Scholarly Publishing Office Monthly/Quarterly Report, February 2002-March 2002

This report describes our accomplishments and areas of work in February and March of 2002

Infrastructure and organization:

SPO moved its offices to 4186 Shapiro in March. The offices are now fully furnished and equipped and the staff is enjoying the space, the view and the collegiality.

Staff met with Cory Snavely and Alex Marsh from DLPS to discuss SPO development server implementation.

Staff met with Alan Pagliere and Matt Stoeffler from DLPS to discuss template management issues.

EEBO Project Management

As a follow-up to the Oxford meetings, Bonn convened a group to discuss facilitating archiving for EEBO.  She also coordinated work/discussions on developing page-linking to Proquest, on the management database, and on setting up Oxford as a mirror site.

Ongoing projects:

The ACLS History E-Book Project:

Scanning and processing of the backlist titles has been a matter of great preoccupation in these months.  In-house scanning continues on about 2/5 of the ACLS titles. About 75 titles borrowed from the Library have been scanned on the Zeutschel.  The rest of the titles were dispatched to Digital Imaging for scanning.

David Richtmeyer provided extensive project support in helping ACLS with bibliographic matters.  Along the way, we all learned some lessons about needing assurances about which edition of a title will be available for conversion. These lessons will help us design a more efficient workflow in the next round of conversion.

HEB staff sent a new set of interface prototypes. Reed has been working in consultation with Sheppard to turn these into templates and has advised HEB staff on a number of issues. Sheppard has continued to work away at issues around creating a collection group for ACLS.

Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists

Met with Traianos Gaigos to discuss the transformation of the complete publication. We are currently waiting for electronic files.

Cross Currents

Released into production and announced to the Library community.

Diderot's Encylopedie

Discussions continue on the development of the online translation of the Encyclopedie.  Translations have been assigned and we are awaiting their arrival. Rosenblum is pursuing rights clearance to digitize two out-of-print partial translations of the Encyclopedie.

The French Revolution at the Grass Roots

Continued updates to the database. It appears that Professor Amman is finished with his work, but the data still needs some work.

Making of Ann Arbor

Project meetings have resumed and planning is underway for next steps in development of the site.

The Medieval Review

Released as a textclass collection. After release, the TMR staff asked for some revisions to be made to the display. We have been working through these changes.

Michigan Feminist Studies

MFS editors assigned keywords to all articles to facilitate browsing. Collection is scheduled for release in April.

Michigan Quarterly Review

Released into production. The release coincided with a conference celebrating 40 years for MQR, and we were able to circulate fliers to conference attendees.

Post Identity

Added image and audio files. Release is anticipated in March.

Where to Turn: A Guide to Washtenaw County Programs & Services for People Over 60

Released into production and announced to the Library community.

Women's Voices: Early years at the University of Michigan

Released into production. After release, BHL staff asked for some revisions to be made. We are currently working on these.

Web Exhibits:

No new activity.

New and developing work:

Met with Afeworke Polos, African Studies Librarian, to discuss starting an online journal in African Studies.

Met with Beau Case, Classics Librarian, to discuss migrating the online Castoriadis bibliographies that he manages from OSU to UM and to shape them as a more formal publication.

Began work with Tom Allision, an SI student, who has been assisting Stephen Salant of the Economics Department with an archive of documents related to Alger Hiss and with creating an electronic essay about the documents. They would like to work with SPO in making this a more formal publication.

Completed a proposal for the digitization and online publication of Imago Mundi. The proposal is now being considered by the board.

Met with BHL staff to brainstorm about building a collection of online UM materials.

Met with Mary Simoni from the Music Dept. to discuss publishing the International Computer Music Association annual conference proceedings (and some associated sound archives).

Met with Dick Bailey to discuss work on the Machyn diaries.

Completing Moa4:

Final reconciliation of MoA4 accounts continues to be an area of work. Some progress has been made but there are still a few outstanding questions.


SPO held two focus groups with selectors and public services staff, with a total of about 16 attendees. The sessions were lively and thought-provoking. A summary of these meetings is forthcoming.

SPO also led discussion at a DLPS Brown Bag Lunch about its work and about the intellectual and working relationship between DLPS and SPO.

Intralibrary cooperation:

Bonn continues to serve on the reprography task force and worked significantly on drafting the final report, due for completion in April.

Bonn also convened a small group to begin to look at taking credit cards over the Web and met with a small group convened by Carla Montori to discuss on-request printing.

Reed participated in interviews for the Library Web Master. He also worked with the CHIL group on designing a usability study for OAIster.

Rosenblum is assisting the Library PR staff in creating an archive version of the electronic newletter.

Sheppard met with David Richtmeyer to help him understand some of the SPO workflow and implementation activities.

Other activities:

Maria Bonn met with Barclay Ogden from UC-Berkeley to discuss the work of SPO. She also met with Jem Clear from the University of Birmingham.

Bonn also attended the planning meeting for the CIC Epublishing Venture in Chicago, as the Library representative.

Sheppard continued his management of the DLF databases and moved the management databases to the Library Filemaker server.