ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to Professors Harry Benford and George West, of the University of Michigan, for their many valuable instructions as well as suggestions in this paper. The author is also grateful to the Gulf Section of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. The author would like to acknowledge the assistance of the Hitachi Shipbuilding & Engineering Coo, Ltd., Osaka, Japan, in giving him required information used in this paper.

I. INTRODUCTION In recent years the large diesel engine has been the major power plant for ocean going ships built outside the United States. It is interesting to speculate on why the direct connected diesel has not gained popularity in this country. Since the author is not in a position to make any evaluation of the American attitude, this paper will describe a large diesel tanker installation and present its advantages as the author sees them, The following quotation indicates the growing demand for ever increasing powers in merchant ships(l): "The accepted classes of large super-tankers (excluding the few of 85,000 and 100,000 DWT tons) now seem to be vessels of 33,000 DWT ton, 45,000 DWT ton and 65,000 DWT ton respectively. It still remains uncertain, in view of their special design characteristics, what power is required to give the larger of these large ships a speed of 14-1/2 to 16 knots, which, when all the technical and commercial considerations are satisfied, appears to be the most appropriate. Broadly speaking, however, apart from the case in which exceptional speed is demanded for special reasons, the power for the three types will be in the neighborhood of (1) 12,500-15,000 BHP (2) 15,000-20,000 BHP (3) 20,000-25,000 BHP respectively." Because of the increase in available horsepower, savings are expected by employment of diesel propulsion. It has been increasingly demonstrated by the Japanese shipyards that the consumption of fuel oil used on a turbine tanker, over the ship's lifetime, becomes at least 50% greater than that of a corresponding diesel engine vessel using similar fuel. With high rewards for efficiency in prospect, tanker owners must give the closest consideration to the employment of Diesel engines in the largest ships, provided reliable machinery of the requisite power is available (1) Large numbers of diesel tankers are now on order in Japan, which, for the most part, are to be provided with turbochargers in order to raise charging pressures 30 to 50% with corresponding engine power increases of 40 to 50%. Plans are now being prepared in Japan for constructing a 840 MM (33") bore, 12-cylinder engine with a service output of 20,000 BHP. Also plans are in process for an 8-cylinder opposed-piston engine with a cylinder diameter of 880 MM (34.6")), Besides these, there are several tankers of between 40,000 and 50,000 DWT tons with twin-screw diesel machinery of 22,500 BHP (total).

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II' COMPARISON OF STEAM AND DIESEL FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION In order to demonstrate some of the advantages of diesel machinery for high-powered vessels, there follows a comparison'between a turbine and a diesel tanker, both of which were recently built by the author's company. Turbine Type 33,000 DWT tanker Main engine All impulse turbine and double reduction gear Output, Continuous Maximum 15,000 SHP @ 10805 RPM Service 12,750 SHP @ 102 RPM Speed, Service 15-1/2 Knots Steam conditions (superheater outlet) 454sC (848~F), 42 Kg/Cm2 (596 Psig) Boiler efficiency 88% HP turbine revolution 6,474 RPM (at 15,000 SHP) LPturbine revolution 4,257 RPM (at 15,000 SHP) Turbine, condenser and boiler -- weight 410 Tons Plant weight* 1,236 Tons Fuel oil consumption at Service Output 243 g/SHP/Hr (0.535 lbs/SHP/Hr) 70.55 Ton/Day (155,000 lbs/Day) Low calorific value 10,000 Kcal/Kg (18,000 BTU/lb) * Weights include hull engineering and electrical items.

-4Diesel Type 53,000 DWT tanker Main engine HITACHI B&W (Buremeister & Wain) 1274VTBF-160 type 2-cycle airless injection diesel engine with turbochargers Output, Continuous Maximum 15,000 BHP @ 115 RPM Service 12,750 BHP @ 109 RPM Speed, Service 15-1/2 Knots Diesel weight (including thrust block) 565 Tons Plant weight* 1, 480 Tons Fuel oil consumption at Service Output Main engine 160 g/BHP/Hr (0o352 lbs/BHP/Hr) Diesel generator (at Service) 175 g/BHP/Hr (o5385 lbs/BHP/Hr) 49 Ton/Day, (108,000 lbs/Day) 1.0 Ton/Day respectively (2,200 lbs/Day) *Weights include hull engineering and electrical items. If it is assumed that both vessels are running from the Far East to Japan, carrying oil (an 18-day trip), a comparison of fuel oil consumption is as follows: Turbine Diesel 70o55 Tons (155,000 lbs) x Main engine -- 49 Tons (108,000 lbs) 18 days --- 1,270 Tons x 18 days -- 888 Tons (2,794,ooo lbs) (1,950,000 lbs) Diesel generator - loO Ton (2,200 lbs) x 18 days " 18 Tons ( 39,000 lbs) Total 900 Tons (1,990,000 Ibs)

-5Therefore, the grand total of plant weight, including fuel oil consumed, is: Turbine Diesel Plant weight -- 1,236 Tons Plant weight -H 1,480 Tons (2,720,000 lbs) (3,260,000 lbs) Fuel oil -- 1,270 Tons Fuel oil -- 900 Tons (2,794,000 lbs) (1,990,000 lbs) Total 2,506 Tons Total 2,380 Tons (5,500,000 lbs) (5,250,000 lbs) Accordingly the difference is: 2,506 Tons (5,500,000 lbs) 2,380 Tons (5,250,000 lbs) 126 Tons- ( 250,000 lbs) This means that Diesel tanker has been able to accommodate 126 tons more cargo oil than turbine tanker. On longer runs, such as the 17,000 mile round trip voyage between the Persian Gulf and the east coast of the United States, the margin in favor of the diesel would be more pronounced. The relative economic advantage of the diesel tanker, shown below, is based upon the conditions of the Fall of 1957 in Japan, for the Far East-toJapan trade previously mentioned. Supposing that the vessels are operated for an average of 9 trips annually, therefore, 18 days x 9 are 162 days at loaded condition, and 16 days x 9 are 144 days at ballast condition: (1) Profit gained by the increase of 126 DWT, assuming $10.20/Ton for tanker freight at the time of Fall 1957 -- $11,566. (2) Profit from decreased fuel oil consumption, Turbine Diesel 70.55 Tons x $16.20 x 306 days 49 Tons x $16.20 x 306 days $350.000. = $242,000. assuming $16o20/Ton of fuel oil at the time of Fall 1957, cruising days are 3060

Profit from decreased fuel oil consumption, assuming $26.00/Ton of diesel oil at the time of Fall 1957, 1,0 Ton x $26.00 x 306 days = $7,950O Thus, $242,000 + 7,950 Total $249,950 Therefore, the annual profit gained is: $350,000 (Turbine) - 249,950 (Diesel ) $100,050 Summing (1) and (2), this is a gain for the diesel tanker: $ 11,566 100,050 $111,616 If the annual repair and maintenance costs are $13,900 and $6,950 respectively for the diesel tanker, based on Japanese standard costs for 1957, the net profit increase for the diesel tanker will be: $111,616 - ($13,900 + $6,950) $80,766. Therefore, the diesel tanker has an annual profit of $80,766 over the turbine tanker of corresponding power.

Asiii ii L L"Z ~~- fi -Y',-DE ISE NGV RAY O SO TIS

-8III. INVESTED COSTS Following are some comparisons between the invested costs of a turbine and a diesel tanker, both of which are 33,000 DWT having 15,000 horsepower engines. Cost levels are taken for the Fall of 1957. In both instances, prices are appropriate for purchase of machinery from regular manufacturer rather than for their being manufactured in the shipyard. Turbine Diesel Turbine - $457,500 Diesel - $1,084,000 Boilers - 417,000 Auxiliary Boiler - 124,900 Condenser - 55,500 Total $930,000 Total $1,204,900 Therefore, balance is: Diesel Over Turbine Turbine Over Diesel Main engine & boilers $278,900 Auxiliaries $ 69,500 Outfitting & others 83,400 Hull construction 22,200 Electrical arrangement 33,350 -Totals $301,100 $186,250 Accordingly, $301,100L - $186,250 =$114,850 is an extra invested cost of diesel tanker regarding the engine room over turbine tanker. Since it was earlier shown that the diesel ship would increase profits by $80,766 per year (exclusive of capital charges), it can be seen that the increased investment in the diesel ship would be paid off within two years.

-9IV. COMPARISON OF REQUIRED ENGINE ROOM SPACES As illustrated in Figure 1, there is almost no difference between the space required for the diesel and steam installation. In comparing the engine room space, it is also important to take account of the required tank capacity. Fuel Oil Tank Fresh Water Tank Total Turbine: 8,472 M3 621 M3 9,093 M3 (300,000 Ft3) (22,000 Ft3) (322,000 Ft3) Diesel: 2,955 M3 711 M3 3,666 M3 (14,300 Ft3) (25,180 Ft3) (129,409 Ft3) Accordingly, the total volume required for machinery plus fuel and water tanks is somewhat less in the case of the diesel plants V. DIESEL REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE Recently, the period between changing main engine cylinder liners has been lengthened by the use of chrome-plated cylinder liners and other critical parts, and by the use of detergent lubricants, For the above reason, the cost of maintenance and repair has been considerably reduced.

-10VI. YUYO-MARU NO. 5 The Yuyo-Maru No. 5 is an example of the type of diesel tankers now being built in Japan. This vessel is a single screw tanker of 33,500 DWT and is the first in the world to be propelled by a 15,000 BHP diesel engine. The ship was delivered in August 1957. The principal dimensions are: Length BP 643534 Ft Breadth molded 86.62 Ft Depth molded 45.93 Ft Loaded draft 34,61 Ft Corresponding deadweight 33,500 Met. Ton (33,000 Long Ton) Gross registered tonnage 21,000 Cargo oil capacity (100%) 1,596,310 Ft3 (284,400 Barrels) On the trial run, she attained a speed of 16.99 Knots, fully loaded, with the engine developing 14,610 BHP at 113.78 RPM. It was reported that at full speed there was less vibration than with a similar turbine vessel. The Particulars of the Main Engine Type HITACHI B&W 1274 VTBF-160* 2-cycle airless injection diesel engine with turbochargers Output, Continuous Max. 15,000 BHP @ 115 RPM Service 12,750 BHP @ 109 RPM (Approximately 305 BHP from the above BHP will be used for driving a lubricating oil pump.) Size 12-cylinder x 740 MM (29,1") x 1,600 MM (63") (bore) (stroke) Dimension 21,340 MM (69'-10") Length x 10,400 MM (34'-3") Height x 4,070 MM (13'-3") Breadth * VTBF - Single acting 2-cycle cross-head type for propulsion with turbocharger. By the adoption of turbocharging, it has been possible to raise the efficiency over the older non-turbocharged engine. The principal reason for this is that

- go'W..O.TANK I,_F.^ ______AOr _____ \ I DIST.W --- ~ im Mfk EpPA-.; ENG RMt. AI/. UPPER DK, -*~ioF-0M STA NK:-J B V \I I\ I -_ T M I ROOM ENMGE RMf P.O.- TANK ---------- PUMP ( y-610 f 314,560 (05'-0") 33,00 DWT DIESELTURBINE TANKER F.HLTPINK- "e LV-J- BOAT OKI T W TA RM. EN(L RM. 4P WT_ FIGURE 1. -STORE TAK - BOLE -R -ENG. RM. I I^ /<F.a.TANK I -— o 33,500 DWT DIESEL TANKER - n1 -

turbocharging raises the mean effective pressure without significantly raising the maximum cylinder pressure, and also provides more efficient scavenging, The net result is that the horsepower output per cylinder has been reased about 35% with a fuel rate reduction of about 5%, According to shop-test results, fuel consumption for 15,000 BHP was 159 gr/BHP/Hrt.(035 lbs/BHP/Hr); at three-quarter load it was 155.8 gr/BHP/Hr (0o34 lbs/BHP/Hr); and at halfload it was 161.3 gr/BHP/Hr (0.355 lbs/BHP/Hr), see Figure 2. Besides the above-mentioned, the following test records were also obtained at the shop-test in June 1957. Load percentage 100% Revolution 115 RPM Indicated mean pressure 7.94 Kg/Cm2 (114 psi) Maximum pressure 53.4 Kg/Cm2 (766 psi) IHP 16,800 BHP 15,000 Mechanical efficiency 89.5% Pressure: Cooling water 1.75 Kg/Cm2 (25.2 psi) Lubricating oil 1.65 Kg/Cm2 (23.8 psi) Scavenging air 0.34 Kg/Cm2 ( 4,9 psi) Temperature: Exhaust gas, cylinder outlet 365~C (689~F) Cooling oil, engine inlet 320C ( 900F) Cooling oil, engine outlet 44~C (1112~F) Cooling water, engine inlet 59~C (138~F) Cooling water, engine outlet 63~C (l45~F) Scavenging air, after air cooler 35~C ( 980F) Sea water 19~C ( 70~F) Test room 22~C ( 76~F) Fuel consumption 142.3 gr/IHP/Hr (0.314 lbs/IHP/Hr) 159.0 gr/BHP/Hr (0.35 lbs/BHP/Hr)

180.397 I-^ - F.O. CONSUMPTION (GRAMS/BHP-HR) "r I 160 ------— Il ___ __ __ __ a- 150..... -._ W V_ 140 1 —---- -- w. z -::3 (5 130 _- 0a 3O~ - l' l l L"^~-F.O. CONSUMPTION (GRAMS/IHP-HR) 0D 120.........2646 110...... 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 BRAKE HORSEPOWER FIGURE 2. Zo 00.- -— 1 — 700 ---- -- 60 t'"- - NON -TURBOCHARGER, 4 6000,3 -00 CAST IRON w ^ 500 3 400 ---- szoo ----— 1 1 WELDED. ---- Z 200 -- - --- ------- Z 100 - 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 o0,000 Iooo0 12,000 13,000 14,000 15;000 BRAKE HORSEPOWER FIGURE 3. - 13 -

-14Yuyo-Maru No. 5, First Trip Record The author has recently been informed of the trip record of "Yuyo-Maru No. 5" as shown below. Westbound Eastbound Departing from Japan, August 19, 1957. Departing from Far East, Sept. 7, 1957. Arriving at Far East, Sept. 5, 1957. Arriving at Japan, September 26, 1957. Cruising days 17 days, 16 hours 18 days, 16 hours, 18 minutes Cruising mileage 6,496 miles 7,195 miles Ship's condition 13,958-19,877 Tons 31,222 Tons (full loaded) (Ballast) Main engine, RPM (Mean) 105.2 RPM (mean) 108.4 RPM Main engine, BHP (approx.) 11,100 (approx.) 12,860 Speed (mean) 15.32 Knot (mean) 16.05 Knot Fuel oil consumption 41.92 Tons/Day 46.44 Tons/Day (92,500 lbs/Day) (102,000 lbs/Day) 157.4 gr/BHP/Hr 150.5 gr/BHP/Hr (0.348 lbs/BHP/Hr) (0.332 lbs/BHP/Hr) 0.1142 Tons/Mile 0.1205 Tons/Mile (253 lbs/Mile) (267 lbs/Mile) Fuel oil used Specific Weight - 0.8692 Lubricating oil (internal) consumed Approx. 100 liter/Day (26,42 gallons/Day) Fuel oil and lubricating oil were measured on the basis of the total consumption during round trip. However, lubricating oil was used somewhat generously on account of her maiden voyage. It was also reported that although she had encountered typhoons No. 7 and No. 15 which were strong during these trips, there was no serious vibration. The entire operation was altogether satisfactory.

-15Comparison Between Turbocharger and Non-Turbocharger Engines Non-Turbocharged Turbocharged Output per cylinder (BHP) 920 1250 Mean pressure (Kg/Cm2) 6.5 (92.5 psi) 8.0 (113.8 psi) Engine weight (Kg/BHP) 69 (152 lbs) 40 (88.2 lbs) (cast) (welded) Engine length (M/1000 BHP) 2.000 (78.8") 1.585 (62.5") Because of a change from cast to welded construction, it has been possible to further materially reduce engine weight and size, see Figure 3. There was a low noise level from the engine due to the adoption of a specially designed silencer, and to lagging of the turbocharger piping. The vessel is provided with four Rateau exhaust gas turbochargers. After the main tests were concluded, trials were performed with alternately three and two turbochargers in service, thus cutting off three and six cylinders respectively for emergency operation. Under these conditions, the engine was satisfactorily operated at 95 RPM and 70 RPM respectively, corresponding to an output of 8,450 BHP and 3,400 BHP. On the Yuyo-Maru No. 5, the engine was designed to enable boiler oil of viscosity not greater than 3,500 Second Redwood No. 1 at 100~F to be used. However, there is a system to facilitate a rapid changeover to. diesel oil, if required. Auxiliary Arrangement Steam for cargo oil pumps [3 sets of horizontal turbocentrifugal type, 1,000 M3/H (4,400 GPM) of sea water] and heating is supplied by 2 sets of "double evaporation" water drum boilers, each with a heating surface of 200 M2 (2,160 Ft2). Exhaust gas from the main engine is utilized in a forced circulating type steel-coil exhaust gas boiler (which is placed inside the stack), having a heating surface of 80 M2 (860 Ft2), Electrical requirements are supplied by two sets of single-acting 4-cycle diesel generators rated at 225 KVA, 450-volt Starting air for the main engine is stored in two 18 M3 (635 Ft3) reservoirs charged by two air compressors, one attached to each generator diesel and capable of delivering 52 M3/Min (1,850 Ft3/Min) at a discharge pressure of 25 Kg/Cm2 (355 psi).

-16For engine circulating duties, there are two horizontal centrifugal pumps both driven by the oil pressure from a lubricating oil pump as illustrated in Figure 4, One pump is for sea water circulation to the main engine cooler, the other is for fresh water circulation to the main engine. The lubricating oil pump is driven from the main engine through a chain belt, and activates one oil motor to drive the two cooling pumpso When the engine speed is too low, steam turbine driven lubricating oil and fresh water cooling pumps are started. Both of these pumps are driven from a single turbine. Other essential machinery items in the engine room and pump room are listed in the Appendix.


-18VII. CONCLUSION The production of diesel machinery for the past few years, indicated below is taken from British Motor Ship, and relates to ships of over 2,000 DWT(4). The great increase in motor ship production, especially in Japan, is notable and is explained by the greater efficiency of diesel plant as detailed in the paper. UK GERMANY JAPAN M.S. Mch. MoSo Mcho MoSo Mcho DWT BHP DWT BHP DWT BHP 1938 540,000 240,000 535,000 225,000 180,000 60,000 1953 1,009,000 465,000 720,000 365,000 346,000 198,000 1954 1,099, 000 495,000 605,000 375,000 279,000 190,000 1955 1,020,000 477,000 700,000 468,000 379,000 240,000 1956 892,000 430,000 1,089,000 672,000 574,000 311,000 1957 1,019,000 510,000 1,225,000 652,000 1,253,000 613,000 M.S. - Motor Ship Deadweight Tons Mch. - Machinery BHP All of the shipyards and engine shops in Japan, as in other countries, have been fully occupied, and it is evident that there has been a large expansion and extension in building diesel tankers.

EXHAUST GAS BOILER 1ST5M (48.7') - CIR...W PUMP TO..-'.. La " Li' I i....-ICY- _ r_ _... ^'. -" ______', _J-^GTOF... CLARIFIER L.@. F coo Pum PU P;ilE ^______^iw j _ FIGURE 5. - 19 -

-20BIBLIOGRAPHY lo "Diesel Engine or Steam Turbine?" Brit. Motor Ship, April, 1957. 2. "Yuyo-Maru No. 5," SHIP, published by TEN-NEN-SHA, Tokyo, Japan, Oct., 1957. 3. "B&W 1274-VTBF-160 Type Shop-Trial Record," HITACHI Catalogue. 4. "Shipbuilding in 1957 and 1958," Brit. Motor Ship, Jan., 1958.

-21APPENDIX List of Machinery In Engine Room: 1 - Fresh water pump elect. centrifugal 5 M3/H(22 GPM) 1 - Sanitary pump elect. centrifugal 15 M3/H(66 GPM) 1 - Fire & General service pump steam duplex 110 M3H(485 GPM) (This pump can also be used as a stand-by sea water cooling pump for the main engine) 1 - Bilge & ballast pump steam duplex 210 M3/H(925 GPM) 1 - Butterworth pump steam duplex 100 M3/H(440 GPM) 1 - Bilge pump elect. piston 15 M3/H(66 GPM) 1 - Lubo oil shift pump elect. gear 5 M3/H(22 GPM) 1 - Stand-by fuel valve cooling and fuel oil supply pump elect. gear 5 M3/H(22 GPM) - Fuel oil transfer pump steam duplex 20 M3/H(88 GPM) 1 - Fuel oil transfer & shift pump elect. gear 20 M3/H(88 GPM) 2 - Lub. oil purifiers elect. De'Laval type 2,000 Lit/H (580 GPH) 3 - Fuel oil purifiers elect. De'Laval type 3,000 Lit/H (870 GPH) 3 - Fuel oil clarifiers elect. De'Laval type 3,000 Lit/H (870 GPH) 2 - Forced draft fans elect. turbo 300 M3/Min x 400 MM H20 (10,600 Ft3/Min x 15.7" H20) 4 - Ventilating fans elect. axial 500 M3/Min x 30 MM H20 (17,600 Ft3/Min x 1.18" H0) 2 - Circulating water pumps for exhaust gas boiler elect, centrifugal 15 M3/H(66 GPM)

-22APPENDIX (Cont a) List of Machinery In Engine Room: (Cont'd) 2 - Feed water pumps steam simplex 50 M3/H x 230 M (220 GPM x 735 Ft) 2 - Burning pumps elect. KIMO 4/2 M3/H x 250 M (17.6/8.8 GPM x 800 Ft) 1 - Circulating pump for condenser steam recipro. 900 M3/H(3,950 GPM) 1 - Exhaust gas fan in E/R elect. axial 60 M3/Min x 30 MM E20 (2,120 Ft3/Min x 1.18" H20) 2 - Lub. oil pumps for turbocharger elect. gear 6 M3/H(26.4 GPM) i - Fresh water cooler cooling surface 250 M2(2,700 Ft2) 2 - Lub. oil coolers cooling surface 200 M2(2,150 Ft2) 1 - Fuel oil valve cooling oil cooler cooling surface 6 M(64.5 Ft2) 1 - Feed water heater for boiler heating surface 25 M2(270 Ft2) 2 - Fuel oil heaters for boiler heating surface 8 M2(86 Ft2) 1 - Fuel oil heater for main engine heating surface 8 M2(86 Ft2) 2 - Fuel oil heaters for purifier heating surface 8 M2(86 Ft2) 1 - Fuel oil heater for purifier (Boiler oil) heating surface 2 M2(215 Ft2) 1 - Lub. oil heater for purifier heating surface 1 M2(10o7 Ft2) 1 - Condenser for cargo oil pumps cooling surface 150 M2(1,610 Ft2) 1 - Drain cooler cooling surface 15 M2(161 Ft2) 1 - Evaporator heating surface 5.22 M2(56 Ft2) 20 Ton/Day 1 - Distiller cooling surface 5.8 M2(62.5 Ft2)

-23APPENDIX (Cont' d) List of Machinery In Engine Room: (Cont'd) 1 - Butterworth heater and drain heating surface 20 M2(210 Ft2) cooler cooling surface 20 M2(210 Ft2) In Pump Room: 3 - Cargo oil pumps turbocentrifugal 1,000 M3/H(4,400 GPM) sea water, 14 Kg/Cm2(100 psig) steam 2 - Stripping pumps steam duplex 150 M3/H(660 GPM) 1 - Exhaust gas fan in P/R elect. axial 260 M3/Min x 33 MM H20 (9,100 Ft3/Min x 1,2" H2O0) 1 - Bilge & ballast pump steam duplex 30 M3/H(132 GPM) 1 - Fuel oil transfer pump steam duplex 30 M3/H(132 GPM) The above-mentioned machinery has been worked efficiently, having no trouble at all since the vessel was completed in September, 19570

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