I al o d vv i^, i ^ I

PREFACE This specification has been prepared as a guide for persons writing contract documents for construction of new facilities or alterations to existing facilities that include thermal insulation. It is intended that applicable sections may be extracted as written since it is not probable that any plant will experience a simultaneous need for all classes of insulation included. Where plant standards do not exist this specification may be used as a standardization basis. Where plant practices have been established over limited temperature ranges, this specification can be used to develop a more inclusive standard. Where sections of this specification differ from established plant practices the local engineering group will, of course make the choice as to which will govern. The material herein covers thermal insulation for refrigerated and heated piping and equipment, that is, -300F to +6000F. In addition to establishing the materials, the specification covers the required efficiency of insulation, methods of computing charges, auxiliary materials, application and finishes, and includes typical installation sketches. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author acknowledges the able assistance of his former associates at the Hanford Engineering Works without whose extensive experience the specification could not have been developed. The cooperation of industrial concerns who readily made available data concerning their products and recommended application techniques is sincerely appreciated. iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paragraph Title Page A SELECTION AND THICKNESS 1 1.0 Intent 1 2.0 Class 1 Insulation 1 3.0 Class 2 Insulation 2 4.0 Blanket Insulation 2 5.0 Low Temperature Insulation 2 6.0 Anti-Sweat Insulation 3 7.0 Anti-Freeze Insulation. 0 Fill Insulation 4 9.0 Auxiliary Materials 4 10.0 Thickness of Insulation 4 B GENERAL 10 1.0 Intent 10 2.0 Code Meaning 10 3.0 Information on Drawings 10 4.0 Definition of Terms 11 5.0 Measurement and Payment 11 6.0 Substitution of Materials 17 ~~C ~ MATERIALS 22 1.0 General 22 2.0 Class 1 Insulation 22 3.0 Cellular Insulation 23 4.0 Blanket Insulation 23 5.0 Low Temperature Insulation 24 6.0 Anti-Sweat Insulation 24 7.0 Anti-Freeze Insulation 25.o0 Fill Insulation 26 c.0 Insulation Auxiliaries 26 D APPLICATION 39 1.0 Quality of Materials and Workmanship 39 2.0 Surface Preparation and Painting 39 3.0 Fit of Insulation 39 4.0 Flashing 40 5.0 Banding and Covers 40 6.0 Insulation of Steam Chased Lines 41 7.0 Pipe Covering at Flange, Valve, and Fittings 41 8.0 Pipe Hangers 42 9.0 Cover Dimensions 43 10.0 General Precautions 44 11.0 Molded Insulation - Pipe, Valve, Fittings and Equipment 45 12.0 Class 2 Cellular Insulation of Pipe, Valves, Fittings and Equipment 50 iv

TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont.) Section Paragraph Title Page 13.0 Blanket Insulation on Equipment 51 14.0 Low-Temperature formed Insulation - Pipe, Valves Fittings and Equipment 52 15.0 Felt Insulation on Pipe, Valves, Fittings and Equipment 56 16.0 Anti-Sweat Insulation 58 17.0 Fill Insulation 59 E FINISHES 61 1.0 Type A or AA Finish 61 2.0 Type D Finish 62 3.0 Type E Finish 63 4.0 Type EE Finish 64 5.0 Type F Finish 65 6.0 Type G or GG Finish 66 7.0 Type J or JJ Finish 67 8.0 Type K Finish 68 A APPENDIX A 69 TABLES 69 Wire and Bands 74 B APPENDIX B 78 FIGURES 78 C APPENDIX C 99 DEFINITIONS 99 INDEX 101 v

TABLES Section Tables No. Title Page A I Insulation Efficiency Required for Heated Surfaces 5 II Thickness-Corrugated Asbestos 6 III Thickness-Vegetable Cork - Code 6A Mineral Wool - Code 6B 6 IV Data on Freezing of Water in Pipes 8 B V Lengths of Straight Pipe in Feet Equivalent to Fittings for All Thickness and Sizes 18 VI Lengths of Straight Pipe in Feet Equivalent to Fittings for Ice Water Thick Cork - Code 6A 19 VII Lengths of Straight Pipe in Feet Equivalent to Fittings for Brine or Special Brine Thick Cork - Code 6A 20 C VIII Insulation Auxiliaries 37 IX Key to Manufacturer's of Insulation Auxiliaries 38 APPENDIX A I Standard Thermal Insulation-Dimension of Pipe Covering 70 II Standard Thermal Insulation-Basic Sizes of Insulation for Piping 71 III Standard Thermal Insulation-Clips, Studs, and Angle Iron Bands for Equipment 73 IV Wire and Bands 7)4 V Heat Loss from Bare Surfaces 76 vi

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION APPENDIX B FIGURES Figure No. Title Page 1 Sectional Insulation for Lines 4" 0.D. and Smaller, Pasted Canvas Finish 79 2 Sectional Insulation for Lines Larger than 4" O.D. Pasted Canvas Finish 79 3 Molded Sectional Pipe Covering (Class 1) Weatherproof (Type-F) Finish (Single Layer) 80 4 Molded Sectional Pipe Covering (Class 1) Weatherproof (Type-F) Finish (Double Layer) 80 5 Molded Segmental Covering on Pipe 12" and Larger (Class 1) Pasted Canvas Finish (Type A) 80 7 Block Insulation (Class 1) on Welding Ell 12" and Larger 81 8 Corrugated Asbestos (Code 2A) With Pasted Integral Jacket Finish (Type A) 82 9 Corrugated Asbestos (Code 2A) with Weatherproof Finish (Type F) 82 10 Flange Cover (Class 1) Insulation 83 11 Valve Cover (Class 1) Insulation 83 12 Pipe Hangers Insulation (Class 1) 84 13 Flanged Ell Cover (Class 1) Insulation 85 14 Flanged Tee Cover (Class 1) Insulation 85 15 Insulating Cement on Fittings with Weatherproof Finish (Type F) 86 16 Curved or Cylindrical Equipment (Classes 1 and 2) Insulation with Weatherproof Finish (Type E) 87 17 Insulation Cover for Equipment Flange (Classes 1 and 2) 88 18 Blanket Insulation (Class 4) on Equipment 89 vii

FIGURES (CONT'D) Figure No. Title Page 19 Blanket Insulation on Pipe (Class 4) 90 20 Insulating Chased Lines 90 21 Built-up Flanged Valve Cover Low Temperature Formed Insulation (Code 6A or 6B) 91 22 Built-up Welding Ell Cover Low Temperature Formed Insulation (Code 6A or 6B) 92 23 Built-up Flanged Ell Cover Low Temperature Formed Insulation (Code 6A or 6B) 92 24 Hanger Insulation on Cold Lines 93 25 Cork Insulation on Heads of Cylindrical Equipment (Code 6A) 94 26 Section Thru Cylindrical Equipment - Code 6A or 6B Insulation - Type EE Finish 95 27 Hair Felt on Fittings 96 28 Felt on Hanger Rod 97 29 Brine Pump Insulated with Fill Material (Class 10) Insulation 98 viii

SECTION A SELECTION ATD THICKNESS 1.0 IiNTEIT 1.1 This section is intended to establish the proper material and efficiency required for various pipe lines and equipment. Refer to Section E, Finishes, for selection and description of finish. 1.2 The insulating materials together with their code numbers and uses are tabulated below Temperature OF Code No. 212 to 600 1A, 1B & 1C 212 to 300 2A 212 to 1000 4 -15 to 70 6A, 6B & 6C Anti-sweat 7A & 7B Anti-freeze 8A & 8B Fill 9A & 9B 2.0 CLASS 1 INSULATION 85% Magnesia - Code 1A Spun Glass - Code 1B Felted Laminated Asbestos - Code 1C 2.1 These materials are for use on pipe lines or equipment operated at temperatures from 212~F to 6000F. At temperatures from 21-2oF 300 F, Corrugated Asbestos, that is, Class 2, may be used for inside building heating lines and other intermittent or seasonally operated applications. -1

2.2 Magnesia shall not be used on stainless steel pipe where chlorine or chlorides are present either in the form of fluid or gas handled in the pipe or present in the atmosphere surrounding the pipe. Investigation has shown that magnesiumr chloride formed by the combination of magnesia and chlorine has produced cracking of stainless steel pipe. Also magnesia shall not be used on aluminum, zinc, or lead because of corrosive effects. Spun Glass is satisfactory for such applications. 2.3 Asbestos products shall not be used on aluminum, zinc, or lead. 3.0 CLASS 2 INSULATION Corrugated Asbestos - Code 2A 3.1 Corrugated asbestos is for use on hot-water lines to prevent burns to personnel or to reduce heat loss when required, and on indoor building heating lines and other seasonal, intermittently operated indoor applications where temperatures are between 70 F and 3000F. Where resistance to mechanical damage is required, materials listed above, particularly Code 1B and 1C may be specified. Corrugated asbestos with Type C finish is recommended for experimental and temporary lines because of its low cost. 4.0 BLAKET INSULATION Mineral Wool Blanket - Code 4A 4.1 This material is recommended for use on large equipment such as turbines and breechings w'here temperatures range up to lOCO9F. 5.0 LOW-TEMPERATURE INSUIATION Vegetable Cork - Code 6A

-3lnpre gnat ed Mineral Wool - Code 6B Mineral Wool Felt - Code 6C. Tliese rraterials are for use on refrigerated lines. Preformed corl or preformed impregiaated mineral wool is used for Ipipe li es and wool felt is used on valves, fittings, and eaquipment. 6.0C Ai' II-SWEAT INSULATION Grou'nd Cork and Asphalt - Code 7A Insulating Felt - Code 7B 6.1 These materials are used to prevent sweating and resultant dripping from moisture condensation on cold lines. 6.2 Ground cork and asphalt (Code 7A) is not for use where sweating would be objectionable if conditions are more severe than would exist with 55 F equipment temperature and 65% relative humidity at 70~F air temperature. 6.3 Code 7A shall be applied as a 1/4-inch coating on 5-inch an:d larger pipes and requires no finish. 6.4 Code 7A cannot be applied conveniently on small lines; therefore, Code 7B (1-inch thick) is used on pipe lines up to 5-ircihes. Code 7B is furnished with integral jacket which is peeled baclk to permit wiring insulation in place and then pasted down as Type A finish. Normally, no other finish is required..0 AiT'I-FREEZE INSULATION Hair and Wool Felt Pipe Covering - Code SA Blanlet Hair Felt - Code 8B 7.1 These materials are used to protect pipe lines from freezing. Code 8A is for use on pipes and Code 8B is for use on fittings and valves.

-40 FILL INSULATION Cork. Dust - Code 9A Granulated Mineral Wool - Code 9B i.1 These materials may be used for filling small void places when applying other insulations listed above.. 0 AUXILIARY MATERIALS 9.1 The auxiliary materials are coded by single letter or symbol defined under Auxiliary Materials in Section C. These materials require no selection by the Owner's Representative except that in an unusual application, in addition to selecting the insulating material, thickness, and finish, the Representative should check through the method of application of each of the auxiliaries (See Section B). 10.0 THICKNESS OF INSULATION 10.1 Where insulation in Class 1 is required, the drawings shall indicate Class 1 and the efficiency required as selected from Table I on the following page, and, in addition, the workini temperature of the line and the finish required. For example, a 4-inch steam line at 150-psi working pressure and 350~F, and where no special conditions prevail, would be noted: "Insulation-Class 1, 92% efficiency required, 350 F, Fin. F, See Specification." 10.2 Where insulation in other classes is required, the code number of the material, thickness, and finish shall be stated on the the drawing. In cases where only the temperature, material, and service conditions are shown on the drawings, the tables can be used to establish the thickness required.

-5TABLE i Insulation Efficiency Required for Heated Surfaces l ___~__Efficiency Required Pressure Temperature Pipe 1" Pipe 1-1/4" Pipe 3" Pipe 6" Equiprmernt Psi oF and Under to 2-1/2 to to 9 and Pip, 9" ______ _ ___ _______. ~~~~ar~:] Ovr 0 5o 67 1ll to 299 82.0 8'4.5 36.0 0. 0. 68 to 240 300 to 399 87.0 90.0 92.0 94.0. 2)41 to 680 400 to 499 89.0 92.0 94.0 95.s 9 6.) Super Heat 500 to 600 90.0 93.0 94.5 96.0 96. Notes: Actual thickness of insulation is determined by locating the above efficientcy in the proper temperature column in the material manufacturer's heat loss and efficiency tables and reading the thickness which will provide equal or greater efficiency. Since thermal conductivity varies with the material, the trade name should accompany the thickness where insulation is specified or discussed in terms of thickness. The efficiency as used above is the quotient, expressed as percentage, of the heat saved by the insulation divided by the heat which would be lost without insulation. The heat which would be lost is taken as the loss from horizontal bare iron pipe. (See Table V in Appendix A.) Heat saved by various thicknesses is listed in the manufacturer's information on the specific material.

-6TA13LE II Thni ckness Corrugatecd Asbestos Thickness in Number of Pii;:~^~St~~erir ~Each Ply 1/4" Thick Pres sure Temperature Psi |F Pipes Over 41" Pipes 2" and Under to 15 70 to 25 6 Ply Ply i; to 23 251 to 300 Ply 6 Ply 10.3 Blanket, block, and board insulation thickress can be seler t(fd by reference to preceding tables for similar applications and allowance made for the service conditions. 10.4 The th-ickness of molded vegetable cork (Code 6A), molded impreyr;l imineral wool (Code 6B), and mineral wool felt can be obt air-ld L'reon the following table: TABLE III Thickness Vegetable Cork - Code 6A Mineral Wool - Code 6B Temperature OF Pipe and Fittings Under Lagging for 12" Diametor* Equipment and Pipe 12" diameter & Over Above 30 Ice water thick 1.2" to 1.9' 2" 10 to 30 Brine thick 1.7" to 3.0" l4" -15 to 10 Heavy brine thick 2.6"'o 4..0" 6" * Tiickness varies according to size of pipe

-710.5 Ground Cork and Asphalt (Code 7A) is used as a 1/4-inch-thick coating on pipes 5-inch diameter and larger to prevent sweating of cold water lines (40o to 75 F). 10.6 Insulating Felt (Code 7B) is molded pipe covering used in singlelayer one inch thickness on pipes up to 5-inch diameter to prevent sweating of cold water lines (400 to 75~F) where required. 10.7 Anti-freeze insulation thicknesses are not given here since the thickness required for protection against freezing must be based upon the rate of flow, length of line, minimum atmospheric temperature, temperature of fluid entering the pipe, and other factors. See Table IV at end of Section A.

-8TABLE IV Data on Freezing of Water in Pipes * Hair-Felt Btu per deg Hours to cool Lb water flow Pipe size, Insulation, temp.diff., to freezing at 42 F per hr inches No. of layers per hour point** per lineal ft each 1 in. per lineal ft to prevent thick freezing 1/2 2.0895.417.537 3.0747.500.448 4.0660.565.396 1 2.1125.825.675 3.0911 1.02.548 4.0798 1.16.4-io 1 1/2 2.1400 1.40.840 3.1126 1.74.676 4.0972 2.02.583 2 2.1586 1.94.952 3.1244 2.48.747 4.1063 2.90.638 3 2.2062 3.25 1.237 3.1572 4.27.943 4.1322 5.08.793 4 2.2450 4.55 1.470 3.1850 6.02 1.110 4.1548 7.20.929 5 2.2887 5.92 1.733 3.2146 7.96 1.289 4.1764 9.69 1.059 6 2.3302 7.35 1.981 3.2434 9.88 1.460 4.1984 12.20 1.191 8 2.4100 10.05 2.460 3.2960 13.90 1.776 4.2390 17.25 1.434 10 2.4930 13.00 2.960 3.3536 18.10 2.122 4.2830 22.70 1.698 12 2.5720 15.80 3.432 3.4090 22.20 2.454 4.3222 28.10 1.933 ** For foot notes see next page.

-9* In the above table, the effect of varying temperature difference due to cooling of the water has been ignored, as this is an unnecessary refinement where large factors of safety are required. The only effe-t of not considering this varying temperature difference is to increase the factor of safety. ** The fourth column is the time in hours necessary for water in a pipe to be cooled from 42 to 32 deg F, with a difference in temperature between water and air of 60 deg F, which would correspond to an air temperature of about 20 deg F below zero. The time shown in the table is the time to lower the water to the freezing point. Much longer time would be required actually to freeze all of the water in the pipes, but once it starts to freeze, the danger point has been reached.

SECTION B GENERAL 1.0 INTENT 1.1 This section covers the code designation of insulating materials for piping and equipment up to temperatures of 6000F, and methods used in establishing payment. 2.0 CODE MEANING 2.1 The specification uses a system of code letters and numbers to designate insulation materials, auxiliary materials, and the various finishes. (See Section C - Materials.) Use of the code system is summarized as follows: 2.1.1 Insulating materials are designated by a class number and a letter for the specific material within that class. Thus, 1C means Class 1 molded insulation; specific material "C," which is asbestos. 2.1.2 Auxiliary materials are designated by a single letter. Thus, "B" means cut-back plastic. 2.1.3 Finish is designated by abbreviation of the word "finish" followed by a single letter. Thus, "Fin. D" means cement finish. (See Section E.) 3.0 INFORMATION ON DRAWINGS 3.1 The method of designation is shown under paragraph 10.0, "Thickness of Insulation," in Section A. 3.2 Where only certain materials provided in this specification -10

-11are suitable due to unusual conditions, the drawings shall state the material and note that no substitute will be permitted. 3.3 The drawings should state finish required as selected from Section E of this specification. 3.4 When corrugated asbestos (Code 2A) is specified, the drawings should note whether the valves and fittings are to be covered. Generally these are left uncovered indoors in locations where personnel are not likely to be burned. The contractor will insulate all flanges, valves, and fittings unless otherwise specified. 3.5 Where corrosive or other unusual conditions prevail which make the use of bands and wires listed in Table IV of Appendix A impractical, the drawings should specify suitable materials. 4.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS 4.1 The words Owner's Representative as used in this specification shall mean the Owner or his Representative. 4.2 The word Contractor as used in this specification shall mean the party contracting to furnish the materials and perform the services required by this specification. 5.0 MEASUREMENT AlD PAYMENT 5.1 Payment for insulationin place shall be made on a unit price basis unless otherwise specifically provided in writing. 5.2 Detail measurements shall be taken and recorded by the Contractor on survey sheets, showing the location, the amount of straight pipe, bent pipe, number of fittings, class of insulation, etco

-12The measurements will be used in calculating the payment to be made for insulation. At the end of each day on which measurements are made, a set of drawings shall be marked by the Contractor to show which lines have been included in the exact limits of the measurement. The Contractor shall complete measurements within each building or for each outside line within a reasonable period of time. Unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, a reasonable period of time shall be considered as the time required to complete the insulating work plus two days after completion of the insulating work. The survey sheets and marked drawings shall be available at all times for examination by the Owner's Representative. The following method shall be followed in measuring insulation for payment: 5.2.1 Measurements shall be made over the exterior of the covering to determine the quantities of insulation. The outside, or longest radius curve, shall be used in measuring curved pipe, such as ells and pipe bends. 5.2.2 The quanity of insulation in all cases shall be determined by actual measurement and shall not be calculated from drawings or by visual estimate, except in special cases where permission is given by the Owner's Representative. 5.2.3 All measurements shall be made with a linen tape. This tape should be checked daily, to insure its accuracy. A representative of each interested party shall be present when measurements are made.

-135.2.4 In measuring pipe covering, the over-all length, including fittings, valves, etc., shall be taken, unless otherwise specified. To this shall be added a footage allowance for each valve, fitting, etc., as per Tables V, VI, and VII. An exception to this is bent piping, which shall be measured separately and multiplied by a factor given in Tables V, VI, and VII. Another exception to this is separators, which shall be measured on a squarefoot basis as equipment, and the measurement of the pipe shall not include the separators. 5.2.5 Welded tees, whether field or factory fabricated, shall not be classed as fittings for purpose of payment but the diameter of the straight section tee'd into shall be added to the linear measurement of the branch line. The straight section of pipe through the tee shall be measured continuously. 5.2.6 None of the flanges on or bolted to a flange fitting shall be counted separately, but shall be considered as part of the fitting. For example, a flange tee together with the three attached flanges shall count only as a flange tee. 5.2.7. Measurements of cylindrical equipment shall be made on the following basis: Type head Length of Cylinder Convex or Dished Knuckle to knuckle Flat, Concave or End to end of cySpecial lindrical section Cylindrical surface area shall be computed as the length of the cylinder multiplied by the outside circumference

-14over the insulation. Ends shall be counded as the square of the outside diameter of the cylindrical covering. For conical or other specially shaped ends, the actual superficial area shall be taken. There shall be no deductions made for manholes or similar openings. 5.2.8 Insulation used as fill material for panel insulation or for filling only the void spaces in a box enclosing coils, pumps, and such equipment, shall be measured as a total volume of the panel or box. No additional payment is allowed for using fill materials as auxiliaries. The Owner's Representative may call for certain irregularly shaped equipment to be boxed with wood or sheet metal and the box filled with one of the above materials. In this case, the Contractor would be paid for the fill insulation by the cubic foot of space filled. 5.2.9 Covers for line flanges, valves, and fittings, Class 1, 2, and 4, shall have minimum lengths as shown in Appendix B. The number of flange covers shall be counted, not the number of flanges. If the cover is longer than called for, no allowance shall be made, unless more than one line-flange joint or valve is enclosed. In this case, an allowance shall be made for the extra cover on the basis of additional fraction of a cover added. 5.2.10 Where two or more pipes are covered together under the same premolded covering, the actual size of covering used shall be measured as described in this section

-15and shall be counted as 1.5 times the straight pipe covering used. Where two or more lines are covered as a group with Code 4A insulation, the actual size pipe covering used shall be measured as previously described, and shall be paid for as straight pipe. 5.2.11 Hanger rod factors will apply only in cases where the hanger rods themselves are insulated. 5.2.12 In special cases where no factor for payment has been specified, or where methods given herein do not apply, the Contractor and the Owner's Representative shall agree on payment to be made before starting work. 5.2.13 In measuring pipe covering, all measurements shall be taken to the nearest foot. 5.2.14 Line flanges, flanged fittings, or flanged valve covers shall be molded or built-up insulation of the same material as applied to the adjacent piping, thickness as hereinafter specified, and so installed that they will lap over the pipe covering as described in Figures 10, 11, 13 and 14, Appendix B. Line flanges, flanged fittings, or valve covers shall not be made by digging out the pipe covering to allow line flange, flanged fitting, or valve to be recessed in the pipe covering. Where pipe covering is dug out, this shall be considered a special case and paid for in accordance with 5.2.12. 5.2.15 Pipe bends having a radius of 4 diameters or less shall be co;nsidered as fittings. Pipe bends having a radius of over 4 pipe diameters shall be considered as bent pipe.

-165.2.16 Where a line is heated electrically by running the electric wire parallel with the pipe and covered, it shall be counted as described in 5.2.10 where two or more pipes are covered together using the factor 1.5 times the straight pipe. Where the electric wire is wrapped spirally around the pipe or strip heaters are used and covered, the actual pipe-size covering used shall be paid for as straight pipe. Payment for providing each opening for electric wires in pipe covering shall be counted as 20% of the unit price established for the size and the code of covering used. 5.2.17 The size of traps shall be computed on the basis of the size of the pipe entering the trap. 5.3 Where insulation is to be removed due to no fault of the Contractor, the work in removing the insulation shall be paid for on the basis of 50 percent of the unit prices established for that particular type of insulation which is to be removed. All insulation removed is to become the property of the Owner. Where new material is to be installed in place of that removed, the new material shall be paid for as such at established unit prices. 5.4 Partial removal and/or repair of material for cases where only a part of a valve or fitting cover is removed and/or repaired, payment for such removal and/or repair shall be on the basis mutually agreed upon in writing by the Owner. 5.5 Defective insulation material and accessories not complying

-17with the specifications will be rejected and shall be remove-r without charge, and replaced with approved insulation accesories applied at no extra charge. 6.0 SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIALS 6.1 No substitution of material will be permitted unless the following conditions are met in making the substitution: 6.1.1 Cost of completed job will not be increased. 6.1.2 Heat transfer rate will not be increased, and the efficiency will not be less. 6.1.3 The substituted material will, in the opinion of the Owner, withstand the service conditions to the same or greater extent as the material being replaced. 6.2 Subject to 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 the following substitutions will be permitted: 6.2.1 Any material classified under Class 1 for any other material under Class 1o 6.2.2 Any material in Class 1 for Code 2A material but not vice versa. 6.2.3 Code 7B for Code 2A but not vice versa. 6.2.4 Code 1B for Code 6B, 7B, or 8A but not vice versa. 6.3 Where materials are substituted according to the conditions in 6.1 and 6.2 above, the method of application and finish shall be the same as for the material displaced unless modification is approved by the Owner in writing.

TABLE V Lengths of Straight Pipe in Feet Equivalent to Fittings for All Thicknesses and Sizes. For Pipe Covered With Insulation Code No.: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 7B, 8A 6B 6C & 8B 7A Ells & 45~ 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 Tees 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 Valves & Crosses 3.0 2.5 4.0 1.0 Unions Not Insulated 1.5 1.5 1.0 o Check Valves 3.0 3.0 4. 1.0 Reducers 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.0 Y's 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.0 Ells & 45~ 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 Reducers 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 | Expansion Joints 4.5- 1.0 2 Y's 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.0 Ells & 45~ 5.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 Tees 8.5 7.5 5.0 2.0 p Crosses & Valves 10.0 8.0 6.0 2.0 Check Valves 8.0 6.0 5.0 2.0 n Reducers 5.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 | Line Flanges 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 Y's 9.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 Expansion Joints 9.0 7.5 Traps Not Insulated Not Insulated Strainers 5.0 5.0 3.0 Not Insulated ~ Bent Pipe 1.5 1. 1.0 1.0 Hanger Rods Not Insulated 1.5 1.5 Not Insulated Nipples, couplings, caps, and all items not listed in this table shall not be classed as fittings for purposes of payment.

TABLE VI Lengths of Straight Pipe in Feet Equivalent to Fittings ftor Ice Water Thicl- Cor'< Codx zA |Pipe Sizes 1/2 3/4 1 14 7 2 2-T, 34L1 5 6 1( - 14 l Ell 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.9 2.9 2.~ 2.5 2.2 2,0 Tee 3.4 33 33 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.2 45~ 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.3 2.7 Valve 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 Union 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 i.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 Cross 4.6 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.4 4.1 4.1 3.9 3.9 3.4 3.4 2.9 Check Valve 4.4 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.7 Y's 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.'7 2.4 Reducer 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2!.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 Ell 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.1 4.1 4 3,9 3.8 3, 3,3 3.1 2.0 2. 450 4 5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4 4 4,4 43 4 3 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.... Tee 4.1 4.1 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.3 3.0 2. Y's 3,1 3.1 3,0 3,0 3,0 2,9 2.3 2.7 2. 2.6 2,5 2.3 2,0 I. L' 1,2 1, Reducer 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1'.0 1.~ 0.9 O. C.', ".7 Valve 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.3 12.0 12. C L2.!1.7 LC.6!15 1i Tee 9.1 9.0 9.0 8.9 8.9 8.7!.7 8.5 8.3 7,.1 9 7,6 Y.3 6. Ell 6.1 6.o 6.o 6.o 6.0 5 2 5,6 5.6 5. 5.4 5. 0 4 o!44 3.9 3.6 3.1 2.7 45~ 6.7 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.1 6.0 c.l'- 5. S.4 5.1 5. Check Valve 11.6 l 6 116 11,4 11.4 11.4 11.3 1],2 11,' ll0 ll.0 1 0 9 1i02, 9 Cross 10.9 10.8 10.S 10.8 10.8 10.5 1 10.1 9.3 9.6'5 9 9. 3~~~. 9).5 93 S.0.... |Blank Flange 3.7 3.7 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 3. 3 3.i 3.1 Line Flange 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,~ 2.0 2.0. 2.0 2.0 | y s 7.1 7.0 7.0 6.9 6.9 6.7 6.6 6.5 6.3 6.1 5.9 5.6 5.3.9 4.5 4.0 t Reducer 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.' 5,2 5.1 5.0 5.~ 4.9 4.: 4.~ 4.7.. _........~~~~~1, - 1. Bent Pipe 1., 1. 5 1. 5 1.5 1. 5 1.5!. 5 1. 5 L. 5 1. 5 1.1 1.> i.,' Strainers To be paid for in accoranc2 witih thje bid price on eachl unit. Ha|nger Rods 1.5. 5 t.5 1.,!.!.5 1.5.. 1,- 1.5

TAA LE VJI I Lenlg-L Is Strai XI-t Pipe in Feet Equivalen~t tof Fit fl or Briiie- or Sr c)cia-l:'ri,.ie Tii'.r <:'d 6 Pipe SiZe's 1,/2 3/4 1 14 2 3', 5, 2! 0 ]2 Ell 4. ID 4.1 4. 2 4. 0 4. i3. 3. 5 3.' 3 0 6 Tee 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.0 3 - ~-:' 3.5 3.5 3.2 450.5 4.5 4.4 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.0 3.$ 3.7 Valve 5. 4 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.0 5.0 Union 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 Cross 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.4 5.1 5.1 4.9 4.9 4.4 4.4 3.9 Check Valve 5.4 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.0 5.0 5.o 4.9 4.7 Y's 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.7 2.4 Reducer 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 Ell 6.o 6.o 6.0 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.4 5.0 4.9 4.5 4.4 14.2 4.~ 3. 45 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.1 6.1 6. o 6.0 6.o 5.9 5.7 5.5 5.4 5.2 5.0 Tee 3.9 3.9 3. 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.14 3.2 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 o Y's 311 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 Reducer 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.~ 0.$ 0.6 Valve 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.4~ 12.4 12.4 12.3 12.0 12.0 12.0 11.7 11.6 11.5 11.4 Tee 13.1 13.0 13.0 12.9 12.0 12.7 12.5 12.5 12.3 12.1 11.9 11.6 11.3 10.9 1{.5 10.0 9.5 Ei1 6.9 6.$ 6.3 6.-7 6.7 6.5 6.4 6.4 6.1 6.1 5.$ 5.5 5.1 4.6 4.4 3.9 3.5 45~ 7.5 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.3 7.3 7.2 7.1 7.0 6.9 6.8 6.5 6.4t 6.1 5.9 5.7 Check Valve 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.4- 11.4 11.4 11.3 11.2 11.1 11.0 11.C 10.9 10.2 9.8 9.5 9.2 5.8 Cross 10.9 10.8 10.8 10.$ 10.8 10.5 10.3 10.I 9.8 9.6 9.5 9.3 9.0 $.6 7.$ 7.5 6.$ Blank Flange 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 3. 1 3.1 Line Flange 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Y's 8.1 8.0 C.0 7.9 7.9 7.7 7.5 7.5 7.3 7.1 6.9 6.6 o.3 5.9 5.5 5.0 Reducer 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.2 6.2 6.2 I. 6.0 6.0 5.9 5.$) 5. 5. Bent Pipe 1. 5 1. 5 1.5 1,5 1.5 1.5 1.-. 1. 5 1. 5 1. 5 1.5 1., 1.5 i.5 H Strainler To be paid for i n accordance with the bid price on each ~mit. Han ier Rod 2.0 2.'.' 2.' 2.0 2.0 2.i 2.i 2.0 2..: 2.... 2.0.' 2.0

EXEIBIT A - SPECIMEN SURVEY SHEET Sheet 1 of 1 Date Dec. 16 1956 INSULATION - Code 6A FINISH - Type F Project No. Q 43 Bldg. No. 17125 Measured by Richard Roe Service - 150 Brine Line Drg. No. H-2-4726 Inspector John Doe Pipe Size 1" 1"Pipe 20' 300' insulated: 20' 160' (feet) 30' 6' 60' 17' 50' 483 ft 100' 280 ft Fittings insulated: 10 Ls 12 F 5 U 5 L 4 vs 3 LS 6 Tw 20 Ts 5 Vs The following symlbols may be used when marking Survey Sheets: LS Screwed ell and 450 fitting Ts Screwed Tee Cro.S Screwed crosses yS Screwed Y LW Welded ell and 450 fitting Tw Welded Tee Cro.f Flanged crosses yW Welded Y Lf Flanged ell and 450 fitting Tf Flanged Tee Reds Screwed Reducer Yf Flanged Y C.V.s Screwed Check Valves Vs Screwed Valves Redw Welded Reducer Trp.Traps C.V.f Flanged Check Valves Vf Flanged Valves Redf Flanged Reducer Str.Strainers Ex.W Welded Expansion Joint U Union F. Line Flange B.P.Ben+ Pipe Ex. Flanged Expansion Joint H.R.Hanger Rods

SECTION C MATERIALS 1.0 GENERAL All insulating materials shall be of uniformly high quality. In response to the invitation to bid, the bidder shall state the commercial names and the manufacturers of material which he proposes to furnish. The Contractor shall use only materials listed by him on his quotation, except that where procurement or other unforeseen difficulties arise, the Owner's Representative may approve other products of comparable quality. Where trade names are used in this specification, they are intended to indicate the kind, type, and quality of product required. Other materials which will provide equivalent performance under the service conditions for which the product named is suitable will be acceptable as an approved equal. The Owner shall have the right to make the final decision as to what will be accepted as an approved equal. Materials installed shall meet the respective manufacturers' published specifications for that material. 2.0 CLASS 1 INSULATION 2.1 Code 1A insulation for use at temperatures up to 6000F shall be 85% magnesia molded pipe insulation, or block insulation. Preformed pipe insulation shall be furnished with a 3-1/2-ounce or heavier canvas jacket. 2.2 Code 1B insulation shall be a spun glass product consisting of fine, flexible glass fibers, blown or spun from molten glass, formed into molded pipe covering, or blocks or boards -22

-23for large pipe and fittings and valves. A suitable binder, not decomposed by temperatures up to 6000F, shall be used in forming the molded insulation. The molded insulation shall be fibrous, nonfriable and semirigid, yet resilient when compressed. Material temperature range shall be up to 6000F. Preformed pipe insulation shall be furnished with a 4-ounce canvas jacket. At 3000F temperature difference, the thermal conductivity shall not be more than 0.35 Btu/hr sq ft ~F/in. for molded pipe insulation. For block or board insulation, the density shall be 6 to 10 pounds per cu ft and the thermal conductivity shall not be greater than 0.41 Btu/hr sq ft OF/in at 3000F mean temperature. 2.3 Code 1C insulation shall be felted laminated asbestos consisting of 36 to 42 laminations per inch of an asbestos felt to which other stable material has been added to produce a porous insulator. 3.0 CELLULAR INSULATION 3.1 Corrugated Asbestos, Code 2A, shall be Johns-Manville's "Asbestocel" or approved equal consisting of alternate layers of 4 plain and 4 corrugated asbestos sheets per inch. The insulation shall conform to the latest issue of Federal Specification HH-I-561, Type III. 4.0 BLANKET INSULATION 4.1 Mineral Wool Blanket, Code 4A, shall be Johns-Manville's "Eaenroc," Owens-Corning's "Fiberglas," or approved equal metal-faced blanket composed of mineral wool fibers formed

-24into a blanket and reinforced by expanded metal on one side and galvanized 1-inch-mesh netting on the other side. The blanket shall meet the requirements of the latest issue of Federal Specification HH-P-387, Type II. 5.0 LOW TEMPERATURE INSULATIONS 5.1 Code 6A, shall be vegetable cork, granulated and compressed into corkboard form, or pressed into molds, and baked at moderate temperature. The natural resin in the cork shall constitute the binder for cementing the granules together. The molded material shall be coated inside and out with a waterproof asphalt coating. Corkboard shall comply with the latest issue of Federal Specification HH-C-561. Molded cork shall comply with the latest issue of Federal Specification HH-P-381. 5.2 Impregnated Mineral Wool, Code 6B, shall be Johns-Manville's "Rock Cork" or approved equal, consisting of mineral wool fibers and a waterproofing binder so impregnated as to produce a homogeneous mass. It shall be molded material meeting the latest issue of Federal Specificationi HH-M-371, Types I, II, III, and IV. 5.3 Mineral Wool Felt, Code 6C, shall be Johns-Manville's "Zerotex" or approxed equal, impregnated mineral wool felt with a waterproofing binder. It shall comply with Federal Specification HH-M-371, Type V. 6.0 ANTI-SWEAT INSULATION 6.1 Ground Cork and Asphalt, Code 7A, shall be Insul-Mastic's

-25No 553S or 553T, or equal, approved plastic material containing approximately 65 to 70% of cork by volume, which when dry will be highly resistant to acids, alkali, salt solutions, and vapors. Its consistency shall be suitable for troweling or spraying. It shall adhere permanently to any surface to which it is applied and shall not contain water. After drying, it shall not absorb water, flow, sag, check, or crack. It shall protect all construction materials, including aluminum, from corrosion. The material temperature range shall be -400 to + 3000F and the thermal conductivity at 70~F shall not be over 3.6 Btu/sq ft hr OF/in. This material is suitable for use as anti-drip coating on 5-inch pipes and larger. On smaller pipes apply insulating felt, Code 7B. 6.2 Insulating Felt, Code 7B, shall be Johns-Manville's "PreShrunk Wool Felt" or Carey's "Perfecto," or approved equal, consisting of laminations of felt composed of cellulose, animal hair, animal wool, or mineral fibers and filler. The insulation shall be suitable for use on cold water lines up to 5-inch diameter to prevent sweating. To prevent sweating on larger lines use Code 7A. The value of the thermal conductivity at 70~F shall not exceed 0.55 Btu/hr sq ft ~F/in. Subject to Section B, paragraph 6.0, this material may be substituted for Code 2A insulation. 7.0 ANTI-FREEZE INSULATION 7.1 Hair and Wool Felt Pipe Covering, Code 8A, shall be JohnsManville's'Zero Pipe Insulation" or Carey's "Protecto," or approved equal, formed pipe insulation consisting of layers

-26of hair felt and insulating felt so arranged to provide efficient protection to the hair felt. The formed sections shall incorporate a waterproof felt inner liner. The insulation shall be suitable to protect water lines against freezing. At 700F, the thermal conductivity shall not exceed 0.30 Btu/hr sq ft ~F/in. 7.2 Blanket Hair Felt, Code 8B, shall be "Navy Standard" made from 100% selected cattle hair intertwined into sheets. Material temperature range shall be -180~ to + 1800F. The thermal conductivity at 75 F shall not be over 0.25 Btu/hr o sq ft F/in. 8.0 FILL INSULATION 8.1 Cork Dust, Code 9A, shall be raw cork size 40 mesh to dust weighing 20 to 25 pounds per cu ft. Material temperature range shall be -1800 to + 250 F. 8.2 Code 9B, shall be granulated mineral wool. This is a pellet form, suitable for pouring or blowing into irregular spaces. It shall be water-repellent, nonsettling, resilient, and noncorrosive. Material temperature range shall be -180~ to + 12000F. The value of the thermal conductivity when the temperature is 500 F and the density is 5 to 10 pounds per cu ft shall not exceed 0.40 Btu/hr sq ft 0F/in. 9.0 INSULATION AUXILIARIES 9.1 Angle Iron Bands are standard angles formed to fit snugly around a tank and are used to secure wire or bands holding the insulation. See Table III, Appendix A.

-279.1 Asphalt Cement, Code A, shall be composed of suitable inorganic filler, solvent, and asphalt binder to which organic products may be added. This cement shall show no cracking of the cement or separation of the metal and cement when applied to metal test pieces cooled for one hour at 32 F and quickly bent over a 1-inch-diameter mandrel per Navy Specification # 7-Cement, Bituminous and Plastic, Bureau of Yards and Docks, Navy Department. 9.2 Asphalt CoAting, also called Heavy Mastic, either factory or field applied, used on cork pipe covering, or cork covering for flanges, valves, and fittings, shall be 2350 to 250~F melting point, oxidized asphalt. Factory applied material on pipe covering may have approximately 10% diatomaceous earth filler added to stiffen the coating and facilitate machine application. Coating shall be applied in successive layers to give a total thickness of not less than l/8inch. This material may be obtained from Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, The Texas Company, Mexican Petroleum Corporation, and similar refineries. 9.3 Asphalt Cut-Back Plastic or Flashing, Code B, shall consist of plastic material of uniform quality cut back with- a volatile solvent to troweling consistency. The product shall not flow, sag, crack, or check over a temperature range of -400 to + 3000F and shall not absorb moisture. The material shall bond securely to metal, asphalt, cloth, wood, paint, or clean and dry concrete, and the various insulating materials to which it is applied. It shall be suitable for

-28application cold in film thicknesses up to 1 inch. This material shall form a durable, acid-, alkali-, and weatherresistant, elastic vapor seal. 9.4 Breathing Plastic, Code C, shall be asphalt emulsion plastic of uniform quality, premixed by the manufacturer to troweling consistency and ready to apply as received. The product shall not flow, sag, check, or crack over a temperature range of -40~ to + 3000F. It shall be fire resistant, and the lateral shrinkage length or width in drying shall not exceed 3%. Tensile strength of air-dried material shall not be less than 325 pounds per sq in. The water-vapor permeability of a dried sample of this material applied wet, 1 inch thick, shall be within the range of 0.1 to 0.6 ounce of water per 24 hours per sq ft at a temperature of 25 C and a pressure differential of 11.9 millimeters of mercury. This material shall form a durable, acid-, alkali-, and weather-resistant, elastic finish. Where breathing plastic may be subject to freezing temperatures before use, anti-freeze may be added as recommended by the manufacturer of the plastic. At the purchaser's request, this shall be added by the rrmanufacturer prior to shipment. Shipping drums or containers shall be large enough to receive anti-freeze if it has not been added by the manufacturer. Care is to be taken that the recommended amount of anti-freeze is not exceeded or the emulsion may be broken, with resultant spoilage of the product. Breathing plastic shall not be applied at temperature below the minimum recommended by the manufacturer. If this

-29finish is to be applied when such temperatures exist, heat shall be provided to warm the space and surfaces involved accordingly. A minimum of troweling is to be done in applying this plastic. In the process of drying, the material shrinks in thickness and minor surface marks will disappear. One coat of breathing plastic will require at least 60 hours to dry. In damp weather this time may be extended to a week or more. 9.5 Asphalt Primer, Code D, shall be high-grade asphalt cut-back priming paint with good penetration and a bond for Classes l and 2 insulation, and good bond for metals and asphalt plastic. 9.6 Asbestos Roofing Felt, Code E, shall be good quality asbestos felt jacket weighing not less than 45 pounds per square and otherwise meeting ASTM Specification D250. The felt shall be saturated and coated on both sides with an asphalt having o a softening temperature of not less than 135 F. 9.7 Bands shall be metal strips suitable for bending around insulated piping or equipment and securing by crimping or clasping in place. See Table IV, Appendix A, for Material andc Size specification. 9.8 Band Seals are metal fasteners attached to bands with a banding tool to secure bands in place. They shall be of the same material as the bands. The manufacturer of the banding tool usually makes band seals to suit the tool of his manufacture.

-30-. 9 Clips, wire or band, are small pices of metal that are welded to the surface to be insulated, and are used to secure wires or bands holding the insulation. 9.10 Fibrous Adhesive, Code F, is a thick, gummy, silicate-cementbase material having some asbestos fibers mixed with it. It must adhere permanently to any surface in the temperature range of 2000 to 1800 F. It is particularly advantageous in cases where large temperature changes occur frequently and where it is difficult to secure insulation in place; e.g., on flat surfaces of equipment which face downward. Insulation shall be wired or banded in place in the same manner, whether fibrous adhesive is used or not. Paint must be removed from surfaces to which fibrous adhesive is to be applied. 9.11 Finish Cement, Soft, Code G. shall be predominantly a longfibered asbestos cement together with a heat-resisting binder, and shall meet ASTM Specification C-194-44T. This material can be given a hard surface by troweling or smoothing. It may be used on insulation where the surface to be insulated is in continuous service over 200 F and where water will not come in contact with the cement. The amount of water to be used in mixing is 21 gallons or 175 pounds per 100 pounds of cement. 9.12 Finish Cement, Hard, Code H, shall be a mixture of soft-finish cement, Code G, and a portland cement in the ratio 1 to 3 by weight or 1 to 12 by volume. The cement shall be mixed in small batches and shall not be tempered. This cement may be used indoors as follows:

-319.12.1 Over insulation with service temperature under 200'F. 9.12.2 Where small amounts of liquids may spatter on inculcatioil. 9o12.3 Where insulation is not in continuous service. 9.12.4 As intermediate between low-temperature insulation and a hot surface; e.g., a steam line entering lowor dual-temperature equipment. The amount of water to be used in mixing is 21 gallons or 175 pounds per 100 pounds of cement. 9.13 Insulating Cement, Code J. shall be composed predominantly of mineral wool and shall meet ASTM Specification C-195-45-T, except that the thermal conductivity at 500 F shall not be more than 0.80 Btu/hr sq ft OF/in. Further, the cement shall show no corrosion on steel and, when applied to a smooth steel surface, shall have a minimum adhesion when dry of 4 pounds per sq in. At operating temperatures of 12000F, the dried cement shall not powder, check, or crack. Cement shall be applied in layers 3/4 inch thick or less. The amount of water to be used in mixing is 30 gallons or 250 pounds per 100 pounds of cement. 9.14 Lagging Cement, Code Y, shall be prepared from polyvinyl acetate emulsion and shall be suitable for cementing canvas to insulation and to itself. This material shall have high bond strength, be resistant to vermin and mold, and shall be durable. The adhesive shall contain 0.4% of Milban D as the mold inhibiter based on the total weight of the adhesive. The adhesive shall increase the fire resistance of canvas on which it is applied.

-329.15 Mesh Screen, 2 x 2 Hardware Cloth, shall be No. 19 gauge 1/2-inch squte mesh galvanized iron wire. 9.16 Mesh Wire shall be zinc-coated, galvanized iron or steel hexogonal mesh wire for use on insulation. The openings of the mesh shall be 1 inch nominal. The size of the wire used in manufacture shall be not less than 0.049 inch, that is, 18 gauge. The weight of zinc coating on mesh wire shall not be less than 0.7 ounce per sq ft of uncoated wire surfaceo The zinc coating shall adhere firmly to the wire and shall be considered as meeting this requirement if, due to bending over the 0.049-inch wire, it does not flake and none of the coating can be removed from the wire by rubbing with the bare fingers. 9.17 Metal Lath shall be expanded steel lath with a protective coating of rust-resisting paint, in accordance with Federal Specification No. QQB-lO1C, Types F, SF, or FR. Its weight shall not be less than 2-1/2 pounds per sq yd. 9o13 Paraffin as referred to herein shall be o.rnmercial paraffin having a melting point of not less than 125 F. It is to be poured au 1600F. 9.19 Pasted Canvas Drilling, supplied with pipe insulation up to 6-inch pipe size and that which is supplied separately, is know to the trade as 3.8-ounce canvas. This is lightweight canvas of about 3.8 ounces per sq yd and has a warp count of 60, plus or minus a, and filler count of 30, plus or minus i. Lagging cement shall be used to seal the canvas laps.

-339.20 Cemented Canvas shall be 8-ounce canvas cemented in place with lagging cement. This canvas weighs approximately 8 ounces per sq yd and has a warp count of 84, plus or minus 5, and a filler count of 28, plus or minus 1. 9.21 Rib Lath shall be metal lath with either integral or separately attached stiffening members, in accordance with Federal Specification No. QQB-lO1C, Types F3/8R or F3/4R. The weight of rib lath shall not be less than 3 pounds per sq yd for 3/8-inch rib lath or 4.5 pounds per sq yd for 3/4-inch rib lath. 9.22 Rosin-Sized Paper shall be rosin-sized sheathing paper, weighing 40 pounds per roll of 500 sq ft. When applied under 8-ounce canvas, the ends shall be well feathered and the edges lapped at least 2 inches. 9.23 Sealing Tape shall be rubberized canvas tape commonly knowr as friction tape. For insulation it is generally used in 3inch or 4-inch widths and shall meet ASTM Specification D-69. 9.24 Seam Filler, Code K, shall be a compound of asphalt, pitch, asbestos fiber, and a solvent of such consistency as to be suitable for filling chipped edges and small joints. Seam filler shall not become brittle in service. Brine putty shall not be usea. 9.25 Severe Service Paint, Code 0, shall be paint which, when dry, will form a tough, flexible, weather-resistant finish. It shall form a permanent vapor seal and be suitable for service from minus 1800F to plus 600~F. 9.26 Skewers are pins of wood, sharp on one end, used on tank heads

-34and similar places to fasten the additional layers of cork insulation to the cork already applied. 9.27 Twine shall be 3- or 4-ply jute twine. This should be furnished in 1/4- or 1/2-pound spools. 9.28 Vapor Seal Plastic, Code S, shall be asphalt plastic material of uniform quality, cut-back with a solvent to spraying consistency. The product shall not flow, sag, check, or crack over a temperature range of minus 40 F to plus 300 F, and shall not absorb moisture. The material shall bond securely to metal, asphalt, cloth, wood, paint, clean and dry concrete, and various insulating materials to which it is applied. It shall be fire-resistant, and shall be suitable for application cold in film thicknesses up to 3/16 inch. This material shall form a durable elastic vapor seal which is acid, alkali, and weather resistant. The water-vapor permeability of 1/8-inch-thick coating of this material shall not be over.0015 ounce (.66 grain) per sq ft per 24 hours under a vapor-pressure differential of 11.9 millimeters of mercury at 250C. Application by spraying is recommended, using spray equipment specified by the manufacturer of the asphalt plastic. However, asphalt plastics may be troweled on for maintenance work or valves and fittings, where this may be done more economically. Where considerable troweling work is to be done, trowelingconsistency asphalt plastic should be used in order to facilitate application.

-359.29 Water-Resistant Cement, Code P, shall be a nonasphaltic stiff adhesive effective over a temperature range of minus 1800F to plus 3000F. It is used to bond low-temperature insulation, tha-t is, cork or impregnated mineral wool, to steel and to itself. In addition to bonding the insulation, its function is to provide a lasting water and vapor barrier between blocks of the insulation so that a water or moisture leak in the finish at one point will not permeate the entire insulation. A permanent elasticity in the cement is required to follow the expansions, strains, and flexing of equipment insulation over the temperature range. Water-resistant cement shall be of troweling consistency and shall be applied so as to have ridges in it such as would result from the use of a notched trowel. The resulting surface film with cement is readily broken when placing the insulation in place and a better bond is obtained. 9.30 Weather-Resisting Paint, Code W, shall be a paint which will bond well to metals, insulating materials, and finishes. This coating shall be tough, elastic, and durable. It shall provide protection against weather and mildly corrosive conditions. 9.31 Window Screen shall be No. 12 mesh, enameled or galvanized iron screen. 9.32 Wire material and size shall be as specified in Table IV, Appendix A. 9~33 Vapor-Seal Paint, Code X, shall consist of an asphalt-base vehicle to which has been added aluminum flake in a proportion

-36that will result in the aluminum flaking-out on the surface to give an aluminum finish. Aluminum flake shall comply with ASTM Specification 266, Grade A. A minimum of 2 pounds of aluminum flake per gallon of paint is recommended. This paint, when dry, shall provide a tough, durable, weatherresistant finish. It shall form a permanent vapor seal and shall be suitable for a temperature range of minus 1800 to plus 250~F. 9.34 Fiberglas Padding, Code T, shall be composed predominately of glass in the form of a blanket held together by means of a bakelite binder. It is commercially available in thicknesses of 1/2-inch and 1-inch. This material will change from redbrown at room temperature to a fluffy white material at 7000F due to the binder burning out at these temperatures. The absence of the binder, however, has no effect on its insulating efficiency. This material, when placed between layers of asbestos or Fiberglas cloth, is used as a cushion or seal where tight joints are required with rigid insulation, especially on joints of high-temperature premolded covers. 9.35 Asbestos Cloth, Code U, shall be 95% asbestos fibers approximately 2.4 pounds per sq yd, with a warp count of 12 and a filler count of 12. The minimum thickness shall be 0.055 inch and the temperature limit, 8500F. Commercial-grade asbestos cloth shall be 80% asbestos, approximately 2.3 pounds per sq yd, with a warp count of 10 and a filler count of not less than 10. The minimum thickness shall be 0.058 inch, and the temperature limit, 350 F.

-37INSULATION AUXILIARIES TABLE VIII Product Designation and Key to Term Code Number Manufacturer(See following page) Aspnalt Cement A Laptite (JI) No. 299(A4) Asphalt, Cut-Back Plastic, or Flashing B Insul-Mastic No. 507(11) Breathing Plastic C OC Mastic No. 90-7 (B2) Thermotex BX (C2) Asphalt Primer D Gilsonite Primer 4132 (I1) Carbozite Primer (C1) Asbestos Roofing Felt E Double-Coated Flexstone (J1) 45-lb Asbestos Base Sheet (C2) Fibrous Adhesive F Fibrous Adhesive (Jl),(C2), (E2), (B2) Finish Cement (Soft) G No. 302 (J1), No. 707 (C2), Bell Asbestos (A4), No. 99 (El) Finish Cement (Hard) H Products listed in Code G plus portland cement Insulating Cement J No. 450 (J1), No. 66 (El), No. 1 (Bl), No. 18 Heat Seal (E2), No. 2-4-1 spec. (W2) Seam Filler K Uniseal (Jl), Seam Filler (A4), Seam Sealer (B2) Severe Service Paint C Carbozite No. 56-3 (Cl) Water-Resistant Cement P No. 236 (A4), No. EC-391 (M1), No. 81-33 (B2),Type MT & M (M3) Vaper-Seal Plastic S Insul-Mastic No. 4010 Spraying (II) Fiberglas Padding T Mfr. Code H-33 (02) Asbestos Cloth U Commercial (C2), Style No. 912 & 1067 (J1), Style No. 86o & e80 (Ul) Weather-Resistant Paint W Bituplastic No. 28-Z (Wl) Vaper-Seal Paint X Carbozite Std. Black Plus Al (CI) Flintkote Al Paint, Ready Mixed (F ) Gilsonite Al Spray No. 4604-E (I1) Lagging Cement Y Lagging Cement No. 81-42W (B2), No. 70-86-03 (A3) The above list covers known acceptable products and does not exclude equivalent products of equal characteristics and quality.

-38TABLE IX KEY TO MANUFACTURER'S OF INSULATION AUXILIARIES KeJ Nliuber Manufacturer's Name Address A3 Arabol Manufacturing Co. New York, New York A4 Armstrong Cork Co. Lancaster, Pennsylvania Bi Baldwin Hill Co. Trenton, New Jersey B2 Benjamin Foster Co. Philadelphia, Penn. C1 Carbozite Protective Coatings, Inc. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania C2 Carey Manufacturing Co. Cincinnati, Ohio El Eagle-Picher Sales Co. Cincinnati, Ohio E2 Ehret Magnesia Manufacturing Co. Valley Forge, Penn. Fl Flintkote Co. Philadelphia, Penn. II Insul-Mastic Corp. of America Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Jl Johns-Manville Sales Corporation New York, New York Mi Minnesota Mining and Mfg. Co. St. Paul, Minnesota M3 Miracle Adhesives Corporation Newark, New Jersey 02 Owens-Illinois Glass Co. Toledo, Ohio U1 Union Asbestos and Rubber Co. Cicero, Illinois W1 Koppers Company, Inc. Westfield, New Jersey W2 Weber Insulations, Inc. East Chicago, Indiana Note: This is only for information and identification of symbols used on preceding table.

SECTION D APPLICATION 1.0 QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP 1.1 All insulation being installed shall be in new condition and shall meet the required material specifications as set forth in Section C. All insulation shall be installed in a workmanrlirke manner and as hereinafter specifically directed. 2.0 SURFACE PREPARATION AND PAINTING 2.1 The persons responsible for the erection of equipment, ducts, or piping shall be required by the Owner to complete such work in a condition ready for the application of insulating material,3. The Contractor shall report the presence of water, dirt, oil, or loose scale to the Owner's Representative before applying any materials. 2.2 Painting of bare pipes or equipment prior to insulating is not included as a part of the work to be done under this specification. Application of insulation auxiliary materials by the use of a painter's brush or similar means shall not be construed as painting in the above sense. 3.0 FIT OF INSULATION 3.1 All insulart on shall be of uniform thickness for each pipe size and for equipment as designated, and, unless otherwise specified, shall fit snugly the surface to which it is applied. -39

-40Block or molded insulation shall be scored where necessary to make it conform to the surface being insulated. All pipe covering shall be applied with the joints tightly butted together. Any insulation that does not fit properly shall be removed and replaced with suitable insulation. Some void spaces shall be permitted on high-temperature lines in such cases as fitting covers, flange connections on equipment, and steam-chased lines, but void spaces are to be kept at a minimum. No void spaces shall be permitted on low temperature equipment. All spaces in flange, valve, and fitting covers shall be completely filled with insulation. 4.0 FLASHING 4.1 A very thorough flashing job shall be provided wherever insulation is to be made weatherproof. At intersections in the finish, piers, nozzles, building walls, valve bonnets, supports, hangers, and other parts protruding through the surface of the finish, asphalt cut-back plastic (Code B) shall be applied as a flashing or water shed. This shall be a 1/4-inch thick coating extending several inches over all intersecting surfaces. 5.0 BANDING AND COVERS 5.1 Insulation on flanges, valves, and fittings shall be held in place by the same size wire or bands as used on adjacent pipe covering. 5.2 Insulation thickness over flanges shall be equal to thac used on the adjacent pipe, unless otherwise specified.

-415.3 Covers shall be applied over flanges, valves, and fittings in accordance with Figures 10, 11, 13, and 14, Appendix B. 5.4 All bands shall be held by double-clasp-type sealers, using commercial tools for stretching bands tight. 6.0 INSULATION AND STEAM-CHASED LINES 6.1 Pipe covering on steam-chased lines shall be sized large enough to enclose both the pipe line and chaser, yet fit as snugly as possible (See Fig. 20.) Steam-chaser expansion loops shall be covered with pipe covering, securely wired in place, and finished to suit service requirements. 7.0 PIPE COVERING AT FLANGES, VALVES, AND FITTINGS 7.1 Pipe covering shall be stopped off a sufficient distance from all flanges to permit easy removal of the bolts. Sufficient time shall be allowed for complete drying-out of insulation and cement at flanges or openings in insulation before sealing them up. 7.2 The Contractor shall insure that lines which will operate at temperatures of less than 100~F are tested before insulation is applied, then the entire line shall be fully insulated and insulation made vapor-tight before reducing its temperature below that of the surrounding atmosphere. Flanges and flanged fittings shall not be covered kntil they have been tested and approved as being ready for insulating by the Owner's R-ipresent — ative. 7.3 High-temperature lines operating at temperatures from 100~F to 6000F shall be hydrostatically tested and approved by the

-42Owner's Representative as ready for insulating of only th': pipe line before any insulation is applied to the line. When approval is given to insulate the pipe line, the Contractor shall insulate the pipe line only, leaving flanges and iflaneed fittings uninsulated until the Owner's Representative has i-uad a reasonable time in which to steam test the line at the working temperature and pressure, correct all leaks in the system, and give approval to proceed with insulating the flanges and flanged fittings. 7.4 Pipe ends shall be completely covered by the same thickness and finished the same as the adjacent insulation. 8.0 PIPE HANGERS 8.1 Where pipe hangers are attached directly to the pipe by clamps, the clamps shall be covered with the pipe covering; removing, when necessary, part of the inside surface of the insulation, to maintain the continuous unbroken outer surface of the pipe covering. The insulation around the hanger clamp shall be sealed with finish cement, as shown in Figure 12, Appendix B, and where weatherproof finish is required, this shall be carefully flashed. 8.2 On refrigerated lines where the hanger rods are welded to the pipe, insulation shall be installed as in Figure 28, Appendix B. The hanger rod, or lug, shall be insulated for the distances shown in this figure. 8.3 Where hanger clamps are placed over the pipe covering as on refrigerated lines, the insulation shall be installed as shown in Figure 24. The covering under the hanger clamps shall be protected by a piece of asbestos roofing felt overlapping a

-43metal shield of galvanized iron or aluminum. 8.4 Where blanket-type hair felt or mineral wool is applied, the hanger rods shall be painted with vapor-seal paint (Code X), wrapped with tape, and the tape painted in the same manner as the pipe covering. The minimum distances for which the hanger rods must be insulated are given in Figure 28. Distances givel are suitable for a service temperature range of -l80C to 32<F. The hanger rods shall be insulated with three layers of hair felt tapering off to one layer at the upper end; tihe first layer shall cover 1/3 of the above distance, the second liaer 2/3 of the distance, and the third the total distance insulatto ed Each layer shall have the felt fit tightly and shall be secured in place with wraps of twine not over one inch apart. Sealingj tape shall be wound on each layer of felt spirally startin; at the bottom so that at no point will there be less than two plie;. Each layer of sealing tape shall be painted with a coat of vapor-seal paint. The sealing tape shall extend over the adjacent pipe covering and the hanger rod and shall be sealed to it with asphalt cut-back plastic. (See Figure 28) 9.0 COVER DIMENSIONS 9.1 Cover lengths for line flanges covered with standard-thickness insulation are established on the basis of removing bolts or studs from one side of the flange only. For example, the cover length for a 4-inch 150 lb line flange was arrived at as follows: Distance over flanges = 2 x 15/16" + gasket = 2" Length of stud bolts = 3<

-44Projection of stud on back side (31-2)/2 = 3/4" Insulation lap = 2 x 2" (minimum) = 4" Calculated total = 10+ 1/4" Nominal length (next larger whole number) = 11" 9.2 Cover lengths for line flanges covered with insulation thicker than standard thickness (magnesia) shall be determined in the same manner illustrated above, lapping the flange cover over the pipe covering for a distance equal to the thickness of the pipe covering, but not less than 2-inches per lap. 9.3 Cover lengths for valves and fittings shall be not less than the sum of the following measurements: (See Figures 10, 11, 13, and 14) Face-to-face of valve or fitting. Allowance for bold or stud removal. One-inch additional bolt clearance for each joint included. Allowance for laps of cover over the pipe covering for a distance equal to the thickness of the pipe covering at each lap, but not less than 2-inches per lap. 10.0 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS 10.1 Wherever personnel might contact piping with exposed wire bands, the crimps and wire twists shall be located away from the aisle as a safety measure. 10.2 Safety precautions must be observed in handling asphalt plastic, asphalt cut-back plastic, asphalt primer, and all other materials containing an inflammable solvent as received in the manufacturer's shipping containers. Even

-45greater precautions must be observed where petroleum distillates may be required and used for cutting and thinning paints or coatings specified herein. Napthalene shall not be used because of its great hazard. The following materials are suggested, with the highest-flash-point material preferred: Varsol #1 (Flash point 175 F. ) Stoddard Solvent (Flash point 1030F.) Varsol #2 (Flas:n point 1020F.) 10.3 It is very important that no paint or plastic finish of any kind be applied over insulating or finish cement until such cement is thoroughly dry. 10.4 Where new cement is to be applied over existing cement, the outside surface of the existing cement shall be thoroughly wet before applying the additional coat. 10.5 All insulation on equipment which will be at or below 32 F must be sealed with a vaporproof finish to prevent moisture penetration. 10.6 In applying asphalt plastic, asphalt cut-back plastic, or a finish coat of paint, the coating or surface on which it is applied must be free from moisture, oil, dirt, or other foreign material. 10.7 Where Type E or F finish is used on hot work, it is irmportant that all plastics be permitted to dry thoroughly before putting the piping or equipment into service so as to prevent blistering. 11.0 MOLDED INSULATION - PIPE, VALVES, FITTINGS, AND EQUIPMENT 11.1 This specification is for the following pipe covering and block insulation:

-46Code Material Temperature Range OF 1A 85% Magnesia 70 to 550 1B Spun Glass 70 to 600 iC Felted Laminated Asbestos 70 to 500 11.2 All pipe covering shall fit snugly on the pipe to which it is applied. Inside circumference of pipe covering when applied shall not vary from the outside circumference of steel pipe, as given in A.S.A. Specification B 36.10, by more than the following amounts: Permissible Variation Nominal Pipe Size, In. in Inside Circumference Over Under 1/8 to 5 inclusive 0.0 0.125 in. 6 to 12 inclusive 0.0 2% Where expansion joints are to be used the inside diameter of the pipe covering shall be not less than 1/]6" nor more than 1/8" oversize. All double-layer insulation shall have the lateral and longitudinal joints of the second layer staggered with those of the first layer. No canvas is to be used between layers. All joints on both layers shall be "mudded in." For pipe covering to be finished with Type A or AA Finish (pasted canvas), the covering shall be secured to the pipe underneath the canvas with one loop of wire at each end. On pipes larger than 4" OD, the insulation shall be applied without canvas jackets and secured with four loops of wire per section. The ends of the wire loops shall be tightly twisted three times, and hammered into the insulation so

-47as to leave no projections. For pipe covering installed with Type F Finish (asbest-o felt jacket), or Type J Finish (cemented canvas), each section of the insulation shall be secured to the pipe with no less than four separate loops of wire twisted three times, bent over, and hammered into the insulation. Lateral joints shall be staggered. Molded sectional pipe covering is preferred for all pipe sizes. However, where segmental pipe covering is used (pipe sizes 12" and over), it shall be held in place with four bands per section, with alternate lateral joints staggered. On single-thickness segmental covering, insulation at joints shall be butted tightly for the full thickness of the insulation block. Occasional joints which do not fit tight shall be fully closed by tamping the insulation on each side of the joint or "mudding" the joint. Small voids or holes up to 1" square in the insulation, such as a broken corner, shall be filled with insulating material or with insulating cement. 11.3 The application of insulation on flanges and on flanged fittings and valves is illustrated in Figures 10, 11, 13, and 14, Appendix B. Block insulation, or pipe covering, shall be applied over the body of a valve or fitting between flanges, of sufficient thickness to make the OD over this insulation equal to the OD of the adjacent flanges. Cover shall be applied over this, consisting of a single layer of pipe covering or block

-48insulation, extending across and overlapping the adjacent pipe covering at least 2". Insulating cement may be used to hold insulation prior to wiring in place. The outside of the insulation on fittings shall be given a troweled coat of finish cement to present a smooth surface. 11.4 Screwed and welded fittings and valves (up to the bonnet), on 4" pipe and larger, shall be insulated with block insulation or pipe covering. (See Fig. 13 and 14). On pipe sizes less than 4", the screwed and welded fittings and valves shall be covered with insulating cement instead of pipe covering or block insulation, with the minimum thickness equal to that of the adjacent pipe insulation. (See Figure 15.) 11.5 Equipment shall be covered with blocks or curved segments in one layer for thicknesses of 2-1/2" or less and two layers for thickness of 3" or more. The insulation shall be applied with joints staggered and tightly butted together. Fibrous adhesive may be used to facilitate installation of insulation or horizontal surfaces facing downward. Insulation around nozzles or openings shall be held in place by wires or bands secured to a floating ring or to clips set back 3" from the nozzles or openings. (See Figure 16.) 11.6 The heads of cylindrical equipment shall be insulated first, securing tie wires on 4" centers or less to clips, angle-iron bands, or steel bands around the circumference of the tank behind the rivet headc or the head weld. (See Figure 16. )

-49Insulation on the heads of horizontal tanks shall be held in place with wire fastened to clips or a floating ring at the center of each end of the tank. Clips are preferred to the floating ring or bands around the tank for securing the binding wire to the tank. The insulation on the cylindrical sides of the tank shall have the joints staggered; i.e., alternate lengths in the first row around the tank shall be 18" and 36". Bands shall be placed approximately 1" from the ends of the block insulation, thus providing four bands for each 36" length of insulation. Spaces in the insulation greater than 1" across shall be filled with the block insulation wired in place while smaller spaces may be filled with insulating cement. Flanges on equipment in many cases may be left bare; however, where insulation is specified, covers shall be installed. Blocks shall be applied over the equipment flanges, extending 3" over the adjacent insulation on the cylindrical sides of the equipment. (See Figure 16). 11.7 The insulation on square-cornered equipment such as ducts, dryers, etco, shall be applied with bands in a similar manner to that used for cylindrical equipment. Over the flat surfaces, the bands shall be fastened to clips on the surface by wires at 24" intervals on vertical surfaces, and 12" intervals on horizontal surfaces facing downward.

-50Where the insulation is applied on vertical sides only acni bands cannot be applied, wire shall be used. Clips shall ber provided at 6" intervals around the bottom and top and at intermediate points on the surface so that the wires can be tied to the surface at intervals of 24" or less. Welded or cemented studs or pins may be used in place of wire or bands to secure insulation to flat surfaces. Studs or pins shall be Nelson-type welded studs, or approved equal; or an approved adhesive-type pin cemented in place with Miracle Adhesive Type M, or approved equal. Welded studs shall not be used on steel surfaces lighter than 16 gage or on aluminum surfaces. When used, the insulation shall be secured with studs or pins at each corner, and along each edge of each piece of insulation at intervals of not less than 12", and over the surface of each piece of insulation at intervals of not less than 18" measured in two directions. Angle supports shall be placed under bands and wires at the edges of equipment to prevent cutting tlhe insulation. 12.0 CLASS 2 - CELLULAR INSULATION OF PIPES, VALVES, FITTINGS, AND EQUIPMENT 12.1 This specification is for corrugated-asbestos (Code 2A) pipe covering and block insulation for temperatures from 700F to 300'F. Caution must be used in installing this insulation to see that the cells are not crushed or damaged, especially when wiring or banding in place.

-5112.2 Pipe covering with Type A and AA Finish shall be applied with five copper staples per section and the canvas lap pasted tightly over the staples, turning the edge of the lap to the least visible side of the pipe. (See Figure 8. ) Staple sizes shall be 3/4" for 1" pipe covering and smaller, 1" for pipe covering between 1" and 6", and 1-1/2" for pipe covering over 6". Exposed ends shall be filled with soft finish cement before applying the insulation to the pipe. Pipe covering to be finished with Type F Finish shall be applied and secured in place with five loops of wire or bands per section, as shown in Figure 9. 12.3 Unless otherwise specified on the drawings, flanges, valves, and fittings in lines insulated with corrugated-asbestos (Code 2A) shall be covered with insulating cement to the same thickness as that of the adjacent pipe covering, as shown in Figure 15, Appendix B. 12.4 Cellular insulation shall be applied on cylindrical and square-cornered equipment in the same manner as is given for molded insulation (Code 1A, 1B, or 1C). Fibrous adhesive may be used on vertical surfaces and horizontal surfaces facing downward. Flanges on equipment shall be left bare, except where covers are specified. 13.0 BLANKET INSULATION ON EQUIPMENT 13.1 This specification is for Mineral-Wool Insulations (Code 4A) consisting of blankets furnished with window-screen, meshscreen, metal-lath, hexagonal-mesh-wire, or rib-lath backing.

-5213.2 Blanket insulation on equpiment shall be applied with the metal lath or heavy mesh outward and shall be secured in place by means of angle-iron bands, studs, 5/32"-diameter welding wire, or bands as hereinafter specified. Outer metal backings shall have all joints laced together with wire at 6" intervals. Blanket insulation on flat surfaces may be secured with welded or cemented pins, as described for Class 1 insulation. The insulation on cleanout doors and adjacent to openings shall have the metal lath bent at right angles to meet the equipment surface. 13.3 On curved equipment, other than cylindrical, the preferred method of holding the blanket in place is by means of studs or welding rods welded to the surface of the equipment on 6" centers as illustrated in Figure 18, Appendix B. On cylindrical equipment, heads shall be insulated first, then the cylindrical portion. Bands shall be pulled tight over the insulated cylinder at intervals of two feet or less to prevent sagging. (See Figure 18.) Where a vertical cylinder eight feet or more in height is involved, an angleiron band shall be installed above the lower head in order to support the insulation on the vertical sides of the equipment. 14.0 LOW-TEMPERATURE FORMED INSULATION - PIPE, VALVES, FITTINGS, AND EQUIPMENT 14.1 This specification is for low-temperature formed insulation,

-53Cork (Code 6A), to be used on pipe, valves, fittings, and equipment. Before insulation is applied, it is important that surfaces be prepared as described in paragraphs 1.0 - 10.0, Section D. After insulating, all voids shall be filled. 14.2 Cork pipe covering shall have a factory coating of heavy mastic to provide an effective seal against air and moisture infiltration. Pipe covering shall be applied in a single layer with longitudinal joints on the top and bottom of the pipe. End joints shall be staggered by making one-half of the first section 18" long. The insulation shall be applied to the pipe, using asphalt cement on all longitudinal and circumferential joints, and held in place with not less than six loops of wire or bands per section. All wires and bands shall be drawn tight around the covering and pressed against the surface, but not breaking the surface seal. The ends of the pipe covering at flanges shall be given a coat of asphalt cut-back plastic to seal the covering to the pipe. 14.3 Flanges, valves, and fittings shall be insulated with molded cork covers or with built-up covering of cork board. The choice between molded cork covers and built-up covering of cork board shall be made on the basis of cost. For small pipe sizes (4" and under), the molded covers are generally cheaper, while for larger pipe sizes the built-up covering is generally less expensive. (Figures 21, 22, and 23. )

-54The built-up covering of cork-board material shall not be less than the thickness of the adjacent pipe covering and the pieces of cork board shall be held together with asphalt cement and skewers. The built-up covering shall be made in sections so as to be readily applied over flanges, fittings, or valves and shall fit with a minimum of void spaces. The flange covering shall extend at least 3" over the adjacent pipe covering. The molded and built-up covers shall be held in place with asphalt cement on all joints. Wires and bands shall be drawn tight around the fittings and pressed into the surface. Flashing shall be applied as needed. When molded covers for welding fittings are ordered, the name of the manufacturer supplying welding fittings should be stated. 14.4 Equipment shall be insulated with lags or segments cut from blocks or sheets of the insulation. On flat or cylindrical surfaces, insulation 4" thick or less shall be a single lay and for thickness greater than 4" shall be two or more layers. The insulation shall be applied on surfaces with asphaltcement coating both the metal surface and all contact sides of the lags in order to provide a vapor-seal barrier around each lag. The heads of cylindrical equipment shall have insulation applied in two courses. Each course shall be pressed into

place to secure a good bond. The first course shall follow the curve of the head and the sides to a point where angileiron band or clips may be located. (See Figure 25.) For all tank bottoms and heads of tanks, clips or angle-iron bands shall be installed to furnish support for tying insulation to the tank. (See Tables III and IV in Appendix A. ) Where lagging on the head meets the lagging on the sides of the curved tank, the side lagging is to be cut in suclh a manner as will provide an offset or broken joint. The first course on the head is to be held in place with wires attached to the clips or angle-iron bands around tile circumference of the tank behind the rivet heads or the head weld, and by a floating ring or clips at the center of the head. The second course is to be cemented, and skewered-to in the case of cork, the first course following the curve of the head. This shall then be wired in place in the same manner as the first course, except that wires will be attached to a floating ring at the center of the head, and to a band around the tank insulation. (See Figure 25.) The sides of round tanks shall have lags installed in single thickness, applied with water-resistant cement on all joints, and held in place with no less than six bands per 36" section. The joints of the insulation shall be broken by using 18" blocks in alternate rows of the first course. The bands should be placed about 1" from the end joint, and one band in the center of each 18" space.

-56The insulation over manhole covers, heat-exchanger heads, openings for inspection of ASME code markings on pressure vessels, and other surfaces as indicated in the drawings, shall be so applied as to permit removal and replacement of the covers and heads without damage to the insulation. The design of the cover and head insulation shall be submitted for approval by the Contractor to the Owner's Representative before any insulation is applied. All wires or bands connected to equipment being insulated shall be covered with insulation. 14.5 Nonweatherproof insulation on pipe, valves, flanges, and fittings snail have Type G or GG Finish. Weatherproof insulation on pipe, valves, flanges, and fittings shall have Type F Finish. Insulation on equipment shall have Type EE Finish. 15.0 FELT INSULATION ON PIPE, VALVES, FITTINGS, AND EQUIPMENT 15.1 This specification is intended for felt insulation for service temperatures below the dew point of the surrounding air. The insulants considered in this class are as follows: Code Materials Temperature Range OF 8A Hairfelt -180 to 160 6C *Mineral-Wool Felt -180 to 160 The felt insulation shall be applied in the number of plies specified and after application each ply shall be approximately 3/4" thick. *For use on Flanges, Valves, and Fittings only.

-5715.2 The pipe shall be painted with one coac of vapor-seal paint for a distance of approximately 12" from each flange. After the paint is dry, sealing tape shall be wound over it spirally so that at no point are there less than two plies. The tape shall be given a coat of vapor-seal paint to seal the edges. The pipe shall then be wrapped with a layer of 1" felt cut to proper length so that the felt shall fit close to the pipe and all longitudinal and abutting joints shall fit closely together. Second and subsequent layers of felt shall be applied with joints broken. Each layer shall be held in place with twine wound spirally over the felt on approximately 1" centers. Over each of the last two layers of felt there shall be applied a protective vapor seal of tape wound on spirally so that at no point are there less than two plies. Each two plies of tape shall be given a coat of vapor-seal paint (Code X) to seal the edges of the tape. Felt insulation on piping shall be sectionalized by sealing the tape forming the inner vapor seal to the pipe and the outer vapor-seal tape to the inner vapor seal. The two seals shall be staggered. This arrangement is to localize damage to the insulation, should failure of a vapor seal occur at some point. Maximum sealed length of insulation shall not exceed 12 feet. The insulation shall be stopped at sufficient distance from

-58valves and fittings so that the sealing tape can be brought down to the pipe and sealed to it. 15.3 All flanges, valves, and fittings shall be insulated separately from the adjacent pipe covering. The insulation over t-he body of the valves and fittings shall be of the same thickness as on the adjacent pipe. As each ply is put on, it shall be secured in place with wraps of twine not over I" apart. Over each of the last two layers of felt there shall be applied the protective vapor-seal tape, wound on spirally so that at no point are there less than two plies. The sealing tape shall extend over the adjacent pipe covering and shall be painted and sealed to the covering with vaporseal paint. The junction of the sealing tape and any protruding metal, wood, etc., shall be carefully flashed (See Figure 27). 15.4 Weatherproof insulation on piping shall have Type F Finish or Type EE Finish. 16.0 ANTI-SWEAT INSULATION 16.1 Ground Cork and Asphalt (Code 7A) shall be applied on 5" and larger diameter pipe, and equipment,valves and fittings to prevent sweating of surfaces between 40O and 75 F. When dry, the coating shall be 1/4" in thickness. It may be applied by troweling or spraying. Maximum thickness, in general, shall be 3/8". 16.2 Insulating Felt (Code 7B) shall be applied as a 1" thick covering on pipe lines up to 5" in diameter to prevent sweating of surfaces between 40O and 75~F. The jacket shall be

-59lifted from both ends of each 3-foot section and the covering secured to the pipe with one loop of wire at each end, as illustrated in Figure 1, Appendix B. The canvas jacket shall then be pasted down at the edges. 17.0 FILL INSULATION 17.1 Fill materials are for use at the following temperatures: Code Material Temperature Range ~F (Auxiliary) Cork Dust and Paraffin -180 to 100 10A Cork Dust -180 to 250 10B Mineral Wool - Granulated -180 to 1200 On all applications where operating temperature of surface insulated will be below dew point, container or casingenclosing fill material must be made vapor-tight. Fill materials are used for two purposes: 1. To fill voids in flange, valve, and fitting insulations for low temperatures. (See Figures 21 and 23. ) 2. To serve as insulation where specified, e.g., panel fill, to surround items otherwise difficult to insulate, etc. (See Figure 29.) When installing fill materials, it is important that all voids be eliminated. This may be accomplished by tamping, rodding, vibrating, etc. If the temperature of the surface insulated will at no time exceed 100~F, cork dust and paraffin are normally used to fill voids in fittings and equipment where the fill material can be poured into the cavity in the insulation. Above 1000F cork dust alone shall be used.

-6oFor low temperatures, surface imperfections, chipped edges, and small joints in cork or impregnated mineral-wool insulation on pipe and equipment shall be filled with seam filler, flashing, water-resistant cement, or vapor-seal plastic. However, seam filler (Code K) should not be used where air temperature surrounding equipment may be over 90 F.

SECTION E FINISHES 1oO TYPE A OR AA FINISH 1.1 Type A Finish shall consist of 3.8 ounce pasted canvas over Class 1 or 2 Insulation on pipe, flanges, valves, and fittings. The finish is nonweatherproof, for use indoores. (See Figures 1, 2, 5 and 8.) 1.2 Type AA Finish is Type A plus a brush coat of lagging cement over the entire outer surface of all canvas. 1.3 Pipe insulation shall be covered with pasted canvas having both longitudinal and circumferential laps. Lagging cement shall be used to seal the canvas laps, turning the lap, wherever possible, to the least visible side of the pipe. The ornamental brass or black bands usually supplied by the insulation manufacturer shall be installed with the fastening on the far side of the normal personnel approach to the pipeline. 1.4 Flanges, valves, fittings, and bends shall have a 1/4"-thick troweled coat of finish cement over the insulation. Over this shall be applied 3.8-ounce pasted canvas, cut to lap without wrinkles. For pipe sizes of 12" and larger, use Type D Finish plus the pasted canvas. 1.5 Where pipe lines are located indoors and operating at 300~F and over, the following precautions shall be taken to prevent burning of the canvas finish: -61

-62i... WVnere exposed fittings (uninsulated) are located in the line, the pasted-canvas finish applied to the line over the insulation shall be stopped at least 2" short of the end of the insulation. 1.5.2 Over the exposed insulation, cement asbestos cloth (See Type K Finish), with the ends of the asbestos cloth cemented neatly over the end of the pipe covering so as to cover the insulation completely, using lagging cement (Code Y). 2.0 TYPE D FINISH 2.1 Type D Finish shall consist of finish cement, either soft or hard as conditions warrant, and is nonweatherproof for indoors use. 2.2 Type D Finish may be applied on equipment, large valves, and fittings covered with insulation cement or Codes 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 4A insulation. The finish shall not be subject to acid spillage, excessive water, or high humidity. 2o3 Code 4A Insulation on equipment shall have one coat of asphalt paint applied over the insulation and wiring, plus two 1/4v" coats of finish cement. Classes 1 and 2 Insulation on equipment, valves, and fittings shall be finished with two 1/4" coats of finish cement. The first coat shall be applied rough and allowed to dry, then the second coat applied. The finished surface shall be smooth and free from checks or cracks. All equipment 12" OD and larger, as well as all valves and fittings of 12" pipe size and larger

-63shall have mesh wire to provide the base for this finish, drawn tightly over the insulation and secured to the clips, bands, and tie wires of the insulation. 3.0 TYPE E FINISH 3o1 This finish shall consist of Code C plastic plus suitable reinforcing and flashing to assure a weatherproof finish. It is to be used on equipment and bends, flanges, valves, and fittings outdoors where the equipment temperature is always above 70 F. It shall be applied as hereinafter specified. 3.2 Insulation on flat equipment shall be covered with mesh wire secured to the clips, bands, and tie wires of the insulation. 303 Insulation on curved equipment and large fittings shall be covered with mesh wire applied over the insulation, drawn in tight and securely laced. 3.4 Insulation and banding or wiring of Classes 1 and 2 shall be given one coat of asphalt primer (Code D) or weather-resistant paint (Code W) to improve the bond to be obtained between the insulation and finish. 3.5 After the above preparation, with exception of Code 4A, traoel over the entire outer surface of the insulation bands and wires two 1/4" coats of breathing plastic (Code C), allowing the first coat to dry and applying flashing (Code B), then applying the second coat of breathing plastic plus flashing (See Figure 15)o As a final finish apply one coat of weatherresistant paint (Code W). 3.6 Insulation and wiring under Code 4A shall be given a 1/4" coat of insulating cement (Code J) which shall be allowed to dry.

-64One coat of asphalt primer (Code D) or weather-resistant paint (Code W) shall then be applied. After this preparation, trowel over the entire outer surface of the insulation, mesh, bands, and wires, a coating of breathing plastic (Code C) of 1/4" uniform thickness (16 to 20 gal/100 sq ft)o 3~7 Support brackets on equipment which will operate above 300~F shall be covered with insulating cement to the same thickn-ess as adjacent insulation with breathing plastic and flashing applied over this. 3~8 Where bare lines over 300 F pass through equipment insulation, insulating cement to the same thickness as adjacent insulation shall be applied to the line for a distance of several inches from the surface being insulated. Finish with breathing plastic and flashing to form a watershed as needed. 4.0 TYPE EE FINISH 4.1 This finish shall consist of Code S plastic plus suitable reinforcing and flashing to insure a weatherproof finish. It is to be used where equipment temperature is below 70 F all or part of the time. 4.2 Surface imperfections and small joints in insulation under Codes 6A, 6B, and 6C require sealing. No voids are to be permitted for any class of insulation on low-temperature work. 4.3 After the above preparation, the entire outer surface of the insulation, including bands and wires, shall be sprayed with vapor-seal plastic (Code S) to provide uniform protective coating of 1/8" minimum thickness using at least 8 gallon/100 sq ft. Flashing (Code B) shall then be applied as called for and as

-65per typical illustrations given in Figures 15, 21, 26, 27, and 28, Appendix Bo 4.4 Where either Type E or EE Finish may come in contact with hot surfaces (over 3000F), a coat of severe service paint (Code 0) shall be applied to the hot surface and the insulation both before and after applying the finish. 5.0 TYPE F FINISH 5.1 Type "F" Finish shall consist essentially of roofit. felt over pipe insulation for all pipe sizes and asphalt plastic on flange, valve, and fitting covers up to and including 8" pipe size (See Type E Finish for 10" and over). This finish shall be used wherever a weatherproof finish is desired and shall be applied as hereinafter specified. 5.2 Code 4A insulation on bends, flanges, valves, and fittings shall be leveled by a 1/4" coat of finish cement and allowed to dry thoroughly. 5.3 Pipe covering shall be wrapped with 45-lb asbestos roofing-felt (Code E) jacket with at least 3" laps on the end and longitudinal joints. All laps shall be cemented with asphalt cement. The edge of the longitudinal flap shall be slightly above the horizontal centerline of the pipe. On outdoor pipelines the edge of the flap shall preferably be on the equator side of the pipe and so placed as to form a watershed. Where the outside diameter of the insulation is 10" or less, each section of the asbestos felt jacket shall be held in place with nine loops of wire, or not less than six bands (See Table IV, Appendix A). Where the outside diameter of the insulation is

-66over 10" each section of the asbestos felt jacket shall be held in place by not less than nine bands (See Table IV, Appendix A). Wire twists shall be bent down; twists and band seals shall be located directly over the horizontal flap seam. 5.4 Insulation on bends, flanges, valves, and fittings shall receive a priming coat of asphalt primer (Code D) or cwat-herresistant paint (Code W) followed by a plastic finish as follows: No. of Wet Thickness Pl.astic Where EquipO Temp. Will Be: Coats of Each Coat Finish Above 700F 2 1/4 Breathing Plastic Code C Below 70 F part or all 1 1/8" Vapor-seal of the time Plastic Code S 6o0 TYPE G OR GG FINISH 6.1 Type G or GG Finish shall consist of paint as hereinafter specified, and may be used on pipe, valves, flanges, and fittings covered with Code 6A, 6B, or 6C insulation where a nonweatherproof finish is required indoors. It shall consist of paint applied over the insulation as follows: 0o Finish Code Line Temp. F Paint No. Coats G Above 70 Weather-Resistant One of Code W G 70 or less Vaper-Seal Two of Code X GG 70 or less Vaper-Seal and 2 coats X plus Weather-Resistanc 1 coat W

-676.2 Type GG Finish should be specified and used where corrosive conditions may exist which would be detrimental to the aluminum in the vapor-seal (Code X) paint. 6.3 Code X paint shall be applied to a uniform thickness equivalent to coverage obtained in applying one gallon to 300 sq ft. 6.4 Code W paint shall be applied to a uniform thickness equivalent to coverage obtained in applying one gallon to 150 sq ft. 7.0 TYPE J OR JJ FINISH 7.1 Type J Finish shall consist of cemented canvas. It may be used on pipe, flanges, valves, fittings, and equipment covered with Code 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 2A, or 4A Insulation where a nonweatherproof indoor finish is desired. 7.2 Cemented canvas on pipe insulation shall be 8-ounce canvas drawn snugly in place over rosin-sized paper and shall have all laps cemented with lagging cement. 7~3 Flanges, valves, fittings, and bends for pipe sizes 10" and under shall have a 1/4"-thick coat of finish cement. Over this, the canvas shall be applied, cut, and cemented in place with lagging cement so that there will be no wrinkles. 7.4 For pipe sizes 12" and larger, and for equipment, Type J Finish shall consist of Type D Finish plus cemented canvas as described herein. 705 Type JJ Finish shall be the same as Type J Finish plus a brush coat of lagging cement applied over the entire exterior surface of the canvas to size and shrink the canvas 7~6 Where exposed fittings over 3000F are located in the line, finish the ends of insulation as directed in paragraph 1o5

-68of Section E. 8.0 TYPE K FINISH 8.1 Type K Finish shall consist of asbestos cloth. It may be used over the insulation on pipe, flanges, valves, fittings, and equipment indoors covered with Class 1 insulation where a highly fire-resistant covering is required that is nonieatherproof. Asbestos Cloth Kind of Finish Code Temp. F Asbestos Cloth K 350 maximum Commercial Grade K 350 to 850 95% Plain Asbestos 8.2 Type K Finish shall be asbestos cloth (Code U) drawn snugly over the insulation and held in place by cementing all laps with lagging cement (Code Y). 8.3 Flanges, valves, fittings, and bends for pipe sizes 10" and under shall have a 1/4"-thick coat of finish cement (Code H). Over this, the asbestos cloth shall be applied, cut, and cemented in place with lagging cement so that there will be no wrinkles. 8.4 For pipe sizes 12" and larger and for equipment, this finish shall consist of Type D Finish plus the asbestos cloth cemented in place.


-70TABLE I STAIJDARD THERIAL INSULATION DIMENSIONS OF PIPE COVERING (IN INCHES) Nominal *Outside CRK AGNESI Pipe Pipe Ice Water Brine Special | Do u-le Thick Thick Brine Thick Std t OD TTul OD Insul OD nsul hick Thick C over Wall Cover Wall Cover Wall__ /.54 J3 03 25 1.35 1 J4o25 1.,5 Jo.31 2.38.G 1.91./2s"l 0o$40 J3.2~ 25 o20 J 26 1.7o1 J6.31 2.73 1.. 3,/+, 103oOO J3.75 135 JlI69 1.1 J6o31 2.03 o 1.91 kL" o10315 J4.25 1.47 J5,31 2o00 J7.23 2.97 1.91 1-1/4 1,i660 J4.69 1. 4 J6.31 2.32 J7. 7 3.11.3 1. 91 1-1/2" 1i 00 J4 69 1 42 J6.75 2,50 J7.87 2. 9c' 1 91 2" 2.375 J5.31 1.47 J7.25 2. 4 J. 7 3.7 3 25 1. 03 216 2-1/2" 2.373 J5.62 1.37 J7.-7 2.50 03.87 3.00 1.03 2.13 t3" 3.500 J6.75 1i56 J83. 7 2,65 J9.62 3.c6 1.03 2.16 3-1/2", 4000c J7.25 1.62 J9.62 2.81 1J1.12 3.56 1.03 2,16 4 4.oo00 J7.87 1.63 J9.62 2.56 J11.12 3.31 1.125 2.25 5" 5.563 J9.87 1.65 J11.12 2.78 J13.12 3.73 1.125 2.25 6" 6.625 J10.25 1.31 J12.13 2.78 J14.62 4.00 1.12- 2.2 " 3 (.625 J12,1 1.7 J14.62 3.00 L16.62 4.00 1.25 2.5 ilC" i10,750 J14.62 1.93 L16.75 3.00 L13.75 o0 1. 2.0 12" 1.70 115.75 1.30 L18.75 3.00 L20.75 4.00 1.5 3 C0 14" OD i 14.00 L17.00 1.50 L20.00 300 L22.00 4 1. 5 3. 0 16" 0 16,00 L19.00 1.50 L2C2.0 3.00 L24.00 3.00 1O 5 300 1i" OD 13.00 L21.00 1.50 L24.00 3.00 L26.00 4.00 1.5 3 00 20" OD 20o00 L23o00 1.50 L26.00 3o00 L23.00 i,00 1. 24" OD 243,o O 1.5 30o 30" OD5 30. 00 ______ ______ ______ 1.5 3.00 J - Molded- Cork Section L - Beveled Cork Lagging ePer ASA 336.10 -Use;.ma:gnesia of sizes listed on Table IT whenever feasible.

-71TABLE II STANDARD THERvIAL INSULATION BASIC SIZES OF INSUIJATION FOR PIPING Pipe Nominal Nominal Nominal Size 1-1/2" Thick 2" Thick 2-1/2" Thick N _ OD Tnk. OD ThL. OD Thk. OD ]/4 -.54o 1.453 3.500 1.953 4.500 3/8.675 1.641 4.000 2141 5. 000 1/2.840 lo2 4.000oo 2.062 5.000 3/4 1.050 1.437 4.000 1.937 5.000 1 11315 1.562 4.500 2.093 50562 1-1/4 i1 66o 1.625 5.000 1.906 5.562 1-1/2 1.900 1.531 5.000 1.844 5.562 2 2.375 1562 5.562 2.094 6.625 2-1/2 20875 1.312 5.562 1.844 6.625 3 3.500 1.531 6.625 2.031 7.625 3-1/2 4.000 1.281 6.625 1.776 7.625 4 4.500 1.531 7.625 2.031 8.625 4-1/2 5.000 1.281 7.625 1.831 8.625 5 5.563 1.500 8.625 2.000 9.625 6 6.625 1o437 9.625 2.000 10.750 7 7.625 1.500 10.750 2.000 11.750 2.500 12.750 8 8.625 1500 11.750 2.000 12.750 2.687 14.125 9 9.625 1.500 12.750 2.187 14.125 2.687 15.125 10 10.750 1.625 14.125 2.125 15.125 2.625 16.125 11 1.625 15o125 2.125 16.125 2.625 170125 12 12.750 1.625 16.125 2.117.125 2625 18.125 14" to 30" OD Pipe 1.500 2.000 2.500

-72TABLE II STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION BASIC SIZES OF INSULATION FOR TUBING Tube Nominal N'ominal Nominal Size 1" Thick 1-1/2" Thick 2" Thick N OD Thk. OD Thk;;. OD Tlk. OD 3/3-.375.969 2.375 1.531 3.500 1/2.500 1.141 2.875 1.453 3.500 5/3.025 1.076 2.875 1.641 4. ooo 3 /.730 1. 062 2.875 1. 564 4. ooo 7/8.875. 969 2:375 1.531 4.000 1.ooo0.906 2.875 1.475 1-!/8 1.1 2 1.157 3 500 1.657 4.500 1-1/4 1.250 1.094 3. 00 1.594 4.500 1-3/8 1.375 1.375 3.500 1.531 4.500 1-1/2 1.500.969 3.500 1.469 4.500 — 5/8 1.825.906 3.500 1.657 5.000 2 2.000.969 4.000 1. 49 5.000 2-1/8 2.125 1.157 4.500 1.687 5.562 2-1/2 2.500.969 4.500 1.500 5.562 2-5/8 2.625.906 4.500 1.437 5.562 3 3.000.969 5.000 1.786 6.625 3-1/8 3.125 1.187 5.562 1.719 6.625 4 4.000 1.276 6.625 1.776 7.625 4-1/3 4.125 1.219 6.625 1.719 7.625 5 5.000 1.276 7.625 1.776 8.625 2.276 9.625 5-1/ 5.125 1.219 7.625 1.719 8.625 2.219 9.625 6 6. 000 1.276 8.625 1.776 9.625 2.344 10.750 6-1/ 6.12 1.219 8.62 1 1. 719 9.625 2.281 1 0.7

-73TABLE III STANIDARD TIERMAL INSULATION CLIPS, STUDS, AND ANGLE-IRON EARDS FOR EQUIPKEiTI 1/4" Diam. Hole -1/4" BAND CLIP WIRE CLIP ANGLE-IRON BAND Ins x D x C 1 to l 1 1 1/8 1 x 1" x 1 x 1" x 1 10 Gag 2" 1?X ll?? 1 l Diam Hole l/4OpeningA A_ B e — A —- D toInsulaion 3: x A 1x 2x3/16C 2 x 2x 3/16 Wir 4" to 61" 1"x 3"x 1/31" "x 31"x 1/4 3" x 3" x 1/ 4" Bands 7"and over 2"x 4"x 3/8" 2"x 4" x 3/8" 4" x 4" x 3/8" Bands

-74TABLE IV WIRE AND BANDS Item Mat' Size Use Wire 0.081" diam. To hold roofing felt in place or Copper on pipe covering in all pipe sizes Bands 1/2" x 0.020" Bands are preferred where O over roofing felt is greater than 14". Wire Galv. 0.062" diam. To hold insulation in place on pipe Iron (16 gage) sizes 41 and under for Classes 1, 2, 3, and 4. o0 H Wire 0.083" To hold insulation in place on pipe or Galvo (14 gage) sizes over 4" for Classes, 1, 2, 3, m Bands Iron 1/2" x 0.020" and 4, as well as on all pipe sizes >^~L~~~~ ~~~for Classes 5 and 7. Bands are preferred where OD of covering is greater than 14"o Bands Galv. 1/2" x 0.020" To hold insulation in place on cyl(only) Iron indrical equipment where OD of insulation is not more than 30" or other shaped equipment of equivalent perimeter. Bands Galv. 3/4" x 0.035" To hold insulation in place on e(only) Iron quipment larger than the above but i0c?1~~~~ ~not over 8-ft diameter or equivalent. Bands Galv. l-1/4"x 0.035" To hold insulation in place on e(only) Iron quipment over 8-ft diameter. Where corrosive conditions exist, the size and material for bands and wires shall be stated on the drawings. All wire and band material for noncorrosive application shall conform to the following: Copper wire and bands shall meet ASTM Specification B-99, Types A, C, or D - Annealed. Galvanized-iron wire shall meet ASTM Specification A-112. Galvanized-iron bands shall be double-galvanized annealed steel strip Except as noted in the table, where wires are called for in this specification for holding covering or roofing felt in place on piping, it

-75will be permissible to use bands. When bands are substituted, the spacing shall be not less than 3 bands per section for pipe covering nor 4 bands per section for the asbestos roofing jacket. The wire and band sizes used shall comply with the table.

IEAT LOSS FROM BARE SURFACES For Various Temperature Difierences TABILE V Losses given in Btu per hour, per linear foot of bare pipe. (*For finding losses at temperatures between those shown, the Btu increments per degree are used as in the example below.) Nominal Sq ft of u-p u-p -P ( CJP r 0 TEMPERA- 0 TURE T ODIFFERENCF U 0 DEGREES F k 0 pipe size, pipe sur- bD T0- 0, D00 5N DR F inches face, per k ) ^-,~^4- ^o t, u ou O O o lin.ft 5_ 0 ( 1000 11500 2000 2Q9 Q.g 3200~ 1/2......0.220 21.5.52 47.3.64 79.2.76 117.3.90 162.3 1.06 21.2 1.2./4......0.275 26.8.65 59.2.80 99.0.95 146.6 1.13 202.9 1.32 269.0 1.60 1............0.344 33.5.81 74.0 1.00 123.8 1.19 183.4 1.41 253.8 1.65 336.4 2.01 1-1/4........ 0.435 42.4 1.02 93.6 1.26 156.6 1.51 231.9 1.78 320.9 2.09 45.4 2.4 1-1/2........0.498 48.6 1.17 107.2 1.44 179.3 1.72 265.4 2.04 367.4 2.39 487.0 2.90 2.........0.622 60.7 1.46 133.9 1.80 223.9 2.15 331.5 *2.55 458.9 2.99 608.3 3.63 2-1/2.....0.753 73.4 177 162.1 2.18 271.1 2.61 401.4 3.08 555.6 3.62 736.4 4.39 3............0.917 89.4 2.16 197.3 2.66 330.1 3.17 488,8 3.76 676.6 4.40 896.8 5.34 3-1/2.......1.047 102.1 2.46 225.3 3.03 376.9 3.62 558.1 4.29 772.5 5.03 1024.0 6.10 4...........1.178 114.9 2.77 253.5 3,41 424,1 4.08 627.9 4.82 869.1 66 1152.0 6.88 4-1/2....... 1.309 127.6 3.08 281.7 3.79 471.2 4.53 697.7 5.35 965.1 6.30 1280.0 7.64 5..... o6.....1.46 142.0 3.43 313.3 4.22 524.2 5.04 776.1 5.96 1074.0 7.00 1424.0 8.48 6..1.......1.734 169,1 4,08 373.2 5.02 624.2 6.00 924.2 7.10 1279.0 8.34 1696.0 10.10 7. oo.c c.o... 1.996 194,6 4.,70 429.5 5.78 718.6 6.91 1064.0 8.18 1473.0 9.58 1952.0 11.64 8............2.257 220,1 5,31 485.7 6.54 812.5 7,81 1203.0 9.24 1665.0 10.84 2207.0 13.16 9..........o2. 519 245,6 5,93 442.1 7.29 90608 8,72 1343.0 10.32 1859.0 12.10 2464.0 14.68 10..00.......2.817 274.7 6,63 606.2 816 1014,0 9076 1502.0 11.52 2078.0 13.54 2755.0 16.42 11.....o.....30073 299.6 7.23 661.3 8.89 1106.0 10.64 1638.0 12.58 2267.0 14076 3005.0 17.92 12o........,.30338 325.5 7.86 718,3 9.67 1202.0 11.-54 1779.0 13.68 2463.0 16,04 3265.0 19.46 14 OD.......3.663 357.1 8.62 788.3 10.61 1319.0 12.66 1952.0 15.02 2703.0 17,5 3582.0 21.36 16 OD,,,.o.4..188 408,3 9,86 901.3 12.13 1508,0 14.48 2232,0 17.16 3090.0 20.12 4096.0 24.42 18 OD.00.00..4.716 459,8 11,o10 101530 13.66 1698.0 16.32 2514,0 19.32 3480,0 2264 612.0 27.50 20 OD......o o5235 510,4 12.33 1127.0 15.16 188300 18.10 2790,0 21,44 3862.0 2.16 120.0 30052 24 01)00.,,0.6.286 612.9 14,80 1353.0 18,20 2263,0 21i74 3350.0 25.76 4638,0 30.20 6148,0 36.64 230 O1,,.,o.,. 7.35 76508 lK4S 1690.0 22.74 282700 27.18 4186.0 32018 5795.0 37.72 763100 43.30 -- - 2,32 7. 027-13 -t 37~ L 1 t3 3o nD,, 1,,0,.... \ 7. -954 761-,, 4 16oo o 2 22-79 6.o 2-, 1 3.O.06i7, r1

HEAT LOSS FROM BARE SURFACES (Cont tt) Nominal Sq ft of pipe size, pipe sur- 0) EPCP 0 -P a- op inches face, per TE PERA S ITURE - 0 DIFFERENCE, A DEGREES F g a w C) bU s W a) 0)Oa lin. ft 3500 r 4000 U 4500 r 5000 D 550U rc 60 U)" ^o ku ku ko ko ko 35 00 r O a0Q) u PL-4 P-.H P- ~-H ______P-1H ~ P-H 2........0,220 279.3 1.52 355.1 1.73 441.7 1.99 541.2 2.17 649.8 2.45 772.2 2.63 3/4..... 0.275 349.1 1.90 443.9 2.16 552.1 2.49 676.5 2.71 8s.2 3.06 965.3 3.29 1........... 0.344 436,7 2.37 555.2 2.71 690.6 2.71 846.2 3.40 1016.0 3,82 1207.0 4.14 1-1/4.......0.435 552.2 3.00 702.1 3.42 873.3 3.93 1070.0 4.30 1285.0 4.84 1527.0 5.20 1-/2.... 0.498 632.2 3.43 803.8 3.92 999.7 4.51 1225.0 4.92 1471.0 5.54 1748.0 5.96 2...........0.622 789.6 4.29 1004.0 4.90 1249.0 5.62 1530.0 6.14 1837.0 6o92 2183.0 7.44 2-1/2......0.753 955.9 5.18 1215.0 5.94 1512.0 6.80 1852.0 7.44 2224.0 8.38 2643.0 9.00 3........... 0.917 1164.0 6.32 1480.0 7.22 1841.0 8.30 2256.0 9.04 2708.0 10.22 3219.010.96 3-1/2........1.047 1329.0 7.22 1690.0 8.24 2102.0 9.48 2576.0 10.32 3092.0 11.66 3675.0 12.52 4...........01.178 1496.0 8.10 1901.0 9.28 236500 o10.66 2898.0 11.62 3479.0 13.12 4135.014.08 -.1 4-1/2....o.1.309 1662.0 9.02 2113.0 10.30 2628.0 11.84 3220.0 12.92 3866.0 14.58 4595.0 15.64 5........... 1.456 1848.0 10.04 2350.0 11.46 2923.0 13.18 3582.0 14.36 430u.0 16.22 5111.0 17.40 6...........1.734 2201.0 11.96 2799.0 13.64 3481.0 15.70 4266.0 17.10 5121.0 19.30 6086.020.74 7...........01.996 2534.0 13.76 3222.0 15.70 4007.0 18.0o6 4910.0 19.68 5894.0 22.24 7006.023.88 8....2......2.257 2865.0 15.56 3643.0 17.76 4531.0 20.42 5552.0 22.28 6666.0 25.12 7922.0 27.00 9C*.. 25.....1.. 9o 3198.0 17.36 4066.o 19,82 5057.0 22.80 6197.0 24.86 7440.0 28.04 8842.0 30.20 10.........2.817 3576.0 19.42 4547.0 22.16 565500 25.50 6930.0 27.80 8320.0 31.36 9888.0 33.60 11...........3.073 3901.0 21.18 4960.0 24.18 6169.0 27082 7560.0 30.32 9076.0 34.36 10790.0 36.60 12..........3.3338 4238,0 23,00 5388,0 26.26 670100 30.22 8212.0 32.94 9859.0 37.20 11720,0 39.80 14 OD...... 3.663 4650.0 2524 5912.0 28.84 7354.0 33.14 9011.0 36.20 10820.0 40.80 12860.0 43.80 16 ODo...... 4.188 5317.0 28.84 6759.0 32.96 407.0 37.9-0 10300.0 41.40 12370.0 46.6o 14700.0 5o.o 18 ODr..... 716 507.0 32.50 7612.0 37.10 0267. 40.70 11600.0 46.6013930.0 52.40 16550.0 6.4 20 orD.....23 648.: 36.06 344 41.2C0 1Cioi.O 47.40 128o0.0 5i.6o i46o.o 35.0 153330.062.60 24 OD........6.2 7.0.0 43.20 1o o. 41.40 12620.0 56.30 15460.o 62.0 13570.0 60.00 22060.0 7520 30 OD. 7....71. 4.18 126. 81.80 15770. 71.00 18320.0 77.60 23200.0 37.20 27570.0 3.80 *Example: 2 pe, 2350 temperature: diff.rence; 235)-200~ 37; 35 2.S (Btu per degree) = -3 Btu 331.5 e 89.3 20. _ Etu loss -I 235 temperature difference.

APPENDIX B FIGURES General The illustrations included in this section are intended to picture the recommended methods of installing the various insulations and finishes. These figures shall be a part of the preceding insulation specification and all application shall conform with these appended figures unless specific exception is made by the Owner's Representative. -78

STANDAR D THERMIAL INSULATION Compile. application by muddinr j cints and pastiri can-vas in place. Class 1 Insulation: C55/ Mag. (Code 1A) or Spun Glass (Code 1B) or \ Felted Laminated Asbestos ("Code IC) ti )) )^,/|/ //^^ ^ Note staggered t' insulation joints / Canvas turned back to apply Hct pi e line tie wires on ends only. SEiCTIONAL INSULATION FOR LINES 4" O. D. AND SMALLER PASTED CA\VAS FINISH Figure 1 "lass 1 Insulation: ~ Mag. (Code 1A) or Spun Glass (Code 1B) or Felted Laminated Asbestos ('ode 1C) Remove canvas jacket and secure insulation with 4 tie wires per Hot pi-pe line > section; mud joints; and cast jackets in place. SEC TCIONAL INSULATION FOR LINES LARGER THAN 4" 0. D. PASTED CANVAS FINISH Figure 2 -79

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Four Wires Asbestos Roofing Per Section Felt Jacket Joints Staggered 3" Lap at Nine Wires Per All Joints Section Wire Twist on Seams MOLDED SECTIONAL PIPE COVERING (Class 1) WEATHERPROOF (Type -F) FINISH Figure 3 SINGLE LAYER 45V Asbestos Roof.Bands Felt Jacket Fig. 4 Wires Wires or Bands ~ 3" Lap at All Joints MOLDED SECTIONAL PIPE COVERING (Class 1) WEATHERPROOF (Type-F) FINISH DOUBLE LAYER Figure 4 Bands - Placed 1" Lateral Joints Canvas Jacket Clear of Ends of -of Blocks to Pasted Down Blocks / be Staggerer /^~ —\, -v\__ \_. /... _l....Fig. 5 Insulation Begins at a \ Distance From Flange Equal ~ Finish Cement to Bolt Length Plus 1" MOLDED SEGMENTAL COVERING ON PIPE 12" AND LARGER (Class 1) PASTED (Type A) CANVAS FINISH Figure 5 -80

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Block Insulation r~ ~a^ / ~ Insulation Arranged in Segments with. I ____ Band Centered on Each Segment, and \ I // \ Hammered to Fit t.^___ ________< /Curve of Pipe See Detail A Bands Placed 1" -- Clear of Ends of Blocks Figure 6 (FINISH NOT SHOWN) Strike Block at DETAIL A \ \ ~D.~\ETAIL A Intervals to Wedge Segment (Before Bending), Permit Bending Used to Cover 1/2 Circumference to Fit Pipe of 90~ Ell BLOCK INSULATION (Class 1) ON WELDING ELL 12" & LARGER Figure 7 -81

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Corrugated Asbestos 3" Canvas Laps - Pasted Integral Canvas Jacket with Silcate with Silicate Cement 5 Uniformly Spaced Copper Staples Per Section. Figure 8 CORRUGATED ASBESTOS (Code 2A) WITH PASTED INTEGRAL JACKET FINISH ( Type A ) Corrugated Asbestos vAsphalt Saturated Integral Jacket Wire - 5 Loops to each Length 7" Wide Asbestos Roofing Felt \ \ ^ \^~-^ \ \ Strip Over Joint Wire - 2 Loo-rs for Felt Strip Figure 9 CORRUGATED ASBESTOS (Code 2A) WITH WEATHERPROOF FINISH (Type F) -82

SectionalA Insulation A B Clearance for Bolts Sectional Insulation Tie Wire (Both Ends) (FINISH NOT SHOWN) FLANGE COVER (Class 1) INSULATION Figure 10 LEGEND A = Not Less Than 2", or Pipe Covering Thickness, Which- ever is Greater. B = Sufficient Clearance to Remove Bolts. Asbestos Cemnt t Clearance for Bolt Sectional Insulation J A \ - Tie Wires [' ~.-'-.- _,y:. Insulating Cement Supporting Insulation Block (FINISH NOT SHOWN) VALVE COVER (Class 1) INSULATION Figure 11 -83

STANDARD THERMAL INSUIATION Flash with Finish Cement ArCound Inside of Pipe (Code i G) \ -Ih- - Hanger Covering Cut Away ~\(Code G) ^) He /rx j the Thickness of Hanger Strap /~ \~ ~~ ~Wire Finish Cement (Code G) Flash wit Insulation (Code B) Weatherproof (Type F) Finish SECTION SIDE VIEW: Inside of Pipe'_' IJ ~ ~ Covering Cut Away the Thickness of Hanger Strap Insulation lash with Weatherproof Finish Cement ode B Wire (Type F) (Code G) _ Around Finish Hanger', / Hanger Finish o. X FlahCement ^^Insulation o1 l' (Code G) Flash (e with Weatherproof (Code B) (Type F) Finish Flash Around Tee SECTION SIDE VIEW Figure 12 PIPE HANGERS INSULATION (Class 1) The above sketches show application of weatherproof finish around pipe hangers. Where Non-Weatherproof finish (Type A, AA, J, JJ) is called for, the insulation shall be applied as shown above, using finish cement (Code G) to build up the insulation over the bottom of the hanger clamp and around the top of the hanger clamp. The materials of the particular type of finish called for shall then be applied over the insulation and finish cement. -84

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION: See Detail A C (FINISH NOT SHOWN) DETAIL A Figure 13 Showing segments cut from FLANGED ELL COVER sectional pipe covering (Class 1) Insulation (Covers for welding fittings made in similar manner.) LEGEND: -j A - Not less than 2" B - Clearance to remove bolts D < C - Block support for Cover D - Wires or bands on A not over 6" centers FLANGED TEE COVER (Class 1) Insulation C (FINISH NOT SEfiWN) Figure 14 -85

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Flash with Code B Asbestos Roofing Felt Pipe Insulation ~~ ~- -— 1 —- ~~ ~-~, - -- ~ ~~ ~4" or Less Wires Weatherproof Finish F h - Flash with Insulating Cement/ Code B Asbestos _Wires Roofing Felt Flash with -- Pipe Covering Code B Weatherproof Finish ~ ^ \ L_ _ — — ^~ 4" or Less Insulating r Cement Flash with Code B Figure 15 INSULATING CEMENT ON FITTINGS With Weatherproof (Type F) Finish -86

STAND/ARD THERMAL INSULATION Bands Placed 1" Clear of Ends of Block - Bands Attached to Clips on \r Tank or to Floating Ring - See Detail A & Table III Angle Iron Bands With B\!Block Insulation-Joints on 1()" Centers l/14"Holes on ^ Mesh Wire See Detail X //'\, \\ \%'t / \4eather nroof Floating Ring Insulation DETAIL B I I Cut Away to SHOWING WIRES Show Tanl FASTENED TO ANGIE Support For Details of Angle Coating of Insulating Cement on Iron Band, See Fig. 27 Steel Support may be Required. and Table III. All Wedges to be Wired in Place Float Ring Wires DETAIL A Showing Band Attached to Floating Ring Floating Ring DETAIL C Method of Wiring Insulation To Top and Bottom Heads CURVED OR CYLINDRICAL EQUIPMENT (Classes 1 and 2) Insulation With Weatherproof (Type E) Finish Figure 16 -87

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Flange Cover Bands on not over 6" Centers II ll l, Bolt Length Plus 1" COVER FOR EQUIPMENT FLANGE (Classes 1 and 2) Insulation Figure 17 i Ii., ii INSULATION ~ - 3" Bolt Length Plus 1" _ COVER FOR EQUIPMENT FLANGE (Classes 1 and 2) Insulation Figure 17 -88

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Cylindrical Equipment Note:.^^A^X a Equn All Insulation shall be'l V'"t "+~ I banded and wired and the bands and wires laced to l t —-- ~-'~~'- Bands the wire backing of the blanket insulation so that the finished work ^^ ^^ ^^ ~ ~S I!'~ 1Blanket will show no sagging, 2' Insulation 2 m ^ a T 1Insulation buckling, or separation i —- -- - - - f rom from the surface being 2t^~~~ "V^^^~~~ ^~ ~insulated. ^~~~~/ ^ ~~Cut away view to show method of securing and Angle iron band to supporting insulation support side insulation on vertical cylindrical equipment Wire clips or lagging studs welded to surface to be insulated. 6" Showing preferred T method of insulating Showing methods of head. (Floating ring securing blanket on I'..... method may be used cylindrical and odd where welding is not shaped surfaces. \ ~..... permitted - See Fig. 14A) BLANKET INSULATION (Class 4) ON EQUIPMENT Figure 18 -89

Laced Tie Wire to Hold lanket at Joint,- Joint for Blanket Finish ~ Figure 19 BLANKET INSULATION (Class 4) ON PIPE Oversize Pipe Covering haped to Fit Snugly Transite 3/4" Bandshe t\ \ ~27Fw- Spacer and Clips \Insulating Insulation Insulation e \ Cement Scored Scored Chaser Lines INSULATING CHASED LINES Figure 20 -90

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Wire Flash with Code B Cork tHw/ )^^^ L — ___rA ^P^Tl_ j -=~T-~~ il I _ 3d Ir Lt — Cork Dust See^ Table Fill Material See Table Appendix A BUILT-UP FLANGED VALVE COVER LOW TEMPERATURE FORMED INSULATION (Code 6A or 6B) Figure 21 -91

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Segment Cut from Molded Pipe Covering Wire Figure 22 /'I )BUILT-UP - WELDING ELL COVER //J /\ \ I I I ) Low Temperature lll,'f_\ \- I Formed Insulation i/ L:~_ (Code 6A or 6B) enter of Radius of 90o Ell I...' lIL Cork and t --— ~- ^^ ^ ^ /Paraffin Fill Cork \.. \ Center of Radius for 2 __ W_ - Wedge SegmentsFigure 23 t I Flashing BUILT-UP FLANGED it = Cork Thickness ELL COVER (See Table II) Low Temperature formed Insulation (Code 6A, 6B) t 0 -92

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Vegetable Cork (Code 6A) or Length = Outside Diameter of Insulation e ed Merl Woo Impregnated Mineral Wool Circumference = 2.5 Times O.D. of Insulation ode 6B) Thickness = 12 Ga. when O.D. of Insulation is Less than 3", and 10 Ga. when O.D. of Insulation is " r or More. FOR USE WHEN THE FOLLOWING LOADS Sheet Metal PER HANGER ARE NOT EXCEEDED: - Pipe Size and Load in Pounds Roofing Ft B n Roofing Felt Between insulati L 1/2" 2 1/2 " 4 6" 8" Insulation and Shield Brine 600 00 1000 1100 1600 eavy Brine t' 00 0 100 100 100 Straphanger Vegetable Cork (Code 6A) or Impregnated Mineral Wool (Code 6B) ~ Where the load per hanger exceeds the above table, the hanger shall be attached to the pipe Coat with as shown in Figs. 26-B & 26-C and carefully C _ode X insulated and sealed as follows: (1) Insulation should be applied not closer than 2" to 3" from the hanger on either side. (2) The exposed ends of the pipe insulation should be coated with vapor seal paint (Code X), Straphanger and the pipe and hanger painted with weather resistant paint (Code W). 3 layers of Mineral Wool (3) Two or three (3 for heavy brine) sealing tape 8 Felt (Code') built-up layers of mineral wool felt (Code 6C) vapor seal \ should be applied with a double wrap of paint ( sealing tape per layer sealed to insulation and hanger as shown, and code X applied to each layer and all ends. C (4) A supplementary built-up layer of code 6C r e about 1 1/2" thick should be carried up the hanger at least 12". (5) A double wrap of sealing tape should be sealed to the hanger at the upper end and to the membrane over the insulation at the lower end. HANGER INSULATION ON COLD LINES Figure 24

STANDARD THERMAL INS TLATION Wired^~ ~ ^^ toAnngle Iron Band Clamped Just Back Ban of Weld Line Offset or Staggered Joint _re Mesh ^Weld Llne> I ^ (Approx. WJire \^ Finish Wired to Angle Iro Wire AI I Band Wire 2nd Layer of Cork with ~ I I I Outer Surface Covered b 1/ { I b II Angle iron Band 1st Layer of Cork to be Cemented See detail i to Vessel Head and Wired Before Floa ing below. ( Side Insulation is Applied. Rings 2nd Layer of Cork to be Cemented. and Skewered to 1st Layer, then ~ Wired in Place. Thickness of Each Layer of Cork 2" on Head to be Half that of Sides. W e dl' 1 ll II or rivet head / //// in vessel in ~/-/// // / Wires * Holes for Wire Floating I -~< on 4" Centers Wire Ring / * Bend Leg of Angles and Spot Weld ANGLE IRON BAND 1/2" Dia. Holes for 3/8" Bolts in 1" & 1-1/2" Angles 5/d" Dia. Holes for 1/2" Bolts in 2" & 3" Angles VIEW OF HEAD 3/4" Dia. Holes for 5/8" Bolts in 4" Angles SHOWING ARRANGEMENT OF WIRES (For Site of Angles see Table III) OVER EACH LAYER OF CORK Figure 25 CORK INSULATION ON HEADS OF CYLINDRICAL EQUIPMENT (Code 6A) Note: Code 6B is applied as shown above except wood skewers are not used. -94

STANDARD THERMAL INS. LATION FLASHING (Code B) 1/I" Toat Vapor-Seal Plastic (Code S) \Floating Ring E_ _ uipment DETAIL A __V_ ~ BRACKET SUPPORT _- __ Insulation FLASHING DETAIL Uninsulated /Line Floating See Flashing Detail Above Weatherproof Finish Insulation Code B Flashing at A1 ~ Intersectior I Support Bracket Blocked in with Insulation and All Voids Filled. Most L cold temperature insulation Concrete Pier jobs will require insulation carried down concrete piers to prevent frosting or excessive sweating of piers. Figure 26 SECTION THRU CYLINDRICAL EQUIPMENT CODE 6A OR 6B INSULATION - TYPE EE FINISH -95

Where pipe is insulated with blanket hair felt (Code 8B), apply to Pipe for Distance of 12" from Each Flange: Layers of Felt or Sectional 1 Coat Vapor-seal Paint, Plus Pipe Covering with Ends 2 Layers of Tape, Plus ealed to Pipe 1 Coat Vapor-seal Paint Fls -i- 2 Layers of Tape Plus Vapor-seal Paint Flash With Code B Layers of Felt Secured with Twine on 1" Centers or Less (FINISH NOT SHOWN) Figure 27 HAIR FELT ON FITTINGS -96\~ I t I1_ _ 6

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Hanger Rod: 1 Coat Vapor-seal Paint, Plus 2 Layers Tape, Plus Flash with lode? 1 Toat Vapor-seal Paint Rod Diameter "A" 3/4 in. 1 f t iF 7/8 in. 1 ft. in. 1 in. 1 ft. 7 in. 1-1/8 in. 1 ft. 10 in. 1-1/4 in. 2 ft. 1-1/2 in. 2 ft. 2 in. Cr) Felt Finish Not Shown H LHC? g 2^J IeFelt, Spaced 1" or less. 2 Plies Sealing Tape Around Each Layer of Felt - 1 Coat s __'T J __ ___Vapor-seal Paint Over Each TLayer. / /? lashing / / elding Outlet - Welded to Pipe and Rod Felt Insulation, &: Tape & Paint (FINISH NOT SH rO) Figure 28 FELT ON HANGER ROD -97

STANDARD THERMAL INSULATION Sliding Doors for Admitting and Removing Fill Material END VIEW Sheet Metal Box (Usually #12 Gage) Enclosing Entire Pump Except Bearings Fill Material SIDE VIEW (Plate on Near Side Removed for Illustration) Figure 29 BRINE PUMP INSULATED WITH FILL MATERIAL (CLASS 10) INSULATION -98

APPENDIX C DEFINITIONS Lags are segments or narrow curved blocks of insulation generally meaning vegetable cork shaped or cut to fit the contour of curved surfaces. Cements are fibrous and/or fine powders in the dry form, which, when mixed with water and applied and dried, either afford substantial insulation quality or a hard, smooth finish. Fill are loose fibrous, granular, or powdery insulations contained in panels or other tight enclosures. They constitute a separate class of insulating materials and the selection of one for a given use is contingent on the design of panel or container. Finish is the protective coating applied over the outer surface of insulation. Weatherproof Finish is a finish which will withstand the weather without sensible depreciation. As specified herein for low-temperature work on Classes 5, 6, 7, and 8, it shall also provide a positive vapor barrier. Flashing, as used in this specification, is a weatherproof and vapor barrier seal of asphalt cut-back plastic applied at intersections and joints, where supports, piping, or other items protrude through the finish on insulation. Section is one full piece of pipe covering 3 ft long. A Half-Section is one-half piece of pipe covering 3 ft long - not 18". Segmental Covering is block insulation used as pipe covering. -99

-100Removable Cover is a cover constructed of insulation such that it may be removed and replaced without appreciable damage. Tie Wire is a wire used for securing insulation in place. Floating Ring is a ring of 1/4"-diameter steel wire, not attached to the surface being insulated, used to secure tie wires or bands. Head Knuckle is a term applied to the portion of a dished head of cylindrical tank where the curvature is maximum. Engineering Terms Unless otherwise specified: Hot Temperatures - those higher than the dew point of the ambient air. Low Temperatures - those below the dew point of the ambient air. Sweat Temperatures - those above 32~F but not over the dew-point temperature of the ambient air. Cold Temperatures - those below 32~F. Vapor-tight shall mean the best vapor barrier obtainable with materials specified.

INDEX Angle Iron Bands, 26, 73 Animal Hair, 25 Animal Wool, 25 Anti-Freeze, 28 Application, 39 Asbestos Cloth, 36, 70 Asbestos, Corrugated, 1, 2, 23, 50 Asbestos, Felted Laminated, 1, 23 Asbestos Roofing Felt, 29 Asbestos, Thickness of Corrugated, 6 Asphalt Cement, 27 Asphalt Ccating, 27 Asphalt Cut-back Plastic, 27 Asphalt Flashing, 27 Asphalt Primer, 29, 67 Auxiliary Materials, 4 Band Seals, 29 Banding, 40 Bands, 29 Bands and Wires, 11 Blanket Hair Felt, 3, 26 Block Insulation, 47, 48 Breathing Plastic, 28 Breechings, 2 Canvas, 3.8 ounce, 32, 62 Canvas, 8 ounce, 33, 67 Cellulose, 25 Cemented Canvas, 33 Chlorine, 2 Class, 1, 10 Clip Dimensions, 73 Clips, 30 Code Meaning, 10 Code Number, 1, 10 Condensation, 3 Contractor, 11, 12, 22 Cork, Brine Thick, 20 Cork, Dust, 4, 26 Cork, Ground and Asphalt, 3, 24 Cork, Ice Water Thick, 19 Cork, Special Brine Thick, 20 Cork, Thickness of, 6 Cork, Vegetable, 2, 24 Corkboard, 24 Corrosion, 25, 74 -101

Corrosion Condition Finish, 67 Cover Dimensions, 54 Cover Lengths, 44 Cylindrical Equipment, 13, 48 Definition, 100 Drawings, 10 Efficiency, 4, 5 Equivalent Lengths, Straight Pipe, 18 Expansion Loops, 41 Expanded Metal, 24 Exposed Fittings, 63, 67 Felt Insulation Installation, 56 Fiberglas Padding, 36 Fibrous Adhesive, 30 Finish, 10, 61 Finish Cement, Hard, 30 Finish Cement, Soft, 30 Finish Designation, 10 Finish, Nonweatherproof, 62 Finish, Outdoor, 63 Finish, Weatherproof, 65 Fire Resistant, 34 Flange Bolts, 41 Flange Coverings, 14 Flanged Tee, 13 Flashing, 40 Floating Ring, 55 Hair and Wool Felt, 3, 25 Hanger Rods, 15, 42 Heat Loss, 76, 77 Heating Lines Experimental, 2 Hot Water, 2 Inside, 1, 2 Intermittent, 1, 2 Temporary, 2 Heavy Mastic, 27 Insulating Cement, 31 Insulating Felt, 25 Insulating Felt, Thickness of, 7 Insulation Anti Freeze, 3, 25 Anti Freeze, Thickness of, 7 Anti Sweat, 3, 24 Anti Sweat, Installation, 58 Auxiliaries, 26, 36 -102

Blanket, 23 Blanket, Installation, 51 Cellular, 23, 51 Courses, 54 Defective, 16 Double Layer, 46 Fill, 4, 14, 26, 59 Low-temperature, 2, 24 Low-temperature, Installation, 53 Molded, 45 Molded Tolerances, 46 Nonweatherproof, 56 Removal, 16 Lagging, 55 Lagging Cement, 31, 61 Line, Electrically Heated, 16 Line Flanges, 14 Linen Tape, 12 Lines, High-temperature, 41 Lines, Refrigerated, 3 Lines, Steam-Chased, 41 Magnesia, 1 Magnesia, 2, 22 Manhole Covers, 56 Manholes, 13 Manufacturers, 37 Material Quality, 39 Material Workmanship, 39 Materials, 22 Measurement, 11, 12 Mesh Screen, 32 Mesh Wire, 32 Metal Lath, 32 Mineral Wool Blanket, 2, 24 Mineral Wool Felt,, 2, 24 Mineral Wool, Granulated, 4, 26 Mineral Wool, Impregnated, 3, 24 Mineral Wool, Thickness of, 6 Napthalene, 45 Owners' Representative, 4, 22 Painting, 39 Paraffin, 32 Partial Removal, 16 Pasted Canvas Drilling, 32 -103

Payment, 11 Permeability, 28 Personnel Contact, 44 Pipe, Aluminum, 2 Pipe Bends, 15 Pipe Covering Dimensions, 70 Pipe Ends, 42 Pipe Hangers, 42 Pipe, Lead, 2 Pipe, Stainless Steel, 2 Pipe, Zinc, 2 Pipes, Freezing of Water in, 8 Product Designation, 37 Rib Lath, 33 Rosin Sized Paper, 33, 67 Safety Precautions, 44 Sealing Tape, 33 Seam Filler, 33 Sectional Pipe Covering, 48 Selection, 1 Separators, 13 Severe Service Paint, 33, 65 Skewers, 33 Square Cornered Equipment, 49 Spun Glass, 1, 22 Spun Glass Binder, 23 Spun Glass Jacket, 23 Staples, 51 Studs, 50 Substitution, 17 Surface Preparation, 39 Survey Sheets, 11, 21 Sweating, 3 Testing, 41, 42 Thickness, 1, 4 Trade Names, 22 Trap, 16 Tubing Covering Dimensions, 72 Turbines, 2 Twine, 34 Vapor Seal, 28 Vapor-Seal Paint, 35 Vapor-Seal Plastic, 34 Void Spaces, 14, 40 -104

Water Resistant Cement, 35 Water Shed, 40 Weather Resisting Paint, 35, 66 Welded Tees, 13 Window Screens, 35 Wire, 35, 74 -105

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