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September 2006

Showdown at the Equator

Listen to an excerpt from 'Dear Friend ' mp3 speaker


Showdown at the Equator was launched in 2002 by U-M graduates Bryce Burasinski and Aidan Dysart along with a few friends. SATE was soon joined by indie folk songwriter Kelly Caldwell. Dysart left the group and moved to California, but Caldwell and Burasinski—a 1997 graduate in Biopsychology—remain.

The band’s first album was eponymously titled, the second, Character Study, came out in 2004. They’re currently finishing a third CD, Drivin’ Music. The entire first album, selections from the second, and a preview of the third can be found at their website, The band has opened for such suave acts as the Fiery Furnaces, Ted Leo, Monade, and Of Montreal.




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