ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR Data Report GYROSCOPE ASPECT AIR FORCE AEROBEE AF-48 LAUNCHED: 14 July 1954, 0655 Hours HENRY S. SICINSKI NELSON W. SPENCER Project Supervisor Le research reported in this document has been sponsored in part by the Geophysics Research Directorate of the Air Force Cambridge Research Center, Air Research and Development Command. Project 2096 UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AIR FORCE CAMBRIDGE RESEARCH CENTER CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS February, 1955

ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE * UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ABSTRACT The data presented in this report are the results of two instrumentations, each consisting of a single modified Bendix J-8 Attitude Gyroscope mounted in two trial positions. The application of the instrument to use in a missile requires an extensive modification and testing program, viz., the conventional "erector-mechanism" is removed, a suitable mass replaces it, and the entire instrument is balanced in such a way that the center of gravity coincides with the intersection of the two rotation axes. This erector mechanism, in the conventional use of the gyro in aircraft, maintains the axis of the gyrostat normal to the earth's surface. Of the two instrumentations, one considered by this agency as the conventional unit, is called "Beta-gyro" to connote the position and the scale markings. The other mounting position, called the "Psi-gyro" was an experimental one and was thought to be less favorable to the instrument but more favorable to the data analysis. In the design of the aspect experiment, the Beta-gyro was the primary measure serving to evaluate the performance of the Psi-gyro. Missile evaluation was considered necessary, since the results of simulation tests for gravity effects in the laboratory were inconclusive. ii

ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE * UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN EXPERIMENTAL OBJECTIVE Aerobee AF-48, fired 14 July 1955, was used in this experiment in an attempt to evaluate the longterm stability of gyroscopes as related to their use as missile-aspect monitors. The data output from two gyroscopes carried by this missile are given in this report for the ultimate purpose of comparison with a conventional photographic aspect system. iii

ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE * UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN REFERENCE FRAMES The data contained in this report are given as the classical Eulerian Angles with the initial positions chosen by New Mexico A and M College in their aspect experiments. The coordinates are defined in their report as follows: "Figure 1 demonstrates two right-handed...orthogonal coordinate systems. The reference coordinate system, X~Y~Z~, has the origin at the base of the missile; the X~Y~ plane is parallel to a plane tangent to the earth at the sub-missile point. X~ is positive west, Y~ positive north, and Z~ vertical. The missile coordinate system, XYZ, has a common origin to X~Y~Z~. Z represents the missile longitudinal axis, X an axis passing through the periphery of the missile in an eastward direction, Y northward. Initially the two systems will be coincident. Any unique orientation of the missile can be described by the three successive counterclockwise angles of rotation (B, 0, *) about specified axes. Figure 1 represents a missile rotation about the Z axis, displacing X from X~ by an angle >. Figure 2 demonstrates a rotation about the Y axis displacing Z from Z~ by an angle B, the zenith angle. It is seen that X is also displaced from the X~Y~. 0 is thus seen to be the'heading' or azimuth angle, measured counterclockwise from east. Figure 3 shows a rotation about the Z axis displacing Y from K, the line of intersection of the two planes through 4f, the'swivel roll' angle. Thus the three Eulerian angles are demonstrated." The times given in the report are derived from a calibrated "Counter Clock". This consists of a numerical display system driven by a d-c, governed motor, photographed simultaneously with the gyroscopes. In addition, two timing pulses generated by the telemetery commintator were displayed by two glow lamps in the photo field. These timing pulses, called "half-second-light" and "twelve-second'light", are not to be construed as accurate time bases, but rather as reference marks occurring at a somewhat uniform rate and intended for use in correlating concurrent experiments in the missile. The period between pulses approximates one and one-half seconds and fourteen seconds, respectively. The pulse's presence is indicated by an "x" in the tabular data. __________________________________ 1 -------------------------— _______

ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE * UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Time is not given for every set of data in the table; however, the counter-clock values are and can be converted into time-after-take-off through the relationship time(sec) = Counter Clock number - 78895 time(sec) = 10.89 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Unfortunately, through an oversight at the last instrument check prior to fueling, a rubber gasket fell against the Beta-gyrostat in a manner suggesting intermittent contact. The recording camera observed such proximity with the gyrostat until the time of burn-out (34 seconds), when the interfering gasket left the camera field, allowing the gyro to perform freely. With such a constraint the Beta-gyro could precess; however, an examination of the record in terms of the *-gyro indicates the precession to be small due to the constraint. A qualifying remark in regards to Jgyro data validity is necessary, since the examination of the recovery instrumentation indicated that the fuse in the *-gyro power supply opened during the sampling time or at impact. Physical evidence in addition to the instrument's behavior after x-plus-three-minutes suggests that the fuse failed at take-off, leaving the J-gyro without power during the flight. Laboratory observations indicate that such a gyro should perform satisfactorily for approximately 140 seconds in a missile. The total precession at that time should not exceed 3~ in any given angle. At times greater than 140 seconds the gyrostat will have lost so much of its angular momentum as to make the instrument unreliable after 180 seconds. Under these circumstances, where both gyroscopes are suspect, no calculation could be made for the upper bound of the s-angle error or the *r-angle error for values presented in this tabulation. It will be evident that the 0 angle is left undefined; this follows, since its value depends on the 8- and rangles in a manner requiring precision in these angles for good values of 0. It was decided to leave the 0-angle undefined rather than give meaningless values. -..2

ENGINEERING RESEARCH INSTITUTE * UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN CONCLUSIONS Results derived from this experiment must be considered inconclusive in the light of the malfunctions encountered; however, the data agreement between the *r-gyro and n-gyro is more than reasonable after making corrections for aberrations of the respective instruments. The agreement is enough to suggest another experiment having only the *-gyro for comparison with the photographic aspect system. The long-time stability of the gyroscopes is still undetermined and, as such, should be a major topic in any subsequent experiment. Such an experiment should involve a maximum altitude of over 60 miles and be compared with an aspect system for times of approximately x plus 240 seconds. Use of the s-gyro is desirable in aspect applications because of the extensive reduction in data analysis and subsequent relaxation of mechanical specifications imposed in building and testing such gyroscopes. 5

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Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 1 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 78891 3.5 2 x 3.5 3 x 3.5 4 x x 3.5 5 0 x x 3.5 243.5 6 0.09 x x 3-5 243.8 7 x x 3.7 243.6 8.32 x x 3.0 242.7 9 x x 3.4 243.8 78901 ~55 x x 3.7 242.8 1/2 x x 3.5 242.8 2 3.6 244.1 3 0.73 3.4 243.5 5 3.6 241.7 6 1.01 3.1 240.5 7 3.2 241.6 8 1.19 3.1 241.7 9 3.0 242.3 78910 1.38 x 3.0 241.3 1 x 2.7 238.5 2 1.56 x 2.3 235.3 3 x 2.3 230.4 4 x 2.2 224.5 5 1.84 x 2.4 217.5 6 x 2.4 210.3 7 2.02 x 2.7 201.4 9 3.4 181.5 78920 3.4 167.5 1 2.39 3.1 153-7 2 2.8 139.2 3 2.62 2.7 123.8 5 2.2 107.5 6 2.0 91.5 7 2.94 x 2.0 74.7 8 x 1.8 58.7 9 3.12 x 1.7 41.3 78930 x 1.6 24.3 1 3.31 x 1.7 5.6 2 3.40 x 1.4 345.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 2 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 78933 x 2.0 324.7 4 3.58 x 2.2 303.5 5 2.7 285.5 6 3.76 2.8 266.3 7 2.7 246.6 8 3.95 2.9 227.7 9 3.1 209.2 78940 4.13 3.1 186.3 1 3.1 160.0 2 43.2 x 3.0 135.6 3 x 2.9 113.5 4 4.50 x 2.5 95.5 5 4.59 x 2.4 85.0 7 4.77 x 2.5 81.8 8 x 2.6 83.8 9 4.96 x 2.4 87.5 78950 5.05 x 2.4 91.6 1 5.14 x 2.4 101.5 2 2.4 101.5 3 5.32 2.4 91.5 4 2.4 86.5 5 5.51 2.4 79.5 6 2.4 71.5 7 5.69 2.4 64.3 8 2.2 56.5 9 5.88 x 2.2 48.5 78960 x 2.2 40.5 1 6.10 x 2.2 32.2 2 x 2.3 24.5 3 x 2.5 15.5 5 6.43 x 2.5 7.3 6 x 2.5 358.1 7 6.61 x 2.5 349.3 8 2.5 340.3 9 6.79 2.4 351.6 78970 2.4 323.3 1 6.98 2.7 314.3 2 2.7 305.1 3 7.16 2.7 296.6 4 2.7 288.1

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954............. Page 3 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 78975 7.34 x 2.9 279.1 6 x 3.0 270.3 7 7.53 x 3.0 262.3 8 x 3.0 254.5 9 7.76 x 3.0 246.1 78980 x 3.0 237.5 1 7.94 x 3.0 229.5 2 x 3.2 221*0 3 8.09 x 3*2 211.9 5 3.2 203.0 6 8.35 3.2 195.7 7 3.2 185.5 8 8.54 3.2 173.3 9 3.1 163.5 78990 8.72 3.1 154.5 1 3.1 144.6 2 8.90 x 3.1 134.7 5 x 350 126.5 4 901 x 3.0 118.9 5 x 3.0 111.2 6 9.32 x 3.0 103.3 7 x.0 96.4 8 9.46 x 3.3 90.0 9 x 3-3 83.5 79000 9.64 x 3.2 76.5 1 5.1 70.5 2 9.87 3.1 64.8 3 3.3 59.5 5 10.10 3.3 55.5 6 3.3 47.5 7 10.28 3.3 52.1 8 10.37 x 3.3 36,3 9 x 3.3 30.8 79010 10.56 x 3.3 25.5 1 x 3.2 19.5 2 10.74 x 3.2 14.0 3 x 3.2 8.5 4 10.92 x 3.2 3.0 5 x 3.2 357.1

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 4 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79016 11.11 x 3.2 352.0 7 3.2 345.6 8 11.29 3.1 340.5 9 3.1 335.3 79020 3.1 329.8 2 11.66 351 324.3 3 3.0 318.6 4 11.84 x 3.0 313.6 5 x 3.0 309.1 6 12.02 x 3.0 305.5 7 x 2.8 298.3 8 12.20 x 2.5 293.5 9 x 2.5 288.1 79050 12.39 x 2.5 283.3 1 12.53 x 2.5 279.0 2 x 2.5 274.3 3 12.67 x 2.5 269.3 4 2.5 264.3 5 12.85 2.6 259.8 6 2.8 255.3 7 13.08 2.9 250.8 9 2.9 246.1 79040 13.31 x x 3.0 237.5 2 x x 3.0 232.7 3 13.59 x x 3.0 217.7 4 x x 2.8 223.2 5 13.77 x x 2.8 218.5 6 x 2.9 213.5 7 13.95 x 2.9 208.5 8 x 2.9 205.5 9 14.14 x 2.9 198.5 79050 3.0 193.2 1 14.37 3.0 187.5 2 3.0 181.5 3 3.0 176.1 4 14.64 2.8 170.2 5 2.8 163.5 6 14.78 x 2.7 158.5 7 x 2.5 152.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 5 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses G Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79Q58 14.96 x 2.4 146.3 79060 x 2.4 140.3 1 15.24 x 2.5 132.5 2 x 2.5 126.5 3 15.42 x 2.5 120.7 4 x 2.4 114.7 5 15.61 x 2.4 1083. 6 2.5 102.2 7 15-79 2.8 95.5 8 2.7 89.5 9 16.02 2.5 83.5 79070 2.4 76.9 1 2.4 71.5 2 16.25 x 2.8 64.7 3 x 2.8 58.7 4 16.43 x 2.7 52.3 6 x 2.6 45.5 7 16.71 x 2.6 38.7 8 x 2.5 32.1 9 16.89 x 2.5 25.5 79080 x 2.5 18.3 1 17.08 x 2.7 10.2 2 17.17 2.9 2.5 3 3.0 3555.0 4 17.35 3.0 346.3 5 2.8 338.3 6 17.58 2.9 329.6 7 3.0 321.5 8 17.72 x 3.2 313.5 9 x 35. 304.5 79090 x 3.1 295.6 1 17.99 x 3.0 287.6 2 x 3.1 2793. 4 18.27 x 3.6 270.3 5 x 3.8 261.6 6 x 3.9 253.5 7 18.54 x 3.9 246.3 8 3.9 236.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 6 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79099 18.73 3.9 228.0 79100 4.1 218.8 1 18.91 4.1 210.0 2 4.1 199.8 3 4.1 190.5 4 19.19 x 3.9 180.5 5 x 3.9 170.5 6 19.42 x 3*9 160.0 7 x 4.0 1483. 8 19.60 x 4.0 138.0 9 x 3-9 126.5 79111 x 3.9 115.5 2 19.92 x 3.8 104.9 3 3*8 94.5 4 20.10 3.5 84.o 5 3.5 75.5 6 20.29 3.5 63.3 7 3.2 53.5 8 20.47 5.2 42.7 9 3.2 32.0 79120 20.56 x 3.4 21.2 1 20.75 x 3.4 9.5 2 20.84 x 355 357.8 3 x 3-5 345.6 4 21.02 x 5.6 333.3 5 21.16 x 3.6 321.5 6 x 3.8 308.8 8 21.39 x 3.9 296.6 9 4.0 284.8 79130 21.57 4.2 272.6 1 4.2 261.3 2 21.76 4.4 249.3 3 4.6 239.8 4 21.94 x 4.7 227*0 5 x 4.7 215.5 6 x 4.8 202.5 7 22.22 x 4.8 190.0 8 x 4.9 177.0 9 22.44 x 4.8 163.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 7 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses G Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79140 x 4.8 149.5 1 22.58 x 4.8 135.7 2 x 4.9 123.0 3 22.77 x 4.9 109.5 5 4.7 95.5 6 23.04 4.6 83.0 7 4.3 70.7 8 23.22 4.2 58.5 9 23-32 4.2 44.8 79150 4.2 33.2 1 23.50 x 4.2 20.5 2 23-59 x 4.1 7.0 3 x 4.1 350.5 4 x 4.3 336.9 5 23.87 x 4.3 321.5 6 x 4.3 306.8 7 24.05 x 4.3 292.3 8 x 4.3 277.8 9 24.24 x 4.6 264.6 79160 4.8 251.3 1 4.9 236.8 2 24.56 5.0 223.5 4 5.0 210.3 5 24.79 4.9 195.5 6 4.9 180.0 7 24.97 x 4.9 164.3 8 x 4.9 149.0 9 25.15 x 4.9 132.5 79170 x 4.8 116.0 1 25.34 x 4.6 101.0 2 x 4.4 86.3 3 x 4.1 73.0 4 25.61 x 4.0 57.8 5 4.0 42.5 6 4.0 28.5 7 25.89 4.1 13.0 8 4.1 355.9 9 26.07 4.2 339.3 79180 4.0 322.8

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 8 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses s Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79182 3.9 306.3 3 26.44 x x 3.9 289.2 4 x x 4.1 272.8 5 x x 4.5 257.9 6 26.71 x x 4.6 242.5 7 x 4.6 227.0 8 26.90 x 4.5 211.0 9 x 4.4 195.0 79190 27.08 x 4.4 177.5 1 4.6 159.5 2 27.26 4.8 141.5 3 4.7 123.5 4 27.44 4.6 106.0 6 4.5 88.5 7 4.4 72.3 8 27.82 x 4.3 56.5 9 x 4.2 40.3 79200 x 4.1 22.7 1 28.090 x 4.0 5.3 2 28.185 x 4.0 346.8 3 x 4.3 328.3 4 28.37 x 4.6 308.3 5 x 4.8 289.2 6 28.55 x 4.8 271.1 7 4.6 253.5 8 28.73 4.8 235.8 9 5.1 218.0 79210 28.96 5.8 200.0 1 6.1 180.7 3 5.9 160.5 4 29.28 x 5.0 139.7 5 x 4.9 119.5 6 29.47 x 4.9 100.0 7 x 5.2 8o.o 8 29.60 x 5.6 61.3 9 x 5.6 43.3 79220 x 4.6 24.0 1 29.93 x 4.7 2.2 2 30.02 4.0 340.8

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 9 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79223 4.5 318.5 4 30.25 4.9 296.4 6 5.3 275.3 7 30.48 5.1 254.5 8 5.1 236.5 9 30.66 x 5.1 217.0 79230 x 5.1 195.5 1 x 5.4 173.0 2 30.94 x 5.4 150.7 3 x 5.2 128.5 4 31.12 x 4.9 104.8 5 x 4.6 83.7 6 x 4.2 64.5 7 31.40 x 4.3 42.5 8 31.58 4.5 20.5 9 31.67 4.5 357.3 79240 4.5 335.3 2 31.05 4.6 310.8 3 4.6 285.3 4 4.6 262.0 5 32.13 x 4.8 242.3 6 x 5.1 219.5 7 32.31 x 5.6 195.3 8 x 5.6 170.5 9 32.54 x 5.1 146.0 79250 x 4.9 120.7 1 x 4.8 95.5 2 32.77 x 4.8 71.5 3 4.9 51.3 4 4.9 25.5 6 33.14 4.5 358.1 7 4.5 334.8 8 33.32 4.7 305.7 9 4.9 279.7 79260 33.51 x 5.1 253.3 1 x 5.3 230.1 2 x 5.5 206.0 3 33.78 x 5.3 177.7 4 x 5-3 149.0

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 10 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79265 33.97 x 5.2 120.7 6 x 5.2 94.5 7 x 5.0 68.5 9 34.33 x 4.9 41.3 79270 34.42 4.9 13.4 1 34.52 4.6 345.3 2 4.5 316.6 3 34.70 4.9 285.5 4 4.9 258.3 5 5.5 2343. 6 34.98 x 6.0 207.3 7 x 6.0 177.3 8 35.20 x 5.9 147.5 79280 x 5.5 119.5 1 35.43 x 5.2 91.5 2 x 5.0 64.0 3 x 4.9 38.0 4 35.71 x 4.8 11.5 5 35.80 4.7 34335 6 4.8 312.5 7 36.08 5.0 284.5 8 5.5 259.1 9 36.17 5.9 233.7 79291 6.0 206.5 2 36.44 x 6.0 178.3 3 x 5.9 150.0 4 x 5.8 121.5 5 36.72 x 5.4 92.5 6 x 5.1 66.0 7 x 5.1 41.4 8 37.00 x 5.1 14.0 79500 37.18 x 5.1 3443. 1 5.1 3153. 2 5.0 288.0 3 37.45 5.1 260.3 4 5.1 233.8 5 37.64 5.5 208.0 6 5.6 181.2 7 37.82 x 5.7 151.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954. Page 11 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79308 x 5.9 121.5 9 x 5.9 94.0 79311 38.19 x 5.8 68.5 2 x 5.6 42.5 3 383.7 x 5.1 15.5 4 x 4.9 346.3 5 38.56 x 5.0 3183. 6 5.1 289.8 7 38.74 5.4 262.1 8 5.8 236.1 9 38.92 5.9 211.5 79321 5.9 184.8 2 5.7 154.8 3 39.29 x 5.3 125.5 4 39.38 x x 5.0 99.5 5 x x 4.9 72.5 6 39.57 x x 4.8 46.3 7 39.66 x 4.9 20.5 8 x 5.1 352.8 79330 x 5.9 324.3 1 40.02 x 6.1 295.1 2 6.1 2683. 3 40.21 6.1 243.3 4 6.0 218.5 5 40.39 5-9 191.5 6 5.3 164.3 7 4.9 137.0 8 40.67 x 4.6 109.5 79340 x 4.4 82.3 1 40.94 x 4.4 57.8 2 x 4.9 34*5 3 41.13 x 5.2 8.2 4 x 5.9 340.1 5 x 6.5 311.8 6 41.40 x 6.8 285.3 7 6.9 260.3 8 41.58 6.4 235.5 9 5.8 210.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 -_- Page 12 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79350 41.77 5.0 185.5 2 4.0 158.5 3 3.4 129.8 4 42.14 x 3.0 104.0 5 x 2.9 78.5 6 42.32 x 3.3 55.2 7 x 4.0 30.0 8 42.50 x 5.0 3.7 79360 x 6.0 338.3 1 x 7.0 311.3 2 42.87 x 7.8 284.1 3 8.0 2593. 4 43.05 7.9 236.5 5 7.1 213.3 6 43.24 6.2 186.5 7 5.5 160.5 8 43.42 4.6 135.5 79370 3.8 1093. 1 43.70 x 3.2 84.1 2 x 3.0 61.0 3 x 353 383. 4 43.97 x 4.0 14.7 5 x 5.0 347-3 6 44.16 x 6.0 321.3 7 x 6.8 297.3 8 44.34 x 4.8 2733. 79380 8.3 249.1 1 44.62 8.7 226.3 2 8.6 203.5 3 44.80 7.9 179.7 4 7.0 153.7 5 5.9 128.0 6 45.07 x 4.8 104.5 7 x 3.4 81.0 8 45.26 x 2.7 58.5 9 x 2.1 36.5 79390 45.44 x 2.1 13.7 2 x 2.5 349.3 3 x 3.3 323.1

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 1o of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses G Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79394 45.81 x 4.6 2983. 5 5.9 275.3 6 45.99 7.2 252.5 7 8.4 229.7 8 46.18 9.2 207.5 9 9.9 183.0 79400 10.0 159.3 2 46.54 x 9.6 131.7 3 x 8.8 107.3 4 46.73 x 7.9 85-5 5 x 6.2 63.5 6 x 5.0 40.5 7 47.00 x 3.9 17.8 8 x 2.9 354-3 9 x 2.2 330.3 79410 47.28 x 2.0 304.3 2 2.1 280.8 3 47.55 2.3 259.3 4 3*0 238.0 5 47.74 3.8 215.3 6 4.6 191.7 7 5.4 168.2 8 48.01 x 6.3 143.5 9 x 6.9 117.0 79420 48.20 x 7.5 93.5 1 x 8.1 72.1 3 48.47 x 8.0 50.0 4 x 8.0 27.0 5 48.65 x 8.0 3-3 6 48.75 x 8.0 359.3 7 7.8 314.6 8 48.93 7.4 289.3 9 7.0 266.5 79430 49.11 6.8 245.3 1 6.o 223.5 3 5.1 200.1 4 49.48 x 4.8 176.5 5 x 3.9 153.5 6 49.66 x 35.1 128.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954.......Page 14 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses G Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79437 x 2.4 103.5 8 48.85 x 2.0 80.7 9 x 1.8 60.3 79440 x 1.8 37.6 1 50.12 x 2.0 14.8 3 50.31 2.2 351.3 4 3.1 327.6 5 50.49 4.1 303.5 6 5.1 280.3 7 50.67 6.1 257.3 8 7-1 237.5 9 50.86 x 8.1 216.1 79450 x 9*0 191.6 1 51.04 x 9.4 167.7 2 x 9.6 144.2 4 51.32 x 9.5 119.7 5 x 9.o 96.3 6 51.50 x 7.4 73.6 7 x 8o 54.3 8 51.68 x 7.7 32.5 9 6.6 8.5 79460 51,87 6.0 345.3 1 5.6 322.3 2 52.05 5.0 298.3 4 4.9 275.1 5 4.6 253.3 6 52.42 x 4.4 233.5 7 52.51 x x 4.2 211.8 8 x x 4.0 188.5 9 52.69 x x 4.0 164.9 79470 x 359 141.5 1 52.88 x 3.6 117.8 2 x 3.5 94.5 4 53.15 x 3.6 72.8 5 3.9 53.1 6 4.2 313. 7 53.43 4.9 7.4 8 5.5 342.7 9 55.61 6.2 320.1

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 15 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79480 7.1 296.5 1 x 9.0 273.3 3 x 9.0 251.3 4 54.07 x 9.9 231.5 5 x 10.3 209.5 6 54.25 x 10.9 185.3 7 x 11.0 161.5 8 x 10.9 137.7 9 54.53 x 10.9 114.7 79490 10.4 91.3 1 54.71 9*9 69.8 2 9.1 49.5 4 8.8 28.4 5 55.08 8.o 4.5 6 7.6 341.5 7 55.26 x 7.1 318.3 8 x 6.9 295.3 9 55.45 x 6.4 271.4 79500 x 6.0 250.3 1 55.63 x 5.8 230.7 2 x 5-5 209.7 4 55.91 x 5.0 185.7 5 x 4.6 162.5 6 56.09 x 4.0 139.5 7 353 116.5 8 56.27 2.8 93.0 9 2.3 71.5 79510 56.46 2.0 51.5 2 1.7 29.8 3 56-73 1.8 6.5 4 56.82 x 2.0 34353 5 x 2.4 3203. 6 57.01 x 3.0 296.6 7 x 3,8 273.6 8 57.19 x 4.5 252.3 9 x 5.0 233.0 79521 x 5.9 211.3 2 57.56 x 6.2 187.5 3 7.0 165.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 LPage 16 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79524 57.74 7.3 141.8 5 7.6 119.5 6 57-93 7-9 95.8 7 7.9 75.5 8 8.o 55.2 9 58.20 x 8.0 354.5 79531 x 8.1 11.6 2 58.48 x 8.1 3493. 3 x 8.6 326.4 4 58.66 x 8.9 304.0 5 x 9.0 280.3 6 x 9.1 259.1 7 58.94 x 9.1 239.6 8 9.4 218.3 79540 59.21 9.3 197.4 1 9.1 173.7 2 59.39 8.8 151.5 3 8.0 129.5 4 7.2 105.5 5 59.67 x 6.5 83- 5 6 x 5.9 64.5 7 x 5.0 43.5 9 60.04 x 4.2 22.2 79550 x 3.8 359.9 1 60.22 x 3.2 537.9 2 x 3.0 314.5 3 x 2.8 291.4 4 60.50 x 2.6 269.3 5 2.6 250.4 6 60.68 2.6 230.5 8 2.6 208.5 9 60.96 2.4 188.0 79560 2.1 165.8 1 61.14 x 2.1 143.5 2 x 1.9 119.7 3 61.32 x 1.6 98.6 4 x 1.4 78.0 5 61.51 x 1.1 56.6 7 x 1.1 37.4

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 17 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec, 79568 61.78 x 1.2 16.7 9 x 1.7 354.3 79570 61.96 x 1.9 332.1 1. 2*6 309.3 2 62.15 3.1 286.9 3 4.0 267.1 4 62.33 4.9 246.2 6 5.6 226.1 7 6.1 205.7 8 62.70 x 6.8 184.7 9 x 7.1 162.7 79580 62.88 x 7.5 139.5 1 x 7.8 117.3 2 63.07 x 8.0 96.7 3 x 8.1 76.5 4 63.25 x 8.1 55.5 6 63.434 x 8.8 35.6 7 8.6 15.7 8 63.62 8.9 353.8 9 9.1 330.6 79590 63.80 9.5 303.6 1 10.0 287.1 2 63.98 10.1 266.1 3 x 10.3 245.3 5 64.26 x 10.8 226.0 6 x 10.9 206.5 7 64.44 x 10.9 185.8 8 x 10.3 162.9 9 x 10.0 140.5 79600 64.72 x 9.6 119.4 1 x 9.1 98.8 2 64.90 8.5 77-5 3 7.9 57.8 5 7*1 38.6 6 65.27 6.8 19.0 7 6.1 355.8 8 65.45 5-9 334,3 9 x 5.4 312.9 79610 65.64 x x 5.2 291.4

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 18 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79611 x x 5.0 270.1 2 65.82 x x 5.0 250.3 4 x x 4.9 231.6 5 66.10 x 4.6 213.0 6 x 4.1 191.4 7 66.28 x 3.9 169.3 8 x 3.2 148.5 9 3.0 126.5 79620 66.55 2.4 104.5 1 2.0 83.7 2 66.74 1.5 65.3 4 1.1 45.5 5 0.9 25.5 6 67.11 x 0.6 3.6 7 x 0.6 343.0 8 x 0.9 321.4 9 67.47 x 1.0 299.2 79630 x 1.1 278.0 1 67.56 x 1.5 259.1 3 x 2.0 240.5 4 67.84 x 2.2 219.8 5 2.6 199.7 6 68.02 2.9 178.5 7 3.1 158.4 8 68.21 3.3 135.4 9 3.3 114.5 79640 68.39 3.5 93.7 1 x 3.6 74.5 3 68.67 x 3.8 54*5 4 x 4.0 35.2 5 68.85 x 4.2 15.5 6 x 4.5 353.9 7 69.03 x 5.0 331.3 8 x 5.9 309.5 9 69.22 x 6.5 289.3 79651 7.1 269.3 2 69.49 8.0 249.3 3 8.4 230.7 4 69.68 9.0 211.6

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 1.Page 19 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79655 9.6 191.5 6 69.86 10.0 169.5 7 x 10.2 147.5 8 x 10.3 126.5 79660 70.23 x 10.6 105.5 1 x 10.6 85.2 2 70.41 x 10.665.5 3 x 10.6 47.6 4 x 10.6 28.3 5 70.69 x 10.9 6.9 6 x 11.0 345.6 7 70.87 11.1 3253. 8 11.6 304.1 79670 71.14 12.0 282.9 1 12.0 262.8 2 71.33 12.4 245.1 3 12.9 225.5 4 71.51 x 13.0 205.5 5 x 12.9 185.3 6 71.70 x 12.9 164.3 7 x 12.6 142.5 9 x 12.3 121.3 79680 72.06 x 12.0 100*5 1 x 11.7 81.5 2 72.25 x 11.1 64.1 3 10.9 42.5 4 10.5 23.5 5 72.52 10.2 3.5 6 10.0 342.6 8 72.80 9.9 320.8 9 9.8 299.8 79690 72.98 x 9.8 280.3 1 x 9.8 260.8 2 73.16 x 9.8 241.8 3 x 9.8 222.8 4 73.35 x 9.7 203.8 5 x 9.3 184.4 7 73.62 x 8.9 162.8 8 x 8.3 141.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 20 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Q Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79699 x 7.9 121.5 79700 73.90 7.4 101.1 1 6.8 81.0 2 74.08 6.1 63.5 3 5.8 44.3 4 5.0 25.5 5 74.36 4.9 4.5 7 x 4.5 343.3 8 74.63 x 4.3 323.8 9 x 4.3 302.8 79710 74.82 x 4.2 282.1 1 x 4.2 263.3 2 75.00 x 4.1 245*3 3 x 4.1 227.5 4 75.18 x 4.0 207.4 5 4.0 188.0 6 75.37 3*9 167.6 8 3.4 148.0 9 3.1 126.4 79720 75.74 2.9 106.1 1 2.4 87.0 2 75.92 x 2.0 68.5 3 x 1.7 48.5 4 x 1.2 30.5 5 76.19 x 1.2 11.5 6 x 1.1 351.3 8 76.47 x 1.1 329.3 9 x 1.2 308.8 79730 76.65 x 1.6 289.2 1 x 1.8 270.1 2 76.84 2.0 250.3 3 2.1 232.5 4 77.02 2.4 215.3 5 2.7 196.3 6 77.20 2.9 174.7 8 2.9 154.2 9 x 2.9 133.6 79740 77.57 x 2.9 114.2 1 x 2.4 93.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 21 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79742 77.76 x 2.3 74.3 3 x 2.1 57.4 4 x 2.1 38.5 5 78-03 x 2.1 19.2 6 x 2.5 359.2 8 78.30 2.8 339.5 9 3.0 318.0 79750 78.49 3.3 296.9 1 4.0 277.1 2 78.67 4*7 259.1 3 5.0 240.7 4 78.86 x 5.7 221.5 5 x x 5.9 202.5 6 79.04 x x 6.1 183.5 8 x x 6.5 162.9 9 x x 6.6 141.5 79760 79*41 x 6.8 120.5 1 x 6.9 101.5 2 79.59 x 6.9 82.5 3 x 6.9 63.6 4 79.77 6.9 45.5 5 7.0 27.5 6 79.96 7.4 8.0 8 7*6 346.4 9 8.0 325.3 79770 80.32 8.5 305.8 1 x 9.0 285.9 2 80.51 x 9.4 265.3 3 x 10.1 247.3 4 80.69 x 10.8 230.2 5 x 11.0 211.5 6 80.88 x 11.2 191.5 8 x 11.4 170.9 9 x 11.8 151.4 79780 81.24 x 12.0 130.5 1 12.0 109.7 2 81.34 12.0 90.5 3 12.0 71.7 4 81.61 12.0 54.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 22 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79785 12.0 34*5 7 81.89 12.0 15.5 8 x 12.1 355.9 9 x 12.5 335.8 79790 82.16 x 12.9 313.5 1 x 13.2 2933. 2 82.34 x 13.7 274.3 3 x 14.0 255.3 4 82.53 x 14.4 236.5 5 x 14.9 217.7 7 82.80 15.0 199.6 8 15.2 179.7 9 15.1 158. 5 79800 83.08 15.1 138.5 1 15.1 118.2 2 83.26 15.0 99-3 3 x 14.9 78.5 4 83.45 x 14.9 59.8 6 x 14.7 42.3 7 x 14.6 23.8 8 83.81 x 14.5 2.8 9 x 14.7 341.5 79810 84.00 x 14.9 321.9 1 x 15.0 301.7 2 84.18 x 15.2 281.3 3 15.7 262.3 5 84.46 15.9 245.3 6 16.0 227.5 7 84.64 16.1 207.9 8 16.1 188.5 9 16.1 169.1 79820 84.91 x 16.1 148.9 1 x 16.0 126*7 2 85.10 x 15.4 107.0 3 x 15.2 88.5 5 85.37 x 15.0 69.5 6 x 14.8 51.5 7 x 14.4 33.3 8 85.649 x 14.1 15.0

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 23 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock ~Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79829 14.1 355.1 79830 85.83 14.1 333.5 1 14.1 313.1 2 86.02 14.1 294.3 3 14.5 274.3 5 86.29 14.8 255.3 6 x 14.8 237.5 7 86.48 x 14.9 219.7 8 x 14.9 201.5 9 x 14.8 180.5 79840 86.75 x 14.5 160.5 1 x 14.1 141.5 2 86.94 x 14.0 120.7 3 x 13.4 100.9 5 87.21 x 13.0 82.4 6 12.6 65.1 7 87.39 12.1 47*3 8 12.0 27.5 9 87.58 11.8 8.3 79850 87.67 11.6 349.1 1 11.6 327.4 2 87.85 x 11.6 307.3 3 x 11.7 287.3 4 88.o4 x 11.8 269.1 6 x 11.8 251.3 7 88.31 x 11.9 232.7 8 x 11.8 214.3 9 x 11.6 196.5 79860 88.59 x 11.5 176.5 1 x 11.1 156.3 2 88.77 10.9 135.5 3 10.3 116.5 4 88.95 10.0 97.0 6 9.7 73.9 7 89.23 9.1 59.5 8 8.9 41.5 9 x 8.5 23.5 79870 89.50 x 8.5 3.0 1 x 7.9 353.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 24 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79872 x 8.0 323.3 3 89.78 x 8.o 305.3 4 x 8.1 283.3 5 x 8.1 264.3 7 90.15 x 8.1 247.3 8 8.1 229.5 9 8.0 210.5 79880 90.42 8.0 191.5 1 7.9 172.1 2 90.61 7.4 1523. 3 7.1 130.9 4 90.79 x 6.9 110.5 5 x 6.2 92.8 7 91.07 x 5.9 74.5 8 x 5.3 55.5 9 x 5.0 37.6 79890 91.34 x 4.8 19.5 1 x 4.7 0.5 2 91.52 x 4,4 339*0 3 x 4.4 317.8 4 91*71 4.4 297.8 5 4.4 279.3 7 91.98 4.7 259.4 8 4.7 242.5 9 4*7 224.5 79900 92.24 4.7 206.7 1 x 4.6 186.5 2 92.44 x x 4.4 165,7 3 x x 4.1 147.5 4 92.63 x x 3.9 126,5 5 x x 3.5 106.2 7 92.90 x 3.0 87.4 8 x 2.9 69.6 9 x 2.4 51*6 79910 93.17 x 2.1 33.2 1 93.27 2.0 14.0 2 93-36 1.9 354.3 3 1.9 534.6 4 93.54 2.0 313.4 5 2.1 294.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954.Page 26 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 79958 x 1.6 269.3 79960 97.77 2.0 252.0 1 2.1 234.5 2 97.95 2.4 216.8 3 2.4 195.5 4 98.13 2.4 177.5 5 2.5 158.5 6 98.32 x 2.5 137.5 7 x 2.4 117.5 8 x 2.1 98.5 9 98.68 x 2.0 80.0 79971 x 1.9 62.8 2 98.87 x 1.8 44.0 3 x 1.6 26.3 4 99.05 x 1.6 7.5 5 x 1.7 348.1 6 99.24 2.0 326.8 7 2.0 306.3 8 99.42 2.5 2873. 9 2.8 269.3 79980 99.60 3.0.250. 1 3.2 232.8 3 99.88 x 357 216.0 4 x 4.0 197.5 5 100.06 x 4.0 177.3 6 x 4.0 157.1 7 100.25 x 4.0 137.8 8 x 3.9 118.5 9 x 3.7 98.2 79990 100.52 x 3.4 79.5 1 x 3.1 63.0 3 100.80 3.1 43.9 4 3.0 26.0 5 100.98 3.1 7.1 6 3.1 347.4 7 101.16 356 327.3 8 5.9 3507.3 9 101.44 x 4.0 287.53

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 ___Page 27 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses G Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80000 x 4.1 269.3 1 101.55 x 4.8 251.3 2 x 5.0 233.5 4 101.81 x 5.3 216.2 5 x 5-5 197*5 6 101.99 x 5.6 177.5 7 x 5.6 157.5 8 x 5.6 136.6 9 102.36 5.6 117.5 80010 5.3 98.5 1 102.54 5.0 79.5 2 5.0 62.0 4 102.72 5.0 44.0 5 4.9 26.6 6 102.91 x 4.9 6.5 7 x 5.0 346.1 8 103.09 x 5.1 286.3 9 x 5.5 307.3 80020 103.27 x 5.9 287.5 1 x 6.0 267.7 2 103.46 x 6.5 251.3 3 x 6.9 233.5 5 103.73 7.0 214.5 6 7.1 196.5 7 103.92 7-3 176.5 8 7.2 157.0 9 7.2 135.5 80030 104.19 7.1 116.1 1 7.0 97.3 2 104.38 x 6.9 78.8 3 x 6.8 60.5 4 x 6.7 41.9 5 x 6.6 25-3 7 104.84 x 6.6 5.5 8 x 6.9 344.3 9 105.02 x 7.0 3243. 80040 105.11 x 7.1 304.5 1 7.6 286.3 2 8.0 266.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 28 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses G Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80043 8.1 248.3 4 8.6 231.5 5 8.9 213.5 7 9.0 193.5 8 x 9.0 174.1 9 x x 9.0 154.4 80050 106.02 x x 9.0 134.5 1 x x 8.9 114.0 2 x x 8.6 95.3 3 x 8.6 77.5 4 x 8.3 60.0 5 x 8.3 40.8 6 x 8.3 22.5 8 106.76 8.3 4.3 9 8.5 344.1 80060 106.94 8.7 323.3 1 9.0 303.5 2 9.1 285.3 3 9.4 266.3 4 x 10.0 247.3 5 x 10.1 230.5 6 x 10.3 212.5 7 x 10.4 194.3 8 x 10.6 173.5 80070 107.86 x 10.5 154.5 1 x 10.3 134.5 2 x 10.3 115.0 3 x 10.0 95.0 4 9.9 77.1 5 9.9 60.1 6 9.8 42.0 7 9.7 23.4 8 108.60 9.9 3.5 80080 108.78 9.9 344.9 1 x 10.0 324.1 2 x 10.1 303.3 3 x 10.6 284.3 4 x 10.9 266.3 5 x 11.1 248.6

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954.Page 29 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80086 x 11.5 230.5 7 x 11.7 212.5 8 x 11.7 194.5 9 109.70 x 11.7 175.3 80090 11.8 154.1 2 11.5 133.5 3 11.4 114.8 4 11.3 96.3 5 11.2 78.1 6 11.1 60.5 7 x 11.0 42.5 8 x 11.1 24.5 9 110.62 x 11.2 355 80100 x 11.5 343. 1 110.71 x 11.7 324.8 3 x 11.9 305.1 4 x 12.0 284.5 5 x 12.1 266.3 6 x 12.4 249.5 7 12.6 231.5 8 12.9 212.7 9 111.54 13.0 193.8 80110 13.0 174.5 1 12.9 156.5 3 12.9 134.5 4 x 12.9 115.0 5 x 12.6 96.9 6 x 12.6 78.5 7 x 12,4 59.8 8 x 12.4 41.5 9 112.46 x 12.4 23.6 80120 x 12.4 4.1 1 112.64 x 12.6 344.3 2 x 12.9 323.4 3 12.9 304.2 5 13.0 285.3 6 13.3 265.7 7 13.7 248.3 8 13.8 231.4

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 30 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80129 13.9 215.4 80130 113.37 x 14.0 193.7 1 x 14.0 173.4 2 x 13.9 155.0 3 x 13.9 134.5 5 x 15.9 114.5 6 x 13.6 95.5 7 x 13.4 78.0 8 x 13.2 61.0 9 x 13.2 41.5 80140 114.29 13.2 23.4 1 13.2 4.6 2 114.48 13.5 3440. 3 13.8 322.9 5 13.9 303.3 6 14.1 2843. 7 x 14.2 266.1 8 x 14.5 247.3 9 x 14.8 229.5 80150 115.21 x 14.9 212.5 1 x 15.0 193.7 2 x 15.0 172.5 3 x 14.9 153.7 5 x 14.9 133.3 6 x 14.9 113.5 7 14.5 94.0 8 14.5 75.5 9 14.1 59.5 80160 116.13 14.1 41.5 1 14.1 22.0 2 116.31 14.1 2.5 3 x 14.3 35335 4 116.49 x 14.6 323.3 5 x 14.9 3023. 7 x 15.0 283.2 8 x 15.1 265.2 9 x 15.5 247.5 80170 117.04 x 15.8 229.0

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 31 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80171 x 15.9 210.8 2 x 15.9 192.2 3 16.0 172.8 4 15.9 152.5 5 15.9 131.7 6 15.4 113.5 8 15.3 93.5 9 15.2 75.5 80180 117.96 x 15.1 57.5 1 x 15.0 40.7 2 x 15.0 22.5 3 118.24 x 15.0 1.5 4 x 15.0 3413. 5 118.42 x 15.1 321.3 6 x 15.6 301.5 8 x 15.9 281.3 9 x 16.0 263.3 80190 118.88 16.0 246.3 1 16.5 228.5 2 16.7 210.3 3 16.7 190.5 4 16.6 172.5 5 16.6 152.3 6 x 16.2 130.5 7 x x 16.1 111.5 8 x x 16.0 933 80200 119.80 x x 16.0 74.5 1 x x 16.0 56.5 2 x 15.9 37.5 3 x 15.9 20.5 4 120.17 x 16. O0.9 5 16.0 340.3 6 120.35 16.0 319-3 7 16.9 299.8 8 16.9 281.3 80210 120.72 17.0 262.3 1 17.0 244.5 2 17.0 227.5 3 x 17.1 209.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 32 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80214 x 17.2 188.8 5 x 17.3 169.5 6 x 17.2 149.5 7 x 17.1 130.3 9 x 16.9 109.4 80220 121.64 x 16.8 90.4 1 x 16.8 72.5 2 16.6 54.7 3 16.3 36.5 4 122.00 16.2 17.5 5 16.6 357.6 6 122.19 16.6 338*3 7 16.8 316.8 9 x 17.0 296.8 80230 122.55 x 17.1 279.3 1 x 17.4 259.8 2 x 17.8 241.7 3 x 17.8 223.5 4 x 18.0 206.5 5 x 17.9 186.8 6 x 17.9 165.6 7 x 17.9 146.2 8 17.7 127.4 80240 123.47 17.2 107.5 1 17.1 88.5 2 17.0 70.5 3 17.0 53*1 4 17.0 34.9 5 123.93 x 17.0 15.5 6 x 17.0 355.4 7 124.11 x 17.0 336.6 8 x 17.1 315.9 80250 124.39 x 17.6 295.5 1 x 17.9 276.5 2 x 18.0 259.0 3 x 18.0 242.3 4 x 18.1 223.0 5 18.3 205.2 6 18.3 185.7

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 33 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80257 18.2 166.5 8 18.1 145.5 80260 1253.1 18.0 125.6 1 17.9 106.7 2 x 17.9 88.4 3 x 17.6 69.5 4 x 17.6 51.5 5 x 17.4 33.7 6 125.86 x 17.3 15.8 7 x 17.4 355.3 8 x 17.7 3353. 9 126.22 x 17.9 315.3 80270 x 17.9 295.6 2 18.0 276.3 3 18.1 257*8 4 18.5 241.6 5 18.8 223.6 6 18.8 205.0 7 18.9 185.5 8 x 18.8 165.7 9 127.14 x 18.6 145.8 80281 x 18.2 125.5 2 x 18.2 106.1 3 x 18.0 88.3 4 x 18.0 70.5 5 x 17.9 52.3 6 x 17.9 34.4 7 127.79 x 17.9 16,5 8 17.9 357.0 9 128.06 18.0 336.1 80290 18.1 316.1 1 18.1 2963. 2 18.3 277.8 4 18.7 259.0 5 x 18.9 241.7 6 x 19.0 223.5 7 x 19.0 206.0 8 x 19.0o 185.5 9 129.98 x 18.9 164.9

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 34 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80300 x 18.9 145.9 1 x 18.8 125.5 2 x 18.5 105.8 4 x 18.3 87.5 5 18.2 70.5 6 18.1 52.5 7 18.1 33.5 8 129.71 18.1 15.5 9 18.1 356.2 80310 129.90 18.3 336-3 1 x 18.4 315.3 2 x 18.8 295.5 3 x 18.9 277.3 5 x 19.0 259.3 6 x 19.1 241.5 7 x 19.2 222.5 8 x 19.2 205.5 9 x 19.2 185.7 80320 130.82 x 19.1 165.5 1 19.1 145.5 2 19.0 125.7 3 18.9 107.0 5 18.8 87.5 6 18.6 69.5 7 18.5 53.4 8 x 18.5 35.3 9 131.64 x 18.4 15.5 80330 131.73 x 18.4 355.6 1 x 18.6 337.2 2 x 18.9 316.0 3 x 19.0 296.3 4 x 19.1 277.5 5 x 19.1 260.3 7 x 19.3 242.7 8 19.5 223.5 9 19.6 206.3 80340 132.65 19.8 187.5 1 19.5 167.5 2 19.4 146.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954... -. —.......-.Page 35 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80343 19.2 126.3 4 x 19.1 108.5 5 x x 19.0 89.5 6 x x18.9 71.5 7 x x 18.9 543. 9 x x 18.8 36.5 80350 133.57 x 18.7 18.0 1 x 18.9 357-3 2 133.75 x 18.9 338.3 3 x 19.0 318.9 4 19.0 299.3 5 19.2 279.5 6 19.3 261.3 7 19.8 244,3 8 19.9 227.5 9 134.47 19.9 207.7 80361 x 1999 189.3 2 x 19.9 170.5 3 x 19.9 150.5 4 x 19.9 129.5 5 x 19.6 110.5 6 x 19.3 92.7 7 x 19.1 74.6 8 x 19.0 56.5 9 135.40 x 19.0 38.5 80370 19.0 21.5 1 19.0 2.1 3 19. 341.5 4 135-77 19.1 321.7 5 19.2 302.3 6 19.6 284.1 7 x 19.9 264.8 8 x 20.G 246.6 9 136.32 x 20.0 229.7 80380 x 20.0 212.3 1 x 20.1 192.5 2 x 20.1 173.2 3 x 20.1 i54.3 5 x 20.0 133.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954. Page 56 of 67 Counter Time Timin Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80586 x 20.0 113.6 7 19.9 95.4 8 19.8 77.6 9 19.2 60.5 80590 137.24 19.1 41.7 1 19.0 24.0 2 19.0 5.5 3 19.1 346.3 4 137.61 x 19.1 325.3 6 x 19.4 305.3 7 x 19.9 287.3 8 x 20.0 269.3 9 x 20.0 250.3 80400 138.16 x 20.0 233.0 1 x 20.6 215.5 2 x 20.8 197.4 3 20.9 177.3 4 20.8 157.5 5 20.4 137.6 6 20.3 118.o 8 20.0 98.8 9 19.9 80.5 80410 139.08 19.8 63.5 1 x 19.5 46.o 2 x 19.4 27.5 3 x 19.3 8.8 4 x 19.4 349.3 5 139.54 x 19.8 329.3 6 x 19.9 309.3 7 x 20.0 289.5 8 x 20.0 272.2 80420 140.00 x 20.1 254.2 1 20.5 236.5 2 20.9 218.7 3 21.0 200.8 4 140.36 21.0 181.5 5 21.0 161.4 6 20.9 141.5 7 x 20.7 122.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954.. Page 37 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80428 x 20.4 103.5 9 140.91 x 20.2 84.5 80430 x 20.0 66.8 1 x 19.9 50.0 2 x 19.9 31.6 4 x 19.8 12.9 5 141.37 x 19.8 353-3 6 x 19.8 334.6 7 20.0 315.0 8 20.1 294.3 9 141.83 20.2 275.3 80440 20.7 258.1 1 20.9 241.4 2 21.0 222.1 3 x 21.0 204.3 4 x 21.1 185.5 6 x 213 165.5 7 x 21.1 145.5 8 x 21.0 125.5 9 x 20.7 106.9 80450 142.75 x 20.6 88.4 1 x 20.5 69.5 2 x 20.1 52.8 3 20.1 34.7 4 20.0 16.1 6 143.30 20.0 356,0 7 20.0 337.1 8 20.1 317.3 9 20.1 297.3 80460 143.67 x 20.7 277.3 1 x 21.0 259.3 2 x 21.0 242.0 3 x 21.4 224.5 4 x 21.5 206.0 5 x 21.8 186.9 6 x 21.8 168.1 8 x 21.5 147.5 9 x 21.5 127.3 80470 144.58 21.0 108.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954.Page 38 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80471 20.9 89.9 2 20.8 72.4 3 20.6 53.7 4 20.4 3555 5 145.04 20.3 17.9 6 x 20.2 358.3 7 x 20.2 337.7 9 x 20.6 3173. 80480 145.50 x 20.8 298.5 1 x 21.0 279.5 2 x 21.1 260.5 3 x 21.4 242.5 4 x 21.8 225.5 5 x 21.9 207.5 6 22.0 187.7 7 22.0 168.5 8 21.9 148.7 9 146.42 21.8 129.2 80491 21.5 108.6 2 21.2 89.6 3 21.0 73.3 4 x 20.9 55.2 5 x x 20.8 35.5 6 146.97 x x 20.7 17.7 7 x x 20.7 357.5 8 x 20.7 3383. 9 147.534 x 20.9 517.3 80501 x 21.0 297.3 2 x 21.3 279.8 3 21.4 261.3 4 21.8 243.4 5 22.0 225.4 6 22.0 206.9 7 22.0 188.5 8 22.0 167.8 9 148.26 22.1 148.0 80510 x 21.9 128.5 1 x 21.8 108.7 5 x 21.5 88.5 4 x 21.1 71.53

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954. Page 39 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80515 x 21.0 53.2 6 x 21.0 36.1 7 148.90 x 20.9 16.8 8 x 21.0 356.5 9 149.18 21.0 337.4 80520 21.1 317.3 1 149.27 21.3 296.3 3 21.7 277.4 4 21.9 260.3 5 22.0 242.7 6 22.1 22355 7 x 22.2 205.4 8 x 22.3 186.5 9 150.09 x 22.4 167.4 80530 x 22.4 145.5 1 x 22.3 125.7 2 x 22.0 107.5 4 x 21.9 88.6 5 x 21.6 69.5 6 21.4 51.5 7 21.2 34.2 8 150.83 21.1 15.5 9 151.01 21.1 355.3 80540 21.2 335.2 1 21.3 315.3 2 21.6 295.8 4 x 21.9 275.9 5 x 22.1 257.9 6 x 22.3 241.3 7 x 22.6 222.6 8 x 22.8 203.5 9 151.93 x 22.9 184.5 80550 x 22.9 164.7 1 x 22.8 145.0 2 22.7 123.8 4 22.2 104.5 5 22.0 86.9 6 21.9 68.5 7 21.7 49.6

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 40 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80558 21.6 32.1 9 152.85 21.6 13.5 80560 x 21.6 354.3 1 152.94 x 21.8 333-3 2 x 21.9 313.3 3 x 22.0 2943. 5 x 22.2 275.4 6 x 22.6 256.3 7 x 22.9 239.5 8 x 23.0 222.2 9 x 23.0 203.5 80570 153.76 23.0 183.5 1 23.0 163.4 2 22.9 143.5 3 22.9 123.6 4 22.6 103.5 6 22.6 85.7 7 x 22.1 67.7 8 x 22.0 50.0 9 x 21.9 31.4 80580 154.68 x 21.9 13.4 1 x 21.9 352.3 2 x 22.0 333-3 3 154.96 x 21.1 311.5 4 x 22.1 293*1 6 x 22.6 275.2 7 23.0 257.1 8 23.0 237.7 9 23.2 219.7 80590 155.60 23.2 202.5 1 23.2 183.5 2 23.3 181.6 3 x 23.2 141.5 4 x 23.1 122.5 5 x 22.9 103.5 7 x 22.9 83.9 8 x 22.4 65.7 9 x 22.3 49.2 80600 156.52 x 22.1 31.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954. Page 41 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80601 x 22.1 11.5 2 x 22.1 351.2 3 156.79 22.3 331.4 4 22.5 311.3 5 22.9 291.6 7 23.0 271.6 8 23.1 245.3 9 23.2 237.1 80610 157.44 x 23.4 218.1 1 x 23.6 199.3 2 x 23.8 180.5 3 x 23.9 160.5 4 x 23.7 139.5 5 x 23.5 119.5 6 x 23.2 101.0 8 x 23.0 82.8 9 x 22.6 64.5 80620 158.36 22.6 45.6 1 22.6 28.0 2 22.6 9.5 3 22.6 348.8 4 158.72 22.8 328.3 5 23.0 309.3 6 x 23.0 290.3 7 x 23.2 271.3 9 x 23.6 253.3 80630 159.27 x 23.9 235.5 1 x 24.0 217.7 2 x 24.1 198.0 3 x 24.3 178.1 4 x 24.2 159.7 5 x 24.1 138.9 6 24.0 117.5 8 23.8 99.2 9 23.5 81.1 80640 160.19 23.1 63.5 1 23.0 44.5 2 23.0 26.5 3 x 22.8 8.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 42 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80644 160.56 x x 22.9 348.3 5 x x 23.0 327.4 6 x x 23.1 307.3 7 x x 23.3 289.2 8 x 23.6 269.8 80650 161.10 x 24.0 251.3 1 x 24.2 233.7 2 x 24.8 216.2 3 24.9 197.9 4 24.9 177.1 5 24.8 157.5 6 24.6 137.5 7 24.5 117.9 8 24.2 97.5 80660 162.03 x 24.0 79.4 1 x 23.7 62.5 2 x 23.6 44.5 3 x 23.3 25.8 4 x 23.3 6.8 5 162.49 x 23.3 3473. 6 x 23.5 3273, 7 x 23.8 306.3 8 x 24.0 287.3 9 162.94 24.2 268.8 80671 24.8 251.3 2 24.9 232.5 3 25.0 214.4 4 25.1 196.0 5 25.1 176.8 6 x 25.1 156.5 7 x 25.0 135.5 8 x 24.9 116.3 9 163.86 x 24.8 97.5 80681 x 24.6 78.2 2 x 24.3 60.5 3 x 24.0 43.3 4 x 24.0 25.4 5 x 23.9 5.4 6 164.41 24.0 345.2

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 43 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses G Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80687 24.1 326.8 8 24.4 307.1 9 164.78 24.6 286.3 80690 25.0 267.8 1 25.1 250.3 2 25.2 23335 4 x 25.4 213.5 5 x 25.8 195.6 6 x 26.0 177.2 7 x 25.9 157.6 8 x 25.8 136.7 9 165.70 x 25.5 116.6 80700 x 25.1 97.5 1 x 25.0 79.4 2 x 24.9 61.0 4 24.8 42.7 5 24.6 25.5 6 24.4 6.5 7 166.34 24.5 345.4 8 24.5 325.4 9 24.9 306-3 80710 166.62 x 25.0 287.4 1 x 25.2 267.4 2 x 25.3 249.3 3 x 25.8 233.3 5 x 26.1 215.2 6 x 26.1 195.5 7 x 26.1 176.5 8 x 26.1 157.5 9 x 26.1 136.5 80720 167.54 26.0 116.5 1 25.8 96.4 2 25.4 78.8 3 25.1 61.4 5 25.0 42.0 6 25.0 23.5 7 x 25.0 5.3 8 168.27 x 25.0 345.3 9 x 25.0 324.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 44 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80730 168.45 x 25.2 304.3 1 x 25.5 285.8 2 x 26.0 267.3 3 x 26.5 248.6 4 x 26.8 231.2 5 x 26.9 215*5 7 26.9 195.5 8 27.0 174.5 9 26.9 154,5 80740 169.57 26.9 154.7 1 26.8 114.6 2 26.7 95.5 3 x 26.1 77.1 4 x 26.0 59.5 5 x 25.8 41.4 7 170.01 x 25.6 21.5 8 x 25.6 2.3 9 x 25.7 343.3 80750 170.29 x 26.0 323.2 1 x 26.0 302.3 2 x 26.3 282.3 3 26.8 264.5 4 27.0 257.3 5 27.1 228.5 6 27.3 210.0 8 27.5 191.6 9 27.5 172.5 80760 171.21 x 27.4 152.0 1 x 27.3 151.5 2 x 27.1 112.5 3 x 27.0 95.5 4 x 26.9 74.5 5 x 26.8 54.5 6 x 26.7 39-3 8 171.94 x 26.7 21.3 9 x 26.7 359.6 80770 172.12 26.7 341.2 1 26.8 321.2 2 26.9 501.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 45 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80773 27.0 280.8 4 27.2 262.5 5 27.6 245.3 6 x 27.9 225*5 8 x 28.0 208.2 9 x 28.3 189.5 80780 173.04 x 28.3 1703. 1 x 28.3 150.5 2 x 28.5 129.0 3 x 28.0 110.1 4 x 27.8 91.6 5 x 27.4 73.2 6 27.3 54.5 7 27.1 36.8 8 173.78 27.1 19.0 80790 173.96 27.1 358.8 1 27.1 338.8 2 27.3. 3173 3 x 27.5 298.5 4 x x 27.8 279.3 5 x x 28,2 259.5 6 x x 28.8 242.1 7 x x 28.9 224.5 8 x 29o0 206.5 80800 174.88 x 29.0 186.0 1 x 29. 166.5 2 x 29.2 148.5 3 29.0 127.5 4 28.8 107.0 5 28.7 87.5 6 28.4 70.5 7 28.2 53.5 8 28.0 33.5 80810 175.80 x 27.7 15.4 1 x 28.0 356.1 2 175.98 x 28.2 335.1 3 x 28.4 5143. 4 x 28.7 294.5 5 x 28.9 275.9

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 1k4 July 1954. Page 46 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses G Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80816 x 29.1 257.3 8 x 29.5 238.5 9 x 29.6 221.4 80820 176.72 29.7 202.5 1 30.0 193.5 2 29.7 162.5 5 29.9 141.5 4 29.5 122.7 5 29.4 103.4 6 x 29.2 83.5 8 x 29.0 65.5 9 x 29.* 48.5 80830 177.63 x 28.9 29.6 1 x 28.8 10.3 2 x 28.9 350.6 3 177.91 x 29.0 3303. 4 x 29.1 350.3 5 x 29.3 289.1 6 29.6 270.2 7 50.0 252.5 9 50.5 234.5 80840 178.55 30.8 215o5 1 30.8 196.8 2 31.0 177.3 3 x 35.9 157.7 4 x 30.9 136.3 5 x 30.8 116.2 6 x 35.5 97.5 7 x 50.53 79.1 9 x 30.1 59.8 80850 179.49 x 30.0 42.2 1 x 29.7 253. 2 x 29.7 5.5 3 29.8 344.3 4 30.0 323.5 5 30.5 304.3 6 30.6 285.53 8 31.0 265.5 9 51.1 247.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 47 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses g Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80860 180.39 x 31.3 229.5 1 x 31.8 211.6 2 x 32.0 192.1 3 x 32.0 171.6 4 x 32.0 152.5 5 x 31.9 131.5 6 x 31.8 111.0 8 x 31.3 92.4 9 x 31.1 73.7 80870 181.30 31.0 56.5 1 30.9 37.4 2 30.9 18.8 3 30.9 359.3 4 51.0 339.4 5 31.1 318.3 6 x 31.4 298.5 7 x 31.8 279.6 9 x 32.1 261.3 80880 182.22 x 32.6 242.8 1 x 32.9 224.5 2 x 33.0 206.8 5 x 33.0 187.5 4 x 33.1 166.7 5 x 33.0 145.7 6 33.0 126.2 8 335- 0 6.4 9 32.8 86.5 80890 183.14 32.5 68.1 1 32.3 51. 2 52.1 32.5 3 x 32.1 13.3 4 x 32.3 352.8 5 x 32.5 332.8 7 x 32.8 312.5 8 x 33.0 292.3 9 x 33.1 273.3 80900 184.06 x 33.4 255.2 1 x 34.0 237.0 2 x 34.53 217.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954.Page 48 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80903 34.6 199.5 4 34.6 179.4 5 34.7 159.5 7 34.7 137.8 8 34.6 11-7.5 9 34.2 99.5 80910 184.98 x 34.0 79.5 1 x 34.0 60.5 2 x 33.8 42.3 3 x 33.8 24.5 4 x 33.8 4.8 6 x 33.8 343.3 7 x 34.2 322.5 8 x 34.8 302.6 9 x 34.8 283.1 80920 185.90 35.1 263.3 1 35.2 245.3 2 35.8 227.5 3 35.8 209.5 5 36.8 189.5 6 37.1 169.5 7 x 37.5 151.5 8 x 38.0 132.0 9 x 38.6 113.3 80930 186.81 x 38.9 93.7 1 x 39.1 78.0 2 x 39.5 60.5 4 x 4o.0 42.5 5 x 40.5 25.5 6 x 41.0 7.5 7 41.5 3483 8 42.3 328.7 9 187.64 43.1 3093. 80940 44.0 2913. 1 44.9 273.3 3 45.5 255.3 4 x 46.5 257.5 5 x x 47.5 222.5 6 x x 48.0 205.6

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954. Page 49 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80947 x x 48.8 186.5 8 x x 49.0 167.5 9 188.65 x 49.5 149.5 80950 x 50.0 129.7 1 x 50.5 110.5 3 x 51.0 92.5 4 51.5 76.1 5 51.5 59.5 6 52.0 41.5 7 52.5 24.5 8 55.0 6.5 9 189.48 54.0 347.5 80960 x 54.5 327.5 2 x 55.0 308.8 3 x 56.0 291.3 4 x 57.0 273.3 5 x 58.0 255.1 6 x 58.8 238.3 7 x 60.0 222.5 8 x 60.3 205.3 9 190.39 x 61.0 186.3 80971 61.5 167.5 2 62.0 149.4 3 62.5 130.5 4 63.0 111.2 5 63-3 93.5 6 63.8 77.0 7 x 64.0 60.5 8 x 65.0 42.5 80980 191.40 x 65-3 26.5 1 x 65.7 7.7 2 x 66.5 351.9 3 x 67.0 329.3 4 x 68.0 310.7 5 x 68.8 293.2 6 x 70.0 274.7 7 70.5 257.2 8 71.5 239.5 80990 192.32 72.2 223.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 50 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 80991 73.0 207.3 2 74.0 188.5 3 74.5 169.5 4 x 75.3 151.5 5 x 75.5 133.5 6 x 76.0 114.5 7 x 76.5 96.5 8 x 77.0 80.5 81000 193.24 x 77.5 64.5 1 x 78.0 47.5 2 x 78.5 31.4 3 x 79.3 15.2 4 80.0 356.3 5 80.5 338. 6 81.0 320.3 7 82.3 303.4 9 83.1 286.0 81010 194.16 84.2 268.5 1 x 85.5 253.3 2 x 86.o 239.2 3 x 86.5 223.7 4 x 87.0 208.7 5 x 87.7 195.0 6 x 88.0 182.4 8 x 88.5 168.0 9 x 88.8 155.8 81020 195.08 x 89.0 144.7 1 89.o 135.5 2 89.0 125.5 3 89.0 117.4 4 89.0o l9o0 5 89. 100.5 7 88.5 92.0 8 x 88. 81.5 9 x 87.5 70.5 81030 195.99 x 86.8 59.5 1 x 86.5 47.5 2 x 85.5 33.2 3 x 85.018.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 51 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81034 x 84.0 3.5 6 x 83.7 346.8 7 83.0 328.8 8 82.5 311.3 9 82.0 2935. 81040 196.91 81.5 277.5 1 81.0 259.5 2 80.5 245.8 3 79.8 228.8 4 x 79 0 212.5 6 x 78.0 194.5 7 x 77.5 177.3 8 x 76.5 159.5 9 x 75-5 141.5 81050 197.83 x 74.5 123.0 1 x 73.8 104.7 2 x 75.3 87.5 3 71.3 72.0 4 70.3 54.5 6 69.o 38.0 7 68.3 21.5 8 67.2 3.5 9 66.5 343.9 81060 198.75 66.0 525.3 1 x 65.0 306.6 2 x 64.5 288.6 3 x 64.0 270.3 5 x 633 253.-3 6 x 63.0 237.5 7 x 62.0 221.5 8 x 61.0 235.5 9 199.57 x 60.5 184.5 81070 199.66 59.5 16735 1 58.5 148.5 2 57.0 128.0 3 56.0 109.8 5 55.0 92.9 6 54.0 75.7 7 53.0 58.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 52 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81078 x 51.5 41.5 9 200.49 x 51.0 24.5 81080 x 50.0 7.5 1 x 49.0 347.3 2 x 48.0 328.8 5 x 47.0 310.3 5 x 46.5 291.5 6 x 46.0 273.3 7 45.0 255-3 8 44.5 239.7 9 43.5 222.8 81090 201.50 43.5 204.5 1 42.0 187.5 2 41.0 168.8 3 4o.0 150.0 5 x 39.0 130.0 6 x x 37.8 111.7 7 x x 36.8 94.7 8 x x 35.2 77.5 9 x x 34.3 59.5 81100 202.42 x 33.0 42.5 1 x 32.0 26.1 2 x 31.0 7.7 3 30.0 347.6 5 29.1 328.7 6 28.5 310.8 7 27.5 292.3 8 27.0 273.3 9 26.3 256.3 81110 203.34 25.5 239.5 1 x 25.0 222.6 2 x 2.39 205.4 4 x 23.0 186.0 5 x 22.0 168.5 6 x 21.0 149.3 7 x 19.9 129.5 8 x 18.5 111.4 9 x 17.5 93-5 81120 204.26 16.5 75.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954__________ _ _____Page 53 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81121 15.5 59.2 2 14.0 41.3 4 13.0 24.5 5 12.0 6.5 6 11.0 346.4 7 10.1 327.8 8 x 9.3 309.3 9 205.08 x 8.9 290:.9 81130 x 8.0 272.3 1 x 7.2 254.8 2 x 6.5 237.6 4 x 5.9 221.5 5 x 4.9 203.5 6 x 4.0 185.5 7 3.0 166.9 8 2.0 147.9 9 206.00 0.9 128.5 81140 O.1 109.6 1 1.1 93.4 2 2.5 75.5 4 3.9 57.7 5 x 4.8 41.0 6 x 5.8 24.5 7 x 6.8 6,3 8 x 7.8 345.5 9 206.92 x 8.3 326.8 81150 x 9.1 38.3 1 x 13.0 290.3 2 x 10.5 271.3 4 11.1 2543. 5 12.0 257.7 6 12.8 221.1 7 13.6 202.5 8 14.5 184.5 9 207*84 15.3 165.5 81160 16.3 145.8 1 x 17.4 126.8 2 x 18.8 107.5 4 x 19.5 9C.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 54 of 6 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81165 x 20.9 73.3 6 x 21.8 55.5 7 x 25.0 38.3 8 x 23.8 21.5 9 x 24.8 3.0 81170 208.84 25.5 342.8 1 26.5 323.8 2 26.9 304.8 3 27.5 287.3 5 28.0 268.4 6 28.8 249.9 7 29.1 233.7 8 x 30.0 217.0 9 209.67 x 30.8 198.3 81180 x 31.5 179.4 1 x 32.4 160.5 2 x 33.2 141.6 4 x 34.4 121.7 5 x 35.0 103 0 6 x 36.0 85.5 7 x 37.0 68.3 8 37.8 5s.o 9 38.8 32.6 81190 210.68 39.5 14.5 1 4o.0 355.4 2 40.5 335o4 3 41.0 315.4 5 x 41.5 298.3 6 x 41.9 278.3 7 x 42.1 260.2 8 x 42.3 24303 9 x 42.5 227.0 81200 211.60 x 43.5 209.1 1 x 44.0 189.5 2 x 44.3 169o5 5~ ~ ~~~3 ~x 44.8 151.0 5 45.0 3151.2 6 45.8 111.0

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 55 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81207 46.5 92.5 8 47.0 74.8 9 47.5 57.5 81210 212.52 48.3 38.5 1 x 48.6 21.1 2 x 48.8 3.1 3 x 49.0 342.6 5 x 49.4 322.6 6 x 49.3 303.1 7 x 49.3 284.8 8 x 49.0 266.3 9 x 48.9 247.5 81220 213.44 x 48.9 230 5 1 48.9 213.6 2 48.8 195.5 3 48.8 175.5 4 48.5 155.5 6 48.5 135.6 7 48.8 116.5 8 x 49.0 96.5 9 x 49.2 78.2 81230 214.35 x 49.2 62.1 1 x 49.2 44.0 2 x 49.2 26.0 3 x 49.0 7.4 4 x 49.0 349.3 5 x 48.5 329.3 7 x 48.0 309.3 8 47.3 291.1 9 47.0 273.4 81240 215.27 46.2 255.8 1 46.0 238.5 2 45.0 221.5 3 45.0 204.5 4 x 44.3 186.5 5 x x 44.0 165.5 7 x x 43.5 147.0 8 x x 43.0 128.5 9 x x 42.5 109.4

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 56 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81250 216.19 x 42.1 90.5 1 x 42.0 73.3 2 x 41.9 56.5 3 x 41.5 39.5 4 41.0 21.6 6 40.0 3.3 7 39.3 344.7 8 38.7 325.8 9 37.8 305.3 81260 217.11 36.8 288.3 1 x 35.7 271.3 2 x 34.9 253.9 3 x 33.9 236.7 4 x 33.0 220.5 5 x 32.0 2C4.5 7 x 31 0 187.0 8 x 30.2 165.5 9 x 29.2 147.5 81270 218.02 x 28.8 129.5 1 28.0 111.0 2 27.2 92.5 5~~~3 ~26.9 75.5 4 26.0 59.5 6 25.1 42.5 7 24.3 24.5 8 x 23.4 7.5 9 x 22.3 348.8 81280 218.94 x 21.0 330.3 1 x 19.9 310.3 2 x 18.7 292.8 3 x 17.3 275.3 4 x 16.0 258.8 5 x 14.8 241.5 7 x 13.5 224.0 8 12.2 2s8.2 9 11.0 190.3 81290 219.86 9.8 170.7 1 8.8 152.0 2 7.9 133.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 57 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81293 7.0 115.4 4 x 6.0 96.4 6 x 5.0 79.3 7 x 4.0 63.4 8 x 3.0 45.7 9 x 2.0 27.5 81300 220.78 x o0.9 10.4 1 x 0.1 352.3 2 x 1.6 333-3 3 x 3.0 313.1 4 4.3 295.3 6 5.7 277.5 7 7.0 260.1 8 8.3 243.4 9 9.9 225~6 81310 221.70 11.0 209.7 1 x 12.1 191.5 2 x 13.2 172.0 3 x 14.5 153.5 4 x 15.5 134.5 6 x 16.5 115.7 7 x 17.4 97.0 8 x 18.3 79.2 9 x 19.1 63.1 81320 222.62 x 20.0 46.6 1 21.0 28.5 2 22.0 10.5 3 23.0 351.3 4 24.7 332.3 6 28.5 311.3 7 27.0 293.2 8 x 28.5 275.3 9 x 29.5 257.5 81330 223.53 x 31.0 240.2 1 x 32.5 222.0 2 x 33.5 2o5.5 3 x 34.8 186.7 5 x 35.7 165.8 6 x 36.8 146.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 58 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81337 x 37.3 127.5 8 38.2 109.0 9 39.0 89.7 81340 224.45 39.7 72.5 1 40.5 55.1 2 41.0 37.5 3 41.8 18.2 5 x 42.8 3593. 6 x 43.5 340.3 7 x 44.5 320.3 8 x 45.3 300.3 9 225.28 x 46.2 280.8 81350 x 47.0 263.2 1 x 47.9 245.3 3 x 48.2 226,5 4 x 49.0 209.4 5 49.5 191.5 6 50.0 171.5 7 50.3 149.5 8 50.3 130.0 9 226.20 50.3 111.5 81360 50.0 93.5 1 x 50.0 74.5 3 x 50.0 56.5 4 x 49.8 40.5 5 x 49.5 22.5 6 x 49.0 2.5 7 x 49.0 342.7 8 x 49.0 324.8 9 227.11 x 49.0 305.3 81370 x 49.0 286.3 2 48.5 267.9 3 48.3 251.3 4 48.0 234.5 5 47.9 216.7 6 47.5 199.5 7 47.0 181.2 8 x 46.5 162.5 9 228.03 x 45.3 143.0

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA l4 July 1954......., Page 59 of 6 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81381 x 44.6 123.5 2 x 43.5 106.9 3 x 42.8 89.6 4 x 41.5 71.7 5 x 40.5 55.5 6 x 39-5 39.5 7 x 38.9 23.6 8 37.6 5-5 9 288.95 36.5 347.3 81390 35.7 330.3 2 35.0 311.8 3 34.0 294.3 4 33.0 277.8 5 x 32.0 261.4 6 x x 31.1 245.8 7 x x 30.2 230.5 8 x x 29.0 216.5 9 229.87 x x 28.2 198.4 81401 x 27.0 181.o 2 x 25.5 162.5 3 x 24.0 144.3 4 x 22.5 127.4 5 21.0 110.0 6 19.5 92.5 7 18.0 76.0 9 16.3 61.5 81410 230.88 14.9 45.3 1 13.3 28.5 2 x 12.0 12.0 3 x 10.5 3555. 4 x 9-5 337.8 5 x 8.0 318.1 6 x 7.0 301.0 8 x 5.7 283.9 9 x 4.5 267.9 81420 231.80 x 3.3 250.9 1 x 2.1 235.5 2 1.0 220.7 3 0.1 204.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 — Page 60 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81424 1.5 186.7 5 3.0 169.3 7 4.3 151.5 8 5.8 133.5 9 x 7.5 115.3 81430 232.71 x 9.0 98.o 1 x 10.5 81.5 2 x 12.0 65.5 3 x 15.7 48.7 5 x 15.0 323. 6 x 16.5 16.5 7 x 17.8 359.2 8 x 19.0 340.0 9 19.8 321.3 81440 233.63 20.9 303.8 1 21.3 287.3 2 22.5 269.3 3 23.0 252.6 5 23.5 237.6 6 x 24.0 222.5 7 x 24.5 205.5 8 x 25.0 188.o 9 x 25.5 171*5 81450 234.55 x 25.9 1543. 1 x 26.9 135.5 2 x 26.8 117.7 3 x 27.0 102.3 5 x 27.2 85.5 6 27.2 68.7 7 27.1 53.0 8 27.0 38.5 9 235.38 26.5 23.0 81460 26.0 5.6 1 25.3 347.6 3 x 24.5 331.1 4 x 23.5 313.2 5 x 22.5 295.4 6 x 21.0 279.4 7 x 19.5 264.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 61 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81468 x 18.2 249.2 9 236.29 x 16.7 228.4 81470 x 15.0 219.3 1 15.5 204.3 5 12.0 188.0 4 10.5 171.3 5 9.0 155.5 6 7.5 139.1 7 6.0 122.5 8 x 4.5 106.5 9 237.21 x 5.5 90.5 81480 x 1.8 76.5 2 x 0 62.5 5 x 1.4 46.7 4 x 5.0 31.5 5 x 4.5 17.5 6 x 6.0 1.4 7 x 8.0 343.8 8 10.0 3273. 9 238.13 11.5 311.3 81491 15.5 294.9 2 15.5 2783. 3 17.5 263.2 4 19.0 249.1 5 x 21.0 254.o 6 x 25.0 219.5 7 x 24.9 203.5 8 x 26.5 187.5 81500 239.14 x 28.0 171.2 1 x 29.8 155.5 2 x 31.1 136.8 3 x 52.7 120.5 4 x 55.9 104.8 5 35.0 88.5 6 56.5 73.5 7 37.1 59.6 9 58.3 44.5 81510 240.06 39.0 29.5 1 59.5 15.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 62 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81512 x 40.2 359.2 3 x 40.6 343.3 4 x 41.0 327.3 5 x 41.1 310.8 7 x 41.1 296.1 8 x 41.1 281.3 9 x 41.0 266.5 81520 240.98 x 40.6 252.4 1 x 39.8 238.6 2 390o 225.5 3 37-8 211.4 4 36.8 196.5 5 35.0 181.5 7 33.5 165.6 8 52.0 149.7 9 x 30.0 134.5 81530 241.89 x 27.8 119.7 1 x 25.5 104.5 2 x 23.1 90~5 3 x 21.0 77.1 5 x 19.0 64.3 6 x 16.8 5.5 7 x 14.5 36-3 8 x 12.5 23.0 9 10.5 9-3 81540 242.81 8.8 355.2 1 6.7 3393. 2 4.5 3243. 4 3.0 309.8 5 1.0 295.8 6 x 0.8 281.6 7 x x 2.5 267.7 8 x x 4.2 254.5 9 x x 6.o 242.5 81550 243.73 x x 8.0 228.1 1 x 10.0 215.5 2 x 11.9 202.53 4 x 13.5 188.6 5 x 15.3 173.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954.Page 63 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81556 17.0 158.7 7 18.7 143.7 8 20.0 129.5 9 244.56 21.1 1143. 81560 22.3 100.5 1 22.9 87.0 3 x 25.1 73.5 4 x 23.1 59.5 5 x 23.0 46.5 6 x 22.5 52.5 7 x 21.5 18.8 8 x 20.8 3.0 9 245.47 x 19.0 347.3 81570 x 18.3 333.3 2 x 15.3 317.9 3 513.0 303.2 4 10.5 289.1 5 8.0 275.5 6 5.7 263.2 7 3.0 249.4 8 0.7 237.4 9 246.39 x 1.5 225.5 81581 x 4.2 213.5 2 x 6.0 199.5 3 x 8.3 186.5 4 x 10.3 173.2 5 x 12.3 160.0 6 x 14.5 145.5 7 x 16.5 131.9 9 x 185 119.5 81590 247.40 20.5 106.7 1 22.5 93.9 2 24.9 81.7 3 27.0 70.8 4 29.0 59-7 5 31.0 48.3 6 x 32.5 36.7 8 x 35.8 25.7 9 x 35.0 13.5

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 64 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses G Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81600 248.32 x 35.8 359.4 1 x 36.2 347.5 2 x 36.5 335-5 3 x 36.5 322.1 4 x 36.0 307.7 5 x 35.1 295.3 7 34.2 283.1 8 32.9 270.3 9 31.0 257.2 81610 249.24 28.9 245.1 1 26.9 233.5 2 24.8 221.0 3 x 22.4 208.0 5 x 20.3 195.4 6 x 18.2 181.7 7 x 16.2 168.5 8 x 14.0 153.7 9 x 12.0 140.5 81620 250.16 x 10.0 128.3 1 x 8.0 113.5 2 x 6.0 102.0 3 3,8 90.5 5 1.6 78.5 6 0.6 67.0 7 2.9 55*2 8 5.1 43.8 9 7.1 33.5 81630 251.07 x 9.2 22.0 1 x 11.0 9.6 2 x 12.5 357-3 4 x 13.0 346.3 5 x 13.2 334.1 6 x 12.8 322.0 7 x 12.0 311.3 8 x 11.2 300.5 9 251.90 x 10.0 291.3 81640 8.5 281.2 1 7.1 272.6 3 5.9 265.1

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 65 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81644 4.2 256.8 5 2.8 249.3 6 1.5 242.4 7 x 0 235.3 8 x 1.1 229.2 9 252.82 x 2.5 221.9 81651 x 3.4 215.4 2 x 4.2 209.6 3 x 5.0 203.6 4 x 6.0 197.5 5 x 6.8 191.5 6 x 7.2 186.2 7 8.0 181.3 8 8.8 175.5 9 253.74 9.5 171.3 81661 10.1 167.6 2 11.1 165.5 3 12.0 163.3 4 x 13.0 162.5 5 x 14.0 162.5 6 x 14.9 163.7 7 x 15.9 165.8 9 x 16.4 168.5 81670 254.74 x 17.0 171.4 1 x 17.5 173o8 2 x 1709 177.6 3 x 18.C 81L.8 4 18.0 275.4 5 17.9 278.5 6 17.5 192.5 8 17.8 196.7 9 18.0 200.3 81680 255.66 18.3 204.5 1 x 19.0 208.0 2 x 20.0 211.5 3 x 20.6 213. 4 x 21.6 215.7 Record blank between 81685 and 81710 81710 258.42 1.8 240~0

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 66 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81711 4.0 243.4 2 6.2 243.3 4 8.2 244.5 5 x 9-7 247.3 6 x 10.9 249.3 7 x 11.4 253.5 8 x 11.5 258.6 9 259.24 x 11.2 266.2 81720 x 10.9 273.4 1 x 10.0 283.5 3 x 8.9 294.8 4 x 7.9 307.1 5 6.5 320.3 6 4.8 336.7 7 3.0 351.1 8 0 6.2 9 260.16 3.0 21.0 81731 7.1 35.0 2 x 12.0 48.0 3 x 17.2 61.5 4 x 23.0 73.6 5 x 28.8 88.5 6 x 33.0 103.0 7 x 3558 118.5 8 x 36-3 136.0 81740 261.17 x 33.5 153.5 1 x 28.7 167.8 2 22.0 182.0 3 13.9 194.9 4 4.3 206.7 5 4.0 219.3 6 11.9 223.0 7 18.0 248.7 9 x 22.2 268.5 81750 262.09 x 23.0 291.2 1 x 20.8 3123. 2 x 15.1 335.8 3 x 6.9 356.53 4 x 2.8 15.3

Holloman Aerobee AF-48 GYROSCOPE ASPECT DATA 14 July 1954 Page 67 of 67 Counter Time Timing Pulses Clock Seconds 12-Sec 1/2-Sec 81755 x 13.0 31.5 6 x 23.0 47.7 8 x 32.8 66.7 9 39.0 88.0 81760 263.01 41.1 111.0 1 38.7 136.5 2 31.0 160.8 3 20.3 181.3 5 8.8 198.5 6 Not readable 7 Not readable 8 Not readable 9 x 26.0 282.3 81770 263.92 x 23.8 309.2 1 x 17.2 338.6 2 x 6.2 0.7 4 x 6.8 19.5 5 Not readable 6 Not readable 7 42.0 87.5 8 43.5 117.6 9 264.75 57.2 149.6 81781 24.5 177.5 2 x 9.1 199.5 3 x 6.0 219.6 4 x 20.0 242.5 5 x 30.0 271.3 6 265.39 29.8 303.5