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TCC-III CFD Input Dataset

dc.contributor.authorSick, Volkeren_US
dc.contributor.authorReuss, Daviden_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Xiaofengen_US
dc.contributor.authorKuo, Tang-Weien_US
dc.description.abstractA zip archive is available here for download and includes the following contents for the TCC-III geometry. A version history of the TCC engine configuration - Geometry file in .stl and igs. format - Valve lift curves - GT Power models and sample results (extensively tested and validated against a wide range of operating conditions.) It is requested that any published use of the TCC-III engine simulation geometry and/or data be acknowledged with the following statement: “The TCC engine work has been funded by General Motors through the General Motors University of Michigan Automotive Cooperative Research Laboratory, Engine Systems Division.” An overview of the motored high-speed PIV data from the TCC-III engine is summarized in the “TCC III Engine recommended PIV data sets for comparison 20140804.pdf” document. Four .tar archives with data for different engine operating conditions are available for download. The use of this data should reference: "LES of IC engine flows for different engine speeds and intake manifold pressures" P. Schiffmann1, S. Gupta1,2, D. Reuss1, V. Sick1, X. Yang2, T-W. Kuo2 (1 Univ. of Michigan, 2 GM Global R&D, USA), LES for Internal Combustion Engine Flows [LES4ICE], IFPEN / Rueil-Malmaison - 4-5 December 2014, submitted to Oil & Gas Science and Technology for publication.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipGeneral Motors through the General Motors University of Michigan Automotive Cooperative Research Laboratory, Engine Systems Divisionen_US
dc.subjectInput Data for Internal Combustion Engine CFDen_US
dc.titleTCC-III CFD Input Dataseten_US
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelMechanical Engineeringen_US
dc.contributor.affiliationumUniversity of Michiganen_US
dc.contributor.affiliationumcampusAnn Arboren_US
dc.description.bitstreamurl TCC-III Suplemantary Info.zipen_US
dc.description.bitstreamurl TCC-III Suplemantary
dc.description.bitstreamurl 800RPM 95kPa.tar
dc.description.bitstreamurl 1300RPM 95kPa.tar
dc.description.bitstreamurl 1300RPM 40kPa.tar
dc.description.bitstreamurl III Engine recommended PIV data sets for comparison 20140804.pptx
dc.description.filedescriptionDescription of : Dataset
dc.description.filedescriptionDescription of 201400908 TCC-III Suplemantary : Additional material to describe the design, geometry, valve timing, etc. of the TCC engine; incl. a version history and matrix of PIV velocity data
dc.owningcollnameMechanical Engineering, Department of

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