23) and (24) to get 2 N E = a + L/2 (25) where, to repeat, E = E(K, 0 ); F = F(K, ) and K sin 0 = cos P (26) o o2 K2 b + OS2 2O (27) Dividing E (2) and ( by a, they become Dividing Eqs. (23) and (24) by a., they become a E = 1 + 2- () (28) a 2 ( (29) Eliminating (L/a) between Eqs. (28) and (29) gives 16

(2E - F) - 1 = 0 (30) Equation (27) can be rewritten as =(b /a + 2 co2 (31) 2~~ 2 Squaring Eq. (26), subtracting it froim Eq. (27) and noting that 1 - sin2 o = cos2 Do, we get K cos = (b/a) (32) 2 (A/da) The equations which must be simultaneously satisfied are Eqs. (29), (30), (31), and (32). We do this by working first with only Eqs. (30), (31), and (32) in the following sequence (1) Fix (b/a) (ratio of rim-width to rim-diameter) (2) Fix cpo (angle between tangent to carcass at the rim and the axis of revolution) (3) Choose a value of A\/a (a) Calculate K from Eq. (31) (b) Calculate 0o from Eq. (32) (4) Check (30) to set if it is satisfied. If it is then NA/a is correctly chosen. If not, choose a new value and try again until we have a value which works. Now use Eq. (29) to calculate (L/a), the dimensionless arc length from rim-torim. It should be emphasized that X/a is a function of cp and (b/a) and must be obtained by trial and error in such a way as to satisfy the boundary conditions. However, once it is found and substituted back into rrp = A (5') then all other characteristics of the carcass shape can be computed in a straightforward manner. 17

Finally, we need to calculate the section height H and the section width W, To obtain the section height we return to Eq. (5') from which r = /rl (33) But, from Eq. (11), r,= 1 rl 2 2 sn + + sin + 4r or }V/ - sin 4r + sins Now, change variables by letting + ( = cp 2 from which sin C = - cos cp Then + cos - cos 2j "+cos PO - Cos cp Noting that the independent variable is now cp, the tangent to the carcass at any point, we can obtain the maximum distance rmax from the axis of revolution by setting cp = i. Then (rl)-, - 2 (36) 1 ^ (b a)2 (b/a,)2 + 1 + cos cpO 2 ) Therefore, from Eqs. (33) and (36) 18

^ax =(ro =J2 VJ " + 1 + cos cp V 2 ) av va (57) But, as can be seen from Figure 1, (r)m = = b + H from which H = (r) = b a a a or H T (b/a b a) = a 2_i/a) 2 + 1+ os cO - b (38) 2 2(~/a) 2 Equation (38) gives the dimensionless height as a function of the (b/a) ratio, the initial tangent angle cpo and a constant N\/a which was previously determined in such a way that the boundary conditions of the problem were satitfied. The half section width W/2 is given by W _ cos cp dc 2 T2 b2 2 2 + (cos Cpo -cos P) Let y = + cos + (b/c a)2 + 2~\. 2 (f/a)2 Then Eq. (39) becomes W = C o T cos p d0) 2 2 2/2 y7 - cos Now let cp = t - % when cp = t, 4 = 0 19

When c = T/2, = </2 Consider the integrals I and J where I =; J = ~y7- cos c dcp /2 % - cos p /2 Then cos d _ y - (41) 2,/ W t/2 4 y - Cos Cp Noting that dc = - d, and using the trigonometric relationships cos cp = 2 cos2 I. - 1 and cos, = cos (- ) = sin L 2 2 2 2 we find that cos cp = 2 sin2 - Thus the integrals I and J can be written o 0 t/2 d() T - -__ 2 / 2 </2 7 + 1 - 2 sin2 t/2 -o I/7 + 1 - 2 sin2 4/2 Making the substitution a ='/2, p/2 2 r2 da y +1 or 2 F( 2) ( (42) 7T +'1 7 +1 20

Similarly T</2 2 J = 2 7 1 - (2 ) sin2 a da or J = 2 Jy + E1 2( l) (43) Note that F(/2/y + 1) and E(s2/y + 1) are the complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind respectively, with modulus K ='2/y + 1. By virtue of Eqs. (40) and (41) W -v|(^~) W _4(yI J) 2 2 From which W = a+) y - J] (44) where I and J are given by Eqs. (42) and (43). Again, the solution is in terms of the parameter TA\/a. Once the term 7A/a has been determined for particular values of (b/a) and cpo, it is possible to calculate the radial shape of the carcass in a straightforward way. For some point on the cross section of the inflated carcass, let x = distance from vertical plane of symmetry y = vertical distance from rim r = radial distance from axis of revolution~ as shown in Figure 1, To get the y coordinate in terms of the independent variable cp, we put Eq. (5') into Eq. (355) to get r.. = -2 \F \ - + cos po - cos cp ri \f 2 which can be written as 21

= (b)2 + 2 a)2 (cos cpo + sin ). (45) Then, from the relation y +b r we get y r b a a a which when put into Eq. (45) yields Y = Vb2 + 2 (i) (cos 0po + sin 4) (46) To get the x coordinate as a function of cp, we have the relations P~ x = a - rI sin 4 d. (47) 4r Rewriting Eq. (35) in the form r! = ~gb/a /I(b/a)2 + 2 (cos po + sin +) and putting this into Eq. (47), we get \F sins di x = a- sind (48) (b/a)2 + 2 (cos c6 + sin4) or x = i -, (a/a) sins d (49) / a +2 2 (cos o + sin4) 22

Equation (49) can be put in the form of an elliptic integral, requiring certain changes of variables. However, with the use of the digital computer it can be numerically integrated as it stands by some method such as Simpsons' rule. Equations (46) and (49) give the y and x coordinates of a point, respectively, for any specified value of the independent variable p. As a check, (x/a)max from Eq. (49) should be equal to (W/a) as given by Eq. (44), and (y/a)max from Eq. (46) should be equal to (H/a) as given by Eq. (38). 23

APPENDIX B DIGITAL COMPUTER PROGRAM TO DETERMINE SHAPE OF RADIAL-PLY CARCASS The basic program flow chart is given in Figure 2. Figure 5 is a detailed program listing, while Figures 6 and 7 give similar listings for the two major subroutines used in the execution of the calculations. 24

SCOMPILE MAD, EXECUTE, DUMP, PRINT OBJECT, PUNCH OBJECT 017416 07/18/66 12 277.0 AM MAD (29 APR 1966 VERSION) PROGRAM LISTING..... INTEGER N,N1, J,,ZZ,LO,HI,S *001 DIMENSION XA(360),YA(36C),SUM(360),P(20),HA(20) *002 START READ AND PRINT DATA BA,DEL *003 THROUGH LOOPIt FOR S=1,1, S.G.10 *004 P(S)=1.9-.l*S *005 01 PRINT RESULTS P(S) *006 01 C1=COS.(P(S)/2).*COS.(P(S)/2) *007 01 C=8A/(2.*SQRT.(1.-C1)) *008 01 WHENEVER BA.G.2.0 *009 01 A=5.0 *10 01 01 OTHERWISE C1L 01 01 A=C+6.0 ____012 01 01 END OF CONDITIONAL *013 01 01 B=1.0 *014 01 DELLA=0.50 *015 01 PRINT RESULTS C,A,8,DELLA _ 016 01 EXECUTE UITR2. A, CELLA, d,.001,.0001,256,LA) *017 01 GO K = SQRT. (BA*BA)/(4.*LA*LA) + C1) *018 01 NOW PHI = ARCCOS.(BA/(2.*K*LA)) *C19 01 F=ELLIPT.(K,PHI,1.0) *020 01 E=ELLIPT.(K,PHI,2.0) *021 01 FCN=LA*(2.*E-F)-1.C *022 01 I=UITR2A. FCN ) *023 01 WHENEVEA I.E.l.CITRANSFER TG GO *024 01 ro zz-=-S *025 01'.l WHENEVER I.E.2.0 *026 __ 01 PRINT COMMENT $ NC ROOT FOUNDS *027 01 01 ZZ=S-1 *028 01 01 PRINT RESULTS LA,P 1)...P(ZZ),HA(1)....HA(ZZ) *029 0 01 TRANSFER TO SKIP *030 01 01 END OF CONDITIONAL 031 01 01 WHENEVER I.E.3.0 *032 01 PRINT COMMENT $ NO. OF ITERAlIONS EXCEEDED$ *033 01 01 TRANSFER TO START *034 01 01 END OF CONDITIONAL *035 01 01 PRINT RESULTS LA,KiPHI _ *036 01 LOOP1 HA(S)=1.414214*LA*SQRT.(BA*BA/(2.*LA*LA)+COS.(P(S ) +.)-BA *037 01 PRINT RESULTS P(1)...P(ZZ),HA(1)...HA(ZZ) *038 SKIP LO=(HA( I )+. 1)*10. *039 WHENEVER LO.L.10,LO=10 *040 HI= 10.*HA( ZZ) *041 WHENEVER hI.G.20,HI=20 *042 THROUGH TASK, FOR Q=LO, 1,Q.G.HI *043 HA=Q/10.O *044 01 P=TAB.(HA,HA(,P(1), 1, 5,ZZ,SW) *045 01 WHENEVER SW.E.2.0 *046 01 PRINT COMMENT $ INTERPOLATION ROUTINE FAILS$ *047 01 PRINT RESULTS HA *048 01 TRANSFER TO TASK *049 01 ENL OF CONDITIONAL *050 01 PRINT RESULTS HA,P *051 01 Cl = COS.(P/2)*COS.(P/2) *052 01 C=BA/(2.*SQRT.(.-Cl)) *053 01 Figure 5. Listing of computer main program.

PRINT RESULTS CA,BDELLA *054 01 EXECUTE UITR2.(ADELLA,8,.001,.0001,256,LA) *055 01 GONE K = SQRT.((BA*BA)/(4.*LA*LA) + C1) *056 01 NOT PHI = ARCCOS.(BA/(2.*K*LA)) *05701 F=ELLIPT.(K,PHI,1.0 *058 01 E=ELLIPT.(K,PHI,2.0) *059 01 FCN=LA*( 2.*E-F)-1.0 *060 01 I=UI TR2A (FCN) *061 01 WHENEVER I.E.1.0.TRANSFER TO GONE *062 01 WHENEVER I.E.2.0 *063 01 PRINT COMMENT $ NO ROOT FOUND *064 01 01 PRINT RESULTS LAP *065 01 01 TRANSFER TO TASK *066 01 01 END OF CONDITIONAL *067 01 01 WHENEVER 1.E.3.0 *068 01 PRINT COMMENT $ NO. OF ITERATIONS EXCEEDED$ *069 01 01 TRANSFER TO TASK *070 01 01 END OF CONDITIONAL *071 01 01 PRINT RESULTS LA,K,PHI *072 01 HA= 1.414214*LA*SQRT.( BA*BA/(2.*LA*LA)+COS. (P)+1.0-BA *073 01 L=2.*F*LA *074 01 COORDINATES OF CROSS-SECTION OF TIRE R=3. 14159-P *075 01 D=P-1.570796 *076 01 N1=R/(2.*DEL) *077 01 N=2*N1 *078 01 INC=R/N *07901 SUM(O)=0.0 *080 01 XA(0)1.0 *081 01 YA( )=0.0 *082 01 WA=2.0 *083 01 THROUGH LOOPlO, FOR J=,1,,J.G.N1 *084 01 ro YA(J)=SQRT.(BA*BA +2.*LA*LA*(COS.(P) +SIN. D2.*J*R/N)))-BA *085 02 O\ FO=LA*LA*SIN.(D+(2.*J-2.)*R/N)/SQRT.(BA*BA +2.*LA*LA* *086 02 1 (COS.(P)+SIN.(D+(2.*J-2.)*R/N))) *086 F1=LA*'LA*SIN.(D+(2.*J-1.)*R/N)/SQRT.(BA*BA +2.*LA*LA* *087 02 1 (COS. (P)+SIN.(D+(2.J-1.)*R/N) ) _ _ _ *087 F2=LA*LA*SIN.(D +2.*J*R/N)/SQRT. ( BA*IA+2.*LA*LA*(COS. ( P )+SIN. *088 02 1 (D+2.*J*R/N)) ) *0Q88 SUM(J)=SUMtJ-L)+(INC/3.)*(FO+4.*FI+F2) *089 02 XA( J)= 1.O-SUM(J) *090 02 WHENEVERJ.G.I.AND.XA(J-1).G.XA(J-2).AND.XA(J-1).G.XA(J) *091 02 WA = 2.*XA(J-L) *092 02 LOOP10 EN4D OF CONDITIONAL *093 02 HA = YA(NI) *094 01 PRINT COMMENT $1$ *095 01 PRINT FORMAT HEADS *096 01 VECTOR VALUES HEADS = $S16,3HB/AS8,1HPS9,2HLAS7 *097 01 1 3HL/A, S,3HH/A, S7 3HW/A*$ *097 PRINT FORMAT CONBA,P,LA,LHA,WA *098 01 VECTOR VALUES CON = $S1,6F10.3//*$ *09901 PRINT FORMAT TABLE *100 01 VECTOR VALUES TABLE = $S36,3HX/A,S7,3HY/A/*.101 01 THROUGH TASK, FOR J=0,t,J.G.NL *102 0O PRINT FORMAT COORD, XA(J), YA(J) *103 VECTOR VALUES COORD = $S30,2F10.3*$ *104 2 rTASEK C.QTUNU *10502 TRANSFER 1u START *106 END OF PROGRAM *107 Figure 5. Concluded.




APPENDIX C DIGITAL AND GRAPHICAL PRESENTATION OF INFLATED SHAPES The computed meridian shapes for various (B/a) ratios are given for discrete values of (H/a) in Figures 8a through 23v. Two methods are chosen for presenting the information. In the first method direct numerical data is given from the computer output in the form of (x/a) vs. (y/a) co-ordinates defining the inflated meridian shape, This information is carried to three significant figures and is useful for layout work or further interpolation. Secondly the (x/a) vso (y/a) data is plotted to scale and may be used to visualize quickly the effect of charges in a particular parameter, 30

Figures 8-23 Numerical and graphical inflated radial-ply carcass shapes for various (B/a) and (H/a) values. 31

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.729 1.335 3.091 1.001 2.000 X/A Y/A 1. 00.000.971.144.933.269. 890 * 379.840.477.786.565.727.644,664.713.598.775.530.829.458.875.385.913.310.945.233.969 1556.987.077.997. -.001 1.001 Figure 8. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.653 1.363 3.280 1. 100 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.-000. 00.981.150.953.281.917.397.874.501.826.594.773.678.716.754.654.821.590.880.522.932.452.977.380 1.015.306 1.046.230 1.07 0.154 1.087.077 1 097 -.000 1. 100 Figure 8. Continued. (b)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.587 1.398 3.481 1.201 2.000 X/A Y/A __434.897.547.851.649.799.740.741.823.679.896.613.961.544 1.018.471 1.067.396 1.108.319 1.142.241 1.168.161 1.186.080 1.97 -.001 1.201 Figure 8. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.528 1.434 3.683 1.300 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.000.000,930.566,890.673. 843.769.791.856.734.935.672 1.005.607 1.068.538 1.123.466 1.170.392 1.210.316 1.242.238 1.267.160 1. 285.080 1.296 -.000 1.300 Figure 8. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.476 1.475 3.897 1.400 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.009.175 1.004.327.987.463.961.585.927.696.885.797.838.889.786.973.728 1.048.667 1.116.601 1.176.533 1.229.4622 1.275.388 1.313.313 1.345.236 1.369.157 1.386,078 1.397 -.001 1.400 Figure 8. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.429 1.516 4.109 1.499 2.040 X/A Y/A 1.020.351 1.008.496.985.627.953.745.913.853.867.951.814 1.041.756 1.121.693 1.194.626 1.258.555 1.315.482 1.364.405 1.405.327 1.439.247 1.465.165 1.484.083 1.495 -.000 1.499 Figure 8. Continued. (f)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.387 1.560 4.331 1.599 2.073 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.027.193 1.036.360 1.031.508 1.015.643.988.765.954.877.912.980.864 1.073.811 1.159.752 1.236.689 1.305.622 1.367.551 1.422.478 1.469.402 1.509.324 1.541.244 1.566.163 1.584.082 1.595 - 000. 1.599 Figure 8. Continued. (g) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.349 1.605 4.556 1.699 2.105 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.053.384 1.052.542 1.039.684 1.016.814.983.933.942 1.041.894 1.141.839 1.231.779 1.313.715 1.387.646 1.453.573 1.511.497 1.561.418 1.603.337 1.638.254 1.665.170 1.684.085 1.696 -.000 1.699 Figure 8. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.316 1.653 4.787 1.800 2.149 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.047.220 1.070.408 1.074.575 1.065.726 1.043.863 1.012.989.971 1.104.923 1.209.868 1.305.807 1.392.741 1.470.670 1.539.595 1.601.516 1.654.435 1.699.350 1.735.264 1.764'177 1.784 -088 1.796 -.001 1.800 Figure 8. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.285 1.701 5.018 1.901 2.192 X/A - V/A 1.000.000 1.055.223 1.085.415 1.096.585 1.093.739 1.077.879 1.051 1.008 1.016 1.126.972 1.235.922 1.335.866 1.426.804 1.509.737 1.584.665 1.651.590 1.709.512 1.760.431 1.803.347 1.838.262 1.866.175 1.885.088 1.897 -.000 1.901 Figure 8. Continued. (j)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.258 1.749 5. 250 2. 000 2.236 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.065.236 1.102.438 1.118.617 1.118.779 1.105.926 1.080 1.061 1.046 1.186 1.003 1.300.952 1.405.895 1.501.831 1. 588.763 1.667.689 1,737.612 1.799.531 1.852.447 1.897.360 1.934.272 1.963.182 1.983.091 1.996 -.000 2.000 Figure 8. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.233 1.798 5.487 2.100 2.288 X/A Y/A 1,000.000 1,076.250 1.119.462 1.140.650 1,144.819 1.133.974 1.110 1.116 1.076 1.246 1.033 1.366.982 1.476.924 1.577.859 1.668.789 1.751.713 1.824.633 1.889.550 1.945.463 1.993.373 2.031.282 2.062,188 2.083.094 2.096 -.000 2.100 Figure 8. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.211 1.849 5.725 2.201 2.339 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.083.253 1.133.468 1.161.658 1.170.829 1.164.986 1.147 1.131 1.118 1.264 1.080 1.388 1.034 1.501.981 1.606.921 1.701.855 1.788.783 1.867.707 1.937.628 1.999.544 2.052.458 2.098.369 2.135.278 2.164.186 2.184.093 2.196 -.001 2.201 Figure 8. Continued. (m) 8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.190 1.898 5.959 2.299 2.390 X/A VIA i. 000 -.000 1.094.266 1.151..491 1.182.689 1.195.868 1.192 1. 032 1.176 1.183 1.149 1.322 1.l11 1.450. 1.065 1.569 1.010 1.678.949 1.778.882 1.868.809 1.950.731 2.024.648 2.088.562 2.144.473 2.191.382 2.230.288 2.260.193 2.281.097 2.294 -.000 2.299 Figure 8. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.172 1.949 6.200 2.399 2.442 X/A Y/A 1,000.000 1.104.280 1.168.515 1.205.722 1.221.908 1.221 1.079 1.206 1.236 1.179 1.381 1.142 1.515 1.095 1.638 1.040 1.752. 783 1. 85-.909 1.950.834 2.036.754 2.112.669 2.179.58) 2.237,489 2.287.394 2.327.297 2.358.199 2.381.099 2.394 -,001 2.399 Figure 8. Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.155 2.000 6.438 2.497 2.498 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1. 115.293 1.186.538 1.227.754 1.247.948 1.249 1.125 1.236. 1288 1.210 1.439..... L i........ — 1.173 1.578 1.126 1.706 1.070 1.824 1.006 1.932.936 2.031.859 2.119.777 2.199.690 2.269.599 2.329.504 2.381.407 2.423.307 2.455.2:05 2.479.103 2.493 -.000 2.497 Figure 8. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.139 2.051.679 2.5 259.555 X/A Y/A 1.125) 6 3')0 I ~ 128 ~ 9',7 1.204.5653 1. 250.7586 1.2 73.988 1.278 1.172 1. 266 1.341 1.241 1.497 1.204 1.,6'4+2 1 1 57 1.77 5 1.100 1. 89; 1.035 2.009.963 2.112. 84 2.204.800?. 236.711 2.359.617 2.422.520 2.475.419 2. 519.317 2.553.212 2.577.106 2. 591 -.000 2.596 Figure b. Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.125 2.103 6.922 2.696 2.613 X/A Y/A T. ooo _ ooo1.000.000 1.132.309 1.216.565 1.268.791 1.297.993 1.307 1.179 1.300 1.350 1.281 1.508 1.249 1.655 1.207 1.791 1.156 1.917 1.097 2.033 1.030 2.139.956 2.236.877 2.323.792 2.402.703 2.471.610 2.530.513 2.581.414 2.622.312 2.655.209 2.678.105 2.691 -.000 2.696 Figure 8. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.111 2.155 7.169 2.797 2.671 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.143.323 1.234.590 1.291.823 1.323 1.033 1.336 1.225 1.331 1.403 1.312 1.567 1.281 1.719 1.239 1.859 1.187 1.990 1.127 2.110 1.058 2.220.983 2.320.902 2.411.815 2.492.723 2.563.628 2.625.528 2.677.426 2.720.322 2.754.215 2.778.108 2.792.000 2.797 Figure 8. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.099 2.210 7.424 2.900 2.731 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.155.338 1.253.615 1.315.857 1.351 1.075 1.365 1.274 1.362 1.457 1.345 1.627.31 4 1.784 1.271 1.930 1.219 2.065 1.157 2.189 1.088 2.303 1.011 2.407.927 2.501.838 2.584.744 2.658.645 2.723.543 2.777.438 2.821.331 2.856.221 2.881.111 2.895 -.000 2.900 Figure 8. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.000 1.090 2.247 7.597 2.971 2.772 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.163.348 1.266.632 1.332.880 1.370 1.103 1.386 1.306 1.384 1.494 1.367 1.667 1.337 1.828 1.294 1.977 1.241 2.115 1.179 2.242 1.108 2.359 1.030 2.465.945 2.561.855 2.647 ~759 2.723.659 2.789 -555 2.844.448 2.890.338 2.925.227 2.950.114 2.965 o001 2.971 Figure 8. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3.00 2 8,0 E 9: | |- | jB/A =1.0 2.80 2.70 2.60 2.50 - - - - 2.40 —. I- ----- 2.30 2.20 2.10 011 2.00 9 0....... 1. 11 121 1 1.50 1.4\, 0 1 I 1.30 -- 1 1.20 l Ii,o "T1I I \.00lI!1.90.8 o.. 4 6 7 8 11 I 0.I. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A Figure 8. Concluded. (v)

8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.708 1.425 3.097 1.001 2.000 X/A Y/A 96.910.319.943.241.968. lo.987.081.' S7.U00' 1.001 Figure 9. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.632 1.453 3.287 1.100 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.012.315 1.044.238 1.068.159 1.086.080 1.097.000 1.100 Figure 9. Continued (b)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.564 1.485 3' 485 1.199 2.000 X/A Y/A 1. 0 00.000.995. 146.978.277.953.396.919.504.879.6C4.832.694.780.776.724.851.663.918.598.977. 53 0 1.029 - _.__... _..460 1.075.387 1.113.312 1.144. 235 1.168. 15. 1.1 66 _.079 1.196.000 1.199 Figure 9. Continued. (c)!/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.25C 1.504 1.521 3.691 1.299 2.007 X/A Y/A 1. (0.0 943. 54o.905 653.659. 7'1.808.840.751.921.b89.993.623 1.C58.553 1.114.480 1 1.4.404 1. 205.326 1.239.246 1.2o5. 165 1.284.083 1.295.001 1.2 9 Figure 9. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1. 450 1 561 3.906 1.400 2.025 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.013.162 1.011.308.997.441.974.563.942.674.902.777.856.870.804.956.747 1.034.685 1.104.619 1.166 ~549 1.221.476 1.269.401 1.309.323 1.342.244 1.367.164 1. 385.082 1.396.000 1.400 Figure 9. Continued. (e) 3/p A /A P LH/ W/A.z250 1,402 1.033 4.125 1.53 4.200 2.53 H/A Y/A 1.022.175 1.027.,31 1. c1.473,998. 3 *.96.~722.931.3 2.932.633. 2 4. 775 1 1 (7.712 1. 52 644 4 1. 2'.572 1 3(78.4o 1, 359.32 1 q.4537..... 1.4o 5 ^o6. 1. 4*%' i0 ur 19,5C Figure 9. Continued. (f)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.360 1.647 4.348 1.600 2.085 X/A Y/A 1.C000.0CO 1.0.303. 178 1. 043.338 1.041.483 1.028.617 1.004.740.972.8 53.931.958.b84 1.054.831 1.142.772 1.222.703 1.294.640 1.358.568 1.415.493 1.464 * 415 1,506.335 1.540.253 1.566.169 1.585.085 1.596.000 1.600 Figure 9. Continued. (g) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1,250 1.322 1.693 4.576 1.701 2.125 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.039.190 1.059.360 1.062.514 1.053.656 1.031.786 1.001.907.961 1.018.914 1.120.860 1.213.800 1.298.735 1.375.665 1.443.590 1.504,512 1.556.432 1.600.348 1.636..263 1.665.176 1.685.088 1.697.000 1.701 Figure 9. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.229 1.835 5.270 1.999 2.261 X/A Y/A 1. COO.0 C 1.C66.216 1.106.4C8 1.12 7.583 1.13? ~.743 1.120.891 1.096 1.028 1.06b 1.155 1.025 1.272.975 1.383.91 1.460.854 1.570.784 1.o51.710 1.724.63 1 1. 7 9.548 1.845.461 1. 692.37 2 1.9J1.281 1.961 10. 1 o. 6 2.09~ 1.195. C0 1 1. 999 Figure 9. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.204 1.885 5.508 2.100 2.312 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.073.218 1.120.413 1.146.590 1.156.752 1.152.903 1.135 1.043 1.108 1.173 1.072 1.293 1.027 1.405.975 1.508.916 1.603.851 1.689.780 1.767.705 1.837.626 _ 1.898.543 1.952.457 _1.997.369 2.034.278 2.063.186 2.083.0C94 2.096.000 2.100 Figure 9. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.180 1.938 5.759 2.205 2.366 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.084.231 1.138.435 1.169.621 1.183.791 1.181.949 1.167 1.096 1.141 1.232 1.105 1.359 1.060 1.476 1.007 1.584.947 1.683.880 1.774.808 1.856.730 1.929.648 1.993.563 2.049.474 2.097.383 2.136.289 2.166.194 2.188.097 2.201.000 2.205 Figure 9. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.158 1.992 6.014 2.311 2.422 X/A Y/A 1.O00.000 1.094.243 1.155.458 1.192.653 1.210.831 1.211.996 1.198 1.150 1.174 1.292 1.138 1.425 1.093 1.547 1.039 1.660.978 1.764.909 1.859.835 1.945.755 2.021.671 2.089.583 2.148.491 2.197.396 2.238.299 2.273.201 2.292.101 2.306.000 2.311 Figure 9. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.139 2.044 6.263 2.413 2.481 X/A Y/A 1.000. 00 1.104.256 1.173.481 1.215.684 1.237.870 1.241 1.043 1.230 1.203 1.206 1.351 1.171 1.489 1.125 1.617 1.071 1.735 1.008 1.843.938 1.942.862 2.032.780 2.112.693 2.182.602 2.243.507 2.295.410 2.338.309 2.371.207 2.394.104 2.409.001 2.413 Figure 9. Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.122 2.095 6.503 2.512 2.538 X/A Y/A 1.000:.000 1.111 -.257 1.185.483 1.233.687 1.260.875 1.269 1.049 1.264 1.211 1.245 1.362 1.215 1.502 1.175 1.633 1.126 1.754 1.069 1.866 1.004 1.969.933 2.063.856 2.148.773 2.225.687 2.292.596 2.350.502 2.399.405 2.440.306 2.471.205 2.494.103 2.507.001 2.512 Figure 9. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.107 2.144 6.732 2.606 2.592 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.120.268 1.201.503 1.254.715 1.284.910 1.296 1.090 1.292 1.258 1.275 1.414 1.245 1.560 1.205 1.695 1.155 1.821 1.097 1.937 1.031 2.044.959 2.141.880 2.229.795 2.308.706 2.378.613 2.438.516 2.489/ 417_ 2.531.315 2.564.211 2.587.106 2.601,001 2.606 Figure 9. Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.095 2.191 6.952 2.695 2.643 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.129.279 1.216.523 1.273.742 l.307.944 1.321 1.130 1.319 1.303 1.303 1.464 1.274 1.615 1.233 1.754 1.183 1.884 1.124 2.004 1 057 2.114.983 2.215.902 2.306.816 2.387.724 2.459.629 2.522.530 2.575.427 2.618.323 2.652.216 2.676.109 2.690.001 2.695 Figure 9. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.084 2.234 7.153 2.7'7 2.690 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.138.289 1.231.541 1.292.767 1.328.974 1.345 L.166 1.344 1.344 1.328 1.510 1.300 1.665 1.259 1.809 1.209 1.942 1.149 2.066 1.081 2.179 1.005 2.283.923 2.376.835 2.460.741 2.534.644 2.598.542 2.653.438 2.697.330 2.732.222 2.757.111 2.772.001 _ 2.777 Figure 9. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.074 2.275 7.345 2.854 2.735 X/A Y/A -.00...oo 1.146.299 1.244.558 1.309.791 1.349 1.004 1.367 1.201 1.368 1.384 1.353 1.554 1.324 1.713 1.284 1.860 1.233 1.998 1.172 2.124 1.103 2.241 1.026 2.347.942 2.443.852 2.529.757 2.605.657 2.671.554 2.727.447 2.773.337 2.808.226 2.834.114 2.849.000 2.854 Figure 9. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.250 1.065 2.314 7.527 2.928 2.780 X/A Y/A i.0o.00oo 1.153.308 1.257.575 1.326.813 1.368 1.032 1.388 1.234 1.390 1.421 1.376 1.596 1.348 1.758 1.307 1.910 1.256 2.050 1.194 2.180 1.124 2.299 1.046 2.408.961 2.507.8 9 2.595.7 2 2.673.670 2.740.565 2.798.456 2.845.344 2.881.231 2.907.116 2.923.000 2.928 Figure 9. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3.00 2.90 2.~o80 -t^ I I I I IB/A 1.25 2.80 - 2.70 2.60 2.50 -- "''- - 2.40 -— I! I 2.30 2.20 2.00 —..1.90 ---- 1.* 80 \ A_= 1.70 La 1.60 1.50 ~ X L - 1.40 ~ 1.30 - 1.20.00 x\'\\ l i1 80,?' \ \ IIIl.60 I I.50 \l,,,, *4 0 0..2.3.4..6 7.8.9 2 1.21.3 5 1.6 I 1.8 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A Figure 9. Concluded, (v)

8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1. 5C 1.694 1.509 3.098 1.o000 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.OO00.C000.978.130.947.248.908.355.862.453.810.542-.752.623.690.695.623.759.553.816.480.865.404.906.326.940.246.966.165.985.083.996.001 1.00. Figure 10. (a) 8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.615 1.537 3.293 1.101 2.000 X/A Y/A,896.474.851.568.799.654.742.732.681.803.615.866.546.921.474.969.399 1.009.322 1.042.243 1.068.163 1.086.082 1.097.000 1.101 Figure 10. Continued. (b)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.546 1. 569 3.496 1.201 2.000.-............000.000,.99 7.139.984.266.960.364.929.,S92.890.591.844.682.793.766.736.8 42.t75.91C.610. 972.541 1.025.470 1.072.395 1.112.319 1.144. 241 1.169.161 1.187.081 1.197 ~ G000 1. 201 Figure 10. Continued, (c) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1. 500 1.485 1.604 3.701 1.300 2.012 X/A Y/A 1.000.00 0 1.006. 150.999.288. 981.414.953.531.916 _. 639.872.737. 821.6828.765.910.703.984.63o 1.051.565 1. 109.491 1.160.414 1.203.334 1.238.252 1.265.169 1.284.085 1.296.001 1.300 Figure 10. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1. 430 1. 643 3.915 1.399 2. 31 X/A Y/A 1~015 i_____.153 1.016.295 1. 005.425.~983.545.953.657.915 ~.60 ~ 870. I i55. blo.943 ~ 7ol 1.158.561 1.214 48 7 1. 264.tl10 1."305" ~ 331 1.33.250 1.365 loo 4 1.384 ( -O+ I 1.39u.001 1.399 Figure 10. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.5C 0 1.382 1 685 4. 135 1.500 2.063 X/xA Y/A ITo..00^") 1.023.157. (31.301 1.:27.435 i.012.559.7.. 6' 74. 5o.792.86'9-.973.H16 1.C57 ~759 1.174.'> 1.320 ~*+84 l~ 1.360 ~ 9,0 5 1. 408.32.9 1.441 ~ 243d 1.467 ~ 16 o 1. 4 6 5 3. 4 1.496..', 1.500C Figure 10. Continued. (f)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.338 1.729 4.360 1.600 2.096 X/A VY/A 1.000.000 1.032.167 1.047.321 1.048.463 1.037.596 1.016.719.985.833.946.939.899 1.037.8 46 1.127.787 1.209.723 1.283.654 1.349.581 1.408.505 1.459.425 1.502.343 1.537.259 1*564.174 1.584.087 1.596 =000 1.600 Pigure 10. Continued. (g) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.299 1.775 4.589 1.701 2.139 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.040. 170 i.062.326 1.069.472 1.065.607 1.049.734 1.024.851.990. 961.949 1.063.901 1.157.846 1.244.786 1.323.721 1.395.652 1.459.579 1.515.502 1. 564.423 1.006.341 1.640.257 1.666. 17; _ 1.685.087 1.697.000 1.701 Figure 10. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1,560 1. 264 1.822 4. 620 1. 8Q0 2.181 X/A Y/A.o000.00C 1.048,10 1.07 8.346 1.093?- 5Cc 1.090.o43 1.077 _.777 1.054.901 1.021 1.017.980 1.125.931 1.225.876 1.317 _.815 _ 1.400.748 1.476.67 7 1.544.601 1.604.522 1. 656.440 1. 700, 35 1. 736.268 1.764.180 1.784 *090 1.796.001 1.800 Figure 10. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.233 1.871 5.057 1.902 2.230 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.058.191 1.094.366 1.112.528 i.115.679 1.105.820 1.0b3.952 1.052 1.074 1.011 1.188.962 1.293.906 1.390.844 1.479.775 1.559.702 1.630.624 1.694.542 1.749.456 1.795.3o68 _1.834.278 1.863.186 1.885.093 1.897.000 1.902 Figure 10. Continued. (j)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.205 1.919 5.290 2.000 2.280 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.064.193 1.107.370 1.131.534 1.140.687 1.136.831 1.120.965 1.093 1.090 1.058 1.207 1.014 1.316.963 1.417.905 1.510.841 1.595.772 1.671.698 1.740.620 1.801.538 1.854.453 1.898.365 1.935.276 1.963.185 1.984.093 1.996.000 2.000 Figure 10. Continued. (k) 8/A o LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.179 1.971 5.538 2.104 2.332 X/A'Y/A 1.000.000 1.074.203 1.123.390 1.153.563 1.166.724 1.165.875 1.151 1.016 1.126 1.147 1.091 1.270 1.047 1.385.995 1.491.936 1.588.871 1.677.800 1.758.723 1.830.642 1.894.558 1.950.470 1.997.379 2.035.286 2.065.192 2.087.096 2.100.000 2.104 Figure 10. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.155 2.022 5.781 2.205 2.387 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.083.214 1.140.410 1.175.591 1.192.760 1.194.917 1.182 1.065 1.158 1.203 1.124 1.332 1.080 1.452 1.027 1.563.967 1.665.900 1.758.827 1.843.749 1.918.665 1.985.578 2.044.487 2.093.393 2.133.297 2.165.199 2.187.100 2.201.001 2.205 Figure 10. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.134 2.074 6.031 2.308 2.446 X/A Y/A T.000.000 1.090.216 1.152.413 1.193.596 1.216.767 1.223.927 1.217 1.077 1.198 1.217 1.169 1.349 1.131 1.472 1.083 1.587 1.028 1.693.966 1.790.897 1.880.823 1.961.744 2.033.661 2.C98.573 2.153.483 2.200.389 2.239.294 2.269.197 2.291.099 2.304.000 2.308 Figure 10. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.115 2.125 6.270 2.406 2.502 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.099.226 1.168.432 1.214.623 1.241.801 1.251.967 1.246 1.124 1.229 1.270 1.201 1.407 1.162 1.536 1.114 1.655 1.058 1.765.995 1.867.925 1.960.849 2.045.767 2.120.681 2.187.592 2.245.498 2.294.402 2.335.304 2.366.203 2.388.102 2.402.000 2.406 Figure 10. Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.099 2.174 6.500 2.500 2.555 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.108.236 1.184.451 1.235.649 1.265.834 1.277 1.007 1.275 1.169 1.259 1.321 1.231 1.463 1.192 1.596 1.144 1.720 1.087 1.835 1.023 1.941.951 2.037.873 2.125.790 2.203.701 2.273.609 2.333.513 2.384.414 2.426.313 2.458.210 2.482.105 2.496.000 2.500 Figure 10. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.084 2.221 6.721 2.590 2.606 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.117.246 1.199.469 1.254.674 1.288.866 1.303 1.045 1.302 1.212 1.287 1.370 1.260 1.517 1.221 1.655 1.173 1.783 1.115 1.901 1.049 2.011.976 2.111.896 2.201.811 2.282.721 2.354.626 2.417.527 2.469.425 2.513.321 2.546.215 2. 570 -108 2.585.001 2.590 Figure 10. Continued.. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.072 2.266 6.931 2.675 2.657 X/A Y/A 1.0o00.000 1.125.255 1.213.486.273.698 1.310.896 1.328 1.081 1.328 1.254 1.314 1.416 1.288 1.568 1.249 1.710 1.200 1.842 1.141 1.965 1.074 2.078 1.000 2.181.919 2.274.831 2.358.739 2.432.642 2.496.541 2.551.437 2.596.330 2.630.221 2.655.111 2.670.001 2.675 Figure 10. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.060 2.311 7.142 2.760 2.709 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.133.264 1.227.503 1.292.723 1.332.926 1.352 1.117 1.354 1.295 1.341 1.463 1.315 1.619 1.276 1.766 1.227 1.902 1.167 2.028 1.099 2.144 1.023 2.250.941 2.347.851 2.433.757 2.510.657 2.576.554 2.632.447 2.678 338 2.714.226 2.740.114 2.755.000 2.760 Figure 10. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.049 2.356 7.352 2.845 2.761 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.142.274 1.242.520 1.311.747 1.354.957 1.376 1.153 1.380 1.337 1.368 1.509 1.342 1.670 1.304 1.821 1.254 1.961 1.194 2.091 1.124 2.211 1.047 2.320.962 2.419.871 2.508.775 2.587.673 2.655.567 2.713.458 2.760.346 2.797.232 2.824.117 2.840.000 2.845 Figure 10. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.500 1.039 2.403 7.571 2.933 2.816 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.145.273 1.250.518 1.323.744 1.371.954 1.399 _1.150 1.408 1.334 1.402 1.507 1.381 1.670 1.348 1.822 1.304 1.964 1.250 2.097 1.187 2.220 1.116 2.333 1.037 2.437.951_ 2.530.860 2.615.764 2.689.663 2.754.558 2.808.450 2.853.340 2.888.228 2.913.115 2.928.001 2.933 Figure 10. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3.00 2.90 2. 80 -' - -B/Am1.50 2.80 2.70 2.60 -'III 2.50 -'" 2.40 - == — ~~.2.30 2._,o 10m - mmn"lXX..2.00 1.90 1.80 — t.70 _ S\ l T' \\ N\I\\i \111 1.50 *90 rl m rl v nII~il, %1.280.10o -- L-..,\\\I ii. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A Figure 10. Con\luded/ (v)

8/A P LA L/A H/A.. W/A 1.750_' 1.I81 1.591 3. 124 1.000 _ 2.000 X/A Y/A 1. 00. On. 980).126.951.242.. 914.348.869.446.818.5'35.760.616.698 6(90.632.755.561.813.487.862.410. 905 ~ 331.939.250.966.168.985.084.997.000 1. 000 Figure 11. (a) 8/A P LA L/A H/~A W/A 1.750 1.602 1.616 3.296 1.1CO 21.O_0 X/A Y/A _.965.406 1.006.32 S 1. 040.247 1.066. lo6 1. 085.083 1.096 001 1.-100 Figure 11. Continued. (b)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.532 1.647 3.499 1.200 2.000 X/A Y/A ~80 3.756.746.833..685 _ _.903.620.965.550 1.020.478 1.C68.402 1.108.325 1.141.245 1.167.165 1.185 3083 1.196.001 1.200 Figure 11. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.469 1.684 3. 710 1.301 2.016 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.008.137 1.010.616 1.071.547 1.125.475 1.171.400 1.211.323 1.243.244 1.268.163 1.286.082 1.297.000 1.301 Figure 11. Continued. (d)

6/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1. 750 1.414 1.723 3.926 1.400 2.039 X/A Y/A 1.000 ~ COO 1.017.147 1.019.284 1.010.412.991.532.962.644.925.748.881.844.829.932.772 1.013.710 1.087.642 1.152.571 1.210.496 1.261.418 1.303.337 1.,338.255 1.365.171 1.385.086 1.397 - nnn 1.400 Figure 11. Continued. (e)'/ A P LA L/.-A.... /A A.. 1.750 1.364 1.764 4. 144_ 1.4q9 2.070 ~X/A Y/A 1. 025.149 1.035.289 1.C33.421 1. C0.544.99 7.659.966.767.927.b>67 ~. d9 1 ~ 046.771 1.124 708 1. 195.640C 1.2 9.569 1.315.494 1 ~364 ~ 41o 1.405.33o 1.43)9.25 4 1.465:.170 1.4IS4.086 16.4 -.00 1. 4. 7 Figure 11. Continued. (f)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.32C 1. 808 4.369 1.599 2.107 X/A Y/A.. coo........ 1.000"". 00 1.C33.159 1.C5. 308 1. ~C54.448 1.045. 579 1. 025.702.996. 17. 953.924'912 1. 023.859 1.114.8O0 1.198.736 1.274.6bo 1. 342.592 1.402.515 1.454.434 1.498. 350 1. 535.26 5 1. 56 3.178 1.583.089 1 1.595.001 1.599 Figure 11. Continued. (g) 8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.281 1.853 4.599 1.699 2.149,X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.041.161 1.065.313 1.074.455 1.072.589 1.058.715 1.035.833 1.002.944.962 1.047.914 1.143.860 1.231.799 1.312.734 1.385.664 1.451.590 1.509.512 1.559.431 1.602.348 1. 637.263 1.664.176 1.684.089 1.696.000 1.699 Figure 11. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.245 1.900 4.830 1.799 2.194 X/A Y/ - 1.000.000 1.049.171 1.080.331 1,095. 4 1 1.097.623 1.086.756 1.064.881 1.033.998.993 1.107.945 1.209.890 1.302.829 1.,388.762 1.465.690 1.535.613 1.597.533 1.650.449 1.696.362 1.733.274 1. 762.184 1.782.092 1.795,001 1.799 Figure 11. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A- H/A W/A 1.750 1.213 1.949 5.067 1.900 2.244 X/A Y/A 1.000.\0,0 1.056.172 1.093.334 1.115.467 1.122.631 1.117.767 1.101.895 1.075 1.015 1.040 1. 123.998 1.233.947.1. 331.891 1.421.823 1. 503.760 1.576.687 1.645.610 1. 705.530 1.756.446 1. 800.360 1.836.272 1.864.182 1.884.091 1.896.000 1.900 Figure 11. Continued. (j)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.185 1.998 5.303 1.999 2.294 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.065.182 1.109.352 1.136.513 1.147.664 1.145.807 1.131.941 1.107 1.068 1.072 1.186 1.030 1.297.979 1.400.921 1.495.857 1.581.787 1.660.712 1.731.633 1.793.549 1.848.46 3 1.894.374 1.932 -282 1.961.189 1.982.095 1.995.001 1.999 Figure 11. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.158 2.050 5.551 2.102 2.349 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.074.191 1.125.371 1.157.540 1.173.699 1.174.849 1.163.990 1.139 1.123 1.106 1.248 1.063 1.364 1.012 1.472.953 1.572.887 1.663.815 1.746.738 1.820.656 1.886.570 1.943.481 1.992.388 2.031.293 2.062.197 2.084.099 2.098.001 2.102 Figure 11. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.134 2.102 5.800 2.205 2.407 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.080.193 1.137.374 1.175.544 1.197.705 1.204.857 1.197 1.001 1.180 1.137 1.151 1.265 1.114 1.384 1.068 1.496 1.014 1.600.953 1.695.885 1.783.812 1.863.735 1.934.652 1.997.566 2.052.477 2.099.385 2.137 -290 2.167,194 2.188.098 2.201.000 2.205 Figure 11. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.113 2.151 6.033 2.301 2.462 X/A Y/A -. o........ 1.000.000 1.089.202 1.153.391 1.196.569 1.221.737 1.231.895 1.227 1.045 1.210 1.187 1.183 1.320 1.145 1.444 1.099 1.561 1.044 1.669.982 1.769.913 1.860.839 1.943.759 2.018.674 2.084.585 2.141.493 2.190.398 2.230.301 2.261.20C2 2.283.102 2.296.001 2.301 Figure 11. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.095 2.202 6.271 2.398 2.516 X/A Y/A 1.0600.000 1.097.211 1.168.408 1.216.594 1.245.769 1.258.934 1.256 1.090 1.241 1.238 1.214 1.376 1.177 1.506 1.130 1.627 1.074 1.740 1.011 1.844.940 1.939.864 2.026.782 2.103.694 2.172.603 2.232.508 2.282.410 2.324.310 2.356.208 2.379.104 2.393.000 v.398 Figure 11. Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.078 2.249 6.492 2.488 2.568 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.106.220 1.183.425 1.236.617 1.268.799 1.284.970 1.284 1.132 1.270 1.285 1.244 1.429 1.206 1.563 1.159 1.689 1.103 1.806 1.038 1.914.967 2.012.888 2.102.804 2.182.715 2.254.621 2.316.523 2.368.422 2.411.319 2.445.214 2.469.108 2.483.001 2.488 Figure 11. Continued, (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.064 2.298 6.720 2.580 2.623 X/A Y/A 1.0 000.000 1.114.229 1.197.442 1.255.642 1.292.830 1.310 1.008 1.312 1.176 1.299 1.334 1.273 1.483 1.236 1.622 1.189 1.752 1.131 1.873 1.066 1.985.992 2.087.912 2.180.826 2.264.734 2.337.638 2.402.538 2.456.434 2.501.328 2.535.220 2.560.110 2.575.000 2.580 Figure 11. Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.050, 2.345 6.941 2.669 2.678 X/A Y/A 1,0...C0 1.123.238 1.212.459 1.275.665 1.315.860 1.336 1.044 1.339 1.217 1.328 1.381 1.3C3 1.535 1.266 1.679 1.218 1.813 1.160 1.938 1.093 2. 54 1.018 2.160.936 2.256.848 2.342.754 2.418.655 2.484.552 2.541.446 2.587.337 2.623.226 2.648.114 2.664.O U 2. 669 Figure 11. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.C37 2.395 7.177 2.764 2.737 X/A Y/A 1.127.237 1.221.458 1.288.665 1.333.860 1.359 1.C44 1.368 1.219 1.362 1.383 1.343 1.539 1.312 1.685 1.270 1.822 1.217 1.950 1.156 2.C69 1.087 2.179 1.011 2.280.928 2.371.839 2.453.745 2.526.647 2.589.545 2.642.439 2.686.332 2.720.222 2.744.112 2.759.0o0 0 22.764 Figure 11. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.024 2.448 7.424 2.863 2.798 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.136.247 1.237.476 1.310.691 1.359.893 1.388 1.084 1.399 1.264 1.394 1.435 1.376 1.596 1.345 1.747 1.302 1.889 1.249 2.021 1.187 2.144 1.116 2.258 1.038 2.362.953 2.456.862 2.541.766 2.616.665 2.681.560 2.737.452 2.782.341 2.817.229 2.843.115 2.858.000 2.863 Figure 11. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1.750 1.011 2.509 7.706 2.976 2.867 X/A Y/A l.000.000 1.147.259 1.256.498 1.334.721 1.388.931 1.420 1.129 1.433 1.317 1.430 1.494 1.413 1.661 1.382 1.818 1.339 1.965 1.285 2.102 1.222 2.230 1.150 2.348 1.069 2.456.982 2.554.889 2.642.789 2.720.686 2.787.578 2.845.466 2.892.352 2.928.236 2.955.119 2.970.000 2.976 Figure 11. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3.-00 — 2.90 - 2.80 -^^. B/A= C75 2.70 U.- --- 2.60 I 2.50 2.40- _ 2.30 -- 2.20 -\ 2.10 - _ 1.80 L X \\ V__.70 -\\\\\ 1.60 l 1.50 t II.30 _ — -\\\ M 1.20 -- IA ~~~ 0~X/A Figure 11. Concluded (v). 0.I.2.,3.4.....5..6..7.8.9 I...... 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A Fi~gure 11. Concluded. (v)

a/A L L/A /A W/A 2.CCO 1.672 1.667 3. 105 1.000 2.000 X/A Y/A 1. C0O.0(0.982.122.954.236.918.342. 674.439. 824.529.767.610.705.b64.639.75C.56, 8. 89,493 ~ 89.416.9C2.336.937.254.%L-5.171.4.~ ci i.ccc Tigure 12. (a) f3/A P LA L/A H/A W/A g.OC: l. 1.591 1.92 3. CO 1.100o 2.000 jX/A /A'~0JQ "..992.126. 97 3.244.945.354.909.457,66o.551.815.638. 159.718.6i96.790.632.855.'562.912..4.8.. _.412 1.CC4 332 1. 0 38. 251 1.065.lb8 I.C85.035 1.096.01. 1.100 Figure 32. Coptinued. (b)

b/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2. COO 1 520!1.72 3 3. 5G4 1.200 2.002 X/A Y/A 1.c00c 000 _. G1.129.991.251. 971. 36 5.942.472.905.571. 6b 1.664.811.749.755.826.693 _.8S7.628.960.558 1.016.44 1.065.408 1. 106.330 1.140.249 1.166.167 1. 185.C44 1. 196.000 1.200 Figure 12. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.0C00 1.457 1. 758 3.714 1.299 2.018 X/A Y/A 1.CO0.COO 1.009.132 1.003.625 1.065.555 1.120.482 1.167.406 1.2C8.328 1.241.248 1. 266.166 1. 25_.083 1.290.-000 _ 3 1.299 Figure 12. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A h/A W/A 2.~CO0 1. 4C00 1.797 _. 932 1.400 2.045 X/A Y/A 1.000 o...000 1.01. 142 1.022.276 1.015.~402.997.521.970.633.934.737.890.834.839.923.782 1.0C5.719 1.C79.652 1.146.580 1.205.5C4 1.257.425 1.3CO.343 1.336.259 1.364.174 1.384 o.067 1.396.COO 1.4CC Figure 12. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A h/A W/A 2.COO 1.35C 1.839 4. 152 1.500 2.075 X/A Y/A!. 00C0.00.o 1.026.144 1.038.280 1.037.4C9 1.026.532 1.005.647.975.755.937.856.691.950.b39 1.036.761 1.116.118 1.188.c50 1.253.576.1. 11.5 2 1.3o0.423. 1.403.342 1.438.258 1.4o5.17.3 1. 484. 817 1.496.;:'-1 1. 5CO Figure 12. Continued. (f)

./A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.305 1.883 4.380 1.600 2.116 X/A Y/A 1.000.C00 1.033.146 1.052.285 1.058.417 1.053.542 1.038.660 1.014.771.91.876.941.974.894 1.066.840 1.150.781 1.227.717 1.297.648 1.360.576 1.416.500 1.465.421 1.506.340 1.540.257 1.566 172 1.585.086 1.596.000 1.600 Figure 12. Continued. (g) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.265 1.929 4.610 1.700 2.158 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.041.155 1.067.302 1.079.441 1.078.574 1.066.700 1.044.818 1.012.929.973 1.034.925 1.131.871 1.220.811 1.303.745 1.377.675 1.445.600 1.504.521 1.556.439 1.600.354 1.636.268 1.664.179 1.684.090 1.696.000 1.700 Figure 12. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A /2.000a 1.228 1.977 4.846 1.801 2.206 X/A Y/A 1.C00.000 1.050.164 1.083.319 1. 1003.467 1.103.607 1.C94.740 1r Q7 4.865 1.G44.983 1.005 1.094.958 1.197.903 1.292.841 1.379.774 1.458.701 1.530.623 1.593.542 1.648.457 1.694 369 1.732.279 1.762.187 1.783.094 1.796.000 1.801 Figure 12. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.196 2.024 5.077 1.898 2.256 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.G57.165. C95.321 1.119.471 1.128.613 1.125.748 1.111.876 1.086.997 1.052 1.111 1.010 1.217.961 1.316.904 1.408.841 1.492.773 1.569.699 1.637.621 1.698.540 1.751.455 1.796.367 1.833.278 1.861.186 1.882.094 1.894.001 1.898 Figure 12. Continued, (j)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.167 2.075 5.320 2.000 2.306 X/A Y/A 1.COO.000 1.065 -.173 1.111.339 1.140.496 1.153.646 1.153.788 1.141.923 1.118 1.050 1.085 1.170 1.043 1.282.993 1.386.935 1.483.871 1.572.800 1.652.725 1.725.644 1.789.560 1.845.472 1.892.381 1.931.288 1.961.193 1.983.097 1.996.000 2.000 Figure 12. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.139 2.128 5.573 2.105 2.366 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.074.183 1.127.356 1.162.522 1.179.679 1.183.829 1.173.971 1.151 1.105 1.119 1.231 1.077 1.349 1.026 1.459.968 1.560.902 1.654.829 1.738.751 1.815.668 1.882.581 1.941.490 1.991.395 2.032.299 2.064.200 2.087.100 2.100.000 2.105 Figure 12. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.116 2.179 5.814 2.204 2.422 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.080.183 1.139.358 1.178.525 1.202.683 1.211.835 1.207.978 1.191 1.115 1.164 1.244 1.127 1.365 1.082 1.478 1.028 1.584.967 1.681.900 1.771.826 1.852.748 1.926.664 1.990.577 2.047.486 2.095.392 2.134.296 2.164.198 2.186.099 2.199.000 2.204 Figure 12. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000. 1.095 2.228 6.045 2.298 2.476 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.088.191 1.153.374 1.198.547 1.226.713 1.238.871 1.236 1.021 1.221 1.163 1.195 1.297 1.159 1.423 1.113 1.541 1.059 1.652.997 1.753.928 1.847.853 1.932.772 2.008.686 2.076.596 2.135.502 2.184.405 2.225.306 2.257.205 2.280.103 2.294.001 2.298 Figure 12. Continued. (n)

B/A L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1,076 2.279 6. 2,83 2..395. 2.530 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.097.200 _!......o.._......... 20o 1.168.390 1.218.571 1.250.744 1.265.908 1.265 1.064 1.252 1.212 1.227 1.352 1.190 1.483 1.144 1.606 1.089 1.721 1.G26 1.827.955 1.925.878 2.C13.795 2.092.707 2.163.614 2.224.517 2.276.418 2.319.316 2.352.211 2.376.1C6 2.390.000 2.395 Figure 12 Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.060 2.328 6.512 2.488 2.587 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.105.208 1.183.406 1.238.594 1.274.773 1.291.944 1.294 1.106 1.282 1.260 1.257 1.405 1.221 1.541 1,175 1.669 1.119 1.788 1.055 1.898.982 1.999.903 2.091.818 2.174.728 2.247.632 2.310.533 2.364.430 2.409.325 2.443.218 2.468.109 2.483.000 2.488 Figure 12. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.C44 2.377,,6.741 _ 2.580 2.646 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.109.208 1.192.405 1.252.593 1.292.773 1.315.944 1.323 1.107 1.317 1.262 1.298 1.408 1.267 1.547 1.226 1.677 J..176 1.799 1.117 1.913 1.051 2.018.977 2.114.897 2.202.811 2.281,721 2.350.626 2.411.527 2.462.425 2.505.321 2.538.215 2.561,108 2.575.001 2.580 Figure 12. Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.029 2.429 6.987 2.678 2.706 X/A Y/A.,000.000 1.118.216 1.207.422 1.272.617 1.317.804 1.343.981 1.353 1.150 1.348 _ 1.311 1.330 1.463 1.300 1.607 1.259 1.742 1.208 1.869 1.148 1.987 1.080 2.096 1.005 2.196.923 2.287.835 2.368 742 2.440.644 2.503.543 2.557.438 2.600.331 2.635.222 2.659.111 2.674.001 2.678 Figure 12. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.000 1.014 2.486 7.251 2.784 2.770 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.127.226 1.224.440 1.295.643 1.344.837 1.373 1.022 1.385 1.197 1.382 1.364 1.365 1.522 1.335 1.672 1.294 1.812 1.242 1.943 1.181 2.066 1.112 2.179 1i.34 2.283.950 2.377.860 2.462.764 2.537.664 2.602.559 2.658.451 2.703 -341 2.738 229 2. 764.115 2.779.000 2.784 Figure 12. Continued. (s)

Y/A 3.00 —----- 2.90 - -- 2.80 - - 1 - | | | B/A-2.0 2.70 2.60 0., _ 2.50 -- - ----- 2.40 - - - 2.30 2.20 1i\_ 9 - ^'" \' \ \ \ _ _ _ 2.00. 1.1 1.21.5 1.6 1.8 1.80 -, ~.50.0,Figure 12. Concluded... 120 I I''~I I 0I 1.1 82 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 1.1 12 1.3 14 1.6 1.7 18 X/A Figure 12, Concl\ded. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2. 250 1.664 1. 741 3.110 U 1. 000 2.~00 X/A Y/A 879.434.829.524.773.606.711.680.644.747.573.806.498.857.420.901.339.937.256.964.172.984.086.996.000 1.000 Figure 13. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.582 1.765 3.304 1.100 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.002.336 1.037.254 1.065.171 1.084.086 1.096.001 1.100 Figure 15. Continued. (b)

3/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2. 2 I50 1.5(q 1.79o 3.5 11. 1.2 01 2. ne4 X/A Y/A.993.246 974.359.47..1 1.b65.os)7.o57.ol _._. 743.702.8.21.700. 93.eq34. 57.fob+ ~1."14.4,} 1.053. 334 i.139,252 1.15.169 1.1. 4 0.3 1.1 7.00 ) 1.201 Figure 13. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A h/A 2.250r' 1.445 1. 831. 1.1 13 "1 2.22o1. X/A. Y/A 1.009 3.10.3."5:77..47 --.911.6783, 4.1 51.76.)929.6_32 1. 02.96 1.17.488 1 1I 6.411 1.207.332 1.241.251 1.2 5 ~lb68 1.28.084 1.297.0003 I1.301 Figure 15. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.389 1.869 3.936 1.399 2.049 X/A Y/A 1. 000.000 1.018.131 1.025.256 1.P023.3 75 1.006.489.983.596.952.697.913.791.868.880.816 _.961.759 1.036.697 1.104.631 1.166.561 1.220.487 1.267.410 1.3C8.331 1.340.250 1.366.168 1.384.084 1.395.001 1.399 Figure 13. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2. 250 1.33 7 1.911 4. 159 1.499 2.082 X/A Y/A 1 000.0co 1._027.139 1. 040.273 1.041.400 1.031.521 1.011.636.982.744.945.846.900.940.848 1.028.790 1.109.726 1.182.658 1.248.585 1. 306.509 1.357.429 1.4 40.346 1.436.26 2 1.464.176 1.483.088 1.495.000 1.499 Figure 135 Continued. (f)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.292 1.955 4.385 1.599 2.123 X/A Y/A _.... -._......-.. ---..._ _..._. 1.000.000 1.034.141 1.054.276 1. 062.4C06 1.058.530 1. 044.648 1.021.759.989.865.950.963.903 1.055.850 1.141.791 1.219.7265 1.290.657 1. 355 -564 1.411.508 1.461.428 1.503.345 1.537,261 1.564. 175' 1. 5b3.08 1.595.OO1 1.599 Figure 13. Continued. (g) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2. 50 1. 251 2.002 4.619 1.700 2.166 X/A Y/A 1.000.00 1. 042. 149 1.069.293 1.082.430 1.083.562 1.072.6s7 1.051.805 1.021. 917.982 1.022.935 1.120.882 1.211.821 _ 1.295,755 1.371.684 1.439.608 1.5CO.529__ 1.552.44o 1.597.36() 1. 6 34.272 1.663. 182 1.683.092 1.696.000) 1. 700 Figure 1. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.214 2.049 4.850 1.798 2.216 x _ _...........-"..... X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.049.150 1.082.295 1.10 1.435 1. 108.568 1. 103.696 1.088.817 1.063 3.932 1.030 1.040.988 1. 142.939 1.237.884 1.325.822 1.406. 755 1. 480.683 1.546.607 1.605.527 1.656.444 1.699.359 1.735.271 1.763 182 1. 782 _092 1. 794.C01 1.798 Figure 153 Continued. (i) b/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.181 2.098 5.087 1.898 2.266 X/A Y/A 1. c 0'0.000, 1.05 7.158 1.097.311 1.122.__ 458 1.133.59C 1.118.861 1.095..982 1.062 1.097 1.021 1.204.972 1.3C5.915 1.3so.852 1.483.783 1.561.709 1.631.631 1. 69b. 548 1.747.4o2 1.79,3_.373 1.831.282 1.860.189 1.881.096 1.894.001 1.698 Figure 15. Continued. (j)

6/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.25n 1. 151 2. 148 5. 330 1.999 2.320 X/A Y/A 1.0 C0 0 C. 0 1.065.167 1. 112.327 1.143.4]. 1.158.629 1. 160.771 1.149.9C6 1.128 1.033 1.096 1.154 1.054 1.267 1.005 1.373. 94 7 1. 471.883 1.561.812 1.643.736 1.717.654 1.783.569 1.840.480 1.888.388 1. 928.293 1.959.197 1.981 =099 1.994,00 1 1.999 Figure 15. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.124 2.201 5.580 2.102 2.378 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.072.167 1.124.329 1.161.485 1.182.635 1.189.778 1.184.915 1.168 1.046 1.142 1.170 1.10q6 1.286 1.061 1.396 1.009 1.498.949 1.593.883 1.680.811 1.759.734 1.831.652 1.894.566 19 49.477 1.995.385 2.034.291 2.064.195 2.085.098 2.098.001 2.102 Figure 13. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.100 2.252 5.820 2.200 2.434 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.080.175 1.139.344 1.181.507 1.206.664 1.217.814 1.214.958 1.200 1.094 1.174 1.224 1.139 1.346 1.094 1.461 1.041 1.568.980 1.667.912 1.758.838 1.841.759 1.916.675 1.982.586 2.040.494 2.088.399 2.129.302 2.160.202 2.182.102 2.196.001 2.200 Figure 13. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.079 2.303 6.058 2.297 2.488 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.088.183 1.154.360 1.201.530 1.230.693 1.244.850 1.244 1.000 1.231 1.142 1.206 1.278 1.171 1.405 1.126 1.525 1.072 1.637 1.010 1.740.941 1.835.865 1.922.783 2.000.697 2.069.605 2.129.510 2.180.412 2.222.312 2.255.209 2.278.105 2.292.001 7.Q7 Figure 13. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.060 2.354 6.296 2.393 2.547 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1*096.191 1.169.375 1.221.552 1.254.723 1.271.886 1.274 1.042 1.262 1.190 1.238 1.331 1.203 1.464 1.158 1.589 1.103 1.705 1.040 1.813.969 1.912.892 2.002.808 2.084.718 2.156.625 2.218.527 2.271.425 2.315.321 2.349 215 2.374.108 2.388.000 2.393 Figure 13. Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.042 2.404 6.533 2.489 2.607 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.101.191 1.178.375 1.235.552 1.274'.723 1.296.887 1.303 1.044 1.298 1.194 1.279 1.336 1.250 1.472 1.210 1.599 1.161 1.719 1.103 1.830 1.038 1.934.965 2.029.887 2.115.802 2.193.713 2.262.619 2.322.521 2.372.421 2.414.318 2.447.213 2.470.107 2.484.001 2.489 Figure 15. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.026 2.457 6.779 2.587 2.667 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.109.199 1.193.390 1.255.575 1.298.752 1.324.923 1.334 1.086 1.329 1.242 1.312 1.390 1.283 1.530 1.243 1.663 1.194 1.787 1.135 1.903 1.068 2.010.994 2.109.913 2.199.826 2.280.734 2.351.638 2.413.537 2.466.434 2.510.328 2.544.220 2.568.110 2.582.001 2.587 Figure 13. Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.250 1.010 2.514 7.042 2.692 2.732 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.118.207 1.209.407 1.277.599 1.324.784 1.353.961 1.366 1.131 1.363 1.293 1.347 1.447 1.318 1.593 1.278 1.731 1.228 1.860 1.168 1.981 1.100 2.092 1.024 2.195.941 2.288.852 2.372.757 2.447.658 2.512.554 2.567.448 2.612.338 2.647.227 2.672.114 2.687.000 2.692 Figure 13. Continued. (r)

Y/A 300 --- 2.90 ----- B/A =2.25 2.80 B/_225 2.70 ----- 2.60 2.50 2.40 -' - 2.30 2.00 1.90 1.40 1.10 0 0 -. 10 1.1 1.21.3 1 1.8.00 Conc. ().90 -.80.'' \.70. N, \ \. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 17 1.8 Figure 13. Concluded. (s) X/A

8/A P LA L/A h/A W/A 2. 500 1.656. 1.611 3. 110 1.00 2.000 X/A Y/A 1 11.962.216.932.315.b93.407.849.494.798.573.742.646.681. 713.616.773.54 1.826.47 5. 872.4400.911.323.943.244.968 _. l4.985.082.996 001 __ 1. CO Figure 14. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2. 500 1.574 1. 835 3.30J 11C00 2.000 X/A Y/A 1~. 000. C 0o.994. 121.978.236.952.344.918.445.876.540.826.628.771.709.710.762.643.848. 5' 3.907.498.958.420 1.001.339 1.037.256 1.064.172 1. Od4.0866 1. 096.00 0. 1C ) 0 Figure 14. Continued. (b)

d/A P LA L/A h/A W/A 2.500 1^501 1.865 3.514 1.0201 2.006 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 _ 559.873.651.823.737.768.816.706.888.640.953.570 1.011.495 1.061.418 1.103.337 1.138.255 1.165.171 1.185.086 1.197.000 1.201 Figure 14. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.500 1.436 1.900 3.724 1.300 2.023 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.011. 126 1.011.246. 00 1.362.981.471.953.574.916.671.873.762.823.846.766.924.705.994.638 1.058.568 1.114.493 1.163.416 1.205.336 1.239.254 1.266.170 1.285.086 1.296.000 1.300 Figure 14. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.500 1.378 1.938 3.940 1: 399 2.053 X/A Y/A 1.C000.000 1.019.128 1t027.251 1.02 3.368 1.010.481 _. ~ i 8.588.953.689.920.784.875.873.824.955.767 1.031.704 __1. 00.38 1. 162.567 1.217.493 1.265.415 1.306.335 1.339.253 1.365.170 1.384.C866 1.395. C1 1.399 Figure 14. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.5CC J1. 326 1.980 4. 163 1.499 2.088 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.C27.136 1. 042.267 1. 044.392 1.035.513 1.C16.627. 98.735.952.837.907.932.656 1.021.798 1.102.734 1.17o.666 1.243.592 1.302. 715 1.354.43_5 1.398.351 1.434.266 1.462.179 1.482.090 1.495.001 1.499 Figure 14. Continued. (f)

tI/A P LA A L/A H W/A 2.5 500 1.280 2. C25 4.395 1.600 2.130 X/A Y/A 1.CO...OO 1.0355.1 37 1.C5o.270 1.C65. 3c8 l.Ob3.521 1.C50.638 1. C26 750.997.856.958.~55.911 1.048.858 1. 134.1799 1.214.735 1.266._t.5 1.351.592 1.4.'9.514 1.459.434 1. 502.350 1.537 2o.5 1.555 17.3 _ 1.584.090 1.596 001 1.6C0 Figure 14. Continued. (g) b/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.5CGO 1.23b 2.072 4.o28 1.700 2.175 X/A Y/A 1.043.145 1.071.286 1.C85.421 1.088.551 i.078.676 1.058.795 1. 29.907.991 1.013.944 1.112.891 1.403.831 1.288.704 1. 365.693 1.435.616 1.496.536 1.550.452 1.596.3o5 1.633.276 1.662.136 1.683.094 1.696.0)- 1 1. 700 Figure 14. Continued. (h)

d/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2. 500 1.201 2. 120 4.862 1.800 2.225 X/A Y/A 1.0C00.000 1. 04 9.146 1.C84.268 1. 1 4.425 1.112.557 1. 109.684 1. 09 5. 805 1. 0 71. 9i21 1.038 1.030.997 1.133.949 1.229.893 1. 318.832 1.400.764 1.475.692 1.542.615 1.602.535 1.654.451 1. 698.3o4 1. 735.255 1.763 18 5 1. 783 10 n - 1 1. 8 00,09 3 1 796. 01 1.8',0 Figure 14. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A h/A W/A 2.500 1.168l 2.170 5.101 1.900 2.274 X/A Y/A 1.0. OO. 5 000 1.C58.153 1.C99.303 ~. CP_., 3c3 1. 125.447 1. 137.587 1.137.720 1. 126.848 1.133.97C 1.C72 1.086 1. C31 1. 19.982 1.296. 925 1.390.862 i.477 7_ 3_ 1. 556.7i9 1.627.639 1.691 55o 1. 746.469 1.-792.3 9 1.831.286 1.861.192 1.882.0C97 1.895.00 1. 9i00 Figure 14. Continued. (j)

o/,> P LA LL -/A N/A.2 I ". 4 161 1.1q 1.316 I i4 5.41'7'.lb. 16 1.1-0 6 6 (.757 1.15?.dS2 1.1 3 1.1~ 2'1.^ 1' 1 2561 1.C15 1,3(3,' 58 1.4o3 I. f. 4 7'3 1.713 o63 I. 40C.577 l c..2771~:/,75 - 1. 9,,03 00 2.. C: Figure 14. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2. 500 i.11C 2.273 5.593 2.102 2.389 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.072..162 1.125.319 1.163.472 1.186.621 1.195.763 1.191.900 1.176 1.031 1.151 1.155 1.116 1.273 1.072 1.384 1.020 1.487.960 1.584.894 1.672.821 1.753.744 1.825.661 1.890.574 1.946.484 1.993.391 2.033.295 2.063.198 2.085.099 2.098.000 2.102 Figure 14. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A w/A 2.500 1.086 2.324 5.832 2.200 2.445 X/A Y/A i.oo000.000 1.080.169 1.140.334 1.183.494 1.210.649 i,222.793 1.221.941 1.208 1.078 1.184 1.208 1.149 1.331 1.105 1.447 1.052 1.556.991 1.656.924 1.749.849 1.833.769 1.909.684 1.977.595 2.036.501 2.086.405 2.127.306 2.159.2C5 2.182.103 2.195.001 2.20G Figure 14. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.500 1.',.064 2.375 6.070 2.296 2.503. X/A Y/A.O000.000 1.088.176 1.155.348 1.203.515 1.234.676 1.250.832 1.251.982 1.240 1.125 1.216 1.260 1.182 1.389 1.138 1.510 1.084 1.623 1.022 1.728 _.953_ 1.825.877 1.913.794 1.993.707 2.063.615 2.125.518 2.177.419 2.220.317 2.253.212 _ 2.277 &107 2.291.001 2.296 Figure l4. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2..500 1.045 2.428 6.315 2.395 2.564 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.092.176 1.164.348 1.218.516 1.254.678 1.275.835 1.282.985 1.276 1.130 1.258 1.268 1.229 1.399 1.190 1.523 1.142 1.640 1.086 1.749 1.022 1.850.951 1.943.873 2.027.790 2.104.702 2.171.610 2.23&.514 2.280.415 2.321 313 2.353 210 2.376.105 2.390.000 2.395 Figure 14. Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.500 1.026, 2.480 6.560.2.493. 2.624 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.101.184 1.179.363 1.238.537 1.278.706!.333.869 1.312 1.026 1.308 1.176 1.291 1.320 1.263 1.456 1.224 1.586 1.175 1.707 1.118 1.820 1.052 1.926.980 2.022.900 2.111.815 2.190.724 2.260.629 2.322.530 2.374.428 2.417.323 2.450.217 2.474.109 2.488 nnigure. Connue. p) Figure 14. Continued. {p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.500 1.009 2.537 6.822 2.597 2.688 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.109.191 1.195.378 1.259.560 1.304.736 1.332.906 1.344 1.069 1.342 1.226 1.326 1.376 1.298 1.518 1.259 1.652 1.210 1.779 1.152 1.897 1.085 2.006 1.010 2.107.928 2.199.841 2.282.747 2.355.649 2.419.547 2.473.442 2.518.334 2.553.224 2.578.112 2.593.000 2.597 Figure 14. Continued. (q)

2.90 -! — 2.80 J 2.70 [ i 2.60 --- 2.50 -.. L 2.40 230 2.20 -th y' —-. 2,0 _ 2.00 - - 1.90 -I _ 1.80 -1 1.70 -.50 — 1.30 V 20.60 --.20 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Figure 14. Concluded. (r) X/A

B/A P LA L/A F/A W/A 2.750 1.650 1 8_0 3. 115 1.0c 1 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.go000s.0 C O 96 ~.110 ~ 964. Z 14.934 _ 312.89 9.-404. 52.490. - 2.5 7 0.746.644.685.711 ~.2.~771.551.824.479.871.4 /t3.~SI0.325.943. 246.9'S.15 986 ~.083.997.)000 l.i0-1l Figure 15. (a) B/A P LA L// FA/A W/A 2.750 1.567 1.902 3.311 1.10 2.000 X/A Y/A 1. 000. 000.996.113.982.220 _.59.323.929.419.89 2. 510. 848.595.798.674.742.747.682.813.617.873.548.926.476.972.401 1.011.324 1.043 ~ 245 1. 068. 164 1. 086.083 1.097. 000 1.100 Figure 15. Continued. (b)

~/A..P LA - L/A H/A W /A 2.750 1.494 1.9 32 3.__ 51 5 1.200.o8 __2 X/A Y/A 1.C000.000 1.034.121. 9:J7.238 _ 930._ 349.954.454 919.553.877.64o.828.732.772.812.711.884.4 5.950.574 1.-008.499 1.058.421 1.101.3t0 1.137.257 1.164.172 1..164.C* 7 1.196.00 1.200 Figure 15. Continued. (c) 3/A P LA L/H H/A /A 2. 750 1.428 1.9i 7 3. 729 1.300 2.026 X/A Y/A 1.012.124 1.013.242 1.004.356.985.465 _,957.568.921.666.878.757.828.841.772 _.919.710.991.64"4 1.055.573 1.112.498 1.161.420 1.2C4.339 1.238.256 1.265.172 1.285.086 1.296.000 1.300 Figure 15. Continued. (d)

6/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750 1.3699 2.,5 3.9,5 1.399 2.057 X/A Y/A I-' C o o IC 2.0. 125 1. C2:.2 1. 02. 363 1.01 i 4. 4 75.993.581.0 63.t.6) 2.92_6._ 78.831.867.830.950.773 l.C26.711 1.C'o.644 1.159.573 1.215.498 1.263.420 1.305.339 1.339.257 1.3o5.172 1.384.087 1.396 o001 1.399 Figure 15. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750 1.316 2.049 4.174 1.501 2.094 X/A Y/A 1.0O0.0n%0 1.028.133 1.043.262 1.04 7 __ 86 1.039 -. 50,6 1. 0021.620.994.729.95.8 1.9 1.927.80 3 1.0i16.805 1.098.741 1. 173.672 1.241.598_ 1. 301.520 1.354.439 1.398.355 1.435.26 3 1.464.180 1.484.091 1.497. 001 1.501 Figure 15. Continued. (f)

1/A P LA L/A h/A W/A 2.750 1.270 2.094 4.404 1.601 2.135 X/A Y/A 1.OC0 C000 1.035.134 1.057.265 1.067.391 1.066.513 1.C54.630 1.033.742 1.003.848.96..94.918 1.042.~.5 1 1 29 ~.806 - 1.209.742.. i.2H.67 2 1. -3.59" 1.4 87.5 I' I. 45 87.433 1. 502. 354 1.537.217 1.565 ~ < )9. 6 1. 9 7 Figure 15. Continued. (g) 3/A P LA L/A h/A W/A 2. 7 50 1.228 2. 114 1 4.o37 1.7 r1 2. 182 x/A Y/A L.043.142 1.0 72. 2 80 1.0_ 8.413 1. 0C9 1.5 43 -1.03.667 1. 64.786 1.035 ___.98.993 1.005.952 1.104.83 3 1.197.838 1.282.772 1.361.700 1. 4 1.623 1.494.542 1.548.45-7 1.595.369 1.633.279 1.663.187 1.684.094 1. O697 0 00 1. 701 Figure 15, Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2. 750 1. 190 2. 1639 4. 73 1.800 2.232 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.050.142 1.085.281 1.107.417 1.116.548 1.114.674 1. 101.795 1.078.911 1.C 4O 1.021 1. C05 1.124.957 1.221.901 1.311.840 1.395.772 1.470.699 1.539.622 1.599.541 1.652 __ 45 1.697. o36 1.734. 2187 1i. 7c3.187 1.7d4 _. 4_ 1.. 7 96-.000 1.80C Figure 15. Continued. (i) B/4 P LA L/A h/A W/A 2.750 1.156 2.239 5.111 1.9CO 2.284 X/A Y/A 1. 058. 149 1. 100.295 1. 127.436 1. 141. 576 1.142.709 1.132.837 1.110.959 1.079 1.075 1. C39 _ 1.18 5.990 1.2o7.934 1.382.871 1.470.80;2 1. 551.727 1.623.647 1.687.562 1. 743 _.74 1.791.333 1. 853.29J 1.861.194 1. i83 _.098 1.896.001 1.9CC' Figure 15. Continued. (j)

U/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750 1.126 2. 29'0 5.353_ 2.0F - X/A Y/A 1. 0J0.'e.00 1.034 _.150 1.111.297 1. 144.440 1.154.58O 1.171.715 1. tb6. 45 1. 150... 1. 125 1.088 1.090 1.201 1.04 7 1.307.995 1.4C7.93:7 1.q 99.872 1.5 t4. 02 1. 66?.726 1.732.645 1.794.561,1. 48.473 1.8'5 382 1. 932.288d.1. 9 2.194 1. 983.0i97 1.996.00 1 2. 000 Figure 15. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750 1.098 2.342 5.598 2.100 2.398 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.072.157 1.126.311 1.165.461 1.189.607 1.199.749 1.197.886 1.183 1.017 1.159 1.141 1.124 1.260 1.081 1.371 1.029 1.476.970 1.573.903 1.663.831 1.745.752 1.818.669 1.884.582 1.941.490 1.989.396 2.029.299 2.060.201 2.082.101 2.096.o01 2.100 Figure 15. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750 1.073 2.395 5.845 _2.200 2.456 X/A Y/A 1.00oo.000 1.080.164 1.141.325 1.185 _.482 1.213.635 1.227.784 1.228.927 1.216 1.064 1.193 1.195 1.159 1.319 1.115 1.436 1.063 1.545 1.002 1.647.934 1.741.859 1.827.779 1.904.693 1.973.603 2.033.508 2.084.411 2.126.310 2.158.208 2.182.105 2.196.001 2.200 Figure 15 Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750 1.05C 2.449 6.C98 2.302 2.518 X/A Y/A 1.o00.000 1.088.171 1.156.339 1.206.504 1.239.664 1.256.819 1.259.969 1.249 1.112 1.227 1.249 1.193 1.379 1.150 1.502 1.096 1.616 1.034 1.723.965 1.821.888 1.911.805 1.992.717 2.064.623 _2.127.526 2.180.425 2.224.321 2.258.215 2.283.108 2.297 _.000 2.302 Figure 15. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750 1.030 2.502 6.343 2.401 2.580 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.093.171 1.166.339 1.220.504 1.259.664 1.281.820 1.290.971 1.286 1.116 1.269 1.255 1.241 1.387 1.203 1.513 1.156 1.631 1.099 1.742 1.035 1.844.964 1.939.886 2.025.802 2.103.713 2.172.619 2.232 - 522 2.283.422 2.325.319 2.358.214 2.382,107 2.396.001 2.401 Figure 15. Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750 1.011 2.557 6.596 2.501 2.642..... _-............ X/A V/A 1.000.000 1.101.178 1.180.353 1.241.525 1.283.692 1.310.854 1.321 1.012 1.318 1.163 1.303 1.307 1.276 1.445 1.238 1.576 1.190 1.699 1.132 1.814 1.067 1.921.993 2.020.913 2.110.827 2.191.735 2.263.639 2.326.539 2.379.435 2.423.329 2.457.220 2.481.111 2.496.~00 2.501 Figure 15. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750.994 2.609 6.840 2.598 2.702 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.109.185 1.195.367 1.261 _ 545 1.308.719 1.337.888 1.351 1.051 1.350 1.208 1.336 1.358 1.310 1.501 1.272 1.637 1.223 1.765 1.165 1.885 1.098 1.996 1.023 2.098.941 2.192.852 2.276.758 2.351.659 2.416 -556 2.471.449 2.517.339 2.552.228 2.578.115 2.593.001 2.598 Figure 15. Continued. (q) 3/A' LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750.979 2.664 7.091 2.698 2.766 _ A Y/A. 1.000.00 1.117.192 1.210.381 1.281.566 1.332.747 1.366.922 1.382 1.091 1.383 1.254 1.370 1.410 1.344 1.559 1.3C6 1.700 1.257 1.833 1.198 1.957 1.129 2.072 1.053 2.179.968 2.276.878 2.363.781 2.441.679 2.509.572 2.566.462 2.613 350 2.650.234 2.676.118 2.692.O01 2.698 Figure 15. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750.965 2.719 7.343 2.797 2.831 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.125.199 1.225.395 1.302.587 1.357.775 1.394.956 1.413 1.132 1.416 1.301 1.404 1.463 1.378 1.617 1.340 1.763 1.290 1.900 1.230 2.029 1.160 2.149 1.082 2.259.996 2.360.903 2.450.803 2.531.698 2.601.589 2.660.476 2.709.360 2.748.241 2.775.121 2.791.000 2 7Q7 Figure 15. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A HA H - W/A 2.750.952 2.773 7.594 2.896 2.897 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.129.198 1.232.394 1.314.585 1.374.772 1.416.954 1.440 1.130 1.449 1.300 1.442 1.462 1.423 1.618 1.391 1.766 1.347 1.907 1.293 2.039 1.230 2.162 1.157 2.277 1.077 2.382.990 2.478.896 2.565.796 2.642.691 2.709.583 2.766.470 2.812.355 2.849.238 2.875.120 2.890.000 2.896 Figure 15. Continued (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 2.750.940 2.828 7.845 2.994 2.962 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.137.206 1.247.408 1.334.606 1.398.799 1.444.987 1.470 1.169 1.481 1.345 1.476 1.513 1.457 1.674 1.425 1.827 1.381 1.972 1.326 2.109 1.262 2.236 1.188 2.355 1.106 2.464 1.016 2.563.920 2.653.818 2.732.710 2.801.599 2.860.483 2.908.365 2.946.245 2.973.123 2.989.001 2.994 Figure 15. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3-00 2.90 --- "2.~80 ^^^^ ^_-_ B/A =75 2.80 2.70 2.60 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.20 ]|0 -— 5 ___ " ",_!kI\_ \\ v\I 40 CI> 2 Y\\\ \\/l 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.40,T 1.60 - - - - \\ \\ \ - -I/ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Figure 15. Concluded. (v) X/

B/A P LA L/A F/A W/A 3.000 1.645 1.945 3. 116 1.001 2000 X/A Y/A 7.1C8.906.211.936.309.899.401.855..487.805.567.750.641.689. 708.624.769.555.823.482.870.406.909.328.942.248.968.166.986.084.997.000 1.001 Figure 16. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000 1.561 1.966 3.311 1.1CC 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.000. 000'.996.111.98 3.218,962.319.932.415.895.506 — VS5..2.....852.5 92.802. 671.747.744.6817.8 10.622.87C.553.924.48 3.970.405 1.010 32 7 1.042.24 1 0o T ~ 1o6 1. C 85.C34 1.095.001 1.1c0 Figure 16. Continued. (b)

d/A P LA L/A F/A./A j..0CC 0 1.36 1. 996 3. 519 1.20C 2.010 X/A Y/A 1.000,CO 1. 005.120.999.235. ^^ ^ - - 3 4 5.9s82.345.95 I.450 92 3.549.882.642.833.729'.778.d 0. 71 o_.62.65 a.947.574 1.00O, 502. 1*7.425 1. 101.34- 1. 137. 2o 0 1. 1 t4..17~ 1.184,0s8 _ 1.196.001 1.200 Figure 16. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000 1.420 2.032 3.734 1.301 2.029 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.013.122 1.015.239 1.006.352.983.461.961.564.926.661.883.752.833.837.777.916.716.988.649 1.052.578 1.110.502 1.160.424 1.203.343 1.238.259 1.266.174 1.285.0O7 1.297.001 1. 301 Figure 16. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A [/A W/A 3.000 1.361 2.072 3. 955 1.401 2.060 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.021.123 1.030.243 1. 028.358 1.017.470.996.576.967.677.930.773.886.863.835.946.778 1.024.716 1.094.649 1. 158.577 1.214.502 1.263.423 1.305.342 1.340.258 1.367.173 1.386.087 1.398.000 1.401 ligure 16. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000 1.308 2. 113 4. 176 1.500 2.098 X/A Y/A 1. co o.000 1.028.124 I.044.246 1. 049 3 633. 044 4.477 _ _.030.587 1.C07.691. 975. 791.937 6.bi4.89 1..972.639 1.054.781 1.130.717 1.199.650 1. 261.578 1. 16.502 1.365.423 1.4Ch.342 1.44.. 25d 1.46o.173 1.485.,i8 7 1. 5 s Fgure l6. Continued. (f)

8/A P LA L/A F/A W/A:.,;' O:2 1.261 2. 159 4. 4C 1.6, 2. 139 X/A Y/A 1.000.0CI 1.C63.131 1. G58.260 1.069.385 1.069.5 506 1. 058.623 1.037.734 1. 008.840.970.941.924 1.035.871 1.123.812 1.203.74 1 1.277.677 1.344.60 3 1.404.524 1.455.442 1.4'99.357 1.536.270 1.5 64.181 1.584.091 1.596 _O.C30 1.600 Figure 16. Continued. (g) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000 1.219 2.205 4.638 1.699 2.188 X/A Y/A 1.000.OCO 1. 042.132 1.071.262 1.088.388 1.094.511 1.089.630 1.074.744 1.C51.854 1.018.958.978 1.056.930 1.148.876 1.233.815 1.312.749 1. 384.679 1.449.603 1.507.524 1.558.442 1.600.357 1.636.270 1.663.181 1.683.092 1.695.001 1.699 Figure 16. Continued. (h)

8/A P LA L/A h/A W/A 3.000 1.180 2.256 4.882 1.801 2.238 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.050.139 1. 0t6.276 1.109.410 1.119.540 1.118.666 1.106.787 1.083.903 1.052 1.C13 1.012 1.117.964 1.215.909 1.306.847 1.390.779 1.466.706 1.536.628 1.5 97.546 1.651.460 1.o97.372 1. 734.281 1.7 o4.188 1. 7d5.095 1. 797 ~.00 1. S.1 Figure 16. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A, 3000 1. 146 2.306 5. 120 1.900 2.292 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.058.146 1.101.289 1.129.430 1.144.567 1. 146.700 1.137.827 1.116.950 1.086 1.066 1.046 1.176.998 1.279.942 1.376.879 1.464.809 1.546.734 1.619.653 1.684.568 1.741.479 1.789.387 1.829.293 1.860.197 1.882.099 1.896.001 1.900 Figure 16. Continued. ( )

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000 1.115 2. 356 5.358 1.998 2.349 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.064.146 1.112.290 1.146.431 1.166.569 1. 174.704 1.171.833 1.156.958 1.131 1.077 1. 097 1. 190 1.054 1.297 1.003 1.397.945 1.491.880 1. 577.809 1.656.733 1.726.652 1.790. 567 1.845.478 1.891.386 1.930.292 1.960 196 1.981.099 1.994.001 1.998 Figure 16. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000 1.087 2.410 5.610 2.101 2.406 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.072.153 1.127.304 1.166.452 1.191.597 i.203.738 1.202.874 1.189 1.005 1.166 1.131 1.132 1.250 1.089 1.362 1.037 1.468.978 1.566.912 1.657.839 1.740.760 1.814.676 1.881.588 1.939.496 1.988.400 2.028.302 2.060.203 2.083.102 2.096.000 2.101 Figure 16. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000 1.062 2.463 5.856 2.200 2.466 X/A Y/A 1.0O.00t 1.080.159 1.141.317 1.187.472 1.216.624 1.231.771 1.2-33.914 1.222 1.051 1.200 1.182 1.167 1.307 1.124 1.425 1.071 1.536 1.011 1.639.943 1.734.868 1.821.787 1.899 700 1.969.609 2.030_ 3514 2.082.415 2.124.314 2.157.210 2.181.106 2.195,000 2.200 Figure 16. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000 1.039 2.516 6.100 2.298 2.528... _. _...-. X/A V/A 1.000.000 1.084.159 1.151.317 1.201.472 1.236.624 1.257.773 1.264.917 1.259 1.056 1.242 1.189 1.215 1.316 1.177 1.437 1.131 1.551 1.076 1.658 1.013 1.758.943' 1.850.867 1.933.785 2.009.698 2.076.606 2.135.511 2.184.413 2.225.312 2.257.209 2.280.105 2.294.001 2.298 Figure 16. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000 1.018 2.570 6.352 2.399 2.590 X/A Y/A 1.00.000 1.092.166 1.166.330 1.222.492 1.261.651 1.285.806 1.295.956 1.292 1.101 1.276 1.240 1.250 1.373 1.212 1.499 1.165 1.619 1.109 1.730 1.045 1.834.973 1.930.895 2.018.811 2.097.721 _ 2.167.627 2.228.528 2.280.427 2.323.322 2.356.216 2.380.109 2.394,001 2.399 Figure 16. Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A/ W/A 3.000.999 2.625 6.604 2.499 2.652 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.100.172 1.180.343 1.242.512 1.286.677 1.313.838 1.326.995 1.325 1.146 1.311 1.291 1.284 1.430 1.247 1.561 1.200 1.685 1.143 1.802 1.077 1.910 1.004 2.010.923 2.101.837 2.184.744 2.257.647 2.320.546 2.375.441 2.419.333 2.454.224 2.479.112 2.494.001 2.499 Figure 16. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000.982 2.682 6.863 2.601 2.717 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.109.179 1.195.357 1.262.533 1.311.705 1.342.873 1.358 1.035 1.358 1.193 1.345 1.344 1.320 1.488 1.283 1.625 1.235 1.754 1.177 1.876 1.110 1.988 1.035 2.092.952 2.187.863 2.273.768 2.349.667 2.416.563 2.472.455 2.518.344 2.555.230 2.581.116 2.596.000 2.601 Figure 16. Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000.966 2.736 7.114 2.700 2.783 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.117.186 1.210.371 1.283.553 1.336.731 1.371.906 1.389 1.075 1.392 1.238 1.380 1.395 1.355 1.545 1.318 1.687 1.269 1.821 1.210 1.947 1.142 2.064 1.065 2.172.980 2.271.889 2.360.791 2.439.688 2.508.581 2.566.469 2.614.355 2.652.238 2.679.120 2.695.001 2.700 Figure 16. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000.951 2.793 7.373 2.802 2.851 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.120.185 1.218.369 1.296.551 1.353.730 1.394.904 1.417 1.074 1.425 1.238 1.420 1.396 1.401 1.548 1.369 1.693 1.327 1.830 1.274 1.959 1.212 2.080 1.141 2.192 1.062 2.296.976 2.391.884 2.476.785 2.552.682 2.618.575 2.674.464 2.720.351 2.756.235 2.782.118 2.797.001 2.802 Figure 16* Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000.937 2.850 7.632 2.904 2.917 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.129.192 1.233.383 1.316.572 1.378.757 1.422.938 1.448 1.113 1.459 1.284 1.454 1.447 1.436 1.605 1.405 1.754 1.362 1.896 1.309 2.030 1.245 2.156 1.173 2.272 1.092 2.379 1.004 2.477.909 2.566.808 2.644.702 2.712.592 2.771.478 2.818.361 2.856.242 2.882.122 2.898.001 2.904 Figure 16. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 3.000.925 2.906 7.890 3.005 2.984 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.137.199 1.248.397 1.336.592 1.403.784 1.450.971 1.479 1.153 1.492 1.329 1.489 1.499 1.471 1.661 1.440 1.816 1.397 1.963 1.343 2.101 1.278 2.231 1.204 2.352 1.121 2.463 1.031 2.564.934 2.655 3830 2.736 722 2.807.608 2.867.491 2.916.371 2.955.249 2.983.125 2.999,000 3.005 Figure 16. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3.00 2.90 - I I IB/A3. 2.80 2.70 \\ 2.60 1\\ \ 2.40 2.20 2. 090 13 22O\ \ 2.00 1.90 1.80 - 1 - 1. 1. 1.70 -C- nu-ded \\ - 1.60 -= - ^ ^ - 1.50o I 1.40 1.20 - *1.1.30 — l ol T.401T l i.20 1.0 1.1 1.2 11.4.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A Figure 16 Concluded. (v)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000 1.629 2.12 6 3.119 1.000 2.000 X/A Y/A -.104.970.205.942.301.907.392. 864 _.478.816.558.761.632.700.701.635.762.565.817.492. 65.415.9C6.336.940.254.966.171.985.086.996.OC1 1.000 Figure 17. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000 1.543 2.207 3.319 1.100 2.0C0 X/A Y/A.000.0o00.998.107,.97.210.968.31_0,940.405. 905 _ %.495.862.581.813.661.759.735.698_.802.633.864.5645.918.490.966.414 1.007.335 1.040.253 1.066.170 1.085.086 1.096.001 1.100 Figure 17. Continued. (b)

d/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.C00 1.467 2.236 3.526 1.200 2.013 X/A Y/A 1. 000. COO 1.006.106 1.0 03.214. 99.1..317.971.416.942 _.510.907.60O.864.685.814.764.759.837.699.904.633.965.56e+ 1.019.49) 1. 067.413. 10,7.334 _ 1.14C.253 1.166 -170 1.105.086 1.19.001~ 1.2CC Figure 17. Continued. (c) 3/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000 1.399 2.271 3.740 1.299 2.037 X/A V/A 1.() 000 1.015.1 6 1.0i9.229 1.012.339.996.+46.971.548.938.645.896.737.d4 7.823.792.903.730.976.6b3 1.043.591 1.102.515 1.154.435 1.198.352 1.234.266 1.263.17) 1.283.090 1.295.001 1.299 Figure 17. Continued, (d)

d/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4. 000 1.338 2. 313 3.965 1. 400 2.069 X/A Y/A 1.000.'o 1.022.117 1.033.232 1.034.344 1.025.453 1.007.559.980.660.944.756.901.84o.851.931.794 1.010. 132 1. C82.o64 1.l148. 91 1.206.515 1.257.434 1.300.351 1.336.265 1.364,178 1.384.089 1. 396.OC 1.4'00 Figure 17. Continued. (e)...... i/............_.._...... _................... — -..-. w/A. B/A P LA L/A h/A 8I/A 4.000 1.283 2.355 4.1 1.499 2.110 X./A Y/A.O C00... 1. 029.117 1.047.234 1.055.348 1. 052.45)9 _1. 40__.567 1.C19.671.990gi 771. b 3.366.908. 955.856 1.039.798 1.116.735 1.1 67.666 1.2 1.593 1.3C9.516 1.359.435 1.401.352 1. 4 36.266 1.464.178 1. 4S4.09) 1.495.001 1.499 Figure 17. Continued. (f)

/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4. 00s 1.234 2.402 4.423 1.00 2.155 X/tA Y/A 1.000.,3 1.037.124 1.062.246 1. 075.367 1. 073.486 1.069. 601 1. 051.712 1.024.618.9ti7.92.943 1.C15.891 1. 105.832 1.1S8.767 1.264.696 1. 33. 62 1.395.540 1.448.456 1.494,368 1.532 -279 1.562.187 1. 583 -094 1. 595.001 1.600 Figure 17. Continued. (g) 4/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000 1.19C 2. 451 4.660 1. 700 _ 2.? X/IA Y/A 1.000.000? 1,043.14 1.075.247 1._094.369 i. 103.489 1.101.607 1.0C8'.720 1. 06 7. 830 1.03b.934.997 1.034.951 1.128 _.6 7.. _.. 1.21..836 i.291.770 1.372.698 1.439.621 1.499.540 1.552.456 1.597.369 1.o 34.279 1. o62.187 1. c3.094 _ ~ Ogq.00 I 1.700 C Figure 17. Continued. (h)

8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4. CC0 1. 15C 2. 502 4. 900 1.799 2. 259 X/A Y/A 1. CO 7. r000 1.05 1.130 1. C89. 2 59 1. 114_.38 1. 128.514 i.129.638 1.120.758 1.101.874 1.071.985 1.033 1.091.986 1.191.931 1. 284.87 1. 371. 8,?1 1.450. 72 1.522 6 4 8 1. 56.564 1,642.476 1. 690,385 1.729.291 1.7o0.196 1. 72,09 9 _1.795.COC 1.799 Figure 17. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.00'0C 1.114 2.5555 5. 144 1.900 2.316 X/A Y/A i.000. C000O 1. 057.130 1.100.260 1.132 _ 389 1. 151.517 1. 15 8.642 1. 155.764 1.14 1. I 83 1.117.997 1.08 4 l 1 06 1.043 1.209,994 1.3I07.937 1. 398.673 1.482. 803 1.560.728 1.b 6.648 1.692.564 1.747.475 1.793.384 1. 831.290 1.8b1.195 1.882.093 1. 895. On 1 1. 9 0 C Figure 17. Continued (j)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000 1.082 2.609 5.393 2.001 2.373 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.064.135 1.115.271 1.152.407 1.175.541 1.187.673 1.136.801 1. 175.926 1.152 1.046 1.120 1.161 1.079 1.271 1.029 1.374.971 1.470.906 1.559.834 1.641.756 1.715.673 1.781.586 1.839.494 1.888.399 _ 1.928.302 1.960.202 1.983.101 1.996.000 2.001 Figure 17. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000 1.053 2.664 5.642 2.101 2.436 X/A Y/A 1.000. 300 1.072.141 1.129.283 1.172.425 1.200.565 1.215.703 1.218.838 1.208.969 1.188 1.096 1.156 1.217 1.115 1.332 1.065 1.440 1.006 1.542.939 1.636.865 1.722.785 1.800.699 1.869.609 1.930.514 1.982.415 2.025.314 2.058.210 2.082.106 2.096.000 2.101 Figure 17. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000 1.026 2.719 5.890 2.200 2.499 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.077.140 1.139.282 1.187 _.424 1.221.565 1.241.704 1.249.840 1.246.973 1.231 1.101 1.205 1.225 1.170 1.343 1.125 1.455 1.071 1.560 1.010 1.659.941 1.750.866 1.833.785 1.909.698 1.976.607 2.035.512 2.085.414 2.126.313 2.159.210 2.182.105 2.196.000 2.200 Figure 17. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A..W/A 4.000 1.002 2.775 6.145 _ 2.301 2.562 X/A Y/A.000.COO 1.084.146 1.153.293 1.206.441 1,245.588 1.270.734 1.281.876 1.279 1.015 1.266 1.149 1.241 1.279 1.206 1.402 1.161 1.520 1.107 1.630 1.044 1.733.974 1.829.896 1.917.813 1.996.723 2.066.629 2.128 ~.531 2.181.429 2.224.324 2.258.217 2.282.109 2.296.000 2.301 Figure 17. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000.980 2.832 6.400 2.401 2.627 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.092.151 1.167.305 1.226.459 1.270.612 1.298.763 1.312.912 1.313 1.057 1.301 1.197 1.278 1.332 1.243 1.461 1.197 1.584 1.142 1.700 1.078 1.808 1.006 1.908.927 1.999.840 2.082.748 2.156.651 2.220.549 2.275.444 2.320.336 2.356 225 2.381.113 2.396.000 2.401 Figure 17. Continued. (0) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000.960 2.889 6.654 2,501 2.695 X/A Y/A.o000.o000 1.096.151 1.176.303 1.239.457 1.288.610 1.321.762 1.341.911 1.348 1.057 1.341 1.199 1.323 1.336 1.294 1.467 1.255 1.593 1.206 1.712 1.147 1.824 1.081 1.928 1.007 2.025.926 2.114.838 2.193.746 2.265.648 2.327.547 2.380.442 2.423.334 2.457.224 2.482.113 2.496.00 1 2.501 Figure 17. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000.941 2.947 6.915_ -2.603 2.763 X/A Y/A 1.ooo000.OO 1.104.156 1.190.315 1.259.474 1.312.634 1.350. 791 1.372.947 1.381 1.099 1.377 1.246 1.360 1.389 1.331 1.526 1.291 1.657 1.242 1.781 1.182 1897 1.114 2.006 1.038 2.10i7.955 2.199.865 2.282.770 2.357.669 2.421.564 2.477.456 2.522.344 2.557.231 2.583.116 2.598.000 2.603 Figure 17. Continued. (q) 8/A P LA L/A H /A W /A 4.000.925 3.004 7.169 2.702 2.829 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.,111.162 1.2C4.326 1.278.491 1.336.656 1.378.820 1.403.981 1.414 1.139 1.412 1.292 1.396 1.440 1.367 1.583 1.327 1.719 1.277 1.847 1.217 1.969 1.147 2.082 1.069 2.186.984 2.282.892 2.369.794 2.446.690 2.513.582 2.570.470 2.617.356 2.654.238 2.681.120 2.697.001 _ 2.702 Figure 17. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000.909 3.063 7.430 2.803 2.896 X/A Y/A 100.00o oQ0 1.119.167 1.218.337 1.298.509 1.361.680 1.406.850 1.434 1.017 1.448. 181 1.447 1.340 1.432 1.494 1.404 1.641 1.364 1.782 1.313 1.916 1.251 2.042 1.180 2.159 1.100 2.268 1. 13 2.367.918 2.457.817 2.537.711 2.607.599 2.666.484 2.715.366 2.754.245 2.781.123 2.797.000o' 2.803 Figure 17. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000.89 31_...7. 683.2.901 2..961 x /.A..... Y/A.... X/A Y/A 1.000.000 _1.21__.. 173 1.232.349 1.317.526 1.384.703 1.433.879 1.465 1.052 8... 480 1.221 1.481 1.386 1.467 1.545 1.439 1.698 1.399 1.844 1.347 1.983 1.285 2.113 1.212 2.234 1.131 2.347 1.041 2.450.944 2.543.840 2.625.73 1 2.698.616 2.759.498 2.810.376 2.85G.252 2.878.127 2.895.0.. 2.9l1 Figure 17. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 4.000.883 3.174 7.927 2.995 3.028 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.133.178 1.245.360 1.336.543 1.408.725 1.460.907 1.495 1.086 1.512 1.261 1.514 1.431 1.501 1.595 1.474 1.753 1.433 1.904 1.381 2.047 1.317 2.181 1.244 2.307 1.160 2.423 1.069 2.529.969 2.625.863 2.711.751 2.786.633 2.849.512 2.902.387 2.942.260 2.972.130 2.989.000 2.995 Figure 17. Continued. (u)

Y/A 300 - ------ 2.90 B/A= 4.0 2.80 2.70 2.60 -2 2.50 - 2.40 2.30 2.20 r 2.00 x 1 0 L10 l, 1.50 0. 1 2 3 4.5.6 7 8 9 10 11 16. 1.8 Figure 17. Concluded. (v) ~ 90

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.0CO 1.619 2.405 3.126 1.001 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.CO0.000.991.102.972.201.946.29o.912.387.870.473.822.553.767.628.707.697.641.759.571.815.497.864.420.905.339.939.257.966.172.986.086.997.C00 1.001 Figure 18. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.CC00 1.532 2.425 3.324 1.100 2.000 X/A Y/A 104.990.205.971.__.04.945.398 * 910.489.869.574.821.654.766.729.706.7 S7.641.859.571.915.497.963.419 1.005.339 1.C39.256 1.066.172 I.C85.087 1._096.0003 1. l1 Figure 18. Continued. (b)

B/A P LA L/A I /A W/A 5.000 1.454 2.452 3. 529 1.199 2.016 X/A Y/A 1.000.OCO I.G08.105 1.015.498 1.063.420 1.104.340 1.138.257 1.165.173 1.184 0C87 1.195.001 1.199 Figure 18. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A 7/A W/A 5.000 1.384 2.490 3.750 1.300 2.042 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.015.107 1.021.212 1.018.315 1.005.416.985.514.956.607.920.696.877.781.82 7.860.771.934.710 1.061.644 1.063.573 1.117.499 1.165.421 1.206.340 1.240.257 1.266.173 1.285.087 1.297.000 1.300 Figure 18. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000 1.322 2. 530 3.971 1.399 2.077 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.023.113 1.036.225 1.038.335 1.031.443 1.014.547.988.648.954.744.912.835.862.921.806 1.001.743 1.074.675 1.141.602 1.200.524 1.252.443 1.297.358 1.334.271 1.362.182 1.383.092 1.395.001 1.399 Figure 18. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000 1.266 2.576 4.203 1.501 2.118 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1. 030.113 1.050.226 1.059. 338 1.058.448 1. 048. 5555 1.028.659 1.000.759.963.854.919.944. 868 1.029.810 1.108d.747 1.180.678 1.246.603 1.304.525 1.356.443 1.4CO. 358 1.436.271 1.464.182 1.484.091 1.496.00(0 1.501 Figure 18. Continued. (f)

[/A PLA L/A F/A.W/ 5.000 2_i.216 2.624 4. 437 1.,:' 2.167 X/Ai YY/A 1.300.0>) 1. 037.113 1.062.227 1. 1!.'78.340 I. 0d 3.452 1.079.561 1. C 6 6 I 6 1.0+43. 71 1.013 6O9.974.964.928 1.053.675 1.136.16' 1.214.7- 1. 350.c06 1.408. 527 1.455.445 1. 51 359 1. 537 _ 272 1. 564 i182 1. 534,092 1. 59,.00 1. 6C>) Figure 18. Continued. (g) 6iA P LA L/A h/A W/A....... - -......................Y'/'.... 5.0C0 1. _ 1 7 6C 2.....,. 27-7 1-..677, 1.7e1 -- 2217 X/A Y/A 1. JilCO.0 0:2C 1. C44.119 1., 7.238. C98.357 1. 1C8. 591 1. C98.704 1.C78. 14 1,G48.919 1. 10 1.C20,o4 1.,115.911 1.2C4 ~.50 1.2o7.764 1. 3,3.711 l.4 33.633 1.494.b55 1.54t.4o5 1. 595.376 1.o33.284 1.662.19 1 1.684 _.c9 _ 1.697 ~ 8 C o t e 1.70 1 Figure 18. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000 1.129 2. 728 4.918 1.800 2.275 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.050.119 1.088.238 1.116.358 1.132.477 1. 137.595 1.133.710 1.119.822 1.095.930 1.0633 1. 034 1.022 1.133.974 1.226.918 1.314.856 1.395.788 1.470.714 1.538.636 1.598.553 1.651.467 1.696.377 1.734.285 1.763.191 1. 784.096 1.796.001 1.800 Figure 18. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000 1.092 2.784 5.169 1.902 2.333 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1,057.124 1.103.249 1. 135.375 1.157.500. 166.624 1.165.745 1.153.863 1.131.978 1.1 0 1.088 1.C59 1.193 1.010 1.292.954 1.385.890 1.472.820 1.551.744 1.623.662 1.687.576 1.744.486 1.792.393 1.831.297 1.862.199 1.884.100 1.898.CO0 1.902 Figure 18. Continued. (j)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000 1.059 2.838 5.412 2.000 2.393 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.065.129 1.116.259 1.155.390 1.181.522 1.195.651 1.197.779 1.187.903 1.167 1.024 1.136 1.140 1.096 1.251 1.047 1.355.989 1.454.924 1.545.852 1.629.774 1.705.689 1.773.600 1.832,507 1.883.410 1.925.310 1.958.208 1.981,105 1.995 3001 2.000 Figure 18. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000 1.028 2.895 5.662 2.100 2.457 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.070.128 1.126.258 1.170 __.390 1.202.521 1.221.652 1.228.780 1.225.907 1.210 1.029 1.185 1.148 1.151 1.262 1.107 1.370 1.055 1.472.995 1.568.928 1.657.855 1.739.775 1.813.690 1.879.600 1.937.506 1.986.409 2.027.309 2.959.208 2.081.105 2.095.001 2.100 Figure 18. Continued. (1)

-B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000 1.001 2.953 5.917 2.201 2.520 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.077.133 1.140.268 1.190.405 1.226.543 1.249.679 1.260.814 1.259.946 1.246 1.075 1.222 1.200 1.188 1.319 1.144 1.433 1.092 1.541 1.030 1.641.961 1.735.886 1.821.803 1.899.715 1.968.622 2.029.525 2.081 3424 2.124.321 2.157.215 2.181.108 2.196 - 000 2.201 Figure 18. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000.976 3.010 6.166 2.298 2.584 X/A Y/A 1.003.000 1.084.137 1.250.564 1.277.706 1.291.847 1.292.985 1.281 1.119 1.258 1.250 1.225 1.375 1.181 1.494 1.128 1.606 1.065 1.712.995 1.810.917 1.900.832 1.982.741 2.055.645 2.119.545 2.173.440 2.218.333 2.253.223 2.278.112 2.293.000 2.298 Figure 18. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA. L/A H/A W/A 5.. 0 s _.954 3.068 6.421 2.398 2.653 X/A Y/A 1..........ooc 1.088.137 1.162.276 1.222.418 1.268.561 1.3CO.7, 4 1.320.845 1.326.984 1.321 1.12 1.304 1.252 1.i77 1.380 1.239 1.502 1.191 1.618 1.134 1.728 1.069 1833.997 1.926.917 2.G13.831 2.092.740 2.163.643 2.224.542 2.277.438 2.320.331 2.354.222 2.378.112 2.393.000 2.398 Figure 18. Continued. (o) /A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.030.933 3.127 6.676 2.497 2.720 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.395.141 1.176.286 1.241.433 1.292.582 1.328.730 1.351.877 1.360 1.022 1.356 1.164 1.341 1.301 1.314 1.434 1.276 1.562 1.228 1.683 1.170 1.797 1.1C4 1.905 1.029 2.C04.947 2.095.859 2.178.765 2.251.665 2.316.561 2.371.453 2.416.343 2.451.230 2.477.116 2.492........2...497 Figure 18. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000.913 3.188 6.939 2.599 2.788 X/A Y/A 1.CO. 00 1.103.146 1.189.296 1.260.449 1.316.603 1.356.757 1.382.910 1.394 1. 61 1.392 1.239 1.378 1.352 1.352 1.49) 1.314 1.623 1.265 1.75. 1.206 1.869 1.139 1.981 1.062 2.384.978 2.179.887 2.265.790 2.342.687 2.409.58-. 2.467.469 2.514.354 2.551.237 2.577.119 2.593. 0:) 2.599 Figure 18. Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000..895 3.248 7.203 2.70n 2.858 X/A Y/A 1.11 C.151 1.203.306 1.28',.465 1.341.624 1.385.784 1.414.943 1.429 1.100 1.429 1.254 1.416 1.403 1.393 1.547 1.352 1.685 1.3C3 1.816 1.243 1.940 1.174 2.057 1.;96 2.165 1.009 2.264.916 2.353.815 2.433.710 2.503.599 2.563.484 2.612.366 2,650.246 2.678.123 2.695 e0, 2.700n....gure,,,. Continued. r).. Figure 18. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000.879 3.311 7.475 2.804 2.932 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.118.156 1.218.317 1.300.481 1.366.647 1.414.813 1.447.978 1.464 1.141 1.466 1.300 1.454 1.455 1.429 1.605 1.391 1.748 1.341 1.885 1.281 2.014 1.210 2.135 1.130 2.247 1.041 2.350.945 2.444.842 2.527.732 2.600.618 2.662.500 2.713,378 2.753. 254 2.781.127 2.799.001 2.804 Figure 18. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000.863 3.375 7.755 2.912 3.009 X/A Y/A.oo000.0000 1. 121.155 1.225.315 1.312.478 1.382.643 1.436.809 1.474.974 1.497 1.137 1.505 1.298 1.499 1.454 1.480 1.606 1.448 1.752 1.405 1.891 1.351 2.024 1.287 2.149 1.213 2.266 1.130 2.375 1.040 2.474.942 2.564.838 2.645.729 2.715.615 2.774.497 2.824.375 2.862.252 2.889.126 2.906.000 2.912 Figure 18. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 5.000.848 3.441 8.044 3.022 3.087 X/A Y/A 1.0000.00 1.129.160 1.240.326 1.333.495 1.408.666 1.466 _.838 1.508 1.009 1.533 1.179 1.543 1.345 1.539 1.508 1.521 1.665 1.489 1.817 1.446 1.962 1.391 2.100 1.325 2.230 1.249 2.352 1.165 2.464 1.072_ 2.568.971 2.661.864 2.744.752 2.817.b34 2.879.512 2.930.387 2.970.259 2.999.130 3.016 -.000 3.022 Figr.e 18. Continued. (u)

Y/A 300 ---- 2.90 ---- B/A = 5.0 2.80 260 — 4 Y- - - -- - - 2.70 2.60 0,,. 2.50 - 2.40 2.20 -.1 so \~~2.1 0 \ \\ 1.80.70 1 1.60 1.40 1.20 X/A.Figure 8 Concluded.0 v).90.60.40 0.I. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A Figure 18. Concluded. (v)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000 1.612 2.604 3.126 1.0CO 2.00GO X/A Y/A 1. * 0 i00.0i5. 9 1i 1 1. 10C, 974.198._948 2_92.915.382.874.46,8.826.549.772.624.712.693.646.755. 576.812.502.6b61.424.903.343.938.259.9o5.174.984.068.996.001 1.000 Figure 19. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000 1.524 2.623 3.326 1.100 2.000 X7/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.000. 102.991.2C2.974.300.948.394.915.484.874.569.826.649.772.724.712 _.793.646.856.576.912.502.9o1.424 1.0C3.343 1.038.259 1.C65.174 1.084.088 1.096.001 1.10t 0 Figure 19. Continued. (b)

d/A P LA L/A h/A W/A 6..CO i.445 2.652 3. 536 1. 200 2.017 X/A Y/A 1. )008. 103 980.403 953 _.496.919.586.877.671.829.751.774.826.714.895.648.957.577 1.013. 503 1.62. 425 1.104.343 1. 138.26: 1.1 5.174 _ 1.84.C083 1. 19.00 1 1.200 Figure 19. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000 1. 374 2.689 3.756 1.301 2.046 X/A Y/A 1. 000.000 1.016.104 1.023.208 1.020.310 1.009.410.989. 507.962.600.926.690.884.775.834.854.779. 929.717.997.651 1.059.580 1. 115.505 1.163.426 1.205.344 1.239.261 1.266.175 1.285.08 8 1.297.000 1.301 Figure 19. Continued. (d)

d/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000 1.310 2.732 3.983 1.402 2.083 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.024.110 1.038.220 1.041.329 1.035.436 1. 019.540.994.641.961.737.919.829.870.916.814.996.751 1.070.682 1.138.609 1. 198.530 1.252.448_ 1.297.362 1.334.274 1.364.184 1.385.092 1.397.000 1.402 Figure 19. Continued. (e) 8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000 1.253 2.777 4.209 1.500 2.124 X/A Y/A 1.000.000,1031.110 1.051.221 1.062.331 1.062.440 1.053.546 1.034.649 1.007.749.971.845.928.936.877 1.021.819 1.101.756 1.174.686 1.240.612 1.30O.533 1.352.450 1.397.364 1.434 _.276 1.462.185 1.483.093 1.496.001 1.500_ Figure 19. Continued. f)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000 1.202 2.828 4.446 1.600 2.174 X/A Y/A 1.o00.-000 1.037.110 1. 064.221 1.081.333 1.067.443 1.084.551 1.072.657 1.051.760 1.021.859.983.954.937 1.044.-885 1.128.826 1.207.761 1.279..690 1.345.615 1.404.535 1.455.451 1.499.365 1.535.276 1.564.185 1.584.093 1.596.000 1.600 Figure 19. Continued. (g) 7/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000 1.156 2.881 4.686 1.700 2.227 X/A Y/A 1.,000,.00 1.045.115 1.078.232 1.101.349 1.i12.465 1.113.580 1.104.692 1.085.8C2 1.057.907 1. 020 1.0C8.974 1.104.921 1.194.861 1.279.794 1.356.721 1.426.643 1.489.560 1.544.473 1.591.382 1.630.29 __ 1.661.194 1.683.098 1.696.000 1.700 Figure 19. Continued, (h)

b/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.00C 1.114 2.936 4.929 1.800 2.285 X/A Y/A 1. 000.000 1.050.115 1.090.231 1.118.349 1.135.466 1.143.582 1.139.697 1.126.808 1.104.917 1.073 1.021 1.033 1.121.985 1.215.929 1.304.867 1.387.799 1.4o 3.725 1.532.645 1.593.562 1.648.474 1.694.383 1.732.290 1.762.195 1.783.098 1.796.001 1.800 Figure 19. Continued. (i) b/.A LA L/. A H/ A. A 66. CO( 1.076 2.992 5.177 1.900 2.343 X/A Y/A 1 oo.- _., 0 0: 1.058.119 1. 104.241 1. 138.3c4 1. lo0.4 87 1.171.6C9 1.172.730 1. 161.848 1.140.962 1. 110 1. C73 1.071 1.179 1.022 1.279.96o 1.373. 90 1.4o1.832 1. 542.755 1.t15.673 1- - *~ 4 1. 738.4*O0) 1. 28.3,3 1.8859.203 1. 82.1)2 1. 86 ~. l. 1 _ 1. C Figure 19. Continued. (j)

/A P LA L L /A H/., w/A _._.-:._ 1.i)41 3.05 1 5.'+29 2.CC 1_ _2.408 X/A Y/A 1.000 / A 0 1.063_.119 1.114.249 1. 153.363 1. 151.467 1.198.610 i. 20 )4. 72 i. 19 9. 852 1. 15.9I69 1.16) 1.t62 1. 12 1.11 1.C83 1.295 1.032 1.393. 374 1.486c.908 1.572.836 1.651.715 8 1. 723.675 1.767.587 1.843.496Y6 1.891.401 1.930.303 1.C61.203 1.8 3 10 2 1.9 97.0 ) 2. 001 Figure 19. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000 1.011 3.109 5.680 2.100 2.471 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.070.123 1.127.249 1.172.378 1.205.507 1.226.636 1.236.763 1.233.889 1.220 1.012 1.197 1.131 1.164 1.246 1.121 _1.355 1.069 1.459 1.010 1.556.942 1.647.868 1.730.788 1.806.7C2 1.874.611 1.933.516 1.984.417 2.025.315 2.058.211 2.C81.106 2.095. o300 2.1 00 Figure 19. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000.982 3.170 5.937 2.201 2.536 X/A Y/A 1.000.00 1.077.128 1.141.259 1.192.392 1.230.527 1.255.662 1.267.795 1.268.927 1.257 1.056 1.235 1.181 1.2C2 1.301 1.159 1.416 1.107 1.526 1.046 1.628.977 1.724.900 1.811.817 1.891.728 1'.962.634 2.025.535 2.078 3433 2.122.327 2.156.219 2.181.110 2.196 - 000 2.201 Figure 19. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000.956 3.229 6.187 2.298 2.605 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.081.126 1.150.257 1.205.390 1.248.524 1.278.659 1.296.793 1.302.926 1.297 1.056 1.281 1.183 1.254 1.305 1.217 1.423 1.170 1.536 1.115 1.643 1.052 1.743.981 1.835.903 1.921.819 1.998.729 2.067.634 2.128.535 2.179.432 2.222.327 2.255.219 2.279.110 2.294.001 2.298 Figure 19. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000.933 3.291 6.450 2.400 2.673 X/A Y/A 1.0OO.000 1.088.131 1.163.266 1.224.404 1.272.544 1.306.684 1.328.824 1.337.963 1.333 1.099 1.318 1.231 1.292 1.360 1.255 1.483 1.208 1.601 1.152 1.713 1.087 1.817 1.015 1.915.934 2.004.847 2.085.755 2.158.656 2.221.554 2.275.448 2.320.338 2.355.227 2.380.114 2.395.000 2.400 Figure 19. Continued. (o) B/A P L LA. H/A W/A 6.000.911 3.352 6.707 2.499 2.741 X/A Y/A 1.000.00. 1.095.135 1.176.275 1.243.418 1.296.563 1.334.709 1.359.854 1.371.998 1.369 1.140 1.356 1.278 1.330 1.412 1.293 1.541 1.246 1.664 1.189 1.781 1.123 1.890 1.348 1.992.966 2.085.876 2.170.781 2.246.679 2.312.573 2.369.464 _ 2.415.351 2.452.235 2.478.118 2.494.003 2.499 Figure 19. Continued. (p)

8/A P LA L/A H/A ", I 6.000.891 3.414 6.970 2.600 2.811 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.102.139 1.190.284 1.262.432 1.320.582 1.363.734 1.391.885 1.405 1.035 1.406 1.183 1.393 1.327 1.369 1.467 1.332 1.601 1.284 1.729 1.226 1.851 1.159 1.965 1.082 2.071.997 2.168.905 2.257.807 2.336.702 2.405.593 2.464.479 2.513.362 2.551.243 2.578.122 2.594.000 2.600 Figure 19. Continued. (q) 8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000.873 3.477 7.234 2.701 2.884 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.113.143 1.204.293 1.282.446 1.344.602 1.391.759 1.423.917 1.439 1.072 1.442 1.226 1.431 1.376 1.407 1.521 1.371 1.661 1.323 1.794 1.264 1.920 1.194 2.039 1.116 2.150 1.C29 2.251.934 2.343.833 2.425.725 2.497.612 2.559.495 2.610.374 2.649.251 2.678.126 2.695 -.000 2.701 Figure 19. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000.856 3.539 7.499 2.801 X/A Y/A _1.003.000 1.113.142 1.210.290 1.292.442 1.359.597 1.411.754 1.448.910 1.470 1.066 1.479 1.220 1.474 1.371 1.456 1.518 1.426 1.660 1.384 1.796 1.332 1.925 1.269 2.048 1.197 2.163 1.116 2.270 1.028 2.368.932 2.457.829 2.536.721 2.606.609_ 2.665.492 2.714.372 _2.752.249 2.779.125 2.796 -.000 2.801 Figure 19. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000.841 3.602 7.764 2.902 3.029 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.120.146 1.223.299 1.311.456 1.383.616 1.439.778 1.479.941 1.504 1.102 1.515 1.261 1.511 1.418 1.494 1.570 1.465 1.717 1.423 1.858 1.370 1.993 1.306 2.120 1.232 2.240 1.149 2.350 1.058 2.452.960 2.544.854 g.627.743 2.699.627 2.760.507 2.811.383 2.851.257 2.879.129 2.896.000 2.902 Figure 19. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 6.000.827 3.664 8.029 3.002 3.101 X/A Y/A 1.000.00. 1.127.150 1.237.308 1.330.470 1.406.635 1.466.803 1.510.971 1.538 1.138 1.551 1.303 1.549 1.465 1.532 1.622 1.503 1.775 1.461 1.921 1.407 2.060 1.342 2.192 1.267 2.316 1.182 2.431 1.089 2.536.988 2.632.879 2.717.765 2.792 3646 2.855.522 2.908.394 2.949.264 2.978.133 2.996.000 3.002 Figure 19. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3,00 ----- 2.90 - 2.80 1^. 1'~ I X I IB/A =6.0 2.80 2.70 2.60 --- 2.50 2.30 C __ — 2.40 -. 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 1.30 1.20 2.10 -- 2.00 0.9.0 1 1 1 1.80X/A Fgure 19. Concluded. \/ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A Figure 19. Concluded, (v)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1.607 2.789 3.127.999 2.000 X/A Y/A,715.690.650.753.579.809.505.859.426.901.345.936.261.964.175.984.088.995.001.999 Figure 20. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1.518 2.809 3.329 1.100 2.002 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 *775.721.715.790.650.853.579.910.505.959.426 1.002.345 1.037.261 1.064.175 1.084.088 1.096.000 1.100 Figure 20. Continued. (b)

0/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1.438 2.838 3.540 1.200 2.018 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.009.102 1.009.203 1.000.302.982.399.956.492.923.582.881.667.833.747.779.822.718.892.652.954.582 1.011.507 1.060.428 1.103.346 1.137.262 1.165.176 1.184.088 1.196.000 1.200 Figure 20. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1.366 2.875 3. 759 1.300 2.048 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.017.103 1.024.205 1.022.306 1.012.405.993.502.966.595.931.685.888.770.839.850.784.924.72 3.993.65o 1.056.585 1.112.509 1.161.430' 1.203.348 1.238.263 1.265.177 1.285.089 1.296.001 1.300 Figure 20. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1.302 2.918 3.983 1.400 2.086 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.024.103 1.038.206 1.043.309 1.039.410 1.027.509 1.006.606.977.699.941.788.897.873.847.952.790 1.027.728 1.095.660 1.157.588 1.213.512 1. 262.432 1.303.350 1.338.264 1.365.178 1.384.089 1.396.001 1.400 figure 20. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1.244 2.967 4.216 1.500 2.129 X/A Y/A 1. 000.000 1.031.108 1.052.217 1.063.326 1.065.434 1.056.540 1.038.643 1.012.743.977.838.934.930.883 1.016.826 1.096.762 1.170.692 1.237.617 1.297.538 1.350.454 1.396.367 1.433.278 1.462.186 1.483.094 1.496.000 1 500 Figure 20. Continued. (f)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1.192 3.018 4.450 1.599 2.180 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.038.1C8 1.065.217 1.082.327 1.090.436 1.088.544 1.076.649 1.056.752 1.027.851.989.946.944 1.036.892 1. 121.833 1.201.768 1. 274.697 1.340.621 1.400.541 1.452.457 1.496.369 1.533.279 1.562.188 1. 583.094 1.595.001 1.599 Figure 20. Continued. (g) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1.145 3.072 4.692 1.699 2.234 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.045.113 1.079.227 1. 10 3. 342 1.115.457 1. 117.571 1.109.683 1.091.793 1.003.898 1.027 1.000.982 1.096.929 1.187.869 1.272.802 1.350.728 1.421.650 1.485.566 1.541.478 1.589.387 1.628.293 1.659.197 1.682.099 1.695.001 1.699 Figure 20. Continued. (h)

d/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1 102 3. 129 4.936 1.799 2.292 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.051.112 1.091.226 1. 120_.342 1.138.458 1. 146.573 1. 144.687 1.132.798 1.110.906 1.080 1.011 1.041 1.111.993 1.207.938 1.296.876 1.380.807 1.457.733 1.526.653 1.589.569 1.644.480 1.691. 388 1. 730.294 1.760.197 1.782.099 1.795.001 1.799 Figure 20. Continued. (i) 8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.C00 1.063 3.189 5.190 1.901 2.353 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.058.117 1.105.236 1.140.357 1.163.478 1.175.600 1.177.720 1.167.837 1.148.952 1.118 1.063 1.079 1.169 1.031 1.270.975 1.365.912 1.454.841 1.536.764 1.611.681 1.677.593 1.736.501 1.786.405 1.827.306 1.859.206 1. 882.103 1.896.000 1. 901 Figure 20. Continued. (j)

d/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000 1.028 3.248 5.438 1.999 _2.418 X/A Y/A 1.000.OGOO 1.0 o53.116 1.115.234 1.155.355 1.164.477 1.202.599 1.2)39.720 1.205.839 1.192.956 1.168 1.069 1. 135 1.179 1.093 1.283 1.042 1.383.984 1.476.918 1.563.846 1.643.768 1.716.684 1.781.595 1.838.502 1.887.400 1.927.307 1.959.236 1.981.104 1.995.CO1. 1.999 Figure 20. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7,000.997 3.311 5.696 2.101 2.482 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.070.120 1.128.243 1.174.369 1.208.496 1.231.624 1.241.751 1.240.876 1.228.999 1.206 1.118 1.174 1.234 1.131 1.344 i.080 1.449 1.021 1.547.954 1.639.879 1.724.798 1.801.711 1.870.619 1.930.523 1.982.423 2.024.320 2.058.214 2.082.108 2.096.000 2.101 Figure 20. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000.968 3.373 5.953 2.201 2.550 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.077.124 1.142.252 1.194.383 1.233.515 1.259.649 1.273.781 1.275.913 1.265 1.041 1.244 1.167 1.212 1.288 1.170 1.404 1.119 1.514 1.058 1.618.989 1.715.912 1.804.829 1.885.739 1.958.643 2.021.543 2.076.439 2.121.332 2.156.223 2.181.112 2.196 -.000 2.201 Figure 20. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000.941 3.436 6.210 2.301 2.620 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.081.123 1.150.250 1.207.380 1.251.512 1.283.645 1.302.779 1.310.911 1.306 1.041 1.291 1.168 1.265 1.292 1.229 1.411 1.183 1.525 1.128 1.632 1.065 1.734.994 1.828.915 1.915.830 1.994.739 2.065.643 2.126.543 2.179.439 2.223.332 2.257.222 2.281.112 2.296 -.000 2.301 Figure 20. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000.917 3.498 6.468 2.400 2.688 X/A Y/A 1.00 0000 1.088.126 1.163.258 1.226.393 1.275.530 1.311.669 1.334.808 1.344.945 1.342 1.081 1.328 1.214 1.303 1.343 1.268 1.468 1.222 1.587 1.166 1.699 1.101 1.806 1.028 1.905.947 1.996.860 2.078.766 2.152.667 2.217.563 2.272.455 2.318.344 2.354.231 2.379.116 2.395.000 2.400 Figure 20. Continued. (o) B/A P' LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000.895 3.561 6.725 2.498 2.757 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.095.130 1.177.266 1.244.406 1.298.548 1.338.692 1.365.836 1.378.980 1.378 1.121 1.366 1.260 1.342 1.394 1.306 1.524 1.260 1.648 1.203 1.766 1.137 1.877 1.062 1.980.980 2.076.889 2.162.793 2.239.690 2.307.583 2.365.471 2.413.357 2.450.239 2.477.120 2.493.000 2.498 Figure 20. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000.875 3.625 6.989 2.599 2.830 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.102.134 1.190.274 1.263.419 1.322.566 1.367.716 1.397.866 1.413 1.015 1.415 1.162 1.404 1.307 1.381 1.447 1.345 1.582 1.299 1.712 1.241 1.835 1.174 1.950 1.097 2.058 1.012 2.157.919 2.248.819 2.328.714 2.399.603 2.459.487 2.509.369 2.548.247 2.576.124 2.593.000 2.599 Figure 20. Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000.856 3.689 7.254 2.699 2.903 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.105.133 1.197.271 1.274.415 1.337.561 1.387.710 1.422.860 1.444 1.009 1.452 1.157 1.447 1.302 1.430 1.444 1.401 1.581 1.361 1.714 1.310 1.840 1.248 1.960 1.178 2.072 1.099 2.177 1.012 2.273.918 2.360.817 2.438.711 2.506.600 2.565.485 2.613.366 2.650.246 2.677.123 2.694 -.000 2.699 Figure 20. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000.839 3.754 7.519 2.799 2.976 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.112.136 1.210.279 1.293.427 1.361.579 1.414.733 1.453.888 1.478 1.043 1.488 1.196 1.485 1.347 1.469 1.494 1.440 1.637 1.400 1.775 1.348 1.906 1.286 2.030 1.214 2.147 1.133 2.256 1.043 2.356.947 2.447.843 2.528.734 2.599.619 2.659.500 2.709.378 2.749.254 2.777.127 2.794 -.000 2.799 Figure 20. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000.823 3.818 7.785 2.899 3.049 X/A Y/A 1,000.000o 1.119.14_ 1.223.287 1.311.440 1.385.597 _1.442 __.756 1.484.917 1.512 1.077 1.524 1.236 1.523 1.392 1.508 1.545 1.479 1.693 1.439 1.836 1.386 1.972 1.323 2.101 1.250 2.222_ 1.167 2.335 1.075 2.439.975 2.533.869 2.618.756 2.691.638 2.754.516 2.806.390 _ 2.847.262 2.876.131 2.894.0'00 2.899 Figure 20. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 7.000.808 3.885 8.059 3.002 3.123 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.126.144 1.236.296 1.331.454 1.409.615 1.471.780 1.516.946 1.547 1.112 1.561 1.277 1.561 1.439 1.547 1.597 1.519 1.751 1.479 1.899 1.426 2.040 1.361 2.174 1.286 2.300 1.201 2.417 1.107 2.525 1.005 2.622.895 2.710.779 2.786.658 2.852.532 2.906.402 2.948.269 2.978.135 2.996 -.OG0 3.002 Figure 20. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3.00 - 2.90 --- B/A =7. o 2.70 0 2.60 ---- 2.50 --- 2.40 2.30 2.20 2.00 1.90 - -~.80 -- - - 1.70 \ —--- 1.0 1.1 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A 1.4Figure 20. Concluded (v).20. 0 \'. \\.0 ii.2 1.3 11.4 i5 i.6 i.7 i.8

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A d. 00.O 1.6Ce2 2. 96 3- 3. 130 1.000C 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.0'30.000.99 2.0 8.9-6.195.952.268.919.377. 7 _.. 463.~ 32.544.778.619. 71 8. 688.653.752 ~. 5i2. b09. 507.859 ~'+29.', 9 1.J 7..937.253.964.176.984.0_ 1 _ 1.000 Figure 21. la) b/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.00'0 1.513 2.982 3.332 1.100 2.002 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.001. 100.994.198.977.294.952.388.920.477.880.563.832.643.778.719.718.788.653.852.582.909.507.959.429 1.001.347 1.037.262 1.064.176 1.C84. 088 1.096.000 1.100 Figure 21. Continued. (b)

6/A P' LA L/A H/A W/A d8.000C 1.43.3 3.012 3.542 1.200 2.020 X/A Y/A 1.';00.CDC, 1.009 ~ IC1 i. C01.201 1.00i.299. 9684.39o.959.49.925.5/o.88 Th4.664.837.744.782.319.722.3 89 ~.656.952.585 1.009. 5', 09 1.059.430 1.101.343 1.137.263 1.lt6;4.171 1.1i4..0. 1.2. 00 Figure 21, Continued. (c) I/A P L L/A h/A W/A 63.00C0 1.360 3.0,49 3. 760 1.99 2.9 2 50 X/tA Y/A 1.- 00 j- 00 1.017.1 1 1. 02 5.203 1.024 __.3 3 1.014.402.9_ 5 498.969.591.934 b.0.892.765 ~* 8'..846. 7h 3.921.72 1._99-.660 1.053.58139 1. l109.513 1.159.433 1.22' 1 3. 2 3.350 1.23o.2bo5 1.264.117 1. 284.09) 1.296.001 1.299 Figure 21. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000 1.295 3.094 3.987 1.400 2.089 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.024. 102 1.039.204 1.045.306 1.041.406 1.030.505 1.009.601.981.694.945.784.902 _ 869.851..949.795 1.023.733 1.092.665 1.155.593 1.211.516 1.260.436 1.303.352 1.337.267 1.365.179 1.384.090 1.396.001 1.400 Figure 21. Continued. (e) T/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000 1. 236 3. 145 4.222 1.501 2.134 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.032.107 1.053.214 1.065.322 1.067.429 1.059.535 1.042.638 1.016.738.981.834.939.925.888 1.012.831 1.092.767 1.167.69-7 1.235.622 1.296. 542 1.349.458 1.395.370 1.433.280 1.463.188 1.484.094 1.497.000 1.501 Figure 21. Continued. (f)

d/A P LA L/A P/A W/A 8.OC0 1.184 3. 197 4.458 1.600 2.184 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.038.106 1.06t.214 1.084.323 1.092.431 1.091.538 1. 080.643 1.6b0.746 1.031.846.994.941.950 1.032.698 1.117.839'1.197.773 1.271.702 1.338.626 1.398. 54i5 1.451.4o0_ 1.496.372 1.533.282 1.562.189 1.583.095 1.596.000 1.600 Figure 21. Continued. (g) b/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000 1.136 3.254 4.700 1.700C 2.240 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.045.111 1.080.224 1.104.338_ 1.117.452 1. 120.565 1.113.677 1.095.786 1 068.892 1.032.994.988 1.090.935 1.182.875 1.268.808 1.346.734 1.418.655 1.483.571 1.540.483 1.588.390 1.628.295 1.659.198 1.682 100 1.696.000 1.700 Figure 21. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000 1.093 3.313 4.946 1.800 2.298 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.051.110 1.091.223 1.121.337 1.140.452 1.149.566 1.148.679 1.137.791 1.116.899 1.086 1.004 1.047 1.105 1.000 1.201.945 1.291.883 1.375.814 1.453.739 1.523.659 1.587.574 1.642.484 1.690 392 1.729 e296 1.760.199 1.782.100 1.795.000 1.800 Figure 21. Continued, (i) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000 1.054 3.373 5. 195 1.900 2.361 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.058.114 1.105.231 1. 141.351 1.165.471 1.178.591 1.180.711 1.172.828 1.153.943 1.124 1.054 1.086 1.160 1.038 1.262.982 1.358.919 1.447.848 1.530.771 1.605.68d 1.673.599 1.732.506 1.782.410 1.824.310 1.857.208 1.881.105 1.895.000 1.900 Figure 21. Continued, (j)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000 1.018 3.436 5.448 2.000 2.426 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.063.113 1.115.230 1.i56__.349 1.186.469 1.205.590 1.213.711 1.210.830 1.197.946 1.174 1.060 1.142 1.170 1. 10 1.275 1.050 1.375.992 1.470.926 1.557.853 1.638.7-15 1.712.690 1.778.601 1.836.507 1.885.410 1.926.310 1.958.208 1.981.105 1. 995.000 2.000 Figure 21, Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000.986 3.498 5.701 2.099 2.490 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.070.117 1.129.238 1.175.362 1.210.487 1.233.614 1.245.740 1.245.865 1.234.987 1.213 1.107 1.181 1.223 1.139 1.333 1.089 1.439 1.029 1.538.962 1.631.887 1.717.806 1.795.719 1.864.626 1.926.529 1.978.428 2.021.324 2.055.217 2.079.109 2.094.001 2.099 Figure 21. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000.956 3.563 5.959 2.199 2.561 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1 074.116 1 137.236 1 189.359 1.229.485 1.258.611 1.275.738 1.281.864 1.275.988 1.260 1.110 1.234 1.228 1.198 1.342 1.153 1.451 1.100 1.555 1.038 1.652.968 1.743.892 1.827.809 1.903.721 1.971.627 2.030.529 2.081.428 2.123.324 2.156.217 2.180.109 2.194.001 2.199 Figure 21. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000 929 3.629 6.224 2.301 2.631 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.081.120 1.151.244 1.208.372 1.253.502 1.286.634 1.307.767 1.315.898 1.313 1.028 1.298 1.156 1.273 1.280 1.238 1.399 1.193 1.514 1.138 1.623 1.075 1.725 1.004 1.821.925 1.909.839 1.989.748 2.060.651 2.123.550 2.177.444 2.221.336 2.256.225 2.281.113 2.296.000 2.301 Figure 21. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8,000.904 3.695 6.488 2.402 2.701 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.088.123 1.164.252 1.227.384 1.277.520 1.314.657 1.339.795 1.350.933 1.350 1.068 1.337 1.20C1 1.313 1.331 1.278 1.456 1.232 1.576 1.177 1.690 1.112 1.798 1.039 1.898.958 1.990.870 2.074.775 2.150.675 2.215.570 2.272.461 2.318.349 2.355.234 2.381.117 2.397 -.000 2.402 Figure 21. Continued. (o) __ / A_ - -........-.....* _ _.,...........H - _...._..........._/ — B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000.881 3.760 6.747 2.500 2.773 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.095.127 1.177.259 1.246.397 1.301.537 1.342.680 1.370.823 1.385.966 1.386 1.107 1.375 1.246 1.352 1.381 1.318 _ 1.512 1.272 1.637 1.216 1.756 1.150 1.869 1.075 1.973.992 2.070.901 2.158.803 2.236.700 2.305.591 2.364.478 2.413.362 2.451.243 2.478.122 2.495.OCO 2.500 Figure 21. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000.860 3.828 7.019 2.603 2.848 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.099.125 1.184.257 1.257.393 1.317.533 1.363.675 1.397.818 1.417.961 1.424 1.103 1.419 1.243 1.402 1.3'80 1.374 1.513 1.334 1.641 1.285 1.764 1.225 1.881 1.156 1.990 1.078 2.092.993 2.186.901 2.271.802 2.347.698 2.414.589 2.471.476 2.518.360 2.555.241 2.582.121 2.598 -.000 2.603 figure 21, Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000.841 3.893 7.278 2.701 2.920 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.105.129 1.197.264 1.275.404 1.340.549 1.391.696 1.427.844 1.450.993 1.460 1.140 1.457 1.285 1.441 1.428 1.413.1.566 1.374 1.700 1.323 1.827 1.263 1.948 1.192 2.062 1.113 2.168 1.025 2.266.930 2.355.829 2.434.722 2.504.609 2.563.492 2.613.372 2.651.250 2.679.125 2.695.000 2.701 Figure 21. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000.824 3.957 7.537 2.798 2.992 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.112.132 1.210.271 1.294.416 1.363.565 1.418.717 1.458.870 1.484 1.024 1.496 1.177 1.495 1.328 1.480 1.476 1.452 1.619 1.413 1.758 1.362 1.890 1.300 2.016 1.228 2.134 1.147 2.245 1.057 2.346.960 2.439.855 2.521.745 2.594.629 2.655.509 2.706.385 2.746.258. 2.775.130 2.792.001 2.798 Figure 21. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000.807 4.023 7.803 2.898 3.065 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.119.136 1.223.279 1.312.428 1.386.582 1.445.739 1.489.898 1.518 1.057 1.532 1.215 1.532 1.372 1.519 1.525 1.492 1.674 1.452 1.817 1.400 1.955 1.338 2.086 1.264 2.209 1.181 2.323 1.089 2.428.989 2.524.881 2.610.767 2.685.648 2.749.524 2.802.396 2.844.266 2.874.134 2.892.001 2.898 Figure 21. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 8.000.793 4.090 8.070 2.997 3.140 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.125.139 1.236.286 1.330.440 1.409.599 1.473.761 1.520.925 1.552 1.090 1.568 1.254 1.570 1.416 1.557 1.574 1.531 1.728 1.491 1.87-7 1.439 2.020 1.375 2.155 1.300 2.283 1.215 2.401 1.120 2.511 1.017 2.610.907 2.699.790 2.777.667 2.843.539 2.898.408 2.941.274 2.972.137 2.991.000 2.997 Figure 21. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3o00 2.90 "B/A =8.0 2.70 - 2.60 -.2.50 2.40 -- - 2.30 2.20 - 1 2. 10 2.00 NN\ WI\,.9o 0-'W S[\ -\ 1.80 - 1.60 i\ L \\\ - 1.30 \ \ 1.20 1 00 -,*-N — 0'-,.TTx\! \/!/it' 1.60 450.30 X t. l - - 1.0 11 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A Figure 21. Concluded. (v)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000 1.599 3.127 3.130 1.000 2.000 X/A Y/A 9.858.431.901.348.936.264.964.177.984.089.996 _.C 1 1.000 Figure 22. (a) B/A P LA L/'A H/A W/A 9.000 1.509 3.146 3.334 1.101 2.003 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.001.349 1.037.264 1.064.177 1.084.089 1.097.000 1.101 Figure 22. Continued. (b)

5i/A Pv LLA L/A h/A W/A i.CW(C, _ 1. 428 E 3. 175 3.544 1.2C0 2.021 X/A Y/A'.....'..... 1.010. 1l0 1.011.199 1. C2.297.9i6.393.961.4,86.92 8.576.bb7.661.63-. 742.785.61.7.725.687.659 _.951.51 1.06, 8. 512 1.C058.433 1.1('1. 2b 1. 1o4.178 1.184 ~09.r 1 196.'00) 0 1.200 Figure 22. Continued. (c) -3/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000 1.355 3.215 3.764 1.3CC 2.051 X/A Y/A 1.000.C00 1. 017. l10 1.025.201 1. C 2 5. 301 1., 15.399.997.495.971.588.937.678. 895.763 b46.843.79c1.919.739.988.~663 1.C52.591 1. 109. 515 1.159.435 1.201.352 1.237 __2c,6 1. 2 4.179 1.2 4. 0909) 1.296 ~g e 2. C t 1. it C Figure 22. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000 1.289 3,262 3.994 1.401 2.092 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.024.101 1.C40.202 1.046.303 1.043.404 1.032.502 1.012.598.984.691.948.781.905.866.855.947.799 1.022.736 1.091.668 1.154.596 1.211.519 1.260.438 1.303.354 1.338.268 1.366.180 1.385.090 1.397 -.000 1.401 Figure 22. Continued. (e) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000 1.230 3.313 4.226 1t501 2.137 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.032.106 1.054.212 1.066.319 1.069.426 1.061.531 1.045.634 1. 019. 734.985.830.942.921.892 1.008.835 1.089.771 1.164.701 1.233.626 1.294.545 1. 348.461 1.394.373 1.432.282 1.462.189 1.484.095 1.497.000 1.501 Figure 22. Continued. (f)

-/A P LA L/A -ht I/ A 9. 0o) 1. 1.77 3. 3o 7 4.463 1.601 2.188 X/A Y/A 1. 00.000 1.038. 105 1.067.212 1. C5.319 1.094.427 1. 093 _ 534 1.03 3.639 1.06~ 3.742 1.035.641.999_.937.954 1.028.902 1.114.843 1.194.778 1.268.706 1.336.630 1.396.549 1.450.464 1.495.375 1.533.284 1.562.190 1.583.096 1.596,000 1.601 Figure 22. Continued. (g) </A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000 1. 129 3. 426 4.707 1.701 2.245 X/A Y/A 1.00t.(00 1 044.105 1. 078.211 1.103. 319 1.117.428 1.123.5 36 1.118.643 1. 10 5. 748 1. C83.850 1.05 2.949 1.013 1.044.966 1. 135.912 1.220.852 1. 299.785 1.373.712 1.440.634 1.499.552 _ 1.552.466 1. 597.377 1.634.285 1.663.19 1 1. 6b4.096 1. 96 -.000 1.701 Figure 22. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000 1.086 3.486 4.953 1.800 2.303 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.05 1.109 1.092.220 1.122.333 1.142.447 1.15 2 _. 561 1.151.674 1.140.785 1.120.893 1.090.998 1.052 1.099 1.005 1.196.95 L.28.888 1.371.819 1.450.744 1.521.663 1.585.578 1.641.488 1.689.395 1.729.299 1.760.200 1.782.101 1.796.000 1.800 Figure 22. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000 1. 046 3. 549 5.203 1.900 2.368 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.056.108 1.102.218 1.138.331 1.164.446 1.179.560 1. 184.675 1.179.788 1. 165.898 1.141 1.006 1.108 1.110 1.067 1.210 1.017 1.306.960 1.395.896 1.479.826 1. 556.749 1.626.667 1.689.58 1 1.744.,490 1. 791.396 1.830.300 1.861.201 1.883.101 1.896.000 1.900 Figure 22. Continued. (j)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000 1.010 3.613 5.458 2.000 2.432 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.063. 11 1.116.226 1. 157.344 1.188.464 1.208.584 1.216.704 1.214.822 1.202.939 1.180 1.053 1.148 1. 63 1. 107 1.269 1.057 1.369.999 1.464.933 1.553.860 1.635.781 1.709.696 1. 776,606 1.835.512 1.885.414 1.926.313 1.958.210 1.982.106 1.996.000 2.000 Figure 22. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000 _.977 3.680 5.717 2.101 2.499 X/A Y/A.o000.000 1.070.115 1.129.234 1.177.357 1.212.481 1.236.607 1.249.733 1.250.857 1.240.980 1.219 1.100 1.188 1.216 1.146 1.328 1.096 1.434 1.037 1.534.969 1.628.895 1.714.813 1.793.725 1.864.631 1.926.533 1.979.431 2.023.326 2.057.219 2.082.110 2.096 000 2.101 Figure 22. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000.947 3.746 5.976 2.201 2.570 X/A Y/A 1.000,000 1.075.114 1.138.232 1.190.354 1.231.478 1.260.604 1.278.730 1.285.856 1.281.980 1.266 1.102 1.241 1.220 1.206 1.335 1.161 1.445 1.108 1.549 1.046 1.647.976 1.739.899 1.824.816 1.901.727 1.970.633 2.030.534 2.082.432 2.125.326 2.158.219 2.182.110 2.197 -.000 2.201 Figure 22. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A - t/A 9.000.919 3.813 6.234 2.300 2.639 X/A Y/A 1.00.000 1.081.117 1.151.239 1.209.366 1.255.495 1.288.626 1.310.757 1.320.888 1.318 1.018 1.304 1.145 1.280 1.270 1.245 1.390 1.201 1.505 1.146 1.615 1.083 1.718 1.012 1.814.933 1.903.847 1.984.755 2.057.657 2.120.555 2.175.449 2.220.339 2.255.228 2.280.114 2.295 -.000 2.300 Figure 22* Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9,000.894 3.879 6.493. 2,399 2.709 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.088.120 1.164.247 1.228.377 1.278.511 1.316.647 1.341.784 1.354.921 1.354 1.056 1.343 1.189 1.320 1.319 1.285 1.444 1.24G 1.565 1.185 1.680 1.121 1.788 1.048 1.889.966 1.982.878 2.067.783 2.143.682 2.210.576 2.267.466 2.314.352 2.351.236 2.378.119 2.394 =000 2.399 Figure 22. Continued. (o) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000.871 3.945 6.752 2.497 2.784 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.092.119 1.171.244 1.239.373 1.294.506 1.337.641 1.368.778 1.386.915 1.392 1.051 1.386 1.185 1.369 1.316 1.341 1.444 1.302 1.567 1.253 1.686 1.195 1.798 1.128 1.904 1.052 2.002.969 2.093.879 2.175.783 2.249.682 2.314.575 2.369.465 2.415.352 _2.451.236 2.476.119 2.492.001 2.497 Figure 22. Continued. (p)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000.850 4.016 7.023 2.599 2.858 X/A Y/A 1.000. 000 1.098.122 1.184.251 1.257.385 1.318.522 -1.365.663 1.399.805 1.420.947 1.429 1.089 1.425 1.228 1.409 1.365 1.381 1.499 1.342 1.628 1.293 1.751 1.234 1.868 1.165 1.979 1.087 2.082 1.002 2.176.909 2.263.810 2.340.705 2.408.595 2.466.481 2.513.364 2.551.244 2.578.122 2.594 -.000 2.599 Figure 22. Continued. (q) 8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000.830 4.082 7.284 2.697 2.930 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.105.125 1.197.258 1.276.396 1.341.538 1.392.683 1.430.830 1.454.978 1.465 1.125 1.463 1.270 1.448 1.412 1.421 1.551 1.382 1.685 1.333 1.813 1.272 1.935 1.202 2.050 1.123 2.158 1.035 2.256.939 2.346.837 2.427.729 2.497.616 2.558.498 2.607.377 2.646.253 2.674.127 2.691.001 2.697 Figure 22. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000.812 4.152 7.558 2.799 3.005 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.112.129 1.210.265 1.294.407 1.364.554 1.420.705 1.462.857 1.489 1.010 1.503 1.163 1.502 1.313 1.489 1.462 1.462 1.606 1.423 1.745 1.373 1.879 1.311 2.006 1.240, 2.126 1.158 2.237 1.068 2.340.970 2.434.865 2.518.753 2.591.536 2.654.514 2.706.389 2.746.261 2.776.131 2.793.000 2.799 Figure 22. Continued. (s) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000.795 4.223 7.833 2.902 3.084 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.119.132 1.223.272 1.313.419 1.388.571 1.449.726 1.494.884 1.525 1.043 1.540 1.201 1.542 1.357 1.529 1.511 1.503 1.661 1.465 1.806 1.414 1.945 1.351 2.077 1.278 2.201 1.194 2.317 1.102 2.424 1.001 2.521.892 2.609.777 2.685.657 2.751.531 2.805.402 2.847.270 2.877.135 2.895.000 2.902 Figure 22. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 9.000.779 4.293 8.110 3.004 3.164 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.121.130 1.229.269 1.322.414 1.402.564 1.467.718 1.517.875 1.553 1.033 1.575 1.191 1.582 1.348 1.576 1.502 1.557 1.653 1.525 1.800 1.481 1.942 1.425 2.077 1.359 2.206 1.282 2.327 1.196 2.440 1.102 2.543 1.000 2.637.890 2.722.775 2.796.654 2.859.529 2.911.400 2.951.268 2.981.135 2.998.001 3.004 Figure 22. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3-00 —- 2.90 2.80' — B/A=9.0 2.70 SI""'-__ 2.60 -- 2.50 2.40 2.30 2. 10 2.00 1.90 1.80 — I-.-, S- ~' 1.70 1.50 1.10 1.30.,\\/ I I.30..2 3.5..7 8 9. 11 12. 141. 1. 2 Cc e/. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 X/A Figure 22. Concluded. (v)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000 1. 577 3.282 3.130 1.000 2.000 X/A Y/A 1.000 Figure 23. (a) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000 1.506 3. 302 3.335 1.100 2.004 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.002.C99.995 196.979.291.955.384.923.473.883.559.837.640.783.715.723.785.657.849.587.906.511.957.432 1.000.350 1.036 26 5 1.064.178 1.084.089 1.096.000 1.100 Figure 23. Continued. (b)

B/A P LA L/A k/A W/A lC.COO 1.424 3.332 3. 547 1.200 2.022 X/A Y/A 1.00C.000 1. 01:0)..0C99 1.Oil.198 1.0103. 296.9b7.391.962.4 84.930.574.889,) ~ _.659.842. 70O.767. b1o.727.886.661.949.590 1.0007.514 1.C57.434 1. 100.352 1. 136.266 1.1o4.179 1.184.090 1.196.000 1.200 Figure 25. Continued. (c) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A IC.OCO 1.351 3. 372 3.768 1.301 2.053 X/A Y/A 1. OC. COO 1. C18il.100 1.C26.20C.026 _ 299_ 1. 01. 397.97 993.43.973.5o6.939.675.~ 893.761.64 " _ 6.842....7........6oo 1.051.594 1. 1C8.517 1.158.43 7 1. 20 C.354 1.237.268 1.265.180 1.285.093 1.297.COO 1.301 Figure 25. Continued. (d)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 1C.CCO 1.285 3.419 3.995 1.401 2.093 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.025.1OC 1.040.200 1.047.301 1.044.401 1.033.499 1.014.595.986.688.951.778.908.863.858.944.802 1.019.739 1.089.671 1.152.599 1.209.521 1.259.440 1.302.356 1.337 269 1.365.i81 1.385.091 1.397.000' 1.401 Figure 23. Continued. (e) 8/ P L.A L/A H/A W/A 10.0CO 1.226 3.471 4.227 1.500 2.140 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.032.104 1.055.210 1.067.317 1.070.423 1.063.527 1.047.630 1.022.730.983.826.945.918.895 1.005.838 1.086.774 1.161.704 1.230.629 1.292.548 1.346.463 1.392.375 1.431.284 1.461.191 1.483.096 1.496.000 1.500 Figure 23. Continued, (f)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.0CC 1.172 3.527 4.463 1.599 2.190 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.038.104 1.067.210 1.086.317 1.C95.424 1.09 5.530 1.C05.635 1.066.737 1.C38.836 1.002.932.957 1.023.906 1.109.847 1.190.781 1.265.710 1.333.633 1.394.552 1.447.466 1.493.377 1.531.286 1.561..192 1.582.097 1.595.001 1.599 Figure 23. Continued. (g) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000 1.124 3.587 4.707 1.699 2.249 X/A Y/A 1.000.0OC 1.044.103 1.079.209 1.103. 316 1.119.424 1. 124.531 1.121.638 1. 108. 743 1.086.845 1.055.944 1.017 1.039.970 1. 130.9i6 1.215.856 1.295.769 1. 369.716 1.436.638 1.496.556 1. 549.469 1. 594.380 1.632.*2o7 1.661.193 1.682.097 1.695.001 1.699 Figure 23. Continued. (h)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000 1.079 3.651 4.958 1.800 2.307 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.051.107 1.092.217 1.123.330 1.144.443 1.154.556 1.153.669 1.143.780 1.123.888 1.094.993 1.C56 1.095 1.009 1.191.955 1.282.893 1.368.824 1.446.748 1.518.668 1.583.582 1.639.491 1.688.398 1.728.301 1.759.202 1.782.101 1.796.000 1.800 Figure 25. Continued. (i) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000 1.039 3.716 5.211 1.901 2.373 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.056.106 1.103.216 1.139.328 1.165.441 1.181.556 1.187.669 1.182.782 1.168.893 1.145 1.001 1.113 1.105 1.072 1.206 1.022 1.301.960 1.391.901 1.476.831 1.553.754 1.624.672 1.687.585 1.743.494 1.791.399 1.830.302 1.861.202 1.883.102 1.896.000 1.901 Figure 25. Continued. (j)

B/A LA L/A H/A W/A 1C. 000 1.002 3.783 5.466 2.001 2.438 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1. 06 3.110 1.116.224 1. 156.340 1.189.459 1.210.578 1.219.698 1.218.816 1.206.933 1.6 184.C47 1.153 1.157 1.112 1.263 1.062 1.365 1.004 1.460.938 1 549.865 1.632.786 1.707.701 1. 774.610 1.833.516 1.884.417 1.926.315 1. 958.212 1.982.106 1.996.000 2.001 Figure 23. Continued. (k) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000.969 3.850 5.721 2.100 2.506 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.070.113 1.130.231 1.177.352 1.214.476 1.238.601 1.251.726 1.253.850 1.243.973 1.223 1.092 1.192 1.209 1.152 1.321 1.102 1.427 1.043 1.528.975 1.622.900 1.709.818 1.789.730 1.860.636 1.923.538 1.976.435 2.020.329 2.055.221 2.080.111 2.095.000 2.100 Figure 23. Continued. (1)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000.939 3.918 5.981 2.200 Z.577 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.075.112 1.138.229 1.191.349 1.232.472 1.262.597 1.281.722 1.288.848 1.285.971 1.271 1.093 1.246 1.212 1.211 1.327 1.167 1.437 1.114 1.542 1.052 1.641.982 1.733.906 1.819.822 1.896.733 1.966.638 2.027.539 2.079.436 2.122.329 2.156.221 2.180.111 2.195.000 2.200 Figure 23. Continued. (m) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000.911 3.988 6.246 2.301 2.647 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.081.115 1.152.236 1.210.361 1.256.489 1.291.619 1.313.749 1.323.880 1.322 1.010 1.310 1.137 1.286 1.262 1.252 1.382 1.207 1.498 1.153 1.609 1.090 1.713 1.019 1.810.940 1.900.854 1.981.761 2.055.663 2.119.560 2.174.453 2.219.342 2.255.230 2.281.115 2.296 -.000 2.301 Figure 23. Continued. (n)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000.840 4.199 7.044 2.602 2.869 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.098.120 1.185.247 1.259.379 1.320.515 1.368.654 1.403.796 1.425.937 1.435 1.079 1.432 1.219 1.417 1.356 1.390 1.490 1.351 1.620 1.302 1.744 1.243 1.862 1.174 1.974 1.097 2.078 1.011 2.174.918 2.261.818 2.339.712 2.408.601 2.466.486 2.515.367 2.553.246 2.580.123 2.597 -.000 2.602 Figure 23. Continued. (q) B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000.820 4.270 7.311 2.702 2.943 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.105.123 1.197.253 1.277.390 1.343.530 1.395.675 1.434.821 1.460.968 1.472 1.115 1.471_ 1.260. 1.457 1.403 1.430 1.543 1.392 1.678 1.343 1.807 1.282 1.930 1.212 2.046 1.133 2.155 1.044 2.255.949 2.346.846 2.427.736 2.499.622 2.560.503 2.611.380 2.650.255 2.679.128 2.696 -.000 2.702 Figure 23. Continued. (r)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000.801 4.340 7.579 2,801Ml 3.019_ X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.112.126 1.210.260 L295.400 1.366.546 1.423.695 1.466.846 1.494.999 1.509 1.151 1.509 1.302 1.497 1.451 1.471 1.595 1.433 1.736 1.383 1.870 1.322 1.998 1.250 2.119 1.168 2.232 1.078 2.336.979 2.431.873 2.516.761 2.590.643 2.654.520 2.707.393 2.748.264 2.778.132 2.795.000 2.801 Figure 25. Continued. (s) 8/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000.784 4.410 7.848 2.901 3.098 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.114.124 1.216.256 1.304.395 1.379.539 1.441.686 1.488.837 1.522.989 1.542 1.141 1.549 1.292 1.543 1.441 1.524 1.587 1.492 1.730 1.449 1.867 1.395 1.998 1.330 2.123 1.255 2.241 1.171 2.350 1.078 2.451.978 2.543.871 2.625.758 2.697.640 2.759.517 2.810.391 2.850.262 2.878.132 2.895.000 2.901 Figure 23. Continued. (t)

B/A P LA L/A H/A W/A 10.000.768 4.484 8.131 3.005 3.177 X/A Y/A 1.000.000 1.121.127 1.229.263 1.323.406 1.403.554 1.469.707 1.520.863 1.557 1.020 1.580 1.177 1.588 1.334 1.583 1.489 1.565 1.641 1.534 1.788 1.490 1.931 1.435 2.067 1.369 2.197 1.292 2.319 1.206 2.433 1.111 2.538 1.008 2.633.898 2.719.782 2.794.660 2.858.533 2.910.403 2.952.270 2.982.135 2.999 -.001 3.005 Figure 23. Continued. (u)

Y/A 3.00 - 2.90 - --- B/A = 10.0 2.80 2.70 -.. 2.60 2.50 ""' — 2.40 2.30 - 2.20 -'~' 1 2.o 0 2.00 1.90' 1.80 -- -eo ~- ~''' ~' 1.60 t.50 1.40 -C_.V.1.30. 20 - 1.00 -^ \ \ *T m r.90.70.60 _,\ill.50.40.30 \1.. 1W 1.0 1. 1 0 I.2,. o1.0 1.1 1.2 1.31.4 1.5 1.6 7 1.8 X/A Figure 23. Concluded. (v)