ALGORITHMS FOR A CLASS OF SINGLE-MACHINE WEIGHTED TARDINESS AND EARLINESS PROBLEMS Candace Arai YANO Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2117, USA and Yeong-Dae TlM Department of Industrial Engineering Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Seoul, Korea January 1989 Revised September 1989

ALGORITHMS FOR A CLASS OF SINGLE-MACHINE WEIGHTED TARDINESS AND EARLINESS PROBLEMS ABSTRACT We address the problem of determining schedules for static, singlemachine scheduling problems where the objective is to minimize the sum of weighted tardiness and weighted earliness. We develop optimal and heuristic procedures for the special case of weights that are proportional to the processing times of the respective jobs. The optimal procedure uses dominance properties to reduce the number of sequences that must be considered, and some of the heuristics use these properties as a basis for constructing good initial sequences. A pairwise interchange procedure is used to improve the heuristic solutions. An experimental study shows that the heuristic procedures perform very well. Keywords: Scheduling; Integer Programming; Heuristics

ALGORITHMS FOR A CLASS OF SINGLE-MACHINE WEIGHTED TARDINESS AND EARLINESS PROBLEMS 1. INTRODUCTION Recent research on scheduling problems has been concerned increasingly with objectives related to profitability measures. Two obvious effects of scheduling on profitability are penalties for tardy delivery (or expedited shipment to avoid tardiness) and associated loss of goodwill, and the cost of inventories due to earliness when the finished product cannot be shipped before its due date. The "no early shipment" rule is quite common now with the adoption of just-in-time inventory policies by many firms. We address the problem of determining schedules for static, singlemachine scheduling problems where the objective is to minimize the sum of weighted tardiness and weighted earliness. This objective permits us to reflect the total "lost profit" for each job in a simple and practical way. In the process of developing optimal procedures for the general weighted tardiness and earliness problem, we discovered a subclass of problems for which a simple sorting procedure can provide strong precedence rules, and in some cases, the optimal sequence. The optimal timing of jobs can be found with little effort using a highly structured dynamic program. Since the sorting procedure can provide arbritarily bad results in the worst case, we develop an optimal algorithm for the subclass of problems and empirically evaluate the sorting procedure in this context. Relatively little research has been done on scheduling problems involving both tardiness and earliness because the inclusion of earliness in the objective makes it a non-regular measure of performance. Sidney (1977) develops an optimal algorithm for the problem of minimizing the maximum of the costs of earliness and those of tardiness, under the assumption that the costs are non-decreasing functions of earliness and tardiness, respectively. In that paper, earliness is defined as the difference between the target starting time and the actual starting time of a job. A 1

more efficient algorithm for the same problem is given by Lakshminarayan et al. (1978). Townsend (1978) addresses the problem of minimizing the total penalty, where the penalty for each job is a quadratic function of the completion time. He develops a branch and bound procedure to solve the problem. Gupta and Sen (1983) use the objective of minimizing a quadratic function of job lateness, and present both and optimal branch and bound procedure and a heuristic for this problem. They limit consideration to schedules with no idle time. A special case of the weighted tardiness and earliness problem in which all weights are equal and the jobs have one common due date, has been discussed in Kanet (1981), Sundararaghavan and Ahmed (1984), and Bagchi et al. (1986). A problem similar to ours is considered by AbdulRazaq and Potts (1988). They developed a branch and bound algorithm for the weighted tardiness and earliness problem, but do not allow idle time. Since earliness is a non-regular measure of performance, it is possible that delay schedules are optimal, and that the optimal sequence of jobs differs between delay and non-delay schedules. Therefore, decisions about completion times of jobs may be as important as decisions about the sequence. Fry et al. (1987a), Fry et al. (1987b), Garey et al. (1988), and Kim and Yano (1986) give algorithms for the optimal timing of a given sequence. Fry et al. (1987a) consider a problem in which all earliness weights are equal, and all tardiness weights are equal, but the earliness weight differs from the tardiness weight. They give heuristic algorithms in which optimal timing for a sequence is determined through a linear program. Flow times of jobs are considered in addition to earliness and tardiness in Fry et al. (1987b). A branch-and-bound procedure is developed and compared with a solution procedure using a mixed integer programming formulation. Kim and Yano (1986) consider problems in which weights of tardiness and earliness of all jobs are equal. They use a branch and bound algorithm to determine the sequence, and a specially designed algorithm for optimal timing which takes advantage of the problem structure Their optimal timing algorithm runs in 0(n2) time for problems with equal 2

weights, where n is the number of jobs. Using an efficient data structure, Garey et al. (1988) achieve O(n log n) time for both problems with equal weights and different weights. Note that the time complexity of an optimal timing algorithm is important in solving the problem since it may have to be executed many times to find an optimal sequence. They also give an NPcompleteness proof for the problem with equal weights for earliness and tardiness of all jobs. Taking a somewhat different approach, Panwalkar et al. (1982) consider a problem in which due dates are decision variables. They develop a polynomial-time algorithm to find both the sequence and the due dates to minimize costs arising from the selected due dates, earliness and tardiness. Futher details on the above papers can be found in an excellent review by Baker and Scudder (1989). In the next section we briefly describe a procedure to find the optimal timing of jobs when the sequence is given. We then present a simple sorting procedure and derive conditions in which it is optimal. In the subsequent section, we describe a subclass of problems for which the sorting procedure provides strong precedence information, and we incorporate these ideas into an optimal partial enumeration algorithm. Finally, we present an experimental study in which we evaluate several heuristic procedures and report on the efficiency of the partial enumeration algorithm. 2. DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE FOR OPTIMAL TIMING In this section, we assume that the sequence of jobs is given and that the decisions involve only their timing. Let [i] represent the job in the ith position in the sequence, and D[i] = due date of job [i], Pil] = processing time of job [i], C[i] = earliness penalty (per unit time) for job [i], tardiness penalty (per unit time) for ob [i]. ~~~tariespnly(e nttm)frjb[i].J 3

We assume that t[] 2 Ei] > 0, since tardiness normally incurs a larger penalty than does earliness. The problem can be formulated as a dynamic program with the following recursion formulas: fn(s) = min { n (Dn - n - s)+ + n (s - Dn + pn)+ s>0 + min fn+l (t) t > s+pn fN+1 (s) = 0 where n denotes the position of the job being scheduled, and s is the (selected) starting time of the job in position n. Since the penalty function for each job is a piecewise linear convex function of the starting time of the job (also of its completion time), the total penalty function for any subsequence of jobs having no inserted idle time is a piecewise linear, convex function of the starting time of the first job in the subsequence. Consequently, the dynamic program is easy to solve. At each stage, one either schedules the nth job to start at s = Dn - pn if this would not interfere with jobs n+l,...,N, or schedules it immediately preceding job n+1 and finds the optimal starting time for the subsequence of jobs starting with n and ending with the first idle period. Finding the optimal starting time for this subsequence may result in a concatenation with another subsequence (i.e., an idle period may be eliminated), and the optimal starting time for the larger subsequence would then need to be found. Computations are further simplified by noting that (i) the slope of the total penalty function can change only when a job changes from being early to being tardy, (ii) the minimum of the function must occur at one of these extreme points, and (iii) the function is convex, so one only needs to consider extreme points until the function starts to increase. It is worth pointing out that the optimal solution (at any stage) may not be unique, but it is advantageous to choose the optimal solution with the latest starting 4

time for the subsequence because this provides the most flexibility to the jobs not yet scheduled. See Kim and Yano (1986) for additional details. This procedure allows idle time when it is optimal to do so. In the next section, we develop conditions in which a simple sorting procedure produces optimal sequences. 3. A SIMPLE SORTING PROCEDURE In this section, we show that under certain conditions on the weights and processing times, it is optimal to sequence the jobs in non-decreasing order of Di - pi values. Let si = Di - pi be the target starting time for job i. Proposition 1. If jobs i and j are adjacent and si < sj, then it is optimal to sequence job i before job j if ei/~j < Pi/Pj, (1) Pi/Pj < ti/tj, and (2) EiPj + tjPi < (tj + ej) (sj - si + pj) or Ei + Ti < ~j + Xj (3) Proof. See Appendix A. The essence of the proof is that if one ordering is preferred to the other for all possible starting times of the earlier of the two jobs, that ordering must occur in the optimal sequence if jobs i and j are adjacent. Also if the three conditions above are satisfied for all pairs of jobs, an optimal sequence can be obtained simply by sorting the jobs in nondecreasing order of the si values. If condition (3) is not satisfied for all i and j, sequencing i before j when si < sj can have arbitrarily poor performance, 5

as shown in Appendix B We now turn to an description of a subclass of problems for which the conditions in (1) and (2) are automatically satisfied. 4. A CLASS OF PROBLEMS WITH PROPORTIONAL WEIGHTS Consider a class of problems for which Ei = opi, and i = PPi for all i, and for some non-negative real values a and 3. This represents a simply-defined but realistic class of problems satisfying conditions (1) and (2). If the value (or cost) added to a job is proportional to its processing time, then the inventory holding cost (earliness penalty) associated with that value added can be viewed as being proportional to the processing time. Sometimes one cannot assess a "value added" because most costs are fixed. In this case, assuming that capacity is constrained (otherwise scheduling would not be a problem), one should consider the opportunity cost associated with the use of the equipment as the "value added," and therefore also proportional to the processing time. In a similar fashion, if the profit from a job is proportional to the processing time, then the opportunity cost of delayed revenue due to delayed shipment (tardiness penalty) should be proportional to the job's processing time. It is also possible that any additional tardiness cost due to loss of goodwill might be proportional to the processing time. Thus, while the conditions may appear to be restrictive, they are sometimes realistic. Arkin and Roundy (1988a,b) study a special case of this class of problems in which a = 0 and P = 1. They prove that this problem is NPcomplete and present an optimal pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for which the running time is quadratic in the number of jobs and linear in the sum of processing times of the jobs. They also present a heuristic, which they call the "earliest-gamma-date" rule, in which jobs are sequenced in increasing order of yi = 0 si + (1-0) Di, where 0 < 0 < 1. They show that the 6

deviation from the optimal objective value for this heuristic cannot exceed 0.5 [9 v (l-0)]1i pi2. Consequently, among this class of policies, the best choice of 0 is 0.5. Let us examine in what circumstances the class of problems with oa, > 0 satisfies condition (3). For this class of problems, condition (3) reduces to pi - pj < sj - si. (3a) If condition (3a) is satisfied, job i should precede job j. If condition (3a) is not satisfied and si > sj, then we must apply Proposition 1 with the subscripts reversed, from which we find that job j should precede job i. In situations where si < sj and (3a) does not hold, the optimal resolution of the conflict between jobs i and j depends heavily upon the various penalties. Moreover, in these cases the jobs overlap when scheduled at their respective target starting times, so it is clear that there should be no idle time between the jobs if they are adjacent. We show that if such a conflict occurs and jobs i and j are adjacent, the optimal sequence depends upon when the jobs are scheduled (see Appendix C). For this case, i should precede j in the optimal sequence if 1. the selected starting time for the earlier job < sj - pi, or 2. the selected starting time for the earlier job > si. Simply stated, these conditions say that either both jobs are early or on time, or both jobs are on time or tardy. The two instants of time given above are the breakeven points between i preceding j and j preceding i. If the selected starting time for the earlier job is between sj - pi and si, job j should precede job i. It is now evident that for each possible pair of adjacent jobs, we can either specify the optimal ordering regardless of their timing if certain conditions hold, or depending upon their timing if these conditions do not hold. This information could be used to eliminate many alternative sequences. 7

We were optimistic that in realistic problems, it would be possible to obtain partial orderings that would permit elimination of most sequences from consideration. With this in mind, we propose a branch-and-bound algorithm in which branching involves assigning available jobs to the last available position in the sequence. (Thus, the procedure constructs the sequence backward.) The proposed optimal algorithm is a variation of the branch-andbound algorithm presented in Kim and Yano (1986) for a problem in which all tardiness and earliness weights are equal. Solutions from the heuristic algorithms were used as upper bounds on the optimal solution. The branch and bound tree is constructed by assigning jobs to positions in the sequence starting at the end of the sequence and moving backward. Thus, each node in the branch-and-bound tree is associated with a partial sequence of the last several jobs in the sequence. When we branch from a node, the dominance rules for adjacent jobs are used to avoid considering dominated sequences. At each node of the branch-and-bound tree, we compute a lower bound on the solution that can be obtained from the partial sequence corresponding to the node. This lower bound is the sum of a lower bound for the jobs in the partial sequence and a lower bound for the jobs not in the partial sequence. The first lower bound can be obtained by applying an optimal timing algorithm with a constraint that the first job in the partial sequence cannot be started until the earliest possible completion time of the jobs not in the partial sequence. The optimal timing algorithm is a variation of the procedure in Kim and Yano (1986) for the case of equal weights and requires O(n2 log n) time in the worst case. The second lower bound is obtained using a property presented in Kim and Yano (1986). Conceptually, this lower bound is simply the sum of unavoidable earliness and tardiness that occurs because two or more jobs would conflict if they were scheduled with Ci = Di for all i. Since the problem is a generalization of a problem with tardiness penalties proportional to the processing times and earliness penalties equal to zero, which has been shown to be NP-complete (Arkin and Roundy 1988a), this problem is also. We therefore view the branch and bound 8

algorithm prinicipally as a means to evaluate heuristic solution procedures. In the next section we propose and and test four heuristic procedures and an improvement routine. 5. HEURISTIC PROCEDURES We compared five heuristic algorithms with the optimal algorithm. Four of the heuristics use sorting procedures to find a sequence. In each case, the final schedule (sequence and timing) is obtained by applying an optimal timing algorithm for each of the sequences. The sorting procedures include EDD (earliest due date) rule, MDD (modified due date) ruie, EST (earliest starting time) rule in which jobs are sorted in increasing order of the sis, and a rule in which the dominance rules are used to establish a sequence. In the last rule, all pairs of two jobs are compared and their priorities (denoted by ki, i=l,...,n) are computed as follows. Starting with ki=O for i=,...,n, we update the kis by adding 1 to ki if job i should precede job j, and subtracting 1 from kj if jobj should succeed job i, where each of these precedence relationships is determined by assuming that the two jobs are adjacent and that their starting times are not restricted. By both adding and subtracting points (rather than simply adding a point for the earlier job in each pair), this procedure tends to provide better discrimination among jobs and to break ties that would occur under simpler rules. After comparing all pairs of jobs, a sequence is obtained by sorting the jobs in decreasing order of the ki, values. Ties are broken by the EST rule. This rule will be denoted by PREC (short for "precedence"). After applying these four rules on a problem, we start with the best among the four heuristic schedules and apply pairwise interchanges as follows. For k = n-l,...,l, we consider pairwise interchanges of the job originally in position k with the subsequent job in the sequence. If an interchange of the job in position k with the job in position k+1 results in an improvement, the sequence is modified accordingly. An interchange of the job now in position k+1 with the job in position k+2 is considered, and the sequence is modified if appropriate. This process is repeated as long as 9

interchanges result in improvements. This procedure essentially considers moving the job originally in position k to later positions in the sequence by looking forward one position at a time. This is the fifth heuristic tested in this research and is called INT (short for "interchange"). For our experiment, 100 problems were generated randomly with the method used in Potts and Van Wassenhove (1982). In this method, processing times of jobs are randomly generated using a selected distribution, then due dates are generated using the sum of the processing times of all jobs and two parameters, the tardiness factor (T) and relative range (R) of due dates. Following their method, the due dates are generated from a uniform distribution [ P ( 1 - T - R / 2 ), P ( 1 - T + R 2 )], where P is the sum of the processing times of the jobs. In our test problems, the number of jobs ranged from 7 to 40, the tardiness factor ranged from 0.1 to 0.5, and the relative range of due dates ranged from 0.6 to 1.8. Since only the ratio of the earliness factor to the tardiness factor is of consequence when there are proportional weights, a was set to 1 for all problems and 3t ranged from 3 to 9. The algorithms were coded in FORTRAN and run on a personal computer (Zenith Z386). To prevent excessive computation time, the branchand-bound algorithm was stopped after 3600 seconds (one hour) of CPU time for each problem. In addition, computation was stopped when the memory requirements for a problem exceeded the capacity of the computer memory (640KB of accessible RAM). The results of the computational experiments are given in Table 1. The table shows the number of jobs, the tardiness factor (T), the relative range (R) of due dates, solution values, and CPU times for each problem. The CPU time given for the heuristic algorithms is the total CPU time required for all five algorithms. TABLE 1 As shown in the table, a half of the 20-job problems and most of the smaller problems were solved optimally by the branch-and-bound algorithm. Considering the combinatorial aspect of the algorithm, this is a 10

very encouraging result. During testing of the branch-and-bound algorithm, another set of tests was done on small problems. (The results are not shown here.) These tests were designed to study the effects of the dominance rules and the lower bounding methods. The dominance rule in Proposition 1 provided a good pruning tool and eliminated many dominated partial sequences. However, the bounding scheme used for the jobs not in a partial sequence did not perform as well as the dominance rule principally because the lower bound for jobs not in the partial sequence is quite loose. Although the bounds reduced the number of nodes generated (and therefore, the memory size needed for a problem), the computation time was not reduced significantly because of the time required to compute the bound. Further research is needed to develop an improved bounding scheme for this problem. Compared with the solutions from the branch-and-bound algorithm, the solutions from the heuristic INT were very good. INT found good solutions in a fraction of the CPU time needed for the branch-and-bound algorithm. Only one of the solutions out of 100 was proven to be nonoptimal. Even in that problem (Problem 49), the difference between the heuristic and optimal solutions was less than 0.1%. Indeed, we actually had to try to find a problem for which INT produced a solution that was inferior to the incumbent branch and bound solution. It is also important to point out that it is well known that in many branch-and-bound algorithms, the optimal solution is found quickly and the remainder of the CPU time is spent verifying optimality. Thus, although the computation was stopped prior to termination in some cases, the final incumbent solution may be optimal or very close to optimal. Performance of the five heuristics is further analyzed in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2 shows the average and the worst case performance ratios of the algorithms for different tardiness factors, while Table 3 shows the same for different relative ranges of due dates. The performance ratio in the tables is the ratio of the deviation of the heuristic objective value from optimality to the optimal objective value. If an optimal solution was not found at the termination of the algorithm, the current incumbent solution was used 11

instead of an optimal solution when computing this ratio. Therefore, the ratios in the tables are actually optimistic estimates of the exact ratios. TABLES 2 AND 3 From Table 2, it is apparent that as the tardiness factor becomes large, the performance of EST and PREC improves, while the performance ofEDD and MDD is less sensitive to the tardiness factor. PREC performed best when due dates were tight, and EDD was the best when they were not tight. A similar pattern was observed for sensitivity to the relative range of due dates. While the performance of EDD and MDD did not depend heavily on the relative range, EST and PREC performed better when the range was small. This can be partly explained as follows. When the due dates of jobs are dispersed, there would be little conflict between jobs even if they were scheduled to be completed at their due dates. Therefore, the solution from EDD sequence may be close to an optimal solution. On the other hand, when the due dates are not dispersed widely, they do not play as much of a role in determining the sequence; the relative magnitudes of the penalties are more important. These results corroborate findings on the tardiness minimization problem. In the tardiness problem, when two jobs are both late, it is better to sequence the two jobs in SPT (shortest processing time) order rather than EDD order. All of the above results demonstrate the importance of including a pairwise interchange method in the heuristic algorithm. It can enhance the performance of a heuristic without much additional computation time. In our algorithm, the interchange routine runs in O(n2) time. 6. CONCLUSIONS We have developed optimal and heuristic procedures for the problem of minimizing the sum of weighted tardiness and weighted earliness on a single machine when the weights are proportional to the processing times of the jobs. Dominance criteria are derived which eliminate many possible sequences from consideration in the optimal branch-and-bound procedure, and provide a basis for determining an initial sequence and evaluating 12

potential improvements in the heuristic procedures. Although the problem is known to be NP-complete, the dominance criteria permitted us to optimally solve many problems with 15 jobs or more. Further research to develop a tighter lower bound may permit much larger problems to be solved optimally. A composite heuristic which combines several sorting routines and a simple pairwise interchange procedure performed extremely well in computational tests. In only one out of 100 problems did the optimal algorithm (with a generous CPU time trap) find a better solution than the heuristic procedure. Additional research is needed to develop dominance criteria and heuristic procedures for the more general weighted tardiness and earliness problem. 13

Table 1. Performance of the algorithms on 100 test problems Heuristic algorithms Optimal algorithm Problem n T R EDD EST MDD PREC INT CPU B&B CPU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 7.5 1.0 7.4 1.0 8.5 1.0 8.4 1.2 8.3 1.2 10.5 1.0 10.4 1.2 10.3 1.4 10.2 1.6 10.1 1.8 10.5.9 10.5.8 10.5.7 10.4 1.0 10.4.8 12.4.6 12.3 1.2 12.3 1.0 12.3.8 12.2 1.4 14.2 1.2 14.2 1.0 14.1 1.5 14.1 1.2 14.1.9 15.5 1.0 15.4 1.2 15.3 1.4 15.2 1.6 15.1 1.8 15.5.9 15.5.8 15.5.7 15.4 1.0 15.4.8 15.4.6 15.3 1.2 15.3 1.0 15.3.8 15.2 1.4 15.2 1.2 15.2 1.0 15.1 1.5 15.1 1.2 15.1.9 16.5.9 16.5.8 16.5.7 16.4 1.0 16.4.8 18.4.6 1373 1325 1373 1325 1325 719 719 719 719 719 23884 23664 23884 23664 23664 1217 1217 1217 1217 1217 6564 6528 6564 6528 6528 12956 12920 13166 12920 12920 1955 1955 1955 1955 1955 11563 11323 12331 11323 11323 6824 6508 6824 6880 6508 2952 4374 2952 3096 2760 6450 6450 6450 6450 6450 3198 3174 3198 3174 3174 5787 5667 7101 5667 5667 1131 1323 1131 1323 1131 8021 8007 8861 7895 7895 8869 7602 8869 8435 7602 5918 5724 5918 5852 5598 7401 8874 7401 8874 7401 11745 11775 11745 11927 11745 2196 2196 2196 2196 2196 11536 12157 11536 11536 11536 6298 10636 6298 9376 6298 10174 13484 10174 11014 10174 13493 13209 13493 13209 12509 40343 40343 40343 40343 40343 3674 3590 3872 3590 3590 5188 6065 5272 5314 5188 13720 13991 13720 13991 13656 50102 50102 50858 50102 50102 13051 14351 13051 14351 13051 4551 4491 4731 4359 4359 4026 3978 4080 3858 3858 9095 9305 9491 9305 9005 2519 2827 2519 2827 2519 11759 11759 12683 11759 11759 17575 17106 17575 17106 17106 13811 14291 13811 14291 13811 12224 212176 13576 12224 12176 9922 10339 9922 10339 9922 16456 14034 18220 14034 13936 6890 7279 6890 7279 6174 28107 28107 28107 28107 28107 3243 3311 3243 3311 3243 6766 6994 6766 6994 6766 43138 43950 43138 41550 41550 16371 16371 16857 16371 1637 9034 9034 9034 9034 9034 9556 9556 9610 9556 9556 15466 15301 15466 15301 15301 6870 6864 6870 6864 6864 24895 24993 25161 24769 24769. 1325 719 23664 1217 6528 12920 1955 11323 6508 2760 6450 3174 5667 1131 7895 7602 5598 7401 11745 2196 11536 6298 10174 12509 40343 3590 5188 13656 50102 13051 4359 3858 9005 2519 11759 17106 13811 12176 9922 13936 6174 28107 3243 6766 * 41550 16371 9034 9556 15298 6864 * 24769.93.60 3.07.71 1.37 8.63 4.83 2.14 11.09 12.96 2.14 2.14 2.96 1.21 9.01 33.50 4.23 5.55 106.89 2.26 62.83 92.60 76.46 666.91 459.39 41.31 40.09 97.71 111.01 47.68 47.40 5.55 135.45 10.93 28.29 863.49 567.49 28.73 300.66 34.99 204.43 2433.80 39.76 238.00 3600. 52.35 60.86 352.84 383.38 260.90 3600. 14

Table L.(continued) Heuristic algorithms Optimal algorithm Problem n T R EDD EST MDD PREC INT CPU B&B CPU 1 52 18.3 1.2 53 18.3 1.0 54 18.3.8 55 18.2 1.4 56 20.5 1.0 57 20.4 1.2 58 20.3 1.4 59 20.4 1.6 60 20.1 1.8 61 20.5.9 62 20.5.8 63 20.5.7 64 20.4 1.0 65 20.4.8 67 20.3 1.2 68 20.3 1.0 69 20.3.8 70 20.2 1.4 71 20.2 1.2 72 20.2 1.0 73 20.1 1.5 74 20.1 1.2 75 20.1.9 76 20.2 1.2 77 20.2 1.0 78 20.1 1.5 79 20.1 1.2 80 20.1.9 81 25.5 1.0 82 25.4 1.2 83 25.3 1.4 84 25.2 1.6 85 25.1 1.8 86 30.5 1.0 87 30.4 1.2 88 30.3 1.4 89 30.2 1.6 90 30.1 1.8 91 35.5 1.0 92 35.4 1.2 93 35.3 1.4 94 35.2 1.6 95 35.1 1.8 96 40.5 1.0 97 40.4 1.2 98 40.3 1.4 99 40.2 1.6 00 40.1 1.8 4833 5093 4833 5093 4333.17 6072 6274 6072 6274 6072.11 10795 10920 10795 10920 10795.17 16685 16873 16685 16685 16685.22 7236 7236 7278 7236 7236.16 12507 12507 15048 12507 12507.16 30705 31559 30705 31559 30705.22 5622 9425 5622 9425 5622.17 6048 9898 6048 9898 6048.16 4613 4291 4613 4291 4291.17 23955 23955 24945 23955 23955.27 8406 8754 9264 8628 8406.27 8734 9838 8734 9838 98734.22 19604 19758 20976 19478 19373.39 35551 33927 37319 33927 33927.22 5960 6043 5960 5960 5960.22 18755 18755 18755 18755 18755.22 12137 12767 12137 12767 12137.16 15870 15777 15870 14064 14064.22 11121 12816 11121 12816 11121.16 14264 17924 14264 17924 14264.17 17192 25478 17912 25478 17912.22 52419 56769 52419 54099 52419.27 55709 55804 57842 55804 55709.22 18946 19945 18946 19549 18946.22 14740 20173 14740 19259 14740.17 13911 16241 13911 16241 13911.22 24121 29887 24121 29887 24121.22 3574 3937 3574 3886 3574.27 17614 17590 17614 17590 17320.38 15704 17047 15704 16963 15688.33 11704 13912 11704 13912 11704.22 6448 6912 6448 6884 6448.22 35685 35685 37107 35685 35685.50 15112 14978 15492 14908 14433.39 15828 16644 15828 16644 15828.33 23063 27130 30758 27130 23063.33 19411 19801 19411 19801 19411.33 9806 9770 9806 9770 9770.44 10366 10996 10366 10996 10366.60 58104 58960 58296 58960 58104.60 18106 21586 18229 21586 18106.44 57313 56921 57313 56921 56837.49 21753 21747 22899 21747 21747.93 54287 53703 55085 53584 53496 1.05 33161 33621 35153 33349 33161.66 50796 53699 52749 53699 50796.60 24751 26780 24751 26780 24751.66 4333 6072 *10795 * 16685 7236 12507 * 30705 5622 6048 4291 23955 8406 8734 * 64123 33927 * 5960 * 18755 12137 * 14064 * 11121 * 14264 * 17912 * 52419 55709 * 18946 14740 * 13911 * 24121 * 3574 * 17320 * 15688 * 11704 * 6448 * 35685 14433 * 15828 * 23063 * 19411 * 9770 * 10366 * 58104 * 18106 * 56837 * 21747 * 53496 * 33161 * 50796 *24751 428.37 1014.64 2649.06 2411.23 3315.96 31.03 2440.13 195.43 489.93 328.07 2952.13 1994.84 3227.37 2733.92 206.90 2837.67 2711.12 2136.98 2923.91 2241.73 2543.49 2575.13 2374.35 344.28 2399.81 987.29 2356.19 2136.66 3600. 2256.83 2691.84 3600. 3600. 2565.02 1523.47 3600. 3600. 3600. 3600. 3600. 2530.14 3600. 3600. 2896.00 3034.97 3203.09 3137.67 3600. * This is the incumbent solution at the time when the algorithm was stopped. 15

Table 2. Performance ratios of the algorithms for each tardiness factor # of Average Performance Ratios Worst Case Performance Ratios T probs EDD EST MDD PREC INT EDD EST MDD PREC INT.1 19.0103.1856.0103.1593.0.0786.6357.0787.6366.0.2 19.0249.1374.0544.1190.0.1808.6888.3337.6765.0.3 20.0128.0377.0276.0383.0.1154.1990.1154.1990.0.4 21.0151.0357.0415.0319.00001.1667.1698.2032.1698.00020.5 21.0132.0113.0456.0070.0.0750.1016.2530.0873.0 Total 100.0152.0788.0361.0699.00000.1808.6888.3337.6765.00020 16

Table 3. Performance ratios of the algorithms for each relative range # of Average Performance Ratios Worst Case Performance Ratios R probs EDD EST MDD PREC INT EDD EST MDDPREC INT.6 4.0499.0023.0554.0274.0.1667.0090.1667.1096.0.7 4.0078.0187.1037.0149.0.0212.0414.2530.0333.0.8 12.0067.0101.0326.0062.0.0436.0420.1224.0430.0.9 8.0197.0513.0285.0339.0.0750.0239.0863.2390.0 1.0 22.0041.0766.0169.0643.00001.0362.6888.1150.4887.00020 1.2 21.0299.0741.0473.0596.0.1284.4224.2032.4224.0 1.4 11.0189.0263.0423.0241.0.1808.0866.3074.0813.0 1.5 4.0.2426.0.1667.0.0.3679.0.3065.0 1.6 7.0069.1844.0732.1926.0.0486.6765.3337.6765.0 1.8 7.0111.2138.0111.1470.0.0696.6366.0696.6366.0 Total 100.0152.0788.0361.0699.00000.1808.6888.3337.6765.00020.._ 17

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APPENDIX A PROOF OF PROPOSITION 1 We initially consider the case of no idle time between jobs and then extend the results to the case of permitted idle time. Recall that for each i, iEiE+iTi is a piecewise linear convex function of the completion time (and therefore also the starting time) of job i. Consider two jobs, i and j, processed sequentially. For each of the two orderings, total weighted earliness and tardiness (which refer to as total cost) is a piecewise linear convex function of the starting time of the earlier job. Observe that for sufficiently early starting times, both jobs will be early, and the total cost declines (for a while) at a rate of ei + ej as the starting time is increased. Similarly, for sufficiently late starting times, both jobs will be tardy and the total cost increases by ti + tj as the starting time is increased. Thus, for sufficiently small and large starting times, the total cost has the same slope, regardless of the ordering. This fact, in conjunction with the piecewise linear convex nature of the cost functions makes it sufficient to compare the two cost functions at all extreme points to establish that one dominates the other. This is the approach used in our proof. There are only four starting times at which extreme points can (but do not necessarily) occur: (1) si; (2) sj; (3) si - pj; (4) sj - Pi. At time si, if job i is scheduled first, it changes from being early to being tardy. Similarly, at sj, job j changes from being early to being tardy if it is scheduled first. At a starting time of si - pj, job i changes from being early to being tardy if job j is scheduled first. Likewise, at a starting time of sj - Pi, job j changes from being early to being tardy if job i is scheduled first. There are three possible relationships among the four possible extreme points in (1) through (4) above: Case 1) si - pj < si < sj - pi < sj, Case 2) si - pj < sj - i < si sj, and Case 3) sj - pi <si- pj <si sj. 20

The values of the cost function at each possible extreme point can be obtained easily for each of the two possible job sequences. These values are shown in Tables Al through A3 for the three cases listed above. Table Al. Total cost at possible extreme points Case 1 (si - pj < si < sj - pi < sj) Sequence Starting time i before j j before i Si - pi eiPj+ cj(Sj - si- Pi + Pj) ej(sj - si+ pj) Si Ej(sj - Si+ Pi) tiPj+ Ej(sj - si) S j - Pi Si(Sj - Pi + Pj - Si) + ~jPi Sj 1i(sj - Si) + Pj - Si) Table A2. Total cost at possible extreme points Case 2 (si - pj < sj - pi < Si < sj) Sequence Starting time i before j j before i Si- p iPj+ j(Sj - Si+ p- pi) j(S j - Si+ pj) esj - i ~i(s - j+ pi) i(j - i + j - Pi) + jPi Si Tj(si - Sj + Pi) TiPj+ Ej(sj - Si) Sj Ti(Sj - Si) + EjPi i(Sj - Si + pj) 21

Table A3. Total cost at possible extreme points Case 3 (sj - Pi < si - P < ssi) Sequence Starting time i before j j before i sj - sPi) i(si - sj+ (s - j- pj + pi) + jPi Si j ciPjj+j(si- sj + Pi - Pj) ej(Sj - si+ pj) Si Tj(si - sj + Pi) TiPj+ ej(sj - Si) Sj ij(sj - si) + TjPi zi(sj - si + pj) Optimality of the schedule in which i precedes j can be proved by simply comparing the total costs of the two orderings, using Tables Al through A3. Case 1) starting time si - pj: i precedes j if iPj - ejPi < 0 or ei/~j < Pi/Pj. starting time si: i precedes j for all ej 2 0, ti > 0 starting time sj - Pi: i precedes j for all ti > 0, ej > 0 starting time sj: i precedes j if tjPi <;iPj or pi/Pj < Ti/~ j Case 2) starting time si - pj: i precedes j if iPj - ejPi < 0 or ei/ej pi/j starting time sj - Pi: i precedes j if ei(si - sj+ Pi) < Ti(sj - Pi + j - i) + Ei. Rewriting the condition, we have (ri + ei)(si - sj + Pi) < ZiPj + ejPi, where 0 < si - sj + Pi < pj by definition. Thus, (Zi + ei)(si - sj + pi) < (ti + ei)pj, and (ti + ei)Pj iPj + ejPi if EiPj < ~jPi or ei/ej pi/Pj. starting time si: i precedes j if tj(si - sj + Pi) < iPj + Ej(sj - si) or jPi < TiPj + (rj + ej)(sj - si). Since sj - si > 0, the second term on the right hand side is non-negative. The only condition is pi/Pj < ti/tj. starting time sj: i precedes j if rjPi < TiPj or pi/Pj < i/,j.

Case 3) starting time sj - Pi: i precedes j if EjPi - eiPj > 0 or i/Ej < pi/pj starting time si - pj: i precedes j if eiPj +tj(si - sj + Pi - pj) < ej(sj - si+ pj) or Eipj + tjPi < (6j+Tj)(sj - Si+ pj). If tiPj > tjPi then the left hand side of the inequality is less than or equal to (ei+i)pj. Since sj - si > 0, in this situation a simpler sufficient condition is Ei+i < ~j+tj. starting time si: i precedes j if rj(si + Pi - sj) < tiPj + ej(sj - si) or Tjpi < TiPj + ( j+ ej)(sj - si). Since sj - si > 0, this is satisfied if Pi/Pj < Ti/j. starting time sj: i precedes j if tjpi < tipj or pi/pj < ti/tj. We next sketch a proof to show that the above results are true even when idle time between jobs i and j is permitted. When both jobs are early, the schedule can be improved by permitting idle time between the jobs. However, it is easy to show (proof omitted here) that the schedule with idle time is dominated by another feasible schedule with a later starting time and without idle time between the two jobs. Thus, the analysis for the no idle time case applies here. In all other cases, either (1) the schedule for neither sequence can be improved by permitting idle time, or (2) the schedule for the sequence with i before j can be improved by permitting idle time, but the schedule for the other sequence cannot. (The proof is tedious but straightforward.) Hence, the differences between the costs reflected in Tables Al through A3 represent upper bounds on the errors. This, along with the proof for the case of no idle time between jobs, completes the proof of the proposition. 23

APPENDIX B Worst Case Analysis of the Sorting Procedure In this Appendix, we demonstrate that in the worst case, sorting jobs in non-decreasing order of the si values can have arbitrarily poor performance. Consider a situation in which sj - pi < Si - pj < Si < sj, and suppose that the optimal schedule has j preceding i with job j starting in (sj - pi, si]. In this case, both jobs are early and the penalty is Ej (Sj - tj ) + Ei (Si - ti) where tj is the actual starting time of job j and ti is the actual starting time of job i. Since both jobs are early, it is advantageous to have no idle time between the jobs and to delay both jobs at least until one of the two (in this case, job i) is exactly on time (tj = si - pj, ti = si). Suppose now that t i > ei > ej, so it is undesirable to make job i tardy in order to reduce the earliness of job j. Then, the optimal solution is the one given above, and the associated penalty is Ej (Sj + pj - Si). Now consider what happens when the sorting procedure results in job i preceding job j, with job i starting after si. In this case, both jobs are tardy. As such, it is optimal to have no idle time between the jobs and the penalty is ti (ti - si) + Tj (ti+ pi). Since we cannot determine the value of ti a priori, this penalty can be arbitrarily large (although clearly finite). 24

APPENDIX C Analysis of Situations where Job j Should Precede Job i when si < sj. Recall that condition (3) in Appendix A pertains to situations where sj - pi < Si - pj < Si < sj. We have already shown that under the condition of proportional weights, if condition (3) holds and jobs i and j are adjacent, job i should precede job j if the starting time of the earlier is less than or equal to sj - pi or greater than or equal to si. Let us analyze what happens when the starting time of the earlier job is between the two points. For any starting time t e (sj - pi, si- pj], the cost if job i immediately precedes job j (with no idle time between them) is Ei(Si - t) ( + j(t i - Sj) and the cost if job j precedes job i is ej(sj - t) + ei(si - t - pj). Thus, the sequence with i before j is preferred if ei(si - t) + Tj(t + Pi - sj) < ej(sj - t) + i(si - t - pj). Using the fact that eipj = apipj = ejpi, this simplifies to t < sj- pi, which is inconsistent with the original assumption about t. Therefore, if jobs i and j are scheduled with one immediately after the other, it is better to put job j first under the conditions given above. Moreover, it is obvious that since both jobs are early when job j is sequenced first, the cost associated with that sequence can be reduced by inserting idle time between the two jobs. In the other sequence, however, one job is early and the other is tardy, Hence, it is optimal to have no idle time between the jobs, and its cost cannot be reduced further. Consequently, the conditions given above reflect a case where job j should always precede job i. 25

UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 111111111111IIII[111111111 111111111lllllllilll[ 3 9015 04732 6486 For a starting time t e (si - pj, si), the cost if job i precedes job j is ei(si - t) + Tj(t + pi - Sj) and the cost if job j precedes job i is ej(sj - t) + Ti(t + pj - si). Using arguments similar to those above, it can be shown that the sequence with j before i is always preferred under the stated conditions. 26