Document no. 3G -- Click for larger image


Respected Citizens,

the first day and night of the occupation of our territory by armies of the Warsaw Pact have passed without violent actions, thanks to the reasonable course of action taken by our citizens and workers. According to our information, where calm was not maintained, shots were fired and lives were lost. Therefore it is necessary even today to maintain level-headedness and calm and above all, by carrying out immediate tasks in individual workplaces, to preserve the conditions for limiting economic losses. . . .

The poster makes the following demands:

  1. that the illegal occupation of our country end immediately,
  2. that foreign armies be removed immediately from our sovereign territory,
  3. that the sovereignty of our state be respected,
  4. that the representatives of our legal government, National Assembly, and Central Committee of the Communist Party be given their freedom immediately,
  5. that occupying units immediately vacate radio, television, press and communications,
  6. that the usurping government apologize to our people and pay for all damages that have arisen from the occupation.

This standpoint will be presented in a proclamation for all citizens of our city to sign. The petition centers will be announced to you on city radio as soon as we command the necessary technical means (duplication of the appeal etc.).

At the same time we ask you, like all members of city organs, to refuse cooperation with occupiers and collaborators. . . .