Conference Drafts

Last updated: March 2, 2005 12:30 PM

Panel 1: Knowledge communities and networks of knowledge

Patrick Cohendet, Louis Pasteur University
Tom Schuller, OECD
John King, University of Michigan

Panel 2: Emerging infrastructure for distributed learning and innovation

Kurt Larsen, OECD
Dan Atkins, University of Michigan
Peter Freeman, National Science Foundation

Panel 3: Knowledge and place: proximity, mobility, clusters, and institutions

Jan Fagerberg, University of Oslo
Andrew Wyckoff, OECD
Maryann Feldman, University of Toronto
Jason Owen-Smith, University of Michigan

Panel 4: Measuring knowledge and its economic effects

Fred Gault, Statistics Canada
Jacques Mairesse, Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economique
Reinhilde Veugelers, European Commision DG FIN

Panel 5: Learning by doing, interacting, and experimenting: users as innovators

Bengt-Åke Lundvall, University of Aalborg
Eric von Hippel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Stefan Thomke, Harvard Business School

Panel 6: Channeling knowledge: the changing role of research institutions

Robin Cowan, University of Maastricht
Paul A. David, Stanford University / Oxford University
David Mowery, University of California / Harvard Business School / NBER

Panel 7: Mixed models of cooperation and control

Iain Cockburn, Boston University / NBER (a substantially revised version will be available on Feb 1)
Josh Lerner, Harvard Business School
Arti Rai, Duke University
Brian Fitzgerald, University of Limerick

Panel 8: Architecting knowledge: platforms, modularity, and coordination

Carliss Baldwin, Harvard Business School
W.E. Steinmueller, University of Sussex

Panel 9: Fences and thickets: benefits and costs of private controls

Dominique Guellec, European Patent Office
Adam Jaffe, Brandeis University
Dietmar Harhoff, University of Munich