Division of Research School of Business Administration March 1988 47 THE ADAPTIVE MAN-MACHINE NON-ARITHMETIC INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEM REVISITED: A PRIVATE DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL SYSTEM TO FACILITATE QUERY REFINEMENT Working Paper #556 Manfred Kochen Choon Y. Lee Christopher Westland The University of Michigan FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY None of this material is to be quoted or reproduced without the expressed permission of the Division of Research Copyright 1988 University of Michigan School of Business Administration Ann Arbor Michigan 48109

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TE ADAP'T ti MA-V MA-GLCHINE tsoN-ARITJTHlI-C JWFORMATION PROCE$STSe SySTEM REILSrIEe): A PRIVATE DOCUrMENT RETRIEVAL SYSTEM TO FACILITATE QUERY REFINEMENT Mlanfred Kochen, Choon Y. Lee, and Chris Westland School of Business Administration The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109 1. INTRODUCTION AMNIPS, an acronym with the first letters of the system named in the title of this paper, was developed in 1960-3 at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown as the main project of the information retrieval research program, headed by the first author. Other members of the project were E. Wong, H. Bohnert, C. Abraham, P. Reisner, D. Reich and F. Blair, with M. M. Flood serving as consultant. The original stimulus for the idea underlying AMNIPS came from a paper by Mary Stevens [1959]. AMNIPS was also influenced by a synthesis of ideas in artificial intelligence (Kochen [1960]), in which for the first time knowledge representa-tion issues were articulated and emphasized. The system had been partially implemented by 1962 and was presented at a conference at that time (Kochen [1962], Kochen, et al., 1962]). Further elaborations were reported later (Kochen [1965]). The central idea was to represent some of an individual's knowledge about a topic at a specified time by sentences of the form "name-predicatename." "Non-arithmetic" in AMNIPS would today be called "symbolic." The predicates are all 2-place predicates selected by the system's document database (DDB) indexer, and so are the names. With the addition of variables, negation, conjunction and quantifiers, the set of possible sentences thus form a primitive, formal language, or an applied first-order predicate calculus with a time-varying terminal vocabulary. Its intended use was to extend its user's memory so as to help him with inferential reasoning and experiencemodulated belief formation, recall, assimilation of new knowledge, and recognition of what he does not know, manifested as question-asking and queryclarification. It is an aspect of this latter function, focused more sharply on document retrieval, that we address here. First, we will analyze AMNIPS in relation to some of the work in this area since 1962. Then we propose an extension of AMNIPS aimed at facilitating document based information retrieval (IR) by a user who does not know that content or objectives of the knowledge base about the document collection and who cannot at first accurately and clearly articulate his own information needs. Last, we show how such a system increases recall, precision and controls information overload. 2. USING AMNIPS AS A RELATIONAL KNOWLEDGE BASE MANAGER WITH INFERENTIAL CAPABILITIES Figure 1 presents a schematic of a typical IR system incorporating a knowledge base. The knowledge base represents DDB information content and

concept linkages in a highly corrpressed form. This research investigates the use of AMNIPS as an "inference engine" to automatically infer the user's actual information needs given the user's stated needs intersected with the limits of the database content as reflected in the knowledge base. At the same time, it performs as a relational knowledge base manager. User Search New Documents 4 Koc't 4 Doc't 5 DOB Subsystem Figure 1: Schematic of a Generic Information Retrieval System Numerous problems in business require the retrieval of information to satisfy poorly articulated requests. In a manufacturing business, production must continually respond to poorly understood and somewhat fickle market needs. In a professional business, e.g., medicine, accounting, or law, the professional is often required to make recommendations based on the professional's understanding of an extensive body of knowledge, in response to poorly articulated client needs. No professional can consistently keep current with even a fraction of the available knowledge in his field; thus automation of information retrieval is needed, The AMNIPS algorithm has been adopted for this research because (1) it provides a simple inference engine, (2) it has been implemented in a "growing thesaurus" at IBM (Reisner [1965], Sandstrom, [1986]), and thus has been shown to be "practical," (3) it can represent the important concepts of "for some {argument}" and "for all (arguments)" (Woods [1975, p. 73]), and (4) it is representable to Church's lambda notation, which allows for extension to enrich the expressive capability of the language, and is suitable for LISP, PROLOG or other AI language processing. AMNIPS stores the knowledge of the DDB indexer, and combines it with the user's request to infer "concepts." The system's knowledge base may be expanded as the indexer assimilates new knowledge and the semantic network (SN) grows. Applied to documrent IR, the system

setts richer 0s thle DDB accumulates more docut.wjnts. In a sense, AMNItS is a simullated mirror of the indexer's conceptual knowledge about DDB documents. The system supports a user by extending his human limitations on storage, recall and knowledge of DDB content. The information stored in the system does not decay and is recalled in exactly the form in which it originally updated the DDB. Current research in statistical semantics may shed light on this area (Furnas, et al. [1983], Daniels [1986]) and shows the possibility for improving document retrieval by calculating simple statistical associations between an AMNIPS database and a general document database. This approach to document IR is somewhat different from what is generally called intelligent document retrieval (Heine [1986]), which tries to simulate the expertise of a human intermediary, i.e., the librarian. The two part predicate structure of AMNIPS defines a semantic net that provides information concerning (1) existence of correlation between keywords, (2) directionality, and (3) type of relationship. For example, the relationship " is owned by _ " tells us that (1) we have an ownership relationship (vs., e.g., a causal relationship, or an attribute description) between the object and the subject, and (2) ownership has direction from the object to the subject. The subject and the direct object are individual names. The directionality of the predicate relation controls the construction of the SN. Unidirectional relations allow for the creation of hierarchies of "concepts." The SN processing returns lists of keyword values (which may be nouns, values, adjectives, and so forth) which reflect the logical intersection of user's information needs and information content on the DDB. To fix ideas, consider a particular document based information retrieval system user with a personal document collection, DDB, who has at any time in his memory (primarily long-term) knowledge that he uses in recalling and retrieving items from the DDB when he needs them. Of course, the DDB and this memory are always changing. A snapshot of a tiny sample of the user's memory content, represented in AMNIPS language, is illustrated as a planar graph shown in Figure 2. One brief summary of this structure is that Chris Date (N1), the author of a widely purchased text (N2), is presenting a seminar that covers the relational model' (N12) in the next six months (N11). Since two-place relations are very limiting, to express such relations as when a predicate like sales volume applies, sentences, such as (N2, R3, N4) are named, e.g., S1 (upper right of Figure 2) and then inserted into the slots of other relations, e.g., R4. This can be iterated, as for S2 and S3. The predicates can, themselves, serve as names. Certain predicates, such as "is another name for", could be specified to be symmetric. Nearly every predicate has an inverse, such as " is authored by " as the inverse of R1; a symmetric predicate is identical to its inverse. Other predicates, such as R12, can be specified to be transitive, so that (N9, R12, N14) can be immediately deduced completing the triangle with the dotted line at the lower right of Figure 2. If there are enough sentences like S1 and (N1, R1, N2), and so forth, in the knowledge base, AMNIPS can form inductive inferences like "all authors of popular books on databases are members of institutions located in California". In the context of Figure 2, "popular" must also have been related to sales of 225,000, "institutions" to "The Relational Institute" and "databases" to "The Relational Model". AMNIPS-based document IR systems are not intended to support the organi zation of new documents. This must be the function of the indexer's judgment. This deficiency of AMNIPS is overcome by linking it with a general document retrieval system, which contains new documents and supports multiple users. Assume that a set of documents exists in both systems: AMNIPS represents the

indexer's interpretation of the documents but a represents the interpretation of a user group. tual gap between the indexer and the user group. general retrieval system The difference is the concepAMNIPS captures the 3 I'l Ni -- - --- -- R |^~~~Li N? IR3 Legend: N1: Date, C. J. N2: ISBN: N3: An Introd. to DB Systems N4: 225000 N5: 1986 N6: C&DCG N7: Codd, E. F. N8: Ted Codd N9: The Relational Institute N10:TRI Seminars N11:January-June 1987 N12:The Relational Model N13:San Jose, California N14:Sample of a Knowledge Base R1: is the author of R2: is the title of R3: is the nr. of copies sold of R4: _ as of year R5: is a member of R6: is another name for R7: is the president of R8: presents R9: during the period R10: about R11: by R12: is located in Sample of a Knowledge Base Figure 2 conceptual difference, modifies the user's document retrieval query, and feeds it into the general system. 3. THE USE OF AMNIPS IN A DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL SYSTEM Figure 1 depicts IR system-user interaction as an option on the document-search interface; i.e., the system may either use its suggested lists

t of index terns to actually identify documents for retrieval, or it may return these lists to the user for his approval, and perhaps, modification. The interface is the IR system's automated librarian (AL), and offers the capability of user approval and modification of suggested requests, i.e., through user machine interaction. Interaction allows the user to refine and more clearly articulate his information needs, and it allows the IR search subsystem (via its knowledge base) to inform the user about information available on the DDB. The AMNIPS "concept" list provides the document suggestions. The following sort of display for a database of Bread Recipe documents, on a recipes database, would be typical: User's Term Related Terms # of Documents Flour Flour 32 Corn Meal 9 Oat Meal 7 Sugar Sugar 58 Honey 12 Aspartame 2 Total Distinct Documents 92 Figure 3: Simulated CRT Display In a typical IR session, the user submits a request (with the intention In a typical IR session, the user submits a request (with the intention of retrieving quick bread receipts) [{N.}; {R.}], e.g., [Flour, Sugar}' { ____ is ingredient with quick bread})], andJthe automated librarian responds with [{N'.' R'.}], e.g., [{Flour, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Sugar, Honey, Aspartame; { ( is ingredient in quick bread}], representing "deep structure" concepts of {Mealy, Sweet}. The number of receipt documents containing the particular ingredient is indicated on the display. The user responds by selecting the suggested terms that are relevant to his real needs. Each iteration instructs the user on the content of the database. The effectiveness of this approach is suggested in Furnas, et al. [1983] and in the conclusion of Wang, Vanderdorpe, and Even [1985], along with the suggestion that at any iteration, the list of keywords be kept relatively short. As soon as the user completes the selection of term values, the automated librarian can again respond with suggestions, and the iterations can continue until the volume of documents falls below the "overload" limit. 4. HOW AMNIPS IMPROVES IR EFFECTIVENESS The problem facing designers of IR system is how to devise an information retrieval system that allows an IR system's user to most effectively retrieve documents relevant to his request. Users are assumed not to know the content of the document database, nor are they assumed to be able to accurately articulate their true information needs. Effective retrieval is determined by the standard performance measures of:

-— Precision, which should be,axim-rized - -Recall, which should be maximized — Requestors overload threshhold, which should not be exceeded, and which is determined by user's bounded rationality and motivation. Achievement of good Recall and Overload performance may be mutually incompatible. AMNIPS stores the knowledge of an indexer of the DDB, and tries to form concepts from this knowledge set. The system's knowledge base is expanded as an indexer assimilates new knowledge and as the DDB grows. Applied to document retrieval, the system gets richer an indexer gets more documents in his personal library. AMNIPS does not contain information about a document that has not been perused by an indexer. In this sense, AMNIPS is a simulated mirror of an individual's conceptual knowledge about his documents. The system supports a user by extending human limitations on storage and recall of information. The information stored in the system does not decay; it is recalled with perfect precision. This kind of approach for to document retrieval is quite different from what is generally called intelligent document retrieval. The automatic keyword list extension offered by AMNIPS provides the basic vehicle by which recall effectiveness is improved in the IR systems. As more related keywords are added to the list, the probability of retrieving relevant documents increases. Unfortunately, this occurs at the expense of precision and user overload. Control of precision and overload is accomplished in AMNIPS (1) by allowing interaction, to more closely identify the user's actual information needs to the IR system and (2) by carefully constructing a semantic net of index keywords and their relations. Each user request iteration allows AMNIPS to intersect more and more information (keywords and "concepts" from the query and the knowledge base) to elicit the user's actual information needs. The use of predicate relationships of even a few types (e.g., 10-20) has been shown by Fox [1981] to greatly enrich the explanatory power of SNs and to improve IR effectiveness. AMNIPS automates this explanatory power to control precision and recall.

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