Whose humanity gets counted? *Transcript cleaned by Kaitlyn Gastineau, looked at by Cherice Chan 0:00 Afro-nowism to me is like thinking about 0:02 what we want now but I realize that a 0:04 lot of folks in my age range like their 0:07 desires are all based on this this 0:09 façade that they've been given right I 0:11 need the big car the big house like 0:13 they're not defining it for this 0:15 themselves they're just saying I don't 0:16 have enough of whatever we're supposed 0:18 to be able to have 0:21 does that make sense 0:22 and the ques- like you know for me that 0:25 other question becomes well how do you 0:26 how do you start encouraging people to 0:28 define more and more what their true 0:31 needs are 0:33 as opposed to what it is 0:35 they've been told and how they're 0:37 supposed to be human and what defines 0:39 that and what makes them acceptable 0:40 humans Autism 0:42 autistics are often compared to or 0:44 metaphorized as robots like um 0:48 even like theories of sentience are all 0:50 hinged on this notion of Theory of Mind 0:52 modules so we've got like the 0:53 computerization of the brain and then 0:56 autistic people being represented as 0:58 lacking the core modules that make one 1:00 human so like when i think about the 1:02 rights of robots i often think about the 1:04 rights of autistics larger questions 1:06 about what constitutes a being and how 1:09 like even trying to delineate what 1:11 constitutes the human always results in 1:15 someone or something being excluded from 1:18 those boundaries and you know autism is 1:20 just one of many limit cases like that 1:23 represents that particular tension so 1:26 automatically when thinking about the 1:28 robot I feel like this is a question 1:30 about not just humanity but like about 1:32 disability about embodiment about care Robots 1:35 they're described as robotic 1:37 so you know Asian excellence is inhuman 1:40 so Asian divers in the Olympics you know 1:43 you will see in the 21st Century sports 1:45 commentators saying he has a robotic 1:47 efficiency or is like a machine like 1:50 people don't see that as a racial slur 1:52 in any way it's interesting how that's 1:55 like how Asian 1:56 competence is described still Entities 1:58 When I think of entities I think a lot about 2:02 um kind of supernatural beings 2:06 that do things but don't have a body 2:08 that's an algorithm right 2:11 like 2:11 supernatural things that do things but 2:13 don't have a body 2:16 like they're kind of behind the scenes 2:18 doing things yeah 2:21 yeah I think though 2:23 I mean this is a mythos in digital media 2:26 studies 2:27 the notion is that somebody could 2:30 understand them 2:31 if they wanted to 2:34 right that wouldn't be me but that 2:36 someone can reverse engineer and boil it 2:38 down to a set of data 2:41 or a code 2:42 but the entity seems to be 2:45 more than that Entitism 2:48 we know to a point but we don't fully 2:50 understand how everything is working 2:53 and we can kind of mathematically 2:55 explain things to 2:57 a point but then they move beyond that 3:00 which is where for me real Entitism 3:03 comes in when it moves beyond the people 3:05 who are who are writing the code it's 3:08 like well that we're kind of writing 3:09 this thing and we know what we aimed for 3:12 it to do but then it starts to do 3:14 something that we did not expect which 3:18 is usually the point in which we turn it 3:20 off 3:22 right so like when they made um two chat 3:24 bots that were talking to each other and 3:26 eventually they made their own third 3:28 language so that they they didn't 3:30 they made a shorthand for each other 3:33 right and at that that was a point at 3:35 which we were like boom turn that crap 3:37 off 3:38 like that's beyond what we told them to 3:40 do how we from the function and they're 3:42 starting to veer from what we know