TrafMod Model Specifiction Report Jack M. Ktoshian, Jr. Phd. Pre-Candidate Department of Industrial & Operations Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2117 Technical Report 96-8 July 1996

TrafMod Model Specification Report * Jack M. Keoshian, Jr. Phd. Pre-Candidate Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 July 18, 1996 Abstract In this report we describe the models implemented in TrafMod, a simple discrete-event simulation of a deterministic traffic network under development at the University of Michigan. Although a general enough tool to be useful for mIany traffic simulation tasks, TrafMod is specifically designed to support dynamic route guidance research within the university's Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) community. This focus allows for simpler models and enhanced execution speed over more general purpose traffic simulators. The objective is to construct a simulator with sufficient realism to allow for algorithm development and testing. Evaluation of the resulting algorithm with respect to expected benefits can then be established using more realistic and comnputationally intensive simulators. This report describes the od(lels specified for the TrafMod simulation loop. The system event structure is discussed in detail. Only four events are required to comlpletely describe the evolution of the traffic network over time: node arrival events, link entry events, new routing table events and incident events. In addition, computation 'This work was supported by the lUniversity of Michigan Research Center of Excellence in Intelligent Transportation Systells. 1

CONTENTS Contents 3 1 Introduction 1.1 Document Purpose............. 1.2 TrafMod Motivation/Goals......... 1.3 Approach.................. 1.4 Key Modeling Assumptions................................ 2 Object Models 2.1 Network............. 2.2 Link............... 2.3 Vehicle.............. 2.4 Signal.............. 2.5 Intersection........... 2.6 Origins and Destinations.......................................................... 3 Software Design Overview 3.1 Input Processor................. 3.2 Simulation Loop/Event Processor....... 3.3 Output Processor................ 5 5 6 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 15 16 16 17 17 18 18............... 4 TrafMod Event Structure 4.1 Definition of Terms........................ 4.2 TrafMod "Model" Evets...................... 4.3 TrafMod "Implementation" Events............... 4.4 The Event List.......................... 4.5 "Implemenltatioli" Event Processing............... 4.5.1 Link Entry Event..................... 4.5.2 Node Arrival 'Evenlt.................... 4.5.3 New lRouting ITale Elvent................ 4.5.4 Incident Evetit...................... 5 Major Algorithms 5.1 Link Travel Timle.............. 5.1.1 The BPR Inllctiion......... 5.1. 2 Estimating Cuirret Flow on Link. 19........... 19........... 19........... 20 5.).1.3 Maintaillilg \hlic(l Order on Link.... 20

1 INTRODUCTION 5 1 Introduction TrafMod is a discrete-event simulation of a deterministic traffic network under development at the University of Michigan as part of ongoing research in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Although a general enough tool to be useful for many traffic simulation jobs, TrafMod is specifically designed to support dynamic route guidance research within the university's Traffic Modeling Group. By specifically targeting route guidance applications TrafMod can employ simpler, more focused, models than more general purpose traffic simulators. This in turn yields an implementation that can be smaller, execute more quickly and be easier to understand and maintain. In the past, route guidance research at the University of Michigan has used the INTEGRATION-UM [6] traffic simulator. INTEGRATION-UM is a local modification of the popular traffic simulator INTEGRATION developed by Michael Van Aerde at Queen's University in Ontario, Canada [5]. By accepting the same input files and producing output in the same format as INTEGRATION-UM, TrafMod is "plug replaceable" for the older model in existing applications (e.g. SAVaNT [1] and ALLONS [3]). 1.1 Document Purpose This report describes the models specified for the TrafMod simulation loop. It documents the final fornm of the models, as well as giving some justification and background for them. This report is not intended as a software design document. A detailed software design document will be issued in the future. Only the broadest details of the software design are included here to give a general context for the modeling issues. The major substance of this d(ocumlent is contained in the sections on computing link travel time al(nd node delay. These two issues are at the core of the TrafMod nmodels. Significant discussion is also directed toward describing the system event structure atlll associated processing. A broad overview of the global struclture of thle 1rafMod system is given and some of the key modeling assumlptions are discussed.

1 INTRODUCTION 7 increase in implementation complexity. The terms discrete-event simulation and next-event time advance are discussed in detail later in this report. * Models in TrafMod are designed keeping their appropriateness to the route guidance task in mind. Functionality/complexity not required by the route guidance task is minimized. In particular, traffic movement along links is modeled in greater detail than through nodes. * The software is developed using straight ANSI compliant C in the UNIX operating system using a minimum of system specific features. Portability, maintainability and available hardware and software upgrade paths are enhanced. * The software is designed and implemented using a highly modular structured approach to enhance maintainability. 1.4 Key Modeling Assumptions The following assumptions are made in developing the models implemented in TrafMod: 1. Only a single type of vehicle is modeled. That is, all vehicles are identical in every respect (e.g. maximum speed, etc...), except for possible differences in guidance class. Note that the guidance class determines the route taken between fixed a origin and destination. 2. Vehicles are not allowed to pass leading vehicles on a,link. Links are always considered to be first in first out (FIFO) in queuing discipline. 3. Vehicles are not allowed to l) other vehicles at intersections. Like links, nodes are considerel to be, FIFO in nature. 4. Interdependence of contflict ing flow streams at intersections is ignored. 5. No explicit headway constraint is enforced on links or at nodes; i.e. multiple vehicles may arrive at a node or on a link at the same time.

3 SOFTWARE DESIGN OVERVIEW 9 * Origin and destination nodes * Route guidance class 2.4 Signal Under the assumption that signalization is second order in its effect on the route guidance problem, TrafMod adopts a simple model of traffic signals. Every node is assumed to have a traffic signal. Modeling of the effect of the signal on the progress of a vehicle is limited to delaying each vehicle by an expected delay which varies with traffic volume. 2.5 Intersection Intersections are modeled as a collection of nodes and incident links. They have no explicitly defined naximum capacity. Turn pockets, protected and unprotected turning movements and other intersectional phenomena must be modeled with additional nodes and links. 2.6 Origins and Destinations Sometimes identified as "sources" and "sinks" or collectively as "zone nodes", these are specified nodes where vehicles may begin or end their journey. No vehicle may enter or leave the network except at these designated nodes. Although the route a vehicle takes need not be fixed before the simulation run, the journey's start ald end poillts always are. 3 Software Design Overview This section cdescriles tile higlh level organization of the TrafMod traffic simulator. The intent is to give a conitext in which to consider the modeling issues, not describe tlhe software (designi in great detail. The TrafMod system is comllposed of three major logical components: 1. an initialization sectiorl '. the simulation or evenxt loop

3 SOFTWARE DESIGN OVERVIEW 11 * Schedule all network entry events on the event list. The specifics of the algorithms implemented in the input processor will be detailed in a forthcoming document. 3.2 Simulation Loop/Event Processor The models implemented in the TrafMod event processor (also referred to here as the simulation loop) are the primary focus of this memo. The state of the traffic network is moved forward in time by sequentially processing a series of "events" which modify the state of the network. The processing associated with each of these evenits is discussed later in this report. The event loop is executed as long as there is at least one event scheduled on the event list and the currenlt time is less than the user specified simulation end time. Processing ill the event loop includes the following tasks: * Get the next event from the event list. * Do the processing associated with this event. One of five cases will apply: 1. CASE OF "lilk enltry eventt": - ('ompulte Smloottlc(l flow oito link. - ('Collpute link travel time. - Sciledlle!lode arrival evellt for this vehicle. 2. CASE OF "nlode arrival evelt": - Compllte simootlcied nlode arrival rate. - Colilmpute 10de delay tilne. - Output a r'ec(rd( to t tie iiode arrival history file recording this node arrival (evlet. - Scliedle,node exiit event for this vehicle. 3. CASE OF "-lode exit evet'": - (Coisult culrrelt rouIting table to determine link to take exiting tlie current in'ode. - Schedule link it rv event for tills vehicle.

4 TRAFMOD EVENT STRUCTURE 13 viewpoint. The "implementation" events define a smaller set of events which are significant with respect to the software implementation. 4.1 Definition of Terms To be clear on our usage, the terms state, event, discrete-event simulation and next-event time advance are defined below. These definitions correspond to those given by Law and Kelton [2]. State: We define the state of the traffic network to be that collection of variables necessary to completely describe the network at any particular instant in time. Event: An instantaneous occurrence that may change the state of the systen. Discrete-Event Simulation (DES): DES concerns the modeling of a system as it evolves over time by a representation in which the state variables change instantaneously at distinct points in time. These points in time are the ones at which anl event occurs. Next-Event Time Advance: W'ith the next-event time advance approach, the simulation clock is initialized to zero and the times of occurrence of future events are determined. The simulation clock is then advanced to the time of occurrence of the most imminent (first) of these future events, at which point the state of the system is updated to account for the fact that the event has occurred. Our knowledge of the times of occurrence of future events is also updated. Then the simulation clock is advanced to tie tille of the (lew) most imminent event, the state of the system is updated.(l,,t.... Since all state changes occur only at event times, periods of inlactivity are skipped over by jumping the simulation clock froni even t tilne to event time. 4.2 TrafMod "Model" Events A collection of events hlave beenl itdeintified for TrafMod which completely describe the evolution of the mlodelel traffic network. These events are referred

4 TRAFMOD EVENT STRUCTURE 15 Link Incident Event: The link incident event is used to model some atypical non-recurring occurances on links which serve to slow traffic on the link. Traffic accidents and road construction which slow traffic could be modeled as link incidents. For each link incident event the start time, stop time, link and number of lanes blocked is specified by the user. The number of lanes blocked must be converted to a percent change in the link's practical capacity. The details of this parameter conversion are yet to be determined. Each incident event defined by the user is converted into two scheduled events within TrafMod; one event corresponding to the start of the incident and another corresponding to the end of the incident. Link incident events are processed as a special case of a general "incident" event in TrafMod. Node Incident Event: The node incident event is used to model some atypical occurances at nlodes which serve to slow traffic through the node. For each node incident event the start time, stop time, node approach (i.e. link) affected and percent change in service rate (iu) is specified by the user. Analogous to the situation for the processing of link incident events, eaclh node incident event specified by the user is represented by two sclhelulel events within TrafMod. An event scheduled for the start time of tile iodle incident modifies the service rate as specified by the user. A seconll event scheduled for the end time of the node incident returns the service rate to its original value. Note that previously an event corresponding to a change in the rate at which departures were leaving an origin lad( been considered. Need for this event has been eliminated by requiring that all network entries for the entire TrafMod run be scheduled at tile start of tile run. 4.3 TrafMod "Implementation" Events As described above, tihe state of tihe traffic network modeled by TrafMod changes only at (liscrete points in tille, known as event times. The evolution of the network can be coIpletelyl described by a set of system model ev'ents, which are (lefilned to occur at these event times. Since some of these events are related to one alotlher TlraflMod actually implements a smaller set of events which we will refer to ias the "il)plementation" events. Each of

4 TRAFMOD EVENT STRUCTURE 17 4.5.1 Link Entry Event The processing associated with a vehicle at node n bound for destination node d is as follows: 1. Consult the current routing table to determine the appropriate next link 1 for a vehicle at n bound for d. 2. Update value of smoothed flow onto link 1 via the exponential smoothing procedure discussed in detail later. 3. Assign the link travel time via the BPR function. 4. IF (This vehicle will arrive at the end of the link ahead of vehicles which entered the link earlier.) THEN (Modify the travel time such that this does not occur.) 5. Schedule a node arrival event for this vehicle at the node at the head of link 1. The vehicle will arrive at this node at the current time plus the travel time computed above. 6. Save values of relevant parameters. 4.5.2 Node Arrival Event Processing for an arrival at node n fromi link 1 is as follows: 1. Update value of smoothed arrival rate to node n from link 1 via the exponential smoothing procedure described in detail later. 2. Assign the node delay time via Webster's equation. 3. IF (This vehicle will exit the node ahead of vehicles which arrived at the node earlier.) THEN (modify the node delay time so this does not occur). 4. Write a record in the output simulation history file recording the vehicle ID, link being exited, link entry time, link travel time, delay at this node and a flag indicating whether this node is the vehicle's ultimate destination or not. 5. IF (Node n is not the destination node for this vehicle.) THEN (Schedule a link entry event for this vehicle. The

5 MAJOR ALGORITHMS 19 5 Major Algorithms This section provides details of the major algorithms implemented in TrafMod. Computation of link travel time, node delay time and an exponential smoothing procedure are all discussed at some length. 5.1 Link Travel Time The link travel time for a vehicle is computed as part of the link entry event. The "standard" BPR impedance function developed by the U.S. Bureau of Public Roads [4] is used to generate link travel times which are a function of dynamic demand on the link. 5.1.1 The BPR Function Sheffi [4] gives the BPR function for delay on a link as follows d-=t = tl+ Cl (1) where, t = the time of the it' link entry event d- = di(ti) = estimated travel time on link 1 at time ti (in seconds) Fi-_ = Fl(ti-_) = estimated flow on link I at time ti-_ (in vehicles/second) t = free flow travel timle on link 1 (in seconds) cl = "practical capacity" of link / (in vehicles/second) a,/ = ml(del I)aralleters Tile reference indicates that t ypical vahlues for the "adjustable" model parameters are ca =.15 and 3 = 4.0. Note t hat these values imply that the practical capacity of a link is tile flow at wiicli tlie travel time is 15% higher than the free-flow travel time. Tile cal)acity of a road is sometimes defined to be the mlaximum )possible flow througlh ia liik, but this is not the intended usage here. Ind(eed, there is no utl))ppr h)Iboundl oil flow in this case. The lack of a flow constraint significantly simplifies its use within optimization algorithms.

5 MAJOR ALGORITHMS 21 the time remaining until the previous vehicle to enter the link arrives at the end of the link; i.e. di - max(di, til + di- - ti). In this way, the entering vehicle is assured of not exiting the link ahead of vehicles which are already on the link, thus maintaining FIFO (First In First Out) order. 5.2 Node Delay The node delay time for a vehicle is computed as part of the node arrival event. A formula due to Webster which assumes Poisson arrivals and constant maximum departure rate is used to generate the node delay times. An exponential smoothing procedure is used to estimate the current arrival rate required in Webster's formula. The delay time generated by Webster's formula is modified to assure that vehicles do not pass one another at the node. 5.2.1 Webster's Delay Function Sheffi [4] gives a node delay function credited to Webster which assumes a M/D/1 queue at the intersection and which is quoted to "be within 5% of the actual delay" in widespread empirical studies. Webster's formula for the delay at a node n arrived at via link I at node arrival time tj follows. Note that j counts the arrival events at the head of link 1 and is used to indicate the time varying nature of sone of the parameters below. For the sake of readability all subscripts except j, which counts arrivals, have been suppressed in the equation below. The node delay according to Webster's formula is then, W2 I' - 6 R2+5g (2) 2c(l - ) 2A( - ) A-. ' ( where, tj = time of the j1, node arrival event associated with node at head of link I (in seconds)

5 MAJOR ALGORITHMS 23 The smoothed arrival rate at time tj is then given by, A=j (1-rt-t- ))Aj + atj-tj-l Aj-l, j = 1,2, 3,... J 10, j = where a is a smoothing factor, 0 < a < 1, and assuming tj 5 tj_l. Note that the initial arrival rate is taken to be zero. In the case of simultaneous arrivals of two or more vehicles the update above cannot be used. In such cases, for all but the "first" of the simultaneous arrivals tj = t j1, causing the calculation of Aj to become unbounded. In practice, numerical instability becomes a concern whenever tj is sufficiently close to tj-_. For cases where tj - tj_-l < E, where e is a floating point tolerance, the following arrival rate update is used AX = - In c+ Aji. 5.2.3 Special Processing as Utilization Ratio Approaches Unity As the utilization ratio, p = A//i, approaches unity the first term of Webster's formula becomes unbounded. This problem is avoided by enforcing an upper limit on the allowed values for the computed arrival rate, A. The desired upper limit on A is specified via a user supplied parameter airm as follows, A +-!nin(A. A l,,,l * it) where 0 < aCli, < 1. 5.2.4 Maintaining Vehicle Order at Node Just as on links. it is d(esiralei to mlaintain vehicle ordering at nodes. A vehicle arriving at a ilo(le Illlist exit tlhe nodle (enter the following link) after all vehicles which arrived earlier. This is accomplished in much the same manner as described above for llainltaiilg order on links. Again, no explicit queue is maintainled at the noIde. Ilstead(l, the delay time for a vehicle is set to the larger of thle (1delay geie rated bvy Webster's formula and the delay remaining until t iet schiell led(l link i it ry etvet of the previous vehicle to arrive at this node on this link. 'That is. I' - inax(', It_1 + ij-_- - t). In this way, the arriving vleicle is assulre(l of not exiting the node ahead of vehicles which arrived( l)re\violsly.