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.-'^-.L:.l7 8 33T:,:T43/ Sli.T':'-.-. 1"^.t...A~+~.... ~ "~& -r^' +":....'.. rz.:;~. r~o^.~KK~$ 2v..1p ^ im it C Q Y u. U$ -..-~ ~im!:./':,.,,i; a:ir^ ~-i V~/l 81/"'i':V..~.... D'4''':'....' 3 *_ *,,b,~,,,.., t;."'f. j ~;. ~! A; ~,:.;.? a:X.. Y:-,:.'~ ~" f."; 0.?.: "- p.::t^.i;S a.. "ci - I t( 1;'' # ^3 ~-'t "'3)' ~^ —...-~;<;1 g:~.' -~,:A313'; *- " v'^ - o? ~; - iq TI. 1:. ~,,,,:,.,t.s.,...:,, 1.,,,: si^'s:.4 ".Jag Ciuo) ^OTr'x r) Ao * -d rC,7.tat;l "A'; OAt G~s"4 A' A'iC-, } t., o's ras s.V. &i l jVj^ - tf tI j etfl j 4(h t'i i d) r w:Y, 3-' 4-A2C i ~ hxA e,,, c;'is' 1 u *~ X ~ob I> x i eu. ex o-,' s t%'r " " t*' I..). -,tc,AS43 t4 4 Al.i *lS~t0i^;in^T W^^> ^^^.oXiX 83d t d o cUiqP v ipiBuo^ l g~^ IV~~ I-~F"* J>t,,; 6- tfti ir } 5tjAi t -i' 0

Figuce 31 shows Ca e uulawt ive M vs0P Vo r'i ore for t:he variours ma2te,'4rialstj ad typical photographs of the danmaget urfaw esra Vik;.rat;e for 304 and 316 sCtainless steel is 41,6 i lsf/haur and 2, 6 mil.s/hour, respectively0 The correspondimnv ra se for?[:he tantaiurn "alloy is,,3 mils/hour (less than 3(4 stainlm/e ss by j x 39)S and tlIhe COb.Zr rtxte was 0t I il s/hot.catSflt.2 *t ts~ that sta e acerials at ~ewvaOrt r xsFpert ~~ rc- 4.t ",....e.o.....e...:'t t3. cl 4t,:;'"at~re capital','si data:, hast) appeared -! h.... -;<f; i~a-3l hor^~t'<a he s*Sd 31 1.~.kcjbz ug.-zsw?? ~ctlJa,c'r?4,* $, Olt~.'t.'I:...,. 14 i,; r, O.Atwt y1e h- 3.4:~ [..; * * —"1.". deir eae wl*' @Is ase ng..f. 1a3 ~18. wherea f.4 xtlFe ~. e.-.~ -ullages. W~t C are L.L ~,. -risv.-ra. e wet~v. t v p~sa) 2AX,ir a t M 4zo fl1 bf'b - 4-B "' ~~4 5-,, - n>,. ^ ^" 5- \f|, o f.,, 41 4 - -' -t, C}t eo t,, ) X2? _& 5E, j g \ 4g kQ;A i~~%~ (\1 4_22 1 1',, _' E l i t <,.k. 1i';'> 44 e.. -4;.!; f' t, r,.''t

tRUE E.EICES iX; lo Garcia, Fo G$ Hmamitt9 Report 05031-1-T2 Un3ivltersity of Uichigan, Nuclear nBgineering IDepartment, October, 1964 1?:,~, FQ GCHa, iamittc, ASR Synposisvf on Cavitatioa Resear's1 Facilizties av Techniques0 po, 17$5,, XUa, 3., r% Ha2maitt9 et>w alo, ASoE9 Paper 64', Vo^ven4E er~ to toeA b O laiC 4B 4eergio T o h bcp 2 seatned Mp.E F..Isi Sp1r~ $2:%ffl s;g. leneJi1V

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