THE UN IV E R S I TY OF MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS Computer and Communication Sciences Department Technical Report A NOTE ON SERIES PARALLEL IRREDUCIBILITY Bernard P. Zeigler with assistance from: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Institutes of Health Grant No. GM-12236 Bethesda, Maryland and Department of the Navy Office of Naval Research Contract No. N00014-67-A-0181-0011 Washington, D.C. and U. S. Army Research Office (Durham) Grant No. DA-31-124-ARO-D-483 Durham, North Carolina administered through: OFFICE OF RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION ANN ARBOR October 1969 Distribution of This Document is Unlimited

ABSTRACT A new criterion for series-parallel irreducibility is given which makes no reference to underlying semigroups but involves only series-parallel connection operations. III

A semi-automaton or transition system is a.triple- e <X,Q,M> where S,Q are finite sets (of input symbols and internal states respectively), and M: Q x X + Q is the transition function. (In the usual abuse of notation we write M for <X,Q,M>). In this note we shall characterize the semi-automata which are irreducible with respect to series-parallel decomposition. This augments the definition of Krohn and Rhodes [1] (see also Arbib's formulation in [2]), which is an essential way required the specification of output maps and thus held only for full automata i.e., machines of the form <S,Q,O,M,N> where O is the output set and N: Q + O the output function. Moreover, their definition of irreducibility for machines made direct reference to semigroups while the definition we shall give makes reference only to series-parallel connection operations. Except for changes in notation the presentation follows that of [2] Chapters 3 and 5. Let S(M) denote the semigroup of M i.e., S(M) = {M(,x): Q - Qjx s X*} where M is M extended to X*. Given a semigroup S let MS denote the semigroup transition system i.e., MS: S x S + S with MS(l,s) = s and Ms(s,s') = ss' for all s, s' c S. Note that S(MS) = S. 1 In the following we consider as usual only connected machines with specified starting state. Given transition functions Mi: Qi x X + Qi' i = 1,2, we say that M2 divides M written M2 M1 if there exist Q1 C Q1 and maps g: X2 * XZ,h: Q1 + Q2 (onto) such that

1) Q{ is closed under g(X2)* and 2) for all ql e Q{, s e X2, h(Ml(ql,g(s)) = M2(h(ql),s). n n M> Given <X,Q,M> and a positive integer n define H M = <X,Q,O M> by nnM(ql,...,qn,s) = (M(ql,s),...M(qn,s)) for all (ql,...,qn,s) Qn x X. HnM represents n copies of machine M (possibly in different states) which are run in parallel and are fed the same input symbol. Definition: IM T-divides M1, M21 M1 if there is a positive integer n such that M21 nM. We remark that division, and n-division are transitive relations. M mutually iT-dividesM, M M if M | M and M M. '-"~~2 1'2 W 1 2 ITM 1 I 2 We require the following statements: 1. M2IM1 implies S(M2) IS(M1).2 2. S(M2)JS(M1) implies M2IMS(M) 3. M IS(M)1 4. S(eM) = S(M) Proofs may be found in Chapter 1 of [4]. Suffice to say that (1) and (2) are well-known; (3) is a slight extension of Fact 2.14b, Chapter 5 of [3]. For (4) we note that flnM(ql,..,qn,x) = (M(q1,x),...,M(qn,x)) so examining the Myhill equivalences relations: x y ~=for all (ql,q2,2 00,qY n Q?1M(ql,.x) ~nM(ql;...,qn,Y).#for all q e Q, M4(q,x) = M(q,y) Be- x = y.

So S(1 nM) = X*I = = X* I = S(M). 11nM M Proposition 1: S(M2) IS(M1) if, and only if, M211M1 Proof: Assume S(M2) IS(M1) Then from (2),M2IMS(M ) Also from (3) MS(M) 1TM1 so by transitivity M2 IM1. Conversely assume M21TM1. Ten for some n, M2ln1nM so by (1) S(M2) Is(nIM1). Recognizing that S(1nM1) - S(M1) from (4) completes the proof. We see that Proposition l.allows re-interpretation of semigroup division in terms of T-division. This is not true for ordinary division-to make the converse of (1) hold, output maps have to be added to the semigroups as in Theorem 7.3.10 of [2]. The best that we can get from (1) and (2) is 5. S(M2)/S(M1) if, and only if, M2 MS(M). An interesting consequence of Proposition 1 is Corollary 2: M1 _ M2 if, and only if, S(M1) - S(M2). Proof: Apply Proposition 1 twice. The standard definitions of irreducibility are: a) A semigroup S is irreducible if whenever SIS2 xz S1 then SIS2 or SIS1. (Here S2 xz S.1 is a semidirect product of S1 by S2 with connecting map Z) b) A machine M is irreducible if whenever MIM2 xz M1 then MIM2 or MIM1. (Here M2 xz M1 is the series-parallel cascade of M1 followed by M2 with connecting map Z.) c) A machine M is s-irreducible if whenever MIM2 xz M1 then MIMS(M2) or MIMS(M2)

We add the definition: d) A machine M is '-irreducible if whenever MIM2 xz M1 then MI,M2 or MIjM1. Theorems 8.3.6, 8.3.7 page 4 of [2] state that M is s-irreducible if, and only if, S(M) is irreducible. On the other hand, while M is irreducible implies S(M) is irreducible, the converse does not hold.3 Based on Proposition 1 we can now show that the equivalence does hold for t-irreducibility. Theorem 3: M is t-irreducible, if and only if, M is s-irreducible. Proof: M is '-irreducible - if MIM2 xz M1 then Ml,,M2 or MIM14= if MIM2 x M1 then S(M) IS(M2) or S(M) jS(M1) (from Proposition 1) =if MIM2 x M1 then MIMS(M) or MIM S0 (from (5)) =M is s-irreducible. (M2) In conclusion, we have seen that the irreducibles are strictly included in the s-irreducibles which are co-extensive with the I-irreducibles. What this says is that although a machine M which is s-irreducible but not irreducible has a series-parallel decomposition into machines M1, M2 such that neither M1nor M2 can simulate M, still it must be that by taking a suitable number of copies of either M1 or M2 we can simulate M, i.e., M M1 of MIM. Finally we note that Theorem 3 enables us to relate the s-irreducible machines given by the Krohn-Rhodes Theory (the simple group and unit actions) entirely to machine decomposition operations without reference to semigroup concepts.

FOOTNOTES 1S1 is the smallest monoid containing S. 2For semigroups Si, i = 1,2, SllS2 if S1 is a homomorphic image of a sub-semigroup of S2 3Actually, there are proved for full machines but can easily be shown to be true for semiautomata.

REFERENCES 1. Krohn, K. B. and J. L. Rhodes "Algebraic Theory of Machines", Mathematical Theory of Automata, p. 371, Polytechnic Press, 1963. 2. Kalman, R. E., P. L. Falb and M. A. Arbib Topics in Mathematical Systems Theory, Chapters 7-8, McGraw-Hill, 1969. 3. Arbib, M. A. Algebraic Theory of Machines, Languages and SemiGroups, pp. 41-46, Academic Press, 1968. 4. Zeigler, B. P. "On the Feedback Complexity of Automata", University of Michigan Technical Report No. 08226-6-T, Ph.D. Dissertation, Computer and Communication Sciences Department, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1968.

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