Division of Research School of Business Administration March 1990 ASSESSING MEIHJD VARIANCE IN MPTIRAITMLTIMEHD MATRICES: THE CASE OF SELFRERPOIED AFECT AND PERCEPTICNS AT WORK Working Paper #636 Richard P. Bagozzi Youjae Yi The University of Michigan FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY None of this material is to be quoted or reproduced without the expressed permission of the Division of Research Copyright 1990 University of Michigan School of Business Administration Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1234

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Assessing Method Variance 2 Abstract Spector (1987) concluded that there is little evidence of method variance in MTMM data from 10 studies of self-reported affect and perceptions at work. Williams, Cote, and Buckley (1989) recently reanalyzed these data and concluded that method variance is prevalent In this article we extend these studies by examining several important, but often neglected, issues in assessing method variance. A direct product model is described that can represent multiplicative method effects. It is also proposed that one should carefully examine model assumptions, individual parameters, and diagnostic indicators, as well as overall model fits. Our reanalyses indicate that method variance exists in these studies more often than Spector concluded, but less prevalently than Williams, Cote, and Buckley asserted. It is also found that methods can have multiplicative effects, supporting the claim made by Campbell and O'Connell (1967, 1982).

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Assessing Method Variance 3 Assessing Method Variance in Multitrait-Multimethod Matrices: The Case of Self-Reported Affect and Perceptions at Work Researchers have often shown a substantial interest in assessing method variance with multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) matrices (e.g., Campbell & Fiske, 1959; Schmitt, Coyle, & Saari, 1977). As an artifact of measurement, method variance can bias results when researchers investigate relations among constructs measured with the common method. Since method variance provides a potential threat to the validity of empirical findings, it seems important to assess the extent to which method variance is problematic in typical research settings. Spector (1987) addressed this issue by examining a series of MTMM matrices in research on self-reported affect and perceptions of work. Following the classic procedure proposed by Campbell and Fiske (1959), Spector assessed the amount of method effects by comparing the correlations of different traits measured with the same method (i.e., monomethod correlations) and the correlations among different traits across methods (i.e., heteromethod correlations). The monomethod correlations were not significantly different from the heteromethod correlations, and Spector concluded that there was little evidence of method variance. Williams, Cote, and Buckley (hereafter WCB, 1989) recently noted a number of limitations of this analytic procedure. As summarized by Schmitt and Stults (1986) and Widaman (1985), these limitations are (a) the lack of quantifiable criteria, (b) the inability to account for different reliability, and (c) the implicit assumptions underlying the procedure, especially the requirement of uncorrelated methods. It should be emphasized here that these limitations concern the analytic procedures (i.e., interpretation of correlations) of Campbell and Fiske (1959),while their core ideas (i.e., the use of multitrait-multimethod data and convergent and discriminant validity) are sound. WCB reanalyzed the same data

Assessing Method Variance 4 as Spector (1987) by using chi-square difference tests and variance partitioning with confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). Their analyses indicated that method variance is present and accounts for substantial variance in the measures originally examined by Spector. The WCB study was executed carefully with a powerful CFA approach. However, the findings of WCB are inconclusive, because their procedure has several limitations. First, since their tests examined only overall effects of method factors, they failed to provide information about method effects on individual measures. Suppose, for example, that the chi-square difference test indicates significant method effects in a MTMM model with 10 measures. This omnibus test does not identify how many and which of the measures are significantly affected by the methods. For instance, a global test based on model fits can indicate significant method variance when only 1 of 10 measures is affected by the method factor. Although they partitioned the variance into trait, method, and error at the scale level, WCB did not test the significance of the method variance either at the scale level or at the individual item level. Thus, the WCB study does not give diagnostic information for drawing conclusions about individual measures in the MTMM matrix. Second, WCB examined only the chi-square goodness-of-fit test and the normed fit index (NFI, Bentler & Bonett, 1980), but ignored other indicators such as the adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI), root mean square residual (RMR), standardized residuals, and improper estimates, which can provide useful information as to model fit. For example, the chi-square test is sensitive to sample size and could possibly point to a satisfactory fit because of a lack of statistical power (e.g., Satorra & Saris, 1985). Likewise, when many trait and method factors are introduced into a MTMM model, a satisfactory chi-square may arise simply as a result of over-fitting. One should evaluate a

Assessing Method Variance 5 structural model by using all the measures of the overall degree of fit as well as information on individual parameters provided in any particular application. Finally, the CFA approach taken by WCB assumes that variation in measures will be a linear combination of traits, methods, and error. That is, methods are presumed to have additive effects on measures in the CFA model. This may be a reasonable assumption and in fact can be tested as a hypothesis on any particular MTMM. However, in certain contexts, traits and methods may interact in the determination of measure variation. Campbell and O'Connell (1967) went so far as to suggest that such an interaction is "quite general in nature" (p. 421). The multiplicative relation occurs such that "the higher the basic relationship between two traits, the more that relationship is increased when the same method is shared" (Campbell & O'Connell, 1982, p. 95). If methods have indeed multiplicative effects, the CFA model will be inappropriate for examining method effects. By using CFA models only, WCB assumed that methods have linear effects for all of the data examined by Spector (1987), and ignored the possibility of multiplicative method effects. WCB, in fact, seem to confuse trait-method interactions with trait-method correlations. For example, WCB (1989, p. 463) assert that their "analysis assumes that Trait X Method interactions do not exist (zero correlation among trait and method factors)." Also, their justification for assuming no interactions on the basis of Widaman's (1985, p.7) argument that correlations among trait and method factors "present both logical and empirical estimation problems of great magnitude" is misleading. The degree of association among traits and methods may be independent of the interaction between traits and methods, if any. One purpose of the present article is to investigate these issues that are important, but often ignored, in assessing method variance through analyses of MTMM matrices. A

Assessing Method Variance 6 second is to correct any erroneous conclusions about method variance and construct validity of the data examined by Spector and WCB by incorporating the aforementioned issues into the analyses. Finally, we attempt to show that the analysis and interpretation of MTMM data are not straightforward endeavors, but require a careful, detailed consideration of many criteria as to model specification, goodness-of-fit, and other statistical findings. Evaluation of Method Variance and Model Fit The general form of the CFA model for the MTMM data can be expressed with two sets of equations (e.g., Joreskog, 1974; Werts, Joreskog, & Linn, 1972): y-I [T A +e (1) Z = AT T A + A A + 0 (2) where y is a vector of r x s measures for r traits by s methods, AT and AM are factor loading matrices for traits and methods, respectively (defined below), 71T and 'NM are vectors of r traits and s method factors, respectively, e is a vector of residuals for y, Z is the implied variance-covariance matrix for y, 'T and TM are correlation matrices for traits and methods, respectively, 0 is the vector of unique variances for e, AT = [Al, A2,..., Ar]', Ai is a diagonal matrix with factor loadings corresponding to the measures of the i-th trait, and 1"... 0 X1.. 0 0 Xs_ AM=. e **

Assessing Method Variance 7 where Xj is a vector of factor loadings corresponding to the measures obtained by the j-th method. Application of the CFA model to MTMM data permits one to partition variance into trait, method, and random error. These reside, respectively, in the squared factor loadings for AT and AM and in 0. Four CFA models can be tested and compared to yield meaningful tests of hypotheses about method and trait factors (Widaman, 1985): Model 1: the model hypothesizing that only unique variances are free (i.e., the null model). Model 2: the model hypothesizing that variation in measures can be explained completely by traits plus random error (i.e., the trait-only model). Model 3: the model hypothesizing that variation in measures can be explained completely by methods plus random error (i.e., the method-only model). Model 4: The model hypothesizing that variation in measures can be explained completely by traits, methods, and random error (i.e., the trait-method model). Model 4 is, in fact, the hypothesis implied by equations 1 and 2. Models 1-3 are special cases formed by constraining certain parameters of Model 4. Notice that the null model is nested in both the method-only and trait-only models and that the method-only and traitonly models are nested in the trait-method model. Consequently, chi-square difference tests can be used to test whether trait, method, or trait and method factors are present. For example, a test of method variance is provided by comparing Models 1 and 3 as well as Models 2 and 4.

Assessing Method Variance 8 The chi-square difference test is an omnibus test that indicates whether or not measures are significantly affected by methods (or traits). In many cases, however, one may wish to determine how many and which of the measures are responsible for the global significance. Also, the method effects should be meaningful and interpretable (e.g., Browne, 1984). In this regard, an inspection of the loadings linking method factors to individual measures is useful, since loadings in AM represent method-related variance for each measure (Widaman, 1985). Thus, an examination of loadings for method factors will provide useful information as to how often the method effects are significant at the individual item level and whether or not they are meaningful and interpretable. Multiplicative Effects of Methods It has been suggested that method factors may interact with trait factors in a multiplicative way (e.g., Campbell & O'Connell, 1967, 1982; Schmitt & Stults, 1986). That is, the higher the relationship between traits, the higher the method effects. Swain (1975) proposed the following direct product model (DPM) to represent the multiplicative interaction of traits and methods in the MTMM: =2 z M~ IT (3) where Z is the covariance matrix of the observed variables, ZM and fr are method and trait covariance matrices, respectively, and 0 indicates a right direct (Kronecker) product. This model expresses the covariance matrix of measurements as the direct product of a covariance matrix of methods and a covariance matrix of traits. However, this model has several limitations. The model does not allow for measurement errors or different scales for different variables, which can limit the applicability of the model in many MTMM studies. Browne (1984, 1989) thus extended the DPM to overcome these limitations (see also Cudeck, 1988):

Assessing Method Variance 9 = Z (PM @ PT + E) Z (4) where Z is a nonnegative definite diagonal matrix of scale constants some of which are set equal to unity to achieve identification, PM and PT are nonnegative definite method and trait correlation matrices, respectively, whose elements are particular multiplicative components of common score correlations (i.e., correlations corrected for attenuation), and E is a diagonal matrix of nonnegative unique variances. The DPM in Equation 4 is called the "heteroscedastic error" model and is equivalent to a three-mode factor analysis model (Bender & Lee, 1978; Bloxom, 1968; Tucker, 1966) with some constraints (Browne, 1984). It can be seen that Equation 4 decomposes test scores into true scores plus error score components. Under Equation 4 the correlation matrix corrected for attenuation has a direct product structure, PC = PM PT (5) where PC is the disattenuated correlation matrix with a typical element p(TiMk, TjMi), PM is the latent method correlation matrix with a typical element p(Mk, Mi), and PT is the latent trait correlation matrix with a typical element p(Ti, Tj). From the definition of a right direct product, one can then see that a typical element of Equation 5 is p(Ti Mk, Tj M1) = p(Ti, Tj) p(Mk, Ml). (6) Notice that this equation assumes a multiplicative structure for true scores or common scores in the factor analysis sense, rather than for observed scores. Browne (1985) has developed a program, MUTMUM, to estimate the parameters in the DPM, but it has not been widely used perhaps because of its limited distribution. Wothke and Browne (1990) have recently shown that the DPM can be reformulated as a linear model, allowing researchers to estimate the model using the widely available LISREL program. Specifically, Equation 4 can be written as a second order confirmatory factor analysis model as follows:

Assessing Method Variance 10 s=AF r r A' (7) where A = Z, r is the partitioned matrix r= (CM ~ It I Imt) = (F1 I 2) (8) CM is a square, lower triangular matrix chosen such that PM = CMC'M, It and Imt are identity matrices, and IM pt 0 f <> ( --- FJO E OD (9) The DPM can be easily restricted to suitable submodels. One useful version of the model, a composite error model, is defined by the additional restriction E =EM ET (10) with EM and ET diagonal. By using the fact that any symmetric, nonnegative definite matrix can be expressed as the product of a square matrix and its transpose (e.g., Searle, 1982), this restriction can be rewritten as follows: E =(EMl/2 It) (Im ~ ET) (EMl/2 It) = Fr22r2' (11) Several restrictions are needed for the identification of the DPM. First, one equality constraint per method is required for identification of scale factor estimates (Wothke & Browne, 1990). This restriction will fix the scale of the component scores. For instance, one may select a trait and set all its scale factors in Z equal to unity. Alternatively, one can constrain all diagonal elements of CM to unity. The two types of restriction may be suitably combined. Another restriction is required in order to fix the scale of the error

Assessing Method Variance 11 components, since (a EM) 0 (b ET) = EM 0 ET for any a = 1/b. This may be achieved by fixing one element in either EM or ET at unity. PT is directly estimated in the model, and standard errors of its elements will be available from the LISREL solution. In contrast, the estimate of PM is obtained by rescaling CM C M into a correlation matrix, and standard errors are not available from the LISREL output. However, one can obtain the standard errors for the method correlations by employing an alternative parameterization in which PM (rather than Pr) is directly estimated. Under the multinormality assumption, the model fit can be evaluated by using the maximum likelihood chi-square statistic computed as x2 = (N - 1) [ In IXI - In ISI + trace (S-1) - rs ], (12) where N is the sample size, and r and s are the number of traits and methods, respectively. The corresponding number of degrees of freedom is computed as rs (rs + 1)/2 - k, where k is the number of free parameters to be estimated in the model. Campbell and Fiske's (1959) original criteria for convergent and discriminant validity have the following direct interpretations in the DPM (Browne, 1984, pp. 9-10). Evidence for convergent validity is achieved when the correlations among methods in PM are positive and large. The first criterion for discriminant validity is met when the correlations among traits in PT are less than unity. The second criterion for discriminant validity is attained when the method correlations in PM are greater than the trait correlations in PT. The final discriminant validity criterion is satisfied whenever the DPM holds. These interpretations follow from the DPM specification. Recall that p(Ti Mk, Tj MI), a typical element of PC, denotes the disattenuated correlation between the i-th trait measured with the k-th method and the j-th trait measured with the l-th method. We know from Equation 6 that p(Ti Mk, Tj MI) = p(Ti, Tj) P(Mk, Mi). The Campbell and Fiske's criterion for convergent validity is that the monotrait-heteromethod correlations should be

Assessing Method Variance 12 substantially greater than zero. When we look at the monotrait-heteromethod correlation p(Ti Mk, Ti M1) under the DPM, we see that p(Ti Mk, Ti MI) = p(Ti, Ti) p(Mk, MI) = p(Mk, MI). (13) That is, the monotrait-heteromethod correlations are equal to method correlations under the DPM. As a consequence, convergent validity is achieved when method correlations are large and positive. The first criterion for discriminant validity is that the monotrait-heteromethod correlations, p(Ti Mk, Ti MI), should be greater than the corresponding heterotraitheteromethod correlations, p(Ti Mk, Tj MI) and p(Tj Mk, Ti MI), for i * j. One can see that P(Ti Mk, Tj Ml)/p(Ti Mk, Ti Ml) = p(Tj Mk, Ti Ml)/p(Ti Mk, Ti M1) = p(Ti, Tj). (14) That is, the ratios of a monotrait-heteromethod correlation to the heterotrait-heteromethod correlations become trait correlations under the DPM. Thus, the first criterion for discriminant validity is met when trait correlations are less than unity. The second criterion monotrait-heteromethod is that the monotrait-heteromethod correlations, p(Ti Mk, Ti MI), should be higher than the corresponding heterotrait-monomethod correlations, p(Ti Mk, Tj Mk) and p(Ti M1, Tj M1). From Equation 6 we can see that P(Ti Mk, Tj Mk)/p(Ti Mk, Ti Ml) = P(Ti M1, Tj Ml)/p(Ti Mk, Ti M1) = p(Ti, Tj) / p(Mk, Ml). (15) That is, te ratios of monotrait-heteromethod correlations to heterotrait-monomethod correlations become the ratios of trait correlations to method correlations under the DPM. As a consequence, this criterion is met when the method correlations are greater than the trait correlations. The final criterion monotrait-heteromethod is that all matrices of intertrait correlations should have the same pattern whichever methods are used. This criterion is

Assessing Method Variance 13 met whenever the DPM holds, since the ratio p(Ti Mk, Tj M1)/ P(Tm Mk, Tn MI) = P(Ti, Tj)/p(Tm, Tn) (16) has the same value for any Mk and MI. The DPM hypothesizes multiplicative effects of methods and traits such that sharing a method exaggerates the correlations between highly correlated traits relative to traits that are relatively independent. That is, the higher the intertrait correlation the more the relationship is enhanced when both measures share the same method, whereas the relationship is not affected when intertrait correlations are zero. An important question then arises: What processes underlie the multiplicative effects of method factors? One view might be called differential augmentation (Campbell & O'Connell, 1967, 1982). This view explains the multiplicative effects by a functional interaction between the "true" level of trait correlation and the magnitude of method bias. A conventional position is that method factors add irrelevant systematic (method-specific, trait-irrelevant) variance to the observed relationships. That is, sharing a method is expected to augment or increase the correlations between two measures above the true relationship; halo effects and response sets provide evidence for such method bias. However, not all relationships are likely to be equally exaggerated by sharing the method. Only relationships that are large enough to get noticed are more likely to be exaggerated. Campbell and O'Connell (1967, pp. 421-422) provide an example of such effects where ratings (e.g., self-ratings and peerratings) are used as methods. Each rater might have an implicit theory (expectations) about the relationships (co-occurrence) of certain traits, which will lead to a rater-specific bias. In such cases, the stronger the "true" associations are between traits, the more likely they are to be noticed and exaggerated, thus producing the multiplicative method effect pattern. In sum, this view hypothesizes o that method factors augment or exaggerate the observed correlations differently, depending on the level of true trait relationships.

Assessing Method Variance 14 Another possible explanation for the multiplicative method effects is a differential attenuation perspective (Campbell & O'Connell, 1967, 1982). A conceptual basis for this view is that using different methods will attenuate the trait relationships better represented when method is held constant rather than varied. Not sharing a method attenuates the true relationship so that is appears to be less than it should be; that is, methods are seen as diluting trait relationships rather than adding irrelevant systematic variance. This view asserts that not sharing a method attenuates the observed correlations differently, depending on the level of true trait relationships. Suppose, for example, that multiple occasions are used as methods. It is often found in longitudinal studies that correlations are lower for longer time lapses than shorter lapses, following a so-called autoregressive process. According to the autoregressive process, a high correlation between two traits will be more attenuated over time than a low correlation (for more details, see Campbell & O'Connell, 1982, pp. 100-106). In contrast, a correlation of zero can erode no further, and it remains zero when computed across methods (here occasions). It can also be noted that the traditional concept of attenuation due to the unreliability of measures shows a multiplicative pattern, because high correlations are more attenuated by unreliability than low ones. See Campbell and O'Connell (1982) for a detailed discussion on these two explanations for multiplicative effects. In sum, the CFA model and DPM hypothesize different functional forms for trait and method effects: the former additive, the latter multiplicative. In principle, the two models constitute alternative explanations for MTMM data. Specifically, the effects of a method are hypothesized to be constant in the CFA model. In contrast, method effects are hypothesized to vary with the level of trait correlations in the DPM. Although Campbell and O'Connell (1967, 1982) imply that trait and method interactions are the rule rather than the exception, it might be better in any specific case to examine which (additive or

Assessing Method Variance 15 multiplicative) model is more appropriate. Ideally, one should have substantive expectation about the method effects prior to selecting a model. If no prior expectations are available, the researcher should test both models in order to discover which process is at work. Method For each of the 10 studies (11 data sets) examined originally by Spector (1987) and later by WCB (1989), four confirmatory factor analysis models (Models 1 to 4) were fitted by following the procedures suggested by Widaman (1985; see also WCB, 1989). Figure 1 provides an example specification of the full CFA model (i.e., Model 4) for MTMM data with three traits and three methods. It can be seen that Models 1 to 3 are derived from Model 4 by constraining certain parameters. Insert Figure 1 about here The effects of method factors were examined in two ways. First, the hierarchically nested models were compared in order to determine whether the introduction of method factors improves the fit of the model. Specifically, Model 1 (null) is compared with Model 3 (method-only), and Model 2 (trait-only) is compared with Model 4 (trait and method). Second, the specific effects of method factors were examined by examining the statistical significance of the individual method factor loadings. For each measure, the method factor loading indicates the effect of the method factor, and the square of the loading indicates the percentage of variance due to the method factor (Widaman, 1985). Thus, the significance of factor loadings was examined in order to determine whether the method variance is significant As noted earlier, we also tested the possibility that Trait X Method interactions exist In this regard, the DPMs were fitted on the basis of the procedures proposed by Wothke and Browne (1990). Because the causal diagram for the LISREL

Assessing Method Variance 16 operationalization is quite cumbersome (e.g., there are 27 latent variables alone for the smallest model with three traits and three methods), we have not provided a figure. However, the appendix contains the input program needed to perform a DPM analysis of the data found in Gillet and Schwab (1975). Marsh and Hocevar (1988) recently introduced a new, powerful approach to MTMM analyses that uses hierarchical confirmatory factor analysis. As an alternative to CFA, this procedure explicitly partitions total variance into additive components for random measurement error, variance specific to each trait-method combination, variance common to a trait across methods, and variance common to a method across traits. But the approach requires multiple measures for each trait-method combination, unlike the CFA or DPM. Since none of the data sets reported in the studies considered herein satisfied this requirement, this approach was not used in our study. All statistical analyses were performed using the LISREL 7 program (Joreskog & Sorbom, 1989), given the widespread use of LISREL among researchers (e.g., Bagozzi, 1980; Widaman 1985). LISREL 7 provides several advantages over earlier versions (e.g., LISREL 6); for example, the correct formula for the asymptotic variances of the residuals is used, and an error in the computation of the adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI) has been corrected. Throughout our analyses, the models were evaluated using multiple indicators of goodness-of-fit. These indicators included (a) chi-square tests, (b) AGFI, (c) RMR, (d) the number of large standardized residuals, and (e) the number of improper estimates (these will be discussed below). Results Table 1 presents the results of the four CFA models discussed earlier for examining trait and method effects. One can note that the descriptions of four data sets are different from those provided by Spector (1987) and WCB (1989). Specifically, the sample size is

Assessing Method Variance 17 1 1i1 (not 302) and 723 (not 941) for Alderfer (1967) and Sims et al. (1976), respectively, whereas the number of traits is 4 rather than 5 for both Dunham et al. (1977) and Gillet and Schwab (1975). These corrections were made after a close inspection of the data given in the original articles. For example, there are only four traits that are common across methods in Dunham et al. (1977, p. 429), contrary to the description in the WCB (1989, p. 465) study. It should be noted that convergence failures were common when both method and trait factors were included in CFA models. Nevertheless, by judicious choices of starting values, we were able to achieve satisfactory solutions in most instances. The first thing to notice is that the CFA model with traits and methods fits most data sets well. This is shown in the last column in Table 1. Specifically, in 10 of 11 data sets, the CFA model explains the MTMM data quite well. It should be stressed here that this conclusion is based on an interpretation of the chi-square goodness-of-fit tests alone. Later we will scrutinize additional goodness-of-fit measures and other diagnostic criteria which make the interpretation problematic. Table 2 provides the chi-square difference tests based on comparison of two sets of nested models: Ml vs. M3 and M2 vs. M4. The comparison of Ml and M3 shows that the introduction of method factors significantly drops the chi-square value in each data set, indicating that meaningful improvements over the null models are achieved (see the first column in Table 2). The comparison of M2 and M4 also shows that the introduction of method factors provides significant improvements over the trait-only models for all data sets except Spector (1985). Notice that the two chi-square difference statistics are generally quite different in their magnitude (e.g., 1096.8 vs. 53.1 for Meier, 1984) with the same degrees of freedom. It is thus possible that the two chi-square difference tests can lead to different conclusions. Indeed, for Spector's (1985) data the comparison of Ml vs. M3

Assessing Method Variance 18 shows a significant chi-square difference test, whereas the comparison of M2 vs. M4 yields a nonsignificant chi-square difference test Insert Tables 1 & 2 about here Thus, a question arises: Which chi-square difference test should be used in order to assess method effects? We believe that the test should be based on the comparison of M2 and M4 for two reasons. The first reason stems from the definition of method variance. Campbell and Fiske (1959) defined method variance as variance attributable to measurement method rather than to the constructs of interest. This definition suggests that method variance refers to the variance that cannot be explained by traits but that is explained by methods. Second, the baseline model should be chosen from the set of meaningful models researchers already accept as valid (Sobel & Bohmstedt, 1985). In most MTMM matrices, the measures are not selected at random, but rather are systematically chosen in order to capture traits. These considerations imply that the trait-only model should be a baseline riodel for the chi-square difference tests. In sum, the chi-square difference tests suggest that method variance is significant in 10 of 11 cases. Next we examined the statistical significance of method factor loadings for individual measures. If a loading is greater than twice the value of its standard error, then it is judged to differ from zero. Since the method factor loading reflects the degree to which the observed measure is determined by the method factor, this test would indicate whether or not the variance due to the method factor is significant. The third column of Table 2 summarizes these results. The method factor loading was significant for 0 of 10 measures for Alderfer (1967) and both data sets in McCabe et al. (1980, 1 & 2), 0 of 8 measures for Gillet and Schwab (1975) and Pierce and Dunham (1978), 1 of 10 measures for Spector (1985), 5 of 10 measures for Johnson et al. (1982), 5 of 9 measures for Meier (1984), 7 of

Assessing Method Variance 19 8 measures for Sims et al. (1976), and 10 of 10 measures for Dunham et al. (1977) and Soutar and Weaver (1982). That is, none of the method factor loadings was significant for five data sets (i.e., Alderfer, 1967; Gillet & Schwab, 1975; McCabe et al., 1980 (1) & (2); Pierce & Dunham, 1978). For four data sets (Spector, 1985; Meier, 1984; Johnson et al., 1982; Sims et al., 1976), method factors were found to have significant effects for some of the measures employed in each study. In contrast, two studies (Dunham et al., 1977; Soutar & Weaver, 1982) showed that all the method effects were significant. Overall, in 5 out of 11 data sets half or more of the measures showed significant effects of method factors. Across these five studies, 78% (37/47) of the method factor loadings were significant We also examined the possibility that the nonsignificance of method loadings might be due to empirical underidentification or over-fitting (Kenny, 1979). For example, empirical underidentification can increase the standard errors of parameter estimates (Rindskopf, 1984), which may lead to the nonsignificance of method factor loadings. However, an inspection of the parameter estimates and their standard errors gives no indication of empirical underidentification or over-fitting.1 Another important consideration in assessing method effects is the interpretability of parameter estimates. Parameter estimates are inconsistent if they are highly unlikely or contradict what would be expected on the basis of theoretical or methodological reasoning. For example, if method effects are inconsistent in the sense of yielding both positive and negative loadings on the same method factor, they are typically uninterpretable.2 Browne (1984, p. 7) terms these "wastebasket parameters" to indicate that they are introduced to achieve a satisfactory goodness-of-fit but do not have a substantive interpretation (see also Kenny, 1979, p. 154). With respect to our reanalyses, the results showed that Sims et al. (1976) and Meier (1974) had 2 and 1 inconsistent loadings for method factors,

Assessing Method Variance 20 respectively, rendering method factors in these studies difficult to interpret. However, it should be noted that across these two studies 14 of 17 method factor loadings were consistent and 12 of 17 were significant. In sum, in five data sets (i.e., Dunham et al., 1977; Johnson et al., 1982; Meier 1984; Sims et al., 1976; Soutar & Weaver, 1982) most method factors (78%) showed statistically significant effects. These results suggest that method variance can often be significant; consistent with WCB (1989). In the other six data sets, however, many of the individual method loadings showed statistical nonsignificance. Spector (1987) concluded that there was little evidence of method variance (i.e., 1 of 10 studies), whereas WCB concluded that there was strong evidence of method variance (i.e., 9 of 1 1 data sets). Thus, the findings of our investigation suggest a conclusion somewhere between Spector's (1987) and WCB's (1989). So far, we have implicitly assumed that the CFA model is adequate for analyzing all the data sets. However, the assumed structure of the trait and method effects should be tested with various goodness-of-fit indicators for the CFA model. Table 3 summarizes a number of diagnostics for each data set. The chi-square test, adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI), and root mean squared residual (RMR) are overall measures of fit in the sense of expressing the discrepancy between the variance-covariance matrix implied by one's hypothesized model and the observed variance-covariance matrix. Two additional criteria can be examined in the evaluation of CFA solutions. First, the size of standardized residuals was examined. The standardized residuals are formed by taking the residuals from the observed and implied variance-covariance matrices and dividing these residuals by their asymptotic standard errors. "Each standardized residual can be interpreted as a standard normal deviate and considered 'large' if it exceeds the value 2.58 in absolute value" (Jotreskog & Sorbom, 1989, p. 32). Standardized residuals can be

Assessing Method Variance 21 obtained as an option on LISREL 7. The presence of large standardized residuals indicates that a significant amount of variance remains unexplained and that the model may be misspecified. A second procedure we used was an examination of each parameter for the presence of improper estimates. An improper estimate is one that is either illogical or outside the range of conventional acceptability. Negative error variances, correlations greater than 1.00, and standardized factor loadings greater than 1.00 are examples. Since improper estimates often result from model misspecifications (e.g., van Driel, 1978), they provide useful information about the adequacy of a model. Thus, the presence of large standardized residuals or improper estimates would indicate that the hypothesized model is not appropriate for the given data set. Only statistically significant anomalies were considered improper estimates in this study. For example, nonsignificant negative error variances were not counted as improper estimates since they could occur as a result of sampling errors. Similarly, we counted as inconsistent estimates only those that were statistically significant and opposite in sign to that expected. Nevertheless, it should be acknowledged that the presence of a significant number of nonsignificant error variances could point to model misspecification if no theoretical or methodological reason can be offered to explain their occurrence. Applying the above criteria to our analyses, we obtained the summary of results shown in Table 3. Notice first that the Dunham et al. (1977) analysis yielded an unsatisfactory goodness-of-fit based on the chi-square test (e.g., x2 (76) = 258.0, p <.001) and 91 large standardized residuals. The data of Gillet and Schwab (1975) showed a satisfactory chi-square statistic (i.e., x2 (5) = 6.1, p >.28), but revealed 6 large standardized residuals. All studies showed satisfactory levels of AGFI with the possible exception of the data in McCabe et al. (1980, 2) (AGFIs ranged from.87 to.97) and

Assessing Method Variance 22 satisfactory levels of RMR with the possible exception of the data in Dunham et al. (1977) (RMR values ranged from.01 to.08). No improper estimate was found for any of the data sets. On balance, we have reason to accept the CFA solutions for 9 of the 11 data sets. However, the analyses of the Dunham et al. (1977) and Gillet and Schwab (1975) give unsatisfactory goodness-of-fit Thus, we reject the hypothesis of linear, additive effects for methods as implied by the CFA for these two data sets. Next we examined whether the DPM is a viable alternative, especially for the two data sets not fitting the CFA pattern. Table 4 presents a summary of the findings for the DPM applied to each data set On the basis of the standard goodness-of-fit indicators, the DPM appears to fit the data of Gillet and Schwab (1975) and possibly Spector (1985). For example, the chi-square tests indicated an acceptable fit for these data sets: x2 (16) = 17.6, p >.30; x2 (28) = 40.9, p >.06, respectively. However, the Spector (1985) data revealed 6 large standardized residuals, suggesting a model specification error. In fact, an inspection of the standardized residuals reveals the presence of large values in 8 of the 11 DPM analyses. In addition, 4 improper estimates were found in the Alderfer (1967) analysis. Finally, one error message arose in the analysis of the McCabe et al. (1980, 2) data, suggesting that one parameter was unidentified. Because the parameter in question was in fact theoretically identified, it is likely that the message refers to empirical underidentification (Dillon, Kumar, & Mulani, 1987; Kenny, 1979; Rindskopf, 1984). In sum, when all the goodness-of-fit indicators and diagnostics are taken into account, the evidence supports the DPM for the data of Gillet and Schwab (1975), but not for any of the remaining 10 data sets. Table 5 presents the individual parameter estimates for the DPM analysis of the data in Gillet and Schwab (1975). Insert Tables 3, 4, & 5 about here

Assessing Method Variance 23 Examination of the parameter estimates in Table 5 reveals some useful information about the properties of trait and method factors. The trait correlation matrix PT can be easily retrieved from D1i. As expected, the elements of PT, the trait correlation coefficients corrected for attenuation, are larger than the original (observed) correlation coefficients (reported in the original Gillet and Schwab study). For instance, the disattenuated correlation between promotion and pay is.63, which is higher than the corresponding raw correlations (ranging from.34 to.55). However, PT reflects trends in the correlations among the observed measures. That is, the promotion-pay correlation is relatively large, while the promotion-coworkers and pay-coworkers correlations are small, consistent with the pattern in the original MTMM data. Similarly, the elements of PM can be examined. By use of the findings in Table 5, we found that the correlation between the two methods is.79. An important purpose of MTMM analyses is to assess the construct validity of measures. Thus, the convergent and discriminant validity were examined for each data set using both CFA models and DPMs. The convergent validity in the CFA model was first assessed by comparing hierarchically nested models (Schmitt & Stults, 1986; Widaman, 1985): Ml vs M2 and M3 vs. M4 (see Table 1). The comparison of Model 1 with Model 2 resulted in a significant chi-square difference in all studies, suggesting that the addition of trait factors to a null model resulted in a better fit. The comparison of Model 3 and Model 4 also yielded a significant chi-square difference in all the studies, indicating that the addition of trait factors improved the model fit significantly. We then examined the loadings in AT to gain information for the degree of convergent validity. The loadings for trait factors indicate trait-related variation in the measures, and the extent of trait variation reflects the magnitude of shared variation for two or more measures on a common factor. Within the context of CFA, this variation has

Assessing Method Variance 24 method and error variance removed from it. Trait variance thus yields a quantitative indicator of the degree of convergent validity. Convergent validity can be said to result when the trait factor loading on a measure of interest is statistically significant In Table 6, convergent validity in the above sense is achieved for most data sets. Specifically, the loadings for trait factors were significant 0 of 10 times for Alderfer (1967), 0 of 8 times for Gillet and Schwab (1975), 7 of 10 times for Soutar and Weaver (1982), 8 of 8 times for Pierce and Dunham (1978) and for Sims et al. (1976), 9 of 9 times for Meier (1984), 10 of 10 times for Johnson et al. (1982), for McCabe et al. (1980, 1 & 2), and for Spector (1985), and 16 of 16 times for Dunham et al. (1977). Overall, 81% of measures showed convergent validity across studies. In sum, two data sets failed to achieve convergent validity, one data set revealed mixed results, and eight data sets achieved convergent validity (see Table 7 for a summary). We should stress that this conclusion is based on the statistical significance of trait factor. loadings. It is possible that significant trait factor loadings can be low from a practical point of view. Insert Tables 6 & 7 about here We assessed discriminant validity by examining the correlations among traits and their standard errors under the CFA model. Discriminant validity among traits is achieved when an intertrait correlation is significantly different from 1.00 or when the chi-square difference test indicates that the two traits are not perfectly correlated (e.g., Schmitt & Stults, 1986; Widaman, 1985). Discriminant validity was established for all the measures of 7 data sets: Dunham et al. (1977), Johnson et al. (1982), McCabe et al. (1980, 1), McCabe et al. (1980, 2), Pierce and Dunham (1978), Spector (1985), and Sims et al. (1976). In contrast, discriminant validity was achieved 8 of 10 times for Alderfer (1967), 0 of 6 times for Gillet and Schwab (1975), 6 of 10 times for Soutar and Weaver (1982),

Assessing Method Variance 25 and 2 of 3 times for Meier (1984). The third column of Table 7 summarizes the results of these analyses. We also examined convergent and discriminant validity under the DPM using the criteria described earlier. Because the method correlation (i.e., r =.18) is small in Alderfer (1967), we conclude that convergent validity is not achieved. Because the method correlations are relatively large in all other studies, we conclude that convergent validity is achieved. Specifically, the average method correlation was.64 for Dunham et al. (1973),.79 for Gillet and Schwab (1975),.77 for Johnson et al. (1982),.98 for McCabe et al. (1980, 1 & 2),.94 for Soutar and Weaver (1982),.94 for Spector (1985),.83 for Pierce and Dunham (1978),.83 for Sims et al. (1976), and.94 for Meier (1984), respectively. The test of discriminant validity can be illustrated with the data of Alderfer (1967). The correlations among traits ranged from -.02 to.03, and are significantly less than unity, satisfying the first criterion of discriminant validity. The method correlation was.18, which was larger than any of the trait correlations, satisfying the second criterion. The third requirement was also met. Similarly, all the studies were evaluated in terms of these criteria. As the final column of Table 7 shows, the criteria for discriminant validity were met for all studies, except for Dunham et al. (1977).3 Discussion We have investigated the nature of method effects (i.e., additive or multiplicative) by comparing two alternative models: CFA and DPM. To gain a perspective into the issues, let us examine Table 7 summarizing the conclusions implied by the CFA and DPM analyses. The conclusions in the table are based on a full interpretation of goodness-of-fit measures, parameter estimates, and the other diagnostics mentioned earlier (cf. Tables 3 and 4). Looking first at the model fit criteria in the full sense, we see that neither the CFA nor DPM hypotheses fit the data of Dunham et al. (1977). The DPM, but not the CFA

Assessing Method Variance 26 model, fits the data of Gillet and Schwab (1975).4 In contrast, the CFA model, but not the DPM, fits all the other data sets. The results across studies tend to support the premise that MTMM data can be explained by either additive or multiplicative method effects, but not by both.5 Only the data in Dunham et al. (1977) failed to fit the models by either approach. Why was this? One explanation is methodological. Dunham et al. administered 41 scales to respondents with each scale containing many items. This might have induced fatigue and other biases, leading to the lack of a discernable structure in their data. If we were to have based our conclusions on model fit solely on the chi-square goodness-of-fit tests (cf. Tables 3 and 4), the CFA model would be accepted for Gillet and Schwab (1975), whereas the DPM would be accepted for Spector (1985). Aside from overlooking the anomalies noted in the Results section, the use of only the chi-square goodness-of-fit test thus leads to ambiguous and contradictory results for these data sets. We see the need for a careful examination of individual parameter estimates, standardized residuals, and the additional diagnostics noted earlier. If we examine the evidence for convergent and discriminant validity, we see that the CFA and DPM conclusions can be quite different (see Table 7). Consider, for example, the analyses of the data in Gillet and Schwab (1975). Here CFA points to a failure to achieve convergent and discriminant validity, whereas the DPM leads to a conclusion of satisfactory convergent and discriminant validity. Which conclusion should be made? Recall that the DPM gave a satisfactory fit to the data, whereas the CFA model was rejected From this perspective, more credence should be given to the conclusion from the DPM analysis. This result suggests that one should investigate the structure of method effects before assessing construct validity. To date, most analyses of MTMM matrices have been based on the assumption that effects of methods and traits are additive. As Campbell and O'Connell (1967, p. 424)

Assessing Method Variance 27 argued, the assumptions underlying the additive models of factor analysis have been untested. Researchers have invariably used factor analysis as the criterion to which the data should fit, never vice versa. However, analytical procedures should be chosen based upon the fit of the models (e.g., CFA or DPM) to the data. That is, the models should be tested against data, rather than merely assumed. Our analyses revealed that the multiplicative effects are plausible at least for some data, suggesting that more attention should be given to the DPM in MTMM analyses (see also Bagozzi & Yi, 1990). One potential limitation of the DPM might be noted. The DPM criterion for convergent validity requires that the method correlations be substantial. Notice that this is a composite indicator that implicitly takes into account the resultant convergence among multiple measures for each trait. The composite indicator does not identify the degree of convergent validity or point out which measure(s) is satisfactory or not The CFA criterion for convergent validity based on the amount of trait variance for each measure, suggested in this study, provides diagnostic information as to which of the measures achieve convergent validity. Such diagnostic results can aid researchers in item selection for future research (cf. Anderson & Gerbing, 1988). It thus appears that the DPM is less informative than the CFA model with respect to convergent validity. The primary focus of the current article was on the adequacy of the MTMM models baseon commonly accepted tstatistical criteria. We now turn to consideration of the practical relevance of the findings with particular emphasis on the nature of over-fitting. For each of the data sets, we computed noncentralized normed fit indices for a) the traitonly CFA model compared with the null model, b) the trait-method CFA model compared with the null model, and c) the trait-method CFA model compared with the trait-only CFA model. The first two indices give the proportion of total information accounted for by the trait-only and trait-method models, respectively, from a practical standpoint (e.g., Bentler

Assessing Method Variance 28 & Bonett, 1980; Mulaik et al., 1989). The third index provides an indication of the gain in goodness-of-fit when going from the trait-only to trait-method CFA model. In all three indices, the appropriate degrees of freedom are subtracted from their respective chi-square values to yield noncentralized estimates. The noncentralized normed fit indices remove the bias in small samples of the ordinary normed fit indices (e.g., McDonald & Marsh, 1990). Table 8 presents the findings for the application of the aforementioned noncentralized normed fit indices (NNFI) to the 11 data sets examined herein. Notice initially in the first column that NNFIs for the trait-only model are quite large for most data sets. This suggests that trait factors explain a substantial amount of information in the 11 data sets. An inspection of the second column shows that both trait and method factors explain virtually all the information in the data (except for Dunham et al., 1977). When we examine the increment in NNFIs when going from the trait-only to the trait-method CFA model (see columns 3 in Table 8), the values range from.01 to.12. Our analyses based on commonly accepted statistical criteria showed that method variance is significant for five of eleven data sets (see Table 2). In three of these five studies (i.e., Dunham et al., 1977; Johnson et al., 1982; Sims et al., 1976), the improvement in the NNFI value due to the addition of methods is larger than.05 (.09,.12, and.06, respectively). One might thus conclude that method variance is significant in both statistical and practical senses for these data sets if.05 value is used as a rule-of-thumb for practical significance. In fact, three other studies with nonsignificant method loadings (Alderfer, 1967; McCabe et al., 1980 (1); Pierce & Dunham, 1978) showed the NNFI increment larger than.05 (.11,.05, and.07, respectively). From this perspective, one could argue that method factors are important for these studies on the basis of the NNFI values (as well as the chi-square tests). However, it should be stressed that standards are lacking as to what constitutes a significant increment in NNFIs.

Assessing Method Variance 29 Insert Table 8 about here Some caveats of the present study are in order. The findings of this investigation might be limited in their generalizability, because they are based on empirical data sets in a selected research area (cf. Bagozzi & Yi, 1990). Caution is also needed in comparing the results across the studies examined, because they had different sample sizes. It has been shown that the sample size has significant effects on goodness-of-fit indicators such as AGFI and RMR (La Du & Tanaka, 1989; Marsh, Balla, & McDonald, 1988). It should also be mentioned that the rules suggested for assessing validity and practical significance are merely heuristics. In summary, this research indicates that the assessment of method variance in MTMM analyses is a complex process involving a number of criteria Our reanalyses of the data analyzed by Spector suggest that the conclusions stated by WCB (1989) could have been an artifact of their analytic procedure which was solely based on overall tests of fit. In the 10 studies on affect and perceptions at work, method variance is sometimes significant, but not as prevalent as WCB concluded. It is also found that method effects are sometimes multiplicative (though much less prevalently than Campbell and O'Connell suggested) rather than additive, so that the usual confirmatory factor analysis model is inappropriate. Thus, it seems necessary for researchers to consider alternative models (i.e., the CFA model and DPM) in analyzing MTMM matrices. Future research should be directed at determining the conditions under which each model is appropriate. One might conduct simulation studies to compare the performance of alternative models (i.e., CFA model and DPM) over a range of relevant factors. Such studies will give a better understanding of the consequences and implications of employing the improper model in analyzing MTMM data. One should also examine MTMM data in other substantive areas for the generalizability of the findings.

Assessing Method Variance 30 References Alderfer, C. (1967). Convergent and discriminant validation of satisfaction and desire measures by interviews and questionnaires. Journal of Applied Psychology, 51, 509-520. Anderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103. 411 -423. Bagozzi, R. P. (1980). Causal models in marketing. New York: Wiley. Bagozzi, R. P., & Yi, Y. (1990). On the analysis of multitrait-multimethod matrices in consumer research. Unpublished manuscript The University of Michigan. Bentler, P., & Bonett, D. (1980). Significance tests and goodness of fit in the analyses of covariance structures. Psychological Bulletin, 88, 588-606. Bentler, P., & Lee, S. (1978). Statistical aspects of a three-mode factor analysis model. Psychometrika, 43, 343-352. Bloxom, B. (1968). A note on invariance in three-mode factor analysis. Psychometrika, 23, 347-350. Browne, M. W. (1984). The decomposition of multitrait-multimethod matrices. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 22, 1-21. Browne, M. W. (1985). MUTMUM: Decomposition of multitrait-multimethod matrices. Unpublished manuscript University of South Africa, Pretoria. Browne, M. W. (1989). Relationships between an additive model and a multiplicative model for multitrait multimethod matrices. In R. Coppi & S. Bolasco (Eds.), Multiway data analysis (pp. 507-520). Amsterdam: North-Holland. Campbell, D. T., & Fiske, D. (1959). Convergent and discriminant validation by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Psychological Bulletin, 56, 81-105.

Assessing Method Variance 31 Campbell, D. T., & O'Connell, E. J. (1967). Methods factors in multitrait-multimethod matrices: Multiplicative rather than additive? Mulivariate Behavioral Research, 2, 409-426. Campbell, D. T., & O'Connell, E. J. (1982). Methods as diluting trait relationships rather than adding irrelevant systematic variance. In D. Brinberg & L. Kidder (Eds.), Forms of validity (pp. 93-111). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Cudeck, R. (1988). Multiplicative models and MTMM matrices. Journal of Educational Statistics, 13, 131-147. Cudeck, R., & Browne, M. W. (1983). Cross-validation of covariance structures. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 18, 147-167. Dillon, W. R., Kumar, A., & Mulani, N. (1987). Offending estimates in covariance structure analysis: Comments on the causes of and solutions to Heywood cases. Psychological Bulletin, 101 126-135. Dunham, R., Smith, F., & Blackburn, R. (1977). Validation of the Index of Organizational Reactions with the JDI, the MSQ, and the Faces scales. Academy of Management Journal, 2Q, 420-432. Gillet, B., & Schwab, D. (1975). Convergent and discriminant validities of corresponding Job Descriptive Index and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire scales. Journal of Applied Psychology. 6Q, 313-317. Johnson, S., Smith, P., & Tucker, S. (1982). Response format of the Job Descriptive Index: Assessment of reliability and validity by the multitrait-multimethod matrix. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67, 500-505. Joreskog, K. G. (1974). Analyzing psychological data by structural analysis of covariance matrices. In R. C. Atkinson, D. H. Krantz, R. D. Luce, & P. Suppes (Eds.),

Assessing Method Variance 32 Contemporary developments in mathematical psychology, Vol. 2 (pp. 1-56). San Francisco: Freeman. Joreskog, K. G, & Sorbom, D. (1989). LISREL 7: A guide to the programand applications (2nd ed.). Chicago: SPSS, Inc. Kenny, D. A. (1979). Correlation and causality. New York: Wiley. La Du, T. J., & Tanaka, J. S. (1989). Influence of sample size, estimation method, and model specification on goodness-of-fit assessments in structural equation models. Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 625-635. Marsh, H. W., Balla, J. R., & McDonald, R. P. (1988). Goodness-of-fit indexes in confirmatory factor analysis: The effect of sample size. Psychological Bulletin, 103. 391-410. Marsh, H. W., & Hocevar, D. (1988). A new, more powerful approach to multitraitmultimethod analyses: Application of second-order factor analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, f, 107-117. McCabe, D., Dalessio, A., Briga, J., & Sasaki, J. (1980). The convergent and discriminant validities between the IOR and the JDI: English and Spanish forms. Academy of Management Journal, 23, 778-786. McDonald, R. P., & Marsh, H. W. (1990). Choosing a multivariate model: Noncentrality and goodness-of-fit. Psychological Bulletin, in press. Meier, S. (1984). The construct validity of burnout. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 2, 211-219. Mulaik, S. A., James, L. R., Van Alstine, J., Bennett, N., Lind, S., & Stilwell, C. D. (1989). Evaluation of goodness-of-fit indices for structural equation models. Psvchological Bulletin, 105, 430-445.

Assessing Method Variance 33 Pierce, J., & Dunham, R. (1978). The measurement of perceived job characteristics: The Job Diagnostic Survey versus the Job Characteristics Inventory. Academy of Management Journal, 21,123-128. Rindskopf, D. (1984). Structural equation models: Empirical identification, Heywood cases and related problems. Sociological Methods & Research, 12, 109-119. Satorra, A., & Saris, W. E. (1985). Power of the likelihood ratio test in covariance structure analysis. Psychometrika, 5Q, 83-90. Schmitt, N., Coyle, B. W., & Saari, B. (1977). A review and critique of analyses of multitrait-multimethod matrices. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 12, 447-478. Schmitt, N., & Stults, D. N. (1986). Methodology review: Analysis of multitraitmultimethod matrices. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1, 1-22. Searle, S. R. (1982). Matrix algebra useful for statistics. New York: Wiley. Sims, H., Szilagyai, A., & Keller, R. (1976). The measurement of job characteristics. Academy of Management Journal, 19, 195-212. Sobel, M. E., & Bohrnstedt, G. W. (1985). Use of null models in evaluating the fit of covariance structure models. In N. Tuma (Ed.), Sociological methodology 1985 (pp. 152-178). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Soutar, G., & Weaver, J. (1982). The measurement of shop-floor job satisfaction: The convergent and discriminant validity of the Worker Opinion Survey. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 55, 27-33. Spector, P. (1985). Measurement of human service staff satisfaction: Development of the Job Satisfaction Survey. American Journal of Community Psychology, 13, 693 -213. Spector, P. (1987). Method variance as an artifact in self-reported affect and perceptions at work: Myth or significant problem? Journal of Applied Psychology, 2, 438-443.

Assessing Method Variance 34 Tucker, L. R. (1966). Some mathematical notes on three-mode factor analysis. Psychometrika, 2L 279-311. van Driel, O. P. (1978). On various causes of improper solutions of maximum likelihood factor analysis. Psychometrika, 43, 225-243. Werts, C. E., Joreskog, K. G., & Linn, R. L. (1972). A multitrait-multimethod model for studying growth. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 32, 655-678. Widaman, K F. (1985). Hierarchically nested covariance structure models for multitraitmultimethod data. Applied Psychological Measurement. 2, 1-26. Williams, L. J., Cote, J. A., & Buckley, M. R. (1989). Lack of method variance in selfreported affect and perceptions at work: Reality or artifact? Journal of Applied Psychology, 74, 462-468. Wothke, W., & Browne, M. W. (1990). The direct product model for the MTMM matrix parameterised as a second order factor analysis model. Psvchometrika, in press.

Assessing Method Variance 35 Appendix The following is an input program specification of the direct product model for the data in Gillet and Schwab (1975). Tide Direct Product Model for the Gillet and Swab Data DA NI=8 NO=273 MA=KM [data] MO NY=8 NE=8 NK=16 LY=DI, FR GA=FU,FR PH=SYFR PS=ZE BE=ZE, TE=ZE ST.8LY 1-LY8 EQLY 1 LY5 PAGA 0000000010000000 0000000001000000 0000000000100000 0000000000010000 1000100000001000 0100010000000100 0010001000000010 0001000100000001 MA GA 1000000010000000 0100000001000000 0010000000100000 0001000000010000 1000100000001000 0100010000000100 0010001000000010 0001000100000001 EQGA51 GA62GA73GA84 EQGA 55 GA 6 6 GA77 GA 8 8 FIGA 1 9GA 2 10GA 3 11 GA4 12

Assessing Method Variance 36 EQ GA 5 13 GA 6 14 GA 7 15 GA 8 16 PA PH 0 10 1 10 1110 00000 000-010 0000110 00001110 000000001 000000001 00000000001 000000000001 0000000000001 00000000000001 000000000000001 0000000000000001 MA PH 1.5 1.5.5 1 00001 0000.51 0000.5.5 1 000 1 00000000.2 000000000.2 0000000000.2 00000000000.2 000000000000.2

Assessing Method Variance 37 0000000000000.2 00000000000000.2 000000000000000.2 EQ PH 2 1PH 65 EQPH3 1PH75 EQPH4 1 PH 85 EQ PH 3 2 PH 7 6 EQ PH 4 2 PH 8 6 EQ PH 43 PH 87 EQPH99PH13 13 EQPH 1010 PH 1414 EQPH11 11PH15 15 EQ PH 12 12 PH 1616 OU NS SS TV RS ND=4 AD=5000

Assessing Method Variance 38 Author Notes We would like to thank the Editor and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on the previous versions of this article. The financial assistance of The University of Michigan Business School is also gratefully acknowledged. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Richard P. Bagozzi or Youjae Yi, The University of Michigan, School of Business Administration, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234. `"-~-~"I --- —— " —-""-''x'- - -------— ~-~ --------- ------— ~ ---— ~ --- —-------— ~1-~1-1~--- —1

Assessing Method Variance 39 Footnotes 1 We thank two anonymous reviewers for suggesting these ideas. Also, a third reviewer pointed out that the difference in conclusions for the test of overall versus individual method effects may reflect the properties of the chi-square statistic and its degrees of freedom. For example, a chi-square value of 3 with 1 degree of freedom is not significant. But if this chi-square value were tested together with another value (an omnibus chi-square test of 6 with 2 degrees of freedom), it would be considered significant 2 A reviewer suggested that negative as well as positive loadings on the method factor could occur, if organizational informants were employed as methods. Presumably this could reflect systematic biases from multiple informants in a manner leading to opposite effects on each measurement. For example, if two informants from each of a set of organizations provided information on each measurement in a MTMM design and the responses were systematically influenced in opposite ways (e.g., due to differences in knowledge, position in hierarchy, vested interest, power, etc.), negative and positive loadings could occur across items on a method factor. 3 Since no standard errors were available in McCabe et al. (1980, 2) because of the empirical underidentification problem, the first criterion could not be tested statistically. But the size of the correlations (.40 to.76) suggested that they all are most likely lower than unity and thus probably satisfy the first criterion. 4 It should be noted that a convergence failure occurred for the CFA model (with two method factors) in this data set On the other hand, an alternative model hypothesizing only one method factor yielded converging solutions with a satisfactory fit. The results suggest that over-fitting might be a problem for the CFA model in this data set.

Assessing Method Variance 40 5 The findings for the DPM applied to the data of Meier (1984) might be interpreted as supporting the model, thus implying that both the CFA model and DPM fit the data. However, although no standardized residuals were significant and all other parameter estimates pointed to an acceptable DPM fit, the chi-square test suggested a poor fit. Thus, the evidence is mixed for accepting the DPM in the case of the data of Meier (1984). When it is not possible to differentiate between the CFA and DPM analyses for a particular data set on the basis of the criteria scrutinized herein, the researcher might wish to apply crossvalidation and penalty functions (e.g., Cudeck & Browne, 1983). We acknowledge that, while unlikely, it is possible for both the CFA model and DPM to fit a particular data set (cf. Bagozzi & Yi, 1990). — ---II'-"~"c —cl- ---*11-` — ---------— ~ ----~~ ---~ —~ --- —-— ~ ~ —~ --- —---— .3.r. —..-~I

Assessing Method Variance 41 Table 1 Rsults of Confimator Factor Analysis of MTMM Matrices Applied to Data Summarized in Spector (19872 M4 Method M1 Null M2 Trait M3 Method & Trait Study x2(df ) X2(df) X2(df ) 2 (df ) Alderfer, 1967 260.8* (45) 46.2* (25) 119.2* (34) 12.9 (14) (n=11, T = 5, M = 2) Dunham, Smith, & Blackburn,1977 6799.7*(120) 1850.1*(98) 2659.6*(98) 1258.0*(76) (n = 622, T = 4, M = 4) Gillet & Schwab, 1975 710.1* (28) 39.2* (14) 259.4* (19) 6.1 (5) (n = 273, T = 4, M = 2) Johnson, Smith, & Tucker, 1982 528.3* (45) 77.1* (25) 204.5* (34) 10.4 (14) (n = 100, T =5, M =2) McCabe et al., 1980 (1) 774.8* (45) 50.5* (25) 435.0* (34) 6.5 (14) (n = 82, T = 5, M = 2) McCabe et al., 1980 (2) 926.2* (45) 34.6 (25) 376.9* (34) 13.9 (14) (n = 82, T = 5, M = 2) Soutar & Weaver, 1982 1264.2* (45) 48.7* (25) 199.8* (34) 13.0 (14) (n = 242, T = 5, M = 2) Spector, 1985 485.7* (45) 25.6 (25) 218.4* (34) 10.4 (14) (n = 102, T = 5, M = 2) Pierce & Dunham, 1978 682.9* (28) 58.9* (14) 214.5* (19) 2.6 (5) (n = 155, T = 4, M = 2) Sims, Szilagyi, & Keller, 1976 1082.4* (28) 78.6* (14) 259.7* (19) 11.5 (6) (n = 723, T = 4, M = 2) Meier, 1984 1682.3* (36) 64.8* (24) 585.4* (24) 11.7 (12) (n = 320, T = 3, M = 3) Note. T = number of trait factors; M = number of method factors. * p <.05. fr_ _ _

Assessing Method Variance 42 Table 2 Results of the Assessment of Method Variance in Confirmator Factor Analyses M1 vs. M3 M2 vs. M4 Number of Number of significant inconsistent method factor method factor Study d2(df) Xd2(df) loadings loadings Alderfer, 1967 141.6* (11) 33.2* (11) 0/10 0 Dunham et al., 1977 4140.1* (22) 1592.0* (22) 10/10 0 Gillet & Schwab, 1975 450.7* (9) 33.1* (9) 0/8 0 Johnson et al., 1982 323.8* (11) 66.7* (11) 5/10 0 McCabe et al., 1980 (1) 339.8* (11) 44.0* (11) 0/10 0 McCabe et al., 1980 (2) 549.3* (11) 20.7* (11) 0/10 0 Soutar& Weaver, 1982 1064.4* (11) 35.7* (11) 10/10 0 Spector, 1985 267.3* (11) 15.2 (11) 1/10 0 Pierce& Dunham, 1978 468.4* (9) 56.4* (9) 0/8 0 Sims et al., 1976 822.7* (9) 67.1* (9) 7/8 2 Meier, 1984 1096.8* (12) 53.1* (12) 5/9 1 * p <.05.

Assessing Method Variance 43 Table 3 Summary of Goodness-of-Fit Measures for Confirmatory Factor Analysis Models X2(df) p AGFI RMR Number Number of of large improper standardized estimates Study residuals Alderfer, 1967 12.94 (14).53.91.06 0 0 Dunham et al., 1977 258.0 (76).00.92.08 91 0 Gillet & Schwab, 1975 6.1 (5).29.96.02 6 0 Johnson et al., 1982 10.4 (14).73.92.03 0 0 McCabe et al., 1980 (1) 6.5 (14).95.94.02 0 0 McCabe et al., 1980 (2) 13.9 (14).46.87.02 0 0 Soutar & Weaver, 1982 13.0 (14).53.96.02 0 0 Spector, 1985 10.4 (14).73.93.03 0 0 Pierce & Dunham, 1978 2.58 (5).76.97.01 0 0 Sims et al., 1976 11.5 (6).07.98.01 0 0 Meier, 1984 11.7 (12).47.97.02 0 0 I

Assessing Method Variance 44 Table 4 Summary of Goodness-of-Fit Measures for Direct Product Models X2(df) p AGFI RMR Number of Number of large improper standardized estimates Study residuals Alderfer, 1967 50.1 (28).01.82.12 6 4 Dunham et al., 1977 465.2 (101).00.89.08 46 0 Gillet & Schwab, 1975 17.6 (16).30.96.04 0 0 Johnson et al., 1982 44.3 (28).03.85.07 4 0 McCabe et al., 1980 (1) 52.7 (28).00.80.05 3 0 McCabe et al., 1980 (2) 42.7 (28).04.82.02 0 0 Soutar & Weaver, 1982 53.8 (28).00.92.04 11 0 Spector, 1985 40.9 (28).06.86.07 6 0 Pierce & Dunham, 1978 33.3 (16).01.89.06 1 0 Sims et al., 1976 92.4 (16).00.93.05 15 0 Meier, 1984 49.3 (25).00.94.03 0 0

Assessing Method Variance 45 Table 5 Parameter Estimates for the Direct Product Model Analysis of the Data in Gillet & Schwab (1975) Trait-Method Z EM1/2~It CM e It (A) (2) (i)) Promotion-MSQ.91 1.00 Pay-MSQ.92 1.00.00 Co-workers-MSQ.91 Supervision-MSQ.97 Promotion-JDI.91 Pay-JDI.93 Co-workers-JDI.87 Supervision-JDI 1.09 Trait-Method Im PT Im O ET (C1) Q(F2) Promotion-MSQ 1.00.18 Pay-MSQ.63 1.00.17 Co-workers-MSQ.20.17 1.00.23 Supervision-MSQ.49.36.37 1.00 (symmretric).05 Promotion-JDI. 1.00.18 Pay-JDI. 1.00.17 Co-workers-JDI. 1.00.23 Supervision-JDI. 1.00.05

Assessing Method Variance 46 Table 6 Results of the Assessment of Convergent Validity in Confirmatory Factor Analyses M1 vs..M2 M3 vs. M4 Number of Number of significant inconsistent trait factor trait factor Study Xd2(df) d2(df) loadings loadings Alderfer, 1967 214.6* (20) 106.3* (11) 0/10 0 Dunham et al., 1977 4949.6* (22) 2401.5* (22) 16/16 0 Gillet & Schwab, 1975 670.9* (14) 253.3* (14) 0/8 0 Johnson et al., 1982 451.2* (20) 194.1* (20) 10/10 0 McCabe et al., 1980 (1) 724.3* (20) 428.5* (20) 10/10 0 McCabe et al., 1980 (2) 891.6* (20) 363.0* (20) 10/10 0 Soutar& Weaver, 1982 1215.5* (20) 186.8* (11) 7/10 0 Spector, 1985 460.1* (20) 208.0* (20) 10/10 0 Pierce & Dunham, 1978 623.9* (14) 211.9* (14) 8/8 0 Sims et al., 1976 1003.8* (14) 248.2* (14) 8/8 0 Meier, 1984 1617.4* (12) 573.7* (12) 9/9 0 * p <.05.

Assessing Method Variance 47 Table 7 ualitative Summary of Findings Across Studies Confirmatory factor analysis Direct product model Model Conv. Discr. Model Conv. Discr. Study fit validity validity fit validity validity Alderfer, 1967 Accept Fail Mixed Reject Fail Pass Dunham et al., 1977 Reject Pass Pass Reject Pass Fail Gillet & Schwab, 1975 Reject Fail Fail Accept Pass Pass Johnson et al., 1982 Accept Pass Pass Reject Pass Pass McCabe et al., 1980 (1) Accept Pass Pass Reject Pass Pass McCabe et al., 1980 (2) Accept Pass Pass Accept Pass Pass Soutar & Weaver, 1982 Accept Mixed Mixed Reject Pass Pass Spector, 1985 Accept Pass Pass Reject Pass Pass Pierce & Dunham, 1978 Accept Pass Pass Reject. Pass Pass Sims et al., 1976 Accept Pass Pass Reject Pass Pass Meier, 1984 Accept Pass Mixed Reject Pass Pass Note. The qualitative conclusions summarized here should be interpreted, and tempered if necessary, in conjunction with the findings for goodness-of-fit of models and other diagnostics as discussed in the text.

Assessing Method Variance 48 Table 8 Results for Testing the Overfitting Hypothesis by Use of the Noncentralized Normed Fit Index Study Trait-only model Trait-method model Trait-method model compared with compared with compared with the null model the null model the trait-only model Alderfer, 1967.90 1.00.11 Dunham et al., 1977.74.82.09 Gillet & Schwab, 1975.96 1.00.04 Johnson et al., 1982.89 1.01.12 McCabe et al., 1980 (1).97 1.01.05 McCabe et al., 1980 (2).99 1.00.01 Soutar & Weaver, 1982.98 1.00.02 Spector, 1985 1.00 1.01.01 Pierce & Dunham, 1978.93 1.00.07 Sims et al., 1976.94.99.06 Meier, 1984.98 1.00.02

Assessing Method Variance 49 Figure Caption Figure 1. An illustration of the confirmatory factor analysis model for MTMM designs with three traits and three methods.
