by.. ep r.t At. 'White J# %#.t;~* for bt.rt,tt,,orS tPtt.. 19A1a VI t!t tflP27 d

(7 ~TES P~ OPg N OF VTO 4T 7 ST E TL AT 10 I00 F. Two groups of.pecetins- wre s,$miBted y th Bcthi ehe Steel Copn,' datte o Jnury 10, 91 f.r th dete:tina4.n o9f rupure te ctharacte ri.tstics at!D0Q0<". L fne gQrouap was desiatted 2t25.- D iand tie ot 1- hbt 2gJ.3.4C3-g 0t4ufficint taest ere to tbe toondut-ted ta deteax-Vnt t tl O ga;tr ss 'rsu:. rt u t. c rvea. tfee;l0X~tss Npu*3r strengtla of 2t8oJ43l w ra$ 41 and 58 per ent reater thAn forateil. 3G58-D the bsits of te tresse r Patn D O00 and 1 000 h OO U r reaspectisely. For ime pets 1 1lttr erLa.1 was alightly Stron.ger e tnifferene in the longer time ity of material 23G25.-D, to 6, c ettsh matr4 are.. w.44,.ttd t tn Yy it ee.. e.. ~to-6@4;h)b, at 't b'cat. ^.vid ent Ut.t:- specimesn would be required to det.Ar;-1,Ine the rupture tsJest u..,cers rwith oe srtintty*, Two ' re speimens of eah Jattter-l: bearing. t. l nu er.s 7 a' -, Sa t-ted. the f a ot s pec4 ei $rae cill y Aett'-treated A, Ie fol >ow ing troo temeture pthy iscl p1rwpoerties$ 't. tn'c8 'de in a.

let ter ated tS May n tain ': t uplicti on wo o"roprtiest: during t r two hst tr atA teAnt$: yietld!u-sie ne&- e t Poiedtu o - c-,p c. On eat ~ Poinet St.e..'..... -on. tion f B3inell.23-PIr,.: B-t.114,6 0 17 1,00 20 *5 55.0. -23;.8 So-ad 112-121OO0 1'3.5000 185 15"9 59 28.JU+3;-ND F I-IL r a t 11-4-9$0..00-0 12 stilo 210.( 59*1 262........u 'IP~B uu'~'60 f~Q ~ 231,0 59 ~ 1 262 2IsJ3)4/3-:D SIN eond 117,0500 59*:A93 262 Th ese results::ndic..ate 't art or a. 3 ractiLa lr e thte sp i en het t ted t t t two do s r e n t te S d. i iate 152&iothtit:2tt ts 3is tyx of e II typiloal thn tAe L; u 8Je3t43. -~ a 4 i&a -A tr treUSsnme ~r.'~ t.. t,.t -4. mr. ~t Tr -. n t -. tj4g ~: rEpve oeutre.t t.... rc-ks oe ure teIt. vatter materialwa scon siderabr strong<r. The ~ stoess o r treporidt4ig in.efini.t ~r:.eahr tire dr 'Feriod........tez. Ots et.. or isnt o C ei two lngr tite oin4O so'de o0.,xtro. ktins,, Q.r.-..:: -t, pras 4te tnd Atqi teo,f '.~t?. t Btg

3. Ta:b!e IX. r....... Test D'ta fBoi:w Beteh le Steeis at t F r * X'Z xe - 2 t.. O'n htSt _ W, i _:~P. C.-.. %I CA re s s - 1*, -1 — - m2'I, ',. ^Sse ^T!,.mc,.~Vwwo. -. S lOt;ng > ti.o: h.. *I-':{ted-e-ttion a, 2: r^i f JTi -4 --- —-*b~~?~^~~i.i ' -...-. Al3 58lB l tI) 5 e 5U S4 4'258-S ',Q::5-,N.D-5 2aJ 84 D-7.J.,;..5... <,,.~.,,,' ' ~t i5834 -S 2 6,.750 8t,0..00 57,00 85t250 7.500,0 65 000 50,0a00 45,Cf00 45, 000 42,0:00 At-55 0 0,04 ST.TT'T 1, 12 6,2 8 1984 0 6-83,0 1.673,0 22~Q -.* *f 8.0 to* 6,0 7,0.t -, f 20.O 4.%.j 716 26.0 8.1 12 9 79.6 8X*3 78.7 75*0 70,8 67,9 Ift*e 4a~t g C,:f t,7.., = p:, C: e t'$.4ie es t A i'e 't fet, ~sl~ a ~."v.r.;' oi:'La:.23.:/'. M:,Str ess for.t.pture iti De> i ted Tiei, Periods&. ~L. M... A. 72, 000 71,000 66,000 ' ~<63 000.S ~t or' i sJ~13n031 56,000 I )j C' -,1::50 4$. 0(5.,.i.rft. 23,0 32,500 '. *, 500 23*000

I Wl.. * 14Wt 4periods0oto a u than 100 hourav th rngti of thS 7<& 2rteril was if tl' btte 1th ir- t attthe 2J 4fLi mat'-ite:ria.. For ti -riods greertir t han 1.00 }:u tre gthe: f' tile 23I 'Dt.ate rial. falls off rr rapidlyd ta thn does. he 't-th th'., rest;:t t'e latte V ttb ria2tt. WaS a -1most /a1 ~2er e~nt st~r~n':er frr fdr~.ctd i~ n i 0,"00 hours and abo.t 58 'er Pt ngr for ir n 1et:urie 0 t er -tr t fr - ' t.n-ttr. 4 10J.h- hour).. The ducti y V a'rstertisti o.f tie 28' 4t- ma @e'r' '- b tter thnIn.ort the o th ateriat. It sh no deirease n duStitAty wt:... cA. siw. tit'e 'h'i th otea ha. dt.' oe.r c.rea.d fro 22 fts a. ltw as 6 per cent a.ton* r..ese diutiity rhairacteristiPc@ 1 iCt. tte t'-t le 3.::-.D:..teri t 8t il may be subj ec t to bri' f aiures in aet'rjite at. temper-ture gwh.le thte othcr aterila' ap:arently ill retain i tes dtility muh better er the cotined inf'u.en'e.. nof tiii.e... o.....csttI **... A? r':~t test. were.ortnsd tt t..ed V ian.cordate w'ith T' S52t9ttrtt~.-t S 4t I-izh ttemnr n twe tesi t lb nt:a t tn thorteirx j t tItM ests wo.e rn, on 5 in ralie tr.$s. cite-. t tig u us~.,.0g..rv..*505 n.h d.... fate pt:.mens T.. <f. 1trt te; t r wet e short -tiulme tensle t st an'd th'e dt-a oabc-, f~r..o. 't- e t.e.t wer e.-s f.lo.w*

5f TSens:: 3le aPs:operttie-s rt 100W"'OF,......".Pr oportional iseducti n se-r.e:,n'gnh 'Ed 8ttrsa K-A:mtit Bngaton of Area tt~ n ( t t'.14rTi eIt" 1 r?j.... _6 12" 8- 5, 88 7 800 0 7 2 50 Q f 4 5 000 22 0 71*6 8<* ~z 00 0 42J4.0500 25 2 *C0 ), Q 2.,79 *6 '..eY t.wo: t.r1'I er v' v.r lia y te a on e ' t t fal. t oS a; f. hi i St$ ~s'o rter t:me test * I.....ger t...e o.t t c ci: ~n vt. in a.cne: whitch a' c mnstayt 'lo a.d 4by eab of a e.ver avd a1.e..s oif 17. e edge$3 co.$-@ t,e.odmn OtsV I. ir f, idtl 4 t.X <vvto T 'Iv t em t:i:,P,, 1 d. a st.a t otroaLer * n 'tliis or ed tes rted to y. the 4te i ett~so~ZsI on-.' as 'O5 '.xrat.,etr:0, 5i5....... *.s atl. a.. o t }a;..r "%y t e<inet t i0. '0.o:.50 tero.fjore thefni d"a41.1l0- aeter 's of Qth e.'s t'ra s 'were reduced 't'e \2 l <,B h~())o V -, tte V.; (1al ll - 4~.i. '. r ac stabilit_ tuMer the c ris A laCA te'". itst a'l the orer th e r- mst au foxrl~ tinae. rA.-lorlods Ionger 100 hourspt, wa asre o'rit- ix-ted Oi:t 4es.. sme la ott > *ir,..i L usim: a ltow si ai Ien.g-, exc.-L. for ap i r, q T of..i a e.. t.... z,:ttwo sneimn -T-il^ \ t8 0 tW a x b 4, t e d mctr tih unt 'Tmere t:x are tct i.4ted &t *e tb.e t 7.s. s2ci~7n Wdf 'e ith ate ri~A'c- 'ita lg '5 c - t 'ma e r,speci u /ymens.. r"e* o. t i th U.

6~ "En Lt5,&,xS;a,,@. ss},L~aH, 23 ase8-D vt n o-ry good agromun-8eent,itai ned between tVhft**: size specimens, vv, t t it Wf: i A j; th c re n e.S t f not as to tod fo r the otr materialze T* hi ay be duee to sote %-the a28ri J3peimZe n s fom IS~ Otertia aLJj.ijkD uts as con durtsed on the seconte shipment of s pecmens antd, good agrefeent f,,:39: ^ta d ith A',. 1, r-ev I ty te sell b re test mtne di- e2,, ' due to dif.ff$ef.}et, *......+ion c,'aac te*ristoc of thwo osfise sihpeee tnis-^ oelatively duxlteil, a.~Te ral A..e two tr ttMr rX.;.t t2t S.en of each iVcethattX eka,#*; rerg 48e I-M. iC-,v,,jIg-r *c -ai pn tial~ a3. hg * %-},, go f t). s - I e fqactE f a m c c ~, a, r i dfraoture of ei cll ispeetileno TI e -:J343-S D atex!a van tnr Vt., Jrthert o.t.. bn, M C. rp, t rial aighy..x.died. I.g.'r.:en.t at t:he srfe cad.rtar tr-.e fra t-u. the 25. speG~~o~ple, ctraie fyee~ T thspedtxn~and the ffraVtfure tvs rel SWti'1>ly frTe* Ie'te:....,r-...fa 2.8.r:.. D howtini 'Ohofe na!2id258.1.:r..k"n. ast:,i'~ ':~a n KV-':-..y -mu-.te& lowe ste!ngt ai " r.B7v '.s~. o"'tl.~ r: ESDr tn^r vit- o-4 a cunaW n,ihice of - or s Ctoo blc t 4Vrck. ar C' t -.,,4:.e, t~rt- tsioe a ro3ar1.... M...otr. t,. '. " _i'

0 0 O'':3?::X$:% 00::* s.t 0X$ -s i rx:$:_..$o~ ~.,..,v,,p. *.$i: ~: '~.?.:: c~ ~ O;.:., a,$..,,.. MYAa X, ''< ~ 0.,*$.:W.:i-..$::: ir Sw.~:,<:~w:x ct- *I| ia o ySol o- w N o?^ ~.:i '<:.(W.,x.*X$' o. iY D4^.fs Cfi d m: ' *S> iX i,*.:,.$ S e ay: xvg x,,~* $9 - x1:s:>~. t.:a u* 4r, 0 m ~y: gs X$:zt Ng.-Sf X^os '; s f: CD 4*

.(e...!!?~, f:S0o....... 0:i *'. 'p, }Stt 4~ ~...j @ 167..S.A..........i....................."... upr a 10e a Strss s.. f 2..... 3,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~:6~% 0: 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....;, t t:)S'! i, y f L... X 0.0" )