RDS-TR- 11-82 THE MICHIGAN MINIMOVER ROBOT INTERFACE SYSTEM Bruce B. Gay'at C. S. G. Leet July 1982 CENTER FOR ROBOTICS AND INTEGRATED-MANUFACTURING Robot Systems Division COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ~~\ & ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 481 09 This project was supported in part by the Society of Manufacturing-Engineers Education Foundation (Grant SME 481-195) and by the Robot Systems Division of the Center for Robotics and Integrated` Manufacturing (CRlM) at The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Any opinions, findings, and conclusion of recommendations expressed in this publication are those of th~e authors and do no necessarily reflect the views of The Society of Manufacturing Engineers or The University of Michigan.

I 54

TABLE OF CONTENTS Irltroductiorl............................................................................ ~..'.. 2. Michigan Instructional Robotics System Configuration................................... 3. System Hardware.............................................................................................. 3 3.1. The LSI-1 1/23 Computer System 3 3.2. The Special Purpose Interface.................................................................. 3.2.1. Making Connections to the Interface Box....................5......... 5 3.3. The MiniMover-5 Robots.............................................................................. 3.3.1. Detailed Description of the MiniMover-5 Robot.......................... 7 The MiniMover-5 Robot Drive System........................... 8 Joint Drives.........................8................... 8 The Hand...........1...2...........................*........ 12 The MiniMover-5 Stepper Motors.............. 15 3.4. MiniMover Power Supplies...................................................................... 15 3.4.1. Connecting MiniMover-5 Robots to the Power Supply............... 17 4. System Software.................................................................................................. 17 4.1. Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers (3MCD).................................... 1 7 4.1.1. Driver Services................................................................................ 18 4.1.2. Service Not Provided by the Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers................................................................................................ 18 4.2. Michigan MiniMover Control Driver Commands.......................................... 19 4.2.1. ASLUN (ASsign Logical Unit Number).............................................. 20 4.2.2. ATTCH (ATTaCH task to logical device number).......................... 21 4.2.3. DETCH (DETaCH task from logical device number)..................... 22 4.2.4. INITMB (INITialize MicroBot minimover)......................................... 23 4.2.5. MOVBOT (MOVe roBOT)..........................2........................................ 24 4.2.6. RDGSW (ReaD minimover Grip SWitch).......................................... 26 4.2.7. RDMPOS (ReaD minimover Motor POSitions)................................. 27 5. Summary......................................................................... *........................ 28 6. References............................................................. 30 ii

7. Appendix A: Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines....................... 31 8. Appendix B: MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface................................................... 47 9. Appendix C: MiniMover Interface Hardware Design....................................... 63 1 0. Appendix D: Excerpts from MiniMover-5 User Reference Manual.. 67

Abstract This report discusses the Michigan Instructional Robotics (MIR) systems at The University of Michigan. The discussion focuses on the use of the hardware and software components that interface Microbot Incorporated MiniMover-5 robots to a Digital Equipment Corporation LSI-1 1/23 computer system. The report shows that a robotics laboratory for education need not be expensive. The system hardware consists of an LSI-1 1/23 microcomputer, 8 MiniMover-5 robots, a custom-made interface, 8 CRT terminals and power supplies. The software consists of Digital Equipment Corporation's RSX-1 1 M operating system and LSI-11 assembler, Oregon Software's Pascal Compiler, and our custom 1/0 drivers and Pascal utility routines. Examples are given that illustrate their use in robot arm control.

Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Education Foundation (SME), the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (E.C.E.), The Computer Information and Control Engineering Program (C.I.C.E.), the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics (M.E.&A.M.), and the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering (I.&O.E.) for their financial support,

RSD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 1 1. Introduction One of the goals of the Center for Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing is to educate professionals and prospective engineers in the basics of robotics. To further this objective, the Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Operations Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and the Computer Information and Control Engineering Program at The University of Michigan, with additional funding provided by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers Education Foundation, acquired eight Microbot Incorporated MiniMover-6 robot arms and a Digital Equipment Corporation LSI-1 1/23 computer system. This equipment was named the Michigan Instructional Robotics (MIR) system. It was hoped that the MIR system would allow users to control the small and safe MiniMover-5 robots and thus become an indispensable aid in robotics education. The MiniMover-5 robots, however, are designed to interface with a RadioShack TRS-80 microcomputer in a stand-alone system configuration, not the LSI11/23 computer purchased for this task. To remedy this problem, we have constructed a hardware and software interface between the LSI-1 1/23 computer and the MiniMover-5 robots. The hardware consists of a simple digital circuit that multiplexes signals from a parallel port (DRY11) on the LSI-11/23 computer to 8 MiniMover-5 robots. The software consists of low, level Input/Output drivers and Pascal callable routines that allow an LSI-1 1/23 user to independently control one to eight MiniMover-5 robots. We named this software package the Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers (3MCD). The purpose of this report is to give a functional overview of the robot interface hardware on the Michigan Instructional Robotics (MIR) system, and to describe the use of the Michigan MiniMover Control VD rivers (3MCD) for the control of MiniMover-5 robots1. 1 lThis document Is not intended to be a technical manual. Detailed Information on any component of the system can be obtained by referring to the appropriate reference listed at the end of this document. i"-L_ > *+m niwieitje - - Introduction

2 The Michigan Minilnover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 2. Michigan Instructional Robotics System Configuration The Michigan Instructional Robotics (MIR) system consists of a Digital Equipment Corporation LSI-11/23 microcomputer system, a specially constructed multiplexer box, eight Microbot MiniMover-5 table-top robots, and ~ 12 volt at 4 amperes direct current power supplies for the robots (See Figure 1). The software on this systems includes Digital Equipment Corporation's RSX-1 1 M1 real-time multiuser operating system, Oregon Software's OMSI PASCAL compiler and the University of MVichigan's Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers (3MCD). When configured properly, the system allows any one LSI- 11/23 user to control up to 8 robots independently and simultaneously, or allows several simultaneous LSI-1 1/23 users to exclusively control any subset of these 8 robots. Fiqure 1 MNlchgan Instructional Robotics Systems Mlichigan Instructional Robotic Sys em Configuration Robot Systems Division.::iii........ — -- ---- Michigan Instructiponal Robotics System Co~nfiguration Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 3 The discussion that follows is broken into two main segments. The first part gives an overview of the system hardware. The second part describes the Input/Output driver software available to the Pascal user for the control of the MiniMover-5 robots. 3, System Hardware There are three main hardware components to the hardware in the system: (1) An LSI-1 1/23 microcomputer system, 3.1. The LSI-11/23 Computer System - At the heart of the MIR System is a Digital Equipment Corporation LSI-11 /23 microcomputer system. The LSI-11/23 computer system is equipped with two RL01 hard disk drives, one LA1 20 terminal, seven video terminals, and an expansion Interface card.cabinet. In order to interface with the MiniMover-5 robots, the system has a DRV-1 1 parallel interface card installed in the backplane of the expansion cabinet. The DRV-1 1 provides the communication link between the LSI-11 /23 computer and the MiniMover interface box. Protruding through the back of the expansion chassis are 2 grey, 25-foot, 40-wire ribbon cables. One end of these cables leads to the DRV-11 parallel interface module inside the expansion chassis. The other end connects to the input and output connecters of the MiniMover interface box (See Section 3.3.1 for connection specifics.). Robot Systems Division The LSI-11/23 Computer System

4 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-1 1-82 LAl 20 CRT Terminals -a DLV-1 l DRV-11 INTERFACE 5 S CPU 6 J Figure 2 Instructional Robotic System Block Diagram The LSI-11/23 Computer System Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-11-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 6 3.2. The Special Purpose Interface The next stage of the MIR system hardware consists of a special purpose interface-multiplexer box2. The purpose of the interface is to multiplex the signals between. the DRV-1 1 parallel interface card and eight MiniMover-5 robots. The multiplexer is housed in a 1 7"x6'x3" aluminum box shown in Figure 3. On one side of this box are two 40-pin dual-row connecter slots suitable for connection to 40wire ribbon cables Originating at the LSI-system's DRV-1 1 Interface card. On the other side of the box are eight edge connecter slots suitable for connection to eight 40-wire ribbon cables originating from the MiniMover-5 s. The side with the robot connector slots also has a power toggle switch, power-on indicator light and an A.C. power cord. These edge connecters on the robot interface slot side are arranged in two rows, four connecters per row. The current version of 3MCD defines the upper right hand connecter as the port for robot #0. This slot is labeled "robot 0". The other three interface slots in the top row are defined as the ports for robots #1 through #3 starting from the slot to the right of robot #O's slot moving right to left along the row. The bottom row interface slots are similarly defined as the ports for robots #4 through #7. Although any MiniMover-5 robot can be connected to any slot, it is important to note that 3MCD defines robot numbers according to their interface box connections. 3.2.1. Making Connections to the Interface Box The ribbon cables should always be connected to the interface box. If, however, the need arises to reconnect the ribbon cables, follow this procedure: (1) Turn the interface box's power off and disconnect the power cord from its wall socket. 2Ablock diagram and schematic diagram of the interface box may be found in Appendix C. Robot Systems Division Making Connections to the Interface Box

6: -- The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 Figure 3 The MiniMover-5 Robot Interface Box WARNING: The MiniMover interface box has exposed 720 volts a.c. wires that remain active even when the power switch is off. It is therefore imperative to disconnect the a.c. power cord from its wall socket. (2)- Connect the ribbon cable from the DRV-1 1 marked'input' to the female connecter of the interface box marked'input' by a) aligning the ribbon cable connector with the matching 40-pin connector on the interface box so that. t the ribbon cable leaves from the top of the connector; and b) pressing the marked'output' as in b above. aking Connectiable'ons to the nterface Box Robot Systems Divck' ision

ISD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 7 (4) Connect the ribbon cable of one of the MiniMover-5 robots to the unused slots of the interface box marked "O" through "7" by a) aligning its ribbon cable connecter with the interface box slot so that the red edge of the ribbon cable is th the left and the ribbon cable leaves at the bottom of the connector; and b) pressing toward the interface box firmly until the connecter stops its motion. (6) Repeat step (4) until all MiniMover-5 robots are connected. (6) Restore power to the interface box. 3.3. The MiniMover-5 Robots The robots connected to the MIR system are MiniMover-5 model MM5 tabletop manipulators manufactured by Microbot Incorporated of Menlo Park, California. With a lifting capacity of 8 ounces and a reach of 1 7 inches when fully extended, these manipulator provide a safe educational tool. What is presented here is a basic overview of the MiniMover-5 robots Intended as a guide for a first time user. More information about these manipulators can be found in reference [7]3. 3.3.1. Detailed Description of the MiniMover-5 Robot The MiniMover-5 manipulator is a five-jointed mechanical arm. Each joint is controlled by a stepper motor mounted on the base. The end hand can be positioned anywhere within a partial sphere which has a radius of 17.5 inches, as shown in Figure 4. The maximum speed varies from 2 to 6 inches per second depending upon the weight of the object being handled. Detailed performance characteristics of the MiniMover-5 are given in reference [7]. 3Parts of Section 3.3 through and Figures 4-through 9 are taken from referenceE7) copyright (c) 1980 Microbot Inc. Used by permission. Robot Systems Division Detailed Description of the MiniMover-5 Robot

8 - The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 The MinlMover-5 hand has a maximum opening of 3 inches. The 2-bar linkages maintain the fingers parallel during opening and closing. The hand contains a built-in grip sensor that senses the tension on the hand cable. The presence of an object as well as its size may thus be determined as the hand closes. The major structural components of the MiniMover-6 robot are shown in Figure 6. The manipulator consists of a fixed base within which is housed the computer interface card. From the rear of the base extend the interface cable and D.C. power cord. The body swivels relative to the base on a shaft which is attached to the base. This is the base joint. Six stepper motors with their corresponding gear reduction, are mounted at the base of the body and control each of the joints. At the upper end of the body is attached the upper arm. The upper arm rotates relative to the body on a shaft. This is the shoulder joint. Similarly, the forearm is attached to the upper arm by another shaft. This is as the elbow joint. Finally, the hand is attached to the forearm at the wrist joint. The MiniMover-5 Robot Drive System The motors and drive system are contained almost entirely within the body of the MiniMover-5. Each stepper motor drives a separate cable drums by means of individual gear reductions. From the drive system contained within the body, cables extend to the base, each of the robot segments, and the hand. The cable drive system is shown in Figure 6. Joint Drives The base cable (Motor 1) causes the body to rotate on the vertical base axle by driving a pulley mounted on the base. Joint Drives Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-11-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 9 9n 350 6.9 1.6j' 12 NOTE: Dimensions in inches Figure 4 Operating Envelopeof the MiniMover-5 Robot Robot Systems Division Joint Drives

10: The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 UPPER ARM SHOULDER JOINT f. ~ I~ ELBOW JOINT: —---- FOREARM WRIST JOINT BASE 1 -' ~ _HAND AXXIS x AXIS Figure 5 Major Structural Components Joint Drives Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 11 ELBOW DRIVE PULLEY ELBOW AXLE SHOULDER DRIVE PULLEY,000"~~~~ ~DIFFERENTIAL DRIVE COMMON DRIVE - SHOULDER AXLE WRIST AXLE BASE DRIVE PULLEY Figure 6 The MiniMover-5 Drive System The shoulder cable (Motor 2) causes the upper arm to rotate on the horizontal shoulder axle which connects it to the body. Shoulder rotation causes equal and opposite elbow and wrist rotation so that the orientation of the hand remain unchanged. The elbow cable (Motor 3) causes the elbow to rotate at the horizontal axle which connects the forearm to the upper arm. Elbow rotation causes equal and opposite wrist rotation, thus maintaining hand orientation. Robot Systems Division Joint Drives

12 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 The right and left wrist cables (Motor 4 and Motor 5) control the hand motion (see Figure 7). The two bevel gears on the wrist axle are at right angles to the wrist axle, and intersects it at the center of the wrist yoke. This configuration forms a differential gear set. Thus, if the left and right wrist motors move in the same direction, they control the pitch of the hand; if they move in opposite directions they control the roll of the hand. The Hand The hand assembly is shown in Figure 8. The hand housing is attached to the output gear of the differential gear set. The hand housing holds two pairs of links, and each pair of links terminates in a finger. Torsion springs are located on OUTPUT GEAR PITCH, AXIS ROLL AXIS ~Figure 7 The MiniMover- Wrist Joint..

RSD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 13 the pins which attach the links to the hand housing and provide return force to the open the hand as the hand cable is slackened. The hand cabling system is also shown in Figure 8. The hand cable passes over a pulley which is attached to a microswitch. As the hand closes upon an object to be grasped, the cable tension mounts causing the grip switch to be activated. This switch closure may be used to stop the drive motor, or to control the gripping force. The tension spring which is mounted in series with the hand drive cable assembly permits control of the gripping force. After a position is obtained, additional cable take-up stretches the spring. This converts cable take-up into gripping force. The relationship between gripping force, hand opening, and drive TORSION DRIVE SPRING MOTOR TENSION *\ ~SPRING IDLER PULLEY FORCE FORCE HOUSING TENSION SWITCH LINKS GRIP Figure 8 The MiniMover-5 Hand and Drive; Mechanism Robot Systems Division: The Hand

14 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 motor rotation is shown in Figure 9. It should be noted that when the elbow is commanded to move, the grip cable becomes further wound over its elbow idler pulley. This causes the hand opening to change whenever the elbow is moved. Thus, software programs may uncouple hand opening from elbow bend by playing out the grip cable by an amount equal to the rotation of the elbow. This is necessary if the hand opening is to remain constant whenever the elbow is moved. HAND GRIP OPENING FORCE 15N 75mm3 in 3 - 31b J\ - - 1 SON 50 mm 2 in 2 21b 25mm - 1 in N ib 0- 0 O 500- - 1000o i DRIVE MOTOR STEPS Figure 9 The MiniMover-5 Hand Opening and Grip Force vs Motor Steps The Hand Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 15 The MiniMover-5 Stepper Motors Each of the drive cables of the MiniMover-5 robot is controlled by a stepper- motor. The motors can be rotated forward or backward to one of 8 positions by sending out the proper phase pattern sequence to the MiniMover-5. The 3MCD software does this transparently. Every time a stepper motor moves one step forward or backward one of the joints or the hand of the MiniMover-5 moves. The number of steps per joint revolution is given in Table 1. Hand opening and closing is proportional to the number of steps the hand motor (motor 6) moves. The constant of proportionality is: 306 steps/inch ( or 1 2.2 steps/mm) 3.4. MiniMover Power Supplies The final segment of the MIR system hardware consists of -the MiniMover-5 robot power supplies. These supplies provide the MiniMover-6 robots with the needed 4 amperes at +/-12 volts d.c. for normal operation. The power supplies In Motor Joint Steps per Steps per Steps per X:- -Revolution Radian Degree.1 Base 5.893 937.9 1637 2: Shoulder 5893 937.9 16.37 3 Elbow 3465 551.5:.63 4 Right wrist 1280 203.7 3.56 5 Left wrist 1280 203.7 3.56 Table 1 Motor Step to Angle Conversion Factors Robot Systems Division MiniMover Power Supplies

16 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR- 1 1 -82 the Robotics Research Laboratory at The University of Michigan are contained in a 1 7 x"xl 0" aluminum box shown in Figure 10. On the front side of this box are a row of 4 toggle switches and 4 light emitting diodes (L.E.D.s). These are the power switches for the 4 individual 12 volt d.c. supplies whose terminal connectors are on the right side of the box. Below these toggle switches is a single toggle switch and L.E.D.. fThis is the master power switch'for the entire power supply. Onthe right side of the box is a terminal strip with 4 pairs of connectors suitable for -connection to. four MiniMover-5 robots. The a.c. power cord protrudes at the bottom center of this side.'Fg r.. -Figure 10 The Minil\Rover 5 Power Supply Box MiniMover Power Supplies Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 17 3.4.1. Connecting MiniMover-5 Robots to the Power Supply Connecting the MiniMover-5 Robots is a simple matter of matching colors. First turn the master power switch to the off position (down). Then connect the red terminal connector of a MiniMover-5 power cord to a red terminal on the power supply box and the blue terminal connector of the same MiniMover-5 power cord to a blue terminal on the power supply box. Up to 4 MiniMover-5 robots can be connected to one power supply box in this manner. 4. System Software The software available for controlling the robots consists of the Digital Equipment Corporation RSX-11 M real-time multi-user operating system, Macro-1 1 LSI-11 assembler, OMSI PascalI compiler, Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers (3MCD), and several Pascal robot utility programs. Programs that control the MiniMover-5 robots using the 3MCD may be written in Pascal or Macro-i 1. This section assumes the reader has a basic knowledge of RSX-1 1 M, a knowledge on Macro-1i 1 or Pascal and has read the system hardware section of this document. The discussion centers around the use of the 3MCD software for controlling MiniMover robots. 4.1. Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers (3MCD) The 3MCD form the low level link between a task running on the LSI-1 1/23 computer and a MiniMover-5 robot. The I/0 driver portion of 3MCD is loadable; meaning that it becomes resident in the RSX-11M operating system upon the issuance of the MCR command LOA MB: by a privileged user. Once loaded, the driver is accessed from Macro-1 1 LSI assembler language by using the QIO directive. To access the 3MCD from Pascal the user calls one of the interface programs Robot Systems Division ~ Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers (3MCD)

18 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR- 11-82 in the file ARMLIB.OBJ4. This file must be linked to the user's Pascal program at task building time. The 3MCD are setup such that each of the MiniMover-5's are configured as a separate public device. This means that all the protocols of normal I/O devices apply. Although any LSI-1 1/23 user may attempt control of any of the eight MiniMover-5 robots, only one user may have control over a given MiniMover robot at one time. The 3MCD commands for MiniMover control are given in Section 4.2 below. 4.1.1. Driver Services The driver provides several important services. They allow user programs to: (1) Allocate and exclusively use anyone of the eight MiniMover-5 robots. (2) Move any robot stepper motor one step forward or backward (directions defined in Figure 11 ); (3) Read the status of a robot's grip switch; and (4) Power down all stepper motors in any MiniMover-5 robot. The driver also sets up 6 internal registers containing the net number of steps each motor of a particular MiniMover'has moved since the motors were last powered down. This is useful when writing'learn mode' utility programs. 4.1.2. Service Not Provided by the Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers Beware that 3MCD does not: (1) Keep track of the absolute position of the robot arm is in. WARNING: It is very easy to drive the robot arm to the limit of its mechani4 The name given here is the current location of the 3MICD interface files on the LSI-11/23 computer system at the Universityof Michigan. Check with a local authority for the location of these fies on your computer system. Service Not Provided by the lMichigan MiniMover control Drivers Robot

ISD-TR-11-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 19 cal stops, possibly causing damage to the MiniMover-5 robot. If this happens, interrupt the program controlling the robot immediately!! (2) Account for the decoupling of the MiniMover-5. As noted in the hardware documentation, certain motions of certain joints cause undesirable coupling motion in other joints. (Bending the elbow causes the hand gripper to close.) It is the applications programmer's responsibility to provide this decoupling function. (3) Provide variable speed. The driver only sends out signal to move a stepper motor one step. The overall speed of the robot arm is determined by how often this occurs. Moving the robot too fast with heavy payloads can cause the stepper motors to slip and result in unpredictable control. It is up to the application programmers to implement speed control in their utility programs. 4.2. Michigan MiniMover Control Driver Commands The Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers provide seven control and status functions useful in the control of the MiniMover-5 robots. These are: (1) ATTCH (attach task to logical device number) which assures the calling program exclusive control over a MiniMover-5 robot. (2) DETCH (detach task to a logical device number) which relinquishes a program's control over a MiniMover-5 robot, (3) INITMB (INITialize MicroBot) which powers down all the motors of a MiniMover and clears the internal motor step counter registers. (4) MOVBOT (MOVe roBOT) which moves up to six motors of a MiniMover one step forward or backward, (5) RDGSW (ReaD Grip SWitch) which read the state of a MiniMover's grip switch, and Robot Systems Division Michiganl MiniMover Control Driver Commands

20 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 (6) RDMPOS (ReaD MiniMover Motor POSitions) which reads the internal motor step counter registers. Also described in this section is the ASLUN (ASsign Logical UNit number) directive which assigns a logical unit number to a physical device. Although this is merely a system call from Macro-i 1, the command is necessary for controlling the MiniMovers from Pascal and is thus included with the 3MCD Pascal interface routines. All of the following 3MCD routines have parameters passed to and from them. In Pascal the return code for each is returned in an integer variable called dsw. In Macro-1i 1, the return code appears in the device status words, $DSW or the I/O status block. If the returned value: of dsw equals is.suc(+l), the subroutine succeeded. If dsw is not equal to is.suc, the subroutine call failed and dsw's ($DSW's) returned value indicates the reason for subroutine failure. The most likely dsw return codes are given in Appendix A. The following section covers Pascal call to 3MCD, MARCO-11 calls to 3MCD perform exactly the same functions. A pull-out reference guides to 3MCD calls from MACRO- 11 and Pascal can be found in Appendix A and Appendix B respectively. 4.2.1. ASLUN (ASsign Logical Unit Number) The ASLUN directive instructs the system to assign a logical unit number (LUN) to a physical device. This routine works on any device, not just MiniMover-5 robots. -A logical unit number is simply an integer which refers to a physical device. (In FORTRAN, for example, 7 is usually used to refer to the standard output device). In Pascal, LUN's can be any integer from 0 to 255. Be aware that Pascal already uses LUN 6 and 7 for standard input and output. ASLUN (ASsign Logical Unit Number) Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-11-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 21 The device is specified by a 2 letter radix 50 integer that is the RSX-1 1M code for that device. The device code for the MiniMover-5 robots is "MB"'. The integer equivalent of radix 50 MB is 19778. The device unit number corresponds to the interface box slot number of the robot that you wish to control. Device unit numbers therefore range from 0 to 7. The device unit number does not have to be the same as the logical device number (LUN). The assignment of logical unit numbers can also be done at task building time. aslun(lun,dev,unt,dsw); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical device number of MiniMover (integer). (2) dev = Device name (two radix 50 characters or integer). (3) unt = Device unit number (integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer). Interface Declarations PROCEDURE ASLUN(VAR LUN, DEV, UNTi DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; 4.2.2. ATTCH (ATTaCH task to logical device number) The ATTCH directive attaches the calling task to the physical device assigned to the specified logical device number (LUN). This routine works on any device, not just MiniMover-5 robots. The device is specified by the logical unit Robot Systems Division ATTCH (ATTaCH task to logical device number)

22; The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 number assigned to it by a ASLUN call or at task building time. Upon successful completion of an ATTCH call where:the device is a MiniMover-5 robots, the calling task (program) has exclusive control over that MiniMover. A task relinquishes control when it terminates execution or successfully calls the DETCH routine. One task may attach itself to several MiniMovers. The. user should be aware that a given MiniMover may be in use by another task and cause this routine to return with dsw = ie.rsu. Also note that none of the MiniMover control and status routines will execute successfully unless the specified MiniMover is attached to the calling program. Pascal Call attch(lun,dsw); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical unit number of device (integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer). Interface Declarations PROCEDURE ATTCH(VAR LUN, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; 4.2.3. DETCH (DETaCH task ~f rom logical device number) The DETCH directive detaches the calling task from the physical device currently assigned to the specified logical device number (LUN). This routine works on any task that is attached to a device, not just MiniMovers. The device DETCH (DETaCH task from logica. device number) Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-11-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 23 is specified by the logical unit number assigned to it by a call to ALUN or at task building time. Upon successful completion of this routine, the calling program no longer has control over the device, and the device may be claimed by other tasks. Detaching one MiniMover has no effect on the status any other MiniMovers that may be attached to the calling program. Note that a task automatically detaches itself from a device when it terminates execution without an explicit call to DETACH. Pascal Call detch(lun,dsw); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical unit number (integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer). interface Declarations PROCEDURE DETCH(VAR LUN, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; 4.2.4. INITMB (INITialize MicroBot minimover) The INITMB directive powers down all of the motors in the MiniMover attached to the specified LUN. The motor position counters of this MiniMover are reset to zero. Robot Systems Division INITMB (INITialize MicroBot minimover)

24 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-1 1-82 Upon successful completion of a call to INITMB, the specified MiniMover robot's stepper motors will be powered down. The MiniMover can then be moved manually by turning the large gear wheels located at the rear base of the Microbot. This may be necessary to initialize the MiniMover's position. The internal stepper motor counter registers will be reset to zero, thus allowing a new reference position to be defined. Pascal Call initmb(lun,dsw); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical device number of MiniMover (integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer)., Interface Declarations PROCEDURE INITMB(VAR LUN, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; 4.2.5. MOVBOT (MOVe roBOT) The MOVBOT directive moves each motor in the MiniMover assigned to the specified logical device number (LUN) either one step forward, reverse,'or not-:at all depending on the integers specified in the command matrix. The motor position counters are incremented of decremented accordingly. Each joint of a MiniMover-5 robot is controlled by one or two of 6 stepper motors. Motor #1 controls the base movement, Motor #2 controls the shoulder wMOVBOT (MOVe. roBOT) Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 25 movement, Motor /3 controls the elbow movement, Motor #4 and Motor #6 control the pitch and roll of the wrist, and motor #6 controls the hand. A forward step is defined as one which causes controlled link of the MiniMover-5 robot to move in the direction of the arrows shown in Figure 11. A backward step is one which causes the controlled link to move contrary to the direction of the Figure 11 arrows. To properly call the MOVBOT routine, the user must define a 1 by 6 integer array with indices of 1 through 6. Each element in the array should contain an integer that specifies the action to be taken at the motor corresponding to its Index. An array element "k" with the value 1 will cause motor #k to move one step forward. The value -1 will cause motor #k tc UPPER SHOULDER JOINTS \ l / /,-~'-"ELBOW JOINT BODY REAR, —- FOREARM WRIST JOINT BASE - 1 HAND 6 x AXIS Figure 11 Definition of MiniMover-5 Motor Directions Robot Systems Division MOVBOT (MOVe roBOT)

26 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 array element has a value other than 1 or -1, the motor will retain its previous position. As an example, if the array passed to MOVBOT is called X, and X[1] = 1, X[2] = -1, X[3] = 1, X[4] 0=, X[5] = 436, and X[6] = -1023, then motor #1 (the base) and motor #3 (the elbow) will move one step forward, motor #2 will move one step; backward, and the other MiniMover motors will remain in their original positions when MOVBOT is successfully called. Pascal Call movbot(lun,cmd,d sw); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical device number of MiniMover (integer). (2) cmd = Command array (1 by 6 of integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer). Interface Declarations TYPE INTAR6:ARRAY[1..6] OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE MOVBOT(VAR LUN: IITEGER, VAR CMD INTAR, VAR DSW INTEGER); FORTRAN; 4.2.6. RDGSW (ReaD minimoverGrip SWitch) The RDGSW directive reads the state of the. grip switch of the MiniMover attached to the specified LUN. RDGSW (ReaD minimover Grip SWitch) Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 27 Upon successful completion of a call to RDGSW, the integer variable gss will contain either a O or a 1 in it depending on the state of the specified MiniMover hand as defined below: value returned in gss MiniMover hand state 1 open 0 closed Pascal Call rdgsw(lun,gss,dsw); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical unit number of MiniMover (integer). Parameters Returned (1:) gss = Grip switch state (integer). (2) dsw = Directive status word (integer). Interface Declarations PROCEDURE RDGSW(VAR LUN, GSS, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; 4.2.7. RDMPOS (ReaD minimover Motor POSitions) The RDMPOS directive reads the number of steps that each motor of the MiniMover attached to the specified LUN has moved since the last INITMB directive. Upon successful completion of a call to RDMPOS, the 1 by 6 integer.array passed to RDMPOS will contain the contents of the motor position counter Robot Systems Division RDMPOS (ReaD minimover Motor POSitions)

28 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 registers. Array element 1 will contain the net number of steps that motor #1 has moved since the,last call to INITMB, array element 2 will contain the net number of steps that motor #2 has moved and so on. The values returned may be positive or negative. Pascal Call rdmpos(lun,pos,dsw); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical device number of MiniMover (integer). Parameters Returned (1) pos =-Motor position array (1 by 6 of integer). (2) dsw = Directive status word (integer). Interface Declarations TYPE INTAR6:ARRAY[1..6] OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE RDMPOS(VAR LUN: INTEGER, VAR CMD: INTAR6, VAR: DSW INTEGER); FORTRAN; 5. Summary The purpose of this document has been to overview the Michigan Instructional Robotics system and present the details of using the Michigan MiniMover Control Drivers. These routines allow LSI-11/23 users to independently control up to 8 ~MiniMover-5 robots. Summary Robot Systems Division

RSD-TR-11-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 29 As you probably noted already, the 3MCD software forms only the basis for a robot control program. An applications programmer can build Pascal programs that call the 3MCD software that provide useful robot motion. Some. useful Pascal robot control programs that use the 3MCD software are available from the E.C.E. Department at the University of Michigan. The practical problem of writing programs that induce the MiniMover robots to perform a useful task, however, remains the responsibility of the user. Robot Systems Division Summary

30 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System RSD-TR-11-82 6. References (1) Grogono, P., Programming in PASCAL, Revised Edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1980. New York, 1982. (2) James, R. L., PASCAL, Academic Press Incorporated, (3) Kieburtz, R. B., Structured Programming and Problem-Solving with PASCAL, Prentice-Hall Incorporated, Englewood Cliffs, 1978. (4) Memories and Peripherals, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, 1978. (5) Microcomputer Interfaces Handbook, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, 1981. (6) Microcomputer Processors, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, 1978. (7) MiniMover-5 User Reference and Applications Manual, Microbot Incorporated, Menlo Park, 1980. (8) OMSI PASCAL-1 Version 1.2 for RSX, Oregon Software, Portland, 1980. (9) RSX- 11 M Version 3.2 Documentation, Vol. 1-6, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, 1979. References Robot Systems Division

ISD-TR-1 1-82 The Michigan MiniMover Interface System 31 r. Appendix A: Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines This appendix is intended as a reference guide for LSI-11/23 users writing Pascal programs that call the Michigan MiniMover-5 Control Drivers (3MCD). The Pascal interface source code is in three files.5 ARMLIB.PAS contains the Pascal/MACRO-11 source code and ARMLIB.OBJ contain the linkable object code. To use any of the routines in this appendix, ARMLIB.OBJ must be linkedto the calling program at task building time. The routines must also be declared as external FORTRAN program in the users main Pascal program. 5 The names given here are the current locations of the 3MCD interface files on the LSI-11/23 system at the University of Michigan. Check with a local authority for the location of these files on your computer system. Robot Systems Division ASLUN

32 Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines Appendix A ASLUN (ASsign Logical Unit Number) The ASLUN directive instructs the system to assign a physical device to a logical unit number (LUN). Pascal Call ASLUN(LUN,DEV,UNT,DSW); Parameters Passed --- (1) lun = Logical device number of MiniMover (integer). (2) dev = Device name (two radix 50 characters or integer). (3) unt = Device unit number (integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer). dsw Return Codes (1 ) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (3) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (4) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Pascal Interface Declarations PROCEDURE ASLUN(VAR LUN, DEV, UNT, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; Notes A successful- A-SLUN call does not indicate that the calling task has attached itself to the device. ASLUN Robot Systems Division

Appendix A Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines 33 ASLUN- Pascal Example The following Pascal program segment assigns logical unit number (LUN) 1 to MiniMover 6. PROCEDURE ASLUN(VAR LUN, DEV, UNT, DSW — INTEGER); FORTRAN; PROCEDURE ASLUNEX; VAR UNIT-NUMBER, (X logical unit number of MiniMover *) DEVNAME, (* integer name of MiniMover device ") MICRONUM (* MiniMover number X) RETCODE (* ASLUN return code *):INTEGER; BEGIN UNIT-NUMBER = 1; (* assign unit number ") DEVNAME = 19778; (C decimal equivalent of radix 50'MB' ") MICRONUM = 6; (* assign MiniMover number *) ASLUN(UNITJNUMBER,DEVNiAME,MI CRONUM,RETCODE); IF RETCODE <>1 THEN BEGIN... (C handle error condition *) END; Robot Systems Division ATTCH

34 Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines Appendix A ATTCH (ATTaCH task to logical device number) The ATTCH directive attaches the calling task to the physical device assigned to the specified logical device number (LUN). Pascal Call ATTCH(LUN,D SW); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical unit number of device (integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer). dsw Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) successful completion (2) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (3) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (4) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (5) ie.hwr ( -6) -- device driver not installed or loaded Pascal Interface Declarations PROCEDURE ATTCH(VAR LUN, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; Notes When this directive is used for a logical device number (LUN) assigned to a MiniMover, successful completion indicates that the issuing task has exclusive control over that MiniMover. ATTCH Robot Systems Division

Appendix A Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines 35 ATTCH Pascal Example The following Pascal program segment attaches itself to the device assigned to logical unit number (LUN) 2. PROCEDURE ATTCH(VAR LUN, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; PROCEDURE ATTCHEX; VAR UNITJNUMBER, (* logical unit number of MiniMover *) DEVJNAME, (X integer name of MiniMover device *) MICRONUM (* MiniMover number *) RETCODE ( ATTCH return code *):INTEGER; BEGIN UNIT-NUMBER = 1; (* assign unit number *) ATTCH(UN ITNUMBE R,RETCODE); IF RETCODE<>1 THEN BEGIN... (x handle error condition x) END; Robot Systems Division DETCH

36 Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines Appendix A DETCH (DETaCH task from logical device number) The DETCH directive detaches the calling task to the physical device assigned to the specified logical device number (LUN). Pascal Call DETCH(LUN,DSW); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical unit number (integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer), dsw Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna( -7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (5) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (6) ie.hwr ( -6) -- device driver not installed or loaded Pascal Interface Declarations PROCEDURE DETCH(VAR LUN, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; Notes When this directive is used for a logical device number (LUN) assigned to a MiniMover, successful completion indicates that the issuing task has relinquished exclusive control over that MiniMover. DETCH Robot Systems Division

Appendix A Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines 37 DETCH Pascal Example The following Pascal program segment detaches itself from the logical unit number assigned to (LUN) O. PROCEDURE DETCH(VAR LUN, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; PROCEDURE DETCHEX; VAR UNITNUMBER, (X logical unit number of MiniMover X) DEVNAME, (X integer name of MiniMover device X) MICRONUM (. MiniMover number x) RETCODE (x DETCH return code "):INTEGER; BEGIN UNITJNUMBER = 0; (x assign unit number x) DETCH(UNITNUMBER,RETCOD E); IF RET CODE,<>1 THEN BEGIN... (x handle error condition x) END; Robot Systems Division INITMB

38 Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines Appendix A INITMB (INITialize MicroBot minimover) The INITMB directive powers down all of the motor in the MiniMover attached to the specified LUN. The motor position counters of this MiniMover are reset to zero. Pascal Call INITMB(LUN,DSW); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical device number of MiniMover (integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer). dsw Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna ( -7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (5) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (6) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (7) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Pascal Interface Declarations PROCEDURE INITMB(VAR LUN, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; Notes After an INITMB directive, the MiniMover may ~be forced moved. INITMB Robot- Systems Divis ion

Appendix A Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines 39 INITMB Pascal Example The following Pascal program segment initializes the MiniMover assigned to logical unit number (LUN) 2 and attached to the task. PROCEDURE INITMB(VAR LUN, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; PROCEDURE INITMBEX; VAR UNIT-NUMBER, (" logical unit number of MiniMover *) RETCODE (* INITMB return code *):INTEGER; BEGIN UNITNUMIBER = 2; (* assign unit number *) INITMB(UNITNUMBER,RETCODE); IF RETCODE<>1 THEN BEGIN... (X handle error condition *) END; Robot Systems Division MOVBOT

40 Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines Appendix A MOVBOT (MOve roBOT) The MOVBOT directive moves each motor in the MiniMover assigned to the specified logical device number (LUN) either one half step (one eighth turn) forward, reverse, or not at all depending on the integers specified in the command matrix. The motor position counters are incremented of decremented accordingly. Pascal Call MOVBOT(LUN CMD,D SW); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical device number of MiniMover (integer). (2) cmd = Command array (1 by 6 of integer). Parameters Returned (1) dsw = Directive status word (integer). dsw Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna ( -7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (5) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (6) ie.ilu (-96) - invalid lun (7) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Pascal Interface Declarations TYPE INTAR6:ARRAY[1..6] OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE MOVBOT(VAR LUN: INTEGER, VAR CMD INTAR6, VAR DSW INTEGER); FORTRAN; NIMOVBOT - Robot Systems Division

appendix A Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines 41 Notes Each element in the array cmd corresponds to one motor in the specified MiniMover. (cmd[1 ] corresponds to the base motor; cmd[6] corresponds to the hand motor.) The correspondence between the values in the command array and MiniMover action Is given below: value of cmd [i] action in MiniMover motor[i] +1 move one half step forward -1 move one half step backward anything else retain current motor position UPPER SHOULDER JOINT ARM BODY F~ —- FOREARM BS -_ WRIST JOINT BASE. _ HA.. —N Dy AXINS x AXIS Definition of MiniMover Motor Directions Forward = with arrows Backward = against arrows Robot Systems Diviston MOVBOT

42 Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines Appendix A MOVBOT Pascal Example The following Pascal program segment moves the MiniMover assigned to logical unit number (LUN) 1 and attached to the task as follows: Motor 1 (base), no movement; Motor 2 (shoulder), no movement; Motor 3 (elbow), 1 step backward; Motors 4 and 5 (wrist)+ 1 step forward each (this changes the pitch of the wrist by 1 step); Motor 6 (hand), 1 step forward (closing). TYPE INTAR6:ARRAY[1..6] OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE MOVBOT(VAR LUN:INTEGER, VAR CMD:INTAR6, VAR DSW:INTEGER); FORTRAN; PROCEDURE MOVBOTEX; VAR UNIT-NUMBER, (* logical unit number of MiniMover *) RET__CODE (* MOVBOT return code *):INTEGER; COMMAND (* command array *): INTAR6; BEGIN UNITNUMBER = 1; (* assign unit number *) COMMAND[1] = 0; (' initialize command array *) COMMAND[2] = 326; COMMAND[3] = -1; COMMAND[4] = 1; COMMAND[5] = 1; COMMAND[6] =1; MOVBOT(UNI TNUMBER,COMMAND,RETLCOD E); IF RETCODE> 1 THEN BEGIN... (* handle error condition *) END; RDGSW Robot Systems Division

Appendix A Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines 43 RDGSW (ReaD minimover Grip SWitch) The RDGSW directive reads the state of the grip switch of the the MiniMover attached to the specified LUN. Pascal Call RDGSW(LUN, GSS,D SW); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical unit number of MiniMover (integer). Parameters Returned (1) gss = Grip switch state (integer). (2) dsw = Directive status word (integer). dsw Return Codes (1 ) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna ( -7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-17) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (5) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (6) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (7) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Pascal Interface Declarations PROCEDURE RDGSW(VAR LUN, GSS, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; Robot Systems Division RDGSW

44 Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines Appendix A Notes The correspondence between the state of the specified MiniMover grip switch and the value returned in gss is given below: vI/ue returned in gss MiniMover hand state ~1 open 0 closed RDGSW Pascal Example The following Pascal program segment reads the grip switch of the MiniMover assigned to LUN 1 and attached to the task. PROCEDURE RDGSW(VAR LUN, GSS, DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; PROCEDURE RDMPOSEX; VAR UNITJNUMBER, (X logical unit number of MiniMover x) GRIPTATE, (* grip state returned from RDGSW X) RETCODE (* RDGSW return code'): INTEGER; BEGIN UNIT.JNUMBER 1; (* assign unit number *) R-DGSW(UNITNUMBER,GRIPSTATE,RET1CODE); ('~ read grip switch *) IF RETCODE<> 1 THEN BEGIN... (* handle error condition *) END; RDMPOS Robot Systems Division

Appendix A Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines 45 RDMPOS (ReaD minimover Motor POSitions) The RDMPOS directive reads the number of steps that each motor of the MiniMover attached to the specified LUN has moved since the last INITMB directive. Pascal Call RDMPOS(LUN,CMD,D SW); Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical device number of MiniMover (integer). Parameters Returned (1) pos = Motor position array (1 by 6 of integer). (2) dsw = Directive status word (integer). dsw Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna ( -7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (5) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (6) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (7) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Pascal Interface Declarations TYPE INTAR6:ARRAY[1..6] OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE RDMPOS(VAR LUN: INTEGER, VAR CMD: INTAR6, VAR DSW: INTEGER); FORTRAN; Robot Systems Division RDMPOS

46 Pascal to 3MCD Interface Routines Appendix A RDMPOS Pascal Example The following Pascal program segment reads the motor position registers of the MiniMover assigned. to logical unit number (LUN) 1 and attached to the task. TYPE I NTAR6: ARRAY[1:..6] OF INTEGER; PROCEDURE RDMPOS(VAR LUN:INTEGER, VAR CMD:INTAR6, VAR DSW:INTEGER); FORTRAN; PROCEDURE RDMPOSEX; VAR UNIT-NUMBER, (X logical unit number of MiniMover *) RETCODE (" RDMPOS return code X):INTEGER; POSITION (x position array returned from RDMPOS *):INTAR6; BEGIN UNIT-NUMBER = 1; (* assign unit number x) RDMPOS(UNITNUMBER,POSITION,RET._CODE); IF RETCODE<> 1 THEN BEGIN... (* handle error condition x) END; RDMPOS - F obot Systems Division

Appendix B MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface 47 8. Appendix B: MACRO-11 to 3MCD Interface This appendix is intended as a reference guide for LSI-11/23 users writing MACRO-11 assembly language programs that call the Michigan MiniMover-5 Control Drivers (3MCD). The drivers are accessed through the QIO command. When the $C and $S forms of Q10 and QIOW are used the return codes for the call are in $DSW the device status word and the 1/0 status block (ISB). The carry flag will be reset and both the DSW and the ISB will be equal to +1 after a QIO call if the I/0 attempt succeeded. Also included in this appendix is the documentation for a call to ALUN(Assign Logical Device Number) which is the MACRO-1 1 version of the 3MCD Pascal interface routines ASLUN. Robot Systems Division ALUN

48 MACRO-11 to 3MCD Interface Appendix B ALUN (Assign Logical Unit Number) The ALUN directive instructs the system to assign a physical device to a logical unit number (LUN). MACRO- 1 1 Call ALUN$ lun,dev,unt Parameters Passed (1) lun = Logical device number of MiniMover (2) dev = Device name two characters (MB for the Microbots) (3) unt = Device unit number Parameters Returned (1) isb = 1/0 status block (2 word buffer) (2) $DSW = Directive status word $DSW Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (3) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (4) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Notes A successful ALUN call does not indicate that the calling task has attached itself to the device. ALUN Robot Systems Division

kppendix B MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface 49 kLUN MACRO-1 1 Example The- following MACRO-11 program segment assigns logical unit number (LUN) 1 to MiniMover 6..MCALL ALUN$C.GLOBL $DSW.TITLE ALUNEX.PSECT TEST:: ALUN$C 1,MB,6;call ALUN BCS ERR;branch if carry set;to error handling code.END. TEST Robot Systems Division ATTCH

50 MACRO-11 to 3MCD Interface Appendix B ATTCH (ATTaCH task to logical device number) The ATTCH directive attaches the calling task to the physical device assigned to the specified logical device number (LUN). MACRO- 11 Call QIOW$ fnc,lun,efn,,isb Parameters Passed (1) fnc = I/0 function code = 768. for ATTCH (2) lun = Logical unit number of device (3) efn = event flag number (17. works well) Parameters Returned (1) isb = I/0 status block (2 word buffer) (2) $DSW = Directive status word $DSW and 1/0 Status Block (ISB) Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (3) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (4) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (5) ie.hwr ( -6) -- device driver not installed or loaded Notes When this directive is used for a logical device-number (LUN) assigned to a MiniMover, successful completion indicates that the issuing task has exclusive control over that MiniMover. ATTCH Robot Systems Division

Appendix B MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface 51 ATTCH MACRO-11 Example The following MACRO-11 program segment attaches itself to the device assigned to logical unit number (LUN) 2..MCALL QIOW$S.GLOBL $DSW.TITLE ATTCHEX.PSECT TEST:: QIOW$S #768.,#2,#1 7.,,#ISB;ATTACH task BCS ERR;branch if carry set;to error handling code CMP ISB,#1.;routine worked? BEQ OK;branch if it worked ERR:: CMP $DSW,1 77772;error handling code;that looks at $DSW & ISB.END TEST ISB::.BLKW 2;l/O status block space Robot Systems Division DETCH

52 MACRO- 1 1 to 3MCD lnterf ace Appendix B DETCH (DETaCH task from logical device number) The DETCH directive detaches the calling task to the physical device assigned to the specified logical device number (LUN). MACRO-11 Call QIOW$ fnc,lun,efn,,isb Parameters Passed (1) fnc = 1/0 function code = 1024. for DETCH (2) lun = Logical unit number of device (3) efn = event flag number (17. works well) Parameters Returned (1) isb = 1/0 status block (2 word buffer) (2) $DSW = Directive status word $DSW and I/0 Status Block (ISB) Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna ( -7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (5) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (6) ie.hwr ( -6) -- device driver not installed or loaded Notes When this directive is used for a logical device number (LUN) assigned to a MiniMover, successful completion indicates that the issuing task has relinquished exclusive control over that MiniMover. Robot Systems Division

Appendix B MACRO- 1 1 to 3MCD Interface 53 DETCH MACRO-11 Example The following MACRO-11 program segment detaches itself from the logical unit number assigned to (LUN) 0..MCALL QIOW$S.GLOBL $DSW.TITLE DETCHI-EX.PSECT TEST:: QIOW$S #1024.,#0,#1 7.,,#1ISB;DETACH task BCS ERR;branch if carry set;to error handling code CMP ISB,#l.;routine worked? BEQ OK;branch if it worked ERR:: CMP $DSW,177772;error handling code;that looks at $DSW & ISB.END TEST ISB::.BLKW 2;1/0 status block space Robot Systems Division INITMB

54 MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface Appendix B INITMB (INITialize MicroBot minimover) The INItMB directive powers down all of the motor in the MiniMover attached to the specified LUN. The motor position counters of this MiniMover are reset to zero. MACRO- 11 Call QIOW$ fnc,lun,efn,,isb Parameters Passed (1) fnc = I/0 function code = 1792. for INITMB (2) lun = Logical unit number of device (3) efn = event flag number (1 7. works well) Parameters Returned (1) isb = I/O status block (2 word buffer) (2) $DSW = Directive status word $DSW and I/0 Status Block (ISB) Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna (-7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (5) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (6) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (7) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Notes After an INITMB directive, the MiniMover rhay be forced moved. INITMB: Robot Systems Division

Appendix B MACRO-11 to 3MCD Interface 55 INITBOT MACRO-1 1 Example The following MACRO-i 1 program segment initializes the MiniMover assigned to logical unit number (LUN) 2 and attached to the task..MCALL QIOW$S.GLOBL $DSW.TITLE INITBOTEX.PSECT TEST:: MOV #2,4(R5) QIOW$S #1 792.,4(R5),#1 7.,,#1SB;lNITialize MiniMover BCS ERR;branch if carry set;to error handling code CMP ISB,#1.;routine worked? BEQ OK;branch if it worked ERR:: CMP $DSW,1 77772;error handling code;that looks at $DSW & ISB.END TEST ISB::.BLKW 2;1/O status block space Robot Systems Division MOVBOT

56 MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface Appendix B MOVBOT (MOve roBOT) The MOVBOT directive moves each motor in the MiniMover assigned to the specified logical device number (LUN) either one half step (one eighth turn) forward, reverse, or not at all depending on the parameters of the call. The motor position counters are incremented of decremented accordingly. MACRO-11 Call QIOW$ fnc,lun,ef n,,isb, <cm1,cm2,cm3,cm4,cm5,cm6 > Parameters Passed (1) fnc = I/0 function code - 1280. for MOVBOT (2) lun = Logical unit number of device, (3) efn = event flag number (17. works well) (4) cml = command for motor #1 (5) cm2 = command for motor #2 (6) cm3 = command for motor #3 (7) cm4 = command for motor #4 (8) cm5 = command for motor #5 (9) cm6 = command for motor #6 Parameters Returned (1) isb = I/0 status block (2 word buffer) (2) $DSW = Directive status word $DSW and I/O Status Block (ISB) Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna ( -7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned iun (5) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (6) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid lun (7) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Notes MOVBOT Robot Systems Division

Appendix B MACRO-11 to 3MCD Interface 57 Each parameter cml through cm6 corresponds to one motor in the specified MiniMover. (cmi corresponds to the base motor; cm6 corresponds to the hand motor.) The correspondence between the values of these parameters and-MiniMover action is given below: value of cm[ij action in MiniMover motor[i] +1 move one half step forward -1 move one half step backward anything else retain current motor position UPPER SHOULDER JOINT ARM %~r AXIS~ ELBOW JOINT BODY X FOREARM WRIST JOINT BASE. HAND x AXIS Definition of MiniMover Motor Directions Forward = with arrows Backward =-against arrows Robot Systems Division. MOVBOT

58 MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface Appendix B MOVBOT MACRO-.1 14, Example The following MACRO-11 program segment moves the MiniMover assigned to logical unit number (LUN) 1 and attached to the task as follows: Motor 1 (base), no movement; Motor 2 (shoulder), no movement; Motor 3 (elbow), 1 step backward; Motors 4 and 5 (wrist), 1 step forward each (this changes the pitch of the wrist by 1 step); Motor 6 (hind), 1 step forward (closing)..MCALL QIOW$S.GLOBL $DSW.TITLE'MOVBOTEX.PSECT TEST:: QIOW$S #1 280.,#,##1 7.,,#1SB,,<0,11,1 777776,1,1,1 >;MOVe MiniMover BCS ERR;branch if carry set;to error handling code CMP ISB,#1.;routine worked? BEQ OK;branch if it worked ERR:: CMP $DSW,1 77772;error handling code;that looks at $DSW & ISB.END TEST ISB::.BLKW 2;1/0 status block space RDGSW - Robot Systems Division

kppendix B MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface 59 RDGSW (ReaD minimover Grip SWitch) The RDGSW directive reads the state of the grip switch of the the MiniMover attached to the specified LUN. MACRO-1 1 Call QIOW$ fnc,lun,efn,,isb,<buf,cnt> Parameters Passed (1) fnc = I/O function code = 1536. for RDGSW (2) lun = Logical unit number of device (3) efn = event flag number (17. works well) (4) cnt = byte length of buf = 2. Parameters Returned (1) isb = I/0 status block (2 word buffer) (2) buf 1= word buffer for hand state (3) $DSW = Directive status word $DSW and I/0 Status Block (ISB) Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna ( -7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (5) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (6) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (7) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Notes The correspondence between the state of the specified MiniMover grip switch and the value returned in buf is given below: value returned in buf MiniMover hand state 1 - open O closed Robot Systems Division RDGSW

60 MACRO-11 to 3MCD Interface Appendix B RDGSW MACRO-1 l Example The following MACRO-1 1 program segment reads the grip switch of the MiniMover a ssigrned td LUN 1 and attached to the task..MCALL QIOW$S.GLOBL $DSW.TITLE RDGSWEX.PSECT TEST:: QIOW$S #1 536.,#1,#1 7.,,#ISB,,<BUF,#2>;get grip switch status BCS ERR;branch if carry set;to error handling code CMP ISB,#1.;routine worked? BEQ OK;branch if it worked ERR:: CMP $DSW,1 77772;error handling code;that looks at $DSW & ISB.END TEST ISB::.BLKW 2;I/O status block space BUF::.BLKW 1;grip switch status buffer RDMPOS Robot Systems Division

Appendix B MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface 61 RDMPOS (ReaD minimover Motor POSitions) The RDMPOS directive reads the number of steps that each motor of the MiniMover attached to the specified LUN has moved since the last INITBOT directive. MACRO-11 Call QIOW$ fnc,lun,efn,,isb, (buf,cnt> Parameters Passed (1) fnc = I/O function code = 1048. for RDMPOS (2) lun = Logical unit number of device (3) efn = event flag number (17. works well) (4) cnt = byte length of buf = 6. Parameters Returned (1) isb = I/0 status block (2 word buffer) (2) buf = 6 word buffer for motor position counter registers (3) $DSW =Directive status word $DSW and I/0 Status Block (ISB) Return Codes (1) is.suc ( +1) -- successful completion (2) ie.dna ( -7) -- device not attached (3) ie.rsu (-1 7) -- non-sharable resource in use (another task owns device) (4) ie.uln ( -5) -- unassigned lun (5) ie.lnl (-90) -- lun locked in use (6) ie.ilu (-96) -- invalid LUN (7) ie.hwr ( -6) -- MiniMover driver not installed or loaded Robot Systems Division RDMPOS

62. MACRO-1 1 to 3MCD Interface Appendix B RDMPOS MACRO-1 1 Example The following MACRO-1 1 program segment reads the motor position registers of the MiniMover assigned to logical unit number (LUN) 1 and attached to the task..MCALL QIOW$S.GLOBL $DSW.TITLE RDGSWEX.PSECT TEST:: QIOW$S -#1 53.,#1,#1 7.,,#1 SB,,<BUF,#6>;get motor position counters BCS ERR;branch if carry set;to error handling code CMP ISB,#1.;routine worked? BEQ OK;branch if it worked ERR:: CMP $DSW,177772;error handling code;that looks at $DSW & ISB.END TEST ISB::.BLKW 2;I/O status block space BUF::;motor position buffers MOT1 -.BLKW 1;motor #1 position buffer MOT2::.BLKW 1;motor #2 position buffer MOT3::.BLKW 1;motor #3 position buffer MOT4::.BLKW 1;motor #4 pqsition buffer MOT5::.BLKW 1;motor-#6 position buffer MOT6::.BLKW 1;motor #6 position buffer RDMPOS: Robot Systems Division

.ppendix B MACRO- I to 3MCD Interface 63;. Appendix C: MiniMover Interface Hardware Design MiniMover Interface Hardware Block-Diagram Roo|ytm Divso Appndi C Miioe nerac HadaeDsgb;+ I- A!. ic~r

64 MiniMover Interface Hardware Design Appendix C MiniMover Interface Hardware Schematic tq rI I' - Di'1' " "~1' " ~'~;~' "'"'7. ~ V [. ~~~.y~~~~f.j - ~, e' —~'~'.69 ID Appendix C: Miniiover yst::S,, -.r'botx, ". obot'-,vol': Appendix C: MiniMover Interface Hardware Design Robot Systems Division

Appendix C MiniMover Interface Hardware Design 65 Format of Output Word to Multiplexer Bit Number Signal Comment 15 ER7 enable robot 7 (1 =enable) 14 ER6 enable robot-6 13 ER5 enable robot 5 12 ER4 enable robot 4 11 ER3 enable-robot 3 10 ER2 enable robot 2 9 ER1 enable robot 18 ERO enable robot 0 7 spare unused 6 A2 motor number MSB 5 Al motor number 4 AO motor number LSB 3 D3 motor phase pattern MSB 2 D2 motor phase pattern 1 Dl motor phase pattern 0 DO motor phase pattern LSB Format of Input Word From Multiplexer Bit Number Signal Comment 15 BZ7 unused 14 GS7 robot 7 grip switch (1 =closed) 13 BZ6 unused 12 GS6 robot 6 grip switch 11 BZ5 unused 10 GS5 robot 5 grip switch 9 BZ4 unused 8 GS4' robot 4 grip switch 7 BZ3 unused 6 GS3 robot 3 grip switch 5 BZ2 unused 4 GS2 robot 2 grip switch 3 BZ1 unused 2 GS1 robot 1 grip switch 1 BZO unused 0 GSO robot 0 grip switch Robot Systems Division Appendix C: MiniMover Interface Hardware Design

66 MiniMover Interface Hardware Design Appendix C MiniMover-5 Cable Connections Signal Slot Number Interface Box Connection D7-: 20 74LS244 pin depends on robot a6 - 24 no connection ID6 28 no connection D4 1 8 no connection D3 26 74LS244 pin 12 ~ D2 - 32 74LS244 Dl-D!I. 22 74LS244 pin 16 DO 30 74LS244 pin 18 A7 36 +5 volts. A6 38 ground A5 35 ground A4 31 +5 volts A3 34 +5 volts A2 40 74LS244 pin 5 Al 27 74LS244 pin 7 AO 25 74LS244 OUT' 12 74LS244 pin 3 GND 8 ground GND 38 ground Appendix C: MiniMover interface Hardware Design Robot Systems Division

Appendix D Excerpts from The MiniMover-5 User Reference Manual 67 10. Appendix D: Excerpts from MiniMover-5 User Reference Manual This appendix contains excerpts taken from the Minimov er Reference Manual that are useful to users. Copyright (c) 1980, Microbot Inc. Used by Permitision Robot Systems Division Appendix D

68 Table 2 MiniMover-5 Performance Characteristics GENERAL Configuration: 5 revolute axes and integral hand Drive Electric stepper motorsOpen loop control Controller Microcomputer provided by user Interface TRS-80 or 8-Bit parallel Program language ARMBASIC for TRS-80 ( Z-80 driver available ) Power requirement 12 volts, 4 amps DC PERFORMANCE Resolution O.013 in (O.3 amm) maximum on each axis Load Capacity 8 oz (225 gm) at full extension 16 oz (450 gm) at half extension Gripping force 3 lbs (13 N) maximum Reach 17.5 in (444 mm) Static load force 4lbs (18 N) maximum DETAILED PERFORMANCE Motion Range Speed (full load) Speed (no load) Base +90 deg 0.37 rad/s 0.42 rad/s Shoulder +144, -35 deg 0.15 rad/s 0.36 rad/s Elbow +0, -149 deg 0.23 rad/s 0.82 rad/s Wrist Roll +180 deg 1.31 rad/s 2.02 rad/s Wrist Pitch +90 deg 1.31 rad/s 2.02 rad/s Hand 0-3 in (0-75 mm) 3 1b/s (13N/s) 0.80 in/s (20 mm/s) PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Arm weight 6 lbs (3 kg) Interface cable length 3 ft (93'0 r.m) The major structural components are shown in Figure 13. The manipulator consists of a fixed base within which is housed the computer

69 1B3 Speed-Torque Considerations The torque output of the stepper motors used on the MiniMover-5 vary with their speed as shown in Figure 21. At slow speeds, maximum torque (lifting capacity) is obtained. Above a critical high speed, no torque is obtained. With intermediate speeds, intermediate torque loads can. be raintaaned. A.lte rna ti vely with any given torque load we can determine the critical speed above which the motor will not turn. RATED LOAD POINT LU C ~ | \ NO LOAD POINT 0 0 500 1000 SPEED -- steps per second Figure 21 Stepper Motor Speed-Load Tradeoff The torque required by the motors of the MiniMover-5 depends on the configuration of the arm and the load held in the hand. This relation is a complex trigonometric expression involving the lengths and weights of all-the arma members. Instead of solving such an expression before each movement to determine the maximum speed of movement~, it is simpler to program for the worst-case.

70 The worst case is when the members of the arm are at maximum horizontal extension, requiring the maximum motor torque. All other configurations will require less motor torque. In the worst-case configuration the motor torque also depends on the load held in the hand. With no load, the torque on all the motors is the same (by design) and operation is at the no-load point shown in Figure 21. With the rated load (the arm lifting 8 ounces) the torque on all the motors except the base motor (which does not lift) is approximately equal, and operation is at the rated load point shown in Figure 21. C. Recommended Operating Speeds Speed control of the stepper motors can be simplified by considering only a few load conditions such as rated-, half-, and noload as given in Table 3. With the given load, no slippage will occur as long as these rates are not exceeded. Users can drive the arm at any speed they wish (including very slowly) but the arm will not always follow if the speed is above the maximum rates given. Table 3 Maximum No-Slip Stepping Rates Load Half Steps Time Delay per second (ARMBASIC) None 525 20 Half (4 oz.) 370 50 Rated (8 oz.) 230 100 * Motor slippage will cause an error between where the arm is and where the computer program thinks it is, and may result in unpredictable performance.

71 In general we want to- perform a task as fast as possible without risking slippage. The following suggestions may prove helpful: Lowering a load may be done at no-load speed if shoulder, elbow, and wrist all descend. * Swiveling a load about the base joint only, may be done at no-load speed. * Opening the hand may always be done at no-load steed. Closing the hand until contact may always be done at noload speed. Under the following load situations, special care must be exercised in selecting the proper speed: Raising a load with any joint. Developing a gripping force once contact has been detected.

72 - OPERATION FROM AN 8-IT'PARALLEL PORT'he" i.'over- may be shir-ed in either e - or -bit parallel configuration. In either case, the printed cir -cuit card in the base is identical, and may be converted from one to the other by following the procedure outlined in this section. Briefly, this procedure entails renoving/inserting two integrated circuits and various jumpers. This discussion is written from the viewpoint of converting the TRS-80 version into the 8-bit parallel version. In or-der to convert back from the 8-bit parallel version, t..e reader need o-ly reverse this procedure. A. Circuit Card iModifications Before performing this modification, t.e Qir i'orer- should be unplugged from the host computer an(d disconnected frcm the 12-volt power supply. The printed circuit card is accessible by removing thse four rubber feet from under the base. Once the base has been opened, t+he user will find the card as shown in Figure 2Z. Although all of the circuit card components are TTL logic and relativell, immune to static charge, care must be exercised to avoid damaging any of the comuonents. The procedure for modifying the interface card is as follows: Remove IC 17-This integrated circuit' which is mounted in a socket to facilitate easy removal, controls the port address to whichi the:ini'Mover- resronds. Since, in 8-bit parallel mode, the Dort acdress i e;term nd by the particular microcomputer sy ste the manirulator will be attached to, the port adiressing must';e disabled. Install jumoers-Without the integrated circuit 17) the decoder (I 1 will never be enable.. Th.Us, jwo.ers must be installed in rlace of IC 17 to enable?the dcoder. The jumpers to be installed are (1! IC 17 pin 14 to rin v, ani (2) IC 17 pil 7 to pin 3 and pin 6.

73 Remove IC 19-This integrated circuit is a tri-state input buffer. Since, in 8-bit parallel operation, the inputs to the computer are on a separate input port rather than the bi-directional data bus of the TRS-80, this must be removed. This IC is also installed in a socket to facilitate easy removal. * Install Jumpers-In order to make the input signals available at the ribbon connector, jumpers must be installed' in place of IC 19. The jumpers are: pin 3 to 2, pin 5 to 4, pin 7 to 6, pin 9 to 10, pin 11 to 12, and pin 13 to'14. * Check jumper J1-Connect El and E2 with J1. The completed modifications are shown in Figure 46. This procedure allows AO-A2 to select the correct output latch, and makes the input signals available on the ribbon connector. J1 E2 El1 0 E3,... 18 1 6 OECODER ENABLE INPUT JUMPERS JUmpers Configu RS Figure 46 Ju.7 mpers Configured for Pa rallel Port

74 B. Attachment and Operation from a Parallel I/0 Port Proper conrnection of the Mini-Mlover-5 to an 8-bit parallel I/O port is shown in Figure 47. Figure 48 shows the logical mapping of the bits of a typical: 8-bit parallel output register to those of the Minixover-5 interface. Figure'? shows the MiniV. over-5 ribbon connector and -in assignaments. MINIMOVER 5 8-bit PORT (EDGE CONNECTOR) MSB DATA OUT 7 12 [ OUT DATA OUT 6 A2 DATA OUT5 D I 1 27 Al DATA OUT 4 25 - AO DATA OUT 3 D3 DATA OUT2 D1 -23 - D2 DATA OUT1 D1 LSB DATA OUTO 0 - DO MSB DATA IN 7' j M D7 DATAIN 6 06 DATA IN5 5 - D5 DATA IN4 < - 04 GND Figure 47 Connections for 8-bit Parallel I/O Port The procedure for outputing data, to a motor or port is as follows (see Figure 48): * The driver software deternines the particular 4-bit pattern which is to be output to a specific notor. * The driver software places this pattern in hits 0, 1, 2, and 3 of a register which will ~veni+ally be ou+tLt o th!e parallel port as shown in 7i6ur= ti.

75 MOST LEAST SIGNIFICANT SIGNIFICANT Bi - BIT TYPICAL 8-BIT PARALLEL PORT OUTPUT REGISTER 1 MOTOR NUMBER MOTOR PATTERN PULSE | BIT 7 B tlT 6 BIT 5 BiT 4 BIT 3 BIT 2 BIT I BIT O OUT A2 Al AO 03 D2 D DO BIT CONNECTIONS TO M-INIMOVER-5 INTERFACE CARD Figure 49 ilogical.apping of a Typical Parallel Output Register 40-PIN CARD-EDGE CONNECTOR 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17i 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 i 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 RIBBON CABLE NOTE: Viewed looking into card-edge connector. Figure 4') Pin Assig!:nernts for Mini',o-ver-5

UNIVERSITY ut MUIMnIuA 3 9015 02826 0027 The driver software clears the most significant bit of the register (latching pulse). T* he driver software places the number of the particular motor to be driven in bits 4, 5, and 6 of the register. * The register is output to the parallel output port. This sets uD the data bus and the address select lines. * The most si-. nificant bit of the register shouI l tIhen be set and the register outrut adHi:-. T-his rrovi.es - -ositive going signal on the OUT line of the MiniMover-5. This will strobe the four bits of motor pattern into the latch addressed by motor number. The procedure discussed here, and the description of the TRS-80 driver program in Section XI, are intended to aid the user in writing an assembly language motor driver program. on their own computer. he driver should be written in assembly language to obtain acceptable speed. If slow speed operation is acceptable, then the driver can be written in a high level language such as 3ASIC. The timing of the output signals is shown in Figure 50. Information on the data input lines may be read at any time. DATA/ADDRESS LINES l I I I I I!. I I I i OUT Minimum Times: T1 > 90 n, T2 > 100 ns Figure 50 Output Timing Diagram Motor 1 (001) is the base and motor, (110) is the hand. Some parallel I/O ports are invertin. TIf this is the case, then the value of the register should always be comrlementod Aust p, i(r tn output.