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October 17, 2005



Who’s afraid of flu?

A plague we share with birds and pigs

Flu vaccines started at U-M

Symposium warns of potential for flu pandemic

Symposium webcast

Scientist compares flu shot and nasal spray flu vaccine side by side

Nasal spray flu vaccine FluMist is based on technology from U-M

Flu: In The News

On alert for avian flu (.pdf)

Arnold S. Monto MD
Matthew L. Boulton MD
Howard Markel MD

University of Michigan knows flu

Avian influenza has not yet been found in the United States, but health officials are concerned both about the virus spreading around the world and about it developing the ability to move easily from person to person.

The H5N1 flu virus has killed about 60-70 percent of those who’ve been infected in Asia.

From the first effective influenza shot to the new nasal spray vaccine, the University of Michigan has been at the forefront of efforts to combat flu. U-M faculty members are studying virology, mathematical models of infectious agents and many more topics related to influenza.

Reporters seeking sources are welcome to contact the faculty members listed directly or to call the U-M News Service for assistance.


Contact: Colleen Newvine
Phone: (734)647-4411





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