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April 2005
Two poems by Deanne Lundin

(and an interview with the poet)

Orange Bang
Listen (mp3) (requires audio plugin)

April's a hat made of rain and an anchor of cloud.

The Santa Monica sea waves goodby and goes back to its sewing.

I bought a small quilt by the pier, it was covered with ants

bearing needles.

Some of us feel this way and some of us that, but mostly


He said, Just who do you think you are, and I said, Exactly.

They sent me a small brown scrap as proof that my box had


Such an agreeable color, like snails sliding over leaves.

I have reassembled my life in another body, one without sin.

In another city, inside a tunnel of wind.


The Ginseng Hunter Thinks About Oranges in October
Listen (mp3) (requires audio plugin)

Cats are like clocks.

In the window, they tick and whirr to keep traffic moving,

winding the cars in counterpoint

over the sunslicks

and into the candied crunch of leaves.

New air unwraps each appointment successively bitter

or tart. Everything hurries to get. Even my hands

smell like pennies. We know that disasters

are timed events when we hear so much brilliance harden and


the instant we pull down the shade.

Clouds take us in like manna.

Clouds spit us out.

Winter approaches Lake Tyner, ashamed to be seen in Orlando

as the bloodoranges mass in the grove like malignancies

and memories swell like Billy McPherson

who swims, a drowned face in my dreams, because once

he believed I was wearing a bra and I kept my shirt on,

which is all I regret.

Each day repairs itself, hurricanes pass,

and the neighbors install a new generator.

All they ask is a really deep freeze.

Each night the envelopes steam themselves open.

Each night I rise through the ceiling like rain in ascension

And still have not broken the bottle.

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi was the frenchiest song we knew,

teaching our bodies tricks with the metronome

so that soon we could rinse our teeth clean

in faultless rhythm, timing the sky's

rehearsals of bliss.




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