THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE ANN ARBOR ENGiNLE'' C LJ? RARY APPLICATIONS OF SIGNAL DETECTABILITY THEORY TO PSYCHOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: A BIBLIOGRAPHY Technical Memorandum No. 79 Electronic Defense Group Department of Electrical Engineering By: C. D. Creelman Approved by: __.__,_ W. P. Tanner, Jr. AFCCDD TN 60-14 Contract No. AF19(604)-2277 Operational Applications Laboratory Air Force Cambridge Research Center Air Research and Development Conrotnd June 1960

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. BOOKS I 3. ARTICLES 3 4. ABSTRACTS (of papers read at technical society meetings) 7 5. TECHNICAL REPORTS 9 iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Errors and omissions in an earlier draft were brought to my attention by W. P. Tanner, Jr., J. P. Egan, J. A. Swets, and I. Pollack. Dr. Tanner provided needed encouragement in what turned out to be much more of an undertaking than originally anticipated. iv

APPLICATIONS OF SIGNAL DETECTABILITY THEORY TO PSYCHOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: A BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. INTRODUCTION The recent rapid growth of research. in signal detectability theory has stimulated an increasing interest in this approach to the problems of psychophysics and human decision-making. A rough count as an index of research activity shows more bibliography entries for 1959 than for the five years, 1950-54 inclusive. The present bibliography is an attempt to bring together references to current research and theoretical efforts, mathematical foundations, and work in related areas. It was originally put together for the participants in a tutorial conference on signal detectability theory held in Tucson, Arizona, in January, 1960. It might be considered a quick catching of breath and a look over the shoulder, for the pace promises to quicken. The bibliography is divided into four main sections. The first lists books, handbook chapters, and chapters in symposia which are concerned with detectability theory, and which are enclosed in hard covers. This is followed by the most important section which lists papers which have appeared in technical journals. These include theoretical as well as empirical contributions. Because of the importance of current work, references to abstracts of papers presented at professional

meetings are included in a third section. Many appear as later dated entries in the list of journal articles. The final section is devoted to technical reports and memoranda of limited circulation. A number of important papers are unfortunately available only in this form. Many of these can be obtained through the Armed Services Technical Information Agency. An attempt was made to give complete coverage of psychophysical studies conducted within, or related to, the framework of signal detectability theory. Much of this research has its roots in a background of mathematical and statistical theory related to engineering problems in signal detection. Important and representative references to this background are included with no attempt at completeness. 2. BOOKS Birdsall, T. G. "The Theory of Signal Detectability," in H. Quastler (ed.) Information Theory in Psychology. Glencoe, Ill.; Free Press, 1954. Kotel'nikov, V. A. The Theory of Optimum Noise Immunity. New York; McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1960. Lawson, J. L. and Uhlenbeck, G. E. Threshold Signals. New York; McGrawHill Book Company, Inc., 1950. Chapter 7. Licklider, J. C. R. "Three Auditory Theories," in S. Koch (ed.) Psychology: A Study of a Science, Vol. 1. New York; McGrawHill Book Company, Inc., 195d. Schafer, T. H. "A Basic Experiment in Detection," in H. Quastler (ed.) Information Theory in Psychology. Glencoe, Ill.; Free Press, 1954T..,J. l.... Tanner, W. P., Jr. "On the Design of Psychophysical Experiments," in H. Quastler (ed.) Information Theory in Psychology. Glencoe, Ill.; Free Press, 19-. 2

Wald, A. Statistical Decision Functions. New York; Wiley, 1950. Woodward, P. M. Probability and Information Theory with Applications to Radar. New York; Pergamon Press, 1953. 3. ARTICLES Barlow, H. B. "Retinal Noise and the Absolute Threshold'.' J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 1956, 46, 634-639. Carterette, E. C. "Message Repetition and Receiver Confinrmation of Messages in Noise." JASA, 1958, 30, 846-855.* Clarke, F. R. "Constant-Ratio Rule in Speech Comuunication." JASA, 1957, 29, 715-720. "Confidence Ratings, Second-Choice Responses, and Confusion Matrices in Intelligibility Tests." JASA, 1960, 32, 35-46. Clarke, F. R. and Anderson, C. D. "Further Test of the Constant-Ratio Rule in Speech Communication." JASA, 1957, 29, 1318-1320. Clarke, F. R., Birdsall, T. C. and Tanner, W. P., Jr. "Two Types of ROC Curves and Definitions of Parameters." JASA, 1959, 31, 629 (L). Creelman, C. D. "Detection of Signals of Uncertain Frequency." JASA, 1960, 32, (in press). Davies, I. L.'"On Determining the Presence of Signals in Noise." Proc. I.E.E. (London), 1952, 99, III, 45-51. Davis, R. C. "On the Detection of Sure Signals in Noise." J. Appl. Phys., 1954, 25, 76-82. "The Spectral Method of Hypothesis Testing Concerning Continuous Gaussian Stationery Random Processes." Ann. Math. Stat., 1954, 25, 616-617. Decker, L. and Pollack, I. "Confidence Ratings and Message Reception for Filtered Speech." JASA, 1958, 30, 432-434. Egan, J. P. "Monitoring Task in Speech Communication." JASA, 1957, 29, 482-489. Egan, J. P. and Clarke, F. R. "Source and Receiver Behavior in the Use of a Criterion." JASA, 1956, 28, 1267-1269. *ASA Journal o the Acoustical Society of Aerica. 3

Egan, J. P., Clarke, F. R. and Carterette, E. C. "On the Transmission and Confirmation of Messages in Noise." JASA, 1956, 28, 536-550. Egan, J. P., Schulman, A. I. and Greenberg, G. Z. "Operating Characteristics Determined by Binary Decisions and by Ratings." JASA, 1959, 31, 768-773. FitzHugh, R. "The Statistical Detection of Threshold Signals in the Retina." J. Gen. Physiol, 1957, 40, 925-948. Goldiamond, I. "Indicators of Perception: I. Subliminal Perception, Subception, Unconscious Perception: An Analysis in Terms of Psychophysical Indicator Methodology." Psychol. Bull., 1958, 55, 373-411. Green, D. M. "Detection of Multiple Component Signals in Noise." JASA, 1958, 30, 904-911. "Auditory Detection of a Noise Signal." JASA, 1960, 32, 121-131. Green, D. M., Birdsall, T. G. and Tanner, W. P., Jr. "Signal Detection as a Function of Signal Intensity and Duration." JASA, 1957, 29, 523-531. Green, D. M., McKey, Mary J., and Licklider, J. C. R. "Detection of a Pulsed Sinusoid in Noise as a Function of Frequency." JASA, 1959, 31, 1446-1452. Grenander, U. "Stochastic Processes and Statistical Inference." Arkiv fur Mathematik, 1950, 2, 195. Kuffler, S. W., FitzHugh, R. and Barlow, H. B. "Maintained Activity in the Cat's Retina in Light and Darkness." J. Gen. Physiol., 1957, 40, 683-702. McPherson, R. R. "Inapplicability of the Threshold Concept for the Detection of Signals in Noise." JASA, 1957, 29, 151 (L). ~ "Auditory Threshold." JASA, 1957, 29, 393-394 (L). Middleton, D. "Information Loss Attending the Decision Operation in Detection." J. Appl Phys., 1954, 25, 127-128.. "Statistical Criteria for the Detection of Pulsed Carriers in Noise: I. J. Appl. Phys. 1953, 24, 371-378. II. J. Appl. Phys., 1953, 4, 379-391. Discussion: W. W. Peterson and T. G. Birdsall, J. Appl. Phys. 1954, 25, 127-128.. "Statistical Theory of Signal Detection." Inst. Radio Engrs. Trans. Information Theory, 1954, PGIT-4, 26-51. 4

Middleton, D. "Further Remarks on the Nature of the Statistical Observer' J. Appl. Phys., 1954, 5, 127. Middleton, D. and Van Meter, D. "On Optimum Multiple-Alternative Detection of Signals in Noise." Inst. Radio Engrs. Trans. Information Theory, 1955, IT-i, 1-8. "Detection and Extraction of Signals in Noise from the Point of View of Statistical Decision Theory." J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math., 195, 3, 1952-253. 1)56, 4, 86-11) Munson, W. A. and Karlin, J. E. "The Measurement of the Human Channel Transmission Characteristics." JASA, 1956, 26, 542-553. Neyman, J. and Pearsor E. "The Testing of Statistical Hypotheses in Relation to Probabilities." Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1933, 29, 492-510. Peterson, W. W., Birdsall, T. G., and Fox, W. C. "The Theory of Signal Detectability." Inst. Radio Engrs. Trans. Professional Group on Information Theory, 19'54, PGIT-4, 171-212. Pollack, I. "On Indices of Signal and Response Discriminability." JASA, -1959, 31, 1031 (L) "Identification of Elementary Auditory Displays and the Method of Recognition Memory." JASA, 15)9, 31, 1126-1128. "Message Uncertainty and Message Reception." JASA, 1)59, 31, 15o00-lD0. "Message Repetition and Message Reception." JASA, 1959, 31, 150-9151,. Pollack, I. and Decker, L. R. "Confidence Ratings, Message Reception, and the Receiver Operating Characteristic." JASA? 1958, 30, 286-292. Reich, E. and Swirling, P. "The Detection of a Sine Wave in Gaussian Noise." J. Appl. Phys., 1953, 24, 289. Rudnik, P. "The Detection of Weak Signals by Correlation Methods." J. Appl. Phys., 1953, 24, 128-131. Segal, S. and Goldstein, D. "Decision-Making Behavior in a Two-Choice Uncertain Outcome Situation." J. Exp. Psychol., 1959, 57,n 37-42. Slepian, D. "Sorae Conmments on the Detection of Gaussian Signals in Gaussian Noise." Inst. Radio Engrs. Trans. Information Theory, 1958, IT-4, 65-68. Smith, M. and Wilson, Edna A. "A Model for the Auditory Threshold and Its Application to the Multiple Observer." Psychol. Monogr. 1953, 67, No. 9 (Whole No. 359).

Stockman, H., Dickey, F. R., Jr., and Emslie, A. G. "Extraction of Weak Signals from Noise by Integration." Proc. Nat. Electronic Conf. 1948, 4, 102-120. Stone, W. M. "On the Statistical Theory of Detection of a Randomly Modulated Carrier." J. Appl. Phys., 1953, 24, 935-939. Swets, J. A. "Indices of Signal Detectability Obtained with Various Psychophysical Procedures." JASA, 1959, 31, 511-513. Swets, J. A. and Birdsall, T. G. "The Human Use of Information, III: Decision-Making in Signal Detection and Recognition Situations Involving Multiple Alternatives." Inst. Radio Engrs. Trans. Information Theory, 1956, IT-2, 138-165. Swets, J. A., Birdsall, T. G., and Tanner, W. P. Jr. "'Decision Processes in Perception." (in preparations Swets, J. A., Shipley, Elizabeth F., McKey, Molly J., and Green, D. M. "Multiple Observations of Signals in Noise." JASA, 1959, 31, 514-521. Tanner, W. P., Jr. "Theory of Recognition." JASA, 1956, 28, 882-888. l "What is Masking?" JASA, 1958, 30, 919-921. "Graphical Presentation of Data in the Framework of the Theory of Signal Detectability." JASA, 1959, 31, 243-244 (L). Tazmer, W. P., Jr. and Birdsall, T. G. "Definitions of d' and rl as Psychophysical Measures." JASA, 1958, 30, 922-928. Tanner, W. P., Jr. and Norman, R. "The Human Use of Information, II: Signal Detection for the Case of an Unknown Signal Parameter." Inst. Radio Engrs. Trans. Professional Group on Information Theory, 1954, PGIT-4, 222-227. Tanner, W. P., Jr. and Swets, J. A. "The Human Use of Information,I: Signal Detection for the Case of the Signal Known Exactly." Inst. Radio Engrs. Trans. Professional Group on Information Theory, 1954, PGIT-4, 213-221.. "A Decision-Making Theory of Visual Detection." Psychol. Rev. 1954, 61, 401-409. Van Meter, D. and Middleton, D. "Modern Statistical Approaches to Reception in Communication Theory." Inst. Radio Engrs. Professional Group on Information Theory, 1954, PGIT-4, 119-145. Veniar, F.. A. "Signal Detection as a Function of Frequency Ensemble, I." JASA, 1958, 30, 1020-1024; II, 1075-1078. ___ "Effect of Auditory Cue on Discrimination of Auditory Stimuli." JASA, 1958, 30, 1079-1081. 6

Woodward, P. M. "Information Theory and the Design of Radar Receivers." Proc. I. R. E., 1951, 39, 1521. Woodward, P.' M. and Davies, I. L. "A Theory of Radar Information." Phil. Mag., 1950, 41, 1001. "Information Theory and Inverse Probability in Telecommunication." Proc. I. E. E. (London), 1952, 99, III, 37-45. Youla, D. C. "The Use of the Method of Maximum Likelihood in Estimating Continuous-Modulated Intelligence Which has been Corrupted by Noise." Inst. Radio. Engrs. Trans. Information Theor, 1954, PGIT-3, 90-105. 4. ABSTRACTS Carterette, E. C. "Receiver Criterion and the Repetition of Messages in Noise." JASA, 1957, 29, 184 (abst.) "Comparison of the Receiver Operating Charactertistic for Messages Received by Ear and by Eye." JASA, 1959, 31, 126 (abst.) Carterette, E. C. and Cole, M. "Comparison of the Reception of Heterogeneous and Relatively Homogenous Messages Under Repetition in Noise." JASA, 1959, 31, 853 (abst.) Clarke, F. R. "Confusion Matrices and the Constant-Ratio Rule." JASA, 1957, 29, 781 (abst.) "Second Choice Behavior in Intelligibility Tests." JASA, 1958, 30, 672 (abst.) $ "Proportion of Correct Responses as a Function of the Number of Stimulus-Response Alternatives." JASA, 1959, 31, 835 (abst.) Creelman, C. D. "Mechanisms of Frequency Response Extension." JASA, 1959, 31, 126 (abst.) _ "Detection of Complex Waveforms: Effects of Signal Bandwidth and Duration." JASA, 1959, 31, 836 (abst.). "Frequency Discrimination as a Function of Inter-presentation Interval." JASA, 1959, 31, 1577 (abst.) Decker, L. R. and Pollack, I. "Confidence Ratings, Message-Reception, and the Receiver Operating Characteristic." JASA, 1957, 29, 1263 (abst.) Egan, J. P., Greenberg, G. Z. and Schulman, A. I. "Detection of Signals Presented at Random Time." JASA, 1959, 31, 1579 (abst.) 7

Egan, J. P., Schulman, A. I. and Greenberg, G. Z. "Operating Characteristics Determined by Binary Decisions and by Ratings." JASA, 1959, 31, 835 (abst.) Green, D. M. "Detection of Multi-Component Signals in Noise." JASA, 1957, 29, 1257 (abst.) "Detection of Noise Signals in a Masking Noise." JASA, 1958, 30, 673 (abst.) $ "Detection of Gated Sinusoids in White Noise as a Function of Frequency." JASA, 1959, 31, 126 (abst.) * "Detection of a Pulsed Auditory Signal in Noise as a Function of Duration and Frequency." JASA, 1959, 31, 836 (abst.) "Detection of a Pulsed Sinusoid of Uncertain Frequency." JASA, 1959, 31, 1580 (abst.) Green, D. M., McKey, Mary J. and Licklider, J. C. R. "Detection of Gated Sinusoids in White Noise as a Function of Frequency." JASA, 1959, ]3, 126 (abst.) Green, D. M. and Swets, J. A. "Analysis of Sequential Decisions." JASA, 1959, 31, 834 (abst.) Licklider, J. C. R. and Flanagan, G. H. "Aural Detection of a Gated Sinusoid as a Function of its Duration." JASA, 1959, 31, 835 (abst.) McPherson, R. R. "Variations in Audio Oscillator Amplitude." JASA, 1958, 30, 673 (abst.) Mathews, M. V. and David, E. E. "On Signal Detection, Signal Perception, and Ideal Observers." JASA, 1959, 31, 834 (abst.) Pollack, I. "Message Reception and Message Uncertainty." JASA, 1959, 31, 110 (abst.) Shipley, Elizabeth F. "Cueing as a Determiner of Apparent Variability in Sensitivity." JASA, 1959, 3, 834 (abst.) Swets, J. A. and Green, D. M. "Effect of Multiple Observations on the Detectability of Signals in Noise." JASA, 1957, 29, 1257 (abst) Swets, J. A. and McKey, Mary. "Sequential Decisions by Human Observers in a Signal Detection Problem." JASA, 1958, 30, 673 (abst.) Swets, J. A. and Sewell, Susan A. "Stimulus and Response Theories of Signal Uncertainty." JASA, 1959, 31, 835 (abst.) Swets, J. A., Shipley, Elizabeth F. and Green, D. M. "Effect of Multiple Observations on the Detectability of Signals in Noise." JASA, 1957, 29, 1257 (abst. ) 8

Tanner, hW. P., Jr. "Large Signal Methods in the Study of Psychophysics." JASA, 1957, 29, 766 (abst.) "Re-evaluation of Weber's Law for Pure Tones." JASA, 1958, 30, 673 (abst.) (chairman) "Detection Theory" (Symposium held at the 56th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America) JASA, 1959, 31, 119. "Some Experiments on Frequency Recognition." JASA, 1959, 31, 127 (abst.) "Individual Differences and Inconclusive Experiments." JASA, 1959, 31, 835 (abst.) "Effect of Memory for Amplitude on Amplitude Discrimination." JASA, 1959, 31, 1575 (abst.) 5. TECHNICAL REPORTS Anderson, C. "The Constant-Ratio Rule as a Predictor of Confusions Among Visual Stimuli of Brief Exposure." Tech. Note AFCRCTN-58-60, Hearing and Communication Laboratory, Indiana University, 1959. Bilger, R. C. "Laboratory Facilities Employed in Psychophysical Memory Experiments." Tech. Memo. No. 72, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1959. Birdsall, T. G. "An Application of Gane Theory to Signal Detectability." Tech. Report No. 20, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1953. * "Detection of a Signal Specified Exactly with a Noisy Stored Reference Signal." Tech. Report No. 93, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1959. Blackwell, H. R. "Psychophysical Thresholds." Engineering Res. Bull. No. 36, Engineering Res. Inst., The University of Michigan, 1953. Bussgang, J. and Middleton, D. "Sequential Detection of Signals in Noise." Tech. Report No. 175, Cruft Lab., Harvard University, 1955. Carterette, E. C. and Cole, M. "A Comparison of the Receiver Operating Characteristic for Messages Received by Ear and by Eye." Tech. Report No. 2, Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1959. 9

Carterette, E. C. and Cole, M. "Repetition and Confirmation of Messages Received by Ear and by Eye." Tech. Report No. 3, Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1959. Creelman, C. D. "Detection of Signals of Uncertain Frequency." Tech. Memo. No. 71, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1959. "The Effects of Signal Duration and Bandwidth on Detection of Complex Signals." Tech. Report No. 99, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1959. Egan, J. P. "Message Repetition, Operating Characteristics, and Confusion Matrices in Speech Communication." Tech. Report No. AFCRC-TR-57-50, Hearing and Communication Laboratory, Indiana University, 1957. "Recognition Memory and the Operating Characteristic." Tech. Note AFCRC-TN-58-51, Hearing and Communication Laboratory, Indiana University, 1958. Egan, J. P., Clarke, F. R. and Carterette, E. C. "On a Theory of the Transmission and Confirmation of Messages in Noise." Tech. Note AFCRC-TN-55-67, Hearing and Communication Laboratory, Indiana University, 1955. Egan, J. P., Greenberg, G. Z. and Schulman, A. I. "Operating Characteristics, Signal Detectability, and the Method of Free Response. Tech. Report No. AFCRC-TR-59-58, Hearing and Communication Laboratory, Indiana University, 1959. Elliott, P. B. "Tables of d'." Tech. Report No. 97, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1959. Fox, W. C. "Signal Detectability: a Unified Description of Statistical Methods Employing Fixed and Sequential Decision Processes." Tech. Report No. 19, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1953. Green, D. M. "Detection of Signals in Noise and the Critical Band Concept." Tech. Report No. 82, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 3.958. Green, D. M. and Birdsall, T. G. "Effect of Vocabulary Size on Articulation Score." Tech. Report No. 81, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1958. Green, D. M., Birdsall, T. G., and Tanner, W. P., Jr. "Signal Detection as a Function of Signal Intensity and Duration'.' Tech. Report No. 42, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan 1957. 10

Harington, J. V. "An Analysis of the Detection of Repeated Signals in Noise by Binary Integration." Tech. Report No. 13, M.I.T., 1952. Licklider, J. C. R. "Studies in Aural Presentation of Information." OAL, AFCRC Tech. Report No. AFCRC-TR-58-53, ASTIA Document No. 152564, 1957. Marcum, J. I. "Statistical Theory of Target Detection by Pulsed Radar: Mathematical Appendix." Rand Corporation Report, R-113, 1948. Marill, T. "Detection Theory and Psychophysics." Tech. Report No. 319, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T., 1956. Middleton, D. "The Statistical Theory of Detection, I: Optimum Detection of Signals in Noise." Tech. Report No. 35, Lincoln Labs., M.I.T., 1953. North, D. O. "An Analysis of the Factors which Determine Signal-Noise Discriminations in Pulsed Carrier Systems." Report No. PTR-6C, RCA Laboratory, 1943. Peterson, W. W., and Birdsall, T. G. "The Theory of Signal Detectability." Tech. Report No. 13, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1953. "Signal Detection with a Panoramic Receiver." Tech. Report No. 38, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1955. Reed, I. S. "Analysis of Signal Detection by Sequential Observer." Tech. Report No. 20, M.I.T., Lincoln Labs., 1953. Swets, J. A., Tanner, W. P., Jr., and Birdsall, T. G. "The Evidenee for a DecisinonMaking Theory of Visual Detection." Tech. Report No. 40, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1955. Tanner, W. P., Jr. "Visual Detection When Location is not Known Exactly." in Minutes and Proceedings of the Armed Forces-NRC Vision Committee, held at Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November, 1954. "Information Theory and Form Discrimination." in J. W. Wulfeck and J. H. Taylor (eds.) Form Discrimination as Related to Military Problems. Proceedings of Armed Forces-NRC Vision Committee Symposium, 1957. Publication 561, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, Washington, D. C. "Theory of Recognition." Tech. Report No. 50, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1935. "What is Masking?" Tech. Memo. No. 52, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1958. 11

Tanner, W. P., Jr. "A Re-evaluation of Weber's Law as Applied to Pure Tones." Tech. Report No. 47, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1958. e "A System Approach to the Countermeasures Problem." Tech. Report No. 103, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1960. ~ "The Theory of Signal Detectability as an Interpretive Tool for Psychophysical Data." Tech. Memo. No.78, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1960. Tanner, W. P., Jr. and Birdsall, T. G. "Definitions of d' and nl as Psychophysical Measures." Tech. Report No. 80, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1958. Tanner, W. P., Jr., Clarke, F. R. and Birdsall, T. G. "The Concept of the Ideal Observer in Psychophysics." Tech. Report No. 98, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1960. Tanner, W. P., Jr. and Jones, R. C. "The Ideal Sensor System as Approached Through Statistical Decision Theory and The Theory of Signal Detectability." in Minutes and Proceedings of the Armed ForcesNRC Vision Committee, held at Washington, D. C., November, 1959. Tanner, W. P., Jr. and Swets, J. A. "Psychophysical Application of the Theory of Signal Detectability." in Minutes of Armed ForcesNRC Vision Committee meeting, held at Fort Knox, Ky., November, 1953. "A New Theory of Visual Detection." Tech. Report No. 18, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1953. Tanner, W. P., Jr., Swets, J. A. and Green, D. M. "Some General Properties of the Hearing Mechanism." Tech. Report No. 30, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1956. Veniar, Florence A. "Signal Detection as a Function of Frequency Ensemble." Tech. Report No. 86, Electronic Defense Group, The University of Michigan, 1958. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN I 11111 11 1IIIIIIII II1 I I1 1 111111 111 11 111 3 9015 02845 3283 12