Document no. 2A -- Click for larger image



of the 14th Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia

The declaration describes the reform process and condemns the invasion.

". . . We stand before the bitter truth that the armies of countries we were used to welcoming as friends are behaving like occupiers. The constitutional agents of our state and representatives of the party cannot continue in the execution of their functions, they do not have the possibility to hold negotiations about the situation through normal constitutional form. They have no telephone contact with each other. Our leading representatives are interned. One cannot doubt that this action must have baneful consequences for the whole international and Communist movement. We declare that our people and our Communist party will never agree with it. They will reject it and do everything for the renewal of conditions of normal life in our country. . . ."

The declaration ends:

"Given the tragic consequences of the occupation of our country for the cause of socialism in the whole world

we ask you, comrades:

Support politically our just cause and express your opinion to the representatives of the party who are responsible for the steps taken by our country.

We will not tolerate collaborators and traitors!"