Stichting "De Roos" (Modern Fine Printing)

The University of Michigan Library holds the most complete collection in the U.S. of publications from the Stichting 'De Roos,' a modern Dutch bibliophile society. Established in Utrecht in 1945 and still active, the group chose its name and its printer's mark in the form of a rose in honor of the dean of modern Dutch book arts, S. H. de Roos (1877-1962). Working at the type-foundry "Amsterdam," De Roos designed a number of original fonts which had enormous impact on Dutch book arts and hark back to the great tradition of Dutch printing in its golden age in the 17th century.

The goal of the society is to make books and other printed materials purely for the love of typography and art, in all conceivable forms in which these two things can go together. It produces for its members two or three volumes per year, each a fine, often illustrated literary work in a limited edition of 175 copies. The works chosen for reprinting are classics in their way of both modern and older authors. Many are Dutch, but not by any means all.

The Special Collections Library acquires these works on standing order and now holds almost all of the 157 'De Roos' titles published through 2001.

Aart van der Leeuw (1876-1931). Vijf dichters van Arcadie. Utrecht: Stichting 'De Roos,' 1947.

Five poets from Arcadia is a selection from the author's 1925 Vluchtige Begroetingen (Fleeting Salutations), published here on the occasion of the 70th birthday of S. H. de Roos. The type font used is the latter's design: "Erasmus Medieval." Head-of-chapter illuminations by D. Dooyes.

Van der Leeuw was a writer and poet, known for lyrical nature poems, several fine novels, and for his very original, small prose works, of which the present five short pieces are good examples.

Gerbrand Adriaenszoon Bredero (1585-1618). Spaanschen Brabander Ierolimo. Utrecht: Stichting 'De Roos,' 1973.

With Joost van den Vondel (two of whose works are included in the exhibition), Bredero is one of the great Dutch literary figures of the 17th century. His reputation is as a lyric poet and a dramatist. His social satire from 1617, De Spaanschen Brabander (The Spanish Brabantine), is the best known of his dramatic works. This edition has illustrations by Lex Metz.

Adriaan Roland Holst (1888-1976). Een winter aan zee. Utrecht: Stichting 'De Roos,' 1963.

First published in 1937, this book of poems (A Winter at the Sea) was reprinted by the De Roos Society on the occasion of the poet's 75th birthday. The etchings are by Jeanne Bieruma Oosting. Roland Holst was one of the major figures in modern Dutch literature and for years was associated with the Dutch literary periodical, De Gids.

Louis Couperus (1863-1923). De naumachie. Utrecht: Stichting 'De Roos,' 1959.

Couperus is known for naturalistic novels, stories of fantasy and myth, and historical novels and stories set in Greek and Roman times. This 1910 story, The Mock Sea-Battle, was inspired by Tacitus and Suetonius's account of a mock sea-battle, with gladiators, organized by Emperor Claudius in 52 A.D. Drawings by J. H. Kuiper.
