~,AxtP.. OF t NuIU; i I'$EAaRC. _| y G.Ot $ON O-F tT B.YIpIGA r..' OF Ckr-g-' X-VOLYBDEXUX BOT'Stl IS a AS OOLL NITION AND AFTU HLBECTEVD HtT Et 4ASNT AT PO>1 TEAZ T P4AT AD AT 985 F by A.* Y* White J, W. Freenam Proj ect Number 491-80-A for The Detroit Idlson Company 'aovtmber.@, 940

. PVTXQ-.... OFt 1IPACT. It0PITZF,.F C.,A.Z&.O.Y.D.W U?R EE3 T TI AT W'S ARO0LLR '6NDITtON A I4D Ant$ S2;t9 CTFD tAZ TE EJT t A.T 00. TErPERATUE AND At 95. t Tn acordance L th The Detroit dis.on Comwpany Purchaeo Order Uo* 4a8585., i e.a,,o iattion.o. 7 51 dated O.c tober ', 194,0 tpMotact ttests were made on various siample:s of carbonl molyh'.s n rt.eel at roo. temperatur-e ard at 95 t 'This rk as ut.r.dertken t. o suplem en-t the Afnd Igs of:n itavestigatt.Bon recently co.pleted on Co.mparison of Creep test Values and Oraln Size and Struet:re of Csrbn-4totlybdenum Steel Pipe as o.lled. and iafter sHet;. Trea'tment with and,without. aSiuated Fatbitcf..tion," stnace certaita outsie interests:had itntimated that tntder ce:rt: n onaditttions the impa-C0t properties of car'onoy bdenu. steel m'ght be *dversely affected, even thou gh the structutre eas of:uch a type as to produte good hIg h-.tempera-* ture Ceree pro.,erties:, Four itfferent heats of earbonm-olyM oni.. pi e vere examined, ri.th each hetl eat or the moa.t part, in O. fersnt condtlons of heat treatment; alo, m all-weld seet.ton as eam. ine. the 'impa~t tests w'ere made at room t"erpera-ture and at 3.y. F. li.at 4e99. was ena:m. ed tI the. aa.-reeeived corAlton't t'n '.th.e a.-'neale-d State,- in, the.normalized s,'tate, t and

1@. in the foalitd tto fo"lowedy t h hree- different drawiug, tesperatu.res, A1 of the:spe:imLes oere in a~ cCDrse-grained ondiI tion, witth the grata structure of the tidma statten tyrpe exe-pt in th.e ase of the anneae seemt. the imnt. t vates we r. hgh at roo temsperature. arnd eL atively hitst g:h at.kt i: a'l cass-es exciept with respect to the r-oom tempfrature 2roperttes of the annealed a spec-imensx, These were V: Ith rega -d 'to fea8t 449*, which was tested in the a.:receted -ondititon md af.ter havting been normait.e from ~ 5.) PF ':o ttoe..y. SO)00. F drawl, b, the tm pact oroperties r e.ood oxe.pt for the roo temperature spect.ens in the as'r et eitd on itton* tgardtng Heet 419, thich a-*s examined: a.ftter belng normalo4'e.ad fro. 16-50 F followed by a 1200 F d.raw, all of the valuXs ere.ood, Irrespective of whether th.e noth was through the wa. o-f the tube or tan.eatial to the lraius. S'pecen from feat 701 were texalned in the as4 -reotvetd conitittn. ttecton that were fine-grtained, show Ina a.nearll t'e t 'trueture, showed good tmpact values. whereas.ecttons fr ro another aiee: of the samse heat i:ach had been heat tr.eat.e-t o that cooaars:e grains r.-rult4ed, witth t h coar~se g:srains of tar lititc tyvpe,:.ho.w&d oor impact properties at room taemt:ra tu:re. The 1ialweld secton showed. good impact propert.ites, con sl.der,!,ng te r% th ype of mater"t- l exnaoted

I, The res r. tts of the t ipact tests thihat were sade on the va rtoi ma te ri.als x aa ne a re Aven it n T a e I. A tt - t4ohn spede.teficslly directed to the resul ts on Heat 4299. The pecm:en whticO owere in ta lar ge-gratnedn nimeiled state:howed vreery low it.mpact properties at room teperature, akl though the t: pact properties of the other spe.imen frem thins gsam heat, whthetr they wore in the as-revettied contdition, a normma-led s:tate. or a nonialltzed state followed by a draw, ait showed g ood pro-perties. It should be pointed out In t hits tonnection, however, that the grain st-ructure of all of these last three condtttons was reasonabIy large to lrg-,th the ca'rbMde strecture of the Wtidmanstatten type*, VThe:tructlures of the steel in Hest 4q99 at 100 aad 1i 0 I d~ s aet r in ith'e water uen'ched n fro m 1800 F fo1 -Iowed by a. normal zing from I700 F ~onndl.tion, and after havitng been dran at IsOO F, are given in Charts 1 ad. It will be noted that none of the struictures saow an appreciable d 1, ffse rence.e Heat 4493 show-ed the adva ntage of a heat treattM:ent so far as t t het I's concernedr, since the tipact properties of thi heat hen in the a:-ree- 4ved condition were low, wherea:-s after the soectI.a ens had been ori.l.ized from. 1. 50 F.*Oloed by a 109 F d bras,. the tm iact -roSpe.rttes. tere of a ht:. g. order,.

-4., I-mpact te.tta were a de. on MeaEt 41t`9 for the purepose otf dterim.inInng aethier or not "there wa any apprectiab3le diff.ere'ce in iapct val...es, dependang oxn t twhether the notch "Wa, tangenttal to the radiums or throu.gh the wall of the tube. Vo dltfferneaee, hoet er, w^s fCound The detetAinati o of the timpact gpropertie.s on the all-wTetld.er'et.on was urndsrtaken or the prrtmary p:purpost of determntng whetetre or not satistfactaory itmpact properttes would bt.Eou. id.n all-weltd section-s. The restuts shovw 'that satistactory.prope'rte,$- tere obt."ai.nedt

T.ABL: I 0e t.t P. t ' ~~~~~~~~"On~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-o........t.......io........n..............'" ""' — o"s:''......'"":-%~: ': -.......:i:'=2 —::: ---'-:= I I. As, e~,ei, Te,. Ig2, i.. t2 1t 5, e,, 60o a r: -.? TO P C'o0l..d4 50 F:/Ir.. 11.X 14 - 5:, 4S. C,-^ 01 Sr. - 1L80".- 'ater Qaeaed: gF - A3. I - Ai-r.o oled ai t4*.LE, 1."8, 11.6 41, 4&, 40 A4.~: - 1 -.800 F - Water Quenched r. 7t F - Air oed it. I F. r. -. Ai,4 9-, I'[ 40, 46, 42' 4V:9 I Sr. ':qr. L -? - ta+er Quen&hed - ".O. F Air -Cooled -V,:5 F.1:7 112 4?, 49 4:*.3. -. * 2 sr. ~5-~6z 1.:0 F - Watr Cuenched!.70 F-Ar:ooled t- 130 F l11~:1X8 55,I -0p 44 4-49:', -1:, - 4s:A s,a e ved. 14, 14 8 1V3 1 22-, L, l.8 I..:lial IL S — s4, 5.' 4 $3, 5$, 56 I --- S F Ar Cooled i M.r. - — F - I.'4 1.~,..~.~ 2 ~.+..:~ As- F(eCc't'd7 f(oarse rtataed;) ~A~ >,ecc't~evd, (,-..e G-rat 'ed)::s ~:-:,e.7:'~ ~. (' e.. -. ~rai er 59, l, ~6 97,107, 104 A58, S8~oi 50, 47 5S, 6.2. r -.5 F.5r. ooled (- L&ng.'entiat notch) 1 B.- t.-.?F (..otch ru wall of tube) Ii?, 1 3,' 109 1t?, no, o08. Allt el..c. e' ton. A z-e~ E,,- e v e 3$ I0 *-no t s oet lmens

,g p~t1Xtg {g ttUX ss:bs,4;9 S; S@:tS' @:4s............................::::::::::::::::::: 0i:::::::::::::::::::: ' '::::: <::':::::~-==========:(:: — t-i-ii.....~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ji X.W ixi r.-l *. -i >,,:^. ~: ~... 4 -I4 '4 ~A " - 4 '4. Vt" ~.. "......:::".:::: '.:: $"47:4 ". 4 <9.. N.. 4 /44444:.' —'S$^<::.,$:...... s: -S,:.. rio:;j.:............... $. g;:.:::.-:B:::::: * - * V ': - -'S##::-:#':::85::i~:E:::#:::.:.: t 4 Vgi l. (4 4 4 4.t... %...:t t ~u~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~ ~~~~.

<:~ aDO siW > a~< S N B.- a" a;:; nx.j p t *~LYi ~ ~: ~~ k At CV / I...... ~~te.4~" f. V ~..: ". '.V',,C * 4 0 *A ~' W. K..u...h ~G a:.,: <Q:) k.-:. s-4s. o aM t^ tt g~t B r t X0 P aW t a a 0YY r> 7 {'~ $:.> $B^ae: a: B~ * ~ * s 4< ss.