.ABSTiAC T Heat transfer coefficients have been determined on three pairs of tube bundles, all 48 inches long. The bundles of a pair are identical except that plain tubes are used in one bundle and finned tubes in the other. One pair is 6 inches in diameter with 5/8-inch tubes. The other two pairs are 8 inches in diameter and have 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch tubes, respectively. The finned tubes have 19 nominal fins per inch about 1/20 inch high, with the diameter over the fins slightly less than the diameter of the plain ends. These finned tubes have from 2.07 to 2.76 times as much outside surface as plain tubes. Heat transfer measurements were made for water, lubricating oil, and glycerine on the shell side. Several temperature levels and temperature differences were used to give a variety of viscosities and other fluid properties. Shell-side coefficients were determined by extrapolating to infinite water velocity the overall coefficients for a series of water velocities inside the tubes. These shell-side coefficients are correlated by the following equation: = (C >65 <. 375 ) (au k k i The values of C depend upon the bundle and vary from 0.225 to 0.115. The pressure drop data are correlated by the methods presented by Donohue. The heat transferred per degree of temperature difference for the clean finned-tube bundles varied from 110 per cent of that for the corresponding plain-tube bundles for water to 200 per cent for the lubricating oil. For the same mass velocity, the shell-side coefficients for the finned tubes based on the outside area are approximately 80 + 20 per cent of the plain tube coefficients. In all cases, at the same mass velocities the pressure drop is less for the finned-tube bundles. A study of the economics of plain versus finned tubes shows that finned tubes are more economical than plain tubes for viscous fluids with low shell-side coefficients. Example calculations are given to make a comparison of shell and tube exchanger costs for cooling lubricating oil, absorber oil, and corn sirup with water. The metal requirements for these ii

exchangers are computed. indicate savings in cost quirements from 29 to 36 tubes are used. A comparison is for the same service: For the example problems, selected computations from 20 to 25 per cent and savings in metal reper cent when exchangers equipped with finned made of plain and finned-tube exchangers designed Heat Transfer 3tu/hr TJ,, Btu hr"'Fa sq ft Standard Exchanger Required Outside Area. so ft i ze Total Siostze Cost Total We ight lbs Case T Lube Oil Plain Finned 3840, 000 8(4o0, 00) 80. 57.7 768 978 24 "x8'.> 5852.54) 18" x' '.2899.5 5,758 3,673 Case TI Absorber Oil. P'; ain F inned Case TTI - Corn il irup t'la.in F inned 1..4,)0, o)n,00 3,1,.);i, 0 00 1,500,000 1,500,000 1P500, )(0 116. 87. D 67.1 49.0 1. + 7, fi. 5780 5425 565 42"x 16' *14,116 d', "x 16't %1.0,530 o"x8'.t) 3,288 16"x8' $ 2,627 26,663 17,762 4,308 35, 049 The folloai.ng constants c:.eo recormended for use in,quations (4a) and (4b) lD k /. \. c _ol / ' 14 r (4b) C for Eq (4la) C' fo r Eq.c (4b_) Type of Exchanger -- -in inned. Plain Finned la in Fin.ed _~~~~~~~ - K __..- i Shell Circle Design Bored Shell Standard Design Bored Shell Standard Design Unbored Shell 0.19 0. 51 0.125 0.13 0.098 0.087 0.34 0.25 0.22 0.23 0.175 0.155 iii

ACKNCXLEDGEMENTS The courtesy of Mr. Sigmund Kopp of the Alco Products Division of the American Locomotive Company is acknowledged for supplying the Alco Heat Exchanger price book. Mr. Townsend Tinker of the Ross Heater and Manufacturing Company gave advice during the initial stages of the program. Mr. Earl L. Tyner, Mr. Ralph F. Johnson, and Mr. J. M. Gibbs assisted in the construction of the experimental equipment, in obtaining the data, and in the calculations. iv

ACKNOWLED GEMENTS The courtesy of Mr. Sigmund Kopp of the Alco Products Division of the American Locomotive Company is acknowledged for supplying the Alco Heat Exchanger price book. Mr. Townsend Tinker of the Ross Heater and Manufacturing Company gave advice during the initial stages of the program. Mr. Earl L. Tyner, Mr. Ralph F. Johnson, and Mr. J. M. Gibbs assisted in the construction of the experimental equipment, in obtaining the data, and in the calculations. v

TABLTE 0F C,1T.TNE TS Page AP,AC., ii AC KL0TLE9GEMSI^T3 iv LIST OJF 1 ITGUS, vii.IIST OF TARLES x ES<XPMMls4STA.L TKST'ALA.TLLI\TON Meaourenments in.e at-Tr.ransfer Tests iO z-> \c)SX1 4J^21lI 0S Itl Tl I.t3 1Y; J13 TEST PIsOC''.......... OPEAT OF E.I'JIP'-rNT, 1 CA LCUATNION 0U F S ELIT-SIIDE CQO3?Ei?.CIC.TS 19 Overall Coefficients 19 iilsson Plots 20 "in E,,ffiiency 22 Film Coefficients from ringle Overall Coefficients 23 (COREi LAT ION OF H iEAT-.TRAITF:1F DATA 25 Pla in Tubes 25 F inned Tubes 31 Effect of Clearance 53 E.ftc,.t of Tube and Shell Diameter 56 Are Exponents for Dimensionless Groups Constants? 56 Correla.tion with Exponents from Literature 37 'RSECO4N'EDi)rS)/D S3HELL-SIDE COEFFICI.IETS FCBR FII.) 'BD TlBES 59 Finned Tubes When Plain-Tube Performance is Known 40 vi

Page Plain Tubes with Shell-Circle Design 41 Finned Tubes for Shell-Circle Design 41 COMPARISON OF PLAIN AND FINNED-TUBE PERFORMANCE 42 Heat Transfer Per Degree Temperature Difference 42 Overall and Film Coefficients 43 CORRELATION OF PRESSURE-DROP DATA 53 ECONOMICS OF FINNED TUBES FOR SHEII, AND TUBE EXCHANGERS 61 Fouling 63 Procedures for Shell-Circle Design 64 Comparison of Costs for Finned and Plain-Tube Exchangers 65 Case I, Example Design of Lube Oil Cooler 65 Case II, Absorption Oil Cooler 72 Case III, Corn Sirup Cooler 73 Case IV, Replacement of Plain Tubes by Finned Tubes in Corn Sirup Cooler 76 Ca.se V, Closer Temperature Approach with Finned and Plain Tubes 76 WHEN ABE FINNED TUBES ECONOMICAL IN SHELL AND TUBE EXCHANGERS? 78 METAL REQUIREMENTS OF PLAIN AJD FININD TUBE EXCHlANGERS 85 CONCLUSION 85 NOMENCLATURE 88 REFEENC ES 91 APPENDIX 93 vii

LIST OF FIGURES Page 1. Flow Diagram of Exchanger Test Unit When Testing 8-Inch Exchanger 4 2. Photograph of Experimental Installation 5 5. T'ubtc-kheet layout for 8-Inch Bundles No. 1 and 2 with 3/4 -Inch Tubes 94 4. Tube-Sheet Layout for 8-Inch Bundles No. 3 and 4 with 1/2 -Inch Tubes 95 5. Tube-Sheet Layout for 6-Inch Bundles No. 5 and 6 with 5/8 -Inch Tubes 96 6. Photographs of Bundles Removed From Exchangers 7 7. Photographs Showing Interchangeability of Finned and Plain Tubes in Bundles 8 8. Longitudinal Section of Finned Tubes 9 9o Dimensions of Finned Tubes 11 10. Sketch Showing Inside Detail of Mixing Chambers 97 11. Orifice Calibrations with Water at 600F for 0,995-Inch and l. j39'-Inch Diameter Orifices 98 12. Density of Fluids 99 13. Visco(sity of Fl.uids 100 14. Thermal. Ctonduct:ivity of Fluids 101 15. STpec if c Heat of Flui d s 102 16. Cond:ittions of Tests for Bundle 4 15 17. Wilson Plot of Data Obtained with Water on Shell Side of 6-Inch Exchangers with 5/8-Inch Finned-Tube Bundlle No. 6 21 18. Conversion Between Actual and Effective Areas for Finned Tubes of this Pesearch, Based on Gardner's Fin Efficiencies 103 19. Graphical.txu1dy of Data to Determine Best Vrlues of Exponents - Preliminary Analysis for Three Fluids on Shell Side of 5/4l-Inch Plain Tubes in 8-Inch Shell 28 viii

Page 20. Graphical Study of the Data to Determine Best Values of Exponents and Prandtl Number for Three Fluids on Shell Side of Plain Tubes in 8-Inch Shell 29 21. Correlation of THat-Transfer Date. for Three Fluids on Shell Side of 3/4-Inch Plain Tubes in 8-Inch Shell 30 22. Correlation of Heat-Transfer Date for Three Fluids on Shell Side of 1/2l-nch Plain Tubes.n 8-Tnch Shell 104 23. Correlation of Heat-Transfer D)at for 'Three Fluids on Shell Side of 5/8-Inch Plain Tubes in 6-Inch Shell 105 24. Correlation of Heat-Transfer Data for Three Fluids on Shell Side of 5/4-Inch Finned Tubes in 8-Inch Shell 106 25. Correlation of Heat-Transfer Data for Three Fluids on Shell Side of 1/2-Inch Finned.Tbes in 8-Inch Shell 107 26. Correlation of Heat-Transfer Date for Three Fluids on Shell Side of 5/8-Inch Finned Tubes in 6-Inch Shell 108 Comparison of Neat-Transfer Correlations for the Six Bundles 33 28. Correlation of Heat Transfer Data for Three Fluids on Shell Side of 3/4-Inch Plain Tubes in 8-Inch Shell Using Exponents from the Literature 58 29. Comparison of Heat Transferred by Finned and Plain-Tube Bundles with:JWater on Shell Side for 8-Inch Shell, 1/2 -Inch Tubes, Bundles 3 and 4 44 30. Canparison of Heat Transferred by Finned and Plain-Tube Bundles with Weater on Shell Side for 8-Inch Shell,,/4 -Inch Tubes, Bundles 1 and 2 45 31. Comparison of e'leat Transferred by Finned and FPla in-Tube Bundles with H:ot Oil on Shell Side for 6-Inch Shell, 5/8 -Inch Tubes, Bundles 5 and 6 46 32. Comparison of Heat Transferred by Finned and Pl.an-hTube Bundles with Hot Oil on Shell Side for 8-Inch;hell, 3/4 -Inch Tubes, Bundles 1 and 2 47 33. Comparison of Heat Transferred by Finned and Plain-Tube Bundles with Hot Oil on Shell Side for 8-Inch Shell, 1/2 -Inch Tubes, Bundles 3 and 4 48 34. Typical Overall Coefficients for Plain and Finned Tubes Based on the Outside Area of the Tube 50 ix

Page 55. Typical Overall Coefficients for Plain and Finned Tubes Based on the Inside Area of the Tube 51 36, Comparison of Convection Coefficients 52 37. Nature of Flow Between Fins from Knudsen 54 38. Comparison of Pressure Drop in Exchangers for Finned and Plain-Tube Bundles with Oil on the Shell Side 8-Inch Shell, 1/2-Inch Tubes, Bundles 3 and 4 6-Inch Shell, 5/8-Inch Tubes, Bundles 5 and 6 55 39. Friction Factor for Flow Across Tube Bundles Having Plain and Finned 3/4-Inch Tubes in 8-Inch Shell; P/D = 1.25 58 40. Friction Factor for Flow Across Tube Bundles Having Plain and Finned 1/2-Inch Tubes in 8-Inch Shell; P/D = 1.25 59 41. Friction Factor for Flow Across Tube Bundles Having Plain and Finned 5/8-Inch Tubes in 6-Inch Shell; P/D = 1.20 60 42. Pressure Drop on the Tube Side of Exchangers for Water at 155-1650F 62 43. Approximate Relationship of the Overall Coefficient Fouled and the Fouling Factor Inside Tubes for Predicting Economical Use of Finned Tubes in Shell and Tube Units 80 44. Approximate Relationship of the Overall Coefficient Clean and the Fouling Factor Inside Tubes for Predicting Economical Use of Finned Tubes in Shell and Tube Units 81 45. Rough Relationship for Predicting Oil Viscosities at Which Finned Tubes Become Economical in Shell and Tube Units 84 x

LIST OF TABLES Page I Dimensions of Exchanger Shells, Bundles, and Tubes 109 II Sunmary of Test Conditions 16 III Example Data and Calculation of Coefficients 110 IV Sunmmary of Experimental Data and Calculated Results 115 V Equations for Inside Coefficients 24 VI Weighted Flow Areas Shell Side 151 VII Constants in Convection Coefficient Equation 39 VIII Design and Costs of Lube Oil Coolers, Case I 73 IX Design and Costs of Absorption Oil Coolers, Case II 74 X Design and Costs of Corn Sirup Coolers, Case III 75 XI Design and Costs of Corn Sirup Coolers, Cases IV and V 77 XII Comparison of Metal Requirements 86 xi

PERFORMANCE OF FINNED TUBES IN SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGERS INTRODUCTION Finned tubes are used to increase the rate of heat transfer over that obtained by plain tubes. A major requirement for the effective use of fins on the outside of tubes is that the heat-transfer coefficient on the outside must be low relative to the coefficient on the inside. Heating of air on the outside of tubes by steam inside the tubes is an example of an effective use of fins, since the heat-transfer coefficient between air and the outside of the tubes is very low relative to the steam coefficient.1 For this service, when the outside coefficient is about 1/100 of the inside coefficient, high fins are used to give up to 20 times as much outside surface as a plain tube. Subcooling of a refrigerant liquid by cold vapors also employs finned tubes advantageously.2 Many commercial processes employing shell and tube exchangers result in a low coefficient on the outside of tubes as compared to the coefficient inside the tubes. The introduction of tubes with plain ends and low fins, about 1/20 inch high, made it feasible to use finned tubes in standard shell and tube exchangers. These tubes provide about 2.5 times as much outside surface as plain tubes. The services in which these tubes may be used economically will have outside coefficients of

2 the order of 1/5 of the inside coefficient, and hence the surface ratio of 2.5 is sufficient. The condensing of refrigerants such as Freon 12 is an example of the effective use of finned tubes in shell. ard tube units accepted in the industry. —7 The relatively low condensing coefficients for organic substances as compared to water-convection coefficients inside the tubes provides the necessary conditions for the advantageous use of fins. Boiling of organic liquids outside of tubes makes effective use of fins when the temperature difference is low6,t8 The cooling or heating of viscous materials such as lubricating oils provides the necessery ratio of coefficients for the advantageous use of finned tubes in shell and tube exchangers.9 Armstrongl reported test data on a baffled shell and tube exchanger employing finned tubes for cooling a viscous oil and concluded that tubes with low fins were advantageous for this service. These data were encouraging but seemed insufficient to predict the increase in heat transfer which one would expect for various fluids in shell and tube exchangers. No direct comparison was made with plain tube exchangers of the same dimensions. An experimental program was developed to compare heat-transfer coefficients between plain tubes and finned tubes for fluids on the shell side of shell and. tube exchangers. Exchangers identical in all details except for the tubes were obtained, using the shell-circle type of design known to give efficient heat exchange. The exchangers were tested by circulating water to standardize them, and then measurements were obtained using 40 SAE lubricating oil and glycerine as viscous fluids. The data were taken in a manner which made it possible to obtain the shell-side coefficients in order that they mght be correlated by the usual dimensionless groups. Pressure-drop data for the shell-side fluids were measured,

since pressure drop may provide a limitation on the fluid velocity in the exchangers. This report also includes methods of predicting the services for which these helical finned tubes are economical in standard shell and tube exchangers. EXP,12E1NTAL I3TJ7ALIATT(`.1 Equipment was installed in the c-hemical B1ngine ring, Laboratory to circulate oil through two shell and tube exchingers, Trhie exchangers are respectively 8 inches andr 6 inches in diameter.and the removable tube bundles are 48 inches long. The oil is cooled in the exchanger under test and is heatedt in the other,;xcmhanger. A flow diagram of the experimental unit is shown in Fig. 1,while Fig. 2 i8 a photograph of the installation. COn^ pumping system circulates the shell-s ie fluid, which passes through thle shell of one exchanger to cooi it and through the shi ciof the exzchanger not under test to heat it in a contlxinuzjous st y-state et?:ner! ment, AR occond s.y'Sttem circl.ates wAter throughj the tubes of the cooler under test. i;teartm n the inside of the tubes wac used to heat the fluid in the exchanger not under te-st. The piping wao arranged. so that the cooli<^ng water could be circulated through either excharnger and: the st^-am enter tho tubes of either exchanger. 'his arrangement made it possible to test the tube bundle in each exchanger by operating valves. The significant specifications for the 6-inch and 8-!nch bundles are given in Table 1, page 109. The plain-tube excheangers, shells and bundles, were commercial units built to the manufatureo:r'. so pec fi icat:lons.



6 The finned-tube bundles were constructed to the same specifications as the plain-tube bundles but were tubed with finned tubes supplied by the Wolverine Tube Division. One pair of bundles was tested in the 6-inch exchanger with 5/8-inch outside diameter plain Admiralty tubes in one bundle and 5/8 -inch outside diameter finned tubes in the other bundle. Four bundles were used in the 8-inch exchanger; 1/2-inch copper plain and finned tubes and 3/4-inch Admiralty plain and finned tubes were tested. In all cases the bundles were identical for each pair with respect to the tube-sheet layout, number of baffles, baffle spacing, and all other dimensions. A baffle spacing of 4 inches was used in all bundles, with 9 baffles in the 8-inch bundles and 11 baffles in the 6-inch bundles. The layout of the baffles in relation to nozzles is indicated in Fig. 1. Tube-sheet layouts for the three tube sizes are shown in Figs. 3, 4, 5, pages 94-96. It may be seen that the tubes fill the shell circle completely and are spaced inside this circle on a triangular pitch, though they do not necessarily fill this area completely. Figs. 6 and 7 are photographs of the finned and plain-tube bundles. It may be seen that the finned tubes have plain ends similar to plain tubes. The fins have a diameter slightly less than the plain end, so that the tubes may be inserted in the bundle in a manner identical with that used for plain tubes. The finned tubes have 19 nominal fins per inch and the fins are about 1/20 inch high. Fig. 8 is a photograph of tube cross sections, showing the contour of the fins. The tubes were sectioned, mounted in bakelite, and the sections polished. The section of the tube indicates the inside of the tube to be smooth. However, when a length of tube is held to the light, small markings are observed on the inside surface corresponding to the fins. The dimensions of all tubes in a given bundle are uniform within 0.001 inch.




10 except for fin height, which varies up to 0.0053 inch. The outside areas for the finned tubes are computed by assuming an idealized shape. The fin is assumed to lhave a rectangular section with square ends, and the root is assumed to be a semicircle, as shown in Fig. 9. The area so computed is within 2 to 5 per cent of the integrated area given by the actual contours. The tube dimensions are identified in Fig,. 9, and the calculated areas for the bundles are given in Table I, page 109. These finned tubes are manufactured from plain tubes by extruding the metal w*all into a continuous helical fin. In addition to having plain ends, the tubes may also have plain sec:tions at any desired points along their lengths... sre;,' 4nts;. in.a.t- nsfer Tests:;4easlur.emecn'ts were madne of t+he temperatures of the twto i quid streams entering and les.ving the test exchanger, the flow rates otf the two t2se.i S, andi the pressure drop acrost the s-hel.1 3-d1.e o'f the test exct'hanger. hi s inl'onraat -i n i.s sufc ficiert to permit computation oi' C)vtrx1..:-o-effici ents4. q - ' A AT, (1) in whiLh q = heat transferred, Btu per hour. = oveRrall coefficient, Btu per (vr)("r')(sq ft).A = heat-transfer area, sq ft Ai = temperature difference, ~. "te0ieperat4uC;-re m el:asuremens lets were ma,.e wth mercury- in-glass thermometers inst-"Jaled in t!hermometer wel]ls in mixing chamnb:ars equipped wi.th d isc ai~ dougJlmutiC baffles, as shown in Fig. 10, page 97. Lheel:l-side fluids were


12 measured with thermometers graduated to 0.1lC, while the water on the tube side was measured either with these thermometers or with Beckmann thermoimeters graduated to 0.01~C. All thermometers are calibrated against Bureau of Standards thermometers. The mixing device was considered necessary to make (sure that the fluid leaving the heat exchanger had been sufficiently mixed so that the temperature was a true average or mean bulk temperature. Flow rates in both circulation systems were measured by sharpedged or-ifices installe ins the 3-inch,irculation lines. They were calib. -ated, with water in both systems and with oil in the shell-side system. Luna Ies of.f-/ jA-inch tublng were used %s strnaghtening vEnes some 50 diameters ahead of the orifice installation in the,-inch pipe. 4ercury manometers were used to indicate th;e orifice differentie. All the orifice coefficients for water were within the range of 0.601 to 0.608 for the four orifices used. For oil, the coefficient was plotted as a function of the Reynolds number through the orifice in the range from 1000 to 20,000 and was found to lie 1.5 per cent above the curve reported from standard orifice installations.12 The use of orifice coeffic-lent as a function of R.ya'oldd nuiomber resulted in indi vidual rate curves as a function of pressure drop across the orifice for oil and for glycerine at each tempetrature level. 1'or water, a single curve -twras used with corrections for density made by multiplyinrg the rate by the squa-ire root of the ratio of the eric,'ty at 6OFr to the density at the flowing temperature. Fg. 11i, page 98, gives typical calibration curves for water flowing t'rough two different p~lates. Pressure drops were obtained for the shell-side fluid by the use of mercury manometers attached to ou'tlets on the circulat..ion line approximatel.y 1 inch from the exchanger nozzle. Similar meiesurements were made for the water on the tube side during the cooling tests with the exchanger.

13 0ItonT7O!:.IES: OF FLUIDS Water was selccted as one of the shell-side fluids because its properties are so wtll kown tb.at Itf se.rves as a standardizing fluid for the exchangers:. It wa not e xpeo: tri' that much adlvantasg:e would be observed for fiLnnted-tube bu1m.l3es ta co-mpare.d to plain- tube bundle.s '-when coo.ing the water becauase of the hi' coerf:.offir ci,- nt between ithe water and thc outside of the tube. L]ub ri catj;n. - oil, 0,.Al wasr f-ac chcsen asF a typical viscous oil, arnd glyceri.ne was selected as a second viscous fluid with properties distinct frIom thos? of n i er'al.)i.1, The viaco()ality and thermal condilctivity of water were taken from McAdams,' while the heat capacity and denit y were ttake.n from steam tnbles];4 The d,.?ln3ities of the oil and of the glycerine were determined in the laborato ry al room temerature The changes in density with temperature were taken from the Iational Standard Petroleum Oil Tables15 for the oil. and from thle Inerat-ioa. C.,ic.al T- blS for Fly(:cerine. Fig. 12, page 99, is a plot of th,: 'r.'i;,ic,o aJ ^, _ fui, 'r.ction of C t 4mper ature, VJio;" c i eo. of t. h' o l i and fl,,yc-.t i:; e we e determined i.n the labototry by Fnxiokr piptes a, atfive t;tera turei? as plotted in Fig% 15, page 100. Thr th;- ' rm. 't, con: luctivi.ty of the lubrl icating oil was determined in the laborator-y at; 85T' TFie v.lue fell ' iI the area expected for oils, A curve drawn throuIgh thhe eoxperimential point with a slope equal to that of similar oils1 is plotte;td in Fig. 14, page 1,01 O The thermal conluctivities for glcl'.e. wre ta nn r T;.. sith.r 3. clrttet; on I., 1.1, T".ip->, osTp:..if"ic heat of.the l.Tubricat. i-nge o.il. was taken from TEMA1 while the valuco for glyc-cerine were taken from the literature 1 These are plotted i.n Fi g, 91 pag:e 102,

14 To insure that the oil and glycerine were constant in properties during the heat-transfer tests, samples were taken at intervals to determine the density and viscosity. The oil showed no change in density from the initial value. The glycerine showed a small change in viscosity and density between the initial sample and the sample after it had been heated in operation. The change in density corresponded to a change in water content from 1.6 per cent at the beginning to 0.5 per cent during steady operation. The viscosity of the glycerine during steady operation also corresponded to 99.5 per cent glycerine from data in the literature,l9 as shown in Fig. 13. TEST PROCEDURES AND OPERATION OF EQUIPMENT The six tube bundles were tested using in turn water, oil, and glycerine as the shell-side fluid, with cooling water inside the tubes. Four temperature levels for the fluids were used for some bundles and fluids, while three levels were used on others. Most of the tests used a temperature difference between the shell-side fluid and the cooling water of around 2%~F. For about 10 per cent of the data, temperature differences of 50 to 55~F were employed. Fig. 16 illustrates the conditions of the tests for bundle 4, while Table II gives a similar summary of tests for all bundles. All tests consisted of obtaining data for an overall coefficient of heat transfer under steady state. Two types of data were obtained. The first consisted of a series of consecutive measurements in which the coolingwater velocity was varied between individual tests, while the shell-side inlet and outlet temperatures as well as flow rate remained constant. This set of data was required for Wilson plots. The other type of data was individual

BUNDLE NO.4 1/2" FINNED TUBES IN 8"SHELL r T WATER TEMP LEVELS,.' * FLOW RATE INLET F sOF LBS/HR. ~193 _^ 70,600 TO 193 15,100 15, I00 71,800 TO 158 12 15,600 122 14 77,000 TO;2 1 15,200 SAE 40 LUBE OIL TEMP LEVE ATFo FLOW RATES INLET OF LBS/HR. 227 18 56,000 TO 13,800 194 22 55,800 TO 13,900 158 23 154,00 TO 44300 To 122 26 14,800 GLYCERINE TEMP LEVELS AT's-F FLOW RATES INLET ~F LBS/ HR. 226 20 716,5 ~000 TO 16,300 195 20 75,500 TO 13,800 3 74, 00 TO 158 23 16,200 122 27 8 T00TO 18, 300 FIG. 16 CONDITIONS OF TESTS FOR BUNDLE 4

TABIL II SUMMARY OF TEST CONDITIONS H Tube Bundle Shell Side Water SAE 40 Lube Oil Glyc Inlet Temp., ~F 177 196, 113 223, 19 Bundle 1 3/4-in. plain tubes in AT, ~F 17.8 - 11.8 63.9 - 30.6 38.4 8-in. shell Flow Rate, lbs/hr 61,000 - 17,000 45,500 - 13,100 73,00C Inlet Temp., ~F 177 196, 11 227, 195 Bundle 2 3/4-in. finned tubes in AT, OF 15.8 - 9.2 56.5 - 25.8 54,0 8-in. shell Flaw Rate, lbs/hr 61,000 - 172100 51,000 - 13,000 78,300 Inlet Temp., ~F 1953 158, 122 228, 1935 158, 122 227, 194 Bundle 3 1/2-in. plain tubes in AT, eF 22.0 - 11.2 30.3 - 18.1 29.3 8-in. shell Flow Rate, lbs/hr 72,400 - 13,300 60,000 - 13,500 70,500 Inlet Temp., ~F 1932 158, 122 227, 194, 158, 122 226, 195 Bundle 4 1/2-in. finned tubes in AT, ~F 16.5 - 8.1 27.2 - 16.8 27. 8-in. shell Flow Rate, lbs/hr 77,000 - 15,200 56,000 - 13,800 75^500 Inlet Temp., ~F 177 195, 113 227, 193 Bundle 5 5/8-in. plain tubes in AT, ~F 32.3 - 10.4 53.5 - 33.5 58,4 6-in. shell Flow Rate, lbs/hr 40,000 - 11,500 42,000 - 8,600 52,000 Inlet Temp., ~F 177 196, 114 227, Bundle 6 5/8-in. finned tubes in AT, 0F 15.5 - 8.8 55.4 - 23.6 55.2 6-in, shell |. Flow Rate, lbs/hr l 49,600 - 12,o100 39300 - 10,800 60,100:erine, 158, 122 - 24.8 - 15,400, 157, 131 - 18.1 - 16.4 - 13,600, 158, 122 3 - 16.9 - 13,800, 158, 122 - 23.5 - 14,800 194, 1351 - 16.1 - 135,500

17 tests to give single values of the overall coefficients at selected conditions. The latter type of data was taken only after sufficient data of the first type had been accumulated to give reliable coefficients for the cooling water inside the tubes. All measurements of an overall heat-transfer coefficient were made in similar manner once the conditions of the test had been selected. The test unit was operated for a sufficient period of time to bring it to a steady state before taking measurements, Once the flow rates for the shellside fluid and cooling water were fixed, the controls consisted of the steam rate to the exchanger not under test and the make-up cooling-water rate to the tank in the cooling-water system. Thermoregulators were installed and were used between tests, but final control was usually manual. The data tabulated for a single overall coefficient consisted of the four temperatures for the shell-side fluid and cooling water entering and leaving the test exchanger and of the manometer readings to give the flow rates and pressure drops for the shell and tube-side fluids. Table III, page 110, gives actual data recorded for run 26, which consisted of four overall coefficients, since it was of the first type described. Four recordings of the temperatures and manometer readings were made at about one-minute intervalsc.. The flow rates were such that the contents of the exchanger were changed several times in a minute. Also, the heat transfer was large as compared to the heat capacity of the exchanger. Therefore, the short test period was considered as satisfactory when the inlet temperatures and flow rates were essentially constant. The recordings for runs of the second kind, in which individual overall coefficients were determined, varied from those for Wilson plots;

ten consecutive readings were taken at one-minute intervals instead of the four readings. A summary of the experimental data and calculated results is given in Table IV, page 115. All the pertinent data. used in the calculations are given, including the leat transfer on both the tub side and the shell side. There are 208 runs, which represent approximately 490 determinations of overall heat-transfer coefficient, since Wilson-plot data with four overall coefficients each were tkern o- abou-t half f f the runs reported. The dimensionless groups used in correleting the data are elso included in Table IV. Bundle: 1, 2, 5 and 6 were obtained at the time the installation was made and were tooted with water, oil., and glycerine in turn. Bundles 5 and 4 were procured later and were tested with glycerine, water, and oil in turn. The run numbers in Table IV indicate the exact order of the tests. The tests may be considered as applying to clean tubes. Water deposited a thin film removable by touch or washing. The inside of the tubes was cleaned wwith na t;iff brlush and dilute hydrochloric acid at the beginning of a series of teofts for each bundle with each fluid. The outside of the tubes was cleaned after tests with water on the shell side. The tubes were rinsed by putmping dilute hydrochloric acid solution containing a detergent through the shell side. When changing fluids, it was necessary to clean the circulating Ly,;tem. Water was removed by draining and filling with oil or glycerine and operating the shell-side system at temperatures above 212~F. Glycerine was removed by circulating water. Oil was removed by circulating a kerosenewater-detergent emulsion at elevated temperatures.

19 CALCUIATION OF SHELL-SIDE COEFFICIENTS There are two methods of computing the shell-side convection coefficients, corresponding to the two types of data. For the runs in which a series of overall coefficients was determined at constant conditions for the shell-side fluid, the shell-side coefficient is found from a Wilson plot.20 For the individual determinations of the overall coefficient, the cooling-water film and metal resistances were subtracted from the overall resistance by calculation to give the shell film resistance. Overall Coefficients Overall coefficients are computed by Equation (1). The quantity of heat transferred was measured for both the shell-side and the tube-side fluids. The hot shell-side fluid lost heat to the surroundings and therefore the computed shell-side heat transfer might be expected to be greater than the actual transfer. Likewise, the cooling water lost heat to the air between the points of temperature measurement. It was found that a. difference in heat transfer between the two streams was of the order of 100 Btu per degree temperature difference between the shell fluid and the room. This difference represented from 1 to 10 per cent of the total heat transfer. It appeared logical to average the heat transferred on the two sides to obtain q, unless other runs in the series indicated that the shell-side value was in error. The actual outside area of the exchanger is taken from Table I. The temperature difference is the logarithmic mean difference corrected for the two passes on the water side by Fig. T-4A ir TEMA18 or else the temperature difference was computed by EW-lut Lon 10, page 145 of McAdams.

20 An example calculation of the overall coefficient is given in Table III All coefficients for each determination are recorded in Table IV Wilson Plots A plot of the reciprocal of the overall coefficient as a function of the reciprocal of the water velocity to the 0.8 power is termed 20 a Wilson plot. An extrapolation of the line to infinite water velocity gives the resistance of the remainder of the heat-transfer path. An example calculation of the convection coefficient between the shell fluid and the outside of the tubes is given for run 26 in Table III, page 110. The Wilson plot for these data is shown by Fig. 17 The intercept in Fig. 17 gives the resistance to heat transfer for the shell-side fluid and the metal, since the coefficient has been extrapolated to infinite water velocity, After subtracting the metal resistance from the intercept, the shell-side resistance, or its reciprocal, the shell-side coefficient, is obtained, The use of a temperature correction for the Wilson plot may merit brief discussion. The Wilson plot should have as its ordinate the reciprocal of the overall coefficient and as its abscissa the reciprocal of the water-film coefficient. If all mean water temperatures in one run were the same, then the reciprocal of the 0,8 power of the water velocity would be directly proportional to the reciprocal of the water-film coefficient, when assuming that the water-film coefficient is a function of the Reynolds number to the 0,8 power. However, when the water temperature for one velocity differs from that for another, one should plot the convection coefficient with the proper variation in properties. Since the convection coefficient for water has been simplified to be a function of temperature

21 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 FIG. 17 WILSON PLOT OF DATA OBTAINED WITH WATER ON SHELL SIDE OF 6" EXCHANGER WITH /8" FINNED TUBES BUNDLE No.6 0.10 0.15 0.20

22 and velocity,1 the use of N/VO08 for the reciprocal of the convection coefficient gives Wilson plots with straight lines of constant slope for a given tube bundle. If this temperature correction had not been made, the lines through points of a different mean water temperature would have different slopes. it wiaL a. valuable correlation factor to know that all Wilson-plot lines for a given bundle were of the sejne slope. Fin Effic iency During heat transfer in the fimned-tube exchangers, the temperature alo;.ng the outaide surface of the? fin 'is highor tharn at the base of the fin. The procedure which has been found satisfactory for evuluat ing the effect of this temperature distribution is the use of a fini J.offi en21 cy. The fin efficiency is defined as foll.ws: jf AT' d(af) /.; o. (2) ATg Baf where AT' the variable temperature difference between the bulkfluid temperature and the point -fin temperature, AT.,, the temperature difference at the base of the fin or.011 at the root of the fin, af = area of the fin, 0 fin efficiency. An effective area (Ae) is defined as the sum of the root area and the fin area times the fin efficiency. This effective area may be used in heat transfer equations along with the temperature differences which apply for outside surface temperatures at the root of the fin. Gardner21 has computed the fin efficiency for several shapes; Fig. 6 of

23 his paper was used with a fin of constant cross section for heat flow. These efficiencies depend upon the coefficient of heat transfer adjacent to the fin surface as well as the conductivity of the fin metal and fin dimensions. To solve problems involving fin efficiency, Fig. 18, page 105, has been prepared, which gives the ratio of the total outside area (Ao) to the effective outside area (Ae) as a function of both the outside coefficient based on the actual area and of the outside coefficient based on the effective area. The dashed curves in Fig. 18, which relate Ao/Ae to the convection coefficient (ho ) based on the actual area, are required to compute the experimental data on a basis of effective fin area, while solid curves, which relate Ao/Ae to the convection coefficient (ho) based on the effective area, are convenient to find actual exchanger sizes from computed effective areas. These curves for the low-fin tubes with 19 nominal fins per inch are the same for several sizes of tube, but are different for metals of different thermal conductivity. They do not apply to finned tubes when the fin profile is different from that of Fig. 8. In ulsing Gardner's procedure, it was decided that 80 per cent of the surface is fin surface and 20 per cent is root surface and represents prime surface. Reference to the sections in Fig. 8 illustrates that the entire surface could be considered as fin surface. In once case, with 80 per cent of the area considered as fin and 20 per cent as prime surface, the use of Fig. 6 of Gardner gave the same effective surface as the computation of the fin efficiency by numerical methods for the actual cross section shown in Fig. 8. Film Coefficients from Single Overall Coefficients After several 'Wilson plots had been determined for each tube bundle to make sure that the slope was determined correctly, individual

overall coefficients were used to determine shell-side coefficients. Rather than drawing a line through a single point on a Wilson plot, the equation for the water-film coefficient was determined for each bundle as listed in Table V. The constants in these equations were determined from the slopes of the Wilson-plot lines. Bundle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 TABLE V EQUATIONS FOR INSIDE Shell and Tube 8" 3/4" Plain 8" 3/4" Finned 8" 1/2" Plain 8" 1/2" Finned 6" 5/8" Plain 6" 5/8" Finned COEFFICIENTS Equation hi' = 138 (1 +.011 T) V hi' = 58.9(1 +.011 T) V hi' = 137 (1 + 011 T) V hi' = 45.0(1 +.011 T) V hi' = 129 (1 +.011 T) V hi = 55.5(1 +.011 T) V i 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 where = inside coefficient for water based on the area, Btu per (hr)(~F)(sq ft outside), = mean bulk water temperature, ~F, = water velocity, ft per sec. actual outside T V The equations in Table V permitted computation of the shell)side coefficient by the following fomrula: 1 1 _ LAo 1 A ho' UO \kAav hit In Table IV all single determinations of overall coefficients were converted to shell-side coefficients by this procedure. It was necessary to convert the ho' based on the actual area to ho based on the effective area for these runs in the same manner as for runs having Wilson plots. (3)

25 CORRELATION OF HEAT-TRANSFER DATA The data on the plain-tube bundles were correlated first since they might be expected to follow correlations previously established by 22 2 3 11 Donohue,2 Short,23 or Tinker. The data obtained did not permit a study of baffle spacing, baffle height, or tube arrangement. The data did permit a study of Reynolds number at constant Prandtl number and of Prandtl number at constant Reynolds number. The correlations for the finned-tube data closely paralleled the correlation of the plain-tube data. Plain Tubes The shell-side coefficients were assumed to follow an equation of the following form: h D B(G ~M (v)014 ^. ^YpAY -T -\" -~ " r f (4) in which ho = the film heat-transfer coefficient, D = outside diameter of the tube, k = the thermal conductivity of the fluid at the mean bulk temperature, Gm = mean mass velocity, lbs per (sq ft)(hr), X = viscosity of the fluid at the mean bulk temperature; lbs per (ft)(hr), = viscosity of the fluid at the wall temperature, lbs per (ft)(hr), Cp = specific heat of the fluid at the mean bulk temperature, C,om = constants The physical and thermal properties of the shell-side fluid are taken at the mean bulk temperature, with the exception of the viscosity at the tube wall,

26 The velocity of the fluid as it pe.aneo through the bundle between the tubes and baffles will vary. Several procodurer are aevailable for this computation.ll122,23 After due consideration, it waa decided to use a procedure recomomnded by Donohue, as follows: m Am(5) in which w a pounds of fluid flowing per hr through shell aide Gm pounds flowing per (hr)( q ft) Am 5 the mean area for the shell side of the exchanger defined by Equation (6). The mean flow area is defined as follows: Am = o xk Ac (6) in which area of the window opening in baffle minus the cross section of the tubes in the window i:c =~ minimum cross-flow area through the row of tubes nearest the center line of. the exchl:nger and normnl to the direction of the fluid flow. An example calculation of the mean flow area is given in Table VI, page 131. The mean flow areas for all exchangers are listed in Table I. For the eight-inch exchanger a slight modification of the calculation procedure was necessary since the two ends of the exchanger did not contain baffles spaced the same as in the center portion of the exch-nger. The area of cross flow when the fluid was flowing between the baffles was different from that when it flowed across the tubes on either end. For this exchanger two values of Ac were obtained, resulting in two values of Am

for the center portion and for the end portion of the exchanger. These two values of Am then were averaged, based on the respective length which each represented to give the final values of Am used. For each experimental determination of the shell-side coefficient listed in Table IV, the Nusselt number, hD/k, the Reynolds number, DGm/L/, the Prandtl number, Cpc/k, and the viscosity ratio,,//w, were computed and listed in the table. A series of successive approximations was required to obtain the final correlation between these dimensionless groups. The graphs shown are the final result after much study and several approximations. The Nusselt number was plotted against the Reynolds number for several series of runs in which the temperature level, and hence the Prandtl number, were essentially constant for the series. Fig. 19 for bundle 1 is an example of the plots obtained. It may be observed that there is a lower slope for these curves at low Reynolds numbers than at high Reynolds numbers. This means that Equation (4),with constant exponents, will not give the best correlation of the data. However, a practical correlation is required for design procedures, and an average slope of the lines on figures similar to Fig. 19 was used as the exponent for the Reynolds number. To determine the exponent for the Prandtl number, it was plotted against the product of the Nusselt number, the Reyndls number to the 0.65 power, and the viscosity ratio to 0.14 power, with Fig. 20 for bundle 1 shown as an example of the final result. The slope of this curve was used as the exponent on the Prandtl number for the final correlation by Equation (4) and plotted for bundle 1 on Fig, 21. In the first trial of this procedure, the slope found on the graph corresponding to Fig. 21 did not agree with the average slope

104 105 r IV 0 10 I I I I I I I! I I I I I I I j iiEIle I tER:11 k!!: —J FIGURE 19 GRAPHICAL STUDY OF DATA TO DETERMINE i BEST VALUES OF EXPONENTS-PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS FOR THREE FLUIDS ON SHELL SIDE OF -- - 3/4"PLAIN TUBES IN 8" SHELL. Pr.-229 3/4' PLAIN TUBES t-'30 Pr 105 8" SHELL Pr = 249 I___ |_ _ \I=X ^ > / ____ B U N D L E N o. I,___:..=00__ =X = = =___^ 0 ___0~ SAE 40 LUBE OIL _____ _ Pr= 400 GLYCERIN r1):i- -____ ___ _ _ _ _ = _ __^0^ ______n Prt=266.5 0: WATER Pr=1601 60 1 ] I II I- I F - Pr__ _ _ _. __ _ _ _ _ _____ ________ ____ _ - -*1 ________ ____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ________ ____ -~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I0 10~0 10 loz 103


103 102 10 OJ 0 I _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, _ a _ I I I I I I _ _- _ I -1_1 1111111 -- ----- -- -- - - -- __- - -- -_- ^^^ ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. f. E-E;-;_____::::==:-: ^ ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/,. A( hD\ ( (0.75 -0.4 0.65 (k)^ =o:- -0200o0. _____ 17111 I rI I 1111 II 3/4 PLAIN TUBES 8" SHELL BUNDLE No. I I q( o ci I-,0 1 /A I_ _ _ _ ___ _ __ __ _ ___ _ __ ___-f I I I 0 o SAE 40 LUBE OIL:_ _ X _____1___ _ _ _ _ f | | | || X * GLYCERINE ___ - - ---- - - -- --- -- _ - --- 1 I WATER I I I~t x FIGURE 21 CORRELATION OF HEAT TRANSFER DATA FOR THREE FLUIDS ON SHELL SIDE OF 3/4' PLAIN TUBES IN 8 SHELL ___ I_ cI - II 1111111i 1> n/r - 1 1 1- 1 I I I IF I I I I IrIt I I 11 1 11111 1 ii rrrmrr 10 1021 103 104 I05

31;l..ected from Fig. 19 and used as the exponent for the Reynolds number in,;. iT;aph> corresponding to Fig. 20, This required a second trial for the graphs similar to Figs. 20 and 21. In addition, it seemed appropriate to arrive at the same values of the exponents of each dimensionless group for all bundles if the data would permit. The final values for the Reynolds number exponent, 0.65, and the Prandtl number exponent, 0.375, were used for Figs. 20 and 21 rather than the exponents used in the first trials. The exponent for the viscosity ratio was selected as 0.14, based on its acceptance for previous correlationsl 22,23 and the data. supporting 24 it. However, the data of this research verify that the best correlation requires a variable exponent for this dimensionless group as well as for the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers. The final correlations for plain-tube bundles 3 and 5 are given by Figs. 22 and 23, pages 104 and 105. They were obtained in a manner similar to that described for Fig. 21. Finned Tubes The data and correlations for finned tubes paralleled those for plain tubes. In Equation (4), D, the diameter of the tube, becomes De, the equivalent outside diameter. It is defined as the outside diameter of a plain tube having the same inside diameter and the same weight of metal. The values of De are given in Table I, page 109. In computing cross-flow area, Ac, De is used for tubes, but in computing the window area, Aw, the diameter over the fins is used. The final correlations of the heat-transfer data with finned tubes are given by Figs. 24, 25, and 26, pages 106-108. The exponents for

32 the Prindtl number and Reynolds number have been taken as 0.375 and 0.65, the same as for the plain tubes. These values represent an average value for the several bundles, but the average values are no more restrictive in obtaining a fit between the data points and a single curve than is the assumption that the exponents are constant. A comparison of all the data is made in Fig. 27. They are represented by a single equation (4a), except that the constant, C, in the equation varies with the exchanger bundle. hoD DG D") ( ) (4a) The three plain tube bundles could be represented by a single equation in which C = 0.197, with the data falling within +50, -26 per cent of the curve. Similarly, an equation with C = 0.147 represents all the data on finned-tube bundles within +50, -55 per cent. In both plain and finned-tube runs for which the cooling-water temperatures were in the vicinity of 200~F, certain discrepancies were observed. The shell-side coefficients were often high as compared to any correlation, the heat balances were more erratic, and some Wilson plots appeared to be of different slope. Two possible explanations were considered, namely, incipient boiling of the water in the tubes and vaporization in the water orifice ahead of the exchanger. Calculations of tube-wall temperature indicated that it could not have reached the boiling point of water. The orifice readings reached some 24 inches of mercury for the high flow rate of a Wilson plot. These points, at high rates, scattered more than usual, but no definite trend could be found which would prove that erroneous flow rates for the water side were obtained at these high orifice differentials.


54 As shown under the discussion of pressure drop, bundles 1, 3, and 2 gave the lower tube-side pressure drop and hence lower pressures at the orifice. It is quite possible that vaporization occurred in the orifice for some of the high-velocity-high-temperature condit'ions for these bund le s. Effect of Clearance The effects of clearance between the tubes and baffle and between baffle and shell are likely to have a significant cffect on the constants in Equation (4a) for the individual exchanger. A consideration of clearances is of no assistance in explaini.ng, the relative behavior of the plaint 9ube bLuadiecs but, it does help to explain the differences between plain and finned -tube bund les The ciearance between the tube and the baffle, for the assembled bundles, could not be. measured readily, but the difference between the tube diameter and beffle hole for the p1l.an-tube bundles is known to be less than 0OO C. incOh. 4lieasur'ements of shell d imeterS, bcffl.e d:i.amteters, arnd tube diameters:re-, l.isted In Table I, page 10.)9 Si:.nce en.ach pair. of blun:l.es was made at the sa8ime time, it may be assumed thiat the baffle holes for the py.l.lin and c.orresponding finned -tube bundles are the same dl lmeter. From tube diameter measurenmnts, thee difference in the, clearances between finned and plain tubes theben bec-tomes the difference in the uatside,']lnelter of the tubes. TinkerC- stated that for a particular exchanger an additional 1/64 in-h in the clearance between the tube and the baffle over the minimum mtchanically feasible would reduce the shel.-s. ll coefficient by 10 per cent.

35 It happened that one finned-tube bundle (No. 6) had the same diameter over the fins as the duplicate plain-tube bundle (No. 5). In this case the ratio of the constants in Equation (4a) was.225/.182 - 1.24. This ratio is representative of the difference between pla'n and finned tubes for the same clearance. Part of this ratio is due to the fact that De is smaller for the finned tube than Do for the plain tube, and hence the Nusselt numbers should not be the same at a given Reynolds number if the coefficients were the same. Part of the ratio represents leakage between the fins and might be related to the baffle thickness (.065 inch for all bundles) and fin spacing (.0525 inch). For bundles 3 and 4 the ratio of the constants is 1.47. The clearance of the finned tube is.018 inch greater than that for the plain tube in this case. In addition, the peripheral length for leakage is 130 per cent greater for this pair of exchangers than for bundles 5 and 6 because of the increased number of tubes. Bundles 1 and 2 have.016 inch extra clearance for the finned tube compared with the plain tube and 80 per cent more peripheral length than bundles 5 and 6. Bundles 1 and 2 have a ratio of constants of 1.40. It appears that the concepts concerning the effect of clearance or leakage are substantiated by the differences in the pairs of bundles and that the major differences in convection coefficients between plain and finned tubes found are due to differences in leakage. For finned tubes there may be two causes for the leakage: the fins may not have the same outside diameter as the plain tube and there is an inherent flow of liquid in the helical space between the fin. It would appear that if plain and finned tubes had the same clearance of the first kind, the ratio of the constants in Equation (4a) might be the same for all pairs of bundles.

36 Effect of Tube and Shell Diameter A comparison of the performance of the plain-tube exchangers gives no clue as to effects of tube and shell diameter beyond those observed in Equation (4) except -that over the range of dimensions used, they are not critical. Bunidle 5 gave the best performance but had a hip ier clearance between baffle and shell, and the tube dinmeter was undersize rather -than oversize. The s-pace between the shell-circle tubes and the shlell was the lowest. The 5/3-inch tubes are intermediate between the 1/2-inch tubes of bundle 5 and 5/4-inch tubes of bundle 1. A diff:erence between the 6-inch bundles and the 8-inch bundles which may be signi, icant is that two more baffles were used for the 6-inch bundles. The eiffect of these baffles wras noted in conmput.ing the flow area, A-.m as sho wn in Table VI,. page 131. However, there is no assurance that the weighting of the flow areas for the baffled ~ec-ion and unblaffled section compensated for the difference. Are Exponents for Dimensionless Groups Constants? Equation (4) was derived by dimensional analysis which specifies the dimensionless groups but does not require that the exponents are constant. The value of using the equation as compared to a graph depends upon the assupition that the exponents are constant. As a practical matter, these exponents were used as constants in the correlation presented above, However, the exponents for the Reynolds number, the Prandtl number, and the viscosity ratio could well have been variables. Curves have been drawn through the data for the plain-tube bundles in Figs. 21, 2'2, and 235 and these curves represent the data better than the st-raight lines. Between Reynolds numbers of 50 and 50,000, the slope of the curve varies from 0.41 to 0.70. For the firned-tube bundles,

57 the curvature at low Reynolds numbers is not observed, but the water data, especially in Fig. 25, show a definitely higher slope than 0.65. These observations would indicate that extrapolation of these results to higher or lower Reynolds numbers might employ the curve on the graph rather than use the constant exponent. Also, it may be expedient to use one exponent for a range of Reynolds numbers and. another for a different range.?4 The viscosity ratio was studied by Gardner and. Siller, who observed that the exponent increased with increasing Reynolds number. The two lines for water in Fig. 25 were run at different temperatures. In Fig. 22 also, a scattering of the water data. results from runs at temperature differences. These differences in the water data at high Reynolds numbers could be minimized by employing an exponent for the viscosity ratio of about 0.8, as suggested by Gardner and Siller.24 To bring the water data to a single curve, similar arguments could be advanced for a variable exponent on the Prandtl number instead of on the viscosity ratio. Correlation with Exponents from Literature In order that comparisons might be made on the basis of the exponents used by Donohue, Tinker, and Short, the experimental data were plotted with these exponents according to Equation (hb)..60 1/3.14T. C /f'-m k (4b) k \rI: A/ Y k /y This changes the exponent for the Prandtl number from 0.375 to 0.333 and the exponent for the Reynolds number from 0.65 to 0.60. Fig. 28 is an example of the correlation with these exponents from the literature for

OD 103 1 I I I I I. - I _ _ 0. 4 0.60II -Cp ~~0.356 10 7 -- - - --- - -- -- --- -- - - - --- _____^ ^ - ^ - --- _____ ___ __ _ _ _ ___ 0 = SAE 40 LUBE OIL -4 I I I__ ________^ 111_ ____ x1 I 1< 11111\~11|1 1aGLYCERINE:4-L ^ - - --— _ _ -— _ 0^i -_ /' r~| -_^ J^^ I Z ___ - ---- FIGURE 28 CORRELATION OF HEAT TRANSFER DATA FOR THREE FLUIDS ON SHELL SIDE OF /4 -_PLAIN, TUBES IN8"SHELL USING EXPONENTS i_ __ __ _ ___ _ ___ __ _,0/Y__ __/ FROM THE LITERATURE | ---T --- ——. --- i0 I 10 102 103 104 105

bundle 1. It may be observed that the exponents derived in this study and used in Fig, 21 yield a slightly better fit of the data to the line than do the exponents from the literature. A similar correlation for the other bundles gave the constants C'(shown in Trable VII for Equation (4b)) to facilitate comparisons between these results and others based on this form of the equation, TABLE VII CONSTANTS IN CONVECTION COEFFICIENT EQUATION Bundle No, Ct in Eq. (4b) C in Eq. (4a) 1 (Plain).r356.200 2 (Finned).255.143 3 (Plain).302.169 4 (Finned).205 115 5 (Plain).400.225 6 (Finned).24.182 The convection coefficient equation recommended by Donohue for commercial exchangers with bored shells is of the form (4b) with C' equal to 0.25, Donohue's equation is plotted in Fig. 28. It may be observed that the poorest plain-tube performance for the test exchangers gave 20 per cent higher shell-side coefficients than does the recommended literature value, while the best plain-tube exchanger in these tests gave coefficients 60 per cent higher than recommended by Donohue. RECOMENDED SHEIJ-SIDE COEFFICIENTS FOR FINNED TUBES The data are not complete in the sense that they do not provide coefficients for other exchanger designs for finned tubes. The basic data and calculations are presented in detail so that engineers in the heatexchanger industry can arrive at their estimate of the best coefficients to

use in the light of the data obtained. However, there are those who would like to take recommended coefficients and proceed with the design. The mechanical design of the exchangers, including clearances, baffle arrangement, etc., is important to the extent that no accurate prediction can be made without knowledge of these factors. In the case of exchangers of standard design for which the performance with plain tubes is known, these mechanical features are evaluated. The finnedtube performance ctan be given in terms of the plain-tube performance equation. Finned Tubes When Plain-Tube Perf.orrmance i: Kno:n For plain-tube exchangers with known performance, the value of C' is known for Equation (4b) and the equation may be used to compute convection coefficients t0)o /Do Gm.6 (k '33 1 (4b) For finned-tube exchangers of the same design and clearances, this same egquation may be uned with Pe, the equivalent diameter, replacing Do, and with a new value for C'. It is recommended that: C' (finned tube) = C' (plain tube) x 0.7 This factor, 0.7, is the average of the vralues observed for bundcles I1 and 2 and bundles 3 and I4. It assumes tha.:t the height of fins on the tubes are near the lower limit of the specifications. If assurance could be given that the fin height is close to the plain-tube diameter this factor could well be as high as 0.8. Due to velocity and diameter ch-'nes with finned tubes as compared to plain tubes It is necessary to compute the convection coefficient; one cannot apply the above factor

41 directly to the coefficient for satisfactory results. Plain Tubes with Shell-Circle Design For exchangers similar to those of this study, in which the shell circle was filled with tubes and relatively close tolerances were used, the absolute values of C or C' in Equations (4a) or (4b) can be used. For plain tubes from 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter, Equation (4c) may be used, as follows: 6 - W375 014 hD (D.65 G 0.19 0 m(().L (4c) If desired, the corresponding form of Equation (4b) may be used: D \6o60 533 14 kho 34 (4d) Finned Tubes for Shell-Circle Design For finned tubes in similar exchangers, the coefficients are given by the following forms of Equation (4): >65 375 1437 hD G e =.13 e m) (4e) k D DD G — hD ( D G 6 o si (li~).33 () 14 k =.23 e i(4f These equations apply for tubes described in this report with 19 nominal fins per inch and from 1/2 to 1 inch in diameter. The constants in Equations (4e) and (4f) are based on the assumption that the height of the fins on the tubes are near the lower limit of the specifications and will have large clearances. In case the fin height

is such that the diameter over the fin equals the diameter of the plain end, the values for C and C' may rise to 0.15 for Equation (4e) and 0.27 for Equation (4f) for the finned tubes. It is appreciated that no data are available for 1-inch tubes, but there is no evidence to indicate that a signif icant difference may be expected. COMPARISON OF PLAIN AND FIfNED-TUBE PEIOPMAPICE The correlations of heat-transfer coefficients permit quantitativa calculations to compare finned tubes with plain tubes, but the relative amounts of heat transfer are not readily discernible. Comparisons will be made between the coefficients and between the heat transfer for the bundles identical except for the tubes. Heat Transfer Per Degree Temperature Difference The heat transferred by the plain-tube bundle could be compared directly with the heat transferred by the finned-tube bundle if the temperature level and temperature differences were the same. Since data are not available which have exactly the same temperature difference for the two exchangers, the heat transfer per degree temperature difference may be compared, provided the temperature levels and hence the physical properties of the fluids are essentially the same. The comparisons with water would show the least increase in heat transfer for finned tubes due to the high coefficients on the shell side, while the comparisons for oil will show the greatest benefit from the finned tubes. Bundles 3 and 4 will show te the least imrovement for the finned tubes with oil, and bundles 5 and 6 the most improvement due to the nature of the clearances between the tube and the baffle, as explained in connection with Fig. 27.

The tests with water on the shell side gave the highest rates of heat transfer. From thr clearances discussed previously, bundles 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 would be expected to show the least improvement for finned tubes. However, due to the high heat-transfer rates, the conductivity of the tube metal becomes significant. Therefore, the copper tubes in bundles 3 and 4 show the greatest improvement for the finned tubes as compared to the plain tubes. Fig. 29 is a comparison of the performance of bundles 3 and 4, which show from 57 to 60 per cent more heat transfer for the finned bundle at the same mass rates for water on the tube side. The least improvement for finned tubes is with water on the shell side of bundles 1 and 2, having Admiralty tubes. Fig. 30 gives the performance under specified conditions, with an increase in heat transfer from 11 to 18 per cent for the finned-tube bundle as compared to the plaintube bundle. Fig. 31, for oil on the shell side of exchanger bundles 5 and 6, shows the maximum benefit found for the finned tubes. The finned tubes more than doubled the heat transfer at the higher water velocities. Figs. 2 and 5533 show typical increases in heat transfer of from 60 to 70 per cent when oil is the fluid and the clearances between the tubes and the baffle are the maximum to be encountered. Overall and Film Coefficients The overall coefficients of heat transfer may be compared for a given temperature level of the fluid. If the actual outside area is used, it should be remembered that the finned-tube bundles have from 2.0o to 2.77 times as much surface as the plain-tube bundles. On the other hand, if the inside areas are used the finned-tube bundles have only from 0.78



46 10,000 _II. 9000 FINNED TUBE 8000 +/ 7000 L6000.5000 _ / 3: / PLAIN TUBE./ 4000 - I- 6 T 0/V CONDITIONS: 3000 w 3 3:: / -^o — WATER RATE(TUBESIDE) =50,000 LBS./HR. ~ PAVG. OIL INLET TEMP. =195.8~F AVG. MEAN aT =56.1~F,~/ I(AVG. OIL PRANDLE No. = 276) 2000 II I i I FIG. 31 COMPARISON OF HEAT TRANSFERRED BY FINNED AND PLAIN- TUBE BUNDLES WITH HOT OIL ON SHELL SIDE FOR 6"INCH SHELL 5/8" INCH TUBE BUNDLE 5 AND 6. 000 --- OIL RATE, LBS./HR. I 0 0 20,000 40,000 6q000oo


48 I FIGURE 33 COMPARISON OF HEAT TRANSFERRED BY FINNED AND PLAIN TUBE BUNDLES WITH HOT OIL ON SHELL SIDE FOR 8" SHELL I/ TUBES, BUNDLES 3 AND 4. '. I, 18,000 16,000 14,00 0 12,000 1 0,000 8000 6000 4.000 2000 A / / I FINNED TUBE / U1: cl LL. IL C3 z l. tr <; l/ /PLAIN TUBE, /'^6-D __O____ vr -0 - CONDITIONS: WATER RATE (TUBE SIDE)AVE. OIL INLET TEMP. AVE. MEAN ATE (AVE. OIL PRANDTL No. = 45,700 LB/HR. 1 9 3.6 ~F 2 4.1 OF 278) OIL RATE, LBs/HR. 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000

to 0.65 times as much inside surface as the plain-tube bundles. Figs. 34 and 355 show typical overall coefficients for glycerine and oil, based on the outside and on the inside areas of the tubes. The magnitude of the overall coefficients observed is worthy of consideration. For example, with water on the shell side of bundle 5, run 16, an overall coefficient of 1222 Btu per (Hr)(~F)(sq ft) was observed. This coefficient requires film coefficients of 2500 or more and indicates that fouling was extremely small or entirely absent. For finned tubes, run 28 gives an overall coefficient of 792 Btu per (hr)(~F)(sq ft outside). This coefficient, based on the outside fin area, requires film coefficient of about 3000. The convection coefficients on the shell side are of interest. These coefficients are compared on the basis of the outside area. For the finned tubes, the effective outside area is used rather than the actual outside area since any inefficiency in the fin should not be allowed to detract from the convection coefficient. For water on the shell side of Admiralty finned tubes, the fin efficiency was as low as 70 per cent, and the effective area is this fraction of the actual area for the fins, which constitute 80 per cent of the surface, i.e., the effective area may be only 76 per cent of the actual area. For oil and glycerine, the fin efficiencies seldom dropped below 95 per cent, and the actual outside area approximates the effective area. Fig. 36 compares typical convection coefficients plotted as a function of mass flow rate on the shell side. When convection coefficients for finned tubes are the same as for plain tubes, it follows that the fluid between the fins must be interchanged with fluid in the maine stream as rapidly as the fluid adjacent to a plain-tube wall.



250 (0 I FIG36 COMPARISON OF CONVECTION COEFFICIENTS 2500:' O, 1500 ------ /~~ -- - -- 44

53 An explanation for the similarity between the convection coefficients for finned and plain tubes may be found in the paper by Knudsen and Katz.25 Knudsen studied the heat transfer and fluid flow in annuli containing finned tubes. He observed that the fluid enters the space between the fihs and forms eddies, as shown in Fig. 37. These eddies appear to be responsible for replacing the fluid between the finki- when flow is turbulent and parallel to the tube. In cross flow, it is understandable that the fluid enters the space between the fins. The results of this study indicate that at very low Reynolds numbers the plain-tube coefficients do not decrease as rapidly as the finned-tube coefficients because the fluid probably does not enter the space between the fins at these low velocities. On the other hand, at very high Reynolds' numbers, the coefficients for the finned tubes may exceed those for plain tubes because of the extra turbulence caused by the fins. COBRELATION OF PRESSURE-DROP DATA Pressure-drop data were observed for the shell-side fluid on all runs and recorded in Table IV, page 115. For the same fluid rate and temperatures, the pressure drop for the finned-tube bundle was less than for the plain-tube bundle. This statement applies for all three fluids and the three pairs of bundles. Typical pressure-drop data for the shell-side fluid are plotted in Fig. 38. It is appreciated that the flow rates in the exchangers under test exceeded flow rates normally used in commercial operation. Mass rates up to 1.5 million pounds per sq ft per hour were obtained with pressure losses up to 12 psi. Flow rates in large exchangers with a pressure drop limit of 12 psi would attain mass rates of 200,000 to 500,000 lbs per sq ft per hour. The



56 greatest difference for finned and plain tubes occurs between bundles 3 and 4 because th-ce two differed the most in their clearances, while bundles 5 and 6 have the least difference in pressure drop, corresponding to the small difference in clearance. Reference to Figs. 6 and 7 will show that there is more space for the shell-side fluid to flow in cross flowr in the case of the finned tubei; as compared to the plain tubes. Also, the inherent leakage through the helical space between the fins at the baffle will reduce the pressure drop for the finned-tube bundle. An analysis of pressure-drop data divides the total pressure drop into the following items2'23: (1) enlargement and contraction loss at the nozzles, (2) loss during flow through baffle windows, and (3) friction loss during flow across tubes. The enlargement and contraction loss for the nozzles was taken as the kinetic energy of the fluid in the exit nozzle; the inlet kinetic energy was assumed to be dissipated. The loss during flow through a window was assumed 20 to follow the equation of Donohue: 2.9 G2 (P - P)w = 9 (7) 1 2 w2 1 3013sp gr w-rher-e (P] - P )R -. pressure drop per baffle window, lbs/sq in. Gw = m.cn3r velocit.r a.t A^r,,!b~;/(hr)(crq ft) sp gr specific gravity referred to water at 60~F or the dens-ity in,g/r.c Short related pressure loss at baffle windows to the velocity squared and a function of the product cf tiLe Reynolds number throu>lgh the windower and the souare root of the Prandtl number. Even for this more complex relationship, considerable scattering occurred for the data obtained by Short. Lquation (T is adop-;ted because of its simplicity and -the demonistrr.tion by Don ohuc tavtc it vt fa essentially as good as the more complex relationship. The totil baffle IOBCs i the pressure drop per baffle times the number of baffle windcvs.

57 The friction loss of flow across tubes may be expected to follow a friction-factor curve such as was used by Donohue. The friction factor is related to pressure drop as follows: (Pi - p) =1.07 f n 1Gc I 2 ) (P:. -P2)c0lo9 c -0. 14 (8) where f = friction factor n = the minimum number of rows of tubes the fluid passes in flowing from one window to the next Gc = rass velocity at Ac in cross flow, lbs/(hr)(sq ft) p = fluid density, lbs/cu ft g -= 32.2, conversion factor (P1 - 2)c = pressure drop per baffle space due to friction of cross flow in lbs/sq in. //%w = viscosity ratio between bulk temperature and wall temperature The friction factor is a function of the Reynolds ntmber on the shell side. The experimental data were used to evaluate f, the friction factor, in the following manner. The outlet-nozzle kinetic energy and the total baffle loss were computed as described above. The sum of these two pressure drops was subtracted from the experimental pressure drop to obtain the pressure loss due to cross flow, (P1 - P2)c* This value was substituted in Equation (8) for (P1 - P2)c and the friction factor, f, was computed for each run. These friction factors are plotted in Figs. 39, 40, and 41 for the three pairs of exchangers. 22 The friction factors are above those reported by Donohue, indicating the effect of the clearance between the tubes on the shellcircle and the shell for the exchangers in these tests.




61 The symmetry of the curves from this study and that of Donohue would indicate that the equation for the window loss was suitable for the test exchangers. Fig. 39 is an exception in that the finned-tube exchanger 22 has a lower pressure drop than the curve of Donohue, and in some cases the experimental pressure drop was less than the sum of the kinetic energy of outlet nozzle and the computed window loss. No explanation for this can be found, but it should be noted that these bundles, 1 and 2, had a smaller window than the other bundles. These studies indicate that when a friction factor curve is available for an exchanger with plain tubes, this curve would be conservative for computing the pressure drop for the same exchanger equipped with finned tubes. On the tube side, the pressure drop for the cooling water was observed, but it was not recorded in Table IV. Fig. 42 gives typical pressure-drop values for the water passing through the tubes at several velocities at mean water temperatures in the range from 155 to 165~F. ECONOMICS OF FINNED TUBES FOR SHELL AND TUBE EXCHANGERS The only reliable procedure for evaluating the economics of finned tubes is to make designs and cost estimates of exchangers with plain tubes and with finned tubes for a given heat-transfer duty. The information required to make this comparison is (1) methods of sizing exchangers for a given duty and pressure-drop limitation and (2) methods of determining the costs of the components of exchangers. The data and correlations reported in this study serve as a basis for sizing exchangers. The Exchangers Price Section of the book, Alco Heat Exchangers,

62 z d co cf) CD) O3 J 03 z X IU LLd 0 Ca n LU aU 0 COD CL or a 0 20,000 40p00 60,00 80,000 0oopoo WATER RATE ON TUBE SIDE, LBS/HR.

63 September 28, 1950,2 will be used to determine the prices of the components of the exchangers, except for the tubes. The cost data are for shells with a working pressure of 150 lbs per sq in. The prices for plain and finned tubes were obtained from the Wolverine Tube Division of the Calumet and Hecla Consolidated Copper Company, as of December 4, 1950. Typical problems for which finned tubes might be economical are selected to illustrate the use of the data in sizing and pricing exchangers. Some exchangers will be sized using the shell-circle design of the test exchangers. Comparisons more favorable for finned tubes could have been made if the shell-side coefficients had been obtained from the equation recommended for standard exchangers. Fouling One of the important items in heat-exchanger design is the fouling factor, which is used to provide the proper size of exchanger for a given duty when the exchanger has accumulated a specified amount of foreign material on the heat-transfer surface. The accepted procedure 18 in this regard is set forth in the TEMA standards. It should be obvious that, if a tube is expected to foul severely on the inside, extended surface on the outside can be of little value. Finned-tube exchangers have been reported to perform on relatively dirty oil on the shell-side without undue fouling as compared to plain tubes. 0 Even though deposits may settle at the root of the fin, the end of the fin may be considerably cleaner than the surface of plain tubes. The eddies between the fins may prevent fouling in some cases. The heat-transfer services selected for design in this report require moderate fouling factors, which are used according to TEMA standards for plain tubes.

64 Procedures for Shell-Circle Design The procedures for designing a shell and tube exchanger of the type tested in this study will be outlined. An example calculation will follow to illustrate the method. In general, the length of the exchanger is specified or fixed at the maximum practical length for the service. The mass flow rate, Gm, is normally selected as a starting point in the calculations. From this flow rate and the fluid properties, -the shell-side coefficient is found from Equation (4e). An overall coefficient is computed from the shellside coefficient and ann assumed inside coefficient. The heat transfer area for -the exchanger is computed in the first trial, which ares indicates the diameter of the exchanger for a given length and tube. The number of tubes and the water requirement determines the water passes for a given water velocity, normally chosen in the range of 3 to 6 feet per second. At this point, a second trial is made. The overall coefficient is computed from the inside coefficient and fouling factor to find a second trial are-a and diameter. It is necessary to go through the design a.ga.in with a viscosity rntio in the shell-side film coefficient. After this part of the design is complete, the pressure drop is computed. This requires a baffle spacing and window opening based on the mass velocity relation of Equations (5) and (6) and exchanger dimensions. If the pressure drop is excessive, a lower mass-flow rate is required, and, if the pressure drop is low, a higher mass-flow rate is used. Engineers with experience in the correlation of heat-transfer coefficients as influenced by tube size and shell diameter over and above

the efi'fe.t-:I rxe"'flected in I'uatio4n ( r ) mny w1h tc * ml-ly tl;ir ji r cIurn for o.btai1ninrg,hell-;irle coeffiicie.nt o)r lrain t;ubec and p rirfomanc e of finnod tubes b:,-;e on t:1h- resu.lts, prnrcented in Figr?.:1 thrl o: h. Com tpari.4on 0of Co: trs for m'ined?.nd. 'l:J in-Thbe' E:li'-,:h'; T r i c.......et.f h'. ',.vc been ~:.1 r',)'lected tcr',,il ]. ct.r::, ' ti r.....:'.: "t' t,;, ivr,er"ormrancc \v. hich Itmroy be prCectod 4or rinc::ii,3!n-tubr exc;nrrs bhen cooling vJ..-'c:U flr.t..T. Te.,rt th r F given heat.duty. The fourt;h c~-e i^ - ncludcid; tco il.u-t..-rAt^ th.t f'inned tubes may be u Te In exsh-:ngers trevousy etq.ipe wi.th.m l3'a. L" ub nlt a reduc.tion fi. n the t t!:mperature d.ifference i, (1d,-' trod.. i. ' l-: tube 1esignl t"o:iatch the r peornnmce o;)' the ifn.rrn:d-t.ube un itn uC s,1.- e IV. The five c.-c a"re. Cae. I Lube O i Cooerr, oil t-.ntip.ci3e vi:o ity CasCe II Abb:.orption Oil Cooler, ol.-! 2,6-contipoice v iscosity C-r;'' ITI Corn Sirup Coolr, iru,-'.tt"..n ",..,' >-20- IV Corn Sirup Cooler,. Ir 7 '^-t ' o-...? vr.c, ty C.. e V Corn Sirup Cooier, 'iup, -c':-, o:..,'.n..JJ... '...:,.'.....-.-,' '~.?..,.j,;,A i V n(: r'... ";-' n)^ lubreT t '.' i c ^ 'no'.',: ^2 *i.':'"....e The tubes ar t.. b.: " o"t n..... I.. t.t....Shell-rlCt- Vut-d.. 0 C-A' lbrit. ns l 1 I ien* rminute, in at -l — 'fl, 7 7 t-, a, t l.,t^ tuko -F k Fbx id.. Te minute, in ot $~O i'. Pressure loss on shell 'iL.:..lc 'r:..i,::..:.: 12 ps J.,

66 Design of Plain-Tube Exchanger. 40 SAE oil is assumed to have properties of Figs. 12-15. Average oil temperature = 178.5~F Oil Properties. Cp = 0.5 Btu/lb ~F from Fig. 15 p =.860 x 62.4 = 53.6 lbs/cu ft from Fig. 12 k =.081 Btu/(hr)(sq ft)(~F/ft) from Fig. 14 /- = 23 centipoises from Fig. 13 Oil rate in lbs/hr = 170 x 60 x 8.34 x.86 = 73,100 lbs/hr Heat load = 73,100 x (190 - 167) x.50 = 840,000 Btu/hr Water temperature rise = 6 x 60 x 82 = 2.84~F. Water out at 162.84~F 0 x o190 x 162.8) - W167 - 160= 14.9F Log mean temperature difference (190-162.8) - (167 - 160) ln (190-162.8)/(167 - 160) Correction factor, F, from TEMA, Fig. T-4A = 0.955 for two tube passes. Mean temperature difference (ATm) = 14.9 x 0.955 = 14.2 Equation (4c) with recommended value of 0.19 for C, with plain tubes. h D OD G)65 / CA375/ 14 k -.19( Q- f-)Q\ (40c) A 5/8-inch (.0521-ft) O.D. Admiralty tube, 18-gauge, 0.049-inch wall on a 13/16-inch triangular pitch, will be selected for this design. A mass velocity Gm of 350,000 lbs per (hr)(sq ft) is assumed for the exchanger. First trial solution for shell-side coefficient: h. 0.19 x.081.0521 x 505 x 2 x 2.4 ho =.0521 23 x 2.42 6 x5 x.8l2 ho =.295 (327) 65 (344) *375 (z*).l14 ho = 1l3( Btu/(hr)(~F)(sq ft)

67 Assume an overall coefficient (Uo) of 90 Btu per (hr)(~F)(sq ft). The heat-transfer area by Equation (1): A = 840000 = 657 sq ft outside U AT go x 14.2 From the Alco book,6 the smallest exchanger, 8 ft long, with more than 657 sq ft outside is a 24-inch diameter shell which was 768 sq ft with 586 tubes for a two-pass tube side. It is assumed that there would be approximately the same number of tubes in a 24-inch bundle with the shell-circle design as with regular triangle pitch, Flow area tube side: inside flowarea, tubes 0.2181 sq in. 0.2181 29 = 0.444 sq ft 600 x 8.2 water velocity = 60 x 0444 x 6 = 3.03 ft/sec Water convection coefficient, McAdams, page 183, 008 hi = 150(1 + 0.011 T) d. 0' hi = 150(1 + 0.011 x 161) 3 0.20 = 1150 Btu per (hr)(*F)(sq ft inside) 0.527 Computed overall coefficient: 1 U = 0.01.= 83.0 Btuper (hr) (F)(sq ft), 0 1 _.625_ x 0. 001,625 113- +. o +.527 + 527 x 1150 Tube wall temperature = 178.5 - 14.2 x 83.0 168.03F 113 /Vw = 27 centipoises ()' 14 = (23/27) =.978

68 ho = 113 x.978 = 111 Btu per (hr)(~F)(sq ft) ~U=Q 1 625________ = 82.0 Btu per (hr)(~F)(sq ft +.001 + x 2 001. 12 0 outside) 111 52.527x 1280 84001 o0 Heat-transfer area = 820 = 721 sq ft outside The 24-inch bundle with 768 sq ft is sufficient for this second trial area and will be used if the pressure drop calculations are satisfactory Baffle-Spacing Calculation. Minimum space between tubes along a diameter perpendicular to flow, 28 tubes per row: 24 - (28 x 0.625) 0.541 ft 12 Cross-flow area equals 0.541 x baffle spacing. Baffle cut and spacing will be chosen to give Gc = 210,000 and a Gw = 590,000 or Gm = 2lO0,0o x 590,000 = 350,000 Area cross flow of 210,000 lbs per (sq ft)(hr) is 75000 = 0.348 sq ft 210,000 Baffle spacing = 0.348 o.644 ft 0.541 Number of baffles = o - 1 = 11.4; 10 baffles will be used to give appropriate space at ends or 11 spaces for cross flow. Pressure Drop. Cross flow passes about 10 rows of tubes from edge of one window to edge of next. (PI - P2)c 1.7 f n c2 (-) 1(8) 9. gcp..w

69 (CiGc =.0521 x 210 000 D =.021 2130 = 197, f from Fig. 40 = 2.0 (P1 - P2) = 1.07 x 1.9 x 10 x (210,0oo2 109 x 32.2 x 53.6 x.978 x 11 = 6.15 psi cross flow pressure drop. Window pressure drop: (P1 - P2)w 2.9 x -' 1015 Sp gr (7) (P1 - P2)w 2.9 x 2 0 11 8 p2 1013x 086 = 0.118 psi/baffle. 1013 0 ~86 Total window loss: 0.118 x 10 Total pressure drop = 1.18 psi = 6.15 + 1.18 = 7.33 psi Design of Finned-Tubing Exchanger. Since this unit will be smaller in diameter, a mass velocity (Gm) of 500,000 will be used with a Gw of 830,000 and a Gc of 300,000. Convection coefficient shell side, using recommended value for C of 0.13: ho De D o D r 65 <CP"575 I )314 — e - 0 o13 e K)L. k kP (4e) De for 5/8" end finned tube from Table I = 0.554 inches or.0461 feet h o. x. o81 /.o46. x \500.000o 65.375.1/)4 o"o.0461 23 x 2.42 (34) / ) ho = 0.228 x 414'65 x 7.75 x (-.)14 0 f"V - 88.9 ()14 Assume a Uo of 65. First trial heat-transer area = 0 outside. First trial heat-transfer area = i~2-= = 910 sq ft outside. Area of finned tube No. of tubes, 8 ft long = 0.361 sq ft per ft, Table I. 0-J-3- = 315 tubes.

70 A 54.5 A = 5 - 3=.26 from Table I. Ai 16.7 For one-pass water side, an 18-inch diameter exchanger will have 336 tubes. Tubes have 0.133 sq in. flow area based on I.D. of 0.411 inch. Flow a.rea for water = -16 = 0.310 sq ft 600 x 8.2 Water velocity = 60 o x 0.31 0 - 4.34 ft/sec Inside coefficient: V0.8 416 x 3.24 hi = 150(1 + 0.011 T) D 0.2 = 0837 = 1610 Btu per(hr)(~F)(sq ft) i Computed overall coefficient Uo 31 60.9 0 1 3.26 U - _ _ - 60.5 8.9 +.001 +.001(3.26) + Wall temperature (100 per cent fin efficiency) = 178.5 - 14.2 x 60.5/88.9 = 168.8 Viscosity ratio = ( )14 ().1 = 0.983 (~w) 2.6 4 ho = 88.9 x 0.983 = 87.4 This ho is based on the effective outside area. To convert to ho', based on the actual outside area, use Fig. 18, which gives Ao/Ae. In this figure the total outside conductance, including the outside fouling, should be used. This equals 1-87. +.001 = 80.5; from Fig. 18, Ao/Ae ' 1.0. When Ao/Ae is significantly greater than one, the ho is divided by Ao/Ae to get h '. In this case ho' = ho. 0

71 = 59.8 Btu per (hr)(~F)(sq ft) U _ _.7 01+.02_.611. =o 1 47.l +. 01 -.- +.00-6+ 37.2i10 Second trial heat-transfer area, AT = 14.9 for single pss. Ao 5840 -o 0 943 sq ft No. of tubes 94 = 526 tubes 0.361 x 8 The 18-inch exchanger is satisfactory. Baffle Spacing No. of tubes on a diameter = 20 tubes. Minimum space between tubes = 18-2. 5 = 0.577 ft 12 Area for cross flow of 500,000 is _.107- 0.244 sq ft )00, 000 0.244 Baffle spacing O=.5 ~ '.22 ft No. of baffles 82 - 1 i Allow 2 baffle spaces for ~0'+2 nozzles and use 16. Pressure Drop No. of rows of tubes in cross flow betwreen 'bt;ff':r windows( i~ cCboul:I eo...0461 x 300 000,. P. _ 1.07o x. 6 oo a2 (P1 - P 2) - p.07.). 0.7.. -)2 0.255 psi t 6. Total cross Window loss = (P1 - 10i- x 52.'2 x 3.o x. y5j; flow (P1 - P2) = 17 x 0.255 P2) 2.1 0 (_ OO) 30 w 1015 x 0.86 L6 )4.33 psi = 3.72 psi Total pressure drop = 5.72 + 4.55 = 8.05 psi

72 Pricing of Exchangers. The Nlco Heat Exchanger book20 is used for prices of exchanger components. Tube costs were furnisrhed by Wolverine Tube Division, as follows: plain Admiralty $0.172 per ft, finned Admiralty $0.275 per ft, both in large quantities. A summary of the results of these calculations and the costs for the components of the exchangers are given in Table VIII. The saving with finned tubes is computed: $4159.64 206.35 > 953.29 Per cent saving - 9_532- 22 1.9 4159.64 29% Case II, Absorption Oil Cooler Given: Cool 2,000,000 gallons per day of absorption oil from 140~F to 90~F. Treated cooling water is available at 70~F and will be permitted to rise to 85~F. The oil has a molecular weight of 210 and a density of 0.875 g/cc at 60~F. TEMA fouling factors should be used, 0.002 outside and 0.001 inside. Admiralty tubes should be used. The designs were computed in a manner similar to that of Case I for the lubricating oil cooler. The results of the calculations are given in Table IX. The shell diameters computed are 42 inches and 33 inches for the plain and finned.-tube units, respectively. The cost of the plain-tube exchanger is $14,166 - $10,530 = $3,586 more than the finned-tube unit. This represents a decrease of 25.3 per cent in the cost of this type of absorption oil cooler when using the finned tubes described in Table I. Case III, Corn Sirup Cooler Given: Cool 50 gallons per minute of 38~ Be corn sirup from 200~F to 130~F. River water is available at 90~F and a 20~F rise may be used. The exchanger tubes are to be 8 feet long, 3/4-inch copper. The fouling factors are 0.002 on both sides. A comparison of the designs and cost is given in Table X.

73 TABLE VIII DESIGN AND COSTS OF LUBRICATING OIL COOLERS -- CASE I Properties of Oil at Mean Bulk Temperature = 23 centipoises Cp = 0.5 p = 53.6 k = 0.081 Units Plain Tubes Finned Tubes Heat duty Mean temperature difference, ATm Shell side velocities Gm* Gv ide coe Gw Shell side coefficient Btu/(hr) 840,0oo 840,000 14.9 14.2 lbs/(hr)(sq ft) t!.t tt 11 350,000 210,00C 590,000 500,000 300,000 830,000 Btu/(hr)(F )(sq ft) 111 outside Water velocity, tube side ft/sec 3.03 4.34 Water coefficient Btu/(hr)(~F)(sq ft) 1150 inside 1610 Overall c oeffic ient Heat transfer area required Heat transfer area standard exchanger Btu/(hr)(~F)(sq ft) 82.0 outs ide 59.8 sq ft outside sq ft outside 721 768 972 Exchanger dimensions Length of tubes* Diameter of tubes* (0.049" wall) Spacing of tubes* Number of tubes Diameter of shell Passes water side Number of baffles ft inch inch inch 8 5/8 13/16 586 24 2 10 triangular 8 5/8 13/16 336 18 1 16 triangulam Shell side pressure drop lbs/sq in. 7.33 8,05 Costs Shell Tube side Nozzles Tube sheets Baffles Tubes Dollars t-T T! it ft $1158.20 508.28 307.00 911.00 467.16 808.00 $4159.64 $ 893.68 398,19 307.00 480.00 388.48 739.00 $3206.35 TOTAL COST it *Assumed in design procedure

TABLE IX DESIGN AND COSTS OF ABSORPTION OIL COOLERS -- CASE II Properties of Oil at Mean Bulk Temperature /'= 2.6 centipoises p = 53.1 k = 0.0815 C = 0.4~ 35 its Plain Tubes Fied Tues Units Plain Tubes Finned Tubes Heat duty Mean temperature difference, ATm Shell side velocities GM* Gc Gw Shell side coefficient Water velocity, tube side Water coefficient Overall coefficient Heat transfer area required Heat transfer area standard exchanger Exchanger dimensions Length of tubes* Diameter of tubes* (0.65" wall) Spacing of tubes* Number of tubes Diameter of shell Passes water side Number of baffles Shell side pressure drop Costs Shell Tube side Nozzles Tube sheets Baffles Tubes Btu/(hr) oF lbs/(hr)(sq ft) tt i 14,400,000 30.3 500,000 400,000 625,000 Btu/(hr) (~F)(sq ft) 237 outside ft/sec 5.21 Btu/(hr) (F)(sq ft) 1140 inside Btu/(hr) (F)(sq ft) 116 outside sq ft outside 4100 sq ft outside 4430 14,400,000 30.3 600,000 500,000 720,000 240 6.30 1390 87.5 5430 5780 ft inch inch inch 16 3/4 15/16 1378 42 4 8 4.1 triangular 16 5/4 15/16 triangula 882 33 2 11 5.3 lbs/sq in. Dollars ti tt tt T! $ 2684 1278 507 3093 859 5700 $14116 $ 1645 751 507 1665 717 5250 $105350 TOTAL COST *Assumed in design procedure

75 TABLL. DESIGN AND COST OF CORN SIRUP COOLERS — CASE III Properties of Sirup at Mean Bulk Temperature /k = 61 centipcise p - 8.5 k 0.28 Cp 0.564 Units Plain Tubes Finned Tubes Heat duty Mean temperature difference, ATm Shell side velocities Gm* Gc Gv Shell side coefficient Water velocity, tube side Water coefficient Overall coefficient Heat transfer area required Heat transfer area standard exchanger Exchanger dimensions Length of tubes* Dianieter of tubes-X (O.065''w all) Sp ci ng of tubes* Numiber of tubes Diameter of shell Passes water side Number of baffles Shell side pressure drop Costs Shell Nozzles Tube sheets Baffles Tube s Btu/(hr) OF lbs/(hr)(sq ft) it ft ft Btu/(hr) (~F) (sq outside ft/sec Btu/(hr) ( F) (sq inside Btu/(hr)( F)(sq outside sq ft outside sq ft outside ft inch inch inch lbs/sq in. Dollars It tl 1,500,000 57.o 200,000 200,000 200,000 ft) 121 5.57 ft) 1410 ft) 67.1 592 425 1,500,000 57.0 250,000 250,000 250,000 100 3.08 1520 48.3 545 563.0 8 15/16 270 20 6 17 1...0 triangular 8 3/J! 15/16 triangular 172 16 2 17 5.8 $1011 521 221 59 559 580;I 3283 $ 875 408 221 566 2,8l 476 t2627 IT tt TOTAL COST *Assumed in design procedure

All prices for corn sirup coolers are based on exchangers having plain steel shells. The use of other metals for the shells would change the price of both units in a manner that would not affect the comparison adversely. Case IV, Replacement of Plain Tubes by Finned Tubes in Corn Sirup Cooler Given: In Case III, a plain-tube exchanger was designed for cooling 50 gallons of sirup per minute. The sirup leftat 130F and the water at 110~F. Compute the performance of this exchanger when it is equipped with finned tubes. The temperature of the sirup is now reduced to 117~F instead of 1300F, while the cooling water is maintained at an outlet temperature of 110~F. The finned tubes transfer an added 275,000 Btu per hr, as shown in Table XI. This example cannot be used to evaluate the merit of finned tubes since it is impossible to evaluate the cost of the added cooling without further comparisons. Case V is a design of a plain-tube exchanger to match the performance of the exchanger in Case IV, i.e., the plain-tube unit of Case III when it contains finned tubes. Case V, Closer Temperature Approach with Finned and Plain Tubes Design a plain-tube exchanger to cool 50 gallons per minute of 38~ Be corn sirup from 200~F to 117~F, with water in at 90~F and out at 110~F. Fouling factors of 0.002 to be used on both sides. Exchanger tubes are 8 feet long, 3/4-inch copper. Note that this is the performance of the exchanger with finned tubes in Case IV. The results of the design and cost calculations are given in Table XI. It may be seen that the additional heat transfer to cool the sirup from 130~F to 1170F costs $116.00 when employing finned tubes and $930.00 when obtaining a larger plain-tube exchanger.

77 TABLE XI DESIGN AND COSTS FOR CORN SIRUP - COVERS CASES IV AM) V Properties of Sirup at Mean Bulk Temperature of Cases IV and V /,-= 73 centipoises p - 84.0 k 0.28 C --.64 Caet IVT Case V P1-Lin Tube Plain Tube Unit U:::iI:: Shell of Cal;e to Match III, with CaOrse IV Finned Tubes - - -----— ~ ---- C' —; -—;.. T~_ ----~.-~i — ll.=D.r~lrJ~rlPIII-LIICCI ~ -- -~-I =-. ieat duty 4ean temperature difference, ATM 'hell side velocities Gm* Gc Gw 3hell side coefficient Jater velocity, tube side later Coefficient )verall coefficient [eat transfer area required xchanger dimensions Length of tubes* Diameter of tubes* (O.065twall) Spacing of tubes Number of tubes Diameter of shell Passes water side Number of baffles hell side pressure drop osts Shell Tube side Nozzles Tube sheets Baffles Tubes Btu/(hr) oF lbs/(hr)(sq ft) it ~t.t Btu/(hr) (F)(sq outside ft/sec Btu/ (hr) (OF)(sq ins ide Btu/(hr)(0F )(sq outside sq ft outside ft inch inch inch lbs/sq in. Dollars it tt it ft 1, 77 ), 000 47.1 372,000 147,000 200,000 ft) 78.3 5.6 ft) 2120 ft) 44.2 885 1,775,000 47.1 172,000 172,000 1. 5 2,000 109 2.68 1120 68.2 626;/4 70 270 20 137 5.1 triangular 5/4 15/16 398 24 17 4.5 triangular $1011 521 221 596 559 746: 3454 $1158 581 221 819 475 869 $4123 TOTAL COST Assumed in design procedure

78 It might be added that the extra cooling below 130~F for 50 gallons per minute costs $1.23 per ~F for equipping with finned tubes and $7.15 per ~F when obtaining the requisite plain-tube exchanger. WHEN ACRE FINNID) TUBES ECONOMICALL IN SHELL AUNDT TUBE EXClTPNGERS? The above cases have been chosen to show typical advantages of finned tubes by selecting services where the shell-side coefficients are relatively low. A comparison of costs for services with high shell-side coefficients could result in little or no saving due to fouling factors, low fin efficiencies for high coefficients, and the slightly lower coefficients for the finned surface as compared to the plain surface, Fig. 36. A complete calculation, such as is given in Case I, is required to arrive at a definite comparison of costs. One element of the economics is the working pressure of the exchanger. High pressures require heavy shells which are relatively expensive, and a given size reduction.Till save a higher per:ent of the cost at higher pressures. These studies are based on working pressures of 150 pounds per sq in, A general statement concerning the probability that finned-tube exchangers will or will not be economical can be made when the inside resistances to heat transfer and the outside resistances are known. Equation (9) gives the relationship between the clean and fouled coefficients, individual coefficients, and fouling factors. Uo (fouled) = A (9) ho k r, '41 hk A hV ~ kav A hiAi 0 -1 A -- (9a) 1 + f + U (clean) 0 Ail

79 For cases in which water flows inside of tubes at a given velocity and the metal resistance is known, the relationship between the inside resistance and the outside resistance is given by the two fouling factors and the overall coefficient on either a clean basis or on a fouled basis. Thus it is possible, at a fixed water-film coefficient and specified tube sizes, to make cost studies for plain and finned-tube exchangers as a function of the fouling factors and the overall coefficient. Since situations arise in which either clean or fouled coefficients are known, two charts have been prepared for predicting whether finned or plain-tube exchangers are economical. Fig. 43 is based on overall coefficients for the fouled exchanger, and Fig. 44 plots overall coefficients for the clean exchanger. These charts have curves for given fouling factors on the outside and plot the fouling factor on the inside as ordinates. The curves represent the condition for equal costs of plain and finned-tube exchangers. The area above each curve represents overall coefficients for plain-tube exchangers for which cost calculations will show that plain tube exchangers are cheaper, while the area below the curve represents coefficients 'o] which cost calculations will show that finned-tube exchangers are cheaper, For example, Case I has a fouled overall coefficient of 87,1 for the plain-tube exchanger with fi 0.001 and fo 0.001. Reference to Fig. 43 shows that an overall coefficient of 87.1 is well below the curve for f = 0,001 at fi =0.001. In fact, all exchangers having overall coefficients in the fouled condition below 175, are more economical with finned tubes for fouling factors of 0.001. The clean overall coefficient; for Case I is 110 and is well below the curve for fo = 0.001 in Fig. 43 at fi = 0.001.



82 These charts are based on specific calculations with the following data and assumptions: (1) Inside water coefficient - 1500. (2) 3/4-inch plain and finned Admiralty tubes of dimensions shown in Table I. (3) 24-inch diameter shell, 12-foot tubes, 4-pass plain-tube exchanger and 22-inch diameter shell, 12-foot tubes, 2 -pass finned-tube exchanger. (4) It is assumed that the outside coefficient for finned tubes equals 80 per cent of the outside plain-tube coefficient. (5) Costs are those used in this study, which are $4.65 per sq ft outside for the plain-tube exchanger($4495 total) and $2.61 per sq ft outside for the finned exchanger ($4578 total). The curves represent the overall coefficients for the plain-tube exchanger and given fouling factors at which the exchangers of this size and equal costs transfer the same amount of heat per degree temperature difference. For Fig. 43 the computations simply involve finding the points at which UO(Plain fouled) divided by U0(Finned fouled) becomesequal to 4.65/2.61 or 1.78. The curves in Fig. 43 are terminated when the outside film coefficients begin to rise rapidly. It is appreciated that these charts do not apply accurately for conditions other than those specified. For cases in which the exchanger diameters are lower than those given (22-24 inches), the break-even point for finned-tube exchangers will occur at lower overall coefficients. For larger sizes, the coefficients for the break-even point may be slightly higher.

83 The use of large fouling factors for the outside may be questioned in that such fouling might plug the spaces between the fins. Although such fouling could occur, it should not be overlooked that there is turbulence between the fins. The charts assume a uniform fouling on the outside, such as might occur for paraffin accumulation in contrast to solid accumulation, such as scale formation. For troleum oils used with the exchangers and conditions employed for Figs. 43 and 44, the overall coefficients are essentially a function of the oil viscosity. For a thermal conductivity of 0.078 Btu per (hr)(~F) (ft) and a specific heat of 0.48 Btu per (lb)(~F), the clean overall coefficient can be computed from the oil viscosity, an assumed velocity of 400,000 lbs/(hr)(sq ft) and the conditions specified. Thus, a chart can be drawn to indicate whether, as a function of the oil viscosity and the two fouling factors, Fig. 45, finned-tube coolers are cheaper than plain-tube coolers. This chart is based on the same assumptions and conditions as Figs. 43 and 44. For oils of viscosity higher than a given curve, finned-tube exchangers (water inside tubes) are more economical. The viscosity is taken at the mean bulk temperature. Taking Case I as an example, the lube oil has a viscosity of 25,0 centipoises, with 0.001 fouling factor outside and 0.001 fouling factor inside. The viscosity of 23 centipoises is considerably above the 0,1 centipoise read from the chart as the viscosity at the break-even point for these fouling factors for mineral oils. Again, this chart is based on the cost ratio of 1. 78 for plain surface to outside finned surface and applies to exchangers 22 to 24 inches in diameter. Small exchangers cannot tolerate the low viscosities indicate*dfor economicgl use of finned tubes, while larger exchangers would break even at even


85 lower viscosities than those shown. It should be emphasized that these charts give only approximate values and are intended as ttrules of thumb" for evaluating finned tubes. They are not offered as a substitute for the design calculations. METAL REQUIREMENTS OF PLAIN AND FINNED TUBE EXCHANGERS The weights of heat exchangers for a given duty are of interest for three reasons: (1) metal requirement in times of metal shortage (2) weight as a factor in handling, in design of supporting structures, and for mobile equipment (3) shipping costs. Any reduction in cost due to the use of finned tubes will be primarily the result of reduction in shell size, and therefore a reduction in the amount of metal used. A comparison of the weights of the exchangers in Cases I, II, and III is given in Table XII. For these cases, approximately one third of the tube and shell metal is saved when finned tubes are employed. These weights are for operating pressures of 150 lbs per sq in. CONCLUSION The heat-transfer and pressure-drop experiments provide adequate data for designing exchangers to determine the relative costs for shell and tube exchangers equipped with plain tubes and with finned tubes. For uses in which the shell-side resistance, including fouling, is somewhat

86 TABLE XII COMPARISON OF METAL REQUIREMENTS Case I Case II Case III Lube Oil Cooler Absorption Oil Sirup Cooler Cooler l - -- -r~ --- -- - -- -- - Plain Tubes Weight of exchanger* less tubes, lbs Weight of tubes, lbs Total weight, lbs Finned Tubes Weight of exchanger* less tubes, lbs Weight of finned tubes, lbs Total weight, lbs Per cent saving in tube metal Per cent saving in total exchanger 4,268 1,490 5,758 14,633 12,000 26,633 2,688 985 3,673 9,612 8,150 17,762 3,148 1,160 4,308 2,256 793 3,049 31.6 29.1 33.9 36.2 32.1 33.3 *Taken as Alco shipping weights less 25 Ibs per f xcanr erlength allowance for skids.

87 higher than the inside resistance,a design calculation should be made to determine the cheaper exchanger. Cooling of mineral ils with water is a typical example in which a saving of 20 per cent in exchanger cost and of 30 per cent in metal may be realized by the use of finned tubes. It is appreciated that the industry may desire further assurances that the fouling resistances on the shelled side of finned tubes will be similar to those on plain tubes. Also, such problems as corrosion of the fins and erosion due to the higher water velocities on the inside of the tubes may require some study under actual service conditions.

88 NOMENCIATURE A = Heat-transfer area, sq ft A = Average heat-transfer area through metal wall of tube, sq ft per ft of length Ac = Flow area across the tube bundle, sq ft Ae = Effective outside area of finned tube, sq ft per ft of tube Af = Area of fins on finned tube, sq ft per ft of tube Am = Mean area for fluid flow on shell side of tube bundle, VAAcA, sq ft Ao = Outside area of tube, sq ft per ft of length Aw = Flow area through baffle window, sq ft af = Area of a fin C = Constant in heat transfer equation (4, 4a) C' = Constant in heat transfer equation (4b) Cp - Heat capacity, Btu per (lb)(~F) D = Diameter of tube, ft De = Equivalent outside diameter of finned tube, ft = outside diameter of plain tube having same inside diameter and same weight of metal Do = Outside diameter of plain tube, ft di = Inside diameter of tube, in. (See Equation (9).) F = Correction factor for AT in multipass exchangers from TEMA G = Masa-flow rate, lbs per (sq ft)(hr) Gc = Cross-flow mass-flow rate at Ac, lbs per (sq ft)(hr) Gm = Mean flow rate, shell side, at Am lbs per (sq ft)(hr) Gw = Mass-flow rate at Aw, lbs per (sq ft)(hr) gc = Conversion factor = 32.17 ft per sec hi = Inside coefficient based on inside area, Btu per (sq ft)(F)(hr)

89 hi' = Inside coefficient based on outside area, Btu per (sq ft)(?F)(hr) h o = Outside coefficient based on outside area for plain tubes and effective outside area for finned tubes, Btu per (sq ft()~F)(hr) ho, = Outside film coefficient based on the actual outside area for finned tubes, Btu per (sq ft)(F)(hr) k = Thermal conductivity, Btu per (ft)(~F)(hr) L = Length of heat-transfer path through metal wall of tube, ft m = Exponent of Reynolds Number, Equation (4) N = 2.31/(1 + O.ollT) for use in Wilson plots, where T = mean bulk temperature of water inside tubes n = Number of rows of tubes crossed in cross flow between baffle windows o = Exponent of Prandtl Number, Equation (4) (P1-P2)c = Pressure drop per baffle space due to friction of cross flow, lbs per sq in. (P1 - P2)w = Pressure drop per baffle window, lbs per sq in. q = Heat transferred, Btu per hr T = Bulk water temperature, ~F AT = Temperature difference, ~F AT' = Variable temperature difference between bulk fluid temperature and the point fin temperature, ~F ATB = Temperature difference between the bluk fluid temperature and that of the base or rdot of a fin, ~F ATm = Log mean temperature difference times the correction factor F for a multipass tube side, from TEMA, ~F U = Overall heat-transfer coefficient, Btu per (sq ft)(SF)(hr)

UO = Overall heat-transfer coefficient based on the actual outside area (plain and finned), Btu per (sq ft)(~F)(hr) V = Water velocity inside tube, ft per sec w = Shell-side mass-flow rate, lbs per hr 4 = Fluid viscosity at bulk temperature w = Fluid viscosity at tube wall temperature N/A = Viscosity ratio 0 = Fin efficiency (See Equation (2).)

91 RUERENCES 1. "Heat-Transfer Through Tubes with Integral Spiral Fins" by D. L. Katz, K. O. Beatty, Jr., and A. S. Foust. Trans. ASME, 67, 1945, 665-674. 2. "Finned Tube Subcoolers for Refrigeration Systems" by D. L. Katz, R. E. Hope, and S. C. Datsko. Refrig. Eng., 51, 1946, 335-339. 3. "Condensation of Freon-12 with Finned Tubes" by D. L. Katz, P. E, Hope, S. C. Datsko, and D. B. Robinson. Refrig. Eng., 553, 1947, 211-217 and 315-319. 4. "Condensation of Vapors on Outside of Finned Tubes" by K. 0. Beatty, Jr.,, and D. L. Katz. Chem. En. Prog., 414, 1948, 55-70. 5. "Condensation on Six Finned Tubes in a Vertical Raw" by D. L, Katz and J. M. Geist. Trans. ASME, _7 1948, 907-914. 6. "Coolers and Condenser Heat-Transfer with Low Pressure Freon Refrigerant" by W. Jones. Refrig. Eng., 41, 1941, 413-418. 7. "Condensation of Refrigerants on Finned Tubes" by D. B. Robinson and D. L. Katz. Heat, and Vent. En, 44, Nov., 1947, 84-94. 8. "Boiling Coefficients for Finned Tubes" by J. A. Zieman and D. L. Katz. Pet. Ref., 26, 1947, 620-624. 9. "Design of Finned Tube Exchangers and Condensers" by D. L. Katz and P. B. Williams. Oil and Gas Journ., 148 1949, 245-264. 10. "Heat-Transfer and Pressure Loss in Small Commercial Shell-and-Finned Tube Heat Exchangers" by R. M. Armstrong. Trans. ASME, 67, 1945, 675-681. 11 "Shell-Side Heat-Transfer Characteristics of Segmentally Baffled Shelland Tube Heat Exchangers" by Townsend Tinker. Preprint of paper presented at the 1947 Annual Meeting, ASME. 12. Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 3rd ed., ed. by J. H. Perry, McGraw-Hill Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1950. 13. Heat Transmission, 2nd ed., by W. H. McAdams, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1942. 14. Thermod ic Properties of Ste by J. H. Keenan and F. G. Keyes, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1936. 15. National Standard Petroleum Oil Tables, National Bureau of Standards, Circular C410, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 1936.

92 16. International Critical Tables, compiled by Clarence J. West, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New YorkN Yk, 1933. 17. "Thermal Conductivity of Liquids" by J. F. D. Smith. Trans. ASME, 58, 1936, 719-725. 18. Standards of Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association, 2nd ed., TEMA, Inc., New York, N. Y., 1949. 19. "Glycerol Viscosity Tables" by M. L. Sheely, Ind. En. Chem., 24, 1932, 1060-1064. 20. "Basis for Rational Design of Heat-Transfer Apparatus" by E. E. Wilson. Trans. ASME, E, 1915, 47-70 and 70-82. 21. "Efficiency of Extended Surfaces" by K. A. Gardner, Trans. ASME, 67, 1945, 621-631. 22, "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Heat Exchangers" by D. A. Donohue. Ind. Eng. Chem., 41, 1949, 2499-2511. 23. Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Heat Exchangers, by B. E. Short. Bulletin No. 4324, The University of Texas, austin, Texas, June 22, 1943. 24. "Shell-Side Coefficients of Heat Transfer in a Baffled Heat Exchanger" by H. S. Gardner and L. Siller. Trans. ASME, 6, 1947, 687-694. 25. "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Annuli" by J. G. Knudsen and D. L. Katz. Chem. En Pro, 46, 1950, 490-500. 26. "Alco Heat Exchangers," Private Communication from S. Kopp, Alco Products Division, American Locomotive Company, Dunkirk, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1950.






40 30 -- I I I / 0 x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 - — ~~~~~~( &-%O 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 1 0 Z. -J z -' Z U. U. w LL C3 UcI) (I) cn UJ / o 0 --, ----- o? I — - O'~ ~ c / // ~m/x */- k k 4 x Oj, I I I - 1 I I~T ~^~~~_~ / FIG. II ORIFICE CALIBRATION WITH WATER AT 60~F FOR 0.993"a 1.597" DIAMETER ORIFICES WATER FLOW RATE LBS./HR. AT 60 F. 1. -jI I JI I I - I IXIO4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IX105

I. - i 1.2 I.1 GLYCERIN-E ) -— 9 — ~ — -- WATER OIL I.C r D U. 0, — 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 WO TEMPERATURE OF. FIG.12 DENSITY OF FLUIDS

0 9 Ii 60 80 140 240 260 TEMP ~F

,4ZUr-1 - -. I - I ----.400 IA_-.360.340 It) L.170 Z L 0 0 or 2.165 I - jL) _ [1 [ J i I I I ___ —.__, la —.__.!!:! )85 OIL.0 I ^n ~IO U -- - -- I-II I I I I I I II I III I t — -- I L j.: __ ITEMPERATURE OF,~~~~ IA a I,, I I I I I.075 E N0 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 0 FIG.14 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF FLUIDS

0 N IL 0 o CtD ILo n 0 0 LJ a. U) I0.5 I I 1 1 1 1 L — WIATERI 2.7t l l l l l l l l | 1 l l 05 -- - -- -- -- -- - -- -ot - Z = =~- "-*...." -- -- -- - nA — 60 100 120 Id U) 14 ISO 200 240 TEMPERATURE OF FIG.15 SPECIFIC HEAT OF FLUIDS


0 4 I I -TI -- j I I 102 10 6k- - ~c r) /^D *037 St P A14 TU E 0.65 8 SH L ----- =: = = = = =:: vr w A / V M J V M / | } | | |,| | | 1 / 2 P L A I N T U B E S - / "_TI 1: 1 1 1 1 1-11I rr --- -_1 8" SHELL _ i - - - - --- ----- --- -- - ------ --- - _ I 1 11 1 1 1 — --- -- -" BUNDLE No. 3 X^ — L - -I — _____ ___ ___1 1_- _____ ___ __1?_-_-_|___DATA__ F-o_- 0 = SAE 40 LUBE OIL ^ ^ __ _______ ___ ___ _____.^ __ _ __I_ X ~ GLYCERINE ~ = WATER iInk T I II — L T II 8 H E -- i j? - --- -- — 1 ^fiS. ---- ---- -;FIGURE 22 CORRELATION OF HEAT TRANSFER --- -;/- 3 — -- --, DATA FOR THREE FLUIDS ON SHELL SIDE OF 1/2 -- - ^c" - -- - -,'PL A IN TUB ES IN 8" SH ELL — r' \J~i e-0 0-100~~~~~~~......... 10 102 103

1I 3 - c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ho ) -0.375(. \-0.14 0.65 (ho )(, (;) (=0.225 ) V4 I - I I I IJ in d:i, _4 a all)tc~ C) AC4 br_ 5/X PLAIN TUBES 6' SHELL BUNDLE No. 5 I I I I.j ~~~~~~,e I I I I I 0~~~~ =: SAE 40 LUBE OIL I I I I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~X c: GLYCERINE i 0 z WATER jil OSA 4 LUB IL 10 I FIGURE 23 CORRELATION OF HEAT TRANSFER DATA FOR THREE FLUIDS ON SHELL SIDE OF 5/8 PLAIN TUBES IN 6" SHELL._- ^_~ 7 _I _ _ __D-G\ cr~ f _ _ _. _ _ _ _ II l I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I V 1 0 (A 10

m 0 103 -T I.-.4 —1 I I I I II 1 11111 i, I = 1/ -0.375 -0.4 065 iC ~ r~;! |! J^0.143 _ __ (ho== = ^e)\ k ( Cp/ ) (h 0 4 (\ 3 _ r Z I I Z - Z 1::: -- 3/4- FINNED TUBES o — _ --- —-I ----!I --- —-— I_- -1 = ------ BUNDLE No.2 i - _____ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _____ ~~~o0 SAE 40 LUBE OIL ~liA.~~~~~~ ^ \ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~X GLYCERINE i / III.L WATER ^ [' t-i I I gy =, i, i,' T II* t1^___ ___= _____ FIGURE 24 CORRELATION OF HEAT TRANSFER --- — 1 -. ^ -- ---- DATA FOR THREE FLUIDS ON SHELL SIDE OF 3/4" ____ _ t l-I --- I...... -3/4- FINNED TUBES IN 8" SHELL IT-^ - -- ^ --- - --— Dii 10 X | I' _ GIN_ I,[ ~ i tuy~ 1 111: l T 10 I 10 103

ZEE E1111E I E I 1E IHE5-IHI 1FET1 FI I ZEr I I I I I r 1 r I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I 7 _ &,WV 10 1.0 0.1 S " -- --- - -. ----. J -6 _ - - _ _ _ =- I I _ I- _ 1/2 FINNED TUBES W I0 I I I I.- -: — _^ n l l Ol | l rr0 l I I I....... 8" SHELL ^ -- ---- -- ----- -— ^ /KU\/. V00375/ X-01'4 0.65 BUNDLE N0 4. - ---- V(^o-).., (4115 0 SAE 40 LUBE OIL I k J X - GLYCERINE L^X~~~ y^ * ~~3~~ WATER FIGURE 25 CORRELATION OF HEAT TRANSFER | — f | i i | l - --- - _. -- DATA FOR THREE FLUIDS ON SHELL SIDE OF 1/2" FINNED TUBES IN 8" SHELL _ _ _ - 1^:;_ _g1):l-. _ _ -... -. _ _.I _ T... 0.4 10 103 104

0 a0 105 I I I I I I I, I I I I I I 102 10 I0 -0.375 -0.14 0.6 I- -kLI I I I R / fi VGw/ _ v / r -k - | FINNED TUBES..........-:~IN E TUBES. IN "/ r - r r =- 6"" SHELL S r1 -( ----0- -- - - _ - -- -_10 BUNDLE N o. 6 i^:=L 10 SA1E 0 SAE40 LUBE OIL:I I,_ _ ____/ x = GLYCERINE /i00 ~ - -- _- - ___ __ _ = WATER?- o ^_l~~~r; ~ - -_ _FIGURE 26 CORRELATION OF HEAT TRANSFER - - - -- --- X~ ~ DATA FOR THREE FLUIDS ON SHELL SIDE OF 5/" FINNED TUBES IN 6" SHELL -~.~/~ —Y0^ ---i 11 iiiii-rill 11111-i i 11 iiii / \p....... \ i 1 1 1 1 u _ _ _ j j _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - - ^ _ _ _ _ - -.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ e to 102 103 104 105

TABLE I DIMENSIONS OF EXCHANGER SHELLS, BUNDLES, AND TUBES Quantity 8-Inch Exchanger 6-Inch Exchanger ':: ~ ~ ' ' ',, -..... ' ".,: "" ~ - ~:: ~ " ".. -. '.. ' Shell Inside Diameter, in. Number of Tube Passes in Exchanger Tube-Side Connection Shell-Side Connection 7.972 2 2-1/2-inch I.P.T. 3-inch I.P.T. 6.oo8 2 2-inch I.P.T. 2-inch I.P.T. Tube Bundle No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Length of Length of Tube Bundle, in. Tubes in Bundle, in. 48 46.64 Admiralty Plain Type of Tube Tube Outside Diameter, in. Tube Inside Diameter, in. Tube Root Diameter, in. Tube Equivalent Outside Diameter, in. Fins per Inch Height of Fins, in. Fin Thickness at Midpoint, in. 0.751 0.646 48 46.64 Admiralty Finned 0.735 0.495 0.639 0.660 18.42 o.o48 0.0150 48 46.88 Copper Plain 0.504 0,430 48 46.88 Copper Finned o.486 0.305 0.378 0.416 19.33 0.054 0.0155 48 46.64 Admiralty Plain 0.621 0.517 48 46.64 Admiralty Finned 0.620 0.411 0.520 0o5541 18.10 0.050 0.0160 Tube Outside Area, sq ft per ft Number of Tubes in Bundle Total Outside Area of Tubes, sq ft Total Inside Area of Tubes, sq ft Baffle Outside Diameter, in, Height of Baffle Cut, in. Length of Baffled Section, in. Number of Baffles 0 196 50 38.25 32.92 7.933 1.94 32 9 0.410 50 79-00 25.00 7.933 1.94 32 9 0.132 114 59.08 51.31 7.930 3.07 32 9 0.304 114 163.53 33.13 7.930 3.07 32 9 0.163 40 25.32 21.04 5.956 2.03 40 11 0.361 40 54.50 16.70 5.956 2.03 40 11 Cross-Sectional Area for Flow Inside Tubes per Pass, sq ft Cross-Sectional Area for Flow Outside Tubes, sq ft o.o568 0.0335 0.0575 0.0286 0.02916 0.0184 0.0540 0.0643 0.0722 0.0886 o.o465 0.0503

110 TABLE III EXAMPLE DATA AND CALCUIATIONS OF COEFFICIENTS Run No. 26: 5/8-in. 6-in. exchanger, Bundle No. 6 O.D. finned Admiralty tubes Water shell side: 0.993-in. orifice Water tube side: 1.597 in. orifice ORIGINAL DATA -. i --- -- — _ Temperature Readings, OC Pressure Drop Manometer Readings, Inches Hg Shell Side [ Tube Side Shell Side Tube Side '""' ""' ' -- " ------ - " ---- r -- -- - -------- In Out No. 7 No. 8 In No. 5 Out No. 6 Orifice Exchanger Orifice Exchanger -- -~ ~ ~~i i i1 ---~- - ---- L RI L R L R L R - I -- - - I I - - 1. - - I ---- - I - -- I -- -- (a) 79.85 72.10 79.90 72.25 79.85 72.20 79.90 72.20 Av. 79.88 72.19 65.05 65.15 65.05 65.05 70.50 70.60 70.50 70.55 7.90 8.05 2.50 2.15 1.85 2.00 2.70 7.90 8.05 2.50 2.15 1.85 2.00 2.70 7.90 8.05 2.50 2.20 1.85 2.00 2.70 7.90 8.10 2.50 2.20 1.81 2.00 2.70 7.90 8.06 2.50 2.18 1.85 2.00 2.70 65.08 70.54 79.90 79.95 80.00 80.25 Av. 80.03 (c) 79.95 79.95 80.00 79.90 Av. 79.95 72.00 72.25 72.30 72.20 72.19 72.20 72.10 72.20 72.15 72.16 66.85 67.15 66.95 67.00 66.99 68.30 68.oo00 68.25 68.05 68.15 70.65 70.90 70.70 70.75 70.75 71.00 70.75 71.00 70.85 70.90 7.85 7.85 7.95 7.90 7.89 7.90 7.90 7.95 7.95 7.93 8. 05 8.05 8.05 8.06 8.10 8.10 8.10 8.10 8.09 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 3.80 3.85 3.85 3.85 3.84 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.45 6.49 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.95 3.91 6.55 6.60 6.60 6.60 6.59 5.25 5.25.~~-. 30 5.25 5.26 8.60 8.60 8.60 8.60 8.60 2.95 2.95 2.90 2.90 2.93 -.50 5.50 5.55 5.5~ 5.53 8.95 9.00 9.00 9.00 8.99 79.95 79.80 80.05 80.15 72.10 72.20 72.35 72.15 68.85 69.05 68.80 68.80 68.87 71.00 71.20 70.95 71.00 71.04 7.90 7.90 7.85 7.90 7.89 8.05 8.05 8.00 8.o5 8.04... 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 9.95 9.95 9.90 9.90 10.05 10.10 10.10 10.10 12.90 12..85 12.85 12.80 12.85 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 13.20 79.99 72.20 9.92 10.09

1ll TABLE III, continued CALCUIATIONS FOR RUN 26a Tube Side Temperatures: Water in Correction 65.o08C +0.02*C 65.o10C Water out Correction 70.54~C +0.37~C 70.91~C or 149.18F (Col.2)* or 159.58~F (Col.3) Flow Rates: Left Right Manometer Reading 1.85 in. Hg 2.00 in. Hg 3.85 From Fig. 11, flow rate at 600F = 31,700 lbs/hr Flow rate corrected for temperature =6 = 31,700 x = P155 31,700 x 0.99 = 31,400 lbs/hr (Col.5) Shell Side Temperatures: Water in Correction 79.88~C +0.68oc 80.56~C Water out Correction 72.19~C +0.40~C 72.59~C or 177.01~F (Col.8) or 162.66eF (Col.9) Flow Rates: Left Right Manometer Reading 7.90 in. Hg 8.06 in. Hg 15.96 in. Hg From Fig. 11, flow rate at 600F = 24,000 lbs/hr Flow rate corrected for temperature = 24,000 x 0.99 = 23,800 lbs/hr (Col.ll) *These column numbers refer to Table IV,

112 TABLE III, continued Heat Transfer Tube Side: 31,400 x (159.58 - 149.18) = 326,000 Btu/hr (Col.6) Shell Side: 23,800 x (177.01 - 162.66) = 341,000 Btu/hr Average 334,000 (Col.12) Mean Temperature Difference L.M.T.D. = (162.66 - 149.18) - 162.66 n 177.01 (177.01 - 159.58) - 159.58 = 15.300F Correction for two-pass tube side, Fig. T-4A TEMA, F = 0.887* Mean temperature difference = 0.887 x 15.30 - 13.58 (Col.14) Overall Coefficient based on outside area of 54.5 sq ft (Table I) U = - I 0 A ATm 334,000 =54.5 x 13.58 451 Btu/(hr)(~F)(sq ft) (Col.15) Similar 26d: Run 26a calculations give the following overall coefficients for 26b, 26c, and Uo 451 1/Uo.00222 V vO.8 5.14 N.860 N/VO.8.167 7.75.194 26b 524 26c 584 26d 636.00191 11.03.00171 14.31.00157 17.73 6.83 8.40 *When the F of TEEA was less than about 0.9, Equation (19), p. 145 of McAdams, was used to obtain the mean temperature difference directly, permitting the reporting of F to the third place.

115 TABLE III, continued Linear Velocity of Water in the tubes of 0.0184 sq ft cross section = V 31,o400 (bs/hr) x 0.01636 (cu ft/l) ) 3600 x 0.0184 (sq ft) = 7.75 ft/sec (Col.7) This velocity is taken to the 0.8 power and the reciprocal obtained as shown. A correction to bring all runs to the same equivalent water temperature of 1200F is obtained from Equation (9c), page 183 of McAdams:l. IT 2 3 N =...._ 1 - 0.011 T where T is the mean water temperature in ~F. Then 2.52 N = ( 1 x 5 = o.86o and N vOU8 (Col.17) The Wilson T-lot of: the Then four points gives an intercept on Fig. 17 of 0.000930. 1 L Co ho' + A, 0.000950 1 o 0.000950o 0.055, x o.36l 12 x,lh- s 0.122.- 0.000720 1 ho' -00020 = 1390 0.000720 outside coefficient based on actual outside area. *Standards Copper and Drass Research Association.

TABLE III, concluded The desired shell-side coefficients are those based on the effective area in order that the usual temperature difference may be employed. Fig. 18 gives the conversion from actual to effective area for this tube, based on the outside coefficient computed for the actual area: 0. A07 _ 1.165 ho 6 0.000720 Ae 0.000720 - 1620 Btu/(hr)(OF)(sq ft effective outside area)* *Colum 19 in Table IV

TABLE NX SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 3/4" PLAIN TUBES IN 8" SHELL BUNDLE I _ Water Ca id hll and r _ ASriadM Shell Side Valuee B. mean terp. - y al -3TB-Q1 u T tre *7 T aP r Heat tra. Veloc ty atre, oa lBeat tr. op difference UO hj- h, J Nu Be Pr (Sd )(Pru) No. t re r hr. NU per hr. t./ec.out I p ehr.l bI. i e hr I. Ovi 0 Prr Water on Shell Side! 2 148.75 157.68 152.46 158.86 153.70 158.85 155.05 159.33 3 148.40 157.59 152.08 158.59 154.00 159.10 156.09 160.20 4 149.20 159.22 153.72 160.78 155.21 160.93 157.84 162.27 5 148.86 159.64 152.80 160.77 155.61 161.87 157.46 162.25 6 149.29 156.70 151.86 157.17 154.60 158.72 155.30 158.79 7 148.60 154.653 151.54 155.79 151.61 155.12 152.42 155.43 18 148.87 158.43 153.39 159.75 155.71 16.77 157.19 161.17 8.93 46530 416ooo 6.40 65043 417000 5.15 83340 428000 4.28 103455 442000 9.19 460oo 422000 6.51 64400 419000 5.10 83000 423000 4.11 103000 423000 10.02 46100 462000 7.06 65200 461000 5.72 83100 476000 4.43 105000 465000 10.78 45800 50000 7.97 64900 516000 6.26 83200 522000 4.79 103000 49300 7.41 46100 42000 5.31 65200 46000 4.12 8330 343000 3.49 103500 361000 6.03 46100 278000 4.25 65400 278000 3.51 82200 288000 3.01 102000 307000 9.56 45500 435000 6.6 65000 4140 5.06 83400 422000 3.98 101500 404000 3.73 5.21 6.66 8.29 3.68 5.15 6.64 8.24 3.69 5.21 6.65 8.40 5.18 6.65 8.23 3.69 5.22 6.66 8.27 3.69 5.23 6.57 8.15 3.64 5.20 6.66 8.12 177.6o 165.51 12.09 35543 177.69 165.56 12.13 35491 177.30 165.11 12.19 35739 177.29 164.98 12.31 35780 177.35 165.49 11.86 35800 177.58 165.56 12.02 355800 177.28 165.40 11.88 35800 177.57 165.68 11.89 35800 177.51 167.97 9.54 49100 177.31 167.95 9.36 49000 177.30 167.61 9.69 48800 177.26 167.95 9.31 48600 177.17 168.85 8.32 60600 177.40 168.91 8.49 61000 177.49 169.00 8.49 61000 177.17 168.69 8.48 61000 177.08 162.88 14.20 25000 177.04 162.46 14.58 25100 178.03 163.54 14.49 25100 178.36 163.58 14.98 25100 176.67 159.21 17.46 17000 177.17 159.66 17.51 17000 177.08 158.86 18.22 16900 177.40 158.90 18.50 17000 177.58 166.42 11.16 3700 176.86 166.14 10.72 39700 177.62 166.50 11.12 39700 176.85 166.33 10.52 39700 426500 431000 435000 44c.o5Co 425000 431000 425000 425000 468000 459000 473000 452500 504000 516000 516000 518000 3555000 565000 363000 375000 297000 298000 308000 314000 433000 426000 422000 418000 3.15 3.22 3.24 3.24 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.14 5.81 5.83 5.80 5.73 8.85 8.85 8.82 8.60 1.54 1.52 1.52 1.52 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.74 3.84 3.86 3.86 3.86 17.2 14.8 13.9 12.9 17.5 15.2 13.7 12.4 17.5 14.5 13.6 11.8 17.8 15.6 13.8 12.5 15.6 13.8 12.6 12.2 14.3 12.8 12.3 11.9 17.4 14.0 12.8 11.5 637.00157 0.302 749.00134 0.228 813.0023 0.188 896.00112 0.156 631.00159 0.304 731.00137 0.231 87.00124 0.187 891.00112 0.157 689.00145 0.303 28.00121 0.227 915.00109 0.187 1011.00099 0.153 725.00138 0.305 865.00116 0.229 977.00102 0.186 1058.000945 0.156 582.00172 0.304 671.00149 0.228 732.00137 0.187 786.00127 0.157 522.00191 0.306 590.00169 0.230 631.00159 o.192 685.o046 o.161 659.00152 0.306 785.00127 0.228 880.OO114 0.186 939.00107 0.157 1(70 2t2 46o600 2.26 208 1825 290 46500 2.29 213 2310 367 64000 2.2 2'1 2740 435 80000 2.26 3y 1435 229 3400 2.30 16l 1130 18 21700 2.35 133 2050 326 52000 2.2'7 241 Oil on Shell Side 49 157.105 160.884 3.779 46600 176000 3.73 196.23 188.65 7.58 45200 17400 6.81 33.6 136.2.00734 0.294 158.04 160.943 2.929 60500 177000 4.84 196.09 188.47 7.62 45200 175000 6.79 32.0 143.5.00697 0.240 159.184 161.334 2.150 83200 179000 6.66 196.03 188.42 7.61 45200 175000 6.79 31.9 14.0.00695 0.185 160.032 161.811 1.779 102000 181000 8.16 196.16 188.58 7.58 450 174000 6.79 31.4 146.1.00685 0.157 50 157.098 160.265 3.167 4620100 1460.70 196.82 187.47 9.35 32000 152000 3.74 33.5 116..00862 0.296 157.996 160.421 2.425 6000 146000 4.82 196.05 187.16 8.89 32000 1400 3.74 32.4 117.1 0084 0.240 158.802 160.578 1.776 83600 148000 6.69 19614 18703 9.11 32000 148000 3.74 31.9 121.5.00822 018 159.942 161.401 1.459 103000 150000 8.25 195.93 187.16 8.77 32000 114000 3.74 30.6 125.5.00796 0.155 51 177.280 160.128 2.848 6200 132000 3.70 196.48 186.87 9.61 2 124500 2.60 33.0 101.5.0098 0.296 158.187 160.317 2.139 61300 131000 4.90 196.23 186.51 9.72 00 125500 2.60 32.0 104.8.0094 0.237 158..3 160.519 1.576 83300 131000 6.66 195.80 186.15 9.6 2600 12 2.63 31.1 107.8.00928 0.185 159.890 161.190 1.300 102000 133000 8.16 196.00 186.51 9.49 200 123000 2.66 30.7 109.1.0916 0.157 52 157.447 159.795 2.4 46200 108000o.70 196.88 185.49 11.39 18100 104400 1.52 32.2 86.2.0116 0.296 158.149 159.946 1.797 61300 10000 4.90 196.88 18.52 11.36 180 104200 1.52 31.6 88..011 0.237 158.858 160.144 1.286 84000 108000 6.72 196.23 184.96 11.27 18100 10300 1.52 30.8 89.3.0112 0.184 159.659 160.810 1.151 98200 113000 7.86 196.93 185.74 11.19 18100 10700 1.52 30.9 91.3.o010 0.161 161.0 1o x 1f -a, 1'(.' 133.5 103.5 91 26 14.s 116.5 90.) 71 250 12.4 9b.0 '4*.5 506 50 10.3

TABLE N SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 3/4" PLAIN TUBES IN 8" SHELL BUNDLE I W ater utbe Side Shell Side — Avere Shell Side Values Water Pres. Mean temp. 1.N -a —. R, B eea~t trans. Velocity TMei erat.e, M Ponuda Heat tran. drop difference Uo -- ho Nu Be Pr (Nu)(Pr No. i ot rise r hr. per br. Ft./sec. in I out idrop r hr. BnU per hr. psi * Oil on Shell Side 4 53 157.825 159.719 1.894 46200 158.282 159.721 1.439 61300 158.655 159.752 1.097 83500 158.862 159.831 0.969 94100 54 122.110 125.447 3.337 46500 124.585 127.044 2.459 61400 126.169 127.976 1.807 83300 127.483 128.972 1.489 103000 55 122.207 126.167 3.960 45800 123.964 126.941 2.977 61500 125.440 127.665 2.225 84000 126.489 128.266 1.777 103000 56 122.479 127.199 4.720 46200 124.295 127.895 3.600 60800 125.848 128.520 2.672 83300 127.641 129.789 2.148 102000 62 122.315 128.655 6.340 46100 124.480 129.317 4.837 61000 126.061 129.584 3.523 83200 127.468 130.304 2.836 105000 63 122.608 127.850 5.242 46100 124.450 128.417 3.967 61100 126.378 129.299 2.921 83200 127.620 129.976 2.356 104500 64 71.139 73.269 2.130 46600 71.854 73.494 1.640 61900 70.729 72.000 1.271 84200 70.367 71.442 1.075 105500 65 70.288 71.922 1.634 46600 71.521 72.779 1.258 61200 72.230 73.200 0.970 84200 71.631 72.410 0.779 106000 66 69.514 71.461 1.947 46600 69.917 71.460 1.543 61600 70.551 71.665 1.114 84000 71.067 72.001 o.934 106000 87500 88100 91600 91100 155000 151000 149000 153000 181000 183000 186000 183000 218000 219000 219000 219000 292000 295000 299000 298000 242000 242000 240000 246000 99400 101500 107000 113500 76100 77000 81600 82500 90800 95100 93600 99000 3.70 196.05 183.58 12.47 13200 4.90 195.98 183.49 12.49 13000 6.68 195.98 183.38 12.60 13000 7.53 196.41 183.65 12.76 13100 3.70 196.52 175.30 21.22 13200 4.88 196.21 175.04 21.17 13100 6.63 195.54 174.61 20.93 12900 8.18 196.34 175.39 20.95 13000 3.64 195.39 176.41 18.98 18000 L.89 196.23 177.15 19.08 18000 '.52 196.57 177.40 19.17 18000 8.18 195.63 176.76 18.87 18100 3.67 195.78 179.28 16.50 25600 4.84 195.75 179.19 16.56 25600 6.63 195.54 179.05 16.49 25500 8.11 195.58 179.35 16.23 25500 3.66 195.78 182.94 12.84 45500 4.85 195.48 182.68 12.80 45500 6.62 195.19 182.32 12.87 45300 8.30 195.63 182.71 12.92 45300 3.66 195.91 180.75 15.14 32100 4.86 195.66 180.55 15.11 32000 6.63 195.75 180.64 15.11 32000 8.31 195.40 180.43 14.97 32000 3.66 112.60 105.44 7.16 28000 4.80 113.04 105.73 7.31 28000 6.63 113.27 105.80 7.47 27000 8.31 113.74 105.91 7.83 27700 3.66 112.77 102.24 10.53 12900 4.80 113.00 102.56 10.44 13300 6.63 113.40 103.01 10.59 13500 8.31 113.18 102.52 10.66 13100 3.66 113.45 104.47 8.98 19300 4.84 114.15 104.86 9.29 19100 6.60 113.04 103.96 9.08 19200 8.33 113.85 104.67 9.18 19500 83500 83400 83800 85000 142000 140000 136000 137500 172500 173500 174000 172500 214000 215000 213000 210000 296500 296000 296000 297000 246500 245000 245000 243000 93500 95000 93000 100300 63000 64800 65000 64600 80400 82100 80700 82900 o.89 0.89 0,86 o.b 0.66 0.93 0.91 0.93 0.93 1.5) 1.55 1.55 1.55 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 6.76 6.76 6.76 6.80 3.75 5.75 3.7> 7.60 7.57 7.64 7.69 3.5> 3.63 3.'7 3.56 5.20 5.01 5.20 5.24 30.5 30.4 30.1 30.2 01.9 59.6 57.7 57.6 o1.4 60.4 56.8 62.5 61.1 60.0 58.7 63.9 62.2;).9 60.3 63.1 61.7 60.4 59.1 36.8 36.7 36.2 38.9 36.3 35.6 35.5 35.8 38.5 38.5 37.6 37.6 73.6.01360 0.29 73.8.01355 o.238 Y4.5.01342 0.184 74..01348 o.167 62.6.0159 0.344 63.8.01571 o.273 64.6.01550 0.23 65.8.01>20 0.179 75.1.01331 0.349 76.3.01310 0. 74 78.0.01286.21 79.2.01265 0.16o 90.3.011o 1 0.346 92.7.01078 0.276 94.3.01060 0.'3 95.5.01046 0.180 1o0.5.00830 0.345 14.4.0004 0.273 127.5.00765 o 0.22 129.0.00775 0.176 101.0.00990 0.346 103.0.00970 0.e(4 10o.2.00951 0.a21 10.lo.00925 0.177 68.6.0453 0.458 70.0.01429 0.305 68.8.0142 0.266 7'.6.01380 0.240 50.0.OaOC 0.461 52.0.0192 0.369 54.0.0165 0.64 53.7.0186 0.38 56.2.o01(0 o.463 60.1.0166O 0.370 60.8.0o645 o.2 63.1.01164 0.'36 Y9.2 61.5 364 69.6 >4.1 354 5.0o 66.0 46 10l.0 79.8 66 142.5 110 1170 6.5 90.5 80oo 77.8 63.6 105 Y. (O 273 262 261 11.0 16.o 13.2 15J 56.5 46.o 47.8 1655 3.41 65.8 53.8 72.8 1586

TABLE NI SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 3/4 PLAIN TUBES IN 8" SHELL BUNDLE I Fo"a m SIM —nhell S - - ide L I I I Average Shell Side value ----- -- WatTer, 'P ros-d. Mean tempr. 1 NI Cal. - R-375r -p. B|un T Rles tr Vl T ere.j, F NPo eatm Heat trana. drop differencef — - h* ho Nu Re Pr () -No. In I out I rise err. |ru per hr. rt./oec.:in I out i dr hw erbr. BID perhbr. 1eI |, \ ~ ' i I 104 195.30 200.44 105 195.18 200.98 106 195.30 202.80 113 158.88 164.93 114 195.5 163.87 115 195.48 162.72 116 121.98 125.20 117 112.13 127.11 118 123.44 128.98 119 76.86 81.18 120 '7.09 80.85 5.14 5.90 7.50 6.05 4.28 3.24 3.22 4.98 5.54 4.32 3.51 38800 199000 45100 264000 45100 338000 52100 31500 52100 223000 34700 112000 35500 114000 36000 180000 39000 216000 40000 173000 33100 116000 3.16 3.67 3.67 4.18 4.18 2.78 2.82 2.86 3.10 3.15 2.62 Glyceril on Shell 81d 228.33 218.05 10.28 27700 195000 2.06 228.47 219.60 8.87 45000 273000 5.24 228.38 221.77 6.61 73000 332000 12.50 193.75 186.84 6.91 70700 318000 1.62 193.17 184.55 8.62 40700 228000 4. B 193.39 178.95 14.44 13500 126000 o.86 158.27 145.72 12.55 15400 120500 1.46 157.42 149.88 7.54 42800 200000 5.6y 158.85 152.11 6.73 52500 221000 8.91 122.07 113.16 8.91 32500 171000 8.11 121.68 110.80 10.88 16400 107000 3.88 24.9 25.6 26.1 28.1 26.8 24.8 28.2 28.8 29.2 38.4 37.1 207.00484 0.291 1100 60 274.00365 0.258 1240 361 335.oo098 0.258 1245 4(6 29.00339 0.266 1205 4W 218.00459 0.266 1205 271 125.5.00796 0.368 835 149 108.3.00923 0.430 747 128 172.005 1 0.21 760 226 196.00>10 0.393 815 263 117.0.0085 0.97 45 144 80.9.01238 0.57 58 95.1 94.;1l10 106 131 1990 106 1(3 325 0 104 14 1.L(76 175 99.3 991 179 54.8 313 188 47.4 150 420 83.5 418 403 97.5 565 378 53.6 97.5 1340 35.4 45.1 1425 17.2 23.9 31.( 22.6 15.1 8.25 5.47 9.68 11.5 4.26 2.78

TABLE Z SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 3/4" FINNED TUBES IN 8"SHELL BUNDLE 2 Water cn Tube Side _ Shell Side 7 eraqe Shell Side Values 97PO is h. | ~Water S. Mean temp. 7 - 0ale..(T5)(r) Run tonp.~ --- ---- --- ---- -75 -O.'K Pun Te rature e 'F Prounds Heat trans. Velocity Temperaturet F Ponds Heat trans. opdifference UCa h Nu e Pr (Nu) (Pr)/ No. in f out I riseper hr. 1BT per hr. t./sec._ in \ out I drop per hr. BTU per hr. i 7 i.1~ "o O- h' M w 3 19 148.9. 161.13 12.15 31600 384000 4.29 154.76 162.72 7.96 45400 361000 6.16 157.86 163.90 6.04 57500 348000 7.81 159.29 163.83 4.54 82700 375000 11.22 20 148.50 162.14 13.64,2600 445000 4.42 152.87 162.88 10.01 45700 457000 6.21 155.41 163.29 7.88 57900 455000 7.86 158.18 163.51 5.33 83100 433000 11.30 21 149.56 163.22 13.66 32400 442000 4.40 154.72 164.65 9.93 45100 448000 6.1 157.03 164.75 7.72 57400 443000 7.80 159.71 165.33 5.42 82700 448000 11.22 22 149.86 159.71 9.85 32600 321000 4.42 152.69 160.02 7.33 45500 334000 6.18 154.81 160.59 5.78 57800 334000 7.85 156.22 160.20 3.98 83200 331000 11.30 23 148.75 157.42 8.67 32100 278000 4.36 151.12 157.33 6.21 45200 281000 6.14 151.79 156.86 5.07 57500 291000 7.81 154.35 157.87 3.52 83800 295000 11.38 29 148.59 160.82 12.23 32100 393000 4.35 152.38 161.24 8.86 45300 402000 6.14 155.43 162.18 6.75 58000 392000 7.86 156.04 161.56 5.52 71900 396000 9.75 39 122.34 136.9o 14.56 31700 461000 4.30 127.35 137.91 10.56 45500 481000 6.17 129.87 137.98 8.11 59800 485000 8.11 133.52 139.19 5.67 84800 481000ooo 11.51 40 122.25 133.07 10.82 32900 356000 4.46 125.78 133.61 7.83 45600 357000 6.19 128.87 134.80 5.93 60100 356000 8.15 131.30 135.56 4.26 85100 362000 11.57 41 122.59 132.19 9.60 31700 305000 4.30 125.24 132.04 6.80 45700 311000 6.20 128.44 133.46 5.02 60000 301000 8.14 130.41 134.08 3.67 84800 311000 11.51 42 122.36 129.63 7.27 32700 238000 4.43 122.22 130.50 5.28 45700 241000 6.20 126.66 130.66 4.00 59800 239000 8.11 128.43 131.32 2.89 84300 244000 11.50 43 122.39 128.19 5.80 32100 186000 4.35 125.00 129.14 4.14 45500 188000 6.17 125.92 129.02 3.10 60100 187000 8.15 127.45 129.72 2.27 85000 192000 11.54 Water on Shell Side 177.22 166.14 11.08 36200 401O00 l.61 15. 28.00305 0.268 176.83 166.35 10.48 36100 378000 1.61 11. 398.00252 0.19 177.19 166.98 1C.21 35900 367000 1.2 10.2 443.00226 0.162 177.19 166.63 10.56 35800 378000 162 9.20 519.001970.121 177.04 167.97 9.07 49400 447000 3.24 l5.J 3U 5.0021 0.261 177.28 168.04 9.24 49600 459000 3.14 13.7 424.00236 0.197 177.33 167.92 9.41 49500 466ooo 3.14 12.2 475.00211 0.102 176.94 167.54 9.40 49500 465000 3.1 10.5 549.001820.121 177.11 169.56 7.55 61400 463000 4.71 15.8 361.00277 0.262 177.08 169.71 7.37 61300 452000 4.73 12.8 444.00226 0.197 177.17 169.59 7.58 60900 461G00 467 11.7 4.002050.163 177- 4 169.56 7.68 60600 465000 4.66 10.1 72.00175 0.121 177.2! 163.44 13.80 25200 348000 0.81 13.9 304.00329 0.262 177.26 163.31 13.95 25300 353000 0.81 1. 352.0024 0.198 177.44 163.33 14.11 25200 356000 0.1 10.9 400.00250 0.163 176.97 162.75 14.22 25200 358000 0.81 9.75 44.0024 0.1L 177.40 160.07 17.33 17100 296500 0.37 1395 270.00370 0.266 176.79 159.53 17.26 17100 295000 0.37 11.7 312.00321 0.201 177.15 158.95 18.20 17100 311000 0.37 11.2 340.00290 0.166 177.60 159.69 17.91 17100 306000 0.37 9.90 385.00260 0.122 177.15 165.96 11.19 36100 404000 1.5 15.4 328.00305 0.270 177.38 165.87 11.51 36100 416000 1.65 13.5 381.00262 0.199 177.38 166.07 11.31 36100 409000 1.65 11.7 432.00231 0.162 176.81 165.38 11.43 36100 413000 1.65 11.1. 460.00217 0.137 Oil on Shell Side 195.67 177.02 18.65 50300 474000 5.16 58.1 101.7.00983 0.297 195.78 177.13 18.65 52000 490000 5.62 54.3 112.5.00889 0.230 195.57 176.86 18.71 50800 480000 5.3 51.9 117.6.00850 0.176 195.67 176.79 18.88 50800 484000 5.34 49.6 123.0.00812 0.132 195.99 173.93 22.06 32200 358000 2.51 )6.5 79.9.01251 0.291 195.69 173.52 22.17 32000 357000 2.50 54.1 83.4.01200 0.2' 195.87 173.75 22.12 32000 356000 2.0o 51.8 87.0.01150 0.177 195.67 173.68 21.99 32000 354000 2.50 48.6 92.3.01082 0.133 195.57 172.54 23.03 25700 298000 1.7; 55.6 67.8.01475 0.300 195.94 172.47 23.47 25700 304000 1.72 54.8 71.0.01410 0.223 195.96 172.63 23.33 25700 302000 1.72 52.3 73.1.01365 0.173 195.75 172.45 23.30 25700 302000 1.72 50.6 7o.5.01310 0.134 196.14 170.58 25.56 18100 232500 1.03 56.3 52.9.01890 0.296 196.05 170.58 25.47 18100 232000 1.03 54.1 55.4.Olu o0.224 196.10 170.52 25.58 18100 232500 1.03 53.4 56.0.01785 0.180 196.17 170.58 25.59 18100 233000 1.03 52. 57.5.01740 0.135 196.38 168.48 27.90 13000 183000 0.4 55.9 41.8.0239 0.300 196.11 168.51 27.60 13000 181000 0.u4 54.0 43.2.0232 0.266 195.93 168.24 27.69 13000 181000 0.C4 53.1 43.8.0228 0.10 196.02 168.35 27.67 13000 181000 0.o4 52.0 44..0223 0.13u 13 0 189 39800 2.27 139.5 1680 234 53300 2.28 1920 22 66ooo 2.25 990 139 26600 2.31 724 102. 18400 2.33 1245 175 37500 2.28 172.5 201.0 102.0 74.7 129.1 151.0 103.1 975 105.2 71.5 585 85.2 58.0 469 63.0 43.0 324 47.8 32.7 227 270 14.2 277 9.88 283 7.96 288 5.95 294 4.50

TABLE NZ SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 3/4" FINNED TUBES IN 8"SHELL BUNDLE 2 r UWater on ube Side pShel Side Average Shell Side Valies Water Pros. Mean temp. —.375 -0.4 |Run T mrature, T ond md Heat trans. Velocity Teperature, F PoUds Heat trans. drop difference h Nu Re Pr (u) No. in out I rise pr hr. BT per hr. Ft./sec. in out drop per hr. BT per hr. 1psi 'F o e r r) Oil on Shell Side 4 44 156.86 160.76 158.20 160.91 158.89 160.82 159.22 160.61 45 156.82 161.11 157.99 161.10 159.29 161.75 46 156.84 162.39 158.64 162.56 159.92 162.92 159.99 162.19 47 156.858 163.271 159.105 163.544 160.581 164.012 161.868 164.329 48 156.567 164.225 159.598 165.098 161.117 165.292 162.667 165.697 69 70.277 73.272 72.041 74.266 71.921 73.719 73.137 74.590 70 69.768 72.293 70.067 71.998 70.257 71.746 71.506 72.707 71 70.905 72.752 74 121.60 127.85 75 122.49 130.69 76 122.32 134.51 77 122.79 143.02 127.18 143.17 131.77 143.00 134.rt i_-4.10 78 122.61 138.5 1 79 122.14 138.95 89 193.39 202.71 3.90 2.71 1.93 1.39 4.29 3.11 2.46 5.55 3.92 3.00 2.20 32100 125000 4.35 45500 123000 6.17 60000 116000 8.12 84700 118000 11.50 33400 143000 4.53 45500 142000 6.17 59400 146000 8.06 31900 177000 4.33 45500 178000 6.17 60100 180000 8.15 85200 188000 11.58 6.413 32100 206000 4.439 45500 202000 3.431 60100oo 206000 2.461 84700 208000 7.658 32500 249000 5.500 45500 250000 4.175 60800 254000 3.030 85100 257000 2.995 46600 139800 2.225 61800 137500 1.798 80200 144000 1.453 102000 148200 2.525 46600 117800 1.931 61800 119400 1.489 80700 120000 1.201 101000 121200 1.847 46600 86100 4.35 6.17 8.15 11.50 4.40 6.17 8.25 11.57 6.31 8.36 10.78 13.58 6.31 8.36 10.79 13.55 6.31 6.85 6.96 6.96 4.40 5.80 7.91 9.86 6.96 6.96 6.85 196.38 180.21 16.17 13000 106000 195.69 180.12 15.57 13000 102000 195.90 179.7) 16.20 13000 107000 196.41 179.79 16.62 13000 109400 196.08 180.91 15.17 18100 139000 195.51 180.46 15.05 18100 138000 196.48 181.20 15.28 18100 140000 195.85 182.34 13.51 25700 176000 196.02 182.40 13.62 25700 177000 196.20 182.61 13.59 25700 177000 195.81 181.88 13.93 25700 181000 196.12 183.51 12.61 32300 206500 196.38 183.58 12.80 32100 208500 196.38 183.65 12.73 32100 207500 196.93 183.90 13.03 31600 209000 196.47 185.14 11.32 44600 257000 196.14 185.05 11.09 45800 258000 196.03 184.94 11.09 45400 256000 196.20 185.02 11.18 45200 257000 113.22 103.75 9.47 29500 129500 113.07 103.75 9.32 29500 127300 113.29 103.77 9.52 30000 132500 113.40 103.96 9.44 30600 134000 113.18 102.29 10.89 20100 101000 113.58 102.52 11.06 20600 105500 113.25 102.13 11.12 20700 107000 113.27 102.29 10.98 20700 105000 112.84 100.00 12.84 13100 77800 Glycerine an Shell Side 195.12 162.66 32.51 15200 316000 193.46 166.23 27.23 24100 420000 193.06 169.47 23.59 42100 640000 194.70 174.65 20.05 51000 663000 195.51 175.28 20.23 52400 687000 195.03 174.78 20.25 52500 689000 194.95 174.85 20.10 52400 683000 195.46 175.39 20.07 63300 82600o 194.97 175.23 18.74 72300 881000 226.92 216.90 10.02 71500 488000 0.64 O.b5 0.0Y 0.57 O.'f 0.95 0.9s 0.95 1.00 1.0e 1.0~ e.5o 4.03 4.15 4.15 4.2 5.09 3.yt 2.37 0.60 1.20 3.0O 4.18 4.39 4.47 4.4. 6.31 8.04 Y.99 y 4.o (5.5 eO.1 20.9 39.4 49.o 29.0 >,f. ( ~o.9 3(.1 54.3 35.6 34.8 50.4 36.7 50.( 3>.3 34.4 02.8 52.0 >1.7 50.4 49.0 46.6 44.6 53.8 54.0 c2.9 51.1.019j55 O. ol 51.7.01934 O.19j 52.0.019e2 0.15l ~3.0.01005 0.119 ol.9. 01610O. 0-p 64.1.01560 0.19g( o0.9.9 0151O 0.158 (7.5.01i90 O.0ol. 0o..Olz5o 0.19U.3.01;.14 0.150 0o.y.o011o O. io 00.(.11500.29 9.1. 0100 0.190 9o.3.01040 0.15> 90.4.01015o 0.116 100.2. 0099-. 40.-o 115.0.0000 0.1950 119.1.0004U O.154 1J4.0.00 00. 0llo 4o.0. O-yOd 0.-9( 4.5 ).0;d10 o0.35 49.1.0,030 0.192 51.4.0194o 0.159 38.0.0-o0O 0.29b 35.8.o0 O 0.238 39.'2.c05j 0.194 40. o.04o 0.10b 30.9.0533 0.2-9 460 70.0.013 o0.10o 653 102.5.00975 0.206 666 ] 1)5.o.oo64 o0.204 670: 16.00602 o0.t8 177. oo565 0.td8 14.00543 0.177 193.00519 0.148 194.oo0ib 0.20a 677 2 2o4.00490 0o.ao' 677 3 209.00372 0.106 872 4 39.4 256 263 5.25 50.5 360 263 6.72 66.5 511 o58 8.88 78.7 655 254 10.6 103 9;;2 250 13.8 36.4 92.0 1611 2.69 42.6 27.6 62.0 1652 33.0 21.6 36.8 1697 87.5 28.2 226 217 1L5 40.5 357 214 a13 68.8 641 208 2.04 15.7 4.48 6.36 10.7 6.25 8.20 12.19 20.23 15.99 11.23 9.32 15.90 16.81 9.32 50500 316000 51300 420000 51300 626000 32500 658000 42800 684000 58400 656000 72600 677000 51300 817000 51300 865000 50500 470000 79.8 872 197 12.6 95.0 1050 192 15.2 - 103 1205 191 16.5 155 2510 107 27.7

TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 3/4" FINNED TUBES IN 8" SHELL BUNDLE 2.Water n T-ub Side Shell Sider I I Average Shell Side values wat-er..............-e. Mdean te p. I Gal 37:B= I ' at 7 lOF |Po eat trans. Velocity Teperare, ous leat tras. drop difference UO -- 8 Cc I ho Ru Re Pr (Nu)(Pr)(Bo. i n i F ri1e por hr. Ur r. t./Bec. In | ot f dropper hr. N per hr. pei,. v Y %I 1 90 192.92 202.28 195.71 203.02 197.96 203.61 200.55 204.66 91 192.15 195.75 92 158.27 161.37 93 158.& 169.22 162.00 168.98 164.1o 169.34 165.70 169.82 94 157.46 166.66 95 122.16 126.36 96 122.32 129.76 97 122.29 126.07 98 85.91 89.28 99 86.40 91.22 100 85.89 92.12 9.36 7.31 5.65 4.11 3.60 3.10 9.41 6.98 5.24 4.12 9.20 4.20 7.44 3.78 3.37 4.97 6.23 33700 316000 44100 323000 57800 326000 78800 324000 50200oo 180000 52= e bloo 52000 161000 32600 307000 4250o 296000 57500 301000 72900 300000 51100 470000 46000 193000 46100 343000 37200 14000O 38000 128000 43200 216000 48900 34000 Glycerine on Shell Side 4.56 225.75 214.30 11.45 45000 350000.76 21.3 5.99 226.08 214.86 11.22 45200 345000 3.11 20.3 7.84 225.99 214.95 11.04 45700 343000 3.22 18.8 10.69 227.05 216.05 11.00 45600 341000 3.24 18.1 6.87 225.00 207.66 17.34 15400 180000 0.59 21.1 7.05 194.04 176.67 17.37 14350 162000 0. 214.5 4.46 193.62 183.27 10.35 46700 315500 3.58 23.7 5.81 193.78 183.45 10.33 47000 316500 3.52 22.7 7.89 193.95 183.45 10.50 46000 315000 3.50 21.4 9.98 193.69 183.34 10.35 45600 308000 3.51 20.2 6.94 194.14 184.64 9.50 78000 486000 9.25 24.7 6.24 157.95 145.96 11.99 26800 199000 1.99 27.2 6.25 157.95 149.81 8.14 70000 355000 8.71 26.3 5.04 157.10 143.55 13.55 16800 141000 1.08 25.5 5.15 130.59. 14.66 15.93 13400 128000 1.53 34.4 5.86 131.07 119.07 11.81 34900 247000 3.74 35.7 6.63 130.78 121.57 9.21 5500 306000 8.61 36.7 19.00505 0.217 208.oo048 o 0.173 20.00480 0.173 289 92.5 1565 108 22r3 0.oo0" 0.139 231.00433 0.108 108.0oo92 o.158 860 127 40.7 502 113 3.0.0120o 0.177 772 95.0 30.8 268 192 163.6.00611 0.250 171.0.00581 0.202 18..5.00551 0.157 233 75.3 915 180 192.8.00519 0.130 250..00400 0.20 771 413 133 1580 178 92.7.01081 0.226 602 113 36.9 214 421 171.0059 0.224 608 254 83.0 623 400 69.5.01344 0.268 508 82.0 26.7 133 42 47.0.o23 0.318 430 53.5 17.6 40.8 1105 89.2.00112 0.285 479 113 37.2 118 1016 105.00953 0.25 530 136 44.6 195 979 16.5 7.25 4.60 11.3 2n.0 4.24 9.34 3.05 1.51 3.28 4.00oo

TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS I/?" PLAIN TUBES IN 8"SHELL BUNDLE 3 water n e Side Shell Side Average Shell Side 7alue3 Wter..Pre. Mean temp. n -pS-. Rum Te erature, Po Heat trans. Velocity Texperature, r Ps Heat trans. drop difference U clc. ho NIu P.e Pr ( No. in i ot | rise pr hr. iu per hr. t./sec. in I out | ic'per hr. BTI per hr. pei | F o h 'ater on Shell Side j 153 158.76 168.84 10.08 161.02 168.57 7.55 163.18 168.68 5.50 164.61 168.61 4.00 154 158.34 167.72 9.38 155 158.97 177.52 18.56 164.88 177.89 13.01 167.45 177.85 10.40 170.10 177.35 7.25 156 159.24 174.20 14.96 157 160.32 171.19 10.87 1.57a 159.53 170.20 10.67 158 122.79 138.51 15.57 159 122.81 136.85 14.04 127.00 137.86 10.86 129.63 137.93 8.30 132.75 138.63 5.88 160 122.85 131.50 8.51 161 122.88 132.06 9.18 125.20 132.49 7.29 126.48 132.03 5.55 128.79 132.30 3.51 162 85.41 94.82 9.41 87.30 94.55 7.25 90.43 95.85 5.42 92.23 96.13 3.90 163 85.41 95.76 10.35 164 85.82 101.59 15.77 165 85.14 103.48 18.13 90.05 103.48 13.22 95.31 104.86 9.45 99.28 106.20 6.73 166 85.39 96.84 11.45 33600 338000 44700 38000 62300 342000 86200 345000 62400 585000 31600 586000 45600 594000 57600 600000 87300 633000 61100 915000 60900 661000 60900 650000 53900 820000 36200 509000 46100 501000 60100 499000 85200 501000 51100 435000 33200 305000 42700 311000 57700 320000 85100 299000 33700 318000 46000 333000 58500 317000 85200 332000 50900 526000 50800 800ooo00 31700 575000 43300 573000 60000 566000 84800 570000 51900 594000 2.69 3.58 4.99 6.91 5.00 2.54 3.66 4.64 7.01 4.88 4.87 4.87 4.24 2.88 3.66 4.78 6.76 4.07 2.64 3.40 4.59 6.78 2.65 3.62 4.60 6.70 4.01 4.00 2.49 3.41 4.72 6.68 4.08 193.32 170.64 22.68 14600 193.48 170.26 23.22 14600 193.57 170.37 23.20 14600 193. 17. 1 0 23.04 14600 193.31 171.21 2;:.10 26700 193.30 182.59 10.?1 53600 193.23 182.22 11.01 52300 192.96 181.76 11.20 51700 192.85 180.83 12.02 51300 193.75 180.45 13.30 68500 194.78 175.50 19.28 33900 193.58 174.52 19.06 34000 157.95 145.98 11.97 68200 158.20 141.94 16.36 31900 158.23 142.25 16.98 31900 157.82 141.89 15.93 31900 157.80 142.02 15.78 31900 157.69 135.21 22.48 19100 157.77 134.64 23.13 13300 158.13 134.82 23.31 1330C 157.84 134.19 23.65 13300 158.25 134.26 23.99 13300 121.96 99.14 22.82 15800 122.09 98.31 23.78 13800 122.43 98.92 23.51 13800 122.72 98.82 23.90 13800 121.95 102.22 19.73 27300 122.68 111.49 11.19 72400 121.93 111.31 10.62 52200 122.16 111.20 10.96 52000 121.96 111.09 10.87 52000 122.34 111.34 11.00 51900 122.02 104.49 17.53 34700 331000 358000 338000 336000 590000 8o5000 576000 580000 617000 911000 654ooo 649000 81600ooo 521000 541000 509000 503000 429000 308000 310000 314000 319000 315000 328000 324000 330000 538000 810000 562000 570000 565000 571000 609000 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 1.18 5.07 5.06 5.ob 0.49 2.25 2.26 0. # 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 0.74 o.07 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.44 0.44 0.39 0.39 1.50 9.76 5.29 5.29 5.29 5.29 2.36 14. a 13.00 12.44 11.22 1b.35 17.59 14.74 13.30 11.72 10.41 17.09 b16.8 19.73 18.24 15.63 14.96 12.91 16.42 15.90 14.3d 13.24 11.7d 1(.03 16.23 14.33 13.0 19.49 21.98 20.86 18.60 15.32 13.13 20.59 300. 0023 0.376 421.00237 0.297 461.00218 0.228 708 74. 10190 2.09 513.o0195 0.175 610.00164 0.229 1390 1100 116.1 18700 2.08 564.00177 0.387 670.00149 0.285 750.00133 0.234 1777 186.2 37900 2.00 901.00111 0. lo 638.001193 0.231 1380 2245 238 49700 2.01 650.00154 0.232 1370 1270 133.6 24350 2.04 650.00154 0.232 1365 1270 134 24150 2. 6 700.0014 0G.302 1060 2130 234 38400 2.70 4TT.00210 0.411 ~5o.00180 O 0.324 )71.00175 o 0.29 1210 133 17600 2.74 657.00152 0.202 445.0025 0.317 1010 805 89.3 10290 2.83 326.00306 0.446 365.00274 0.361 405 o.Q247 0.284 634 70.1 7290 2.85 444.0026b O.(Y 303.00330 o.>34 344.0091 0.413 377.00o25 0.339 650 75.2 5380 4.05 430.00232 0. 4 461.00217 0.3t3 831 1055 120 1o80o 4.01 620.00162 0.376 848 2360 270 30100 3.79 440.008 0.536 520.00192 0.419 652.00160 0.320 1745 199 21400 3.81 735.00136 0.238 495.00202 0.378 844 1220 140 14000 3.95 57.3 89.0 144.5 185 103 103 162 91.7 60.6 47.6 72.2 166 122 R 85.0

TABLE 'Z SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 1/2" PLAIN TUBES IN 8" SHELL, BUNDLE 3.Water o Tue d Sid e Average Shell Side Values Water Pres. Mean temp. 1 N.0 1 Cac. Run Terature, F Pounds Heat trans. Velocity Temperature, ' Pd Heat trans. drop difference UO ' o Nu Re Pr (Nu)(Pr) No. in ot | rise pr hr. _U per hr. lt./sec. in out I dro p per hr. IBTU per hr. psi |OF ( Oil on Shell Side ] Ni ro 197 195.67 198 195.39 198.32 199.89 201.20 199 195.76 200 196.07 938.27 198.84 199.29 201 159.75 160.83 160.48 161.82 202 158.86 203 158.54 204 158.58 205 122.25 206 122.50 207 122.92 208 122.38 124.34 124.90 126.30 209 85.73 210 85.17 211 85.23 198.1o 2.43 200.93 5.54 202.33 4.01 202.95 3.06 203.41 2.21 201.99 6.23 202.24 6.17 202.79 4.52 202.31 3.47 201.90 2.61 164.82 5.07 165.11 4.30 163.81 3.33 164.38 2.56 164.13 5.27 161.31 2.77 162.22 3.64 125.53 3.28 125.27 2.77 126.50 3.58 128.68 6.30 129.09 4.75 128.61 3.71 129.09 2.79 88.89 3.16 88.29 3.12 87.77 2.54 51800 32100 45500 59500 79100 45600 32100 45700 59700 80100 36900 45600 59700 79600 50300 41200 47200 47500 39700 51200 33200 44100 58500 79800 51500 42100 39700 121000 178000 183000 182000 175000 285000 199000 207000 208000 209000 187000 196000 199000 204000 265000 114000 172000 156000 110000 183000 209000 210000 217000 223000 163000 132000 101000 4.20 228.31 212.00 16.31 14200 2.58 227.59 215.28 12.31 29400 3.70 228.22 215.46 12.76 29200 4.84 228.24 215.64 12.60 29200 6.43 227.25 215.10 12.15 29400 3.71 227.55 216.99 10.56 60000 2.61 228.04 216.99 11.05 36100 3.72 228.43 217.53 10.90 36100 4.85 228.22 217.18 11.04 36100 6.51 227.84 216.75 11.09 36100 2.96 193.42 182.83 10.54 35500 3.66 193.75 183.18 10.57 35500 4.79 193.75 182.70 11.'05 35500 6.39 193.24 182.53 10.71 35500 4.04 192.81 184.19 8.62 59400 3.30 193.46 177.53 15.93 13500 3.78 194.29 181.62 12.67 26800 3.76 158.07 146.64 11.43 26700 3.14 158.16 142.90 15.26 14100 4.06 158.38 148.62 9.76 35800 2.63 157.93 150.33 7.60 53300 3.50 158.18 150.57 7.61 53000 4.64 157.98 150.22 7.76 53300 6.33 158.16 150.46 7.70 53400 4.05 122.32 113.36 8.96 38500 3.31 122.27 111.34 10.93 26600 3.12 122.54 108.37 14.17 15200 1i:1000 192000 197000 195000 189000 330000 209000 207000 209000 210000 190000 190000 199000 193000 259000 108900 172000 149000 104500 170500 198000 197000 202000 201000 162000 136000 101000 0.79 2.75 2.72 2.72 2.72 10.12 3.93 3.92 3.93 3.93 4.32 4.32 4.32 4.32 10.79 1.03 2.66 3.88 1.77 8.52 11.10 10.88 11.10 11.14 11.73 7.54 0.61 22.15 22.37 20.85 19.56 l8.14 22.90 22.81 21.99 21.57 21.14 25.38 25.06 25.75 24.54 26.64 25.46 27.16 28.19 25.84 28.47 28.26 27.34 27.04 26.36 30.27 29.82 28.73 91.8 140 154 161 170 227 151 159 163 167 126 130 131 137 167 74.2 107 91.6 70.0 105 122 126 131 136 90.9 76.0 59.4.0109 0.235.00715 0.342.00650 0.245.00619 0.206.00589 0.164.00440 0.256.oo66o 0.338.00627 0.254.00611 0.206.00597 0.162.00794 0.350.00770 0.294.00763 0.239.00730 0.190.00599 0.273.0135 0.325.00935 0.287.0109 0.339.0143 0.391.00953 0.318.oo8o 0.449.00794 0.353.00764 0.283.00735 0.218.0110 0.386.0132 0.451.0168 0.477 1365 98.5 52.8 316 167 8.10 177 1245 279 183 92.5 66o 167 14.05 147 1325 167 98.5 815 166 22.4 15.1 147 76.6 466 272 8.81 116o 983 948 940 810 996 196 80.2 121 102 76.7 118 102 41.6 63.1 52.8 39.7 60.7 811 173 366 170 87.1 238 272 11.8 271 4.81 271 7.31 550 5.41 561 4.05 550 6.21 149 77.2 362 526 8.10 823 102 52.4 105 1220 4.19 699 85.2 43.9 69.0 1330 3.35 639 65.7 33.8 37.8 1400 2.54

TABLE IZ SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 1/2 PLAIN TUBES IN 8" SHELL BUNDLE 3 Water on Tubhe Side ___ __ Shell Side - - - * - Mentm 1 - - - -- Shell Side Water --- —-- Pree. Mean temp. 1 -375 -0.14 tm un t eet V ciratu, P* i Heat trran. Velocity 7t s. drop difference UO 7 i ho Nu Re Pr (Nu)(Pr)) o. in | out Ir hr. BTU r hr. t. ec. in o drop per hr. BT per hr. Si F2s V O i 139 194.95 199.26 140 159.39 202.32 141 196.21 203.76 142 195.62 202.03 143 159.40 164.82 144 159.31 166.91 145 160.00oo 164.17 146 159.22 165.06 147 122.31 126.79 148 122.31 127.24 149 122.58 128.43 150 122.45 127.31 151 85.37 90.01 4.30 6.93 7.54 6.41 5.40 7.60 4.17 5.71 4.22 4.75 5.69 4.68 4.64 37200 160000 34700 240500 52000 392000 52000 334000 52000 281000 52000 395000 31400 131000 31400 179000 38600 166000 47000 223000 58800 334000 58800 275000 43700 203000 3.02 2.82 4.23 4.23 4.17 4.17 2.52 2.52 5.07 3.72 4.66 4.66 3.34 Glycerine on Shell Side 227.34 211.05 16.31 13600 151200 227.55 215.49 12.06 31900 263000 227.37 217.74 9.63 63800 419000 227.73 216.23 11.50 45800 361000 193.55 182.01 11.54 38300 280000 193.59 184.68 8.91 70500 409000 194.31 177.24 17.07 12000 133000 193.50 180.27 13.23 20700 178000 158.09 143.71 14.38 18600 167000 157.71 146.05 11.66 31600 228000 157.91 149.32 8.59 62100 332000 157.91 147.51 10.40 43000 273000 122.07 112.41 9.66 36200 223000 0.64 2.08 6.81 3.66 3.54 9.68 0.71 1.54 2.16 4.19 11.01 6.41 10.76 20.9 126.0.00794 0.303 1050 143.5 35.2 08C 110 6.28 22.1 193.0.00519 0.318 1000 240 58.6 675 107.5 10.55 22.0 311.00322 0.229 1390 404 99.0 1370 106.5 17.80 22.5 261.00383 0.229 1385 324 79.2 975 107.0 14.25 25.2 188.0.00532 0.267 1195 224 55.2 445 182.5 8.37 25.6 266.00377 0.267 1195 343 84.5 865 178.5 12.85 22.3 100.0.00100 0.398 798 114.5 28.2 136 190.0 4.21 23.8 132.5.00755 0.398 798 159.5 39.4 241 187.0 5.90 16.4 98.5.01015 0.394 795 112.5 28.0 77.0 435 3.19 26.8 145.7.00696 0.342 930 170.5 42.2 157 423 4.88 27.8 210.00476 0.282 1115 260 64.6 327 403 7.51 27.6 169.0.00592 0.286 1115 200 50.0 215 413 5.80 29.3 125.0.00813 0.450 705 149.5 34.3 64.5 1565 2.61

TABLE NI SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 1/2' FINNED TUBES IN 8" SHELL BUNDLE 4 wter j Bi ll Aavere Shell Side Values T-" --- —-- Iater Prce., Mean temp. r h al 3 -37 o. }Bu I eperatare, *y Pou loeast tran. Velocity Trature, d eat trans. drop difference UO -|- V- h. hho N u Re Pr (u)(Pr Bo. in A O I r hbr. I Wpea hr. Pt./sc. In 1 ou rop r, per hr. lWi pFer j he. i dF Water on Shell Side W4 4 ~P 167 158.67 177.80 19.13 168 159.12 176.29 17.17 161.56 175.37 13.81 165.13 175.51 10.38 168.82 175.62 6.80 169 158.86 175.39 16.53 162.75 175.33 12.58 165.51 174.56 9.05 168.21 174.85 6.64 170 159.55 167.58. 8.03 171 122.86 131.47 8.61 172 122.88 139.37 16.49 128.46 139.86 11.40 131.23 139.84 8.61 133.23 139.64 6.41 173 122.77 137.35 14.58 174 122.65 141.22 18.43 175 122.72 143.94 21.22 127.54 143.74 16.20 132.04 143.94 11.90 134.98 143.94 8.96 176 85.21 103.80 18.59 177 85.24 100.89 15.65 178 85.51 106.52 21.01 91.o6 106.70 15.64 94.82 106.97 12.15 98.47 107.64 9.17 179 85.68 9".86 10.18 180 85.53 102.04 16.51 89.67 101.73 12.06 93.90 102.76 8.86 95.77 102.54 6.77 51900 992000 8.06 192.25 178.25 14.00 70600 35900 617000 5.58 193.66 174.94 18.72 32900 45200 625000 7.03 193.42 174.00 19.42 32100 57900 601000 9.00 194.02 174.36 19.66 31000 85300 580000 13.29 194.00 174.54 19.46 30600 32800 542000 5.10 193.62 173.77 19.85 27700 42300 531000 6.59 193.49 173.88 19.61 27700 60700 549000 9.45 193.28 173.52 19.76 27700 84200 559000 13.10 193.55 173.91 19.64 27800 50300 403000 7.79 192.96 165.92 27.04 15100 50900 439000 7.81 157.98 130.42 27.56 15600 31500 520000 4.84 158.23 138.96 19.27 26900 44400 506000 6.81 158.11 139.42 1..69 26900 59300 511000 9.10 158.27 139.59 18.68 26900 82300 529000 12.64 158.23 139.41 18.82 26900 51200 745000 7.85 158.09 137.70 20.39 35700 55000 1010000 8.46 157.39 143.20 14.19 71800 33300 700000 5.11 158.20 145.06 13.14 53100 44900 727000 6.89 158.41 144.75 13.66 53100 59600 710000 9.15 157.98 144.70 13.28 53100 80700 720000 12.40 157.93 144.64 13.29 53100 60300 1120000 9.19 122.14 107.35 14.79 77000 43100 675000 6.56 122.18 101.95 20.2 34600 32200 678000 4.90 121.91 109.09 12.82 54000 45500 712000 6.94 121.93 108.68 13.2 54000 59900 729000 9.14 121.96 108.43 13.3 54000 79900 731000 12.20 122.09 109.79 13.30 54000 401c0 409000 6.11 122.34 95.11 27.23 15200 31700 524000 4.83 121.98 102.63 19.35 27600 45200 45000 6.90 122.16 102.16 2.oo 27600 60600 537000 9.25 122.40 102.92 19.48 27600 79900 541000 12.20 122.54 102.74 19.60 27600 98900o 616000 624000 610000 595000 550000 544000 548000 546000 408000 430000 519000 503000 503000 506000 728000 1010000 699000 726000 702000 707000 1139000 701000 694000 716000 731000 719000 414000 534000 552000 538000 541000 4.41 1.'2 1.22 1.01 0.98 0.06 o.06 0.86 0.86 o.e6 0.27 0.86 0.86 0.06 0.86 1.47 9.26 3.00 3.00 3.05 6.16 1.33 3.14 3.14 3,14 3.14 O.d4 0.84 0.84 O.bt4 13.77 440 12.>9 298 11.35 33 10.00 370 8.06 1 445 12.35 270 10.71 306 9.58 250 8.24 408 9.99 2>1 11.58 230 13.78 231 11.'7 2*75 10.13 30b 8.99 352 14.36 314 1>.>Y 397 19.16 '28 13.23 336 1107 390 9.753 17.8 5 386 15.66 69 16.54 254 14.01 311 12.11 38 10.37 427 12.91 196 15.28 212 15.10 13.1 2595 11.08 297 10.0 5 330.002z27 0.14 o68.00oo336 o.0.00298 0.171.00270 0.139.00225 O.1lO.00370 0.23.00327 0.181.00286 o.136.00245 0.103.oo00398 0.160 648.00435 o.187 560.00434 0.270.00o30 O.704.00327 0.159.00284 0.122.00138 0.104 570.002;2 0.172 608.00354 0.256.00298 0.199.00oo6 0.157.00223 0.11.00259 0.193 541.oo003( o.254 409.00394 0.318.00321 0.235.0072 0.108.o0034 0.147.00>o o.272 394.00471 0.326.00393 0.236.00337 0.187.00303 0.1lo 1400 122 34000 2.04 780 67.7 14800 2.05 720 62.5 13300 2.06 435 38.2 7000 2.14 402 36.8 5550 2.90 615 55.8 1o00o 2.80 755 68.5 13150 2.80 1270 115 26800 2.74 1030 93.5 20000 2.70 1440 136 21100 3.87 828 78.0 9300 4.01 11o 105 14800 3.86 410 3:9.1 3900 4.19 661 62.9 7400 4.01 94.0 51.9 29.1 24.8 38.2 46.9 79.3 65.0 82.5 48.0 63.6 23.0

TABLE IZ SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 1/2" FINNED TUBES IN 8" SHELL BUNDLE 4 _ —| Water ion STae 5 SfL SiSde Averee hell Side Values -ater Pros. Mean temp. N c3al5. BuM Teratmue. F |POUd Heat trans. Velocity Te peratre F Pods BHeat traus. drop| difference |eUO | o d Cc n h 0 Nu Re Pr | (N)(Pr) Nro. -in o oft riaespe r hr. BTU per hr. t./sec. in o drop per hr. BT per hr. psi 1 *FI Oil on Shell Side j-1 181 195.30 203.50 182 194.79 203.92 197.01 203.73 19888 203.01 199.75 203.74 183 195.51 201.00 184 195.65 199.62 185 159.31 164.32 186 159.11 162.90 187 122.83 126.46 188 122.99 127.67 189 159.00 166.86 190 159.03 164.88 191 123.25 130.12 192 121.77 127.13 193 85.28 90.19 195 85.69 89.58 196 85.2; 89.62 8629 89.76 86. 9 89.'0 87.4 89.62 8.20 9.00 6.72 4.93 3.99 5.49 3.97 5.11 3.79 3.63 4.68 7.86 5.85 6.87 5.36 4.91 3.89 4.61 3.47 2.81 2.38 49700 408000 7.81 31700 285000 4.99 42800 288000 6.73 59000 290000 9.28 76100 303000 12.00 45700 251000 7.19 39100 155000 6.15 45700 234000 7.10 38600 146000 5.99 39600 144000 6.08 46000 215000 7.06 50500 397000 7.84 51300 300000 7.96 51600' 355000 7.93 50700 272000 7.79 50700 249000 7.76 32100 125000 4.91 32400 149000 4.96 4800 159000 7.01 60000 169000 9.20 73300 174000 11.23 226.94 212.94 14.00 56000 227.88 211.86 16.02 35200 227.79 211.86 15.93 35200 227.80 211.95 15.85 35200 227.79 211.82 15.97 35200 227.62 209.25 18.37 31300 227.59 206.87 20.72 13800 193.89 176.05 17.84 25300 193.57 173.30 20.27 13900 158.32 139.60 18.72 14800 158.23 142.50 15.73 26000 193.6k 179.65 13.99 55800 193.78 177.24 16.54 35800 157.64 145.74 11.90 56500 158.50 143.44 15.06 36000 121.55 Y09.17 12.38 43300 122.41 105.39 17.02 14800 121.28 106.57 14.71 22100 121.48 106.93 14.55 22500 121.77 106.99 14.78 22500 121.86 106.88 14.98 22700 411000 295000 294000 292000 294000 297000 150000 228000 142000 134000 199000 394000 299000 327000 265000 250000 117500 152000 153000 155000 158500 5.07 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.14 o.57 1.72 0.71 1.1$ 2.56 b.40 2.80 8.35 3.93 8.92 2.78 4.46 4.46 4.46 4.46 19.51 19.'24 18.07 1Y.07 16.75 18.40 21.95 20.76 22.98 24.16 22.93 22.39 24.50 23.32 27.23 25.1' 25.68 25.46 25.50 25.18 128.00781 0.140 744 156 67.5 851 176 92.3.01084 0.201 98.5.0101. 0.157 556 176 104.4.00953 0.12 117 50.7 17 109.0.00918 0.0995 97.1.01097 0.150 694 105 45.7 461 178 j3.3.01876 0.171 610 58.6 25.4 197 180 64.5.01550 0.175 599 72.5 31.1 218 283 44.5.0oa4z5 0.201 521 48.8 21.0 114 291 37.1.0269> 0.221 455 40.5 17.2 60.4 575 52.4.01909 0.o05 510 58.5 24.8 108 565 o105..00949 0.160 655 127 54.6 480 281 2.1.01219 o.159 656 94.1 40.4 318 284 85.3.01171 0.185 566 101 43.0 242 560 64.2.01588 0.190 550 72.8 31.0 151 560 5.o.o1785 o.z22 456 64.1 27.2 71.9 1340 29.4.03400 0.331 318 32.4 13.7 24.6 1397 35.9.0279 0.328 37.).026e 0o.27 37.9> 027 t 0.219 42.8 18.1 35.6 1400 39.2.0255 0.171 39.2.o02g 0.171 10.0 7.55 6.80 3.77 3.97 2.64 1.71 2.49 7.00 5.15 4.32 3.14 2.06 1.01 rO C1

TABLE IN SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS V2" FINNED TUBES IN 8" SHELL BUNDLE 4 I IPwr r _1 _ _____ Shel Side I Avrage Shell Side Values un I.! t t Water.._ _..fPreeo. M n temp. 1 C c. 375 o Rn Tue r |r. tper hre.retr L Ttee o. | Be at t e rans. drop difference U| -U - | T| N h h ac Nu Re Pr (Nu)(Prr)( ' Mo e_ _. b. 1 pt r h. l../see. in 1 out I rise pr. pr hr. pai oI O. - { 125 190.13 202.95 12.82 126 189.54 198.37 8.83 127 191.26 196.43 5.04 128 158.79 163.11 4.32 129 158.65 163.56 4.77 130 158.99 175.01 16.02 162.95 174.65 11.70 166.24 174.92 8.55 168.37 175.15 6.62 131 158.90 165.94 6.90 132 122.47 130.73 7.81 133 121.91 127.72 5.34 134 122.14 127.83 5.22 135 121.86 128.93 6.59 136 85.48 91.08 5.60 137 85.03 90.19 5.16 138 85.82 90.54 4,72 55500 712000 8.71 55500 490000 8.70 46200 233000 7.25 45600 197000 7.08 71800 342000 11.13 32100 515000 4.98 45500 532000 7.07 62300 534000 9.68 82000 543000 12.74 71900 496000 11.15 71800oo 56ooo0000 11.02 71400 381000oo 10.97 34500 180000 5.29 45900o 02000 7.05 60900 341000 9.26 46400 239000 7.06 35300 167000 5.36 Glycerin 225.64 211.39 14.25 75000 224.71 206.69 18.02 42800 225.18 203.50 21.68 16300 195.04 173.12 21.92 13800 194.58 175.28 19.30 27200 194.79 183.85 10.94 73800 194.72 183.67 11.05 74100 194.85 183.83 11.02 74800 195.01 183.97 11.04 75500 194.67 177.84 16.83 46000 158.18 146.32 11.86 74200 158.11 143.29 14.82 42700 157.86 139.73 18.13 16200 158.54 143.17 15.37 30600 121.98 109.99 11.99 48800 121.96 108.48 13.48 29800 122.56 107.24 15.32 18300 e on Shell Side 725000 527000 196000 340000 525000 533000 538000 543000 ro2000 547000 393000 182000 292000 348000 238000 167000 e 5.50 1.94 0.44 0.49 1.33 5.89 6.00 6.10 6.19 2.80 7.91 3.43 1.08 2.43 9.21 5.52 5.10 20.5 20.4 18.4 21.2 22.4 21.0 19.3 17.8 16.9 22.9 24.9 25.3 22.3 24.6 27.2 27.1 26.2 213.5 151.4 77.8 56.6 94.6 152 169 184 196 134 140 97.8 51.6 76.6 77.5 53.9 39.1.oo069 o.11 805.00660 0.112 770.01290 0.152 665.01765 0.175 595.01057 0.121 858.00659 0.227.00592 0.170.0054 0.132.00510 0.105.00746 0.390 864.00716 0.450 733.01022 0.492 720.0198 0.284 405.01305 0.41 510.01290 0.490 526.01860 0.414 424.0256 o.36 340 297 59.8 192 38.7 88.7 17.8 62.8 12.8 107 21.7 1015 113 567 116.5 188 116 102 196 206 194 10.5 6.78 3.12 1.88 3.20 237 48.1 549 177 7.20 160 52.5 174 35.6 114 23.4 59.4 12. 91.o 18.7 91.5 19.0 61.8 12.8 44.3 8.97 336 188 244 419 137 447 49.5 460 100 435 48.3 1437 27.8 1485 17.0 1505 4.88 4.05 2.59 1.54 2.12 1.42 0.945 0.660

TABLE IY SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND (ALCULATED RESULTS 5/8"PLAIN TUBES IN 6" SHELL BUNDLE 5 _ --- — WatervB 81 Sll id- ere SF-ll Side Valued ahe11 Side Values Run T T eture, t 7 Po d eat trans. Velocity Tempratue, 7F P s Reat tran. drop difference Uace Pr I 'U) 1 Ho. in - ot | rie per br. per hr. Ft./ec. I o ~ h 1 1 Uo Reu e P r )( ) ino. I ris r hr. MU er hr. Ft./sec. in dro p hr. mI per hr. i e Water or Shell Side 5 122.94 136.29 13.35 28600 382000 4.46 176.88 144.66 32.22 11300 365000 0.91 28.1 124.47 135.46 10.99 41000 451000 6.40 177.46 143.55 33.91 11300 383000 o.9 26.9 127.09 135.23 8.14 51500 419000 8.04 177.35 142.92 34.43 11300 394000 0.91 25.1 130.89 136.59 5.70 75500 430000 11.80 177.08 143.17 33.91 11400 386000 0.91 22.2 9 122.45 138.74 16.29 27700 451000 4.32 177.15 149.31 27.84 17000 470000 1.55 30.0 128.79 139.86 11.07 40400 446000 6.30 176.70 149.13 27.57 17200 474000 1.55 25.8 131.61 l40.36 8.75 52400 459000 8.18 177.06 148.80 28.26 17200 48600C 1.55 23.7 134.60 140.81 6.21 75300 467000 11.75 176.59 148.39 28.20 17250 485000 1.55 21.5 10 121;60 139.86 18.26 28900 527000 4.51 176.97 152.78 24.19 23800 576000 2.79 32.3 126.81 140.22 13.41 41100 551000 6.41 176.65 151.84 24.81 23900 592000 2.80 28.6 132.48 142.48 10.00 53500 535000 8.35 176.76 152.53 24.23 23900 580000 2.78 24.9 136.26 143.42 7.16 75500 540000 11.80 177.13 152.44 24.69 23900 590000 2.80 22.4 11 122.67 142.79 20.12 28900 581000 4.51 178.88 157.19 19.69 31500 620000 5.13 32.3 128.77 143.69 14.92 40600 605000 6.34 177.15 156.83 20.32 31300 635000 5.13 28.9 136.38 147.07 10.69 53500 561000 8.35 176.77 157.80 18.87 31300 591000 5.15 24.0 141.28 148.91 7.63 75300 579000 11.80 177.10 158.05 19.05 31200 595000 5.19 29 12 149.13 159.73 10.6C 28700 304000 4.48 177.04 166.75 10.29 31100 320000 5.19 16.4 153.32 160.84 7.52 40400 305000 6.31 177.17 166.87 10.30 31100 320000 518 14.1 155.52 161.22 5.70 53100 303000 8.30 177.06 166.48 10.58 31400 332000 5.25 12.7 158.74 162.64 3.90 75300 294000 11.80 176.90 167.07 9.83 31500 310000 5.28 10.4 13 149.79 159.30 9.51 28700 272000 4.48 177.24 165.11 12.13 23800 289000 3.05 15.5 153.55 160.02 6.97 40600 283000 6.34 177.17 165.29 11.88 23800 283000 3.05 13.2 155.70 160.75 5.05 54700 276000 8.55 176.92 165.34 11.58 23700 275000 3.0 11.7 158.09 161.69 3.60 75600 272000 11.80 177.62 165.81 11.81 23700 280000 3.04 10.6 14 149.11 157.10 7.99 28600 229000 4.47 177.21 162.48 14.73 16550 243000 1.52 15.4 152.53 158.04 5.51 41000 224000 6.40 177.22 162.55 14.67 16500 242000 1.52 13.1 153.82 158.07 4.25 53400 228000 8.50 177.13 162.27 14.86 16550 245000 1.52 12.1 155.80 158.83 3.03 75500 229000 11.80 176.92 162.34 14.58 16500 241000 1.52 10.5 15 148.48 155.19 6.71 29500 198000 4.61 176.99 159.60 17.39 11950 208000.81 14.6 152.22 156.72 4.50 40800 184000 6.38 177.08 160.47 16.61 11950 199000 0.81 1.3 152.76 156.40 5.64 51700 188000 8.07 176.94 159.88 17.06 11950 204000 0.81 11.7 154.22 156.76 2.54 75100 191000 11.70 176.47 159.78 16.69 11950 199000 0.81 10.5 16 122.79 145.24 23.45 28600 671000 4.46 177.28 160.90 16.38 39600 649000 8.01 33 130.33 146.50 16.17 40400 654000 6.33 177.13 160.27 16.86 39600 668000 801 29.2 137.23 149.05 11.82 53400 633000 8.33 176.70 160.54 16.16 39600 640000 802 24.2 141.89 150.60 8.71 75600 659000 11.80 176.03 160.47 15.56 39600 616000 8.02 20.6 17 148.46 161.26 12.80 27800 356000 4.36 176.94 168.48 8.46 39900 338000 8.46 16.7 154.27 162.23 7.96 40500 322000 6.32 177.28 168.64 8.64 3970 343000 843 137 157.26 163.24 5.96 53400 320000 8.33 177.53 168.98 8.55 800 340000 8.43 1 159.37 163.65 4.28 75700 332000 11.80 177.21 168.64 8.57 39600 339000 8.40 10.9 526.00190 0.299 612.00163 0.217 640.00156 0.179 715.00140 0.130 608.00164 0.296 707.00141 0.215 789.00127 0.173 875.00114 0.129 675.00148 0.285 792.00126 o213 885.00113 0.169 996.001003 0.127 735.00136 0.283 846.00118 0.212 950.00105 0.166 1107.000905 0.124 750.0 0133 0.259 880.00113 0.195 991.00101 0.156 1150.000870 0.117 716.00139 0.259 844.00119 0.194 927.00108 0.15'2 1030.000970 0.117 610.00164 0.261 704.00142 0.194 770.00130 0.154 883.00113 0.118 547.00183 0.256 612.00163 0.195 664.00151 0.161 734.00136 0.120 781.00188 0.282 923.00108 0.210 '1040.000960 0.165 1'22.000818 0.124 820.00122 0.265 951.00105 0.193 1061.000942 0.154 1220.000820 0.116 1070 143 13050 2.50 102 1465 195 20200 2.45 142 1800 239 28400 2.41 175 2160 26 355000 2.36 211 2110 278 39300 2.29 205 1840 243 9600 2.29 1/(9 1305 172 20400 2.31 126 1030 136 14650 2.33 99.3 2680 355 48600, 2.33 263 2520 332 50000 2.25 245

TABLE Z SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 5/8"PLAIN TUBES IN 6 SHELL BUNDLE 5 _ _ _ _ _ _Me m v_ w Side 8_ ideA Iverer Shell Side Value Water.. Mean temp. -0.1 orRun r Hr. trm VlctU p er hr.m V ope r o IHe s difference UOra. U o edi U ePr (Nu)(Pr llo. hr.t./. nin,r h. r i... ro.OD 57 122.295 128.284 5.989 124.522 128.808 4.286 126.345 129.524 3.179 128.208 130.660 2.$52 58 122.245 127.366 5.121 124.815 128.320 3.505 126.682 129.256 2.574 127.486 129.476 1.990 59 122.608 126.729 4.121 124.617 127.568 2.951 126.343 128.466 2.123 127.256 128.907 1.651 60 122.479 129.200 6.721 125.065 129.836 4.771 127.243 130.736 3.493 127.535 130.271 2.736 61 122.106 129.861 7.755 124.900 130.412 5.512 126.853 130.941 4.088 128.620 131.704 3.o84 67 71.566 72.932 1.366 73.162 74.210 1.048 74.437 75.180 0.743 75.614 76.339 0.725 68 70.484 71.508 1.024 72.126 72.909 0.783 72.963 73.627 0.664 72.813 73.387 0.574 32300 193500 45500 195000 62200 197000 81200 198000 31700 162000 45300 159000 62400 161000 81200 161000 32000 132000 45300 134000 62000 131500 81200 134000 32000 215000 45300 216000 62100 217000 81400 222000 32000 248000 45300 250000 61200 254000 81400 251000 46600 63700 61300 64200 84200 62500 88300 63600 46600 47800 61800 400 73900 49000 87500 50200 45500 266000 28000 219000 35800 227000 51000 236000 72000 253000 38800 122000 34100 110500 38300 198000 45900 234000 33100 104000 3000 101000 30000 136000 35500 181000 4.97 7.00 9.58 12.50 4.88 6.98 9.60 12.50 4.93 6.90 9.55 12.50 4.93 6.90 9.56 12.55 4.93 6.90 9.56 12.55 7.14 9.39 12.90 13.51 7.14 9.45 11.30 13.40 7.21 4.44 5.68 8.10 11.41 6.15 5.33 5.99 7.17 5.10 4.64 4.64 5.50 Oil c Shell Side 195.81 180.68 15.13 26000 199000 5.75 195.81 180.68 15.13 26100 201000 5.75 195.96 180.86 15.10 26100 200000 5.75 196.03 181.02 15.01 26100 199000 5.75 196.14 178.61 17.53 18400 163500 3.'4 195.75 178.36 17.39 18400 162000 3.-4 196.03 178.72 17.30 18400 161000 3.24 195.66 178.38 17.28 18400 161000 3.24 195.84 175.62 20.22 13300 136000 1.8d 196.48 176.31 20.17 13300 135500 1.89 195.93 175.93 20.00 13300 134500 1.89 196.02 176.06 19.96 13300 134000 1.90 195.60 182.00 13.60 32500 224000. 25 195.51 181.82 13.69 32500 225500 8.30 195.30 181.76 13.54 32500 223000 8.30 195.60 181.87 13.73 32500 226000 8.28 195.67 183.52 12.15 42000 259000 12.90 195.51 183.38 12.13 42000 259000 13.01 195.42 183.27 12.15 42000 259000 13.02 195.25 183.15 12.10 42000 258000 13.00 112.93 104.72 8.21 14600 35500 6.41 113.31 104.63 8.67 14200 57000 5.97 113.04 104.68 8.56 14600 56600.1 113.83 105.53 8.30 14300 5490 6.10 113.31 101.05 12.26 8500 2.87 113.45 101.19 12.26 8600 2.96 113.20 100.90 12.30 8600 a.99 113.04 100.72 12.32 8800.92 Glycerine mn Se11 Side 227.34 219.47 7.87 52000 278000 14.6 227.61 219.65 7.96 M6000 250000 1.'.2( 227.14 219.42 7.72 6000 242000 11.35 227.05 218.98 8.07 6000 254000 1137 227.71 219.49 8.22 15800 262000 1.o40 63.0 61.6 60.4 59.0 62.5 60.4 59.3 58.4 60.8 60.1 58.4 -57.8 62.9 61.2 59.5 >9.8 03.5 61.7 t0.5 59.0 36.3 35.6 34.2 33., 35.6 34.4 33.4 33.5 25.9 24.A 24.2 24.1 23.5 123.8.008o 0.271 127.o.0078 0.205 130.0.00770 0.158 133.1.o075 o0.127 103.0.00971 o.2)5 104.8.009o 3 0.206 107.3.00930 0.158 lo9.o.00919 0.128 87.2.01148 0.273 88..01130 0.208 90.2.01109 0.159 91.7.01091 0.1l8 138.1.00725 0.272 142.5.00701 0o.07 146.).0063 0.158 148.2.00oo(5 0.12 1y57..o00635 0.72 163.0.00613 0.206 167.8.oo0096.159 171.3.oo005 0.1i7 65.0.0154 o.26 b7.3.0149 O.214 d.5.0146 0.165 69.9.0143 0.158 52.6.01900 0.270 5.6.01'98 0.214 5.0.01T24 0.185 >9.0.01695 0.161 416.00240 0.151 1990 143 91.8 668 263 115.5 '4.3 461 268 96.0 61.6 325 277 162 104 856 259 188 121 1122 256 71.5 45.2 55.9 1603 13.4 10.9 9.05 15. 17.8 3.37 59.0 37.3 30.1 1673 48 159 2180 105 107 194.31 200.17 108 194.85 202.69 195.49 201.83 196.56 201.18 198.09 201.60 109 194.23 197.38 110 158.61 161.85 111 158.58 165.74 112 158.65 163.74 121 77.20 80.53 122 122.52 125.94 123 122.59 127.18 124 123.51 128.68 5.86 7.83 6.34 4.62 3.51 3.15 3.24 5.17 5.09 3.15 3.38 4.52 5.11 277.55 214.39 13.16 14800 193.48 180.84 12.64 14900 193.44 185.25 8.19 40000 193.50 186.08 7.42 51700 122.67 111.99 10.68 16400 158.27 147.56 10.71 15200 157.69 149.66 8.03 26200 158.67 152.51 6.56 45700 13000 1.42 25.2 122500 1.79 26.4 213000 9.40 97.9 249000 14.90 28.3 105000 7.-5 38.4 102000 a.64 28.5 151000 6.1 28.7 181000 14.30 29.2 379.00264 0.21 383.00261 O.182 399.00250 0.136 548 19 1940 105 432.00231 0.104 200.00500 0.173 1740 230 69.2 601 o10 167.00599 0.219 1355 195 5'(. 338 185 92.00342 0.200 950 374 113.5 94 178 337.o0097 0.173 1730 431 130.5 25( 1' 6 110.8.o00o 0.336 887 129 39.9 47.2 1365 142.2.00704 0.288 1040 18 50.8 149 411 185..00540 0.288 1045 229 70.1 2>. 402 246.5.00405 0.248 1200 316 97.2 475 383 30.1 1d. 71 8.Y(l 1'(. 20.1 3.23 5.93 8.20 11.5

TABLE IN SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 5/8" FINNED TUBES IN 6"SHELL BUNDLE 6 -~- anCQ 8166 J- S~T SidIWte1 a1mtoo. -- ^ ^ - _._ ^.... 4 -0.1'. RIlm T r, Pods eat trns. Velocity rt.o7 p e asat tr. I Plngo frem 1e 0 ho0 N BR Pr ( Nlo. I out N r u per Fehr. Ft./sec. in out hr of per hr. IT i 1 24 148.71 156.30 150.82 156.03 152.02 156.15 152.96 156.27 25 149.92 158.59 153.52 159.37 154.92 159.46 155.83 159.49 26 149.18 159.58 152.56 159.96 154.63 160.25 155.92 160.43 27 148.93 160.50 153.32 161.42 154.83 161.35 156.49 161.80 28 149.01 162.76 154.04 163.67 156.78 164.30 158.46 164.57 31 157.86 160.53 32 158.33 163.08 160.23 163.54 161.11 163.81 161.67 163.92 33 158.16 163.89 159.85 163.98 161.59 164.88 162.03 164.66 34 122.14 128.25 124.16 128.57 126.06 129.56 127.32 130.12 35 122.32 130.50 124.70 130.61 127.11 131.85 128.50 132.24 36 122.72 132.69 126.73 133.92 128.98 134.60 130.02 134.52 7.59 5.21 4.13 3.31 8.67 5.85 4.54 3.66 10.40 7.40 5.62 4.51 11.57 8.10 6.52 5.31 13.75 9.63 7.52 6.11 2.67 4.75 3.31 2.70 2.25 5.73 4.13 3.29 2.63 6.11 4.41 3.50 2.80 8.18 5.91 4.74 3.74 9.97 7.19 5.62 4.50 31700 241000 7.85 45500 237000 11.25 58000 240000 14.34 72500 240000 17.92 31200 270000 7.70 45100 264000 11.13 57400 260000 14.17 71600 262000 17.70 31400 326000 7.75 44700 331000 11.03 58000 326000 14.31 71900 324000 17.73 32300 374000.7.98 45600 370000 11.28 58000 378000 14.31 72500 385000 17.90 32300 445000 7.98 45400 437000 11.20 57600 434000 14.23 71700 438000 17.70 31500 84100 7.77 31700 150500 7.82 45500 150630 11.22 57900 156000 14.30 71800 169000 17.72 31900 183000 7.87 45600 188000 11.26 57400 189000 14.19 72300 189000 17.85 32100 196000 7.94 45800 202000 11.31 58000 203000 14.31 71900 201000 17.75 32100 262000 7.94 45500 269000ooo 11.22 57900 274000 14.30 72100 269000 17.80 32100 320000 7.94 45500 327000 11.22 57900 326000 14.30 72000 324000 17.78 Water on Shell Side 177.38 157.06 20.32 12200 248000 177.40 156.88 20.52 12100 248000 177.20 156.88 20.32 12100 246000 177.26 156.92 20.34 12100 246000 177.39 160.52 16.87 16800 283000 177.71 160.95 16.76 16800 282000 177.42 160.85 16.57 16800 278000 177.31 160.73 16.58 16800 278000 177.01 162.66 14.35 23800 341000 177.30 162.66 14.64 2800 34800 177.15 162.61 14.54 23900 348000 177.51 162.59 14.92 23800 355000 176.95 164.35 12.60 31400 396000 177.75 164.88 12.87 31500 405000 177.03 164.37 12.66 31400 398000 177.04 164.52 12.52 31500 395000 177.44 168.23 9.21 49600 457000 177.60 168.32 9.28 49600 460000 177.62 168.50 9.12 49600 452500 177.29 168.23 9.06 49600 450000 Oil on Shell Side 180.30 170.56 9.74 18500 90000 196.11 179.82 16.29 18300 151000 195.54 179.62 15.92 18400 148000 195.51 179.73 15.78 18300 146000 195.58 179.64 15.94 18300 148000 195.33 181.13 14.20 26300 189000 195.45 181.09 14.36 26500 192000 195.53 181.40 14.13 26200 188000 195.24 181.22 14.02 26100 185500 196.14 165.42 30.72 13300 205000 196.21 165.31 30.90 13300 206500 196.02 165.42 30.60 13500 206000 195.99 165.49 30.50 13300 204000 195.91 168.03 27.87 18500 260000 196.11 167.92 28.19 18500 262000 195.75 168.10 27.65 18500 257500 196.02 168.01 28.01 18500 261000 196.08 171.00 25.08 26200 33550000 196.05 170.96 25.09 26200 350000 195.94 170.98 24.96 26200 328000 195.72 170.87 24.85 26100 326000 0.b6 0.61 0.61 0.61 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 2.30 2.31 2.31 2.31 3.92 -.904 3.91 9.70 9.66 9.70 9.70 2.68 2.60 2.49 2.55 2.55 4.75 4.69 4.66 4.66 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 2.90 2.90 2.99 2.80 4.74 4.76 4.76 4.96 11.60 10.33 9.43 8.78 1_.37 10.5C 9.48 8.78 13.58 11.89 10.59 9.91 14.27 12.43 11.13 1C. 16 15.50 12.98 11.53 10.30 16.85 26.5 24.8 24.3 23.6 26.4 25.8 24.6 24.0 53.8 52.7 51.4 50.4 54.4 52.9 51.2 50.4 54.8 51.8 50.5 49.7 387 431 473 508 410 477 '520 564 451 5214 584 636 495 572 640 704 534 633 704 792 91.4 103.2 110.4 112.3 115.2 129.0 135.5 140.2 142.0 68.2 71.0 73.0 73.9 88.0 92.0 95.2 96.5 108.6 116.4 118.7 120.0.0058 0.166l.00232 0.124.00211 0.102.00197 0.0858.00244 0.168.00210 0.124.00193 0.102.00177 0.0856.00222 0.167.00191 0.125.00171 0.101.00157 0.0855.00202 0.o0).O(YaOz O. lo6.00175 0.122.00156 0.101.00142 0.0841.00187 0.163.00159 0.123.00142 0.0998.00126 0.0845.01093 0.164 774.00oo969 0.162.00906 0.o0o.oo0089 0.0990.00867 0.0834.00775 0.161.00733 0.120.00713 0.0997.00705 0.0831.01466 0.187.01408 0.14o.01370.115.01350 0.0964.01136 0.186.01087 o.141.01050 0.114.01037 0.0954.0021 0.184.00858 0.139.00842 0.113.00833 0.0947 996 114 12000 2.37 83.0 1230 145 17100 2.33 106 1620 188 24200 2.31 138 2040 240 32300 2.30 176 2900 340 51800 2.25 253 106 60.5 310 334 132 75.7 384 269 170 97.5 565 263 81.5 46.5 243 300 110 62.7 347 294 143 81.7 504 286 7.15 9.84 12.8 6.30 8.45 rs to 11.1

TABLE IZ SUMMARY OF EXPERIMENTAL DATA AND CALCULATED RESULTS 5/8" FINNED TUBES IN 6" SHELL BUNDLE 6 "ae onr fIc 81e MsIhell Sie \ \ae on Wetur e SBuid a Insee Sh-el l Side IPres. Mea teIp I I N1 -- Average Shell Sidmp.e V lues RBln |-Teugpereate, I? Porrg HIeat tranl. Velocity Treperature, F Pounds Heat trans. drop difference 1 1I Cslche Pr (Nu) P o.t rise er hr. per hr. 3t./ec. in out r hr..U per hr. psi I U0. iS | N u B he Pr (Br) ( P 4 37 122.41 134.13 126.06 134.49 128.28 134.98 130.06 135.42 38 122.54 135.97 127.86 136.92 130.23 137.37 131.88 137.75 72 69.478 72.194 70.722 72.869 71.537 73.116 71.960 73.193 73 69.800 72.145 69.620 71.420 70,599 71.946 73.042 74.102 80 123.08 137.93 81 122.43 141.15 126.64 141.13 131.47 142.27 134.08 142.77 82 122.16 133.74 83 122.68 132.49 84 122.13 129.87 85 121.55 128.07 86 194.82 198.22 87 194.68 204.01 197.38 204.41 199.99 205.32 201.92 205.88 88 194.16 201.58 101 86.04 90.18 102 86.09 91.83 103 85.96 89.60 11.72 8.43 6.70 5.36 13.43 9.06 7.14 5.87 2.716 2.147 1.579 1.233 2.345 1.800 1.346 1.060 14.85 18.72 14.49 10.80 8.69 11.58 9.81 7.74 6.52 3.40 9.33 7.03 5.33 3.96 7.42 4.14 5.74 3.64 32100 45500 57400 72000 31400 45800 58000 71800 32800 42900 58300 72800 32000 42900 58500 72700 376000 7.94 384000 11.22 384000 14.19 386000 17.78 421000 7.76 415o00 11.31 415000 14.31 421000 17.72 89000 7.95 92100 10.38 92000 14.10 89900 17.61 75100 7.76 77200 10.38 78700 14.16 77100 17.60 Oil on Shell Side 195.93 172.76 23.17 33000 388000 7.20 196.10 172.72 23.38 33300 392000 7.17 195.75 172.47 23.28 32900 388000 7.23 196.08 172.83 23.25 32900 386000 7.35' 196.05 174.61 21.44 39200 425000 9.65 196.02 174.58 21.44 39300 426000 9.65 195.81 174.39 21.42 39100 424000 9.63 195.90 174.56 21.34 39500 425000 9.70 113.21 101.03 12.18 15500 87400 5.50 113.75 101.34 12.41 15600 89600 5.57 113.84 101.61 12.23 15700 89000 5.39 113.30 101.03 12.27 16000 90900 5.42 113.44 99.68 13.76 10600 67500 3.86 113.57 99.77 13.80 10500 67100 3.95 113.68 99.99 13.69 11000 69600 4.00 114.20 101.01 13.19 11500 70300 4.15 Glycerine on Shell Side 194.61 173.91 20.70 58200 780000 14.40 193.86 173.44 20.42 47500 629000 9.49 193.69 173.16 20.53 4800o 638000 9.84 194.14 173.39 20.75 48100 64800 9.84 193.73 173.26 20.47 48700 646000 10.05 194.79 169.65 25.14 38000 619000 6.61 193.62 167.13 26.49 30000 514000 4.57 193.53 164.08 29.45 21900 418000 2.70 193.41 162.23 31.18 16700 334000 1.90 227.34 207.86 19.48 13800 182000 1.05 226.11 216.23 9.88 46900 315000 8.96 226.33 216.36 9.97 46100 313000 8.90 226.36 216.50 9.86 45500 305000 8.59 225.72 215.71 10.01 44500 303000 8.34 51300 764000 32500 609000 42900 6200o0 10.60 57900 625000 14.30 72600 631000 17.97 51300 95000 12.69 5100 504000 12.69 51300 397000 12.69 51300 334000 12.69 51300 174000 12.69 33700 314000 8.34 43200 305000 10.69 58100 311000 16.85 78900 312000 19.50 51900 385000 12.82 42300 175000 10.46 42200 242000 10.41 32900 120000 8.14 54.9 53.6 50.3 50.5 55.4 52.0 50.6 49.4 35.8 35.7 34.3 34.2 35.3 35.5 35.0 33.4 52.8 50.5 48.3 46.o 44.4 53.2 51.9 51.2 51.6 18.8 21.5 19.8 18.2 16.1 127.9.00782 0.184 132.6.00754 0.138 141.0.00710 0.114 14o.o.00713 0.0944 140.0.00713 0.183 148.5.00673 0.137 151.8.00659 0.112 157.0.00637 0.0936 455.0220 0.248 46.7.0214 0.199 48.4.0206 0.156 48.5.0201 0.129 37.0.0270 0.253 37.3.0268 0.201 38.8.0258 0.156 40.4.0248 0.128 268.00373 0.124 1030 224.00445 0.180 239.00418 0.142 254.00394 0.109 263.00380 0.091 210.00477 0.126 1020 180.00556 0.127 1020 146.00684 0.127 1010 119.00840 0.1;8 1010 158.00632 0.096 1340 268.00374 0.133 287.00349 0.108 310.00322 0.075 347.00288 0.066 332.00302 0.o95 1360 93.4.0107 0.180 715 124.0 o00806 0.178 715 67.6.01482 0.221 585 173 98.5 655 194 111 791 53.2 30.0 47.5 1675 41.9 23.6 34.0 1697 400 108 1222 192 283 277 13.4 15.2 2.19 1.72 16.9 375 101 917 199 12.4 272 73.5 701 204 11.6 229 62.1 532 211 9.76 178 48.3 379 218 7.55 139 37.7 288 224 5.81 187 50.1 484 111 8.90 450 121 1709 108 21. 490 131 2225 108 23.3 110 30.3 80 1o40 P.65 155 42.6 127 1005 3.76 7.5 21.3 42.5 1100 1.70 225.39 215.79 9.68 60100 151.04 117.61 153.4 23500 131.11 119.71 11.40 35500 130.86 114.51 16.35 13500 596000 14.80 21.8 189000 5.73 35.7 1243000 10.98 5.9 132000 3.10 34.2

131 TABLE VI WEIGETED FLOW AREA SHELL SIIE Example Calculations for 8-in. Exchanger with 3/4-in. Fimed Tubes, Bundle No. 2 Longitudinal-Flow Area Baffle cut 1.94., add 0.02 in. for clearance between baffle and shell. Baffle cut based on shell I.D. = 1.96 in. Area of baffle window (Ref. 3, page 32) 9.60 sq in. Number of tubes in window 6 +(2 x 0.5)+ 0.75 = 7.75. Area of tubes = n/4 (0.755)2 x 7.75 = 3.28 sq in. Net flow area 9.60 - 3.28 = 6.32 sq in. Cross-Flow Area Number of tubes in row nearest to a diameter normal to the direction of flow = 8 Equivalent diameter of tube De = 0.660 in. Cross-flow area - (7.972 - 8 x 0.660)4 = 10.60 sq in. Geometric mean = /0.60 x 6.52 = 8.18 sq in. Flow area end spaces, 7.51 in. long. Cross-flow area 7.31 x 7.972 - 8 x 0.660 = 19.40 sq in. Geometric mean -/. x 6.52 = 11.1 sq in. Weighted average of end spaces 14.6 in. long and baffled space, 32 in. long: 11.1 x 14.6 + 8.18 x 32 ^.A^14^/ 8>18 x?= 9.25 sq in. or 0.0645 sq ft, Am....~~r — 7...... Flow areas for all exchangers are listed in Table I.

APPENDIX II Reproduced from Alco Heat Exchanger Price Book, with tubing prices furnished by the Wolverine Tube Division, for copies of the report distributed to students in Course CM 121 at the University of Michigan.

m 134 _ ___ _ TEMA CLASS "t'" UNIT PRICING SEQUENCE DES]RED: 150 lb. TEMA Standard Exchanger Size 36" dia, by 16' long Tube size 3/4" OoD. x 14 gauge 30% Cupro-Nickel on triangular pitch Tube sheets naval rolled bronze Baffles 20 - 3/16" segment type Muntz metal Passes shell side 1, tube side 4 Nozzles - Shell (1 - 8" -dia. radial) (1 - 8" dia. impingement) Nozzles - channel 2 - 8" dia. radial EXAMPLE: 1o Price 2. Price 3, Price 4. Price 54 Price 60 Price of shell from page 135......... of tube side from page 136,,,.. of nozzles from page 137....... of tube sheets from page 138... of baffles from page 139....... of tubes from page 144-46...... $ 1,957.00 879.00 402.00 2,088.00 1,414.00 7>899.54 $14,639.54 Price F.O.B. Factory *If supports plates are also desired, select price from pages 140-43,, ALICO PRODUCTS DIVISIONJ of AM/ERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY I No. 1~~Mo 3 iA L -P -RO U T... I N o...... O O O I. C..

iL 135 EXCHANGER PRICES SHELL SIDE - ST'EEL (16' 0" LONG) 1 PASS 150 f STANDARD 300#.- 'TAMDARD Nomr. Suggested Shell Extra Shell Extra Size Noz. Size Thick. Price Per Ft. Thick. Price Per Ft. 12" 3" 3/8" $ 84o. $ 6.40o /8" $ 855.. 6.40 14" 3" 3 /8" 920. 6.75 3/8" 9 0. 6.75 16" " 3/8" 937 7.70 3/8" 947. 7.70 18" 3" 3/81 962. 8.29 3/8" 973. 8.29 201? 4" 3/8" 1087. 9.56 7/16" 1108 10.58 22' 4" 3/8" 1168. 10.10 7/16" 1185. 11.25 24"1 6 1 3/8" 1251. 11.60 1/2" 1272. 12.74 27" 6" 3/8" 1414. 13.01 1/2" 144o. 14.34 30" 8"1 3/8" 1561. 14.19 9/16"? 1623. 17.52 33" 8" 7/16 1645. 15.00 5/8" 1746 20.32 36?" 8" 7/16" 1957. 16.4o 5/8" 2104. 22.07 39?" 10" 7/16" 2324. 17.53 11/16" 2497. 25.57 42" 10" 1/2" 2684. 23.27 3/4" 2960. 30.4o Above prices include shell, flanges, shell cover, 2 saddles, gaskets and bolts, 3 outside clamp rings, assemble and test, skids, seal strips and miscellaneous. For shells under 16' 0" long, deduct price per foot for shorter shell. Q PRDUC1ZS DIV SION of AERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY No. 2

156.,, EXCHANGER PRICES TUBE SIDE (4 PASS) 150o STANDARD 300STANDARD EXTRA FOR 1 RIB Nom. Size Suggested Nom. Size Noz. Size Price Price Channel Float,Heac 12" 3" $ 379. $ 386. $ 11.54 $ 5.05 14" 3" 396. 404. 11.70 5.23 16" 3" 426. 438. 12.60 5.50 18" 3" 428. 442. 12.23 5.35 20" 4" 465. 482. 12.59 6.o4 22" 4" 492. 515. 12.75 6.13 24" 6" 528. 549. 13.63 6.09 27" 6" 610. 627. 14.90 7.31 3c" 8" 705. 731. 15.48 8.07 33" 8" 775. 817. 15.60 8.34 36" 8" 879. 929. 18.23 9.35 39" 10" 1149. 1231. 18.70 12.20 42" 10"lo 1278. 1398. 20.03 12.71 Above prices include channel barrel, channel flanges, channel cover, floating head cover, 1 floating head closure, bolts, gaskets, and grooving. For 2 Pass deduct one channel and floating head rib. For 6 Pass add three channel and floating head ribs. CO PRODUCTS DIVISION of AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY No. ~~~~~~~~~~~LCMTE -I...... I I I

I 137 EXCHANGER PRICES NOZZLES SHELL SIDE NOZZLES Nozzle Size l 150 _ 300 _ Radial Impingement Radial Impingement Type Type Type _ Type 1 53. ---- 53. -- 1-1/2 53. 107. 54. 107. 2 54. 80. 55. 80. 2-1/2 57. 81. 57. 81. 3 ~ 6o. 89. 60. 90. 4 65. 105. 66. 106. 5 69. 114. 70. 115. 6 81. 118. 82. 119. 8 98. 156. 100. 159. 10 116. 200. 120. 203. 12 143. 222. 148. 228. 14 174. 238. 186. 250. TUBF SgTDE NO.LZZT. ___________________150 k_;t__ 300 #0 Nozzle Size Radial Tangential Radial Tangential Type Type Type Type 1 32. 39. 32. 4o. 1-1/2 33. 40. 33. 41. 2 34. 41. 34. 42. 2-1/2 36. 44. 36. 44. 3 39. 47. 39. 47. 4 45. 53. 46. 54. 5 48. 57. 50. 58. 6 59. 75. 61. 76. 8 74. 95. 77. 97. 10 93 132. 97. 136. 12 116. 145. 121. 16o. ALCO PRODUCTS DIVISION of AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY No. 4

158 EXCHANGER PRICES TUBE SEIIE iETS i ii I TUBE SHEETS (PER PAIR) 150# STANDARD STEEL N.R. Nom. 5/8" 3/4" 1" 5/8" 3/41" Size Tubes Tubes Tubes Tubes Tubes Tubes 12 $ 172. $ 158. $ 172.'T $$ 257'..$ 238. 14" 190. 163. 144, 311. 288. 272. 162" 240. 197. 178. 401. 366. 349. 18" 278. 227. 191. 480. 436. 410. 20" 349. 293. 242. 651. 596. 546. 22" 422. 341. 284. 782. 704. 651. 24" 485. 390. 325. 911. 819. 757. 27" 645. 521. 434. 1210. 1085. 999. 30" 789. 634. 514. 1513. 1362. 1240. 33" 960. 775. 627. 1853. 1665. 1523. 36" 1285. 1024. 8o8. 2332. 2088. 1899. 39" 1500. 1195. 931. 2803. 2623. 2289. 42" 1880. 1500. 1172. 3428. 3093. 2896. 14" 208. 18o. 16o. 369. 342. 324. 16" 261. 216. 197. 488. 446. 426. 18"" 305. 252. 217. 595. 540. 505. 20" 379. 322. 269. 762. 704. 651. 22" 464. 383. 324. 917. 833. 774. 24" 529. 433. 366. 1070. 975. 907. 27" 766. 619. 502. 1448. 1298. 1183. 30" 1003. 804. 635. 1937. 1738. 1569. 33" 1208. 976. 768. 2373. 2137. 1930. 36" 1423. 1145. 912. 2903. 2623. 2386. 39" 1692. 1368. 1070. 3493. 3173. 2876. 42" 2419. 1930. 1471. 4547. 4127. 3754. Above prices include a pair of tube sheets (fixed and floating), drilled, reamed, and grooved. LCO PRODUCTS DIVISION of AMERICA LOCOMOTIVE COMPAY No. 5

139 EXCHANGER PRICES SEGMENT BAFFLES STEEL - PER BAFFLE 5/8" Tubes 5/4" Tubes 1" Tubes Size 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 1/8" /16" 1/4" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 12" $6.63 $8.21 $9.90 $6.34 $7.83 $9.41 $6.00oo $7.45 $8.95 14" 7.48 -9.46 11.64 7.10 8.98 11.02 6.68 8.45 10.539 16" 8.35 10.34 13.70 7.88 9.76 12.90 7.40 9.15 12.12 18" 9.67 11.11 14.42 8.93 10.42 135.54 8.34 9.73 12.63 20" 11.00 14.10o 17.78 10.28 15.17 16.64 9.58 12.27 15.45 22" 1 2.80 15.99 22.08 11.90 14.88 20.553 11.00 13.75 18.96 24" 13.89 17.79 23.12 12.86 16.49 22.05 11.83 15.18 19.68 27" 19.60 235.55 5533.60 17.85 21.65 30.15 16.50 19.80 28.30 30" 25. 05 30.00 435.5 22.95 27.50 39.70 20.90 25.05 36.18 33" 30.26 34.95 48.70 27.65 31.80 44.50 25.00 28.75 40.35 36" 33.80 539.90 57.90 30.30 36.30 52.75 27.28 32.65 47.48 39" 42.80 47.40 68.65 38.75 42.90 62.20 34.62 38.4o 55.70 42" 47.50 56.40 82.50 42.75 50.80 74.40 38.10 45.20 66.08 MUNTZ METAL - PER BAFFLE Size 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" 12" 12.87 15.83 18.57 12.40 15.08 17.69 11.80 15.00 16.86 14" 16.47 18.31 21.68 14.21 17.39 20.62 13.47 16.48 19.58 16"t 17.48 21.73 25.88 16.54 20.53 24.59 15.45 19.40 23.14 18" 19.70 24.28 28.80 18.53 22.85 27.15 17.40 21.45 25.57 20" 22.52 28.70 34.79 21.09 27.05 32.67 19.67 25.25 30.14 22" 26.24 33.68 40o.84 44.47 31.54 8.24 22.77 29.38 35.59 24" 29,97 38.93 45.89 27.95 35.35 42.84 25.82 32.75 39.69 27" 35.72 47.23 57.29 33.17 43.78 53 19 30.59 40.38 48.99 30" 42.38 578. 63.56 35.83 49.04 58.51 33" 48.48 65.22 78.76 44.63 60.17 72.46 40.68 54.87 66.21 36" 57.13 77.30 93.91 52.33 70.70 86.11 47.48 64.20 78.26 39" 66.30 90.81 109.70 60.55 82.66 100.15 54.40 74.76 90.70 42" 78.60 107.38 128.00 71.25 97.68 116.55 64.10 8783 4.8 108 Above prices include drilling, cutting, and 1' length of tie rod with spacers. CO-PRODUCTS DIVISION of AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPAiNY -o.6

I 140 EXCHANGER PRICES LONG BAFFLES AND SUPPORT PLATES Liquid Type Vapor Type Floating Head Expanding Long Perforated. Long Support P1. 1/2" Baffles (6'long) Baffles (16t lonz) Steel N.R. Steel N.. Steel N.E. Extra Extra Extra:Extra ize Price Per Ft. Price Per Ft. Price Per Ft. Price Per Ft. Price Price 2" $197 $7.70 $480. $25.42 $61 $.93 $185 $9.90 $30. $43. 14" 201 7.80 509 26.77 65.96 193 10.45 35 51. 16" 213 8.43 554 29.13 65 1.03 207 10.41 38 56 18" 206 8.153 558 29.75 62 l.o4 209 11.69 4o 59 20" 213 8.30 610 31.67 66 1.14 223 12.72 45 68 22" 218 8.47 639 33.46 66 1.21 232 135.27 49 75 24" 220 8.37 660 34.51 66 1.25 233 135.55 50 83 27" 249 9.52 730 41.73 73 1.37 261 15.06 58 100 30" 255 9.68 813 43.07 74 1,49 281 16.32 63 108 33" 265 9.59 870 45.79 75 1.53 286 16.85 70 122 36" 284 10.21 909 47.61 83 1.67 313 18.44 83 144 39" 288 10.45 975 51.32 86 1.78 332 19.58 98 172 42" 299 10.60 1080 56.02 87 1.87 348 120.82 114 195 CO PRODUCTS DIVISION of AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY No. F

141 EXCHANGER PRICES STEEL 3/8" SUPPORT PLATES A(Price of One). Basis of 1 or 2 Plates Basis of 3 or more Plates Size 5/8" Tubes 3/4" Tubes 1" Tubes 5/8" Tubes 3/4" Tubes 1" Tubes 12" 12.50 11.30 9.56 12.00 10.90 9.35 14" 14.25 12.69 10.65 13.62 12.23 10.40 16" 16.70 15.00 12.4 15.80 14.4o0 12.05 18" 20.00 17.25 14.32 18.85 16.45 13.85 20" 23.70 20.40 16.50 22.20 19.31 15.85 22" 27.50 23.30 18.00 25.70 21.90 17.30 24" 31.80 26.70 20.40 29.60 25.10 19.50 27" 40.25 33.50 25.30 37.50 1.50 24.10 30"t 47.80 40.4o0 28.60 44.20 37.70 27.30 33" 57.80 47.50 34.30 53.50 44.00 32.50 36" 67.25 55.20 40.00 60.50 51.30 37.80 39" 78.00 63.80 45.40 71.50 59.20 42.80 42" 90.00 73.20 52.00 82.60 67.75 49.00 ALCO PRODUCTS DIVISION of AMERICAN LCOMOTIVE COM1PA.Y N.o. - 1

142 4EXCHANGER PRICES. STEEAL 1/2" SUPPORT PLATES (Price of One)_ Basis of 1 or 2 Plates Basis of 3 or more Plates Size 5/8" Tubes 3/4" Tubes 1" Tubes 5/8" Tubes 3/4" Tubes 1". Tubes 12" 14.10 12.60 10.40 12.70 11.50 9.83 14" 16.20 14.22 11.65 14.5o 12.96 11.00 16" 17.55 17.10 13.75 16.30 15.38 12.81 18" 21.10 18.30 16.15 19.40 17.05 14.85 20" 25.10 21.70 18.75 23.01 20.00 17.10 22" 29.60 24.80 20.00; 26.60 22.82 18.20 24" 34.00 28.60 21.90 30.70 26.10 22.40 27" 42.90 36.00 27.30 38.80 32.90 25.50 30" 52.20 43.40 32.30 47.00 39.40 30.00 33" 62.20 51.20 37.30 55.50 46.30 34.50 36" 72.40 59.40 43.40 64.50 53.60 40.10 39" 83.80 68.90 49.60 74.75 61.90 45.60 42" 96.50 78.80 56.6 85.75 70.75 52.00 -'" iiiiiii i_ mmmm1,1 11 III1 6.6 _1 5.0 VnCO PRODUCTS Do.m ION of AMRICAN LOCOMOTIE COMPANY No. 8 - 2

143 EXCHANGER PRICES STEEL 5/8" SUPPORT PATES (Price of One) Basis of 1 or more Plates Size 5/8" Tubes 3/4" Tubes 1" Tubes 12, 18.30 16.38 13.58 14" 20.80 18.38 15.08 16" 5.60 22.00 17.75 18" 31.30 26.50 20.80 20" 37,50 31.80 24.10 22" 44.00 36.'70 27.50 24" 51.50 42.40 31.40 27" 65.80 53.90 39.10 30o" 80.25 65.30 47.00 33" 96.00 77.80 54.6o 36" 101.18 90.50 63.80 39" 130.50 105.20 73.00 42" 150.50 121.00 83.25._...I.I _l ALCO PRODUCTS DIVISION of AMERICAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPANY No. 8 - 3

144 ___ _ TU6/_7e/ Mc C/AeA4C r7 —' A- 77CS I jr z z o7cro///4/c-,s < 0s0_ /G/ - ^gg Foff5 AONC<s) -= | "^w ~ ~ 4,eer e u BW - && ~O.') AA, XD 4 /Z4.cC scs A 111. _ _.08______ 6......526 ______ 5.529 1417.447.428 _8 |14.083 _.165.459.538.564.526 515 552.529 2. 18.049.55334.652.411.4351 401.410.393.421.404 3 16 o065 316 502.520.532.558.520.510.546.524 8 o.049.639.902.557.584.545 5534.572.548 #/ *746.715 / 14.083.546.834.910.955.890.872.934.895 12.109.480.782 1.16 L.22 1.14 1.11 1.19 1.14 10.134.421.732 1.39 1.46 1.36 1.33 1.42 1.37 CONDENSER TUBES - HIAT E XCHANGER TUBES BASIC SCEEDULE - CEITS PER POUND LENGTHS 1 FT TO 30 IFT, INCL. - T/,C~A SS ~o f'.Z 4. t. Gic~j #/X/,c_/Ac 4y/r-,4 /Ao A _' IV 1_ t/. *_~ 7"&*./,!> 17 O/Mg1AE7tk 6A; (1,ogeC QAofX C-ce (dAoee 4A$-ode 44CL YOZ&e /$V IAec/w f& 725./J9 0ro./.0o rb./O9 7./ TO ro T'.07. zo T.~ t-..s 7'o,/, /. ~.o /,/, './o.9 /,..,o9f ',Z'.ce,,r..^72 /~'..,2"/A..',oS /N, ~9 /,., i i i ii i i....~..-.............. -.......... 0..............:_;........ ii. _^___, ^^.5200 $.5200 $5200 $5200 $200 $.5200 $5200 $o50 262.262 512 / ^,, 7 $ v.5150.507 5087 o.87.5 87.5087 5087 7 5150.5200 /; T 0 5/ t7 8.5o 7 |5o 7..o5 7.5087 5.57 15087.5150.5200 g'. / 7g/ |.5062.5062.5062.5062.5062.5062.5062 1.5157.5200 QUANTITY SCZEDOLE The Base ditions on account at one time. Schedule Prices are subject to the following deductions and adof the quantity of a single ORDER for shipment to one destination Term "order" means the amount contained in one order for one alloy only, in varying sizes and lengths for shipment at one time to one destination. 350000 lbs. anc 15,000 lbs. to 10,000 lbs, to 5,000 lbs. to 2,000 lbs. to 1,000 lbs* to 500 lbso to 300 lbso to 100 lbs. to Under i over.......,..,.,..Less $.0255 per p1ound 3 1 0,000 lbs.....,..,.... Less.02 5,000 lbs,......... Less.01 0,000 lbs........... Lees.005 2,000 lbs......,,....Aodd.O1p 1,000 lbs,,.,,........Add.025 500 lbs o o. o o. o.. Add,05 300 lbso,.....,.... Add.08 100 lbs..,.....,..,..Consult Mill iCper pound. 'pere. p ound jper 7p ound pe~r per per pound pou nd pound pound

145 ALLOY SCHEDUIE The base prices in this schedule are subject to additional or deductions for the alloy required. All tubes of the following alloys within the range of sizes covered by the BASE SCHEDULE will be priced accordingly, regardless of their ultimate use. Admiralty 70/29/1................Base Inhibited Admiralty.............Base Arsenical Copper................ Base Cupro-Nickel - 30%............... Base Aluminum Brass 76/22/2............Base Aluminum Bronze 95/5............Base 70/30 Brass...............Base 85/15 Red Brass............. ase Muntz Metal...B.................Base Schedule Prices, Schedule Prices Plus $.0156 Net Plus.1902 Net Plus.0706 Net Plus.1586 Net Schedule Prices Schedule Prices Less $.0100 Net WOLVERIME TRUFIN PRICES COPPER, 19 Fins Per Inch Nominal Size Plain End Diameter 1/2" 5/8", 3/4" 3/4" 3/A" Root Diameter 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 5/8" 3/4'" x x x x X X X Wall Thickness.032".035".042".065".049" Base Price Per Ft $.2125.2550.3225.3900 3900 ALLOYS - 19 Fins Per Inch Nominal Size 85-15 Red Brass 70-30 Cupro-Nickel 70-30 Cupro-Nickel Admiralty Plain End Diameter 3/4" 3/4" 3/4t 3/4" Root Diameter 5/8" 5/8" 5/8" x x x x Wall Thickness.049".049".065".065" Base Price Per Ft $.3700.5775.6550.4125 QUANTITY SCHEDULE The quantity of each item for delivery at one time determines the price. 250,000 ft and over..........Base Inc. 175,000 ft to 250,000.....Base Inc. 100,000 ft to 100,000.....Base Inc. 50,000 ft to 100,000....Base Inc. 10,000 ft to 50,000.....Base Inc. 5,000 ft to 10,000.....Base Per Foot Less $.04 Less.03 Less.025 Less.02 Less.01 Less.005 Inc. 2,000 ft to 5,000.....BASE PRICE Inc. Inc. Inc. Inc. Less 1,000 ft to 2,000.....Base 500 ft to 1,000.....Base 300 ft to 500.....Base 100 ft to 300...,.Base than 100 ft...............Base Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus.

146 P__RICES AND WEIGHT OF MIN. WALL STEEL TUBES Price Sqo Fto Per Dia. Gage Weight PLe, Ft Dia. Gage Lino Ft. Lin.Ft, Sq.Ft. Lino Ft..1636 5/8 18.340.1562.96 5/8 16*.435.639 1.01 _______5/8 14.538.1712 1.05.1963 3/5 18.415.1629.83 3/4 16.534.1703.87 3____/4 14*.665.1788.91.2617 1 18.565.1833.70 1 16.732.1899.725 1 1.918.1986.76 1 13 1.037.2063.79 ____1 12* 1.168.2150.,S Above prices for steel tubes are Base Prices. See Extras below. On items marked* on 16' 0" long tubes onlys use Base Price regardless of quantity. Extras 40,000 lbs or Feet or over = Bpqe 30,000 lbs to 39,999 lbs or Ft 20,000 lbs to 29,999 lbs or Ft 10,000 lbs to 19,999 lbs or Ft 5,000 lbs to 9,999 lbs or Ft 2,000 lbs to 4,999 lbs or Ft Under 2000 lbs of Ft 5% 10% 20% 30% 4f5% 65% Example o 16,480 Ft of 3/4t" x 14 Weight = 16, 480 x 0 69] Base price Alloy Extra Quantity Discount Net gauge, Cupro-Nickel 30%, plain tubing 4 = 11.437 lbs $0.5087 per lb 0.1920 per lb $0.7007 per lb 0.0100 per lb $0.6907 per lb Net price = 0.6907 x 11,437 = $7899.54


EXCHANGER PRICES 5/8" O.D.TUBE ON 13/16" TRIACGULAR PITCH _n_ 2s n_ _ __(Sinle Pass Shel l) __ unit2 Pass Channel 4 Pass Channel6 Pass Cbanna S ize ' Surfac ____' Surfa ac N__ o. Tubes 8' 12 16' No.Tubes 8' 12' 16' No.Tubes 8' 12' J 12" 138 181 271 382 130 171 256 342 124 163 244 3 14" 172 226 339 452 156 205 307 410 150 197 295 3 l 16" 242 118 477 I 636 216 284 426 568 210 275 412 5 18" 316 415 622 830 288 578 567 756 284 373 559 7 20" 4o4 530 795 1060 372 488 732 976 362 475 712 9 22" 490 644 966 1288 46o 6o4 906 1208 454 595 892 13 24" 586 1768 1152,1536 558 732 1098 1464 542 711 1066 11 27" 770 1010 1515 2020 732 60 44 1920 716 939 30" 1 970 1272 1908;2544 926 1215 1822 2430 912 l195 1792 2 33" 1188 1560 2340 i3120 1144 1500 2250 5000 1118 467 2200 25 36" 1378 1810 j2715 J3620 1338 1755 2632 3510 1318 730 2595 3 59" 1644 2160 j5240,4520 1594 2090 3135 4180 1576 070 3105 4] I ' I 42" 1922 220 78o 0 I 862 244o 66 488 1844 _____________I________ ___ __________,2____63014 - -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- - -- AT.Mrn rrIAnTTr'mcI TT. 7T1Tnr T -P AMTPTP.AW T.nW.rnM(YpTV COMIPA'NY No 10 - 1 r M&LAJlV Cja.d vIJIJL iJ..LV A JAJ.1VII V%. UVJOJ. JJL JiJ6V VWJVJJ.J J.J. 341iJ6 &J%%

I i I II I I i 149 EXCHANGER PRICES 3/4" O.D. TUBE ON 15/16" TRIANGULAR PITCH (Single Pass Shell) I r I - -. - - ^n -- - - Is I - rII-I _ -- I 2 Pae Clhanne1 4 Pass Channel O Pass unamnnel Unit Size 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" t 22" 24" 27"t 30" 36" t 39 " 42",. I _ _-, I I _ -l _ I1 L X7J ___ __ 3. Surrace No.Tubes 8t 12' 161' No.Tubes 8' 12t 16t No.TubeE 8' 1 12' I 16' L I&.lww -— 1.1 - i i - i - -- I ii -- 106 126 172 232 298 358 432 566 720 882 1030 1224 1426 167 198 271 565 468 562 680 890 1132 1385 1620 1925 2242 250 297 4o6 547 702 843 1020 1335 1698 2077 243o 2887 3363 334 396 542 730 936 1124 1360 1780 2264 2760 3240 3850 98 114 156 210 278 338 410 538 682 844 986 1184 154 179 245 330 437 532 645 845 1072 1330 1550 1862 231 268 367 495 655 798 967 1267 16o8 1995 2325 2793 308 358 490 660 874 1064 1290 1690 2142 2660 3100 3724 4330 96 108 150 204 270 328 398 526 670 824 976 1162 1358 F 0 i I 151 170 236 321 425 516 626 827 1052 1295 1535 183o 2140 226 255 354 481 637 774 939 1240 1578 1942 2252 2745 3210 302 34o 472 642 850 1032 1252 1654 2104 2590 3070 3660 4280 4484 1378 2165 3247.I I I I I I I - I — -- - - I I I I I I II I. _ I _ I I P.t P.f~ t~ I I f ~ t ~ ~ 1 Y F X F I~ -~ I ('I N n r D0 A, 1 A R V Jr 1f 'T. I A - k I r 'Oft A, 0, - fr- Rft rI C PAYRllAr, ^ T nr W Sn A W.Mr nK a UPOrr PRt)DTTPrt'T fT\; SCDTV7 s qTON of AMP. f.CTCAN LOCOMOTIVE COMPABYt~fV NO. 10 - e M UUIVV L.LVAUVV-L~~V~lJ JiI.4vr r~.VJ.LLvJ. LVvLV W.Lvr~clr~

150 EXCHANGER PRTIT( 1" O.D. TUBES ON 1-1/4" TRIANGULAR PITCH.... (Single Pass Shell) 2 Pass Channel 4 Pass Channel 6 Pass Channe,A, ---=~r~farce..._ pfae, ~Surface ize NNo.Tubes 8' 12' 16' No.Tubes 8' 12' 16' No.Tubes 8' 12' 1 12" 52 109 163 218 52 109 163 218 50 105 157 21( 14" 72 150 225 300 60 126 189 252 54 113 169 22( 16" 98 205 307 410 86 180 270 360 82 172 258 341 18" 126 264 396 528 116 243 364 486 110 231 346 46C 20" 164 343 514 686 152 318 477 636 146 306 459 61 22"1 195 407 610 814 186 390 585 780 176 319 478 635 24" 242 506 759 1012 228 478 717 956 220 461 691 92: 27'1 15 660 990 1320 298 624 936 1248 290 607 910 1211 30" o40 836 1254 1772 378 792 1188 1584 366 967 1150 1531 33" 486 1020 1530 2040 464 970 1455 1940 462 968 1452 1935 36'1 570 1191 1786 2382 546 1145 1717 2290 542 135 1702 227( 59" 68o 1422 2133 2844 652 365 2047 2730 648 5360 2040 272( 42" 792 1655 2482 3310 764 6o00 2400 3200 752 575 2362 315( MO 7RnnQrT) fDTiSTVQZ oif_ JOAN IOllZ IOlMPNllo. 10 - -1

t PI I1 151 EXCHANGER PRICES 5/8" O.D. ON 13/16" SQUARE PITCH _(Single Pass Shell) 2 Pass Cha4 Ps nnel I 6 Pass Channel an Nio.Tubes Surface No.Tubes Surface No.Tubes | Surface ize 8' 12' 16'_ 8 121 16'_ 8 12 16' 12" 124 163 244 326 116 152 228 304 116 152 228 304 14" 158 207 307 414 140 184 276 368 132 173 259 346 16"1 208 273 409 546 196 257 385 514 188 246 369 492 18" 274 359 538 718 262 344 516 688 252 330 495 66o 20" 352 462 693 924 332 436 654 872 320 420 630 84o 22" 424 555 832 ll1 406 532 798 1064 396 520 780 1040 24" 518 680 1020 1380 488 640 960 1280 484 635 1007 1270 27" 664 872 1308 1744 644 845 1267 1690 628 824 1236 1648 30" 844 1106 1659 2212 816 1070 1605 2140 8o4 1055 1582 2110 33" 1032 1355 2032 271~ 1004 1320 1980 2640 980 1285 1927 2570 36" 1204 1581 2371 3162 1176 1545 2317 3090 1140 1500 2250 3000 59" 1430 1875 2812 375C 1398 1835 2752 3670 1372 1800 2700 3600 42" 1664 2182 3273 4364 1620 2130 3195 4260 1600 2100 3150 4200 ~~~~~~~~~~,],,. m l l I I I I, 1 _,, I l Hil...... iATPn n DPrnTTOrPq TnnTrT'TcTcV n0T(R'AMTPTfr'AR T nrnM-nnTTrV rnM>PAtYN Tn._ lo- i M.Uk.,*v 1 ~ J.L/LOJ '.J.14.).L/ L. pLVUL LIY Vj: Mivl '.l.LL~./.1. V J %.,JJ.L LL I. V 1I6 - L

152 EXCHANGEE PRICES 3/4" O.D. ON 1" SQUARE PITCH (Single Pass Shell) i-..2 Pass Channel4 Pass Channel Pass Chann t... __- _ Sur face __ urface ize o.Tobes 8' 121 16 No.Tubes 8 ' 12' 1 12" 8o 125 188 25 76 119 179 238 76 119 179 2 14" 100 157 235 314 92 144 216 289 84 151 197 2 16" 152 207 310 414 124 194 292 389 116 187 275 35 18" 178 279 419 558 168 263 395 527 16o 251 376 5( 20" 224 351 527 703 216 339 508 678 212 327 499 6^ 22" 276 433 650 866 270 423 635 847 260 407 612 8] 24"tt 336 527 791 1055 324 508 765 1017 312 489 734 9S 27" 4356 684 1026 1369 420 609 989 1318 4o8 64o 960 12( 30" 554 869 1304 1759 532 855 1252 1670 528 829 1243 16r 33" 676 1061 1592 2122 656 1029 1544 2059 64o 1004 1507 20( 356" 79 1243 1865 2487 762 1196 1794 2392 752 1180 1771 253 39" 934 1466 2199 2932 918 1441 2161 2882 896 1406 2110 28] 42" 1100 1727 2590 5454 1o64 1671 2505 3341 1048 1645 2468 32< __~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _ do I AT.rn 'DfPr'!TTCrwrC I'nT'Trr ''Tn T -nf A'M PTrA'WT T nAiNM(FPT'TTTg (n.MPANTVr' nT 1 n - _ e.1I %.Ut..# t~1C JJ.L3J J~tj/J3vVOL yi.LVJLOLLV ri j-j L JJ. ~ t L V J. & -, I

153 EXCHANGER PRICES 1" O.D. ON 1-1/4" SQUARE PITCH _....(Single Pass Shell) ___2_ Pa_ Ctael 4aPa oa Coarnel 6 PaB gaael 'Unit ____ urfac___ uface Size NoTube 8 1 16' NoTubes 8' 12' '16 No. Tubes 8' 12 6 1 12" 52 108 16 217 48 100 150 201 14" 60 125 188 251 60 125 188 251 56 117 174 234 16" 82 171 257 343 78 163 245 326 72 150 226 301 18' 112- 234 351 469 104 217 326 435 100 209 314 418 20" 144 301 452 603 136 284 427 569 128 218 402 536 22 t 170 356 533 712 166 347 521 695 158 331 496 662 24 212. 444 665 888 204 427 640 854 196 410 675 821 27" 274 574 860 1148 266 557 835 1114 260 543 815 1087 30" 344 721 ao80 1441 336 703 1055 1407 324 678 1017 1357 33" 428 896 1344 1793 414 862 1300 1734 402 842 1262 1684 36" 494 1034 1551 2069 484 1012 1519 2025 476 996 1494 1992 39" 596 1247 1871 2495 576 1205 1808 2411 564 1181 1771 2361 42" 688 1441 2160 2882 664 1391 2085 2782 A t.UI __ VW% U % rV% 's _?t _% r %rr - Tn AtI ~ IAMHmH -I. I. A.'.-. yT "I A )- - ATPO P7RV~nlnTf~rr~~q T)TV;TTqTfOW nf AMKRTCAN~AI LOC O 1( ltPirV` C MEARIM no10. I -. I MI %.OV L.LISVJ-YVVLJ i Ar*.L./V. VC.I.L W.cl L1 PVL %AWII I'~.16Y&&X - J6. --- -% -

154 EXCHANGER PRICES APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT AVERAGE WEIGHT (Less Tubes Std., 150 Ser 300SeriesS Each. -Added Added Size wt.8t0" Wt./Foot wt.8'0" Wt,/Foot 12" 1690 70 1835 70 14" 1876 77 2040 77 16" 2456 97 2658 97 18" 2888 lo 93232 l09 20" 3348 126 4035 14o 22" 3846 17 4621 152 24" 4768 166 5641 182 27" 5884 188 6998 206 30" 6810 210 8458 251 33" 8116 237 10278 306 36" 9461 257 12028 331 39" 11030 280 14336 382 42" 12409 328 16360 410 Weights Are Based On 1)-Type 2-34-42H Exchangers. 2)-3/16"Steel Baffles on 12" centers. 3)-Normal Size Nozzles. 4)-Domestic Type Skids. Add weight Add weight EXAMPLE, - per foot for Exchangers over 8' 0" Long. of Tubes from Sheet No. 9. 30" - 192 Exchanger, 150 series 1840 sq. ft. of Tubes 3/4" O.D. x 16 Ga. Steel Shell weight of 8v 0" = 6,810 Add 8 o0"@,210 o = 1, 680o Tubes 1840 sqoft. x 5.094 x.534= 5,000 13,490 Exchanger Shipping W AM A7 Frn^9r, rT74mF rk rrtr^vKT!Zp AR MrITvrt9 A 'I 7 rT'ne _f~ mrV7ITl PTM l fT^ 7'? Y7T.. I 1 -A ALUU V.K(I)UL;Ixb~ I)Ivlblu.N Or Am l~vi(,luul l jvuvivV'u'lfti uurvirulY1 I.J 11
